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In the catalogue, works are divided into the follow-ing categories: Finished Drawings; Sketches andStudies; Sculpture Studies; Mural Studies; Col-lages; and Paintings. The term fmished drawing re-fers to an independent work nor intended as asrudy. A sketch is a rough drawing representing theartist's idea or "first thought," sometimes a pre-liminary study. Stlldy denotes a clearly outlineddrawing intended by the artist for projection to alarger scale. (Collages that arc studies for printswere made as full-size maquerres.) Finni study indi-cates the existence of a smaller prior study (or, inthe case of murals, the existence of a prior studythat is the same size). Color sllIdy indicates the exis-tence of a related pencil study.

Works are listed chronologically within each cat-egory. Dates in parentheses do not appear On theworks or could not be verified. The chronologyand dating of the works arc based On newly dis-covered drawings, information from the artist,stylistic similarities with dated drawings, COI11-parison with dated completed works, and exten-sive research in the artist's and his dealer's archives.

Titling of sketches and studies is based on relatedpaintings, sculpture, prints, and enamel multiples,and confirmed by the artist. (Sketches and studiesfor works actually executed arc for paintings, 1111-

I~ss otherwise indicated.') Individual works pre-viousl y referred to by several different titles arehere listed with the title selected by the artist . .B(Bianchini) numbers refer to the catalogue rais-onne: Diane Waldman, Roy Lichtenstein: Drawingsand Prints (New York: Chelsea House Publishers,A Paul Bianchini Book, '1970).

AIJ draWings arc on paper and all collages arc onboard, unless Otherwise noted. The paint on Cllt-and~pa~ted painted paper is Magna. Dimensionsar~ 111 lIlches and centimeters, height precedingWidth; the first set of dimensions for each drawingrefers to the image, the second to the sheet, unJessotherwise indicated.


1. AIRPLANE. (1961). Pen and ink; sheer: 20x23:y.t(50.8 x 60.4 em). Collection lIeana and MichaelSonnabend, New York. (B.61-1) 8'1 1310'<PI'{ ~.<.33/1''' •

2. KNOCK KNOCK. (1961). Pen and ink; sheet:22V2 x 197/8" (57.1 X50. 5 cm). ColJection Ileana andMichael Sonnabend, New York. (B.61-2) "is'?. \ 3(


3. COUCH. (1961). Pen and blue ink; sheet: 19V< X23W' (50.2x59 cm). Collection Ileana and MichaelSonn,~snd, New York. (B.61-3) 'il ';>. I 3~

1'1 I'i j( ;} >'1",4. HAND LOADING GUN. (1961). Pen and ink andpcchoir; sheet: 22V2 x 30" (57.1 x76.2 em). Privatecollectiol!,.. Ncw York. (B.61-9) 8'7. .3~,\"'1\' "..,,,0;,. ""'U<AiOL. REA5. CtRL WITH ACCORDION. (1961). Pen and inkand pochoir; sheet: 2JYJ.6 x20W' (58.9x51.1 em).Collection Ileana and Michael Sonnabend, NewYork. (B.61-5) 'ls"'l. I~~"<'3 'itA;)..O "6. STEP-ON CAN WITH LEG (1). (1961). Pen andink and pochoir: 21 x 17W' (57x44.4 cm); 23V4 x19%" (59xSO.5 em). Collection Ileana and MichaelSonnabend, New York. (B.61-7) ~'1.I'IO

7. STEP-ON CAN WITH LEG (2). (1961). Pen andink and pochoir, 21 x 17V2"(57 x 44.4 cm); 23V4 X

197/8" (59xSO.5 cm). Collection Ileana and MichaelSonnabend, New York. (B.61-8) 'iJ"? I '-II8. FINGER POINTING. (1961). Pen and ink andpochoir; sheet: 30x22W' (76.2x57.2 cm). Collec-tiolJ.K~i Kogclnik. (B61-11) ~'7,3\'1

-'0 ~t7' dd '/'f"9. KEDS. 1962. Pencil and frottage; sheet: 221/2 x161/2"(57.1 x41.9 em). Collection james and Ka-therine Eoodma9' (B.62-1) 1'f'l./.:<,,'t5~.:l~~f' /'0 18"

]O. FOOT MEDICATION. 1962. Pencil and frottage,18'12 X 18'14"(47 X 47.6 em); 22'12 X 22V," (57.2 X

57.2 ern). Collect;?n David W-hitney. (B.62-2)%'7.0'16 1 S ~'fX I ~ 7'f"11. THE KISS. 1962. Pencil and frottage, 18112 x14W' (47 X 36 cm); 21 X 16'/4" (53.3 X 41.2 cm).Coll,cti9.n David Whitney 3'1), o~1O

''6 '/'f X 1'1"12. CONVERSATION. (1962). Pencil and frottage;sheet: 121/2 x 10V:!" (31.8 x 26.7 cm). CollectionRobert and Jane Meyerhoff, Phoenix, Maryland.(B62-4) g'7. 39 Co13. ZIPPER. (1962). Pencil, 14% X 14W' (37.5 X36.8 cm); 22'12 X 19'14"(57.2x50.2 cm). CollectionMr. and Mrs. Leo Castelli. (8.62-5) ji"'l. ~~

14. LIKE NEW. (1962). Pencil; sheet: 22VJ6 x 2691i6"(57 X 67.5 cm). Collection Cy Twombly. Rome.(B62-6) 8").;~q'il"15. JO¢. (1962). Ink; sheet: 22V, X 30" (57.2 X76.2 em). Collection Cy Twombly, Rome.(B62-7) '8' '7 . 0'1£j

[[ 8 5]

16. BAKED POTATO. (1962). Ink and syntheticpolymer paint; sheet: 22V4 x 30" (56,6 X76.5 ern).The Museum of Modern Art, New York; Gift ofAbby Aldrich Rockefeller (by exchange) S~S.1S<.j17. JET PILOT. (1962). Pencil and frottage, 15x17"(38.1 X43.2 cm); 22 x 23W' (55.9x58.7 cm). YaleUniversity Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut;Lent by Richard Brown Bgker, B. A. 1935.(B.62-12) %').33"i II-(Si,,, lIP r{If"18. GEORGE WASHINGTON. 1962. Pencil and frot-tage, 149116 X 111/4"(37 x 28.6 em); 1813/16 x 141/2"'S'; . 3.1'(47.8 X36.8 cm). Private collection. (B.62-14). It) fa [(II:IJIf').<.jool,,,,R,~~ ~ L.Au.l)E:~19. IKNOW How You MUST FEEL, BRAD! (1963).Pencil and tusche pochoir, 23% X 20Vl' (60 x52.1 cm); 30 X 22W' (76.2 X 57.2 cm). CollectionVera Lj,spndJoshua Mack. (B.63-5) 8'7 . .5':'<'0

;t5/0' )',.zO~"20. SHOCK PROOF. 1963. Pencil and tuschepochoir; sheet: 30x22'/. ... (76.2x56.5 em). Collec-tion Mr. and Mrs. Leo Castelli. (B.63-8) ~'7.L1,,1

21. BALL OF TWINE. 1963. Pencil and tuschepochoir; sheet: 15'1. X 12W' (38.8x31.8 cm). Col-lection Mr. and Mrs. LeQ Castelli. (B.63-9)8'1. .5~:5' 'S r: I J 'I.r22. HOT DOG. (1964). Pencil and tusche pochoir;sheet: 269!J6 X 651:'/16" (67.5x 167.5 em). CollectionCy Twombly, Rome '6'1. ~q'j

23. TEMPLE OF ApOLLO. 1964. Pencil and tuschepochoir; sheet: 22Y4x 29V8" (56.5 x 76 em). Privatecollection, London. ~B.64-6) li').:('M, I CTEJlll>-2i ~ES

.,) d '1/ b X d ~ 'SJ.I '" " """"<J\"24. LANDSCAPE. 196'4: Pencil and rusche pochoir:sheet: 1.67/8 x 21W' (42.9 x 54 cm). San FranciscoMuseum of Modern Art; Gift of John Berggruen80.448. (B.64-8) fl'). :z..1i"G I ~'/"f XC)I"

25. DIANA. 1965. Pencil and tusche pochoir, 243/4 x18W' (62.9 x 46.3 cm); 297/. x 22W' (75.9 x56.5 em). Collection Mr. and Mrs. Leo Castelli.(B.65-1) ~'J. ~y-, ,)'f '~h1( 18 3ijl,"

26. TABLET. (1966). Pencil and tusche pochoir,27\>\ x 20" (69.2 x 50.8 cm); 30 X 22" (76.2 x55.9 cm). Collection Richard and Carol Selle.(B.66-2) 'n"'7.l ..Sb J. '1?f& )( 19 ~"t"27. MODERN PAINTING WtTH SMALL BOLT. 1967.Pencil and tusche pochoir, 20% x 23Y8" (52.4 x58.7 cm); 22" X25'!s" (56.2 X63.8 em). CollectionMr. 'nd Mrs. Leo Castelli. (B.67-1) 8'7.12,3

(lO'12 f( J ~"



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.;) d J/8)( 3 o ~28. BRUSHSTROKES. 1966-68. Pencil and ruschcI'0choir; sheer: 2211..X30" (56.5x76.2 cm). Collec-tion Mr. and Mrs. Leo Castelli. (£.66-1) 1i"').l"l.q

o..~'t,",'Il.'~ 10'"1 tI\,",~c...",.f 1YI.pU.Il-N 1Mr,I'I', (;~~. n'29. ENTABLATURE #12. 1971. Pencil; sheer: 21 x72" (53.4 x 183 cm). Private collection 1s6.11G:AA~\I~T30. E TABLATURE #13. 1971. Pencil; sheer: 21 x,72" (53.4 x 183 em). Pri vare collection '6(.,. I ~(., ~.....~TI:;T31. ENTABLATURE #14. 1971. Pencil; sheer: 21 x72" (53.4 x 183 cm). Private collection li"', 135/0P\""Tl OST32. ENTABLJlTURE. 1971. Pencil; sheer: 28 x 4H,,"(71 x 104.6 cm). Prj:::.ate c Ilcction "''] ~OlA~ ::;\ on> v.J-f1 .. 0 '

33. ENTABLATURE. 1971. Pencil; sheer: 27'" X4'\ W'(70.7 x IQ!l,.8 cm). Privatt:. collection 'ls"'}.IlIo"~ :<1':;0 \ .;T-J "'/'1 'f In"

34. To LEO, 20TH AN IVERSARI'. 1976. Pencil,II \4 X J7V,," (28.2x43.2 cm); I5lJ/" X 22Va"(56.5x76.2 cm). Collection Leo Castelli '0"'1.1;2.,5

35. RE LINING FIGURE. 1977. Pencil, 15Vax21\4"(3 .5x54 em); 20% X25V." (52.4X64. I cm). Col-lection Dr. and Mrs. Merle S. lick, Los Angeles'a"<7.1-'f'j


36. STUDY (VON KAIlP). 1963. Pencil, colored pen-cils, and felt-tip pen. 4V. x4-Y<"(10.8x 12 cm); 5'1. x5~" (14.5 X 14.2 cm). Private collection %5.1\3'1A.RTI s..r 'i '/'1 ~ I..('5J*fh37. STUDY FOil WHAAM' (1963). Pencil; twOsheets: 6x6" (15.2x 15.2 cm) each. The Trustees ofThe Tate GaUery, London. (8.63-12) &"7.3''''5?/~~b" I38. KETCH F Il VAROOM! (1963). Pencil, 4¥.. X4%"(12.2 x 11.6 cm); 5'" X 57/,." (13 X 13.8 cm) irreg.Private collection. (8.63-13)%5. S85/""~T.sT

39. STUDY FOil BASEBALL MJlNAGER. (1963). Pen-cil, 5'12 x 4V." (14 x 10.4 cm); 6 x 4Jfs" (15.2 x11.3 em) irrcg. Private collection. (B.63-11)~,II~/AWI::"I40. STUDY FOil BETTY! BETTyl (1963). Pencil andcolored pencils, 4t:YI6X2¥S" (12.2X6 em); 5~ x55/s"(14.5 x 14.3 cm). Private coUection. (B.63-16)%l).,I?J2., I A.~TIS\41. STUDY FOil SOUND OFMUSIC. (1963-64). Pen-cil and colored pencils, 37/8 x 4a;." (9.8 X '\2. I cm);4th X 5¥i' (11.4 x 14.5 em). Private collection.(B.63-17) '05.1131 /A",n~r42. STUDY FOR CRYING GIRL [enamelJ. (1964).Pencil, colored pencils. and Magna on tracing pa-per, 4";', X4''1I6'' (12. 2x 12.2 cm); 5'12 x53;''' (13. 9x14.6 em) irreg. Collection Hanford Yang.(8.64-12) 'ij<7.40"

61. TUI)Y OF EXPL 51 N. (1965). Pencil, coloredpencils. and ink; sheet: S'h X 6Y.!"(14 X 16.5 em).ollecti n Holly and Horace Solomon. (8.65-16)?'? .:1.<,<j62. TUDY FOil TEMPLE II. (1965). Pencil and col-red pencils. 4'1. x 3%" (12. I x 9.8 em); 53/, x 4'M'

(14.5 x 11.1 <;m). Private collection. (8.65-30)50. SKETCH FOil LANDSCAPE IdrawingJ. (1964). g:s-. '/3'8' / A,fIT15TColored pencils, ink, and pencil; sheet: 1+\ x2V,. 63. STUDY FOR GRRR! (1965). Pencil, 5'1" X 315M'(4.4 X 6.2 cm). Private collection. (8.64-42) (13.2x 10 cm); 5¥.. x4V, ... (14.5x 11.2 CI11). Private...:=r IN £;.c.I-\,ernOtU collection. (8.65-18)51. STUDY FOil DAWNING. 1964. Pencil and col- 6~.1/3SI ""RT'IST'ored pencils, W,. X 4'V.,' (8.8 x 12.3 cm)' 5'1,. X 64. STUDY FOil DIANA [drawingJ. (1965). Pencil,5';'." (13.8 x 13.8 cm). Collection Mr. a~d Mrs. 30/16X 2'12' (8.3 x. 6.3 cm); 4";'. x 4'V,?" (11.9 xBurton Tremainc. (B.64-40) 1l'').4CS' l'~f~'f~.II. 9 cm). ollewon James and Katherine Good-

man. (8.65-25) 8"') 'lOb52. 5KETCH OF LANDSCAPEWITHCLOUD. (1964).Pencil and colored pencils, 411..X 10%" (10.8 X

27 cm); 4'/16 X 1'\" (11.3 x 28 cm) irreg. The Mu-scum of Modern Art, New York; Fractional gift ofChatles Cowles. (B.64-46) I ~')~. "Jq53. STUDY FOil GULLSCAPE. (1964). Pencil andcolored pencils, 4x5'M' (10.1 x 12.8 cm); 5'hx5W'(14x 14.6 cm). Collection Jill Goodman. (B.64-49)n.13\ 'i"h x. ""

54. STUDY OF F,NGERPIlINT. (1964). Pencil, 4·'1<X4W'('\2xI2 em); 53;'X5"M'(l4.6X 14.5 el11).TheMuseum of Modern Art, New York; Fractionalgift afChaties Cowles. (8.64-24) IS')2. .')<.j

43. STUDY FOil CRYING GIRL[enamelj. 1964. Pen-cil and colored pencils, 41¥16 X 41¥il' (12.2 X12.2 ern}; 5'/8 X 5W (13.7 X 14.5 ern). CollectionMr. and Mrs. Burton Tremaine. (8.64-13)';;">.40'3 '131'1'(.,1-31'1'-44. STUDY FOil No THANK YOU! 1964. Pencil andcolored pencils, 5'h X5V<' (15x 13.3 cm); 5% x5'A1"(15 X 15 em). Collection James and KatherineGoodman 'ii'1. 12,']

45. STUDY FOil OH, JEFF ... 1 LOVE You, TOO... BU'I: ... (1964). Pencil and colored pencils.4'1. X4,>;'''(12X 12 em); 5+\ X5' \Ii.' (14.5x 14.4 c"1l..Private collection. (8.64-9) 'iS5.I11.'i5/f\'i'\TI~(

46. STUDY FOil SLEEPING GIRL. 1964. Pencil andcolored pencils, 4¥.. x 4'1'" (12.1 X 12. I cm); 5'1. x5'1<" (14.6 X 14,6 CI11). Collection James and Ka-therine Goodman. (8.64-11) 1$'7./30

47. STUDY FOil NURSE. (1964). Pencil and coloredpencils; sheet: 5'/8 x 510/16"(14. 9x 15. 1 em).l,riv:Hccollection. (13.64-21) li'S.I/:!>O( A~TIS/

48. STUDY FOil TENSION. (1964). Pencil and col-ored pencils, 4¥4 X 41-Y.6" (12.1 X 12.2 em); SlVI6 X5¥.." (14.4 X 14.5 em). Collection Hanford Yang.(864-16) fS"!,<to'1

49. SKETCHES FOil SEnmG U A D EA ANIHOT DOG [enamels]. (1964). Pencil and coloredpencils; top image: 20/,. X 3¥ .. ' (5.9 X 8.2 ern):bottom image: 2X4'1a" (5.1 X 11.1 cm); sheet: 9+\ X5'1a" (24.7 x 13.7 ern) irreg. Private collection.(£.64-37)..oar IN 'eJ<t-\le>lnD~

[ 186]

55. SKETCH FOil NON·OBJECTiVE I. (1964). Penciland colored pencils; sheet: 6X5W' (15.2x14. 9 em).Private collection. (8.64-23) 8:5'. Sri',? ( ARlIsT

56. STUDY FOil TEMPLE OF ApOLLO [drawing andpainting]. 1964. Pencil, 3'1. X 4,..,,' (9.5xI1.3 em):5% X 5¥." (14.9 X 14.6 cm). ollccrion Mr. andMrs. Leo Castelli. (8,64-52) 15'7. I:2.2...57. COLOIl STUDY FOil TEMPLE OF ApOLLO[drawing and painting]. (1964). Pencil and coloredpencils; sheet: 5'12x5'1a' (14 X 13.6 cm). CollectionPaul and Diane Waldman. (B.64-53) 15'7.1 :Z<o58. STUDY FOil WIiET DRIiJlMS, BJlBY![screenprinr]. (1964-65). Pencil and colored pen-cils, 4¥.0 X 3¥'" (12.2 x 9,5 em); 5V, X 4W' (13.2 X12.4 em). ollccrion Holly and Horace Solomon.(8.65-20) %'1 32.'5'59. SKETCI/ FOil DESK EXPLOSION [enamel].(1965). Pencil; sheet: 10% X 8Y<" (27.1 x 21 cm).Private collection. (1l.65-7) ~ IN E,><HI~O,iJ

60, STUDY F II WALL EXPLOSION 1 [enamel].1965. Pencil, colored pen ils, and felt-rip pen;sheet: 1/'12 X II'n" (29.2 X 29.2 crn). CollectionMrs, Helen Portugal. (1l.65-12) ?;'I. 2, '?'t /I ¥ II ?Lj "

65. STUDY FOil MODERN PAINTING I. (1966). Pen-ciland felt-tip pen, 4l'11x3W' (10. 9x 9.8 cm); 5';'. X4%" 112.8 X 11.6 cm). Private collection. (8.66-5)8:5· '" /I 1A.RTI ST

66. STUDY FOil. A10DERN PAINTING WITH SUNRJlYs. (1967). Pencil and colored pencils. W,. x4';',,' (7.7 X 11.6 cm); 4'h X 6V," (11.1 X 16.6 cm).Private collection. (8.67-58) lfS'· b<tS- / ",\f'"TI:lT'

67. STUDY FOR MODERN PAINTING WITH BLACKSUN. (1967). Pencil and colored pencils, 3112X 491t6"(8. 9x 11.6 cm); 4'1" x6W' (1 I.6x 1675cm). Privatecollection. (8.67-15) ';S·/o:<.3 !\'i',TtSi



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68. STUDY FOR MODERN PAINTING WITH ZIG.ZAG. (1967). Pencil and colored pencils, 313/16 X

4;1;,." (9.6 X 11.8 em); 5V, X 6314" (14.9 X 17.1 em)irreg. Private collection. (8.67-41) lto. (,,(Q<JA'i'"l::>T I


BOLT. (1967). Pencil and colored pencils, 4V. X4IY16" (10.8 X 12.5 em); 5 x 5Y2" (12.7 x 14 em).Collection James and Katherine Goodman.(867-11) t\'7.<.j0i/70. STUDY FOR MODEllN PAINTING WITH BOLT.

(1967). Pencil and felt-tip pen, 4'14 X 4'1." (10.7 X10.7 em); 5'116 X 5" (12.9 X 12.6 em) irreg. TheMuseum of Modern Art, New York; Fractionalgift of Charles Cowles. (8.67-9) 13')<4. '7"-l71. STUDY FOR ASPEN WINTER JAZZ[screen print]. (1967). Pencil and colored pencils,6!h x3Y2" (16.5 x8. 9 em); 8X5W' (20.2x 13.2 em).CQlleetion Holly and Horace Solomon. (8.67-63)1i'7·.;:sU72. STUDY FOR MODERN PAINTING WITH CLEF.(1967). Pencil and colored pencils, 4314X8'Ii," (12.1X 21.7 em); 6'Yi. X 10'Ii," (17x26.5 em). Privatecollection. (B. 67-35) lr.$; 114<f / A~TI ST-

73. COLOR STUDY FORMODERN PAINTING WITHCLASSIC HEAD. (1967). Pencil and colored pencils,4VaX5" (10.5 X 12.7 em); 6X6'1a" (15.3x 17.5 em).Private collection. (8.67-53) 8S. 1/<i'SIAP;T1Sr

80. SKETCH OF PYRAMiDS. 1968. PenciJ and col-ored pencils, 6Y2 x 12Ya" (16.5 x 30.8 em); 80/16x14';,." (21.1 X 36.6 em). Private collection ss."S-1A'i\rl::; I"81. STUDIES OF PYRAMID AND TEMPLE. 1968.Pencil and colored pencils; top image: 3X4" (7.6x10.1 ern): bottom image: 3 X310/16"(7.6x 10 em);sheet 12 X 9Vs" (30.5 X23. 8 em). Private collection

&'5".",,,'1/ Al<.Tl5\82. STUDY OF TRYLON AND PERISPHERE ANDSTUDY OF PYRAMiD. 1969. Pencil and coloredpencils; left image: 30/16X 2Y8"(9 X 5.4 em); rightimage: 3318x 4%" (8.6 XlI. 7 em); sheet: 8718X 12%"(22.5 X 32 em). Private collection 'B""s.<"'fl?AV,TI5T83. STUDY FOR STUDY FOR LARGE RED BARN.

1969. Pencil and colored penciJs, 4 X 5314"(10.1 X14.6 ern); 87/16X 8W' (21.5 x21.6 em). Private col-lection 8~-.1/43/ AR,rl.sr If '( ') Sig


MUSEUM POSTER [lithograph]. (1969). Pencil,23Y," (58.7 em) diameter; 29\12 X 29%" (74.9 x75.3 em). Private collection. (8.69-37) 8;).1101A'i',n$,85. STUDY OF MODULAR DESIGN. (1969). Penciland colored pencils, 6Vi6 X6V16" (15.4 X 15.4 cm);]5114X121 V16" (38.5 x32.2 em) irreg. Private collec-tion. (8.69-21) 'iiS.c6S"9/Aj>,TlS'

86. STUDY FOR REPEATED DESIGN [lithograph].(1969). Pencil and colored pencils, 3Y" x9W' (7.8x23.2 em); 69/16 X 12Vg" (16.6 X 32.5 ern). Privatecollection. (8.69-33) gS.c::,c;,lrl AJ',T7'::"

74. STUDY FOn LITTLE AVIATION. 1968. Penciland colored peneils,163/, X 8W' (41.6 X 22.5 em);21V,l X 130/8/' (54 x 34.6 em). Collection Ileana andMichael Sonnabend, New York. (B.67-43) 87. STUDY FOR PEACE THROUGH CHEMISTRY.\5? /«2- (1969). Pencil, 20 X 36" (50.8 x 91.5 em); 29'1, x75. PnELIMINAnY STUDY Fan PREPAREDNESS. 39';," (75 x 100.4 em). Private collection ~S-.1I~'if(1968). Pencil, 5'1. X9';,." (13.2 X24 em); 8'1, x 11" 8~ ~T~r OF MODUlAn DESIGN AND SKETCH(21.6x27.9 em). Private collection. (8.68-13)'i>5:""'11 r\l'2,T':;, FOnMOOULAR BANNER [banner]. (1970). Pencil, 676. STUDY FOR PREPAREDNESS. (1968). Pencil, x 6" (15.2 x 15.2 em) each; 12"1i. x 19" (32.5 X10'1\ x 18:V."(26.7x47.6 em); 13'/,x21 "Ii," (35.2x 48.3 em). P'Ivate collection ~l:)-"'1u/AItrI0/55.4 em). Private collection fa '(,(0 1"g .'is1o.13S')! AR.T1::>T 89. STUDY OF MODERN DESIGN. (1970). Pencil

77. COLOn STUDY FOR PREPAREDNESS. 1968. and colored pencils, 4'/2 x6" (11.4x 15.2 em); 7'1\ xPencil and colored pencils, 100/16X 1813;16" (26.8 X 10th" (19 X 26.6 em). Private collection !rS7tOb ~478 AR,TIc"T'

. em); 17'" X 25W (45.5 x 65 em). Private col- 90. STUDY FOn MIRROR IN SIX PANELS #1. 1970.leetion.,.18.68-3) "'~.IIL<~/ AI';nST/0 ltd X g- 3t,u -t Pencil and colored pencils, 8V16 X 9Vi6" (20.4 x78. STUDY Fein M'"d;~RN PAINTING WITH NINE 23 em); lOY" x II '14" (25.9 X 28.6 em). Private col-PANELS. (1968). Pencil and colored pencils, 8'1, X Ieetion 8S"· ')90/A~TISI9Yi," (21.5 X 23 em); 8Y, X 11" (21.5 x 28 em). 91. SKETCHOFMIRRORINSIX PANELS. 1971. Pen-Private collection. (8.68-17) es. <cS'''f IAi)nST·1 dId ·1 81' X9" (20 5 xzz 8 cr»):Ci an co ore penCI s, 116 . _. ,

79. STUDY FOR WALLPAPER. (1968). Pencil and 15% X 13th" (38.7 X 34.2 em). Private collection

etored pencils, 4 X 6" (10.1 x 15.2 em); 6'1. x 8W' 9~~KE~~~ OF MInnORs. 1971. Pencil; sheet:( 7.2 X 21.6 em). Private collection. (B.68-18) 7151t6 X41¥16"(20.1 x12.5 cm). Private collection

5"5. <06S-/ A~11SI lSS.lib I I ARTLST


93. SHEET OF STILL-LIFE SKETCHES AFTER PICAS-SO. (1972). Pencil and colored pencils; sheet: ]4 X11" (35.6 X28 em). Private collection li'S". »-»A'i',,"I :'51

94. STUDY FOR STILL LIFE: WITH GREEN VASE.(1972). Pencil and colored pencils, 7718X 57116"(20 X

13.8 em); 14'/16 X 11y,," (36.4 x 28.1 em) irreg.Private collection '85". '8'11<0


MIRROR AND BOWL OF FRUIT. 1972. Pencil andcolored pencils, 5'l16 X3lJit" (13.8 X 8 em); 13151i6x101¥l6'' (~.5 X 27.8 cm). Private collection 8.5. '&~OAP:-.TI $196. STUDY FOR STILL LiFE WITH BLUE PITCHER.(1972). Pencil and colored pencils, 5 x 4" (12.7 x10.1 em); 6% x 6';,." (16.1 x 16.3 em). Private col-lection '8~."6c~/A\";nSI"97. STUDIES FOR STILL LIFE WITH COFFEEPOT,


YELLOW STILL LIFE. 1972. Pencil and colored pen-cils; rap left image: 5x3" (]2.7X7.6 cm); top rightimage: 4¥rJx21¥i6" (11.1 x7.5 cm); bottom image: 3X4"',' (7.6 x 11.3 em); sheet: 17\4 x 13'11,' (43.7 x33.5 em). Private collection 8 '>.40% / "\f:;;-r-'c,T

98. STUDY FOR GRAPEFRUIT TRIPTYCH. 1972.Pencil and colored pencils; left image: 3'l'sx3¥S" (8x9.2 cm); mi.ddle image: 3Vs X 3~1/ (8 X 9.5 ern);right image: 3V8 X J7h" (8 X 9.9 cm); sheet: 71/4X15'1," (18.4 x 39 em). Private collection a-s: lI6~Af>,".'5T99. SKETCH FOR PITCHER TRIPTYCH. 1972. Penciland colored pencils; sheet: 4% X 315/16" (12x 10 ern).Private collection It S.15"1~ /MTI ST100. SKETCH FOR STILL LIFE WITH LONGHORN

SKULL AND CACTUS. 1972. Pencil and coloredpencil, 3V, x 4W' (8 x 12.5 em); 7"/16 x 4'1a" (20.1 x12.5 em). Private collection ~;). 118"'/P\f'';HS,101. SKETCH FOR STILL LIFE WITH LONGHORN

SKULL AND CACTUS. ] 972. Pencil and coloredpencils, 27,116X3Y8" (6.2x8 cm);43f4 xJ15Ji6"(12.1 x10 em). Private collection lrS': IIfr')/"'\~r 3,

102. STUDY Fall STILL LIFE WITH LONGHORNSKULL AND CACTUS. 1972. Pencil and coloredpencils, 4'l16 X 5W' (11. 2 X 14 COl); 1Vli6 X 1071$"(35.4 x 27.6 em). Privare collection %6".1/ '1-8"A~T'''''T

103. STUDYFOR STILL LIFE WITH LOBSTER. 1972.Pencil and colored penci.ls, 41/2 X 8" (11.4 X

20.3 em); IOxll"(25.4x28 em). Collection Jamesand Katherine Goodman 8 i]. 1;3 2...104. SHEET OF SKETCHES FOR AH.TIST'S STUDIOSAND STILL LIFES. ] 972. Pencil and colored pencils;sheet: 2J3/8X 27J/l (54.4x70.5 em). Private collee-rion ss. 111'1 / ARTIST' c9 1'/'-1 ~ OIl % "



Page 5: 0$%)(!#'(!$# - MoMA · ! "#$ %&"&'()*$+ ,(-./ &-$ 01210$0 1!"( "#$ 3(''(,h 1!) %&"$)(-1$/5 61!1/#$0 7-&,1!)/8 9.$"%#$/ &!0 9"*01$/8 9%*':"*-$ 9"*01$/8 ;*-&' 9"*01$/8

105. SKETCH FOR ST/LL LiFE IVITH OYSTERS, FISHIN A BOWL, A 0 BOOK. 1973. Pencil and coloredpencils, 4V,x31¥1,' (10.5x 10 ern]; 4'1< x 315M' (12x10 cflll:.!rivate collection '1)7.~0"\/A~ST'i YL( 'Ii 'I"

106. STUDY FORSTILL LIFE WITH OYSTERS, FISHIN A BOWL, AND BOOK. 1973. Pencil and coloredpencils, 3'I,X4V," (9.SX 10.5 ern): S%xS'/i,' (2·I.Sx20.S ern). Private collection 8'1.<;o'i/AAn:;T

107. TUDY FOil STILL LiFE!tapcstry]. 1973. Pen-cil and colored pencils, 4Y4 x 3Vs"(10.7 x 7.9 em);81~X 5" (20.9 X "12.7 em) irreg. Private collection"iiij.'if:l3/A~\1-ST108. STUDY FOil STILL LiFE WITH PICASSO[scrcenprint]. (1973). Pencil and colored pencils,5'12 x4 '18" (14x 10.5 em): SV, x51M' (21 x 12.S ern].Private collection ~. il~ I~Tl '::.T

109. KETCH FOil BULL 1/1 [lithograph/scrcenpr'int/linecut]. (1973). Pencil; sheet: Sv.. X5V." (21 x 13.3 ern) irreg. Private collection &5.'(38t'\~-n5\110. SKETCH FOIl BULL IV [lithograph/screenprinr/linccur]. (1973). Pencil and coloredpencils, 2M. x 3'h (6 x Scm); 4-'1< X 3IYI." (12.1 X10 ern) irreg. Private collection 85'. 'cf31/ARr1ST

111. SKETCH FOil ABSTRACT BULL'S HEAD 1/f coUage]. (1973). Pencil and colored pencils, 2% X4V." (7.3x 10.S cm); Sv. x5" (21 x 12.9 cm) irreg.Private collection Nell I";:' E><~I'OI"'O.u

112. STUDIES FOil BLUEFISH AND STILL LWE IV/THPEARLS. 1973. Pencil and colored pencils; top im-age: 3% X43li6" (8.Sx 10.6 cm); bottom image: 311/16

X4¥," (9.2 x 12 cm); sheet: 13"/1. x lOW' (35.5 x26 cm). Private collection ?is ./1 S'11A?,.TlSl113. STUDY F Il STILL LIFE IVITH GRAPEFRUIT,PEAR AND CHEESE. 1973. Pencil and colored pen-cils, 3¥. x 25/a" (S.6 x 6.7 cm); 7'A! X 6'/1." (20 x16 cm). Private collection 15:$. 8/11 P\»;:n~,114. STUDY FOR FRAGMENTED PAINTINC OFLEMONS AND A MELON ON A TABLE. 1973. Penciland colored pencils, 3"/0. x 5" (9.3 x 12.7 cm);1011/16 X 711ltl' (27.2 x 19.4 em). Private collection'i'$S'. 81 'II A'I'. T' ~TlIS. STUDY FOil ApPLES, GRAPES, GRAPEFRUIT.1973. Pencil and colored pencils, 11.J;l6x25/s" (4.6x6.6 cm); 5'1. x 5'116' (14.6x 14.2 cm) irreg. Privatecollection ~oT "" EXI-\\~lT10N

116. STUDY FOil STILL LiFE IV/TH SCULPTURE.1973. Pencil and colored pencils, 3lf.lx31Yl6

11 (8.2x10 em); 7Y16x 815/1(," (18x22.7 em). Private collec-,tion ~5.11'lI/A~T\5T ~//8)(310\d'

117. STUDY FOil UNTITLED (LEMON AND GLASS)[lithograph/screenprint (embossed) for the port-folio For Meyer Schapiroj. 1973. Pencil and coloredpencils, 21¥1. x2'Vt." (7.2x5. 7 cm); 71A!x3IYI." (IS. Ix 10 ern). Private collection ~S.11'?5"If\l',.n~TliS. SKETCH AND STUDY FOil TILL LiFE IVITHPORTRAIT [lithograph/screen print]. 1973. Penciland colored pencils; study image: 29/16 X 251t6" (7. 1X5.S cm);shect:411/i6X715!16"(12X2 .1 em). Privatecollection 8S 8'10 1""~"::.T119. STUDY FOil STILL LIFE IV/TH FI URI 'E[Iithograph/screenprint]. 1973. Pencil and coloredpencils, 43/i. x3s/i." (I 0.6xS.4 cm); 7V.. x7'h" (I x20 ern] irreg. Private collection 8S.11 'iO",,""\'lSi120. STUDY FOIl TUD/O WALL IVITH HAN /NPENC/L AND THREE SKETCHES. 1973. Pencil andcolored pencils, 4'/i. x 37,t,."(11.6XS.7 cm); Sy. x4%" (20.9 x 12.3 em) irrcgJ'civare cgJ!cction'iis,I:l:,OOI A.'i';\1sr .6/'f)( 6/1.:1"121. TIlOMI'E L'OEIL KETCH. 1973. I~ncil andcolored pencils, 3V. x 2'h" ( .zx 5.4 cm); S,/, x 4Y:(21 x 12 cm). Private collection liS'. 1, '11A?""'.I"122. STUDY FOil STUDID WALl. IVITH Po KEYWATCH, FLl: AND SKETCH DF LEMONS. 1973. Pen-cil and colored pencils. 41llx3V: (10.5 x 8.3 cm);sv. X4IYI." (20.9 x 12.6 cm). Private collection8'5. 11'1'11A~TlS\123. STUDY FOil THI CS ON THE WALL. 1973.Pencil and colored pencils, 4¥16 x Sv.... (11 x13.3 cm); 41M. xSV: (12.6x21 cm) irreg. Privatecollection '&5, 1I9G,,1 ARnSl 4"'i~ ,:;"'1"124. STUDY FOil TROMPE L'OEIL IVITH LEGERHEAD AND PAINTBRUSH. (1973). Pencil and col-ored pencils, 41¥.. x 37,t,." (12.2 x S.7 cm); SI/. x41YI6"(20.9 x 12.4 cm). Private collection irS. %'3'1A<:t;n~,125. STUDY FOil ARTIST'S STUDIO. 1973. Penciland colored pencils, 4V. x51ll" (I O. 7x 13 em); 9'11.x10'!2" (24.3x 26,.] cm). Priv,te collection "lSS.II'?1A'i';,.-,S\ 7'1;; y! 5/8"126. STUDY FOil STILL LIFE IV/TH GOLDFISH ANDOTHEIl SKETCHES. 1973. Pencil and colored pen-Cils; sheet: 71Ji6xSVs" (1Sx22.5 cm) irrcg. Privatecollection '85.1$1") f Af\r,oo,T' '1 "f: )( 'il31«127. STUDY FOil ARTIST'S STUDIO, LOOKMICKEY. 1973. Pencil and colored pencils, 53/4 xS'I<" (14.7 x 21 cm); 71ll x 9Y: (IS. I x 23.5 cm).Ptj.'<i1/ecollection "S.I 'b&' I A"" "'T!;,ng ~ -g 'I..,"12S. SHEET OF SKETCHES AFTEIl MATISSE (FORAIlTIST'S STUDIOS). (1973). Pencil; sheet: 7'116 x95/a1l (18 x 24.5 cm) irreg. Private collectionNeT IN ~rll1:lITlo,.:)

[ ISS]


129. FINAL STUDY FOil ARTIST'S STUDIO LOOKMICKE}~. 1973. Pencil, colored pencils, C~t-~nd-pasted paper, and Magna, 16 x 21%" (40.6 x54.4 cm); 191hx24" (49.5x61 cm). Privarc collee,rion 85.1110'11 ARTIST' 110 y"c)/ '1;)-"130. STUDY FOil ARTIST'S STUOIO, FOOT IvIED/.ATION. 1974. Pencil, colored pencils, and cut-

and-pasted paper, 16x21'11,' (40.6xS4.2 cm); 20'hx 25" (51 x63.4 em). Priv1te collection tts: II")'A'I>..n,,;>. 110 .,.,;)/'/'1'. .....,131. STUDY FOil ARTI T'S TUOIO IV/TH MODEL.1974. Pencil, colored pencils. and cllt-3nd-pastcdpaper, 16VI. x21W' (40.sx54.2 cm); 19'h x 24V4'(49.5 x 61.6 cm). Private collection ~s:1\')0A'I";n~-r '132. STUDY FOil ARTIST'S STUO/O, THE'IDANCE." 1974. Pencil, colored pencils, and cut-,nd-pasJed paper, 16111.x21 W' (40. 7~54 cm); 20V, .2') s. 'iii-x 26 (52. I x 66 \Jul. Private collection 8S.' 1'72..A'RT151 /,,;>718,< ,;J1'Ig !\c,\u.,1i.{1 k> "omPr133. TUDY Fall LA OSCAPE. (1974). Pencil andcol red pencils. 39/\(, x·Pllt." (9.1 X 11.2 COl); 71/16 XSIYI." (IS x 22.4 C111). Private c llection ss. %'13A~n~134. TUllY OF AUSTIlACTION. (1974). Pencil andcolored pen ils. 31 Y'b x 41V16" (9.7 x 12 em); 7VI6x'»il" (IS x 23.8 ern). Private collection lrS. lS60p\~l.,..n"'"135. SKEICII lOll PORTRAIT TRIPTl'Cl-I AND

lieU. KldCIlli.\. 1974. Pencil and colorcd pen-cils; sheet: 7lJifi x 91,4" (18 X 23 em). Pri vate collec-lion 1$5. 1,,,,'(1 A>t,Tl~\

136. SrUDY rOR PORTRAI r TRIPTVCH. 1974. Pen-cil. colored penClb. :md cut-and-pastcd paper;three il113gcS: 13V16 x IO?AJ"(34.1 x 27.7 cm) cach;Ihree shcw: 221h X 14%" (56.2 x 37.S cm) each.Private collection 8'S' .11G"S' I A~(:'J"'"137. TUDY FOItPINK FtOIVERS. 1974. Pencil andcolored pencils, 4~ x 3·llt (II. 7 x S.6 cm): 7!116XWI." (17.9x23.3 cm). Privale collection "'15. il')l!'""'~IST138. STUDY Fon AlL80ATS. 1974. Pencil and col-ored pencils. 3Y2 X 50/\(," (8.9 x 13.5 cm): 71/11, x 97!i6


(IS x 23.9 cm). Private collection 8''».'1101Mil:IT139. STUDY FOil Tllb RF.DHORSEMAN [inscribed:arlo Carra "Thc Red Horseman" 19131. 1974.

Pencil and colored pencils. 141/2 x 19JAt (36.8 x49.2 cm): 20'12 X 231/," (52 x 59.7 cm). Collection

Pal'4a!1)~~nf{3Idrn, New York 1l '? 1:<"'7

146. STUDY fall ~'/TAR. (1974). Pencd and col-ored pencils. 4'/1f> x 3V16" (10.3x 7. 7 cm): 97/11x 73//'(25.1 x 19.7 crn). PrivJte collcction'as.lIS'2.. I A;z:J1 51'



Page 6: 0$%)(!#'(!$# - MoMA · ! "#$ %&"&'()*$+ ,(-./ &-$ 01210$0 1!"( "#$ 3(''(,h 1!) %&"$)(-1$/5 61!1/#$0 7-&,1!)/8 9.$"%#$/ &!0 9"*01$/8 9%*':"*-$ 9"*01$/8 ;*-&' 9"*01$/8

141. STUDY ron STILL LIFE WITH PLA )'INCCARDS. 1974. Pencil and colored pencils, 5Y16 X3'!s" (12.8x7.8 em); 8'/4 X5" (21 x12.7 em) irreg.Private collection 80.SS~ II'\R.T1:sr142. STUDY FOR CUBIST STILL LiFE WITH CELLO.

(1974). Pencil and colored pencils, 4% x3J/s/l (11. 7x8.5 em); 7Y16X 7'¥Jji"(l8x 19.2 em). Private collec-tion ... 5 .sS"f / A~TI;)T


CUBIST STILL LIFE. 1974. Pencil and colored pen-cils, 4"" x3%" (12.4x9.2 em) each; 7'/,x9'/,'" (18.1x23.7 em) irreg. Collection Mr. and Mrs. DonaldB. Marron 8'1. ~,,~ q S/8 ~3 ~ 'I

144. STUDY FOR ENTABLATURE. 1974. Pencil andcolored pencils, 3¥16 X 5Vi6" (8.1 X 12.9 em); 9Vi6 X101Y1.6" (23x27.7 em). Privatecollection 85:~",,"""'Sf ~I/q X "g'I'I"145. STUDY OF ENTABLATURE. 1974. Pencil andcolored pencils, 3x5" (7.6x12. 7 cm); sx lOW' (20.3x 26. 6 em). Private collection E"S. 12..2.DAI'-.T1:>'


STILL LiFE WITH CRI'STAL BOWL [lithograph!screen print]. 1975. Pencil and colored pencils; topimage: 4X45/s" (1 O.2Xl1. 7 em); bottom image: 3¥r!X4'1a" (8.5x 11. 7 em); sheet: 13"/" X lOy,," (35.4 X

25.5 em). Private collection 8S 12.0b/Af\n:",

153. STUDY FOR OHHH. 1975. Pencil and coloredpencils, 5Ya x 3%/1 (13 x 9.2 em); 1P/4 X 9" (29.8 X22.9 em). Collection James and Katherine Good-man 8'7.13:S 5 K 31.;). II154. STUDY FOR THE CONDUCTOR. 1975. Pcneiland colored pencils, 5X371i6" (12. 7x8. 8 em); 1TVt X11" (35 x 17.9 cm). Collection Paul Kantorb"'>. ;1,41

155. STUDY FORSELF-PORTRAiT. 1975. Pencil andcolored penci.ls, 4x3o/16" (10.2xS.4 em); 131;4xII"(33.6 X 28 em). Private collection S5'/2.I'-/f\Rnsr-

156. SHEET OF FUTURIST SKETCHES. (1975). Pen-cil; sheet: 13314 X 11Vs"(35 x 28.1 em). Private col-lection 8"Y.9 2.0 IAr:.n ~T

157. STUDY FOR THE VIOLIN. 1975. Pencil andcolored pencils, 39/i6 XSJfI6/1 (9.1 x 13.2 em); 131(8 X10%" (33.4 X 27 cm). Privat}' collection 'itS: /;U IAR.TI:>' 3'l'd"f- 5/~'-158. STUDIES FOR THE VIOLfN1ST AND THE

ATOM. 1975. Pencil and colored pencils; top image:3% X 45/1l' (9.2 X 10.9 cm); bottom image: 40/16 X3%" (10. 9x9. 2 ern}; sheet: 13x 10'/'''' (33x26 cm).Private collection 8S. Iz., ~ I A?"Ti:)"-159. STUDIES FOR ECLIPSE OF THE SUN J ANDECLIPSE OF THE SUN II. 1975. Pencil and coloredpencils; top image: J7116 X 5'l's" (8.8 x 14.9 em);bottom image: 49/16X3'1l6" (11.6x9 cm); sheet: 13x

147. STUDIES FOR CUBIST STILL LiFE WITH 10'1.6" (33 X 26.2 ern). Private collection 85". I ;Zl~LEMONS AND LE.1975. Pencil and colored pencils; A'F«l5Ttop image: 5X 33/.;" (12.7x9.5 cm); bottom image: 160. STUDY FOR VORTEX. (1975). Pencil and col-3% X5" (9.5 X 12.7 em); sheet: 13"/16 X9'1s" (35.4 X ored pencils, 4'1" X 4V.," (11 X 10.8 c~); 13'~' X25.1 cm). Private collection 8'C). I2..CS/Pf';rIS,11 \ii," (35.1 X 28.1 em). Privare collection 8~ .Ii''l(o

q\>,n:>,148. STUDY FOn. ABSTRACT/ON WITfl GUITAR. 161. SHEET OF FUTURIST AND ENTABLATURE1975. Pencil and colored pencils, 31/2 x 4314" (8.9 X SKETCHES. 1975. Pencil; sheet: 13131i6X11 1/16" (3~12.1 em); 8114 X5:V16"(21X 13.1 ern). Private colJec- 28 cm). Private collection ~S.'11 ~ I Ai\Tl oSltion 15-5.%ss- 1""'T1 ST

149. STUDIES FOR AIJSTRACTION. 1975. Pencil andcolored pencils, 39116 X51At (9x 13 cm) each; 1jl YJ6X 9" (29.7 X 22.9 cm). Pri va te collection '85: f 2.(0I'\1'\TI5,150. STUDY FOR PURIST PAINTING WITHPITCHER, GLASS AND CLASSICAL COLUMN.(1975). Pencil and colored pencils, 43/4 x 33116" (12.1xS.1 cm); 1110/16 XSlo/J6" (30.2x22.7 COl). Privatecollection 8"5'. %'1'11 "\l\T1:s.' 1"1&y3!l;/i151. STUDY FOR STILL LIFE WITH PITCHER.(1975). Pencil and colored pencils, 4lYt6 x3W' (12.2xS.2 em); 12x9" (30.5x23 cm) ,Private collection83". ~'O"O/1"Il'<;T'1 s-. 'I S;/(P,( 3 'i'</

152. STUDY FOR HOMAGE TO MAX ERNST [litho-graph J. 1975. Pencil and colored pencils, 4-Y4X 35/s"(12.1 X 9.2 cm); 12 X 9" (30.5 X 23 cm). Privatecollection liS. I ;<.Dl / """"TI:':>T

162. STUDIES FOR ENTABLATURE. 1975. Pencil andcolored pencils, 31/2 X 51;4" (8.9 X 13.3 cm) each;131Yi6 X 10ISIt6')35.4 X27.S cm). Private collectiontsS". 1:z..D'j ART!Sl163. STUDIES OF ENTABLATURES. (1976). Penciland colored pencils, 3Y2 X SW' (8.9 X] 4 em) each;131~6 X.Jl111l (35.1 X28.1 em). Private collection~. 11'7::5 I """'n::yr164. STUDIES FOR ENTABLATURE AND EN-TABLATURE. 1976. Pencil, colored pencils, and cuc-and-pasted paper, 2';;;6 X 81/16" (S.8x20.5 em) each;131-Yi6 x 11" (35.5 x 28 cm). Private collectiont"55/2-lq I~TrS,165. STGDY FOn. ENT.>1BLATURE. 1976. Pencil, col-ored pencils, and pen and ink, 33;16 X 851i6" (S.l X21.1 cm); 14X 11" (35.5x2S cm). Private colJectionR"5.(j"~:ZIAI".,TI:'>' .

160. STUDY FOR SELF·PORTRAIT II. 1976. Penciland colored pencils, 4th x 31/2" (11.5 X 8.9 cm);lJCY16 X 11l116"(35.1 x28 em). Private colJectioll

~:S-.1:z..1:i / Mnsr-[J 89J

167. STUDY FOR STILL LIFE WITH BOTTLE ANDTRAY. 1976. Pencil and pen and ink, 315/16 X 37,18"(lOx 9.8 cm);13'¥', X 10W (35.4 X26. 6 cm). Pri-vate collection 'ir0.I:I..:<3/~;n:>r168. STUDY ron STILL LIFE WITH COFFEEPOT.1976. Pencil, pen and ink, colored pencils, and cur-and-pasted paper. 4Y" X4W' (1O.3x 11.7 em); 1PI,X 1015/16" (28.9 X.27. S ern). Priva}r/~ollectio] rr~S. I ;2;2..:2.,/I'\\';TI:>'T "tlo. 'f W169. SKETCH AND STUDY FOR STILL LIFE WITHArfACHECASE. 1976. Pencil, pen and ink, coloredpencils, and cur-and-pasted paper; top image: 27/8X35116" (7.3xS.4 em): bottom image: 3YfJ X4" (S.6x10.1 cm); sheet: 13¥., X lOW' (3735X 27.8 ern).Private colJection /9"il"s. I z.z, I A"'-TI:;,

170. STUDY FOR STILL LIFE WITH FOLDEDSHEETS AND SKETCH OF ARCHITECTURAL MOTIF.1976. Pencil, pen and ink, and colored pencils;study image: 4% X 315/16" (l1.S X 10 cm); sheet:1315116X 910/16" (35.4 X 25.2 cm). Private collectionss. ,:1..2.. ~ IAt<-rl:'>,171. STUDY FOR GIRL IVITH BEACHBALL II. 1976.Pencil and colored pencils, 3% X 2V8" (9.2 X7.3 CIl1); 513/16 x3%" (14. 7x9.2 em). Private collec-tion 6"0.'& 't01I"'Rl1sr"172. STUDY FOR STILL LIFE WITH HEAD IN LAND-SCAPE AND OTHER SKETCHES. 1976. Pencil, col-ored pencils, and cut-and-pasted paper; study im-age: 2,/, x2Y," (7x5.4 cm); sheet: 8Y. x5W' (21 X13.6 em). Private collection 8"$; %'l2../~T1.5"'"

173. STUDY FORRECLINING BATHER. 1976. Penciland colored pencils, 31/2 X 571a" (8.9x 15 em); S1/i X111lJi6" (20.9 X 29.6 cm) irreg. Private collection8":5". 'HI / Al'<-T1&I174. STUDY FOR LA LA LA. 1977. Pencil and col-ored pencils, 57116X 3¥16" (U.S X S.l cm); 121/16 X

aw' (30.7 X 21.6 cm) ir reg, Private collection1SS. I~301 A?'.. ... tS r175. STUDY FOR RECLINING NUDE. 1977. Penciland colored pencils, 3% X5lfs" (9.2x 13 cm); 121/8 X9" (30.8 X 22. 9 em). Private colJection '85". 12-.<;4p,p.,.,.., sr 33;4" )( 5'1t "176. FINAL STUDY FOR RECLINING NUDE. 1977.Pencil and colored pencils, 1J7/s X 1911/ll' (32.7 X

50 em); 221/2 X 30" (57.1 x76.2 cm). Private collec-tion 8').4/ ;<./A?;:n:'>, / 33/1" )(('7 ~ "177. STUDY Fon LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES.1977. Pencil and colored pencils, 3% X 59116"(9.2x14.2 cm); 12'/>6x9'!s"(30.7x23.1 cm). CollectionPaul Von Ringelheim S'f. <1I~ "6~;l X s t-'"178. FINAL STUDY FOR LANDSCAPE WITH FIG-URES. 1977. Pencil and colored pencils, 131/2 X 21"(34.3x53.4 em); 20x27W' (SO.8x69.9 cm). Col-lection James and Margaret de Pasquale'(f",./3(;,1 I 33/'6 ~,J-.I"



Page 7: 0$%)(!#'(!$# - MoMA · ! "#$ %&"&'()*$+ ,(-./ &-$ 01210$0 1!"( "#$ 3(''(,h 1!) %&"$)(-1$/5 61!1/#$0 7-&,1!)/8 9.$"%#$/ &!0 9"*01$/8 9%*':"*-$ 9"*01$/8 ;*-&' 9"*01$/8

190. STUDY FOR INTERIOR WITH CACTUS. 1978.Pencil and colored pencils, 41/2 x 3¥,t (11.5 x9.5 cm); 1214 x 7'10" (32.2 x 19.9 cm). Private col-lection liS5.'li:l., (f\? ....n S,

179. STUDY FOR FIGURES IN LANDSCAPE. 1977.Pencil, colored pencils, and cut-and-pasted paper,3% X 50/1," (9.2 X 14.1 cm); 1211>X 8%" (30.7 x21.8 em). Private collection '8~. \:2..39A'''''\~' 35j'~ X. 5/.;;1-"180. FINAL STUDY FOR FIGURES IN LANDSCAPE. 191. STUDY FOR RAZZMATAZZ. 1978. Pencil and1977. Pencil, colored pencils, and cut-and-pasted colored pencils, 16x21VI'" (40.6XS4.5 cm); 20% Xpaper, 1314 x20'At" (33.6x53 ern): 22Y2X 2714" (57.1 293;"" (52.3 X7S.4 cm). Private collecrion8S. l:l..5OX 70.5 em). Whitney Museum of American Art, A..,"","'5"t""'"New York; Purchase, with funds from The Draw- 192. PORTRAIT STUDY. 1978. Pencil and coloreding Committee ~",? 1;1..0 {3!;/Jv~O~/, pencils, 314 X 3" (8.2 X 7.6 cm); SY2X 7'M' (14 X

. f r- 7 19.2 ern}, Privare collection '1>5.':l.~/f\R"nSI181. STUDY FOR FIGURES IN LANDSCAPE ANDSKETCH FOR THE CONVERSATION. 1977. Pencil, 193. STUDY FORSELF·PORTRAIT. 1978. Pencil andcolored pencils, and cur-and-pasted paper; study colo~~d pencils, 41~X 31h" (10 5 X 8.9 em}; 91A6Ximage: 4Vl6 X4%" (lO.2x 11.7 em); sheet: 12Vax9f1 91¥16 (23 x 25 em) rrreg. Private collecrion(30.7 X 23 ern), Private collection li5.1?.~I If'lI;TI:)1 1~4S.~Jg.~~;;n;oCOSMOLOGY AND OTHEIl

182. TUDY FOil PORTRtlIT. 1977. Pencil and col- SKETCHES. (1978). Pencil; sheer: 12% X 7" (32. I Xored pencils, 311>X2W (8X7 ern); 6'/16X5W' (15. 7x 17.8 cm) irreg. Private collection 'it S· ~~~14 cm). Private collection ~S,I.2..35"/1\'i>;il-:" l~~.(:;;'Y FOR COSMOLOGY. 1978. Pencil and

183. STUDY FOil FEMALE HEAD. 1977. Pencil and colored pencils, 13Y2x2P116" (34.3X53.5 em): 241'2colored pencils, 3'11'X3:YI," (8.8 X 8. I em}; 10% X X29l4" (62.2X74.2 em]. The Museum or Modern8W' (26.8 x21.6 cm). Ptjvate collection %.5.12.'10 Art, Ne~ York; Girt orThe Lauder FoundationP\"tt\~1 3/I:n 316" Ac~.Io~(II>f-lillLS. R.EI\ .:l,1<.j, ~3 ) .184. STUDY FOil PORTRAIT. 1977. Pencil and col- 196. STUDY OF ABSTRACTION. 1978. Ienctl andored pencils. 4VI,x3W (10.2x8. 9 cm); 1211>x9'M' colored pencils, 21\1" x3W (7.S x9.8 cm); II¥. X(30.7 X 23-Lm) irreg. Private collection ~5.'8"'itli" 61VI'" (29.8 X 17 cm). Pnvate collection 1l'S'. '11(A~'':>\ AR"l"I::,T185. STUDY FOil WOMAN WITH LOLLlI'OP. 1977. 197. TUDY FORABSTRACTION. 1978. Pencil andPencil and colored pencils, 21-0/16 X2~1t(7.1 x6 em); e?llo~ed pencils, 3~ x4~'" (8.6X .10. em); 1~IYl6X51¥16 x3%" (t4.7x9.2 ern). Private collection 7 V16 (32.2X 19.5 cm) Irreg. Pnvate collectIon"\55. 'l01/A';\\151 ~S ·'7/01 AI'..T151186. SHEET OF SKETCHES FOR FIGURE WITH 198. STUDIES FOR UNTITLED COMPOSITION ANDBRAID. 1977. Pencil and colored pencils; sheet: 23/16 SnTI G PRE1TY. 197 . Pencil and colored pencils;x 5"15.4 X 12. 7 c~ ir.!£!;. Private collection top image: 3% x5" (9.2x 12.6 cm); bottom image:'is ~ . \1',\ IAV<.' I';,\ )IV" x2W (9.4x6.3 cm); sheet: 10% x7.yI," (27.6X

187. STUDY FOil FIGURES WITH SUNSET. 1978. 18.2 cm). Private collecrion '85 I:l.XilPencil and colored pencils, 3Y2x5W (8.9x 14 cm); A"RTIl:ir .121A1X 8%" (30.8 X 21.9 cm). The Metropolitan 199. STUDY FOR FIGURE WITH B....NNER. 1978.Museum of Art, New York; Purchase, Friends of PenciJ and colored pencils, 5'% x3Yl' (15x9 COl);the Department Gifts and matching funds from the 121Y16 X 73/"," (32.1 X 19.7 em). Private collectionNational Endowment ror the Arts, 1978 'f>"'l.~') as.~') / """"T,ST

200. STUDY FOR Go FOR BAROQUE. (1978-79).Pencil and colored pencils, 3~ X 50/16" (9.2 X14.1 cm); 57Atx8W (14.9x22.2 cm) irreg. Privatecollection ~:5.tS156 IA'i';rl:),

188. STUDY FOR STEPPING OUT AND OTHERSKETCHES. 1978. PenciJ and colored pencils; studyimage: 4 X 3W' (10.2 x 8.6 cm); sheet: 121', X 6¥."(31.7 x 17.1 em). The Metropolitan Museum ofArt, New York; Purchase, Friends of the Depart-ment Gifts and matching funds from the NationalEndowment for the Arts, 1978 '8'7. ~"l'"<f'/fjf. 3""1(g" 0

189. STUDY FOR WOMAN IVITH FLOWER. 1978.Pencil and colored pencils, 53/16 X 25/16" (13.1 x5.8 cm);12'1a X 7W' (32.1 X 18.1 cm). Private col-lection ?J...,." 1'1 I f->.""",sT'5 '/8)( ';/I'-f t,

20 I. FINAL STUDY FOR CO FOR BAROQUE.1978-79. Pencil and eolored pencils, 131', x 21"(34.3 x 53.3 cm); 20¥' x 27" (52.7 x 68.6 cm). Pri-vate collectiQn, New York t?':2.S1 I~YhoR\A ~ ~S.I::JI;>-202. STUDY FOR POIV WOW. 1979. Pencil and eol-ored pencils, 4X41\1I'" ("10.1x 12.5 cm); S.y, x8W(14.6 x 22.2 cm). Private collection ~'14/5A'il"T\$\ .203. FINAL STUDY FOR Pow WOIV. 1979. Penciland colored pencils, 16 x 201',,' (40.7 x SO.8 cm);20314 x 24" (52.5 x 61. 1 cm). Private collection

'6"7. <{IS (().."v...\\~\ ItD'/8 i,Jo/(% U


204. STUDY FORAMERIND LANDSCAPE [tapestry].1979. Pencil and colored pencils, 3~ X 55A611 (9.Sx13.5 ern): 83/. x5Y." (22.1 X 14.5 cm) irreg. Privatecollection IsS·"I'-i II P\Rll:sT"' 331.,.rtf i'"/o-fl20S. FINAL STUDY FOR AMERIND LANDSCAPE[tapestry I. 1979. Pencil, colored pencils, and cut-and-pasted paper, 16% x 21'A!" (42.2 x 55.6 cm)·20% x 26" (52.4 x 66 cm). Collectioniames andKatherine Godman 8'7. I~'1 tto ~~)Cd-! o//)206. STUDY FOR INDIAN COMPOSITION. 1979.Pencil and colored pencils, 33At x $VI'" (8.5 x12.9 em): 511/" x 8W (14.5 x 22.2 cm). Privatecollection IlS. I 7.,7.. '? 1Mil5f'207. STUDY F R HEAD IVITH BRAID AND FEATH-ERS [painting] AND HE....D IVITN FEATHERS ANDBRAID [intaglio]. (1979). Pencil and colored pen-cils, 37/1, X 2VI'" (8.8 x 6.2 em); 8.y. X 53/1,' l22.2 x13.2 cm) irrcg. Private collection as: '15'7ARTl:'>,208. STUDY OF INDIAN FI UIlE. (1979). Pencil andcolored pencils. 3>,1,x 2¥." (9.2 x 7 cm); 83/. x 5'M'(22.2 x 14.1 cm) irreg. Private collection 1iS. "IS I.A.~'5r209. STUI)Y I'OR PORTRA.lT OF WOMAN. 1979.Pencil and eol red pencils, 4% x 3%" (11.7 x9.2 cm); 8.y" x51'1i," (20. 8 x 15. I cm) irreg. Pri vatecollection I~S-J. /1S2.., I AI'..T1~1210. S'IUDY FOR REEN J-/ldAD. 1979. Pencil andcolored pencil" 4'YI,x3'1a" (11 x8.6 cm); BY.x5W(22.2 x 1·1.8 em) irreg. Private collection li"S.91O<'<ARn:f\211. TUDY FOR FEMALE FIGURE. 1979. Pencil andcolored pencils. 4% x 3\12" (12./ x 8.9 em); 8'1. X5¥." (22.2 x 14.5 cm) irreg. Privat~ collection~S·"I')/IART1=>\ 5x3.I.,>"212. STUDY rOil THE WmTE TREE. 1979. Pencil3nd colored pencils, 11112X 22th" (29.2 x 57.1 em);2<w. x 29>,1,"(52.7 X 75.2 cm). ollection llarba-raled lamonstel11-Spielvogcl 8') '--1\''( ~ li8. 1/ to1131N.o~'1«"

213. S'I UI)Y FOR RECLINING NUDE. 1980. Penciland colored pencils. 3Vz x 57At (8. 9x 14. I) em): 71J1t6X 12Y8'" (19.7x32.2 em) irrcg. Private collection~S."I'7'" IA"'"ST214. STUDY FOil WOM....N IN LANDSCAPE. 1980.Pencil and colored pencils. 55/16 x 3Jflt," (13.5 X8.1 cm); 12% x 7¥." (33.2 X 19.7 cm) irreg. Privatecollection 8S. 'l'lCa( AR;TI~T21S. STUDY FOIl EXPRESSIONIST HEAD. 1980.Pencil and colored pencils. 41/4 x 3'Ys" (10.8 X9.2 em): 8¥4 x51¥16" (22.2x 14.7 cm) irrcg. Privatecollection ~S.'l'7'j IAR-'I:>'



Page 8: 0$%)(!#'(!$# - MoMA · ! "#$ %&"&'()*$+ ,(-./ &-$ 01210$0 1!"( "#$ 3(''(,h 1!) %&"$)(-1$/5 61!1/#$0 7-&,1!)/8 9.$"%#$/ &!0 9"*01$/8 9%*':"*-$ 9"*01$/8 ;*-&' 9"*01$/8

224. STUDY FOR HEAD WITH MONOCLE. 1980.Pencil and colored pencils, 31¥i6 x3Vs" (9.7 X 8 em);71/2 X 6716" (19.1 X 17.5 em). Private collection~. 12..5.2,.1A~I(:S;--225. STUDY Fall FOREST SCENE. 1980. Pencil andcolored pencils, 3¥4 X 47,18"(9.5 X 12.5 em); 5lh x 238. STUDY FOR Two ApPLES. (1982). Magna 011

9%" (14x23. 9 em). Collection Miss Louisa Mayor, acctate over pencil on paper; image: 33/4x53Js"(9.SxLondon "&"1 ~Ib "2> 5"/5 ~.," 13 7 cm) •• cetate 5Y,x6Y,"(13 4x15 5 cm)irreg,

. paper. 7Yex 10%" (181 X 26.4 em) Private coUec-226. FINAL STUDY Fall FOI1EST SCENE. 1980. Pen- tlon~. ,00'11 ;<\R'(~Tcil, colored pencils, and Magna, 16x21 14" (40.6 X64 em); 203/4 X 253/6" (52.7 X 64.5 em). Private coJ- 239. STUDY FOR WOMAN II. 198~. Magna on ~ce- 251. SKETCHANDSTUDYFORPAINTINGS: PICAS-lection %0.12..,:'5'",3 / A'i'\T\5r , l.r x.d'II/~(ltate over pencil and colored pencils on paper; ~m: so HEAD. 1983. Pencil and colored pencils; study

age: 5Y4 X 33j~1/(13.4 x 9.5 cm); acetate: 61f.1X ,JYa image: 313/16 X4Va" (9.6 x 10.5 cm); sheet: 131/8 x227. STUDY FOR LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES AND (I5.8x 13.7 cm) irreg.; paper: 103/aX 7'!l6" (26.2 X 9¥16" (33.3 X 23.2 cm) irreg. Private collectionSUN. 1980. Pencil and colored pencils, 4 X 4'V,," 18.1 cm). Private collecrion 8'~.I00(01I'\",n~,~:5.J ~"CalAi',T'S'. .(10.1 x 12.5 em); IOV, X7';"" (27X 19.7 cm). Private 252. STUDY FOR PAIN1INGS. EXPRESSIONISTcollection "8;". ICiS I / A"""::>T 240. PRELlMINAny STUDY FOR PAINTING: STILL HEAD AND OTHER SKETCH. 1983. P~nc~1and col-

LrFE WITH ENVELOPE. 1982. Pencil and colored ared pencIls; study Image: 47/8 X ,J-Ys (12.5 Xpencils, 3\>\x3W' (8.2x 8. 9 cm); 3'Y~, ,:43Js" (9.6x 13.5 cm); sheet: 13Y,x9'M' (33.2x24. 3 em) irreg.11.1 cm) irreg. Private collecnon 'ir::S. 161 b Private coIJection 1t;).J63~ I A.~TI5\A.'RT'I~r


216. STUDY FOR THE STUDENT [two woodcuts(one embossed)]. 1980. Pencil and colored pencils,35/" x 27Js" (8.4 x 7.3 ern}; 6'Y16 x 4\14' (17 x10.9 cm). Private collection 8:5."/'):5 1A,J>.TISl'

217. STUDY FOR DR. WALDMANN [two woodcuts(one embossed) J. (1980). Pencil and colored pen-cils, 3'h X 4" (8.9 X 10.1 ern): 8';" X 5'14" (22.2 X14.6 cm). Collection Sidney B. Pelsen 'if'? :J..4b

218. STUDY FOR THE COUPLE [two woodcuts(one embossed)]. (1980). Pencil and colored pen-cils, 3Vs X 2'1,," (7.9 X 6.2 ern): 4'h X 3W' (11.5 X8.9 cm). Collection the Grinsrein Family S'l .;2.."I~

219. STUDY FOR HEAD [two woodcuts (one em-bossed)]. (1980). Pencil and colored pencils, 3'Y" X3Y," (9.6x8 cm); 6Y, x5'h" (16.1 X 14 cm). Privatecollection 'f>':5,7rc/1 / Al'\T151

220. STUDY FOil THE PIIlSONER. 1980. Pencil andcolored pencils, 5'/" X3'111"(12.9x8.6 cm); 10\>\X7:;"fUx17.8 em) irreg. Private collection 'O"5.~$'r "'<\('S, S'i 8 ~ 3. 'l.;>."221. STUDY FOR EXPRESSIONIST HEAD. 1980.Pencil, colored pencils. and cut-and-pasted paper,4Y" X 3%" (10.7 X 9.2 cm); 8';" X 5SJs" (22.2 X14.3 ern). PrivJse collection ~58'Z51A""'ST ..,-1'1 J'. 3 51\!' "222. STUDY Fan HEAD. 1980. Pencil and coloredpencils, 4Y, X3Ys" (11.4x 8.5 cm); 12'18 X7%" (32.1X 19.4 em) irrcg. Private collection 8"iS'"". '9l)'S-""?-'lS\223. STUDY Fan EXPRESSIONIST HEAD. 1980.Pencil and colored pencils, 5 Y16 X 4W' (12.9 X

10.8 cm); 1P;"X7W'(29.9X18.4 cm). Private col-lection '65.I'lS6!A~TI:5'

, I ~.


URES AND SUN. 1980. Pencil and colored pencils. 16X 20" (40.6 X 50.8 cm); 22 X 25" (56 X 63.5 cm).Private collection 'li'7'1Ib/ A'f"T'~ilIIt"'I '{ d-ol/~/1


RAINBOW AND STUDY OFBRUSHSTROKES. 1980.Pencil and colored pencils; top image: 30/16XS" (9.1X 12.8 ern}; bottom image: 2V!l X 4Y·t (5.5 X10.7 em}; sheet: 12%X7W' (32.1 X 19.4 em) irreg.Private collection goS. 12$$",-' A,1\n;:"230. FiNAL STUDY FOR LANDSCAPE WITH FIG-

URES AND RArNBOW. 1980. Pencil, colored pencils,and cut-and-pasted paper, 16Y2 X 23W' (41.9 x59.7 ern); 22 X28'/'1"(56 x 72.2 ,wI). Private collec-non 13"6. I:l-S'i .p.,I'\T):> I

231. SKETCHES FOR HEAD AND PITCHER ANDSKETCHES OF BRUSHSTROKES.1980. Pencil andcolored pencils; sheer: 1211/16 X 71'!l6" (32.1 X

19.5 em). Private collection '8"5.I2..S5c-A~l$T232. STUDY FOIlJARAND ApPLE. 1980. Pencil andcolored pencils, 27116x29/16" (6.2x6. 5 cm); 10114X7"(26 X 17.8 cm). Private collection as. ')'10A",n:;T233. SKETCHESOFYELLOW AND RED ApPLE ANDBRUSHSTROKE. 1980. Pencil and colored pencils;sheet: 55/8 x83/4" (14.3x22.2 ern). Private collection'lI':5. J 'J...c&,O 1 A,1<;t< sr234. SKETCHES OF SAILBOATS AND BRUSH-STROKES.1980. Pencil and colored pencils; sheet:91/8 X6%" (23.2 X17.1 cm). Private collectionss, I~ I I "\R,l1Si235. SHEET OF SKETCHES OF BRUSHSTROKES.1980. Pencil and colored pencils; sheet: 5lh X 8W'(14 X 22.2J!!!)' Private collection ~S-. '-:l.:5'".e1>-,,1 ,236. SHEET OF SKETCHESOF BRUSHSTROKES.1980. Pencil and colored pencils; sheet: 5th x 8W'(14 X 22.2 ern). Private collection 'irS. I ~'?A,""TI ST'237. STUDY FOR SAILBOATS. (1981). Magna onacetate mounted on paper; acetate: 47/8 X 75/16" (1.2.5X 18.5 ern); paper: 7Y" X 1OV,,' (17.9 X 26.2 cm).Private collection %S·I ~<j 1ARl1.s'l

241. STUDY FORSTlLL LIFE WITH EXPRESSIONISTPAINTING. 1982. Pencil,4s/,X3¥,"(I1.7x8.5 cm);131/8X 8" (33. '1 X 20.2 cI.!!l. Private collection!S$". 'i'lb IAR,T'cl

242. STUDY FOR PAlNTINGS: STILL LIFE ANDSTRETCHER FRAME. 1982. Pencil and colored pen-cils, 311/16 x5Y16" (9.4 X 13.2 cm); 815/16 X 9" (22.6x22.8 cm) irreg. Pri$'lte collection ~S.ID\SA,'I<,T1ST' 3 Y8' )( S'lg I,


FLOWERS. 1982. Pencil and colored pencils, 3Y4 X

4'18" (8.2x 12.5 em): 6x8'Y,," (15.2x22 em) irreg.Private collection ~'). <oj I '! IA,,-n::;,244. STUDY FOR Two PAINTINGS: FOLDEDSHEETS. 1982. Pencil and colored pencils, 31/2 X

4'18" (9 X 12.3 cm); 9'/'~ X12";;," (23.9 X 32.5 cm).Private collection 85. IAG:S" IART\ST"


WITH DADO. 1982. Pencil and colored pencils;study image: 311116 X 31,4" (9.4xS.3 em); sheet: 97/16X 12LY16"(24 x 32. 5 cm). Private collection'6()./O].;AI AI'\Tl ST246. STUDY FOR TwO PA1NTlNGS (woodcut!lithograph/screenprint/collage]. 1983. Pencil andcolored pencils, 31/aX 23,4" (8 x 7 cm); 5o/i6 X 83/1"(14.1 X 22.2 cm). Private collection ~'l.;02..~;<\'\'.,n~T'

247. STUDY FORTwO PAINTINGS: RADIATOR ANDFOLDED SHEETS. 1983. Pencil and colored pencils,3'111X3¥16"(8.6x8 em}; 4'!" X7V16" (11.2x 18.6 cm)irreg. Private collection 8"S. I C.2..Co/ ~TI3l""248. STUDY FOR TwO PAINTINGS: CRAIG.1983. Pencil and colored pencils, 35116x 21/l' (8.4 X6.3 ern): 75;;, X 4W' (18.6 X 12.3 cm\. Collection, .,., )/, ,;.~Henry Ge1dzahler a '1. <i I ~ J "f 'iC <>' iT


[woodclltllithograph]. 1983. Pencil and coloredpencils, 4'111x4W (11.1 X11.1 cm); 8'1, X5Y," (22.2X14 cm). Private collection !sS.(o5/ /1\?;\iSr

250. STUDY FOR TwO PAiNTINGS: DAGWOOD.1983. Penc.il and colored pencils,S Y8 X 31V16" (13 x9.4 cm); 8314 X 5W' (22.2 X 14 cm) irreg. Privatecollection es.IO~ 1;<\I'.Ti51



Page 9: 0$%)(!#'(!$# - MoMA · ! "#$ %&"&'()*$+ ,(-./ &-$ 01210$0 1!"( "#$ 3(''(,h 1!) %&"$)(-1$/5 61!1/#$0 7-&,1!)/8 9.$"%#$/ &!0 9"*01$/8 9%*':"*-$ 9"*01$/8 ;*-&' 9"*01$/8

253. STUDY FOR PAINTINGS: SLEEPING MUSE. 265. STUDY FOR RIVER VALLEY. 1985. Pencil and1983. Pencil and colored pencils, 211Ji6 X41 Yt6"(6.8 colored pencils, 39/16 xS" (9x 12.7 em); 73/8 X HP/a"X 12 cm); 5% x8W' (14.2x22.2 cm) irreg. Private (18.6x26.4 cm). Private collection 'if'?"! 2.'/collection 15'S.lo:2..S/ ARlI"'''' .c,RTt$l

266. STUDY FORMOUNTAIN VILLAGE. 1985. Pen-254. STUDY FOR TwO PAINTiNGS: SLEEPING cil and colored pencils, 35/8X 531t6" (9.1 X 13.1 em);MUS~ Iwoodcllt/lithograph/screcnprintl. 1983. 7V2 X 10-%"(19 X 26.5 em). Private collectionPencil and colored pencils, 3s/" x 4V,." (8.4 X 'i")·'1:2..% / ARnSi11.2 cm); 5'h X 8Y,' (14 X 22.2 ern) irreg. Private 267. STUDY FOR LANDSCAPE WITH RED SKY.collection as"· I<Y~~ 1F>-.';1:;,,5I 3'fi,,, u'r 1/1985. Pencil and colored pencils, 5V. x 3%" (13x

-r ... "T) 9.2 cm); IOV" X 7'/,," (26.5 X 18.9 cm). Private255. STUDY FOR PAINTING ON BWE AND YELLOW collection S''''I. "1:2..'11 ARTI srWALL [woodcut/lithograph]. 1983. Pencil and col-ored pencils. 5 X 3'1,," (12.7 x 9.1 cm); 8'1< X 5'/,." 268. STUDY FOR LANDSCAPE WITH seo RO P.(22.2 x 1,i..2 em) irrc&.:,.Private collection 85.10),,"? 1985, Pencil and colored pencils, SlIsx3l111611 (13 XA,\>;n":>\ S)( :=, '/';;':' 9.4 cm); 10'1" X7¥&"(26.5 X 18.8 COl). Private col-256. STUDY FOR PAINTiNG IN COLD FRAME lection %'1. <j COO1A.~T':;\"Iwoodcur/hthograph/screenprintl collage]. 1983.Pencil and colored pencils, 5'/,. X 3"1,6 (13.2 x 269. STUDY FOR FACE IN FOREST. (1985). Pencil9.6 em); 8¥4 X 5S/8" (22.2 X 14.3 cm) irreg. Private and colored pencils, 29116 x23!a" (6.SX6 em); 9xS¥a"collection lt5. 10:2,..../ A'i\TlST (22.8 x 14.3 COl) irreg. Private collection \5'7.401

u "'''i';,,, ~T .257. STUDY FOn SUNRISE. 1984. Pencil and colored 270. SK.ETCHESFan NUDES IN THE FOREST ANDpencils, 3x4¥,.' (7. sx 10.6 cm); 7'/a x IOSI,.' (18. 7x THEil SKETCHES. (1985). Pencil and colored pen-26.3 cm). Private collection 'B'7.4"l/A.'R,T1$1 cils; sheet: 13'/a x 14Y." (34 x 35.9 cm). Private

collection 8"'1."Q I ~~"'::'T258. STUDY FOn THE OWER [lithograph/wood-cur/scrccnprinr]. 1984. Pencil and colored pencils,3"1re X S¥,." (9.4 x 13.2 cm); 7'1" X 10'/,.' (18.9 x26.5 Crl}). Private collection 15'7. '-1:<'0 / ""'~l"'Sr-3~S')C '5'/fi"

259. STUDY FOR SEASCAPE [Iithograph/woodcutlscreenprinr]. 1984. Pencil and colored pencils, 3%x 5V." (9.2 x 13 cm); 7Y.! x IO¥&"(19 x 26.4 cm).Private collection 1S"l.<-{:Z \ I P';><;I"I::;,3 'lcr,e:. S'/g-"260. STUDY FOR SUNSHINE THROUCH THECLOUDS lIithograph/woodcut/screenprint]. 1984.Pencil and colored pencils, 5l/e x3¥S" (13x9.2 cm);1(P!a x 7~" (26.4 x 18.9 cm). Private colJection~').~2.:z./~""'TlST261. STUDY FOR 'THE RIVER [Iithograph/wood-cm/screenprintJ. 1984. Pencil and colored pencils,30/,. X 5'1,,' (9 x 12.8 cm); 7¥. X IO¥&" (18.6 X26.4 cm). Private collection 'is").<-{ 2.0/ !\'i';n""

262. STUDY Fon VIEW PROM THE WINDOW [I;tho-graph/woodcur/screenprilH]. 1984. Pencil and col-ored pencils, 5314 x2t;4" (14.6x5.7 em); lO3/sX73Js"(26.4 x 18.8 cm). Private collection 8''). 'i~'iA'I',T,ST263. STUDY FOR REPLECTIONS. 1985. Pencil andcolored pencils, 3% x 59116" (9.2x 14.2 cm); 77/16 x10'/,.' (18.9x26.S cm). Priv~e COIlW;P)l ,~"1"l:z.s / ",v..T,S'\ 3'/if{- "' -'¥ ~'264. STUDY FOR SAILBOATS. 1985. Pencil and col-ored pencils, 415/1(' X 4" (12.5 X 10.2 cm); 10% x 7'116"(26.3 x 18.9 cm). Private collection ~'7.<tZ,1O~=-

271. STUDY FOR NUDES IN THe FOREST. 1985.Pencil and colored pencils, 5X7W' (12.7x 19 cm);13112 X 14" (34.3 x35.6 em). Private collection1'5<". i3:Sl"/A~272. STUDY FOR FOREST SCENe WITH TEMPLE.1985. Pencil and colored pencils,S x 7'12" (12.7 X19 cm); I3V, x 14" (34.3 X35.6 cm). Private collec-tion 8(" .13:55' / A~l ~

273. STUDY FOR IMPERPECT PAINTING (70x85V,).1986. Pencil and colored pencils on graph paper,5'Y,. X7!1a"(14.7 x 18.1 cm) irreg.; 9'/,. x8'h" (23 X21.6 cm). Private collection 1i',)." ~ IA"'in~T'274. STUDY FOR IMPERFECT PAINTING (82'1< X79). 1986. Pencil and colored pencils on graphpaper, 7x6'/i"(17.8xI6.7 cm)irreg.; IIX8'h"(28x 2;1.6 COl). Private collection '8').43'1 1A,\l..,TI0'

275. STUDY FOR IMPERPECT PAINTING (66 X 85).1986. Pencil and colored pencils on graph paper,5'12 X 7'!a" (14 x 18.1 cm) irreg.; 8'12 XII" (21.6 X28 cm). Ptiv3te collection &'I.43$' / ARn;:"

276. STUDY FOR PERPeCT PAINTING (70 X 100).1986. Pencil and colored pencils on graph paper,5"!,. x 8'1a" (14.7 x 21.2 cm); 8V, X II" (21.6 x28 COl). Private collection 8')."I ~ IA<;("T.S'


277. STUDY FOR LONG MODERN SCULPTURE(1969). Pencil; sheet; 13x39" (33x99 cm). Collec~tio,)l-1anford Van>:. (B.69-5) 3'7. ~ 3'?

.;l4«n( 3 'll-o/ 'f ,.278. SHEET OF SKETCHES OF SCULPTURE ANDSTILL LIFES. 1976. Pencil and colored pencils:sheet: 13'0/1, X II" (35.4 X 27.9 cm). Private collec~tion I\XIT 't:.J< 1-1., BITEl:I

279. STUDY FOR TEAPOT ON STAND. 1976. Penciland colored pencils; sheer: 1Fla x 815/16" (30.2 x22.2 cm). Private collection ,<,JOT >='><\{I~'TI'O.D

280. STUDY FOil COLDPISH BOWL. ('1976). Penciland col red pencils; sheet: 12118 X 713/16" (30.8 x19.9 em). ydncy and Frances Lewis Collection1i''?~'11281. STUDY FOR LJIAoIPON TABLE. 1977. Pencil andcolored pencils; sheet: 12 X 9" (30.5 X 22.9 cm).Private collection 6".1 ;:'S'i /f'.~TI:::'1

282. STUDIES FOR MI/1I10R /I AND LAMP /I. 1977.Pencil and colored pencils; sheet: 22'/a X27%" (56.9X 69.5 cm). ollcction James and KatherineGoodman !5"). I~S-283. STUDY FOR MERMAID. 1978. Pencil and col-orcd pencils, 15V.X16'I,."(38.4X4'1.1 em); 20Jo:;x2S'/a" (52.8 x 65.8 em). Private collection 8'7 "1:51A'i';\lS, .284. TUDY FOR EXPRESSIONIST /-lEAD. 1980.Pencil and colored pencils; sheet: 125/sxTJ!J6"(32.1X 19.2 cm) irreg. Private collection a~,"&<f()A\>.," ~\285. STUDY FOR BRUSHSTIIOKE. 1981. Pencil andcolored pencils; sheer: 51/2X313/\f;," (13.9x9.8 cm).Private collection %""I.<{<-{ I / AJ'..TI~I286. STUDY Fall BRUSHSTROKE. 1981. Pencil andcolored pencils; sheet: 7!1aX4' Yo,' (18. 1X 11.8 cm).Private collection '8""1.<+'+;2., 1A.~~I

287. STUDY FOR BRUSHSTROKES IN FUGHT.1981. PcnciJand colored pencils; sheet: 7X4%" (17.7X 11.8 COl) irreg. Ptivate collection 8'~.'1"i ~-"\\>.,,, i)\


288. TOWN AND COUNTRY lstudy fOr unrealizedmural for New York State Legislature]. 1968. Pen-cil and colored pencils, 14x9Y2" (35. 5x24.1 cm); 17x 12Y2" (43.2 X 31. 7 cm). Collection Douglas S.Cramcr 'if"7. A'i S-11f.", 9~h"



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311. STUDY FOR BULL V [lirhograph/screenprint/linecut]. 1973. Cut-and-pasted printed and paintedpaper and ink; sheet: 241/4 X 34Vs" (61.5x86.7sm).Private collection BO.II 'i5 r / AAn51 "" )1;3· 81-312. STUDY FOR BULL VI [Iirhograph/screenprint/linecut]. 1973. Cut-and-pasted primed and paintedpaper, ink, and pencil; sheer: 25% X 33%" (64.9 x85.5 cm). Ptvate collection "fS:S.1I'filjAf'.,TISi-t-d-(o'f."

313. 'l'INAL TUDY FDR THE SOWER [lithograph!woodcurlscreenprint J. 1984. Cur-and-pastedprinted and painted paper, Magna, and pencil, 3S:Ysx 52\12" (97.5 X 133.5 em): 41J3/4X 55" (103.5 X139.7 cm} Private collection '83. /3:5"'1/I'\RTi:>,

'3 g '/'1 X S/~-"314. FINAL STUDY FOR SEASCAPE [lithograph!woodcut/screenpriut]. 1984. Cut-and-pastedprinted and painted paper, 371/4 X 52V2" (94.6 x

303. STUDY FORMOOERN HEAD #1 [woodcut]. 133.4 ern); 39'/. x 55" (101 X 139.7 ern). Private(1970). Cut-and-pasted printed paper, felt-up pen, collection ~b 13(.,4/AI';nS\and Magna on paper, 20VsX 12W' (51.1 x31.8 em); .341(, X26" (87.7 x66 cm). Private collection g-').440Al".-llS't

304. STUDY FOR MIRROR #4 [linecut/screenprinr(embossed)]. 1970. Cut-and-pasted printed andpainted paper, pencil, and tape; sheet: 351/8 x 30Vi6"

294. STUDY FOR MURAL WITH BWE BRUSH- (89.2 X76.3 cm). Private collection SS".I/SSSTROKE. 1985. Pencil and colored pencils, 340/1. X 3 '-('/8 :x dCj '/0 "16'/8" (87.2 X 41.5 em); 411(, X 29';." (105.4 X 305. STUDY FOR MIRROR #8 [lithograph!75.4 em). Private collection 'a"7.<..t4"1IAWlSf screenprinr]. 1970. Cut-and-pasted printed and

3 '1'/;" )< If", s/s " painted paper, pencil, and tape; left image: 30 X295. STUDY FOR "MURAL WITH BWE BRUSH- 18\12"(76.2X47 cm); left sheer: 38'0/" x23'M' (99XSTROKE. (1985). tit-and-pasted printed and 66.5 ern); right image: 30X18%" (76.2 X47.3 :m);painted paper, pen and ink, and pencil. 34¥ax 18W' right sheet: 39 x 24'1/ (99.1 x 61.5 em). Private(87.4 X 47 cm); 481h X 28'/8;;J123.3 X 72.2 cm). collection as-liS"}Privati r-V~et~la g~~;q'{ IAi<,n0J 306. STUDY FOR MIRROR #9 [lithograph!296. STUDY FOR MURAt WITt,{ BLUE BRUSH- screen print]. 1970. Cut-and-pasted printed andSTROKE. 1985. Pencil I 34318 X -175/a" (87.4 X painted paper, pencil, and tape, 34Vt6X24318" (86.~x44.8 em); 419116X2911J16")10S.7X7S.5 ern]. Private 61.9 cm);39x283/s"(99X72 ern), private collection

II " ""OT l to Ext-\Ie,mOA)co IFft!!!n a I. y~", ARrl:':>, 307. STUDY FORBULL I [linecut]. 1973. Cut-and-"

..,1 1'7 X aq 1/<;1" 8Y;297. STUDY FOR DETAIL F MURAL WITH BLUE pasted paper, ink, and pencil; sheet: 283/6 X 3 2

BRUSHSTROKE. 1985. Cut-and-pasted printed pa- (72.1 X97. 7 cm). Private collection 85. 11'1')12 ""(444 ARTI:>, ~ ;;L 59. P. .per, X lOW' (30.5X25. 7 em); 171hX 157' . X 308. STUDY FOR BULL II [Iithograph!hnecut].

40 cm). Collection Brooke Hayward and Peter 1973. Cut-and-pasted printed and painted ~aperDuchin llb ,I 3"2.. and ink; sheet: 27% x35W' (70x90.5 cm). Pnvate

298. COLOR TUDY Fon MURAL WITH BLUE collection "i5:5'. 11')% IAI'ZT15 rt ;1.lPO·q.B~USHSTR?KE. 1985. Pencil and colored p'enc~ls, 309. STUDY FOR BULL III [lithograph/screenprint/34Y16X17Sfa (87.5X44.7 cm);41'!'16X29IY16 (10,.6 li 1 1973 C t-and-pasted printed and paintedX 75.5 cm). Private collection %'7. "1~h / AI\T!)T necut. d' k. shueet' 28Y;' X37W' (72.4X95.6 cm).~/'/'f)<4-q '01',,1 paperan Ill,. . - 'I: vI 'n-

299. FINAL 'STUDY FOI\ MURAL WITH BLUE Private collectIon 'irS .11'7'\ / AR.TIS! d- .BRUSH.STROKE. (1985). C.ut-and-paste~ pri~lted 310. STUDY FOR BULL I Vrlithograph/screenprint/and pallltcd paper, pen and Ink, and penCil, 34V4 X r ] 1973 Cut-and-pasted prinred and painted17W' (87 X 44.4 cm); 47!1\ X 21" (120 X 53.4 cm). mecut . d . k' she;t· ?4 X34Vs" (60.8 X 86.7 cm).Collection Equitable Real Estate, New York ppaper an I;" tion ':'5/1'0.01 "'''''i1'''''-' I: 'd-(P(}'n8'/.2,'7'1 '7/'/~ ",(';>01(1" nvateco ec o· 0' ""I ...l1 -Ii Ae~IA,fi.l'd b') W {huseul1fl cf-

MooluJ- N {jfl ..:t, tJ't'.

289. UNTITLED [study for unrealized mural forThe Institute for Scientific Information]. 1979.Pencil and colored pencils, 7lh x 231/2" (19 x59.7 cm); 18 X 29%" (45.7 X 75.7 cm). CollectionSheila Narasha and Marvin Ross Friedman~"l3qA290. SKETCH FOR GREENE STREET MURAL.(1983). Pencil and colored pencils; sheet: 9 X 42!h"(22.7 x IQ;Z.8 cm). Private collection 1'15'. III "tA"z.;n5\291. STUDY FOil GREENE STREET MURAL. 1983.Cut-and-pas[cd printed and painted paper, pen andink, and pencil, 9x42W (22.8x 107.7 cm); 1M.. X49W' (41.2 X 12.7 cm). Private collection %5.11I,:sA""\I~T292. STUDY Fall GREENE STREET MURAL. 1983.Pencil, colored pencils, and Magna on tracing pa-per, 8151i6 X 47"1i.' (22.7X 121.4 cm); 14'1. x53Vs"(36.1 X 135 cm)....Pr;vate collection '6S./I \S"A<;',,':>T "1}( 'ir':';"~"

293. FINAL STUDY Fall GREENE STR£/i'f MURAL.1983. Cue-and-pasted printed and painted paper,pcn and ink, and Magna; sheet: 9X4715j16" (22.8x121.8 em). The Museum of Modern Art, NewYork; Gift of Abby Aldrich Rockefeller (by ex-change) 3g"l. 8<:t


300. STUDY FOR I. I'LL THINK ABOUT IT![illustration in Tellfrom Rutgers University, exhibi-tion catalogue for Bianchini Gallery}. (1965). Cut-and-pasted printed paper and ink; sheer: 1 fY4 xIIJ3/,' (29.8 X27.3 cm). Collection Robert and JaneMeyerhoff, Phoenix, Maryland ~') . .:5<.tfo

301. STUDY FOR POP [cover of Newsweek, April25, 1966). (1966). Cut-and-pasted printed paperand felt-tip pen; sheet: 28V2 x 22" (72.4 x 56.9 em).Collection Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Helft l's'7. .z')J'

,) V v; .;).0 'I;;),,!'302. STUDY FOR LANDSCAPE 5 [screenprmr].(1966). Cut-and-pasted printed paper, Rowlux,and ink; sheet: 15x 17131t6" (38.1 x45.2 em). Privatecollection "=lOT IN 'El'i'\1 e:.1 II ot()


315. CURTAINS. (1962). Oil on canvas, 68Y, X 57"(173 X '144.8 em). Jointly owned by The SaintLouis An Museum and Mr. and Mrs. JosephPulitzer, Jr. 8'7. ~0<t Co?, y..51fr'f"316. GEORGEWASHINGTON. 1962. OiJ on canvas,51 X 38" (129.5 X 96.5 cm). Collection Jean-Christophe Castelli 8''7. ::'s'%'317. LtKE NEW. 1962. OU on canvas; two panels:36X 28" (91.5x71 em) each. Collection Robert andJane Rosenblum 'ii''). 2. 't%'318. MAGNIFYING GLASS. 1963. Oil on canvas,16x 16" (40.6 X40.6 em). Private coUection8').~"l..3 / ~1E'i; kiAI01 'PER.Of(//~ X / lj, 't? "

