0 r He 5 ii Jyu If 1 Ir 9BCts Have Your Lawn Wie Yf 4...

SS p BS3ssasp v v t Yi TVL1 I w i V rO Vvv > f J I P7 Iq+ 4 OCALA EVENINGL8TAR SATURDAY AUGUST 119Of 0 R t iii t I I r < r ot7 > t I j- jJl 1- ETENING o < STAR J ii S t- f 2i1 0 7 2 V IcLIathiIf and RCarrIJJS- Ts I J naII IubUher l Jf tt It r d 1 o t c L P1NGEEdito F 1 r- v i 1ICARRoLLift Manager SIGNING THE TARIFF BILL s c iJuM the haads oMhe gold clock- in tie K elents room reached five JV a Mlavtei put five Thursday after r aooa the Payne tariff bill as the measare will be known was laid be- fore ¬ A the per ldeat He picked up a rL r JH supplied by Chairman Payne of- t >> the house ways and means commit- tee ¬ t e and which was used by both the vice pretIcientand the speaker in t iligl g the bill and attached his signaUre After writing William H Taft the president added Signed five i niiBtes after five oclock August 5 L v 1909 W H T Bending over the fcv r president as he affixed his signature V were Secretary Knox Secretary Mc Veagh Attorney General Wicker sham Postmaster General Hitch ¬ cock Secretary Nagel and Secretary r Wifeon Stamping about the table c were Senator Aldrich Representa- tive ¬ FAne and many other mem- bers ¬ of the senate and house Mr i Payne stood with bands extended A waiting to receive the pen with k which the bill was signed He took J it with a picture of boyish glee overspreading his face Another pen wa aaaded the president and 4 2 he wrote word Approved and handed the pen Representative A Langiey of Kentucky r Immediately after attaching his t4r name to the general tariff bill he signed the Philippine tariff measure He used a handsome mother of pearl f pen sent to him from the PhIlIp tC jAjplne tobe used in signing this ut Abroad smile of satis- ifacUoaoTerspread kr his face and he name a flourish not- f nj shown 6iJeeneral tariff bill I 7 x Joked With Florida Senators p it 4eutor Taliaferro of Florida in 1 > Inthera plaintive tone said Mr J t President surely you are not going j to sip the bill with that pineapple if I paragraph in it 1 He referred to the fact that he had secured ah in- creased ¬ t duty on pineapples in the senate which was eliminated in con- ference ¬ f What would you have me do Shall 1 strike out pineapples t altogether just write in a rate to L suit you asked Mr Taft laughin- gly Senator Fletcher of Florida wh telling the president goodbye soon after was dismissed with a gOodbye old pineapples take care of yourself The president tried h with his good nature to mollify CxI Senator Warren for his disappoint- ment ¬ over the abolition of the duty on hides and greeted Senator Hey bum said the floor today t 10ihatno rate In tti biffwas too high J tfd ittlttitinWlth a How are yo- uLoldhIgbtrifff t When the seriate and house corn C tm appointed to inform the A J president that congress was ready to adjourn called at the presidents room7 lhe farlff linT had not been signed Senator Aldrich made his brief and formal announcement I Well I havenot signed the bill l yet said the president do you think that I ought to adjourn con ¬ < reMbefore I sign it There having been much talk I about the possibility of a vetor 2 everybody la the room caught the significance ot the presidents jocu ¬ JarquerrIIcertainly do not1 re a Hfd Senator Aldrich joining Inth I laughter L- m t I- 4V fU > f rj t EnNED 1JPwilH- H j l t TRE ELSTERNkRS- t l 6 r Y u J t I Y I > t- t Q9ngTeliRlU Victor Murdock of- Kansas I cOmes from the town of Wichita and there is moro or less tendency to poke fun at the towns name which somehow says the New York Evening Telegram seems to strike a lot of effete Easterners as funny Murdock always gets p mad about such allusions He used 4c1 to be edItOr of the Wichita Eagle and there are always excuses for al- ludlng to tHe scr amof the bird whea Murdock is around V The other evening Murdock and two fellow members were walking down Pennsylvania avenue in Wash- ington ¬ and one aId What did TOR say was the name of that town of your Vic L Wichita ilr the greatest and S A bestAnd I your paper was the Eagle Yea mighty good paper too- k t They always shove it at you here first thing s Say Ill bet you theyll c oferlt to you the first thing at that Maews taad oa the corner > The bet was made dinners for- t the trio They walked up to the standi one of the name your city and Ive got your home paper va- riety ¬ They stood and glanced casu- ally over the stock as If thinking of v purchasing I A Papers gentlemen inquired p the boy In charge Got em all S name your home city and Ill get 6 V oat the piper Spose you all want the Wichita Eagle Only one left theyve beea going fast today With that he produced the paper After they had had dinner and the L Bill had been paid Murdock admitted J that he hafJanted the paper there z Pt and ae was beginning to f f get even jrlth Bome folks who pever sawanything so good as Kaasas J sad wouldnt recognize a firstclafe- towa If they rwere put off in It ff1 r- v IROBEINWIUTEABRAY- Kirsty to 1 < t McDougall who lived in a I 1t v remote Highland parish had a visit F from her Edinburgh nieces who were to spend a week or two with f the old lady says TitBits She de 1W tsneiBed to show them off on Sun- day ¬ I at the ancient village kirk of Lbcaaber The young ladles wore i TtJt coatHHiee of the purest snowy hue 1tjo = i i At the point of Aks sermon the min t later In speaking of the angels of r Heaves was heard to say Aid who are those in whitear- Vray t > i < 4 1 3To the coasternation of the co- ngregatitX1raI v was heard to ex I l Wa- It Its ma twa nieces sir frae Ed > i i11brgh iofjl 1 4 1Jt eo t71 r CHOICE OF COLUMBIA 4 n V f t J 1 News huJ4enreceIved in London < L fi d that the congreu of ColumbIa has- appotated Di Pedro IgnaCio Mol- inapsjidItfieIon > to Rafael i4 + ieyes reulgned i + t c f Moliia who ie now In London I o teti a Sua correspondent that he if aa4 bad ao official notification of r rp appoint int te > tile presidency In j z F1 Jal cis Jte laid he would not RC J j K- h 4- r t i 6 0 i Jr- it c t > < 3 iI- I < of 4 S 1L1il f Q > rv i r I- t It V it I cept the office for the term of one year as he could not in that time I carry out any serious program THREE THOUSAND TIES Rev Alfred Harrison Burroughs of BristolTenn is said to hold the worlds record for performing mar- riages ¬ He has married three thou ¬ sand couples Three thousand ties and one cant help wondering w many were cross ties SAYS ITS A BLUFF Judge Alton B Parker presldental candidate on the demo- cratic ¬ ticket characterizes the tariff bill as a republican attempt to de- ceive ¬ the people- A DECLARATION- OF INDEPENDENCE- It is time that the west threw off the shackles of the east I would preach no sectional strifes but Min- nesota ¬ and Washington and the states between them with those to the south of us should arise in their might and claim for themaelvcs that fair share of Influence In the halls or national af- fairs ¬ to which they are entitled by ev- ery ¬ law of common sense as well as of political economy This was the declaration of Gov John Johnson of Minnesota in his ad ¬ dress at that states celebration at the Seattle exposition- We have In the states west of the Mississippi the undoubted balance of power no matter under what name the national administration at Wash- ington ¬ exists he aded Our lead- ers ¬ have been content to follow is no small measure this leadership of men who represent small constituencies- and smaller commonwealths UNITED ON THE TARIFF ISSUE Champ Clark minority leader oi the democrats In the House of Representa- tives ¬ has given out a statement deny- ing ¬ the reports generally published in the republican newspapers to the ef- fect ¬ that there were serious dissensions among the democratic members ocr the tariff bill which wits finally adopt- ed ¬ by the Senate yesterday Mr Clark said The democrats came out of the tar- iff ¬ struggle more generally and thor- oughly ¬ united on that question than they have been for more than a gen- eration ¬ The republlcans ame out of the struggle worse shattered than ever before Some of the newspapers say that had the democrats not been ab ¬ sent in largo numbers until paired we could have defeated the conference re- port ¬ This Is untrue There is not a syllable of truth in the statement that at the time the vote was taken to recommit the conference report that the absence of just two democrats prevented it being recom- mitted ¬ Mr Clark traced down similar accu- sations ¬ showing that at no time was it possible for the democrats to head off republican majority He also said- It was absolutely untrue that the new law is a revision downward He said that in March of 1310 it would be seen that the averge rate is 27 per cent greater than that of the Dingley bill under which the tariff now operates THE SECRET OF LONG LIFE- A French scientist has discovered one secret Of long life His method deals with the blood But Jqng ago millions of Aiffericans had proved Electric Bitters prolongs life and makes It worth living < It purifies en ¬ riches and it es t blood rebuilds waste nerve Cecils Imparts life and tone to the tlr stem Its a god- send ¬ to WtakTsick and debilitated people Kidney trouble had blighted- my life for months writes W M Sherman of Cushing Me but Elec ttte Bitters cored me entirely Only Me at tilt druggists R C Davis Co of Jacksonville will sell any make of secondhand typewriter upon easy terms If desired Ir- gcc T I- r J- I r11 l cJ4 THEY FIT THE LIPS LIKE KISSES- and i taste as sweet Thats why Schles ingers and Lowneys Candles In half and pound boxes are so popular Pure confections these flavor delicious Our confectionery is free from adultera- tion ¬ It is wholesome and healthful Every kind of confectionery here Fruits Cold Drinks Cigars and New papwi AT BALLARDS- The j Proof is in the BREAD- If you are not using- it now its a good time to begin We- s U it exclusively in Ocala MARTIN CARN i tt p I CLIMAX X MOSQUITO BARS j- He Best Made At All Prices I Others as 9BCt s 1 s 4 Cheap as 5 I THE GLOBE i- J JAJ AA rr r ir XEW FASHION IN WALL PAPER An old joke runs like this You are fined 5 for being drunk said the magistrate All right replied- the prisoner Ill pay it but can I have a receipt I want to show my wife where the money went That sort of a thing is no longer a joke- in New York it is a reality Under new system every magistrates court- in Xew York has been instructed to give receipts on demand for fines collected from persons convicted of intoxication disorderly conduct or violation of the sanitary code Some- of the high rollers are said to be saving their receipts to be used as wall paper i c F W 4 4 DONT NEED GLASSES Many people do not need glasses but most people do You may be one of the majority There are two ways of finding out Oneawait for time and disease to drive you to It- TwoConsult us about it We Can Tell You whether or not you need them DR D M BONEY Eyesight Specialist Ocala Fla Office hours 9 to 10 a m and 130- to 430 Po m Optical office and lab- oratory ¬ rooms 2 and 4 Gary block THE BEST PROTECTION Not a single phone has burned in a house In OCala A telephone is better than insurance In case of burglars or fire you need quick action You get that day or night with a telephone Residence rates 56 per quarter in ad- vance ¬ Ocala Telephone C- oCASTORIA For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the- S1gnature of- HOUSES FOR RENT Modern cottages all conveniences well located and new Apply to Jos- eph ¬ Bell at court house WASHINGTON ONCE GAVE UP to three doctorSTwas kept In bed for five weeks Bloo poisoned from a spiders bit caused large deep sores to cover s The doctors failed then BucKllnliArnlca Salve com- pletely ¬ ctiitd e writes John Wash- ington ¬ or Bosquesville Tcx For eczema boils burns and piles It S su- preme 25c at all druggists ROOMS FOR RENT F Elegant furnished rooms for rent at tho Wisteria Apply to Mrs H C Jones ACTIVE AT 87 This would be uffusHal news if men and women warnd keep themselves free from rheumatism and all aches and pains aswell as Iceeping their muscles and jomts limbered with Ballards Snov Llninrent Sold > by all druggists ST- YPEWRITER BARGAIN For 10 spot cash secondhand Call graph typewriter worth fully 25 want the room Apply immediately- Star CLERKCAriRIER EXAMINATION- The United States Civil SenIce Commission announces that on Sep ¬ tember 1 1909 at Ocala Fla an ex- amInation ¬ will be held for the positions of clerk and carrier in the post office service Clerks In offices of first and second class and carriers in the city delivery service are divided into six grades as follows First grade saJar600 second grade salary 800 third grade salary 900 fourth grade salary 1 000 fifth grade salary 1100 sixth grades salary 1200 Clerks and car- riers ¬ at firstclass offices will be pro ¬ moted successively to the fifth grade and clerks and carriers at second class offices will be promoted successively- to the fourth grade Any clerk is eli ¬ gible for transfer to the service of a carrier and any carrier is eligible for transfer to the service of a clerk Age limit all positions IS to 15 years The age limits are waived however in cases of persons honor- ably ¬ discharged from the military or naval service by reason of disability resulting from wounds or sickness in ¬ curred in the line of duty Male applicants for the post office service must be at least 5 feet 4 in- ches ¬ in height in bare feet and 125 pounds In weight without > overcoat and hat otherwise their applications will be canceled Female applicants- are not required to be of any specific height or weight Applicants for the post office ser ¬ vice are required to be physically sound and in good health For application blank instructions- to applicants and further information application should be made to the lo ¬ I cal secretary at the Ocala post office- or the undersigned No application- will be accepted unless properly exe- cuted ¬ I and filed with the undersigned prior to the hour of closing business- on I August 25 1909 GEO S DONNELL Sec 5th Civil Service Dlst- Atlanta I Ga The worlds most successful medi- cine ¬ for bowel complaints is Chamber- lains ¬ Colic Ch fera and Diarrhoea Remedy It hab rf lieveyd more pain and suffering and sa more lives than any other medicine In use In- valuable ¬ for children and adults M VsJ5V PAYNE BILL ISNT PERFECT But it is a Sincere Effort on the Part of Republicans Toward Downward Revision Says Taft Washington D X August 7PresI- dent ¬ Taft last night gave out a state- ment ¬ embodying his views of the naw tariff act which he designates c ¬ ially as the Payne bill in accordance with past custom of giving first rec- ognition ¬ to the former of the measure- In the House of Representatives- The President declares that whi the bill is not perfect my any means nor- a complete compliance with promises made strictly interpreted it Is nev- ertheless ¬ a sincere effort on the part of the party to make a downward re ¬ vision and to comply with the prom ¬ ises of the platform This is not a freetrade billIt was not intended to be The republican party did not promise to make a free trade bill It promised to make the rates pro- tective ¬ but to reduce them when they exceed the difference between the cost production abroad and here making allowance for the greater normal profit on active investments here I believe that while this excess has not been reduced in a number of cases in a great majority the rates are such as are necessary to protect American in- dustries ¬ but are low enough In case of abnormal increase of demand and raising of prices to permit the possi- bility ¬ of the importation of the for ¬ eign article and thus to prevent ex- cessive ¬ prices STATE MARKSMEN SELECTED- The Men Who WilP Represent Florida- at the National Match St Augustine Aug 7A team was chosen yesterday afternoon to repre ¬ sent Florida in the national match at Camp Perry Ohio as follows Capt Menager of the general staff Jack- sonville ¬ Sergeant Creshaw Second Regiment Company B Leesburg Sergeant DavIes general staff St Au ¬ I gustine Major Snow general staff I St Augustine Major Yerkes general staff Jacksonville Captain Cramer B Potter Second Regiment Company G St Petersburg Private Larsen Sec ¬ ond Regiment Company II Gaines- ville ¬ Sergeant Carden First Regi ¬ ment Company K DeFuniak Springs Captain Preston Ayres Second Regi ¬ ment Company C Orlando Private Shinto First Regiment Company D Jacksonville Prlvate Sauls First Regiment Company C Tallahassee Sergeant E X Kelsey Second Regi ¬ ment Company G St Petersburg Major Coxsetter general staff Jack- sonville ¬ Corporal Dudvey V Haddock Second Regiment Company G St Petersburg Colonel Carlton team coach General J Clifford R Foster team Probably three of the men in the team will not be able to attend the match These vacancies will be filled by the following men in order Lieu- tenant ¬ Taylor Second Regiment Com- pany ¬ Bl Leesburg Sergeant Ralph S Chapin Second Rqgiment Company- H Gainesville PrivatES McQuarters Second RegIments Company C Orlan- do ¬ Practicing some ten days at the range here the tern goes north to I compete in the national match the latter part of the month Sergeant E N olsey of St Petersburg won the bron e nedal and cash prize at the one thousand yard range Capt Mena ¬ ger of Jacksonville taking first as he did in two other contests 7 TENTS WANTED f Two all tents wanted SxlO or 8x12 Apply at this office WHAT EVERY RAN KNOWS tifrvv1I I- H I f- I I That every tvomaa knows tk- atCANDIES S Are the Best injheWwid Her first choiceher last choice and her choice- at all times MY FAVORITES fTm oKtcoum ontt make aa exceptional gift package For Sale b- yTWTROXLER EquitableL- ife Assurance Society I Of The United Slates I STRONGEST IN THE WORLD I MISS FLORIDA CONDON Resident Agent 1 I t I COMMERCIAL STATIONERY of high grade and quality r office p and store receives a great deal of our time and attention as our stock and I facilities for supplying large and small orders t will amply attest Whether 1 you want a lead pencil or a huge led ¬ ger a note book or a letter press Its I worth your while to come In look around and compare prices I OCAIiA NEWS COMPANY J i r 1 S c ItL iftti- f S a c J i C < V J i l 1Sd i r r W cr r 1r t r 41 I 1- S O w 1 I 1 0 f c 4 or > f 1 I VOl tr t H 7 1 < t 1 i 0 J r t 1f t a f t p 1 < > 1 x if < I T I J on +otr L t Y1 r rJ 1 w < ii f j l x 5 J t- S t Jyu cti 0 J J A > S 11o r 1 If 7 f K J 3 4 r i 1 < Ir d 4 J i h i < f Have Your Lawn t r1Sh t i Wie i Yf J l S tdrt i J > Lates t M 14iriai S J M1 t t 1 0 S y V tL 11 J < s t41c- O S- 3gfe 3 > C J v J k 4- d 1 o lif- ltffir fIt H I J j h t c e v 0 V < 7 fe rlf I ii i t t r t j q r 4 M to tt I We Late just received ori o f t1i fai l i S 5 > c j Lawn itEower Grinders a mehib t eAIbQRt J j a 1 b 1 S f 5 v J i wr thepnr nse of gnndin Uw1 aI J wlia I > f d j does e work perfectly IfYQti > wJllfc J I 0 your patronage we guuan tee g1ime youoktet k Mower in t> etterco dltiqhfhln tJTh day roifgIi it It Will be sharp and t stay Irp1ont1o- ld o 16 f > style way which is J1SQ 1Jt r ri I J f w H f- trienced jvorkman with a file pr an eroesry = eeL S a- t Ji- ii S fo r J r V 1 1 S 5 Next time your Mower r ee skirp i t 5 brIng it In rtMdft f sateffi- i y ft c > make it cut so nicely will suir f y j c < t 5 4 4- e E < f- y t r 1 r- I r tfi i e j MARION r llARDWARECQ- l < < > 7i t < r- r I- J > di f r1i 8iO 4 j 45 5 lS- S I < PIT i I COHEN REINSTATED Anorder has been issued by Gover- nor ¬ Gilchrist reinstating Major M H Cohen of Tampa in the position from which he was removed over a year ago following a court martial At the time Mr Cohen was major of the First Battalion of the Second Infantry Al ¬ though reinstated Major Cohen loses twelve grades in rank as he was sixth- In rank at the time of his removal- He returns to the state troops as jun- ior ¬ major His sentence Is mitigated by his reinstatement but not wholly cancelled A WEAKLING is the only wayterk scribe the poor child that is afflfcted with worms No matter how much or how often it eats the worms nfet all the J nourishment from the fooJaviire ch practi- cally ¬ none WhlfVjjjWeanV Vermi ¬ fuge getsrill of fneonns quickly easily and xith no had after effects Price 25 cenieaIjjxuie Sold by all druggists JfHE RIGHT80RT OF BAIT A Methodist bishop was recently a guest at the home of a friend who had two charming daughters One morn- Ing ¬ the bishop acompanied by the two young ladles went out in the hope of catching some trout An old fisher ¬ man out for the same purpose wish ¬ ing to appear friendly called out Ketch many pard The drawing himself to hjs full height replied Brother I am a fisher of men Youve got Ute right kind oj bait all right was the fishermans re Joiner > The best remedy we know of In all cases of kidney and bladder trouble and the one we can always recommend- Is DeWItts Kldna anX Bladder Pills They are antlse ltid and at once assist the kidneys to perform their Impor- tant ¬ work But he ou nsk for these pills be posit e that you f get De Witts Kidney anVl Bladder Pills There are imitations upon the market to go Get DeWitts Insist upon them and if your dealer cannot supply you refuse anything else in place of them Sold by all druggists STRUCK DEAD BY LIGHTNING 7 Madison Aug 7Napoleon Artis and Jim Artis the latter a younger- man both colored were struck by lightning In their field here yester ¬ day while stacking fodder Both were instantly killed The stack of fodder caught fire from the bolt and the clothing of the men was partly con- sumed ¬ I S BABY MORPHINE FIENDS- are made by all sopih4ng syrups and baby medicines Jrtfat contain opium and narcotics VlicGees Baby Elixir contains no jurIou or narcotic drugs of any I W sure and safe cure for dlsor red omachs bowels and fretfulness srplendid for teething infants Sold by all druggists KNEW HOW TOPROTECT HERSELF Gainesville Ga August 7Edwin Matthews a negro porter at a local hotel had his throat cut last night when he attempted to enter the room of Mrs Mamie Lawson who hadan open knife under her pillow When the negro approached the bed she cut him The negro was taken to Atlanta- to prevent lynching In buying a dont be afraid to get COUgiE1cIne Cough Remedy There It and relief is ¬ ly recommended for coughs colds and whooping cough- GERMANY HAS AN ELSIE SIGEL CASE Frankfort germany August 7The murder of a white woman similar to that of Elsie SIgel in Xew York oc- curred ¬ here yesterday Tlen Yen a Chinese merchant actuated by Jeal- ousy shot Hildagarde Hoffman a mu ¬ sic hall singer then suicided Both died instantly No matter how long you have suf ¬ fered Foleys Kidney Remedy will help you Mrs S L Bowen of Wayne W Va wrlt s I was a sufferer from kidney disease so that at times I could ifofgetVput of bed and when I IIi1 cil not stand straight I took Faley Kidney Rem- edy ¬ One dollar bottle and part of the second cured me entirely It will cure you Sold by all dealers- Do not forget that you can find any ¬ thing you want in crockery and glass- ware at the Ocala News Co S 1I r 1e- v i i- A 1 t 5 7 t- r UTOMOBILE r- h l t l < 7J I TO FIT ANY RIMS 1 Z- rr 0 OLTEDON CLINCHER DCL1NCHEI- I t p S t > WE CARRY COMPLETE STOCKOFFISKfrIRE WELL AS OTHER AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES AUTO y REPAIRING AND TIRE VULCANIZING DONE > J PROMPTLY AT REASONABLE PRICCS < 4tf t- DCALAIRON i S t p I 5 WORKS QCLFA 4 1 f 4 w l t I 1- I It A < 4 i h ac D f i t1i 0 A S t t > T UNIVERSITY 4 OF FLORTDA- y FLOIDA5TATE fPf G- EtGainesville f i t Florida FOR oMEm 1 t f l j- An Institution of the First Rank sup ¬ Tallahassee FIrid- pOrtedjyStaeaud f Federal Funds J for FloHda YounIenr 1 A qo1g without a parallel lntfi ir r 5 South ofrering deferoes and diplomas Thorough Courses Leading Degrees In the tollolngdepartmept8 l of B 8cMA M Scj Ii A School of Liberal Arts i andll B 11 A School of Industrial Art n3 AkQtiM SCIenCes A1lirc ot wIIL ASchoolL- jjy FIpe Arts ft 1 S C h OO Of I rMpre eBk Chemical Civil Electrical ajid Ie- chanjcal W sCl1 TiIIen- r Engineering Law a No lulU nother Ejnienses vcrj low i tn i Sriiduate ScnooL lEx chopl sF adw 1 Exceedingly Low For Catalogue fi1f < i AA l > MURPHREE J ft k M ti6 EDWAIPD l r r rA PHD W 4 p si nir ti r0 I b 47 i fJ 1 1 SPEC SUMMER COURSE THE 1 l 1 < J- rI 1 f 1 1 1 < I Nas 6091113 Franklin Street Tampa Fla 1 i Will prepare you for a position as Bookkeeper Assistant BookkeepeTSt- enographer Bank Clerk or Telegrapher Many of Marion coUHtys brghti J It est2y ungmen and women c are graduates of this Institution and rc high and responsiblepositions A special rate of 105loo toracomp1et4fc- ourse tuition books and board and lOdging four months dollars for tumonalono Enter any time Catalogueiiand pen specimens fre- sL J f t r M latH Master Acds FresTaapafIa J r t r- t WINDSOR HOTEL L f J J JACKSONVILLES ANI s- UIFTI fET WCMi IOTEL per ail Upwards hwrlcai Pin TOM A WILSON Proprielor c i J L U- tYa r tt ftfjX t- f ROWES LITTU BONANZA 1 I S L ROWE f KOFBIETOR OCALA I o nell ri I ALL KINDS OF P It- I I i Fresh Meats Groceries ChCk nSEggS Etc Produce BetK 1l Bought and Sold Fresh and Salt Water Fish The Mat Ce i plete Place of Its Kind in the Country Remodeled ana ftifh- tUpTolate 1 1 1 First Class Restaurantin Connection First 1 Clan Meals and Reasonable Board to Wekdy Cuitemers > I J r J Scrap lon and petals Also GreenTfii < ies BoUght > aad Soli < t S Telephone No131 POJBoxSb 4 652 1HaijO2NMi3po11aStreeI- S I 4 MM pta t- ftiIflURMZThTThJT p t k1 1 luns SslIlI- Si f l 4 4- I S A I 4 if L

Transcript of 0 r He 5 ii Jyu If 1 Ir 9BCts Have Your Lawn Wie Yf 4...

SS p BS3ssaspv v t

Yi TVL1 Iwi V rO Vvv > f



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< STARJ ii St-

f 2i1 07 2 V IcLIathiIf and RCarrIJJS-

Ts I JnaII IubUherl Jf ttIt


d 1 o

t c L P1NGEEditoF1 r-

v i 1ICARRoLLift Manager



iJuM the haads oMhe gold clock-in tie K elents room reached five

JV a Mlavtei put five Thursday afterr aooa the Payne tariff bill as the

measare will be known was laid be-fore


A the per ldeat He picked up arL r JH supplied by Chairman Payne of-

t>> the house ways and means commit-tee


t e and which was used by both thevice pretIcientand the speaker int iliglg the bill and attached hissignaUre

After writing William H Taftthe president added Signed five

i niiBtes after five oclock August 5L v 1909 W H T Bending over the

fcv r president as he affixed his signatureV were Secretary Knox Secretary Mc

Veagh Attorney General Wickersham Postmaster General Hitch ¬

cock Secretary Nagel and Secretary

r Wifeon Stamping about the tablec were Senator Aldrich Representa-


FAne and many other mem-bers


of the senate and house Mri Payne stood with bands extended

A waiting to receive the pen withk which the bill was signed He took

J it with a picture of boyish gleeoverspreading his face Anotherpen wa aaaded the president and

42 he wrote word Approved and

handed the pen RepresentativeA Langiey of Kentucky

r Immediately after attaching hist4r name to the general tariff bill he

signed the Philippine tariff measureHe used a handsome mother of pearl

f pen sent to him from the PhIlIptC jAjplne tobe used in signing this

ut Abroad smile of satis-ifacUoaoTerspreadkr his face and he

name a flourish not-

fnj shown 6iJeeneral tariff bill

I 7 x Joked With Florida Senatorsp it 4eutor Taliaferro of Florida in

1 >Inthera plaintive tone said MrJ

t President surely you are not goingj to sip the bill with that pineappleif I paragraph in it 1 He referred to

the fact that he had secured ah in-


t duty on pineapples in thesenate which was eliminated in con-ference


f What would you have medo Shall 1 strike out pineapples

t altogether just write in a rate toL suit you asked Mr Taft laughin-

gly Senator Fletcher of Floridawh telling the president goodbyesoon after was dismissed with a

gOodbye old pineapples take careof yourself The president tried

h with his good nature to mollifyCxI Senator Warren for his disappoint-


over the abolition of the dutyon hides and greeted Senator Heybum said the floor today

t 10ihatno rate In tti biffwas too highJ tfd ittlttitinWlth a How are yo-

uLoldhIgbtriffft When the seriate and house cornC tm appointed to inform the

A J president that congress was ready toadjourn called at the presidentsroom7 lhe farlff linT had not beensigned Senator Aldrich made hisbrief and formal announcement

IWell I havenot signed the bill

l yet said the president do youthink that I ought to adjourn con ¬

< reMbefore I sign itThere having been much talk

I about the possibility of a vetor2 everybody la the room caught the

significance ot the presidents jocu ¬

JarquerrIIcertainly do not1 rea Hfd Senator Aldrich joining Inth

I laughter L-


t I-

4VfU> f rj


EnNED 1JPwilH-H j l


u J t I Y I > t-

t Q9ngTeliRlU Victor Murdock of-

KansasI cOmes from the town ofWichita and there is moro or lesstendency to poke fun at the townsname which somehow says theNew York Evening Telegram seemsto strike a lot of effete Easternersas funny Murdock always gets

p mad about such allusions He used4c1 to be edItOr of the Wichita Eagle

and there are always excuses for al-

ludlng to tHe scr amof the birdwhea Murdock is around

V The other evening Murdock andtwo fellow members were walkingdown Pennsylvania avenue in Wash-ington


and one aIdWhat did TOR say was the name

of that town of your VicL Wichita ilr the greatest and

SA bestAndI your paper was the Eagle

Yea mighty good paper too-kt They always shove it at you here

first thing s Say Ill bet you theyllc oferlt to you the first thing at that

Maews taad oa the corner >

The bet was made dinners for-t the trio They walked up to the

standi one of the name your cityand Ive got your home paper va-riety


They stood and glanced casu-ally over the stock as If thinking of

v purchasingI

A Papers gentlemen inquiredp the boy In charge Got em all

S name your home city and Ill get6

V oat the piper Spose you all wantthe Wichita Eagle Only one lefttheyve beea going fast today

With that he produced the paperAfter they had had dinner and the

L Bill had been paid Murdock admittedJ that he hafJanted the paper there

z Pt and ae was beginning tof f get even jrlth Bome folks who pever

sawanything so good as KaasasJ sad wouldnt recognize a firstclafe-

towa If they rwere put off in Itff1 r-




t McDougall who lived in aI

1t v remote Highland parish had a visitF from her Edinburgh nieces who

were to spend a week or two withf the old lady says TitBits She de

1W tsneiBed to show them off on Sun-day


I at the ancient village kirk ofLbcaaber The young ladles wore

i TtJt coatHHiee of the purest snowy hue1tjo = i i At the point of Aks sermon the min

t later In speaking of the angels ofr Heaves was heard to sayAid who are those in whitear-

Vray t> i< 4 1 3To the coasternation of the co-

ngregatitX1raIv was heard to exI l Wa-

It Its ma twa nieces sir frae Ed> i i11brgh

iofjl1 4

1Jt eo

t71 r CHOICE OF COLUMBIA4 n Vft J 1 News huJ4enreceIved in London<L fi d that the congreu of ColumbIa has-

appotated Di Pedro IgnaCio Mol-inapsjidItfieIon> to Rafaeli4 + ieyes reulgnedi + t c

f Moliia who ie now In LondonI o teti a Sua correspondent that he

if aa4 bad ao official notification ofr rp appoint int te > tile presidency In

j z F1 Jal cis Jte laid he would not RCJ j K-h


r t i6 0 i Jr-it


t> < 3 iI-


of4S 1L1il

f Q >rv i r I-t It

V it


cept the office for the term of oneyear as he could not in that time I

carry out any serious program


Rev Alfred Harrison Burroughsof BristolTenn is said to hold theworlds record for performing mar-riages


He has married three thou ¬

sand couples Three thousand tiesand one cant help wondering wmany were cross ties


Judge Alton B Parkerpresldental candidate on the demo-cratic


ticket characterizes the tariffbill as a republican attempt to de-


the people-


It is time that the west threw offthe shackles of the east I wouldpreach no sectional strifes but Min-nesota


and Washington and the statesbetween them with those to the southof us should arise in their might andclaim for themaelvcs that fair share ofInfluence In the halls or national af-


to which they are entitled by ev-


law of common sense as well as ofpolitical economy

This was the declaration of GovJohn Johnson of Minnesota in his ad ¬

dress at that states celebration at theSeattle exposition-

We have In the states west of theMississippi the undoubted balance ofpower no matter under what namethe national administration at Wash-ington


exists he aded Our lead-ers


have been content to follow is nosmall measure this leadership of menwho represent small constituencies-and smaller commonwealths


Champ Clark minority leader oi thedemocrats In the House of Representa-tives


has given out a statement deny-


the reports generally published inthe republican newspapers to the ef-


that there were serious dissensionsamong the democratic members ocrthe tariff bill which wits finally adopt-ed


by the Senate yesterdayMr Clark saidThe democrats came out of the tar-


struggle more generally and thor-oughly


united on that question thanthey have been for more than a gen-


The republlcans ame out ofthe struggle worse shattered than everbefore Some of the newspapers saythat had the democrats not been ab ¬

sent in largo numbers until paired wecould have defeated the conference re-


This Is untrueThere is not a syllable of truth in

the statement that at the time the votewas taken to recommit the conferencereport that the absence of just twodemocrats prevented it being recom-mitted


Mr Clark traced down similar accu-sations


showing that at no time was itpossible for the democrats to head offrepublican majority He also said-

It was absolutely untrue that the newlaw is a revision downward He saidthat in March of 1310 it would be seenthat the averge rate is 27 per centgreater than that of the Dingley billunder which the tariff now operates


A French scientist has discoveredone secret Of long life His methoddeals with the blood But Jqng agomillions of Aiffericans had provedElectric Bitters prolongs life andmakes It worth living < It purifies en ¬

riches and it es t blood rebuildswaste nerve Cecils Imparts life andtone to the tlr stem Its a god-


to WtakTsick and debilitatedpeople Kidney trouble had blighted-my life for months writes W MSherman of Cushing Me but Electtte Bitters cored me entirely OnlyMe at tilt druggists

R C Davis Co of Jacksonvillewill sell any make of secondhandtypewriter upon easy terms If desired

Ir-gcc TI-


I r11

l cJ4



taste as sweet Thats why Schlesingers and Lowneys Candles In halfand pound boxes are so popular Pureconfections these flavor delicious Ourconfectionery is free from adultera-tion


It is wholesome and healthfulEvery kind of confectionery hereFruits Cold Drinks Cigars and Newpapwi




Proof is in theBREAD-

If you are not using-

it now its a goodtime to begin We-

s U it exclusively inOcala



MOSQUITO BARS j-He Best MadeAt All Prices

I Others as 9BCts1s

4 Cheap as 5


J JAJ AAr r r ir


An old joke runs like this Youare fined 5 for being drunk saidthe magistrate All right replied-the prisoner Ill pay it but can Ihave a receipt I want to show mywife where the money went Thatsort of a thing is no longer a joke-in New York it is a reality Undernew system every magistrates court-in Xew York has been instructed togive receipts on demand for finescollected from persons convicted ofintoxication disorderly conduct orviolation of the sanitary code Some-of the high rollers are said to besaving their receipts to be used aswall paper


cF W



Many people do not need glasses butmost people do

You may be one of the majorityThere are two ways of finding out

Oneawait for time and disease todrive you to It-

TwoConsult us about itWe Can Tell You whether or not you

need them DR D M BONEYEyesight Specialist

Ocala FlaOffice hours 9 to 10 a m and 130-

to 430 Po m Optical office and lab-oratory


rooms 2 and 4 Gary block


Not a single phone has burned in ahouse In OCala A telephone is betterthan insurance In case of burglars orfire you need quick action You getthat day or night with a telephoneResidence rates 56 per quarter in ad-


Ocala Telephone C-

oCASTORIAFor Infants and Children

The Kind You Have Always Bought

Bears the-

S1gnature of-


Modern cottages all convenienceswell located and new Apply to Jos-eph


Bell at court house

WASHINGTON ONCE GAVE UPto three doctorSTwas kept In bed forfive weeks Bloo poisoned from aspiders bit caused large deep soresto cover s The doctors failedthen BucKllnliArnlca Salve com-pletely


ctiitd e writes John Wash-ington


or Bosquesville Tcx Foreczema boils burns and piles It S su-preme 25c at all druggists


Elegant furnished rooms for rent attho Wisteria Apply to Mrs H CJones


This would be uffusHal news if menand women warnd keep themselvesfree from rheumatism and all achesand pains aswell as Iceeping theirmuscles and jomts limbered withBallards Snov Llninrent Sold > byall druggists ST-

YPEWRITER BARGAINFor 10 spot cash secondhand Call

graph typewriter worth fully 25want the room Apply immediately-Star


The United States Civil SenIceCommission announces that on Sep ¬

tember 1 1909 at Ocala Fla an ex-amInation


will be held for the positionsof clerk and carrier in the post officeservice

Clerks In offices of first and secondclass and carriers in the city deliveryservice are divided into six grades asfollows First grade saJar600second grade salary 800 third gradesalary 900 fourth grade salary 1

000 fifth grade salary 1100 sixthgrades salary 1200 Clerks and car-riers


at firstclass offices will be pro ¬

moted successively to the fifth gradeand clerks and carriers at second classoffices will be promoted successively-to the fourth grade Any clerk is eli ¬

gible for transfer to the service of acarrier and any carrier is eligible fortransfer to the service of a clerk

Age limit all positions IS to 15years The age limits are waivedhowever in cases of persons honor-ably


discharged from the military ornaval service by reason of disabilityresulting from wounds or sickness in ¬

curred in the line of dutyMale applicants for the post office

service must be at least 5 feet 4 in-


in height in bare feet and 125pounds In weight without > overcoatand hat otherwise their applicationswill be canceled Female applicants-are not required to be of any specificheight or weight

Applicants for the post office ser ¬

vice are required to be physicallysound and in good health

For application blank instructions-to applicants and further informationapplication should be made to the lo ¬

I cal secretary at the Ocala post office-or the undersigned No application-will be accepted unless properly exe-cuted

¬I and filed with the undersignedprior to the hour of closing business-onI August 25 1909

GEO S DONNELLSec 5th Civil Service Dlst-



The worlds most successful medi-cine


for bowel complaints is Chamber-lains


Colic Ch fera and DiarrhoeaRemedy It hab rflieveyd more painand suffering and sa more livesthan any other medicine In use In-


for children and adults



But it is a Sincere Effort on the Partof Republicans Toward Downward

Revision Says Taft

Washington D X August 7PresI-dent


Taft last night gave out a state-ment


embodying his views of the nawtariff act which he designates c¬

ially as the Payne bill in accordancewith past custom of giving first rec-ognition


to the former of the measure-In the House of Representatives-

The President declares that whi thebill is not perfect my any means nor-a complete compliance with promises

made strictly interpreted it Is nev-ertheless


a sincere effort on the partof the party to make a downward re¬

vision and to comply with the prom ¬

ises of the platformThis is not a freetrade billIt was

not intended to be The republicanparty did not promise to make a freetrade bill

It promised to make the rates pro-tective


but to reduce them when theyexceed the difference between the costproduction abroad and here makingallowance for the greater normal profiton active investments here I believethat while this excess has not beenreduced in a number of cases in agreat majority the rates are such asare necessary to protect American in-


but are low enough In caseof abnormal increase of demand andraising of prices to permit the possi-bility


of the importation of the for¬

eign article and thus to prevent ex-




The Men Who WilP Represent Florida-

at the National Match

St Augustine Aug 7A team waschosen yesterday afternoon to repre ¬

sent Florida in the national match atCamp Perry Ohio as follows CaptMenager of the general staff Jack-sonville


Sergeant Creshaw SecondRegiment Company B LeesburgSergeant DavIes general staff St Au ¬

I gustine Major Snow general staffI St Augustine Major Yerkes generalstaff Jacksonville Captain Cramer BPotter Second Regiment Company GSt Petersburg Private Larsen Sec ¬

ond Regiment Company II Gaines-ville


Sergeant Carden First Regi ¬

ment Company K DeFuniak SpringsCaptain Preston Ayres Second Regi ¬

ment Company C Orlando PrivateShinto First Regiment Company DJacksonville Prlvate Sauls FirstRegiment Company C TallahasseeSergeant E X Kelsey Second Regi ¬

ment Company G St PetersburgMajor Coxsetter general staff Jack-sonville


Corporal Dudvey V HaddockSecond Regiment Company G StPetersburg Colonel Carlton teamcoach General J Clifford R Fosterteam

Probably three of the men in theteam will not be able to attend thematch These vacancies will be filledby the following men in order Lieu-tenant


Taylor Second Regiment Com-pany


Bl Leesburg Sergeant Ralph SChapin Second Rqgiment Company-H Gainesville PrivatES McQuartersSecond RegIments Company C Orlan-do


Practicing some ten days at therange here the tern goes north to

I compete in the national match thelatter part of the month Sergeant EN olsey of St Petersburg won thebron e nedal and cash prize at theone thousand yard range Capt Mena ¬

ger of Jacksonville taking first as hedid in two other contests


Two all tents wanted SxlO or 8x12Apply at this office


tifrvv1I I-




That every tvomaa knows tk-


Are the Best injheWwidHer first choiceher last

choice and her choice-at all times

MY FAVORITESfTm oKtcoum ontt

make aa exceptional gift package

For Sale b-



ife Assurance SocietyI

Of The United SlatesI








of high grade and quality r officep

and store receives a great deal of ourtime and attention as our stock andIfacilities for supplying large and smallorders t will amply attest Whether

1 you want a lead pencil or a huge led ¬

ger a note book or a letter press ItsI worth your while to come In lookaround and compare prices



i r

1 S cItL iftti-f S a cJ i C<


J i l 1Sd ir

rW cr

r 1r t r41 I 1-


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t Jyucti0 J J A >

S 11o r1 If 7 f KJ 3 4 r i 1 <


d 4 J i h i< fHave Your Lawn t r1Sh t i Wiei YfJ lS tdrt i J

> Latest M 14iriai SJ M1


t 1

0 S yV tL 11 J < st41c-


3gfe 3> C J v Jk 4-


1o lif-





c ev 0 V<7fe rlfIii i

tt r t j

qr 4 M to ttI

We Late just received ori of t1i fai l iS 5 > c j

Lawn itEower Grinders a mehib t eAIbQRt Jj a

1 b 1 Sf 5 v J

iwr thepnr nse of gnndin Uw1 aI J wliaI> fd j

does e work perfectly IfYQti >wJllfc J I 0your patronage we guuan tee g1ime youoktet k

Mower in t>etterco dltiqhfhln tJTh day roifgIiit It Will be sharp and

tstay Irp1ont1o-



style way which is J1SQ 1Jt r riI

Jf w H f-trienced jvorkman with a file pr an eroesry=




iiS fo r J rV 11 S 5

Next time your Mowerr ee skirp i t

5 brIng it In rtMdft f sateffi-iy ft

c >

make it cut so nicely will suir f y jc<

t5 4



E < f-y tr

1 r-

I r tfi ie jMARION rllARDWARECQ-


< < > 7i t <r-



> di fr1i 8iO4j 45

5 lS-SI < PIT i


Anorder has been issued by Gover-nor


Gilchrist reinstating Major M HCohen of Tampa in the position fromwhich he was removed over a year agofollowing a court martial At the timeMr Cohen was major of the FirstBattalion of the Second Infantry Al ¬

though reinstated Major Cohen losestwelve grades in rank as he was sixth-In rank at the time of his removal-He returns to the state troops as jun-ior


major His sentence Is mitigatedby his reinstatement but not whollycancelled

A WEAKLINGis the only wayterk scribe the poorchild that is afflfcted with worms Nomatter how much or how often it eatsthe worms nfet all the J nourishmentfrom the fooJaviire ch practi-cally


none WhlfVjjjWeanV Vermi ¬

fuge getsrill of fneonns quicklyeasily and xith no had after effectsPrice 25 cenieaIjjxuie Sold by alldruggists


A Methodist bishop was recently aguest at the home of a friend who hadtwo charming daughters One morn-Ing


the bishop acompanied by the twoyoung ladles went out in the hope ofcatching some trout An old fisher¬

man out for the same purpose wish¬

ing to appear friendly called outKetch many pard

The drawing himself to hjsfull height replied Brother I am afisher of men

Youve got Ute right kind oj baitall right was the fishermans reJoiner >

The best remedy we know of In allcases of kidney and bladder troubleand the one we can always recommend-Is DeWItts Kldna anX Bladder PillsThey are antlse ltid and at once assistthe kidneys to perform their Impor-tant


work But he ou nsk for thesepills be posit e that you f get DeWitts Kidney anVl Bladder PillsThere are imitations upon themarket to go Get DeWittsInsist upon them and if your dealercannot supply you refuse anythingelse in place of them Sold by alldruggists


Madison Aug 7Napoleon Artisand Jim Artis the latter a younger-man both colored were struck bylightning In their field here yester ¬

day while stacking fodder Both wereinstantly killed The stack of foddercaught fire from the bolt and theclothing of the men was partly con-sumed



S BABY MORPHINE FIENDS-are made by all sopih4ng syrups andbaby medicines Jrtfat contain opiumand narcotics VlicGees Baby Elixircontains no jurIou or narcoticdrugs of any I W sure and safecure for dlsor red omachs bowelsand fretfulness srplendid for teethinginfants Sold by all druggists


Gainesville Ga August 7EdwinMatthews a negro porter at a localhotel had his throat cut last nightwhen he attempted to enter the roomof Mrs Mamie Lawson who hadanopen knife under her pillow Whenthe negro approached the bed she cuthim The negro was taken to Atlanta-to prevent lynching

In buying a dontbe afraid to getCOUgiE1cIne CoughRemedy There Itand relief is ¬

ly recommended for coughs colds andwhooping cough-


Frankfort germany August 7Themurder of a white woman similar tothat of Elsie SIgel in Xew York oc-


here yesterday Tlen Yen aChinese merchant actuated by Jeal-ousy shot Hildagarde Hoffman a mu ¬

sic hall singer then suicided Bothdied instantly

No matter how long you have suf¬

fered Foleys Kidney Remedy willhelp you Mrs S L Bowen ofWayne W Va wrlt s I was asufferer from kidney disease so thatat times I could ifofgetVput of bedand when I IIi1 cil not standstraight I took Faley Kidney Rem-edy


One dollar bottle and part of thesecond cured me entirely It willcure you Sold by all dealers-

Do not forget that you can find any¬

thing you want in crockery and glass-ware at the Ocala News Co




v i i-


1 t5

7 t-




l <







t >





iS tp I

5 WORKS QCLFA4 1 f 4 wl t I 1-



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EtGainesvillef itFlorida FOR oMEm

1 t f l j-An Institution of the First Rank sup¬ Tallahassee FIrid-pOrtedjyStaeaud fFederal Funds Jfor FloHda YounIenr 1 A qo1g without a parallel lntfi ir


South ofrering deferoes and diplomasThorough Courses Leading Degrees In the tollolngdepartmept8 lof B 8cMA M Scj Ii A School of Liberal Arts iandll B 11 A School of Industrial Art

n3 AkQtiM SCIenCes A1lirc ot wIIL ASchoolL-jjy

FIpe Arts ft1

S C h OO Of IrMpre eBkChemical Civil Electrical ajid Ie-chanjcal W sCl1 TiIIen-

rEngineering Law a No lulU nother Ejnienses vcrj low i tni Sriiduate ScnooL lExchopl sF adw 1Exceedingly Low For Catalogue fi1f < iAA

l >


4 psi nir ti r0

I b 47i



<J-rI 1 f

1 1 1 < I

Nas 6091113 Franklin Street Tampa Fla 1i

Will prepare you for a position as Bookkeeper Assistant BookkeepeTSt-enographer Bank Clerk or Telegrapher Many of Marion coUHtys brghti J Itest2y ungmen and women

care graduates of this Institution and rc

high and responsiblepositions A special rate of 105loo toracomp1et4fc-ourse tuition books and board and lOdging four monthsdollars for tumonalono Enter any time Catalogueiiand pen specimens fre-



f t rM latH Master Acds FresTaapafIa

Jr t r-






per ail Upwards hwrlcai Pin

TOMA WILSON Proprielor ci


tYa rtt ftfjX t-




nell riI ALL KINDS OF P It-

II i

Fresh Meats Groceries ChCk nSEggS Etc Produce BetK 1lBought and Sold Fresh and Salt Water Fish The Mat Ce i

plete Place of Its Kind in the Country Remodeled ana ftifh-



1 First Class Restaurantin Connection First1


Meals and Reasonable Board to Wekdy Cuitemers>


J r J

Scrap lon and petals Also GreenTfii <ies BoUght> aad Soli


tS Telephone No131 POJBoxSb




4 MMpta t-

ftiIflURMZThTThJTp t k1 1 luns SslIlI-



l 4



AI 4 if