03 03 take_a_hike

03.03 Take a Hike. By: Austin Edwards

Transcript of 03 03 take_a_hike

03.03 Take a Hike.

By: Austin Edwards

Snorkeling with my cousin

Some cool fish with a little home in the rocks

Flounder I spotted


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This snorkeling adventure was in the Bahamas at the Atlantis resort beach. I was surprised at the number of tropical fish I saw. Many were fish I had never seen before. I did see fish and the shrimp looking one under a concrete square. One thing I did not see while taking the picture was the crab clinging to the stone above the shrimp. I would like to know the name of this type of crab. My snorkeling equipment was perfect for the shallow water. We did not need fins. The water was beautiful and not too cold. I am glad I got to experience this and see some of the saltwater creatures from another country. It will be hard to ever top this snorkeling trip!
