pilgrimhc.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUNIT 5: Assisting in Medical Exams (MA, MAO, CNA)....

AdvHealthOcc- Pilgrim Practice Logs Name__________________________________Per______ UNIT 5: Assisting in Medical Exams (MA, MAO, CNA) Collect a stamp for each completed assignment. You will need at least 6_stamps prior to taking the unit exam. You must add one stamp prior to retesting on an exam. On the lines below record the TITLE of the assignment and the DATE assigned. All stamps 6 must be complete at least ONE DAY before the exam. _____________ __/_____ ____________________ __/____ _________________/_________ ________ _________/__________ __________________/__________ ___________________/_________

Transcript of pilgrimhc.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUNIT 5: Assisting in Medical Exams (MA, MAO, CNA)....

AdvHealthOcc- PilgrimPractice Logs

Name__________________________________Per______UNIT 5: Assisting in Medical Exams (MA, MAO, CNA)Collect a stamp for each completed assignment. You will need at least 6_stamps prior to taking the unit exam. You must add one stamp prior to retesting on an exam. On the lines below record the TITLE of the assignment and the DATE assigned. All stamps 6 must be complete at least ONE DAY before the exam.

_____________ __/_____ ____________________ __/____ _________________/_________

_________________/__________ __________________/__________ ___________________/_________


*Unit Exam 12/15*Skills testing 12/13-12/14 (Scrubs both days!!!)

AdvHealthOcc- PilgrimPractice Logs

Name__________________________________Per______UNIT 5: Assisting in Medical Exams

Abbreviations: Dx, Hx, Tx, Vx, prn, NPO, mL, PO, EENT, Fx, GI, UTI, URI, Ht, IV, SQ, IM, neg, Pt, TPR, VS, Wt, CC, SOAP, HPI, DM

Exam Positions: Folwer’s, Sim’s, Prone, Horizontal Recumbent/supine, Lithotomy, Knee-Chest, Dorsal Recumbant, Trendelenburg, Jacknife/Protologic)

Instruments/Equipment: opthalmoscope, otoscope, nasal speculum, vaginal speculum, tongue depressor/blade, sterile swabs, non-sterile/sterile gloves, drape, exam table, stethoscope, sphygmomanometer, pulse-oximeter, penlight, tuning fork, reflex hammer, Snellen chart.

Student Objectives/Essential Understandings:I can…

1) Contrast the duties, education, and pay of a clinical medical assistant with that of an administrative office assistant

2) Contrast and classify examples of objective and subjective patient data3) Identify the portions of SOAP notes (CC, HPI, Vitals/exam, Dx, Tx) and record

them in the appropriate place in a medical record.4) Describe patient examination positions and relate them to their functions5) Identify and describe the functions of medical exam instruments 6) Describe the assessment practices: percussion, observation/inspection,

palpation, auscultation7) Distinguish between acute, chronic/persistent, radiating, and phantom pains8) List preventative health measures (exams and vaccinations) and their

recommended frequencies.a. Be able to describe the purpose of the exam or vaccination, the frequency,

and/or age at which it is first administered.9) Prepare and assist with a general physical examination, brief, or EENT exam

a. Verifies patient and collects thorough CC and HPIb. Records subjective and objective parts of history and exam in correct

place using SOAP notes and appropriate medical abbreviations where helpful

c. Collects vitals d. Prepares and informs patient of exam procedures and preventative

health measurese. Sets up and assembles appropriate exam equipment and is prepared to

hand of instruments as requestedf. Practices standard precautions throughout and cleans

equipment/room appropriatelyg. Completes all steps accurately within 15 minutes or less

***IYA: Describe the positions, procedures, and instruments used in specialty examinations (pediatric, gynecological, wound care)

AdvHealthOcc- PilgrimPractice Logs


CLINICAL MA RESPONSIBILITIES• Report to clinical coordinator or practice administrator• Perform nursing procedures under supervision of physician or physician assistant• Assist physician and physician assistant in exam rooms• Escort patients to exam rooms, interviews patients, measure vital signs, including weight, blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and document all information in patient’s chart• Give instructions to patients as instructed by physician or physician assistant• Ensure all related reports, labs and information is filed is available in patients’ medical records prior to their appointment• Keep exam rooms stocked with adequate medical supplies, maintain instruments, prepare sterilization as required• Take telephone messages and provide feedback and answers to patient/physician/pharmacy calls• Triage and process messages from patients and front office staff to physicians and physician assistants• Maintain all logs and required checks (i.e. refrigerator temperatures, emergency medications, expired medications, oxygen, cold sterilization fluid change, etc.)• All other duties as assigned by clinical coordinator or practice administrator