
ST. DUNSTANS EPISCOPAL CHURCH TID BITS FROM THE TABLE ~ MAY 15, 2015 UPCOMING MEETINGS and ETC: May 17 - Vestry Meeting after 10 am Service – (Rescheduled from May 10 th ) May 24 – Pentecost Expanded Coffee Hour after 9 am Combined Service June 1 – Turning Point Submissions Deadline for 15 June publication June 7 – Next ECW Monthly Meeting after 10 am Service (No May Meeting) June 14 – Vestry Meeting after 10 am Service June 28 – Parish Picnic after 10 am Service (More Info to Follow Soon) July 12 – Vestry Meeting after 10 am Service July 19 – July ECW Meeting after 10 am Service August 16 – August ECW Meeting after 10 am Service SPECIAL COFFEE HOUR: A special coffee hour is planned for May 17, 2015, after the 10 am Eucharist, to honor Judy Stockbridge’s 20 years of faithful service to Saint Dunstan’s Church as Directress of the Altar Guild. We would like to serve finger foods, such as coffee cake, cheese and crackers, breads, deviled eggs, cold cuts, fruit bites, and of course, juice and coffee. There is a sign-up list on the bulletin board of the undercroft, and we hope you will come and join in the celebration. Please note: Set-up for this coffee hour will be on Saturday, May 16 th beginning at 10:30 am. Please contact Marian Wells to offer your assistance. SIGN UP FOR PENTECOST EXPANDED COFFEE HOUR – MAY 24: A sign-up sheet is available in the undercroft to bring in something to share after the combined 9 am service. Finger foods, fruit, cheese and dessert are suggested. PRAYER REQUESTS: As requested, Prayer Request Cards may now be found on hooks in the pews, as well as on the table at the back of the nave. SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: May is the month when St. Dunstan’s does hands on support at Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry. Please remember to sign up for your opportunity to help. See Joe Stockbridge or Harvey Kelley for more information. The 2015 Fair Committee had its first meeting on March 19th. At that meeting the committee discussed how we might fund fair expenses. It was decided to have a series of small "pop up" baked goods and seedling sales at coffee hour throughout the spring and summer. All members of the parish are encouraged to contribute to this effort (a tray of seedlings, a bag of cookies, a loaf of bread or even a pie!) in the next seven months. Full minutes of the meeting will be available before the next ECW meeting. ALTAR FLOWERS: Have a special event, birthday, anniversary or graduation you wish to mark? The May-July Altar Flower sign-up sheet is located on the table in the Narthex. Gentle reminder: Should you care to support the Coffee Hour ministry, there is a basket for donations on the table in the Fellowship Hall. Remember to wear your nametags each Sunday!



Transcript of 05-15-15


    UPCOMING MEETINGS and ETC: May 17 - Vestry Meeting after 10 am Service (Rescheduled from May 10th) May 24 Pentecost Expanded Coffee Hour after 9 am Combined Service

    June 1 Turning Point Submissions Deadline for 15 June publication June 7 Next ECW Monthly Meeting after 10 am Service (No May Meeting) June 14 Vestry Meeting after 10 am Service June 28 Parish Picnic after 10 am Service (More Info to Follow Soon) July 12 Vestry Meeting after 10 am Service July 19 July ECW Meeting after 10 am Service August 16 August ECW Meeting after 10 am Service SPECIAL COFFEE HOUR:

    A special coffee hour is planned for May 17, 2015, after the 10 am Eucharist, to honor Judy Stockbridges 20 years of faithful service to Saint Dunstans Church as Directress of the Altar Guild. We would like to serve finger foods, such as coffee cake, cheese and crackers, breads, deviled eggs, cold cuts, fruit bites, and of course, juice and coffee. There is a sign-up list on the bulletin board of the undercroft, and we hope you will come and join in the celebration. Please note: Set-up for this coffee hour will be on Saturday, May 16th beginning at 10:30 am. Please contact Marian Wells to offer your assistance. SIGN UP FOR PENTECOST EXPANDED COFFEE HOUR MAY 24:

    A sign-up sheet is available in the undercroft to bring in something to share after the combined 9 am service. Finger foods, fruit, cheese and dessert are suggested. PRAYER REQUESTS:

    As requested, Prayer Request Cards may now be found on hooks in the pews, as well as on the table at the back of the nave. SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: May is the month when St. Dunstans does hands on support at Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry. Please

    remember to sign up for your opportunity to help. See Joe Stockbridge or Harvey Kelley for more information. The 2015 Fair Committee had its first meeting on March 19th. At that meeting the committee discussed

    how we might fund fair expenses. It was decided to have a series of small "pop up" baked goods and seedling sales at coffee hour throughout the spring and summer. All members of the parish are encouraged to contribute to this effort (a tray of seedlings, a bag of cookies, a loaf of bread or even a pie!) in the next seven months. Full minutes of the meeting will be available before the next ECW meeting. ALTAR FLOWERS:

    Have a special event, birthday, anniversary or graduation you wish to mark? The May-July Altar Flower sign-up sheet is located on the table in the Narthex. Gentle reminder: Should you care to support the Coffee Hour ministry, there is a basket for donations on the table in the Fellowship Hall.

    Remember to wear your nametags each Sunday!


    Lay Ministers: 05/17 5/24

    Morning Prayer Holy Eucharist Rite II Altar Guild Sarah Whalen 8:00 Service Officiant Diana Gazis Lay Reader 10:00 Service 9:00 am Service Officiant Diana Gazis Mother Johanna Lay Readers Karl Haller, Marian Wells, Bill Thomas Sarah Whalen, Andrew Chattin, Dianne

    Kelley Chalice Dan DeLong Crucifer Jerry Whitney Server Andrew Chattin Ushers Ralph Preble, Herbert Beckwith Joe Stockbridge, Karl Haller

    Coffee Hour Altar Guild ECW If you should have an emergency, you may contact: Reverend Johanna-Karen Johannson, Priest 902-1013;

    Senior Warden Dave Wells at 667-6206 (h), 610-3709 (c); Junior Warden Harvey Kelley at 422-3115 (h) or 266-5148 (c) For pastoral needs: Deacon Rev. Joan Preble at 667-4068. Ann is in the office Thursdays from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.