04-2003 Operational Procedure for Portable Cargo Pump

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Transcript of 04-2003 Operational Procedure for Portable Cargo Pump

  • 8/10/2019 04-2003 Operational Procedure for Portable Cargo Pump


    Circular:04/200323rd Apr.2003

    Re: Operational procedure for portable cargo pump.

    Dear Masters

    One of our vessels had experienced burst damage of exible hydraulichoselo! pressure hose" by mis#handling during test of portable cargo pump.Also other vessels had experienced similar troubles during testing oroperating of portable cargo pump in the past. $n order to prevent such trouble%!e provided and attached the procedure for portable cargo pump !hich

    please &indly 'nd and educate cre! accordingly.

    (lease ac&no!ledge receipt.

    )est *egardsMr. +. Arima,eneral Manager-nix ine

    Distribution to/ All -nix managing vessels% M1% MA% re! manningcompanies% M#)usan.

  • 8/10/2019 04-2003 Operational Procedure for Portable Cargo Pump


    @" hen vessel stops pumping% close high pressure valve a" 'rst and thendisconnect pressure hose. After that% close return valve b" and thendisconnect return hose.

    2. Operational procedure & precaution

    8. estrefer to 6ig#8 "8" (ortable cargo pump has to be !ell maintained al!ays 5 tested

    periodically for immediate use in case of emergency2" (repare drum can !ith !ater 5 put portable cargo pump as 'gure

    attached3" on'rm valves of a"% b"% c" closed% and fully open delivery valved"

    " onnect return hose to return lineb" on dec& 'rst and open thevalveb"

    ;" onnect pressure hose to delivery linea"% and open the valvea"" ontrol the o! 7uantity of !ater by delivery valved" 5 chec&

    pressure gauge at cargo line not to exceed max > bar?" Bupply !ater into drum can by ,B or 6ire hose

    2. After completion test8" lose high pressure valvea" 'rst and then disconnect high pressure

    hose2" lose control leverc"3" lose return valveb" and then disconnect return hose

    3. Bto!ing8" argo hose to be disconnected from portable cargo pump2" +eep portable cargo pump !ith exible hydraulic hose. DonCt

    disconnect the hose

  • 8/10/2019 04-2003 Operational Procedure for Portable Cargo Pump




    (a) Valve & adaptor of high pressure line (from delivery line)(b) Valve & adaptor of low pressure line (to return line)

    (c) Hyd !ressure controller with pressure gauge (control lever)(d) "elivery valve of water (control of delivery pressure of water by the


    #upply of water by

    $# or %

    "' *+,

    *argo hose

    !ressure gauge ofwater

    -lind flange


    !ressure hose




    Hydraulic double hose (pressure hose . return hose)

    'eturn line (ow pressure)

    "elivery line (High pressure)
