020110 World Wwii Asia 50m

DRAW A LINE SEPARATING TODAY & YESTERDAY 1) Write: Date: 02/01/10, Topic: Pacific War 2) On the next line, write “Opener #15and then: 1) Plot your mood, reflect in 1 sent. 2) Respond to the opener by writing at least 2 sentences about: Your opinions/thoughts OR/AND Questions sparked by the clip OR/AND Summary of the clip OR/AND Other things going on in the news.

Transcript of 020110 World Wwii Asia 50m

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DRAW A LINE SEPARATING TODAY & YESTERDAY1) Write: Date: 02/01/10, Topic: Pacific War2) On the next line, write “Opener #15” and then:

1) Plot your mood, reflect in 1 sent.2) Respond to the opener by writing at least 2 sentences about:Your opinions/thoughts OR/ANDQuestions sparked by the clip OR/ANDSummary of the clip OR/ANDOther things going on in the news.

At the bell, be in your Hamsternly seating stance (wear Hamstern colors if you have it)

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Agenda1) Pacific War

End Goal, you will be able to…1) What was going in the Pacific?

Reminder1) Test 1-Delayed to Monday 2/08 130pts: 100mc/30frq (Flags of Out Father and Iwo Jima on Test 1, Permission Slips?)

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Review:1) Manchuria Incident (1931): Ultranationalist take over

democracy, military fakes attack on Jap. railroad in Chinese Manchuria, Jap invades.

2) League of Nations Protest: League has no tools to punish. Jap. ignores and quits league.

3) Japan Invades Rest of China (1937): KMT forced to join with CCP to fight Japan.

4) Rape of Nanking (1937): Jap. progress slows at Nanking capitol, Jap. kill 200,000+ Chinese in frustration.

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Review1) 9/01/1939: Ger. invades Poland, UK+France

decl. war. WWII Eur. has started (WWII Asia 37)

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2) 6/1940: France Falls: Nazi set up puppet gov (new captiol: Vichy). Fr. fight guerrilla war.

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3) 6/1940: Battle of Britain: Nazi bomb UK prepping for UK invasion (UK all that’s left)

a) Ger’s 2,500 airplanes vs. UK’s 700 b) UK used radar to help maximize planes c) UK refuse to give up (inspired by Churchill)

Plans for Operation Sea Lion

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4) 6/1941: Operation Barbarossa: 3 mil Nazi troops invade USSR (largest invasion in history)

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5) 8/09/1941: Atlantic Charter: Roosevelt (US) + Churchill (UK) secretly meet in the Atlantic to plan:

a) Fight for right for ppl to pick own gov (no ambition)b) Open economic trade and prosperity for all

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6) 12/07/1941: Pearl Harbor: Japan decl. war on US, Ger. decl. war on US (12/11). (US won’t open Western Front in France, Stalin thinks on purpose)

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7) 7/1942: Battle of Stalingrad: Bogged in street fighting, 2 mil die (deadliest battle in history) USSR surrounds + captures 500,000. Tides turned.

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8) 9/1943: Invasion of Italy: UK: Montgomery + US: Eisenhower succeed in N Africa, push up into Italy

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9) 6/06/1944: D-Day: 156,000 cross English Channel retake France (largest amphibious assault in history)

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Review: 12/07/1941: Pearl Harbor: Japan decl. war on US, Ger. decl. war on US (12/11).

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Notes #15a, Title: “WWII: Asia” 1) South East Asia’s Lure: Japan needed raw

materials from British + French colonies

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Work #15a, “Pearl Harbor Debate”1) Read the 2 sides, choose 1 side, and write

which you choose and explain why.2) Then write down what your partner thinks

(include their name at the end).1 2 3 4 5

CON: End Expansion1) We have gained enough land, if we stop now, we won’t need more raw materials

2) No matter how successful the attack, US will out last us in the end

PRO: Attack US1) When we take S. Asia 4 materials, US will decl war

2) A surprise attack will cripple US long enough for Japan to gain enough land to be a position to negotiate a peace with US

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Notes #15b, Title: “WWII: Asia” 2) 12/1941-5/1942: Japanese Expansion: Japanese

win every victory.

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3) 5/1942: Battle of Coral Sea: Fought purely by aircraft, first Jap. defeat. Jap. Both lose 1 carrier.

4) 6/1942: Battle of Midway: Jap loss 4 carriers, US 1 Tides turned.

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5) 8/1942-4/1945: Island Hopping: US takes islands to island, est. airbases as they go.

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6) 10/1944: Battle of Leyte Gulf: Jap. employ+lose every last ship, 1st kamkazes used, only Jap. army left (largest naval battle in history: Jap. lose 4 carriers, 3 battleships, 8 cruisers, 12 destroyers)

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7) All of 1945: Japanese Firebombing: US bombs Jap. cities, 80,000 to 100,000 each run.

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"They set to work at once sowing the sky with fire."

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6/4/1945 Issue of Newsweek:"Six weeks ago Tokyo had a population of nearly 7,000,000. Last week the Japs cried that Tokyo no longer existed as a city. Using new techniques and new bombs, the largest fleets of B-29s ever to take the air and turned most of the Japanese capital into ashes in two great strikes on May 24 and 26....For 105 minutes the Superfortresses filed over and dropped 700,000 incendiary bombs. ”

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Work #15b, “Firebomb Debate”1) Read the 2 sides, choose 1 side, and write

which you choose and explain why.2) Then write down what your partner thinks

(include their name at the end).1 2 3 4 5

CON: Stop Firebombing1) We should not use weapon aimed at civilians (families)

2) Burning to death causes terrible deaths among its victims, more die of these attacks than the nuclear attacks

PRO: Firebomb Away!1) The Jap. ppl’s spirit to fight is the last weapon left, we must destroy it

2) The sooner we win the war, the more lives we save on both sides

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Work #20, Title “Video: Firebombing”

1) Copy Source Title: Graves of the Fireflies

2…) Discuss questions on the board with a partner. Summarize your discussion (include their name at the end). Remember participation points are deducted if off task. 5 Reading/Film Qs Come From These Work SectionsTime Bookmark: 00:00

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Notes #15c, Title: “WWII: Asia” 8) 2-4/1945: Battle of Iwo Jima + Okinawa: US

invasion of Jap. home islands, only Jap. army left, but suicidal resistance (30-80% US casualty rate).

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Work #, Title “Emotion”1) Briefly summarize factually what happened to A.2) Put yourself in their place, describe what emotions and feelings you would feel if you were A.3) Share what you wrote, then each of you sign your name in your partner’s workbook under 3) to verified you’ve shared.

Be prepared to present.

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Homework: 1) Study today’s notes + work sections

for a possible workbook quiz.2) Test 1-Delayed to Monday 2/08

(Flags of Out Father and Iwo Jima on Test 1, Test 1 is a jumbo 200 points)