€¦  · Web viewWhich heading best completes the partial outline below? ... Florida and...

Pg. 1 -______ Social Studies 7 Name ________________________________________ Period _____ Date _________________________________________ Multiple Choice Practice: Unit 1 1. Which heading best completes the partial outline below? I. _________________________________ A. Mayflower Compact B. House of Burgesses C. New England town meetings (1) Attempts to Overthrow British Rule (2) Development of Self-Government in the American Colonies (3) Establishment of British Parliamentary Control Over the Colonies (4) Social Reform Movements in the American Colonies 2. In the 1700s, the triangular trade led directly to the (1) middle colonies’ role as the chief importers of agricultural products (2) rapid industrialization of the southern colonies (3) decline of the New England economy (4) increased importation of enslaved Africans to the Western Hemisphere 3. Which city is correctly paired with the geographic feature that most directly affected its growth? (1) New Orleans — Pacific Ocean (2) New York City — Chesapeake Bay (3) Chicago — Great Lakes (4) Los Angeles — Appalachian Mountains 1 Assessme nt Study every night!

Transcript of €¦  · Web viewWhich heading best completes the partial outline below? ... Florida and...

Pg. 1 -______

Social Studies 7 Name ________________________________________

Period _____ Date _________________________________________

Multiple Choice Practice: Unit 1

1. Which heading best completes the partial outline below?

I. _________________________________

A. Mayflower CompactB. House of BurgessesC. New England town meetings

(1) Attempts to Overthrow British Rule(2) Development of Self-Government in the American Colonies(3) Establishment of British Parliamentary Control Over the Colonies(4) Social Reform Movements in the American Colonies

2. In the 1700s, the triangular trade led directly to the

(1) middle colonies’ role as the chief importers of agricultural products(2) rapid industrialization of the southern colonies(3) decline of the New England economy(4) increased importation of enslaved Africans to the Western Hemisphere

3. Which city is correctly paired with the geographic feature that most directly affected its growth?

(1) New Orleans — Pacific Ocean(2) New York City — Chesapeake Bay(3) Chicago — Great Lakes(4) Los Angeles — Appalachian Mountains


Assessment Practice!

Study every night!

Base your answers to questions 4 and 5 on the chart below and on your knowledge of social studies.

4. Based on the rankings on the census chart, the most populous state in 1900 and 1950 was

(1) California (2) Illinois (3) Massachusetts (4) New York

5. Based on the ranking from the 2000 census, which pair of states had the greatest number of electors in the 2008 presidential election?

(1) Florida and California(2) Iowa and Indiana(3) Pennsylvania and Virginia(4) California and Texas

6. The Mayflower Compact is considered an important step in the development of American democracy because it

(1) established the principle of separation of church and state(2) provided a basis for self-government in the Plymouth Colony(3) defined relations with local Native American Indians(4) outlawed slavery in the Massachusetts Bay Colony


7. The presence of which pair of geographic conditions discouraged the development of a plantation economy in the New England colonies?

(1) wide coastal plain and absence of good harbors(2) rocky soil and short growing season(3) numerous rivers and humid climate(4) flatlands and lack of forests

8. What was the main cause of the French and Indian War (1754–1763)?

(1) disputed land claims in the Ohio River valley between the French and the British(2) conflicts between American colonists and the French over control of the Great Plains(3) taxation of American colonists without representation in Parliament(4) violation of trade agreements between European nations and Native American Indians


Base your answer to question 9 on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.

9. This map shows the western limit on colonial settlement that resulted from the

(1) founding of Jamestown(2) Proclamation of 1763(3) Monroe Doctrine(4) Compromise of 1850

10. Climatic conditions in the southern colonies most directly influenced the development of

(1) democratic institutions(2) a canal system(3) the plantation system(4) the coal industry


11. Which heading best completes the partial outline below?

(1) Ideas of Social Darwinism(2) Basis of British Mercantilism(3) Contributions to American Literature(4) Influences on United States Constitutional Government

12. In which area did good harbors, abundant forests, rocky soil, and a short growing season most influence the colonial economy?

(1) Southern colonies(2) Middle Atlantic region(3) Northwest Territory(4) New England colonies

13. The Mayflower Compact and the Virginia House of Burgesses are most closely associated with

(1) abuses by absolute monarchs(2) establishment of religious toleration(3) steps toward colonial self-government(4) adoption of universal suffrage

14. The Mayflower Compact, New England town meetings, and the Virginia House of Burgesses are examples of

(1) early colonial efforts in self-government(2) colonial protests against British taxation(3) governments imposed by Parliament(4) attempts to limit democracy

15. Which geographic feature served as the western boundary for British colonial settlements prior to the Revolutionary War?

(1) Rocky Mountains(2) Missouri River(3) Appalachian Mountains(4) Great Plains


• Cruel treatment • Poor sanitary conditions • Starvation and disease • Overcrowding and imprisonment

16. Which group experienced these conditions?

(1) Pilgrims on the Mayflower(2) passengers on the Underground Railroad(3) enslaved Africans during the Middle Passage(4) Native American Indians traveling with French fur traders

17. Early European explorers who came to the New World were looking for a northwest passage in order to

(1) prove the world was round(2) improve trade with Native American Indians(3) explore the Great Lakes(4) find a shorter route to Asia

18. New England town meetings and the Virginia House of Burgesses were colonial efforts to

(1) practice self-government(2) form a union of all the colonies(3) raise colonial militias(4) encourage colonial trade

19. What was the major reason the original settlers of Plymouth Colony, Maryland, and Pennsylvania came to America?

(1) to secure freedom from religious persecution(2) to search for gold and silver(3) to convert Native American Indians to Christianity(4) to bring spices to the New World

20. Which group controlled the colony that was surrendered to England in 1664 by Governor Peter Stuyvesant?

(1) French (3) Spanish

(2) Dutch (4) Swedish


Base your answer to question 21 on graph below and on your knowledge of social studies

21. Which conclusion is most clearly supported by the information on the graph?

(1) The colonial population showed the greatest rate of increase during the 1600s.(2) The colonial population showed continual growth from 1620 to 1780.(3) The French and Indian War (1754–1763) caused the colonial population to decrease.(4) By the start of the Revolutionary War in 1775, the colonial population had reached three million.

22. Which geographic feature of the Atlantic coastline contributed most to the growth of colonial trade?

(1) many offshore islands(2) high, rocky cliffs(3) natural harbors(4) barrier reefs


Base your answer to questions 23 and 24 on the illustration below and on your knowledge of social studies.

23. A conclusion best supported by this illustration is that the Columbian Exchange

(1) increased the isolation between Europe and the Americas(2) ended the slave trade in the Eastern Hemisphere(3) led to the spread of disease to the natives of the Americas(4) resulted in a decrease in trade between North America and Europe

24. What was one result of the Columbian Exchange (the Encounter)?

(1) Native American Indian populations continued to increase.(2) The African slave trade ended.(3) Diseases were spread to native populations.(4) Spain’s empire in the New World declined.


25. Which heading best completes the partial outline below?

I. ____________________________________

A. Europeans establish colonies in North America.

B. Millions of Native American Indians die from diseases.

C. Enslaved Africans arrive in the Americas.

D. Foods from the Americas are introduced in Europe.

(1) Causes of English Colonization(2) Effects of the Exploration of the Americas(3) Cultural Contributions of Native American Indians(4) Discovery of the Northwest Passage

26. Why did most colonial farmers settle near oceans or coastal waterways?

(1) Fewer Native American Indians lived there.(2) Local governments paid farmers to do so.(3) There were fewer problems with removal of trees and rocks.(4) Transportation of products was easier.


Base your answer to question 27 on the chart below and on your knowledge of social studies.

27. Which conclusion is most clearly supported by information in the chart?

(1) Most females exercised their right to vote.(2) Voters in every colony chose their own governor.(3) Most colonies had a one-house legislature.(4) Some form of democracy was present in all the British colonies.


Base your answers to question 28 through 30 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of social studies

28. Which part of the thirteen colonies is represented by cluster A?

(1) frontier region (3) middle colonies(2) New England colonies (4) southern colonies

29. What were the chief exports produced by colonists in cluster C?

(1) whale oil and silver (3) textiles and tea(2) potatoes and fish (4) tobacco and rice

30. The differences between the three clusters shown in the diagram were mainly due to

(1) geographic conditions (3) political beliefs(2) relations with England (4) religious practices


Base your answers to questions 31 and 32 on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.

31. Lumber, dried fish, and rum were mainly products of the

(1) New England states(2) middle Atlantic states(3) southern states(4) Northwest Territory

32. The main reason for the variety of products in the different regions of the country was the differences in

(1) family structure and education(2) geography and climate(3) political and social systems(4) national origins and cultures


Base your answer to question 33 on the cartoon and on your knowledge of social studies.

33. Which document is most closely associated with this cartoon drawn in 1754?

(1) Mayflower Compact(2) Fundamental Orders of Connecticut(3) Albany Plan of Union(4) Emancipation Proclamation

34. The major reason the British government issued the Proclamation of 1763, which banned colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains, was to

(1) avoid conflicts with Native American Indians(2) reduce casualties during the French and Indian War(3) maintain markets for British manufactured goods(4) promote easy collection of new taxes

35. The creation of the Virginia House of Burgesses was an important step in the development of democracy in colonial America because it

(1) adopted a bill of rights for women(2) allowed citizens to vote directly on proposed laws(3) provided the first written constitution(4) established a representative form of government


Base your answers to question 36 and 37 on the illustration below and on your knowledge of social studies.

36. The main goal of most of the policies shown in the illustration was to

(1) allow American colonists greater self government(2) enable Great Britain to raise revenues and control trade(3) encourage immigration to the colonies(4) encourage Americans to trade with other European countries

37. The policies shown in the illustration led to the

(1) outbreak of the French and Indian War(2) expansion of British trade with the thirteen colonies(3) start of the American Revolution(4) passage of the Northwest Ordinance

38. What was the major effect of the Stamp Act (1765) on colonial trade?

(1) The British refused to sell certain products to the colonists.(2) The law led to a decline in the value of colonial currency.(3) The colonists no longer needed British goods.(4) Many colonists boycotted British goods.

39. In the American colonies, boycotts were an effective way of protesting British policies mainly because the boycotts

(1) ended trade within the colonies(2) forced Britain to remove most troops(3) kept out products from other European nations(4) caused economic hardships for British merchants


40. Which statement is most consistent with the views of Loyalists in the 1770s?

(1) The colonists should be grateful to be under British rule and protection.(2) Taxation without representation is tyranny.(3) Citizens, under British rule, have the right to declare independence.(4) The king is violating the rights of British citizens.

41. • Statement of grievances committed by Britain

• Statement of the natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

• Establishment of the United States of America

42. Which document is associated with these actions?

(1) Albany Plan of Union(2) Declaration of Independence(3) Articles of Confederation(4) Constitution of the United States

43. Which event in colonial history is most closely associated with freedom of the press?

(1) Salem witch trials(2) Boston Tea Party(3) formation of the Sons of Liberty(4) John Peter Zenger case

44. Who wrote most of the Declaration of Independence?

(1) John Adams (2) Benjamin Franklin (3) Patrick Henry(4) Thomas Jefferson(5)

45. Where was the first battle of the American Revolution fought?

(1) Valley Forge (2) Lexington (3) Saratoga (4) Yorktown

46. During the Revolutionary War, the most common way American women helped the Patriot cause was by

(1) acting as spies(2) serving in the military(3) managing farms


(4) taking their children to Canada