07 Atonement In Symbols Ii Sef Eng

Lesson 7

Transcript of 07 Atonement In Symbols Ii Sef Eng

Lesson 7

“ Th e n h a v e t h e m m a k e a s a n c t u a r y f o r m e ,

Exodus 25:8 a n d I w il l d w e ll a m o n g t h e m ”

Manasseh Ephraim Benjamin









Kohatites Merarites

Aaron y Moses

Sanctuary was the centre of the spiritual life of Israel people.

Each rite and each piece of furniture represented the work that Christ does in order to atone for our sins.



He gives life to man

He illuminates the world

He presents our prayers to


Propitiation of sins

Israelites couldn’t come straight to God; they needed mediators: priests.

Priests had to be purified before going into the presence of God (the Holy Place) and representing the people before God.

Likewise, when they went out that place, they carried God’s holiness to the sinful people.

They revealed God’s will.

They judged.

They instructed.

They blessed.

They represented the people before God.

They had a lot of different duties related with health and public life in Israel.

The altar of sacrifices was in their care; they had to keep the fire burning, to remove the ash and to put new wood.

They arranged the lamps of the lampstand.

They burnt incense on the golden altar.

Once a week, they placed the bread of the Presence.

It is the process of deleting sin or impurity and to restore the person or the object to his/its original condition, free of


For the sinner, atonement was fulfilled (in Israel) when he offered a sacrifice for his sin and it was ratified in the Day of Atonement. Nowadays, atonement is fulfilled when we accept Jesus’ forgiveness and it is ratified in the Investigative Judgement.

For the universe, atonement started when sin entered the Earth and it will conclude when Satan will be destructed.

Christ fulfilled atonement for the

individual sinner and for sin itself through

his sacrifice.

The rites that were done that day show us, through symbols, what God will do to atone for sin and to remove it from the universe between the first and the third coming of Jesus.

He cast lots for two goats. Then, after laying both hands on its head, the one who had the lot for YHVH was sacrificed and once the process was fulfilled it was burnt up outside the camp (v. 7-10, 27)

The high priest placed burning coals from the altar in a censer; he took incense in his hands, he put it in the censer and placed it behind the veil(v. 12-13)

He sprinkled the goat’s blood on the atonement cover and then 7 times in front of it(v. 15)




Jesus died for our sins outside the camp(Hebrews, 13: 11-13)

Jesus carries with him the prayers of all the saints before the Father (Revelation, 8: 1-2)

Nowadays, Jesus fulfils atonement in the celestial sanctuary before the throne, in the investigative judgement process.(Daniel, 7: 9-10, 13)


The sanctuary was purified(v. 16)

The blood was put on all the horns of the altar and sprinkled 7 times (v. 18-19)

Once atonement was made for the sanctuary, he laid both hands on the head of the live coat, which takes all the faults of the people to the wilderness (v. 20-22)(Psalms 7: 16)




Once his ministry ended, he bathed himself, he put on his regular garments and came out to the people. Atonement was completed (v. 23-24)


God is vindicated and sin is completely condemned (Daniel, 8: 14)

Jesus will remove sin from the Earth [represented by the altar of sacrifices] in his Second Coming, destroying the sinners (Revelation, 11: 18)

Satan is left on Earth for 1,000 years, carrying all the fault (not sin) and will be finally destroyed (Revelation, 20: 1-3)

When He will descend in New Jerusalem with the saints, Earth will be purified, once and for all, and sin will be destroyed forever (Revelation, 20)

Man’s sin passed to the


From the animal to the priest, through


From the priest to the Sanctuary, through


In the Day of Atonement, all the accumulated sins were deleted from the Sanctuary through the sacrifice

of the goat for Yahweh.

From the Sanctuary it passed to the

High Priest

From the High Priest to the scapegoat

The scapegoat was taken to the wilderness

with the fault

Satan will have to assume his responsibility

for starting the sin, and he will be destroyed

along with every sign of sin.

Atonement is so complete that it restores humanity to the original relation he had with God in Eden, free of sin.

“ An y o n e w h o: s a y s « I s in

, ’ n o w a n d I ll , r e p e n t la t e r »

h a s lo s t h is o p p o r t u n it y

. o f r e p e n t in g An d a n y o n e : w h o s a y s « I , s in n o w

b e c a u s e in Yo m K ip p u r

’ I l l h a v e, a t o n e m e n t »

h a s lo s t a t o n e m e n t

f o r h is s in s in Yo m K ip p u r ”

Rabbinical saying

(Yom Kippur means “Day of Atonement” in Hebrew)

“ Wa s h a n d m a k e . y o u r s e lv e s c le a n

Ta k e y o u r e v il d e e d s o u t o f m y

! s ig h t S t o p d o in g, w r o n g le a r n t o d o

! r ig h t S e e k, ju s t ic e e n c o u r a g e t h e

. o p p r e s s e d D e f e n d t h e c a u s e

, o f t h e f a t h e r le s s p le a d t h e c a s e o f

. " t h e w id o w C o m e, n o w le t u s r e a s o n

," t o g e t h e r s a y s . t h e LO R D

" Th o u g h y o u r s in s , a r e lik e s c a r le t

t h e y s h a ll b e a s ; w h it e a s s n o w

t h o u g h t h e y a r e , r e d a s c r im s o n t h e y s h a ll b e lik ew o o l”

Isaiah 1:16-18

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