0003 origin of evil what did God do about it?


Transcript of 0003 origin of evil what did God do about it?

Page 1: 0003 origin of evil what did God do about it?
Page 2: 0003 origin of evil what did God do about it?

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Page 3: 0003 origin of evil what did God do about it?

So far we have seen:• The origin of evil

It began long before the earth was re-created when Lucifer fell in love with himself and his beauty and wisdom and he allowed pride to enter his heart.

It continued in a rebellion of Lucifer and millions of angels he seduced to follow him and reject God.

It was brought to Earth 2 when Lucifer/now The Devil, deceived Eve and Adam deliberately joined the rebellion against God.

This brought the sin with its penalty of physical death (and ultimately spiritual death) to mankind which was passed down to our present time.

In our natural state, we are all condemned to death and to hell for eternity because of that sin.

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• There is nothing man can do about his condition and spiritual state.Men have tried many ways to handle this evil:

Religions in the form of idols that represent “gods” (which we know are evil spirit beings (See Ephesians 6:12).

“Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Eph 6:12 เพราะวา่เราไมไ่ด้ต่อสู้กับเน้ือหนังและเลือดแต่ต่อสู้กับเทพผู้ครองศักดิเทพเทพผู้ครองพภิพในโมหะความมดืแห่งโลกน้ีต่อสู้กับเหล่าวญิญาณท่ีชัว่ในสถานฟา้อากาศ

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Philosophy that teaches man that we will be re-born in a cycle of life and death until we burn off all our sins and we then can stop the suffering by entering the realm of extinction of the spirit.

Other philosophies that teach self denial of all pleasure to purify themselves of the evil they were born with

• In reality there is nothing man can do to avoid the ultimate destination of death and hell as the sin nature was passed down to us from Adam and Eve.

BUT GOD!God did do something about it from the time that it first appeared.

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• God devised a plan that would eventually defeat Satan and sin and bring about total release for His creation from sin and death.It was a plan that involved a lengthy warfareIt also involved allowing man to exercise the free

will He gave man to either seek for God and come to Him for pardon and cleansing or decide to go our own way and retain our sin.

God has been allowing Satan to make the first move most of the time and then He has countered it with wisdom that went further than the Devil’s wisdom. In the Garden of Eden 2, He revealed His

ultimate plan – since man brought death into the human race,

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God would have a future MAN defeat Satan and his plan to take over God’s throne.

Man was given the rule over the earth and man lost that rule.

It would have to be a man who would defeat Satan and regain what the first man lost.

The one God would have defeat Satan would be none other than the Son of God (in human form)

He would defeat Satan (and ultimately destroy him) by taking the penalty of death (and rejection by God) to pay that terrible penalty for the sins of mankind.

And He would defeat Satan’s control over man through the fear of death, by rising from the dead and thereby destroy death’s power.

Yes, we still die, but those who have been born again – that is given a new life in Christ – will be resurrected to eternal life.

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From the time in the Garden of Eden 2, Satan has been trying to stop God’s plan from succeeding.

First he contaminated the gene pool of humanity to try to make all humans become only “half -humans” so God’s son couldn’t be born as a human and thus not be able to defeat him. (Genesis 6:1-2)

“Gen 6:1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

Gen 6:2 That the sons of God [Satan’s evil angels] saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.”

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“Gen 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

Gen 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”

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• Gen 6:1 มนุษย์เริม่ทวีมากขึน้บนแผ่นดินและมีบุตรหญิง

• Gen 6:2 บุตรชายของพระเจา้เห็นวา่บุตรหญิงของมนุษย์งามดีก็เลือกและรบัไว้เป็นภรรยา• The term “sons of God” (“B’nai Elohim,” properly

translated in Thai “บุตรชายของพระเจา้” ) always refers to angels in the Bible as we saw in Job 38:7.

• Gen 6:4 ในคราวนัน้มีคนเนฟลิ*อยู่บนแผ่นดินเมื่อบุตรพระเจา้ได้สมสู่อยู่กับบุตรหญิงของมนุษย์และมีบุตรพวกน้ีเป็นคนแกล้วกล้าในโบราณกาลเป็นคนมีชื่อเสยีง

• Gen 6:5 พระเจา้ทรงเห็นวา่ความชัว่ชา้ของมนุษย์มีมากบนแผ่นดินและทรงเห็นวา่เค้าความคิดในใจของเขาล้วนเป็นเรื่องรา้ยเสมอไป

*The proper translation should be“พวกมนุษยย์กัษ์” as that’s what they were with some of them over 7 meters tall.

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•God’s response was to destroy all of mankind because their DNA was contaminated – infected with the demonic DNA. •But He preserved HUMAN DNA by keeping Noah’s line from Adam from being contaminated and He saved Noah from the destruction so that humans wouldn’t be wiped out as was Satan’s plan. •The next thing Satan tried several times was to try to destroy all the lines of humanity where the one human would come from. •First, Abraham, then Isaac, Jacob and then the Jews who came from Jacob (trying to kill them in Egypt, then by Haman in Babylon and then Jesus at the age of 1-2 years old and finally Jesus Himself at the cross). •But each time he failed - even with the cross his victory was short lived.•\Christ came and died but He rose again from the dead to defeat him through defeating his big weapon - death. •He has most recently tried to kill all the Jews in the Holocaust in Europe for a different reason which we’re not concerned about here.

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•So, God solved the ultimate problem of evil by taking the penalty for sin on Himself through His only begotten Son.

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John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.John 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.16 เพราะวา่พระเจา้ทรงรกัโลกจนได้ทรงประทานพระบุตรองค์เดียวของพระองค์เพื่อทกุคนท่ีวางใจในพระบุตรนัน้จะไม่พนิาศแต่มีชวีตินิรนัดร์17 เพราะวา่พระเจา้ทรงให้พระบุตรเขา้มาในโลกมใิช่เพื่อพพิากษาลงโทษโลกแต่เพื่อชว่ยกู้โลกให้รอดโดยพระบุตรนัน้1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

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9 อาเราสารภาพบาปของเราพระองค์ทรงสตัย์ซื่อและเท่ียงธรรมก็จะทรงโปรดยกบาปของเราและจะทรงชำาระเราให้พน้จากการอธรรมทั้งสิน้

Yes, we’ll have to die physically some day.But we don’t have to die the second time by being sent to

hell.Jesus’ shed blood on the Cross satisfied God’s Justice

and so He could extend mercy to us for our sins.He could offer us salvation from hell and offer life

eternal in a sinless body that will never die.But it was not automatic. He offered it to us but we had to receive it.The way we received it was by praying in our own words

asking God to forgive us, wash us clean of sin, and make us His child trusting in Christ alone for our salvation.

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If you don’t know Jesus as your Savior and Lord this page from a J. T. Chick Bible tract below has a summary and a guide for what you can do.

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The same page in Thai

Page 17: 0003 origin of evil what did God do about it?

The same page in Chinese

Those of us who have accepted God’s pardon through Jesus blood can rejoice in the fact that in His mercy he saved us.

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Bible versions used in this presentations were:King James Version and Thai Holy Bible 1971 VersionThe prayer pages come from J. T. Chick tracts