08 Introduction CORBA and IDL (to Use)

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  • 8/3/2019 08 Introduction CORBA and IDL (to Use)


    Introduction CORBA and IDL

    Website link: Lecture 8


    n Common Object Request Broker

    Architecture (CORBA)

    n IDL Overview

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    INTRODUCTIONn Distributed object computing allows distribution across a

    heterogeneous network

    n Components interoperate as a unified whole

    n Provides the following transparenciesn Location

    n Accessn Mobility

    n Distribution paradigms includen Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM)n Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)


    Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI)

    n Is purely a specification for communications


    nArchitecture to support heterogeneousobject systems

    nAllows communications betweendistributed objects

    n Maintain encapsulation and informationhiding through indirection

    n Interoperability is transparent to theprogrammer using defined interfaces

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    CORBA MODELn Clients request services from distributed

    objects or servers

    n Well defined interfaces are used to facilitatedthe communication

    n Requests are events that carry the requiredinformation

    n Object name / references of the service providern Parameters

    Basic CORBA architecture forremote objects communication

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    ORBsnVisiBroker from Inprise

    n OrbixWeb from Iona

    n Java IDL from JavaSoft


    nAccess is via an interface

    n Interface Definition Language (IDL)

    n Interfaces

    nAttributesn Methods

    n Parameters

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    CORBA PROTOCOLn CORBA architecture depends upon Object Request

    Brokers (ORB)n The CORBA specification defines the General Inter-ORB

    protocol (GIOP) for communicationn Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) is a specific

    implementation of GIOP for communication over TCP/IP

    ORB: a central object bus over which CORBA objects interact

    n CORBA server object has an interface that exposes a setof methodsn CORBA client requests a service by acquiring a server

    object referencen The client makes a method call using the reference


    n Finds a CORBA objects implementation

    n Prepares it to receive requests

    n Communicates requests to the server

    n Sends replies back to the client

    n A CORBA object communicates with the ORBthroughn The ORB interface

    n A Basic Object Adapter (BOA)

    n A Portable Object Adapter (POA)

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    CORBA BENEFITSn Forces separation of an object interface and

    its implementation

    n Supports reuse

    n Is scalable

    n Enforces transparency of platforms andlanguages


    Provides interoperabilityn Abstracts network communications from the


    n Is available for a wide variety of platforms


    n OMG created the CORBA standard

    n The standard is based on two basicmodels

    n Core Object Modeln Reference Model

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    CORE OBJECT MODELn An abstract specification of CORBA for ORB

    designers and implementers

    n Defines concepts that facilitate distributedapplications development using the ORB

    n Framework for refining the CORBA model intoa concrete form

    n DOES NOT detail syntax of object interfacesor other parts of the ORB


    n Defines a development model for CORBA andits standard interfaces

    n Used by developers to createn Frameworks

    n Componentsn Objects

    n The centre of the model is the ORB

    n Is a grouping of objects with standardizedinterfaces that provide support for applicationdevelopers

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    REFERENCE MODELn Object Services provides the infrastructure

    n Domain Interfaces provide support forapplication from specific industry domains

    n Common Facilities provide application levelservices across domains

    n Application Interfaces are the set of objects

    developed for a specific application

    Object ManagementArchitecture (OMA)

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    n Generates type information for each method in an interface

    n Stores in the Interface Repository (IR)

    n Clientsn Query the IR to get run-time information about an interface

    n Create and invoke a method on the remote CORBA serverobject

    n Dynamic invocation is through the Dynamic InvocationInterface (DII)

    n Serversn Dynamic Skeleton Interface (DSI) enables remote client


    n No compile time knowledge of the type of object beingimplemented

    CORBA 2.0 Architecture

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    ORBn Provides communication infrastructure needed to

    n Identify and locate objects

    n Manage connections

    n Deliver data

    n Request communication

    n CORBA object never communicate directly

    n Objects request an interface running on the localmachine

    n The local ORB passes the request to a remote ORBn The remote ORB locates the required object and

    returns and object reference


    n Lookup and instantiate objects on remote machines

    n Marshal parameters from one object of another

    n Handle security issues across machine boundaries

    n Retrieve and publish data on objects on the localmachine

    n Invoke methods on a remote object using static ordynamic invocation

    n Instantiate objects not currently running

    n Route callback methods to the appropriate localobject

    n Communicate with other ORBs using the IIOP

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    OBJECT ADAPTERSn Server side facility

    n Provides a mechanism for CORBA objectimplementations to communicate with theORB

    n Provides an interface between the ORB andthe object implementation

    n Can provide specialized services optimized forparticular environments, platforms or objectimplementations


    n Registration of server object implementations withthe IR

    n Activation and deactivation of object implementations

    n Instantiation of objects at run-time

    n Generation and management of object references

    n Mapping of object references to theirimplementations

    n Dispatching client requests to server objects througha skeleton or the DSI

    n CORBA specification requires two implementationsn Basic Object Adapter (BOA)

    n Portable Object Adapter (POA)

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    BASIC OBJECT ADAPTERn Pseudo object created by the ORBn Invoked like any other objectn Provides operations the CORBA server object

    implementation can access

    n Interfaces with then ORB core

    n Skeletons of the object server implementations

    n May be required to perform activations on behalf of aclients requestn Implementation activationn Object activation


    Implementation activationn Occurs when the implementation of the target object

    is unavailable to handle a requestn Uses a daemon that can launch a JVM with the

    servers byte coden

    Information to associate an object implementationwith a class is stored in the IR

    Object activationn Target object is unavailable to handle the requestn BOA has been deprecated in later versions of the

    CORBA specification

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    PORTABLE OBJECT ADAPTERn Addresses issues with the BOA

    n Provides additional functionality to the BOA

    n Interfaces between the ORB and the objectsimplementation have been standardized

    n Increasing the ORB-independence of CORBA

    n Maintains interoperability


    n Online database

    n Contains information about the

    n Classes the server supports

    n The object instantiated and their Idsn May store ORB specific information

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    DYNAMIC SKELETON INTERFACEn For components that do not have an IDL

    compiled skeleton

    n DSI provides a runtime binding mechanism

    n The DSIn Determines the target object of the message

    n Can receive static or dynamic client invocations

    n Allows servers to dispatch client operationrequests to objects that were not staticallydefined at runtime


    n The IR is an online database

    n Contains object meta-information aboutn Modules

    n Interfaces

    n Operationsn Attributes

    n Exceptions

    n Clients obtain information about an objectsinterface

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    INTERFACEn The DII allows methods to be

    discovered dynamically at runtime

    n Enables object invocation

    n Requests are dynamically constructedto act on the object


    n Clients invoke methods implemented byremote objects

    n The remote methods provide services

    n The service is encapsulated in an object

    n The interface between the client and theserver is provided by IDL

    n Provide a contract between the server and itsclients

    Clients invoke methods defined in the IDL

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    INTRODUCTIONn IDL Provides facilities for defining

    n Modules

    n Interfaces

    n Types



    Method signatures


    nAllow interfaces and other IDL

    identifications to be grouped in logicalunits

    n Translates to a package in javan Defines a naming scope

    n Prevents the same names defined in

    different locations from clashing

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    MODULE EXAMPLEmodule Whiteboard {

    struct Rectangle { };

    struct GraphicalObject { };

    interface Shape { };

    typedef sequence All;

    interface ShapeList { };



    n Describe the methods available in

    CORBA objects that implement thatinterface

    n Clients access services using interfacesn Define operations and attributes

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    INTERFACE EXAMPLEinterface PersonList {

    readonly attribute string listname;

    void addPerson(in Person p);

    void getPerson(in string name, out

    Person p);

    long number();


    METHODSn Are functions / procedures / operations

    n Syntax

    [oneway] (param1,,paramL)


    n [] are optional statementsn Parameters can be

    n In: input from the client to servern Out: output from the server to clientn Inout: input and output

    n Return types can be voidn No value is returned

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    METHODSn Parameter and return types can be any of the primitive or

    constructed typesn Long

    n Booleann Struct

    n Array

    n CORBA objects can be passed as parameters by passing thename of the interface

    n Parameters are pass by valuen A copy of the value is made and used

    n Oneway is used to indicate to the server that the client invokingthe object will not block while the method is being executed


    void getPerson(in string name, out Person p);

    oneway void callback(in int version);

    exception FullException{};

    Shape newShape(in GraphicalObject g) raises


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    EXCEPTIONSn Methods can raise exceptions when errors


    n Exceptions can be user definedn The client must handle these

    n Can contain variablesn The server can use this to return information to

    the client about the context of the exception

    n System exceptions also need to be handledby the clientn Server busy

    n Communication errors


    exception FullException{};

    Shape newShape(in GraphicalObject g)

    raises (FullException);

    exception FullException{GraphicalObject g};

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    PRIMITIVE TYPESn Standard types

    n Constants can be declared using thekeyword const

    n Can be used with primitive types andstrings


    Remote object references are denotedby the keyword Object


    IDL Type Java Type Except ions

    boolean boolean CORBA::DATA_CONVERSION

    char char

    wchar char

    octet byte

    string java.lang.String CORBA::MARSHALCORBA::DATA_CONVERSION

    wstring java.lang.String CORBA::MARSHAL

    short short

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    SOME PRIMITIVE TYPESunsigned short short

    long int

    unsigned long int

    long long long

    float float

    double double



    n Defines a type for a variable length sequence ofelements

    n Elements are any IDL type

    n An upper bound on the length can be specified

    typedef sequence all;

    typedef sequence all;

    void listShapes (in All shapes);

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    n Defines a sequence of characters, terminated by thenull character

    n An upper bound on the length can be specified

    typedef string name;

    typedef string SmallString;



    n Defines a record type that contains a group of related entities

    n They are pass by value arguments and method results

    typedef struct GrapicalObject {

    string type;

    Rectangle enclosing;

    boolean isFilled;


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    n Defines a multi-dimensional fixed-lengthsequence of elements

    n Elements can be any IDL type

    typedef octet uniqueID[12];

    typedef GraphicalObject GO[10][8];



    nAn ordered list of elements

    enum rand (Exp, Number, Name);

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    CONSTRUCTED TYPESunionn Allows a given set of types to be passes as an argument

    n The header is parameterized by an enum, which specifies whichmember is to be used

    union Exp switch (Rand)

    case Exp: string vote;

    case Number: long n;case Name: string s;



    n Interfaces can include attributes as well as methods

    n Attributes can be defined as readonly

    n Attributes are private to CORBA objectsn Accessor methods are automatically generated by the IDL


    n Only a get method is provided for readonly attributes

    module Readonly


    interface ReadonlyAttritbutes {

    readonly attribute short a;

    attribute short b;



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    INHERITANCEn IDL interfaces can be extendedn Extended interfaces can add

    n New typesn Constantsn Exceptionsn Methodsn Attributes

    n Extended interfaces can redefinen Typesn Constantsn Exceptionsn BUT NOT methods

    n An extended type can be a return parameter of theparent type


    interface A {};

    interface B:A {};

    interface C{};

    interface Z:B, C{};

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    INHERITANCEn Types of the same name can be inherited

    typedef Q


    interface C {

    typedef Q


    interface Z:B, C {void method1(in B::Q a);

    void method2(out C::Q b);



    n The IDL compiler generates unique typeidentifiers for each type in an IDL interface

    n Type names consist of

    e.g. IDL:Whiteboard/Shape:1.0

    n These are included in the remote objectreferences

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    IDENTIFIERSn IDL names and identifiers are mapped directly to java

    n Naming conflicts are resolved by prepending an _ injava


    // IDL

    interface synchronized { };

    Maps to:

    // generated javapublic class _ synchronized { }

    n Where a mapping requires more than one name tagssuch as Helper, Holder or Package are usedn Additional conflicts are resolved with _


    n Java classes are generated directly from


    n Multiple inheritance is supported by IDL

    nAdditional classes may be generated toassist the developer

    n Holder

    n Helper

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    HOLDER CLASSESn All java parameters are pass by value

    n Holder classes allow the use of out and inoutparameters

    n The client instantiates a holder object andpasses it the operation invocation

    n The server may set or modify a value in theholder object

    n This does not affect the holder objectreference


    n Contains utility methods for operating on theassociated object

    n Reading and writing the object to a stream

    n Obtaining the objects repository identifier

    n Casting the object to / from Any

    n Interfaces contain the method narrow ()

    n Casts org.omg.CORBA.Object to the helper type

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    ENUM MAPPINGn IDL enumeration is mapped to a public

    final java class

    n Each enumeration has two static class


    n Number




    enum TrafficLight {red, yellow, green};

    // generated java

    final public class TrafficLight {

    final public static int _red = 0;

    final public static int _yellow = 1;

    final public static int _green = 2;final public static TrafficLight red = new


    final public static TrafficLight yellow = newTrafficLight(_yellow);

    final public static TrafficLight green = newTrafficLight(_green);

    public int value() { }


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    STRUCT MAPPINGn JDL structs map to final java classes

    n Java class contains one instance variable foreach struct field

    n The struct name becomes the java classname

    n Two constructors are generated withn Struct fields as parameters to initialize the

    instance variablesn No parameters, instance variables are set to null

    or zero


    n IDL provides sequences and arrays

    nA sequence maps to a one dimensionaljava array

    n Bounded or unboundednAn array is mapped to a

    multidimensional array

    n Size must be fixed at compile time

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    ATTRIBUTE MAPPINGn IDL attributes are mapped to

    overloaded accessor and mutatormethods

    n Methods have the same as the IDLattributes

    n Signatures differ

    n Only accessor methods are generatedfor read only attributes


    n Call by value IDL parameters are mappeddirectly to java parameters

    n Results of IDL operations are the results ofthe java method

    n Parameters handled by the holder classes are

    n out parameters are call by result

    n inout parameters are call by value/result

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    More IDLn JavaTM 2 Platform, Standard Edition, v.1.3,

    includes the idlj compiler which creates stub,skeleton, helper, holder, and other files asnecessary.

    n These .java files are generated from the IDLfile according to the mapping specified in theOMG document (pdf format) OMG IDL to Java

    Language Mapping Specification, formal, 99-07-53.http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/guide/idl/mapping/idltojavamapping.pdf


    1. The objects required for the application areidentified

    2. Interfaces are designed3. Implement the interfaces using the IDL

    4. Compile the IDL to generaten

    Client stub coden Server stub code

    5. Write client and server implementations6. Compile the code7. Start the server8. Run the client

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    n IDL modules map to java packages

    n IDL interfaces map to public java interfaces

    n Inheritance of IDL interfaces is achievedthrough java inheritance

    n Nested IDL type definitions are mapped tojava classes in the same package

    n IDL attributes are mapped to overloaded javaaccessor and mutator methods

    n All IDL out and inout parameters require theuse of a java holder class

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    Implement the CORBA Server

    1. Create the IDL interface

    n 1. Create the IDL interface stockmarket.idl

    n Reference:http://www.execpc.com/~gopalan

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    EXAMPLEn stockmarket.idl

    module SimpleStocks {

    interface StockMarket {

    float get_price(in string symbol);



    2. Compile the IDL

    n 2. Compile the IDL file and generate

    stubs and skeletons

    idltojava -fno-cpp stockmarket.idl

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    3. Implement the server

    interface -StockMarketImpl.java

    import org.omg.CORBA.*;

    // All CORBA applications need these classes.

    import SimpleStocks.*;

    // The package containing our stubs

    public class StockMarketImpl extends _StockMarketImplBase {

    public float get_price( String symbol ) {

    float price = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < symbol.length(); i++) {

    price += (int) symbol.charAt( i );


    price /= 5;

    return price;


    public StockMarketImpl() { super(); }


    4. Develop the CORBA serverapplication- StockMarketServer.java

    import org.omg.CORBA.*;

    import org.omg.CosNaming.*; // Use naming service.

    import SimpleStocks.*; // The package containing// our stubs

    public class StockMarketServer {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    try {

    // Create and initialize the ORB

    ORB orb = ORB.init(args, null);

    // Create the servant and register it with the ORB

    StockMarketImpl stockMarketImpl = new



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    4. Develop the CORBA server



    // Get the root naming context

    org.omg.CORBA.Object objRef =orb.resolve_initial_references("NameService");

    NamingContext ncRef =NamingContextHelper.narrow(objRef);

    // Bind the object reference in naming

    NameComponent nc = new NameComponent("NASDAQ",

    "");NameComponent path[] = {nc};

    ncRef.rebind(path, stockMarketImpl);

    System.out.println("The StockMarket Server isup and ready...");

    4. Develop the CORBA serverapplication- StockMarketServer.java

    // Wait forever for current thread to die



    catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); }



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    Compile and Run the Servern Compile the code

    n javac *.java

    n Run the name servern tnameserv

    n Run the servern java -classpath .;.\SimpleStocks

    StockMarketServer (Depends where you put

    the files)

    Implement the Client

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    Implement the client

    application -StockMarketClient.java

    import org.omg.CORBA.*;

    import org.omg.CosNaming.*;

    import SimpleStocks.*;

    public class StockMarketClient {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    try {

    // Create and initialize the ORB

    ORB orb = ORB.init(args, null);

    // Get the root naming context

    NamingContext ncRef =



    Implement the clientapplication - StockMarketClient.java// Resolve the object reference in naming

    NameComponent path[] = {new

    NameComponent("NASDAQ", "")};

    StockMarket market =


    // Call the StockMarket server object and// print results

    System.out.println("Price of MY COMPANY is

    $" + market.get_price("MY_COMPANY"));

    } catch( Exception e ) {





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    Compile and Run the Clientn Compile

    n javac *.java

    n Run the clientn java -classpath .;.\SimpleStocks

    StockMarketClient (Depends where you

    put the files)


    n We use JDK 1.2 in the last example

    n Here is an example for JDK 1.3http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/guid


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    Key Points (1/2)n The main component of CORBA is the Object

    Request Broker (ORB)

    n ORBs allow clients written in one language toinvoke operations

    n ORBs allow clients to invoke remote objects

    n The general inter-ORB protocol (GIOP) allowsclients and servers to communicateregardless of the type of hardware andoperating system

    n The internet-ORB protocol (IIOP) implementsGIOP over TCP/IP

    Key Points (2/2)

    n CORBA objects implement the operations inIDL interfaces

    n Clients only need to use an interface toaccess a remote object

    n Servers implement interfaces to the servicesthey provide

    n Service implementations can change withoutaffecting clients, as long as the interfaceremains the same

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    REFERENCES1. OMG Website, http://www.omg.org

    2. CORBA,http://my.execpc.com/~gopalan/corba/corba.html

    3. JAVA IDL,http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/idl/index.html

    4. CORBA,http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/onlineTrai

    ning/corba/5. JDK 1.3
