060.ASX IAW Oct 20 2009 15.11 Annual Report

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Transcript of 060.ASX IAW Oct 20 2009 15.11 Annual Report

  • 8/10/2019 060.ASX IAW Oct 20 2009 15.11 Annual Report



    (ASX: IAW)

    Annual Report 2009

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    Corporate Information

    ABN 20 120 394 194

    Directors The Hon John Dawkins, Chairman Anne Tregonning, Non executive Director Graeme Fowler, Managing Director/CEO

    Company Secretary Jean Marie Rudd

    Registered office Level 8, Wesfarmers House 40 The Esplanade Perth WA 6000

    Principal place of business Head Office Level 22 1 Market Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: (02) 8263 6600

    Share Register Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited Level 2 45 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000 Tel: (08) 9323 2000

    Integrated Legal Holdings Limited shares are listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.

    Solicitors Talbot Olivier Level 8, Wesfarmers House 40 The Esplanade Perth WA 6000

    Bankers National Australia Bank Limited 100 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000

    Auditor Ernst & Young 11 Mounts Bay Road

    Perth WA 6000

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    Contents to Financial Report

    Report by Chairman and Managing Director ........................................................................... 1

    Directors Report ...................................................................................................................... 2

    Auditors Independence Declaration ..................................................................................... 21

    Corporate Governance Statement ......................................................................................... 22

    Balance Sheet ......................................................................................................................... 30

    Income Statement ................................................................................................................. 31

    Cash Flow Statement ............................................................................................................. 32

    Statement of Changes in Equity ............................................................................................. 33 Notes to the Financial Statements ......................................................................................... 35

    Directors Declaration ............................................................................................................ 93

    Independent Audit Report ..................................................................................................... 94

    ASX Additional Information ................................................................................................... 96

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    Report by Chairman and Managing Director


    The 2008/09 financial year was an unprecedented period in Australian and world financial markets.

    The global financial crisis impacted all aspects of business and society, with reduced demand for products and services, significant job losses across Australia, and with a number of previously high profile public listed companies either no longer in existence or facing the prospect of significant loss of profitability and shareholder value.

    It was also a difficult operating environment for newly listed micro capital companies such as Integrated, with the economic environment negatively impacting revenues, and with potential new investors distracted by events in the market and generally having little interest in new stories from small start up companies.

    Overall, the Directors are pleased with the continued profitability of the Company during difficult and challenging economic conditions, and with the significant strategic and operational progress that has been made during the period towards developing a robust business model and in positioning the Group for future growth.

    Dividend In light of the Companys stated strategy of selectively and incrementally acquiring legal firms, and as a result of currently available opportunities to grow the Company by acquisition, the Directors have decided against the payment of a final dividend.

    Further, in the current challenging market conditions, maintaining our balance sheet strength is a key priority.

    The retention of available cash at this time supports this priority.

    Whilst the Directors view the payment of dividends from the Company as desirable, they see the immediate priorities as investing in the business and maintaining balance sheet strength, and as such consider this dividend decision to be in the best long term interests of shareholders.

    Outlook The Directors are of the view that the Company is well placed to continue growth both organically and by acquisition by capitalising on the significant opportunity afforded by prevailing industry issues. Longterm competitive advantage can be achieved by the Company in supporting member firms in developing scale to underpin future growth and profitability.

    The Directors are confident in the longer term outlook of the Company given the strength and underlying quality of the existing member firms, the significant potential to grow organically, and the opportunities for selective acquisition growth as part of the strategy of developing a national network of legal services businesses.

    The Hon J Dawkins Chairman

    G Fowler Managing Director

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    Directors Report


    Your directors submit their report for the year ended 30 June 2009.

    DIRECTORS The names and details of the Companys directors in office during the financial year and until the date of this report are as follows. Directors were in office for this entire period unless otherwise stated.

    Names, qualifications, experience and special responsibilities

    The Hon John Dawkins, AO, B.Ec (Nonexecutive Chairman) Mr Dawkins was Chairman of Law Central from its early beginnings in March 2000 until March 2006. His other board appointments include Chair of the Retail Energy Market Company Ltd, Chair of Fortuna Funds Management Ltd, and Director of M&C Saatchi Direct Pty Ltd. For over 10 years, until

    2005, he served on the board of Sealcorp Holdings, now Asgard Wealth Solutions, and he is a former chairman of Elders Rural Bank.

    Mr Dawkins has consulted to several large Australian and overseas companies, the World Bank and the OECD. Until his retirement from politics in 1994 he served as a Minister in the Federal Government for 10 years and in the House of Representatives for 18 years.

    He is a graduate in Economics from the University of Western Australia, and he has been awarded honorary doctorates from The University of South Australia and the Queensland University of Technology.

    During the past three years, Mr Dawkins served as a director of the following listed companies:

    MGM Wireless Ltd appointed 17 August 2008* Genetic Technologies Ltd appointed 24 November 2004; resigned 19 November 2008

    *denotes current directorship

    Anne Tregonning, B.Com, FCA, GAICD (Non executive Director) Ms Tregonning has extensive experience in finance and risk management in both public practice and commerce. Senior positions previously held include General Manager Finance and Risk, Wealth Management Division, St George Bank, Director Group Finance, Sealcorp Holdings (now ASGARD

    Wealth Solutions), and Senior Manager Corporate Banking, BankWest.

    Ms Tregonning is a non executive director of Retail Energy Market Company Ltd and the Breast Cancer Research Centre Western Australia. She is a past executive director of ASGARD Capital Management Limited, a past State Chairman of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and member of its National Council, and a past director of other public company and not for profit/professional organisations.

    Ms Tregonning is a graduate of The University of Western Australia, a Fellow of The Institute of Chartered Accountants and graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

    Ms Tregonning did not have any directorships in other listed companies during the past three years.

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    Directors Report (continued)


    Graeme Fowler, B.Bus, CPA, GAICD (Managing Director/CEO) Mr Fowler was previously Chief Executive Officer of listed accounting and financial services

    consolidator WHK Group Limited. He brings specific experience in the successful consolidation of professional services firms. He spent over 15 years in senior management roles with the BT Financial Group including Group Chief Financial Officer, Chief Executive Officer of BT Funds Management NZ, and Chief Executive Officer of BT Portfolio Services (including BT Wrap).

    Mr Fowler is a business studies graduate of The University of Technology, Sydney, a Certified Practicing Accountant and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

    Mr Fowler did not have any directorships in other listed companies during the past three years.

    Beneficial interests in the shares of the company and related bodies corporate

    As at the date of this report, the beneficial interests of the directors in the shares of Integrated Legal Holdings Limited were:

    Number of

    Ordinary Shares

    J Dawkins 1,626,398 A Tregonning 300,000 G Fowler 2,710,200

    COMPANY SECRETARY Jean Marie Rudd, B.Com, CA Appointed: 28 August 2008

    Mrs Rudd is also the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Integrated Legal Holdings Limited group of companies.

    Mrs Rudd was previously the Finance Director in Western Australia of national law firm, Minter Ellison, bringing industry specific experience to her roles with Integrated Legal Holdings Limited. Mrs Rudd has over 18 years experience in CFO/Company Secretary roles including senior management roles with the Heytesbury Group and ThinkSmart Limited.

    Mrs Rudd is a graduate of Curtin University, Perth, and a Chartered Accountant.

    DIVIDENDS No dividends have been declared or paid from profits of the Company for the year ended 30 June 2009.

    PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES The principal activity of the entities of the consolidated Group was the provision of legal services and online legal document services in Australia.

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    Directors Report (continued)



    Group Overview A detailed review of the operations of the Group during the financial year, its financial position and business strategies and prospects for future financial years is set out below.

    Performance Indicators Management and the Board monitor the Groups overall performance, from the execution of its strategic plan through to the performance of the Group against operating plans and financial budgets.

    The Board, together with management have identified key performance indicators (KPIs) that are used to monitor performance. Directors receive the KPIs for review prior to each monthly Board

    meeting allowing all directors to actively monitor the Groups performance.

    Operating Results for the Year For the year ended 30 June 2009, the consolidated entity generated a net profit after tax of $593,875 (2008: $1,544,303).

    Against the same period last year, earnings before interest, tax, impairment, depreciation and amortisation decreased from a profit of $2,421,039 to a profit of $1,638,744.

    Consolidated operating revenues of $16,946,221 were 59% higher than the previous year which reported $10,688,441 operating revenues. Revenue from operating activities increased due to a

    combination of organic growth and acquisitions of new member firms.

    As previously announced on 20 August 2009, a non cash impairment charge of $450,000 (2008: $215,826) was recognised against the carrying value of the Law Central business.

    A full commentary on the results for the reporting period is contained in the ASX release dated 31 August 2009.

    Shareholder Returns The Companys return to shareholders is as follows:

    2009 2008 Basic and diluted profit per share (cents) 0.89 2.66

    Review of Financial Condition

    Liquidity and Capital Resources The consolidated Cash Flow Statement illustrates that there was a decrease in cash flow from operating activities. Operating activities resulted in a net cash outflow of $1,652,745 (2008: $1,119,431 inflow).

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    Directors Report (continued)


    This decrease in comparison to 2008 is largely due to the funding of working capital for new businesses during the initial period post acquisition and the payment of maiden tax liabilities during

    the year.

    Business acquisitions adversely impact cash resources as debtors and work in progress of the acquired legal practices are not purchased on acquisition. Cash resources are reinvested back into these businesses until working capital levels are built up to their pre acquisition levels and the acquired businesses return to a positive cash flow. In many cases this may take a period of up to 46 months.

    The materiality of the acquisitions of Argyle Lawyers in November 2008 and mda lawyers in March 2009 to the Integrated Legal Holdings Limited group is significant and there has been a negative impact on operating cash flows for the year.

    During the year the Group also paid $1.3m for its maiden income tax liability for the 2008 financial year together with the first instalment (prepayment) of income tax with respect to the 2009 financial year. Thus, in the first year of meeting taxation obligations, there are additional tax payments. This has significantly impacted the Groups reported operating cash flows.

    This situation is unique to the first year in which tax is paid and will not be repeated. In future periods, taxation payments will be paid on a quarterly basis in advance.

    Cash flows used for investing activities amounted to $3,909,689 (2008: $6,736,530) of which $3,731,403 (2008: $6,652,695) relates to the acquisition of businesses during the year.

    These outflows were partially offset by the receipt of $1,723,000 (2008: nil) in debt funding by way of floating bills and from $476,372 (2008: $232,057) received to finance equipment acquisitions and annual professional indemnity insurance premiums.

    Finally, there was a cash outflow of $1,411,065 for the payment of the 2008 final dividend.

    The net tangible asset backing of the Group was 4.89 cents per share (2008: 11.71 cents).

    Asset and capital structure CONSOLIDATED

    2009 2008 $ $

    Debts: Trade and other payables 1,738,222 1,081,009 Interest bearing loans and borrowings 2,308,435 188,472 Less: Cash and cash equivalents (600,694) (5,626,766)

    Net debt/(cash) 3,445,963 (4,357,285) Total equity 13,862,406 13,904,646 Total capital employed 17,308,369 9,547,361

    The level of gearing in the Company is within acceptable limits set by the directors given the implications of the business acquisitions and payment of tax liabilities during the year.

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    Directors Report (continued)


    Share issues during the year The Company has issued 5,807,858 shares during the year:

    4,142,857 shares to the vendors of Argyle Lawyers Pty Ltd in part payment for acquisition of the Company on 1 November 2008;

    1,333,334 shares to the vendor of mda lawyers in part payment for acquisition of the business on 13 March 2009; and

    331,667 shares to employees under the Deferred Employee Share Plan.

    Risk Management The Group takes a proactive approach to risk management. The Board is responsible for ensuring that risks, and also opportunities, are identified on a timely basis and that the Groups objectives and activities are aligned with the risks and opportunities identified by the Board.

    The Group believes that it is crucial for all Board members to be part of this process, and as such the Board has not established a separate risk management committee. Instead sub committees are convened as appropriate in response to issues and risks identified by the Board as a whole and the sub committee further examines the issue and reports back to the Board.

    The Board has a number of mechanisms in place to ensure that managements objectives and activities are aligned with the risks identified by the Board. These include the following:

    Implementation of Board approved budget and Board monitoring of progress against budget, including the establishment and monitoring of financial KPIs; and

    The establishment of committees to report on specific business risks.

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    Directors Report (continued)


    SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THE STATE OF AFFAIRS Significant changes in the state of affairs during the year ended 30 June 2009 are as follows:

    On 1 November 2008, the Company acquired, through its wholly owned subsidiary, Argyle Lawyers Pty Ltd, the legal practice of The Argyle Partnership (now trading as Argyle Lawyers) refer note 30.

    On 13 March 2009, the Company, through its wholly owned subsidiary, Argyle Lawyers Pty Ltd, acquired the legal practice of mda lawyers refer note 30.

    SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE DATE There were no significant events after the balance date.

    LIKELY DEVELOPMENTS AND EXPECTED RESULTS Integrated Legal Holdings Limited will continue to seek growth in revenue and earnings through the acquisition of additional law firms throughout Australia.

    ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION The Groups operations are not subject to any significant environmental, Commonwealth or State, regulations or laws.

    INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS Each of the directors and secretary of the Company has entered into a deed with the Company whereby the Company has provided certain contractual rights of access to books and records of the Company to those directors and secretary and to effect and maintain insurance in respect of the directors and officers liability and provide certain indemnities to each of the directors, to the extent permitted by section 199B of the Corporations Act 2001 .

    The Company has put in place Prospectus Insurance and Directors and Officers Liability Insurance. The contract prohibits the disclosure of the nature of the liability and/or the amount of the premium.

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    Directors Report (continued)


    DIRECTORS MEETINGS The number of meetings of directors (including meetings of committees of directors) held during the

    year and the number of meetings attended by each director was as follows:

    Directors Meetings Audit Acquisition* Eligible to

    attend Attended Eligible to

    attend Attended Eligible to

    attend Attended J Dawkins 10 10 9 7 5 5 A Tregonning 10 10 9 9 5 5 G Fowler 10 10 9 9 5 5

    *The members of the acquisition committee meet, as required, with formal matters being raised during Board meetings. At a meeting of the directors on 18 December 2008 a resolution was made to disband the Acquisition Committee as its functions are now being undertaken by the Board.

    Committee membership As at the date of this report, the Company had an Audit Committee of the Board of Directors.

    The Audit Committee comprises all members of the Board of Directors and is chaired by Ms Tregonning.

    AUDITOR INDEPENDENCE AND NON AUDIT SERVICES A copy of the auditors independence declaration received by the Directors in relation to the audit

    for the year is provided with this report on page 21.

    NON AUDIT SERVICES Non audit services were provided by the entitys auditor, Ernst & Young. The directors are satisfied that the provision of non audit services is compatible with the general standard of independence for auditors imposed by the Corporations Act 2001 . The nature and scope of each type of non audit service provided means that auditor independence was not compromised.

    Ernst & Young received or are due to receive the following amounts for the provision of non audit services:

    CONSOLIDATED PARENT 2009 2008 2009 2008

    $ $ $ $ Tax compliance 18,813 9,470 18,813 9,470 Taxation services 7,737 32,853 7,737 32,853

    26,550 42,323 26,550 42,323

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    Directors Report (continued)



    This remuneration report outlines the director and executive remuneration arrangements of the Company and the Group in accordance with the requirements of the Corporations Act 2001 and its Regulations. For the purposes of this report Key Management Personnel (KMP) of the Group are defined as those persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the major activities of the Company and the Group, directly or indirectly, including any director (whether executive or otherwise) of the parent company, and includes the five executives in the Parent and the Group receiving the highest remuneration.

    For the purposes of this report, the term executive encompasses the Chief Executive, senior executives and the secretary of the Parent and the Group.

    Details of key management personnel (including the five highest paid executives of the Company and the Group):

    i) Directors J Dawkins Chairman (non executive) A Tregonning Non executive director G Fowler Managing director/CEO

    ii) Executives B Taylor Managing principal, Talbot Olivier P Bobbin Managing principal, Argyle Lawyers appointed 1 November 2008 B Davies Managing principal, Brett Davies Lawyers JM Rudd Chief financial officer

    Company secretary appointed 28 August 2008

    There were no changes to KMP after reporting date and before the date the financial report was authorised for issue.

    The Board of Directors of the Company is responsible for determining and reviewing remuneration arrangements for the Board and executives.

    The Board will assess the appropriateness of the nature and amount of remuneration of executives on a periodic basis by reference to relevant employment market conditions with the overall objective of ensuring maximum stakeholder benefit from the retention of a high quality, high performing Board and executive team.

    Remuneration philosophy The performance of the Company depends upon the quality of its directors and executives. To prosper, the Company must attract, motivate and retain highly skilled directors and executives (refer Group Performance on page 15).

    To this end, the Company embodies the following principals in its remuneration framework:

    Provide competitive rewards to attract high calibre executives; Link executive reward to shareholder value; Have a portion of executive remuneration at risk; and Establish appropriate, demanding performance hurdles for variable executive remuneration.

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    Directors Report (continued)

    REMUNERATION REPORT (audited) (continued)


    Remuneration structure In accordance with best practice corporate governance, the structure of non executive director and executive remuneration is separate and distinct.

    Non executive director remuneration

    Objective The Board seeks to set aggregate remuneration at a level that provides the Company with the ability to attract and retain directors of the highest calibre, whilst incurring a cost that is acceptable to shareholders.

    Structure The Groups Constitution and the ASX Listing Rules specify that the aggregate remuneration of non executive directors shall be determined from time to time by a general meeting. The current aggregate remuneration level for non executive directors, as approved by shareholders, is $250,000 (2008: $250,000) per annum. The next determination will be at the AGM to be held on 26 November 2009 when shareholders will be asked to approve the aggregate remuneration for non executive directors for the year.

    The amount of aggregate remuneration sought to be approved by shareholders and the fee structure is reviewed annually. The Board considers advice from external consultants as well as the fees paid to non executive directors of comparable companies when undertaking the annual review


    Each non executive director receives an agreed/contracted fee for being a director.

    Non executive directors do not receive retirement benefits, nor do they participate in any incentive programs.

    The remuneration of non executive directors for the financial year is detailed in table 1 on page 18 of this report.

    Executive remuneration

    Objective The Group aims to reward executives with a level and mix of remuneration commensurate with their position and responsibilities within the Group so as to:

    Reward executives for Group, subsidiary and individual performance against targets set by reference to appropriate benchmarks;

    Align the interests of executives with those of shareholders; and Ensure total remuneration is competitive by market standards.


    In determining the level and make up of executive remuneration, the Board engages external consultants as needed to provide independent advice.

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    Directors Report (continued)

    REMUNERATION REPORT (audited) (continued)


    The Board has entered into a detailed contract of employment with the Managing Director/CEO and other executives. Details of these contracts are provided below.

    Remuneration consists of the following key elements:

    Fixed remuneration (base salary and superannuation) Variable remuneration:

    o Short term incentives (STI) o Long term incentives (LTI) in the form of share based payments (equity settled)

    Fixed remuneration

    Objective Fixed remuneration is reviewed annually by the Board. The process consists of a review of Company, subsidiary and individual performance, relevant comparative remuneration externally and internally and, where appropriate, external advice on policies and practices. As noted above, the Board has access to external advice independent of management.

    Structure Executives are given the opportunity to receive their fixed (primary) remuneration in a variety of forms including cash and fringe benefits such as motor vehicles. It is intended that the manner of payment chosen will be optimal for the recipient without creating undue cost for the Group.

    The fixed remuneration component of executives is detailed in table 1 on page 18.

    Variable remuneration short term incentives (STI)

    Objective The objective of the STI program is to link the achievement of the Groups operational targets with the remuneration received by the executives charged with meeting those targets. The total potential STI available is set at a level so as to provide sufficient incentive to the executive to achieve the operational targets and such that the cost to the Group is reasonable in the circumstances.

    Structure Managing Director/CEO The Managing Director/CEO is entitled to a maximum performance bonus of $160,000, subject to the achievement of specific performance targets for the period from 28 April 2008 to 30 June 2010 (26 months). If achievement of performance targets is not successful by that date, a lesser amount may be payable at the discretion of the Board, taking into account the individual circumstances contributing to non achievement of those targets.

    Performance targets are achieved when: Accumulated revenue for the Group is $40m or greater; and Earnings per share growth of 15% or greater above the forecast earnings per share for the

    2008 financial year.

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    Directors Report (continued)

    REMUNERATION REPORT (audited) (continued)


    These targets are measured using financial reporting information and reviewed by the Board.

    The terms and conditions pertaining to the bonus are as follows: 1. Both performance targets must be achieved at the same time for satisfaction of

    performance criteria, unless determined otherwise by the Board. 2. The bonus will vest upon achievement of targets on or before 30 June 2010 (providing

    targets achieved). 3. A new bonus structure (between the CEO and Board) will be negotiated from time of

    payment of this bonus. 4. Bonus to be paid in cash and/or shares, at the discretion of the Board. 5. Bonus payable within 30 days of satisfaction of performance criteria, as confirmed by the


    Managing Principals Actual STI payments are granted to subsidiary member firms depending on the extent to which specific performance hurdles are met. The STI payments are calculated as a percentage of an amount by which profitability of a subsidiary exceeds a pre determined profit hurdle for that subsidiary.

    Profit hurdles are approved by the Board at the time of acquisition of a member firm.

    The STI payment for a subsidiary is then allocated between Principals of that subsidiary, including

    the Managing Principal, based on pre determined key performance indicators, including fee income attributable to each Principal.

    STI payments are delivered as a cash bonus within two months after the end of each financial year.

    During the year, the STI payment structure for the Principals of Talbot Olivier, including the Managing Principal, was renegotiated, resulting in the performance period being altered from the 12 months ended 10 August 2009, to the 10.5 months ended 30 June 2009.

    For the 2009 financial year, the STI performance period for the Principals of Argyle Lawyers, including the Managing Principal, was calculated from the acquisition date of 1 November 2008 to

    the end of the financial year on 30 June 2009.

    Chief Financial Officer The Chief Financial Officer is entitled to a maximum performance bonus of $10,000 (assessed and payable in six monthly instalments), subject to the achievement of specific performance targets for the 12 months ending 31 August 2009. If achievement of performance targets is not successful a lesser amount may be payable at the discretion of the Managing Director, taking into account the individual circumstances contributing to non achievement of those targets.

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    Directors Report (continued)

    REMUNERATION REPORT (audited) (continued)


    Performance targets are achieved upon satisfaction of key deliverables involving the effective implementation of internal processes and schemes.

    Those key deliverables represent key drivers for the short term success of the business and provide a framework for delivering long term value. Targets are measured using financial reporting information and non financial assessment by the Managing Director of implemented schemes and processes.

    STI bonus for 2009

    Managing Director/CEO The Board will consider the quantum of the performance bonus payable at the end of the 26 month performance period or when management are satisfied that all targets are met.

    The maximum performance bonus achievable at the end of the 26 months is $160,000 and the minimum is nil. At reporting date, no bonus has vested or is payable to the Managing Director/CEO under his performance bonus plan.

    There have been no alterations to the Managing Directors STI bonus plan during the year.

    Managing Principals

    The Managing Director assesses the STI bonus payments for a subsidiary for subsequent allocation between Principals of that subsidiary, including the Managing Principal, based on pre determined key performance indicators, including fee income attributable to each Principal.

    The maximum STI cash bonus is calculated as a percentage of an amount by which profitability of a subsidiary exceeds a pre determined profit hurdle for that subsidiary. The minimum STI cash bonus payable is nil. The amount of the bonus achieved and vested during the 2009 financial year has been calculated as follows:

    2009 $

    2008 $

    B Taylor Managing Principal, Talbot Olivier 15,093 B Davies Managing Principal, Brett Davies Lawyers

    P Bobbin Managing Principal, Argyle Lawyers 17,006

    Other than the alterations to the performance periods disclosed on page 12, there have been no alterations to the STI bonus plan during the year.

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    Directors Report (continued)

    REMUNERATION REPORT (audited) (continued)


    Chief Financial Officer The Managing Director will approve the STI bonus payments for the 12 months ending 31 August 2009. The maximum STI cash bonus is $10,000 and the minimum is nil. The amount of the bonus that vested during the 2009 financial year was $7,833. Of this total, $4,000 was paid during the 2009 financial year with the remainder to be paid in September 2009.

    Variable remuneration long term incentives (LTI)

    Chief Financial Officer The LTI benefits are delivered on a discretionary basis by the Board in the form of ordinary shares in

    the Company under the Deferred Employees Share Plan. Such grants are only made to executives who are able to influence the generation of shareholder wealth and thus have an impact on the Groups performance against the relevant long term performance hurdle.

    75,000 shares were granted to the Chief Financial Officer on 1 July 2008 with a fair value of $0.11 per share on grant date and a total fair value of $8,250. The shares will vest in stages during the three year period from issue date, ending 30 June 2011, following the successful achievement of the performance criteria specified below, and provided that the Chief Financial Officer remains in the employment of the Company for each vesting period. Should the Chief Financial Officer cease employment prior to this date, unvested shares will be forfeited. Performance criteria attached to the shares are as follows:

    100% of shares will vest if cumulative growth in the Companys earnings per share over the three years ending 30 June 2011 is 45% or more; and

    Shares will commence vesting after achieving 30% growth in the Companys earnings per share. 50% of shares will vest at 30% growth in earnings per share, with an additional 5% of shares vesting for every 1.5% of earnings per share growth above 30%.

    Performance criteria will be measured using financial reporting information.

    At 30 June 2009, no shares under the LTI plan have vested (2008: nil) or were forfeited (2008: nil).

    Executive share trading policy The Company has in place a share trading policy which imposes trading restrictions on officers and employees of the Company and its related entities that are considered to be in possession of inside information.

    Executives and directors are prohibited from using derivatives or hedge instruments or otherwise entering into transactions (including margin loans) that operate or are intended to operate to limit the economic risk of security holdings over vested or unvested shares in the Company without the written permission of the Board.

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    Directors Report (continued)

    REMUNERATION REPORT (audited) (continued)


    Employment contracts

    Managing Director/CEO There is an employment contract in place between Mr Fowler and Integrated Legal Holdings Limited for Mr Fowlers appointment as Managing Director/CEO of the Company. The contract commenced on 28 April 2008 and continues indefinitely unless terminated according to the provisions of the contract.

    Mr Fowler receives fixed remuneration of $272,500 (2008: $272,500) per annum (inclusive of superannuation).

    Under the terms of the contract, Mr Fowlers duties include, but are not limited to: Implementing the business plan as determined by the Company; Carrying out such lawful directions as given by the Company; and Expanding and developing the business.

    The agreement may be terminated without notice by Integrated Legal Holdings Limited if: Mr Fowler commits a serious breach of the agreement; Mr Fowler commits any act that amounts to a repudiation of the agreement; Mr Fowler engages in serious or wilful misconduct; or It is permitted for any reason under relevant legislation.

    The agreement may also be terminated by either party with 30 days notice in writing of termination.

    Managing Principals member firms B Davies, Brett Davies Lawyers Mr Davies is employed under a two year fixed term contract, which expired on 12 August 2009. A new employment contract is currently being negotiated. Mr Davies is paid a salary of $100,000 per annum (inclusive of superannuation) and potentially a bonus paid as an additional salary (the bonus payment is calculated at 20% of the amount by which the net profit after tax of the Managing Principals law firm exceeds the unaudited net profit after tax of the law firm for the 2009 financial year).

    The employment contract can be terminated without notice if the employee commits a serious breach of any provision of their contract, is unable to or is prohibited from holding a license to practice law, commits any act that amounts to repudiation of the contract or engages in serious and wilful misconduct. After the conclusion of the two year employment period, either party may also terminate the employment contract by giving 28 days notice.

    Mr Davies is also subject to strict confidentiality obligations regarding clients of the legal practice, and is also subject to solicitation restraints for a period of up to two years after termination.

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    Directors Report (continued)

    REMUNERATION REPORT (audited) (continued)


    B Taylor, Talbot Olivier During the 2009 financial year, Mr Taylor was employed under a two year fixed term contract which was due to expire on 12 August 2009. Mr Taylor was paid an annual salary of $100,000 (2008: $100,000) per annum (inclusive of superannuation) and potentially an STI cash bonus as an additional salary.

    The current employment contract ceased on 30 June 2009 following negotiation of new employment arrangements which will apply from 1 July 2009. Under the new contract, effective from 1 July 2009, Mr Taylor is employed under a four year fixed term contract and continuing thereafter until terminated by either party with six months notice in writing of termination (notice may not be given before 1 January 2013, being six months prior to the completion of the initial four year term). He is

    also subject to strict confidentiality obligations and solicitation and competition restraints for a period of 12 months following termination.

    P Bobbin, Argyle Lawyers Commencing from 4 November 2008, Mr Bobbin is employed under a four year fixed term contract and continuing thereafter until terminated by either party with six months notice in writing of termination (notice may not be given before 4 August 2012, being three months prior to the completion of the initial four year term). Mr Bobbin is paid a salary of $400,000 per annum (inclusive of superannuation) and potentially a bonus paid as an additional salary (the bonus payment is calculated at a share of the Argyle Lawyers bonus pool, being a percentage of the amount by which the audited net profit before tax of the Managing Principals law firm exceeds a

    pre determined profit hurdle).

    The employment contract can be terminated without notice if the employee commits a serious breach of any provision of their contract, is unable to or is prohibited from holding a license to practice law, commits any act that amounts to repudiation of the contract or engages in serious and wilful misconduct. Mr Bobbin is also subject to strict confidentiality obligations and solicitation and competition restraints for a period of 12 months following termination.

    Chief Financial Officer/Company Secretary The Chief Financial Officer (CFO)/Company Secretary has a standard contract. Mrs Rudd receives fixed remuneration of $160,000 (2008: $140,000) per annum (inclusive of superannuation).

    The Company may terminate the employment agreement by providing one month written notice or providing payment in lieu of the notice period (based on the fixed component of remuneration). The Company may terminate the contract at any time without notice if serious misconduct has occurred. Where termination with cause occurs, the executive is only entitled to that portion of remuneration that is fixed, and only up to the date of termination.

    The Chief Financial Officer contract contains standard obligations to perform the duties of an employee which one would expect to find in a standard employment contract.

    Share Options

    Unissued shares The Company has not issued any options during the year.

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    Directors Report (continued)

    REMUNERATION REPORT (audited) (continued)

    Remuneration of key management personnel (KMP) and the four highest paid executives of the Company and the Group (Table 1: Remuneration for the year ended 30 June 2009

    Short term Post

    Employment Long term

    Salary & Fees Cash Bonus

    Non monetary benefits Other

    Super annuation

    Long Service benefits


    $ $ $ $ $ $ $

    Non executive directors J Dawkins Chairman 52,667 30,000 A Tregonning 1,459 50,207 Sub total non executive directors 54,126 80,207

    Executive directors G Fowler Managing Director/CEO 250,000 22,500 370 50Sub total executive directors 250,000 22,500 370 50

    Other key management personnel B Taylor Managing Principal, Talbot Olivier

    149,083 14,776 290

    P Bobbin Managing Principal, Argyle Lawyer

    216,127 17,006 50,540 357

    B Davies Managing Principal, Brett Davies Lawyers

    91,743 8,257 308

    JM Rudd Chief Financial Officer/Company Secretary

    143,359 7,833 13,370 190

    Sub total other KMP 600,312 24,839 86,943 1,145 Total 904,438 24,839 189,650 1,515 50(1) Mr Bobbin was appointed as Managing Principal of Argyle Lawyers on 1 November 2008 (2) All executives of the Group and Company have been disclosed (3) Cash bonuses relating to the 2009 year were allocated to Mr Bobbin in 2010

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    Directors Report (continued)

    REMUNERATION REPORT (audited) (continued)

    Remuneration of key management personnel (KMP) and the three highest paid executives of the Company and the GroupTable 2: Remuneration for the period ended 30 June 2008

    Short term Post

    Employment Long term Share


    Salary & Fees Cash Bonus

    Non monetary benefits Other

    Super annuation

    Long Service Benefits Shar

    $ $ $ $ $ $ $

    Non executive directors J Dawkins Chairman 43,333 30,000 A Tregonning 45,833 Sub total non executive directors 43,333 75,833

    Executive directors T Henn Managing Director (1) 2,293 22,540 G Fowler Managing Director/CEO (2) 22,917 2,062 65 406Sub total executive directors 25,210 24,602 65 406

    Other key management personnel B Taylor Managing Principal, Talbot Olivier (3)(6)

    81,157 15,093 7,304 87

    B Davies Managing Principal, Brett Davies Lawyers (3)

    73,793 6,641 277

    JM Rudd Chief Financial Officer/Company Secretary (4)

    81,138 23,862 158

    Sub total other KMP 236,088 15,093 37,807 522 Total 304,631 15,093 138,242 587 406(1) Mr Henn resigned as Managing Director on 28 April 2008 (2) Mr Fowler was appointed Managing Director/CEO 28 April 2008 (3) Mr Taylor and Mr Davies were appointed as Managing Principals of Talbot Olivier and Brett Davies Lawyers, respectively, on 10 August 2007 (4) Mrs Rudd was appointed Financial Controller on 4 September 2007 and Chief Financial Officer/Company Secretary on 28 August 2008 (5) All executives of the Group and Company have been disclosed (6) Cash bonuses relating to the 2008 financial year was allocated to Mr Taylor in 2009.

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    Directors Report (continued)


    Signed in accordance with a resolution of the directors.

    G Fowler Managing Director

    Perth, 25 September 2009

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    Liability limited by a scheme approvedunder Professional Standards Legislation


    Auditor's Independence Declaration to the Directors of Integrated LegalHoldings LimitedIn relation to our audit of the financial report of Integrated Legal Holdings Limited for the financial yearended 30 June 2009, to the best of my knowledge and belief, there have been no contraventions of theauditor independence requirements of the Corporations Act 2001 or any applicable code of professionalconduct.

    Ernst & Young

    G H MeyerowitzPartnerPerth

    25 September 2009

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    Corporate Governance Statement


    The Board of Directors of Integrated Legal Holdings Limited is responsible for the corporate governance of the Group. The Board guides and monitors the business and affairs of Integrated

    Legal Holdings Limited on behalf of the shareholders by whom they are elected and to who they are accountable.

    The table below summarises the Companys compliance with the Corporate Governance Councils Recommendations:

    Recommendation Comply Yes/No

    Reference/ Explanation

    Principal 1 Lay solid foundations for management and oversight

    1.1 Companies should establish the functions reserved to the Board and those delegated to senior executives and disclose those functions.


    1.2 Companies should disclose the process for evaluating the performance of senior executives.


    1.3 Companies should provide the information indicated in the guide to reporting on Principal 1.


    Principal 2 Structure the Board to add value

    2.1 A majority of the Board should be independent Directors. Yes (a)

    2.2 The chair should be an independent Director. Yes (a)

    2.3 The roles of chair and chief executive officer should not be exercised by the same individual.


    2.4 The Board should establish a nomination committee. No (b)

    2.5 Companies should disclose the process for evaluating the performance of the Board, its committees and individual Directors.


    2.6 Companies should provide the information indicated in the guide to reporting on Principal 2.


    Principal 3 Promote ethical and responsible decision making

    3.1 Companies should establish a code of conduct and disclose the code or a summary of the code as to:

    The practices necessary to maintain confidence in the Companys integrity.

    The practices necessary to take into account their legal obligations and the reasonable expectations of their stakeholders.

    The responsibility and accountability of individuals for reporting and investigating reports of unethical practices.


    3.2 Companies should establish a policy concerning trading in Company securities by Directors, senior executives and employees, and disclose the policy or a summary of that policy.


    3.3 Companies should provide the information indicated in the guide to reporting on Principal 3.


    Principal 4 Safeguard integrity in financial reporting

    4.1 The Board should establish an audit committee. Yes

    4.2 The audit committee should be structured so that it: Consists only of non executive Directors

    Consists of

    a majority




    Is chaired by an independent chair, who is not chair of the Board Has at least three members

    No (c)

    4.3 The audit committee should have a formal charter. Yes

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    Corporate Governance Statement (continued)


    Recommendation Comply Yes/No

    Reference/ Explanation

    4.4 Companies should provide the information indicated in the guide to reporting on Principal 4.


    Principal 5 Make timely and balanced disclosure

    5.1 Companies should establish written policies designed to ensure compliance with ASX listing rule disclosure requirements and to ensure accountability at a senior executive level for that compliance and disclose those policies or a summary of those policies.


    5.2 Companies should provide the information indicated in the guide to reporting on Principal 5.


    Principal 6 Respect the rights of shareholders

    6.1 Companies should design a communications policy for promoting effective

    communication with shareholders and encouraging their participation at general meetings and disclose their policy or a summary of that policy.


    6.2 Companies should provide the information indicated in the guide to reporting on Principal 6.


    Principal 7 Recognise and manage risk

    7.1 Companies should establish policies for the oversight and management of material business risks and disclose a summary of those policies.


    7.2 The Board should require management to design and implement the risk management and internal control system to manage the Companys material business risks and report to it on whether those risks are being managed effectively. The Board should disclose that management has reported to it as

    to the












    7.3 The Board should disclose whether it has received assurance from the chief executive officer (or equivalent) and the chief financial officer (or equivalent) that the declaration provided in accordance with section 295A of the Corporations Act is founded on a sound system of risk management and internal control and that the system is operating effectively in all material respects in relation to financial reporting risks.


    7.4 Companies should provide the information indicated in the guide to reporting on Principal 7.


    Principal 8 Remunerate fairly and responsibly


    The Board



    a remuneration




    8.2 Companies should clearly distinguish the structure of non executive Directors remuneration from that of executive Directors and senior executives.


    8.3 Companies should provide the information indicated in the guide to reporting on Principal 8.


    Integrated Legal Holdings Limiteds corporate governance practices were in place throughout the year ended 30 June 2009. The following are reference notes to the Principal Recommendation table:

    a) Whilst both non executive Directors of Integrated Legal Holdings Limited own shares in the Company, they are considered to be independent as they are independent of management and

    free from













    reasonably be perceived to materially interfere with the exercise of their unfettered and independent judgement.

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    Corporate Governance Statement (continued)


    The Board is responsible for ensuring that managements objectives and activities are aligned with the expectations and risk identified by the Board. The Board has a number of mechanisms in place

    to ensure this is achieved including: Board approval of a strategic plan designed to meet stakeholders needs and manage

    business risk; Ongoing development of the strategic plan and approving initiatives and strategies designed

    to ensure the continued growth and success of the entity; and Implementation of budgets by management and monitoring progress against budget via

    the establishment and reporting of both financial and non financial key performance indicators.

    Other functions reserved to the Board include: Approval of the annual and half yearly financial reports; Approving and monitoring the progress of major capital expenditure, capital management,

    and acquisitions and divestitures; Ensuring that any significant risks that arise are identified, assessed, appropriately managed

    and monitored; and Reporting to shareholders.

    Structure of the Board The skills, experience and expertise relevant to the position of director held by each director in office at the date of the annual report is included in the Directors Report. Directors of Integrated Legal Holdings Limited are considered to be independent when they are independent of management and free from any business or other relationship that could materially interfere with or could reasonably be perceived to materially interfere with the exercise of their unfettered and independent judgement.

    In the context of director independence, 'materiality' is considered from both the Group and individual director perspective. The determination of materiality requires consideration of both quantitative and qualitative elements. An item is presumed to be quantitatively immaterial if it is equal to or less than 5% of the appropriate base amount. It is presumed to be material (unless there is qualitative evidence to the contrary) if it is equal to or greater than 10% of the appropriate base amount.

    Qualitative factors considered include whether a relationship is strategically important, the competitive landscape, the nature of the relationship and the contractual or other arrangements governing it and other factors that point to the actual ability of the director in question to shape the direction of the Groups loyalty.

    In accordance with the definition of independence above, and the materiality thresholds set, the following directors of Integrated Legal Holdings Limited are considered to be independent:

    Name Position J Dawkins Chairman, Non executive Director A Tregonning Non executive Director

    The Board recognises the Corporate Governance Councils recommendations that the Chair should be an independent Director.

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    Corporate Governance Statement (continued)


    There are procedures in place, agreed by the Board, to enable Directors in furtherance of their duties to seek independent professional advice at the Companys expense.

    The term in office held by each Director in office at the date of this report is as follows:

    Name Term in Office J Dawkins 2 years, 11 months A Tregonning 2 years, 11 months G Fowler 1 year, 4 months

    For additional details regarding Board appointments, please refer to our website:


    Performance The performance of the Board and key executives is reviewed regularly against both measurable and qualitative indicators. The performance criteria against which Directors and executives are assessed are aligned with the financial and non financial objectives of Integrated Legal Holdings Limited.

    Directors whose performance is consistently unsatisfactory may be asked to retire.

    Trading policy Under the Companys Share Trading Policy an executive or Director must not trade in any securities of the Company at any time when they are in possession of unpublished, price sensitive information

    in relation to those securities.

    Before commencing to trade, an executive must first obtain the approval of the Company Secretary to do so and a Director must first obtain the approval of the Chairman.

    Additional restrictions on trading in the Companys securities apply to Directors of the Company, all executives reporting directly to the Managing Director and any other employees of the Company considered appropriate by the Managing Director and Company Secretary from time to time (Restricted Persons).

    Restricted Persons are prohibited from trading in the Companys securities during the following

    designated closed periods: in the two months immediately preceding the release of the Companys half year financial

    results; or in the two months immediately preceding the release of the Companys full year financial


    In exceptional circumstances clearance may be given for a Restricted Person to sell (but not to purchase) securities when they would otherwise be prohibited from doing so but not while there exists any matter which constitutes unpublished price sensitive information in relation to the Companys securities.

    As required by the ASX listing rules, the Company notifies the ASX of any transaction conducted by Directors in the securities of the Company.

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    Corporate Governance Statement (continued)


    Audit committee The Board has established an audit committee, which operates under a charter approved by the

    Board. It is the Boards responsibility to ensure that an effective internal control framework exists within the entity. This includes internal controls to deal with both the effectiveness and efficiency of significant business processes, the safeguarding of assets, the maintenance of proper accounting records, and the reliability of financial information as well as non financial considerations such as the benchmarking of operational key performance indicators. The Board has delegated responsibility for establishing and maintaining a framework of internal control and ethical standards to the audit committee.

    The committee also provides the Board with additional assurance regarding the reliability of financial information for inclusion in the financial reports.

    The members of the audit committee during the year were:

    A Tregonning Chairman J Dawkins G Fowler

    Qualifications of audit committee members Ms Tregonning has extensive experience in finance and risk management in both public practice and commerce holding directorships and senior positions in several major corporations. She is the past chairman of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Western Australia and member of its National Council. Ms Tregonning is a graduate of The University of Western Australia, a Fellow of The

    Institute of Chartered Accountants and Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

    Mr Dawkins is a graduate in Economics from the University of Western Australia and has significant experience in the management of companies, having served as director of a number of corporations. He has consulted to several large Australian and oversees companies, the World Bank and the OECD. Until his retirement from politics in 1994 he served as a Minister in the Federal Government for 10 years and in the House of Representatives for 18 years.

    Mr Fowler was previously Chief Executive Officer of listed accounting and financial services consolidator WHK Group Limited. He spent over 15 years in senior management roles with the BT Financial Group including Group Chief Financial Officer, Chief Executive Officer of BT Funds

    Management NZ, and Chief Executive Officer of BT Portfolio Services (including BT Wrap). Mr Fowler is a business studies graduate of The University of Technology, Sydney, a Certified Practicing Accountant and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

    Risk The Board acknowledges the Revised Supplementary Guidance to Principal 7 issued by the ASX in June 2008 and has continued its proactive approach to risk management. The identification and effective management of risk, including calculated risktaking is viewed as an essential part of the Companys approach to creating long term shareholder value.

    In recognition of this, the Board determines the Companys risk profile and is responsible for

    overseeing and approving risk management strategy and policies, internal compliance and internal control. In doing so the Board has taken the view that it is crucial for all Board members to be a part of this process and as such, has not established a separate risk management committee.

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    Corporate Governance Statement (continued)


    The Board oversees an annual assessment of the effectiveness of risk management and internal compliance and control. The tasks of undertaking and assessing risk management and internal

    control effectiveness are delegated to management through the Managing Director/CEO, including responsibility for the day to day design and implementation of the Companys risk management and internal control system. Management reports to the Board on the Companys key risks and the extent to which it believes these risks are being adequately managed.

    The Board has a number of mechanisms in place to ensure that managements objectives and activities are aligned with the risks identified by the Board. These include the implementation of Board approved operating plans and budgets and Board monitoring of progress against these budgets, including the establishment and monitoring of KPIs of both a financial and non financial nature.

    As part of its duties, the Companys management conducts routine reviews with the objective of providing assurance on the adequacy of the Companys risk framework and the completeness and accuracy of risk reporting by management.

    To this end, comprehensive practices are in place that are directed towards achieving the following objectives in relation to the requirements of Principal 7:

    Effective and efficient use of the Companys resources Compliance with applicable laws and regulations Preparation of reliable published financial information

    CEO and CFO Certification

    In accordance with section 295A of the Corporations Act , the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer have provided a written statement to the Board that:

    Their view provided on the Companys financial report is founded on a sound system of risk management and internal compliance and control which implements the financial policies adopted by the Board; and

    The Companys risk management and internal compliance and control system is operating effectively in all material respects.

    The Board agrees with the views of the ASX on this matter and notes that due to its nature, internal control assurance from the CEO and CFO can only be reasonable rather than absolute. This is due to such factors as the need for judgement, the use of testing on a sample basis, the inherent limitations

    in internal control and because much of the evidence available is persuasive rather than conclusive and therefore is not and cannot be designed to detect all weaknesses in control procedures.

    Remuneration It is the Companys objective to provide maximum stakeholder benefit from the retention of a high quality Board and executive team by remunerating directors and key executives fairly and appropriately with reference to relevant employment market conditions. To assist in achieving this objective, the Board links the nature and amount of executive directors and officers remuneration to the Companys financial and operational performance.

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    Corporate Governance Statement (continued)


    The expected outcomes of the remuneration structure are: Retention and motivation of key executives. Attraction of high quality management to the Company. Performance incentives that allow executives to share in the success of Integrated Legal

    Holdings Limited.

    For a full discussion of the Companys remuneration philosophy and framework and the remuneration received by Directors and executives in the current period please refer to the Remuneration Report, which is contained within the Directors Report.

    There is no scheme to provide retirement benefits to non executive directors.

    The Board is responsible for determining and reviewing compensation arrangements for the

    Directors themselves and the executive team.

    Shareholder communication policy Pursuant to Principal 6, Integrated Legal Holdings Limiteds objective is to promote effective communication with its shareholders at all times.

    Integrated Legal Holdings Limited is committed to: Ensuring that shareholders and the financial markets are provided with full and timely

    information about Integrated Legal Holdings Limiteds activities in a balanced and understandable way.

    Complying with continuous disclosure obligations contained in applicable ASX listing rules and the Corporations Act in Australia.

    Communicating effectively with its shareholders and making it easier for shareholders to communicate with Integrated Legal Holdings Limited.

    To promote effective communication with shareholders and encourage effective participation at general meetings, information is communicated to shareholders:

    Through the release of information to the market via the ASX Through the distribution of the annual report and Notices of Annual General Meeting Through shareholder meetings and investor relations presentations Through letters and other forms of communications directly to shareholders By posting relevant information on Integrated Legal Holdings Limiteds website


    The Companys website www.ilh.com.au has a dedicated section for the purposes of publishing all important Company information and relevant announcements made to the market.

    The external auditors are required to attend the Annual General Meeting and are available to answer any shareholder questions about the conduction of the audit and preparation of the audit report.

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    Balance Sheet

    AS AT 30 JUNE 2009

    The above Balance Sheet should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. 30


    2009 2008 2009 2008 $ $ $ $


    Current Assets

    Cash and cash equivalents 10 600,694 5,626,766 547,437 3,544,723 Trade and other receivables 11 5,616,233 2,651,518 107,370 22,847 Work in progress 12 1,370,212 1,084,352

    Total Current Assets 7,587,139 9,362,636 654,807 3,567,570

    Non Current Assets

    Receivables 13 10,330,517 5,572,639 Plant and equipment 14 691,360 192,836 5,023 3,184 Prepayments 63,016 63,016 Goodwill 15 10,372,263 6,330,233 2,070,000 2,520,000 Intangible assets 16 100,980 136,620 Investments in subsidiaries 17 712,888 712,886 Deferred tax assets 7 464,147 410,647 297,357 357,817 Other assets 18 2,677 2,524 2,677 2,524

    Total Non Current Assets 11,694,443 7,072,860 13,481,478 9,169,050

    TOTAL ASSETS 19,281,582 16,435,496 14,136,285 12,736,620


    Current Liabilities

    Trade and other payables 19 1,738,222 1,081,009 222,161 146,611 Interest bearing loans and borrowings 20 1,244,330 169,764 723,000 Income tax payable 7 157,011 968,272 157,011 968,272 Provisions 21 459,466 173,111 23,410 10,501 Other liabilities 22 200,000

    Total Current Liabilities 3,799,029 2,392,156 1,125,582 1,125,384

    Non Current Liabilities

    Interest bearing loans and borrowings 20 1,064,105 18,708 1,000,000 Provisions 21 177,620 119,986 819 223

    Other liabilities 22 378,422 Total Non Current Liabilities 1,620,147 138,694 1,000,819 223

    TOTAL LIABILITIES 5,419,176 2,530,850 2,126,401 1,125,607

    NET ASSETS 13,862,406 13,904,646 12,009,884 11,611,013


    Issued Capital 23 30,504,813 29,729,975 30,504,813 29,729,975 Accumulated Losses 24 (16,641,034) (15,823,844) (18,493,556) (18,117,477) Reserves 25 (1,373) (1,485) (1,373) (1,485)

    TOTAL EQUITY 13,862,406 13,904,646 12,009,884 11,611,013

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    Income Statement


    The above Income Statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. 31


    2009 2008 2009 2008 $ $ $ $

    Professional fees 16,388,522 10,175,930 Interest revenue 158,585 429,609 151,559 391,794 Dividends received 85 49 2,293,718 49 Other revenue 6(a) 399,029 82,853

    Total Revenue 16,946,221 10,688,441 2,445,277 391,843

    Occupancy expenses (1,619,855) (622,545) (75,148) (26,258) Salaries and employee benefits expenses 6(b) (10,167,466) (5,031,511) (663,216) (332,628) Depreciation and amortisation expenses 6(c) (189,496) (122,799) (1,569) (314) Advertising and marketing expenses (209,481) (122,592) (2,152) (4,164) Administrative expenses (2,602,316) (1,495,523) (497,879) (379,498) Other expenses 6(d) (534,936) (159,092) (30,537) (617) Finance costs 6(e) (57,148) (25,029) (23,061) (66) Share based payments expense (14,838) (406,530) (2,753) (406,530) Impairment loss 15(c) (450,000) (215,826) (450,000) (96,164)

    Total expenses (15,845,536) (8,201,447) (1,746,315) (1,246,239)

    Profit/(loss) before income tax 1,100,685 2,486,994 698,962 (854,396)

    Income tax (expense)/benefit 7 (506,810) (942,691) 336,024 105,066

    Profit/(loss) after income tax 593,875 1,544,303 1,034,986 (749,330)

    Net profit/(loss) for the year 593,875 1,544,303 1,034,986 (749,330)

    Basic profit/(loss) per share (cents) 9 0.89 2.66 Diluted profit/(loss) per share (cents) 9 0.89 2.66

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    Cash Flow Statement


    The above Cash Flow Statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. 32


    2009 2008 2009 2008 $ $ $ $

    Cash flows from operating activities

    Receipts from customers 14,744,556 8,002,981 Interest received 159,533 428,661 167,016 376,337 Dividends received 44 49 2,293,677 49 Receipts from other revenue 399,029 82,853 Payments to suppliers and employees (15,623,518) (7,303,805) (437,010) (593,222) Interest and other costs of finance Paid (23,832) (14,937) (23,061) (66) Income tax paid (1,308,557) (76,371) (1,308,557)

    Net cash inflows/(outflows) from operating activities 26(a) (1,652,745) 1,119,431 692,065 (216,902)

    Cash flows from investing activities

    Purchase of plant and equipment (180,612) (80,826) (3,408) (3,498) Proceeds on the disposal of plant and equipment 2,326 1,000 Payment for available for sale investments (4,009) (4,009) Payment for the acquisition of businesses net of cash acquired 30 (3,731,403) (6,652,695) (2,700,000)

    Net cash outflows from investing activities (3,909,689) (6,736,530) (3,408) (2,707,507)

    Cash flows from financing activities

    Proceeds from loans received 2,199,372 232,057 1,723,000 Repayment of borrowings (386,764) (182,689) Dividends paid (1,411,065) (1,411,065) Net loans advanced to related parties (3,997,878) (4,940,030) Payment for settlement of liability assumed on acquisition of Law Central Co Pty Ltd (214,665) Proceeds from issue of shares 3,628,130 3,628,130 Payments for share issue expenses (1,007,703) (1,007,703)

    Net cash inflows/(outflows) from financing activities 401,543 2,455,130 (3,685,943) (2,319,603)

    Net decrease in cash held (5,160,891) (3,161,969) (2,997,286) (5,244,012) Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the financial period 5,626,766 8,788,735 3,544,723 8,788,735

    Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the financial period 10 465,875 5,626,766 547,437 3,544,723

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    Statement of Changes in Equity


    The above Statement of Changes in Equity should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.


    CONSOLIDATED Issued Capital

    Accumulated Losses

    Net Unrealised Gains/(Losses)

    Reserve Total


    $ $ $ $

    Balance as at 1 July 2007 17,368,352 (17,368,147) 205

    Net fair value losses on available for sale investments (1,485) (1,485) Total income and expense recognised in equity for the year (1,485) (1,485)

    Profit for the year 1,544,303 1,544,303

    Total income and expense recognised for the year 1,544,303 (1,485) 1,542,818

    Issue of shares 13,045,708 13,045,708

    Share based payment 406,530 406,530

    Transaction costs on share issues (1,514,575) (1,514,575) Income tax on items taken directly to or transferred from equity 423,960 423,960

    Balance as at 30 June 2008 29,729,975 (15,823,844) (1,485) 13,904,646

    CONSOLIDATED Issued Capital

    Accumulated Losses

    Net Unrealised Gains/(Losses)

    Reserve Total


    $ $ $ $

    Balance as at 1 July 2008 29,729,975 (15,823,844) (1,485) 13,904,646 Net fair value profits on available for sale investments 112 112 Total income and expense recognised in equity for the year 112 112

    Profit for the year 593,875 593,875

    Total income and expense recognised for the year 593,875 112 593,987

    Dividends paid (1,411,065) (1,411,065)

    Issue of shares 774,838 774,838

    Balance as at 30 June 2009 30,504,813 (16,641,034) (1,373) (13,862,406)

  • 8/10/2019 060.ASX IAW Oct 20 2009 15.11 Annual Report


  • 8/10/2019 060.ASX IAW Oct 20 2009 15.11 Annual Report



    Notes to the Financial Statements FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2009



    The financial report of Integrated Legal Holdings Limited (the Company) for the year ended 30 June 2009 was authorised for issue in accordance with a resolution of directors on 25 September 2009.

    Integrated Legal Holdings Limited (the parent) is a company limited by shares incorporated in Australia whose shares are publicly traded on the Australian Stock Exchange. The company was domiciled in Australia.

    The nature of the operations and principal activities of the Group are described in the Directors' Report.

    2) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Basis of preparation The financial report is a general purpose financial report, which has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Corporations Act 2001, Australian Accounting Standards and other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board. The financial report has also been prepared on a historical cost basis, except for available for sale investments, which have been measured at fair value.

    The financial report is presented in Australian dollars.

    a) Compliance with IFRS

    The financial report complies with Australian Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board.

    b) New accounting standards and interpretations Australian Accounting Standards and Interpretations that have recently been issued or amended but are not yet effective have not been adopted by the Group for the annual reporting period ended 30 June 2009. These are outlined in the following table.

  • 8/10/2019 060.ASX IAW Oct 20 2009 15.11 Annual Report


  • 8/10/2019 060.ASX IAW Oct 20 2009 15.11 Annual Report



    Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2009


    b) New accounting standards and interpretations (continued)

    Reference Title Summary Applicationdate of



    AASB 3 (Revised) Business Combinations The revised standard introduces a number of changes to the accounting for business combinations, the most significant of which includes the requirement to have to expense transaction costs and a choice for each business combina