03- Treatment (Expanded)

Treatment Draft 1 We first see twelve college-age people getting out of three cars. Each person is dressed well and carries a suitcase with them. On the porch of a large house across from the group we see DEANNA HAWTHORNE and USHI PARK in more formal clothing waiting to greet the arrivals. They announce a greeting to the people and invite them in. The large house is revealed to be Deanna's. Next we see the people entering a large reception hall with a banner greeting the leaders of a fraternity and sorority group called Zeta Omega Delta. Deanna is now standing on the first step of a staircase from where she announces the purpose of the individuals is to improve their work together and their own leadership abilities to better their chapters of the organization. She tells them this will be done through a trip. We hear Ushi explaining the rules of the trip all participants will go on. He also separates them into two teams. The group separates into two as the individuals meet up with those they are paired with. MICKEY protests the presence of fewer girls in his group. Deanna announces she will be supervising his group which makes him happy. Ushi announces that the activity will begin in two hours. We see the teams separate as each member takes their luggage upstairs and prepares for the trip. A large dining hall serves as the gathering place for the teams at a brunch. We see GEORGE complaining to Deanna that he is not on his sister's team. STEPHEN is sitting apart from the rest of the group, listening to the conversation. TOKKI is watching him from across the table. NALA and PUFF are on either side of BARBARA, trying to get her to speak to them. We see MARCUS and WILBER shuffling papers. They watch COURTNEY walking across the room and push the papers down the table to a seat next to Ushi. Courtney is visibly angry when she sees the papers and immediately starts to sort them. Two young men enter the room and call to the group that they are ready to leave. Deanna announces that the teams will each go with one of the men. The groups are loaded into vans. We see them driving through a valley of trees and hills. They pull to a stop in separate locations and we see Ushi and Deanna leading their groups into the trees. We see Deanna's group reach a clearing where she makes them stop. She pulls a large black radio out of her bag and calls Ushi to ask if he is ready. We see Ushi telling Deanna that he is. JEREMY becomes excited and runs ahead into the trees. The rest of Team 1 follows. Ushi requests that MARCUS direct Team 2, pointing out a thin trail in the woods. The group sets out. We see Jeremy running through the trees, calling out for Team 1 to hurry. We see his foot hit a thin string, then we hear a faint thwack sound. Jeremy's face goes slack, and he falls. Next we see ODETTE skipping ahead of the rest of Team 1, laughing. She turns to walk backwards and cheer on the rest of the team. She falls and jumps back up. When she turns she sees Jeremy lying face down. She teases him for scaring her. Mickey tells Jeremy to get up and pulls his arm. Jeremy's head


Next we see the people entering a large reception hall with a banner greeting the leaders of a fraternity and sorority group called Zeta Omega Delta. Deanna is now standing on the first step of a staircase from where she announces the purpose of the individuals is to improve their work together and their own leadership abilities to better their chapters of the organization. She tells them this will be done through a trip.

Transcript of 03- Treatment (Expanded)

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Treatment Draft 1

We first see twelve college-age people getting out of three cars. Each person is dressed well and carries a suitcase with them. On the porch of a large house across from the group we see DEANNA HAWTHORNE and USHI PARK in more formal clothing waiting to greet the arrivals. They announce a greeting to the people and invite them in. The large house is revealed to be Deanna's. Next we see the people entering a large reception hall with a banner greeting the leaders of a fraternity and sorority group called Zeta Omega Delta. Deanna is now standing on the first step of a staircase from where she announces the purpose of the individuals is to improve their work together and their own leadership abilities to better their chapters of the organization. She tells them this will be done through a trip. We hear Ushi explaining the rules of the trip all participants will go on. He also separates them into two teams. The group separates into two as the individuals meet up with those they are paired with. MICKEY protests the presence of fewer girls in his group. Deanna announces she will be supervising his group which makes him happy. Ushi announces that the activity will begin in two hours. We see the teams separate as each member takes their luggage upstairs and prepares for the trip. A large dining hall serves as the gathering place for the teams at a brunch. We see GEORGE complaining to Deanna that he is not on his sister's team. STEPHEN is sitting apart from the rest of the group, listening to the conversation. TOKKI is watching him from across the table. NALA and PUFF are on either side of BARBARA, trying to get her to speak to them. We see MARCUS and WILBER shuffling papers. They watch COURTNEY walking across the room and push the papers down the table to a seat next to Ushi. Courtney is visibly angry when she sees the papers and immediately starts to sort them. Two young men enter the room and call to the group that they are ready to leave. Deanna announces that the teams will each go with one of the men. The groups are loaded into vans. We see them driving through a valley of trees and hills. They pull to a stop in separate locations and we see Ushi and Deanna leading their groups into the trees. We see Deanna's group reach a clearing where she makes them stop. She pulls a large black radio out of her bag and calls Ushi to ask if he is ready. We see Ushi telling Deanna that he is. JEREMY becomes excited and runs ahead into the trees. The rest of Team 1 follows. Ushi requests that MARCUS direct Team 2, pointing out a thin trail in the woods. The group sets out. We see Jeremy running through the trees, calling out for Team 1 to hurry. We see his foot hit a thin string, then we hear a faint thwack sound. Jeremy's face goes slack, and he falls. Next we see ODETTE skipping ahead of the rest of Team 1, laughing. She turns to walk backwards and cheer on the rest of the team. She falls and jumps back up. When she turns she sees Jeremy lying face down. She teases him for scaring her. Mickey tells Jeremy to get up and pulls his arm. Jeremy's head

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turns and we see the head of a nail sticking out of his temple. Jeremy's eyes are still open. Mickey drops Jeremy's arm and turns quickly to cover Odette's eyes. Odette, Tokki, and George scream in surprise. Deanna is visibly frightened. She opens her pocket and removes a cell phone, then curses when it has no signal. She uses her radio to call Ushi and tell him what happened. We now see Team 2 walking through the woods carefully behind Marcus. Ushi is trying to turn his radio on but we only hear static and small parts of words from Deanna. The Team is climbing a steep hill and all are panting. We see Nala and Barbara drinking water from bottles while Puff is smoking. Ushi tells Marcus to stop at the top of the hill and announces they will rest. Wilber looks down the hill where we see a medium-sized pond. Wilber goes down the hill towards the pond and announces he will swim. Wilber is in the water swimming slowly when we see his leg under the water's surface. His foot slips into a loop of rope. When he moves forward and his foot pulls on the rope, it becomes instantly tight. We next see above the water. Wilber is suddenly pulled under with a shout. On the hill Courtney yells down to Wilber to stop playing. They watch for Wilber to surface. Ushi becomes nervous and stands with Marcus. They both run down the hill to the pond. We see a flat surface. After a moment Ushi takes off his large backpack and jumps in. We see beneath the surface of the water as Ushi swims down, looking for Wilber. We see Ushi's eyes widen and a hand floating in the water. Ushi pulls the hand and we see Wilber's face. He is still, with his eyes and mouth open. Ushi comes out of the water and sits on the bank, panting. Nala and Puff ask where Wilber is. Ushi tells them he drowned. Courtney falls to her knees and Marcus puts his hands on her shoulders to try to comfort her. Nala takes out a cell phone to call the police, but she has no signal. Puff, Barbara and Marcus also check their phones, but there is no signal for any of them. Ushi tries to use the radio to call Deanna, but there is only static. Again we see Deanna still trying to talk to Ushi. She throws the radio on the ground and takes off her backpack. Mickey takes the backpack from her when she is unable to open it due to shaking hands. Deanna tells him to give her the map, and he pulls out a black-framed piece of paper. Stephen asks what they are going to do and Deanna says they will try to find Ushi's group. Ushi, we see, is pulling Courtney to her feet. He explains they need to find the other group and they start to walk towards the trees. Marcus walks in the lead again. We see him enter the forest before the rest of his Team and walk along a thin path. We hear a twig snap and Marcus' head turns. Next we see Mickey leading Team 1 through the trees. He is holding Deanna's map and she is walking at the back of the group. He is explaining to George that they are going to an old fence which is one of the points on Team 2's path. We see Team 2 and Team 1 emerge from the trees in a clearing. In the middle of the clearing is an old iron fence which outlines a square of dirt and weeds but which is visibly an old garden. On the east side of the box we see Marcus' body. His eyes are open and a rabbit snare is wrapped around his leg. The

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iron post is visible through his head and lower back, with the other points on the fence hidden, blood is dripping down the posts. Courtney screams and runs away from the body into the trees. Puff and Mickey run after her, shouting. Deanna falls to the ground and Tokki, Barbara, and Stephen stare at the body with shocked faces. Ushi is crouched next to Deanna, asking her what happened. Tokki tells him about Jeremy's death when Deanna does not reply. Ushi tells them of Wilber's death in the pond. Stephen asks if the three were murdered. Ushi says he does not want to make guesses, and hopes that each person was caught by an old hunting trap, though he is visibly doubtful. Puff and Mickey return to the clearing panting. They say they lost Courtney. Ushi tells them they should all stay together. He says Courtney was running towards a cabin located halfway between where they started and the main house. Deanna confirms this in a soft voice. Mickey says if they walk quickly they should be able to make it to the cabin within two hours. Ushi helps Deanna to stand and Stephen puts an arm around Tokki. They walk into the trees away from the body. Time passes, represented by sweat on each of the members of the group. Odette claims that the others just were not careful in walking through the woods, which is why they were killed by traps. She claims that Courtney will be waiting for them at the cabin and that they will be able to call the police then. George asks if she is ever frightened and she teases him. Deanna asks them to stop. She has a hand on her head and Ushi is helping her walk through the trees. We see a lighter area ahead. Next we see a small cabin in a clearing. A tall brick chimney stands to one side by a slightly overgrown path. Next to one wall is a stack of old cut wood covered in moss and rot. We see Ushi and Deanna enter the clearing first, followed by Mickey, Stephen, Tokki, George, Nala, Puff, Barbara, and Odette. Odette says she needs to use the bathroom and runs around the group. She opens the front door. We see inside the cabin. It is dim inside. To the left of the door in the living room we see a tall dark spot which appears to be a post. Odette turns on the lights and we see Courtney hanging from the lamp, her skin swollen. Odette screams and Puff tries to block the others from entering. The house is bright again, and Courtney's body is gone. We see a covered figure on the couch. Mickey and George are panting while the rest of the group sits in the Kitchen on the other side of the door. We hear Deanna and Odette crying. Mickey asks Ushi if he was able to call the police, Ushi tells him the phones at the cabin do not work either. George announces that they should not separate and that everyone should be accompanied by at least two others. Odette lifts her bottle to drink and finds no water. Deanna tells her there is a well just inside the trees on the other side of the clearing. George, Nala, and Tokki offer to bring water back for the group. George holds tightly to Nala as they leave. Tokki, George, and Nala fill old metal buckets at the wall. George splashes some water on Nala and they begin to tease each other. Tokki leads the way out of the trees, ducking under a branch. Nala laughs that

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she will hold the branch for George. When he is almost through it she lets go and it hits him in the head. We see the buckets fall to the ground. Inside the house Ushi and Mickey are discussing trying to make it to the main house before sunset. They hear a scream and all run out of the cabin. Nala is screaming at George. We see only his legs and arms dangling. His neck is at a sharp angle and the tree branch is at a strong slanted angle. Tokki is standing against the wall of the cabin to the left of the fireplace, shaking. Stephen goes to her. Barbara stands in front of the fireplace, crying. Ushi and Puff inspect George while Mickey pulls Nala away. Ushi breaks the branch and Puff lowers George to the ground. He pulls away pine needles on the branch and we see a long blade sticking through the branch and going into George's skull. They step away from the body. Deanna says that they should stay together completely, no exceptions. There is a loud cracking sound and we see the fireplace detach from the cabin. Odette shouts at Barbara to move and Stephen pushes Tokki to the side. We see Ushi, Deanna, and Odette cover their eyes and see dust and debris as the fireplace falls. Barbara is not visible beneath the wreckage, but blood is on many of the bricks. Mickey tells Ushi they need to go back to the main house immediately. Ushi goes back into the house while Mickey holds Nala. We see Ushi in the house going through his backpack violently. he then opens Deanna's. We see him opening each of the backpacks, throwing papers out. Outside again we see Ushi coming from the cabin. He shouts that the maps are gone. Deanna runs into the house to check. The rest of the group returns to the cabin. They sit in the entryway, avoiding looking at the couch in the living room with Courtney's body on it. Puff finally says what they are all thinking- that someone is watching them and killing them intentionally, that it is not just accidents. No one argues with him. Stephen stands and says he is going to the kitchen where Tokki and Nala's buckets of water are, he asks if anyone needs water. Ushi, Deanna, and Nala ask for water and he vanishes into the kitchen. A few seconds later we hear a short scream and the sound of breaking glass. The group runs into the kitchen and sees only the bottom half of Stephen's body slumped against the broken and bloody kitchen window. They run from the kitchen, closing the door behind them. Puff starts ranting about how the killer has to be one of them. He claims he will not be killed and runs to a gun rack in the study. He pulls from it a rifle and holds it to his chin. Deanna shouts that the rifle wouldn't be loaded and Ushi approaches him to take it. Nala and Tokki scream at him to stop. Puff pulls the trigger and there is a loud bang. Ushi stops mid-step and Deanna's voice catches. Odette and Mickey grab the others and pull them outside, saying they need to flee the cabin. We see them running through the trees until they come to another clearing, this one at the base of a cliff which is sixty feet tall. Odette says she will climb the cliff to a ledge at the top and try to see the house from there. She climbs under the careful watch of each person. When Odette reaches the top she points and says she thinks she sees the house. She climbs out onto the ledge.

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Mickey notices the ledge shake and yells at her to come down. She steps onto the ledge and it breaks under her weight. She falls headfirst to the ground and is killed. Ushi tells the group they need to run back to the house before sunset, or none of them will be safe. They start running in the direction Odette had pointed, Deanna and Tokki crying while Nala is silent. Inside the forest it is darker and it is not long before they cannot see where they are going. Ushi asks Mickey to get dry wood. When he does Ushi uses a lighter from his backpack to start a fire. They all sit close to the fire and do not speak. Deanna suggests at least two people stay awake for four hours at a time in order to keep watch. She tells Nala to rest the whole time, as she has lost her brother. We see the others lying down to sleep with Ushi and Mickey staying awake to keep watch. Next we see the fire low and Deanna and Tokki are awake with Mickey and Ushi asleep. Deanna is nodding off and we hear a twig snap. It is morning. We see Ushi and Mickey stirring. Ushi goes to wake Nala while Mickey shakes Deanna, who is asleep. She stands and stretches, then he goes to wake Tokki. She does not move and is very pale. he walks around to where she is facing and shouts. The other three hurry over. We see Tokki's face pale. Her eyes are closed and a large bloody cut is visible across her throat. Ushi pulls Deanna towards the far side of the clearing with Mickey pulling Nala after him. They run as fast as they are able from the body. Not long after the group emerges from the trees to see the back door of the main house. Deanna cries out and runs to the door. When they are all inside the house she locks the door tight and goes to check the other doors and windows. Ushi picks up a kitchen phone and calls the police. He tells Mickey and Nala the police will be there in an hour. Nala reminds him that one of them is a killer. Deanna comes back and says it is not her or Ushi, that they have no reason to kill anyone. Nala claims to trust Mickey more. Mickey accuses Ushi of being the killer, since he was not as affected by the deaths. Ushi accuses Mickey of the same thing. The boys decide they will be just as safe if they lock themselves in rooms until the police arrive. Deanna says the house has a strong security system she has armed, and so they will be safe. Deanna and Ushi go to one side of the house while Nala and Mickey go to the other. Nearly an hour later Deanna leaves Ushi, wanting to apologize to Nala and Mickey for accusing without proof. She knocks on the door to Mickey and Nala's room, and Mickey says Nala is in the bathroom down the hall. Deanna starts down the hall and stops in front of a large window. We see from outside the window as she turns her head. Her eyes are wide and she screams. We see Nala in the yard tied to a tree. Her shirt is torn and her stomach is cut deeply. Blood and innards cover her front, she is dead. Ushi hears Deanna scream and runs down the hall. When Mickey comes out of the room to see what has happened Ushi tackles him. They fall down the stairs, wrestling and calling one another murderers. We hear sirens and see flashing lights coming from outside the house. Mickey throws Ushi into a table, breaking the lamp on it. We hear pounding and then the door is broken open. Mickey picks up a letter opener from the table and raises it above his head. The police officer draws his gun and shoots Mickey in the chest.

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Deanna screams and shoves Mickey's body off Ushi. She pulls him to her and helps him stand. The officer guides them from the house. Finally we see Deanna and Ushi, clean and in formal clothes again. They are in a workshop where a man is unwrapping something. He hands them a new plaque. On it is engraved each of the group's images and names. He says he added Mickey's name as requested. Deanna says she wishes he could have left it off. Ushi reminds her that the police never found enough proof to blame Mickey for the murders. Deanna goes with the man to discuss making one copy of the plaque for every chapter of Zeta Omega Delta. When they are gone Ushi smiles and touches Mickey's picture on the plaque. He thanks Mickey for taking the blame for his crime.