08 Chen 2001 a Concept Analysis of Malnutrition in the Elderly

NURSING THEORY AND CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT OR ANALYSIS A concept analysis of malnutrition in the elderly Cheryl Chia-Hui Chen RN MSN GNP Doctoral Student, Yale University School of Nursing, New Haven, Connecticut, USA Lynne S. Schilling RN MN PhD Associate Research Scientist, Yale University School of Nursing, New Haven, Connecticut, USA and Courtney H. Lyder ND FAAN Associate Professor and Director, Adult, Family, Gerontological and Women’s Health Specialty, Yale University School of Nursing, New Haven, Connecticut, USA Submitted for publication 27 December 2000 Accepted for publication 27 June 2001 Introduction Malnutrition is a frequent and serious problem in the elderly (Seiler & Stahelin 1999). In the United States of America (USA), it is estimated that 40% of nursing home residents and 50% of hospitalized elderly patients are malnourished (Nutrition Screening Initiative 1993). Slightly lower preval- ence rates were reported in Europe and Asia. Reported prevalence of malnutrition in the elderly ranges from 10% to 85% (Mion et al. 1994, Sullivan 1995, Clarke et al. 1998, Ó 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd 131 Correspondence: Cheryl Chia-Hui Chen, Yale University School of Nursing, 100 Church Street South, PO Box 9740, New Haven, CT 06536-0740, USA. E-mail: [email protected] CHEN CHEN C .C. C.-H -H ., SCHILLING SCHILLING L .S . & LYDER LYDER C .H. (2001) H. (2001) Journal of Advanced Nursing 36(1), 131–142 A concept analysis of malnutrition in the elderly Purpose. Malnutrition is a frequent and serious problem in the elderly. Today there is no doubt that malnutrition contributes significantly to morbidity and mortality in the elderly. Unfortunately, the concept of malnutrition in the elderly is poorly defined. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the meaning of malnutrition in the elderly and to develop the theoretical underpinnings, thereby facilitating commu- nication regarding the phenomenon and enhancing research efforts. Scope, sources used. Critical review of literature is the approach used to system- atically build and develop the theoretical propositions. Conventional search engines such as Medline, PsyINFO, and CINAHL were used. The bibliography of obtained articles was also reviewed and additional articles identified. Key wards used for searching included malnutrition, geriatric nutrition, nutritional status, nutrition assessment, elderly, ageing, and weight loss. Conclusions. The definition of malnutrition in the elderly is defined as following: faulty or inadequate nutritional status; undernourishment characterized by insuf- ficient dietary intake, poor appetite, muscle wasting and weight loss. In the elderly, malnutrition is an ominous sign. Without intervention, it presents as a downward trajectory leading to poor health and decreased quality of life. Malnutrition in the elderly is a multidimensional concept encompassing physical and psychological elements. It is precipitated by loss, dependency, loneliness and chronic illness and potentially impacts morbidity, mortality and quality of life. Keywords: malnutrition, elderly, quality of life, nutritional status, weight loss, ageing, chronic illness, assessment, older adult, concept analysis



Transcript of 08 Chen 2001 a Concept Analysis of Malnutrition in the Elderly


    A concept analysis of malnutrition in the elderly

    Cheryl Chia-Hui Chen RN MSN GNP

    Doctoral Student, Yale University School of Nursing, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

    Lynne S. Schilling RN MN PhD

    Associate Research Scientist, Yale University School of Nursing, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

    and Courtney H. Lyder ND FAAN

    Associate Professor and Director, Adult, Family, Gerontological and Womens Health Specialty, Yale University School of

    Nursing, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

    Submitted for publication 27 December 2000

    Accepted for publication 27 June 2001


    Malnutrition is a frequent and serious problem in the elderly

    (Seiler & Stahelin 1999). In the United States of America

    (USA), it is estimated that 40% of nursing home residents and

    50% of hospitalized elderly patients are malnourished

    (Nutrition Screening Initiative 1993). Slightly lower preval-

    ence rates were reported in Europe and Asia. Reported

    prevalence of malnutrition in the elderly ranges from 10% to

    85% (Mion et al. 1994, Sullivan 1995, Clarke et al. 1998,

    2001 Blackwell Science Ltd 131


    Cheryl Chia-Hui Chen,

    Yale University School of Nursing,

    100 Church Street South,

    PO Box 9740,

    New Haven,

    CT 06536-0740,


    E-mail: [email protected]

    C H E NC H E N CC.C .C .-H- H., S C H I L L I N GS C H I L L I N G LL.SS . && L Y D E RL Y D E R CC.H . ( 20 01 )H . ( 20 0 1 ) Journal of Advanced

    Nursing 36(1), 131142

    A concept analysis of malnutrition in the elderly

    Purpose. Malnutrition is a frequent and serious problem in the elderly. Today there

    is no doubt that malnutrition contributes significantly to morbidity and mortality in

    the elderly. Unfortunately, the concept of malnutrition in the elderly is poorly

    defined. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the meaning of malnutrition in the

    elderly and to develop the theoretical underpinnings, thereby facilitating commu-

    nication regarding the phenomenon and enhancing research efforts.

    Scope, sources used. Critical review of literature is the approach used to system-

    atically build and develop the theoretical propositions. Conventional search engines

    such as Medline, PsyINFO, and CINAHL were used. The bibliography of obtained

    articles was also reviewed and additional articles identified. Key wards used for

    searching included malnutrition, geriatric nutrition, nutritional status, nutrition

    assessment, elderly, ageing, and weight loss.

    Conclusions. The definition of malnutrition in the elderly is defined as following:

    faulty or inadequate nutritional status; undernourishment characterized by insuf-

    ficient dietary intake, poor appetite, muscle wasting and weight loss. In the elderly,

    malnutrition is an ominous sign. Without intervention, it presents as a downward

    trajectory leading to poor health and decreased quality of life. Malnutrition in the

    elderly is a multidimensional concept encompassing physical and psychological

    elements. It is precipitated by loss, dependency, loneliness and chronic illness and

    potentially impacts morbidity, mortality and quality of life.

    Keywords: malnutrition, elderly, quality of life, nutritional status, weight loss,

    ageing, chronic illness, assessment, older adult, concept analysis

  • Thomas 1999). The variance in this figure is the result of the

    differences in the study methods employed, the type of setting

    in which the study was conducted, and the operational

    indicators used for defining malnutrition. Table 1 presents

    the prevalence studies of malnutrition in the elderly and the

    criteria used for defining malnutrition.

    This concept was selected because of its seemingly

    complex and ambiguous nature, which is in evidence both

    in the literature and in the clinical arena. Although, research

    has been conducted primarily in the USA and Europe,

    malnutrition in the elderly has significant implication world-

    wide. This is largely because of the growing number of

    elderly population across nations. This critical review of the

    literature was conducted to clarify the meaning of malnutri-

    tion in the elderly and to develop the theoretical proposi-

    tions, thereby facilitating communication regarding the

    phenomenon and enhancing research efforts. It was intended

    that attributes of malnutrition in the elderly, and its ante-

    cedents and consequences would be illuminated during the

    analysis. A critical review of the literature provided the

    theoretical schema for the process. The strategy was chosen,

    as rigorous, systemic reviews of the literature are critical to

    developing a substantial knowledge base about a concept

    (Broome 1993).

    Approaches to definition

    The review of literature reveals that the definitions of

    malnutrition can differ among institutions, disciplines, and

    cultures. Keller (1993) notes that malnutrition is an overall

    term, encompassing: (1) undernutrition resulting from insuf-

    ficient food intake, (2) overnutrition caused by excessive food

    intake, (3) specific nutrient deficiencies and (4) imbalance

    because of disproportionate intake. The terms malnutrition

    and undernutrition, however, tend to be used interchange-

    ablely in the literature. Although there are health conse-

    quences of nutritional excesses for the aged, this review

    examines the issues of undernutrition, as it is now the agreed

    area of concern regarding malnutrition in the elderly

    (Lehmann 1991).

    In the literature, there are two clinical approaches to define

    malnutrition in the elderly. The first definition characterizes

    malnutrition as any insufficient dietary intake among essen-

    tial nutrients. Presumably, an inadequate dietary pattern will

    result in malnutrition. With this approach, the researchers

    operationally defined malnutrition as dietary intake below

    the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) (Walker &

    Beauchene 1991, Posner et al. 1994) or the elderly persons

    calculated maintenance energy requirements (Sullivan et al.


    The second approach refers to malnutrition as protein-

    energy undernutrition (PEU) (or protein-caloric malnutrition,

    PCM). Protein-energy undernutrition is the progressive loss

    of both lean body mass and adipose tissue resulting from

    insufficient consumption of protein and energy, although one

    or the other may play the dominant role in the elderly. There

    are three types of PEU: marasmus, kwashiorkor (hypoalbu-

    minemia), or a mixture of both.

    Marasmus is a clinical syndrome characterized by weight

    loss that is accompanied by marked depletion in both fat

    stores and muscle mass (Morley et al. 1998). The serum

    albumin is within normal laboratory ranges and visceral

    organ function remains intact. Marasmus is caused by an

    inadequate intake of energy relative to needs. The diagnosis

    of marasmus is made by the demonstration of weight loss,

    below normal mid-arm circumference (MAC), and/or skin-

    fold measurements. Immune function is often preserved early

    in the course of marasmus.

    Kwashiorkor presents with a decrease in serum albumin

    and other visceral proteins. Serum albumin levels are

    normally above 40 g/dL in ambulatory elderly. When

    kwashiorkor is suspected, the diagnosis is usually confirmed

    by an albumin level less than 3530 g/dL (Morley & Sliver

    1994). Kwashiorkor is often precipitated by an acute infec-

    tion or illness. Table 2 presents the comparison of marasmus

    and kwashiorkor. In many cases, however, the elderly often

    have a mixed picture of kwashiorkor and marasmus. Based

    on these two clinical approaches for defining malnutrition in

    the elderly, several measurement systems have emerged from

    the literature.

    Approaches to measurement

    From the literature reviewed, three measurement systems

    have been utilized in identifying malnutrition in the elderly,

    including dietary intake, biochemical indices and anthropo-

    metrics. Some researchers defining malnutrition have used the

    combination of these assessments, and most nutritional

    assessment instruments also utilize all three aspects of

    measurement plus some clinical assessment such as anorexia

    or co-morbid conditions. Mini-Nutritional Assessment

    (MNA) is an example of this mixing of measurement systems

    (Guigoz et al. 1996). Table 3 presents the measurement

    systems of malnutrition in the elderly.

    It should be noted that, to date, no single measurement has

    emerged as optimal in defining malnutrition in the elderly.

    This makes the diagnosis of malnutrition in the elderly

    extremely difficult. The so-called gold standards have

    ultimately had an element of fools gold mixed in (Morley

    et al. 1998). Malnutrition is a continuum. It becomes clear

    C.C.-H. Chen et al.

    132 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 36(1), 131142

  • Table 1 Prevalence studies of malnutrition in the elderly

    Reference Setting n Diagnosis criteria Prevalence (%)

    Bistrian et al. (1976) Acute Hospital, USA 251 Weight for height

  • Table 1 (Continued)

    Reference Setting n Diagnosis criteria Prevalence (%)

    Miller et al. (1996) Inner City Older Black,


    400 NSI alike tool 48 High risk

    Ritchie et al. (1997) Home-Bound Elders, USA 49 (86% AA) BMI

  • that a major difficulty in defining malnutrition hinges on

    whether it is the process associated with poor dietary intake

    or the state an elderly person reaches after being malnour-

    ished (Roy 1994). In other words, do you measure risk or


    Critical attributes

    Attributes are defining characteristics or salient features that

    assist in identifying the occurrence of a concept. After

    reviewing the literature, five critical attributes emerge, inclu-

    ding insufficient dietary intake, muscle wasting, weight loss,

    poor appetite, and downward trajectory.

    Insufficient dietary intake

    Malnutrition is characterized by an insufficient dietary intake

    to meet requirements for energy or protein needs (Roy 1994).

    Two major causes of unmet requirements are increasing

    demand and decreasing intake. Malnutrition is either caused

    by lack of adequate food intake containing the essential

    nutrients or by an adequate intake in the face of illness or

    medical treatment, where nutrients cannot be ingested,

    absorbed, or metabolized adequately, or the rate of utiliza-

    tion of external losses is excessive (Rudman 1987). Some

    researchers operationally define malnutrition as dietary

    intake below between 50% and 75% of the recommendation

    or minimal requirement of essential nutrients such as energy

    or protein (Stevens et al. 1992, Posner et al. 1994, Sullivan

    et al. 1999).

    Muscle wasting

    Skeletal muscle comprises approximately 30% of the lean

    body mass and atrophies progressively in protein-energy

    malnutrition (Rudman 1987). From the MAC and the width

    of the adipose layer (equal to one-half the triceps skinfold),

    mid-arm muscle and fat areas can be calculated. The mid-arm

    muscle and fat areas are indicators of the bodys mass of

    skeletal muscle and adipose tissue, respectively (Rudman

    1987). When an individual has less than required nutrition

    intake, particularly in protein, the muscles are going to be

    wasted, and subcutaneous fat will reduce (Latham 1997). By

    monitoring the mid-arm muscle areas, malnutrition can be


    Weight loss

    Weight loss per unit of time is believed to be a major

    indicator of malnutrition in the elderly (Barrocas et al. 1995).

    However, the literature is quite variable regarding the

    amount of weight loss and the unit of time that should

    prompt clinical investigation. The most accepted definition

    for clinically important weight loss has been about 5% over

    612 months (Wallace & Schwartz 1997). Although it may

    be helpful to inquire if weight loss was volitional, one study

    has suggested that weight loss, whether voluntary or invol-

    untary, is positively associated with increased mortality

    (Wallace et al. 1995). In addition, the ICD9 definition of

    malnutrition is body weight less than the 90th percentile,

    irrespective of history or cause (Roy 1994).

    Poor appetite

    It is now well established that with advancing age, humans

    experience a physiologic reduction in food intake. This has

    been designated as the anorexia of ageing (Morley 1997). The

    physiologic anorexia of ageing places the elderly at a greater

    risk for developing a marked decrease in energy intake and

    the subsequent development of malnutrition when a disease

    process develops. Loss of appetite, as an item, has been

    assessed in many nutritional assessment tools (Guigoz et al.

    1996, Payette et al. 1996).

    Downward trajectory

    Studies have shown that malnutrition, once established,

    places patients at increased risk of developing subsequent

    adverse health outcomes. Malnutrition leads to increased

    susceptibility to infection, delayed wound healing, reduced

    rate of drug metabolism, and impairment of both physical

    and cognitive function (Sullivan 1995). Malnourished

    elderly often get into a cycle of progressive clinical

    deterioration. Additionally, deterioration in nutritional

    status appears to be a rapid and hard-to-reverse process

    (Abbasi et al. 1992). Previous experimental studies have

    shown that advanced malnutrition is much more difficult to

    correct in the elderly than in younger adults (Fiatarone et al.


    Antecedents of malnutrition in the elderly

    Antecedents are the factors that occur prior to the concept of

    interest, whereas consequences are the result of the concept of

    interest. It is through the identification of the antecedents and

    consequences that the attributes of the concept become

    clearer, because attributes can be neither antecedents nor

    consequences (Walker & Avant 1988). Loss, dependency,

    loneliness, and chronic illness were identified as antecedents

    of malnutrition in the elderly.

    Nursing theory and concept development or analysis Analysis of malnutrition in the elderly

    2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 36(1), 131142 135

  • Loss

    Normal ageing is characterized by loss loss of lean body

    mass, bone density, proprioception, and sense of smell and

    taste. In short, losses occur in every body system with

    ageing (Masoro 1999). It is well recognized that ageing has

    definite effects on nutritional status that become particularly

    significant when the elderly become ill. Age-related declines

    in oral health, body composition and sensory function are

    important considerations in malnutrition in the elderly

    (Morley 1997).

    Loss of optimal body composition

    Advanced age is associated with a remarkable number of

    changes in body composition, including reduction in lean

    body mass and increase in the body fat, which have been well

    documented. The nutritional implications of this change are

    many. The energy requirements diminish by approximately

    100 calories per decade (Rosenberg 1994). With lower energy

    intake, it becomes very difficult for elders to satisfy all the

    micronutrient needs through diet alone. In addition,

    decreased lean body mass occurs primarily as a result of

    losses in skeletal muscle mass. This age-associated loss in

    muscle mass has been termed sarcopenia and it is a direct

    cause of an age-related decrease in muscle strength (Evans &

    Cyr-Campbell 1997). In other words, functional status will

    decline with advanced age, which serves as a major risk factor

    for malnutrition in the elderly in some studies (Unosson et al.

    1991, Ritchie et al. 1997). However, nonsignificant relation-

    ships between functional status and malnutrition also are

    evidenced in the literature (Posner et al. 1994, Griep et al.


    Loss of optimal oral health

    In early studies, many changes in the oral cavity were

    considered as normal ageing. These changes included

    decreased salivary flow, atrophy of mucus membranes and

    loss of taste buds (Cooper et al. 1959, Massler 1986).

    However, recent investigations indicate there are no such

    significant oral changes in healthy elderly. Most of the early

    studies included elderly with some disease or who were

    taking medications that affect oral health (Baum 1981,

    Martin 1999). Lack of research on oral health and ageing,

    unfortunately, limits further discussion.

    Oral health and nutritional status are inextricably linked

    (Henshaw & Calabrese 2001). The elderly who experience

    mouth pain, chewing or swallowing difficulties, poor denti-

    tion, ill-fitting dentures, dry mouth, or other symptom that

    makes eating uncomfortable are at risk for developing

    malnutrition (Saunders 1997). Missing teeth can have

    negative effects on mastication, oral health, and nutrition

    (Shay & Ship 1995). Impaired mastication alters the sensory

    and psychological aspects of eating, causing restrictions in

    food selection. Edentulos individuals are more likely to have

    an atherogenic diet that is high in fat and cholesterol

    (Appollonio et al. 1997). One recent study shows the risk

    of malnutrition increases with the loss of natural teeth and

    wearing of dentures (Griep et al. 2000).

    Loss of optimal sensory function

    Smell and taste contribute to appetite and food intake

    (Baez-Franceschi & Morley 1999). Loss of smell and taste

    can result from normal ageing, certain disease states, medi-

    cation, surgical interventions, and environmental exposure

    (Schiffman 1997). Losses in these chemical senses not only

    reduce the pleasure from food, but also represent risk factors

    for malnutrition. Visual and hearing losses may make

    preparing foods difficult or impossible and resulting in


    Olfaction contributes to nutritional status and food enjoy-

    ment by mediating the perception of food odours through the

    nostrils (orthonasal route) and food favours through the oral

    cavity (retronasal route) (Schiffman 1997). Retronasal olfac-

    tory perception allows us to identify exactly what we eat,

    whereas true taste permits only the detection of salt, sweet,

    sour, and bitter (Duffy et al. 1995). Conditions that impair

    chewing, mouth and swallowing movements could diminish

    retronasal perception, even with an intact olfactory system

    (Burdach & Doty 1987). In other words, poorly fitting dentures

    can further decrease olfactory perception in the elderly.

    In animal studies, olfactory dysfunction contributes to loss

    of appetite and weight. Clinically, the relationship between

    appetite and olfactory dysfunction is not consistent (Mattes

    & Cowart 1994, Duffy et al. 1995). However, most studies

    suggest that the sense of smell is even more impaired by

    ageing than the sense of taste, and the complaints of taste loss

    usually reflect loss of smell function. Data from the University

    of Pennsylvania Smell and Taste Center serve as compelling

    evidence in support of this. Of the 750 individuals presenting

    with the complaints of taste loss, less than 4% had measur-

    able taste impairment, while 71% had measurable olfactory

    dysfunction (Deems et al. 1991).

    Researchers appear to agree that ageing is associated with

    elevated taste thresholds, both detection and recognition

    (Murphy 1986). Compared with a younger cohort, the

    average detection thresholds for the elderly with one or more

    medical conditions and taking an average of 34 medications

    were 116 times higher for sodium salts, 43 times higher for

    acids, 70 times higher for bitter compounds, and 27 times

    higher for sweeteners (Schiffman 1993). Clinical studies of

    C.C.-H. Chen et al.

    136 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 36(1), 131142

  • the elderly with malnutrition indicate that taste loss at the

    threshold level is even more severe (Schiffman & Wedral

    1996). Taste cells constantly reproduce themselves with a life

    span of approximately 10105 days. This continuous

    renewal process makes the sense of taste vulnerable to

    malnutrition, which can impair reproduction of taste cells

    and reduce taste sensitivity (Schiffman 1993). It should be

    noted that chemicals from food stimulate taste buds during

    chewing and swallowing, which can prolong or improve taste

    sensations on the soft palate. The elderly with dentures that

    cover the soft palate can lose sensory input from food in this

    mouth region, which reduces the motivation to eat (Duffy


    Vision loss restricts activity, fosters dependency, and

    diminishes the sense of well-being in the elderly (Carabellese

    et al. 1993, Rovner & Ganguli 1998). Several community

    studies have found that visual impairment predicts functional

    disability among the elderly and leads to high levels of

    handicap and emotional stress (Branch et al. 1989, Rudberg

    et al. 1993, Rubin et al. 1994). Visual impairment is related

    to increased morbidity. Those with visual loss have an

    increased risk for falls, hip fractures, physical disability, and

    depression (Nevitt et al. 1989, Rovner et al. 1996, Lord &

    Dayhew 2001). Hearing loss, particularly that caused by

    presbyacusis, is the most common disorder affecting the

    elderly (Reuben et al. 1998). The mental and cognitive

    health, social isolation, quality of life, and functional impact

    of hearing loss in the elderly has been demonstrated in

    numerous studies (Weinstein & Ventry 1982, Thomas et al.

    1983, Mulrow et al. 1990). Visual or hearing losses may

    make obtaining or preparing foods difficult or impossible.

    The elderly may decrease social interaction because of the

    visual and hearing losses and this may further decrease their

    chances of sufficient nutrition intake.

    Loss of roles function

    Social and environmental losses may also affect nutritional

    status in the elderly. The losses in role function accom-

    panying retirement and the death or departure of family,

    friends, and confidantes is frequently overlooked. Addition-

    ally, the loss of a family support network, loss of space and

    place as a result of diminished functional capacity

    and economic resources, as well as change in neighbourhood

    and community, might further hamper the psychosocial well-

    being of the elderly (Newbern & Krowchuk 1994).


    When the supports the elderly have relied upon are lost or

    diminished in their old age, the elderly may have difficulty in

    forming new attachments, in coping, and in caring about life.

    Financial and functional dependencies have been linked to

    malnutrition in the elderly.

    Financial dependency is common in this population. The

    elderly at greater risk of malnutrition are those who live in

    poverty or have incomes that limit their ability to maintain

    their lifestyles (Pearson et al. 1998). As many as 40% of the

    elderly are reported to have incomes of less than $6000 per

    year (in 1990) and are spending $25 to $30 per week on food.

    One USA study showed that 2435% of inner-city-dwelling

    older black Americans were reporting not having enough

    money for food, and it was significantly correlated to their

    nutritional status (Miller et al. 1996). When the elderly

    experience difficult economic circumstances, utilities and

    medications may take precedence over food purchases.

    Financial dependency may force the elderly to obtain less

    than adequate nutrition.

    Functional dependency is another concern for the elderly.

    According to the USA Department of Health and Human

    Services (1996), approximately 23% of the elderly have

    difficulties with one or more activities of daily living (bathing,

    dressing, toileting, continence, feeding, mobility). Twenty-

    eight percent have difficulty with one or more instrumental

    activities of daily activities (shopping, preparing meals,

    taking medication, handling finances, etc.). Deficits in any

    of these areas of function have long been considered as risk

    factors for malnutrition in the elderly (Unosson et al. 1991,

    Ritchie et al. 1997), although research findings are inconsis-



    Humans are innately social animals. Loneliness is linked to

    negative affects, including boredom, restlessness, and unhap-

    piness, and to dissatisfaction with social relationships in

    elders (Perlman et al. 1978). Often when the elderly lose a

    spouse, they are prone to suffer consequences of social

    isolation, loneliness, depression, financial worries, and

    malnutrition (Hansson et al. 1990). Walker and Beauchene

    (1991) found that loneliness was related to dietary inadequa-

    cies in a group of free living elderly.

    An increase in social interaction at meal times improves

    dietary intake for the elderly (Hansson 1978, de Castro et al.

    1990). Social isolation, therefore, can play an important role

    in decreased food intake, and it is detrimental to health

    (McIntosh et al. 1989). Social isolation also has been linked

    to increased mortality (Blazer 1982). Although the exact

    mechanisms by which this connection exists is poorly under-

    stood, a growing body of literature has suggested direct links

    between social support and physiological functioning.

    Nursing theory and concept development or analysis Analysis of malnutrition in the elderly

    2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 36(1), 131142 137

  • However, one study showed that whether the elderly belong

    to a social club has no relationship with nutritional status

    (Posner et al. 1994). In Walker and Beauchenes study in

    1991, the number of social contacts did not correlate to

    dietary adequacy in their elderly subjects. Revenson and

    Johnson (1984) suggested that the quality of relationships

    might be more powerful than the number of contacts.

    Depression has been linked to weight loss in the elderly

    (Thompson & Morris 1991, Morley 1998). In the elderly

    with depression, about 90% lose weight compared with 60%

    of younger persons with depression (Blazer et al. 1987).

    Depression is common as physical abilities and social

    networks diminish. Morley (1998) has written about the

    effects of bereavement on appetite. He suggested that grie-

    ving-associated dysphoria can lead to reduced food intake,

    which in turn results in ketosis. The ketone bodies produced

    further suppress appetite, thus triggering a vicious cycle.

    Chronic illness

    It is well recognized that with advancing age there is a higher

    incidence of chronic illness, and increasing evidence points to

    the importance of nutrition in the occurrence of and suscep-

    tibility to morbidities (Millen 1999). Approximately 85% of

    Americans 65 and older have at least one chronic illness, and

    60% of those over 85 have two or more chronic illness (US

    Bureau of the Census 1996). In July 1992, the president of the

    American Dietetic Association testified before the House

    Select Committee on Ageing and raised the concerns of

    greater likelihood of chronic illness among the elderly and

    their high risk of malnutrition which could benefit from

    nutritional services (ADA testimony 1992). With multiple

    chronic illnesses, the elderly are prone to take multiple

    medications. As a result, they are at greater risk for adverse

    drug reactions and drug-induced malnutrition (Varma 1994,

    Lyder et al. 2001).

    Community-dwelling older Americans take an average of

    2742 prescription and over-the-counter medications

    (Hanlon et al. 2001). Nursing home residents consume an

    average of eight drugs (Beers et al. 1991). A major conse-

    quence of polypharmacy is the risk of nutritional deficiencies

    induced by drugs (Roe 1994, Varma 1994). Mechanisms of

    drugnutrient interactions include reduced food intake

    caused by side effects such as anorexia, nausea, vomiting,

    and altered taste perception. Furthermore, medications can

    interfere with nutrient absorption, cause alteration in nutrient

    metabolism and increase nutrient excretion (Roe 1992,

    Varma 1994, Blumberg & Couris 1999). There is growing

    evidence that polypharmacy is one of the strongest predictors

    for malnutrition in the elderly (Kerstetter et al. 1992, Griep

    et al. 2000).

    Consequences of malnutrition in the elderly

    Studies from a variety of institutions reveal that malnutrition

    is a common, potentially serious finding among the elderly

    (Clarke et al. 1998). The alarmingly high rate of malnutrition

    among elders has severe consequences for both individuals

    and the health care system. In 1993, the elderly accounted for

    48% of all days of care in hospitals, with an average length of

    stay that was 3 days longer than for younger populations.

    The malnourished elderly patients experienced 2 to 20 times

    more complications, have up to 100% longer hospital stays,

    and compile hospital costs $2000 to $10 000 higher per stay

    (Hart Research Associates 1993). These longer and costlier

    hospitalizations, along with more frequent re-admissions,

    delayed recovery times, and premature nursing home place-

    ments, escalate societal costs significantly (Sullivan 1992,

    Cederholm et al. 1995, Covinsky et al. 1999). In short,

    malnutrition in the elderly increases morbidity and mortality,

    and decreases quality of their life (Jordan et al. 1999).

    Increase in morbidity and mortality

    Based on both animal models and human investigations, it is

    known that malnutrition has serious effects on the function of

    virtually every organ system (Silberman 1989). Nearly every

    aspect of the immune system is compromised by malnutri-

    tion. Cellular immunity, production of specific antibodies and

    complement, secretory and mucosal immunity are impaired

    (Lesourd 1995). As a result of these changes in organ

    function, malnutrition leads to increased hospital length of

    stay, complications, hospital readmission, early institution-

    alization, and decreased survival time (Bienia et al. 1982,

    Sullivan & Walls 1994, Incalzi et al. 1998, Dardaine et al.


    Decrease in quality of life

    Nutritional considerations are fundamental to our under-

    standing of healthy development and successful ageing

    (Dwyer 1991). The World Health Organizations definition

    of health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social

    well being provides a framework for conceptualizing quality

    of life in a health context. Malnutrition in the elderly

    diminishes quality of life by contributing to serious illness,

    decreased functional capacity, altered self-perception of

    health, and precipitated chronic disability (Millen 1999).

    C.C.-H. Chen et al.

    138 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 36(1), 131142

  • Definition of malnutrition in the elderly

    The following definition of malnutrition in the elderly is

    derived from the attributes identified in this critical literature


    Malnutrition in the elderly: Faulty or inadequate nutri-

    tional status; undernourishment characterized by insufficient

    dietary intake, poor appetite, muscle wasting and weight

    loss. In the elderly, malnutrition is an ominous sign.

    Without intervention, it presents as a downward trajectory

    leading to poor health and decreased quality of life.

    Malnutrition in the elderly is a multidimensional concept

    encompassing physical and psychosocial elements. It is

    precipitated by loss, dependency, loneliness and chronic

    illness and potentially impacts morbidity, mortality and

    quality of life.


    It is a sad reflection on our society if some of our elders are

    malnourished and starved in the midst of plenty. Ageing

    cannot be adequately studied without recognition of the

    influence of psychosocial and behavioural factors in the

    progression and management of physical changes, and nurses

    historically have such interdisciplinary problem-solving in

    their professional training. The future holds many possibilities

    for nursing research into the phenomenon of malnutrition in

    the elderly. Malnutrition in the elderly is a multidimensional

    issue on which nurses can take the lead and make a difference.

    Nurses encounter elderly people in all settings including

    primary care, acute care, and long-term care. Methods or

    protocols regarding the detection, assessment and interven-

    tion of malnutrition among the elderly across different

    settings and cultures need to be developed and empirically

    tested. By conducting this critical conceptual review, an

    in-depth understanding of the phenomenon has emerged. It is

    hoped that the conceptualization of malnutrition in the elderly

    will facilitate productive debate, analysis, and research.

    However, this is just the beginning. The findings of this

    review provide the groundwork for philosophic and empirical

    analyses of malnutrition in the elderly.


    The authors would like to thank Dr Deborah Chyun, RN

    PhD from Yale University School of Nursing for her

    helpful comments and assistance on the manuscript prepar-



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