...Wolves (Canis lupus) travel extensivelv both within their terntories and when dis- persing. Over...


Transcript of ...Wolves (Canis lupus) travel extensivelv both within their terntories and when dis- persing. Over...

Page 1: ...Wolves (Canis lupus) travel extensivelv both within their terntories and when dis- persing. Over a 31-day period, a pack of wolves on Isle Rovale covered 443 km (Mech. 1966), and
Page 2: ...Wolves (Canis lupus) travel extensivelv both within their terntories and when dis- persing. Over a 31-day period, a pack of wolves on Isle Rovale covered 443 km (Mech. 1966), and
Page 3: ...Wolves (Canis lupus) travel extensivelv both within their terntories and when dis- persing. Over a 31-day period, a pack of wolves on Isle Rovale covered 443 km (Mech. 1966), and