09-Lions - Lesson 9

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  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9

    1/38FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NIN

  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9


    God displays His great sovereignty over all created things. He acts for the

    display of His great glory. Daniel, his friends, and the kings of the land see God

    orchestrate all circumstances to bring Him the most glory. God would later show

    Himself sovereign over the cross, a death instrument of His Son Jesus, who would

    die for the sins of the world. Gods desire is that every nation and tongue would

    come to praise Him as the sovereign King of the universe.

    Written by: Kimberly Davidson & Steve Wright

    Graphic Design by: Michele Castillo | www.sonscapecommunications.com

    Art Design by: Amy Torcasso

    Editor: Jennier Sharpe

    Music: Daniel Renstrom

    Website: http://www.treasuringchristonline.org | 919-326-3000 | Email: [email protected]

    Copyright 2011 by Providence Baptist Church. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any

    means for prot via electronic, mechanical, recording or any other except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher. All Scripture quotations

    are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9


    Dear Sunday School Teacher,

    Your ministry as a teacher or our Lord has eternal value! When we view our ministry in light o

    eternity, we see its importance and the privilege that God has entrusted to us. In Psalm 78, the

    Bible also reminds us o this great calling: One generation commending the Gospel to the next.

    Treri Crit Crric:The ministry resource that you hold in your hand is produced

    and shaped by the local churchThe Bride o Christ. We have three primary strategies thatguide us. First, we desire to produce a Gospel-centered curriculum that allows every child, babies to

    high school students, to study the same Scripture passage each week. Second, we seek to equip

    parents to thrive in their God-given role as their childs primary discipler. We want this resource,

    thereore, to connect the church and the home by providing the Connecting Church and Home

    resource within the curriculum. Third, we want to respond to the

    desperate need or curriculum resources around the world. We

    desire to bless the nations with a tool that will help them reach

    the world with the Gospel o Christ.

    Qrter Oe: God on Display

    Every relationship begins with an introduction. God introducing Himsel to us is the heartbeat o

    this study.

    God on Display is a major theme that runs throughout all o Scripture. Gods desire to have com-

    munion with those He created is seen rom cover to cover o the Bible. In the rst ew pages, we see

    God communing in the Garden o Eden with Adam and Eve. The theme o communion continues

    to be seen through the role o the Old Testament tabernacle and temple. In the New Testament,

    God became incarnate in Jesus, God with us. Ater Jesus, the Father gives the Holy Spirit to believers

    and institutes the Church. Fellowship in the Church breeds community, both with God and others

    made in His likeness. As believers, we are guaranteed that we will spend eternity in communion

    with God, dwelling in His presence.

    God is on display: everywhere; in the past, present and uture; and in our lives as believers. Let us

    live continually to display Gods greatness and love.

  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9



    EaRlY ChIldhOOd 12-16

    ElEmEnTaRY 17-21

    PRE-TEEn/mIddlE sChOOl 22-27

    hIgh sChOOl 28-34

    COnnECTIng ChuRCh and hOmE 35

    REsOuRCEs 36-37


    QuaRTeR Theme | God oN dISpLay Daniel 1-6

    W E E K N I N E

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    5/38FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 4

    LinsDaniel 1-6



    ElEmEnTaRY PRE-TEEn/mIddlE sChOOl

    hIgh sChOOl

    Treasure Verse Daniel 2:20-21 Daniel 2:20-21 Daniel 2:20-23a Daniel 2:20-23a

    Treasure Point

    God is in control. God displays His

    control over allthings.

    God is sovereign

    over all o ourcircumstances and

    all o the world.

    God is sovereign

    over all things. Wecan trust Him in all


    Teaching Activities

    Lion masks, Angel

    puppets, Song time,

    Animal snacks

    Bible hangman,

    Lions on the prowl,

    Face o the Lion,

    Mural storytelling,

    Song time

    Remote control


    Dont Waste Your

    Lie video

    Supplies Needed

    Lion coloring page,

    markers, popsicle

    sticks, glue sticks,paper plates, yarn

    (need gold and

    brown colors), kids

    scissors, single hole

    punch, white paper

    bags (lunch bag

    size), crayons, CD

    and CD player,


    animal crackers

    or vegetables

    Whiteboard or

    chalkboard, dry

    erase markers orchalk, paper wads,

    Face o the Lion

    resource page, pen-

    cils, butcher paper,

    markers or paint

    (i using paint also

    have paintbrushes

    and water in cups

    to rinse brushes),

    tape, CD and CD


    Remote control,

    watch or timer, slips

    o paper with clues

    Laptop/DVD player


  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9


    LinsDaniel 1-6

    FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 5


    Eter te story

    Every corner on earth is run by some sort

    o government. There are anarchies and

    democracies. There are countries ruled by

    kings and queens, presidents, governors and

    even tribal leaders. Some have elections; some

    dont. Without a ruling body, total chaos

    would reign. People would be let to rule

    themselves, every person doing what was

    right in his own eyes.

    God tells us in His Word that He is in control of

    all things. One of the names used frequently

    in the Bible for God is King of kings. Jesus is

    revealed in Revelation as the one who will

    return at the end o times proclaimed as King

    o kings and Lord o lords (19:16). No power

    or authority will ever be able to have control

    over God and His ways and dominion. We

    see these attributes o God praised by Daniel:

    Daniel stresses that God gives breath, deliv-

    ers, is holy, is sovereign, is just and lives orever.

    No idol or emperor has these characteristics,

    so none deserves worship. The one God still

    reigns, despite Israels exile. The exile makes

    Gods universal reign more evident due to the

    remnants witness to Gentiles (Paul House,

    Old Testament Theology, pg. 504).

    When going through dicult times, are we

    given to despair or worry? God tells us not to

    be anxious because He is in control (Philippi-

    ans 4:6-7). I He wasnt in control o everything,

    then He wouldnt be God. He tells us to trust

    in Him completely and cast every care on Him

    (1 Peter 5:6-7).

    Even to discuss the authority oAlmighty God seems a bit meaningless, and to

    question it would be absurd. Can we imagine the

    Lord God of Hosts having to request permission

    of anyone or to apply for anything to a higher

    body? To whom would God go for permission?

    Who is higher than the Highest? Who is mightier

    than the Almighty? Whose position antedates

    that of the Eternal? At whose throne would God

    kneel? Where is the great one to whom He must

    appeal? A. W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the

    Holy, pg. 109

    From the interpretation odreams, to the familiar stories of the ery

    furnace, the lions den, and the handwriting on

    the wall, to the prophetic visions, the recur-

    rent theme of the book [of Daniel] is Gods

    sovereignty over human affairs. The ESVJournaling Bible, pg. 1053

    story Otie

    The book o Daniel is rich with stories that

    display Gods sovereignty, His control over all

    things. This week we will ocus on one story in

    particular, Daniels overnight stay in the den o

    lions. This Treasure Story is amiliar, but we will

    ocus on the God that Daniel loved.

    The kingdom o Judah had been taken into

    exile by the nation o Babylon and King

    Nebuchadnezzar in 605 B.C. Daniel 1:1-2 says,

    In the third year o the reign o Jehoiakim king

    o Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king o Babylon

    FoR youR edIFIcaTIoN

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  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9

    8/38FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 7

    LinsDaniel 1-6

    The other presidents and satraps were jealous

    and wanted to nd ault with Daniel. Since

    there was none, they had to nd it in Daniels

    devotion to keeping the laws o his God: We

    shall not nd any ground or complaint against

    this Daniel unless we nd it in connection with

    the law o his God (6:5).

    So, they did just that. The presidents and

    satraps went beore King Darius. (These people

    were like the original tattletales.) They brought

    to the king a request: Establish an ordinance

    and enorce an injunction, that whoever makespetition to any god or man or thirty days, ex-

    cept to you, O king, shall be cast into the den

    o lions (6:7). The king, being prideul and not

    wanting anyone to worship any other king or

    god but him, liked the sound o that request

    and set the law into existence.

    The determination and devotion o Daniel is

    seen in the verse directly ater the signing o

    this law: When Daniel knew that the docu-ment had been signed, he went to his house

    where he had windows in his upper chamber

    open toward Jerusalem. He got down on his

    knees three times a day and prayed and gave

    thanks beore his God, as he had done previ-

    ously(6:10). Daniel didnt pray in a closed clos-

    et or in a hidden room. He didnt even waiver

    in his devotion to the Lord, even though he

    knew the purpose o the law was to prohibit

    him rom worshiping God.

    The kings men knew they had caught Daniel

    and went to tell the king. King Darius couldnt

    revoke the law, but he wanted to nd a way

    to deliver Daniel: Then the king, when he

    heard these words, was much distressed and

    set his mind to deliver Daniel. And he labored

    till the sun went down to rescue him (6:14).

    But the kings leaders reminded him that the

    law couldnt be changed, no matter the cir-

    cumstances: Know, O king, that it is a law o

    the Medes and Persians that no injunction or

    ordinance that the king establishes can be

    changed (6:15b).

    The king had no choice. He had to throw

    Daniel into the den o lions. But beore he was

    thrown in, Darius said to Daniel, May your

    God, whom you serve continually, deliveryou! (6:16) Daniel was thrown in among the

    lions, and a stone was rolled in ront o it to

    prevent any escape rom certain death. Ater

    the king did this, he couldnt sleep nor did he

    eat all night.

    As soon as it was light, the king headed directly

    toward the den, wanting to know i Daniel was

    still alive. Daniel said with a loud voice that God

    had delivered him. He was delivered becausehe trusted in God. So the king had all the men

    (and their wives and children) that had accused

    Daniel thrown into the den, and they were in-

    stantly destroyed by the hungry lions. King

    Darius then made it a law that all the people

    in his dominion had to ear the God o Daniel.

    Unortunately, this law did not mean that

    Yahweh was worshiped as the only God in

    the land. The people were still living in a poly-

    theistic (worshiping multiple gods) country.

    But God used the aithulness o Daniel to

    show the glorious truths o the Gospel and His

    power and His aithulness to a country that

    did not believe in Him.

    FoR youR edIFIcaTIoN

  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9

    9/38FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 8

    LinsDaniel 1-6

    die 6:19-27: Then, at break o day, the king

    arose and went in haste to the den o lions. As

    he came near to the den where Daniel was, he

    cried out in a tone o anguish. The king declared

    to Daniel, O Daniel, servant o the living God,

    has your God, whom you serve continually,

    been able to deliver you rom the lions? Then

    Daniel said to the king, O king, live orever! My

    God sent His angel and shut the lions mouths,

    and they have not harmed me, because I was

    ound blameless beore Him; and also beore

    you, O king, I have done no harm. Then the

    king was exceedingly glad, and commanded

    that Daniel be taken up out o the den. SoDaniel was taken up out o the den, and no kind

    o harm was ound on him, because he had

    trusted in his God. And the king commanded,

    and those men who had maliciously accused

    Daniel were brought and cast into the den o

    lionsthey, their children, and their wives. And

    beore they reached the bottom o the den, the

    lions overpowered them and broke all their

    bones in pieces.

    Then King Darius wrote to all the peoples, na-

    tions, and languages that dwell in all the earth:

    Peace be multiplied to you. I make a decree,

    that in all my royal dominion people are to

    tremble and ear beore the God o Daniel, or

    He is the living God, enduring orever; His king-

    dom shall never be destroyed, and His domin-

    ion shall be to the end. He delivers and rescues;

    He works signs and wonders in heaven and

    on earth, He who has saved Daniel rom the

    power o the lions.

    Throughout this book Yahwehand Yahweh alone among all the so-called deities

    of Babylon is the sovereign ruler of heaven and

    earth, of mighty kings and lowly exiles. Paul

    House, Old Testament Theology, pg. 498

    The book o Daniel is about thesovereignty of God expressed at two levels. First,

    God shows His sovereignty in bringing blessing

    and protection on individuals who are faithful

    to Him in difcult situations. Second, God is

    sovereign over the kings, nations, and empires

    of the world. In this account God shows Himself

    as the one who protects His faithful servant even

    against the plots of powerful people. John and

    Kim Walton, The Bible Story Handbook, pg. 251

    Gospel Truths About God

    gOd Is sOVEREIgn OVER all ThIngs. The main ocus in the book o Daniel is Gods sovereignty.Simply put, sovereignty means reign. And with God, that reign is ultimate and above all else. Kings

    and queens in other countries have sovereignty, but their reign is conditional and limited. Gods rule

    is absolute and eternal. We see it displayed in the book o Daniel by His acting on behal o His name

    and His people. He shows Himsel sovereign over King Nebuchadnezzar, over ery fames, and in

    the telling o this Treasure Story, over lions. God delivers and provides victory over death. Gods sov-

    ereignty has no limit nor can it be stopped by anyone or anything.

    FoR youR edIFIcaTIoN

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    10/38FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 9

    LinsDaniel 1-6

    man nEEds a saVIOR. In the book o Daniel, we are given portraits o aithul ollowers o Yahweh,

    such as Daniel. We also see kings and other leaders who did not ollow ater Gods ultimate rule; they

    wanted to set their own standards and laws. Wickedness is evident in mans heart. The wages o sin

    is death, and God knew that in all people there was a need or a Savior. Both those who worshiped

    Yahweh and those in this story who did not were in need o a Savior, just as we need a Savior today.

    Gospel Truths About Redemption

    Gospel Truths About Man

    gOd alWaYs had a Plan. God knew there would be kings on the earth who wouldnt bow to His

    Lordship. God knew there would be those who would seek to please man instead o pleasing Him

    alone. God used Daniels aithulness to show King Darius and in turn a whole nation His greatness

    and aithulness to those who love Him. God knew that He would have to send a Savior to earth to

    redeem His children. That Savior was Jesus. Jesus lived a perect lie, died on a cross or sins He didnt

    commit, and paid the debt that sinul man owed but could not pay.

    Isaiah 64:6-7: We have all become like one who is unclean, and allour righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the

    wind, take us away.

    Sin is not only the breaking o law but also the breaking ocovenant with ones Savior. Sin is the smearing of a relationship, the grieving of ones divine

    parent and benefactor, a betrayal of the partner to whom one is joined by a holy bond. Cornelius

    Plantinga, Jr., Not the Way Its Supposed to Be, pg. 12

    The Gospel message embodies three distinct elements: anannouncement, a command, and a call. It announces the good news of redemption accomplished

    in mercy; it commands all men everywhere to repent and it calls all men to surrender to the terms

    of grace by believing on Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. A. W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the

    Holy, pg. 112

    FoR youR edIFIcaTIoN

  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9


    LinsDaniel 1-6

    FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 10

    For Your Edication (continued)

    Psalm 33:10-11 Proverbs 21:30

    Philippians 4:6-7

    2 Timothy 1:8-12

    James 4:13-15

    1 Peter 5:6-7

    P 33:10-11: The LORD brings the coun-

    sel o the nations to nothing; He rustrates the

    plans o the peoples. The counsel o the LORD

    stands orever, the plans o His heart to all


    Proverb 21:30: No wisdom, no understand-

    ing, no counsel can avail against the LORD.

    Piippi 4:6-7: Do not be anxious about

    anything, but in everything by prayer and sup-

    plication with thanksgiving let your requests

    be made known to God. And the peace o God,

    which surpasses all understanding, will guard

    your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    2 Tioty 1:8-12: Thereore do not be

    ashamed o the testimony about our Lord, nor

    o me His prisoner, but share in suering orthe Gospel by the power o God, who saved us

    and called us to a holy calling, not because o

    our works but because o His own purpose and

    grace, which He gave us in Christ Jesus beore

    the ages began, and which now has been

    maniested through the appearing o our

    Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and

    brought lie and immortality to light throughthe Gospel, or which I was appointed a

    preacher and apostle and teacher, which is

    why I suer as I do. But I am not ashamed, or

    I know whom I have believed, and I am con-

    vinced that He is able to guard until that Day

    what has been entrusted to me.

    Je 4:13-15: Come now, you who say,

    Today or tomorrow we will go into such and

    such a town and spend a year there and tradeand make a protyet you do not know what

    tomorrow will bring. What is your lie? For you

    are a mist that appears or a little time and then

    vanishes. Instead you ought to say, I the Lord

    wills, we will live and do this or that.

    1 Peter 5:6-7: Humble yourselves, thereore,

    under the mighty hand o God so that at the

    proper time He may exalt you, casting all your

    anxieties on Him, because He cares or you.

    Jesus Freaksby DC Talk (stories o Christians whohave been persecuted or their belie in God)

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  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9

    12/38FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 11

    LinsDaniel 1-6

    My Mission As Teacher:

    What one area do you have trouble with surrendering to the sovereign Lord? How do you like to

    have control over things? How can you practice giving all things over to God and allowing Him

    complete sovereignty o your lie?

    What areas of your life should non-Christians see something different in you (from the world)?

    Just as Daniel was ound guilty o praying to his God, would people nd you serving God

    aithully even in a time or place where it is not the popular thing to do?

    Prayer Points:

    Pray that the Holy Spirit would shine light on areas in your life that you have not given control over

    to God, the sovereign King.

    Pray that your students would summit to Gods authority in their lives this week.

    The sovereignty o God is the one impregnable rockto which the suffering human heart must cling. The circumstances surrounding

    our lives are no accident: they may be the work of evil, but that evil is held rmly

    within the mighty hand of our sovereign God. . . All evil is subject to Him, and

    evil cannot touch His children unless He permits it. God is the Lord of human

    history and of the personal history of every member of His redeemed family.

    Margaret Clarkson, Grace Grows Best in Winter, pgs. 40-41

    God displays His great sovereignty over all created things. He acts

    for the display of His great glory. Daniel, his friends, and the kings

    of the land see God orchestrate all circumstances to bring Him the

    most glory. God would later show Himself sovereign over the cross,

    a death instrument of His Son Jesus, who would die for the sins

    of the world. Gods desire is that every nation and tongue would

    come to praise Him as the sovereign King of the universe.

    FoR youR edIFIcaTIoN

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    13/38FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 12

    LinsDaniel 1-6

    Ery Cioo


    Ery arriv activity: (15 minutes or until you are ready to begin)

    Have the children make lion masks beore class begins.

    Younger Children Option: Give each child a copy o the Lion coloring page (see resources) and have

    them color it. Later in class when you read the Treasure Story, the children can hold the lion picture in

    ront o their aces when you read about the lions. Glue the lions ace onto the popsicle sticks so the

    children can hold it in ront o their aces.

    Supplies Needed: Lion coloring page, markers, popsicle sticks, glue sticks

    Older Children Option: Give each child a paper plate. Punch one hole on either side o the paper plate

    where two ears might go. Loop yarn through these holes on the edges o the plate and tie the yarn

    around the childs head. The children can decorate the plate to make it look like a lion. Tell them about

    the mane, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, etc. When you later read the Treasure Story to them, they can put

    on their masks.

    Supplies Needed: Paper plates, gold yarn (for mane, already cut into shorter strands),

    kids scissors, single hole punch, brown yarn (to tie mask around the childs head),markers, glue sticks

    I there is a single event in all o the universethat can occur outside of Gods sovereign control, then we cannot trust

    Him. Jerry Bridges, Trusting God, pg. 37

    Trere story: Daniel 6

    Trere Poit: God is in control.

    Trere Vere:Blessed be the name o God orever and ever, to whom belong wisdomand might. He changes times and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings; He giveswisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding (Daniel 2:20-21).

    eaRLy chILdhood

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    14/38FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 13

    LinsDaniel 1-6

    discoverCrt activity: (5 minutes)

    Pass out white paper bags (lunch bag size) to each child or them to make angel puppets.

    Instruct them to draw eyes, wings and a mouth on the bag. Along with the lion masks, the chil-

    dren can use the angel puppets during the telling o the Treasure Story.

    Supplies Needed: White paper bags (lunch bag size), crayons

    Bibe story Tie: (15 minutes)

    Teacher Note: Make sure the children see you reading Gods Word and that they are listening.

    Explain the importance o Gods Word being the very words God speaks. The Bible is truth and

    used to help us know God better. The ollowing outline will help you tell the Treasure Story,

    Daniel 6. It might be best, especially with younger children, to read the story out o the Bible as

    you move through the outline.

    die kew go erve te ki. In our country, we vote to determine who will serve

    in the government. During Daniels time, the king chose who would serve in his government.

    Tere were e wo it ike die very c. Ask the children to name ways they

    have seen people be mean to each other (call each other names, be a tattletale, physically hurt

    someone by pushing or hitting). These men persuaded King Darius to make a law that said no

    one could worship anyone but him.

    What did God say about people worshiping other gods? (Answer: It is wrong.)

    Does God want us to obey what He tells us to do?

    die er bot ti ew w bt wet prye to i go, jt ike e wy

    oe. Ask the children these questions: Do you pray to God? Do you pray with your mom and

    dad? What do you pray about (thankul or ood; pray or saety; pray or your parents, brothers

    and sisters; pray or people to know God)?

    eaRLy chILdhood

  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9

    15/38FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 1

    LinsDaniel 1-6

    Daniel knew it was wrong to pray to anyone exceptGod. He had to do what God saidwhatever it cost him, even if it meant he would

    die. So Daniel went to his room, closed the door, and prayed. Sally Lloyd-Jones,

    The Jesus Storybook Bible, pg. 155

    Bece die ti prye to go, e w pt i te io e, pce tt e te io.

    Have children put their lion masks in ront o their ace or put them on i you are working with older

    children. Ask them to make loud lion noises. Has anyone ever seen a real lion? What does a lion say

    and do? Is a lion scary to humans and other animals?

    Te io it et die bece die trte i go. God sent an angel to shut the

    lions mouths. They were probably really hungry, but God knew that Daniel trusted in Him and didnt

    let the lions eat Daniel. Ask the children to hold up their angel puppets. Have you seen God protect

    you and your amily?

    Ki dri trew te oter eer teir iie ito te io e, tey were

    kie rit wy.The lions had to be hungry; they hadnt eaten all night. So all the mean guys who

    didnt like Daniel and all their amily members were killed by the lions. Then King Darius made it a

    rule that the people in the land had to worship the God o Daniel, the living God.

    Trere Vere leri activity: (5 minutes)

    There are three main words in the Treasure Verse this week. Every time you say the Treasure Verse,

    have the kids do the ollowing actions to help them memorize the verse:


    Stand up and cheer. Blessed means happy. Ask the kids what makes them happy.


    Have the children take turns saying the name God each time you repeat the verse. Choose

    dierent groups to take turns saying God, such as all the boys, all the girls, those wearing red,

    those with brown hair, etc. Choose a dierent grouping each time you say the verse.


    Have the children orm a circle and walk around in the circle as you say this verse. Forever

    means that you cant tell where something begins or endsjust like the circle.

    eaRLy chILdhood

  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9


    so Tie: (5 minutes)

    Love, Love, Love is this quarters theme song. This song can be ound on the Treasuring Christ

    website: www.treasuringchristonline.org.

    Supplies Needed: CD player, CD

    Pyro Tie: (15 minutes)

    Center play or ree play would be an eective use o time i no playground is available or i the

    weather is not conducive to playing outside.

    sck Tie: (10 minutes)

    As a creative alternative, tell the Treasure Story during Snack Time while serving lion-shaped ani-

    mal crackers or vegetables because Daniel and his riends asked to be served vegetables instead

    o the kings ood. They wanted to please God.

    Supplies Needed: Lion-shaped animal crackers or vegetables

    FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 15

    LinsDaniel 1-6

    eaRLy chILdhood

  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9


    LinsDaniel 1-6

    FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 16


    Trere Poit:God is in control.

    My Mission: (10 minutes)

    Review these points o the story to remind the children that God is in control over all things:

    God put Daniel in the country where he lived.

    God put the king in control over all the land.

    God sent an angel to save Daniel from the hungry lions.

    How can you obey and trust like Daniel did?

    Daniel obeyed Gods laws in a place where no one else did. How can you obey God?

    Daniel trusted God. When do you need to trust God?

    Daniel prayed to God. God wants us to pray to Him.

    Prayer Time: (5 minutes)

    I you teach younger children, pray aloud that they would obey and trust God in all things. Pray

    that they would learn to pray to God, trust Him even in the scary times, and obey what He wants

    them to do. I you work with older children, have them pray aloud about ways they can trust

    and obey God.

    eaRLy chILdhood

  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9


    LinsDaniel 1-6



    Ery arriv activity: (10-15 minutes or until all the children arrive)

    Bible Hangman is a great use o time as children arrive. It will help them learn the Treasure Story

    terms or today.

    Wor to ue: die, io, dri, Ywe, pryer, eiver, w, trp

    Supplies Needed: Whiteboard and dry erase markers or chalkboard and chalk

    Itroctio: (10 minutes)

    Have the kids play Lions on the Prowl. Divide them into two groups. Have one group hold hands in

    a circle with arms spread wide. Out o the other group, choose one child to be the lion (as the game

    continues you may want to add another child). The other children rom this group will go inside the

    circle. The lion(s) stand outside o the circle. Then throw some paper wads around the play space.

    Have some a couple o eet rom the circle, but place most o them about 10 eet rom the circle.

    Then explain the rules o the game.

    The kids who are holding hands have an important job. They keep the lions out! The lions are the

    kids on the outside o the circle. They arent allowed to get inside the circle. All they can do is tag any-

    one who steps outside o the circle. The kids on the inside o the circle have a hard job. They have to

    sneak out o the circle, grab a paper wad and get back beore the lion tags them. I they get tagged,

    Trere story: Daniel 6

    Trere Poit: God displays His control over all things.

    Trere Vere: Blessed be the name o God orever and ever, to whom belong wisdomand might. He changes times and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings; He giveswisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding (Daniel 2:20-21).

    FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 17eLemeNTaRy

  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9


    LinsDaniel 1-6

    FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 18

    the lion got them, and they are out. Scary, huh? Make sure the kids understand the rules and

    begin playing. Soon the children will gure out how to wait or the lion to be on the other side

    o the circle so they can sneak out and get back saely. Play continues until all the paper wads

    are inside the circle. Then switch roles so all the students have an opportunity to play.

    Talk about the game when you are nished. Ask the class, Why are lions scary? Was it scary to

    get out o the sae circle and get out there where a lion could get you?

    Supplies Needed: Paper wads


    Bibe story Tie: (15 minutes)

    Teacher Note: Make sure the children see you reading Gods Word or have the older children

    read the Treasure Story out o their own Bibles. Explain the importance o Gods Word being

    the very words God speaks. The Bible is truth and used to help us know God better. The ol-

    lowing outline will help you tell the story. It might be best, especially with younger children, to

    read the Treasure Story out o the Bible as you move through the outline.

    die w beiever i go, bt e bee tke to pce were te peope it

    kow or beieve or worip go. What do you think it would be like to be in a place where

    you couldnt serve God, love Him, pray to Him, read the Bible, or go to church? Do you know

    there are places like that in the world?

    die erve i te ki overet (Daniel 6:1-2). What types o government positions

    do we have (governor, president, vice-president, mayor, senator, etc.)? The other men who

    served with Daniel in the government didnt like him very much (6:4). Is it right to not like

    people? In what ways have you seen people be mean to other kids just because they may notlook like them, act like them, talk like them, or wear the same clothes as they do?

    Why didnt these other men like Daniel? (Answer: Found in Daniel 6:3, God showed avor to

    Daniel. God caused the king to like Daniel better than these other men because Daniel was

    smart, wise and good to the king.)


  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9


    LinsDaniel 1-6

    FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 19

    sice die w c it , te e cot f i oi yti wro.Theyknew they had to attack his belie in God. Have people ever made un o you because you believed

    in God? It may not happen a lot in your school or neighborhood, but it does happen in the world.

    Even to this day people have died because o their aith in God.

    The men persuaded King Darius to make a law that said no one could worship anyone but the king

    (6:6-9). Every law that the king made couldnt be changed. These men were tricking the king into

    making this law. The men knew they could get Daniel punished.

    die er bot ti ew w bt wet prye to i go, jt ike e wy oe

    (6:10). Daniels rst response to hearing that he couldnt pray was to go and pray. He didnt even

    hesitate. He didnt become araid; he didnt wonder i he should pray or not. Daniel prayed. And he

    prayed openly. He prayed in ront o his open window in his room. He didnt pray in a closet or a

    closed room. The other leaders told King Darius what Daniel had done (6:11-15).

    die w pt i te io e, pce tt e io.The lions didnt eat Daniel because he

    trusted in God (6:16-23). God used an angel to shut the lions mouths so they didnt hurt Daniel. Not

    even a scratch.

    Have you ever been to the zoo? The signs in ront o the lions den usually say Beware or Be Care-ul because lions are dangerous. What do you think it was like or Daniel to be locked in a room with

    lions? What do we learn about God rom the story o Daniel and the lions?

    Ki dri o ot tt die w ot re. The king decided to throw the other

    leaders and all their amilies into the lions den. They were killed right away. The lions had to be hun-

    gry; they hadnt eaten all night (6:24). Then King Darius made it a rule that the people in the land had

    to worship the God o Daniel, the living God (6:25-26).

    Trere Vere leri activity: (5 minutes)

    Give the children copies o the Face o the Lion resource page. Instruct them to write the Treasure

    Verse on the resource page. Use this time to ask the children questions about the lesson.

    Supplies Needed: Face of the Lion resource page, pencils


  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9


    LinsDaniel 1-6

    FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 20

    Reiorceet activity: (10 minutes)

    Through Mural Storytelling, remind the children about the important points o the Treasure Story.

    Divide the children into our teams. Give each team a large piece o butcher paper and markers or

    paint. Then ask each group to draw/illustrate a particular part o the story. Assign these our parts

    to the groups:

    Daniel and other people who loved God lived in a place where they couldnt worship God.

    (You can give the children hints: oreign countries, draw a banned circle around a Bible or a

    church, etc.)

    Other leaders (who didnt love God) had a law made saying no one could pray to any other

    person but King Darius.

    Daniel prayed from his window three times a day.

    Daniel was thrown in the lions den. The lions didnt eat him because God sent an angel to

    shut the lions mouths.

    When they are done drawing or painting, hang up their murals around the room and have thechildren tell about what they drew to the other students.

    Supplies Needed: Butcher paper, markers or paint (if using paint also have paintbrushes

    and water in cups to rinse brushes), tape

    Pyro Tie/Ceter activitie/Free Py: (15 minutes)

    so Tie: (10 minutes)

    Love, Love, Love is this quarters theme song. This song can be ound on the Treasuring Christ

    website: www.treasuringchristonline.org.

    Supplies Needed: CD player, CD


  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9


  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9


    LinsDaniel 1-6

    FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 22

    Pre-Tee/mie scoo

    engagegrop Feowip Tie: (10 minutes)

    Opei ge/skit: (10 minutes)

    Begin the class with Remote Control Charades. Split the group into two teams. Have each team

    choose two actors. Let Team 1 go rst and have their two actors stand next to you. The rest o

    Team 1 will be the guessers. There will be a stack o slips o paper the actor can choose rom. Give

    the rst actor 30 seconds to get their team to guess their clue. On these slips o paper, write down

    clues organized by categories: Bible (Noahs ark, Jonah and the sh, wise men), sports (baseball,hockey, NASCAR), and animals (elephant, girae, horse), etc. Keep the slips in stacks by category.

    Give the guessers about 10 seconds and then tell them what channel you are on (meaning which

    category the clue is in). Once 30 seconds are over or once they guess the clue, hold up the remote

    and yell, Changing channels! That means that the second actor chooses a slip rom a new stack

    and begins to act. The process repeats. Give each team our clues to act out; the team gets one

    point per correct guess. Play or 10 minutes. Each time the team changes channels, remind them

    that you are in control.

    Trere story: Daniel 1-6

    Trere Vere: Daniel answered and said: Blessed be the name o God orever andever, to whom belong wisdom and might. He changes times and seasons; He removeskings and sets up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those whohave understanding; He reveals deep and hidden things; He knows what is in the dark-ness, and the light dwells with Him. To you, O God o my athers, I give thanks andpraise (Daniel 2:20-23a).

    Trere Poit: God is sovereign over all o our circumstances and all o the world.

    This is not a lesson urging readers to imitate Danielslong life of commitment to God. Daniel is a commendable gure, but the point of the

    book and this story is trivialized if we look only at the characters. The point is that we

    learn of the awesome, sovereign God of the universe. John and Kim Walton, The

    Bible Story Handbook, pg. 251

    pRe-TeeN/mIddLe SchooL

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  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9


    LinsDaniel 1-6

    FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 24

    discoverBibe story: (30 minutes)

    Teacher Note: Follow the Treasure Story as

    written below, having your students read the

    story out o their Bibles.

    The book o Daniel is rich with stories that

    display Gods sovereignty, His control over all

    things. However, we will ocus on one story

    in particular, the one o Daniels overnight

    stay in the lions den. This is a amiliar story,

    but one that needs retelling and studying.

    By looking at this Treasure Story, we can see

    principles or living our daily lives in a world

    that doesnt serve the one true God either.

    The kingdom o Judah had been taken into

    exile by the nation o Babylon and King

    Nebuchadnezzar in 605 B.C. In the third year

    o the reign o Jehoiakim kind o Judah,Nebuchadnezzar king o Babylon came to

    Jerusalem and besieged it. And the Lord

    gave Jehoiakim king o Judah into his hand,

    with some o the vessels o the house o

    God. And he brought them to the land o

    Shinar, to the house o his god, and placed

    the vessels in the treasury o his god

    (Daniel 1:1-2).

    Daniel was a young devout Jew (probably

    a teenager or about the same age as your

    students) who served God aithully. He was

    one o the captives when Israel was rst tak-

    en over. Although Daniel was not allowed

    to publicly worship, he still aithully served

    Yahweh. King Nebuchadnezzar commanded

    his men to choose young men rom the cap-

    tives and bring them to him or service in his

    kingdom. He only wanted the best: youths

    without blemish, o good appearance, skill-

    ul in all wisdom, endowed with knowledge,

    understanding learning, and competent to

    stand in the kings palace (Daniel 1:4).

    Those chosen not only had to be smart

    but handsome and t as well. They had to

    be educated beore they were brought be-

    ore the king. The Bible records the names

    o our o these men chosen or the king:

    Daniel (Belteshazzar), Shadrach (Hananiah),

    Meshach (Mishael) and Abednego (Azariah).

    What do you think it was like to be teenagersserving God in a country that didnt serve God?

    What would it look like to serve God in a coun-

    try that did not have the freedoms that you

    have now? A place where it was illegal to love

    God? How would you compare this with being

    a Christian at your school? How does the Bible

    encourage us when we face these situations?

    mttew 5:14-16: You are the light o the

    world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.Nor do people light a lamp and put it under

    a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light

    to all in the house. In the same way, let your

    light shine beore others, so that they may

    see your good works and give glory to your

    Father who is in heaven.

    pRe-TeeN/mIddLe SchooL

  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9


    LinsDaniel 1-6

    FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 25

    Cooi 4:5-6: Walk in wisdom toward

    outsiders, making the best use o the time. Letyour speech always be gracious, seasoned with

    salt, so that you may know how you ought to

    answer each person.

    Daniel resolved that he would stay true to

    the words and commands o Yahweh and not

    dele himsel: But Daniel resolved that he

    would not dele himsel with the kings ood,

    or with the wine that he drank. Thereore he

    asked the chie o the eunuchs to allow himnot to dele himsel. And God gave Daniel a-

    vor and compassion in the sight o the chie o

    the eunuchs(1:8-9). Daniel continued to nd

    avor in the sight o the kings leaders: And the

    end o ten days it was seen that they [Daniel,

    Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego] were bet-

    ter in appearance and atter in fesh than all

    the youths who ate the kings ood. As or these

    our youths, God gave them learning and skill

    in all literature and wisdom, and Daniel had

    understanding in all visions and dreams. And

    in every matter o wisdom and understand-

    ing about which the king inquired o them, he

    ound them ten times better than all the magi-

    cians and enchanters that were in all his king-

    dom (1:15, 17, 20).

    Fast orward 60 or so years and you will nd

    Daniel still serving his God aithully eventhough the nation o Judah remained in exile.

    Darius was now king in the land, and God gave

    Daniel avor in the eyes o this king too. Dan-

    iel was a president in Darius kingdom: Then

    this Daniel became distinguished above all the

    other presidents and satraps, because an ex-

    cellent spirit was in him. And the king planned

    to set him over the whole kingdom (6:3). Theother presidents and satraps were jealous and

    wanted to nd ault with Daniel. Since there

    was none, they had to nd it in Daniels devo-

    tion to keeping the laws o his God: We shall

    not nd any ground or complaint against this

    Daniel unless we nd it in connection with the

    law o his God (6:5).

    So, they did just that. The presidents and sa-

    traps went beore King Darius. (These people

    were the original tattletales.) They brought to

    the king a request: Establish an ordinance and

    enorce an injunction, that whoever makes

    petition to any god or man or thirty days, ex-

    cept to you, O king, shall be cast into the den

    o lions (6:7b). The king, being prideul and not

    wanting anyone to worship any other king or

    god but him, liked the sound o that request

    and set the law into power.

    But Daniel obeyed God anyway: When Daniel

    knew that the document had been signed, he

    went to his house where he had windows in

    his upper chamber open toward Jerusalem. He

    got down on his knees three times a day and

    prayed and gave thanks beore his God, as he

    had done previously (6:10). Daniel didnt pray

    in a closed closet or a hidden room. He didnt

    even waiver in his devotion to the Lord.

    pRe-TeeN/mIddLe SchooL

  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9


    LinsDaniel 1-6

    FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 26

    What can we do to show our devotion to God?

    Pray. Give.

    Read the Bible.


    Tell your friends about Christ.

    What other ideas can you name?

    The kings men knew they had caught Daniel

    and went to tell the king: Then the king, when

    he heard these words, was much distressed

    and set his mind to deliver Daniel. And he la-

    bored till the sun went down to rescue him.

    Then these men came by agreement to the

    king and said to the king, Know, O king, that it

    is a law o the Medes and Persians that no in-

    junction or ordinance that the king establishes

    can be changed (6:14-15).

    The king had no choice. He had to throw him

    into the den o lions. But beore he was thrownin, Darius said to Daniel, May your God, whom

    you serve continually, deliver you! (6:16) Dan-

    iel was thrown in among the lions, and a stone

    was rolled in ront o it to prevent any escape

    rom certain death. Ater the king did this, he

    couldnt sleep nor did he eat all night.

    As soon as it was light, the king headed di-

    rectly toward the den, wanting to know i

    Daniel was still alive. Daniel said with a loud

    voice that God had delivered him. He was de-

    livered because he trusted in God. So the king

    had all the men (and their wives and children)

    that had accused Daniel thrown into the den.

    They were instantly destroyed by the hungry

    lions. King Darius then made it a law that all the

    people in his dominion had to ear the God oDaniel.

    die 6:19-26: Then, at break o day, the

    king arose and went in haste to the den o li-

    ons. As he came near to the den where Dan-

    iel was, he cried out in a tone o anguish. The

    king declared to Daniel, O Daniel, servant o

    the living God, has your God, whom you serve

    continually, been able to deliver you rom the

    lions? Then Daniel said to the king, O king, live

    orever! My God sent His angel and shut the

    lions mouths, and they have not harmed me,

    because I was ound blameless beore Him;

    and also beore you, O king, I have done no

    harm. Then the king was exceedingly glad,

    and commanded that Daniel be taken up out

    o the den. So Daniel was taken up out o the

    den, and no kind o harm was ound on him,

    because he had trusted in his God. And theking commanded, and those men who had

    maliciously accused Daniel were brought and

    cast into the den o lionsthey, their children,

    and their wives. And beore they reached the

    bottom o the den, the lions overpowered

    them and broke all their bones in pieces.

    Then King Darius wrote to all the peoples, na-

    tions, and languages that dwell in all the earth:

    Peace be multiplied to you. I make a decree,

    that in all my royal dominion people are to

    tremble and ear beore the God o Daniel, or

    He is the living God, enduring orever; His king-

    dom shall never be destroyed, and His domin-

    ion shall be to the end.

    pRe-TeeN/mIddLe SchooL

  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9


    LinsDaniel 1-6

    FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 27


    Trere Poit: God is sovereign over all o our circumstances and all o the world.

    My Mission: (10 minutes)

    Name something good that has happened to you recently (made the sports team, got a good

    grade on a test, etc.). What was your rst response when this happened to you? What should our

    response be? What was Daniels response when King Darius ound him alive in the lions den?

    He praised God. Review the Treasure Verse again.

    Where should all of our praise go?

    How can we live out our faith more in front of our friends? This isnt for show to make ourselveslook better, but it is or Gods great glory in our schools and our homes. Would people really

    know that we are Christians just by how we acted?

    Prayer Time: (5-10 minutes)

    pRe-TeeN/mIddLe SchooL

  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9


    LinsDaniel 1-6

    FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 28

    hi scoo

    Our frst priority in times o adversity is to honor andglorify God by trusting Him. Jerry Bridges, Trusting God, pg. 52


    Itroctio Vieo: (15 minutes)

    Watch this our-minute video clip entitled Dont Waste Your Lie with your students.


    When the video is nished, ask the students i they thought Daniel wasted his lie. Did Jesus waste

    His lie? Ask them what plans they have to not waste their lives.

    Supplies Needed: Laptop/DVD player


    Bibe story: (30 minutes )

    Teacher Note: Most o your students are probably amiliar with this story. Ask them to tell you the

    story and encourage them to read through Daniel 6 as they do. Work through the telling o the story

    with the students by using these points:

    Trere story: Daniel 1-6

    Trere Vere: Daniel answered and said: Blessed be the name o God orever andever, to whom belong wisdom and might. He changes times and seasons; He removeskings and sets up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who haveunderstanding; He reveals deep and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness,and the light dwells with Him. To you, O God o my athers, I give thanks and praise(Daniel 2:20-23a).

    Trere Poit: God is sovereign over all things. We can trust Him in all circumstances.

    hIGh SchooL

  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9


    LinsDaniel 1-6

    FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 29

    The book o Daniel is rich with stories that display Gods sovereignty, His control over all things.

    However, we will ocus on one story in particular, the one o Daniels overnight stay in the deno lions. This is a amiliar story, but one that needs retelling and studying. By looking at this

    Treasure Story, we can see principles or living our daily lives in a world that doesnt serve the

    one true God either.

    Daniel served God in a country that didnt know Him as Lord. What did Daniel do? Did Daniel

    change what he had always done or did he continue doing what he knew was right?

    he it ke ie ce ccori to te w.

    die 1:8-16: But Daniel resolved that he would not dele himsel with the kings ood,

    or with the wine that he drank. Thereore he asked the chie o the eunuchs to allow him

    not to dele himsel. And God gave Daniel avor and compassion in the sight o the chie

    o the eunuchs, and the chie o the eunuchs said to Daniel, I ear my lord the king, who as-

    signed your ood and your drink; or why should he see that you were in worse condition

    than the youths who are o your own age? So you would endanger my head with the king.

    Then Daniel said to the steward whom the chie o the eunuchs had assigned over Daniel,

    Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, Test your servants or ten days; let us be given vegetables

    to eat and water to drink. Then let our appearance and the appearance o the youths who

    eat the kings ood be observed by you, and deal with your servants according to what yousee. So he listened to them in this matter, and tested them or ten days. At the end o ten

    days it was seen that they were better in appearance and atter in fesh than all the youths

    who ate the kings ood. So the steward took away their ood and the wine they were to

    drink, and gave them vegetables.

    Where do you think Daniel would have gotten these ideas about the types of food he should eat?

    deterooy 14:3-20: You shall not eat any abomination. These are the animals you may

    eat: the ox, the sheep, the goat, the deer, the gazelle, the roebuck, the wild goat, the ibex,

    the antelope, and the mountain sheep. Every animal that parts the hoo and has the hoo

    cloven in two and chews the cud, among the animals, you may eat. Yet o those that chew

    the cud or have the hoo cloven you shall not eat these: the camel, the hare, and the rock

    badger, because they chew the cud but do not part the hoo, are unclean or you. And the

    pig, because it parts the hoo but does not chew the cud, is unclean or you. Their fesh you

    shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall not touch.

    hIGh SchooL

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    LinsDaniel 1-6

    FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 30

    O all that are in the waters you may eat these: whatever has ns and scales you may eat. And

    whatever does not have ns and scales you shall not eat; it is unclean or you. You may eat allclean birds. But these are the ones that you shall not eat: the eagle, the bearded vulture, the black

    vulture, the kite, the alcon o any kind; every raven o any kind; the ostrich, the nighthawk, the

    sea gull, the hawk o any kind; the little owl and the short-eared owl, the barn owl and the tawny

    owl, the carrion vulture and the cormorant, the stork, the heron o any kind; the hoopoe and the

    bat. And all winged insects are unclean or you; they shall not be eaten. All clean winged things

    you may to eat.

    die prye eve we te w i e cot.

    die 6:10-11: When Daniel knew that the document had been signed, he went to his house

    where he had windows in his upper chamber open toward Jerusalem. He got down on his knees

    three times a day and prayed and gave thanks beore his God, as he had done previously. Then

    these men came by agreement and ound Daniel making petition and plea beore his God.

    Daniels prayers were God-focused prayers.

    die 2:19b-23: Then Daniel blessed the God o heaven. Daniel answered and said: Blessed

    be the name o God orever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might. He changes times

    and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledgeto those who have understanding; He reveals deep and hidden things; He knows what is in the

    darkness, and the light dwells with Him. To you, O God o my athers, I give thanks and praise, or

    you have given me wisdom and might, and have now made known to me what we asked o you,

    or you have made known to us the kings matter.

    In the above prayer, what attributes of God did Daniel mention?

    God is of heaven.

    God is eternal.

    God is all-wise and all-powerful.

    God is sovereign over time, seasons and kings.

    God gives wisdom and understanding.

    God is light.

    God is praiseworthy.

    hIGh SchooL

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    LinsDaniel 1-6

    FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 31

    die prie trte go eve we ce wit et.

    die 6:20-23: As he came near to the den where Daniel was, he cried out in a tone o an-

    guish. The king declared to Daniel, O Daniel, servant o the living God, has your God, whom

    you serve continually, been able to deliver you rom the lions? Then Daniel said to the king, O

    king, live orever! My God sent His angel and shut the lions mouths, and they have not harmed

    me, because I was ound blameless beore Him; and also beore you, O king, I have done no

    harm. Then the king was exceedingly glad, and commanded that Daniel be taken up out o

    the den. So Daniel was taken up out o the den, and no kind o harm was ound on him, be-

    cause he had trusted in his God.

    What would if look like for you to serve God in a place that doesnt know God or serve God asSavior? This doesnt have to be in another country (though it could be), but it might be in your

    home, your school or your sports team. Are you willing to stand up for what you believe in even

    when it means persecution? To do what is right? To be a light for God?

    Teacher Note:The sovereignty o God means that God is in control o all things. How do we see

    that in the lie o Daniel? Give each student one o these sets o verses to read and explain to the

    class how God had control over these circumstances.

    go ve te tio o J over to orei wit ki wo it kow hi.

    die 1:1-2: In the third year o the reign o Jehoiakim king o Judah, Nebuchadnezzar

    king o Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it. And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king o

    Judah into his hand, with some o the vessels o the house o God. And he brought them to

    the land o Shinar, to the house o his god, and placed the vessels in the treasury o his god.

    go ve die vor i te it o te ki. he o ve die erti wi-

    o, wic pee te ki.

    die 1:17-21: As or these our youths, God gave them learning and skill in all literature and

    wisdom, and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams. At the end o the time, whenthe king had commanded that they should be brought in, the chie o the eunuchs brought

    them in beore Nebuchadnezzar. And the king spoke with them, and among all o them none

    was ound like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. Thereore they stood beore the king.

    And in every matter o wisdom and understanding about which the king inquired o them, he

    ound them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters that were in all his king-

    dom. And Daniel was there until the rst year o King Cyrus.

    hIGh SchooL

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    LinsDaniel 1-6

    FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 32

    go owe te ki to pt die i poitio o tority i te eve to e w


    die 6:1-3: It pleased Darius to set over the kingdom 120 satraps, to be throughout the

    whole kingdom; and over them three presidents, o whom Daniel was one, to whom these

    satraps should give account, so that the king might suer no loss. Then this Daniel became

    distinguished above all the other presidents and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him.

    And the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.

    go t te ot o te io.

    die 6:22: My God sent His angel and shut the lions mouths, and they have not harmed me,because I was ound blameless beore Him; and also beore you, O king, I have done no harm.

    go owe te ki to proci to te peope i te tio tt te go o die, te

    ivi go, w to be prie.

    die 6:25-26: Then King Darius wrote to all the peoples, nations, and languages that dwell

    in all the earth: Peace be multiplied to you. I make a decree, that in all my royal dominion people

    are to tremble and ear beore the God o Daniel, or He is the living God, enduring orever; His

    kingdom shall never be destroyed, and His dominion shall be to the end.

    What other verses in the Bible speak of the sovereignty of God? (Have students read these verses

    aloud to the rest of the class.)

    act 4:23-31: When they were released, they went to their riends and reported what the chie

    priests and the elders had said to them. And when they heard it, they lited their voices together

    to God and said, Sovereign Lord, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and everything

    in them, who through the mouth o our ather David, your servant, said by the Holy Spirit, Why

    did the Gentiles rage, and the peoples plot in vain? The kings o the earth set themselves, and the

    rulers were gathered together, against the Lord and against His Anointedor truly in this citythere were gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed, both Herod

    and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples o Israel, to do whatever your hand

    and your plan had predestined to take place. And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to

    your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness, while you stretch out your hand

    to heal, and signs and wonders are perormed through the name o your holy servant Jesus.

    And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and

    hIGh SchooL

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    LinsDaniel 1-6

    FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 33

    they were all lled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word o God with boldness.The new believers are praying for boldness to the sovereign Lord, knowing He is over all things.

    1 Tioty 6:11-19: But as or you, O man o God, fee these things. Pursue righteousness,

    godliness, aith, love, steadastness, gentleness. Fight the good ght o the aith. Take hold o

    the eternal lie to which you were called and about which you made the good conession in the

    presence o many witnesses. I charge you in the presence o God, who gives lie to all things,

    and o Christ Jesus, who in His testimony beore Pontius Pilate made the good conession, to

    keep the commandment unstained and ree rom reproach until the appearing o our Lord

    Jesus Christ, which He will display at the proper timeHe who is the blessed and only Sover-

    eign, the King o kings and Lord o lords, who alone has immortality, who dwells in unapproach-

    able light, whom no one has ever seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal dominion.

    Amen. As or the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes

    on the uncertainty o riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They

    are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up

    treasure or themselves as a good oundation or the uture, so that they may take hold o that

    which is truly lie. Paul is encouraging a young believer, Timothy, to stay true to the faith, knowing

    that God is in control of all things.

    Like Daniel . . . we must not compromise the Wordof God or bend His commandments to save our lives. As His disciples,

    we must remember that he who would save his life will lose it, but that

    he who would lose his life for His sake and the Gospels will save it.

    Kay Arthur, Daniel: Gods Blueprint for Bible Prophecy, pgs. 50-51

    hIGh SchooL

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    LinsDaniel 1-6

    FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 34


    Trere Poit:God is sovereign over all things. We can trust Him in all circumstances.

    My Mission: (10 minutes)

    So what? So God is sovereignwhat does that mean for you? God is in control of all things. Whatareas o your lie are causing you anxiety? Are you worried that some things in your lie wont

    turn out right? How can your heart and actions change because you know and believe in the

    sovereignty o God?

    How can you live out your faith in front of an unbelieving world just as Daniel did?

    Prayer Time: (10 minutes)

    I there is a single event in all o the universethat can occur outside of Gods sovereign control, then we cannot

    trust Him. Jerry Bridges, Trusting God, pg. 37

    hIGh SchooL

  • 8/6/2019 09-Lions - Lesson 9


    LinsDaniel 1-6

    FIRST QuaRTeR, WeeK NINe | God oN dISpLay 35

    Our message to our children this week should be thisLOVE THE GOD THAT DANIEL LOVED.

    So oten we are tempted to make character studies rom Scriptures about secondary characters

    (man), rather than the primary character (God). Daniel stood by his conviction, he led, interpreted

    dreams, he was aithul, and he bowed humbly beore his God. We see all o this and more concern-

    ing Daniel in the rst ew chapters o the book that bears his name. It would be easy to get overly

    excited about Daniel.


    Notice closely Gods work in Daniels lie. The term He gave is used three times in the rst chapter re-

    erring to Gods work in Daniels lie. Daniel realized that God was at work through him and acknowl-

    edged this in his prayer: to . . . [God] belong wisdom and might, He changes times and seasons, He

    removes kings and sets up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have

    understanding (2:20-21). Daniel loved God and the rest o his lie refected this reality.

    Trere Vere: Blessed be the name o God orever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might.

    He changes times and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise

    and knowledge to those who have understanding (Daniel 2:20-21).

    connecting church and home

    This is not a lesson urging readers toimitate Daniels long life of commitment to God. Daniel is a

    commendable gure, but the point of the book and this story is

    trivialized if we look only at the characters. The point is that we

    learn of the awesome, sovereign God of the universe. John

    and Kim Walton, The Bible Story Handbook, pg. 251

    coNNecTING chuRch aNd home

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