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Video DOT Implementation in Maryland: Outcomes & Opportunities Sebastian Seiguer JD, MBA Katrina Rios, BA Kimberly Townsend MPA, BSN, RN

Transcript of 0/%.&.&1023-0.#4& (5/6%+$7&8&(,,%2/5./$7 - …€¦ · 10 emocha Mobile Health Inc. Encrypted...

Video DOT Implementation in Maryland: Outcomes & Opportunities

Sebastian Seiguer JD, MBA Katrina Rios, BA

Kimberly Townsend MPA, BSN, RN

emocha Mobile Health Inc.2

Directly observed therapy remains the standard of care to promote successful


"To be consistent with principles of patient-centered care, decisions regarding use of DOT must be made in concert with the patient"”

The "least restrictive public health interventions that are effective are used to achieve adherence"”

"Implementation of DOT may not be readily feasible when resources are limited"”

"DOT has expanded to other modalities such as web-based video and mobile phones which have been well received by both patients and health dept staff"”

2 emocha Mobile Health Inc.

3 emocha Mobile Health Inc.

New guidelines prioritize daily therapy

emocha Mobile Health Inc.5

Positives of DOT

+ Increases patient support

+ Allows early detection of side effects

+ Allows for earlier identification of poor clinical response

The Effect of Directly Observed Therapy on the Rates of Dru Resistance and Relapse in Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis Treratment Outcomes: Directly Observed Therapy Compared with Self-Administered Therapy

First Do No Harm—Adverse Events, Drug Intolerance, and Hepatotoxicity: HowCanWe Not Justify Directly Observed Therapy for Treating Tuberculosis?

Directly Observed Therapy for Treating Tuberculosis (Review)

A meta-analysis of self-administered vs directly observed therapy effect on microbiologic failure, relapse, and acquired drug resistance in tuberculosis patients


- Increased cost to programs

- Time consuming for program and patient

- Difficult to schedule

Negatives of DOT

Successful TB therapy decreasesmorbidity, mortality, and transmission

and DOT plays a critical role

4 emocha Mobile Health Inc.


Asynchronous Video DOT




Patients use a smart device to report side effects and record a video of themselves taking medications. Providers

review patient data on a secure web portal.

Asynchronous video DOT preserves the power of human observation, while streamlining the patient-provider interaction.

emocha Mobile Health Inc.10

Encrypted transmission

of data (SSL Tunnel)

Encrypted patient data

Encrypted patient data

File System












Web Interface

Encrypted transmission

of data (SSL Tunnel)

Secure Cloudemocha web-services


HIPAA Compliant Architecture

Provider Portal



Security & HIPAA Compliance

emocha Mobile Health Inc.7

Patient-facing Mobile Application

emocha Mobile Health Inc.8


JOHN DOE 6/ 1/2016 1 : 15PM EST

Provider-facing Web Interface

emocha Mobile Health Inc.9



Pragmatic, pilot prospective implementation study from July 2016-current


Adult TB patients in Montgomery Co, Baltimore City, or Anne Arundel County at the discretion of local providers

+ Intensive or continuation phase

+ No prior adherence requirement

+ Selected at the discretion of local providers based on individual considerations


Qualitative data: Staff and patients attitudes

and impressions, before

and after implementation of

video DOT

Quantitative data: Adherence: defined as the percentage of ‘expected’ doses that are verified by video observation per person during Video DOT implementation (compared to before Video DOT implementation)

Percentage of ‘observable doses’ observed: defined as total doses prescribed during phase (DOT doses + self-admin) that are observed before and after Video DOT implementation

NIH funded study: Feasibility, acceptability, & costs of video DOT in Maryland

emocha Mobile Health Inc.10


+ Used an ‘ingredients’ approach in which we multiply quantity of consumables /labor utilized by their unit costs + Conducted time motion studies at each site, and obtained local costing information from clinics/clinic managers + Divide costs into Labor, Consumables (e.g. supplies), Equipment (e.g. vehicles, computers, etc) + Conducted ‘sensitivity analysis’ to examine different methods of implementation and different program structures

NIH funded study: Feasibility, acceptability, & costs of video DOT in Maryland

emocha Mobile Health Inc.11

Preliminary Data






QUALITATIVE DATA (not fully analyzed)

Ongoing provider and patient interviews 6 months post-video DOT implementation

Provider interviews and surveys Pre-Video DOT

Patient interviews and surveys Pre-Video DOT

emocha Mobile Health Inc.12

Preliminary Data


DOT adherence = Fraction of planned DOT days which were completed successfully

Observed Fraction = Fraction of total treatment days with observed dosing

emocha Mobile Health Inc.13

Cost Data

1 Based on a base-case scenario of a health department provided vehicle (economy class), and based on a range of patients per DOT worker, annualized over expected lifespan of vehicle. In sensitivity analysis, we calculated alternative pricing structures assuming health care workers utilize personal vehicles, but receive mileage reimbursement (factored into the range of costs for total costs).

2 Mileage estimated based on discussions with clinic managers, DOT workers, and evaluation of monthly gas and mileage reimbursements at sites. Range incorporates variable gas prices, and ranges of mileage between patients per day, as well as dosing frequency (daily M-F versus thrice weekly dosing).

3 Base case assumes LPN conducting DOT, at daily M-F dosing throughout treatment, using average time per patient. Low range calculating using Community Health Worker (lower salary), with intermittent dosing schedule, and lowest possible estimates of time used per patient. High range calculated based on RN (highest salary) conducting DOT, at highest possible range value of time spent per patient, at M-F dosing schedule.

4 In the base-case scenario, we included a program provided mobile phone for the duration of the treatment, and included costs related to a devoted computer to watching videos. In the range, we considered scenarios in which patient phones were used (i.e. no clinic costs incurred).

5 Commercial pricing may vary; in the base-case we utilized commercial costs in which 3 health care workers use the software for 5 patients each; low range assumes free software, and high range represents 3 health care workers for 1 patient each.



Equipment Consumables Labor Total Incremental

In person



$175 ($69-


$52 (17.16-141)2




$2065 ($608-







$468 ($0-1200)5 $131($37


$645 ($39-



emocha Mobile Health Inc.14

Video DOT Implementation

Successes Challenges

+ Clinical team commitment and participation

+ Workflow fit

+ User-friendly software

+ IT support and training

+ Staffing model support

+ Alternative to self-administered medication

+ Support client travel and employment needs

+ Support of client independence

+ Client participation, interaction and connection

- Change in workflow

- Management of perceived impact on roles and


- Individualized client enrollment

- Ongoing assessment and evaluation of client

response and participation

- Additional data base and documentation

emocha Mobile Health Inc.15

Conclusions and Considerations

+ Using video DOT for selected patients resulted in high rates of adherence

+ Video DOT appears to be acceptable, and preferred by included patients compared to in-person DOT

+ Per patient, video DOT costs are comparable or lower than standard approaches to DOT

+ Incorporation of video DOT may allow clinics to dedicate time and resources towards patients requiring greater attention/needs

+ Determining the optimal frequency for video DOT may improve care

Analysis is ongoing to compare adherence during video DOT, to their pre-video DOT in-person adherence

Caveat: this study did not randomize patients to video DOT vs in-person DOT. This data represents a selected subset of TB clinic

population. Determining which patients will benefit most from video DOT vs in-person DOT requires clinician/clinic judgment

80% adherence to 7 days/week therapy results in greater number of observed doses than 100%

adherence to 5 days/week therapy over the same period of time

emocha Mobile Health Inc.16


National Institute of Minority Health & Health DisparitiesSmall Business Innovation Research Program

Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Nancy Baruch RN, MBA Cherie Helfrich MSN, RN

Johns Hopkins University School of MedicineMaunank Shah MD, PhDSamuel Holzman, MD

Baltimore City Health DepartmentAnna Schauer RN, BSNEmily Fogg RN, BSN

Anne Arundel County Health Department Kelly Russo, MDLinda Josephson RN, BSNSue Rogers RN, BSNMelissa McNair, BSNDebra Baker, RNTrista Reglein, RNDarlene Dittrich

Montgomery County Health DepartmentKimberly Townsend MPA, BSN, RNThokozile Moffat, BSN, MSNItala Fontana, RNJuana Di Meglio, RNSylvie Perroud, RNStella Akuchie, RNEduardo ZunaGloria SuescunDenyse Wright

17 emocha Mobile Health Inc.

- Patrick Chaulk, MD, MPHAssistant Commissioner, Baltimore City Health Dept

"The concept of confirming pill taking by observation seems at first so simple

that the mind is repelled. Yes, how obvious, you say. But successful observed

therapy (i.e., directly observed therapy – DOT) is really more than the

mechanical act of watching patients ingest their medications, more than

ocular confirmation of treatment. To be successful, it must be based on a

patient-centered approach. This involves consistent health care providers, be

they nurses, care coordinators, community health workers or other trained and

trusted individuals (e.g., family members) capable of establishing a supportive

relationship with the patient that promotes treatment adherence."