04.narrative structure in films

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Narrative structure in films with a focus on Thriller films

Transcript of 04.narrative structure in films

  • 1. Narrative Structure in FilmHow Films Tell Stories

2. WWhhaatt iiss NNaarrrraattiivvee FFoorrmm?? Narrative form is thestructure though whichmovies tell stories. When we speak of goingto the movies, we almostalways mean that we aregoing to see a narrativefilm a film that tells astory. 3. NNaarrrraattiivveess aarree EEvveerryywwhheerree Narratives appear throughout media andsociety in novels, plays, comic books,television shows and even commercials. Narratives are most common in fiction film,3but appear in all basic types of film: Documentaries Animated films Experimental and avant-garde films Short Films 4. EEvveennttss OOccccuurr iinn SSppaaccee aanndd TTiimmee A narrative is an account of a string of events4occurring in space and time. Narratives do not unfold randomly, but ratheras an ordered series of events connected bythe logic of cause and effect. This logic of cause and effect ties togethercharacter traits, goals, obstacles andactions. 5. The Narrative Structure 6. The Narrative StructureExposition meeting the characters, establishing the setting, settingthe tone establishing the normal of the film worldRising Action the central conflict is introduced and the tensionbetween the protagonist and the antagonist begins to mountClimax The climax is the turning point, which marks a change, forthe better or the worse, in the protagonists future.Falling Action The major action has happened. This is theaftermath . This is the sorting out of the major conflicts resolution.Dnouement/Resolution the creation of the new normal. Theconflict is resolved 7. Typically a narrative begins with one situation(Exposition). A series of changes occurs according to apattern of cause and effect. Finally a new situation arises throughcharacter choice and conflict that restoresequilibrium to the world of the story and bringsabout the end of the narrative. The new story equilibrium almost always resultsin character change.7HHooww NNaarrrraattiivvee UUnnffoollddss 8. Tzvetan Todorov 9. EExxaammppllee1. The Star Wars films begin with the protagonist (hero)9Luke Skywalker hiding from the Empire.2. The Empire find and kill his family3. Luke Skywalker realises that he must stand up to theEmpire.4. Story changes that result from conflict and characterchoice force him into a climactic showdown withantagonist (villian) Darth Vader and the Emperor.5. Skywalker, Vader and the rebels triumphs and equilibriumis restored.6. Though Luke loses his father, he changes by becomingwiser and more humble, he is a very different man by theend 10. CChhaarraacctteerr Narrative films generally focus on human characters andtheir struggles. Characters are typically responsible for cause and effectin narrative. 11. 11CChhaarraacctteerr TTrraaiittssTraits are attitudes, skills, habits, tastes,psychological drives and any other qualities thatdistinguish a character.Traits in opening scenes are relevant to laterscenes; this is related to cause and effect. 12. 12EExxaammpplleessIn The Star Wars films, Lukes character traitsare introduced early on and pay off in laterscenes.They include his knowledge of the Force, hissurvival skills, his ability with a light saber, andhis impetuousness. 13. CChhaarraacctteerr:: CChhooiicceess aanndd GGooaallss Characters create cause and effect throughchoices that lead to conflict and consequences. These patterns are designed so that the viewerclearly sees and understands them. Characters posses traits, face conflicts, makechoices and undergo changes that enable orhinder pursuit of a specific goal. You will need to establish traits, choices andgoals in your opening two mins 14. CChhaarraacctteerr:: GGooaallss aanndd oobbssttaacclleess Goals might include solving a crime, gettingrevenge, finding a missing perosn. Characters encounter obstacles in pursuingthese goals the collision of goals and obstaclescreate conflict and thus drama. 15. 15SSeelleeccttiinngg aanndd OOrrggaanniizziinngg EEvveennttss Feature films have a running time or screentime of between 90 and 180 minutes. But thestories they tell rarely take place in that amountof time. In order to tell a story that may cover months oryears, the filmmakers must choose to presentcertain events and leave others out or reorderevents. This is extremely true in the case of thriller filmswhere the narrative is often extremely complex 16. 16TThhee SSttoorryy aanndd tthhee PPlloott The writer transforms a complete chronologicalstory into an abbreviated, recognized version ofevents that plays out on the screen for theaudience. Often the differences are referred to as story andplot. 17. 17TThhee SSttoorryy The story is the chronological narrative, in itsentirety. It include events that take place during the spanof time of the plot that are implied (backstory) butnot always shown in detail 18. 18TThhee PPlloott The plot entails more than simply omitting eventsfrom the story it also involves reordering events some times using flashbacks andflashforwards. Repositioning events influences the wayaudiences understand them and is often used inthriller films to create confusion, suspense, andmystery. 19. Levi-Strauss and binary oppositions. Claude Levi Strauss, a French theorist (notthe jeans!) gave media studies a number ofinfluential theories that help us to understandhow meaning is established quickly inopenings. Binary Oppositions create meaning throughestablishing what something is not. Weunderstand the world through a system ofpower weighted oppositions and it is oftenthese oppositions that drive the narrative. 20. Binary Oppositions Man vs Woman White vs Black Young vs Old Hero vs Villain West vs East Good vs Bad Which of these lists have the most power? 21. TThhrriilllleerr FFiillmmss aanndd NNaarrrraattiivveeThriller Film is a genre that revolves around anticipationand suspense. The aim for Thrillers is to keep theaudience alert and on the edge of their seats. Theprotagonist in these films is set against a problem anescape, a mission, or a mystery. No matter what sub-genrea Thriller film falls into, it will emphasize the dangerthat the protagonist faces. The tension with the mainproblem is built on throughout the film and leads to a highlystressful climax.As media students you need to know HOW to achievethis 22. Specific Narrative features of Thrillers Plot twists and turns complex, makes audience work Flashbacks dark past, adds to characters, confusion Narrative retardation confuses the audience, makes themwork Red herrings - confuses the audience, makes them work Chases / pursuits tension/ excitement Mysterious characters - shady past / duplicitous / unsure ofintentions, keep audience guessing Deadlines - bomb timer, ransom demands, creates tension Morally complex characters - makes the audience work Enigma codes Cliff hangers tension, suspense, anxiety Misdirection - confuses the audience, makes them work Multiple lines of action confusion, makes audience work 23. The Opening of Shutter Island Watch this opening carefully looking for keynarrative features (up to 8:48) In your groups discuss and apply generalnarrative theory and specific narrativeconventions of Thriller in what ways isShutter Island using general narrativetheories, developing them, challenging them. How typical Thriller is it? 24. The Set Up What does the set up reveal to the audience aboutsetting? Where is this place? What gives youinformation? What does the set up reveal to the audience aboutcharacters? Choose one character and explain HOWthe set up reveals this information. What does the set up reveal to the audience aboutinterrelationship between characters? About their goals?Are there any things you learn here that becomeimportant later on? What is this world like? Safe? Happy? Dangerous?How do you know? What possible conflicts or strains are there that willbecome part of the story later on? How does this film opening fit with the codes andconventions of Thriller films?