041712 whap cold war 50m

RIGHT CORNER >: 1) Write: Name: _, Period: _, Date: 04/17/12, Topic: Cold War LEFT CORNER <: Write “Opener #24” and then: 1) Write 1 high+1 low in last 24 hours 2) Rate your comprehension for this week’s material so far: lost<1-5>easy 3) Respond to the Opener by writing at least 1 sentences

Transcript of 041712 whap cold war 50m

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RIGHT CORNER >: 1) Write: Name: _, Period: _, Date: 04/17/12, Topic: Cold War

LEFT CORNER <: Write “Opener #24” and then:

1) Write 1 high+1 low in last 24 hours2) Rate your comprehension for this week’s material so far: lost<1-5>easy3) Respond to the Opener by writing at least 1 sentences about:Your opinions/thoughts OR/AND

Questions sparked by the clip OR/AND

Summary of the clip OR/AND

Announcements: None

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Agenda1) WWII Europe

Why am I learning this?1) To understand what leads to the Cold War

Reminder1) Field trip forms due next week ($8)2) Reading quiz Monday

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Notes #24a, Title: “Cold War”1) United Nations (1945): New league of nations

created with a Security Council of the world powers to enforce the UN’s will

a) General Assembly: Every Country - 1 Voteb) Security Council: 5 Permanent Members w

Veto Power (US, UK, France, China, USSR), 10 Non-permanent No Veto Power

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Notes #23a, Title: “Cold War”Cold War (1945-1991): Conflict between US allied

nations and Soviet allied nations that never broke out in real direct war (though plenty of proxy indirect wars)

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“USSR Ideology Debate”1) Read the 2 sides, choose 1 side, and write

which you choose and explain why.2) Then write down what your partner thinks

(include their name at the end).1 2 3 4 5

CON: Communism hurts most ppl

1) Communism requires a totalitarian (non-free) gov

2) While everyone is the same, this means everyone is suffering from low production

PRO: Captialism hurts most ppl1) Free markets create immense profits for the few wealthy

2) Many ppl remain suffering in poverty under Capitalism

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Notes #23b, Title: “Cold War”3) Containment Theory (1946): US diplomat

George Kennan writes the need to stop communist aggression, but not roll back.

4) Iron Curtain (1946): UK Churchill says an Iron Curtain has split Eur: West (US) vs. East (USSR)

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A shadow has fallen upon the scenes so lately light by the Allied victory. Nobody knows what Soviet Russia and its Communist international organization intends to do in the immediate future, or what are the limits, if any, to their expansive and proselytizing tendencies. I have a strong admiration and regard for the valiant Russian people and for my wartime comrade, Marshall Stalin… We understand the Russian need to be secure on her western frontiers by the removal of all possibility of German aggression. We welcome Russia to her rightful place among the leading nations of the world. …it is my duty however, for I am sure you would wish me to state the facts as I see them to you. It is my duty to place before you certain facts about the present position in Europe. From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent... Police governments are prevailing in nearly every case, and so far, except in Czechoslovakia, there is no true democracy.

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“USSR Expansion Debate”1) Read the 2 sides, choose 1 side, and write

which you choose and explain why.2) Then write down what your partner thinks

(include their name at the end).1 2 3 4 5

CON: We should leave others alone to help themselves

1) Who says we get to judge what’s “just”

2) If try to help others, we are creating more problems for ourselves

PRO: If a neighboring nation’s ppl are being taken advantage of, you must help free those ppl1) It’s just thing to do

2) If we don’t help them, when we need help, no one will be left to help

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Notes #24a, Title: “Cold War”2) Greece and Turkey (1947): Soviets (really

Yugoslavs) support Communist revolution, US donates $400 mil + successfully stop it.

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Notes #24a, Title: “Start of Cold War” 3) Marshal Plan (1947): US plan to spend $13 bil (08: $100 bil) to rebuild Eur, prevent communism(US doing same in Japan)

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4) Hungary (1948): USSR placed Com. dictator in control (1956: Nagy tries to lead rebellion, but fails, assassinated)

5) Czechoslovakia (1948): USSR placed Com. dictator in control (1968: Dubcek tries to give ppl indiv. but fails b/c USSR invades)

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6) Berlin Blockade (1948-1949): Stalin blocks off Berlin, US flies 1,398 supply flights a day (1/m).

This exp. helps unify US and Ger.

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6) Berlin Blockade (1948-1949): Stalin blocks off Berlin, US flies 1,398 supply flights a day (1/m).

This exp. helps unify US and Ger.

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Notes #23d, Title: “Start of Cold War” Nuclear Arms Race (US: 1945, USSR: 1949):

USSR fear US will use, if they don’t have it too.(UK: 1952, France: 1960, China: 1964, India: 1974)

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Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924): Leads Rus revolutionJoseph Stalin (1879-1953): Ambition CPSU

leader, outmaneuvers (later kills) Trotsky after Lenina) Power hungry, ruthless, paranoid leader

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Notes #24a, Title: “USSR Notes” 7) Nikita Khrushchev (1953-1964): Moderate

leader led after Stalin’s death in 1953, tried to give ppl some freedom + wanted avoid WW3

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8) Cuban Missile Crisis (1962): Cuba (Castro) becomes communist in 1959, USSR places nukes in Cuba, missiles removed when US:

a) US pledges not to invade Cuba b) US takes missiles out Turkey

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9) Leonid Brezhnev (1964-1982): Hardline leader limited freedoms, asserted right to order other com. countries (USSR control weakening in 1980s)

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Détente (1970s): Warming relations with US (as USSR is weakening), warming ends w Afghanistan

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10) Invasion of Afghanistan (1979–1989): USSR failed attempt to invade Afghan weakens USSR’s power

(1955-1975: US tried to “contain” Communism in Vietnam fails, Ho Chi Minh wins)

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Activ #24a, Title “Nuclear War”

1) Copy Source Title: Threads

2…) Discuss questions on the board with a partner. Summarize your discussion (include their name at the end). Remember participation points are deducted if off task. 5 Reading/Film Qs Come From These Work Sections

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“Cold War Debate”1) Read the 2 sides, choose 1 side, and write

which you choose and explain why.2) Then write down what your partner thinks

(include their name at the end).1 2 3 4 5

CON: USSR is to blame

1) USSR broke Yalta promise + didn’t give E Eur free elections, their aggression is clear

2) USSR restricted the rights of the ppl under its dominion

PRO: US is to blame for the start of the Cold War1) US offered $ (Marshall) to nations bordering Rus

2) US first attacked USSR communist during their rev, created NATO first, first had the Atomic Bomb

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Reflection #24 (place at the end of today’s work)

Pick the 1 most important thing you learned today to share with your partner.

1) Write down the main idea of today.(include their name).

2) Summarize Mr. Chiang’s closing remarks

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Have a great spring break!