chroniclingamerica.loc.gov0 . THE EVENING STAR PUBLISHFlT DULY. Eir*j»t SawUy, AT TMi SOAK...

. 0 THE EVENING STAR PUBLISHFlT DULY. Eir*j»t SawUy, AT TMi SOAK BUILDINGS, 1101 Prms«Tl»*ni» lr^ crrart 11th S'rwt Vf The ZTening Star Newspaper Company, S. H. KAtFTMASN, IVet'l Tr* r-n-^i^n 't.i «rr«d to «nb~Tih»i-» Ti th» «itr !,jr «rr»n, on ttwtr own an oant. «t 10 r*n'» per ir«-k. or ^*. i*r month. ('.>pw^ at ;h*» ¦ Tinter. *J ty uuu' tuynhm in !h» CmtxJ swan pn-paid..">0 crnts per month, din iuay (,'uw.rnr sheet Stu »l.Ui i«i. %ltli foretur. p<»t»ir» .dOart. »3 na If.nw^ at t h*< hwt Oftc* tt Wubuxtoll. D. 0.. M tKcju-t iftMoml m»t^r. j IT"*11 mail rohsrrlpiiona mn«t b* paid In advanc*. »c v«t«r ...nt Unm-r than paid for. !:»:». of ».lv»rT'«-'Tw bumW Vm>wn on »oi<Tv»»Wm. f be penim \ OL. 78, No. 18,059. WASHINGTON, D. C. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1891. TWO CEXT* FINANCIAL. S < A.t-AMfcKlCAX .,aso. l.WluS V* So- K. At th* firv isnul matins' of th* sbove asMx*iMtion. held January the 1st. the . on*ritution vii so iiuendw a* to in iii«t tt>»« %*n ?- |.» Sflitrwrin >w«u:* ri,'Htio at any meeting without the payment of ba»*k du*-«.'iwtiu:will I*held at Witthait's, g«y. February the5th. aft 9 o'clock p.m.. cor. 3d anJ Wil. WITTHAFT. P. YlERBl'CHEN. Pr<*»i< l*»nt Necr*»tary. >31 5t HF.Xh^ > i i MANN. Ti iff. CTATMFNT OF THE FINANCIAL CONDITION O of the Serial ttavn^sand Buildm* Association on the 5th of January, IHM1. AM*rw. Net amount due fr»>m 407 ariuree advan<~ed on $61,884 29 LIABILITIES. Dace fsld by stockholders on 2, r*4*\ a.iaree nut ho.din* a«l- yrmiw+rn 942.154 00 Adv*n< ed pay in* n* of <lw»-e I l.»*V» I t Premiau. act i u«o en suu« .. 4.5H7 40 $58,400 53 Surplus In Access of C per cent *:;.4S3 76 JNO. A. IKE>COlT, R. CAM! BELL, Secy, anil 1'reaa., I resident. i4t*» 1 it n w 517 kOtu at. n.w. . The kCOYe aia:e;u«*nt is <-crre- t: « s. firmin. WM. *AY»F.. oh), n. chase. I riatirr Committee. Stock In th*?«lth series can n-w b»- subscribed for and dues paid. $1 per snare. »i the office of the Jtcrs- tary an ttmiamr, I41t> k st n.w JNo. A. PREHCOTT. >31-131 Swt>-ur> and Treaaurer. GREAT ADVANCE IN WAGES. A OREAT INCREASE IN SALARIES. A BIG ADDITION IN YOl'R INCOME. WE WILL TELL YOU HOW. By payimr 95 n ontl.iy in*o the PERPETUAL BilLDlNts AN-SOCIAIIOX you increase your wa*es 92.50 per month. By payts* % .0 monthly y^u increase your salary $5 per ^Dth. By »ay .mr #20 month: y you Increase your pay $10 per i:.onth. By p«y*uir 950 monthly you increase your inccme §25 i-er month. Dy payinir f!00 monthTy yo* !n*ren?eycur revenue $"<> i^r moaili, and so on in proportion. ThJi !ii< r^nse in y ui w aires or in your monthly sal¬ ary is so ured to you without rcinr on a strike or wait- ir._ f.-r a ron.otion in the ut partmeuts. and with this ad ..tion»l advantage. tnat we save the money lor you nnai ine shares mature and you rec eive your savings a: ! the pronto as above si**ci&ed. all at one time, when they will do you the meat brood. r * 10O s;«e* lal payment to will friva 50 cents par | aoitli. t - $500special payment wa will iriTeyou 92.50per monri:. For 41.000 special payment we will jrive you 95 per month. *5,000 special jayment we will rive you 925 | per montu. For 910.01 0 special payment will lire you 950 p»r month. a'l payabte m< utl-.'y. During the nine jiarKtliat weluTf» b^u established wa have always pa. ' the principal cn deu.and Without re^uiriutf any notice. We are payinir our members5 per cent per annum on shares withdrawn. i*er rent per annum on special ¦M a:.d 13 fU i I . per annum 4m maturetl shi-res. Vi'e are now redeeuun«r our series at 12 PER CENT p»*r auii iiti and :n alar* h m-xt we shall betrin to r(d<our scvond aeries ol su*ret> at the SAME RATE of prviit. our present as?»«*t» are 9522.192.10; liabilities, 9453.- 4i>7. and our and interest fund ainounta to 9»X.7S5.14K Our receipts for tLep tst three months are9HS,- 07- ^3 and ol :-nth series ot sto>k, at art ed last No- Te:: %-r, there ha\e been 2,500 shares taken and on | that >».> series Alone there have b-?en paid 94*~>.(I00. We advance $150 tiu each tuare payment, 92 monthly. We tdrancc 9750 on Ave shares. payment, 910 | monthly. V. advance J1.050 on seven shares; payment. 914 monthly. We a<lrance $1,500 on ten shares; payment, 920 | monthly. We advance $3,000 ou twenty shares. payiusat. 940 nthly. Snares. 31 per month, can be taken at any time and n back due* required. Our new office is at 50011th fct. n.w., wl.ereoir regular ifi*^' n«n»are held onthe DW>A1 L FMN'» o: EACH MONTH. As will be se»n from the above exhib.t our buaineaa is | ha\ inx a very Iat*e anl healthy iner^ase. C. C. Dur.<-anson. Vr^%. I^ewis Abraham. Vice Pres. Frank O. Saiton. Tress. John Cook. be» reti*ry, Cnaa. F. Fen^imin. Attorney. aui 11th St. Room'JT). Corcoran bu: . Andrew Class. Win. II. oeoeji, A. M. Meeker. Charles Baum. Fred. W. Bfiiiitiifcnjx, Wm. P. Seville. C. B. Brookes, Chanes VV. »< heil and William H. > r. r- r-» >30-£t JNO. W. CORDON. JNO W. MACARTNEY. ai ember M. Y. Slock Ex. COR«OT A MACARTNEY. 9L0TU BUILDING, 1419 F ST. X.W., bankers and Dealers in Government iie>nd*. Depoetts. Eviianre. Loens. Co!le**tions. Fsilro^u stocks an«i l.oisia and ad se*-uriti«*a listed on the exc^amrva ol .V * lu», 1 uiiaUe Uia. Boston and Ba tin.ore u>u»rlit ani so.d. A sj-e> ialty ma<le oi investment wurities. District Bonos <uiu ail local Kauiuail, Uu. Insurant and Tele¬ phone -stock dealt jl Lt.. i«.ephone 9tock bought and sold. Jyl8 Asthma Asd Catarrh CUBED BY THE CIGARETTES ESPIC. Oppression PufTocatiii*. Conebs. Colds. Chest, Neu- rala-W. Ac. Fans J £&xTC. -0Rue >t. iazare. New Y ork FOUGARA. MILHAt. Sold by all Chemist» of ". n)l>-ly. lJtl.> Tama® a laxative rofreshimr, lruit lozenge, ?try agreeable to take for CONSTIPATION. hemorrhoids, bile. INDIES loesof appvtit^. mxtric tn^ intesiinal troubles and headache anamj; lroiu them. E. G R I L L O N. G R I LLO!t 17 Rue llambuteau. laris. ol5-mglm-lp Sold by all PruK'tflata. J. W. l5oTEl.EE & SoV UI OFfUtlXG luia, BASQCKT AND PARI.OR LAMI'3 . AT REDUCED FlUCES. i. W. BOTELEE k 805. >10- la Id IW. >i» Ihpubtant Det Cioods Notice. This is to inform my ceaSouiers and the public iren- erslly that irom toua> lor the n»-ai tuirt> d.i>» 1 will comment e my annuat diaex>unt ot lo i er cent on all amounts from 91 ash and upward on the luUowimr arooo* Ma. V®;v«t«, Pi>:sh**s. Henrietta iMotha, Ladi>^* Clotl s and Cttf»)uinra. Ca^hm^rta. Fl^n. Stnpe«l and F.nid Lreas Uwus, acvtou o:n.iiau.» and French Cwiuta, Glovee. aiery. Cambric Llgiar and In¬ sert .^ns. ««*-nt» . Ltei »-s' and Children's Underwear. I.u.i>reiiaa. Linen Dania»a, Napkina, Towe.a and Crash. «»^uta' Nerkw«»r. I-tundr1e<I and L*nlanndriedShirts. Hefttfiserc-hiefa in «-utt» n. liaen r.nd ailk, La..»< »' hhtWi* anil Jcrsrya, tlannela. Bl.^nketa. Be«l Co.u* forta an«i s/uii:». Aasm a lot of Oents* Cloths and Caswimeres at alA'iit La.? price to lut» t»o»en (lent* I.inrii Collar*, oid atyiea. at CM*- jer <:o/eu or es*h sold !roi * 91 5u to *:iad«.>rm A full lin«' of Ce»it«»n». tninc haiua. Hrcnlso anu - - ary paoiial lowest caeu vn ae. You cm aave n m-y by ouj*n^ your dry Aeo--i» ol llios J. LcT'lRfc-LL. )aJ6- *w -.-btli at. and Fbun. ave. Cheap! Cheaper! Cheapest* prices way i>own. As we bave de'rr:.. m-u to rnlar.-e <>ur place of bust- n«-i*-. the bmideea *r- nrmntf ua to l«t th*-m co;uuie«A*-e Work at "-ni*. in older to uo bo w«» will have t«» |«arti- tiou olf a*»oat oa»-tlUiii ol cur pre*»-nt n-ou; at.J move th« ifwooa into t».e i;t»;»-r part tL»> store, that will overcrowd us. lo avvid tnat we nave uetemdnedto ctit i nert mora than e vrr. :h* gooda must ^o. See our prKee _ Auaiioiua, or. a bott.e. Children's Yarn Htanis, worth from 25c. to 3.V. Now lUc. ."Med. ated R«l Tw.Ueil I1«unel worth Hoc. .new25c. Be*t Calico. Bi iss. B:a. ka. Purplesaui Lolors.omy jc. G»>d i aliro in remnants oniy Bleaeh^i and I nu.vmhwl ftheetiutf. 10-4 wide, 18c. B«et i ruit of the Loo:i« lJifw uml cotton <v*.. 1U4 B*«a» te-d fuwtia: 'At. iv at l>-4 bi -a» h*^i 22c. All Dr»ae tfuuuaat.oM or i*iow. Bo>a Windsor Ties or. >uM kiurf - aru, worth Mr. and :u-. mltmd to 5c- ahsua K. and U. v.oraeta 6y*-. Good Corset* Dr-*» Buttons «ios. All Kemnanta >ary c^ap. A lew i Alice .->V»rt Coals st cost. T. B. TOWNER A SON. jat* law *TM .-.r. A.n. WE VASE IMF. t'lGAK. VUC MAKE THE iici M. TIOE* C1TBAN A-The best Cw*r. 6a. Oscn. 5u per buiai>. A*k yoor tUm -r ».r t'aeui. LEOPOLD MILLER A HONK, 9K-U 14BChambers St.. N.k.. r SPECIAL NOTICES. - jX l MALLKK. i Arekltirt, 014 1 1th »t. n. w.. >Tt1 3d floor B«*r er 1*^' Hnlldtiy. ;o>\ cAKi-L.\ ri.K3' i a 1 >«>i» of L. A. 174H, K. OFL.arere- s»**« tiu ly reuur*ted to attend the n^xt rmUr rawt- in^. MoMjai ,*eo.¥. JM«1. b irucM ot vital impor- tan«.# to u.~ craft itt to fonte beloiu the meetiaw. By order of th» jr^-or> J HOWELL. CIVIL FNOlNEAR AND j « M*'hlt«t, has rtn orwl hs olh- es to National tnion building. U1S F at. n.w. i?»:*>- plione« ait. JallO-1 m* YOU WANT AN ABSOLUTELY PU1UL PC2 Cream of Tartar link lug Powder buy the .'I* ah nihil?* fl does not contain or aium. js31-fr I SOBT or CL01UE3 Are yon looktmr for? A low price does not always set ure an advan¬ tage to the buyer, as a rule ex¬ tremely low prices mmn* very poor mer hand1«e; that'a notour sort. We are selling rhrhtly made an 1 perfc-ctflttin* suits and over¬ coat* at a saving to you of from $2 to *5 on a i urchase. W hy not rail on us? OEORGL SPRANRT, C.NEH let CLOTHIER. H.T0 434 ?th at. B.W. APARTMENTS FOR OEXTT.EMF.X. The Albany. '.7th and H Ms. n.w. This huildimr. having a tuos: excellent position. np^nttv Metropolitan Club. :s now ouiplet*d. It has l>e*n carefully des'.«u**«l 4ii l c«.nstru« t**l in Hie l»e«;t manner. de> orated and « omple' ely tur¬ n's -il from s}H« ,a. dnviis by tile?. Hanson Hiss >i i kCo., heated by steam, supplied with e.evator ami electric lights and oilers accommodations hitfierto un¬ known >n ''ton. Rooms. includ¬ ing bath, from £1.00 to ijl,..*.*» per an- nuni. 1 or i«rmiss:on to insi>ect, Ac., apply to ADDISON A LARCOMB, >30-34* iJ04 F at n. w. YOU WANT AN ABSOLUTELY PL'HE .vlS* Cream of Tartar lia^inz Powder Luy the .*pai;ki<h " It does not contain am nutma or alum. Ja'll-fr IKTEKESTED IN CHRISTIAN 8CI- ence allng »re invited to call at 14-4 M. Y. itve.. room \io. Uiln e hours. D.MU to l'J :J0. Bible class Sunday at d. Talks Thursday evenings at a o'clock. ja7-lm* ^^^IMPOBTANT SUTICI GAS OOH8VMBM. A rrsnrements ha\ e l-een tuade lor the convenlence of frrson* living in the ?..stern and western sections of Le city by which they can pay their gas billsduring tanking hours at lHt NATIONAL CAPITAL BANK oh THE WEST END NATIONAL BANK. Bills paid or. or before the Mh of each month, AND THOhF. UN Li, will oe entitled to the discount of 'J5c per 1.0U0 cubic feet. o^'I-tr WASHINGTON OAS LIGHT COMPANY. »£UY YOUR COAL. COKE AND WOOD from the reliable firm of JOilN SON BROTH- i-lib, the moet extensive retail dealers in Uie coun¬ try. o4 FINANCIAL. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND iKl sr COMPANY. Temporary offices 1001 FSTREET NORTHWEST. Previous to erection of our new build¬ ing at the cornei of 0th and F sts. n.w. Capital. *l.fl(N>.00U l'ay» interest at 4 percent. 'A\ per cent. '.i per cent. Ii per «-ent. According to time of deposit. Interest paid on balances subject to cfeik. Execnteeaii trusts. Call or write :or int« r.i .ition. BRA1NAKD H. WABKEK. lT. -.dent. JOHN JOY EDSON. V we Wwuieni. WILLIAM B. hoBLsoN. Se« retary. WILLIAM B. GL Kh.LV. Treasurer. ja34-lm Security the first thocoht. FKuril ATTERWAiiDa 5 THE MERCHANTS* NATIONAL BANK OF FORT WORTH. TKXAS. As registrars and transfer agents offer at var% payable rO jer cent on application,:^ |>er cent in tiO and balam e in'JUda)1. tl.e entire issue »»f A!JUO.OOO 7 per cent preierred cumulative dividend stock of the FORT WORTH SECURITY AND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF FORT WORTH. TEXAS. Whose capital of $i"»OO.OCO is divided into fJ00.0007 I-er cent preierred « umulative dividend stock. f.'UJO.- UU> 0 per cent coition s.ock. i he entire issue com¬ mon stock having been taken by citizens ox Fort Worth st par. HOW DIVIDENDS WILL BE PAID. As this corporation, in addition to us other valuable, mostly inside, real estate, owns in the city of Tort Worth, jcX;a*, th»* two tinr-st commercial uuiluimrs south of st. Louis in the tutted States, known as the iluney Ottke buildinir ami the Martin-Brown Whole¬ sale Dry Goods buiiuimr, ioi which the charge for ren¬ tes is «:iU.'JilK unnuahy, it has been agreed by the «iirect< rs to set aside *14.000 lrom these rent ils, wliich can l»e nppiied on.y to the 7 |»er » ent u.viuemi on the I'JtV.OlU; and. further, that such preferred stock ahull hrat be paid in full out of the sss**ts of said corporation upou the uisso:u:ion th« reoi Leiore the » oaiiaon »tvx k shall be entit.ed to share in such assets. And it is fur¬ ther agreed that after the preferred stock hss been paid its 7 l*er ctnt di\ idend that from net earnings tiie com¬ mon stock is to receive ti per cent, and Horn the bal¬ ance of profits a dividend w paid on each the preierred and common ot li i>er ont. tuus making the i referre<l a 10 per cent and the common a 0 i>er rent sto< k. Ail earnings above sufficient to pay the altove dividends, whi« h will aiuoiint to (47.000 i-er annuii . is to 1* car¬ ried to surplus aixount lor a period of hve years, and at the expiration ot thut time the directors may divide it among the stockholders ol record as they may deem proper. It is expected that from the increased capital of (!£00.000 now otfer» d the corporation can earn from VlOO.OuO to ('iOO.OOO i-er annum, us it will place the company in s i>osith u to hniidie all bus«ueS8 offered to a minimum ol lrom $ 1,000.000 to (l.uOO.OOO wurth ol construction annually. OBJECTS OF THE COMPANY. The Fort Worth Security and Construction Company of Fort Worth. Texas, is duly incorporated under the laws of the state of Tex«s tor tLe purpoee of the erec¬ tion ol buildings and tue accumulation and lo*n of lands for tue purchase or real j loawrtj in cities, to^ns umt villages, and also lor the accumulation ana loan of money. HISTORY OF THE COMPANY. The Fort Worth Security and Construction Company of Fort Worth, lex., is an outtrrowth ol and succeeded the lort Worth Loan and Construction Company De¬ cember 31, IKjO, which was tue most suc«essim cor- poiat«on of us kind in the Southwest, on a «.apitai of &1UO.OUII. earned net inside of two iaars. It crvanized with *}100,' 4s>< m Feoruarv. H.M'. incTeasing same iroin earning alone to i'JU'.OOO in April. 1XW). and in De»ember, lSi«o. shows addi¬ tional surplus on c onservative valuation* of $1'J.*>,000. It is to push this Lus.uessto g..-at» r pioj-ortiona tuat tnis I'JOO.lK*) preferred I stock is now oflVred. '1 he pnenonienal net.earnings of this corporation show why conservative investors demtnding assured d:\idends are turning from RAILWAY TO INDUSTRIAL SECURITIES. Its rspital, invest «*i mostly in inside impn>ved prop¬ erty, whicn is cons^uitiy » in value, lonua a ...unent secur.ty for its udeiity anu for controlung the sale ol the best securities m ti.e state. As its oln- i-rs are among its largest stvakuo'.ders its alfatrs wni ret ei\e their un«iivide«i attention, it is not often that an investment be^rina »ucii a high rate of divi¬ dend. coupled witu absolute saiety, is offered to the public. ITS OENERAL BUSINESS. In addition to its construction department ft trans- acts a general fin «n« lal business. It dea.s in 'lexas se¬ curities lor Investors' trust,; uml and mstitutions. tur- lushes information aud tuagee exi*ert i**i>orts on the ]>ro(>erty of md:Mduals.r«ilw a> or otner corporations and pay* ta\es tor non-iesidents. EXAMINATION AND Ot ARAN TEE OF TITLES. Titles to 'lexas real estate and mortgages thoroughly exam.n. d and insttml, tue i barge of wuich will be n.ade known »*lore work isi>egun. I he option is reserved to sut-** ribers to pay in full on application or on the date of any installment Interest at tue rate c.f i** cent per snntnu will be aiicwed on >u> h pn pa., men?*. lb. lurther parti u.ars audress the MERCHANTS* NATIONAl. bA.NK or till- loKT WoK'lH SE- I I Kin AND CONorRtCTION COMPANY. Fort Worth. 1>xas. Treasurer, THOMAS J. Ht'RLLY. Presnient. Jul 0-7tAsstAmount Eqt JUITABI E COOI'ERATIVE bl lLDI.Nu A830C1ATI0H, "KyLlIABLK B11LBIN0." 10UJ F ST. Awrtatl.UoJiOKSX. OfBce hours from 9 a.m. to 4.H0 p.m. dally. On the first W ednesday in sach month the office will be c|*n lrom 6 to S o'clock p. m. Advances will be made i romptly at 7 o'clock. TOO Mil issue ot stock aa oi«n ua mlisnitioa Ham ¦» #2.30 jut month. tl.UUU«dTwrwlo<iMcli>har» r.mrhl.t..ii tb. ob>ct. ttd idoutaiMol IL. AMcuuot an iuraul:<Ml ui«. application. THOMAS ¦OSUVlLUt. IMI JOHTf JOY EDBOX. MmcT. ml Lewis a. TEWKSBCBY. W. B. HIBBS. Hula. 60 BruMiw.j, X T. Muumr. rW. LTWIB O. TEWK8BCST * CO.. BANKEIU AND BBOKKBS. 1S3T. ' ST.. WAKHJ*0T03. D.C.. Bnr umI »I1 for ruhor am wrylatuook*. rmh oratii. hoTrttuu and Otl. Innct vnT.iv Wtrr. to Xt* York ul QtaN> IktWOM tlloWKi oa <Wtx>MU. Om-ut-tomn LrtuUkM . _ . All 1 mi aK«itm i SPECIAL NOTICES. HOUSE SF.EKKRS. Wei-HQ offer that handsome residence, rorwrof Maple »tp. und L*nh at., l* Droit Park (cor. T and ."»th *ts. n.w.). at a iijrure ifrest y below its market v^tue. It raitainl 10 rooms. hf»s l*r*e nqunre hall and spacious rooms and all modern improvements. The lot fronts.*0 ieet on Maple ave. and 113 f*t on Larch st. Tins la ons of the finest Properties in tns Ck and remarkably cheap at $9,000. y t«rnis. For permit to inspect apply ate nice of BARNES k WEAVER, jaji-ut r8Fn.Lt. tfc--iijAMEKICAN FHATKItNAL CIRCLE PAYS .CSTjI.OOrt in three payments. three, f»Te *nd iev»n yearn; ?"."» per week for sickness or diaabllity. For farther inloriuation a^ MrKDHEIM. Ja31-"Jt* Office.N.E. ror «f Hth and E sts. n.w. ^4tt«ktTon knights of labor. TRADE I'MOMS IS, CITIZENS; aU.1 ANCe AND FUENIM of '1HE LIQH?-HOUfc MOVEMENT' A mass meetin* will l»e held at Grand Army Hall TUESDAY. February .1. lf»l, at, 30 p.m., under the auspices of the Federation of Labor and D. A. IW, K. of L.. tor the purpose of oreimr the paasjure of H. U. Ml' No. 1C91 (known *s the eurht-honr bill), now on the Senate calendar. All interested io ascurin* a rs- dartkm ol the boors of labor cm forward this move¬ ment by their attonrtance. Hon. ^ .J. (onnell of Ne- hriaka (tlie author of the bill). Ralph lJeaumont. an. rotary of the Citizens' Allien e, and E. V.. Oyster will address the uie*tm*. ^Heuaturs, ^ five* invited. E. M. BLAKE, Chairman Sub* ommittee. i V^MlcHTflAN UNIVERSITY ALUMNI AND other* at any time connected with Said lusti- tution and not now on the hat of the Washington aa- soc.ation ol tbe I . ot M. are A?»SV. oliSil JU'i addresses to R. s. .OOD^Alil), Oflc, Coast sml Oe.xietic purvey. city. j^- ~COMI.NO. AFTER A LONG ABSENCE. Ss^ST^ "Mrs. Jarley." Masonic 1U11. lebruary (s «hii in. Tickets. -'5 cunts, bring along your best smiles. Ja3i-t» _~-,A MEETING OF ALBERT PIKE COS-j sistory. No. 1. jJ.R.s., will be held Inthe Scottish Kite Cathedral on MONDAY. February ~. at 7 o'clock p.m. Work: 31st decree. By order ol the \ enerable Master of the K.: 1 ROBERT BALL. XM Iwrm. )a31-2t Registrar. ^-^-jREAD CAREFULLY. Hundreds of csns of a Iwikinfr powder. largely ad¬ vertise! as ti-inr aoeolutely pnre. have tieen returnM hrC«»NRUMEKS»a I N> IT IOR U»E. being lull of CARBON ATE of AMMONIA. Consumers who want the ' 'BEST" should use "THE FARRISH BAKING POWDER," It liein* composed eicinsively of HIGHEST TEST cream ol tart:ir, bicarbonate of M-*la "U'la small per- rentage of starv-li, sclent .gaily combined. Does n<* contain AMMONIA, ALUM or IMPURI1IES ol ANY K(to!d" on'y in csns by all KTOcers, every can furan teed lull weight and strength. jaai-tr ^ CTTv von want "an absolutely plre »0*~creanj of Tartar BakinK Powder buy the "PAllhlsH." _ . It does not contain ammonia vr altm. Ja31-tr_ S^SZl~HAVE'"THIS DAY RECEIVED FROM the Order ot American Fraternal Urirle the auui of one h'tnared and fllty dollars (floO), ®»* weeka'benent lor diaabidty by accident. I desire to acknowleuye and return my thanks for the prompt set- tlement. ALEX. KAUFMAN. Ja.'il 'it* SftjSth st. n.w *r>ai>r' W.LMerrUl has moved his den'sl office TltTllth at. n.w. JaV.1>-llu ®-^>Fo"R RKNT-A DEMRABLE STOKE. 1^*' rrH STREET N.W., AT TERMINI'S OF CABLE ROAD. Tlie lo< ation of tt,c new base ball park Juat north 01 this iToperty Increases ^ts l.nslnewi advantages. '1 hr»*«' living rooms and bath on second floor. iTics reasonable. TH08. 1. FISHER k CO.. 111^4F st. n.w. SBUY REMINGTON TYPE¬ WRITERS. BEST LINEN PAPER AND ALL OTHER SUPPLIES FOR TYPE¬ WRITER OF WYCKOFF, SEAMAN8 k BENEDICT. PROI RIETORS. COB. 8TH AND F STS. N.W. f-^aDOTOTJ Ride, drive or keep a hone? Then you use a Carriage; may need A new one. If you don't yon may want a Harness. Lap Robe. Whip or "imutkina" tor your stable. We have everything belonging to tha moat complete outfit. ANDREW J. JOYCE'S SONS. »28-lm iaa> and 1000 Conn. are. |^j>Ttl GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES! 1 will sell you anything in the line of FINE WATCHES, DIAMONDS and FINE JEWELRY on small Vi ELKLY or MONTHLY jiayments. give yon IMMEDIATE POSSESSION at time of purchase. A. L. SALTZSTEIN. JR., Jeweler, a05 ?th St. n.w. Order* by mall will receive immediate attention. Ja^7-;>ui i>TO ThE PUBLIC. The ae. ret ot oi^Uinlnar the host results from Mfuruiif your ishi rt* is to order tuem in wiuter, when additional waruath is noeued end they will thus prove an ami "Able *arment lor summer, so place your order now with p T HALL> Shirt Maker. liOH F st. n. v. Factory on premise*. j*2!-!" i""~^TUE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE a. sioi khoiuers ol the Arlington Hre Insurance i oixipuny lor the District of Coluuibia tor the election ot nine aiructors to wrve lor the ensuin* ysar wil* be held at the ofli. e oi the company, loO.» Fennsyivania ave. n.w., TUEHDAY, February^. 1101. Poilaopen .M*4nim;°"'ti;ii:XNK T. RAWLINGS. Se,retary. j^-^^THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND Trust Company pays interest on current tmiancea auuject to cneck. Capital #1,000,000. Temporaly offices. No. 1001 F st. n.w. brainard h. Warner. jatM-lmo President. ^ ^1H YOUR PRPITED MATTtB LOW? a>. y It so consul hue before p.acinv your next onier. It wi 1H to your advantage it icood work at satisfactory rates inter- ®*U1°U' BYRON S. ADAMS. nq-jm 61211thst. n.w. STORAGE WAREHOUSE. AMkUlCAN SECURITY AND TRC8T COMPANY. Telephone, 4U1. 1140 16th St. n.w. BUILDING ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. Safe Htonure for Furniture, Silver War., Planoe, Workaot Art. Paintings. Carnages. Wuies. lrunkaof Valuables. Clothing, kc. . *umiturv. China, fee., packed, moved and shipped. jAU. PERSONS HAVING GOODS ON De¬ posit with H. K. FULTON a. a. lubiun (the only licensed pawnbroker! upon which interee* Is mouths or more are hereby notified to re- tleeui tne some or lay up the interest oeloivp > 1 UR.V* AKl X lblil. or the goods wiU Lc so d at auction. Mli>-ljf h. k. FLUON. ROYAL riRB ISHL'HA SCK COMPA NT OF UVKRPOOL. KXULASU. Rents I neural. HILL fe JOHNSTON. AGENTS, Jsl6-lm ljOi Penna. ave. n.w. »-- ¦^NOTICE IS UKREBY GIVEN THATA SZ~^. meeting of the stockholders of the United etat.a Capitol Lue Insurance c'omiwny'. pursuant to a petition and order tberetor. will b. liSd at the houM uthce ot aaid «*ompany, No. <0 Atlantic build inf. W aah- l^^.LMJ.ron the SECOND DAI OFITKCTIjaRY. lwl, to diminish the amount of the cspital stork ot said company and take such action iu reierem-e n to as is by law requind and to transact such other tnees as may be lawlully and ptwperly brought be- |CDM*1VtwSSiw^on.D.C.. January 2. 1SBL p. B. LEST1 fliA" * DURWARD B. LESTER. 1 JKO. B. SAYRE. Secretsry. imi-ta ..ft-nTOM-MAPIC KH1RTS. . WITH OUR increased is. Ultlee in this llepartn.snt we ". ^"*Anr«^Sr* S£S?5 st men's f WOODWARD * LOTHROP. SPECIAL NOTICES. MIi8. BESHIt STARK KEEKER WILL speak in naybemrh Hal!. 1«3U 14th st. n.w., TONIGHT, under the auspices of Wu'i lx»d*re, No. 4, I.O.O.'f. Public Installation of officers. Sister lodges and the public rsneraliy invited to present. it* Af-^^MITHKAS L01K4-: OF PBHFKCTI' »N will meet in rerular session nt the <-atbe<lral of the Scottish Rite on TliESDAi, Feb. 3, at 7 p.m. V* ork,14th decree. ie^-'Jt A. H. HOLT, 32d Deyree Secretary. i^^PiPERHANOERl ALL JOURNEYMAN hamrers tn Uie city «r* requested to att< nd s|»ecfiwopen luee in* 1 H U h* b A ¥. J eb. 6. Objeitof lormimr « Brotherhood of Pap<*rhaii"--rs and Decorat¬ or*. Committee: H. KNOTT, L. 8CEU. fe^t' t^>BY A RESOLUTION OF THE MOUNT Carina! Baptist Church 8. G. Lampkins was paid Ui fall and is no lonirer pastor of naid church. It* mr*T^S*QO~ AND HEAR MB8~BEH8IE_8TAR Claltau-rh's Hall. ItiJO 14th St. n. w., THIS EVENING. Public installation of Wash- imrtou lodre offlceis, I. O. G. T. it W. 8. ROWLEY, Chairman. >NOTICE TO TAX PAYEKK OF ALEXAN- dria county. Vs. For the )>urpose of accom¬ modating those i*erson* who dt> not reside in the county, I wiJi lie at ti»e reai estate ollice of James E. Clements. l.'Wl F st. n.w., on the ItiTH DA\ OF E> EHY MONTH until August,froui 12 3 o'clock p.m.. to receive such taxes, i'he new law r*quir**s prompt payment or land will be returned delinquent ami void. Notice is herein given that a.l de muueitt Uxee be paid without delay. W. C. WlB!i»T, Trrse- urer of Alexandla county-. fs-'&s '-ui sul AT A REDUCED PRICE. The owner of thst desirable prop¬ erty at the northeast corner of Lith and N ats. is willing to sail at a re¬ duced figure. There is a two-siury brick house now on the lot, ti.e latter being1 'ilixTfiji feet. The location and dimensions of this property commend it to the attention of those seeking* THOS. J. FISHER k CO., It i;r>4 F st. n.w. ^^>FEBRITAKY 1. 1WL HAVING SEVERED my official connection with Columbia Hos¬ pital my friends and i>ati«us may hn.l me at my ofli.-e and residence, No L«4 MHhs.a.:husetts ave. n. w. P. J. MUuPHY. to.i>. Office Lota's. 8 to li a.m. ,4 to tip. m. leg-tit* Of^^DR. C. W. RICHARDSON .CSfc Has Removed his office to fe-lw 11U2 Lst.n.w. THOMAS P. MORGAN, JR.. LIFE IN- PCS sura nee expert, otters ladles or gentlemen a lKJlicy secured by asse s oi * I4l>,000,000. i'o i< ies payable at death or literal cash settlements at 10. 15 or *4) years. Orders solicited lor $1,000 to $100,000, which should be addressed to me, care city post oilice. faiM in if WASHINGTON. FEBRUARY 2, 1«>1. ^he copartnership heretoiore existing be¬ tween J. D. SIMPSON and J. T. MULHALL is this day dissolved. 1 will not be responsible tor any deots contracted by J. T. Mulhail in the firm's name atter tills date. U'-M-'f) J. I). SIMPSON. FEBRUARY FLY EE. UNLAUNDERED SHIRTS, Utlca Nonpareil Muslin 1,«U0 LIKEN. Doable back. Continuous laclnro. 75c. each-tj (or 44. e. E. k J. E. ROSENTHAL, Men', Furnishings, Hats, One price. Us'«» Kfci F nt. The irrather it Itkt'v to b4 cooler; fair utulhtr; variubteu-tiiu*. WHY SHOULD YOU ¦ continue to pay V0 per rent more than a tbluir is worth Just because yon ran (fet a few months' credit? smart, brainy men never make thr.t mistake. They pay cash every time w!ien tbey ran save that much money. They pay ua CASH 91.15 for Lumber ami save the difference between that and 91.3a. LlfiBEY, BITTINGER k MILLER, BUILDING MATERIAL, fe2; , titb at. and New York ave. if^^oDlt. T. E. McARULE HAS REMOVED TO _ Tail CONNECTICUT AVJL Talaphone. JS0 fe2-lm' DESIRE TO INFORM 1HE l'UBUC tliat ail the baker, employed bj u. are rneiu- i»ere of lie llakera' Union. No. li*. Intel national Union of America. feg-at* CONNECTICUT PIE COMPANY. it.V_-s,IN THK SUPREME t#»URT OF THE DlS- TKICT OF COLUMBIA. iatru K Breanaban vm. Elliabetu (x ljiiart et al.. No. i-.g. Doi*. .10 Tbla f«u»f la in, reierrni to me to mate the dlatribn- tii.n ol the pro* eida oi aa;e of the real - atate o. which Jol.n Hresn than, .'.eoe died ikjs-#»«»h1, notc-e i, liere0> *fi\>-n I ahall priweed to execute tiie aald order of referen e on W EUSESDA V, tlie llth day or 1 e! ruary. 1KHI, at 1M in., at uiy offi. e. in tiie Umte>l State* Court House, \\as..inu*ti n. I».C. Creditora and otiier parties mieivated tn the aaid estate ana dia'.rli.lltion ale Untilleu to present toelr claims -Hi' vouciieta. or proof oi the same, at Hie said place and tune, or h.e their claims with me betut« the fcaid date. «ey<lt J AS. O. PAYNE, Auditor. tf*-^a,THE FISCHER PIANC>-KKND FOR .CE, pamphlet, containing tiir.-e butiilnd ref¬ erences in WashltlKtoU. SAMlUlS tL sTRAl MAN. MH > .t^ n.w. feii-tjt g-^aVEBY PRETTY BUILDING LOTS. On the aonth side of C st. bet. llth and 12tb «ta. n.e. we offer four lota, 15x100 each to alley, on irrade, aewer and water at. a bargain. For price and particular, call at office 8WORMSTEDT k BRADLEY, It 927 F It. n.w. r^ WASHINOTON. D.C.. JAN. 30. 1*01. 'Ao wtiom it may concern: The firm of Pitney k Shannon, composed of Albert L. Pitney and Jaiuea Shannon, was dissolved by mil- tual consent on the °.lAh day or January, lHtil. Mr. Pitney assumes ail the onii^rationsot the firm, and he alon-' is entitled to receive ana receipt lor all moneya due the llrui. ALBERT L. PITNEY. * JAMES SHANNON, Ja31 -St* Hardware Store. 4'JH and 4.11 loth at n.w. » WALTERS' OALLEU1U. Baltimore, Will be open to the public for the benrflt of the poor all the Weuneadays ol February, March and Apnl: also all the ria.uruaya of April, Easter Monday and «3a ol Februar)'. TICKETS AT HARRIS k SHAKER'S 1113 I'ennaylvania avenue, AND MT. VERNON HOTEL, BALTIMORE. Ja31-3t at-^^SOBTH AMERICAN ENDOWMENT AS- so.-ist«s -Attend meeting FEBRUARY 'J at , p.m. From »..00 to *o.U00 in o years. Hall of 1«3 r at. n. w. J^tl-it* SPECIAL BABOA1N is offered In No. IK-MOthet. n.w., new anil very flnely finished 11-room Lrlt k. lurmu-ehiat an-1 tiist-ciass In every re¬ spect ; ke> s at our office. For price and terms call on ... WRIGHT k STOCKETT. *».* 810 F at. >.w. SPECIAL ATTENTION Or buyers ^eeklmr homes or for Invest¬ ment la called to two new b-rooui brlcka. Noa. uoti-dll Mass. ave. n.e.; choice lo¬ cation ; finest workmanship and must be .t>'U<o be kPi rwiated. iTice on.y 9 < ,000 each. Keys at our office. _ WRIGHT k 81VCKETT. )*30-3t B10 k st. B.W. je-^js»ho;iici. nrui of V( 'vorAUt"who Indebted to the late fiiTTtyW HAAS are requeated to aett.e their billa before Uliw put In the bands ol a coilei'tur. By order of O. E. DPFFY. Assignee. IV1??;.1', BARTLETT HILLS, DENTIST: Aitlflcial teeth ineerted immediately after eauaction of teeth and special attention given to cor- rectlnif children's teeth. 1331 F st. n.w" ulO-^m* ,WH0 IS YOUR IjAUNDRYMANP TOLMAN STEAM LACMDBY. 401 to 4M*Cst. n. w. Quick Work without extra chalve. Try our plan. A postal iruui you will Lrtn* one ot our wawna to your door. pL«. ,fA DITFTCPLT MATTPk . TO cravti« of the bettor class. Oo? n*Oiy engraved cards ni and superior printing mad. tbraoch- <m' * UEDNEY k BOBEXTS, Waahingtu New8 and Gossip, lades to AdnrtlmMh. AKT78EMEXTS. Pan* ATTORSKY8 g AUCTION SALES Pun 0 BICYCLES '"Pw*fl BOAI.DINO * ".* Pu#*" BUSINESS CHANCES Pom .. CITY 1TKM8 ^ COUNTRY KEAL mAl^'."","'.'" Pa^r 2 DEATHS 5 DENTISTRY 7 EDUCATIONAL Pan 7 EXCURSIONS, he... Pin 8 FAMILY SUPPLIES.. ! pair. 7 FINANCIAL For RENT (Offlm) Pan 2 For RENT (Rooms).... Pan 2 FOR RENT ISUblM) . Pair* 2 FOIi RENT (Htorps) Pan 'I FOR RENT (Housm) Pan 2 FOR SALE (Uuum) Pan 2 FOR SALE (Lota) Pan 3 FOR SALE (Ml* allantoua) Pan 3 OENTI EMEVB GOODS ran (I HOTEIJJ LADIES' GOODS p«n 7 LEC1 URES . Pan 8 LOCAL MENTION ' V Pa«» * LOST AND FOUND Pun" MANICURE Pan « marriages 1.. fi MEDICAL ... ^ . MISCELLANEOUS Pan 5 To i-oan .....u.:"*.*:::::pan2 NOTARIK8 PUBLIC... Pan2 POTOMAC RIVER BOATS'." *" Pan7 PIANOS AND OHOAN 8 ..."."...Pan 6 PERSONAL rti nteiis ;;;;;;; .; Pz; i PROFESSIONAL ' pan 7 PIK 'POSAI.8 pj, o HAILUOADS PZ-7 SPECIALTIES -'¦ ¦¦****"** """p.-.fl SUBURBAN PROPERTY .'.".*.""".'."."""1* . .Pan 2 wanted (Help) Pan2 W ANTED(Ilouaea) Pan 2 WANTED (Looms) Pajre 2 WANTED (SiiuatKina) Pa>r« 2 WANTl.D (Miareilaneoua)............ Pan *' WINTER RESORTS.... pan a WOOD AND COAL. ~.\\7"."Pawn 7 8TILL INCREASING. The average sworn circulation of Th* 8tab for last week wax 34,768. The detailed statement appears be¬ low. These figures talk for themselves. Statement of the circulation of Tut Btivinq Stab for the week ending January 31,1891: MONDAY, January 28, 1891. S3,044 TUESDAY, January 81, ia»l 33,671 WEDNESDAY, January 88,189L 33,838 THURSDAY, January 89. ls»L 33.842 FRIDAY, January so, 1891 34,021 SATURDAY, January 31, 1891 39,078 ToU1 808,014 Dally average 34,769 Corresponding week 1S90 32,604 I solemnly swear that the above ts a true and correct statement ot the circulation of TnE Even¬ ing Stab for the week ending January si, I9»l. FRANK a NOYKS, Treasurer Evening Star Newspaper Co. Subscribed and sworn to before me this second day of February, A.D. 189:. JOHN T. & CLARK, Notary Public. A Pardon b* th* Pbemdest..The President lias granted a pardon to Joseph West of Pennsylvania, sentenced to two years' hard labor for stealing government property. Personal..Admiral Jouett is improving slowly. With the return of clear weather he hopes soon to get out and enjoy the fresh air. United States District Attorney Rathbone Gardner, Mr. It. Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Gardner of Rhode Island and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Smith of Philadelphia are at the Arno. W. W. Lockwood of Detroit, Mrs. Bessie Keeferof Toronto, Canada. E. A. Miller, of War¬ saw, N. Y., and 0. C. Walheim of Frederick, Md., are at the Fredonia. Simon Straus of New York, George Abbott of Alabama, H. W. Epping of Columbus. Ga., and A. B. McEachin of Tuscaloosa, Ala., are at the Metropolitan. ('apt. W. H. Ralls and Capt. Thus. Hackctt of Detroit, P. F. Baker of Buffalo and William Buckles of Xenia, Ohio, are at the National. .;-C. Ktowell of Boston, A. C. Ellethrop of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. M. Douglas of Phila¬ delphia. E. W. Russell of Richmond, 8. N. Ful¬ ler of Pittsfiold, Mass., 8. Ash ton of New York, H. T. Peck of Ohio and A. Fogg of Camden, N. J., are at the St. James. Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses have been issued by the clerk of the court to the following: John Huff Dorian and Annie Gertrude Williams; Al¬ fred Hawkins and Ida Steelyard; John Dodson and Mary Sothron; John H. Simmons and Mary F.<Meredith: Chits. It. Humphreys and Marv A. Norris. both of Alexandria, Va.; W. B. Norwood and Fannie L. Priddy, both of Albemarle county, Va.: Henry L. Ragland of Richmond, Va., and Frances C. O'Hare; Fred Heller and Emma L. Schrieber. Real Estate Matters. F. Barbour has bought for <30,000 of L. H. Beynon, lots 25 and 27, square 801, 138V by ISO feet on 4th between M and N streets, and lot 2 and part 3. square south of 825, 194 feet 9 inches by 105 feet 1 inch on 4th and M streets southwest. James Dudlev Morgan has purchased of John Hay. for t9,727..e.0, part 13. square 109, 22 feet 9 inches by 82 feet on K between 16th and 16th streets northwest. Sadie G. Kama has bought for $10,000 of J. g,nb u- .qnare 922, 16* feet front on North Carolina avenue between 8th and 9th streets southeast. Virginia P. Harris has purchased for 94,550 of A. Diltz et al. hubs 87 and 88, square 133, 40 by 90, on Riggs street between 16th and 19th streets northwest Gas Light Company's Election. The stockholders of the Washington Gas Light Company today elected directors as fol¬ lows: George A. McUhenny, John C. Bullitt, VVm. B. Webb, W. R. Riley and James W.Orme. Officers were elected as follows: President George A. Mcllhenny; secretary, Charles B.' Bailey; treasurer. John C. Poor; assistant sec¬ retary, Wm. B. Orme. m Inqnlring Abont Mrs. Flatten* Death. Inspector Swindells today reoeived a letter from Trinidad, CoL, asking for information concerning the suicide of Mrs. Mary Fisher, who shot herself at the Belvedere Hotel about ten days ago, and he mailed in reply a copy of The Stab containing an aocount of the sad ending of the young woman's life. "Hie pistol used on that occasion was today turned over to Mrs. OKeefe, mother of the dead woman, who is to return home in a day or two. Claims to Have Bus in.lail Falsely. Laura O'Hare today, by Meesra. Morris and Hamilton, entered «uit against Woodward k Lothrop, G. F. Hendricks and Chas. E. Flinder for $20,000 Jor false arrest Ac. She states that on January 30 she, with her sister Fannie, was in Woodward * Lothrop's store, 11th and F streets, waiting for the paekagee purchased by her when the defendant FUader assaulted and publicly charged her with having stolen a diamond and napkin ring and with having reoeived them and other articles alleged to have been stolen; that Flinder and Hen¬ dricks, acting under the orders of the other defendant laid hands upon her, forced her in a private room and as.ullad and took bm pocket book froat her fased for two hours to permit h cate with her friends, Ac. Fannie O'Hare, by the sa (Use a similar suit for a like PEACEFULLY AT REST. Obsequies Over the Remains of the Late Secretary Windom. SOLEMN RELIGIOUS SERVICES. The Church of the Covenant Crowded With Distinguished Mourner*.l>r Hatullu'a lm- prniln Address.Scenes at the Roue and at the Cemetery.Many Floral Tribute*. AH day yesterday the body of the late Sec¬ retary of the Treasury lay in state in the hushed and silent mansion. Mr. Wm. P. Windom, the dead Secretary ¦ tort, who wa« in Baton Rouge, 11 the time of his father's death, also arrived here yester¬ day. Mr. Windom waa traveling in the south for the benefit of his heakh. He Rooms to have improved somevhat, although it waa evident from his appearance that his father s death has very sorely affected him. Since he has been south his little daughter died and he suffers, therefore, a double afflic¬ tion. Mrs. Garfield and her son also arrived yesterday and attended the funeral una morn¬ ing. ? LARGE 5rXPEl OF CALLIRi. There have been a large number of callers, and all who desired to do so were permitted to view the body of the dead Secretary. Among these callers were the President .ind Mrs. Har¬ rison, Secretary Tracy, Postmaster General Wanamaker and Justice Field. Poatmanter General WimfW ha* ^eon * busy man ever since the first uews of the sad occurrence reached this city, for all the ar¬ rangements have talien upon him and be lias been in constant attendance at the stricken household day and night. Yesterday the following prominent citizens 01 New York came over to attend the funeral, rep¬ resenting the Dniou League Club: Messrs. Joel B. Erhardt, Cornelius N. Bosh, Jesse Seligmaa, H. O. Ai mour, Dorman B. Eaton, M. W. C ""I*1- William Dowd, Benjamin Brewster, Charles Watrous, Se.h M. Milliken, Logan C. Murray, Horace Porter, H. L. Horton, James B. t olgate, T. C. Train, Homer Lee and W. L. Strong. EVIDENCES OF MOURNING. Today the entire community seemed to be in mourning; the flags on the executive depart¬ ments drooped at half mast about their staffs; the treasury building, the scene of the Secretary's greatest achievements, and all its bureaus heavily draped in mourning rendered the scene about the city decidedly impressive. The Navy Department shrouded in mourning for George Lancrolt, late Secretary of the Navy, and the Department of Justice diaped in mourning for the late At¬ torney General Deveint added to the solemnity of the occasion. . . .. Early this morning the crowd began to gather around the hoiae of the late Secretary on Mas¬ sachusetts avenue, and a large number ol friends of the family availed themselves of the opportunity of taking a last look at bis re¬ mains, between 8 and 11 o'clock, the hours set apart for that purpose. I.OOKISO CPOS THE PIAD SECHETAUT. It had been intended to admit only the friends of the family and prominent officials to the house this morning, but this plan was abandoned and all who wished were admitted. For several hours there was a constant stream of visitois moving in and out. ma<le up of all classes of people. There was in this long line a noticeable number of oolored i*oi>le and poor people, who seemed to realize lhat they had lost a friend when the Secretary died. The bodv lay in the open casket in the front drawing room with the head toward the north. The windows were partially open, letting in a little of the clear light of dav-from the outside. This gave even more of a lifelike appearance to the calm and placid face of the great finan¬ cier who lay there, free at last and resting from all the care# and worries of this mortal life. Many of the clerks in the treasury called to take a last look at the face of their chief, who had been so popular with all of them, high and low. There were tears in the eyes of many ox them, for it is not often that a government othcial is as popular as waa Secretary Windom. FRAttRANT TRIBUTES OF RESlEeT. The room in which the body lay was filled with beautiful floral offerings. Around the edge of the cloth-covered casket ran a rope of violets, a tribute from the younger danghter of the Secretary, and at the foot lay a beautiful spray of rare palm leaves, placed there bv Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brown. Pres¬ ident and Mrs. Harrison sent a mag¬ nificent WTeath of violets and lilies of the valley with a sheaf of wheat. This was also placed upon the coffin when it was taken to the church. Senator Evartssenta sorav of palm leaves and orchids; Mr. t'haa. Hendley. Mr. Windom s private secretory, a rope of violets; ex-Senator and Mrs. H. G. Davis of West Virginia, a large wreath of ro*en and lilies of ihe ralley encircling a photograph of the dead Secretary. The Union League of Minneapolis sent a floral anchor and cross, and Plate Printers' Assembly, No. 3S37, of this citv, sent a pillow of roses. Mrs. J-.. A. Kimball sent a wreath of ivy leaves; Mrs. Gard¬ iner G. Hubbard, a design of palms and nolert; the governor of Miunesoto and Mrs. Wm. K. Merriam. a bunch of calla lilies; Secretary and Mrs Blaine, a bunch of Easter lilies and palms; Ma}. Fred Brmckett, bride roses; Secretory Tracy, a cluster of bride roses and palms; Secretary and Mrs. wreath of azaleas; the Vice President and Mrs. Morton, a wreath of English violets, roses, lilies of the valley and asparugus vine; Col. O. H. Ernst, roses; Mr. Wm. H. T. Hughes, rosea, and Mr. and Mrs; Hitt, a wreath of white rosea. The officers and employes in the reg¬ ister's office of the treasury sent a great shield of flowers,a fac-simile of the treasury seal, of white pinks and roses with the key and scales of violets. All these flowers were token to carriages to the church, where they were laid ar»und the chancei. Later in the day all these magnificent flowers, with the exception of those that lay upon the casket, were, at the request of the family, distributed among the various hos¬ pitals of the city. THK POOas ClOSID *0 TBI PUBLIC. At 11 o'cl6ck the doors of the house were closed to the general public and only a few in¬ timate friends were admitted. A few moments later the members of the family came down the stairs and into the front drawing room. The ludies were In heavy mourning, closely veiled, and seemed to bear up heroically under their burdens of sorrow. till SERVICES At THK ¦OCSK. The only others who were present at the services at the house were the President and Mrs. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Bussell Harrison, Mr Halford, the Vice President and Mrs. Mor¬ ton, the cabinet officers and their families. Mr. Hendley. Mr. John H. Bice of New York, Mr. Joseph Hutchison, Miss Hunt, Mr. W. H. Hol- brook. Mr. Geo. A. Brackett, Mr. Fosnf*. Mr. G. M. Wilcox. Mr*. W. D. W indom, Mr. Geo..E. Hatch, Mr. John Douglas, Mrs. Garfield, Mr. Harrv Garfield, Mr. and Mr*. J. B. Colgate of New York, Mrs. John Gilman of Baltimore, Mrs. Paul of Baltimore and Mr. and Mrs. Stan¬ ley Brown. . , They were all in the rear drawing room and the family servants were also there. The services wet* conducted by Kev. Dr. TT.mlin of the Church of the Covenant and were brief but very impressive and there were few present in whose eyes there were not tears. The President and his official famby seemed to be deeply moved at this, the first break in the cabinet circle. At the request ai Mrs. Windom the members of the eaMnet acted as honorary pallbearers. tbk raocKMSioa to tm CRM*. At the conclusion of the private services the active pallbearers entered the house and liftr in* the casket upon their shoulders earned it down the broad stone (tope and out rnthe hearse. The pallbearers ware a dctoU from Mom. MdewleSd All thi« time in immense crowd had b«fi gathering around the house. bn» the beet <* order was preserved and almost all of them .f^med In i* drawn thitiier by respect rather than by idle cariosity. It was about 11:45 that the Ion* prncemion of carriages left ihc house for the court h A guard of monnted police in command of Sergt Slstterj rode at the head and cleared the crowded streets There probablv was never a larger purely civic funeral in tbit citr and tt strikingly evidenced the people's great love and esteem for ihedsad statesman. .U.,!n *ho l®r >cession -ame the polio*, then the pallbearers. the beane. the members of the family and then tivnds who had been at the serwee* at the livjse. Tiie guard of honor from the District militia walked along beside the hearse. The line of march was up Massa¬ chusetts avenue to Scott Circle, then . _ hnode Island avenue to Con¬ necticut avenue , ind thence to the 1 hnrcb of the Covenant. There was an iin- meuse crowd all around the church extending^ across Connecticut avenue, but a squad of police under Oapt. Austin and Lieut. Guy maintained perfect order. Onlv a very small number in addition to those who bad cards of admission were allowed to enter the edinoe. AT THE CHl'UCH or THE COVEXAMT. "Whosoever beiieveth in He shall have ever¬ lasting life," "I know that my Redeemer liv- eth. like the fairy fall of snow flakes upon a silent earth, like the mist blowing into the sea. to fell these solemn words upou the ears of a saddened multitude crowded into the pews of the Church of the Covenant. Tbev were uttered by Kev. Dr. Hamlin as. with ' bowed if* i* .dvanced up the center aiale ahead of the line of mourners. Behind him walked the cabinet, Mr. Blaine and Mr. Proctor, Mr. Miller with Mr. anamaker, Mr. Noble with Mr. 1 racy and Mr. llusk alone. Then came the ee- c°rt of gnnrdsmen. followed by the bodv bear- f", with the violet draped casket high above the floor upon their shoulders, behind the casket walked the family of the dead states¬ man, Mrs. Windom on the r.rm of her son and the two daughters, followed by the other mourners. Some distance down tne aisle came the President and his familv. including Mr. and Mrs. Kussel Harrison, Mrs McKee, Mrs. Dimmick and Mr. Halford. 'lhe church was by this time completelv filled. KEATIXO THE DIBTIXoriSHED lwmHLI«r. The mourners occupied the first three pews on the left, the cabinet the first pew on the right, the delegation from Jiew York behind them and then the President. The justices of the Supreme Court sat behind the mourners and the l*resident. and behind them were Kitted Senators and Representatives. The members of the diplomatic corps had places behind lhe President. By noon, when the cortege arrived at the church, every seat had been taken and the un- ticketed public was pressing at the doors for admission. The seating was in charge of the following ushers: Messrs. yuafley. Shafer.lMvis, James llaxidson. Frank Johnsou, Wh11sell. John Edwards. Quimby and How Brodhead. As soon as the casket had been placed on its trestles in front of the pulpit, within the scented atmosphere that was exhaled by the tloral tributes, and the funeral partv hail all been _ seated, the song, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul." rose and swelled from the organ loft be¬ hind the pastor. the wmnrir selectioxr. When the last sad strains had died and there was silence once more within the church. Dr. Hamlin roae behind the palms that framed his tigure, and with a clear, strong voice he read that selection from the gospel beginning. "Blessed be God, even Father of our Lord Jesus." For ten minutes the comforting word* of Scripture poured down upon the sorrowing throng. "I will turn their mourning into jov. faith the Lord, 'lhere shall be jov and glad¬ ness, and sorrow and sadness shall fly away." lhe reading over, the quartet sang another of Mr. \\ indoin's favorite hymns, "In the Cross of Christ i glory." BET. I)B. lunnl'l ABDUM. It was about 12:15 when Dr. Hamlin began his address, which occupied fully half an hour in its delivery. He paid the most glosriug yet careful triba'e to the memory of the man whose morud remains lay resting in the casket at his feet, sketching his life and career ai d publi - work with ijuick, effective strokes, that portrayed the man and the statesman at once m lmng colon and carried the at¬ tention of every soul within the reach of his voice. He spoke of him as a gentleman of charming affability, a man of unflinching courage, a legislator of unwearying industry, a lawyer of erudition and skill, a cabinet officer of broad views aud sound policy, a citizen of worth aud esteem a faithful friend, a husband and father dear within his family circle, and, above all and (>e- yond all. a conscientious Christian whose faith never wavered. BII E4BLT LIFE. "Such," uid he, "was William Windom. Such the world knew him to lie in ha long caieor; such this cit/ has known where his figure has been fsmiliar since 1N60; such we here present knew him as relative, friend associate. Born in Ohio he was. like Lin¬ coln, a child of the aoil, not of the city street. North Carolina ras the state of his father. Pennsylvania that of his mother, both strict Hicksite Quakers. The early training of morality aud religion stood him in good stead throughout his after life tried by temptation aud pressed with duties. The hardship of a pioneer (arm life formed bis character, and with an energy that marked his whole life he bravely turued from the trade which he dis¬ liked to the study of the law. His gnat quali¬ ties brought him speedy success. HIS SCBSEyrEXT CABEEB. Then the pastor followed his career of bright¬ ening glory until he showed the full man seated for the first time in the national legis¬ lature surrounded by men who names are now blazing memories, and "many others whose names, happilv for as and for our country, are not yet starred." Then of the Senators who were associated with Mr. Windom he mentioned mar. r who have passed away "and others, not a few of whom are here today in genuine grief." As Secretary of the Treasury, Dr. Hamlin went on to say, Mr. Windom had gieat predec-mors, but he had, unlike them, few opportunities for brilliant financiering. His UIT SPEECH. "But there has never been anything more brilliant or valuable than the plea that he made last Thursday night for an nmimpeded commerce and a sound currency. He was not a statesman of the sixictaculur school, nor did he have a fondness for coup etst. lie always dared to do the thing which be aaw to be right. The House of Representatives, the Senate, the cabinet are great places, and W ill lam Windom did great work in them all. Still, the man outweighs the statesman. Let us turn from his public services to bis private life, where bis genial qualities attracted all eye* and won all heart*. He was always courteous and gentle; flatterv never deceived him: his character waaaarimple and transparent a* that of a child. What won¬ der then was it that everybody loved om EIXDEBT THOCOHTS or IUL Throughout the country only the kindeet of thought* are entertained for him aad his mem¬ ory. ho honest waa be that after thirty yean at public life be left only a moderate Iwtue. He never became rafted, his temper was even and sweet and his ear was always ready to listen to the complaint* of thaw who thought themselves injured. So loyal was h* to hfe duty that he had been working Imsas anily for many months part regardless of the physical dangen with which be knew h* was surrounded and he ha*b*en constantly re¬ fusing the moat flittering odors to retora to private life. Open eyed, clean handod aad pin minded, be wae a man to be eeteeamd, truated aad loved. Although savagely criticised by his poUtfeal opponents, no breath at acaadd ever clang to him. After his defeat lor n ahnttna to the Senate, he said to a friend: -1 have loot my place, bat I have kept a clear oemmfaaoe aad that ia better tfaaa aay oAee. ***** OBTBBBED tM POTT. Throughout hie eatfaa oarear ha rkn.ii a a simpis iacapacity to be deterred from a p*-'- datjr. Binee laat Tharaday Bight maa ef al abadaaotpotiticeiopiaioahave vied witheaeh other la layi^ on hi. Mar tht^ tribal Aaa lOmttm,* am CRISPI'S SUCCESSOR. A Vioe President of the Chamber of Deputies. OTHER FOREIGN NEWS OF TEE DAT. A Baronet Caught Cheating at Cards Causes a Sensation. CiniJAN REBELS DEFEATED. nunril KKMONATIOM FIKAL. King Will Anvfl <Nkaf hr- .!(« Km of lit* !».>. Lokdo*. FA. 1- -Prw*s dispatches fro® Rom* u*n that the king regard. the resignation of Xini»tn Cri>|il .. fiiwl Md bM nut rwqueeted its vilinlnml. On Friday la*t C«i«t H"rh»rt Bismarck ««. tDtoruuwil by hiju«r Crisfd It M reported that on that onwM hignor Crispi tmmrd doubt* of sbiltty to retain power The new* ol Ibr dowafsll of hwle* Crispi IM received quietly In lirrman politi¬ cal circle*. insainuch aa it I* not believed that the I»r> bund or Italian policy trill be allotted thereby. Roni, Feb. J.- The king baa Invited the llarqui* A. 1*1 Riduni. second of the (our tic* president* of the chamber of deputise, to form . cabinet. Lokdox, Feb. 2.- Ail indication* point to a more pronounced *.* iali*tic agita Hon throughout Europe Una apt inn thai in the earlier [art of lul iw. in Austria, Uelgium and Npsm woAitigmen * club* have alrealty declared in favor of a great labor demonstration <>n May 1. The propoaed luest- ing of a conference representing European sovereign* determine upcn >ue..sures of mu¬ tual protection agan.1 the agitation of social- i*U and ansr'hist* ha* not >et been held, although Au.-tria ami (nriaiiii) bare bad boum diacuasion en the »ul>J» . t Mr (iladatone evid> ntly ha* no intention of retiring from public life for the present. He ha* taken a houae for the seaaun on Park Laoe, overlooking Hyde l'ark. In view of the *torm which ba* been raised, it |< now believed that Sir John l'o|ie H< uuewy will at>andon hi* sinendm) nt toMr tila.latone a religion" disabilities bill, in which Henne**y propowtd that tin sovereign ot iiirat ltrttain might be a Catholic, if he or ahe cIhm to ba one. Mir Charles Dilke 1* spoken of aa a poaaibU successor to i harlc* JSrsdlnigh a neat. The VawliinJ says that "Ivanhoe" ia the moot imposing sj-ectacle Uiat the English operatic >Ufti Iim jet witnessed, and the 7e«e- «/ro;ifc j ronnance* it a brilliant sondes*. Mr (lUlrliiue i* aaid to have giteu the as¬ surances asked for by I'ariM'll aa to the kind of home rule he dca^tir for In land. Thoar ss- auranoe* the ttlemetit of the land ques¬ tion by the Irish parliament, and the oonver- aion of the royal Irish constabulary uiU polioa- tnetl. f'ttfarn of Pari* pnbiiahe* an interview with the pope in which the holv father i* repfe- *ented a* saying that if the couaervstives of France mmw that it wa* possible the) should es¬ tablish koinith:ugbett. r than art public, other¬ wise they ithoulil adhere to the republic, which would then be what they chose to make it. In Greece severe storm* and cold w.-ather continue to prevail and numerous accident* on laud a'id aea a' c reported. Action taken by Uie union men in the dock laborer* atrike here ha* caused tin VV ilsou- Hill Company to revert to the ahipping federa¬ tion. The German empreaa ia ill with a aevere cold, and the reception which n> to have l>een held today ha* been postponed until S.uunhiy next, lloaiiie liloch, the Freutli prima donna, ia dead At Skopin. in the government of Riazin, Russia. a liospital lis* been destroyed by ftre. Fourteen patients were burned to death. HE CHEATEIi AT fARM. Aa Eatiuh Baronet IH«r*rH Tkwaifcat the I.UmI. Special Cable Dlapab L to The Lisntmr tttar. London. Feb. 2..The following are the exact fact* regarding a acandal that, without exac- gcration. through the extraordinary effort* mail to auppreaa it. may be aaid to have shaken Engl'' t society of all grade* to ita center from the M.irlborough Houae to Prince of Wale*' own net downward*. A certain baronet, very well known soeisUy, but very unpopular on account of hi* arrogant manner*, waa lately detected cheating at card*. H. U.H.. the Priaua of Wales', advice wa* uatuialiy . otiaulted in the premise*, and hi* wiahe* regarded aa lair by those preaeut. It ap|iear* that *u*picion bad for *ome time be«.u directed against the culprit, but up to the time of the occurrence in question no proof atrong enough to convict had been adduced- Manv of the baronet* fellow-play era, naturally indignant, declared that they were in favor of in*taut exposure, but in detereuce to the wiahes of the prince thev agreed to keep absolute alienee on the culprit * giving a promise ia writing never to Iilay card* again at anv place or at any time. Unfortunately somebody told tile story "in confidence' to a friend, aud the UMUal result followed, a* in a f< w day* the a*air WHS the subject of excited gossip from our end of the metropolis to the other. Iu consequence the haughty baronet haa been compell< <1 to resign his membership iu every club to which he belonged and it la now re¬ ported that be ha* left England. Other rumor* are to the effect that he lutenda to fight if ex¬ posed. hi* name not havu.g yet been mentioned in print. CHILIAN KEHI.IH BEATEN. The Vessels of the Insurgent* and the One ermneut right olf Anrwd. Btbhoo Avars. Feb. 2 Reports have reached here of auother engagement off Ancud, capiud of the lalaud of Chiloe. in the c hiloe archi¬ pelago. The battle waa fought be¬ tween a government man-of-war and an Insurgent war ve»*l. It resulted ia the defeat of the insurgents. It is supposed that the vewiel* engaged were the two ship* previously referred to. the rebel vessel which landed the insurgent marines at Ancud and the government ship which tned to land troop* at that port under the diaguiae of hoist¬ ing the liritish flag. Communication with Han- tiago de Chili, the capital of Chili, and other town* which bad been temporarily lltsb iished haa again been interrupted. PROF. KOrH'D HKPAKTt KE. He Imih Berlin oa HI* Egyptian T*wr. B|iecial Cable Diapstek to The Lv nin.- Mtar , «... .V Feb. 2 .Prof. Koi h left today on kk Eg} ptiaa holiday of nix or eight weuks and ha has virtually taken the secret ot the prepara¬ tion of the lymph wiih him. despite hi* dis¬ closure* of the constituent clement*, much to the disgust of the phyaicuin* throughout Oer- nuuiv. The Prussian government at one tin* intended to undertake the preparation and *al* of the valuable com|>ouud. but haa uowdecided to let the matter rest for the pieaent ou the representations of those who warned the *ta« against assuming the sole re*poo*ibility for the areparation and lefcdling ol a mi U.cine that ha* not realized and does not wen likely ta realize ail the sanguine prediction* msda ra- garding it. Aa to the resulU already attained by its aid. Prof. Lardcnh..ucr of Oolugue slate* that out of 100 surgical ca*e* under hi* oar* h* haa not aecured a angle cure after aix week* trr i.tmcnt. although the lymph undoubtedly possesses therapeutic qualities of aa improving kind and to a considerable dsgra*. Evan in Rerlin the dimatisfacUonat Prof. Koch * aikuca is increasing and auggestioua are mad* that possiblv the distinguished discoverw may. through Mill* accident, never return aiiva. and thu* hi* formula at the prsparauon at tha lymph ba lo*t. getting pomsmion of the ballot they Masked. Some at the rioters vara ar¬ rested. The returns fro* tks pi ovine** MM eontinne ta wkvw gain* for the gunnimwt. Tki* is tha can** of much L«a«i*tnl*tlM oa th* part at the conservative*, aa jamsrdny'* election* vara tha Ant held nndar Ike law »

Transcript of chroniclingamerica.loc.gov0 . THE EVENING STAR PUBLISHFlT DULY. Eir*j»t SawUy, AT TMi SOAK...



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erslly that irom toua> lor the n»-ai tuirt> d.i>» 1 willcomment e my annuat diaex>unt ot lo i er cent on allamounts from 91 ash and upward on the luUowimrarooo*Ma. V®;v«t«, Pi>:sh**s. Henrietta iMotha, Ladi>^*

Clotl s and Cttf»)uinra. Ca^hm^rta. Fl^n. Stnpe«l andF.nid Lreas Uwus, acvtou o:n.iiau.» and FrenchCwiuta, Glovee. H« aiery. Cambric Llgiar and In¬

sert .^ns. ««*-nt» . Ltei »-s' and Children's Underwear.I.u.i>reiiaa. Linen Dania»a, Napkina, Towe.a andCrash.

«»^uta' Nerkw«»r. I-tundr1e<I and L*nlanndriedShirts.Hefttfiserc-hiefa in «-utt» n. liaen r.nd ailk, La..»< »'hhtWi* anil Jcrsrya, tlannela. Bl.^nketa. Be«l Co.u*forta an«i s/uii:».Aasm a lot of Oents* Cloths and Caswimeres at alA'iitLa.? price to lut» t»o»en (lent* I.inrii Collar*,oid atyiea. at CM*- jer <:o/eu or 5« es*h sold !roi *91 5u to *:iad«.>rm A full lin«' of Ce»it«»n». tninchaiua. Hrcnlso anu - - i« ary paoiial lowest

caeu vn ae. You cm aave n m-y by ouj*n^ your dryAeo--i» ol llios J. LcT'lRfc-LL.)aJ6-*w -.-btli at. and Fbun. ave.

Cheap! Cheaper! Cheapest*prices way i>own.

As we bave de'rr:.. m-u to rnlar.-e <>ur place of bust-n«-i*-. the bmideea *r- nrmntf ua to l«t th*-m co;uuie«A*-eWork at "-ni*. in older to uo bo w«» will have t«» |«arti-tiou olf a*»oat oa»-tlUiii ol cur pre*»-nt n-ou; at.J moveth« ifwooa into t».e i;t»;»-r part tL»> store, that willovercrowd us. lo avvid tnat we nave uetemdnedtoctit i nert mora than e vrr. :h* gooda must ^o. See ourprKee _

Auaiioiua, or. a bott.e.Children's Yarn Htanis, worth from 25c. to 3.V.Now lUc.."Med. ated R«l Tw.Ueil I1«unel worth Hoc. .new25c.Be*t Calico. Bi iss. B:a. ka. Purplesaui Lolors.omy jc.G»>d i aliro in remnants oniyBleaeh^i and I nu.vmhwl ftheetiutf. 10-4 wide, 18c.B«et i ruit of the Loo:i« lJifw uml cotton <v*..

1U4 B*«a» te-d fuwtia: 'At.iv at l>-4 bi -a» h*^i 22c.All Dr»ae tfuuuaat.oM or i*iow. Bo>a WindsorTies or. >uM kiurf - aru, worth Mr. and :u-. mltmd

to 5c- ahsua K. and U. v.oraeta 6y*-. Good Corset*Dr-*» Buttons «ios. All Kemnanta >ary c^ap.A lew iAlice .->V»rt Coals st cost.

T. B. TOWNER A SON.jat* law *TM .-.r. A.n.

WE VASE IMF. t'lGAK. VUC MAKE THE>» iici M. TIOE* C1TBAN A-The best Cw*r. 6a.Oscn. 5u per buiai>. A*k yoor tUm -r ».r t'aeui.

LEOPOLD MILLER A HONK,9K-U 14BChambers St.. N.k.. r


i Arekltirt,014 1 1th »t. n. w..

>Tt1 3d floor B«*r er 1*^' Hnlldtiy.;o>\ cAKi-L.\ ri.K3'

ia 1 >«>i» of L. A. 174H, K. OFL.arere-s»**« tiu ly reuur*ted to attend the n^xt rmUr rawt-in^. MoMjai ,*eo.¥. JM«1. b irucM ot vital impor-tan«.# to u.~ craft itt to fonte beloiu the meetiaw. Byorder of th»

jr^-or> J HOWELL. CIVIL FNOlNEAR ANDj « M*'hlt«t, has rtn orwl hs olh- es

to National tnion building. U1S F at. n.w. i?»:*>-plione« ait. JallO-1 m*

YOU WANT AN ABSOLUTELY PU1ULPC2 Cream of Tartar linklug Powder buy the

.'I*ah nihil?*fl does not contain or aium. js31-fr

I SOBT or CL01UE3Are yon looktmr for? A low pricedoes not always set ure an advan¬tage to the buyer, as a rule ex¬tremely low prices mmn* verypoor mer hand1«e; that'a notoursort. We are selling rhrhtly madean 1 perfc-ctflttin* suits and over¬coat* at a saving to you of from$2 to *5 on a i urchase. W hy notrail on us?


H.T0 434 ?th at. B.W.

APARTMENTS FOR OEXTT.EMF.X.The Albany. '.7th and H Ms. n.w.

This huildimr. having a tuos: excellentposition. np^nttv Metropolitan Club. :snow ouiplet*d. It has l>e*n carefullydes'.«u**«l 4ii l c«.nstru« t**l in Hie l»e«;tmanner. de> orated and « omple' ely tur¬n's -il from s}H« ,a. dnviis by tile?.Hanson Hiss >i i kCo., heated by steam,supplied with e.evator ami electric lightsand oilers accommodations hitfierto un¬known >n ''ton. Rooms. includ¬ing bath, from £1.00 to ijl,..*.*» per an-nuni. 1 or i«rmiss:on to insi>ect, Ac.,apply to

ADDISON A LARCOMB,>30-34* iJ04 F at n. w.

YOU WANT AN ABSOLUTELY PL'HE.vlS* Cream of Tartar lia^inz Powder Luy the

.*pai;ki<h "

It does not containam nutma or alum. Ja'll-frIKTEKESTED IN CHRISTIAN 8CI-

ence h« allng »re invited to call at 14-4 M. Y.itve.. room \io. Uiln e hours. D.MU to l'J :J0. Bible classSunday at d. Talks Thursday evenings at a o'clock.ja7-lm*


Arrsnrements ha\ e l-een tuade lor the convenlence offrrson* living in the ?..stern and western sections ofLe city by which they can pay their gas billsduringtanking hours at


THE WEST END NATIONAL BANK.Bills paid or. or before the Mh of each month, AND

THOhF. UN Li, will oe entitled to the discount of 'J5cper 1.0U0 cubic feet.o^'I-tr WASHINGTON OAS LIGHT COMPANY.

ȣUY YOUR COAL. COKE AND WOODfrom the reliable firm of JOilN SON BROTH-

i-lib, the moet extensive retail dealers in Uie coun¬try. o4



1001 FSTREET NORTHWEST.Previous to erection of our new build¬ing at the cornei of 0th and F sts. n.w.

Capital. *l.fl(N>.00Ul'ay» interest at4 percent.'A\ per cent.'.i per cent.Ii per «-ent.

According to time of deposit.Interest paid on balances subject to

cfeik.Execnteeaii trusts.

Call or write :or int« r.i .ition.BRA1NAKD H. WABKEK. lT. -.dent.JOHN JOY EDSON. V we Wwuieni.WILLIAM B. hoBLsoN. Se« retary.WILLIAM B. GL Kh.LV. Treasurer. ja34-lm

Security the first thocoht.FKuril ATTERWAiiDa



As registrars and transfer agents offer at var% payablerO jer cent on application,:^ |>er cent in tiO andbalam e in'JUda)1. tl.e entire issue »»f A!JUO.OOO 7 percent preierred cumulative dividend stock of theFORT WORTH SECURITY AND CONSTRUCTION

COMPANY OF FORT WORTH. TEXAS.Whose capital of $i"»OO.OCO is divided into fJ00.0007I-er cent preierred « umulative dividend stock. f.'UJO.-UU> 0 per cent coition s.ock. i he entire issue com¬mon stock having been taken by citizens ox Fort Worthst par.

HOW DIVIDENDS WILL BE PAID.As this corporation, in addition to us other valuable,

mostly inside, real estate, owns in the city of TortWorth, jcX;a*, th»* two tinr-st commercial uuiluimrssouth of st. Louis in the tutted States, known as theiluney Ottke buildinir ami the Martin-Brown Whole¬sale Dry Goods buiiuimr, ioi which the charge for ren¬tes is «:iU.'JilK unnuahy, it has been agreed by the«iirect< rs to set aside *14.000 lrom these rent ils, wliichcan l»e nppiied on.y to the 7 |»er » ent u.viuemi on theI'JtV.OlU; and. further, that such preferred stock ahullhrat be paid in full out of the sss**ts of said corporationupou the uisso:u:ion th« reoi Leiore the » oaiiaon »tvx kshall be entit.ed to share in such assets. And it is fur¬ther agreed that after the preferred stock hss been paidits 7 l*er ctnt di\ idend that from net earnings tiie com¬mon stock is to receive ti per cent, and Horn the bal¬ance of profits a dividend w paid on each the preierredand common ot li i>er ont. tuus making the i referre<la 10 per cent and the common a 0 i>er rent sto< k. Ailearnings above sufficient to pay the altove dividends,whi« h will aiuoiint to (47.000 i-er annuii . is to 1* car¬ried to surplus aixount lor a period of hve years, andat the expiration ot thut time the directors may divideit among the stockholders ol record as they may deemproper.

It is expected that from the increased capital of(!£00.000 now otfer» d the corporation can earn fromVlOO.OuO to ('iOO.OOO i-er annum, us it will place thecompany in s i>osith u to hniidie all bus«ueS8 offered toa minimum ol lrom $ 1,000.000 to (l.uOO.OOO wurthol construction annually.

OBJECTS OF THE COMPANY.The Fort Worth Security and Construction Companyof Fort Worth. Texas, is duly incorporated under the

laws of the state of Tex«s tor tLe purpoee of the erec¬tion ol buildings and tue accumulation and lo*n oflands for tue purchase or real j loawrtj in cities, to^nsumt villages, and also lor the accumulation ana loan ofmoney.

HISTORY OF THE COMPANY.The Fort Worth Security and Construction Companyof Fort Worth, lex., is an outtrrowth ol and succeeded

the lort Worth Loan and Construction Company De¬cember 31, IKjO, which was tue most suc«essim cor-poiat«on of us kind in the Southwest, on a«.apitai of &1UO.OUII. earned net inside of two

iaars. It crvanized with *}100,' 4s>< m Feoruarv.H.M'. incTeasing same iroin earning alone to i'JU'.OOO

in April. 1XW). and in De»ember, lSi«o. shows addi¬tional surplus on c onservative valuation* of $1'J.*>,000.It is to push this Lus.uessto g..-at» r pioj-ortiona tuattnis I'JOO.lK*) preferred I stock is now oflVred.

'1 he pnenonienal net.earnings of this corporationshow why conservative investors demtnding assuredd:\idends are turning from

RAILWAY TO INDUSTRIAL SECURITIES.Its rspital, invest «*i mostly in inside impn>ved prop¬

erty, whicn is cons^uitiy » in value, lonua a...unent secur.ty for its udeiity anu for controlung

the sale ol the best securities m ti.e state. As its oln-i-rs are among its largest stvakuo'.ders its alfatrs wniret ei\e their un«iivide«i attention, it is not oftenthat an investment be^rina »ucii a high rate of divi¬dend. coupled witu absolute saiety, is offered to thepublic.

ITS OENERAL BUSINESS.In addition to its construction department ft trans-

acts a general fin «n« lal business. It dea.s in 'lexas se¬curities lor Investors' trust,; uml and mstitutions. tur-lushes information aud tuagee exi*ert i**i>orts on the]>ro(>erty of md:Mduals.r«ilw a> or otner corporationsand pay* ta\es tor non-iesidents.EXAMINATION AND Ot ARANTEE OF TITLES.Titles to 'lexas real estate and mortgages thoroughlyexam.n. d and insttml, tue i barge of wuich will be

n.ade known »*lore work isi>egun.I he option is reserved to sut-** ribers to pay in full

on application or on the date of any installmentInterest at tue rate c.f i** cent per snntnu will be

aiicwed on >u> h pn pa., men?*.lb. lurther parti u.ars audress the MERCHANTS*

NATIONAl. bA.NK or till- loKT WoK'lH SE-I I Kin AND CONorRtCTION COMPANY. FortWorth. 1>xas. Treasurer, THOMAS J. Ht'RLLY.Presnient. Jul0-7tAsstAmount


Awrtatl.UoJiOKSX.OfBce hours from 9 a.m. to 4.H0 p.m. dally. On

the first W ednesday in sach month the office will bec|*n lrom 6 to S o'clock p. m. Advances will be madei romptly at 7 o'clock. TOO Mil issue ot stock aaoi«n ua mlisnitioa

Ham ¦» #2.30 jut«dTwrwlo<iMcli>har»

r.mrhl.t..ii tb. ob>ct. ttd idoutaiMolIL. AMcuuot an iuraul:<Ml ui«. application.


Lewis a. TEWKSBCBY. W. B. HIBBS.Hula. 60 BruMiw.j, X T. Muumr.rW.


1S3T. ' ST.. WAKHJ*0T03. D.C..Bnr umI »I1 for ruhor am wrylatuook*. rmhoratii. hoTrttuu and Otl.

Innct vnT.iv Wtrr. to Xt* York ul QtaN>IktWOM tlloWKi oa <Wtx>MU.Om-ut-tomn LrtuUkM .

_ .All 1mi aK«itm



HOUSE SF.EKKRS.Wei-HQ offer that handsome residence,rorwrof Maple »tp. und L*nh at., l*Droit Park (cor. T and ."»th *ts. n.w.). at

a iijrure ifrest y below its market v^tue.It raitainl 10 rooms. hf»s l*r*e nqunrehall and spacious rooms and all modernimprovements. The lot fronts.*0 ieet onMaple ave. and 113 f*t on Larch st.Tins la ons of the finest Properties in tnsCk and remarkably cheap at $9,000.

y t«rnis. For permit to inspect applyatenice ofBARNES k WEAVER,jaji-ut r8Fn.Lt.

tfc--iijAMEKICAN FHATKItNAL CIRCLE PAYS.CSTjI.OOrt in three payments. three, f»Te *ndiev»n yearn; ?"."» per week for sickness or diaabllity.For farther inloriuation a^ MrKDHEIM.Ja31-"Jt* Office.N.E. ror «f Hth and E sts. n.w.

^4tt«ktTon knights of labor.TRADE I'MOMS IS, CITIZENS; aU.1ANCe AND FUENIM of '1HE LIQH?-HOUfc

MOVEMENT'A mass meetin* will l»e held at Grand Army HallTUESDAY. February .1. lf»l, at, 30 p.m., under the

auspices of the Federation of Labor and D. A. IW, K.of L.. tor the purpose of oreimr the paasjure of H. U.Ml' No. 1C91 (known *s the eurht-honr bill), now onthe Senate calendar. All interested io ascurin* a rs-dartkm ol the boors of labor cm forward this move¬ment by their attonrtance. Hon. ^ .J. (onnell of Ne-hriaka (tlie author of the bill). Ralph rotary of the Citizens' Allien e, and E. V.. Oysterwill address the uie*tm*. ^Heuaturs, ^five* invited. E. M. BLAKE, ChairmanSub* ommittee. i

V^MlcHTflAN UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ANDother* at any time connected with Said lusti-

tution and not now on the hat of the Washington aa-soc.ation ol tbe I . ot M. are A?»SV. JU'i addresses to R. s. .OOD^Alil), Oflc,Coast sml Oe.xietic purvey. city.j^- ~COMI.NO. AFTER A LONG ABSENCE.Ss^ST^ "Mrs. Jarley." Masonic 1U11. lebruary (s«hii in. Tickets. -'5 cunts, bring along your bestsmiles. Ja3i-t»

_~-,A MEETING OF ALBERT PIKE COS-jsistory. No. 1. jJ.R.s., will be held IntheScottish Kite Cathedral on MONDAY. February ~. at7 o'clock p.m. Work: 31st decree.By order ol the \ enerable Master of the K.:1

ROBERT BALL. XM Iwrm.)a31-2t Registrar.^-^-jREAD CAREFULLY.Hundreds of csns of a Iwikinfr powder. largely ad¬

vertise! as ti-inr aoeolutely pnre. have tieen returnMhrC«»NRUMEKS»a I N> IT IOR U»E. being lull ofCARBON ATE of AMMONIA. Consumers who wantthe ' 'BEST" should use


It liein* composed eicinsively of HIGHEST TESTcream ol tart:ir, bicarbonate of M-*la "U'la small per-rentage of starv-li, sclent.gaily combined. Does n<*contain AMMONIA, ALUM or IMPURI1IES ol ANYK(to!d" on'y in csns by all KTOcers, every can furanteed lull weight and strength. jaai-tr^ CTTv von want "an absolutely plre»0*~creanj of Tartar BakinK Powder buy the

"PAllhlsH."_ .It does not contain ammonia vr altm. Ja31-tr_S^SZl~HAVE'"THIS DAY RECEIVED FROM

the Order ot American Fraternal Urirle theauui of one h'tnared and fllty dollars (floO), ®»*weeka'benent lor diaabidty by accident. I desire toacknowleuye and returnmy thanks for the prompt set-tlement.

ALEX. KAUFMAN.Ja.'il 'it* SftjSth st. n.w

*r>ai>r' W.LMerrUl has moved his den'sl officeTltTllth at. n.w. JaV.1>-llu®-^>Fo"R RKNT-A DEMRABLE STOKE.1^*' rrH STREET N.W.,AT TERMINI'S OF CABLE ROAD.Tlie lo< ation of tt,c new base ball park Juat north 01

this iToperty Increases ^ts l.nslnewi advantages.'1 hr»*«' living rooms and bath on second floor. iTics

reasonable.TH08. 1. FISHER k CO..

111^4F st. n.w.





f-^aDOTOTJRide, drive or keep a hone?

Then you use a Carriage; may need Anew one.If you don't yon may want a Harness.

Lap Robe. Whip or "imutkina" toryour stable.We have everything belonging to tha

moat complete outfit.

ANDREW J. JOYCE'S SONS.»28-lm iaa> and 1000 Conn. are.

|^j>Ttl GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES!1 will sell you anything in the line of FINE

WATCHES, DIAMONDS and FINE JEWELRY onsmall Vi ELKLY or MONTHLY jiayments. give yonIMMEDIATE POSSESSION at time of purchase.

A. L. SALTZSTEIN. JR.,Jeweler, a05 ?th St. n.w.

Order* by mall will receive immediate attention.Ja^7-;>uii>TO ThE PUBLIC.

The ae. ret ot oi^Uinlnar the host results fromMfuruiif your ishi rt* is to order tuem in wiuter, whenadditional waruath is noeued end they will thus provean ami "Able *arment lor summer, so place your ordernow with

p T HALL>Shirt Maker. liOH F st. n. v.

Factory on premise*. j*2!-!"i""~^TUE ANNUAL MEETING OF THEa. sioi khoiuers ol the Arlington Hre Insurancei oixipuny lor the District of Coluuibia tor the electionot nine aiructors to wrve lor the ensuin* ysar wil* beheld at the ofli. e oi the company, loO.» Fennsyivaniaave. n.w., TUEHDAY, February^. 1101. Poilaopen.M*4nim;°"'ti;ii:XNK T. RAWLINGS. Se,retary.j^-^^THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND

Trust Company pays interest oncurrent tmiancea auuject to cneck.

Capital #1,000,000.Temporaly offices. No. 1001 F st. n.w.

brainard h. Warner.jatM-lmo President.

^ ^1H YOUR PRPITED MATTtB LOW?a>.y It so consul hue before p.acinv your

next onier. It wi 1H to your advantageit icood work at satisfactory rates inter-®*U1°U'

BYRON S. ADAMS.nq-jm 61211thst. n.w.


AMkUlCAN SECURITY AND TRC8T COMPANY.Telephone, 4U1. 1140 16th St. n.w.

BUILDING ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF.Safe Htonure for Furniture, Silver War., Planoe,Workaot Art. Paintings. Carnages. Wuies. lrunkaofValuables. Clothing, kc.

.*umiturv. China, fee., packed, moved and shipped.Kgj-.aujAU. PERSONS HAVING GOODS ON De¬posit with

H. K. FULTONa. a. lubiun(the only licensed pawnbroker! upon which interee* mouths or more are hereby notified to re-tleeui tne some or lay up the interest oeloivp > 1 UR.V*AKl X lblil. or the goods wiU Lc so d at auction.Mli>-ljf h. k. FLUON.




Jsl6-lm ljOi Penna. ave. n.w.

»-- ¦^NOTICE IS UKREBY GIVEN THATASZ~^. meeting of the stockholders of the Unitedetat.a Capitol Lue Insurance c'omiwny'. pursuant to apetition and order tberetor. will b. liSd at the houMuthce ot aaid «*ompany, No. <0 Atlantic buildinf. W aah-l^^.LMJ.ron the SECOND DAI OFITKCTIjaRY.lwl, to diminish the amount of the cspital storkot said company and take such action iu reierem-e

n to as is by law requind and to transact suchothertnees as may be lawlully and ptwperly brought be-

|CDM*1VtwSSiw^on.D.C.. January 2. 1SBLp. B. LEST1fliA"

* DURWARD B. LESTER. 1JKO. B. SAYRE. Secretsry. imi-ta

..ft-nTOM-MAPIC KH1RTS. . WITH OURincreased is. Ultlee in this llepartn.snt we

". ^"*Anr«^Sr*S£S?5

st men's f


SPECIAL NOTICES.MIi8. BESHIt STARK KEEKER WILLspeak in naybemrh Hal!. 1«3U 14th st.

n.w., TONIGHT, under the auspices of Wu'ilx»d*re, No. 4, I.O.O.'f. Public Installation of officers.Sister lodges and the public rsneraliy invited topresent. it*

Af-^^MITHKAS L01K4-: OF PBHFKCTI' »Nwill meet in rerular session nt the <-atbe<lral

of the Scottish Rite on TliESDAi, Feb. 3, at 7 p.m.V* ork,14th^-'Jt A. H. HOLT, 32d Deyree Secretary.i^^PiPERHANOERl ALL JOURNEYMAN

hamrers tn Uie city «r* requested to att< nds|»ecfiwopen luee in* 1 HUh*bA ¥. J eb. 6. Objeitoflormimr « Brotherhood of Pap<*rhaii"--rs and Decorat¬or*. Committee: H. KNOTT, L. F« 8CEU. fe^t't^>BY A RESOLUTION OF THE MOUNT

Carina! Baptist Church 8. G. Lampkins waspaid Ui fall and is no lonirer pastor of naid church. It*mr*T^S*QO~ AND HEAR Claltau-rh's Hall. ItiJO 14th St. n.w., THIS EVENING. Public installation of Wash-imrtou lodre offlceis, I. O. G. T.

it W. 8. ROWLEY, Chairman.>NOTICE TO TAX PAYEKK OF ALEXAN-dria county. Vs. For the )>urpose of accom¬

modating those i*erson* who dt> not reside in thecounty, I wiJi lie at ti»e reai estate ollice of James E.Clements. l.'Wl F st. n.w., on the ItiTH DA\ OFE> EHY MONTH until August,froui 12 3 o'clockp.m.. to receive such taxes, i'he new law r*quir**sprompt payment or land will be returned delinquentami void. Notice is herein given that a.l de muueittUxee be paid without delay. W. C. WlB!i»T, Trrse-urer of Alexandla county-. fs-'&s '-ui sul

AT A REDUCED PRICE.The owner of thst desirable prop¬

erty at the northeast corner of Lithand N ats. is willing to sail at a re¬duced figure. There is a two-siurybrick house now on the lot, ti.e latterbeing1 'ilixTfiji feet. The location anddimensionsof this property commendit to the attention of those seeking*

THOS. J. FISHER k CO.,It i;r>4 F st. n.w.

^^>FEBRITAKY 1. 1WL HAVING SEVEREDmy official connection with Columbia Hos¬

pital my friends and i>ati«us may hn.l me at my ofli.-eand residence, No L«4 MHhs.a.:husetts ave. n. w. P. J.MUuPHY. to.i>. Office Lota's. 8 to li a.m. ,4 to tip. m.leg-tit*Of^^DR. C. W. RICHARDSON.CSfc Has

Removed his office tofe-lw 11U2 Lst.n.w.

THOMAS P. MORGAN, JR.. LIFE IN-PCS suranee expert, otters ladles or gentlemen alKJlicy secured by asse s oi * I4l>,000,000.

i'o i< ies payable at death or literal cash settlementsat 10. 15 or *4) years. Orders solicited lor $1,000 to$100,000, which should be addressed to me, care citypost oilice. faiM in

if WASHINGTON. FEBRUARY 2, 1«>1.^he copartnership heretoiore existing be¬

tween J. D. SIMPSON and J. T. MULHALL is thisday dissolved. 1 will not be responsible tor any deotscontracted by J. T. Mulhail in the firm's name attertills date. U'-M-'f) J. I). SIMPSON.


Utlca Nonpareil Muslin1,«U0 LIKEN.

Doable back. Continuous laclnro.75c. each-tj (or 44.

e. E. k J. E. ROSENTHAL,Men', Furnishings, Hats,

One price. Us'«» Kfci F nt.

The irrather it Itkt'v to b4 cooler; fairutulhtr; variubteu-tiiu*.

WHY SHOULD YOU¦ continue to pay V0 per rent more thana tbluir is worth Just because yon ran (fet afew months' credit? smart, brainy mennever make thr.t mistake. They pay cashevery time w!ien tbey ran save that muchmoney. They pay ua CASH 91.15 forLumber ami save the difference betweenthat and 91.3a.


fe2; , titb at. and New York ave.



Talaphone. JS0 fe2-lm'DESIRE TO INFORM 1HE l'UBUC

tliat ail the baker, employed bj u. are rneiu-i»ere of lie llakera' Union. No. li*. Intel nationalUnion of America.


TKICT OF COLUMBIA.iatru K Breanaban vm. Elliabetu (x ljiiart et al.. No.

i-.g. Doi*. .10Tbla f«u»f la in, reierrni to me to mate the dlatribn-

tii.n ol the pro* eida oi aa;e of the real - atate o. whichJol.n Hresn than, .'.eoe died ikjs-#»«»h1, notc-e i,liere0> *fi\>-n I ahall priweed to execute tiie aaldorder of referen e on W EUSESDA V, tlie llth day or1 e! ruary. 1KHI, at 1M in., at uiy offi. e. in tiie Umte>lState* Court House, \\as..inu*ti n. I».C.Creditora and otiier parties mieivated tn the aaid

estate ana dia'.rli.lltion ale Untilleu to present toelrclaims -Hi' vouciieta. or proof oi the same, at Hie saidplace and tune, or h.e their claims with me betut« thefcaid date.«ey<lt JAS. O. PAYNE, Auditor.

tf*-^a,THE FISCHER PIANC>-KKND FOR.CE, pamphlet, containing tiir.-e butiilnd ref¬erences in WashltlKtoU. SAMlUlS tL sTRAl MAN.MH > .t^ n.w. feii-tjt


On the aonth side of C st. bet. llth and12tb «ta. n.e. we offer four lota, 15x100 each

to alley, on irrade, aewer and water at. a

bargain. For price and particular, call atoffice

8WORMSTEDT k BRADLEY,It 927 F It. n.w.

r^WASHINOTON. D.C.. JAN. 30. 1*01.'Ao wtiom it may concern:The firm of Pitney k Shannon, composed of Albert

L. Pitney and Jaiuea Shannon, was dissolved by mil-tual consent on the °.lAh day or January, lHtil. Mr.Pitney assumes ail the onii^rationsot the firm, and healon-' is entitled to receive ana receipt lor all moneyadue the llrui.


Ja31 -St* Hardware Store. 4'JH and 4.11 loth at n.w.



Will be open to the public for the benrflt of the poorall the Weuneadays ol February, March and Apnl:also all the ria.uruaya of April, Easter Monday and «3aol Februar)'.

TICKETS AT HARRIS k SHAKER'S1113 I'ennaylvania avenue,


so.-ist«s -Attend meeting FEBRUARY 'Jat , p.m. From »..00 to *o.U00 in o years. Hall of1«3 r at. n. w. J^tl-it*

SPECIAL BABOA1Nis offered In No. IK-MOthet. n.w., newanil very flnely finished 11-room Lrlt k.lurmu-ehiat an-1 tiist-ciass In every re¬spect ; ke> s at our office. For price andterms call on

...WRIGHT k STOCKETT.*».* 810 F at. >.w.

SPECIAL ATTENTIONOr buyers ^eeklmr homes or for Invest¬ment la called to two new b-rooui brlcka.Noa. uoti-dll Mass. ave. n.e.; choice lo¬cation ; finest workmanship and must be.t>'U<o be kPi rwiated. iTice on.y9 < ,000 each. Keys at our office.

_WRIGHT k 81VCKETT.)*30-3t B10 k st. B.W.

je-^js»ho;iici.nrui of V('vorAUt"who Indebted to the latefiiTTtyW HAAS are requeated to aett.e theirbilla before Uliw put In the bands ol a coilei'tur.By order of

O. E. DPFFY. Assignee.IV1??;.1', BARTLETT HILLS, DENTIST:Aitlflcial teeth ineerted immediately aftereauaction of teeth and special attention given to cor-rectlnif children's teeth. 1331 F st. n.w" ulO-^m*


401 to 4M*Cst. n. w.Quick Work without extra chalve. Try

our plan. A postal iruui you will Lrtn* oneot our wawna to your door. pL«.

,fA DITFTCPLT MATTPk.TOcravti« of the bettor class. Oo?n*Oiy engraved cards niand superior printing mad. tbraoch-<m' *


Waahingtu New8 and Gossip,lades to AdnrtlmMh.


* ".* Pu#*"BUSINESS CHANCES Pom ..

CITY 1TKM8 ^COUNTRY KEAL mAl^'."","'.'" Pa^r 2DEATHS 5DENTISTRY 7EDUCATIONAL Pan 7EXCURSIONS, he... Pin 8FAMILY SUPPLIES.. ! pair. 7FINANCIALFor RENT (Offlm) Pan 2For RENT (Rooms).... Pan 2FOR RENT ISUblM) . Pair* 2FOIi RENT (Htorps) Pan 'IFOR RENT (Housm) Pan 2FOR SALE (Uuum) Pan 2FOR SALE (Lota) Pan 3FOR SALE (Ml* allantoua) Pan 3OENTI EMEVB GOODS ran (IHOTEIJJLADIES' GOODS p«n 7LEC1 URES . Pan 8LOCAL MENTION

' V Pa«» *LOST AND FOUND Pun"MANICURE Pan «marriages 1.. fiMEDICAL

... ^ .

MISCELLANEOUS Pan 5To i-oan .....u.:"*.*:::::pan2


Pan7PIANOS AND OHOAN8 ..."."...Pan 6PERSONALrtinteiis ;;;;;;; .; Pz; iPROFESSIONAL


pan 7PIK 'POSAI.8 pj, o

HAILUOADS PZ-7SPECIALTIES -'¦ ¦¦****"** """p.-.flSUBURBAN PROPERTY .'.".*.""".'."."""1* . .Pan 2wanted (Help) Pan2W ANTED(Ilouaea) Pan 2WANTED (Looms) Pajre 2WANTED (SiiuatKina) Pa>r« 2WANTl.D (Miareilaneoua)............ Pan *'


WOOD AND COAL. ~.\\7"."Pawn 7

8TILL INCREASING.The average sworn circulation of Th*

8tab for last week wax 34,768.The detailed statement appears be¬

low.These figures talk for themselves.

Statement of the circulation of Tut BtivinqStab for the week ending January 31,1891:MONDAY, January 28, 1891. S3,044TUESDAY, January 81, ia»l 33,671WEDNESDAY, January 88,189L 33,838THURSDAY, January 89. ls»L 33.842FRIDAY, January so, 1891 34,021SATURDAY, January 31, 1891 39,078

ToU1 808,014

Dally average 34,769

Corresponding week 1S90 32,604I solemnly swear that the above ts a true and

correct statement ot the circulation of TnE Even¬ing Stab for the week ending January si, I9»l.

FRANK a NOYKS,Treasurer Evening Star Newspaper Co.

Subscribed and sworn to before me thissecond day of February, A.D. 189:.

JOHN T. & CLARK,Notary Public.

A Pardon b* th* Pbemdest..The Presidentlias granted a pardon to Joseph West ofPennsylvania, sentenced to two years' hardlabor for stealing government property.Personal..Admiral Jouett is improving

slowly. With the return of clear weather hehopes soon to get out and enjoy the fresh air.

United States District Attorney RathboneGardner, Mr. It. Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Gardner of Rhode Island and Mr. and Mrs.C. W. Smith of Philadelphia are at the Arno.

W. W. Lockwood of Detroit, Mrs. BessieKeeferof Toronto, Canada. E. A. Miller, of War¬saw, N. Y., and 0. C. Walheim of Frederick,Md., are at the Fredonia. Simon Straus ofNew York, George Abbott of Alabama, H. W.Epping of Columbus. Ga., and A. B. McEachinof Tuscaloosa, Ala., are at the Metropolitan.

('apt. W. H. Ralls and Capt. Thus. Hackcttof Detroit, P. F. Baker of Buffalo and WilliamBuckles of Xenia, Ohio, are at the National..;-C. Ktowell of Boston, A. C. Ellethrop ofChicago. Mr. and Mrs. M. Douglas of Phila¬delphia. E. W. Russell of Richmond, 8. N. Ful¬ler of Pittsfiold, Mass., 8. Ashton of New York,H. T. Peck of Ohio and A. Fogg of Camden,N. J., are at the St. James.

Marriage Licenses.Marriage licenses have been issued by the

clerk of the court to the following: JohnHuff Dorian and Annie Gertrude Williams; Al¬fred Hawkins and Ida Steelyard; John Dodsonand Mary Sothron; John H. Simmons and MaryF.<Meredith: Chits. It. Humphreys and Marv A.Norris. both of Alexandria, Va.; W. B. Norwoodand Fannie L. Priddy, both of Albemarlecounty, Va.: Henry L. Ragland of Richmond,Va., and Frances C. O'Hare; Fred Heller andEmma L. Schrieber.

Real Estate Matters.F. Barbour has bought for <30,000 of L.

H. Beynon, lots 25 and 27, square 801, 138V byISO feet on 4th between M and N streets, andlot 2 and part 3. square south of 825, 194 feet 9inches by 105 feet 1 inch on 4th and M streetssouthwest.James Dudlev Morgan has purchased of John

Hay. for t9,727..e.0, part 13. square 109, 22 feet 9inches by 82 feet on K between 16th and 16thstreets northwest.Sadie G. Kama has bought for $10,000 of J.

g,nb u- .qnare 922, 16* feet fronton North Carolina avenue between 8th and 9thstreets southeast.Virginia P. Harris has purchased for 94,550

of A. Diltz et al. hubs 87 and 88, square 133, 40by 90, on Riggs street between 16th and 19thstreets northwest

Gas Light Company's Election.The stockholders of the Washington Gas

Light Company today elected directors as fol¬lows: George A. McUhenny, John C. Bullitt,VVm. B. Webb, W. R. Riley and James W.Orme.Officers were elected as follows: PresidentGeorge A. Mcllhenny; secretary, Charles B.'Bailey; treasurer. John C. Poor; assistant sec¬retary, Wm. B. Orme.


Inqnlring Abont Mrs. Flatten* Death.Inspector Swindells today reoeived a letter

from Trinidad, CoL, asking for informationconcerning the suicide of Mrs. Mary Fisher,who shot herself at the Belvedere Hotel aboutten days ago, and he mailed in reply a copy ofThe Stab containing an aocount of the sadending of the young woman's life. "Hie pistolused on that occasion was today turned over toMrs. OKeefe, mother of the dead woman, whois to return home in a day or two.

Claims to Have Bus in.lail Falsely.Laura O'Hare today, by Meesra. Morris and

Hamilton, entered «uit against Woodward kLothrop, G. F. Hendricks and Chas. E. Flinderfor $20,000 Jor false arrest Ac. She statesthat on January 30 she, with her sister Fannie,was in Woodward * Lothrop's store,11th and F streets, waiting for the paekageepurchased by her when the defendant FUaderassaulted and publicly charged her with havingstolen a diamond and napkin ring and withhaving reoeived them and other articles allegedto have been stolen; that Flinder and Hen¬dricks, acting under the orders of the otherdefendant laid hands upon her, forced her in aprivate room and as.ullad andtook bm pocket book froat herfased for two hours to permit hcate with her friends, Ac.Fannie O'Hare, by the sa

(Use a similar suit for a like

PEACEFULLY AT REST.Obsequies Over the Remains of the

Late Secretary Windom.


The Church of the Covenant Crowded WithDistinguished Mourner*.l>r Hatullu'a lm-

prniln Address.Scenes at the Roue andat the Cemetery.Many Floral Tribute*.

AH day yesterday the body of the late Sec¬retary of the Treasury lay in state in the hushedand silent mansion.

Mr. Wm. P. Windom, the dead Secretary ¦tort, who wa« in Baton Rouge, 11 the timeof his father's death, also arrived here yester¬day. Mr. Windom waa traveling in the southfor the benefit of his heakh.He Rooms to have improved somevhat,although it waa evident from his appearancethat his father s death has very sorely affectedhim. Since he has been south his little daughterdied and he suffers, therefore, a double afflic¬tion. Mrs. Garfield and her son also arrivedyesterday and attended the funeral una morn¬ing.

? LARGE 5rXPEl OF CALLIRi.There have been a large number of callers,

and all who desired to do so were permitted toview the body of the dead Secretary. Amongthese callers were the President .ind Mrs. Har¬rison, Secretary Tracy, Postmaster GeneralWanamaker and Justice Field.Poatmanter General WimfW ha* ^eon *

busy man ever since the first uews of the sadoccurrence reached this city, for all the ar¬rangements have talien upon him and be liasbeen in constant attendance at the strickenhousehold day and night.

Yesterday the following prominent citizens 01New York came over to attend the funeral, rep¬resenting the Dniou League Club: Messrs. JoelB. Erhardt, Cornelius N. Bosh, Jesse Seligmaa,H. O. Aimour, Dorman B. Eaton, M. W. C ""I*1-William Dowd, Benjamin Brewster, CharlesWatrous, Se.h M. Milliken, Logan C. Murray,Horace Porter, H. L. Horton, James B. t olgate,T. C. Train, Homer Lee and W. L. Strong.

EVIDENCES OF MOURNING.Today the entire community seemed to be in

mourning; the flags on the executive depart¬ments drooped at half mast about theirstaffs; the treasury building, the scene ofthe Secretary's greatest achievements, andall its bureaus heavily draped inmourning rendered the scene about the citydecidedly impressive. The Navy Departmentshrouded in mourning for George Lancrolt,late Secretary of the Navy, and the Departmentof Justice diaped in mourning for the late At¬torney General Deveint added to the solemnityof the occasion.

. . ..Early this morning the crowd began to gatheraround the hoiae of the late Secretary on Mas¬sachusetts avenue, and a large number olfriends of the family availed themselves of theopportunity of taking a last look at bis re¬mains, between 8 and 11 o'clock, the hours setapart for that purpose.

I.OOKISO CPOS THE PIAD SECHETAUT.It had been intended to admit only the

friends of the family and prominent officials tothe house this morning, but this plan wasabandoned and all who wished were admitted.For several hours there was a constant streamof visitois moving in and out. ma<le up of allclasses of people. There was in this long linea noticeable number of oolored i*oi>le andpoor people, who seemed to realize lhat theyhad lost a friend when the Secretary died.The bodv lay in the open casket in the front

drawing room with the head toward the north.The windows were partially open, letting in alittle of the clear light of dav-from the outside.This gave even more of a lifelike appearanceto the calm and placid face of the great finan¬cier who lay there, free at last and resting fromall the care# and worries of this mortal life.Many of the clerks in the treasury called to

take a last look at the face of their chief, whohad been so popular with all of them, high andlow. There were tears in the eyes of many oxthem, for it is not often that a governmentothcial is as popular as waa Secretary Windom.

FRAttRANT TRIBUTES OF RESlEeT.The room in which the body lay was filled

with beautiful floral offerings. Around theedge of the cloth-covered casket ran a rope ofviolets, a tribute from the younger danghter ofthe Secretary, and at the foot lay a beautifulspray of rare palm leaves, placed therebv Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brown. Pres¬ident and Mrs. Harrison sent a mag¬nificent WTeath of violets and lilies ofthe valley with a sheaf of wheat. This wasalso placed upon the coffin when it was taken tothe church. Senator Evartssenta sorav of palmleaves and orchids; Mr. t'haa. Hendley. Mr.Windom s private secretory, a rope of violets;ex-Senator and Mrs. H. G. Davis of WestVirginia, a large wreath of ro*en and liliesof ihe ralley encircling a photograph ofthe dead Secretary. The Union League ofMinneapolis sent a floral anchor andcross, and Plate Printers' Assembly, No. 3S37,of this citv, sent a pillow of roses. Mrs. J-.. A.Kimball sent a wreath of ivy leaves; Mrs. Gard¬iner G. Hubbard, a design of palms and nolert;the governor of Miunesoto and Mrs. Wm. K.Merriam. a bunch of calla lilies; Secretary andMrs Blaine, a bunch of Easter lilies andpalms; Ma}. Fred Brmckett, bride roses;Secretory Tracy, a cluster of brideroses and palms; Secretary and Mrs.wreath of azaleas; the Vice President and Mrs.Morton, a wreath of English violets, roses,lilies of the valley and asparugus vine; Col. O.H. Ernst, roses; Mr. Wm. H. T. Hughes, rosea,and Mr. and Mrs; Hitt, a wreath of whiterosea. The officers and employes in the reg¬ister's office of the treasury sent a greatshield offlowers,a fac-simile of the treasury seal,of whitepinks and roses with the key and scales of violets.All these flowers were token to carriages to thechurch, where they were laid ar»und thechancei. Later in the day all these magnificentflowers, with the exception of those that layupon the casket, were, at the request of thefamily, distributed among the various hos¬pitals of the city.

THK POOas ClOSID *0 TBI PUBLIC.At 11 o'cl6ck the doors of the house were

closed to the general public and only a few in¬timate friends were admitted.A few moments later the members of the

family came down the stairs and into the frontdrawing room. The ludies were In heavymourning, closely veiled, and seemed to bearup heroically under their burdens of sorrow.

till SERVICES At THK ¦OCSK.The only others who were present at the

services at the house were the President andMrs. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Bussell Harrison,Mr Halford, the Vice President and Mrs. Mor¬ton, the cabinet officers and their families. Mr.Hendley. Mr. John H. Bice of New York, Mr.Joseph Hutchison, Miss Hunt, Mr. W. H. Hol-brook. Mr. Geo. A. Brackett, Mr. Fosnf*. Mr.G. M. Wilcox. Mr*. W. D. W indom, Mr. Geo..E.Hatch, Mr. John Douglas, Mrs. Garfield, Mr.Harrv Garfield, Mr. and Mr*. J. B. Colgate ofNew York, Mrs. John Gilman of Baltimore,Mrs. Paul of Baltimore and Mr. and Mrs. Stan¬ley Brown.

. ,They were all in the rear drawing roomand the family servants were also there.The services wet* conducted by Kev. Dr.

TT.mlin of the Church of the Covenant andwere brief but very impressive and there werefew present in whose eyes there were nottears. The President and his official fambyseemed to be deeply moved at this, the firstbreak in the cabinet circle. At the request aiMrs. Windom the members of the eaMnet actedas honorary pallbearers.

tbk raocKMSioa to tm CRM*.At the conclusion of the private services the

active pallbearers entered the house and liftrin* the casket upon their shoulders earned itdown the broad stone (tope and out rnthehearse. The pallbearers ware a dctoU from

Mom. MdewleSd

All thi« time in immense crowd had b«figathering around the house. bn» the beet <*order was preserved and almost all of them.f^med In i* drawn thitiier by respect ratherthan by idle cariosity.It was about 11:45 that the Ion* prncemion ofcarriages left ihc house for the court hA guard of monnted police in command of

Sergt Slstterj rode at the head and cleared thecrowded streets There probablv was never alarger purely civic funeral in tbit citr and ttstrikingly evidenced the people's great loveand esteem for ihedsad statesman.

.U.,!n *ho l®r >cession -ame the polio*, thenthe pallbearers. the beane. the members of thefamily and then tivnds who had been at theserwee* at the livjse. Tiie guard of honorfrom the District militia walked along besidethe hearse. The line of march was up Massa¬chusetts avenue to Scott Circle, then

._hnode Island avenue to Con¬

necticut avenue , ind thence to the1 hnrcb of the Covenant. There was an iin-meuse crowd all around the church extending^across Connecticut avenue, but a squad ofpolice under Oapt. Austin and Lieut. Guymaintained perfect order. Onlv a very smallnumber in addition to those who bad cards ofadmission were allowed to enter the edinoe.

AT THE CHl'UCH or THE COVEXAMT."Whosoever beiieveth in He shall have ever¬

lasting life," "I know that my Redeemer liv-eth. like the fairy fall of snow flakes upon a

silent earth, like the mist blowing into the fell these solemn words upou the ears of asaddened multitude crowded into the pews ofthe Church of the Covenant. Tbev wereuttered by Kev. Dr. Hamlin as. with


bowedif* i* .dvanced up the center aiale ahead ofthe line of mourners. Behind him walked thecabinet, Mr. Blaine and Mr. Proctor, Mr. Millerwith Mr. anamaker, Mr. Noble with Mr.1 racy and Mr. llusk alone. Then came the ee-c°rt of gnnrdsmen. followed by the bodv bear-f", with the violet draped casket high abovethe floor upon their shoulders, behind thecasket walked the family of the dead states¬man, Mrs. Windom on the r.rm of her son andthe two daughters, followed by the othermourners. Some distance down tne aisle camethe President and his familv. including Mr.and Mrs. Kussel Harrison, Mrs McKee, Mrs.Dimmick and Mr. Halford.

'lhe church was by this time completelvfilled.

KEATIXO THE DIBTIXoriSHED lwmHLI«r.The mourners occupied the first three pews

on the left, the cabinet the first pew on theright, the delegation from Jiew York behindthem and then the President. The justices ofthe Supreme Court sat behind the mournersand the l*resident. and behind them wereKitted Senators and Representatives. Themembers of the diplomatic corps had placesbehind lhe President.By noon, when the cortege arrived at the

church, every seat had been taken and the un-ticketed public was pressing at the doors foradmission. The seating was in charge of thefollowing ushers: Messrs. yuafley. Shafer.lMvis,James llaxidson. Frank Johnsou, Wh11sell.John Edwards. Quimby and How Brodhead.As soon as the casket had been placed on its

trestles in front of the pulpit, within thescented atmosphere that was exhaled by thetloral tributes, and the funeral partv hail allbeen

_seated, the song, "Jesus, Lover of My

Soul." rose and swelled from the organ loft be¬hind the pastor.

the wmnrir selectioxr.When the last sad strains had died and there

was silence once more within the church. Dr.Hamlin roae behind the palms that framed histigure, and with a clear, strong voice he readthat selection from the gospel beginning."Blessed be God, even Father of our LordJesus."For ten minutes the comforting word* of

Scripture poured down upon the sorrowingthrong. "I will turn their mourning into the Lord, 'lhere shall be jov and glad¬ness, and sorrow and sadness shall fly away."lhe reading over, the quartet sang another ofMr. \\ indoin's favorite hymns, "In the Cross ofChrist i glory."

BET. I)B. lunnl'l ABDUM.It was about 12:15 when Dr. Hamlin began

his address, which occupied fully half an hourin its delivery. He paid the most glosriug yetcareful triba'e to the memory of the manwhose morud remains lay resting in the casketat his feet, sketching his life and career ai dpubli - work with ijuick, effective strokes, thatportrayed the man and the statesman at oncem lmng colon and carried the at¬tention of every soul within the reach ofhis voice. He spoke of him as agentleman of charming affability, a manof unflinching courage, a legislator ofunwearying industry, a lawyer of eruditionand skill, a cabinet officer of broad views audsound policy, a citizen of worth aud esteem afaithful friend, a husband and father dearwithin his family circle, and, above all and (>e-yond all. a conscientious Christian whose faithnever wavered.


"Such," uid he, "was William Windom.Such the world knew him to lie in ha longcaieor; such this cit/ has known wherehis figure has been fsmiliar since 1N60; suchwe here present knew him as relative, friendassociate. Born in Ohio he was. like Lin¬coln, a child of the aoil, not ofthe city street. North Carolina rasthe state of his father. Pennsylvania that ofhis mother, both strict Hicksite Quakers. Theearly training of morality aud religion stoodhim in good stead throughout his after lifetried by temptation aud pressedwith duties. The hardship of apioneer (arm life formed bis character, andwith an energy that marked his whole life hebravely turued from the trade which he dis¬liked to the study of the law. His gnat quali¬ties brought him speedy success.

HIS SCBSEyrEXT CABEEB.Then the pastor followed his career of bright¬

ening glory until he showed the full manseated for the first time in the national legis¬lature surrounded by men who names are nowblazing memories, and "many others whosenames, happilv for as and for our country, arenot yet starred."Then of the Senators who were associated

with Mr. Windom he mentioned mar. r whohave passed away "and others, not a few ofwhom are here today in genuine grief." AsSecretary of the Treasury, Dr. Hamlin went onto say, Mr. Windom had gieat predec-mors,but he had, unlike them, few opportunities forbrilliant financiering.

His UIT SPEECH."But there has never been anything more

brilliant or valuable than the plea that hemade last Thursday night for an nmimpededcommerce and a sound currency. He was nota statesman of the sixictaculur school, nor didhe have a fondness for coup d° etst.

lie always dared to do the thing which beaaw to be right. The House of Representatives,the Senate, the cabinet are great places, andW illlam Windom did great work in them all.

Still, the man outweighs the statesman. Letus turn from his public services to bis privatelife, where bis genial qualities attractedall eye* and won all heart*. Hewas always courteous and gentle; flattervnever deceived him: his character waaaarimpleand transparent a* that of a child. What won¬der then was it that everybody loved

om EIXDEBT THOCOHTS or IULThroughout the country only the kindeet of

thought* are entertained for him aad his mem¬ory. ho honest waa be that after thirty yean atpublic life be left only a moderate Iwtue.He never became rafted, his temper waseven and sweet and his ear was always ready tolisten to the complaint* of thaw who thoughtthemselves injured. So loyal was h* to hfeduty that he had been working Imsasanily for many months part regardlessof the physical dangen with which be knew h*was surrounded and he ha*b*en constantly re¬fusing the moat flittering odors to retora toprivate life.Open eyed, clean handod aad pin minded,

be wae a man to be eeteeamd, truated aad loved.Although savagely criticised by his poUtfealopponents, no breath at acaadd everclang to him. After his defeat lor n ahnttnato the Senate, he said to a friend: -1 have lootmy place, bat I have kept a clear oemmfaaoeaad that ia better tfaaa aay oAee.

***** OBTBBBED tM POTT.Throughout hie eatfaa oarear ha rkn.ii a

a simpis iacapacity to be deterred from a p*-'-datjr. Binee laat Tharaday Bight maa ef alabadaaotpotiticeiopiaioahave vied witheaehother la layi^ on hi. Mar tht^ tribal Aaa

lOmttm,* am

CRISPI'S SUCCESSOR.A Vioe President of the Chamber of

Deputies.OTHER FOREIGN NEWS OF TEE DAT.A Baronet Caught Cheating at

Cards Causes a Sensation.



King Will Anvfl I« <Nkaf hr-.!(« Km of lit* !».>.

Lokdo*. FA. 1- -Prw*s dispatches fro® Rom*u*n that the king regard. the resignation ofXini»tn Cri>|il .. fiiwl Md bM nut rwqueetedits vilinlnml. On Friday la*t C«i«t H"rh»rtBismarck ««. tDtoruuwil by hiju«r CrisfdIt M reported that on that onwM hignorCrispi tmmrd doubt* of b» sbiltty to retainpower The new* ol Ibr dowafsll of hwle*Crispi IM received quietly In lirrman politi¬cal circle*. insainuch aa it I* not believed thatthe I»r> bund or Italian policy trill be allottedthereby.Roni, Feb. J.- The king baa Invited thellarqui* A. 1*1 Riduni. second of the (our tic*president* of the chamber of deputise, to form. cabinet.Lokdox, Feb. 2.- Ail indication* pointto a more pronounced *.* iali*tic agita

Hon throughout Europe Una apt inn thaiin the earlier [art of lul iw. in Austria,Uelgium and Npsm woAitigmen * club*have alrealty declared in favor of a great labordemonstration <>n May 1. The propoaed luest-ing of a conference representing Europeansovereign* t« determine upcn >ue..sures of mu¬tual protection agan.1 the agitation of social-i*U and ansr'hist* ha* not >et been held,although Au.-tria ami (nriaiiii) bare bad boumdiacuasion en the »ul>J» . tMr (iladatone evid> ntly ha* no intention of

retiring from public life for the present. Heha* taken a houae for the seaaun on Park Laoe,overlooking Hyde l'ark.In view of the *torm which ba* been raised,it |< now believed that Sir John l'o|ie H< uuewywill at>andon hi* sinendm) nt toMr tila.latone a

religion" disabilities bill, in which Henne**ypropowtd that tin sovereign ot iiirat ltrttainmight be a Catholic, if he or ahe cIhm to baone.

Mir Charles Dilke 1* spoken of aa a poaaibUsuccessor to i harlc* JSrsdlnigh a neat.The VawliinJ says that "Ivanhoe" ia the

moot imposing sj-ectacle Uiat the Englishoperatic >Ufti Iim jet witnessed, and the 7e«e-«/ro;ifc j ronnance* it a brilliant sondes*.Mr (lUlrliiue i* aaid to have giteu the as¬

surances asked for by I'ariM'll aa to the kind ofhome rule he dca^tir for In land. Thoar ss-auranoe* the a« ttlemetit of the land ques¬tion by the Irish parliament, and the oonver-aion of the royal Irish constabulary uiU polioa-tnetl.

f'ttfarn of Pari* pnbiiahe* an interview withthe pope in which the holv father i* repfe-*ented a* saying that if the couaervstives ofFrance mmw that it wa* possible the) should es¬tablish koinith:ugbett. r than art public, other¬wise they ithoulil adhere to the republic, whichwould then be what they chose to make it.In Greece severe storm* and cold w.-ather

continue to prevail and numerous accident* onlaud a'id aea a' c reported.Action taken by Uie union men in the dock

laborer* atrike here ha* caused tin VV ilsou-Hill Company to revert to the ahipping federa¬tion.The German empreaa ia ill with a aevere cold,and the reception which n> to have l>een held

today ha* been postponed until S.uunhiy next,lloaiiie liloch, the Freutli prima donna, ia

deadAt Skopin. in the government of Riazin,

Russia. a liospital lis* been destroyed by ftre.Fourteen patients were burned to death.


Aa Eatiuh Baronet IH«r*rH Tkwaifcatthe I.UmI.

Special Cable Dlapab L to The Lisntmr tttar.London. Feb. 2..The following are the exact

fact* regarding a acandal that, without exac-gcration. through the extraordinary effort*mail to auppreaa it. may be aaid to have shakenEngl'' t society of all grade* to ita center fromthe M.irlborough Houae to Prince of Wale*'own net downward*. A certain baronet, verywell known soeisUy, but very unpopular onaccount of hi* arrogant manner*, waa latelydetected cheating at card*. H. U.H.. the Priauaof Wales', advice wa* uatuialiy . otiaulted inthe premise*, and hi* wiahe* regarded aa lair bythose preaeut.

It ap|iear* that *u*picion bad for *ome timebe«.u directed against the culprit, but up to thetime of the occurrence in question no proofatrong enough to convict had been adduced-Manv of the baronet* fellow-play era, naturallyindignant, declared that they were in favor ofin*taut exposure, but in detereuce to the wiahesof the prince thev agreed to keep absolutealienee on the culprit * giving a promise iawriting never to Iilay card* again at anv placeor at any time. Unfortunately somebody toldtile story "in confidence' to a friend, aud theUMUal result followed, a* in a f< w day* the a*airWHS the subject of excited gossip from our endof the metropolis to the other.

Iu consequence the haughty baronet haa beencompell< <1 to resign his membership iu everyclub to which he belonged and it la now re¬

ported that be ha* left England. Other rumor*are to the effect that he lutenda to fight if ex¬

posed. hi* name not havu.g yet been mentionedin print.


The Vessels of the Insurgent* and the Oneermneut right olf Anrwd.

Btbhoo Avars. Feb. 2 Reports have reachedhere of auother engagement off Ancud, capiudof the lalaud of Chiloe. in the c hiloe archi¬pelago. The battle waa fought be¬tween a government man-of-war and anInsurgent war ve»*l. It resulted iathe defeat of the insurgents. It issupposed that the vewiel* engaged were the twoship* previously referred to. the rebel vesselwhich landed the insurgent marines at Ancudand the government ship which tned to landtroop* at that port under the diaguiae of hoist¬ing the liritish flag. Communication with Han-tiago de Chili, the capital of Chili, and othertown* which bad been temporarily r« lltsbiished haa again been interrupted.


He Imih Berlin oa HI* Egyptian T*wr.B|iecial Cable Diapstek to The Lv nin.- Mtar ,«... .V Feb. 2 .Prof. Koi h left today on kk

Eg} ptiaa holiday of nix or eight weuks and hahas virtually taken the secret ot the prepara¬tion of the lymph wiih him. despite hi* dis¬closure* of the constituent clement*, much tothe disgust of the phyaicuin* throughout Oer-nuuiv. The Prussian government at one tin*intended to undertake the preparation and *al*of the valuable com|>ouud. but haa uowdecidedto let the matter rest for the pieaent ou therepresentations of those who warned the *ta«against assuming the sole re*poo*ibility forthe areparation and lefcdling ol a mi U.cine thatha* not realized and does not wen likely tarealize ail the sanguine prediction* msda ra-garding it. Aa to the resulU already attainedby its aid. Prof. Lardcnh..ucr of Oolugue slate*that out of 100 surgical ca*e* under hi* oar* h*haa not aecured a angle cure after aix week*trr i.tmcnt. although the lymph undoubtedlypossesses therapeutic qualities of aa improvingkind and to a considerable dsgra*. Evan inRerlin the dimatisfacUonat Prof. Koch * aikucais increasing and auggestioua are mad* thatpossiblv the distinguished discoverw may.through Mill* accident, never return aiiva. andthu* hi* formula at the prsparauon at thalymph ba lo*t.

getting pomsmion of the ballotthey Masked. Some at the rioters vara ar¬rested. The returns fro* tks piovine** MMeontinne ta wkvw gain* for the gunnimwt.Tki* is tha can** of much L«a«i*tnl*tlM oath* part at the conservative*, aa jamsrdny'*election* vara tha Ant held nndar Ike law »