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d numme tijdschrift 1 Town&country planning 2 Town&country planning 3 Town&country planning 4 Town&country planning 5 Town&country planning 6 Town&country planning 7 Town&country planning 8 Town&country planning 9 Town&country planning 10 Town&country planning 11 Town&country planning 12 Town&country planning 13 Town&country planning 14 Town&country planning 15 Town&country planning 16 Town&country planning 17 Town&country planning 18 Town&country planning 19 Town&country planning 20 Town&country planning 21 Town&country planning 22 Town&country planning

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tijdschriftenid nummertijdschriftartikelonderwerpkernwoord 1kernwoord 2besproken regioauteurstartpaginanummerjaargang1Town&country planningprime numbersnew household projections and the accompanying ministerial statementWonen -- AlgemeenwonVerenigd koninkrijkProf. Michael Breheny142mei19992Town&country planningPredict the sequence and provide the housing- is what the government really wantsdraft revision of PPG3 and finds that seeking to control the timing of development seems to elever by halfVerenigd KoninkrijkDavid Pike143mei19993Town&country planningOn the towpathLow-impact boat dwellers who face an uncertain futureColin Ward144mei19994Town&country planningOut of town high streetsThe recent ministrial statement on retail policy may mean bad news for out of centre developers, but defenders of town centres should not relax yetDr. Clifford Guy145mei19995Town&country planningA tale of 2 city railwaysThe role of 2 city railways in the regeneration of london's docklandSir peter Hall147mei19996Town&country planningWe have ways of squaching you togetherThe urban taskforce report on urban living addressesProf. David Lock149mei19997Town&country planningA workable approach to housing on the problems in a use specific PPGSome problems in PPG's 3Andrew lainton150mei19998Town&country planningThreatening supplyPPG's3 propose sequential approach is likely to slow housing land supply to a trickleBrian Salmon151mei19999Town&country planningDesign and PPG3 -seven years onDesign advice with in draft PPG3Matthew Carmona152mei199910Town&country planningAre planners part of thebproblemDebate over PPG3John Perry/Merron Simpson154mei199911Town&country planningMore joined-up thinking still to comeDraft PPG3 displays on apparent lack of understanding of landmarket processesAlastairs Jackson/TimSouthall154mei199912Town&country planningGreen belts: the need for re-appraisalGreen belts appear immune from serious criticalassementProf. Martin Elson156mei199913Town&country planningEnveronmental protection approaches within structure planson how leading-edge structure plans have addressed environmental protectionDavid Counsell159mei199914Town&country planningCommunity participation through virtual realityvirtual reality, a useful down-to -earth aid to community participationDr. Dory Reeves/Dr. Allison Little john162mei199915Town&country planningTowards the "24 hour city" (management challenges)Review some of the elements in the development of the conceptProf. Peter Jones/David Hiller & David turner164mei199916Town&country planningGreening office buildings (new logic of policy practice)Office buildings, environmental innovation, policy-makers and the property processSimon Guy166mei199917Town&country planningRe-inventing the magic of banksInnovations in alternative lokal banking and social capital buildingDavid Boyle168mei199918Town&country planningWaking up to europe, before it's toolatewise - up to european processes or live to regret itProf. Janice Morphet169mei199919Town&country planningTown expansion: constructive participationLocal visioning conference to give local people input into the expansion of stevenageDavid Hall170mei199920Town&country planningGamekeepers and poachers"planning aid users" concerns about the new regulations on lokal authorities granting themselves planning permissionGideon Amos172mei199921Town&country planningConnectionguidance and action for sustainable housingPaul Burall173mei199922Town&country planningThe white cliffs of blue waterblue water centreProf. Peter Jones174mei199923Town&country planningBack log: 50, 25 and 10 years agoTown&country planningRoger Barrett174mei199924Town&country planningCommunity, social exclusion and urban renaissanceTheurban task force's enthusiasm for "socially mixed communities"Bob Evans102april199925Town&country planningFirm and flexibleThe consultation draft revision of PPG12: development plansProf. Michael Breheny104april199926Town&country planningAn important step on practical pathwayThe consultation draft revision of PPG11: regional planningProf. Peter Roberts104april199927Town&country planningBeyond motherhood and applepicThe rural england discusion paperRichard Butt106april199928Town&country planningOn the country busThe travelers on a bus consist of a Colin Ward107april199929Town&country planningDouble dutch ABCThe plan failed to prevent the development of a car based "edge city" on the south side of AmsterdamSir Peter Hall108april199930Town&country planningWalking back to healthinesschange and innovation in transport policy and practise by Dr. Sally Cairns110april199931Town&country planningThe new catch 22 on "need"Recent guidance on retail and leisure development offers no guidance at allProf. David Lock111april199932Town&country planningA need to clarify "need"To provide in support of either development plan representation or planning applicationsHuw Willeams112april199933Town&country planningDense thinkingA fundamental flow in the planning for sustainable developmentJohn Blake112april199934Town&country planningWasted assetsTask facing the empty homes agencyAshley Horsey114april199935Town&country planningScepticism in retraitThe green bits of the budgetDr. Stephen Potter115april199936Town&country planningNew strart, new visionThe new countryside agencyAndrew gilg116april199937Town&country planningThe sustainable countrysideThe challenge of planning for a sustainable countrysideRichard Wakeford117april199938Town&country planningChanging by degreesThe impacts of climate change in the nord west of england and regional stakeholdersRobert Wood/Simon Shackley118april199939Town&country planningSocial housing: time to dismantle the marketSocial housing need and market failureDr. Alan Whitehead120april199940Town&country planningThe EU urban action planSigns of action in the commission's framework documentProf. Michael Hebbert123april199941Town&country planningUrbanisation and the countryside50-plus years of post-war planningProf. Barry cullingworth126april199942Town&country planningInguiry on the home strechThe progress of the TCPA's inquiry into the future of planningDiane warburton127april199943Town&country planningWhy not a rural renaissanceNew ideas about environmentJohn Halliday128april199944Town&country planningMaking sustainable development operationalA study of structure plans and sustainable developmentDavid Counsell131april199945Town&country planningThe magical effect of old computersOld comuters are being used to transform lives and the social economyDavid Boyle133april199946Town&country planningWho cares about Harlow's water gardenHow new developments contribute to public space pattersProf. Brian Goodey134april199947Town&country planningWhat makes a successful regionThe european influence on performance targetsProf. Janice Morphet136april199948Town&country planningObstacles to edenAn unsavoury reality that threatens in a democratic edenLynn Wetenhall137april199949Town&country planningPositive approachNew life for downtownCharlie Fulford138april199950Town&country planningBeginning a chapter 715 criteria for sustainable developments in the countrysideColin Ward138april199951Town&country planningFees, taxes and planningInteraction between american public finance and land use planning and development processesProf. Michael B. Teitz141april199952Town&country planningNepp3: weighty but no clout?National environmental policy planProf. Henk Voogd142april199953Town&country planningDon't be snooty about the suburbsHow far can suburbs be made sustainableSir Peter Hall70maart199954Town&country planningGoing publicInformation, debate avec the pubicPaul Burall71maart199955Town&country planningTCPA policy responceMoving forward with the RDA's (regional development agencies)TCPA72maart199956Town&country planningCave-dwelling commemoratedThe enterprising; and often desparate; cave -dwellers in the pastColin Ward74maart199957Town&country planningCrash-risk economicsInward investment, the great car economy and vulnarable lokal economicsMartin Stott75maart199958Town&country planningHow not to do itthe attemp to create a great new urban space at the "potsdammer platz" in berlinSir Peter Hall76maart199959Town&country planningModernising the suburban dreamLearning of old folts: how we should plan and build for the futureProf. David Lock77maart199960Town&country planningThe south West through the looking glassThe revised regional strategy produced by the south west regional planning conferenceJim Claydon78maart199961Town&country planningA land reform agenda in scotlandThe principal recommendations for land reform in scotlandprof. MG Lloyd/Prof. MW Danson80maart199962Town&country planningDefining rural sustainabilityPeople who move into the countryside can actually enhance the rural environment rather than degrade itSimon Fairlie82maart199963Town&country planningEvolution, progress and prospectsThe origins and developments of EU environmental and structural fund policy, and the incorporation of environmental consideration in regional plans and programmesProf. Peter Roberts/Tony jackson85maart199964Town&country planningMoney answerth allthingsTown centre management schemes need to widen their horizons beyond secring cashfunding an take greater advange of paymentsin kindDominic Medway/Andrew Alexander/david Bennison/Gary Warnaby89maart199965Town&country planningClinical waste incineration, a suitable case for treatmentThe planning and environmental health issues raised by the case of 2 commercially run clinical waste incinerators commisioned whitin hospital ground in nord west englandJanet Eales/Prof. Christopher Wood92maart199966Town&country planningThe councils replyRespond to the clinical waste incineration articleRay Jefferson/Les Coop94maart199967Town&country planningEthical money rolls up its sleevesThe ground in ethical investment and a revelution in the ethical investment industryDavid Boyle95maart199968Town&country planningParks, praktice and learningOutline the aims, working and benefits of a park service at birmingham universityIan Baggott/Mike Beazly/becky Frall96maart199969Town&country planningMoving towards the information societyEU and UK moves to encouage the use of information and communication technologieProf. Janice Morphet98maart199970Town&country planningChutzpah and facts of lifeTomorrow a peaceful path to urban reformSir peter Hall98maart199971Town&country planningImplications of rural projectionsThe household projections and policy implicationsRay green99maart199972Town&country planningConnectionsMERF's, 2ERI and some good news from the sustainability frontlinePaul Burall101maart199973Town&country planningPlanning exchange25 years of the planning exchangeDr. Derek Lyddon102maart199974Town&country planningIf the danes can do itCurb greenhouse gas emissionsHelmut Lusser38februari199975Town&country planningReturn to good senseRead between the lines of recent government statements on housegold growth and housing provisionSir Peter Hall39februari199976Town&country planningIncreasing landfill tax effectivenessThe TCPA's response to consultation by the house of commens envirronment sub-committee on the operation of the landfill taxTCPA40februari199977Town&country planningThe landscape of all our yesterdaysA study of images of england and a evocation of englisch life and ideasColin Ward41februari199978Town&country planningTEN's, the CTRL and the oskar factorA look at the EU transeuropean networks, neo-keynesean employment projects and the channel tunnel raillinkSir Peter Hall42februari199979Town&country planningThe social cost of no planningSERplan's draft regional strategy fails to plan to meethousing need brings shame on its authersProf. David Lock43februari199980Town&country planningHigh stakes for logjam pilotsBreaking the logjam consultation paper(road use+parkings)Lynda addison44februari199981Town&country planningCar parking bombshellRecent published parking standards in the south coastJohn Blake47februari199982Town&country planningTax and green transport plansThe green transport plans for workplaces and schools: employers need to be wary for the tax inspectorDr. Stephen Potter48februari199983Town&country planningGet connectedHow transport and telecommunication are increasingly bound togetherWilliam Solesbury52februari199984Town&country planningRe-inventing residential urban designNew reports on residential designMatthew Carmona54februari199985Town&country planningNeightbourhoods, building blocks of national sustainabilitysustainability is political and socially feasible only if it is the result of a mass movementProf. Michall Carley58februari199986Town&country planningUrban growth versus sustainabilityworking within the particular context of stroud in gloucestershireSue Essex/Dr. Kevin Bishop/Allison Brown61februari199987Town&country planningHow to get more money into places where it has so far been lackingDavid Boyle64februari199988Town&country planningSustainable regeneration and lifelong learningHow a community partnership approach to environmental improvement within a suburban council estate developed into a broader agenda of community facilityTessa Coombes65februari199989Town&country planningExploratory to save the planetSustainability, participation and planningGideon Amos67februari199990Town&country planningThe urban renaissance and american retailingNew shopping centreProf. Michal B Teitz69februari199991Town&country planningBaker's dozen needs a leavening of wisdomDETR's consultation paper, renforces the sterile old environmeny versus economy mindsetRoger Lerett2januari199992Town&country planningGuiding regional development strategiesThe consultation draft of the guidance to be used by the RDA's inproducing regional strategiesProf. Peter Roberts4januari199993Town&country planningPlanning and environmental racismMinority groups still get a raw deal from the planning systemDr. Bob Evans5januari199994Town&country planningTackling waste takes more than managmentA consultation paper on its waste strategyTCPA7januari199995Town&country planningThe machynlleth cultureAlternative approaches to every day issuesColin Ward9januari199996Town&country planningWinning friends and influence peopleChange and innovation in transport policy and practice with a look at initiativesDr. Sally Cairns10januari199997Town&country planningAnother chance to rediscover regional planningThe new EIP's into draft regionnal planning guidanceProf. David lock11januari199998Town&country planningFuture climates of the UKThe extent and impacts of future climate change are yet uncertainDr. Mike Hulme12januari199999Town&country planningThe grass: on or offA conference to promote "keep off the grass"Prof. Michael Hebbert14januari1999100Town&country planning50years of lossThe compelling and depressing results of english heritage national monuments at risk surreyStewart Bryant16januari1999101Town&country planningBarking reachReclamation, regeneration and new community building on a strategic scaleProf. David lock17januari1999102Town&country planningA quantum leap for plannersWaste is becoming one of planners majore challengesSimi Davoudi20januari1999103Town&country planningThe new polities of wasteRe-inventing wasteKen Worpole24januari1999104Town&country planningCountry planning: now is a different eraOur natural environment will have to be used with new understanding as a support for urban livingJohn Halliday26januari1999105Town&country planningCommunity planning: a new way for scotlandReview/possible ways forward for this form of local empowerment and strategic planningProf. MG Lloyd/BM ILLSLEY28januari1999106Town&country planningNo more to marketWhen a town's original raison de tre disappearsProf. Brian Goodey30januari1999107Town&country planningWhere's the money to come from nowInnovations in money and the local economy with a look at alternatives to reliance on footloose inward investmentDavid Boyle31januari1999108Town&country planningShould we get our money backThe background to the EU funding renegoriationsProf. Janice Morphet32januari1999109Town&country planningNew agendas, new dilamma'sSome challenges thrown up by the new consultation and involvement agendasLynn Wetenhall33januari1999110Town&country planningLondonMore by fortune than designProf. John Delafons34januari1999111Town&country planningMilestone and disappoitmentThe future for allotmentsMartin Stott34januari1999112Town&country planningThe people: where will they workA new study demonstrates that prospects for urban renaissence are being undermined by ignorance of the changing geography of jobsProf. Michael Breheny354december1999113Town&country planningBraving a call to war:and adding to john Prescott's headachesAfter 2 decades of drift and indecision, the report of the draft regional planning guidance for the south east marks a return to positive regionnal planning wih a vengeanceSir Peter Hall356december1999114Town&country planningHomelessness hits Carlton House TerraceMG finds our attemp to embrace social justice within the quest for sustainability shamed by "rough sleepers"Miles Gibson358december1999115Town&country planningCherishing the ugly bitsAn imaginative look at the "tames", focusing on aspects of the river that others might ignoreColin Ward360december1999116Town&country planningMutuality: the latest buzzA reviving interest in the concept and application of mutualityMartin Stott361december1999117Town&country planningDisgusted of ealing writesThe root cause of the Britisch rail system's who's-under-investmentSir Peter Hall362december1999118Town&country planningCountryside agency pushes at the envelopeThe draft manifesto issued by the countryside agencyProf. David Lock363december1999119Town&country planningThe French census of 1999 points to significant growth in the large provincial cities, and poses challenges for planners at the intra-regional scaleIan Scargill364december1999120Town&country planningPolicing the milleniumA look at the various millennium celebration events planned in some of britain's central urban areas and discuss some of the policing issues involvedProf. Peter Jones/David Hillier/David Turner365december1999121Town&country planningMaking sense of the ESDPThe key cocepts and policy objectives behind the now finalised European Spatial development perspective, and a look at its implications for spatial planning in the UKSimin Davoudi367december1999122Town&country planningThe right to roam: just around the courner?Reviewing the history of the campaign for a "right to roam" and looks at the prospects for delivering greater access to open countryDeborah J. Pearlman370december1999123Town&country planningA strategic plan for PragueThe planning process and the main features of a strategic plan for pragueWalter Bor374december1999124Town&country planningHong kong and the quest for the ideal homeHow environmental planning and management are being given priority in the construction of a long term strategy for city and developmentProf. Peter Roberts377december1999125Town&country planningCoats off for AncoatsIt wins the UNESCO "world heritage site" statusProf. Brian Goodey378december1999126Town&country planningThe mystery of float and the strange case of tubesThe neglected history and potential of local money that rustsDavid Boyle380december1999127Town&country planningFear: the britisch disease?Cummunity safety and exaggerated fear of crime, perceptions of risk and useful fearPaul Burall381december1999128Town&country planningReinventing planning: the inquiry reportsThe approach taken by the TCPA inquiry into the future of planning and the final report's basic recommendationsDiane Warburton322november1999129Town&country planningPolicies and principles for the rural white paperThe environment, transport and regional affairs committee has been conducting an inquiry into the fortcoming rural white paper. This is an abbreviated version of the TCPA's statement of evidence to the commiteeTCPA325november1999130Town&country planningCobbett's hoof-stepsCW on a persnalised and impressionistic jouney through english housing policyColin Ward327november1999131Town&country planningDesert songTown centres and superstores, the plight of disadvantage and neglected consumersProf. Cliff Guy329november1999132Town&country planningEdge city: palladian styleVeneto: one of the richest regions in europe but a jungle of chaotic developmentSir Peter Hall330november1999133Town&country planningSerplan's suicide noteThe briljant style and substance of the panel report on the draft RPG for the South eastProf. David Lock331november1999134Town&country planningUrban renaissance and social justiceThe Macpherson and urban task force reports may well herald a new seriousness in government interest in creating good and just cities, and the relationship between the 2 reports is particularly interesting for plannersHuw Thomas332november1999135Town&country planningTowards a gentle cityMaking space for the voices of Older people and integrating consideration of their concerns would yield better -quality built environments and allow public processes to benefit from a valuable well of ewperience and expertiseRose Gilroy334november1999136Town&country planningA good idea, BUTgreen transport plans and the issues left hanging by a recent DETR goog praktice guideLynda Addison335november1999137Town&country planningLow demand for housing, where and whyThe regional and subregional level explanations for vacant and unlettable social and privately owned housingdr. Alan Holmans336november1999138Town&country planningNew directions for strategic planning in northern irelandthe evolution or regional planning in NI over the past 30years,culminating in the regional strategic framework published in draft at the end of 1998S.H. ALAN Pollock337november1999139Town&country planningOld new townsthe original new towns programmeProf. John Delafons340november1999140Town&country planningThe leap approach to environmental managementthe general character and aim's of "local environment agency plans" and outlines early progress in implementing the action plansProf. Peter Jones343november1999141Town&country planningNew deal for communities: one year onthe new deal for communities, into his second year of operation, is likely to result in lasting estates regenerationAnthony Schlesinger345november1999142Town&country planningPlanning for a common purpose in scotlanda porvisional review on the first available community plans in scotlandBarbara Illsley/Prof. Greg Lloyd348november1999143Town&country planningTowards an underground currencyOn how london underground may be about to create a defacto regional currencyDavid Boyle349november1999144Town&country planningThe people: what will they wearthe "british public won't wear it" gauntlet over restraints on car useSimon Faillie350november1999145Town&country planningPractising and promoting environmental assessmentenvironmental assessment in prakticeProf. Christopher Wood352november1999146Town&country planningUrban sprawl: the debate continuesThe rise of urban sprawl as an issue of national prominence in the USProf. Michael Teitz353november1999147Town&country planningA new town for Cambridgeshire: a sustainable optionwhy the TCPA has lent its support to proposals for a new town to the north of CambridgeTony Fyson290oktober1999148Town&country planningCompaction and greener citiesa new concept in city and country living in which each is accessible is within our graspRay Green293oktober1999149Town&country planningConsidering major developments: the need for changesummery version of the response of the DETR's recent consultation document "streamlining the processing of major projects through the planning system"TCPA294oktober1999150Town&country planningSeed time and harvestself seeders and seed disseminatorsColin Ward297oktober1999151Town&country planningBuenos Aires: city of extremesthe relatively undiscovered urban gem of BA, one of the world's greatest citeas which nevertheless suffers from extreme and persistent income inequalitySir Peter Hall298oktober1999152Town&country planningRedirecting the school runThe range of car travel reduction measures being put into practice as part of attempts to break away from the tyranny of the "school run"Dr. Sally Cairns300oktober1999153Town&country planningNew millenium, new cityIt's time to grant milton Keynes formal city statusProf. David Lock301oktober1999154Town&country planningRefocusing national brownfield housing targetsThey examine the question of targets for accommodating new housing on brownfield sites and suggest that empirical data may be used to develop realistic local targetsPeter Bibby/Prof. John Sheherd302oktober1999155Town&country planningBiodiversity, brownfield sites and housingthe quality of life issues for both the people and the wildlife affected by the current housing debateJohn Box/Peter Shirley306oktober1999156Town&country planningPlanning for social inclusion in scotlandThe scottisch social inclusion partnerships and examine the principal characteristics of the SIP approach to social exclusion in scotlandJohn McCarthy/Prof. Greg Lloyd/Keith Fernie310oktober1999157Town&country planningThe eyes have it: CCTV as the "fifth utility"if we start to expect CCTV and take it largely for granted, just what will we be buying into?Dr. Stephen Graham312oktober1999158Town&country planningGroundwork:changing places and agendasThe work and changing focus of groundwork's activitiesProf. Peter Jones315oktober1999159Town&country planningWoman and transport: disadvantage and the gender divideWoman's transport needs have toon often been assumed to be identical to those of men, but and transport planners and providers need to wise to up to the reality that women have radically different travel patterns and needs from menProf. Kerry Hamilton318oktober1999160Town&country planningOK, who has their feet most firmly on the groundHow freeflowing, internet-stock-chasing money highlights the need for local exchange currenciesDavid Boyle319oktober1999161Town&country planningSmall is beautifulThe possible beginning of the end for out of town shopping; and technology, global warming and aviation emissionsPaul Burall321oktober1999162Town&country planningOne swallow doesn't make an indicatorThe key test for the climate change indicators recently issued through the DETR will be whether they gain public attention and spur decission makers to address the inevitable consequences of climate change and actions needed to mitigate the potential damagePaul Burall242september1999163Town&country planningSouth east shockerThe recent report issued by the DETR has far reaching implications for the debate on housing provision levelsJohn Blake243september1999164Town&country planningDraft PPG3: HousingThe TCPA has responded vigorously to the public consultation draft of the revised planning policy guidance note 3:housingTCPA244september1999165Town&country planningShrinking citiesThe places where nobody with freedom of choice willingly livesColin Ward248september1999167Town&country planningCity without frontiersBritisch insularity in the face of "perhaps the greatest change to come over european continent in a thousend years"Sir Peter Hall249september1999168Town&country planningSmall town bluescounter the decline of small town centres and make them more lively and varied placesDr. Cliff Guy250september1999169Town&country planningLearning to succeedThe effort requered to implement the institutional tinkering proposed in the recent white paper on post-16 education and training in england would be better spent in driving through cultural change in the public sectorMartin Stott251september1999170Town&country planningMoving towards well-beingThe developing recognition of health impacts within the transport agendaDr. Sally Cairns252september1999171Town&country planningThe new town daughter for cambridgeThe report of the panel for the public examination of draft RPG for east angliaProf. David Lock253september1999172Town&country planningBreaking the gridlockThe revised UK sustainable development strategy and finds that while the targets and indicators are welcome, the focus must be sharpened to prevent trade-offs being made to the detriment of future generationsTed Cantle254september1999173Town&country planningProblems of polarisationthe challenge of tackling the co-existence of local pockets of urban reinvigoration and social polarisationProf. Brian Robson256september1999174Town&country planningFirst stepsThe DETR's sustainable distribution document indicative of a major change in thinking on freight transportProf. Alan Mckinnon257september1999175Town&country planningNot an election winnerThe final report of the urban task force and finds much that merits support, but argues that the looked-for "urban renaissance" can really come about only if the agenda is widened to address the future of family housing and the proper forward planning of development on greenfeeld sites-balancing proximity to work and home, private space anf public life, and the attributes of city and -countryProf. David lock258september1999176Town&country planningUrban design: into the melting potThe urban task force report thrusts design firmly to the heart of the "joined up thinking" that is required to deliver an "urban renaissence"Matthew Carmona261september1999177Town&country planningThe wrong starting point"design comes first" but why?Katie Williams263september1999178Town&country planningFinance the renaissenceThe broad spectrum of the urban task force's financial proposalsRichard Barras264september1999179Town&country planningMaking the investmentThe incentives to encourage private sector investment proposed by the urban task force and considers their efficacyProf. Colin Lizieri265september1999180Town&country planningSquezing surrey to sustain sunderlandTask force report: The economic causes of urban decline, and it neglects the need for suitable economic development in the places that need jobs mostProf. Ivan Turok268september1999181Town&country planningThe unfinished agenda: job'sNot rebuilding the cities while ignoring changes in the nature of jobs and the new geography of employmentSir Peter Hall268september1999182Town&country planning" :accommodating growth, where and howTask force report does not put forward proposels for just where growth may be accommodated Sir Peter Hall/Nathaniel Lichfield270september1999183Town&country planningtime for a new look at land and taxationsThe need for a serious and informed debate on development taxations issues adds to the opportunety to revitalise the town planning system by introducing mechanisms to enable us to plan more effectively for environmental sustainabilityBob Evans273september1999184Town&country planningIt's the economy stupidThe keys to sustainable urban renewal are employment generation and freedom of choiceDr. Ian Roxburgh275september1999185Town&country planningCities for childrenThe real test will be the government's reaction to the pakage at wholeDuncan Mclaren276september1999186Town&country planningSo far so good, but where's the restTask force report contains contains many useful suggestions aimed at getting more house building in england's cities, but it does not address the majority of the problems that people to leave themProf. Tony Champion277september1999187Town&country planningBold platform for the white papersome unexpected and welcome elements within the Task force reportProf. Brian Robson278september1999188Town&country planningLocal economies firstTask force report:environmental quality is the result rather than the determinant of a well functioning societyAlison Ravetz279september1999189Town&country planningTravelling towards urban renaissanceTask force report: transport recommendationsDr. Stephen Potter280september1999190Town&country planningStrategic role for local authoritiesTask force report: some practicalities have been ignored for want of a practising local government planner on the task force panelKeith Reed281september1999191Town&country planningStrategy,everywherethe management of the potential plethora of regional strategies now on the horizonProf. Peter Roberts282september1999192Town&country planningTowards a "learning city"why city governments should start measuring as assets things that they have never noticed beforeDavid Boyle283september1999193Town&country planningOld IT: retrieve, re-use and recycleOld computers are helping to bring a new dimension to community regeneration in a scheme being piloted in lancashireFrank Mckenna284september1999194Town&country planningRadical talk, but has the room layout changed?some of the essential structural and cultural ingredients of "joined -up" workingLynn Wetenhall285september1999195Town&country planningUrban wisdomBuilding the 21st century homeSir peter Hall286september1999196Town&country planningRural promises and rural promisethe state of the countryside 1999Alan Rogers286september1999197Town&country planningThe stuff of brave people and comforting dreamscommunity and sustainable development : participation in the futureDerek taylor288september1999198Town&country planningUrban regeneration reviseda transatlantic view of the urbanTask force reportProf. Michael Teitz289september1999199Town&country planningPlanning for a changegiven a secretary of state like opportunity to alter planning policy or legislation, what changes would you make?Roger Levett290september1999200Town&country planningCities and suburbstwo recent reports on contrasting types of urban developmentProf. John Delafons214july1999201Town&country planningNow we are one hundred8 vice presidents offer some thoughts on the association's past and futureTCPA216july1999202Town&country planningThe man from the councilThe message of government by community expounded by loan Bowen ReesColin Ward219july1999203Town&country planningMagic bullets for London's mayorThe traffic and transport problems of London, and a way forward through selected electronic road-pricingSir Peter Hall220july1999204Town&country planningThe Chip and wendy showThe new urbanism and workshops on "inquiry by design"Prof. David lock221july1999205Town&country planningBritain: the first global suburbThe UK assets and strengths are such that its role in the 21 century world economy could be that of a "global suburb" for international labour elitesIan Wray222july1999206Town&country planningClamouring for green belt developmentreform the south Korea's "restricted development zone" to a green belt systemMiles Gibson224july1999207Town&country planningUrban regeneration in Hong Kong: Questions of partnershipUrban renewal problems in hong kong, examining aspects of redevelopment from different stakeholder perspectivesMee Kam NG/Alison Cook227july1999208Town&country planningCrime and design of new build housingnew build housing developments offer an opportunity to evaluate design affects crime theories encapsulated in ideas of "defensible space"Paul Cozens/David Hillier/gwyn prescott231july1999209Town&country planningMore happy landingsthe findings of a survey of local planning practice on the use; and more especially the re-use of small airfieldsNick Gallent/Joe Howe/Philip Bell234july1999210Town&country planningRegarding matters Cambrian and caledonianhow political life will never be the same again after the elections for the scottisch and welsh assemblyProf. Peter Roberts237july1999211Town&country planningRecognising "best practice" in urban regenerationexamples in some of the winning entries in the BURA annual regeneration awards schemeProf. Peter Gripaios/Prof. Peter Jones238july1999212Town&country planningRegeneration by riversmall-town regeneration, one day scandals and long term environmental issues, and water polution and the american farmerPaul Burall241july1999213Town&country planningWhat we all can learn from camp snoopyan innovative american time-money scheme that turns the normal rules of the economy upside downDavid Boyle240july1999214Town&country planningThe people where will they workoutlining the issues addressed by a new TCPA project on housing provision and the geography of jobsTCPA174juni1999215Town&country planningFor "modernisation" read "business as usual"?the recent progress report from Richard Caborn on the "modernisation" of the planning systemYvonne Rydin177juni1999216Town&country planningGrieving for a lost homethe traumas of (and motivations for) moving houseColin ward178juni1999217Town&country planningFarming futuresfarming crisis, food miles and fresh, locally grown foodMartin stott179juni1999218Town&country planningBrentham: london's forgotten garden suburbBrentham, the first garden suburb, built through co-partnership and still a model of communitySir Peter Hall180juni1999219Town&country planningGoodbye, CNT, welcome to the new towns EPthe commision for the new towns absorption into Englisch PartnershipsProf. David lock181juni1999220Town&country planningNot dwelling on raceThe raport of the Stephen lawrence Inquiry poses the issue of institutionalised racism for every area of public life. It certainly has been a problem in the housing sectorMichael Hebbert182juni1999221Town&country planningImproving the bus pedigreethe new bus policy consultation document and finds John Prescott looking to "Quality partnerships" to boost bus travelMarcus Enoch184juni1999222Town&country planningThe future for buses:an illusory visionThe government has high hopes that increasing numbers of people can be persuaded to make greater use of the bus, but there high exceptations are likely to be dashedDr. Mayer Hillman185juni1999223Town&country planninghousehold heat is fuelling global warminga government that is serious about mitigating climate change will have to grasp the nettle of increasing housegold energy useDr. Paul Ekins187juni1999224Town&country planningThe first hundred years100 years ofthe town and country planning associationProf. Dennis Hardy188juni1999225Town&country planningAs i saw it, parts1-2TCPATCPA190juni1999226Town&country planningThe fourth magnet + feestartikelsThe big task of TCPATCPA194juni1999227Town&country planningSustainable development and planning: accommodating social needsSustainable development and planningDavid Counsel202juni1999228Town&country planningNews from "beyond the pale"regions removed from the influence of londonProf. Peter Roberts205juni1999229Town&country planningMaking connections in the greeb beltrural sustainability by looking for examples of "joined-up thinking"Simon fairlie206juni1999230Town&country planningTelling stories of disappearing banksthe ability of community organisations to change our cities renewedDavid boyle207juni1999231Town&country planningCuriosity, evidence and integrationincreasing pressures on local government service provision are providing a spur to actionJackie Wilkins208juni1999232Town&country planningReading the entrailssome participation project failuresLynn Wetenhall209juni1999233Town&country planningPeter Selfa memoireMaurice Ash211juni1999234Town&country planningTo BID or not to BID: more on planning and local financeUS "business improvement district" an alternative to direct taxation that allows cities to capture revenu to fund specific servicesProf. Michael Teitz213juni1999235Town&country planningLand use under a scottisch parliamentthe view from TCPA scotlandTCPA214juni1999236Town&country planningUrban regeneration: getting it wrong again?questions some of the assumptions behind the urban regeneration focus to accommodating household growth, and suggests thay we have beeb avoiding some key questionsRay green346december1998237Town&country planningOur place and theirsThe need for continuing re-evaluation of the planning processColin Ward348december1998238Town&country planning"joined-up" governments's acid testrecent public policy activity directed towards revitalising urban neighbourhoodsMartin stott349december1998239Town&country planningA breakdown in cultural confidenceworrying prospects for the future of housing reflect a collective breakdown in culturel confidenceAlison Ravetz350december1998240Town&country planningThe heroes of their profession25 years of planning aid, and forward planning aid's continueing role in helping to empower the socially excludedProf. David Lock351december1998241Town&country planningSuperstore impact , not just place but timethe recent report on the trading effects of out-of-town superstores, but notes that the evidence it presents is similar to findings from 20 years ago which failed to fit the politics of the timeProf. Alan Hallsworth352december1998242Town&country planningSeen but not yet heardChildren and teenagers can account for up to a half of all residents on new housing estates,further reason,if one is needed, for taking their needs seriouslyDr. Allison Millward354december1998243Town&country planningEnvironmental justice and the politics of riskEnvironmental equity is an issue that has climbed up the US political agenda in recent years, raising significant questions about the practice and outcomes of environmental decision-makingGordon Walker358december1998244Town&country planningDelivering sustainability through local nature reservesLocal nature reserves have long been the cinderella of nature conservation, but they have a key role as local wilderness areas for the enjoyment and conservation of natureJohn Box/George Barker360december1998245Town&country planningThe land question in scotland: a challenge for the new parliamentThe principal elements of the scottish land debate and the approach of the land reform policy group, charged by the scottisch office witch identifying and assessing proposals for land reformProf. Greg Lloyd/Prof. Mike Danson364december1998246Town&country planningScottisch national parks through the side doorThe long struggle for a definition of a national park in scotland Dr. Eleanor Morris366december1998247Town&country planningRural sustainability and the fuel price escalatorresearch conducted for the scottisch office on rural car dependenceJohn Farrington/David Gray/Deborah roberts/Suzanne martin370december1998248Town&country planningSustananle planning in practiseNew zealand's resource management act: a radical departure from the country's former British-based system of planning and environmental protectionMark Southgate372december1998249Town&country planningChange waits in the wingsThe ESDP may have slipped temporarily out the limelight, but it's still on the agenda and provides a powerful impetus for changeProf. Janice Morphet377december1998250Town&country planningTomorrow is on its waySociable citiesAnthony fyson270oktober1998251Town&country planningFood for thought on housing provision2 recent reports for realism and underlying attitude to basic housing provisionProf. Michael Breheny272oktober1998252Town&country planningClimate change: an issue for town and country planners?That they must rise to the challenge of applying their skills in long term strategic thinking and partnership facilitationGraeme Bell273oktober1998253Town&country planningNew era, new direction for the South eastSERPLAn recently sought opinions on its draft sustainable development strategy for the south eastTCPA274oktober1998254Town&country planningAn architect for the next centurythe last resort by controllers of the purse strings for urban renewal programmes to work some kind of magic where everything else failedColin Ward276oktober1998255Town&country planningBoundaries for assessmenthow a new project to define town centre boundaries may help tackle town centre problems while meeting an ESDP requirementChristina Tomalin277oktober1998256Town&country planningThe anti social spiralThe self-reinforcing processes leading to anti social behaviour on some of our estatesAlison Ravetz278oktober1998257Town&country planningNew tax or real reformThe proposel to charge for planning appealsProf. David Lock279oktober1998258Town&country planningTEC's, RDA's and the millennium challengeThe role of the Tec's and the prospects for a working relationship with the new RDA'sMartin stott280oktober1998259Town&country planningFormal demise of "predict and provide"the outcome of the DETR's "roads review"Sally Cairns281oktober1998260Town&country planningBut what about affordable housingThe environment select committee has joined the chorus of support for increasing the number of new houses in urban areas. But what about people unable to participate in the private housing market?Andrew Ross282oktober1998261Town&country planningPrivate finance and urban regenerationWhat can be done to encourage greater involvement of private sector funding in urban regeneration?Charlie Fulford283oktober1998262Town&country planningThe joys of junk-swappingHousehold recycling could become a pleasure rather than a chore if a "cashless car boot sale" piloted in wiltshire catches on elsewhereJudy Jones284oktober1998263Town&country planningTime for a new approachProtecting the climate requires us to recognise and honour ecological limitsCharlie kronick285oktober1998264Town&country planningHot newsHow can highly complex and long-term processes such as the slow developing understanding of climatevchange and it's effects win the attention of news media geared to following "dramatic" newsJoe smith286oktober1998265Town&country planningWhy climate change must top the agendaClimate changeDr. Mayer Hillman287oktober1998266Town&country planningGlobal warming: the science and the challengeThe knowledge on climate change and its impact, and look looks at action that could be taken to mitigate the effects of global warmingSir John Houghton289oktober1998267Town&country planningSo you reckon that efficiency will save usNatural laws dictate that policies based solely on making efficiency gains will inevitably fail to offer a solution to problems of climate changeAlberto Di Fazio293oktober1998268Town&country planningThe UK at riskThe risk from climate change to the UK environment and to the economy and lifestyles that depend on it, and emphasises the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to prevent enhanced global warmingTim Reeder296oktober1998269Town&country planningThe moral Dimensionthat fighting climate change makes a moral stance a practical necessity, and that rich nations will have to share equitably the limited access to energy which the capacity of the planetJohn Gummer298oktober1998270Town&country planningContraction and convergenceThe global commons institute's model of "contraction and convergence" an approach which "can empower us all to interact intelligently and launch the political initiatives needed for the task ahead"Tom Spencer300oktober1998271Town&country planningYour climate needs youour dependency on fossil fuels wiil be unquestionably the greatest intentional change in the technology and structure of the industrial economy ever undertaken and will require a tremendous collective effort; and "domestic tradable quotas" could make it happenDr. David Flemming302oktober1998272Town&country planningCarbon budget watchersThe likely implications for individual lifestyles of living within the planet's capacity to absorb greenhouse gasesDr. Mayer Hillman305oktober1998273Town&country planningWho's afraid of the "double -whammy"How officer panic gave way to respect and enthusiasm in South Somerset District Counsil's experience of public participation in development control and planningJohn Shaw306oktober1998274Town&country planningSpot the mistakeIt's not surprising that mistakes are made in the design and execution of so many consultation processesLynn Wetenhall308oktober1998275Town&country planningA new deal for rural areasNew draft regulation that promises to shake up the EU funding for rural areasProf. Janice Morphet309oktober1998276Town&country planningExplaining change in the monolithThe challenges of state reform and european integrationProf. Michael Hebbert310oktober1998277Town&country planningGetting realRoad pricing, road haulage, and an inappropriate application of western thinking to indian trafficPaul Burall313oktober1998278Town&country planningNot bad as a foundationa qualified welcome to the transport White PaperDr. Stephen Potter238augustus/september1998279Town&country planningPlace your bets on the RDAsCan the RDAs deliver economic development where other models have failedGraeme Bell239augustus/september1998280Town&country planningOpportunities for changeA revised UK strategy for sustainable developmentTCPA240augustus/september1998281Town&country planningGrays inn road and its marble hallsA visit to Grays Inn road to mark the 10 anniversary of the Walter Segal self build trustColin Ward242augustus/septemberaugustus/september1998282Town&country planningBringing back the buildozersThe force of planning officers is likely to bring back the bulldozersProf. David Lock243augustus/september1998283Town&country planningLifecycle assessment: an overlooked opportunityrecognition of the benefits of lifecycle assessment in the recent Lees wasteDr. Jane Powell244augustus/september1998284Town&country planningResources and support requiredThe recent DETR paper on community based regeneration and explains why, even though community regeneration is now widely accepted as a "good thing" community groups are still complaining of lack of involvement in regenerationJohn Routledge246augustus/september1998285Town&country planningCar free cities come to edinburghThe car free cities network conference recently held in EdinburghDr. George Hazel247augustus/september1998286Town&country planningCollaborating for sustainable developmentUrban and regional researchAndrew Ross248augustus/september1998287Town&country planningIt's not in the detailSerplan's draft sustainable development strategy calls for an "urban renaissance"John Blake249augustus/september1998288Town&country planningRecreating placeHow public art is being used in attempts to compensate for the loss of regional identity formerly defined by industrial and economic activityProf. Keith Hayton/Elisabeth Marshall252augustus/september1998289Town&country planningThe right to roam: a restless ghostThe outgoing demands for access to open countryside in context, and argues that in current proposals for greater access to the countryside the concept of a "right to roam" is guestionable, and that resources would best be directed to formulating a policy for access and enjoyment which prioritises the needs of the majorityProf. George Kays255augustus/september1998290Town&country planningThe city and the regionThe discusions at a recent seminar on "rethinking the city and region" held as a part of the Comedia/demos "Richness of cities" study programmeKen Worpole261augustus/september1998291Town&country planningHungary for changea case study of rural development teaching and practise: the first ever rural community appraisal completed in a Hungarian settlementJames Derounian262augustus/september1998292Town&country planningPublic service standards and the EUWe may expect to see common standards for public service dilevery across europeProf. Janice Morphet265augustus/september1998295Town&country planningSuburban exhaustionSuburbs, mall shopping and fasion in the development industryPaul Burall268augustus/september1998296Town&country planningYour place and minea new strategic vision for planning in the next centuryDiane warburton198Juli1998297Town&country planningHot patatoes and bad omensSerplan fatefully mishandles the housing numbers issueSir Peter Hall200Juli1998298Town&country planningRediscovering Non-planThe "non plan" manifesto and its importance for those advocating experimentation in housing and planningColin Ward201Juli1998299Town&country planningLoyalty to leominsterAs shops in rural areas and country towns continue to feel the pressure of competition from multiple retailersChristina Tomalin202Juli1998300Town&country planningSaving for changeA building society that shows how even the most conformist of us could lend support of us could lend support to the search for more sustainable patterns of livingAlison Ravetz204Juli1998301Town&country planningThe costs of the 60 percent targetPlanners may well be able to finesse their way to meetingJohn Prescott's 60% target, but they should also be prepared to articulate the direct and indirect costs involvedProf. David lock205Juli1998302Town&country planningCommunity agendasStrategies emerging from the office of the new london Mayor will not succeed unless local communities are involved in setting the agendaGideon Amos206Juli1998303Town&country planningmodernising planning or just bringing up to scratch2 recently issued good practice guidesLynda Addison207Juli1998304Town&country planningPreventing social erxclusion: does planning have a roleThe planning system must take up the challenge of affordable housing provision and cease to be neutral about tenureJohn Perry/Merron Simpson208Juli1998305Town&country planningPulling its punchesThe planning framework does not yet enough to support provision of affordable housingAlastair Jackson209Juli1998306Town&country planningHave vision need frameworkThe new RPG11 for the west midlandsAlan Middleton210Juli1998307Town&country planningregional policy and the great housing debateStrategic and planning are words now "unbanned" in central government circlesMartin Crookston213Juli1998308Town&country planningSo you want to start a "farmers market"Farmer markets are springing up in towns and cities across the UKHarriet festing216Juli1998309Town&country planningHousing preferences: the case of single person householdsThe great household debate has focused attention on "the numbers game" in housing provision, to the detriment of ensuring a more apptopriate relationship between the stock of dwelling and the needs of householdsProf. Alan hooper220Juli1998310Town&country planningThis old housea little improvement in the condition of the housing stock in the latest english house condition surveyProf. Philip Leather222Juli1998311Town&country planningThe role of policy in design appealsthe results of a research project into design appeals in current english planning practice of how policy impacts upon design appealsProf. John Punter/Andrew Bell224Juli1998312Town&country planningresidential design: not an optional extraThe design paragraphs of PPG3: housingMatthew Carmona227Juli1998313Town&country planningDeveloping development planningThe research reported in the review of development planning in scotland and considers its implicationsProf. Keith Hayton230Juli1998314Town&country planningA commitee with opinions that countThe role and development of the EU committee of the regionsProf. Janice Morphet232Juli1998315Town&country planningTimelines, mindmapping and other fun things to do on a SaturdayDon't pass up the chance of attending a future search event: it could change your lifeLynn Wetenhall233Juli1998316Town&country planningCities are first choice for wildlifebrownfields, emissions reducation and taxing - and dumping wastePaul burall237Juli1998317Town&country planningSpeculations at the LSEHow any course on urban design and management should look to draw some of its main lessons from the experience of community actionColin Ward171juni1998318Town&country planningA national childcare strategy for adultsChildcare's emergence from the margins of social provision in a national strategyMartin Stott172juni1998319Town&country planningCapacity problems: sustainable solutionsHousing capacity, urban sustainability and the linkages between themJoe Ravetz173juni1998320Town&country planningThe essex design guide revisedThe newly revised Essex Design Guide for residential and mixed use areasProf. Brian Goodey176juni1998321Town&country planningExplaining local authority design appeal recordsThe results of a research project into design appeals in current english planning practiceProf. John Punter/Andrew Bell179juni1998322Town&country planningCommunity well-being profilesHow a new community well-being instrument aims to help develop a holistic understanding of urban neighbourhoodsSophia Christakopoulou/Jon Dawson182juni1998323Town&country planningWhat or who is rural Britaindemonstratic persons, who are theyRobert macFarlane184juni1998324Town&country planningTown Versus country: planning a better balanceThe Scott Report of 1942 to put the current urban rural conflict in context and to find pointers for the futureDavid Alexander189juni1998325Town&country planningGreen energy and local agenda 21The need for sustainable energy supplies rising up the political agendaDave Eliott191juni1998326Town&country planningThe human face of shoppingthe superstores and hypermarkets are not everyone's idea of quality shoppingCatherine White194juni1998327Town&country planningGreen slogansthink globally, act locally,Jean Perraton198juni1998328Town&country planningProviding more housing in urban areas: what can be doneProviding more housing in urban areasProf. Mike Brehenny/Andrew Ross138mei1998329Town&country planningThe good news from CroydonThe imminent arrivals of trams on the street of CroydonColin Ward141mei1998330Town&country planningAttractions of the disaparaged semiThe ironies and "social shadows" in an everyday day tale of upward mobility in the housing marketAlison Ravetz142mei1998331Town&country planningRecipe for regional muddleThe frustrations of the "half-way house" being prepared for the re-invention of regional planningProf. David lock143mei1998332Town&country planningSetting an urban regeneration contextThe prospects for increasing urban housing capacityProf. Brian Robson144mei1998333Town&country planningVisions and institutionsSome basic premises which should underpin efforts to increase the capacity of urban areas and the institutional practices which hinder such effortsLee Shostak147mei1998334Town&country planningLate-night magement of town and city centresThe crime and nuisance problems that have often accompanied the growth of the night-time economy of towns and citiesProf. Peter jones/David Turner/David hillier150mei1998335Town&country planningThe appeal of designSuggesting that central government guidance in the plan-led era has so far failed to result in a new design regimeProf. John Punter/Andrew bell153mei1998336Town&country planningIs character a good system for assessing landscapeThe search for a non-subjective system of landscape assessment in the light of the develment of work done on landscape character analysisChristopher Yardley156mei1998337Town&country planningNational Parks for scotland: a major step forwardThe future declaretion and operation of national parks in scotlandDavid Rice159mei1998338Town&country planningSustainable development, planning and managment in the cairngormsThe development of the Cairngorms managment strategy and looks at how it aims to input effect a programme practical sustainabilityProf. Greg Lloyd162mei1998339Town&country planningSurely not the next 50 yearsLong term trends that may dictate the way live 50 years in the futureDr. Mayer Hillman164mei1998340Town&country planningShopping trips without the carIt's time to break our dependency on the car for shoppingHugh McCilintock165mei1998341Town&country planningEvidence of the EU influenceEU influence on policy and legislation makingProf. Janice Morphet167mei1998342Town&country planningAmerican planning educationThe history American planning education and the prospects for its futureProf. Michael Teitz169mei1998343Town&country planningPolitical opportunitySustainability policy-makingBob evans90april1998344Town&country planningPolitical courageThe publication of the integrated transport policy white paperDr. Stephen Potter91april1998345Town&country planningYes pleaseThe government's proposels for modernising the governance of london is put to referendumProf. Michael Hebbert92april1998346Town&country planningMabey's collegiate idealThe potential of low-impact joint households for rural "singletons"Colin Ward93april1998347Town&country planningTown centre dynamics and sustainabilityTown centres and retailing with a look at the need to accept and understand the life cycles of TCChristina Tomalin94april1998348Town&country planningGuardians of regional visionThe role of the RDAs Guardians of regional vision, with lots of land to play withProf. David lock95april1998349Town&country planningReinvigorating local democracy3 recent sets of proposels designed to modernise UK local governmentProf. Robin Hambleton96april1998350Town&country planningA modernising leap forwardThe modernising local government consultation papersJohn Harwood97april1998351Town&country planningTime to rethink the systemTake a radical look at our expectations of the present development plan systemProf. Ted Kitchen98april1998352Town&country planningLowering the flagThe end of the urban development corporation eraProf. Brian Robson100april1998353Town&country planningCity challenge: a mainstream model for the futureThe second-phase schemes reach the end of their designated lifetimeHilary Russel102april1998354Town&country planningA big issue approachThe suggestions in the DETR paper on regeneration issued at the last year are not enough to dispel the feeling that it promises littke more than political gestureProf. Keith Hayton104april1998355Town&country planningA catalyst for revolutionA new framework for regeneration: but wonders if the government can match the LGA's commitmentLynda Addison106april1998356Town&country planningHow to jump off the transport policy merry go roundHow to jump off the transport policy merry go roundDavid Pike107april1998357Town&country planningCollaboration and ConsencusHow planning could be reinvented to play a central role in archieving a better, more sustainable futureJeff Bishop111april1998358Town&country planningTime and the cityUrban planning needs to take serious note of time planningKen Worpole114april1998359Town&country planningWhere there's muck there4s liabilityThe legal and liability issues arising inremediating and re-using contaminated land for housing developmentPaul Winter116april1998360Town&country planningSurveying the potential of lotsThe re-use potential of vacant floors above commercial buildings in town centresAnn Petherick120april1998361Town&country planningBattle of conceptual frameworks2 major reports on environmental capacityJohn Blake122april1998362Town&country planningWhy water may not stem the housing tideBuild new housing on water and are the defects in the way that the planning system takes account of water resource problemsNeil Summerton124april1998363Town&country planningA voice for a sustainable walesConstitutional change provides an opportunity to put sustainability at heart of new decision making structures and processesDr. Kevin Bishop/Sue Essex/Mark Southgate127april1998364Town&country planningNew style fund challenges UKThe proposed new arrangements for the structural funds recently announced by the ECProf. Janice Morphet130april1998365Town&country planningLowland croftingThe success of west Lothian Council's lowland crofting schemeMichelle cameron131april1998366Town&country planningA people's regenerationregeneration processes need community involvement and that there are already good examples of some of the ways forwardGideon Amos132april1998367Town&country planningThe "P"wordThe participation process practitioners's diaryLynn Wetenhall/Melanie Nock133april1998368Town&country planningPlanners suspicious of renewablesPlanners attitudes to sitting renewable energy plantPaul Burall137april1998369Town&country planningPlanning in limboDetr's papersProf. Peter hall42maart1998370Town&country planningIt's about equity tooThe household growth debateAndrew Ross44maart1998371Town&country planningNo time for faint hearts or rivalryRDA's white paperProf. Peter Roberts45maart1998372Town&country planningOverturning our assumptionsrural economy and the assumptions of rural planning for many yearsColin Ward46maart1998373Town&country planningDon't lose the plotNature reservesMartin stott47maart1998374Town&country planningAdults in defensible spacedefensible space filosophiesAlison Ravetz48maart1998375Town&country planningFinessing the futureThe planning for the communities of the future statementProf. David lock49maart1998376Town&country planningAdept or mitigate? Responding to climate change4 emissions scenarios and providing estimates of the possible climate change impacts in the UKDr. Mike Hulme/Prof. Martin Parry50maart1998377Town&country planningLA 21 passes the smooth grey suit testThe local agenda 21 process was relaunched in front of an audience of council leaders and chief executersRoger Levett52maart1998378Town&country planningAbit of writing among the cablesHorizontal integration in land use planningDr. Tom Knowland/Riki Therivel54maart1998379Town&country planningMaximising housing potential by designThe application of design thinking to attemps to maximise urban housing capacity without sacrificing quality of the environmentMartin Crookson56maart1998380Town&country planningStrategy by designThe liberating prospect of testing urban design choicesAndrew Lainton59maart1998381Town&country planningPlanning and the UK presidencyEuropean and transnational planning by outlining the activities that will be progressed under the Uk presidency and beyondVincent Nadin60maart1998382Town&country planningThe ESDP and the UKEuro-planningProf. Lynn Davies64maart1998383Town&country planningUK consults on the ESDPHow the UK consultations one the ESDP are procceeding and the responses and reactions that the ESDP has provokedVincent Nadin67maart1998384Town&country planningAgenda 2000 and structure fund reformThe future of the structural fundsAdrian Healy68maart1998385Town&country planningPromoting transnational planningHow the EC INTERREG IIC initiative aims to promote cross border co operation in regional or spatial planningVincent Nadin/David Shaw/Gordon Franks70maart1998386Town&country planningRegions rule, UKUk regions and local authorities have an increasingly important role to play in the EUCharles Gray73maart1998387Town&country planningThe UK plans a new europe or should that be europe plans a new UKEuro-planningJohn Silvester74maart1998388Town&country planningUrban policy futuresOutlining The agenda and work of the european commission expert group on the urban environmentProf. Colin Fudge76maart1998389Town&country planningBeyond standard assessment testsThe next step towards a more comprehensive approach to environmental assessmentSusann Pauli77maart1998390Town&country planningDriving environmental concerns into transport policyThe integration of environmental concerns into transport policyDominic Stead79maart1998391Town&country planningThe importance of walkingThe vital importance of walking within any transport strategyDr. Mayer Hillman81maart1998392Town&country planningThe community in the cityThere should be an urban perspective to the EU's policiesProf. Janice Morphet84maart1998393Town&country planningEvaluating small scale regenerationParticular problems in evaluatings small scale shemesKatherine Hughes85maart1998394Town&country planningPlanning for the central valleyThe impact of population growth and economic development on californian central valleyProf. Michael Teitz89maart1998395Town&country planningFor the recorddevelopments and pronouncementsTCPA2januari/februari1998396Town&country planningHouseholding in the 21st centurythe principle of dwellers control to rented housingColin Ward4januari/februari1998397Town&country planningA woman's placesWomen's changing lives in the city and at homeAlison Ravetz6januari/februari1998398Town&country planningGuess who suffers?Some inhumane, cynical and iresponsible aspects of the household growth debateProf. David Lock7januari/februari1998399Town&country planningCrossing over the thresholdSocial housingSean O'Grady8januari/februari1998400Town&country planningRe reviews and regenerationLessons in recent experience of bidding for fundsProf. Brian Robson9januari/februari1998401Town&country planningFailings revisitedReport on transport and the environmentProf. Kerry Hamilton10januari/februari1998402Town&country planningRediscovering the public realmPlanning could be at the centre of a public realm comitted to archieving a better, more sustainable futureRoger Levett11januari/februari1998403Town&country planningA real local agenda for the 21st centuryA broad look at LA 21's archievements and raises some questions for the futureProf. Paul Selman15januari/februari1998404Town&country planningComing in from the coldThe next step is the mainstreaming of LA 21, making it a corporate undertaking buit into everything a local authority doesJane Morris18januari/februari1998405Town&country planningReal progress or optimistic hypeThe LA 21 five year review, issued bythe local government management boardSusan Percy19januari/februari1998406Town&country planningThe costs of reclaiming derect sitesThe prospects for increasing urban housing capacityCharlie Fulford21januari/februari1998407Town&country planningSuccess in re using urban landThe amount of housing being built on brownfield sitesProf. Michael Breheny24januari/februari1998408Town&country planningDesperately seeking sustainabilityThe methods used inthe sustainability appraisal of Serplan's regional strategy for the south EastRiki Therivel/joe Doak/Martin stott26januari/februari1998409Town&country planningDisposals programme marches onThe current status of reduntant military sites around the country and the opportunity they offerMarc Pattinson/Jenny Stafford29januari/februari1998410Town&country planningHappy landings?The alternative uses made of 2 small former RAF airfields in WarwickshireJoe Howe/Nick Gallent /Philip Bell32januari/februari1998411Town&country planningCitizens and subsidiarityThe EU influence on UK policu formulationProf. Janice Morphet34januari/februari1998412Town&country planningRoom for re-useLiving over the shop schemes have the potential to create more than half a million dwellings throughout the countryAnn Petherick35januari/februari1998413Town&country planningTaking steps in camdenThe measures being taken under Camden's taking steps green transprt strategyRichard Finch36januari/februari1998414Town&country planningDiary of a process practitionerDiary of a process practitionerLynn Wetenhall37januari/februari1998415Town&country planningNew Urbanism:fashion, trend or movementwill the new Urbanism have a lasting impactProf. Michael Teitz41januari/februari1998416Town&country planningActions speak louder than wordsHow can people be convinced of need to adopt more sustainable lifestyles?Jacquelin Burgess/Carolyn Harrison282november1997417Town&country planningTrust them, they're doctor'sReducing motor trafficAdrian Davis283november1997418Town&country planningThamesmead: a continuous performanceThe story of Thamesmead: an outcome of an earlier round of the great housing debateColin Ward284november1997419Town&country planningThe next 50 yearsIt's half a century since the landmark BT1CP act 1947 entered the stature books; so what brings the futureProf. Peter Hall285november1997420Town&country planningManaging the major planning projects50 years of planning under the 1947 actWyndham Thomas290november1997421Town&country planningTreaties and budgetssome implications of the amsterdam treaty and the agenda 2000 5 year budget reviewProf. Janice Morphet295november1997422Town&country planningUrban planning in the information societyemerging urban "tele-planning" initiatives and how they relate to conventional urban spatial planningStephen Graham296november1997423Town&country planningUrban housing capacity and the sustainable cityThe new TCPA/JRF project on urban housing capacityProf. Michael Breheny300november1997424Town&country planningUnfinished businessThe future form of land use planning to complement devolution and constitutional reform in Scotland and WalesProf. MG Lloyd/Mark Tewdwr Jones302november1997425Town&country planningThe way forward for scottish planningThe future of planning in scotlandPaul Filipek/Michael Hayes/Derek Lyddon/Cliff Hague/Sarah Boyak305november1997426Town&country planningEmpowerment zones: the story so farUs empowerment zones have now been working 2 years, how are they faringJohn McCarthy309november1997427Town&country planningA brake on manufacturing productivityrecent research suggests that the planning process may be acting as an impediment to manufacturing productivityJim Whelan311november1997428Town&country planningWater warswater shortages, teleworking and theme parksPaul Burall313november1997429Town&country planningOn the peak or in the clouds: indicating the path up Mount sustainability"Indicators for sustainibility communities" conferenceDerek Taylor250oktober1997430Town&country planningCan the assembly fill the strategic vacuum?How the vote in favour of a Welsh assembly might affect planning in walesDuncan Smith251oktober1997431Town&country planningNew forms of city leadershipThe green Paper on New Leadership for London proposes radical change (political implications)Prof. Robin Hambleton252oktober1997432Town&country planningLeadingLondon the right way?the governments green paper on london governance posed 61 questions about the future of lodon governmentProf. Michael hebbert253oktober1997433Town&country planningRain makers and trend breakersThe road protesters who by capturing the public imagination, have begun the process of changing the nation's mindColin Ward256oktober1997434Town&country planningMore on household mobilityinferences that can be drawn from data on the "mystrious subject of household mobility"Alison Ravetz257oktober1997435Town&country planningPiecing together the transport policy jigsawThe pieces of the transport policy puzzleDr. Stephen Potter258oktober1997436Town&country planningBritain's cities: new thoughts, new startA prima facie case against conventional wisdom predicting a bleak future for britain's citiesDuncan Maclennan262oktober1997437Town&country planningEnter the ESDP: plan sans fanfareESDP:the future development of the planning systemProf. Janice Morphet265oktober1997438Town&country planningSomeone is watching youThe proliferation of CCTV cameras within town and city centres and review some of the issues associated with their introductionProf. Peter Jones/David turner/david Hillier268oktober1997439Town&country planningManaging the public realm: coventry's safer city centreThe measures taken to make coventry city centre safer for its citizensTaner oc/Steven Tiesdell270oktober1997440Town&country planningNottingham employers take up the cycle challengelessons from the cycle challenge project, with particular reference to the city of nottinghamHugh McClintock/Johanna Cleary273oktober1997441Town&country planningMaking the most of the scottisch coastThe background to and nature of strategic planning policy guidance for the coast in scotlandProf. Greg Lloyd276oktober1997442Town&country planningA new minister's thoughts on planningThe speech of Richard Crossman has hardly dated after 32 yearsProf. John Delafons278oktober1997443Town&country planningHypercar to the rescueThe resource efficient hypercar and toxic tower blocksPaul Burall281oktober1997444Town&country planningLocal government, environmental stewardThe recent Audit commision report on local government's role as a steward of the environment timely and pertinentProf. Janice Morphet218september1997445Town&country planningThe state the stock's inA study of UK housing conditions and housing renovation policiesProf. Philip Leather219september1997446Town&country planningTime for stability on the busesHow the transport minister's review might realise the potential of the busMarcus Enoch220september1997447Town&country planningThe old fashioned controllersThe south eastern network card display a fundamental ignorance of the changing nature of the market for rail servicesDr. Stephen Potter221september1997448Town&country planningOur hunting fathersTown, country and some 2 nation divisionsColin ward222september1997449Town&country planningWelfare to workThe thinking behind the welfare to Work proposalsMartin Stott223september1997450Town&country planningWelcome first stepsThe TCPA's response to the RDAs consultation paperProf. Peter Roberts224september1997451Town&country planningBuilding a better britainHow the government could set about making land available to accommodate the 4,4 million householdsProf. Peter Hall227september1997452Town&country planningHousing capacity: how much and where is it?The household growth debateDavid Hall230september1997453Town&country planningUrban housing capacity, the sustainablr city: and nousA new JRF-funded project which aims to explore ways of overcoming the barriers currently preventing greater use of urban land for housingTCPA231september1997454Town&country planningUrban capacity methodologiesSome keys issues from current practise in urban capacity studiesDr. Patrick Clarke233september1997455Town&country planningwider review long overdueSouth east and an review of RPG9 for an assessment of environmental capacity's role in determining strategic housing land allocationsPat Willoughby237september1997456Town&country planningDensities, urban form and travel behaviourUrban form significantly affects travel behaviourProf. Ian Gordon239september1997457Town&country planningdevelopment plans: an agenda for future changeSome considerations for a fundamental review of the current development plan systemMark Baker242september1997458Town&country planningGreening the structural fundsSustainable development principles are incorporated into the forthcoming review of EU structural fundsJohn Rumble/Peter Jackson245september1997459Town&country planningCities in search of industrial clustersplanning and economic development in the USAProf. Michael Teitz249september1997460Town&country planningLetter to an editorBicyclists behaving badlyDr. Stephen Potter194juli/augustus1997461Town&country planningCould time be used as moneyOver 100 american cities now have projects which use time as a currencyDavid Boyle195juli/augustus1997462Town&country planningPublic perceptions of the electronic eyeA study of public perceptions of the effectiveness of CCTVAmanda Nelson196juli/augustus1997463Town&country planningThe fisherman's taleThe relevance of patch to prosperity based on the re-creation of traditional attitudes, epitomised in the life of a fisherman friendColin Ward198juli/augustus1997464Town&country planningreading the urban social atlasSocial changes on housing estatesAlison Ravetz199juli/augustus1997465Town&country planningSeeing the country wholeThe images and policies deriving from industrial urbanisation need to change to views and action which fit new conditions, particularly for the countrysideJohn Halliday200juli/augustus1997466Town&country planningAn urban design process for large development sitesthe lessons emerging from the expirience of the urban design campaign in stoke-on-trentMike Biddulph202juli/augustus1997467Town&country planningLocal government decentralisation in scotland: an opportunity for planningDecentralisation within the broader structural reorganisation of scottisch local government, and at the likely implications for land use planningBarbara ILLsley/Prof. Greg Lloyd/ Bill Lynch206juli/augustus1997468Town&country planningPlanning in a scottish parliamentA scottisch parliament should change the structure of the planning system and its formProf. Keith Haydon208juli/augustus1997469Town&country planningThe new champions of sustainable community participationThe impact of the Scottish office's rural partnership initiative in the work of the aNgus Rural partnershipAlan Watt/Martin Purcell210juli/augustus1997470Town&country planningRural car dependence and the rising costs of car useThe new pressures on car use and their likely impact on social and economic access for low-income groups in rural areasDR.John Farrington/Dr. David Gray/Suzanne Martin214juli/augustus1997471Town&country planningPlanning and the new technologyHow the internet and the world wide web are changing the character of access to informationProf. Michael Teitz217juli/augustus1997472Town&country planningAuditing equityA new approach being developed in LancashireAndrew Mullaney162juni1997473Town&country planningCorridors of developmentHousehold growth and future developmentRay Green164juni1997474Town&country planningLloyd loom nostalgiaHow an enterprese epitomising inner city village industry became another aspect of the global villageColin Ward167juni1997475Town&country planningHands off our "devi"The survival of a vital part of the social economyMartin Stott168juni1997476Town&country planningCurrents of cultural changeThe possitive forcess of change bubbling up from the grass rootsRobin Grove White169juni1997477Town&country planningMore people for living communitiesSuffolk: using the local plan inquiry system to raise economic and social issues affecting rural communitiesPeter Waterman172juni1997478Town&country planningWhat works in those inner citieslessons in the inner city regeneration initiatives of the last 20 yearsFred Robinson/Keith Shaw177juni1997479Town&country planningLeading or followingScottisch retailing NPPGProf. Keith Haydon180juni1997480Town&country planningImplementing a new realism in transport planningA number of barriers to implementing a sustainable, demand management approach remainGeoff Vigar182juni1997481Town&country planningA green electricity marketIt may take more then a few pioneering consumers to ensure that a green electricity market emergesDave Elliott185juni1997482Town&country planningBudapest gets the shopping mall bugHow the shopping mall concept has taken hold in hungary's capital cityAlan Dingsdale188juni1997483Town&country planningRetailers get it wronggreen taxes, the water cresis and retailers obsession with parkingPaul burall193juni1997484Town&country planning50 years of the 1947 act50 years of the 1947 actBarry Cullingworth130mei1997485Town&country planningEnjoyment of the countrysidePublic policy and planning for the enjoyment of the countrysideProf. Nigel Curry131mei1997486Town&country planningThe conservation of the countrysideThe history and prospects for conservation of the countrysideIan Hodge133mei1997487Town&country planningConservation of the historic heritageThe often confused relationship between planning and conservationProf. John Delafons136mei1997488Town&country planningThe new towns: taking a long term viewThe expertirience of the new towns programmeRay thomas138mei1997489Town&country planningAn unquiet grave: regional planning in the UK since 1947The ebb and flow of support regional planning in the UKProf. Peter Townroe140mei1997490Town&country planningOn the edgeAn overview of the UK's relationship with european planningVincent Nadin/David Shaw143mei1997491Town&country planningUrban planningAn overview of the record of post war urban planningProf. Brian Robson146mei1997492Town&country planningTransportplanning: retrospect and prospectThe legislative connections between transport and land use planningPaul Truelove149mei1997493Town&country planningPublic private partnershipsPublic private partnerships are not the trailblazing product of recent urban policy, but have involved steadily within the system of the 1947 actProf. Stephen Ward151mei1997494Town&country planningThe land and property marketsThe influence op the post war planning system on The land and property marketsRichard Williams153mei1997495Town&country planningPlanning policy: time for changesome conclusions from this special issueBarry Cullingworth156mei1997496Town&country planningCommunitas revisitedinteresting bookColin Ward158mei1997497Town&country planningThe price of pretty homesThe flip side of domestic cosinessAlison Ravetz159mei1997498Town&country planningShow me the evidenceIs the regeneration in Manchester sustainableJoan Bennett160mei1997499Town&country planningWhat is a planning commissionerThe role of the planning commisionsProf. Michael Teitz161mei1997500Town&country planningWhy i would n't signHe could't put his name to its housing and urban capacity reportTim Cordy66maart1997501Town&country planningThe P-shooting PPg and the limits to planningThe keynote for planning laid out in PPG1Graeme Bell67maart1997502Town&country planningQuality counts in the numbers gameIf planning's measure of success is how effectivily it meets the needs of existing and future low-income households, it's failing miserablyKeith Annis67maart1997503Town&country planningLocal authorities get a sayThe recently issued draft guidance on bringing trunk road planning management into the RPG processMartyn Heyes68maart1997504Town&country planningA green labour governmentA green agenda for an incoming labour governmentRoger levett69maart1997505Town&country planningMutual lives and homesThe building societies rush to abondon the principle of mutualityColin Ward70maart1997506Town&country planningLess costs more for the energy poorDomestic energy use and fuel povertyAlison Ravetz72maart1997507Town&country planningThe houses: where can they be dumpedA battle over where new housing can be dumpedChris Cousins74maart1997508Town&country planningQuality, sustainability, suitability are the crusial considerations in the household projections debateNick Raynsford76maart1997509Town&country planningThe facts about the urban exodusThe scale of the down the urban hierarchy population redistribution could reasonably be described as a counter urbanisation cascadeProf. Tony Champion77maart1997510Town&country planningLiving within the social city regionThe TCPA's responce to the DOE consultation green paper,Household growthTCPA80maart1997511Town&country planningPlanning for scotland's new householdsIn scotland is also need on new housingProf. Cliff Hague83maart1997512Town&country planningLocal authorities and residential densities: an attitude problemCurrent local authority attitudes to residential standards may pose a problem for advocates of urban compactionProf. Michael Breheny84maart1997513Town&country planningHousing with hindsight or foresight?The CPRE's housing with hindsight reportProf. Dave King87maart1997514Town&country planningMyths and hobgoblinsThe high price, managed UK land market is a scandalous tale of national self deceptionRoger warren Evans90maart1997515Town&country planningThe travel news from NorthamptonThe Uk round table on sustainable development's getting around townDr. Stephen Potter92maart1997516Town&country planningMissing connections in transport policyThe Uk round table on sustainable development's getting around town on the obstacles to transfert within passenger and freight journeys and ways of overcoming themJohn Adams94maart1997517Town&country planningWhat american planners are talking aboutA major US planning conferenceProf. Michael Teitz97maart1997518Town&country planningCan Woman save the cityThe growing number of women in the workforce points to a growing competitive advantage for the big metropolian areasIan Wray34februari1997519Town&country planningBill survives compromiseThe road traffic reduction bill could be on the statute boobs witin a few monthsDr. Stephen Potter35februari1997520Town&country planningParish pump politicsWhy water control has to be won back to be shared responsibility epitomised by the parish pumpColin Ward37februari1997521Town&country planningCables of concernDo electromagnetic fields present a unacceptable ealth risk to those who living near high voltage transmission linesJon Talbot39februari1997522Town&country planningOpening the secret garden: design as a public, not private processThe current self defeating debate about planning and designJeff Bishop42februari1997523Town&country planninglow income LETS: diffucult but possibleA s