000845202 kyar nyo thinn project

Myanma Computer Co. Ltd., Yangon Campus B.Sc Top Up Programme Date: 23 April 2015 A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the University of Greenwich’s Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Information Technology Word Count: 17,347 words Supervisor: U SannLwin PREPARED BY: KYAR NYO THINN STUDENT ID: 000845202 PROJECT CONCRETE BLOCK MACHINE WITH CUSTOMIZED MOLD ONLINE ORDERING AND DELIVERY SYSTEM

Transcript of 000845202 kyar nyo thinn project

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Myanma Computer Co. Ltd.,

Yangon Campus

B.Sc Top Up Programme

Date: 23 April 2015

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the University of Greenwich’s

Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Information Technology

Word Count: 17,347 words

Supervisor: U SannLwin


STUDENT ID: 000845202




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Student NCC Education Registration :

Family Name and Initials :

Project Title : Concrete Block Machine with Customized Mold Online

Ordering and Delivery System

Signed: Date :

Name : KYAR NYO THINN Project First Supervisor : U Sann Lwin

Second Supervisor : U AnungSoe Linn

For Centre of complete :

Date received :

Marker : U Sann Lwin

Total% :

Grade Point :

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This project will be done under the title "Concrete Block Machine with Customized Mould

Online Ordering and Delivery System" by final year student Kyar Nyo Thinn. This project is a

dissertation of University of Greenwich which must be submitted before 23rd

April, 2015. Main

topic area of this dissertation will focus on computerized project development and management

related theories and practical work. This will be done with the purpose of getting the successful

working system from step by step processes of project life cycle. Therefore, some main research

methods such as analyzing current trend, investigation methods, literature review, comparison

and evaluation on various elements will be done. As the result, various theories concerned with

SDLC, Methodology, Programming and Different Approaches which can get the accurate

business requirements can be applied in this project. Moreover, detailed stages from feasibility to

project roll out can be well understood from this project. To conclude, this project is very useful

to continue my further studies and career. Consequently, I also want to recommend other

students to reference good points and weakness (credit card payment system) from this project.

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First of all, I would like to thank to my mother, who supports and helps to join with her

business friend’s company.

Secondly, I would like to thank to Sayar U Sann Lwin, my project supervisor who gives

ideas, suggestion and guide lines for my project. And also, he helps the functional scope of the


Moreover, I would like to thank to “YELLOW HANDS Co.,Ltd” Owner, “U Kyaw

Myo” for giving time to answer my interview questions during the busy working hour and staffs

from “YELLOW HANDS Co.,Ltd” for explaining patiently about the company and helping to

get the system requirements.

Finally, Thanks to my friends who support, help and give to me good advices doing

during my project.

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I am Kyar Nyo Thinn. I am studying B.Sc (Hons) Business IT in Myanma Computer

Company (MCC) Ltd., MCC Training Institute, Yangon Campus. In this semester of BIT course,

I have to take six subjects and a practical computing project.

I have to study four subjects in this second-semester. They are Information Requirements

Analysis (IRA), Information Systems Management (ISM), Database Management and

Administration (DBMA) and Computing Project.

I have to do project in this second-semester course. So I choose to do the project for

“YELLOW HANDS Co.,Ltd” that is Concrete Block Machine with Customized Mould Online

Ordering and Delivery System. Web-based system is used for doing this project. I do my best

this project.

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Table of Contents

Abstract....................................................................................................................................................... 3

Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................................... 4

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 5

Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................ 6

Section 1 – Background of organization ................................................................................................... 10

1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 10

1.2 Organization Background ............................................................................................................... 11

1.3 Functions of Existing System .......................................................................................................... 12

Section 2- Feasibility Study Report .......................................................................................................... 13

2.1 Feasibility Study Report .................................................................................................................. 13

2.1.1Technical Feasibility Study ....................................................................................................... 13

2.1.2Operational Feasibility Study .................................................................................................... 13

2.1.3 Economic Feasibility Study ..................................................................................................... 14

Section 3 – System Development Life Cycle Model................................................................................. 15

3.1 Waterfall Life Cycle Model ............................................................................................................ 15

3.2 V-Model .......................................................................................................................................... 16

3.3 Spiral Model ................................................................................................................................... 17

3.4 Dynamic System Development Methodology (DSDM) and reason for choosing to use DSDM ..... 18

Section 4 - System Development Methodology ........................................................................................ 20

4.1 Structure System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM) .................................................... 20

4.2 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology (OOADM) ..................................................... 21

Section 5 - System Development Approach .............................................................................................. 22

5.1 Prototyping ..................................................................................................................................... 22

5.2 Iterative Development Approach .................................................................................................... 22

5.3 Incremental Development Approach ............................................................................................... 23

5.4 Hybrid Approach ............................................................................................................................ 23

Section 6 – Choosing Developing Language ............................................................................................ 24

6.1 ASP.NET ........................................................................................................................................ 24

6.2 PHP ................................................................................................................................................. 24

Section 7 - Literature Study and Review................................................................................................... 26

7.1 Literature Search ............................................................................................................................. 26

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7.1.1 Topics for Investigation ........................................................................................................... 26

7.1.2 Resources and Information Search Details ............................................................................... 26

7.1.3 Information Searching .............................................................................................................. 27

7.1.4 Summary and Analysis ............................................................................................................ 27

7.2 Literature Study .............................................................................................................................. 28

7.2.1 Similar Concrete Block Machinery Manufacturing Factories Website Research ..................... 28

7.2.2 Related Website Research for my system ................................................................................ 34

Section 8 – System Investigation .............................................................................................................. 40

Section 9 – Proposed System .................................................................................................................... 43

9.1 WHAT THE PROPOSED SYSTEM WILL DO ............................................................................. 43

9.2 Advantages of New System ............................................................................................................ 44

9.3 Functional Scope for User Level of New System............................................................................ 45

Section 10 - Requirement Definition ........................................................................................................ 47

10.1 Functions out of the scope of this system ...................................................................................... 47

10.2 Legal, Technical and Social issues ................................................................................................ 47

10.3 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................................. 47

10.4 Non-functional Requirements ....................................................................................................... 48

10.5 MoSCoW Prioritized Requirement List ........................................................................................ 48

10.6 Joint Application Design (JAD) Workshop ................................................................................... 50

Section 11 – Database Design and Development ...................................................................................... 51

11.1 Selection of Database .................................................................................................................... 51

11.1.1 Oracle ..................................................................................................................................... 51

11.1.2 Microsoft SQL ....................................................................................................................... 51

11.1.3 MySQL .................................................................................................................................. 52

11.1.4 Oracle Vs MSSQL Vs MySQL .............................................................................................. 53

11.1.5 Why MySQL? ........................................................................................................................ 53

11.2 Implementing Database ................................................................................................................. 54

11.2.1 Normalization ........................................................................................................................ 55

11.2.2 ERD ....................................................................................................................................... 56

11.2.3 Class Diagram ........................................................................................................................ 57

11.2.4 Object Diagram ...................................................................................................................... 58

11.2.5 Constructing Database ........................................................................................................... 59

11.2.6 Saving and Displaying Test Data ........................................................................................... 66

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11.2.7 Query on enquiry and reporting ............................................................................................. 67

Section 12 – System Design of Logical Design ........................................................................................ 69

12.1 Use Case Diagram ......................................................................................................................... 69

12.1.1 Overall Use Case Diagram (High Level) ................................................................................ 69

12.1.2 Secondary Use Case of Order Customized Mold ................................................................... 70

12.2 Activity Diagram .......................................................................................................................... 70

12.3 Robustness Diagram ..................................................................................................................... 71

12.4 Sequence Diagram ........................................................................................................................ 71

12.5 State Diagram ............................................................................................................................... 72

12.6 Deployment Diagram .................................................................................................................... 73

12.7 Packaging Diagram ....................................................................................................................... 74

Section 13 – System Design of Physical Design ....................................................................................... 75

13.1 Website Design ............................................................................................................................. 75

Section 14 – Human Computer Interaction ............................................................................................... 76

14.1 Human Computer Interaction (HCI) ............................................................................................. 76

14.2 Web page navigation Map ............................................................................................................ 77

Section 15 – Testing ................................................................................................................................. 78

15.1 Test Design ................................................................................................................................... 78

15.1.1 Black Box Testing .................................................................................................................. 79

15.1.2 White Box Testing ................................................................................................................. 79

15.1.3 Grey Box Testing ................................................................................................................... 79

15.1.4 Unit Testing ........................................................................................................................... 80

15.1.5 Integration Testing ................................................................................................................. 80

15.1.6 System Testing ....................................................................................................................... 80

15.2 Test Plan for the Yellow Hands System ........................................................................................ 81

15.3 Test Cases ..................................................................................................................................... 82

15.4 Test Log ........................................................................................................................................ 86

Section 16 – Implementation Process ....................................................................................................... 87

Section 17 – Security Issues...................................................................................................................... 90

17.1 Potential Treats ............................................................................................................................. 90

17.2 Contingency Plan .......................................................................................................................... 91

Section 18 – Critical Appraisal and Conclusion ........................................................................................ 93

18.1 Critical Appraisal .......................................................................................................................... 93

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18.2 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 97

References ................................................................................................................................................ 98

Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................... 100

Appendices ............................................................................................................................................. 103

Appendix (A) – Proposal .................................................................................................................... 103

A - 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 104

A - 2 Key Phrases ........................................................................................................................... 105

A - 3 Aim and Objectives of the Proposed System ......................................................................... 106

A - 4 Requirements of client computers for running the system ..................................................... 108

Appendix (B) - Project Development Plan and Schedule .................................................................... 109

B - 1 Project Development Plan ...................................................................................................... 109

B –2 Project Development Schedule ............................................................................................... 112

Appendix (C) – System Investigation Methods .................................................................................. 113

C – 1 Interview and Systems Study................................................................................................. 113

C - 2 Study and analysis of existing system .................................................................................... 119

Appendix (D) – System Design of Logical Design ............................................................................. 120

D – 1 Use Cases and Use Case Descriptions ................................................................................... 120

D – 2 Activity Diagram ................................................................................................................... 133

D – 3 Robustness Diagram .............................................................................................................. 136

D – 4 Sequence Diagram ................................................................................................................ 138

D – 5 State Diagram ........................................................................................................................ 139

D – 6 Packaging Diagram ............................................................................................................... 140

Appendix (E) – System Design of Physical Design ............................................................................ 141

E – 1 Website Design .......................................................................................................................... 141

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Section 1 – Background of organization

1.1 Introduction

Nowadays, communication becomes very important for all people in the world. The Internet

offers many advantages to the business organizations and its customers. Likewise, business

organizations are also competing with each other so much in the market share. Therefore, they

want to understand the customer's demand and want long term relationship. At present, many

organizations work over the internet by using computers, tablets and mobile phones.

Increasing internet usage makes some organizations to change manual system to computerized

system. By using online system, everything will be streamline with 24 hour online storefront.

With less human resource and more service time, order can be increased and customers can make

enquiry at any time.

Moreover, advertising can be made with online system and this can reach worldwide. Operation

within Yellow Hands and outside the company can be better. Therefore, “YELLOW HANDS

Co., Ltd” strongly agreed to change some manual processes as online ordering website.

Therefore, current Yellow Hands system will be analyzed and its functions will be pointed out so

that they can be upgrade in the new system.

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1.2 Organization Background

Yellow Hands Company Limited is a big size organization which is producing and selling

various concrete block machines and its related things. Currently, “YELLOW HANDS Co.,Ltd”

runs by using a manual system for ordering. “Concrete Block Machines” are mainly produced by

company and it also produces other products such as “Mixers” and “Molds”.

This company was started well since 1995 and it produced firstly “Concrete Block Machine

Korean Hydraulic System” by guidance of engineers. Mainly, there are three types of “Concrete

Block Machines” such as “Manual”, “Pneumatic” and “Hydraulic”. According to these guidance,

ideas and good production methods of the engineers, the company can produce the machines

such as greatest quality machine, updated models machines and fair cost machine for customers,

others construction companies and others.

Secondly, company produced “Mixers” (small and big sizes) and many types of “Molds Design”.

There are two main types of molds such as “Mold for Building” and “Mold for Pavements”.

Company has two showrooms in Mandalay and Yangon which are opened weekdays from 9 am

to 5 pm. The company is comprised with two main stakeholders and operating as the best

company in selling concrete block machines. Therefore, it is well known among the construction


Yellow Hands Company is intended to improve the construction field of Myanmar in the future.

Therefore, they are selling their products with high quality and reasonable prices so that

modernized and high standard buildings can be built throughout the countries. Moreover, Yellow

Hands also partner with KBZ bank for allowing the customers to pay money with installment.

Therefore, every people can start their business with a little money.

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1.3 Functions of Existing System

Functions of Yellow Hands are similar with other retail shops. Therefore, existing system of

Yellow Hands has the following main functions:

Recording raw materials and things which are included in each machine

Registering the new machines and mould

Selling product information

Saving customer contact information

Adding new staff biography

Adding stock


Monthly order reports

Designing customized mould

Make payment with KBZ bank transfer

Since this system is manual one, all information is recorded by staffs of Yellow Hands.

Therefore, there is only one end-user type in this manual Yellow Hands System. Apart from this,

there are many problems with this manual system. They will be listed down as follow:

Waste of time to visit the show room for customers (especially for customers from other


Customers cannot choose and compare machinery easily

Cannot reply 24 hours customer's enquiry service

Gap with Yellow Hands' latest machinery information

Staffs cannot check daily order list and stock quantity

Information mismatched or wrongly recorded

Inconsistent use of data recording system

Requiring more human resources in handling order and replying customer's enquiries.

Order cannot be performed with high speed

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Section 2- Feasibility Study Report

2.1 Feasibility Study Report

Feasibility stage is the very initial stage of a project life cycle. Every project must go under this

feasibility stage before moving to any further stages. If this stage has not been done properly and

project is carried out, there can be a lot risks and waste in money and time can happen. Therefore

this feasibility checking will be done for Yellow Hands Project to access whether this is a worthy

project in terms of tangible and intangible benefits. There are three different feasibilities

checking in terms of technical, operational and economic behavior.

2.1.1Technical Feasibility Study

Technical feasibility must be checked before starting the software project so that stakeholders

can weigh whether the proposed project can be actually built and whether there are enough

technicians who can create this. For this Yellow Hands project, some technical skills such as

PHP, MySQL, DSDM, OOADM and UML are very essential to be proficient. This project is

going to be developed by myself and I am good at these technologies. Therefore, this project is

technically feasible to develop.

2.1.2Operational Feasibility Study

Operational feasibility must be checked to decide whether the stakeholders can get the

operational benefits in their working environment or not. This will be measured by analyzing

how well Yellow Hands can well operate with this new online system and how much this system

can assist both staffs and customers in making their daily operational activities.

As the result of analyzing Yellow Hands system, it is obvious that 24-hours every day working is

ability found to be the best thing which can help the operation of Yellow Hands without having

staffs in charge. Apart from this, repetitive tasks of staffs can be less than before because they

can order system just by one click. Thus, this feasibility testing has no problem with new Yellow

Hands System.

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2.1.3 Economic Feasibility Study

Economic Feasibility must be checked to compare the costs and benefits which can be resulted

from the proposed online system. If proposed system has more benefits than costs, this system

should be chosen to develop. In calculating the costs for Yellow Hands system, some

development costs must be spent. To develop this online project and host it on the internet,

website development fees, hosting and domain fees are required. This will be about $1500 and

maintenance fees are also required to annually host the website and maintain the contents.

Since website must be used online, Yellow Hands must also buy Internet plan for their staff. In

Myanmar, fiber internet line is the best. For Yellow Hands, 2MB internet plan must be purchased

and it will be about $120 dollars per month. However, many benefits can also be found with this

system. With online system, customer's orders can be increased and customers can get more

satisfaction. Therefore, regular customers can be kept. After calculating NPV value, breakeven

point is forecasted to be reached within four years. Therefore, Yellow Hands Project is

economically feasible.

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Section 3 – System Development Life Cycle Model

The success of a software project can be decided by tracing back its SDLC. Likewise, SDLC

provides the developers a quick way to access each activity. This is because SDLC can clearly

show work phases for system developers so that they can plan for designing, building, testing

and delivering the software projects. According to (GeekInterviews, 2008), SDLC can give the

clear ideas to the developers concerned with dos and don'ts while building the system. Since it

already has the clear ideas which can solve the problem domains, detailed plan with less error

can be created by following a SDLC. Since every process can be predefined before writing a

single code, the project's goals can be achieved on time.

SDLC is used to get the high quality systems which meet the customer requirements by

managing all processes clearly within the schedule timeframes and estimated costs. Therefore,

most software projects are developed by using it because the nature of these kinds of projects is

complex and difficult to predict. Therefore, I chose a SDLC to use with Yellow Hands so that the

best results can be got while developing this system. Some common SDLC used by software

industry are as following: Waterfall, V-model, Spiral and DSDM. After comparing these four

SDLC, I decided to use DSDM for this Yellow Hands project development.

3.1 Waterfall Life Cycle Model

Referenced from (Point, 2014), Waterfall Model was the firstly developed SDLC model for

ensuring the success of projects in the software engineering industry. This model is sometimes

defined as the linear-sequential SDLC. This is because it can illustrate all software development

processes in the linear sequential style. In other word, any phases in this development cycle only

starts if the previous one is complete. Therefore, phases in this waterfall model do not overlap

with each other. Since this is the most first developed SDLC, everything is designed for ease of

use and simplicity. Therefore, some advantages can be got from this model. For example, it is

easy to implement and too much resources are not required. However, it defines that one stage

cannot move after beginning the next one. This means that it does not have backward processes

for a finished phase in this SDLC. In the real world, there is always a need to go back to finished

phase. This can create the weakness of projects as well as this SDLC.

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Because of this weakness, I cannot use this model for Yellow Hands project. Since I need to

trace back to finished phases and change the requirements to get the requirements correct, this

model has limitation for requirements of Yellow Hands.

3.2 V-Model

This V model SDLC is the extension of the waterfall model. However, it deviates from the

waterfall a little. The typical waterfall linearly goes downwards while phases in V model are

moving upwards after completing coding stage forming V shape. Another thing V-shape is

different from waterfall is including early test planning.

Since the purpose of V model is to do verification and validation, product testing is designed to

carry out in parallel with the development. This kind of model can be used for every kind of

project requirement. Moreover, going back to anywhere can be done during project development.

Although it is better than waterfall model, it still has some disadvantages and limitations. It

should only be applied only for small and medium projects and their requirements must be fixed

and defined first. However, this model would not be flexible to use for Yellow Hands Project

because this will not allow for making adjustments and for fixing wrong requirements during

development. Moreover, it needs resources a lot to use and my project has limitation for


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3.3 Spiral Model

Spiral model uses the ideas of iterative development with systematic and well controlled some

aspects of waterfall model. It also combines two models such as waterfall and prototyping. In

other words, it is formed by combing sequential linear development model and the iterative

development model. Therefore, this can also be stated that upgraded waterfall model version of

high emphasis for risk. A good point of this model is allowing for incremental releases.

Refinements can be made by iterations around the spiral. Therefore, this model is suitable for

high-risk, large and complex projects. However, (TutorialPoints, 2014) stated that this model is

only good for long-term project because requirements can change with time and must develop all

these requirements. If changes are not well controlled, projects can be under high risks because

costs can be higher and requiring more time. Therefore, there are two main components such as

risk analysis and evolutionary processes which must be checked for the developers.

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3.4 Dynamic System Development Methodology (DSDM) and reason for

choosing to use DSDM

DSDM is designed to fix the problems of RAD by adding some new disciplines to the existing

RAD. But, it is not a methodology and it is only a control framework. Their main difference is

that reducing development time by DSDM framework because DSDM's main goal is to

delivering high flexibility project with shorten development period.

Moreover, DSDM emphasize on active participation of users. Its iterative software production

nature and active participation help in identifying the requirements with minimal risks and less

time. Apart from this, necessary documents can be easily produced for facilitating the current

development and also for the future maintenance.

Therefore, (DSDM, 2014) described that this is a robust Agile project development monitoring

framework which can deliver the right solutions at the exact time when solutions are needed.

Since it has lots of advantages, it has been the leading Agile approach framework for decades

because it can provide a good project governance with added flexibility and agility. Therefore, a

lot of different organizations from both private and public sector are applying DSDM over two


This framework is designed to be vendor-independent and it includes the whole lifecycle of

project. With these best practice guidance, project can be completed on time, in the efficient and

effective budget manner. Now, this is the proven scalability framework which can be used for

addressing all project sizes in all business sectors.

DSDM mainly includes five phases: Feasibility Study, Business Study, Functional Model

Iteration, Design and Build Iteration and, finally Implementation. To assist these five phases,

DSDM Consortium describes nine principles to apply for DSDM projects. This can be checked

in the following DSDM figure. Moreover, there are four additional techniques (MoSCoW, JAD,

Prototype and Timeboxing) available for projects.

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Reason for choosing DSDM

When deciding to choose the methodology, we must first understand the nature of our Project:

Yellow Hands. It is medium sized project with not complex calculation functions and requires

short time project development time. Six months time is very short for the real world project to

complete on time.

Moreover, Yellow Hands Company has interactive stakeholders who are very interested in

developing this project. Apart from this, functions and end-user types for this Yellow Hands

Project can be easily defined. These functions can be divided into some smaller ones for separate


Since I am not too much familiar with such kind of ecommerce website, requirements must be

refined again and again during development. Therefore, only methodology which allows

iteration can be used. Moreover, business requirements must be incrementally shown to the

supervisors. Therefore, only DSDM is suitable with the nature of Yellow Hands.

To use this DSDM, required technical components are analyzed and I can conclude that all of

them are feasible and possible to use. I am also familiar with DSDM for developing this project.

Moreover, development team which will hand over this project after being finalized by me is

also proficient in using DSDM. For all these reasons, I chose DSDM as the one for Yellow

Hands Project.

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Section 4 - System Development Methodology

4.1 Structure System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM)

SSADM is a special methodology designed for analyzing and designing IS Systems. Nowadays,

a lot of business organizations and consultants are using it. It was created in UK in 1980 to be

used as the standard for database projects. According to (Janssen, 2012), it is open standard

which is created based on Waterfall model. It takes nature of Waterfall from feasibility stage to

physical design stage. The most obvious feature is encouraging intensive user involvement at the

stage of requirements analysis. Users must agree the requirements after finishing this stage. They

must provide clear data about their system. After that, they do not need to involve with system

development. SSADM makes project as various stages and modules. Three famous modelling

techniques of SSADM are logical data, data flow and entity behavior.

Advantages of SSADM

Can get quality information systems

Enhance the methods of controlling and managing projects

Better documentation standards and can use computer-aided software engineering tools

Disadvantages of SSADM

SSADM makes it special emphasis on creating heavy documentation and analysis stage.

Sometimes, this can cause over-analysing and waste resources.

Only good with large sized systems.

Can take long duration and need high resources

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4.2 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology (OOADM)

OOADM appeared in order to solve the weakness in development of complicated projects, which

cannot be satisfied only with programming languages. Its focus is largely on object-oriented

analysis and design methodologies, procedures and functions. However, it can be said that

behavior of the system is more emphasized in this methodology.

Object includes data and operations which are united into the single unit. And, this includes real-

world elements which interact with information system. Each object may include different

attributes and similar object categories.

This methodology has two main sections. As its name stated, two parts: analysis and design in

object-oriented manner are included. This methodology models system functional requirements.

Unlike other methodology, OOAD mainly guide the developer with the guidance of what to

carry out to get the functional results of system. Moreover, it is used to identify the needs of

people who will use the system and the essential objects.

By using OOAD, conceptual models like various diagrams which can depict the whole system

with simple diagrams can be resulted. This can assist the developers to identify all problem areas

and also can be used to check system requirements.

Although OOAD has various techniques, Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the most useful

and effective ones. This let developers easily visualize about the system and then construct all

the necessary business models, functions and software systems. The followings diagrams are

involved in UML: they are Use Case Diagram, Class Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Activity

Diagram, State Diagram, Robustness Diagram, Deployment Diagram, Package Diagram and they

are used to understand the requirement of the system parts of analysis phase and design phase.

Advantages of OOADM

To solve problems of complex applications development

To help understanding more about problem domains

To show the problem areas in more abstract detailed level

To ensure system requirements are correct before moving to coding

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Reason for choosing Object Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology with UML

After analyzing SSADM and OOADM, I think OOADM is a lot more suitable than SSADM.

SSADM costs a lot because of its heavy documentation and very detailed steps. Moreover, time

will take a lot in developing Yellow Hands Project. Apart from this, it can show only three views

of the system.

In contrast, OOADM does not require very much detail processes and high costs. Its famous

UML modelling can give the best demonstration of Yellow Hands System with nine diagrams

which show hardware, software, network, users and functional requirements. Moreover,

stakeholders can easily understand all these diagrams. Since it is also easy to draw even with pen

and on paper, I chose it for its ease of use and descriptive nature.

Section 5 - System Development Approach

5.1 Prototyping

In this prototyping model, four main stages exist to help the developers. These stages are:

identifying, developing, reviewing and revising. Processes of prototyping include all activities of

designing and implementing sample prototypes concerned with software projects. These

prototypes include all functional requirements of proposed system. However, this is not the

complete product for final result of a project. Two kinds of prototypes: evolutionary (built into

final product) and throwaway (not use in final product) can be found.

5.2 Iterative Development Approach

This iterative development approach does not try starting with the complete specification of

system requirements. Development stage begins by gathering requirements and then delivering

part of software in the working release. These parts can later be reviewed so that further

requirements can be identified. Throughout project life cycle, these processes are repeated so that

a new software version can be produced. Time-boxing is the best technique to control the

iterative development. The nature and duration iterative development approach changes in

accordance with project nature. This approach should be chosen when project is big and can split

into smaller parts.

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5.3 Incremental Development Approach

This kind of development approach namely incremental model can be said as a type of

evolutionary model. This is because it breaks down and develops the functions in the multiple

linear sequences manner. For example, big functions are divided into modules. Each of them

passes all stages of product life cycle started from requirements finding to testing. Each

subsequent module must integrate with the previous one and this development process must

continue until final system is delivered. This approach can deliver project quickly and testing can

be done easier to the smaller module.

5.4 Hybrid Approach

This is the combination of iterative and incremental approach. Therefore, it possesses the nature

of both approaches. By using this approach, products can be delivered incrementally just like in

incremental approach. Moreover, if there are any changes to the existing defined requirements,

iteration can be used to go back to previous stages to change the requirements.

Reason for choosing to use Hybrid Approach

Hybrid approach must be used for Yellow Hands project because of these strong facts. Firstly, I

have to meet with supervisors frequently. Therefore, I will have to show him some progress to

check whether the work done by me is on the right track or not. Therefore, incremental approach

should be used to achieve this goal. Moreover, if there are changes made by supervisor, I will

have to update the finished work. Therefore, I will need iterative approach to do this. These are

the reasons why I chose hybrid approach.

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Section 6 – Choosing Developing Language


ASP.Net is a complied language which is also based on object oriented programming language.

The strong point of it is having the libraries which have been designed to provide the reusable

classes. This technology is the member of .NET Framework because it is Microsoft product.

Therefore, any classes in .NET framework which can be used by ASP.NET applications can be

accessible. Therefore, this makes developer less effort in writing code.

Additionally, Visual Studio IDE is a powerful one for the designers and developers because of its

drag and drop and other debugging features, etc. Therefore, time can be saved and design can be

done in the effective manner. Debugging and tracing tool can also increase the efficiency of the

developer and errors can be detected within few minutes.

6.2 PHP

When PHP is firstly evolved, it was named as "Personal Home Page". However, demand of

using PHP is high and it was now using worldwide. Therefore, its name becomes unmatched

with its demand. And then, it changed its name into "Hypertext Pre Processor".

At present, this server side language is the most widely utilized scripting language found in may

websites. PHP is very suitable with website or web application development because it is

specially developed for web platforms. Although desktop application can also be written by

PHP, it is not the main choice for the programmer.

The main point which makes PHP famous is being open source software. Everyone can use it

free and do not need to worry vendor attached problems. Apart from this, it has high

compatibility because it proves to be compatible with different DBMSs. Moreover, its cross

platform ability seems to be famous too.

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Reason for choosing PHP

The best reason for choosing PHP over ASP.NET is being open source rather than proprietary

software. This Yellow Hands Project is intended for my third year final project and I do not

know whether this will continue using by the stakeholders. Therefore, I chose to be low cost with

good built-in functions.

In this century, developers love open source technology over proprietary. Therefore, there is a

large community formed by the result of this. Developers from this community also share their

knowledge and try to improve PHP better than before. Therefore, bug free and low cost project

can be got with the help from this big community.

Moreover, scripting language like PHP has more productivity than compile language like

ASP.NET according to the research. The last reason is that PHP can run with different platforms

like OSX, Windows, Linux, etc. Thus, this will be useful while developing the project.

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Section 7 - Literature Study and Review

7.1 Literature Search

7.1.1 Topics for Investigation

According to my project system, I will search the similar and related systems to use in my

project. We must study the literatures that are suitable with our project system. In my project, it

is concerning with ordering with customized system, delivering and payment system. So, I made

researching the literatures suitable for my project of topics for investigation such as:

Online Concrete Block Machines and Moulds Sales Company

Concrete Block Machines with customized moulds online ordering and delivery company

Nature of E-commerce for online sales

Online E-Commerce Market

Online Customized Pre-ordered system

Online E- Commerce payment system in Myanmar

Online E-Commerce Services Free delivery system

7.1.2 Resources and Information Search Details

By studying Literatures, we can get different types of resource by searching from journals,

magazines, newspapers, business and IT e-books, the internet and others knowledge books and I

will be reused good resources in my project.

The information of similar websites and related websites for project gets from business and IT e-

books, journals, newspaper, study about the banks and e-commerce payment system in Myanmar

will be searched at library of my university and others library.

And also, the online customized ordering and delivery system and online e-commerce payment

system in Myanmar by surfing internet.

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7.1.3 Information Searching

Now, I want to show the lists of journals, newspaper and websites links from Myanmar

languages internet search. And, I will use the information of searching in the literature review.

The information searching is as following:


Planet Journal


Net Guide Journal


Myanmar Times

Internet Search









7.1.4 Summary and Analysis

I have made analysis about other website similar to be with my application. And also I

discovered other related websites that has some features are the same in my application. By

means of studying this website I got some valuable experience about the function to include in

my application and get requirements to apply in my application.

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7.2 Literature Study

7.2.1 Similar Concrete Block Machinery Manufacturing Factories Website Research

Firstly, I want to say about the similar literatures websites and there is no concrete block

machinery manufacturing factory website in Myanmar after studying and researching from all

countries of similar websites. So, I will explain two similar websites in other countries by

researching literatures from online internet. About First Similar Website

Overview- Referenced from (Columbia Complete Concrete Product Solutions & Support ,

2015), this “Columbia Complete Concrete Product Solutions & Support” company website is

products advertising and ordering website from online internet. This company manufactures

many machines related with concrete blocks and other accessories products. In this website,

customer can view the products and others detail information as the customer wants. By online

internet register information with e-mail, customers can order products as they want. In this

system, customers can ask questions with e-mail such as about products and others which they

want to know.

Site map of Columbia company website

This site explains about products, molds, applications, customer care, about us, tradeshows and


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Explaining in these functions of site map, products site will display three types of Concrete

Products Machines that the company can design. And also there are other types of products such

as Batching and Mixing, Product Handling, Accessories, Specialty Products and Plant Designs.

The main part of this site is molds. In this part there will be shown in details of mold that will

provide. In concrete products, they will display the types of molds that they can produce. The

customer can get the best design and beautifully products can be used for different purposes.

Design2Production, Mold Services, Mold Technical Support, Non-Columbia Molds, Large Pallet

Molds, Textures are including in about molds of this company. The customer can create all types

of design as they shown in website.

This company divides their applications site that they can create in three kinds of concrete

blocks. As they have been shown in website, the three types of concrete block are pavers,

concrete blocks, and retaining walls. In this applications site, this company clarifies about to

increase profits for customers by using their simple and fast mold change machines.

In customer care menu, they will provide their support contact information. They will display

about the service that can support for customer.

About us will explain their company information such as corporate divisions, partnership &

ventures, employment, history, locations, contact us information.

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Functions of this company website

This website is developed to sell the concrete block machines around the world wide range. The

customer can buy the concrete block machine depends on their desires. This website divides five

functions to use. The customer can select their required machines in products function menu.

When they click on products, all types of machines will display on the left side of the site. The

customer can choose one as they want to see in details. This function is very useful for any type

of customers. The customer can decide easily what they want and what they need. The product

display function will show all available types.

Moreover, search box is also given at the top and this makes customers easy to search with

product name. In addition to this, there is a breadcrumb which lets users know on which page

they are and they can easily go back to the previous pages.

Advantages of this company website

Localization of language is also available. Therefore, this increases the efficiency of the

website. Using social icons can also make the company's brand more reachable to the

audience. This is the best choice for word of mouth marketing. Products categories can be

seen on left side of every page. Therefore, this is good for navigation. Apart from this, this

website is intended to help the customers too because contact us link and company's phone

no are put on top. Therefore, customers can easily contact company if they want to know

more detailed information or if they need help with company's service.

Disadvantages of this company website

There is no clear description for online payment system. Therefore, customers can get confused

when making payment. Moreover, there is no security assurance shown on the website and this

can decrease the potential order made by new customers. Another weak point is that website

cannot give the advanced searching to the customers. Another thing what we can conclude is that

it has lots of pages which are described as submenus under specific main menu. Although they

are described with well-arranged submenus, navigation system seems a bit complex.

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Review on website design

Website design is the simplest design I have ever seen. As this is business website, the use

of colour is blue and white which represents business. Since black background is used, this

makes white website body more visible to the users. No advanced web technologies are seen

to be used. Therefore, website looks less attractive than other modernized one. However, a

good arrangement of website layout is found on this Columbia website. About Second Similar Website


Referenced from (OLX, 2015), OLX is the international trading companies and has branches in

Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia. It is selling various machinery such as tools, generates,

concrete block machine and other accessories. It is a website which connects supplier and buyer

to make selling and buying the machinery online. Since there are different people from three

different countries, it can be assumed that this website has a strong customer base.

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Site map of Company Website

It does not have too much pages and only following pages are included. Therefore, sitemap

structure is very simple unlike other ecommerce website. However, it still has the essential

informational pages which can let customers understand about company its services and policies.

They are as follow:

About OLX



Privacy Policy

Help Center



Login > Product Detail


Functions of this company website

It has the efficient product display page with sorting options and paging system. For example,

customers can arrange the products with posted date, price and updated date. Moreover,

customers can choose total items which can be displayed per page (20, 50, 100, 200) with paging.

A good searching system which allows searching with price, category, location, warranty and

posted date is also found on this website. Moreover, product can be searched with their name too.

Therefore, this website is perfect with customized search functions.

Advantages of this company website

This website advertises their brand with social media. Lots of social media such as facebook,

google +, twitter, youtube, instagram and pinterest can draw the attention of the customers more

by keeping the customers in touch with OLX information on any social media. Moreover, total

members of OLX and currently using guests are mentioned on footer and this can let the

customers realize that OLX has lots of customers who believe in doing business with them.

Other help features such as back to top feature and help features can be found. Therefore, this

can give better usability to the customers.

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Disadvantages of this company website

Poor in navigation structure because users cannot see the navigation menu at the top of the page.

Navigation links are only included on the footer. Therefore, it is not easy to see and needs effort

to go to the footer every time users want to go to another page. No advanced security is shown

on this OLX web page although company's policies and disclaimers are well mentioned on OLX


Review on Website Design

Simple and clear website design and layout are created for this OLX website. Therefore, this

website can be said as a good business website with the good choice of match colors such as

white, black, blue and gray. For the price, red color in bold font style is used, and therefore, users

can easily identify the price because red is the bright color. Topics are used with different colors

and large font sizes to let the visitors see the main points on the website. Therefore, website

design is perfect with simple use of design elements by blending with correct use of color. Functions from above similar websites to use in my system

According to the study of above similar websites, I will know the requirements and good plans to

become a perfect system. After analyzing and studying these two websites, I like to use and add

some ideas of functions and advantages of them into my system. Moreover, I will also add some

essential functions and things after fixing the disadvantages as well as bugs from these websites.

For website design, simple and neat layout design style will be considered for Yellow Hands

website. Moreover, attractive product images will be needed to make website fabulous.

Advanced search and paging for products must be included. Moreover, advertising with social

media is the most efficient during these days. Thus, the most popular facebook and twitter will

be used for advertising products of Yellow Hands.

Navigational links will be shown with top menu navigation bar, left category bar and footer page

links. With these three main navigation systems, customers can get the easy navigation system.

When choosing the main theme color, yellow is decided to use because company name is Yellow

Hands. Therefore, its symbolic color Yellow must be used. Other colors which will match with

yellow will be used to create a beautiful website.

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Help functions such as FAQs, contact page, policy pages and breadcrumb will be created for

better efficiency and better help for visitors. Apart from this, security issues must be considered

and concerns of customers will be reduced by showing SSL security logo on Yellow Hands


7.2.2 Related Website Research for my system

In this online era, e-commerce trend becomes the most used word and almost all business

companies apply this e-commerce system together with online payment. E-commerce sometimes

called as e-business can be defined as the interactive processes such as buying, selling, sharing

and exchanging products or information with the help of online network.

In my country, online shopping becomes trendy. Therefore, I would like to make some research

for related website search for payment system used in here.

In Myanmar, there are populated banks: KBZ, CB, AGD, etc,..Almost banks use now online

payment system in Myanmar. They are “MyanPay”, “Paypal”, “ATM” by linking with “MPU”,

“Visa” and “Master” card. But, “MyanPay Online Payment System” is most famous using

among people in Myanmar.

We can make payment by using with these online payment systems among the e-commerce. By

using online payment system, we can get many advantages and we can save time and money.

I want to explain about studying online payment system because I founded the weakness of

online payment system in Myanmar and it is associated with my project web research that is no

e-commerce of concrete block machines with customized molds online ordering and delivery

system sales website in Myanmar.

But, I will show the related e-commerce websites of their functions to use in my system by

studying their online payment system in Myanmar.

Page 35: 000845202 kyar nyo thinn project About Related E-commerce Online Payment Website in Myanmar

After studying the literatures, I founded one related e-commerce with online payment website in

Myanmar that is “ZawGyi Mart Online Store”, referenced from (ZawGyiMart , 2015).

Overview– “ZawGyi Mart E-Commerce Web Site”uses with e-commerce online payment

system. In this “ZawGyi Mart Online Store” website, customers can order different kinds of

different brands from online internet. This website can make two types of payments that is

Myanmar Kyats (MMK) or USD by using online MyanPay Payment Gateway, PayPal, Cash on

Delivery and Bank Transfer.

Functions for customer in this site

In this online store website, we can see the functions of in this system are as follows:

Can know about the functions of this site

Can see many categories

Can search and view the products to order as we want

Can create new account to login and order

Must make registration by user

Can make ordering and choosing the products by price range with quantity number

Can review each own shopping cart how much products of quantity we buy

After review, customer can order and check out with online payments by looking the total


Therefore, customers can also make pre-order of other products as they need with

customized system.

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Can logout from own account

Can look from facebook connect with this website

Advantages of this online website

Prices can be viewed in Kyats and Dollars

Free delivery service is provided

Payment options are described on footer

Integration with social networks

Many help features and good policy

Disadvantages of this online website

Left side bar only appears on mouse over.

Therefore, customers cannot easily see all product categories at once.

Lot of advertisements on website.

Review on website design

Clear white background and black text (not attractive but simple)

Dull colour grey is also used

Good looking icons are used for better usability

Bold and big font for important data such as topic and important button (buy now)

Simple navigation website

No animation effect make less attention on website

Page 37: 000845202 kyar nyo thinn project About Related Machines Company website not in Myanmar

Overview– Referenced from (TONGLI MACHINERY, 2015), “Henan Tong Li Machinery

Manufacturing Co., Ltd” manufactures many machines products. This website is an online

ordering and delivery website of many different machines and different categories. If the user

ordering, user firstly makes the information register. Payments will made online payment or e-

credit with USD. And then, it will make delivery to user who is ordering the product.

Functions of the site

In this company websites, we can see the functions of in this system are:

Can view and search the products

Can choose the products by model number with price range

Can make ordering the products

To join the supplier with e-mail

Can create new account to order

or join-in free

To make the user information register

Can make order registration the product by product description, quantity, unit, price

(USD) and amount (USD).

To make the information of the delivery type with shipping method such as “Sea

Freight”, “Air Cargo”, “Express”

Can choose payment method: ESCROW, e-Credit Line and others

To make “New Shipping Address” and submit

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To review the “Order Preview” completely

Can calculate and view the total amount of order

Advantages of this company website

Firstly, I think that there are a lot of benefits in this system such as:

If user want to know about company, they can see at “Company Profile” page

They show the list of many product categories and their details at the “Product

Categories” page.

User or customer can easily search and select from the products

They show their products by model number with price range

User can order the products with price range from online direct

After ordering and registration, it can show the summary costs with overview of order

form after the user ordering as they want quantity

Can make online payment with bank transfer or with credit card

And then, they will reply the confirm with e-mail

Disadvantages of this company website

The disadvantages of this system are-

It cannot show the services such as discount promotions, delivery charges discount

I think that it should show the discount promotions because every user want to know the

services or promotions discount

Review on website design

Website design, especially, header and navigation bar design can reflect this is

construction related product selling website

Body text is too small to read

Product name is described in bold font but not with different colour (not good for


Light background with simple design, i.e, no special effect is included

Page 39: 000845202 kyar nyo thinn project Functions from above related websites to use in my system

According to compare above related websites, I realized some requirements and good plans to

become a perfect system. So, I like to use the ideas that the functions and advantages from these

company sites.

From Zawgyi mart, two facts will be taken.

Customer can make “Customized Moulds Design” in my system as like as this website of

Customized Ordering for pre-order: “You can order items from other online store, Just

fill up the form.”

And, my company has “free delivery charges”, so I want to describe this with obvious

designs and colours so that customers can get this message immediately at first glance.

From both websites, common type of payment will be chosen.

Both of them accept bank transfer and credit card payment. Since this system must be completely

online, credit card payment will be used. However, credit card payment has some limitation for

coding. Thus, I will show it as a demonstration and complete procedure of credit card payment

will not be included.

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Section 8 – System Investigation

System Investigation Methods

Referenced from (Wells, 2015), system investigation methods are used to support and analyze

the processes which are currently carried out by an organization if an upgraded or new system is

going to be brought into this organization. Although the way proposed system may function will

be quite different from the current system, the data which is being managed and the major

functionalities will remain unchanged sometimes.

Thus, system investigation methods can be used to provide the basis for proposed system's

designs. To understand the project scope, operations, data, existing problems and system

boundaries, some system investigation methods can be used. They are:



Record searching

Interviewing, and



This method let the analyst observes how users are actually using the present system. With this

method, analyst can see the complete flow of processes from start to end and then record every

single detailed interaction which happens in the system. Therefore, this is very useful to be

familiar with the end-users using the system. Moreover, it can also give the short list of

information which can be used to gather information while interviewing the clients. However,

this method is a very time consuming one and analyst may need pre training of the current

system by the end-user if system is a very complex one.


Questionnaire method can be done by preparing a single document which can gather information

from the participants without needing interviewer to be present. This method enables the analysts

to abstract the opinions of the large amount of end-users and general answers can be got.

Therefore, this method can be used for statistical purposes. Moreover, it is easier to be used than

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face-to-face interviewing method. However, detailed data cannot be got with this method and

sometimes participants do not give the correct answer.

Record searching

Record searching includes examining the existing documentation concerned with how system is

carried out in the past time, its policies and procedures. Existing documents can show these

information such as input, output, file structure, system specification, form interfaces, etc.

Therefore, this method has many advantages in finding the historical data of the system. With the

well-arranged documentation, more accurate data can be got. However, since data are only on

paper, some information may be missing and sometimes it can result incomplete or out of date



This method is the best way to communicate with the clients for abstracting data. Face to face

communication can make clear the problems and confused thoughts of both parties. Complicated

functions can be understood in depth by asking the end-users. This method can also increase the

mutual understanding and familiarities between analyst and end-users. As the result, both soft

and hard factors can be easily found out. Consequently, this can assist in the further system

development and operations.


Workshop can also be held to gather the user requirements. To make this successful, a large

resource is required. Firstly, there must be at least eight persons to attend the workshops at the

same time. To handle the workshop and to deliver the expected results, analyst must be working

as the workshop facilitator. Therefore, if analyst is lack of good communication skills,

everything will not be completed as planned. However, workshop can be very effective in

gaining the best result in the hand of a good facilitator and plan.

Reasons for choosing Interviewing Fact Finding Technique

This is a good method to get the detailed idea and function of the proposed system from the end-

users because of its face-to-face communication method unlike one way communication

methods. Since interviewing can be taken place one by one person, all staffs no need to be free at

the same time. Therefore, this can save the end-user's time. So, interview method will be used for

Yellow Hands System.

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Reasons for choosing Questionnaires Fact Finding Technique

This is the best way to understand some general functions or problems in the effective estimated

statistical number. A large number of staffs can be reached and the most possible solutions can

be got easily without having a large cost. Since this is cost effective method and users can give

their answers to questions when they are free and later, submit to the analyst, time can be saved

for both analysts and end-users. Thus, this should also be used for Yellow Hands Project too.

On 19 Jan 2015, I visited Yellow Hands company and met with Company Owner, U Kyaw Myo

and General Manager, U Kyaw Lwin for permission and introduction for the following

interviews and questionnaires filling up. U Kyaw Lwin nominated some of his staff and in the

following week I did investigation. A series of the interview were made with his staff. Also by

questionnaires I study their willingness about new system.

***We can be seen in Appendix (C) ***

The facts I got through investigation are described in System Investigation chapter.

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Section 9 – Proposed System


This proposed system will focus on ordering of concrete block machine, mixer and mold and not

on the manufacture processes. Therefore, recording raw materials and things which are included

in each machine will be left out here because they are only needed for factory and not for the

customer and order accepting department.

In this proposed yellow hands system, customer will be able to register to be online customer

because only registered users will make ordering of products. After registering, customers also

have right to update their personal information and change password for better security. There

will be three types of products: mixer, mould and block machine. They will be able to search

with model no, description and category type.

Moreover, customized ordering system will be available for mould product. This will be the

special function of proposed system. Customized order can be canceling or changed by customer

before Yellow Hands confirms it. To help the customers, they will also submit enquiry form via

Yellow Hands website.

For payment, online system will not use KBZ installment method. But, customers do not have to

make full payment for their ordered machines and molds. They can pay half first and then, give

the remaining when machines are delivered to their place. Or, they can make full payment as

soon as order has been made. After submitting order, customers can print out their invoice form.

To manage Yellow Hands system, staffs will be able to use admin panel which can let them add,

update, delete and generate reports for better operational performance.

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9.2 Advantages of New System

If we will make the new system of online customized ordering and delivery system, we will get

many advantages such as:

Customers can give their information and contact address via online registration from

everywhere any time

Get the advanced search for different types of machines and moulds and their detailed

and up-to-date information

To help Yellow Hands achieve its potential growth in the market by expanding into

online market

To expand the market through social media correctly

To reduce the effort, time and money

To provide rapid response for customer's enquiry and feedbacks

If customers want to confirm or cancel the customized products, cancellation is only one

click process.

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9.3 Functional Scope for User Level of New System

And I will define the functional scope for user level of new system. They are:


Managers can have access to generate all types of report for presenting to general manager and

MD. Only managers have right to create reports.

Admin Staffs

Admin staffs will make all the entry and updating processes. They can also view any data except



Customers can register their information by themselves and make online shopping. Moreover,

they can enquiry the information that they want to know. They can also edit their customized


Functions of proposed Yellow Hand will be described according to the view from specific users:

customers, admin staffs and managers.

From Customer View

Data Entry Functions

Make New Customer Registration

Purchase Products (including delivery and payment)

Order Customized Mould

Enquiry/Response Functions

Enquiry Required Info

Searching concrete block machine, mixer and mould by name

Searching concrete block machine, mixer and mould by their subcategory types

Searching concrete block machine, mixer and mould by price

Searching bought products

Update Functions

Update Customer Info

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Update Customized Mould Info

From Admin Staff View

Data Entry Functions

Register New Admin Staff

Save Products

Manage Stock

Save Subcategories

Update Functions

Update Admin Staff Info

Update Customer Info

Update Product Info

Update Customized Mould Info

Update Subcategories

Update delivery information

From Manager View

Reporting Functions

Report Stock Quantity

Report Order

Report Customized Mould Order

Report Outstanding Payment

Report Invoice

Report Undelivered Order

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Section 10 - Requirement Definition

10.1 Functions out of the scope of this system

In this Yellow Hands project, all required functions which make up the complete ecommerce

ordering system website are included. However, some functions have to be ignored and they are

regarded as the out of scope functions because of only six months development time and weak in

the technical skills.

This function is credit card payment system. This is very difficult function for me to implement

as the complete function. In real world, if credit card system is used, we have to request API

from the respective payment gateway. However, this is very difficult to handle for me because I

do not have knowledge about it.

10.2 Legal, Technical and Social issues

Some vital issues must be considered for Yellow Hands. Since this is online system, information

on the website will be accessible by all users. Therefore, all data must be made correct and

should not be copied from other sources. If used, credits must be given to the sources from which

information is taken. If this has not done properly, legal issues concerned with digital rights can

be happened.

There are no much technical issues just like stated in feasibility stage. However, website must be

kept to be live and must guarantee for over 95% availability. Apart from this, social issues such

as protecting user's information must be done. Yellow Hands must take care not to sell

customer's information to other third parties. If customer's information is leak, there are some

risks in their social lives.

10.3 Functional Requirements

Functional requirements can be said the most essential things in a system. They are usually the

business requirements of a project. Without having the right functional requirements, a system

cannot be successful and customer's requirements cannot be met. There are low level and high

level functional requirements.

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Low level requirements are detailed requirements of the system while high level requirements

are main functions of the system. For example, there will be purchase product which is high level

requirement of Yellow Hands system. This high level can be divided into low level functions

such as saving supplier, selecting supplier and saving purchase detail. They can be checked in

the use case diagrams include in this report.

10.4 Non-functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements are the additional requirements of a system. A system can be built

without considering these requirements if time and money is limited. However, a system without

having these requirements can give problems or difficulties at some point. Therefore, if it is

possible, these non-functional requirements should be included for Yellow Hands Project.

Although there are many non-functional requirements, I will choose usability, accessibility,

security, availability, robustness and high performance non-functional requirements for Yellow

Hands Project.

10.5 MoSCoW Prioritized Requirement List

This DSDM technique is very effective in managing time and required functions. While deciding

the functions, it is required to know their priority so that decisions can be made in case of run out

of time. MoSCoW is acronym for functional requirement prioritization.

Must (for essential functional requirements)

Should (for nearly mandatory ones)

Could (for being able to leave out ones)

Want (for optional ones)

Therefore, functional requirements of Yellow Hands will be measured in accordance with these

four criteria. And then, they must be listed under each category. Prioritizing like this can be very

useful when there is any change in time and budget and then negotiation with Yellow Hands

Company is required. Functional requirements resulted from use case diagram will be prioritized

with MoSCoW as shown below.

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From Customer View

Data Entry Functions

Make New Customer Registration (Must)

Purchase Products (including delivery and payment) (Must)

Order Customized Mould (Must)

Enquiry/Response Functions

Enquiry Required Info (Would)

Searching concrete block machine, mixer and mould by name (Could)

Searching concrete block machine, mixer and mould by their subcategory types (Could)

Searching concrete block machine, mixer and mould by price (Could)

Searching bought products (Could)

Update Functions

Update Customer Info (Should)

Update Customized Mould Info (Should)

From Admin Staff View

Data Entry Functions

Register New Admin Staff (Must)

Save Products (Must)

Manage Stock (Should)

Save Subcategories (Must)

Update Functions

Update Admin Staff Info (Should)

Update Customer Info (Should)

Update Product Info (Should)

Update Customized Mould Info (Should)

Update Subcategories (Should)

Update delivery information (Should)

From Manager View

Reporting Functions

Report Stock Quantity (Would)

Report Order (Could)

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Report Customized Mould Order (Could)

Report Outstanding Payment (Could)

Report Invoice (Could)

Report Undelivered Order (Would)

10.6 Joint Application Design (JAD) Workshop

Referenced from, (Joint Application Design, 2015), JAD is a technique applied in project life

cycle of DSDM for collecting functionalities of a system. This technique enhances user

participation and improves the accuracy of specifications. Moreover, a workshop which let

knowledge users and IT experts discuss to define and refine the functional requirements of

proposed system.

The participants include authorities from end-users who can give the accurate project

information and decide on requirements. Therefore, these workshops can work more actively

with stakeholders in the shorter timeframe. JAD is the most efficient technique for small and

clearly focused systems. However, it is not too good for large complex projects.

Since Yellow Hands Project is not large complex project, JAD is suitable for finding

requirements. Most JAD workshop has the good agenda which guide the participants to get the

desired goals. Therefore, agenda will be planned well for this Yellow Hands project.

Moreover, a team of not more than nine people is required to hold the workshop. I will act as

facilitator to get the required information from stakeholders. This role is the most important in

JAD because problems have to dissolve and negotiation must be made during workshop.

Therefore, I must do with great care not to miss the list included in agenda.

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Section 11 – Database Design and Development

11.1 Selection of Database

Since Yellow Hands is going to be the database-driven ordering website, the best suitable

database must be utilized for better success. Hence, web developer has the main responsibility to

in-depth evaluate the best databases which can satisfy the business needs. Following three

RDBMS can be seen as follow:

11.1.1 Oracle

Oracle produced database server with its own name and now it gets the highest place in the data

handling server market. Gradually, it becomes the proven and secure RDBMS which is mostly

used all over the world. To be perfect with end-user's needs, three different editions can be

requested to make purchase. Oracle announced that it upgrade its functions started from version

12c by including a lot more enterprise functions and options. To fulfil some customers who

require high security, performance, availability, manageability and data analytical functions,

Oracle database is highly designed.

Therefore, this is the reason why large sized global enterprises are utilizing it in their operational

data environment to get the fully robust and scalable database server. Good point of Oracle is

possessing ability to run on multi platforms. However, what we have to notice is high costs due

to its high quality, functionality and security.

11.1.2 Microsoft SQL

This is RDBMS produced by Microsoft and it is currently the most commonly used type of

database server for Windows operating system. Its significant character is that it can operate only

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on windows and it is not designed to compatible with other operating systems. When developers

use ASP.NET as the server side, they usually choose this MSSQL. This is because they two are

the same products by Microsoft and they are the perfect match.

This can manage thousands of concurrent transactions made by concurrent users. Therefore, this

can be said as the robust RDBMS ever. Several versions and editions are available in accordance

with the included features. Four paid editions can be purchased from Microsoft.

MSSQL is very secure one because it has functions for database clustering and mirroring.

Moreover, it can support for data partitioning needed for the distributed databases. Therefore,

data can be safe and sound.

11.1.3 MySQL

MySQL was firstly introduced by Sun and it is now continue distributing by Oracle Corporation.

A lot of survey mentioned about MySQL that it becomes the most widely applied RDBMS in

this age of web technology. This RDBMS is usually used together with a lot of web applications

based on open source technologies.

This survey also shows that a great number of most busiest and large traffic website such as

Google, Facebook and Adobe are also heavily relying on this technology for saving their time

and money. This RDBMS is very powerful that it can power such kind of high-volumes


In addition to this, MySQL supports developer for running on different platforms. These main

platforms include Solaris, Linux, OSX, IBM AIX & Windows. This is also a type of technology

which can be downloaded so easily and quick installation is also provided. In spite of its ease of

use and availability with FOC, it has best optimization system and security features.

Oracle is now managing MySQL and developers can still get it as free version because this

RDBMS was firstly distributed as open source. However, this "MySQL Community Edition" as

well as free version can even be used for big size project requiring high performance.

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11.1.4 Oracle Vs MSSQL Vs MySQL

11.1.5 Why MySQL?

Security, Functionalities & Operational Capability

After evaluating these three database technologies, Oracle seems to be the most powerful ones

which can provide more advanced features in security and complex functionalities than MSSQL

and MySQL. But, there is some weakness in usability of Oracle database and it is not designed

for novice database administrator like me. Apart from this, I have experiences with MSSQL and

MySQL which are more easy to use than Oracle. Among MSSQL and MySQL, second one is

more useful in operational capability because of its multiple platforms support.


PHP is chosen for Yellow Hands and suitable database with PHP is researched. Finally, I found

that MySQL which is under same open source category is the most compatible with it.

Total Cost of Ownership

TCO of these three RDBMs are calculated in accordance with market standard. And, it seems

that Oracle is the highest in TCO. Moreover, MSSQL is a bit more costly than MySQL in terms

of TCO. Therefore, MySQL will be used to support Yellow Hands website.

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11.2 Implementing Database

While implementing database for Yellow Hands, some steps must be followed so that a complete

and robust database can be produced systematically. These steps are as follow.

1. Analysing and finding data for Normalization

2. Drawing draft Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

3. Designing Class Diagram based on ERD

4. Drawing Object Diagram based on Class Diagram

5. Constructing database with selected MySQL RDBMS

6. Saving some data as the test data and then show the records result

7. Query on enquiry and reporting

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11.2.1 Normalization

Third Normal Form (3NF)

Customer Staff Order Block Machine Category





























Invoice Enquiry OrderDetail MIXERCATEGORY















































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11.2.2 ERD

ERD for Yellow Hands Concrete Block Machine with Customized Mould Online Ordering and Delivery System


ProductOrder DetailOrder

Invoice Stock

CustomerEnquiry Mixer MouldBlock Machine

Mixer Category Mould CategoryBlock Machine




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11.2.3 Class Diagram

Referenced from (Class Diagram, 2015), Class diagram gives the structure of the system by

showing its classes. It represents the responsibilities of each class and the relationships between

them. It only displays what interacts but not what happens when they do interact.

Class Diagram for Yellow Hands Concrete Block Machine with Customized Mould Online Ordering and Delivery System


- StaffID: int

- RegistrationDate: Date

- StaffType: string

- Username: string

- Password: string

- FullName: string

- ContactPhone: string

- Email: string

- Address: string

+ Login(Username, Password)

+ RegisterNewAdmin()

+ SaveProduct()

+ ManageStock()

+ ReportStockQuantity()

+ ReportOrder()

+ ReportCustomizedMouldOrder()

+ ReportOutstandingPayment()

+ ReportInvoice()


- CustomerID: int

- RegistrationDate: Date

- Username: string

- Password: string

- FullName: string

- ContactPhone: string

- Email: string

- Address: string

+ Login(Username, Password)

+ MakeNewCustomer


+ PurchaseProducts()

+ OrderCustomizedMould()

+ EnquiryRequiredInfo()


- ProductID: int

- BlockMachineCategoryID: int

- MixerCategoryID: int

- MouldCategoryID: int

- StaffID: int

- RegistrationDate: Date

- ProductModelNo: string

- ProductName: string

- ProductDescription: string

- ProductPrice: int

- ProductImage: string

- ProductQuantity: int

- ProductRemark: string

+ SaveNewProduct()

+ UpdateProductInfo()

+ DeleteProduct()


- StockID: int

- ProductID: int

- EntryDate: Date

- AddStockQuantity: int

+ SaveNewStock()

+ UpdateStockInfo()

+ DeleteStock()


- OrderID: int

- CustomerID: int

- OrderDate: Date

- OrderType: string

- OrderStatus: string

- OrderDescription: string

+ SaveNewOrder()

+ UpdateOrderInfo()

+ DeleteOrder()

+ CheckOrderStatus()




Order Detail

- OrderID: int

- ProductID: int

- OrderedQuantity: int

- OrderedPrice: int

+ SaveNewOrderDetail()

+ DeleteOrderDetail()


- EnquiryID: int

- CustomerID: int

- EnquiryDate: Date

- EnquiryStatus: string

- EnquirySubject: string

- EnquiryDescription: string

+ SaveNewEnquiry()

+ UpdateEnquiryStatus()

+ DeleteEnquiry()


- InvoiceID: int

- OrderID: int

- InvoicingDate: Date

- InvoiceStatus: string

- TotalAmount: int

+ SaveNewInvoice()

+ UpdateInvoiceInfo()

+ DeleteInvoice()

+ CheckInvoiceStatus()





1 *

is on















BlockMachine Mixer Mould


- BlockMachineCategoryID: int

- CategoryType: string

- BrickQuantity: int

- ProductBrickQuality: string

- ProductionBrickRate: int

+ SaveNewCategory()

+ UpdateCategoryInfo()

+ DeleteCategory()


- MixerCategoryID: int

- CategoryType: string

- MixerHoldingCapacity: string

- MixerSize: string

+ SaveNewCategory()

+ UpdateCategoryInfo()

+ DeleteCategory()


- MouldCategoryID: int

- CategoryType: string

- MouldOrderType: string

- BrickQuantity: int

- MouldSize: string

+ SaveNewCategory()

+ UpdateCategoryInfo()

+ DeleteCategory()













- DeliveryID: int

- OrderID: int

- DeliveryStatus: string

- DeliveryAcceptPerson: string

- DeliveryAcceptPhone: string

- DeliveryAddress: string

- DeliveryRemark: string

+ SaveNewDelivery()

+ UpdateDeliveryInfo()

+ DeleteDelivery()

+ CheckDeliveryStatus()





- AccountID: int

- AccountNo: string

- PINNo: int

- AccountType: string

- TotalBalance: int

+ SaveNewCreditCard()

+ UpdateCreditCardInfo()

+ DeleteCreditCard()

+ CheckTotalBalance()


Paid with


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11.2.4 Object Diagram

Object Diagram direct relationship to the database.

Object Diagram for Yellow Hands Concrete Block Machine with Customized Mould Online Ordering and Delivery System


- StaffID: 1

- RegistrationDate: 11-01-2015

- StaffType: Manager

- Username: kyarnyo

- Password: ******

- FullName: Kyar Nyo

- ContactPhone: 298765

- Email: [email protected]

- Address: No. 12

+ Login(Username, Password)

+ RegisterNewAdmin()

+ SaveProduct()

+ ManageStock()

+ ReportStockQuantity()

+ ReportOrder()

+ ReportCustomizedMouldOrder()

+ ReportOutstandingPayment()

+ ReportInvoice()


- CustomerID: 1

- RegistrationDate: 11-01-2015

- Username: thinthin

- Password: *******

- FullName: Thin Thin

- ContactPhone: 323829

- Email: [email protected]

- Address: No. 34

+ Login(Username, Password)

+ MakeNewCustomer


+ PurchaseProducts()

+ OrderCustomizedMould()

+ EnquiryRequiredInfo()


- ProductID: 1

- BlockMachineCategoryID: 1

- MixerCategoryID: 1

- MouldCategoryID: 1

- StaffID: 1

- RegistrationDate: 11-01-2015

- ProductModelNo: CB001

- ProductName: Big Machine

- ProductDescription: Very good

- ProductPrice: 1000000

- ProductImage: image.jpg

- ProductQuantity: 10

- ProductRemark: best product

+ SaveNewProduct()

+ UpdateProductInfo()

+ DeleteProduct()


- StockID: 1

- ProductID: 1

- EntryDate: 11-01-2015

- AddStockQuantity: 1

+ SaveNewStock()

+ UpdateStockInfo()

+ DeleteStock()


- OrderID: 1

- CustomerID: 1

- OrderDate: 11-01-2015

- OrderType: Existing

- OrderStatus: Confirm

- OrderDescription: Want


+ SaveNewOrder()

+ UpdateOrderInfo()

+ DeleteOrder()

+ CheckOrderStatus()




Order Detail

- OrderID: 1

- ProductID: 1

- OrderedQuantity: 1

- OrderedPrice: 1000000

+ SaveNewOrderDetail()

+ DeleteOrderDetail()


- EnquiryID: 1

- CustomerID: 1

- EnquiryDate: 11-01-2015

- EnquiryStatus: Replied

- EnquirySubject: Delivery

- EnquiryDescription: Plz tell me

delivery duration

+ SaveNewEnquiry()

+ UpdateEnquiryStatus()

+ DeleteEnquiry()


- InvoiceID: 1

- OrderID: 1

- InvoicingDate: 11-01-2015

- InvoiceStatus: Half

- TotalAmount: 1000000

+ SaveNewInvoice()

+ UpdateInvoiceInfo()

+ DeleteInvoice()

+ CheckInvoiceStatus()





1 *

is on















BlockMachine Mixer Mould


- BlockMachineCategoryID: 1

- CategoryType: Manual

- BrickQuantity: 1

- ProductBrickQuality: 600PSI

- ProductionBrickRate: 200

+ SaveNewCategory()

+ UpdateCategoryInfo()

+ DeleteCategory()


- MixerCategoryID: 1

- CategoryType: Big

- MixerHoldingCapacity: 5GL

- MixerSize: 3 ft x 18 ft

+ SaveNewCategory()

+ UpdateCategoryInfo()

+ DeleteCategory()


- MouldCategoryID: 1

- CategoryType: Pavement

- MouldOrderType: Customized

- BrickQuantity: 5

- MouldSize: 7" x 8" x 3"

+ SaveNewCategory()

+ UpdateCategoryInfo()

+ DeleteCategory()














- DeliveryID: 1

- OrderID: 1

- DeliveryStatus: Pending

- DeliveryAcceptPerson: Hla

- DeliveryAcceptPhone: 236789

- DeliveryAddress: No. 4

- DeliveryRemark: Nth

+ SaveNewDelivery()

+ UpdateDeliveryInfo()

+ DeleteDelivery()

+ CheckDeliveryStatus()





- AccountID: 1

- AccountNo: AC001

- PINNo: 123456

- AccountType: Visa

- TotalBalance: 10000000

+ SaveNewCreditCard()

+ UpdateCreditCardInfo()

+ DeleteCreditCard()

+ CheckTotalBalance()


Paid with


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11.2.5 Constructing Database

Database for Yellow Hands will be constructed by using MySQL database. This must be done

based on the class diagram drawn above. Respective fields, data type and keys must be placed in

the database as shown in the class diagram. After transforming class diagram into database,

following database design is resulted. There will be thirteen database tables in total.

Figure (1) Structure of Block Machine Category Table

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Figure (2) Structure of Customer Table

Figure (3) Structure of Delivery Table

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Figure (4) Structure of Enquiry Table

Figure (5) Structure of Invoice Table

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Figure (6) Structure of Mixer Category Table

Figure (7) Structure of Mould Category Table

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Figure (8) Structure of Order Table

Figure (9) Structure of Order Detail Table

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Figure (10) Structure of Payment Account Table

Figure (11) Structure of Product Table

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Figure (12) Structure of Staff Table

Figure (13) Structure of Stock Table

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11.2.6 Saving and Displaying Test Data

Some test data must be added to the tables in the database. Here, example of test data in the

customer table and product table are described. Test data is added by clicking on the insert

button at the menu and then entered some test data. Eg. For one table “Customer” table. You can

see others tables in database.

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11.2.7 Query on enquiry and reporting

Query on enquiry for “Searching product with Mixer Category Type 'Small'

Query on reporting for “Stock Quantity Report for Specific Product”

Query on reporting for “Order Report (Search with specific customer name YeYintOo)”

Page 68: 000845202 kyar nyo thinn project

Query on reporting for “Customized Mould Order Report”

Query on reporting for “Outstanding Payment”

Query on reporting for Invoice with Specific Customer and Order No

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Section 12 – System Design of Logical Design

12.1 Use Case Diagram

Referenced from (Use Case Diagram , 2015), Use Case Diagram is one of the Unified Modeling

Language and it can emphasize the technical feature. It is one of the excellent techniques to

collect the user requirements. It can describe by the point of view. By drawing use case, we can

know actually the relation with the requirements and users. Every Use Case Diagram has use

case descriptions and my project has also use case descriptions. These use case descriptions for

each use case are built to help to develop the new system.

12.1.1 Overall Use Case Diagram (High Level)

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12.1.2 Secondary Use Case of Order Customized Mold

Order Customized Mould Use Case



Give Customized

Mould Detailed Data


Username and



Add Delivery


Make Payment

***We can see others use cases and use cases descriptions at Appendix (D) – D - 1***

12.2 Activity Diagram

Referenced from (Activity Diagram, 2015), Activity diagram is the diagram to draw the business

procedure by the objects. According to structured analysis, the equivalent of data flow can be


Register New Admin Staff Activity Diagram


Fill New Staff

Detailed Data

[Not Valid User]

[Valid User]

Admin Staff

Save New Admin


[Existing Username]

***We can see others activity diagrams at Appendix (D) – D - 2 ***

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12.3 Robustness Diagram

Referenced from (Robustness Diagram-An Agile Introduction, 2015), Robustness Diagram can

be drawn through the use case diagram and sequence diagram. To create robust model, it will be

brought into the design model and construction process.

Robustness Diagram for Register New Customer and Login





Give Username

and Password

Login Page

Valid Account

Customer Home


Wrong Account



Give username,


and detail info

***We can see others robustness diagrams at Appendix (D) – D - 3 ***

12.4 Sequence Diagram

Referenced from (Sequence Diagram, 2015), Sequence Diagram is excellent in real time process

and complex use case. Through the analysis and design of the development lifecycle, sequence

diagram are applied.

Admin Staff


and Password)

A Staff

Register New Admin Staff Sequence Diagram








Staff:Login Page



***We can see others sequence diagrams at Appendix (D) – D -4 ***

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12.5 State Diagram

Referenced from (State Diagram, 2015), State Diagram can define how to relation with the single

object and its process. According to state machine, all objects are no need to draw. It can

completely useful for complex objects. This state diagram is drawing through the class diagram.

State Diagram for Product


Existing[Product = Existing]

[Product = New]New Stock

Update Stock[Added Before]

[Product = New]

Customization[Product = Customized]



[Status = Confirm]

[Status = Cancel]

***We can see others state diagram at Appendix (D) – D - 5 ***

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12.6 Deployment Diagram

Referenced from (Deployment Diagram, 2015), Deployment Diagram is one of the structural

diagrams of UML and models the physical deployment of artifacts on nodes. It can show the

hard ware components on existing on web server and database server and the software

components on each node.


Hardware Server where

website is hosted



Web Server









Local Area Network


Admin Staff’s PC


Manager’s PC


Customer’s PC



Web Browser



Web Browser



Web Browser

Deployment Diagram for Yellow Hands System

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12.7 Packaging Diagram

Referenced from (Package Diagram, 2015), Packaging Diagram is one of the structural diagrams

of UML and the dependencies between the packages that make up a model. There are two

special types as follow:

1. Package import

It can describe a relation between a package and an importing namespace.

2. Package merge

It can describe a directed relationship between two packages.

Detailed Package Diagram for Yellow Hands Invoice System




Payment Invoice

Credit Card

ValidationCheck Order Info Check Customer


Credit Card CustomerOrder

***We can see others packaging diagrams at Appendix (D) – D - 6 ***

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Section 13 – System Design of Physical Design

13.1 Website Design

Figure (1), this is “Yellow Hands” website “Home Page”.

***See more Website Design in Appendix (E) – E – 1 Website Design***

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Section 14 – Human Computer Interaction

14.1 Human Computer Interaction (HCI)

Referenced from (human-computer interface, 2015), Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is the

communication between computer system and users. Three different kinds of users are included in

HCI and they are: causal or novice users who are first time users, experienced users who are already

used to the system and professional users who are develop the system. Therefore, we can call

ourselves, “Professional User”.

There are there kinds of users in my proposed system of project, “Yellow Hands” web-based system.

They are “Customer”, “Admin staff” and “Manager” as like as the above three kinds of user can used

for my proposed system. “Customer” can be causal or experienced user, “Admin staff” can be

experienced user and “Manager” can be professional user.

Customer can use this system to order the products and services. Admin staff must know detail about

the system because they require inserting, updating and deleting data and information from this

system. Manager can know about the whole system and he/she can generate report in anytime.

Among the users of this system who should have the expected intelligences will be the staffs of

“Yellow Hands”. They need professional training for convenience in using the system.

To use this system, users must have expected level of intelligences. For “Yellow Hands” staff, they

require to train by professional users in order to familiar with the interface of system.

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14.2 Web page navigation Map

Main Page

Home PageProducts

PageOrder Page



Yellow Hands

Info PageMy Account

Shopping Cart



Enter Keyword to Search

Concrete Block



Customized Order

Change Order

About Us

Contact Us

Privacy Policy

Terms and




Site Map of “Yellow Hands” Company Website

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Section 15 – Testing

15.1 Test Design

According to Invalid source specified., test design is basically the creation and writing of some

test suites in order to test a project. Analyzing test suites and finding out test conditions can give

the developers the generic idea which can ensure the correctness of the final system. Therefore,

Test Design can be used to define the inputs for the intended project and it can let the projects

finished with many expected outputs. As a result, system can be delivered with the least errors as


Test design must be created with the sufficient knowledge of software and respective business

area. Moreover, functionalities to be tested must be clearly understood and some testing

techniques must be understood well to create the effective test design. In addition to these, test

planning must be carefully done to order the test cases.

Therefore, test plans, test cases and test logs will be well created by embracing two main types of

Test Design Techniques: Static and Dynamic Techniques which cover below facts:

functional analysis (test the functions),

equivalence partitioning (group similar tests and reduce tests),

path analysis (internal code and links), and

Boundary value (filtering with invalid data range).

Moreover, different types of testing techniques such as Black Box Testing, White Box Testing,

Grey Box Testing, Unit, Integration and System Testing will be designed to test Yellow Hands


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15.1.1 Black Box Testing

This is a software testing method which examines software functionalities without testing

internal workings and structure. Tester may not know its internal processing or programming

code. Therefore, tester will only understand how to process with inputs and which should be the

required outcomes.

In most black-box testing, it is enough if tester only know the program and its specification and

any other knowledge is not required. According to (Beal, 2014), this is sometimes called as the

functional testing for the software product. This black box testing can be done to every segment

of software product with these testing types such as unit, integration and system.

15.1.2 White Box Testing

Referenced from (Wikipedia, White-box testing, 2013), this testing can be called as glass,

transparent, clear, and structural type of testing. Unlike black box, this will test all detailed

internal structures of the software product. Therefore, this will need in-depth knowledge of

programming code and system flow because most test cases will be built based on programming

skills and internal working flow knowledge.

This testing type will be correct only if the tester understands what software is supposed to

perform. Therefore, this type of testing will need a lot of time and skills compared with black

box testing. Like black box, this can be applied to three types of testing level described in black

box testing.

15.1.3 Grey Box Testing

This testing is used to test the software by combining white box and black box testing

effectively. In the environment where time and budget is allowed, this method can be said as the

nicest and most powerful method to use for software products. (Wikipedia, Gray box testing,

2015), described that white box testing has strong point in checking the internal structure but has

lack in user interface and other problems. Likewise, black box tester has weakness in checking

out internal structure.

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Here, both of these weaknesses can be fixed by using combination of these two testing.

However, gray-box tester must know and must have enough knowledge in both internal structure

such as programming code for white box and inputs and outputs for black box testing. Therefore,

they must have expert skills to do this.

Reason for choosing Black Box Testing

Black box testing will be used for Yellow Hands project because it can save a lot of time and I

do not have many professional coding skills to be used in white box and grey box testing.

Moreover, only checking external feature is required to ensure whether inputs data can give the

expected outputs because this is not a big project and resources are limited. Black box testing

will be applied at three different levels testing described as below.

15.1.4 Unit Testing

This software testing is performed to test individual units of function by using respective test

data and procedures. The purpose of this testing is to make sure whether individual unit is fit for

use. This testing is the smallest testable unit of a software product. In terms of Yellow Hands

website project, a unit can be small function on a page or entire page. These individual units can

be united to form later large stages of testing.

15.1.5 Integration Testing

This testing is used to test the individual software increments which are combined to form a set

of group. This can take place as soon as unit testing is finished. Inputs of this testing can also be

said the united set of unit tested functions or interfaces. After this testing, it is ready for system


15.1.6 System Testing

This software testing is performed by using the complete and integrated system as the input. This

testing will be done by evaluating the specified requirements in the project proposal. System

testing which is used with black box testing does not require knowing inner code structure and

logic. The objective of this testing is for detecting the inconsistencies of integrated testing


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15.2 Test Plan for the Yellow Hands System

Scope covered by testing Product registration

Customer registration

Product Order


Customized Mould Order

Some reports

Out of scope for Yellow Hands System Complete credit card payment

Major test objectives To ensure that Yellow Hands System can

perform all the tasks that are supposed to do in

the right manner

Budget allowance Low budget because only for academic


Deadline for this Yellow Hands Project 23 April 2015

Page 82: 000845202 kyar nyo thinn project

15.3 Test Cases

No Page to be


Purpose Tested Data Expected







1 Customer



To test

correctness of



Enter correct data

detailed of new customer

Data is

added to



As expected

2 Customer



To test


method added to



Provide different

password and confirm


Enter username already

existed in database.

Provide email in

incorrect format.




appears and





should not

be done.


shows error

but data is

added to





various 'If'





input data




3 Customer

Login Page

To check

required data


No data is filled for

required textboxes

(Username and







As expected

4 Customer

Login Page

To check valid



Wrong Username and

Password is given.

Username = abcd

Password = 1238476



password do

not match



As expected

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5 Product



To check correct

products are

displayed for

each category.

Click on Category




products for







products for




Show mould

products for



As expected

6 Product



To search the

products with

model no.

Enter Model No =

'MP0001' in search


Show all






As expected

7 Product Detail


To check

whether a

customer is login

or not when

click on add to

cart button.

Customer who has not

login clicks on Add to

Cart button

Redirect to

login page.

As expected

8 Product Detail


To check

quantity textbox

Enter abc in quantity

textbox and click on Add

Please enter

number for

As expected

Page 84: 000845202 kyar nyo thinn project

value for each


to Cart button quantity




9 Shopping Cart

Display Page

To check

quantity of

added items to

the shopping cart

can be changed

Enter 7 in quantity

textbox for the added

product 'MP0001' and

click on update button

Quantity is

changed to


As expected

10 Shopping Cart

Display Page

To check added

items can be


Click on remove button

for the added product


'MP0001' is


As expected

11 Delivery Page To check



information is


Enter all delivery

information for bought

products and click next



is recorded

in delivery


As expected

12 Payment Page To check valid

payment account

Enter incorrect account

no and PIN No





As expected

13 Payment Page To check

required amount

in the account to

make payment

for bought items

Enter correct account



balance is

not enough


As expected

14 Payment Page To check

payment info is

saved and

invoice can be


Enter correct account




As expected

Page 85: 000845202 kyar nyo thinn project

15 Customized

mould order


To check


order for mould

can be made

Enter required mould

information by customer

and then click order


Order No

As expected

16 Customized

mould order

confirmed by


To check

whether admin

can confirm


mould order

Search customized

mould order and then

change customized order

status to confirm



As expected

17 New product

adding pages

at admin site

To check new

products such as

block machine,

mould and mixer

are added to


Fill yellow hands'

product information and


Success As expected

18 Existing



pages at

admin site

To check

existing products

such as block

machine, mould

and mixer can be


Reenter yellow hands'

product information and


Success As expected

19 Deleting

product at

admin site

To check

existing products

such as block

machine, mould

and mixer can be


Click on delete button at

each product page

Success As expected

20 Reporting


To search and

print report

Search the required fact

and then print the result

Report is


As expected

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15.4 Test Log

Test Case No Date Tested Pass (P) Fail (F)

1 Jan 26 2015 P

2 Jan 26 2015 F

3 Jan 27 2015 P

4 Jan 27 2015 P

5 Jan 28 2015 P

6 Jan 28 2015 P

7 Jan 29 2015 P

8 Jan 29 2015 P

9 Jan 30 2015 P

10 Jan 30 2015 P

11 Feb 2 2015 P

12 Feb 2 2015 P

13 Feb 3 2015 P

14 Feb 3 2015 P

15 Feb 4 2015 P

16 Feb 4 2015 P

17 Feb 5 2015 P

18 Feb 5 2015 P

19 Feb 6 2015 P

20 Feb 6 2015 P

TOTAL (Pass / Fail) 19 1

Page 87: 000845202 kyar nyo thinn project

Section 16 – Implementation Process

Referenced from (LifecycleStep, 2014), implementation can be defined as a final process which

changes the development status of a software product into the production status. According to

the projects that people are doing, this process is called by different terms such as go-live,

rollout, deployment, or installation.

An application or software can be implemented in various ways and they do not stick to a single

way. Some implementations are very easy and they do not need complex documentation for

implementation. However, some big projects may need complex implementation processes as the

separate phase of a project. Since this is the enterprise level website, some implementation

events must be planned for delivering system successfully.

Therefore, product software implementation method should be used to plan for the perfect

implementation phase. Using this method can make the stakeholders of projects understand

project rules and views solve the some problems and conflicts which can be occurred while

implementing the technology related products. Since DSDM is chosen to be used for Yellow

Hands Project, implementation processes will be carried out according to the rules of DSDM.

DSDM includes the cutover started from development stage to operational stage. This includes

reviewing business aspects, getting user approval and guideline, training users and

implementing. This implementation phase can be iterated in DSDM projects until system

requirements are met.

Detailed processes for implementation are as follows:

Planning of implementation

Implementation personnel

File conversion and creation (creating all required master files of Yellow Hands System)

Carrying out system testing

Preparing instructions for user and operational department who will use the system

Documenting all required information concerned with system

Contributing training and educating the end-users

As a result, delivered system can be error free together with complete user manual guide


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Change Over

(Tanya Robertson, Demand Media , 2015), stated that a lot of business organization change their

business flow by using technologies. Such king of upgrading to computerized system can help

them in optimizing their efficiency and to compete with other. To assist such changes in systems

for security, database and MIS system, some changeover techniques are invented. Choosing the

right method can work best for every business to reduce the degree of risks. There are four main


1. Direct changeover

This method can be said as immediate replacement. This one is the least used among changeover

methods. In this technique, the whole system will be completely replaced with one shot. In other

word, after new system has been implemented, the old one will stop using. This is the most risky

technique because old system will not get reverted if new system goes wrong. If system failure is

not the main issue, this method can be used.

2. Parallel changeover

In this method, new system will run in parallel with the old one for some limited time. Among all

these changeover techniques, this can be said as the most famous and mostly used one since it

brings the least risk. If some problems faced with new system, the whole system is able to be

reverted to the original state. Therefore, there is no need to worry about risks and failures.

However, there can be some costs in operating both systems simultaneously.

3. Phased changeover

This method is between direct and parallel methods. New system will be implemented one stage

at one time. For instance, supposed that a company is trying to use new financial software. This

can be done by implementing this software at one department at one time. Advantages of this

method are isolated errors and low costs. However, long changeover duration will be taken.

Therefore, this method is sometime used with parallel method.

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4. Pilot Running

With this method, new system will be run at external test site. This will be done before using it

across the organization. For instance, a store might firstly test its system at one of its branches

which can be said as the pilot or test site in this context. Since parallel changeovers are very

expensive, many people use this pilot changeover for running new one next to its old system. If

all operations at test site work well, new system is very sure to be error free and can be used


Reason for choosing Parallel Changeover

Among these four changeover methods, parallel changeover will be the most suitable with

Yellow Hands. Since this is online ecommerce system, it is very risky to change from offline to

online method. Both customers and staffs will not be familiar with it and our country is not too

much developed for running online order store. Therefore, traditional method will also be

running, i.e, order will be accepted with phone order or showroom. At the same time, online

ordering will also be accepted.

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Section 17 – Security Issues

17.1 Potential Treats

There are many possible causes of threats which can harm the security of Yellow Hands

management information system. Two different categories can be seen. First one is physical

threats which are caused by natural disasters, hardware, network and cable physical failure and

second one is non-physical threats which are caused by viruses, human deliberate wrong input

data, unauthorized system access, software bugs, Denial of Service (DOS) attacks and little or no

user knowledge in the software. Therefore, all these potential threats must be covered while

planning for contingency plan for Yellow Hands.

Moreover, since Yellow Hands is e-commerce website, two main security issues must be

considered. They are website and database security issues.

Website Security

Since private data of customers must be carried via Yellow Hands website, this is very important

to consider. Hackers are always looking for the weakness of corporate network and they

sometimes create some programs to drive the end-users download the malicious programs

themselves. Therefore, it is the duty of Yellow Hands to protect the sensitive data of its


Database Security

For e-commerce website, the most important thing is to keep the updated data live on the

website. To make this successful, database must be kept as accurate as possible. If not, website

will be resulted with incomplete data and order information will be lost. The reasons behind the

corrupted database are because of the following: unauthorized database access, overloaded

performance and malware infected.

Unauthorized Database Access

This can be because of the attempts to access the restricted system data by the hackers as well as

other unauthorized staffs. As the result of this, important data of Yellow Hand scan be exposed

and retrieved from the database. Moreover, if unauthorized persons make changes to the

database, image of Yellow Hands can be bad.

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Overloaded Performance

Sometimes, hackers create some malicious programs to make the concurrent transactions

repeatedly. If there are thousands of transactions happening again and again, database will not

handle and performance can be overloaded. This can make database temporarily down.

Malware Infected

This can be resulted from deliberate or accidental installation of Virus or Trojan or Malware on

the server where database is hosted. As the result, data will be incomplete and part or all of data

can be destroyed and controlled by intruders and hackers.

17.2 Contingency Plan

As mentioned above, there can be such great risks which can create the breakdown of Yellow

Hands. Thus, contingency plans must be arranged at the first place to manage all these potential


Firstly, securing hardware must be done. This includes securing corporate local network of

Yellow Hands. This can be done by installing software firewall and implementing hardware

firewall. Software firewall will be installed on every machine of staffs and hardware firewall

router will be used between WAN and LAN.

Moreover, encryption SSL service will be used to secure the data transmission of credit card and

personal information from one page to another throughout the website of Yellow Hands. This

service will be purchased and renew annually.

In addition to this, only registered user will correct data information will be allowed to use the

services of Yellow Hands Website. Every single user will be given individual user account with

unique username. By doing this, risk can be reduced to some degree. To reduce unauthorized

system access, different user levels will also be created for Yellow Hands customer and staffs.

Customers will not have access to staff's web pages. Authentication and authorization will be

done according to their defined rights.

To protect from physical damage, all hardware must be kept in the secure place with the enough

security implemented. Moreover, database and website replica should be saved in the different

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place with the original one. All performance and transactions via website and database must be

monitored to measure the overloaded performance and malicious actions. If suspicious actions

are detected, termination of these actions must be performed without hesitation.

Risk Management Plan which fully describes which kind of actions must be taken by which step

by step stages should be ready for DBA so that DBA can follow in case of system failure as the

recovery processes. Back-up of database and website must be done as regular as possible. All

backup files must have at least two copies and saved with different flash devices.

To conclude, these security preparations must be updated from time to time to protect the new

emerging threats. Moreover, there must be a good contingency plan in place so that Yellow

Hands system can be recovered from any state of system failure.

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Section 18 – Critical Appraisal and Conclusion

18.1 Critical Appraisal

At the end of this last semester for Business IT Degree, I will be able to complete online ordering

system for Yellow Hands Company. I was really surprised because my big dream came into

reality and my greatest ambition to be a web developer becomes nearer just in front of my eyes.

I have never thought that I could do such a standard ecommerce product selling website which

includes searching the required products, buying online with online credit card payment (with

limited credit card system), accepting online customer's enquires, last special one is customized

mould ordering system to increase the potential customers who love customized designs.

Apart from these functions, the whole system can be managed by the Yellow Hands Staffs to

perform the ordering system with less errors and more accuracy. Moreover, essential reports can

be easily checked on time to fulfill the market demands.

Therefore, if I have to comment for this Yellow Hands Projects in terms of its business domain, I

can say that this project met with nearly all of original requirements agreed with the stakeholders

at the project proposal. Most agreed original requirements are implemented because all above

mentioned functions cover these requirements.

While implementing these requirements, not only business ideas are required to get the complete

one but also technical is required. Behind the scene, there is technical ability to finish this IT

project with a good result. To build Yellow Hands system, some things such as life cycle, model,

tools, programming language and database must be chosen.

I chose DSDM life cycle, OOADM model, Visio drawing tool and Dreamweaver IDE, PHP

programming language and MYSQL database for implementing this project. I have already been

familiar with these technologies because I have learnt all of these during these three academic

years at MCC and my teachers taught me well and gave lots of practical exercises and job

training about them.

However, I faced with some difficulties and problems while carrying out this project alone by

myself. I thought that it will be smooth just like what our teachers taught. In reality, it is not that

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easy to handle a real world project. For example, I faced some problems in implementing the

database for Yellow Hands because three different products: block machine, mould and mixer

are sold at their company. Therefore, I cannot identify exactly the structure of product table.

Likewise, while implementing some codes, I found lots of errors and some wrong coding logic

and syntax error. Especially, problems are found in writing shopping cart coding. I have the

difficulties to handle the session array with PHP.

I searched through many sources to solve these problems and finally I found these two learning

websites are very useful. They are: www.w3schools.com and http://www.stackoverflow.com/.

Most of the problems that are faced by other developers are asked at the second website and their

solutions are given and many developers discussed about the problems until problem is solved.

Likewise, the first website also gives me a lot of knowledge about PHP and CSS.

With the help of these two websites, I could find out my problem domains and got the right

answers. While finding the solutions for shopping cart problems, I have tried about 3 days to

make it work by searching with different questions about my technical problem and errors code.

In addition to these two learning websites, I had to ask for help from my seniors and teachers to

find my program errors because I cannot show all of my code to these learning pages. As I

thought, my seniors and teachers could find out my program errors within 2 hours which I have

been working for 2 days. Therefore, I really thank to their help for Yellow Hand Project.

After working on this project, I got lots of lessons. So, I decided that I must learn from these

lessons so that I can refrain from doing them while carrying out the next projects. The most

important one is managing time limit. I missed out some milestones of my project and some

tasks cannot be shown to my supervisors because I cannot manage my working hours for project

and three course works. Therefore, I need to plan well for time management next time.

Moreover, I also need to equip myself with better technical knowledge because I am not strong

enough to handle real world project with expert knowledge at the time of implementing this

project. When problems occurred, I cannot handle it well and had to shout out all people to help

me in finding errors. Therefore, I need to improve my technical skills too.

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However, I could complete this project with all seven objectives set out in the proposal. I could

study Yellow Hands Company processes and history with Proposal chapter. And, I also get the

required functions from similar concrete websites with Literature Review chapter. Moreover, I

also fulfill objectives of understanding required technical aids such as methodology,

programming, database, etc. with chapter 1 to 6. Moreover, last objective can be fully fulfilled

with testing chapter. Therefore, I could say that all objectives are met with my tasks carried out

in this project.

Since testing is the most important part to make sure that system can function as it planned, I

have to arrange some good plan for this. Therefore, I created test designs, test plans, test cases

and finally test logs to record which test cases as well as testing were successful and which

failed. Since I designed test cases well and create my system as perfect as I can, there is less

wrong system requirement while testing. Therefore, a good result is found after producing the

test logs.

Apart from these technical factors, I have to make some critical thinking for this Yellow Hands

Project. For analytical thinking, I have to make some assumptions concerned with HCI and

Security issues. Since only people in Myanmar will use this Yellow Hands System, I decided to

use user interface design in simple layout and style. Therefore, I keep my website as simple and

easy to use as possible. Moreover, I also use light and not too many colour on my website to

create a simple website look and appearance.

Apart from this, security issues are also considered to increase the traffic to other website. Since

online shopping is assumed as the insecure one by people in Myanmar, security issues are

considered to protect the privacy of customers and to make feel secure while shopping via

Yellow Hands website. Therefore, many preparations such as SSL, encryption, unique user

accounts and enough database and website securing software had been done for Yellow Hands


Moreover, another analytical thinking to give the data security and accuracy to the customers

was also carried out. This is analyzing the data structure of Yellow Hands System. To do this, all

data was analyzed to do normalization. Step by step normalization processes have been done

until reaching 3 NF to optimization. Then, ERD was created to demonstrate the relationship

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between different data entities. 13 different entities were finalized to be included for operating

the whole Yellow Hands System. With this ERD, Class diagram is created with the complete set

of data and keys. Finally, database to keep the Yellow Hands website updated with correct and

latest data is implemented.

Another critical thinking I have done for this project is deciding the suitable tools, methods and

technologies to be used with Yellow Hands. By embracing these facts: low cost, short duration,

flexible requirements, changes and usability, I chose the best ones which will be useful for

Yellow Hands Project. For example, I choose DSDM for its iterative approach for changes and

its good point for short duration project. Open source PHP and MYSQL for their low cost fact.

OOADM is low cost and easy to use notation and diagrams.

To summarize, all of my abilities are improved after completing this project because I have faced

with different problems and had to find different solutions to get the acceptable project which

will be useful for Yellow Hands Company. Before this project, I am only a novice web developer

who has never built a website with her own hand. Every skills owned by me is only a beginner


However, upon accomplishing this project, my critical thinking for real world project is

improved. Moreover, I could write in the academic style with good English and also can read

about other developer's blog well for self-study. Also, my website development skill is a lot

better than before. Finally, the important part for dynamic website which is database construction

can be done more accurate than before.

Therefore, I believe that this Yellow Hands system will be useful for all of its stakeholders

because I have done it by studying a lot for its features and functions and I could implement the

website with the correct data. Although Yellow Hands system may have some weaknesses and

lacking some customer centric functions such as product rating, review and order tracking

system, Yellow Hands System is still as good as other ecommerce website because it has

customized mould product order system and high usability features for targeting the non-

technical experts. Consequently, I can conclude that I have done a great job as well as the best

milestone throughout my IT student life with this Yellow Hands Project.

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18.2 Conclusion

To conclude, a lot of new things have been discovered after completing this Yellow Hands

Project. I have never done an online e-commerce website before and I have never had the faith in

developing the website by my own. Therefore, I have learnt a lot of things both technical and

business that are essential for online ordering system.

Although Yellow Hands system is not a perfect online product ordering website, I am really

happy with what I developed because I tried my best regardless of the final result. At the end of

this project, I could turn my big dream of creating a workable real world website into reality.

Therefore, I am very pleased with what I got unless there are some weaknesses in this Yellow

Hands project.

Now, the final project can be well operational in the working environment of Yellow Hands

Company. Their operational processes become smooth and the whole ordering system can be

managed effectively and successfully with few resources and better online Management

Information System.

Therefore, I would like to upgrade this system to be better one to assist Yellow Hands and its

customers more. I also truthfully wish that project stakeholders can heavily depend on Yellow

Hands MIS system in near future. And also, I expected that students who want to learn online

website can also get good references from my work done for this Yellow Hands System.

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Appendix (A) – Proposal

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Title – “Concrete Block Machine with customized mold Online Ordering and Delivery System”

A - 1 Introduction

My Client Company is “YELLOW HANDS Co., Ltd.,”.It is “Concrete Block Machines and

Accessories Factory”. This factory is located at No (604), InnLay 1st Street, 64th Quarter, No.2

Industrial Zone, South Dagon Township, Yangon. The phone numbers of the factory in Yangon

are 0973199410, 0973199257, 0973080524, 09420035882 and 09420035884. The e-mail

address is [email protected].

This company has two showrooms and two factory, 4 ware houses, six sales centers with many

staffs between 900 and 1000. They are in “Yangon” and “Mandalay”. Yangon showroom is

located at No (67), Than Thu Mar Street, Thut Wine Gyi Quarter, Thuwana Township and

Mandalay showroom is located at Yangon- Mandalay Old Highway Road, TaungMyint,

PyiKyiTa Kon Township.

Nowadays, Internet communication and transportation is very important in daily life of people all

over the world. The Internet offers many benefits to the business organization. Business

organizations also become more competitive in market share and they want to know demand of

their products among people. It can be done by using Internet services. Therefore currently, most

of business organizations work by using the internet communication with computers, tablets,

mobile phones and others devices.

But, according to increase usage of internet and computer technology, some organizations want

to change their existing manual paper based system to computerized system. Nowadays, Web

Technology or Dynamic Website Technology is popular and widely used by many business

organizations in many countries. By using web based system, it will give successes in the present

and the future.

Currently, almost all processes in company run with manual system or paper based system such

as record customer order details, lists of manufactured machines and products, lists of stock-in-

hand in each showroom, costs of advertising with newspapers, journals and magazines with

manually. And also, Company cannot work 24 hours and customers cannot accept order 24 hours

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with telephones because of using manually system. But company wishes to accept orders within

office hour or out of the office hour.

So, “YELLOW HANDS Co., Ltd” decides to change from some manual processes to online

computerize ordering system. Our system can supply customize services from online internet.

And then, customers can buy 24 hours from online internet what they want from our system.

Therefore, I wish to create the web based system for my project, named “Concrete Block

Machine with customized mold Online Ordering and Delivery System”. It can have

advertisements of their products and online services to obtain market share on website, to save

time and cost and to get many advantages such as can reduce their human power, human error

and others manual errors. And then, company will improve ordering and delivery in future.

A - 2 Key Phrases

Concrete Block Machine Online Ordering and Delivery,

YELLOW HANDS Co.,Ltd Concrete Block Machine Business in Myanmar,

Concrete Block Machine Manufacturing Company "YELLOW HANDS",

Customized System of Moulds Ordering Company in Myanmar

Bricks and related machineries

Production of bricks for constructions

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A - 3 Aim and Objectives of the Proposed System


This purpose is to make a web-based order and delivery system for “YELLOW HANDS

Co.,Ltd”. For the proposed system, the main aim of the project is to develop an online website

which can provide customers to search the machines and molds from online easily as they want.

And then, they can order and buy the products with customized system from online internet

website within short period.


(1) Objective: To study the background of client organization, “YELLOW HANDS

Co.,Ltd”, problems and further requirements of the business area.

Activities: to study organizational background, I meet with client organization for

gathering the required information, problems and further requirements of the business area with

facts finding methods.

Deliverables: client organizational background reports

(2) Objective: To search Literature Study on web sites, e-book of similar concrete block

machinery factory to get require information.

Activities: to get and search related and similar websites and documentations from online

and to study about concrete block machinery factory of the similar business area.

Deliverables: literature study report of proposed system

(3) Objective: To search for project requirement by using the relevant development

approaches tools and methodology

Activities: to study, read and research the lectures and notes with online internet for

different tools, methodology and frameworks and to study about Waterfall, V Model and DSDM

development approaches.

Deliverables: Tools and Methodology for development approaches

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(4) Objective: To design and implement a correct database to control information for all

products and their relating ordering and delivery system.

Activities: analyst the information collected by drawing up step-by-step with UML

diagrams such as Use Case, Class, Activity, Robust and Sequence, and then draws the database.

Deliverables: Implementation of Database Design

(5) Objective: To design and develop the proposed system by researching the requirement


Activities: need to study the systems design from online similar web-sites for concrete

block machinery factory online ordering and delivery system and select the best suitable

programming language to develop the new proposed system

Deliverables: System design for the proposed system

(6) Objective: To create manual for the staffs of Yellow Hands and to test various parts of

the produced system.

Activities: document the detailed facts for user manual and check with unit testing and

system testing.

Deliverables – User manual, test cases and perfect online website

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A - 4 Requirements of client computers for running the system

Hardware Requirements

Processor: Intel core i3, or i5, or i7

Memory: 1GB RAM (at least)

Hard Disk: 250GB (at least)

Printer: Any Window OS compatible printer

Operating System

Windows 7 or higher

Microsoft Office 2007 or higher

Any Internet Web Browser

Software Requirements

Microsoft Office Word 2007 (for documentation)

Microsoft Project Plan 2007 (for schedule)

Microsoft Office Visual Studio (for drawing diagram)

My SQL Database Server

Dreamweaver (for coding for program)

XAMPP Control Panel

Personal Home Page Tools (PHP) for sever site programming

Page 109: 000845202 kyar nyo thinn project

Appendix (B) - Project Development Plan and Schedule

B - 1 Project Development Plan

University of Greenwich, B.Sc (Hons) Business IT

Project Schedule and Supervision Plan for 2015 Jan to 2015 Apr Exam Cycle

Sr. Activity Output for the activity Date to start No. of

Weeks Remark

1 Attachment to the


Inform to the candidates their


2 Title discussion/


(3)titles, Development Approach,

Programming Language

3 months plan (ending on Apr 23 2015);

detail level plan with dates

Jan 5 2015 1

3 Case study and


Proposal in UoG Proposal form, Collect

and review relevant literature; review

similar web sites; methodology and

development approaches and review;

initiate with user org., draw Context

level Use Case ; project development

plan, create report template in

Ms.Word, create content,

Jan 12 2015 1

4 Proposed system


meet with sponsor(client org.), get

permision, study and analysis of

system, write-up introduction,

background, Level 1 Level Use

Case,write scenario (primary,

secondary), data anaysis, Class

Diagram with attributes operation

details; robusness diagram, activity

diagram, data collection, creating

Jan 19 2015 1

Page 110: 000845202 kyar nyo thinn project

database, sequence diagram, state

diagram, start coding


Define Systems



System scope, Enquiry, Reports, go on

coding modules, design test cases, plan

testing, user training plan, data

conversion plan

Jan 26 2015 2




development of


Old and new systems description,

Objectives of the project

System approaches comparison,

Analysis, Systems Design for

documentation, interface program

modules, perform testing to test plan

and recording, amendment to code,

complete system version 1, user

manual, final amendment

Feb 9 2015 3





Security, literature review with

developed system ; amend coding to

security vesion and write-up security,

user interface, Critical appraisal,

conclusion, abstraction, words of thank,

Complete draft documentation, Full

version (Ver. 2)sys, reference listing,

biblography listing, Demonstration

Mar 2 2015 2




and system

Final documentation and error free

system presentation, prepare to upload,

prepare CD, report book printing and


Mar 16 2015 2

Page 111: 000845202 kyar nyo thinn project


Final System

upload and

submitting CD

and reports to


to UoG -upload (containing pdf form

of full report,system coding, system

setup file with database backup)

to MCC- CD containing pdf form of

full report, word file of full report,

system coding, system setup file (with

database backup) and Final Report (2

hard copies with heat sealed hard cover)

Mar 30 2015 1



Excluding project development


12 weeks(3 months) + 1 week = 150-200 hours

13 wek * 15hours/week = 195 hours

3 hours (Mon-Fri) (Sat and Sun free) = 5 days/week

Source: Diagram frame is provided by supervisor U Sann Lwin. The plan, actual time and remarks are my

own data.

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B –2 Project Development Schedule

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Appendix (C) – System Investigation Methods

C – 1 Interview and Systems Study

If we are doing a project, we must have a company to study and go field study for our project.

For my project, I also have selected a company, “YELLOW HAND Co.,Ltd” to study for my

project, “Concrete Block Machine with customized molds Online Ordering and Delivery

System”. After studying the organization, I will describe the experiences associated with field

study. I got some interview records such as permission letter from this company, company logo

image, products images and videos and their detail information. And also, I asked some

interview questions of existing system to modify new proposed system for my project. I knew

the requirements for proposed system from the organization’s main people. So, I want to

describe the information of organization’s existing system and proposed system. Finally, I can

decide the functional scope for user level of new system because I got the detailed information of

current system and what they want to modify.

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Permission letter from YELLOW HANDS Company

Ph.: 09-73199410

Date 12-Jan-2015

Subject: Permission of YELLOW HAND Company

We have agreed to give permission to Ms. KYAR NYO THINN, NCC Student and to

study the transactions of company processing and all of business concepts. As of a Company

Owner, she is allowed to use all the information of company process to use in her B.Sc BIT


U KyawMyo

Company Owner

“Concrete Blocks Machinery and Accessories Factory”

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C –1.1 Interview record

Interview will be made with the staffs who know the overall processes of Yellow Hands

Company. After asking MD of Yellow Hands, he said that U KyawLwin, General Manager, has

been working for about ten years at Yellow Hands. Therefore, he knows every process of

company. Some conversations with him will be shown as below.

Question 1

KNT : Hello U KyawLwin, nice to meet you. I'm KyarNyoThinn and I would like to

ask you some processes of Yellow Hands.

KL : Yes, of course. I've been working here for a decade and I know most of its

processes very well. I think I can help you with this interview.

Question 2

KNT : How many types of products that your company produce to sell to the

customers? Can you give me some information about them?

KL : Well, there are three main types of products:

Concrete Block Machine,

Mould and


Question 3

KNT : Are there any sub categories under each these products?

KL : Yes, there are some sub categories for each type. For first product, there are

three subcategories such as manual, pneumatic and hydraulic are available. For second product,

there are two sub categories such as mold for building and mold for pavement, they can be

bought by customer. The last product comes with two sub types. They are called big size and

small size.

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Question 4

KNT : Oh, I see. Can you tell me which kind of information is needed to keep for each


KL : Well, we will need to know name of product, total number of bricks that a

machine can produce, price, quality of brick which can be produced, total number of bricks that

can be produced per hour and other detailed description of each product. These kinds of data will

be needed for concrete block machine and mixer. However, for mixer, total gallons which can be

hold by it must be needed. For mold, only three kinds of data such as product name, image and

size are needed to know.

Question 5

KNT : Another thing what I want to know is whether your company accept any other

customized order or not.

KL : This is a good question. We accept customized order for the design of mold. We

have technicians who can well design the mold according to the needs of customers. This is our

value added service to the customers. Moreover, spare parts for machines are also developed by

our company.

Question 6

KNT : Okay, thank you! At this moment, how can customers buy these products of

your company?

KL : At present, two showrooms are opened by our company. One is in Yangon and

another is in Mandalay. Customers can visit our showrooms and choose the machine which is the

most suitable with their business and budget.

Question 7

KNT : So, can you tell me which customer information has to be requested when a

customer buy from these showrooms?

KL : Of course, we have to request some information, especially customer contact

information. This is because customers cannot carry these machines immediately. Therefore,

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company has to arrange for the delivery of these machines. Delivery address, contact phone and

customer name must be asked. Delivery will be five business days delivery. If delivery is delay,

company must contact customers. If products are not on hand, customers have to wait

sometimes. For customized mold, duration to be waited can be between 1 week to 2 weeks.

Question 8

KNT : I also want to know all types of payment used by Yellow Hands? What I mean is

how customers can make payment.

KL : Currently, customers can make full payment at the showrooms or installment

with KBZ bank.

Question 9

KNT : I would like to ask some questions for the proposed system.

KL : Yes, you can.

Question 10

KNT : Payment system is very important for online system. Therefore, how do you

think about it?

KL : You're right. This is the important thing that I also want to discuss with you. I

also talked about this with MD. According to him, he wants to get half of money when

customers ordered online. After delivering to the customer's home, customers must pay the

remaining money to the delivery staff of company. He thought that this is the best way both for

the customers and company. Therefore, this method must be used for Yellow Hands Online


Question 11

KNT : Thank you so much for your time. I got lots of information from you. If any

other things I want to know, can I meet with you?

KL : You're welcome. I am always at my office. If you need my help, just let me


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KNT : See you later.

KL : Okay, bye.

C –1.2 Questionnaires

Questionnaire method is one of the best information gathering methods which can be used to

know the opinions of the users for the same question. Therefore, some questions will be made

and staffs from different departments with different positions will be chosen to understand their

opinions on the manual and proposed systems.

Q1: Want to include customized order in the proposed system?

Q2: Does manual system have problems?

Q3: Want to change to online system?

Q4: Do you think that online system is better than manual system?

Q5: Are you familiar with using online order system?

Name and Position Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

U Kyaw Lwin

(General Manager)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

U Soe Thura

(Admin Manager)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Daw Thiri

(Senior Admin)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Daw Moe Yupar

(Junior Admin)

Yes No No No No

Daw Hla Su

(Junior Admin)

Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Page 119: 000845202 kyar nyo thinn project

C - 2 Study and analysis of existing system

The current system of this project has been manually operated. When I went and interviewed to

the current organization of YELLOW HANDS Co.,Ltd, I found the problems of the current

system in this company and knew the requirements and necessary of current system between

staffs and customers.

Firstly for customer side, they wish to choose the machines and molds as they want. However,

every customer wants to see the products with their own eyes before making order from the

company. Therefore, they must come to the showroom at least one time. Therefore, for the

customers who are busy with their work and for those who does not live in Yangon and

Mandalay, there can be difficulties and can waste time and money.

Although enquired can be made via phone, this is not effective in giving the required

information. Sometimes, there has a problem. If their required machine has no already

manufactured when they come to buy to the company, the customer cannot buy immediately.

Therefore, company's updated information concerned with machines and molds must be

available at any time.

Secondly for staff side, the staffs always have to record daily order detail and the machines of the

stock-in-hand list by manual system. They must do many order details and manage customer

orders by manual system. Moreover, staffs must record customer information again and again

whenever they place order. Since price of machines are high, there can be great loss if order is

mismatched with correct customers. Sometimes, product descriptions are wrongly recorded and

customers got confused by the wrong information.

Apart from this, since there are two showrooms in Yangon and Mandalay, there is a need to

control the data format used by them. This is because information gathered from them cannot be

combined as the one at the end of each fiscal year. Moreover, current system needs to fulfill the

requirements such as human errors like manipulating.

Finally, the company has potential to expand its business in 2015 and this will need a lot of

human resources. Therefore, it wants to replace it with computerized ordering system. So, I have

to upgrade the current system into online computerized system.

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Appendix (D) – System Design of Logical Design

D – 1 Use Cases and Use Case Descriptions

1. Use Case for “Register New Admin Staff”

Register New Admin Staff Use Case

Admin Staff


Fill New Staff

Detailed Data

Save New

Admin Staff

Check Username

and Password


2. Use Case for “Make New Customer Registration”

Make New Customer Registration Use Case


Fill Customer

Detailed Data

Save New


3. Use Case for “Save Products”

Save Products Use Case

Admin Staff


Enter Product

Detailed Data

Choose Product


Check Username

and Password


Choose Concrete

Block Machine

Choose Mould

Choose Mixer

Choose One Type

(Manual, Pneumatic,


Choose One Type

(Building, Pavement)

Choose One Type

(Big, Small)




Save Product

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4. Use Case for “Manage Stock”

Manage Stock Use Case

Admin Staff


Update Quantity

Choose Product Name

Check Username

and Password


5. Use Case for “Purchase Products”

Purchase Products Use Case



Search Products

Search by Product


Check Username

and Password


Search by Product


Search by Product





Add to Shopping Cart

Add Delivery


Make Payment

6. Use Case for “Order Customized Mould”

Order Customized Mould Use Case



Give Customized

Mould Detailed Data

Check Username

and Password


Add Delivery


Make Payment

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7. Use Case for “Enquiry Required Info”

Enquiry Required Info Use Case


Give Full Name, Email

and Description

Send Enquiry

8. Use Case for “Report Important Data”

Report Important Data Use Case


Report Stock Quantity

Report Order

Report Customized

Mould Order

Report Outstanding


Report Invoice

Report Undelivered


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Number: UC1 Reg Doc Ref: 1

Name: Register New Admin Staff

Actor: Admin Staff

Pre-requisites: New Staff Information

Objective: To register new staff for Yellow Hands Online Product Order and

Customized Mould System

Use case relationships:

Include : Login

Association: Admin Staff


Index Actor event

1 Login

2 Add new staff page is displayed

3 Fill new staff detailed data

4 Save new admin staff


Index Actor event

3 Username for new staff has already existed

3.1 Display error message

3.2 Go back to step 2.

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Number: UC2 Reg Doc Ref: 2

Name: Make New Customer Registration

Actor: Customer

Pre-requisites: New Customer Information

Objective: To make new customer registration for Yellow Hands Online Product

Order and Customized Mould System

Use case relationships:

Association: Customer


Index Actor event

1 Add new customer page is displayed

2 Fill customer detailed data

3 Save new customer


Index Actor event

2 Username for new customer has already existed

2.1 Display error message

2.2 Go back to step 1

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Number: UC3 Reg Doc Ref: 3

Name: Save Products

Actor: Admin Staff

Pre-requisites: New Product Information

Objective: To save new product for Yellow Hands Online Product Order and

Customized Mould System

Use case relationships:

Include : Login

Association: Admin Staff

Generalization: Choose Product Type


Index Actor event

1 Add new product page is displayed

2 Login

3 Choose product type (concrete block machine, mould and mixer)

4 Choose respective type under each product type.

5 Enter product detailed data

6 Save product


Index Actor event

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5 Name for new product has already existed

5.1 Display error message

5.2 Go back to step3.

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Number: UC4 Reg Doc Ref: 4

Name: Manage Stock

Actor: Admin Staff

Pre-requisites: New Stock Information

Objective: To update stock quantity for product of Yellow Hands Online

Product Order and Customized Mould System

Use case relationships:

Include : Login

Association: Admin Staff


Index Actor event

1 Add new stock page is displayed

2 Login

3 Choose product name

4 Update Quantity


Index Actor event

3 Not existing product name

3.1 Display error message

3.2 Go back to step3.

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Number: UC5 Reg Doc Ref: 5

Name: Purchase Products

Actor: Customer

Pre-requisites: New purchase information

Objective: To purchase product of Yellow Hands Online Product Order and

Customized Mould System

Use case relationships:

Extend: Search products

Include : Login

Association: Customer


Index Actor event

1 Login

2 Search products (by type, name, price)

3 Product detailed page is displayed

4 Add to shopping cart

5 Add delivery information

6 Make Payment


Index Actor event

6 Money is not enough

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6.1 Display error message

6.2 Go back to step6.

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Number: UC6 Reg Doc Ref: 6

Name: Order Customized Mould

Actor: Customer

Pre-requisites: New customized mould information

Objective: To order customized mould of Yellow Hands Online Product Order

and Customized Mould System

Use case relationships:

Include : Login

Association: Customer


Index Actor event

1 Login

2 Give customized mould detailed data

3 Add delivery information

4 Make Payment


Index Actor event

4 Money is not enough

4.1 Display error message

4.2 Go back to step4.

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Number: UC7 Reg Doc Ref: 7

Name: Enquiry Required Info

Actor: Customer

Pre-requisites: New enquiry information

Objective: To record new enquiry

Use case relationships:


Include :

Association: Customer



Index Actor event

1 Give full name, email and description

2 Send enquiry


Index Actor event

1 Email is not valid

1.1 Display error message

1.2 Go back to step1.

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Number: UC8 Reg Doc Ref: 8

Name: Report Important Data

Actor: Manager

Pre-requisites: Existing data

Objective: To produce reports based on the existing data

Use case relationships:

Association: Manager


Index Actor event

1 Search with necessary condition

2 Produce reports of stock quantity, order, customized mould order,

outstanding payment, invoice and undelivered order


Index Actor event

1 No existing data for respective report

1.1 Display error message

1.2 Go back to step1.

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D – 2 Activity Diagram

Make New Customer Registration Activity Diagram

Fill New


Detailed Data


Save New


[Existing Username]

Figure (1) Make New Customer Registration Activity Diagram

Save Product Activity Diagram


Choose Product


[Not Logined User]

[Logined User]

Admin Staff

Choose Concrete

Block MachineChoose Mould Choose Mixer

Choose One Type

(Manual, Pneumatic,


Choose One Type

(Building, Pavement)

Choose One Type

(Big, Small)

Enter Product

Detailed Data

Save Product

Figure (2) Save Product Activity Diagram

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Manage Stock Activity Diagram


Choose Product


[Not Valid User]

[Valid User]

Admin Staff

Update Quantity

Figure (3) Manage Stock Activity Diagram

Purchase Product Activity Diagram


Search Products

Add To



[No Login User]

[Login User]

Add Delivery


Make Payment


CheckoutUpdate Product



Search by

Product Type

Search by

Product Name

Search by

Product Price

Figure (4) Purchase Product Activity Diagram

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Order Customized Mould Activity Diagram


Give Customized

Mould Detail

[No Login User]

[Login User]


Enter Required


Save Customized


Figure (5) Order Customized Mould Activity Diagram

Report Important Data Activity Diagram


Choose Report


Report OrderReport


Mould Order





Report InvoiceReport Stock


Produce Report

Print Report

Report Invoice

Figure (6) Report Important Data Activity Diagram

Page 136: 000845202 kyar nyo thinn project

D – 3 Robustness Diagram

Robustness Diagram for Register New Admin and Login

Login Page

Enter Valid Username

and Password

Admin Staff and


Login Page

Admin Staff Home Page

(Report Pages Not Available)

Wrong Usernam


and Password

Manager Home Page

(All Pages Available)


Admin Staff



Give username,


and detail info

Robustness Diagram for Save Products

Admin Staff

Login PageSave Product

Detailed Data

Products List



Check Username

and Password

Concrete Block Machine

Choose Product



Product Page


Robustness Diagram for Manage Stock

Admin Staff

Add New Stock



Product Model Stock Page





Update Quantity

and SaveShow Result

Page 137: 000845202 kyar nyo thinn project

Robustness Diagram for Purchase Products


Home Page

Add to

Shopping Cart





CartShopping Cart



k Shoppin



t Ite





Add Delivery


Delivery Page

Browse Product


Login Page Product Detail Page



te Q


Remove Added



Search with Product Name,

Product Category

Go to

Make Payment

Payment Page

Generate Invoice

Invoice Page

Product Category

Robustness Diagram for Order Customized Mould


Home Page

Give Customized Mould

Detail Data

Login Page Customized Order PageGo to

Customized Order

Success Page

Display Order No


Robustness Diagram for Enquiry Required Info


Customer Login


Give Username

and Password

Login Page

Valid Account

Customer Home


Wrong Account

Go to Enquiry Page Enquiry Page Submit Enquiry

Show Success


Page 138: 000845202 kyar nyo thinn project

D – 4 Sequence Diagram




Display Success Message()

Make New Customer Registration Sequence Diagram


:New Customer





Admin Staff




Display Success Message()

Save Product Sequence Diagram




Product:New Product



Admin Staff



Display Success Message()

Manage Stock Sequence Diagram









:Stock Page


Page 139: 000845202 kyar nyo thinn project



and Password)

An Invoice

Purchase Product Sequence Diagram










(ProductID, Qty)








Invoice:Login Page






and Password)

An Order

Order Customized Mould Sequence Diagram












Order:Login Page




D – 5 State Diagram

State Diagram for Ordering Product

New Ordersubmit







Page 140: 000845202 kyar nyo thinn project

D – 6 Packaging Diagram

Detailed Package Diagram for Yellow Hands Existing Product Order and Customized Mould Order System




Order Info

Show ProductsCustomer

ValidationCheck Product


Existing ProductsStock OrderCustomer

Record Order

(Existing and


Customized Mould

Detailed Package Diagram for Yellow Hands Payment for Order System




Product Catalogue Shopping CartPayment

Show ProductsCustomer

ValidationCredit Card


Products Credit CardCustomer

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Appendix (E) – System Design of Physical Design

E – 1 Website Design

E – 1.1 User Manual for Customer

Firstly, you must go http://localhost:8080/yellowhands/ in browser.

Username = yeyintoo

Password = yeyintoo

Figure (1), if you are new customer, you need to register to login and order. So, you need to click

“SUBMIT” after registration.

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Figure (2), if your registration is not correct eg. Eg.“Your passwords did not match”, you need to

register again.

Figure (3), after entering correct registration, you can submit again.

Figure (4), you reach “Home” page because of correct registration.

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Figure (5), you are a registered customer and so, you can Login well.

Figure (6), you can see and order products if you click “Products” page.

Figure (7), you can choose among products as you want and you can order. Eg. You choose

“Manual (M-1)” and you can change the amount of “Quantity”. And then, you can click “Add to

cart” button.

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Figure (8), your product has already been added to cart and you can go “Shopping Cart” if you

check out. Please click “Shopping Cart” page.

Figure (9), you can see the product data with “Total Amount” in your “Shopping Bag” and you

can change amount of product “Quantity”. But, you cannot order more than “9” products at once

because of the way I programmed my system.

Figure (10), after changing product “Quantity”, you will see the changing of “Subtotal” and

“Total Amount”. And then, you can make “Check Out”.

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Figure (11), after clicking “Check Out”, you must register “Delivery Information” and click

“SUBMIT” button.

Figure (12), you will see “Delivery Information Successfully Saved!” and must click “Click Here

to Continue Payment!” link to make payment.

Figure (13), you can choose “Payment Type”: “Full Payment” or “Half Payment” in the drop

down list. And also, you can choose “Account Type”: “Visa”, “Master”, “American Express”

and “Myan Pay”. And then, enter “Account No” and “PIN No” and click “SUBMIT”.

Figure (14), you can see “Your invoice no is 8” and click “here” link.

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Figure (15), finally, you can see your invoice of “Yellow Hands Invoice” for customer. If you

want to hard copy, you can print by clicking “Print” button.

Figure (16), you can also make “Customized Order” for mold design as you want and you can

make “Change Order” if you do not like your products.

Figure (17), you can also learn more about our “Yellow Hands” information.

Figure (18), you can look “FAQs” and give feedback through “Enquiry/Complaint”. Finally, you

can logout of our system.

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E – 1.2 User Manual for Manager

Firstly, you must go http://localhost:8080/yellowhands/admin/ in browser.

Username = kyarnyo

Password = kyarnyo

Figure (1), if you enter “Yellow Hands” Admin page, you need to enter, “Username” and

“Password”. If you are not correct “Username and Password”, you cannot go Login system.

Figure (2), you need to enter correctly, “Username” and “Password”. After that you can Login to

the system.

Figure (3), you reach “Welcome From Admin Home” page. You are a manager so; you can fill

“Data Entry” for staff and others.

Figure (4), eg. you can add new staff and then, you must click “Add New” button.

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Figure (5), after that, you will see “Staff Entry” form to add new staff and you can register the

data for new staff. Click “SUBMIT” button.

Figure (6), after registration, you will see “Successfully Added” and you can click “Show All”

link to look staff data.

Figure (7), after that, you will see new staff data in “Staff” form. You can also edit staffs data

because you are a manager. Eg. You can edit such as deleting, updating and cancelling the data

of Admin staff, “Besam”.

Figure (8), you can also register the products data. Eg, Lets begin the registration of “Block

Machine Category”. To register, you must click “Block Machine Category”.

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For report from Manager Site

Figure (9), you can generate Invoice Report under “Invoice” page.

Figure (10), you can generate others report under “Report” page.

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E – 1.3 User Manual for Admin

Firstly, you must go http://localhost:8080/yellowhands/admin/ in browser.

Username = besamkhaungnaw

Password = besamkhaungnaw

Figure (1), if you enter “Yellow Hands” Admin page, you need to enter correctly, “Username”

and “Password”. After that you can Login to the system.

Figure (2), you reach “Welcome From Admin Home” page. You are an admin so; you can fill

“Data Entry” for Customer, Block Machine Category, Mixer Category and Mould Category and

can edit the data. But you cannot make data entry for “Staff” because I define the User Level in

my program. You can also edit your own account. If you edit your account, you must click “My

Account”. You can data edit such as deleting, updating and cancelling others pages such as

“Product”, “Stock”, “Order”, “Delivery” and “Enquiry”.