
’Te nders Wise words from the people who hear it all p13 Farewell to Morton Marcus p9 November 4-11, 2009 Vol. 1, No. 27 2009


Farewell to Morton Marcus p9 2 0 0 9 November 4-11, 2009 Vol. 1, No. 27 2 | november 4-11, 2009 SANTACRUZ.COM A S T R O L O G Y p52 E V E N T S p32 E P I C U R E p49 F I L M p45 P O S T S p4 C L A S S I F I E D S p53 S TA G E , A R T & A & E p29 ON THE COVER 115 Cooper St, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 831.457.9000 (phone) 831.457.5828 (fax) 831.457.8500 (classified) [email protected] Lisa Norelli photographed by Dina Scoppettone

Transcript of 0944_SCW

  • TendersWise words from the people

    who hear it all p13

    Farewell to Morton Marcus p9

    November 4-11, 2009 Vol. 1, No. 27


  • 2 | november 4-11, 2009 SANTACRUZ.COM

  • 115 Cooper St, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 831.457.9000 (phone)831.457.5828 (fax)831.457.8500 (classified)[email protected]

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    Santa Cruz Weekly may be distributed only by Santa Cruz Weeklys authorized distributors. No person may, without permission of Metro Publishing, Inc., take more than one copy of each Santa Cruz Weekly issue. Subscriptions: $40/six months, $76/one year.

    Entire contents 2009 Metro Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form prohibited without publishers written permission. Unsolicited material should be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope; Santa Cruz Weekly is not responsible for the return of such submissions.

    P O S T S p4

    L O C A L LY p7

    C U R R E N T S p9

    C O V E R S T O R Y p13

    A & E p29

    S T A G E , A R T &

    E V E N T S p32

    B E A T S C A P E p38

    C L U B G R I D p40

    F I L M p45

    E P I C U R E p49

    A S T R O L O G Y p52

    C L A S S I F I E D S p53


  • 327B=@7/:EDITOR

    B@/176C97::([email protected])

    STAFF WRITERS@716/@2D=

  • Take Back Halloween!0G;716/3:@=03@BA

    IT HAPPENED again this year. Halloween, like almost every other special day on the calendar, has become another kids day. Add it to Christmas (loads of presents), Easter (Resurrection? Nah, its about chocolate bunnies) and the special first, second, third, fourth, etc., birthdays, each one a milestone in the all-important life of the American child. Meanwhile, as adults, parents struggle with the grind of earning wages to support their youngstersor just themselvesand maybe a mortgage on a house the kids will likely inherit. The brightest spot on their horizons is often the kiddies college graduation, which they often fund. Its not easy being a parent. They worry about so many of the choices their children have. Wanting the best for them, they work more, they give countless hours, they become soccer moms. Trips to Europe are sacrificed while much of their future is spent watching and nurturing the little seedlings into adulthood.

    So many years with precious little time that is just theirs. Not a problem, really, just a reality theyve chosen. They exist with few accepted avenues for a little Me time.

    Id like to propose a day just for adults: Lets take back Halloween. As a childrens day, Halloween is problematic at best. First theres the candy. Do children really need all that sugar? Oh yeah, and before they eat it you better take it to the police to have it X-rayed, just in case. Cavities and razor blades: just what our kids need. How about British studies linking heavy candy consumption to criminal behavior later in life? And don t forget the toxic chemicals found in face paint. But not to worry, theyll be just fine as long as you carefully select their neighborhood trick- or-treat route and act as Sherpa for their greedy little scavenger hunt.

    Halloween: its problematic and fraught with peril!(Also, what kind of lesson could possibly be learned by going

    door-to-door asking for free stuff ? Nobody even asks for a trick anymore. Kids would probably be fearful if presented one: OMG! That guy must be a child molester!)

    Face it, this is nothing but complicated on every level: message, behavior and diet. Lets take back Halloween, folks. This is a day filled with magic and mystery, exciting role playinga chance to cut loose and literally be someone else. We deserve a day with little or no travel time, allowing adults a fun break from the ordinary, minus the children. Halloween gives adults a little piece of Burning Man with none of the hassle and dust. This is a day to let your freakor sexyflag f ly!

    Lets start next year. Trick or treating could be phased out gradually, as appropriate for your kids ages, and just omitted from the experience of anyone under 5, but details are your own to work out.

    Theyve got Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairynot to mention a usually very generous set of grandparentsso now well have one day just for us adults. You really think theyll be deprived if they lose this? And parents can rest assured that this complicated and perilous night is just for adultscause face itwere big enough to handle it!

    Michael Roberts lives and works as a bartender on the Westside.


    T H E B U L L H O R N

    I applaud Mr. Elericks effort to remind Caltrans that it is responsible to the people they are supposed to serve. Maybe we need a collective effort to send them all hearing aids since they seem to have a problem hearing what We the People have to say.

    Don Dibble, Santa Cruz

    7AB67A=C@4CBC@3-ONCE upon a time, the standard answer to traffic congestion on a freeway like Highway 1 was to add capacity by adding lanes. But more and more transportation planning research is showing thats not a cost- effective answer in urban areas that are already congested. When congestion is heavy and there is much latent demand for more trips during the peak hours, adding lanes induces faster growth of the automotive system, leading to renewed congestion on a grander scale.

    Renewed congestion can develop in just a few years, despite hundreds of millions of dollars being spent. In the case of the proposed Soquel to Morrissey Auxiliary Lanes project on Highway 1, some congestion would continue immediately on opening, with the project traffic study showing new bottlenecks occurring immediately downstream in both directions.

    So then the answer is proposed to be the HOV Lanes Project, which would widen Route 1 to eight lanes for most of the stretch from Highway 17 to San Andreas Road. But that projects traffic study forecasts that if the HOV Lanes were built, growth in daily traffic volume on Highway 1 by the year 2035 would be in the 45 percent to 70 percent range. Some specific onramps and offramps would have volume increases of well over 100 percent. Does anybody suppose all those additional cars would need somewhere to go, before they get on Highway 1, and after they get off ? Is that the sustainable future we want to plan and build for?

    The recent 350 (parts per million of CO2) public events in Santa Cruz publicized the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions if we dont wish to be f loating in gondolas down Pacific Avenue. The cost-efficient way to achieve that, in our transportation sector, is to shift new transportation investments to infrastructure and demand- management

    programs that support alternatives to the automobile. Its been done elsewhere, and can be done here. Especially promising: the rail corridor may soon be in public ownership. This is an alternate travel corridor parallel to Highway 1, which many residents have never even seen the length of. It could support a bicycle expressway, pedestrian trail, and a starter trolley or express busway service (all proven compatible with continuing rail freight service), but it will need funding. I would not expect well have the money, if we keep giving the lions share to the car.

    Jack Nelson, Santa Cruz

    77@320G;1970034Lead singer, the Vox JaguarsEVObR]g]cR]T]`OZWdW\U-Starving artist. EVObe]cZRg]cPSR]W\UWTg]ceS`S\bR]W\UbVOb-Writing novels or being a vagabond roaming the world in search of the answer to all of lifes questions.

    P U B L I C E Y E1 0 Q U E S T I O N S


    EVObR]g]cR]W\g]c`T`SSbW[S-I like to record songs on Pro Tools, go for a bicycle ride, make a steak dinner or write mellow folk songs in my bedroom. EVObP`]cUVbg]cb]AO\bO1`ch-My parents, by way of New York City and Oakland. EVObag]c`TOd]`WbSab`SSb-New Street. I love the perfect green hedges and how much it reminds me of the movie Pleasantville.

  • 8 | november 4-11, 2009 SANTACRUZ.COM

  • A/`SaWRS\b;O`YGcR]TO\RbVSC1@SUS\ba^ZO\b]d]bS]\bVSVWYS]\
  • Im personally most grateful for his organizing, in the early to middle 1970s, a series of weekly readings at downtown restaurants that virtually created a Santa Cruz literary community. Mortons organizational energies and skills with publicity brought together a vastly diverse assortment of writers to hear one anothers work, and these well-attended gatherings generated friendships and collegial relations many of which continue to this day. For young writers looking for like-minded souls with whom to interact and compete and sometimes seduce, and for an audience to witness our performances, the Marcus touch as social director, carnival barker and ringmaster set a standard I have never seen surpassed.

    As Joe Stroud said to me, choking back tears, I think Mort is going to be someone were going to miss more and more. Beyond the boombast [sic!] and the bullshit, he was an amazing man.

    Literary Friendships

    It was Jim and Jeanne Houston who first cajoled Mort and his family into

    moving to Santa Cruz. Jim Houston and Marcus had been graduate students together at Stanford in the early 1960s, and their friendship then evolved into a lifelong personal and literary alliance as they became twin towers of accomplishment in their respective disciplines, Jim in prose and Mort in poetry. Their illnesses and deaths within six months of each other this year are a devastating double blow to local culture. Both in their early 70s, both still working right up to the end (Mort completed his final book two days before he died), they represent the passing of an irreplaceable generation.

    And yet, their example serves as a continuing inspiration to all the other writers they befriended here. And other artists too, like Morts friend Futzie Nutzle, learned from and were inspired by his vision. He had some kind of ability to point things out to us, Nutzle told me. I think he pointed out the beauty . . . but it took him a while because he was so tough.

    That toughness, that scrappy street-fighter tenacity, surely accounts for the fact that it took the kidney cancer he was

    diagnosed with two years agoa cancer that would have been swiftly fatal for most peopleso long to finish him off. Morton simply did not give up, even when he knew the cause was lost.

    I remember a conversation we had over sushi and sake one night in the 1990s, when he admitted to me that he felt he had not measured up to his original ambition to be a truly great and famous writer. As with most of us who begin with such lofty goals and dreams, those illusions had given way to a more realistic assessment of his achievement. But he realized that was no small thing, and that all the books hed published, the magazines and anthologies in which his work had appeared, all the readings and lectures hed given and classes hed taught and articles hed written and friendships hed cultivated and events hed organized added up to a lasting contribution to his communityboth the local one and the larger immortal fellowship of literature with which he felt forever affiliated.

    Morton Marcus left his mark on Santa Cruz, and on each of us who had the singular luck to know him. As Nutzle said, Its hard to believe that somebody of his magnitude is somewhere else now.

    A memorial service for Morton Marcus will be held Saturday, Nov. 7, 13pm at the Cabrillo Crocker Theater, Cabrillo College, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos. The Marcus family is donating Mortons poetry collection and literary papers to the Morton Marcus Poetry Archive, to be housed at McHenry Library, UCSC. In lieu of flowers, tax-deductible contributions to benefit the archive can be sent to: Library Development Office, Attn: Morton Marcus Poetry Archive, UCSanta Cruz, 1156 High St., Santa Cruz.

    1 '1 C @ @ 3 < B A j / < / ; / H 7 < 5 ; / 3

  • 1 C @ @ 3 < B A


  • 12 | november 4-11, 2009 SANTACRUZ.COM

  • The Secret Life of BartendersThey hear it all. They see it all. If you catch them just right, theyll tell it all.


  • 14 | november 4-11, 2009 SANTACRUZ.COM

  • bartender is making a bunch of other drinks and the bar is like four deep. Always tip your bartender, and if you think you know what you want, know what you want.


    I think there shouldnt be a drink that you shouldnt order. At a good bar with a good bartender you should be able to order whatever you want.


    With both hands.


    They put down an empty glass if they want another drink, usually.


    I saw a lady who was maybe on drugs throw herself on the ground in front of the police and make them call the fire department to have her forcibly removed.


    Try to be nice to everybody all the time.


    Almost always both.


    Not while Im there.



    CHRIS KELLY: Its all about eye contact. Dont be forceful. For girls though, they seem to have a better time being forceful.


    I think letting the bartender know whats going on is the best way. In the end, the bartender is responsible for whatevers going on. So just tell me, that way I can go get a bouncer. The worst thing you can do is leave the pub with someone to go fight. Ive gotten clocked a few times doing that.


    $j1=D3@AB=@G november 4 -11, 2009 A/

  • SANTACRUZ.COM november 4-11, 2009 | 17

  • 18 | november 4-11, 2009 SANTACRUZ.COM

  • EVObYW\Ra]TbVW\UaaV]cZRO^S`a]\Q]\TWRSb]OPO`bS\RS `O\ReVWQVaV]cZRg]cYSS^b]g]c`aSZT-

    Never tell a bartender that youre drunk. We get a lot of kids that come in here and go, Oh man, Im so drunk! Thats like an alarm going off saying dont serve me. But always remember if youre going to come in and talk to the bartender, your conversation is open season for the rest of the bar.


    People all the time will come in and think theyre your friend, but in reality theyre just a customer. You might think Im your big buddy, but its my job to make you feel welcome, and at the end of the day I go home to my apartment. But still, over the years Ive met some great friends working herepeople I hope to know for the rest of my life. The Poet is a unique bar, and in this setting we have a lot of regulars, and there have been plenty of people who start off as customers, but end up as friends. It just takes time.


    Id say common sense. That will really help you get far with a bartender. Politeness. Say hello, dont wave money, dont whistle. If its busy dont call me over if you dont know what you want. And ultimately, just dont piss off the bartender. In this world we have a lot of power, we can make your night great or terrible.


    We had a guy put his body through our front window. He took a swing at a random customer and we finally got him out and we got the door shut and he came and put his body through the window to try and get at us. Then he called the next day asking why we put him through a window!


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    -@C8KiVa^Vc [ddY VcY Yg^c`! )%hbjh^X! ^begdk^hVi^dcVahXZcZh i]Vi kVgn [gdb h]dlid h]dl! VcY Vc Zi]c^XVibdhe]ZgZ [gdb i]ZbdbZci d[ Vgg^kVa# EaVnhCdk +! ,! -! &(! &) VcY &*! VaaVi -eb# Cdk +"&*! -eb# &%"&,# 6gi AZV\jZ 7gdVYlVnI]ZVigZ! *'+ 7gdVYlVn!HVciV 8gjo#

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  • A//jj



  • 44 | november 4-11, 2009 SANTACRUZ.COM

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    48 | november 4-11, 2009 SANTACRUZ.COM

  • A/71C@3j"'

    to solve all the problems before they happen, Steve says.

    The aroma of alyssum perfumes the early afternoon sun. Cover cropping began several years before the vines even went in. First the stakes, seven feet apart. Little to no irrigation. We want to push the roots, so we try not to give them too much water. The planting took a dozen people three or four days, the winemakers recall. When the shoots are draped horizontally along the cordons, they will lay the foundation for decades of wines, Steve says with obvious satisfaction.

    I ask about alignment of the rows. We went against the north/south thinking, they tell me. Looking to maximize heat in the morning and shade protection in the afternoon, Steve says he ended up turning the vines southwest/northeast. Since growing grapes is, after all, agriculture, all the variables involved in farmingwind currents, frost and crucial water

    is organic, and the house, timers, drip-irrigation system, computers, you name it, are all solar-powered.

    Consulting with environmental groups like Wild Farm Alliance, the Storrses labored to preserve not only the incredible beauty of the landscape but to enhance the soil fertility, habitats and wildlife corridors to attract and protect native species.

    My theory is to get the grapes to grow well, Steve tells me as we stroll the perimeter of the young vines, only a fraction of what will one day be a much larger vineyard. Im working to get balance in the soil.

    To that end the couple has consulted with colleagues at Davis, pulled out (reluctantly) many of the ancient Newtown pippins, added calcium, compost, gypsum. Along the curved rows of young vines, graded by laser tractor, stand high polesperches for hawks and owls that control gopher and rodent populations. We were trying

    Storrs Winery takes it to the next

    level with an estate vineyard planted to pinot noir and

    chardonnay 0G16@7AB7

  • Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz.

    AG;0=:A;/23A7;>:3(+C\RS`+#+$ + O\Rc^Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

    />B=A$$ /;0@=A7/7

  • $$ 7:=D3ACA67 Japanese Fusion. Sushi bar, sake bar, vegetarian, seafood, steak Santa Cruz 516 Front St, 831.421.0706 in fun atmosphere; kids play area; karaoke every night. Open seven days 5-10pm; Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:30pm.

    $$ 8=6/17471B6/7 Thai. Individually prepared with the freshest ingredients, Santa Cruz 1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700 plus ambrosia bubble teas, shakes. Mon-Thu 11:30am-9:30pm, Fri 11:30am-10pm, Sat noon-10pm, Sun noon-9:30pm.

    @7AB=@/7HH/ Pizza. Pizza, fresh salads, sandwiches, wings, desserts, beers on Santa Cruz 710 Front St, 831.427.4444 tap. Patio dining, sports on HDTV and free WiFi. Large groups and catering. Open and delivering Fri-Sat 11am-2am, Mon-Thu 11am-1am, Sun 11am-midnight.


  • /@73A(March 21April 19): There was a time when wetlands were considered dismal and unproductive. At best they were thought to be a waste of space, and at worst stinky breeding grounds for insect pests. For over 200 years, many marshes, bogs and swamps were filled with dirt and transformed into places suitable for farms, houses and recreational areas. But all that has changed in the last 30 years. Science has rehabilitated the reputation of wetlands, showing how crucial they are. They clean toxins from water, help control f loods and soil erosion, and are home to more biological diversity than any other ecosystem. The coming weeks would be an excellent time for you to make a comparable conversion, Aries. Something you once demeaned or underestimated could become an inspirational catalyst.

    B/C@CA(April 20May 20): In the coming week, you will have the potential to articulate what has never been spoken before and to name truths that everyone has been avoiding. Uncoincidentally, you may also be able to hear what youve never been able to hear up until now and tune in to truths youve been oblivious to. As you might imagine, Taurus, you must fully activate both of these capacities in order for either to function at its best.

    53;7@71=@7A13A(Feb. 19March 20): The planets are aligned in such a way that suggests you may be able to experience an orgasm solely by meditating. This rare cosmic alignment also means that its conceivable you could generate money or attract new resources by following your holy bliss, or that you might stumble upon the tricky treasure youve been looking for in all the wrong places. But I cant say for sure that you will actually be able to capitalize on any of these remarkable opportunities. It will depend on whether you can more fully express one of the skills that is your birthright as a Pisces: being wild and disciplined at the same time.

    6][Se]`Y(7W\dWbSg]cb]ZOc\QVOQ`caORSb]` OWaSbVSZSdSZ]TeSZZPSW\USdS`geVS`Sg]cU]@S^]`b` SacZbab]4`SSEWZZ/ab`]Z]UgQ][

    For the week of November 4

    AstrologyFree Will By Rob Brezsny# j/AB@=:=5Gnovember 4 -11, 2009 A/

  • Employment 53 Real Estate 54 Family Services 53 For Sale 53 Home Services 54 General Notices 53

    Classes & Instruction 53 Mind, Body & Spirit 53 Music 53 Single Services 53

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    Retail Sales Associatefor Clothing Store in ScottsValley 30-40 hours per week$8.50 per hour Shifts VaryKELLY SERVICES, 425-0653 e-mail: [email protected]*Never A Fee*

    Office Managerat Small Office on Westsidewith Dog; $15-17 per hourMust know Word and ExcelPrevious Management Experience Required KELLY SERVICES, 425-0653e-mail: [email protected]*Never A Fee*

    $$$HELP WANTED$$$Extra Income! Assembling CDcases from Home! NoExperience Necessary! Call ourLive Operators Now! 1-800-405-7619 EXT 2450www.easywork-greatpay.com(AAN CAN)

    AffiliateTell us you want to be a deliveryperson and we will send youmore [email protected]

    HEALTH CONSCIOUSCOMPANYLooking for Like-MindedPeople! Great growing companylooking for staff with the abilityto grow w/ it. The FollowingSkills Desired: High ability tomulti-task. High energy, freshideas and a passion for thehealth industry. Extremelydetail oriented. Proficient in MSOffice (Excel). AA or BA a Plus!Experience desired in: CustomerService.Project Management.Fast Paced Restaurant. SalesExperience and/or passion forsales. Looking for people seek-ing longevity in a StableGrowing Company! Send yourresume today! KELLY SERVICES, 831-425-0653email: [email protected]*Never A Fee*

    Food production inWatsonvilleDay and Swing Shifts Available*Must have an open scheduleFluent in English required Musthave reliable transportationTemp-To-Hire $8.50/hr.KELLY SERVICES, 425-0653 email: [email protected]*Never A Fee*

    Classes &Instruction

    ggClasses & Instruction

    High School Diploma!Fast, affordable and accredited.Free brochure. Call Now!1-888-532-6546 ext. 97www.continentalacademy.com(AAN CAN)

    Mind, Body,Spirit

    ggCounseling & Therapy

    Income-SensitiveSliding Scaleis a social responsibility.Psychotherapy for those whowant or need it. Addiction,relationships, anxiety, depres-sion. Chevalisa Bruzzone,MFT Trainee at the ProcessTherapy Institute. 831.247-6711, 408.358.9892 x410.



    UpRoar 2009 Art Exhibit/Sale & Opening PartyHeart of Chaos (seehttp://www.heartofchaos.net)proudly presents their 3rdannual UpRoar event. South First Billiards & Lounge(21+ venue) in Downtown SanJose on Friday, November 6,2009 at 7:30pm and will fea-ture live music by local bandsand djs, live painting andbelly dancing.


    Gain NationalExposureReach over 5 million young,active, educated readers foronly $995 by advertising in110 weekly newspapers likethis one. Call Jason at202/289-8484. (AAN CAN)



    Get Dish-FreeInstallation $19.99 per month. HBO &Showtime Free. Over 50 HDChannels Free. Lowest Prices noequipment to buy! Call now for details: 877/242-0974. (AAN CAN)

    ggHome Furnishings

    April Ash DesignerOutletFurniture, accessories, mat-tresses and consignments.2800 South Rodeo Gulch Rd.,Soquel. Friday, Saturday, andSunday 10am-5pm.

    66% Of Readers AreBrowsing through theClassifieds every week! Get

    seen today! 831.457.9000


    Cabin Cruiser1996 Regal 26.5 foot. Excellentcondition, needs tuneup.$12,000. Currently docked atSanta Cruz Harbor. Contact Sue at (209) 996.9999.


    Get Dish-FreeInstallation$19.99 per month. HBO &Showtime Free. Over 50 HDChannels Free. Lowest Prices noequipment to buy! Call now for details: 877/238-8413. (AAN CAN)



    Pregnant?ConsideringAdoption?Talk with caring agency spe-cializing in matching birth-mothers with families nation-wide. Living expenses paid.Call 24/7 Abbys One TrueGift Adoptions. 866/413-6293 (AAN CAN)



    Penis EnlargementFDA Medical Vacuum Pumps.Gain 1-3 inches permanently.Testosterone, Viagra, Cialis.Free brochures. 619/294-7777www.drjoelkaplan.com (discounts available) (AAN CAN)

    Advertise YourServices in Santa Cruz Weekly!Advertise in the Santa CruzWeekly and your ad will auto-matically run online! Printplus online. A powerful com-bination. Call 831.457.9000!



    Guitar Lessons/SongWritingDevelop your chord, soloing,and songwriting skills.Professional, relaxed, personal-ized instruction. All styles, agesand levels. Steven 831-278-1500.


    Lil Wayne, E-40, SnoopDog, San QuinnThug World Records explosivelabel features lil Wayne Snoopdog E-40 G-unit and more. FreeDownloads, MP3s, RingTones,videos.www.thugworldrecords.com408-561-1255



    ggProfessional Service

    $250 to $350 18 to 22 Full HairExtensionMagic Touch Beauty Salon305 Westlake Center,WestLake Shopping Center Daly City, CA. tel:(650)757-0208(Appt: call ( 415 )695-4782(Monday - Sunday 10:00am -8:00pm)

    83,000 ReadersCant Be Wrong!Consider the numbers...66%of those readers browsethrough the Santa Cruz clas-sifieds each week! Run an adin the Santa Cruz Weeklyclassifieds and your ad willautomatically run online!Print plus online. A powerfulcombination. Get seen today.To advertise call831.457.9000.

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    To advertise



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    Notice To Readers California law requires that con-tractors taking jobs that total$500 or more (labor or materi-als) be licensed by the StateLicense Board. State law alsorequires that contractorsinclude their license number onall advertising. You can checkthe status of your licensed con-tractor at www.cslb.ca.gov or 1-800-321-CSLB (2752).Unlicensed contractors takingjobs that total less than $500must state in their advertise-ments that they are notlicensed by the ContractorsState License Board.


    Get Dish-FreeInstallation$19.99 per month. HBO &Showtime Free. Over 50 HDChannels Free. Lowest Prices noequipment to buy! Call now for details: 877/238-8413. (AAN CAN)

    Real EstateServices


    www.FirstStepEquity.comLease a home with the optionto buy. Choose through thou-sands of properties from ournationwide database.Pictures included!! Call formore information 805/683-8600. (AAN CAN)


    First-time home buyerworkshopSaturday November 14, 2009from 2-4pm. US Bank Home Mortgage,10381 S. De Anza Blvd.Cupertino, CA. 95014.www.LeannaScottHomes.com/HBW.php

    83,000 ReadersBrowse through the theSanta Cruz Weekly classi-fieds. Get seen today. Toadvertise call 831.457.9000.

    Real EstateRentals

    ggShared Housing

    ALL AREAS - RENT-MATES.COMBrowse hundreds of onlinelistings with photos andmaps. Find your roommatewith a click of the mouse!Visit: www.Rentmates.com.(AAN CAN)

    Notice All real estate advertised inMetro Newspapers is subjectto the State and Federal FairHousing Act, which makes itillegal to advertise any pref-erence, limitation, or dis-crimination based on race,color, religion, sex, handicap,family status (the presence ofchildren), or national origin,or the intention to make anysuch preference, limitation,or discrimination. State andlocate laws forbid discrimina-tion in the sale, rental, oradvertising of real estate.

    We will not knowingly acceptany advertising for realestate which is in violation of the law. All persons arehereby informed that alldwellings advertised areavailable on an equal oppor-tunity basis to the best ofour knowledge.


    ALL AREAS - HOUSESFOR RENTBrowse thousands of rentallistings with photos andmaps. Advertise your rentalhome for FREE! Visit:http://www.RealRentals.com(AAN CAN) Class: Rent or Lease

    Real EstateSales

    ggHomes Under $600K

    Rural Hollister HomePrivate lot with a clean turnkey home on a fully land-scaped nearly a 1/2 acreoverlooking views of moun-tains and valley. 3 bedroom,optional 4th bedroom. 831-636-8858

    Spread the WordSay you saw it in the Santa Cruz Classifieds. 831.457.9000


    Santa Cruz MountainEstate5 bedroom, 5 baths, 4200square feet, 3 acres,$1,795,000. 831/234-6227

    Desirable Area ofSeascapeWalk to Seascape Beach.4BR, 2.5 BA on quiet cul-de-sac near green belt. Asking$985,000. MLS #80944420.Call Gordon Autio, broker.650.722.2116

    ggMobile Homes

    A Great Value SoClose to the Surf!This sweet 1 BR/ 1BA mobilehome in Snug Harbor hasbeen well cared for & land-scaped for privacy. Be ahomeowner in Santa Cruz forunder $100K with all theamenities of Pleasure Pointliving: Gorgeous surf and sundown the street, a great cof-feehouse & restaurantsaround the corner- walk orbike to all your favoriteplaces. $99,000. MLS#80947703. 730 30th Avenue, Space 69,Santa Cruz. Terry Cavanagh,Pacific Sun Properties 831-345-2053.www.snugharbor-sc.com

    Judy Ziegler GRI, CRS, SRES ph: 831-429-8080cell: 831-334-0257www.cornucopia.com

    Sweet & CentralOnly $139,000

    Central spot in El Rio Mobile Home Park One Bedroom + office nook Cathedral ceilings for spacious feel Owner financing possible Beautiful spacious, kitchen Co-op park, you own share Minutes to downtown Santa Cruz

    Open House Sun 1-4

    Pacific SunProperties

    734 Chestnut StreetSanta Cruz, CA 95060

    831.471.2424831.471.0888 Fax



    TEAMfor buying, selling and

    managing property in

    Santa Cruz County

    SantaCruz Weekly 831.457.9000

  • Santacruz.com november 4-11, 2009 CLASSIFIEDS | 55


  • Vendors NeededFor Holidaze Boutique at Crosswalk Community Church,

    445 South Mary Avenue, Sunnyvale. Date: Dec 5 and 6,

    9am to 5pm. Email: [email protected] for

    information and application or call 408-736-3120.

    Seriously Ill? Need MMJ?WAMM is NOW accepting applications for membership

    into our collective. Looking for members who can donate

    generously. Serving Santa Cruz for 16 years! Your appli-

    cation does not ensure membership. wamm.org, 831-

    425-0580. peace

    Used Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators.Whirlpool Ed @ 831.475.9205Delivery AvailableALL Dependable & Clean. Honest, Guarantee, & Service.

    Also wanted repairable appliances.

    Medicann - Med. Marijuana Evaluations

    Lic. MD 866-632-6627 Free I.D. card 24/7 verification.

    Doctor/patient confidentiality. Discount for MediCal,

    MediCare and veterans.

    Wanna Be In Movies?Film & TV acting classes starting now! Free DVD & con-

    sultation with working actor Ralph Peduto. Call (831)

    475-UACT (8228). www.actingoncamera.com Be a pro,

    work with one. Training pros since 86.

    Add a Touch of Color to Your Ads

    Ask your Santa Cruz Weekly salesperson about adding

    color to your ads to make them stand out! For advertis-

    ing information call 831-457-9000.

    Retail Locations:

    Santa CruzPacific Ave1531 Pacific Ave.(Near the Bookshop Santa Cruz) Phone: (831) 426-4070

    GilroyGilroy Premium Outlets681 Leavesley Rd., Suite C290(Near DC Shoes)Phone: (408) 848-6800

    Palo AltoUniversity Ave170 University Ave.(Near Caltrain station)Phone: (650) 328-4900

    BurlingameDowntown1320 Burlingame Ave.(Between Primrose & Park Rds)Phone: (650) 558-8171

    Rachel is wearing the Cotton SpandexJersey Turtleneck Dress with the WideElastic Clasp Belt and Rounded Diamond Fishnet Tights.

    Yoga Classes!


    SantaCruz Weekly831.457.9000

    SantaCruz Weekly831.457.9000

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