
June 10-17, 2009 Vol. 1, No. 6 I, Sedaris The duke of deadpan on smoking, unemployment and using email for the first time p17


Santa Cruz Weekly

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  • June 10-17, 2009 Vol. 1, No. 6


  • 2 | june 10-17, 2009 SANTACRUZ.COM

  • 115 Cooper St, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 831.457.9000 (phone)831.457.5828 (fax)831.457.8500 (classified)[email protected]

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    P O S T S p4

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    L O C A L LY p13

    C O V E R S T O R Y p17

    A & E p27

    S T A G E , A R T &

    E V E N T S p30

    B E A T S C A P E p36

    C L U B G R I D p38

    F I L M p43

    E P I C U R E p49

    D I N E R S G U I D E p50

    A S T R O L O G Y p52

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  • The Adult Day Health Care Domino Effect0GA/@/1:/@3
  • 6 | june 10-17, 2009 SANTACRUZ.COM

  • After the Sh*tstormUneasy truce brings quiet to corner of Lincoln and Cedar0G1C@B7A1/@B73@

    of the Calvary Episcopal Church in downtown Santa Cruz, the answer, it seems, is a resounding no.

    We heard that someone took a shit behind Jacks [Hamburgers], admits Casey Lloyd, a sandy-haired homeless youth holding a sign near the church that reads: Make Homelessness Legal Now. But they punished everyone for it. Just because one person shits there doesnt mean its all our faults.

    According to Connie Hutchinson, owner of Jacks Hamburgers, it wasnt just one surprise she found waiting for her behind her restaurant last month, but fourone on each of four separate nights. Rightfully disgusted but lacking irrefutable proof of the culprits identity, Hutchinson banned the majority of the homeless kids from eating at her restaurant, prompting homeless advocate Robert Norse to set his protest wheels a-turnin.

    Meanwhile, Santa Cruz Mayor Cynthia Mathews, who owns the Zasu Pitts House next door to Jacks, was also reportedly fed up with the kids and their loitering. According to Calvary Episcopal Head Pastor Joel Miller, Mathews began putting pressure on the church leadership to suspend the weekly Coffee House homeless feeding, which, along with hosting a nonmandatory Bible study, every

    THERES an old saying: dont shit where you eat. Its a wise bit of logictypically not meant literallyreminding people, for their own sake, to keep their misdeeds away from where they live and work. So, is a person with no home or workplace free to cop a squat wherever he or she wants? In the case of a group of homeless youths that hang out regularly on the north lawn



  • 8 | june 10-17, 2009 SANTACRUZ.COM

  • well, but Santa Cruz has had issues with loitering, drug use and public urination for more than 20 years. The kids usually dont cause much of a problem, but I think they attracted some negative attention.

    Mathews doesnt deny meeting with church leadership several times last month, but says she only got involved when other residents began complaining about the youths. She also says that owning a house in the area didnt affect her decision to try and crack down on the street kids, and that the hostile environment they created had become intolerable.

    As for Jacks Hamburgers, Hutchinson says she spoke with Norse two weeks ago after f liers showed up downtown that labeled her restaurant anti-homeless and anti-youth. She says, however, that once the two groups started talking, they quickly reached an accord.

    I remember hearing about the f liers and thinking, Wow, thats really not true. Weve been in Santa Cruz almost 20 years and weve served everyone. Were certainly not anti-homeless or anti-youth, she says. So I called Robert [Norse] and said, Look, here are my concerns. He told me his concerns, and

    in the end we came to an agreement.

    The agreement Hutchinson talks about is laid out in six rules, authored by her and agreed to, for the most part, by Norses minions. Chief among the rules are concessions on the part of Jacks that allow all the youths that were previously banned from the restaurant to return, providing they refrain from defecating on the property, giving free drink refills to their friends or changing diapers on the tables (issues Hutchinson says shes also had problems with). One rule Hutchinson refused to change despite Norses prodding, however, was one that says Jacks employees will refuse to serve anyone with strong odors.

    Its really a health code issue, Hutchinson says. We serve food here and people without proper hygiene can spread E. coli and other bacteria. Id get in much more

    trouble from the Health Department if there was a problem than from refusing to serve someone.

    For the sign-holding Lloyd and his friends, he says he knows the group is on thin ice. But, perhaps unfortunately for the rest of the kids, he says he has no plans to change his behavior.

    People are always saying were causing all kinds of trouble, but thats not true. And the fact is, were not going anywhere, he says. Jacks and the church will just have to get used to it.

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    10 | june 10-17, 2009 SANTACRUZ.COM

  • THE REMAINING three members of the Building, Accessibility and Fire Code Appeals Board really, really didnt want to be fired. Even after the resignation of two of their members after only three meetings. Even after county Counsel Dana McRae wrote that her office will not provide legal advice or representation to your board and administrative officer Susan Mauriello penned a request to the Board of Supervisors that the members be removed.

    Give BAFCAB time to work out our operational difficulties, implored board member and civil engineer Richard Irish in a statement he read at the June 2 Board of Supervisors meeting.

    Nor was the audience, comprised mostly of the same people who crusaded for months to have the board formed, ready to see them go.

    I applauded your intelligent actions

    by instating that board and am very disappointed that any consideration would be made to disband it now, said independent land-use consultant Claire Machado, who has spoken before the supervisors numerous times over the appeals process. Two other speakers called the supervisors domestic terrorists for attempting to eliminate the board.

    BAFCAB chairman and electrical contractor Dan Bronson spoke last. County staff is out of control. If you, the Board of Supervisors, do not take action, youll find yourselves in court time after time, he said. I have to question whos in charge of this county.

    Despite all that, it became clear when Supervisor John Leopold began to speak that the board didnt have a prayer. I want to thank the members of BAFCAB for the work that theyve done, he said. Id like to make a motion to remove the existing members . . .the rest of his

    sentence was drowned out in a chorus of booing and shouts of This is tyranny! and Dictatorship! Supervisor Ellen Pirie called the situation severely dysfunctional.

    In the end, the termination of the board received unanimous approval, and the room emptied into the hallway for a spirited bout of complaining and half-joking about a recall on Leopold. This was a showthey had decided that we had to go beforehand, said Irish. Im concerned that the county is doing something illegal.

    The few dozen members of the public that rallied around the board are extremely familiar faces around the county buildingthe group has been fighting for years over what it believes is an overly punitive Planning Department.

    For quite a while, weve had a small but passionate group of people who feel very strongly that the Planning Department is too strict, says Supervisor Neal Coonerty. They saw this appeals board as a way to overrule the Planning Department, to sort of become a very independent authority. This was not ever contemplated to be the venue they hoped it would be.

    Planning Director Tom Burns says that many in the group have had their property red-tagged by the county (a red tag is a stop-work order issued over unpermitted construction or remodeling) and feel they have no proper recourse.

    People want to get into a philosophical conversation about whether our planning process is ethical, he says. [But were saying,] was it built without a permit, yes or no? Whats the big confusion?

    BAFCAB was never meant to hear red tag appeals, but its members seemed to be pushing for a rewrite of county code that would eventually expand their jurisdiction to include red tags and other appeals, invoking State Building Code 108.8, which says building appeals should be heard by an independent body of experts not employed by the county.

    Tensions between the Planning Department staff and BAFCAB came to a head four weeks ago when Bronson called a meeting to hear an appeal that planning staff had already deemed outside of BAFCAB jurisdiction. Though the meeting was ultimately canceled, it was the first tangible result of the fact that BAFCAB board members Irish, Bronson, David Parks and architect Marty Fiorovich were convinced that state law gives them a bigger role than the one given them by the supervisors. BAFCAB was only allowed to hear appeals on technical issues like how wide a doorway or a road should be, and only after the Planning Department, acting as gatekeeper, had determined it should.

    Supervisor Coonerty agrees that the

    boards actiondismissing the remaining members and taking over the BAFCAB dutieswas swift, but says it was done to protect the county from legal action.

    They indicated they wanted to hear appeals they were not allowed to hear. If they would have heard those appeals and ruled on them, it would have bogged down into a complete legal farce, he says. We would have had to hire an outside attorney to defend them, with taxpayers money. It would have gone on endlessly.

    Coonerty says the supes will likely hear the first of two appeals that have been languishing in the controversy before the end of the month, and that any attempt to reform an independent BAFCAB is not likely until two years down the line.

    Leopold agrees that the situation was simply untenable. Its unprecedented to have county counsel say they can no longer represent a commission, he says. It became clear what the board should do.

    Both Fiorovich and Irish have said they will file a complaint with the state of California Department of Housing and Community Development, and Bronson is building a website to help residents whod like to file an appeal or lawsuit against the county.

    Leopold is well aware the controversy isnt going anywhere. This is the end of this chapter. Ive lived in Santa Cruz County for 25 years. Well never hear the end of this, he says.

    :/AB@7B3A Richard Irish made a plea before the Board of Supervisors minutes before they disbanded the Planning Department appeals board on which he served.

    Board StiffedAfter bucking county staff and supes, a rowdy appeals board gets the ax0G83AA71/:CAA3


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  • A Man in FullDavid Sedaris dishes about

    homophobia, being unemployed and finally getting email7>


  • 18 | june 10-17, 2009 SANTACRUZ.COM

  • I tend to think more of myself when Im writing. There was something that I wrote a couple months ago, and it made me laugh very hard. I dont laugh at the typewriter or the computer now very often. I was laughing at a word choice. What Id written was so completely ridiculous, but at the heart of it was losing weight. Again, probably everyone in that row had tried to lose weight. Once that was established, I could go anywhere, but it was ultimately about drinking your own breast milk. How many people in that row had done that? I look forward to reading things out loud, and I have new things that Im going to be reading on this tour that Ive never read before. I look forward to that and Ill make notes about what works and what doesnt work.


    I dont write about sex because its not really my subject. I love it when other people write about it, but its not my subject, and I dont want anyone Ive had sex with to write about it. Plus, youre in front of an audience, and they picture wherever youre writing about. Im 52; no one in the audience wants to picture that.

    I didnt write about political things. Not because I didnt feel that way, but because it felt like pandering. Say youve got 3,000 people in the theater. Two thousand, nine hundred and eighty voted just like I did. Its incredibly easy to get them to cheer, too easy. Often, they want to sit in a room and feel like they hate the same people their neighbor hates, and they want to hear John McCain being made fun of. I just got a letter (regarding a New Yorker essay on the 2008 presidential race) saying, I was going to come see you in Zurich, and then I read that garbage in the New Yorker. To make fun of a patriot and a soldier who gave so much to this country. . . . But thats not the reason that I dont write political things. Im not an original thinker that way.

    I dont reveal other peoples secrets. Everyone in my family has things they dont want the world to know. I dont write those things. I try not to write those things about everyonethings that would prevent them from getting a job.

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    That was a time when the Catholic Church was in the news. This happens when pedophilia comes up. People tend to associate it with homosexuals. I was just watching Milk on the planein the 1970s they were trying to get gay teachers firedthat was just a particular period when you felt paranoid, just watched very closely. But that same group of people would say, We need to protect our children, and yeah, you do need to protect your children from pedophiles, but not from me. And the majority of pedophiles are heterosexual anyway.


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    20 | june 10-17, 2009 SANTACRUZ.COM

  • have changed in my life. When I was growing up, I dont think I believed that anyone was homosexual, that anything that bad could have befallen anyone besides me. There wasnt anyone gay on TV, you couldnt go to the library in Raleigh, North Carolina, and read about homosexuals, except maybe in some book on deviant behavior. When I go on tour now, there are these college boys, and I say, Where did you meet? and they say, Were high school sweethearts. [Growing up], the thought that you could be [same-sex] high school sweetheartsyou would have felt the need to turn that person in to the police. Theres no way you could have enjoyed yourself.

    You can have those 3,000 people in the theater, and 10 percent of my audience is gay. Its interesting to me that those other people are relating to me as a human. When I write about [boyfriend] Hugh, theyre relating to it as a way to connect with another person. Perhaps its because of the way I write

    about itmaybe if I did write about sex, people would think, No, I cant relate, youve lost me there. But I dont not write about sex because Im afraid of losing them.

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    Twenty years ago, I would be in the gay section of the bookstore just because I used the word boyfriend.


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  • Im lucky. One thing that hasnt changed since Ive been writing is that I havent tried any less. I havent gotten to the point when I think, Yeah, thats good enough. I havent written anything for money. A French magazine asked me to write [what essentially added up to an advertisement]. It didnt feel right to me. Ive never written that way before, and I dont really see the point, and Im not in a position where I have to start.

    Often strangers will give me their writing. This guy in Manchester, England, he worked in a bookstore where I was giving a reading, and I talked to him off and on all night. It took him a long time to admit that he wrote, and then I pestered him some more and I finally got him to agree to send me something. It was fantastic; it was original and surprising, it was just as if he had reinvented language. I kind of knew it was going to be. Compared to people who come up and say, Heres this thing I wrote. I took a creative writing class; how do I get this published? and I already know its going to be no good. It was shocking to me when I moved to New York, went to a play and half the audience had invitations for their own playsyou can see people just promoting themselves. I was just so appalled and sickened by that self-promoting behavior. Youre going to get a lot further when its someone elses idea that youre good. Let yourself be someone elses discovery.


    Yes. I got email last June because I was going on my book tour, and then at the same time I had to organize a trip to Brazil for a literary festival, and somewhere I was going after Brazilit was going to be too complicated to do it over the phone, so Hugh set up an email account and showed me how use the Internet. I think that my world that way is pretty small compared to other peoples. I do sort of see what the fuss is about, in good ways and in bad ways. Im glad that I didnt have the Internet when I started writing. I started writing when I was 20 and didnt show a word of it to anyone until I was 28. I had the sense to keep it to myself. Now the temptation with blogs and such, theyre just getting it out there; maybe it would have been best to keep it to themselves.

    Ive never Googled myself, never read anything about myself or my sister Amy, but I know from looking on other things. . . . You can watch



  • Billie Holiday singing Strange Fruit, and there will be comments, and Im like, Comments? You can judge her? And on these boards, it all degenerates to Youre a faggot! No, youre a fag, not me. Sometimes I think, Do you honestly have an opinion of this? Sometimes I think it gives people a sense of power. People will comment on the veins of Madonna from their home, and I wonder, Do you really care, or does it make you feel powerful to be at home and say crummy things about people?

    I like the trail that the Internet created. For example, I was watching one of those Douglas Sirk movies, and I noticed that Rock Hudson towered over everyone, and I typed in How tall was and I saw How tall was Jesus, and Im like, Sure, and half an hour later youre somewhere you didnt expect to be. It doesnt work that same way in books, does it? Even if you have an encyclopedia, the trail isnt that crazy. I like that aspect of it.

    But Im not on the computer now. I dont do that while on the phone. Generally, if Im on the phone, I dont mind doing something with my hands. Ironing is good, whittling would be fantastic (I need to pick that up again), but reading or the computer, no.


    Its interesting to me now how you can be onstage and you can see people in the audience, you can see their lights come on and its their telephones, or maybe theyre tweeting or blogging. For me, especially when Im on the lecture tour, I dont reallyI cant control it and I cant stop it, but I dont want people in the next town to know what Im going to do. I dont want them to know what the next story is about.

    I used to write people letters and didnt really think about what was in them until they started being sold on eBay. Now I dont write anything too juicy. I would never get onstage and say anything bad about another writer, but sometimes in talking with an audience member in the book signing line, I would say, Actually, I cant stand such-and-such. I dont do that now, because I dont know if theyll blog about it.


    When they told me about the Kindle, I thought, Yeah, right, but I travel a lot, and now I see them on planes. Then my publisher just sent me a letter saying theyre aggressively going after these file-sharing sites. I dont know how to get free stuff on the computer. I know how to download songs on iTunes, but I dont know how to get them for free, and I dont want to, because then I couldnt feel so self-righteous about paying for them. Generally if Im going to buy, say, a movie, I buy it new, because if its used the people involved dont get any money, and I dont see why they should do it for no money. When a book comes out, I buy it in the bookstore. Im happy that people get stuff out of a library, but when people come up to me and say that they got [my work] on tape and made copies for everyone they know, I think, Why would you say that?

    Publishers are coming up with all sorts of things, coming up with these electronic book contracts they want you to sign. Somebody sat me down for a meeting about Google books, and five minutes in, I said, Heres what I hear from you: meow, meow, meow.



    Water Alert!




    WW AAlert!

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  • album meant, among others, Lyle Lovett, Tom Waits, Delbert McClinton and Dwight Yoakum, plus Friedman himself. Putting the album together was one of the most satisfying musical accomplishments of her career, she says, and one she plans to write a book about soon. Since then, however, Jones has been all about the comedy, and when she hits Don Quixotes next week you can expect some sore ribs as a result.

    Theres nothing like seeing people laugh so hard their faces hurt, she says. Thats what keeps me goin.


    says. One day he came up to me and he said, Youre starting to get that secretary spread. I turned around and I said, You know something, Bubba, I can always get skinny but youll never get tall. I always tell people I was only married to Bubba for two years, but I got 50 songs out of it.

    As Jones points out, making serious music after a lifetime of comedy is a nearly impossible transition. But that didnt stop her in 1999 from teaming up with 15 legendary country icons to recreate the songs of her good friend, the musician, novelist and Texas gubernatorial candidate Kinky Friedman on Pearls in the Snow.

    I met Kinky back in the late 80s, when he was on a book tour, and I asked him if I could do something with his old songs, she says. It took me two years to round everyone up and get that album done, but once we had Willie Nelson on board it was a lot easier to get everyone else.

    Everyone else when it came to that

    hard to steer back away from that. Jones tour comes on the heels of

    her latest release, Donald Trumps Hair. Featuring cover art that showcases a four-step schematic for constructing the Trumpsters epic comb-over, the album is a celebrity pie toss that targets famous faces far and wide. And though the jokes at times seem a little dated, theyre still adorable and stand up to repeat listens. The title track is a frolic through the follicles of the real estate baron himself: I wanna see proof whats under that poof. Is it Jimmy Hoffa or just more of his loot? Other gems include the bluntly stated I Want To Be Up Front Like Dolly and the astute I Can Always Get Skinny But Youll Never Be Tall. Jones says the latter tune is yet another installment in her long-running lyrical diatribe about her ex-husband.

    Believe it or not, I used to be married to a skinny redneck named Bubba, she

    Ridin That Train


  • / 3

    7 T TOOK Mike Farrell 31 days to drive himself from one side of this country to other and back. At least now he knows that it doesnt have to take a lot of gas.To promote his acclaimed memoir,

    Just Call Me Mike: A Journey to Actor and Activist, Farrell embarked on a book tour with just a single companion, a rented Prius affectionately nicknamed Mule. Navigating the never-ending booksignings, radio interviews and perils of the road, Of Mule and Man (Akashic Books; 222 pages; $15.95 paperback) has Farrell passionately speaking on some of Americas thorniest issues. Interwoven with Farrells developing affection for his Prius is a running commentary on electoral politics, social activism and American life, all amidst the backdrop of the heated 2008 presidential race.

    While he may best be remembered as B.J. Hunnicut of M*A*S*H fameprecisely the kind of association that former actors often find irritatingFarrells activism is not dissimilar to the show to which he owes his celebrity. While comedic and entertaining, both have the guts to tackle real-world problems. Of Mule and Man lends page space to the organizations that co-sponsor his events. Among these organizations are Greenpeace, SEIU, chapters of the ACLU

  • ALSO FEATURING: Rendezvous with

    Cool Beans

    Holly Heaven

    Dianna Gatto & The Craving

    Blue Serra

    The First Congregational

    Church Choir

    Blair Hansen

    Trusting Lucy

    Kat DeLuna


    Smash-Up Derby

    Orquesta dSoul

    Resistant Me

    SUNDAY, JUNE 14th


    Dance in the Park with live performance by

    Crystal Waters

    Sick of Sarah Lisa Dewey and the Lotus life

    Cheer SF

    Finding Stella

    SUNDAY, JUNE 14thParade and Main Event

    SATURDAY, JUNE 13thFamily Day Entertainment

    The 3rd Annual Free Womens ConcertSponsored by The First Congregational Church

    Sponsored by:

    For more details visit: www.sanjosepride.com

    FRIDAY, JUNE 12th Pride Kick off Party

    By the Moorpark Hotel Pool

    ON OutNow


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    Cheer SF

    Lotus lifeLisa Dewey and the

    SANTACRUZ.COM june 10-17, 2009 | 29

  • STAGEB63/B3@@SORW\U(/1SZSP`ObW]\]TEWZRS`\SaaHjoVccZHijgcY^gZXihgZVYZghVcYVXidghegZhZci^c\edZignVcYegdhZ[gdb\gZVilg^iZghi]ViXZaZWgViZhl^aYZgcZhhVcYdjgXdccZXi^dcid^i0VegdYjXi^dcd[i]ZL^aa^c\HjheZch^dc6gbX]V^gI]ZVigZ#LZY!?jc&%!,/(%eb#9dcVi^dchlZaXdbZ#6XidghI]ZVigZ!&%%&8ZciZgHi!HVciV8gjo#

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    concerned, Widespread Panics Jimmy Herring doesnt ride a tour bus from town to town, he walks on water. A lifelong musician with a classical education and an alarmingly extensive resume, Herring has achieved his godlike status thanks to a 20-year career spread among 10 different bands, side projects and collaborations, including the Allman Brothers Band and Jazz Is Dead. Touring now as a solo act in support of his debut release Lifeboat, Herring is backed by four marvelous jammers on drums, bass, keys and sax, completing a top-notch quintet as epic as any hes worked with. Rio Theatre; $20; 8pm. (CC)

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  • 42 | june 10-17, 2009 SANTACRUZ.COM

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  • SHOWT IME S Showtimes are for Wednesday, June 10, through Wednesday, June 17, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.


  • it has Sean Connery as Indys dad, and their bickering is pretty hilarious, and more Nazis get their asses kicked, and they find the Holy Grail. All right, its pretty good. (Plays Fri & Sat midnight at the Del Mar.) (SP)B63B/973:6/; !(R; 106 min.) See review, page 43. (Opens Fri at 41st Avenue, Santa Cruz 9, Scotts Valley.)

    @3D73EAB630@=B63@A0:==; (PG-13; 113 min.) Rian Johnsons follow-up to Brick has loads of charm and no plot. The postmod intentions are clear right off in naming this pair of grifting brothers Stephen (Mark Ruffalo) and Bloom (Adrien Brody) in a story thats part screwball comedy, part 1960s Swinging London caper. Rachel Weisz has never been more endearing as the former New Jersey invalid heiress who wants to join the racket. Their regular partner is the chic Asian demolition expert Bang Bang (Rinko Kikuchi). Pursuing the brothers, probably, is an eye-patch-wearing Maximilian Schell. (RvB)


  • 46 | june 10-17, 2009 SANTACRUZ.COM

  • this role. Yamazakis suaveness just gets richer as the film goes along.

    To watch Sasaki at work is to sort of wish you were dead already. He has the aspect of a magician, explaining the steps to the mourners: I will now affix the lid. . . . Likewise, he comes across like an alchemist: transforming a distinctly green corpse into the likeness of a sleeping, peaceful wife.

    Yamagata Prefecture supposedly has a reputation as a region of bumpkins. Its easy on the eyes; the snow-covered volcanic cones and the wetlands make you think of Washington State. Maybe the earthiness of the people is a regional-comedy touch in all the characters, from the tranquil Sasaki to his salty, forward secretary (Kimiko Yo, a pleasure to watch).

    The laughter or family fights that break out at funerals might be part of this movies rural, working-class eye. Departures is backward looking; it favors farmland and old-fashioned wood-fired bathhouses over the Tokyo mania. It celebrates old-style, hands-on craft.

    Director Yojiro Takita expertly mixes what seems like unmixable material.

    Japanese feature Departures

    brilliantly hovers between comedy

    and tragedy0G@716/@2D=/B6Daigo (Masahiro Motoki) and his wife, Mika (Ryoko Hirosue), move from Tokyo to the country in Departures.
