08 Cya Todo

Cuerpo y Alma Sculptural photography by Andrés Ginestet © Ginestet, 2008

Transcript of 08 Cya Todo

Cuerpo y Alma

Sculptural photography by Andrés Ginestet

© Ginestet, 2008

Working in the most technologically-advanced areas of high-resolution imaging, Ginestet has recently transcended the two-dimensionality of photography with his new series of composite photo images referred to as "Sculptural Photography." The images resonate with both the warm presence and the movement of the human form.

A carefully placed montage of shifting poses of the central figures, using highly-controlled exposures, creates a unique, three-dimensional sense of form. The artist's graceful compositions are reminiscent of the sensitive works of leading Florentine Renaissance painter Sandro Botticelli with a distinct emphasis on line, composed in a unique, warmly intimate style.

The soft background of stucco surfaces and garden settings including a set of wall sculptures of faces (each carved by the artist) all share with the viewer a compositional focus on the central figures. The female subjects, often classically trainer dancers, are sometimes seen in Cubist-related refractions and framed in a courtyard doorway. This daylight-infused setting both physically and metaphorically separates the artist's own sculpture studio and his photography studio. This connecting passageway thus becomes the artist's platform for a synthesis of both sculpture and photography. Here the viewer encounters a unique and delightful artistic hybrid, "Sculptural Photography." Rosenbaum Contemporary is pleased to represent exclusively this most recent body of work from this widely-acclaimed and internationally-recognized artist.

Rosenbaum contemporary – Boca Raton, Florida, United States.


no me mires así

salgo y entro

luz y sombra

alúmbrame farolillo


cruz de sillas


surrealismo deculo y tetas

surrealismo defaroles

surrealismo defarol

sombras de lo que fué




forma I

forma II



en memoria de Frida Kahlo

sin título I-II

sin título III

sin título

sin título

two hearts



es salvaje



tempus fugit

calma comedida


sin título



composición 4


en memoria de un pintor flamenco

imploración de la luz – cristal azul

imploración de la luz – cristal amarillo

imploración de la luz – cristal rojo

imploración de la luz – siete cristales más día y noche

The imploration of lightThese art pieces are dedicated to the imploration of light and its seven main colors.The same colors also appear in the Picadoras-collection in different colored precious stones.

They symbolize seven feelings or emotional levels, which condition every human or artistic creation. The installation is comprised of nine sheets. The first and white one stands for daylight.The last and black one symbolizes night. In between, there are:

Orange for innocence, virginity and openness.Pink for inspiration.Blue for gestation.Green for perfection and maturity.Violet for respect , distance and reflection.Yellow for satisfaction and for pride about the achieved work.Red for rest, farewell and emancipation.

The grey colors of the cross inspire the imploration of light. The cross is slightly asymmetric.

imploración de la luz – tríptico negro

alma sentada I

alma sentada II

alma sentada III

alma sentada IV

alma sentada V

alma sentada VI


emancipación del alma

emancipación de cruz II


shiva blue



indiferencia II



Variations on Vermeer

© Ginestet, 2007

3 de perla

4 de perla

alma en la ventana

barabas de maria

columpiando la perla

destino de perla


estrecho de luz

guardando la perla I

guardando la perla II

ladrona de perlas

maría de perlas

maría de perlas con ángeles

ascensión de maria de perlas

perla azul I

perla azul II

perla entrada

perla inspirada





toga de la luz

vade retro