09/05/12 CHURCH PICNIC-ERS!storage.cloversites.com/hopeunitedchurchofchrist/documents/happe… ·...

Sharing Joys & Concerns Please keep these people & events in your prayers: Barb Davis’ sister-in-law, Chris Maciejewski, who is recovering from a car accident & for Chris’ Dad, who is recovering from a stroke. Prayers for recovery & strength for Barb’s daughter, Chris & her family. Julie Billing-Mead undergoing breast cancer surgery. Julie is my cousin’s daughter. (Joe Newton) Joe Malayang, who went through bypass surgery. Prayers for complete recovery & some quick progress, as he is still in ICU w/pneumonia, but doing OK given this situation. (Sue Streul) Get well soon prayers for Tony Jack. Grandpa Hook, who is back in the hospital. (Jackie Duffy-Hook) Everyone with parents who are facing end of life – sad, but a reality. (The Zigtermans) My brother, John, still out of work – starting six months. He has had several good interviews, but no offers. (Barb Zigterman) My sister, Kathy Amador, as she is undergoing extensive tests for cardiac issues. (Zach Jarabeck) Canaan Halder – struggling with relationship with his dad & stepmom. Making poor choices. (Danielle Halder & Josh Beckman) Lily Halder – Having issues with dad & stepmom & worried about her brother. (Danielle Halder & Josh Beckman) Matt’s cousin, Carrie, as she begins a five month run of chemo & then prepares for surgery. (The Conkrites) Prayers of thanks that LaRissa is breathing much better and has much of her energy back. (Lisa & Gavin) My sister Lynn and my niece Lauren, who are visiting from Kansas. May they have a safe journey back home. (Mark Geiger) A prayer of thanks for 16 years of marriage. (Jackie Duffy-Hook) A Happy Birthday for Ellen Brady. Hope you enjoyed your special day. (Mark Geiger) Dana – I have an interview…may it go well! (Dana Boileve) CHURCH PICNIC-ERS! The ANNUAL HOPE CHURCH PICNIC is upon us and the weather forecast is good! Sunday, September 9, after the 9:30 service we’ll motor up to Herrick Lake’s West Picnic Shelter for food, laughs, and games. There will be the usual picnic fare (hot dogs, burgers, the fixin’s, lemonade/water) and desserts provided by Community Life. Please bring a side dish to share with everyone and if you need a serving utensil, please bring it. There will be some soda for sale for $.50 per can but if you wish, please feel free to bring your favorite beverage. This year along-side the kid games, we’re planning on playing some Jeanne Smith Bingo for all ages. We promise it’s more exciting than the standard bingo, and for the game, if you can, please bring a white elephant gift… something you have laying around the house that you’re dying to get rid of, this is the place to do it! It does not have to be new and don’t wrap it. It will be easier to distinguish kid vs. adult prize. Remember: the stranger = the better white elephant gift! Picnic starts at 11:30 and will begin with the Jeanne Smith Bingo. Then we’ll eat. Followed with more organized kid (and sometimes adult) games. If you want to bring some fun “picnic type stuff (ie. Frisbee, football, ladder golf, etc.) please feel free to do so. Quest Begins September 9 (8:30 a.m.) It’s that time…time for school to begin again in our communities and also for our religious education program to start up again here at HOPE UCC. There are some exciting things in store for this New Year and you are invited to be a part of it all. We will be introducing new curriculum for our children from Kindergarten through Eighth Grade, a curriculum that is engaging, informative and fairly simple to teach. And because we know the curriculum won’t teach itself, we are looking for individuals or families to share in our education ministry. The curriculum is one that is very user-friendly and does not require a large amount of preparation time. If you would like more information or would like to sign up to teach in our Quest program, please contact Pastor Timoth at 630-922-0470 or via email at [email protected]. 09/05/12 1 Sunday, September 9, 2012 “Jesus as Teacher and Student” Rev. Timoth Sylvia

Transcript of 09/05/12 CHURCH PICNIC-ERS!storage.cloversites.com/hopeunitedchurchofchrist/documents/happe… ·...

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Sharing Joys & Concerns

Please keep these people & events in your prayers:

Barb Davis’ sister-in-law, Chris Maciejewski, who is recovering from a car accident & for Chris’ Dad, who is recovering from a stroke. Prayers for recovery & strength for Barb’s daughter, Chris & her family.

Julie Billing-Mead undergoing breast cancer surgery. Julie is my cousin’s daughter. (Joe Newton)

Joe Malayang, who went through bypass surgery. Prayers for complete recovery & some quick progress, as he is still in ICU w/pneumonia, but doing OK given this situation. (Sue Streul)

Get well soon prayers for Tony Jack. Grandpa Hook, who is back in the hospital.

(Jackie Duffy-Hook) Everyone with parents who are facing end

of life – sad, but a reality. (The Zigtermans) My brother, John, still out of work –

starting six months. He has had several good interviews, but no offers. (Barb Zigterman)

My sister, Kathy Amador, as she is undergoing extensive tests for cardiac issues. (Zach Jarabeck)

Canaan Halder – struggling with relationship with his dad & stepmom. Making poor choices. (Danielle Halder & Josh Beckman)

Lily Halder – Having issues with dad & stepmom & worried about her brother. (Danielle Halder & Josh Beckman)

Matt’s cousin, Carrie, as she begins a five month run of chemo & then prepares for surgery. (The Conkrites)

Prayers of thanks that LaRissa is breathing much better and has much of her energy back. (Lisa & Gavin)

My sister Lynn and my niece Lauren, who are visiting from Kansas. May they have a safe journey back home. (Mark Geiger)

A prayer of thanks for 16 years of marriage. (Jackie Duffy-Hook)

A Happy Birthday for Ellen Brady. Hope you enjoyed your special day. (Mark Geiger)

Dana – I have an interview…may it go well! (Dana Boileve)


The ANNUAL HOPE CHURCH PICNIC is upon us and the weather forecast is good! Sunday, September 9, after the 9:30 service we’ll motor up to Herrick Lake’s West Picnic Shelter for food, laughs, and games. There will be the usual picnic fare (hot dogs, burgers, the fixin’s, lemonade/water) and desserts provided by Community Life. Please bring a side dish to share with everyone and if you need a serving utensil, please bring it. There will be some soda for sale for $.50 per can but if you wish, please feel free to bring your favorite beverage.

This year along-side the kid games, we’re planning on playing some Jeanne Smith Bingo for all ages. We promise it’s more exciting than the standard bingo, and for the game, if you can, please bring a white elephant gift… something you have laying around the house that you’re dying to get rid of, this is the place to do it! It does not have to be new and don’t wrap it. It will be easier to distinguish kid vs. adult prize. Remember: the stranger = the better white elephant gift!

Picnic starts at 11:30 and will begin with the Jeanne Smith Bingo. Then we’ll eat. Followed with more organized kid (and sometimes adult) games. If you want to bring some fun “picnic type stuff (ie. Frisbee, football, ladder golf, etc.) please feel free to do so.

Quest Begins

September 9 (8:30 a.m.)

It’s that time…time for school to begin again in our communities and also for our religious education program to start up again here at HOPE UCC. There are some exciting things in store for this New Year and you are invited to be a part of it all. We will be introducing new curriculum for our children from Kindergarten through Eighth Grade, a curriculum that is engaging, informative and fairly simple to teach.

And because we know the curriculum won’t teach itself, we are looking for individuals or families to share in our education ministry. The curriculum is one that is very user-friendly and does not require a large amount of preparation time. If you would like more information or would like to sign up to teach in our Quest program, please contact Pastor Timoth at 630-922-0470 or via email at [email protected].


Sunday, September 9, 2012

“Jesus as Teacher and Student”

Rev. Timoth Sylvia

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Celebrating Birthdays

09/01 Ellen Brady 09/08 Nick Dempsey 09/12 Hannah Rhodes

If we’ve missed your birthday, please email Gail at [email protected].



09/01/1996 Jackie Duffy-Hook & Al Hook 09/01/1996 Suzanne & Steven Farrar 09/29/2001 Sue & Greg Streul

We would love to celebrate your anniversaries, too! Please email Gail at [email protected] with your anniversary dates.

Deadline for additions or

corrections to the next issue of HOPE Happenings is

September 11, 3:00pm. Thanks!

Announcements for Sunday due by Wednesday of each week.

HOPE’S Leadership

Pastor: Rev. Timoth Sylvia

Moderator: Joe Newton

Des. Moderator: John Israel

Treasurer: Dave Zillmer

Secretary: LaRissa O’Neal

Registrar: Mary Dycus

Social: Mark Geiger

Education: Tracy Urben

Outreach: Mark Duebner

Mission: Ginny Bateman

Pastor-Parish: Team-Led

Resource: Linda James

Worship: Keith Cornell


You may reserve items (books, videos or tapes) by calling Gail, HOPE’s Office Manager (630-922-0470) during office hours (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.); by checking them out at HOPE UCC any time it is open; or by calling Martha Selby, HOPE Librarian, at (630) 355-3709 OR Karen Garland, Assistant HOPE Librarian (630) 922-8348.

Quest Quote of the Month

“The greatness of a man is not how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively

--Bob Marley



Facilitated by Bob Selby. Meets in Room 2.

Who is GOD?

Over the next several weeks, we will explore different beliefs about God. Many have died in supporting their personal beliefs against that of the majority or the people in power. That will not happen in this Quest discussion!

Have you ever been asked, do you believe in God, most people will respond, yes, but, is their perception of God the same as the perception of the person asking the question? What do you consider the attributes of the God? Who is God to you? What is God like? Each of us may have different ideas!

We will start this exploration by viewing a History Channel documentary titled, "A History of God". Karen Armstrong, one of the presenters is the author of a book by the same title. The video brings together Jews, Christians and Muslims reviewing the history of monotheism practiced by the three Abrahamic faiths. The story begins with Abraham, in the Hebrew Bible and includes interviews with the scholars and theologians in a manner that we, as laypersons, can understand.

We will watch individual segments and discuss the implications of each to our own individual faith.


Starts again on September 9


Starts again on September 9


Starts again on September 9

Some Reasons Why Adults, Youth, & Children Should Consider Participating

In HOPE United Church of Christ's Quest Classes 1. Explore and develop your faith. 2. Enhance religious understanding. 3. You can ask and discuss questions about religion and faith. Classes

encourage open ended, in-depth discussions without judgment. 4. Small groups create intimate, non-threatening discussion. 5. Bringing your children and participating yourself sets a great example for

your children about the importance of learning. 6. Learn things you never knew before. 7. Share your experiences and knowledge with others in the class. 8. Meet new people. This helps you feel closer to the HOPE UCC community. 9. Make new friends (both you and your kids). 10. Have fun. 11. You can share what you've learned with friends and family. 12. The snacks and beverages are great!

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Starting September 16 – Living the Questions 2.0

People know that at its core, Christianity has something good to offer the human race. At the same time, many have a sense that they are alone in being a "thinking" Christian and that "salvaging" Christianity is a hopeless task. What is needed is a safe environment where people have permission to ask the questions they've always wanted to ask but have been afraid to voice for fear of being thought a heretic.

Living the Questions is a DVD Adult education group study exploring beyond the traditions and rote theologies in which so many people and local churches seem to be stuck. Ideal for Christian invitation, initiation and spiritual formation, Living the Questions will help seekers and "church alumni/ae" alike in discovering the significance of Christianity in the 21st Century and what a meaningful faith can look like in today's world.

The Weekly Themes Are:

Invitation to Journey 1. An Invitation to Journey 2. Taking the Bible Seiously 3. Thinking Theologically 4. Stories of Creation 5. Lives of Jesus 6. A Passion for Christ: Paul 7. Out into the World:

Challenges Facing Progressive Christians

Reclaiming the World 8. Restoring Relationships 9. The Prophetic Jesus 10. Evil, Suffering & God of Love 11. The Myth of Redemptive

Violence 12. Debunking the Rapture 13. Practicing Resurrection 14. Reclaiming the World

Call to Covenant 15. A Kingdom Without Walls 16. Social Justice: Realizing God’s

Vision 17. Incarnation: Divinely Human 18. Prayer: Intimacy with God 19. Compassion: The Heart of

Jesus’ Ministry 20. Creative Transformation 21. Embracing Mystery

Format The format of each session includes a video, guided discussion, spiritual exercises and Bible study. The 20 minute videos for each session include conversation, sermon clips, lecture excerpts, and spiritual exercises for practical applications (including different forms of prayer and meditation, movement, walking the labyrinth, etc.). The overall theme is that of faith as a journey, not a destination.

For more information, please contact Bob Selby (630-355-3709 / [email protected])

Bring Your Empty Inkjet Cartridges to Worship

HOPE UCC is pleased to continue a fundraiser that is both simple and profitable!

For every empty inkjet cartridge we collect, Quill.com will pay us $$$.

Please bring your empties to the church office.

This will be on ongoing campaign – round up as many empty inkjet cartridges as possible,

and help “ink” benefits for both HOPE and the environment.

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September 6, Thursday

Craft Club (7 p.m.) Join us to work on the Holiday Craft Fair! For more information please contact Mary Dycus or Mark Geiger.

September 9, Sunday

QQQuuueeesssttt!!! QUEST BEGINS!! (8:30 a.m.)

September 9, Sunday

HOPE UCC Annual Picnic After worship we’ll reconvene at Herrick Lake’s West Picnic Shelter for food, laughs, and games. Community Life will provide the main course and drinks while the guests bring a dish to share.

September 12, Wednesday

Explore Your Faith Breakfast (7:30 a.m.) Meets at Butterfield’s Pancake House, 1504 N. Naper Blvd., Suite 104, Naperville

September 12, Wednesday

Discussion Group (7 – 9 p.m.) Meets at Panera Bread, Ogden Avenue, Naperville.

September 18, Tuesday

Men’s Fellowship (7 - 9 p.m.) All HOPE UCC men are welcome to join us at Quincy’s at 1112 E. Ogden Avenue, Naperville on the first and third Tuesday of each month. For more information or questions contact Matt Conkrite at 773-590-0824.

September 19, Wednesday

Explore Your Faith Breakfast (7:30 a.m.) Meets at Butterfield’s Pancake House, 1504 N. Naper Blvd., Suite 104, Naperville

September 19, Wednesday

Discussion Group (7 – 9 p.m.) Meets at Panera Bread, Ogden Avenue, Naperville.

September 20, Thursday

Women Out to Lunch (Noon) Join the women of HOPE on the third Thursday of each month. Lively conversation, great food & warm fellowship are waiting for you at Giordano’s Restaurant at 119 S. Main Street, in downtown Naperville. Parking is available in the lot across from the restaurant or the Van Buren Parking Building.

September 20, Thursday

Craft Club (7 p.m.) Join us to work on the Holiday Craft Fair! For more information please contact Mary Dycus or Mark Geiger.

September 25, Tuesday

On the Border Fundraiser HOPE UCC's 3rd quarter fundraising dinner is scheduled for September 25 at the On the Border Mexican Cantina (on Route 59 — very near to HOPE UCC). Pick up your special flyer at HOPE UCC and present it with your payment.

September 26, Wednesday

Explore Your Faith Breakfast (7:30 a.m.) Meets at Butterfield’s Pancake House, 1504 N. Naper Blvd., Suite 104, Naperville

September 26, Wednesday

Discussion Group (7 – 9 p.m.) Meets at Panera Bread, Ogden Avenue, Naperville.

October 5, Friday

A Cup of HOPE Coffee House (7 – 10 p.m.) Looking for people to share their talents. If you are interested in participating, please arrive by 6:30 p.m. All talents and acts are welcome. Contact: Barb Conkrite

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Manna Program – How It Works...

I saw many “light bulbs” going on as I explained a couple of Sundays ago how the Manna Gift Card Program works using volunteers and visual aids. Here’s another visual to help promote the program. Again, if we could increase our weekly orders to 30-35, we would see an incredible return on our effort. Just think of the amazing ministries we could be doing if everyone got on board!

This is you... writing a check for $25... to HOPE UCC....

This is HOPE UCC... writing a check for $25.... to the Manna Program...

This is the Manna Program... giving gift cards worth $25... to HOPE UCC...

This is HOPE UCC... giving gift cards worth $25... to you...


This is the Manna Program... giving a commission check... to HOPE UCC...

You spend $25 and receive a $25 gift card... HOPE UCC receives a commission for the sale... It’s a win-win program. Visit the HOPE UCC Fundraising Page for more information and to download order forms: http://sharehope.org/#/what-we-do/fundraising

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We invite you to take the Manna Challenge between now and the end of the year! HOPE UCC's Fundraising team challenges the people of HOPE to raise $3,000 using the Manna program between September 1st and December 31st. This week $87.47 was

raised so we are off to a great start! Please consider purchasing Manna Scrip Gift Cards to use in your regular shopping (groceries/gas) and special shopping (b-day, wedding, anniversary gifts and ESPECIALLY CHRISTMAS GIFTS!) Yes, the holiday shopping season is arriving sooner than you would wish! And don't forget your Halloween candy! And you only have 2 weeks to purchase your gift cards to use at On the Border on September 25th. Let's take advantage of this amazing, simple program to help HOPE! You can order in person on Sunday at HOPE or online. Questions? Talk to Pastor Timoth, Mark Duebner, Mary Dycus and anyone on the Outreach Ministry.

New Worship Times

As we slide into the end of summer, we are noticing once again that our worship attendance has increased...and the size of our worship space has remained the same. (It is a wonderful problem to have!) Last year, we tried something new by introducing a second worship service on Sunday mornings, in part to help alleviate overcrowding. This year we are once again bringing back an additional worship service.

Beginning on Sunday, September 16, HOPE UCC will offer two Sunday morning worship opportunities...one at 8:30 a.m. and one at 10:30 a.m. Our Quest Program (Religious Education) will take place at 9:30 a.m.

The two services are very similar...same songs, same Scripture, even the same sermon. In the 10:30 service, we will continue to include a Children’s Time and our songs will be led by those in our congregation who are a part of the music program. We encourage you to try out both services and see how they feel.

This new schedule also offers flexibility in your Sunday scheduling. Need to get home early to watch the game? Why not come to the 8:30 service, stay for Quest and then head out? Want to sleep in a bit? Stop by for the 9:30 Quest hour and then stay for worship.

Either way we are looking forward to having you all in our worship on Sunday mornings, growing in community and continuing our work together.


Now that we are shifting back to two worship services on Sunday, we want to continue to make sure that we communicate the various components of our church life equally between them. In order to do so, we ask that all announcements be submitted to the church office no later than Wednesday each week. This will allow Gail to include the announcement in the printed announcement sheet.

Mark Your Calendars for Tuesday, September 25 for “On the Border”!

HOPE UCC's 3rd quarter fundraising dinner is scheduled for September 25 at the On the Border Mexican Cantina (on Route 59 — very near to HOPE UCC). We will get a percentage of the check totals for the entire day when a special flyer is presented. This includes food and beverages (including alcohol). We have already had these events at Home Run Inn Pizza and Buffalo Wild Wings and they have been a great success and much fun! We will schedule a gathering at 7 pm but you are free to visit this location anytime that day. And YES, there is a $25 gift card available from the Manna Program. ORDER THE CHILI'S CARD (they are part of the same company). HOPE UCC gets 11% from that card. Watch the Happenings and announcements at worship for more details.

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Feed My Starving Children

A big thank you goes out to the group that represented HOPE UCC this past week at the Aurora location of Feed My Starving Children. Together with several other groups, we were able to pack 50 boxes of food to be sent to Haiti. This food will provide the necessary nutrition for children in need. Thank you Ginny Bateman for organizing the event.

The Work Continues

The amazing work crew, under the direction of Nick Dempsey, continues their work on the horse shelter at Ready, Set, Ride – Therapeutic Riding Center in Plainfield. The dedication of this group is something to be marveled at. Thank you to all who continue to be a part of this much-needed project. The shelter has really taken shape and I know that the staff and volunteers are truly appreciative and the horses can’t wait to try it out.

Hi Hope Family,

I have recently started a running program to boost my fitness and have decided to participate in the AIDS Run/Walk 2012 in Chicago. This is an organization near and dear to my heart. I am asking if you would be willing to donate to my cause. I have reached my initial goal of $500.00 and have decided to push my fundraising even higher to limit of $2500.00. Please think about making a donation of any amount to my cause.

Go to www.aidschicago.org. The donations are under my name, Tairen Foster. Thank you so much for your support!

Terry Foster

Feed My Starving Children

Ready, Set Ride - Horse Shelter

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Green Harvest Food Pantry Needs Your Help

Over the past couple of years we have established a wonderful, working partnership with the folks at Green Harvest Food Pantry through our Jesus Has Left the Building and We’re Following Him program. We have heard from Green Harvest recently that they are in need of some volunteers to assist in their program. This is a great opportunity to give of our time and energy outside of doing so just on a fifth Sunday.

From the Green Harvest website: We are growing; we need your help! Some have asked if they could volunteer once a week or month? Yes, we need volunteers to be at our office one day or night a week for two hours. You really don't need to be a genius; just a willing heart to help and be flexible. You may even meet a new friend. We welcome your help, but we do require that you first contact the office before coming over.

First and foremost, we at Green Harvest want to both welcome and thank you for your willingness to be “part of the solution” by serving others in need with a “hands on” way. Your compassion and concern for those enduring some very challenging times is both admirable and greatly appreciated.

Thank you for considering volunteering at Green Harvest! If you can push a broom, dust off cans of food, chew gum and walk, then Green Harvest can use you! Please contact our office at 630-416-1109.

Communion Help

There are so many things that happen behind-the-scenes here at HOPE United Church of Christ in order to have things run smoothly. One of those things it the providing and preparation of our Bread and Juice for Communion. For some time now, Linda Smith has been graciously filling this need for our church. And it is now time to transition this role, allowing Linda to mentor whoever is willing to share their gifts in this way.

If you are interested in providing these elements for our monthly Communion celebration, please contact Pastor Timoth to let him know or for further details.

Holy Moly & Connect – Coming to HOPE UCC

As we are nearing a new school year, we are beginning to make preparations to fire up the Sunday morning Quest program once again. This year, we are introducing a new curriculum for the Kids’ Quest called Holy Moly and another new curriculum for our slightly older “tweens” called Connect.

Holy Moly – Here’s how it works:

Discover – Each Holy Moly lesson starts with an animated Bible story retelling and an activity to jump start kids’ imaginations about what they’ll see and do!

Relate – Next, kids talk about the story they just watched. Kids relate to the Bible story and each other. They discuss what surprised them & what made them wonder!

Connect – Then, through the pages of the Holy Moly Bible Storybooks & Connect Bible, kids read or listen to the story again as a way to ground the lesson in scripture.

Create – Finally, creativity flows as kids complete activities that reinforce the lessons they watch in the Bible story retelling.

Connect – Here’s how it works:

Tweens watch a video that blends witty, slap-stick humor and solid theology to introduce the session theme. As they explore the test, kids hightlight, underline, sketch on, search through, and draw in the pages of the Connect Bible. Kids then relate the themes to their own lives through project-style activities.

See more by visiting the Curriculum creator’s website at www.wearesparkhouse.org.

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Thank You – Thank You – Thank You

“Ask and ye shall receive...” and that we have! A special thank you goes out to those who have contributed recently to the Education Ministry. Your generous gifts (totaling $746) have assisted us in purchasing three TV/DVD combos for our Quest Classrooms. What a wonderful response!

If you haven’t had an opportunity to contribute...don’t worry, there is still time. Any contributions received will now assist with offsetting the costs of purchasing

the Bibles and Bible Storybooks that go along with our new curriculum. Special offering envelopes are available on Sunday mornings for contributions of any amount.

Again, thank you so much for helping to get our Education Program off on a great start for our children and youth this year!

Hygiene Kits

Thank you for bringing items for the Church World Service Hygiene kits. We have enough soap, toothbrushes, and Band-Aids. We still need nail clippers, wide-tooth combs, washcloths, and hand towels measuring approximately 16”x28” (no fingertip or bath towels, please). You can drop them in the basket in the sanctuary.

If you’d like to find out more information about the project, contact Ginny Bateman at [email protected] or check the website at http://www.curchworldservice.org/site/pageserver?pagename=kits_hygiene .

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