0- TIlE SALT bAKE...

ESTABLISHED eJUNE 6 t 0 PRICE FIVE CENTS EDITION WEATHER Probably TMf Ai 041SS- tiver Si Copper f 5S J i 1 1f 4 tfli y 1IiIf rn c k f 0- i v 1 fu S TIlE vera O3ld J saT CITY UTAg MAY 20 1EMLL T4c L SALT bAKE HERALD iF 12 i 1L ri TA1P U9ThAV Lead i < = = > > < > JAPANESE WARSHIP RUNS FOUL OF RUSSIAN MINES 9m With ffif p0 if the Grew L Jt- Mr tang Kay 10 veninf It to repaid ban from MU Mrt tfce Japanese army froaa tile 1W rfvar m iy 4 baajrjr blow aa baa been drirra back t Jtat Waasj Okaac- Idnhaou M 7 90 Tb Staadarda aarroapandant at Tiaa 4M wtaw that tfca af aea Jaat waa covarina tha landing of trooya as Two tkoaaaad Unaaians wwr killed or wound aiaaa ivtxaai ed apaaoaa oocwpiad both Xai Pin aad Xii Oku VI flhfaaar Oa vraarat at Chanf C raeaiwJ aaw tfe eav- gliujiJ tile railway IfrtmaB TamM Ckaa and Yew Ohwmr I lf- duftrlr at Ia r- I J aWe a ZaI Qs a t1zte at Jbba Y Mac Thi tile tM ri 1 Hit ciiI tat Yssi CiIN i DsE te- x s sex Ms while r o sday cgagsflt OteUrrid a rsewat Mds tMt uIaa hs i < > + OKJO May W W p ra Vice Admiral Togo baa ol low arts Admiral Too aajra urtee 1 In the Port Arthur the Kawtga rammed the the latter In a few minutes Ninety of her crew were saved The aame moraine the Hatause while cruising oft Port Arthur covering the landing of soldier a Bine ten knata southeast of the barber en trance She signalled for help end in etantly struck another mine She sank in half an hour Three hundred of her view were by torpedo boats The cruiser Kasuga mentioned in the above dispatch was purchased by J from Argentina before the out luoak of hofrttlfUes with Russia The cruiser Yoshino was a steel ve j F l of 4180 tons displacement she Was r30 feet long 41 feet wide awl had draught of 17 feet Indicated rower was 15400 and her speed was vventythree knot She was kilt ta 1392 She carried four finch eight 47 inch un and twentythree three pounders She had five torpedo tubes and a ompleraent of Jft men It Hatsuae was a steel battleship of ttutw tons 9b 4 o feet long C wide anA fiiauKht of feet Her here l pwe wa 11900 she was built In and her apead waa nineteen knoiev vas armed with four IJ4i teen 4 lncb gona as wWl- Htms of me cstbre She had four I torpedo tithes ant a f 741 Dmoorara SPXRITS niT sW St May 20 The toss least two Japanew warships te off f ially ronflraied A meseafce dated Port Arthur received by carfjer play an at Mukden was transmitted to the em jpior early yesterday momma waylns j that two Japanese been lost oft that port The meaaaaY foi I lowed tha emperor to Kounk and no one here knew of liz contents untU late sst night when foreign telegrams brought full detail of the Japanese JOPS Karly in the afternoon reports of the- e and the IP1 T rep free Rear Adwirai says that the ra kPup YOItbtna col1kled a ot Port Arthur on 11711 tIja T only ninety 01 Mr crew Ted On the me day tIIe fate Btnaek nk detlIa of Ute Vice I At minutes past aftelDOOIl ot May 15 In deep f off aiDIdD j ved tau I bonN f t 11 r II 5 men 1 few Casmd Gnat at at- ten1Muy Pete r t of- t I Finkinr of II iIaa tsd as- A wport Dei criia nk bng s a Isn dtaaeter a T a I I mRL e Was till IndIoM I w MttIbah < > ¬ + on authority of Russian frm Datay began to circulate and roused the most intense excitement The greatest enthusiasm was manifest d Without reference to its effect h campaign the people regard the Msa er aa Divine interposition in the lUissian cause It is an offering to Russia upon the lay of Ascension sad the emperors birthday and It i a aign that God ia with us was tile ippark generaHy heard It a stranger entered the city tonight- c would find It decorated with flags ami bunting and Illuminated devices t hough tn geriftcation of a victory bm this te not really ao as the decora tins are in celebration of the enaper birthday in naval riMies tpc Japanese rata tr phe is a matter of rejoicing though ijpgris are ecpreveed that brave men lost their ttv Ja as Japan ked sorroW to tIe worW when lrare men went down with the Petro vavlovsk But this feeling of nympa Is swallowed UP hi greater Tliuksgivlng fur the blow Inntcted on- t h sea power of the enemy It Is point j out that the Hatauae was one of Japans finest haUteahiaa and that the Iss of two and posathiy tour warahipa- at intervals of a few day cannot fall 1 deeply affect Japan and to influence th course of campaign Tnt geaeral staff tonight is without iirxt news of the sinking of the Sh- ikihma and the Fuji but there Is en iDiiiesphm that It may lie true The ri is at any rate have infused fretih- i iff and enthusiasm in oAoial treks vh re it is believed that the tide is turned Mnj Ba 3 Tteced- No surprise is xprca d by the ad Tiiialty at the Japanese veaaete etrlk on- t t rs f j H it t I i 1 H MIne the es Zu1 sj t lily I t I UsaIaH trdti < I ding such a to Vice Admiral lugo particularly aince the naval commanders at Port Arthur folly upUcated the plan which rciattt in h sinking of Petropaiovak w off Port Arthur the lap r wtnadrea appeared during the lay hi game night Rnvafan torpedo boats rule out and carefully planted u mines which the uW not fc touched by the de- 9i y but ships of heavier draught amis in the mine aelda would be aure strike them th favorite point asleeP by the Jaj a for birrbaling JK i Ti han a 1 the tlitrp has in u thick with rijin mine Other rs beside Lia Ti shan Lave also mined and it ha- be n iiiigerous he Japanese ships to cf if in th Liter Tb fleet of n tsier undoubted- ly w i be to caut Virnhiil To o to be uor autious to t rnui siivt s tus inn for the eu i i jrer y of the eea vi iijv ticer n it arrives in the Pacific Equilibrium Bestored TV s of thi ships ii re3p tiv bve taltil j the er cur montor wa own t lJ I h i I 1lu r In f II t r C J iei 7 I t ct i curred- ii > ¬ < < > to the general stjiDC of which out to the Asaoeiated J Prea that it tends to restore the iurtum cleat Despite the number of f eaajvaltles in the Russia fleet it ha really lost only one the j sk It to true the Ret doed at the beginning of the war but both were safely towed into Port Ar thur The they sustained was serious particularly to the Caarevitcb but repair have been pending aince then and the officials state that the Retvtaan is i The Caarevitch is still undergoing re pairs and it will be some before can put to sea Prior to the too laU n of Port Arthur several thooaand have been rushing the work of repairing the Russians now say that the fetes ate ajaainst Japan The later move Kevta reported to the general tend tQ decidedly hefogr the authorities as to real position of the enemy It i now generally agreed that the mission of second Japanese may is not merely the investment of Port Ar must appreciate now that tb fleet hap been weakened that toe appearance f the Baltic loot wilt roensely superior afloat unleea we ft squadron be destroyed I l t P and the Curevitela wrpe I mace t I to resume her place 8 the DIM she the city and they I I 118 The Japanese i rtb I I I batdreh that sn wer ready entered sIn std bt 1 ¬ > Japa Host Oommaad the If the Japanese are to be successful in the war they must retain command pf the sea however great the cost Whatever may have been the orig of the landing of troops In the southern pert of Yang ppjiJoatOa it elieved hf re O cannot the destruction of the ton Port Ajrthur v should the enemy c the fortress ft hi fhal it never get the Ruwdan Jft der orders before Pert ASthwr was cut off the crippled squadron was to leave the harbor Immediately before the fortress fell and attack the Japan ese fleet If the enemy retained the superiority which existec before the w r destroyed would have been little chance of a sucuesaful see tie Now the authorities are hopeful that in case the squadron must go out f the chances in the conflict will be more even This win be the caae if repairs to the Retvizan and are flnisbed in time The crippling of Togos fleet will it Is more than ever deter the Japanese commander from dividing his fleet a he must retain ahkpo off Port Arthur Thus the ivoatok squadron may have another opportunity fur raids f the i J t given tber I tIM cUre v h Vied Isa t q4 Even ah8 ¬ lya aim GoAptotalT the Japan saa Jew Chuang May It A courier Of the Associated Press who arrived here shortly before midnight reports that the Japanese fleet sighted from hill ten miles north of Kai Chpy on Monday The bombardment- of the coast was extensive covering a dbjtance of twentyfive miles Only the Japanese marines It was reported iw p landed however is not- I coftfirmad The Japanese force marched several miles inland destroyed four rattea of raUcaad and other property captured a Russian commissary train Had with a number of carts animal and native drivers The Jap i pnc then reembark and left the transports shortly afterwards could not bee seen from Tower hUt but their eo rs was w uthward It in believed now that the landing was feint to ver movements elsewhere CompMaly BnrilderedL- A egftra nt of Russian jp- etumed here yesterday afternoon It waa iworted at 10 oclock last night i that the batteries of artillery will reach hare today The Russians seem to be bewildered and disheartened and mv able to form lasting Officers vbo left here though their personal rage remains at w Chuang after touching farewells to friends In New Chung returned a few hers later and hejran directing the work of Hufiding entrenrhmente a mile south of here But this task was abandoned n m fewftlKWmi It b batteved hare that the Ruasian authorities at Muk den are responsible for this vacilla j ATiw by r Tb I t their place The I j I I I I j t I I Uoo TUAUO azzJAJrG lad warn landing S bidding < ¬ > In addition to the recrudescence aetirity the sailors are re j fitting the Rusaiau gunboat 8tvouch which had been dismantled and witi wood and oil in order to destroy j her Jan wel as two small river boats in mud dock Russian statements in regj nl to the situation are absolutely uniiahtp Many J r Hf T in this neighi ufhuou tine py has been executed It is believed he waa an of tier in the Japanese army The correspondent of the Associated Press made an attempt to reach Kal fhmt hut s rj d by Kugyian outs i n li J to fTlilii I N injiai j The Russian civil authorities here are making desperate efforts to induce the Chinese guilds to take over the mu iicipal gov i ninent of New Chuang toe tiuiids do t shov my dispo ji in i Tu iiiw tiere nave ceased dls playing the Russian flag Bandits continue capturing rich Chl nestS boIMiig them captives until ran sums jiaiil The niiM tnii of dell I 1n I off ftl j I a I I lIt i l Jilt n Y8 I 0 o c mUItar 7s a > > > = < < COURTESIES SEASON ir 1 4 r < y Iur iTed Y i j Reed i k M ttoAaa a a I = DELEGATES BECOMING TIR- S m Sifiis of Breaking Away From the Eadlng D 4Iock in illlnois Fruitless Mrl- ottnc Yasterdiy 8 Lea IIJ tbs 04 liay For W the timeince the beginning of the deadlock t the thuds convention tbe delegates awar ant tJfcani wes evideaced a die t o t ave the leaders Many of tb Jim town this and aftflnT of the declared they would not come back until some of the gubernatorial candidate sot out of the race and made It to break the deadlock Their were cas by the more faithful of the 1 gates In some i ataHi a single voting an entire county Tile feettRat of unrest vent in tile introduction of a resolution vtdiiig that be convention proceed t n governor but 4be j tton wks defeated None of the gtther- tiatorfel the reaota ton to go through and1 the candidates tot minor oflteea were too timid to in- sist upon W tearing such action would hurt their chances The pmionged fight is bearing heavily upon the men who want the smaller places All of them have been maintaining headquarters which cost them front IR to flOO a day and as the salaries of state officers m OUTFIELDER liAlKl N COMING TO SALT LAKE Special to Herald Tacoma Wash May ft Jimmy Han afvan outfielder of the Tacoma club in Coast league been said to Salt to of morn votes te to PIP J ted j first Re- publican ct4flmenced 0W breaking The tie has > > < ¬ > I e aad s due to Join that team at Bpoktine neat week if aotbing happens Hanaivan has been good work in the west for two or three years past and to expected to vender assistance the Salt Lag team out of the hole It to understoadya abar gets tKO Haantvaflw Haanivan has been hlt tIne the baf at a g M9 and is rated oae of the CialMt oytftrtdar te tile Coaat league The acquisition of Hannfvsn puts the team in firstclass ahape so far as are I dot f f in pulling for 1 The pitching tl stand one more I NvIa1 out- fielders could mats There has been a Mt of talk foaming around lately about El- w r now hi Chicago Strtrklett WmM be a a ignty man all l tie dub woult be glad to get oisn 80 would several i hr cluho among ba club but of are i root I bas good in Chicago and It nwcii and pent of p H to get a wfnnor in the big in st p out to the minor H MU He would b appr U d but he will be mMhfy hard o gcC and at present the are wont com- eDIES 1 J f Coie May l gl8ter Fran eta Xavier notable peracnage in western charitable and religious died today at St Joaephs hospital in this city She was a member of the order of the Sisters of Charity and fMW leading factor in the founding nd 7pvcU r meu T vnii j OW cjoaocltti therewith She was born In Ireland in 1837 was a sister for over forty years and wa the founder of St Vincent orphanag j of Denver in which institution she la- bored for the test twentyone years The funeral will be held next Sunday in the MThe 1ral at vv rth Kan and ilie iittrn iit will be j made in the cemetery attached to the i mother house of th4 order in that city DROPPED DEAD AT I SISTERS j Paul Mum Ma 19 Mrs Stella Hammond of Seattle Wash has dropped dead here at the home of her sister Mrs J N Savard after the latter had undergone a op eratiiui for caner of th Kionwh Mr Hduiiuuiia in apparent good health The nervous strain of assist- ing at the operation is supposed to have brought on a stroke of apoplexy j The operation on Mr Bavard it is said was one of the uo t difficult in sursrica cten e and a IP nrViil df a of ihs Jai jt tuam ach Five surgeons worked four hours to perform the operation tItkfY lit iJlY1I mone Jtf aas he I S ISTER OF itA1TY FIt APOPLEXY- Denver cir- cles BEDSIDE- St I I I Jl dui d par BETTEB I a 1 ITh i flmewhut inprocd tdt1r 0 O 4 pst the beta takes l froa p institu oi tea Lon ve dang roiia Was QUAY Pit ur s > ¬ < lUlaois are very small vaa th sv- ceaafal candidates win h i a 1 way when the convention ao Some of them today Ha bHUots taken today were with on change lu the result j gharMhans men continued to vote for throughout the day hut he- anado no farther gains and on ladt open him The result of tilt last Sa ot taken tonight the Oftys Yates 4gl aft iv Hi- 3st Warner 64 Hanjttn man 4 Pierce XL France Abwrt to Rwatll Pan May 1 Tbe ccuncn of min tot t ateBtbled In extra President Louhofs via to Rome Aa the versions of the protest forwarded to the government hivIng relations with the Vatican difl rs frm that forwarded to the French govern- ment it was decided to first ascertain definitely what representations th Vatican made to the foreign govern- ments Tile council also agreed on the step to be taken when the exact char- acter of the foreign protest is tainedl An official communication to the pram the ministers I ac- cord upon theatepa but doe not give the nature of the expected action Later it became known that I r call of M Nisard the ambassador of France to the Vatican had bate de- cided if the authenticity of the protest forwarded to the foreign POW era waa established Thia practically aawree the ambassadors recall aa tle or no doubt exists relative to the protest The effect of the ambaa dors recall will be the rupture of diplomatic relations between France and the Vati- can i I thor ble Dew I t to Lowden J 1 t E Rp11 i z FroM s to consider e to t 3 1W t ere I t I bI 1 S NUR Is H4r- AnihassaO tbte- YttloaL 51 51 today tMaefIop b- etk lie deer says < < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = cascades pouting ir- dowtt th frtA of etoqtrl btilbs the Mie and jrtlhwfiettirg buildings of the exposition rk of Press parliament convened tonight in tic Uval hail of visitors the ter races the steps and the esplanade at the foot of festival hall and a steady stream pressed toward the entrance of the great white domed building seeking entrance But the majority was to dfsap for the capacity of tlvjtl hall fs 2OJO and delegates to the parliament were through the double Jf- terson guards at the entrance The convention was called to order Captain Henry King tliior f the Ht ROOSEVELT SHOWIW6 INTENSE WTEiliST Washington May M President Roosevelt haul talk today with EI ner C Dov r fecrotaiy tho Uepub lican national committee the preliminary rang ntents for the hi convention and other matters re- lating to the convention and the cam paign Mr Dover will go to Chicago next Tuesday and on June 1 wil open headquarter of tlu i inunitte at the Auditoriun l arrangements are king made for the campaign by Secretary Dover He ia in correspondence party loaders throughout the country and by the time the convention assem bles he will be in possession of organi zation details which h will turn over to the new committee Four seconding speeches probably will be delivered With the exception of Harry Still well Edwards of Macon Ga the well known author and writer the orators have nut benn hoson JSIJBCTIOM Of T2USXSS j Butte Moat May Id At a meeting of the stockholders of tiic Araconda Copper company at Anaconda niay seven new j were n u th ensuinj St the avatust iSM thron d tic lted line of b a ago bu I hop in r r r get Lr J 6111 and A L lO c 4JIL Amid gcurgeousaOr toq Into tb- ig thousands 1O s ab ut truStees ear I V ni- iftam t jSS Ei1 ¬ ¬ ¬ < iDOSEVELT AND THE Scene NiGROSc- n Enacted by a Counterfeit President and Colored Man In Front of Washington Statute at the Maticyi CapltaJ j J I the j S + AJW1XOTON Mar 1 The- M WashingtOn police are invest atinff an tecident which oc rred to the pteaa of the capitol to y n which an attempt waa made Pore a moving picture machine President Roosevelt giv KaalstsikL to a pretended negro In sjss A moving picture machine baen placed where it could bom aeene and a man made p as- a plroached and when directly t the statue of George Wash be tell to the pavement A Nrbo bore a striking resemblance PLEASES Yotrng Salt Laker Sertt De cidd Success With Mew at Detrott Special to The Herald Detroit Mich Orleba opera Merry Grafters pre- sented at the opera house toOt for the benefit of a local OBttr te re two and was written Dr U Miur a well known physician About the word Mr Orlob has some catchy which surpris ing In orchestration and general treatment it i much more Well considered than the general run of operas and tbe young composer who conducted own was the of an ovation He was twice presented with handsome bouquets and waa called better the curtain at the close of the first act to bow his thanks The comIng of the which to nights attracted a large and fashionable and the success of the opera scamp assured Mr Orlebs rank in modern light opfra writing and he has shown not only as a composer but as a coaduetor- JCMpSffiAJfT PKOTCX London May A well known Bom- bay merchant prince Jamsetjee Tate died today at Badnauheinx Germany Tate visited the United States In W2 to secure American cooperatIon In the working of his iron in India < to- te tile OPERA w b U1I bow s a DuD 1 6ptr LOB Composition acts wos mu- sic ¬ ¬ > PRESS PARLIAMENT OPENS ill ST LOUIS EXPOSITION > H- r I Bouts GfebeBrnocrat and eheirnian of executive eosisttttee of the panic David R Francis president of the ejt- frctiltJon welcomed jour Bttlifttfi from all parts of the world te Hton speaker of the evening wa next introduced John Hay aeoretary of state wbo cam as the official repre- sentative of Prudent Roosevelt to at tend the convention Secretary Hay was greeted with a salute of applause speech was by A Men profit correspondent of Le Figaro Parts At the of the address SIP OttxranReld of London president- of the was introduced Chairmen King as the permanent pre officer of the convention He was vigorously applauded briefly The convention adjourned until tomorrow morning OUTLAW CAPTURED IN nt S I Tae principal Oft ent I i NORTHERN MONTANA i UI t by ¬ ¬ Butte Mont May 19 A Oulbertson Mont dispatch save Kid Trailer nwmber uf the famous Joue guitg f outlaws was taken prisoner by a dep uty sheriff yesterday and is here hi aU Trailer is the man whom Jottes rescued from deputies putting two of them to flight about three months Jones was shortly afterwards in a pitched battle Henry now lender of the Jones gang was given a bard run yes terday by Canadian mounted police who caught him on their side of the line but he escaped after a running light The police believe Henry was wounded The deputies on the Ameri- can side have taken up iiitt trait Cortez May 19 When irivkig to their home near Ariola f last night Mrs C W Herman + and her son Frank Ingles were 4 shot and killed by Marshal Hunt 4 phreys who rode into town and 4 surrendered himself to the sheriff 4 Tit re h ul b t nuU Ls the two families i JOtJLam o f ago hut Dutch t 4 4 Cob 4 C t14p1 H ¬ ¬ + + + +++++++++++ +++++++ + + + + + + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + + + i I to the president w g In a carriage nearby and he with the aid of a negro coachman who Wove a the court terpart of the White buae livery tenderly lifted the pretended negro to the fictitious carriage The man simulating the president then passed his bat offering the negro a tar ant ordered the carriage to ive on The ineidea was witnessed by a number of people including two capitol poUcenea Special Officer Jones of tile capitol police who witnessed the occurrence said that he wee standing on the east entrance of the aenat capitol when I paw carriage aad lay down on tb- and directly in ftairt of me- He was a at Asstro SB ofMntu strel shorn and regular out- fit Another drove up and from it alighted a man dressed Hke President Rooevett The latter helped the prostrate negro into MB carriage offered him a cigar and tipped bia hat to the negro and then the e Tiage was driven The disclosed the tact that the ices who participated In the episode belong tile lk fpesion They are believed to have left I the city I J d I ot W- 41IItt f I pr th 1 with a tI large tOgrs O t UP bh- mrbine the WfrIoa stU- 1wcsrriggea said I k s11 dir sd pro ¬ ¬ AN UNKNOWN ISLAND Attempt WiTh be 3fde ta l4Mata it by the Tf S Ctrnfamr Taoaaua May W The United States hero for Sao Francisco a roundabout route She will go tim to a location between here Panama In aearch of an unknown island which has been many tfines J D Hague f New York is on board the and will conduct the sound ings He says he it probable that the whiP which dls ared after leaving Hfto in August was on this island He hopes to find traces of this vessel and thinks it possible that there may still be some of her survivors on the Island view waa Mr Hague to Secretary of the Navy Moody and he Induced to order the Tacoma to in search of the Island Mr Hague avers that there is strong of the existence of the island and he thinks It probably ia habitable as was reported by greaves In JW There era also that the Levant wr ked there and that dM not founder at sea Mr Hague has been runducttrut divert here H has a spar which orlft d to Hawaii in MI says lif uttfeves it belouaj- edlltYEIIENT OF UNCLE Waahnatni May U The navy de- partment was advised by cable today of the sailing of the battleship Wiscon- sin the flagship of Rear Admiral Coop er the Vicksburg and Alexander from Cavite for Hongkoug of the de- parture of the Frolic front Cavite to Join the New Orleans at Chefoo the nearest neutral port to New Chuang outside the zone of military operations The Detroit is returning to Domin kan waters from Ouantanamo Thorc she wtnt for coat and will visit Puerto Plata and Mmue UbHati The Albany en route to Puget sound from the Asiatic station has left Guam for Honolulu Honolulu cruiser Js to Start from 1t re- ported a b I De IlU1 Ift ipUo to Luvan I SAWS NiAVAlVESSELS I Out ion wEe the lao ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ HATCH WILL NOT ON OFBGJAL LIST Special to The Herald Washington May 19 As a result- of the Dubois resolution adopted dur ing the closing days of congress di KitniK postmaster general to as- certain and itpurt the names of polyg ainoup in Idaho tie resig nation been received by tbe de- partment of L L Hatch of Franklin who is said to be a polygamist The ivsisnatlon of Dora Clear postmaster- at Kexburg is expected to be forth uiis in a short time I postmasters has I i the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PROSPECTS BtfQHT Bingham Con Was ITror in Better Condition Boston Slay IS President White of the Bingbam Consolidated has just re turned trout Salt Lake and says that the companys prospects were never r He says that the nm ary has militun o its JK LVM tm- i is lf r- ir one time tv The Itera1 ISs tal C a ts rv C I her U ti 1 seAUg tfn ¬ > BANDITS GARRY OFF AMERICAN Sultan of Norceti WHl Have ti- Py tht rUnsom- FQi jSH RS MUCH EXCITED OVLY Moroecov Majr 19 An American cttiaejj namfd l rdicuria j and hi stepson a British subject were carried oft by th wH known bandit FraisBouli and his fottowers last HllKbt and win doubtless be held for a heavy ransom TJ captives were staying Perdi rfs nrn er rest dine only thi e iniie from Tangier wbea tile bandits attaclctd and cap Wed them Perdlcarte is of origin but Is a cittaefi of the United State He te very wejatthy and haa Jived in Tangier for years He tied an ngtob woman whose son is his in r Foreigners are much excited by this so near Tangier end attrib- ute it to the supineness of the govern- ment In faRIng to punish the bandits wbaf last year captured Wajter B Har is the in J orocco of tbe Condon and their failure to general law esaness- Pomanrta at the Bobber Frafesonli Mohammed El Torres the representative at Tangier for foreign affairs of the sultan of Morocco that he reoniro Ute removal of the sultans troops from his district the removal of the governor of Tangier and the release of a number of im- prisoned bandits When these condi- tions are complied with Frataaoull will notify Mohammed Bl Torrea of the course he proposes to pursue with the captives Perdicaris had resided at Tangier whore be is president of the hygienic commission a number of years He lived with Cromwell Varley his stepson at a villa a short distance north of Tangier and was seated at his table when his family suddenly wag surrounded by a crowd of armed Arabs followed by the famous bri band Fraissouli who gave orders to seine Perdicaris and Variey At the same time the bandit leader banded to a domestic the letter for Mohammed S3 Torrea notifying that functionary- of ba torma This letter was mftted to Mohammed BI Torres after I nUdpitfat M is understood that the Morooeaa authorities will accede to all the demands of the brigand chief in order to secure the release of the pris- oner TwjaUy S ra Start FraiawniU who te abTeady more than tw ty haws mare Tangier I ptboitcia haoaaoaupced that hwpoBC further conditions for t XA1I XILD BOX i I t mar han captivity eU t Time I I I trans t 1 1Iil l 7 I I WAI x1DXBp TLu TA1UIZ- TIE Greek has railifled m PeM Pe Li he is 1- 4Ieahealtb ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + fftatea governments have begun negotiations with FraisaouU and that they are asking French to act for the protection of tie prisoners European residents expect that France will send warships here Immediately but ip consequence of tbe effervescence of native feeling such a step would be likely to endanger Eu- ropeans lIt the interior of the country aPEKEAJT HJELD KZSPOJTBIBLX and race tbgtteelfttsh v the govern- ment ¬ Unltod States Consul Insists That Ute JUuiaom Washington May 19 The state de partment has received the following cablegram from United States Consul Gunmere dated at Tangier today Mr Perdicaris a prominent Amer- ican citisen long A resident of Tangier and rich and well known and his step Mr Varley n British subject were carried off last night from their coun try three mites from Tangier a large band of native brigands heeded by FraiseouU the bandit who carried off Mr Harris butt year Mr Perdicaris house was broken into about 130 lat evening white the fam- ily wore In the drawing room and the two men were carried away Mr Gummere and the British min- ister are acting with enapgy in the matter They have sent special car- rier to the court to Inform the sultans deputy to comply with all requests they make in this matter and to insist that the terms demanded by Fr teao H- sba be granted in urder to obtain the r oaxe of tbe captive Except for t e djffcrwi e the tecldcijt reported by 6r Dimmer compares to SOHC 1MHMa Wth the rac Mliw EllcN Stone Vcbo WH kidnaped hj Bulgaria bandits eome time The d niade the Miitaiiby Mr GumJuerethat h pay ransoiw mandd in this last said tobe in apoprdJince with Ori to probably to save the livoa of toe cap the and it is not dow that win find some means afterward- to capture the brigM da and recover the sum naid over Acting Secretary lionoiig waa in tort cultation to ay with Captain Winstow of the navigition the dvspatf of a Hntt dv State warship to Tangier to back Up th consuls Tlvre number of British within a few nattf sailing and it Is understand that ajB mr Gum mere is cooperating with t He British consul wtt no h fitation on the part of the British government In hurrying i Brit sh warship to the scene Although a lar i r ct ijjtf American warships is en i ute to rs is net a single States war vessel there now Warahip Will be Sent Waehington May l 01 Uri sent to Rtar Admiral liadv tk i which he will vJirn iii Mend reaches Tenertffe Canary isl nd directing him as soon as he ar rive to coal one of his ships and send it to Tangier He has the Brooklyn aiul Atlanta ami two gunboats either out the fonnvr being avaHablo f r stivut ute c t ML x rifj Me- a eAt tom P the v I mar a j w tie Unit v JIfb lit II Re- F i hansom ago Il ft any iIftr are European tWp ore ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > < > Ia Xooriah Territory Paris May 19 Tin French govern ment ha not received a report of the capture of Perfeardis and Varlpy by the brigands near Tangier Th oft dais say that lurilitM Mm overrun by bMgiids- mitted many depredation i j ocean troops have been operating against the brigands hut owing to the insurrection and stu of anarchy N istinfr the tionps ver u isui r sfii Ill HoIi V apls been izitt authority inithf French nor sp nisu- juiuence being established I there 4 I ¬ = RUNAWAY RIG liftrf KRAAHut ee to mil mt SURVIVE FTBR trying to to atop maddeoed Mrtsaat threatening t OMT baweif babe out of the vebtclam which worn clinging for life Jot ICMth thing h tent daughter clear of wfae tIle grotmd Not unlit tile horse had4 run s blocks the scene of tbe m act waa it aod n largely throng Mrs JCeltba o Kven before had hat to remove Lbs child which was u aciou when picked up to a pi safety its mother bad bastaned to minister to it Both Mrs Kefth and the ancon child were takes to Ail Hallow teg near Ute aaspe of the run where effort ade to resto Katberlne As soon ai siWe mother arid daughter went to the family home 3 whose now Niles Mrs Keith w un injure she is suffering trout a severe n shock which the greater the fact that little Katherine su a probable concussion at the bn the result of her fall to tile grou The physicians are looking for t Hou turn in the chtlda oondiio though there is still Hear that i may form on the brain Owing fact that the child to but one ye age this would result fatally Hm lalth Tail sHory The story of the occurrence as by Mrs Keith follows I can think of only thing I ca member nothing terror c thought that my baby would b jured if she were to remain ii bug y I hesitated a moment then picking her up by tile hung as far beyond the sw buggy as I could and aad let the thing drop to the paved roadway The reins were hanging out r buggy or I could have stopped hone They worn finally thrown by a man who ran out in the n of the street and grabbed them a dragged akmg tile ground Mrs Keith accompanied b brother Thomas Blyth end the had been driving in the eastern c the city They were returning t before S oclock yesterday aft when the horse which was en by Blyth stumbled on both street near Fifth East and fell to its knees Mr Blyt throw out of the awlS w r BofsffT he rise to his feet tbe animal had r i FLINGS BABE FROM laYL- f ClIO m DOt1- HTt M Jl8tenta r en little girl fed tIIt1eet both care Of Des S F Root i i ow r it t f I th i j tnoi rt i I h h rn ii I l Y IJJ being r t it 10 men nee friatlLam mild sh 4 s ow A1WAZ aTnu4 A ViM which tri are the ad it s t 0 y h ilI a takina its < > > down Seqpud Boot- h9npa CWld to T For two lone blocks Mrs Keith IK- ging her infant close to her side i i desperate efforts to catch the iu which were dragging over the off ft Then when she saw that this wa m possible she resolved to save at v C- lever cost to herself the babys lift The infant landed dear of the wt Her life waa undoubtedly saved h fact that a heavy bonnet protected i head She was picked up by wltnt who were about to remove her to M Hallows college when Mrs Keith m in hystericS reached the spot Dr Keith the babys father w iti seen last sight said Mrs Keith is resting easy and is n injured save for the severe shock Th extent of the babys injuries cannot H this time be stated The physicians i attendance are giving ua every hope CBOWD CTCOBSUi H BsMT Young Man The presence of RInd of one mao brought Main street to its feet late terday afternoon in a rousing ovation tte effect of driving the of the occasion to seek more eclu The crowd came first to see and t cheer A runaway was the OPI r unity given this man to show blunt if The horse pulling a light buggy c u dashing up street from Sec ni South towards the temple block be was crowded at the ji tion of Main and First South streets t t h a crowd of women and children h waa bound for this point Just in front of The Herald GUnK tamn sprang out trots the sidew k climbed IB at the back reached the a and leaning out over the daehbo 1 grasped the rein and pulled the an on to Ha haunches within a v f et of that crowded corner The r was quick to see and appreciate A ha- crov batik along Main street h greeted by rotunda of cheers and appli u by nearly a thousand person The ii n f neither owner nor rescuer of th rig was ascertained CDUWAOO MINERS PUT m JfUL PEN Trinidad Colo May If One t m- dred striking union coal miners ho refused to be registered hy the i i tary authorities of Las Animas cou which i under martial law brought to this city today as mili from the strikers a near They were force march eighteen miles under cm escort As the county Jail ia air full a bull pen will be cuostnirtt which the strikers will be herdec Major Zeph T Hill commandin military forces decided on the t of registering alt the 3aw idle m the county in consequence to a nu of firea that have occurred in th- cinlty of strikers camps lican ti B B B till for treasmei- of th J M x May tiou EOVfl c rus ourt Ora lii- M fi K Ii grin and J G Oliver egates to the national W Stone F S Smith K W Burke C H i DYING TV M Colorado Spn y Word has been received In thi that 8 D Johnson a formei known lailrou ml hotel man lean Ceairai iuiiruitd us tt- I I i i ii b r j lI- ly of RInd of a y t ii r paths horse offi a taP r d a thy I SLATE 1rIIS IIfWYINu- araf The J 1 or I r j CtOl t 1 a U t 11 un rh 4uit1 111 d o TJi tt t1t r o Ponrd atn Iro s ts t reIats Prssei o to 4 on a 4me- CUEfENE iiII i V i IV e- I so C IiI- to tSP C 12 a = > > > > < <

Transcript of 0- TIlE SALT bAKE...

Page 1: 0- TIlE SALT bAKE HERALDchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1904-05-20/ed-1/seq-1.pdfESTABLISHED eJUNE 6 t 0 PRICE FIVE CENTS EDITION WEATHER Probably TMf Ai 041SS-tiver Si



TMf Ai 041SS-tiver SiCopper f


Ji 1 1f 4 tfli y 1IiIf rn c k f 0-


v1 fuS TIlE vera O3ld



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i 1Lri TA1P U9ThAV Lead i

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9m With ffif p0 if the GrewL


Mr tang Kay 10 veninf It to repaid ban from MUMrt tfce Japanese army froaa tile 1W rfvar m iy 4baajrjr blow aa baa been drirra back t Jtat Waasj Okaac-

Idnhaou M 7 90 Tb Staadarda aarroapandant at Tiaa 4M wtawthat tfca af aea Jaat waa covarina tha landing of trooya asTwo tkoaaaad Unaaians wwr killed or wound aiaaa ivtxaaied apaaoaa oocwpiad both Xai Pin aad Xii OkuVI flhfaaar Oavraarat at Chanf C raeaiwJ aaw tfe eav-

gliujiJ tile railway IfrtmaBTamM Ckaa and Yew Ohwmr


lf-duftrlr at Ia



aWe a

ZaI Qs a t1zte at Jbba Y MacThitile

tM ri



ciiI tat Yssi CiIN i DsE te-

x ssex Ms

while ro sday cgagsflt OteUrrid


rsewat Mds tMt uIaa hsi

< >


OKJO May W W p ra ViceAdmiral Togo baa ollow

artsAdmiral Too aajra

urtee 1 In thePort Arthur the Kawtga rammed the

the latter In a fewminutes Ninety of her crew weresavedThe aame moraine the Hatausewhile cruising oft Port Arthur coveringthe landing of soldier a Bineten knata southeast of the barber en

trance She signalled for help end inetantly struck another mine She sankin half an hour Three hundred of herview were by torpedo boats

The cruiser Kasuga mentioned in theabove dispatch was purchased by J

from Argentina before the outluoak of hofrttlfUes with Russia

The cruiser Yoshino was a steel ve jF l of 4180 tons displacement she Wasr30 feet long 41 feet wide awl haddraught of 17 feet Indicatedrower was 15400 and her speed wasvventythree knot She was kilt ta1392 She carried four finch eight 47inch un and twentythree threepounders She had five torpedo tubesand a ompleraent of Jft men

It Hatsuae was a steel battleshipof ttutw tons 9b4 o feet long C wide anAfiiauKht of feet Her herel pwe wa 11900 she was built Inand her apead waa nineteen knoievvas armed with four IJ4iteen 4 lncb gona as wWl-Htms of me cstbre She had four I

torpedo tithes ant a f 741

Dmoorara SPXRITS niT sW

St May 20 The tossleast two Japanew warships te off f

ially ronflraied A meseafce datedPort Arthur received by carfjer play anat Mukden was transmitted to the emjpior early yesterday momma waylns j

that two Japanese beenlost oft that port The meaaaaY foi I

lowed tha emperor to Kounk and noone here knew of liz contents untU latesst night when foreign telegrams

brought full detail of the JapaneseJOPS

Karly in the afternoon reports of the-e and the IP1

T rep

free Rear Adwiraisays that the ra kPupYOItbtna col1kled a ot PortArthur on 11711 tIja Tonly ninety 01 Mr crew TedOn the me day tIIefate Btnaeknk

detlIa of Ute ViceI At minutes past

aftelDOOIl ot May 15 In deep f offaiDIdD










few Casmd Gnat at at-ten1Muy

Pete rtof-


Finkinr of II iIaa

tsd as-

A wport Deicriia

nkbngsa Isn






mRL e Wastill

IndIoM I


< >



on authority of Russianfrm Datay began to circulate androused the most intense excitementThe greatest enthusiasm was manifest

d Without reference to its effecth campaign the people regard theMsa er aa Divine interposition in the

lUissian causeIt is an offering to Russia upon the

lay of Ascension sad the emperorsbirthday and It i a aign that God iawith us was tile ippark generaHyheard

It a stranger entered the city tonight-c would find It decorated with flags

ami bunting and Illuminated devicest hough tn geriftcation of a victorybm this te not really ao as the decoratins are in celebration of the enaper


in naval riMies tpc Japanese ratatr phe is a matter of rejoicing thoughijpgris are ecpreveed that brave men

lost their ttv Ja as Japanked sorroW to tIe worW when

lrare men went down with the Petrovavlovsk But this feeling of nympa

Is swallowed UP hi greaterTliuksgivlng fur the blow Inntcted on-t h sea power of the enemy It Is point

j out that the Hatauae was one ofJapans finest haUteahiaa and that theIss of two and posathiy tour warahipa-at intervals of a few day cannot fall1 deeply affect Japan and to influenceth course of campaign

Tnt geaeral staff tonight is withoutiirxt news of the sinking of the Sh-

ikihma and the Fuji but there Is eniDiiiesphm that It may lie true Theri is at any rate have infused fretih-i iff and enthusiasm in oAoial treksvh re it is believed that the tide isturned

Mnj Ba 3 Tteced-No surprise is xprca d by the ad

Tiiialty at the Japanese veaaete etrlk


rs fj





1 H MIne the es

Zu1 sj





UsaIaH trdti


I ding such a to Vice Admirallugo particularly aince the navalcommanders at Port Arthurfolly upUcated the plan which rciattt

in h sinking of Petropaiovakw off Port Arthur the lapr wtnadrea appeared during thelay hi game night Rnvafan torpedoboats rule out and carefully planted

u mines which theuW not fc touched by the de-

9i y but ships of heavier draughtamis in the mine aelda would beaure strike themth favorite point asleeP by the

Jaj a for birrbaling JK i Tihan a 1 the tlitrp

has in u thick with rijinmine Other rs beside Lia Tishan Lave also mined and it ha-be n iiiigerous he Japanese shipsto cf if in th Liter

Tb fleet of n tsier undoubted-ly w i be to caut Virnhiil To o to be

uor autious to t rnui siivts tus inn for the eu i i

jrer y of the eea vi iijvticer n it arrives in the Pacific

Equilibrium BestoredTV s of thi ships ii re3p tiv

bve taltilj the



montor waown t lJ




1lu r In f II

t r C J













to the general stjiDCof which out to the Asaoeiated

J Prea that it tends to restore theiurtum cleat Despite the number off eaajvaltles in the Russia fleet it hareally lost only one thej sk It to true the Retdoed at the beginning of the war butboth were safely towed into Port Arthur The they sustained wasserious particularly to the Caarevitcbbut repair have been pending aincethen and the officials state that theRetvtaan is

i The Caarevitch is still undergoing repairs and it will be some beforecan put to sea Prior to the toolaU n of Port Arthur several thooaandhave been rushing the work ofrepairing the

Russians now say that the fetesate ajaainst Japan The later moveKevta reported to the generaltend tQ decidedly hefogr the authoritiesas to real position of the enemy

It i now generally agreed that themission of second Japanese may isnot merely the investment of Port Armust appreciate now that tb fleet hapbeen weakened that toe appearance fthe Baltic loot wiltroensely superior afloat unleea weft squadron be destroyed


ltPand the Curevitela wrpe

I mace


to resume her place8 the DIM


the city and they I

I118 The Japanese


rtb I



batdrehthatsn wer







Japa Host Oommaad theIf the Japanese are to be successfulin the war they must retain commandpf the sea however great the costWhatever may have been the orig

of the landing of troops Inthe southern pert of YangppjiJoatOa it elieved hfre Ocannot the destruction of theton Port Ajrthur v

should the enemy c thefortress ft hi fhal itnever get the Ruwdan Jftder orders before Pert ASthwrwas cut off the crippled squadron wasto leave the harbor Immediately beforethe fortress fell and attack the Japanese fleet If the enemy retained thesuperiority which existec before the

w r destroyed would havebeen little chance of a sucuesaful seetie Now the authorities are hopefulthat in case the squadron must go out fthe chances in the conflict will bemore even This win be the caae ifrepairs to the Retvizan and

are flnisbed in timeThe crippling of Togos fleet will itIs more than ever deter theJapanese commander from dividing his

fleet a he must retainahkpo off Port Arthur Thus theivoatok squadron may have anotheropportunity fur raids






ItIM cUrev h






lya aim GoAptotalTthe Japan saa

Jew Chuang May It A courier Ofthe Associated Press who arrived hereshortly before midnight reports thatthe Japanese fleet sighted from

hill ten miles north of KaiChpy on Monday The bombardment-of the coast was extensive covering adbjtance of twentyfive miles Onlythe Japanese marines It was reported

i w p landed however is not-I coftfirmad The Japanese force marchedseveral miles inland destroyed fourrattea of raUcaad and other propertycaptured a Russian commissary trainHad with a number of cartsanimal and native drivers The Jap

i pnc then reembark and left the

transports shortly afterwards could notbee seen from Tower hUt but theireo rs was w uthward It in believednow that the landing was feint to

ver movements elsewhereCompMaly BnrilderedL-

A egftra nt of Russian jp-etumed here yesterday afternoon Itwaa iworted at 10 oclock last night i

that the batteries of artillery will reachhare today The Russians seem to bebewildered and disheartened and mvable to form lasting Officersvbo left here though their personal

rage remains at w Chuang aftertouching farewells to friends

In New Chung returned a few herslater and hejran directing the work ofHufiding entrenrhmente a mile southof here But this task was abandonedn m fewftlKWmi It b batteved harethat the Ruasian authorities at Mukden are responsible for this vacilla j






their place The

















In addition to the recrudescenceaetirity the sailors are re j

fitting the Rusaiau gunboat 8tvouchwhich had been dismantled andwiti wood and oil in order to destroy j

her Jan wel as two small river boatsin mud dock

Russian statements in regj nl to thesituation are absolutely uniiahtpMany J r Hf T inthis neighi ufhuou tine py has beenexecuted It is believed he waa an oftier in the Japanese army

The correspondent of the AssociatedPress made an attempt to reach Kalfhmt hut s rj d by Kugyian

outs i n li J to fTlilii I Ninjiai jThe Russian civil authorities here

are making desperate efforts to inducethe Chinese guilds to take over the muiicipal gov i ninent of New Chuang

toe tiuiids do t shov my dispoji in i

Tu iiiw tiere nave ceased dlsplaying the Russian flag

Bandits continue capturing rich ChlnestS boIMiig them captives until ransums jiaiil The niiM tnii




off ftl j


a I





n Y8

I0 oc













y Iur iTed Y

i j Reedi

k M ttoAaa a a




S m Sifiis of Breaking Away From theEadlng D 4Iock in illlnois Fruitless Mrl-

ottnc Yasterdiy

8Lea IIJ


04 liay ForW the timeince the beginning

of the deadlock t the thudsconvention tbe delegates

awar ant tJfcani wes evideaced a diet o t ave the leaders

Many of tb Jim town thisand aftflnT of the declared

they would not come back until someof the gubernatorial candidate sot outof the race and made It tobreak the deadlock Their werecas by the more faithful of the 1

gates In some i ataHi a singlevoting an entire county

Tile feettRat of unrest vent intile introduction of a resolutionvtdiiig that be convention proceed t

n governor but 4be j

tton wks defeated None of the gtther-tiatorfel the reaotaton to go through and1 the candidatestot minor oflteea were too timid to in-sist upon W tearing such action wouldhurt their chances The pmionged fightis bearing heavily upon the men whowant the smaller places All of themhave been maintaining headquarterswhich cost them front IR to flOO a dayand as the salaries of state officers m



Special to HeraldTacoma Wash May ft Jimmy Han

afvan outfielder of the Tacoma club inCoast league been said to Salt

to of








publicanct4flmenced 0W breaking


tie has


> <




e aad s due to Join that team atBpoktine neat week if aotbing happensHanaivan has been good work inthe west for two or three years past andto expected to vender assistance

the Salt Lag team out of thehole It to understoadya abar gets tKO

Haantvaflw Haanivan has been hlttIne the baf at a g M9 and is ratedoae of the CialMt oytftrtdar te tile Coaatleague

The acquisition of Hannfvsn puts theteam in firstclass ahape so far as


I dotf

fin pulling


The pitching tl stand one more




couldmats There has been a Mt

of talk foaming around lately about El-w r now hiChicago Strtrklett WmM be a a igntyman all l tie dub woultbe glad to get oisn 80 would severali hr cluho among ba clubbut of arei root I bas good inChicago and It nwcii andpent of p H to get a wfnnor in the big

in st p out to the minor H MUHe would b appr U d but he will bemMhfy hard o gcC and at present theare wont com-

eDIES1 J f

Coie May l gl8ter Franeta Xavier notable peracnage inwestern charitable and religious

died today at StJoaephs hospital in this city She wasa member of the order of the Sisters ofCharity and fMW leading factor inthe founding nd 7pvcU r meu T vnii j

OW cjoaocltti therewithShe was born In Ireland in 1837 wasa sister for over forty years and wathe founder of St Vincent orphanag j

of Denver in which institution she la-bored for the test twentyone yearsThe funeral will be held nextSunday in the MThe 1ral atvv rth Kan and ilie iittrn iit will be j

made in the cemetery attached to the i

mother house of th4 order in that city



Paul Mum Ma 19 Mrs StellaHammond of Seattle Wash hasdropped dead here at the home of hersister Mrs J N Savard after thelatter had undergone a operatiiui for caner of th Kionwh MrHduiiuuiia in apparent goodhealth The nervous strain of assist-ing at the operation is supposed tohave brought on a stroke of apoplexy j

The operation on Mr Bavard it issaid was one of the uo t difficult in

sursrica cten e and a IPnrViil df a of ihs Jai jt tuamach Five surgeons worked four hoursto perform the operation


lit iJlY1I



aas heI





St I



Jl dui dpar


a 1 ITh i

flmewhut inprocd tdt1r

0 O4






institu oi

teaLon ve

dang roiia


QUAYPit ur





lUlaois are very small vaa th sv-ceaafal candidates win h i a

1 way when the convention aoSome of them

todayHa bHUots taken today were withon change lu the result

j gharMhans men continued to vote forthroughout the day hut he-

anado no farther gains and on ladtopen

him The result of tilt last Sa ottaken tonight the OftysYates 4gl aft iv Hi-3st Warner 64 Hanjttnman 4 Pierce XL

France Abwrt to Rwatll

Pan May 1 Tbe ccuncn of mintot t ateBtbled In extra

President Louhofs via toRome Aa the versions of the protestforwarded to the government hivIngrelations with the Vatican difl rs frmthat forwarded to the French govern-ment it was decided to first ascertaindefinitely what representations thVatican made to the foreign govern-ments Tile council also agreed on thestep to be taken when the exact char-acter of the foreign protest istainedl An official communication tothe pram the ministers I ac-cord upon theatepa but doe not givethe nature of the expected actionLater it became known that I rcall of M Nisard the ambassador ofFrance to the Vatican had bate de-cided if the authenticity of theprotest forwarded to the foreign POWera waa established Thia practicallyaawree the ambassadors recall aatle or no doubt exists relative to theprotest The effect of the ambaa dorsrecall will be the rupture of diplomaticrelations between France and the Vati-can i

I thor





1 t E Rp11i z


to considere to t 3 1W t




I bI

1 S



AnihassaO tbte-YttloaL

5151 today tMaefIop b-etk lie













cascades pouting ir-

dowtt thfrtA of etoqtrl btilbs

the Mie and jrtlhwfiettirgbuildings of the expositionrk of

Press parliament convened tonight in ticUval hail

of visitors the terraces the steps and the esplanade at thefoot of festival hall and a steady streampressed toward the entrance of the greatwhite domed building seeking entranceBut the majority was to dfsap

for the capacity oftlvjtl hall fs 2OJO anddelegates to the parliament were

through the double Jf-terson guards at the entrance

The convention was called to orderCaptain Henry King tliior f the Ht



Washington May M PresidentRoosevelt haul talk today with EIner C Dov r fecrotaiy tho Uepublican national committee thepreliminary rang ntents for the hi

convention and other matters re-

lating to the convention and the campaign Mr Dover will go to Chicagonext Tuesday and on June 1 wil openheadquarter of tlu i inunitte at theAuditoriun l

arrangements are kingmade for the campaign by SecretaryDover He ia in correspondenceparty loaders throughout the countryand by the time the convention assembles he will be in possession of organization details which h will turn overto the new committee

Four seconding speeches probablywill be delivered With the exceptionof Harry Still well Edwards of MaconGa the well known author and writerthe orators have nut benn hoson


Butte Moat May Id At a meeting ofthe stockholders of tiic Araconda Coppercompany at Anaconda niay seven new j

were n u th ensuinj


theavatust iSM

thron d

ticltedline of





hopin r r r

get Lr

J6111 and A L lO


4JIL Amid gcurgeousaOr

toq Into tb-ig thousands


ab ut

truSteesear I V ni-

iftam t jSSEi1









Enacted by a Counterfeit President and ColoredMan In Front of Washington Statute at the

Maticyi CapltaJ

j J



j S


AJW1XOTON Mar 1 The-M WashingtOn police are invest

atinff an tecident which ocrred to the pteaa of the capitol toy n which an attempt waa madePore a moving picture machine

President Roosevelt givKaalstsikL to a pretended negro Insjss A moving picture machinebaen placed where it could bom

aeene and a man made p as-a plroached and when directlyt the statue of George Wash

be tell to the pavement ANrbo bore a striking resemblance


Yotrng Salt Laker Sertt De

cidd Success With Mew

at Detrott

Special to The HeraldDetroit Mich Orleba

opera Merry Grafters pre-sented at the opera house toOtfor the benefit of a localOBttr te re two and was writtenDr U Miur a well known physicianAbout the word Mr Orlob hassome catchy which surprising In orchestration and generaltreatment it i much moreWell considered than the general run of

operas and tbe young composer whoconducted own was the

of an ovation He was twicepresented with handsome bouquets andwaa called better the curtain at the closeof the first act to bow his thanks ThecomIng of the whichto nights attracted a large andfashionable and the success ofthe opera scamp assured Mr Orlebs

rank in modern lightopfra writing and he has shown

not only as a composer but asa coaduetor-

JCMpSffiAJfT PKOTCXLondon May A well known Bom-

bay merchant prince Jamsetjee Tatedied today at Badnauheinx GermanyTate visited the United States In W2to secure American cooperatIon In theworking of his iron in India







U1I bow



















Bouts GfebeBrnocrat and eheirnian ofexecutive eosisttttee of the panic

David R Francis president of the ejt-frctiltJon welcomed jourBttlifttfi from all parts of the world te

Htonspeaker of the evening

wa next introduced John Hay aeoretaryof state wbo cam as the official repre-sentative of Prudent Roosevelt to attend the convention Secretary Hay wasgreeted with a salute of applause

speech was by A Menprofit correspondent of Le Figaro Parts

At the of the address SIPOttxranReld of London president-

of the was introducedChairmen King as the permanent pre

officer of the convention He wasvigorously applauded brieflyThe convention adjourned until tomorrowmorning




ITae principal










Butte Mont May 19 A OulbertsonMont dispatch save Kid Trailer

nwmber uf the famous Joue guitg foutlaws was taken prisoner by a deputy sheriff yesterday and is here hiaU Trailer is the man whom Jottes

rescued from deputies putting two ofthem to flight about three monthsJones was shortly afterwards in apitched battle

Henry now lender of theJones gang was given a bard run yesterday by Canadian mounted policewho caught him on their side of theline but he escaped after a runninglight The police believe Henry waswounded The deputies on the Ameri-can side have taken up iiitt trait

Cortez May 19 Whenirivkig to their home near Ariola flast night Mrs C W Herman+ and her son Frank Ingles were4 shot and killed by Marshal Hunt4 phreys who rode into town and4 surrendered himself to the sheriff 4Tit re h ul b t nuU Ls

the two families

i JOtJLamo




t44 Cob


t14p1 H




+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

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to the president w g In a carriagenearby and he with the aid of a negrocoachman who Wove a the courtterpart of the White buae liverytenderly lifted the pretended negro tothe fictitious carriage Theman simulating the president thenpassed his bat offering the negro a

tar ant ordered the carriage toive on The ineidea was witnessed

by a number of people including twocapitol poUcenea

Special Officer Jones of tile capitolpolice who witnessed the occurrencesaid that he wee standing on the eastentrance of the aenatcapitol when I paw

carriage aad lay down on tb-and directly in ftairt of me-He was a at Asstro SB ofMntustrel shorn and regular out-fit Another drove up andfrom it alighted a man dressed HkePresident Rooevett The latter helpedthe prostrate negro into MB carriageoffered him a cigar and tipped bia hatto the negro and then the e Tiage wasdriven

The disclosed thetact that the ices who participated Inthe episode belong tile lkfpesion They are believed to have left I

the city I







th1 with a

tIlarge tOgrs O t UP bh-mrbine the WfrIoa stU-1wcsrriggea said I








Attempt WiTh be 3fde ta l4Mata it bythe Tf S Ctrnfamr Taoaaua

May W The United Stateshero for Sao Francisco a roundaboutroute She will go tim to a locationbetween here Panama In aearch of anunknown island which has beenmany tfines

J D Hague f New York is on boardthe and will conduct the soundings He says he it probablethat the whiP which dlsared after leaving Hfto in August

was on this island Hehopes to find traces of this vessel andthinks it possible that there may stillbe some of her survivors on the Islandview waa Mr Hague toSecretary of the Navy Moody and heInduced to order theTacoma to in search of the IslandMr Hague avers that there is strong

of the existence of the islandand he thinks It probably ia habitableas was reported bygreaves In JW There era also

that the Levantwr ked there and that dM notfounder at sea Mr Hague has beenrunducttrut divert here H hasa spar which orlft d to Hawaiiin MI says lif uttfeves it belouaj-


Waahnatni May U The navy de-partment was advised by cable todayof the sailing of the battleship Wiscon-sin the flagship of Rear Admiral Cooper the Vicksburg and Alexander fromCavite for Hongkoug of the de-parture of the Frolic front Cavite toJoin the New Orleans at Chefoo thenearest neutral port to New Chuangoutside the zone of military operations

The Detroit is returning to Dominkan waters from Ouantanamo Thorcshe wtnt for coat and will visit PuertoPlata and Mmue UbHati

The Albany en route to Puget soundfrom the Asiatic station has left Guamfor Honolulu

Honolulucruiser Js to Start from






DeIlU1 Ift


to LuvanI














Special to The HeraldWashington May 19 As a result-

of the Dubois resolution adopted during the closing days of congress diKitniK postmaster general to as-certain and itpurt the names of polygainoup in Idaho tie resignation been received by tbe de-partment of L L Hatch of Franklinwho is said to be a polygamist Theivsisnatlon of Dora Clear postmaster-at Kexburg is expected to be forth

uiis in a short time










Bingham Con Was ITror in BetterCondition

Boston Slay IS President White ofthe Bingbam Consolidated has just returned trout Salt Lake and says thatthe companys prospects were never

r He says that the nm ary hasmilitun o its JK LVM tm-

i is lf r-

ir one time

tv The Itera1ISs tal


ats rv C I her U ti 1 seAUgtfn





Sultan of Norceti WHl Have ti-Py tht rUnsom-



Moroecov Majr 19 AnAmerican cttiaejj namfd l rdicuria

j and hi stepson a British subjectwere carried oft by th wH knownbandit FraisBouli and his fottowers lastHllKbt and win doubtless be held for aheavy ransom TJ captives werestaying Perdi rfs nrn er restdine only thi e iniie from Tangierwbea tile bandits attaclctd and capWed them

Perdlcarte is of origin but Isa cittaefi of the UnitedState He te very wejatthy and haaJived in Tangier for years Hetied an ngtob woman whose son ishis inr Foreigners are much excited by this

so near Tangier end attrib-ute it to the supineness of the govern-ment In faRIng to punish the banditswbaf last year captured Wajter B Haris the in J orocco of

tbe Condon and their failureto general law esaness-

Pomanrta at the BobberFrafesonli Mohammed El

Torres the representative at Tangierfor foreign affairs of the sultan ofMorocco that he reoniro Ute removalof the sultans troops from his districtthe removal of the governor of Tangierand the release of a number of im-prisoned bandits When these condi-tions are complied with Frataaoull willnotify Mohammed Bl Torrea of thecourse he proposes to pursue with thecaptives

Perdicaris had resided at Tangierwhore be is president of the hygieniccommission a number of yearsHe lived with Cromwell Varley hisstepson at a villa a short distancenorth of Tangier and was seated athis table when his family suddenlywag surrounded by a crowd of armedArabs followed by the famous briband Fraissouli who gave orders toseine Perdicaris and Variey At thesame time the bandit leader bandedto a domestic the letter for MohammedS3 Torrea notifying that functionary-of ba torma This letter wasmftted to Mohammed BI Torres after I

nUdpitfat M is understood that theMorooeaa authorities will accede to allthe demands of the brigand chief inorder to secure the release of the pris-oner

TwjaUy S ra StartFraiawniU who te abTeady more than

tw ty haws mare TangierI ptboitcia haoaaoaupced that

hwpoBC further conditions for







han captivity

eU tTime






11Iill 7






has railifled

mPeM Pe Li he is 1-







fftatea governments have begunnegotiations with FraisaouU and thatthey are asking French

to act for the protection of tieprisoners European residents expectthat France will send warships hereImmediately but ip consequence of tbeeffervescence of native feeling such astep would be likely to endanger Eu-ropeans lIt the interior of the country


andrace tbgtteelfttshvthe govern-



Unltod States Consul Insists ThatUte JUuiaom

Washington May 19 The state department has received the followingcablegram from United States ConsulGunmere dated at Tangier today

Mr Perdicaris a prominent Amer-ican citisen long A resident of Tangierand rich and well known and his step

Mr Varley n British subject werecarried off last night from their country three mites from Tangier

a large band of native brigandsheeded by FraiseouU the bandit whocarried off Mr Harris butt year MrPerdicaris house was broken intoabout 130 lat evening white the fam-ily wore In the drawing room and thetwo men were carried away

Mr Gummere and the British min-ister are acting with enapgy in thematter They have sent special car-rier to the court to Inform the sultansdeputy to comply with all requeststhey make in this matter and to insistthat the terms demanded by Fr teao H-

sba be granted in urder to obtain ther oaxe of tbe captive

Except for t e djffcrwi e thetecldcijt reported by 6r Dimmercompares to SOHC 1MHMa Wth therac Mliw EllcN Stone Vcbo WHkidnaped hj Bulgaria bandits eometime The d niade theMiitaiiby Mr GumJuerethat h pay

ransoiw mandd in this lastsaid tobe in apoprdJince with Ori

toprobably to save the livoa of toe capthe and it is not dow that

win find some means afterward-to capture the brigM da and recoverthe sum naid over

Acting Secretary lionoiig waa in tortcultation to ay with Captain Winstowof the navigition thedvspatf of a Hntt dv State warshipto Tangier to back Up th consuls

Tlvre number of Britishwithin a few nattf sailing

and it Is understand that ajB mr Gummere is cooperating with tHe Britishconsul wtt no h fitation onthe part of the British government Inhurrying i Brit sh warship to thescene

Although a lar i r ct ijjtf Americanwarships is en i ute tors is net a single Stateswar vessel there now

Warahip Will be SentWaehington May l 01 Uri

sent to Rtar Admiral liadv tk i

which he will vJirn iiiMend reaches Tenertffe Canary isl

nd directing him as soon as he arrive to coal one of his ships andsend it to Tangier

He has the Brooklyn aiul Atlanta amitwo gunboats either out the fonnvrbeing avaHablo f r stivut






Me-aeAt tom P






w tie









ft any



European tWp













Ia Xooriah TerritoryParis May 19 Tin French govern

ment ha not received a report of thecapture of Perfeardis and Varlpy bythe brigands near Tangier Th oftdais say that lurilitM Mmoverrun by bMgiids-mitted many depredation i jocean troops have been operatingagainst the brigands hut owing to theinsurrection and stu of anarchy N

istinfr the tionps ver u isui r sfiiIll HoIi V aplsbeen izittauthority inithf French nor sp nisu-juiuence being established Ithere






liftrf KRAAHut ee to

mil mt SURVIVE

FTBR trying to to atopmaddeoed Mrtsaatthreatening t OMT baweif

babe out of the vebtclam whichworn clinging for life JotICMth thing htent daughter clear of wfaetIle grotmdNot unlit tile horse had4 run sblocks the scene of tbe mact waa it aod nlargely throng Mrs JCeltba o

Kven before had hatto remove Lbs child which was uaciou when picked up to a pisafety its mother bad bastanedto minister to itBoth Mrs Kefth and the ancon

child were takes to Ail Hallowteg near Ute aaspe of the runwhere effort ade to resto

Katberlne As soon aisiWe mother arid daughter went

to the family home 3whose now

Niles Mrs Keith w un injureshe is suffering trout a severe nshock which the greaterthe fact that little Katherine sua probable concussion at the bnthe result of her fall to tile grou

The physicians are looking for t

Hou turn in the chtlda oondiiothough there is still Hear that imay form on the brain Owingfact that the child to but one yeage this would result fatally

Hm lalth Tail sHoryThe story of the occurrence as

by Mrs Keith followsI can think of only thing I ca

member nothing terror c

thought that my baby would bjured if she were to remain iibug y I hesitated a momentthen picking her up by tilehung as far beyond the swbuggy as I could and aad let thething drop to the paved roadway

The reins were hanging out rbuggy or I could have stoppedhone They worn finally thrownby a man who ran out in the nof the street and grabbed them adragged akmg tile ground

Mrs Keith accompanied bbrother Thomas Blyth end thehad been driving in the eastern cthe city They were returning tbefore S oclock yesterday aftwhen the horse which wasen by Blyth stumbled onboth street near Fifth Eastand fell to its knees Mr Blytthrow out of the awlSw

r BofsffT herise to his feet tbe animal had






m DOt1-






little girl

fedtIIt1eet both

care Of Des S F Rooti

i owr




Ithi j

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ow A1WAZaTnu4

A ViMwhich


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a takina its




down Seqpud Boot-h9npa CWld to T

For two lone blocks Mrs Keith IK-

ging her infant close to her side i i

desperate efforts to catch the iuwhich were dragging over the off ftThen when she saw that this wa mpossible she resolved to save at v C-

lever cost to herself the babys liftThe infant landed dear of the wt

Her life waa undoubtedly saved hfact that a heavy bonnet protected i

head She was picked up by wltntwho were about to remove her to MHallows college when Mrs Keith m

in hystericS reached the spotDr Keith the babys father w iti

seen last sight saidMrs Keith is resting easy and is n

injured save for the severe shock Thextent of the babys injuries cannot H

this time be stated The physicians i

attendance are giving ua every hope


Young ManThe presence of RInd of one mao

brought Main street to its feet lateterday afternoon in a rousing ovation

tte effect of driving theof the occasion to seek more eclu

The crowd came first to see and tcheer A runaway was the OPI r

unity given this man to show blunt ifThe horse pulling a light buggy c udashing up street from Sec niSouth towards the temple block be

was crowded at the jition of Main and First South streets t t ha crowd of women and children h

waa bound for this pointJust in front of The Herald

GUnK tamn sprang out trots the sidew kclimbed IB at the back reached the aand leaning out over the daehbo 1

grasped the rein and pulled the anon to Ha haunches within a v

f et of that crowded corner The rwas quick to see and appreciate A ha-crov batik along Main street hgreeted by rotunda of cheers and appli uby nearly a thousand person The ii n

f neither owner nor rescuer of thrig was ascertained



Trinidad Colo May If One t m-dred striking union coal miners horefused to be registered hy the i i

tary authorities of Las Animas couwhich i under martial lawbrought to this city today as mili

from the strikers anear They were forcemarch eighteen miles under cmescort As the county Jail ia airfull a bull pen will be cuostnirttwhich the strikers will be herdec

Major Zeph T Hill commandinmilitary forces decided on the tof registering alt the 3aw idle mthe county in consequence to a nuof firea that have occurred in th-cinlty of strikers camps

lican tiB B Btill fortreasmei-of thJ M x


crusourtOra lii-

M fi K Iigrin and J G Oliveregates to the nationalW Stone F S SmithK W Burke C H i


Colorado Spn yWord has been received In thithat 8 D Johnson a formeiknown lailrou m l hotel man

lean Ceairai iuiiruitd us










of RInd of a


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