· Web viewRemember, Babylon was a religious system in the olden days and it is pointing to a...

3 Angels Message I am relieved to be at this lecture already. I am thankful that we’ve been able to get here. The reason why I am relieved and can take a breath of air is because we are about to land back on the word of God. When we started this lecture series we built a biblical foundation. In the very first lecture we asked what the bible says about the end of the world. Does it even exist? Then we asked the question who God is. Jesus Christ showed that He is God. We then looked into the structure of prophecy and how to understand prophecy and chiasm. Then in lecture 4 we came down the left hand side of the chiasm into the Great Controversy. Then in lecture 5 we took off. The first four lectures we were trimming the wings and fueling the plane. Lecture 5 onwards we took off. I warned that we would need to fasten our safety belts because the information will be pretty shocking. From lecture 5 all the way up to where we are now, we’ve been uncovering more and more satanic deceptions. These deceptions have reached into Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism and into all religions and even into the secular world through evolution and other aspects that are pertaining satanic deceptions. Lucifer when he was in heaven had gained control over certain portions of the angels and now he uses them to roll out this terrible sly and deceptive way of trying to gain control of people’s lives. The problem with deception though is that you don’t know you are deceived until you wake up or come out of deception. It is like being asleep. You don’t know that you are asleep until you wake up. When you fall asleep at night and you are reading a book or rolling around you don’t actually know when you’re falling asleep. You only know you were asleep in the morning when you wake up. It is the same with deception. People often come to me and say, ‘I am not deceived!’ The problem with that is, that is exactly how deceived people think. I didn’t think I was deceived. We’ve been through all this effort of trying to put this puzzle piece together, this one little mosaic piece after the other showing you how satanic deception really works. Now we’ll take all of that and show you how it fits into the context of the bible. The bible very clearly

Transcript of   · Web viewRemember, Babylon was a religious system in the olden days and it is pointing to a...

Page 1:   · Web viewRemember, Babylon was a religious system in the olden days and it is pointing to a religious system in the New Testament as well which in the olden days was very attractive

3 Angels MessageI am relieved to be at this lecture already. I am thankful that we’ve been able to get here. The reason why I am relieved and can take a breath of air is because we are about to land back on the word of God. When we started this lecture series we built a biblical foundation. In the very first lecture we asked what the bible says about the end of the world. Does it even exist? Then we asked the question who God is. Jesus Christ showed that He is God. We then looked into the structure of prophecy and how to understand prophecy and chiasm. Then in lecture 4 we came down the left hand side of the chiasm into the Great Controversy. Then in lecture 5 we took off. The first four lectures we were trimming the wings and fueling the plane. Lecture 5 onwards we took off. I warned that we would need to fasten our safety belts because the information will be pretty shocking. From lecture 5 all the way up to where we are now, we’ve been uncovering more and more satanic deceptions. These deceptions have reached into Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism and into all religions and even into the secular world through evolution and other aspects that are pertaining satanic deceptions. Lucifer when he was in heaven had gained control over certain portions of the angels and now he uses them to roll out this terrible sly and deceptive way of trying to gain control of people’s lives. The problem with deception though is that you don’t know you are deceived until you wake up or come out of deception. It is like being asleep. You don’t know that you are asleep until you wake up. When you fall asleep at night and you are reading a book or rolling around you don’t actually know when you’re falling asleep. You only know you were asleep in the morning when you wake up. It is the same with deception. People often come to me and say, ‘I am not deceived!’ The problem with that is, that is exactly how deceived people think. I didn’t think I was deceived.

We’ve been through all this effort of trying to put this puzzle piece together, this one little mosaic piece after the other showing you how satanic deception really works. Now we’ll take all of that and show you how it fits into the context of the bible. The bible very clearly has got a 3 angels messages passage that comes about in Revelation. We are going to open the word of God.

Revelation 14:1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty [and] four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads.

14:2 And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps:

14:3 And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred [and] forty [and] four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.

Here is a passage in the bible that speaks about a group of people. Interestingly enough if you do the cross-referencing you’ll see it’s the hundred and forty four thousand that are sealed in their foreheads. We’ll get to the seal just now.

What is this idea of the mark of the beast? We’ll get to that just now.

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Here is a group of a hundred and forty four thousand and they are singing a new song. Only they can sing the song. That sometimes is difficult to understand. What do you mean by ‘new song’? This is a song of redemption. This is a song of salvation. This is a song that only the hundred and forty four thousand will be able to sing. If you back in the lectures you’ll come to the one way we discussed the hundred and forty four thousand. It is not a literal hundred and forty four thousand. We’ve shown that. It is the group – twelve thousand times twelve thousand, meaning multitudes upon multitudes of people that are saved and taken to heaven. These people can sing a new song that only they can sing. This is related to a conversion experience. Only once you’ve been through a conversion can you speak about what it was like to be converted. Through your experience you can sing a new song of thanks to the Lord. This group will be singing a new song that only they will understand and have experience of because they will have gone through this conversion experience.

Revelation 14:4 These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, [being] the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.

14:5 And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.

This text is split up into various sections. Let’s just break it up and analyze what it says.

Revelation 14:4 These are they which were not defiled with women…

What does that mean? I know of someone – it is a very sad story – what happened when this person read this text is he divorced his wife because he said that here it says ‘These are they which were not defiled with women’ and he won’t be defiled. Therefore he will have nothing to do with women. That is not what it is about. In the bible and in prophecy, the Lord speaks about the church as the bride, the pure woman versus harlot/impure woman. ‘These are they which are not defiled with women’ refers to ‘these are the saints that have come through this conversion experience which have not been defiled by associating with false doctrines or doctrines embedded with false systems of worship – false woman/harlot/whores – people that are whoring after other gods and church systems that contain elements of rat poison, just one thing that wrong. These are they which are not defiled with women.

These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. This is the group of people that will do what they’ll have to do but they’ll stand on what the bible says and what Jesus Christ says and they will follow that no matter what. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth without compromise.

Revelation 14:3 … These were redeemed from among men, [being] the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.

14:5 And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.

These are the people that you won’t find lies in their mouths. They are without fault. This is a pure group. How does this relate to the three angels messages? There are three distinct messages that to out into the world at the end of time.

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Revelation 14:6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,

14:7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

This is a message/calling that goes out from this angel into the earth. This angel is carrying the everlasting gospel. He warns that the judgment is come. give glory to God for the hour of His judgment is come. on the back of that worship Him who made heaven, and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters. What is this judgment story? What is this all about? What is this angel calling about? This is not a literal angel. It is a process of awakening of the message within a group of people about coming back in line with the word of God towards the end of time. It is described as an angel flying in heaven and it is a message that goes out into the world that warns the world about certain apostasies and certain things that are taking place.

What is this standard of judgment that will be used in this case?

James 1:25 But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth [therein], he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.

James 2:12 So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.

What is this standard of judgment? It is the law of liberty. People today say, ‘but there is no sin’ and we’ve even seen some of the religious leaders saying that there is no sin.

What is sin

1 John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law:

[Pt. 2 of 11]

1 John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

So, if according to 1 John 1:8, you deny sin then you’ve been deceived.

1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

Romans 4:15 for where no law is, [there is] no transgression.

If you are traveling down the highway and there is no speed limit like the ‘Auto-ban’ in Europe, Germany you can travel at whatever speed you want. If there is no law governing your speed then you cannot break the speed limit. But if they put 120 Km/hr sign board up and they enforce the law and say you will not travel faster than that, and you decide to travel at 160 Km/hr, you are then breaking the law. The determination of whether you are breaking the law or not is determined by whether there is a law or not. That’s why many of the churches today especially the Christian denominations say the laws have

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been done away with. But think about it in reverse. If there is a 120 Km/hr speed limit on the highway and you decide to travel at 110 Km/hr, there is also no law against you. You know that there are certain barriers that you are not allowed to cross and if you don’t cross them, that 120 Km/hr law does not come to effect. That law only comes into effect when you break it. Does it make sense? Only when you travel faster than 120 Km/hr do you need to fill guilty about that 120Km/hr sign board. That is why Romans 4:15 says where there is no law, there is no transgression. So, either on the outer bond where there is no 120 Km/hr board, there is no transgression or if there is a law that’s guiding you and you’re not breaking it, there is also no transgression: But according to the word of God in Romans 6:23 it says the wages of breaking the law of God (sin) is death, but the Lord always give you the one and then He gives you the other.

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Sin will be against you at the end of time when you’ve travelled faster than 120 Km/hr. so, we’ll have to discuss your punishment. But in the same of vain the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. The Lord always says here is the speed limit, but there is the savior. Sin separates from God. It doesn’t bring people closer to God. It drives us away from the Lord.

Isaiah 59:2 But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid [his] face from you, that he will not hear.

This is a way of Isaiah writing about the things that have separated mankind from how it was in the time of the Garden of Eden. Oh, how I long to be able to walk in the Garden of Eden and rub my fingers through the [0:03:38] of a lion. How I long to be able to run and let my children run and play and pick the fruits of the trees. How I long for the diet to be restored to what it used to be so that we can get rid of these greasy, fatty hamburgers and go back to the purity of the diet as it was in the Garden of Eden. How I long that no longer will there be animals killing each other. More of this will be discussed in creation to restoration, the lecture at the end of the series.

Sin has separated man from God and driven him down and down. Today where mankind is driven like cattle towards accepting a new world order, the final events are about to take place.

John 8:3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,

8:8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.

8:10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?

8:11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

This is the righteousness by faith that is offered by Jesus Christ. Here, a woman is dragged away having being caught red-handed busy with adultery. They dragged her in front of Jesus Christ. They dropped

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this woman there and were about to stone her, condemning her to death for adultery. Jesus kneels down and writes with His finger in the sand. There are only three times in the bible when this was done, where God writes with His finger; once He wrote in stone. With His finger, He gave us the Ten Commandments. The second time He did it in King Belteshazar time with the writings on the wall where He spoke about the kingdom being given over to the Medes and Persians. The third time is where Jesus again kneels down. It always has got to do with judgment or correction, coming back in line. It says in Jeremiah that He starts writing in the earth the sins of the people. Here Jesus is writing ‘Mark, you’ve sinned so and so. John you’ve sinned so and so,’ and as the people realize what is being written, they have to drop the rocks because He said ‘he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.’ As Jesus looks up, He looks around and says ‘woman, where are your accusers? Has no man condemned thee? She says, ‘no, Lord. No man. They’ve left.’ Then Jesus said to her two very important things. He said, ‘neither do I condemn thee.’ That is where Christianity stops today. Today, you can do anything, think anything, you can continue on with anything because Jesus won’t condemn you; but Jesus has got always two pillars to His truth. He says, neither do I condemn thee. Go and sin no more. On which condition must she continue on this path? It is by continuing under the 120 Km/hr board. Jesus died for our sins. He died to save us from being fined for travelling too fast. He died that we won’t have to suffer the consequences of our sin which is eternal death: But, He says, go and sin no more. Now that you understand, acknowledge and are able to recognize your sin, go and sin no more.

Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.

6:15 What then? Shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.

What is being explained here is exactly as I have said. For sin shall have no dominion over you, which means don’t break the 120 Km/hr board because then you are under grace. Then, the question what then? Shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? That’s why people say the law has been taken away. No! You are under the law. You are not being condemned because you are traveling slower than 120 Km/hr. then He says, because we are not under the law should we then sin? God forbid. That is the strongest wording that can be used. God forbid that we go faster than 120 Km/hr. God forbid that we do adultery. God forbid that we use the Lord’s name in vein. God forbid that we get involved in anything that might cause us to steel, etc. The law only comes into effect once you break it.

Romans 3:20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law [is] the knowledge of sin.

Only once you break the speed barrier, you give recognition to the fact that you’re going faster than 120 Km/hr, only by breaking the law do we recognize or have knowledge of sin. We have to be taught the law to recognize that we are breaking the law.

Romans 3:31 Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.

In other words, by following what Jesus said, by working through Him in faith, do we then remove the law? Does it not exist anymore? God forbid! By doing so, you establish the faith. By traveling 110 Km/hr,

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you are enforcing the law of 120 Km/hr. that is what He is saying, except not really, He is referring to the moral law.

Romans 7:12 Wherefore the law [is] holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.

There are four gospels in the bible; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Just like when you buy a car or you purchase a house, you need witnesses to witness next to you. You need …

[Pt. 3 of 11]

You need three or more to sign the document to make it valid. The Gospel of Jesus has been explained in four different ways to make sure that there are witnesses for what took place. Matthew describes Jesus as Christ the King. Mark explains Jesus as Christ the servant. Luke describes Jesus as Christ the man and John explains Jesus as Christ the divine. These are four different ways of speaking about the same subject so that we get the full essence of who Jesus really is. it is the same as the five books of Moses. Genesis shows the Christ our creator and redeemer. Exodus shows Christ our sanctuary. Leviticus is Christ our sacrifice. Numbers is Christ our guide and Deuteronomy explains Christ as our reward. The same as in the Old Testament as the New Testament. That is why Jesus says;

Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.

5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

He hasn’t come to take the law away. He hasn’t come to take the moral law away. He took the ceremonial law away that was part of crucifixion, we know that.

Luke 16:17 It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law. [NIV]

What is the Law

The law is the Ten Commandments. It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for one element of the law to drop away. Isn’t that incredible? Those are profound words – one element. Can you think of one element of the law that you might not be in line with at the moment?

1 John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

Hebrews 5:9 And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;

Today the world has de-emphasized obedience and over-emphasized grace. Today the world says, it doesn’t matter how fast you drive on the highway, the 120 Km/hr board is for the losers at the back. Jesus has saved you and you can do whatever you want. You can speed on the highway at whatever

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speed you want because Jesus will save you at the end of the day. That is not true. It is a lie. He can only help you if you acknowledge and obey and submit to His authority. The same way 120 Km/hr board is on the highway, the same way the moral law is the speed limit of our lives. Today where the world de-emphasizes obedience to the moral law, and over-emphasizes salvation by grace; you can fornicate and do whatever you want, but Jesus will save you, that is not true. It is a lie. That is why when you look into the New Testament, you can see;

The first commandment in Matthew 4:10,

The second commandment in 1 John 5:21, third commandment and all the way through to the tenth commandment each one of them being repeated and reiterated throughout the New Testament. The Old Testament spoke about the Tabernacle in Numbers 1:51-53 about the Tabernacle, the sanctuary being pitched in our midst. The New Testament in John 1:14 speaks about Jesus Christ who is in the midst of His people – Christ with us, Immanuel. The one is a fulfillment of the other, a typology. Do you remember we went through this in the previous lectures about how every year, the Passover lamb was offered at 3 pm on a Friday afternoon? While the priests were busy preparing the Passover lamb for slaughter, Jesus was being crucified outside the city. They didn’t recognize their own prophecies, and look what trouble they got into. Four days before the Passover lamb was offered, they would take the lamb into the house with them. Four days before Jesus was crucified the San Hidren condemned Jesus to death – type and anti-type. The Passover lamb, not the bone was allowed to be broken on its body and it had a skewer stuck in it in order to roast it. Jesus Christ, not a bone was broken in His body and He was stubbed with a spear – a fulfillment type of anti-type.

Jesus Christ in the Old Testament is depicted in three sanctuaries; the single entrance depicts the one way through Jesus Christ. The high priest points to Jesus Christ. The burnt offering represents Jesus Christ. The ashes represent the judgment on the wicked. The laver for washing represents Jesus Christ washing away our sins through baptism. The sacrifice of the lamb is represented in Jesus’ innocent death on our behalf. The holy place represents elements for our lives focused on Jesus Christ and the most holy points towards and shows us in the Old Testament Jesus Christ in the throne of God in heaven.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 1:29 … Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.

If Jesus Christ wasn’t the fulfillment of the typology, He couldn’t be the lamb that takes the sins away from the world. This is the everlasting gospel that the angel as he’s flying through the air warns us to worship Him that made heaven and earth. That angel has got everlasting gospel. What is everlasting gospel? It is righteousness by faith through the outpouring of salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ, the acknowledgment of Jesus Christ as your savior. This is the everlasting gospel as given by the first angel’s message. This is a call going into the world asking the world to please acknowledge Jesus as your savior, not one of the other gods. Jesus is your God. Listen to what He says.

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Second Angels’ Message

Revelation 14:8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

These are very hard words and as we work through this it gets harder and harder. It is not difficult, but harder. Remember, Babylon was a religious system in the olden days and it is pointing to a religious system in the New Testament as well which in the olden days was very attractive to the Israelites. Babel-Babylon standing for Bab-el, another gate to God, the Bab-el system… I will get into the Bab of the Bahi movement in the next lecture. The New gate, also starting in this interesting date of 1844 which we’ll look at in the next lecture…

Here is this woman riding the beast, who is making all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

The wine of Babylon is the exalting of the false and spurious sabbath above the Sabbath which the Lord Jehovah hath blessed and sanctified for the use of man, also [it is] the immortality of the soul. These kindred heresies, and the rejection of the truth, convert the church into Babylon. Kings, merchants, rulers, and religious teachers are all in corrupt harmony. {2SM 68.2}

This is a very hard message. The constricts of the wine of Babylon are two fold;

1. The acknowledgment and the acceptance of the false and superior Sabbath2. The acknowledgment and the acceptance of the immortality of the soul

On these two foundations are built the biggest lie that the world has ever seen.

Revelation 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here [are] they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

Here are the people that do keep a specific Sabbath and have the faith of Jesus Christ. You can’t keep nine of the commandments. You can’t keep three of the commandments. You’re either breaking them or you are not. The bible says that if you break one, you break them all. Mystic Babylon as we explained in Revelation 16:13, has got three components. Do you remember what they were?

Revelation 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs [come] out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

16:14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles…

Do you remember the beast, the dragon and the false prophet? We’ve discussed the dragon. Now I hope that this will start to make sense. Here is this message coming out from heaven and now I will take all the lectures that we’ve done and put it in so that it makes sense.

Here is a warning about this mystic Babylon of which one part is the dragon. Do you remember this quotation from Prof. J. S. Malan?

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"... The inverted cross... is not broken, but turned upside down. It indicates the rejection of Jesus Christ and contempt for the gospel of salvation. People who are sometimes sacrificed to Satan on Black Sabbath are crucified upside down..." - Prof. J. S. Malan

This idea of an upside down cross has something to do with the dragon. Can you remember who the dragon…

[Pt. 4 of 11]

This idea of an upside down cross has something to do with the dragon. Can you remember who the dragon was? The dragon is Satan. This is a new quotation which I am adding in for the first time. You’ll see sometimes, I will use some to bring it back in your memories but others I will add in. if you go back to the lecture, ‘The Seat of the Dragon’, you’ll see something about the upside-down cross. This is just another quotation on the same confirmation. What is the pope doing with the cross behind him?

There CNN says 'Pope visits holy site of the Sermon on the Mount.' The 'inverted Cross,' ... has been satanic symbol since the 7th century. The various inverted crosses shown are signs of belonging to satanic worship. At satanic meetings they are used in various ways to desecrate or mock Jesus."

Here are four more images that happened when the pope visited the holy site of the Sermon on the Mount. A warning in the bible, in the second angels’ message is be careful there is this mystic element of the dragon. Do not get involved.

What about the bent or twisted cross? Did we see that element of the dragon coming through?

It says according to the Roman Catholic [0:01:22]

"This Bent Crucifix is '... a sinister symbol, used by Satanists in the sixth century, that had been revived at the time of Vatican Two. This was a bent or broken cross, on which was displayed a repulsive and distorted figure of Christ which the black magicians and sorcerers of the Middle Ages had made use of to represent the Biblical term 'Mark of the Beast.' Yet not only Paul VI, but his successors, the two John Pauls, carried that object and held it up to be revered by crowds who had not the slightest idea that it stood for anti-Christ."

Is the dragon starting to come back?

"[Martin] vividly described a ceremony called 'The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer' purportedly held in St. Paul's Chapel in the Vatican,.. The enthronement was linked with concurrent satanic rites in the U.S. on June 29, 1963..." - Malachi Martin (1996)

"One finds every shade of New Age, Occult, and mystical belief inside the Roman Catholic Church...'Catholic World' had an entire issue affirming the New Age movement, without a word of condemnation of correction (May/June 1989)" - A Woman Rides The Beast, P. 420-421

You’ve seen this picture twice in these lectures. “Catholic priest has yen for Zen” It makes no difference, if you are involved in meditation or Buddhist meditation or Hindu Meditation. As long as you

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acknowledge the immortality of the soul, you are in line with the Catholic doctrine as well as all the other pagan type religions.

Do you remember this one?

"... 100 Catholic priests have signed up for the world's first university course in devil worship and Satanism, now officially underway in Rome...”

An unbelievable acknowledgment and admission that they are actually involved in this stuff! Then I showed you The Wondering Bishops. These are the bishops that are pushing the New Age movement. You can see by the hand signals whose their affiliation is with.

This idea of immortality of the soul is one element according to the writing of Ellen White. It is one element that makes up this mystic Babylon. The one is superior Sabbath (we’ll get to this just now) and the other one is the immortality of the soul. Re-incarnation allows this immortal soul to come back in and lead you to a higher comma every life you come back and that is the process of evolution – growing and growing until we reach Godhead.

Do you remember this magazine cover from the Krishna movement? "Back To Godhead" here you have the founder, they call him His Divine grace.

Do you remember Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, or 'Osho' as they call him? Interestingly enough, the European people specifically worship this man like he is a walking, talking God on earth. I showed you the Bhagwan, the Royce, royces video clips of these people being worshiped as if they were God because they have a certain divine element inside themselves.

Then I showed you the Metreya who appeared in 1988. Six years after he was advertised in newspapers, ‘The Metreya is here’, in 1988 he appeared in Nairobi and he healed certain people and TV sets went on and this face (‘Jesus’) was seen right around the world.

Not only that, interestingly enough, the Fox sisters had some interesting things that happened about 100 years before that. Today we see a tomb stone that says;

"The birth place of modern spiritualism. Upon this site stood the Hedgesville cortege, the home of the Fox sisters. There is no death. There are no dead."

We went into detail in the lecture ‘What Happens when You Die’ so that you can see what happens when you die to understand do we have an immortal soul because this is a belief system that is being spread around the world.

"The fundamental principle of spiritsm is that human beings survive bodily death and that occasionally, under conditions not yet fully understood, we can communicate with those who have gone before." - J. A. Hill, Spiritualsm, History, Phenomena, and Doctrine, p. 25

I also showed you John Edward and various others of these [0:06:08] type people who were involved in speaking to the dead. What does the bible say?

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Psalm 146:4 His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.

Ecclesiastes 9:10 … for [there is] no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.

The people are asleep. They don’t know anything.

1 Corinthians 15:9 Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?

Ecclesiastes 9:5 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.

9:6 Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any [thing] that is done under the sun.

Could this be clearer? There is this call to acknowledge the immortality of the god within you. This is pantheism and that this god continues after you die – this element of god within you. This is pantheism/satanic. The bible says that when you die you are asleep and it is by acknowledging life after death, you are opening the door for Satan and his demons to impersonate the dead.

"What spiritualism is and does; It removes all fear of death, which is really the portal to the spirit world. It teaches that death is not the cessation of life, but mere change of condition. Spiritualism is God's message to mortals, declaring that 'There is no death.' That all who have passed on still live. That there is hope in the life beyond for the most sinful." - The Progressive Thinker

Incredible! Is this serpent language or is this God language? This is serpent language. The reason why the second angels’ message goes out and warns us about this Babylon, that acknowledging the immortality of the soul is because it is being accepted more and more widely through out Christian circles. Even in the church where I grew up, there were services for the dead. We gave communion to the dead. We baptized the dead. We even gave the dead the Holy Spirit. I didn’t know that I was part of a system of acknowledging a life from Satan. I wouldn’t have done it if I had known that. Here on their website even today it says;

The New Apostolic Christians believe in the beyond.’

This is the acknowledgment of the place of waiting. You don’t die and go to heaven or to hell. You go to a place of waiting. That is a lie. It doesn’t exist. This belief in life after death opens the way for Satan to deceive mankind.

What about evolution? Why is this idea of evolution so widely accepted in the world today? Do you remember the Time magazine article and the Sunday Times from the Roman Catholic Church? It said;

"Genesis is 'nonsense': The Catholic Church has officially debunked a literal interpretation of the creation according to Genesis as utter nonsense."

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"Vatican Thinking Evolves: The Pope gives his blessings to natural selection though man's soul remains beyond sciences reach." - Times Magazine

This is the problem. ‘Evolution is fact.’ It is fact they say. In other words there is no creation and it is not pure evolution. It is sort of natural selection by the guided hand of God. That is theistic evolution that we’ve been through…

[Pt. 5 of 11]

And natural selection gets its blessing from the Vatican. Not only that, on 9 th of June, 2006 the ‘Pope's evolution seminar to be published’: Here Catholic theologians see no contradiction between their belief in divine creation and the scientific theory of evolution. Christianity today more than ever before believes in the spiraling of this evolution spiral as we are spiraling towards Godhood. We came from a rock or a plasmatic soup, some mollusk, we climbed out of the water, became mammals and climbed back into the water, some of them stayed on land and from there it’s just spiraled up and the next level is this ultimate spirituality as we are spiraling towards Godhood. This is a Catholic belief, it is a satanic belief. Without creation there is no mighty God. Don’t ever let anybody tell you that God shows His majesty through evolution more than in creation. It is a lie. What is more impressive; to have a production line with parts coming in here and a Mercedes going out there or to have no parts and a Mercedes appears from nowhere? That is creation. Without creation there is no Almighty God. Without Almighty God there is no single authority. Without a single authority there is no judgment including the judgment that was given at the time of Noah. Without judgment there is no need for repentance. So, the evolution theory leads people to realize and accept and acknowledge that there is no need for repentance. On the back of that, but then add the rapture where you now have got a second chance - it doesn’t matter if you don’t go in the first time – to make it. That is satanic logic.

Revelation 14:7 … Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

I am the Creator. Please acknowledge me according to my authority. Acknowledge me according to the things that I have set up. I want you to know that I am your God, not some silly evolutionary re-incarnative process where you’re spiraling towards Godhood. This is a call that goes out from heaven and its urgency is one that should reach every soul on earth.

We’ve looked into the dragon and I will continue now with the beast.

[Pt. 6 of 11]

We are looking at the 3 angels’ messages. As you’ll see and have seen in the first half, I am taking information from our previous lectures and putting it now into context so that you can see how these three calls that come from heaven fit together. Also, you are now able to understand that there is a definitive and a distinct message from the Lord speaking to us and warning us about these things. People often misunderstand the reason why we do these lectures. We are not just trying to expose the falls systems of worship; we are exposing them so that people can understand that this is the

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requirement as regards the 3 angel’s messages. We looked into the first angels’ message where the angel called to acknowledge the everlasting gospel and worship Him, that is Jesus Christ through the law as a defining principle on how to determine on what is good and sinful.

We are busy with the second angels’ message. Do you remember the two aspects that make up Babylon – the two characteristics of Babylon? They were the Sabbath and immortality of the soul. Babylon has three components that it breaks itself into – the dragon, beast and the false prophet. We looked into the dragon and we saw the affiliations to the dragon. Let’s take it to the beast for a moment.

The Beast

Here you have Pope John Paul II with his hand signal again and also with the Dalai Lama showing the coming of a world religion. It makes no difference if you follow the Dalai Lama or the Papacy. It is the same religion at the top. People don’t understand this. When you look at the clergy of the Roman Catholic system you see the hand signals of the inner initiates. They understand what they are busy with at certain levels. The Roman Catholic Chief or the Bishop/Pope is all things to all men. It doesn’t matter if you are a Hindu, Buddhist, Jew or a Muslim. These things at the top initiates’ side, all the religions are the same thing. For the cattle and the catechuma they are different marketing plans to get you to follow different ideas. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be possible for this image to be true.

Here you have a pagan priestess putting the Shiva mark/eye of Lucifer on the forehead of Pope John Paul II. He is saying in this image that what he believes is the same or has no contradiction to what this pagan priestess believes. Also, Pope John II kisses the Koran. The Koran as we’ve shown in previous lectures is a document that disproves Jesus Christ or it says that Jesus Christ appeared to die but He didn’t really die for us. It was just made to appear like He died on our behalf. The bible warns and says that he that denies the Christ has got the spirit of antichrist. Here you see an image of him as he’s at the wailing war – the sacred place of worship for Judaism. As I say, it doesn’t make a difference. If you are a Jew and involved unknowingly with sun worship or if you are a Buddhist, Christina, Muslim or a Hindu and are also unknowingly involved in sun worship, somehow inside they are all the same thing. We’ve explained this in depth throughout these lectures.

Do you remember the sun symbol that they hold up, that is called the [0:03:50] as they walk through the streets and the symbols of the queen of heaven (Mary) is the one with the crown. She is the one with a child on her lap. You’ve got two trinities – The Father, Son and Holy Ghost and the false, insider, pagan trinity of father, mother and child. On the Vatican itself; you remember on the papal crest, there was this image of the Vatiscan. Vatis means the diviner and can meaning serpent – divining serpent. This is the serpent that can predict the future – Vatiscan or Vatican. That is the foundation of the Vatican. As we’ve shown you in the previous lectures about the Builder Burgers and the media moguls, the people that are controlling the information, Pope John Paul is seen as the man of the year. Not only that, I think his face appeared 16 times on the cover of Times magazine alone.

John Paul superstar: Triumph return of the Pope in Poland.

When Benedict was appointed it said on Time magazine;

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“Inside the mind of the Pope; how concervative will he be? How will he be elected?’

Understanding this world leader and driving his profile ever higher; but there is a warning from heaven about this dragon and the beast. In 1986 a profound happening took place for the first time in history. That is only 21 years ago. Watch this video clip;

[Video Playing]

Do you remember what happened in 1981? Reagan was the first president to face the obelisk and three years later full channels were open, the diplomatic relations between America and Rome. Two years later, Buddhist, Shinto, Protestants, Catholics, all pagan religions and everybody comes to a [0:07:09] in Rome and there the Pope says that ‘we are all bowing down and worshiping the same god.’ I disagree. As a Christian, I am not bowing down to the same God as the Muslim. As a Christian I am not bowing down to the same God as a Shinto’s. As a Christian I am not bowing down to the same God as a Hindu. My God is Jesus Christ and He have proved Himself over and over to be the true and only savior of the world and yet this perfect image of Christ is being broken down. He’s now becoming just one of the team. It doesn’t matter if you worship Him or you worship anybody else. This was a function put together by the Roman Catholic Church calling together the world’s religion in preparation for a one world religion.

Revelation 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who [is] like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

This first beast (antichrist) is so powerful. Who’s able to make war with him? Who’s able to stop him even today? That is a fulfillment of prophecy. Who is able to make war with the Vatican without the rest of the world turning on him? This is a fulfillment of prophecy; but they worshiped the dragon who gave the power unto the beast. That is the cynical part. That is the rat poison in the system. It says that all nations followed the beast. They all bowed down.

On the 7th April, 2005 as U.S.A Today explained;

"The State Bows to the Church: President Bush... his wife, Laura, his father former president George Bush, former president Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice... knelt in a pew in front of the body, bowing their heads."

For the first time in history the American governmental powers, the super power of the world, in 2005, bowed down in humble acknowledgment of the Roman Catholic leader. These images were seen around the world and they were a fulfillment of prophecy as have never been.

When Pope John Paul II died cardinal Rhatsinger came to his place who became Pope Benedict XVI. One of the very first things he said here in Canada;

[Pt. 7 of 11]

Canada, here you see on top it says;

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"Pope Benedict preaches peace during the papacy first 100 days." - Edmonton Journal, Thursday, July 28, 2005

The Unity Theme; bringing all religions together, not only the Christian world together, remember this is unity in error not unity in truth. Jesus Christ wants unity. He says we are all baptized into one body; but He wants a body filled with truth not compromising with error. This is why the number 13 is such a mystical and occult number because it is the combination of error and truth – the 6 and 7 put together. It looks good but it’s got some rat poison in it. The pope is calling today louder than ever for the unification of all the world’s religions. Here when cardinal Rhatsinger was put in as the Pope, he’s being acknowledged.

This is from the [0:01:04], their own documentation.

"World religious leaders applaud to Pope Benedict XVI during a meeting in the Sala Clementina at the Vatican."

Everybody is dressed in their dark clothes when he is dressed in white. Just a couple of days ago 11 th July 2007 the pope declared again that Catholicism is the only true church. All other churches are mere ecclesiastical communities and the Christian churches have to come back to the ‘mother.’ Not only did he do that but at the same time he starts raising the Latin mass. The Latin mass was the mass that they said at the same time that they were persecuting the people into reformation. Latin is the language that was raised in 16th century. It was raised in opposition to the reformation. Here, the pope is starting to develop his final plans to take control of the world. There are going to be times where true Christians will have to stand through persecution or will have to stand evil and error. This will be pushed upon us. If you stand on the bible and the bible alone, you will join in with a group of people that will be outcast as it was in the world.

Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

There is this call; come out of her. In other words, don’t have anything to do with her. You don’t have to be in Babylon to be in Babylon. All you have to look into is your system of worship. Are there any traces of the DNA of the parental link between your church and Rome? Is there any acknowledgment? If you did a paternity test in your church or in your religion is there any acknowledgment of sun worship or some acknowledgment of the papacy? If there is come out of her my people, is the call that goes into the world.

Der Spiegel has this image of [0:03:13] Eternal City of Rome in the holy year of 2000. It speaks about [0:03:22], The Pope, church and sin.

Revelation 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

Remember, this is the woman that rides the beast. This is the beast or the king power that allows another 10 kings to receive power as kings with the beast. That is the beast.

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We’ve covered the dragon and the beast. What about the false prophet?

False Prophet

Do you remember we went into this new liturgy style of being able to dance and sing in church specifically which came from Vatican 2? ‘Put down your bibles. Don’t read them. You don’t need them. Let’s clap and sing and then we’ll get a feeling about how we can associate with God.’

Revelation 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

Remember, this is the beast out of the earth. This is America, the prophecy of America. This American power which was raised fledgling running away from Rome will speak like a dragon and take the world back to Rome. I will run through some images. Bear with me as we explain what we’ve been through.

Do you remember the Google image that I showed you where the Capitol Hill and the Vatican is on almost the same latitude? Not only that, they are an image of one another. Remember we looked at an image to the beast where the Capitol Hill is facing west and the Capitoline Hill is facing east. By standing on the balconies of either buildings they are facing each other with two obelisks between.

Roberto told us that there is a;

“...secret signal/sign that was to be given to the Jesuits world wide when wiped out Protestantism, in preparation for the signing of a concordat between the Vatican and the U.S. The sign was to be when a president of the U.S. took his oath of office facing an obelisk.”

From that time onwards when a president said his oath and faced the obelisk he would then be basically facing Rome. Throughout America’s history we went through all the presidential inaugurations. They were all done on the east protocol of the U.S. Capital. On the 20 th January 1981 it was moved for the first time to the west front of the U.S capitol. From then on it’s been on the west front. From now onwards America faces Rome when she goes through her inauguration process of inaugurating the new president. This happened with Ronald Reagan in 1981 when he put his hand up and said, his oath to the sun symbol/obelisk is actually speaking directly to Rome. What happened after that? Three years later in 1984 Wikipedia says;

“The Unites States and the Vatican establish full diplomatic relations.”

There is a holy alliance that’s opened up between Ronald Reagan and the pope with his hand giving a sign of ‘sshh! Don’t tell anyone. There is a new movement underway to bring about the one world government, one world religion and we’ve got to bring America back in line with Rome. Then Chief Justice William R. of all people says the following.

"The wall of separation between church and state is a metaphor based on bad history."

I beg you a pardon! The wall of separation between church and state is not a metaphor based on bad history, it is based on the fact that people run way from a persecuting power of Rome and they’ve built

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a wall so that the beast couldn’t get through; but that wall has to be broken down so that the church and the secular society and politics can mingle again and the second beast can channel the world back to Rome.

Shock of shocks; November 14, 2004 – Church and state merge under Bush, a complete reversal to the foundational documentation of the U.S.A. In between all of these, you’ve got protestants Baptist leaders like Billy Graham who was spending so much time with the Vatican and with the pope busy opening up these channels. Billy Graham even called the Pope on April, 2005 when he passed away, the moral leader of the world. Why would Billy Graham call the pope the moral leader of the world? Have you thought about it? He’s got his own moral law and that is the law that the world will accept so he would be the moral leader of the world. It makes absolute sense.

Remember we are looking at the false prophet. I showed you how often we have to rely on prophecy to make sure that we understand where we are in time, and not only that, but that we don’t get trapped up with deception. There is the deception of Satan where he’s trying to get us to do things that aren’t correct and accurate. One of those examples is the Passover lamb where the priests that were sacrificing the Passover lamb didn’t understand prophecy. They didn’t spent time understanding prophecy and they were slaughtering the Passover lamb while Jesus was being crucified. If they understood prophecy they would have recognized it. Today the same thing is happening when the world’s favorite pastor, pastor Rick Warren says;

"If you want Jesus to come back sooner, focus on fulfilling your mission, not figuring out prophecy."

He says that Jesus Christ when He was speaking to the disciples and the disciples asked Him, ‘when will you come back? How we’ll we know…” He doesn’t say ‘you must look for this and that… be careful that no man deceives you.’ He says ‘it’s none of your business.’ Jesus quickly changed the conversation. That is not true. Jesus didn’t quickly change the conversation. He wept because He said, ‘you didn’t know the time of your visitation. It’s been laid out in the books. I have given it to you and you couldn’t see it.’ Today Rick Warren is driving out this filth about ‘don’t look at prophecy.’ That is the one thing that we have which proves that Jesus Christ is God. Not only that, he’s taking Catholic theology to the world. People don’t recognize it but he says;

"The first Reformation was about belief; this one's going to be about behavior,'

[Pt. 8 of 11]

The first one was about creeds; this one's going to be about our deeds. The first one divided the church, this time it will unify the church

Rick Warren is one of the main pones in this big muddy buff of bringing the world back to Rome. He is one of the big string pullers. He’s being pulled on the strings but he is also pulling the strings to bring people back in line. How do they do it? They do it through liturgy. He church is known as The Flock that likes to Rock. Don’t leave your bibles down. We don’t worry about that. We’ll have a feeling. We’ll associate to God according to our feelings.

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Robert Schuler who’s a 33 degree freemason loves and supports Bill H. and Rick Warren. They both come from his institution.

"It's time for Protestants to go to the shepherd [Pope] and say 'what do we have to do to come home'" - Robert Schuler

Please we want to come home, Mr. Pope. We don’t want to be Protestants out here in the cold on our own, standing on the bible and the bible alone. We want to come to you as our shepherd. Can you hear the angel calling? Be ware, be ware. Babylon has fallen, that great city. Don’t become part of this.

"To be born again means that we must be changed from a negative to a positive self-image - from inferiority to self-esteem, from fear to love, from doubt to trust... And we can pray, 'Our Father in heaven, honorable is our name [emphasis in the original]." - Robert H. Schuler, Discover Your Possibilities

This is satanic. Billy Graham speaks about Robert Schuler in his book and he says he’s got an amazing ministry. These people are [0:01:51] in one love.

Do you remember I showed you how Kenneth Copeland got drunk on Holy Spirit? I will not show you all those video clips. If you haven’t seen them get the lecture entitled Signs and Lying Wonders. He says;

"And I say this with all respect, so that it doesn’t upset you too bad. But I say it anyway: When I read in the Bible where He says, 'I am', I just smile and say, 'Yes, I am, too." - Believers Voice of Victory Broadcast, July 9th, 1987

When God says I am, he smiles and say ‘I am too.’ His book ‘How to Build your Firm Foundation’ on it you can see the symbols of freemasonry, the compass and setsquare. These people know what they are doing.

Robert Schuler who is a luciferian, insider Christian, he calls himself a Christian but he is actually twisting Christianity back to Rome. He says;

"The most effective mantras employ the 'M' sound. You can get the feel of it by repeating the words, 'I am, I am,' many times over... Transcendental Meditation or TM... is not a religion nor is it necessarily anti-Christian."

Oh, yes it is! it takes you down the path that opens your mind up to all type of influences which are anti-biblical. All you have to do is look at the signal pictures and understand that these people are part of a bigger network.

Billy Graham greeting Robert Schuler with a Masonic handshake on TBN. Also Schuler with Gorbenchev, they are doing the same thing. Even Gorbenchev is somehow linked with Robert Schuler.

Benny Hinn who’s been to South Africa a couple of months ago… I was in one area doing these lectures and warning the people about these guys and a couple of hundred of kilometers away Benny Hinn had flown in on his private jets, helicopters, Limousines and hummer vehicles and he had arrived there

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having one of his crusades. Little do the people realize that he says ‘don’t say I have, just say, I am, I am. Call yourself God. Not only that, he often wears his Catholic regalia hinting towards the fact that he’s somehow guiding the people subconsciously back to Rome. Then he says things like this;

“Don’t tell my you have Jesus. You are everything He was…” It is satanic. ‘Jesus isn’t your savior; you are your own savior. You have the divine immortal principle within you to reach Godhood. We’re evolving into Godhood.’ This is evolution at a different level. Then you have all of these leaders, image after image showing the horned hand – the satanic symbol which we see infiltrating Christianity today.

Handge'-lap, kerse, ikons 'in', it says in the newspaper in 2004. Clapping of hands and ikons and candles. This has how become more commonly available and recognizable in the protestant churches like the [0{05:14] – Dutch Reform Church in South Africa. We’re starting to see the element of Rome coming into the church. The foundations of these churches were built on the fact that Rome was anti-Christ. They even called it [0:05:32], meaning that it is the Roman danger. They spoke about it, preached about it from the alter, they said; ‘be careful of the Roman danger. These are the characteristics. Today, in 2004, the newspaper says;

"Katolieke, NG Kerk jammer our slegcery – The Catholics are receiving apology from Dutch Reformed Church about speaking badly about them. On the bottom here it says; [0:06:01]. They are apologizing for acknowledging the Catholic Church as the Roman danger. Why are they apologizing? Is there any biblical proof that they’ve now uncovered which proves that wrong or is the biblical proof being covered up? You don’t have to read your bible. You leave it behind and your bibles don’t have all the contents anymore and now you can have the clapping of hands and liturgy to make sure that you feel your association with God rather than making sure that what you are learning is according to the word of God.

Another image from a different newspaper says the same thing; "Kerse en Kruise; (dis) als deel van kerklike vernuwing” - Religious revival. It has to do with crosses and candles appearing in the church. These are protestant churches. This is the wine of Babylon starting to come through, the false doctrines.

Here you have an interesting book;

De Belofte von sv Wederkosis - Promise of His return

Have a look at the titles of the people. Here you have Dr. [0:07:25] – Protestant Church in South Africa. You’ve got the president of that Protestant church Isaac B. [0:07:35] who is the Federal President of the [0:07:40] – The Pentecostal Protestant Church. You’ve also got Anton [0:07:46] who is the moderator [0:07:48], the Full Evangelism Church. These are protestant churches. What do they say in this book?

"The Old Covenant was annulled with the betrayal of Judas." p. 158

"Those who still try to keep the law are not spiritually of age and have not yet received the Holy Spirit. If the law is still read these days, it must be for people that are not of age, that is for unbelievers. This is the only sense in which the law is still applicable today. Believers live through the spirit and are not under the law (Gal. 5:25) Believers that try to keep the law are in slavery, but believers that live in the fullness of

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the New Covenant are free. Therefore it is dangerous for believers in the church period to be associated with the law. Churches that read the Ten Commandments on Sundays in the assembly bring their members under the impression that they are still under the law and that they must try to keep the law..." p. 162

Isn’t that incredible? These are the presidents, the moderators and higher vice presidents. I was looking here, one is a moderator, the other is a president of the church, a pastor of theology and a professor of theology saying that the law doesn’t exist anymore. We are now under grace. That means that I can take your car keys, please or can I go and sleep with your wife? Why don’t you just take mine? This idea that I can steal stuff today, oh, no, you can’t steal. I can’t kill you, I can’t steal your stuff but some of the laws are uncomfortable, so the whole law has to be done away with. This is satanic. [0:09:32] The Baal Hadad appearing in the Dutch Reform books. Another part of the false prophet that we’ve discussed in the last couple of lectures is this gentleman, the prophet Kobus Van Rensburg. I will not play you the video. It gets me so cross where the co-principles of the throne room of God, that is the Arch of the Covenant which was on earth representing the throne room of God in heaven where He comes out as a self-proclaimed proph…

[Pt. 9 of 11]

as a self-proclaimed prophet and chops off the arch of the covenant. He breaks the Ten Commandments, the Aaron’s rod, takes the mercy seat and smashes it. These people are not fulfilling the word of God. Do you remember that we looked into the table and I showed you what’s seen today in Pentecostals and charismatic churches around the world is exactly the same manifestation as what’s seen in satanic cultures, Kundalini Yoga, Satiyai, Subud, Kigon and Shakers? These manifestations are the same as in Vudu worship in South Africa where you’ve got this ancestor worship where they start to worship and speak in tongues and they have shakings and all types of new spiritual insights and physical jerks. All these aspects, one after the other are same as what you get in satanic pagan cultures.

The other two tables, read through them and test whether the experiences you’ve been through somehow are in line with what is experienced in pagan cultures.

That’s the second angels’ message. What about the third angels’ message?

Third Angels’ Message

Revelation 14:9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive [his] mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

14:10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

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Here are two groups of people; one group according to verse 11 end up in the smoke of torment that ascends for ever and ever. Remember we read about how we did a study on that? It is not the punishing that’s for ever, it is the punishment. These people will never ever find a rest in Jesus Christ ever again. These people worship the beast. You don’t have to bow down to Satan to do this. You just have to be involved in any of his systems of worship. These people are involved in false systems of worship and they are deceived into receiving what is known as the mark of the beast. Interestingly, at the end it says who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. It has got something to do with a name. In the bible, a name has to do with character. Jesus Christ is called Immanuel, meaning God with us. He’s got many names. He is called Michael which directly translated to mean ‘He who is what God is.’ What about Jacob, the deceiver who became Israel the overcomer with the change of character? Soul, who was the persecutor, became Paul the apostle. A name has to do with association. Here are people that receive the mark of His name. Somehow they receive the mark of the name of Satan, the character of Satan.

Revelation 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Here, you have this mark of the beast. Somehow it will be an implant that takes place if you refuse to bow down and worship the image of the beast. If you don’t you’ll be killed, and this antichrist power, the second beast power causes all, both rich and bound, small and great, free and poor to receive a mark in their forehead or in their right hand. It somehow has got to do with the mark of the beast. Many people ask, ‘what is the mark of the beast? Some people say it’s 666, other people say it is a micro-chip, a barcode; the antichrist is this big computer and the mark of the beast is the barcode on your shopping.’ The thing is, you can’t decide what it is. you see these images all over the world; mark of the beast coming, this implant or the chip in the hand, biometric that can read your fingerprints etc. The literal view of the mark of the beast being this chip in the hand or a chip in the forehead clashes with the very next chapter. The bible has to in its totality be in harmony with itself.

Revelation 14:1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty [and] four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads.

Here is a group of people with the Father’s name written in their foreheads. Just now we read about a different group of people with the dragon’s name written in their foreheads. These two groups of people, each one receives a name or a mark or some sort of identifying seal to say ‘I belong to God or I belong to Satan.’ What is in the name that’s written in the foreheads of these people? What is in the name? There are three things specifically.

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1. A name is a claim of ownership – if I put my name on a contract, for example I am buying a car and I put my name on the contract, I therefore acknowledge I own that car. It is a claim of ownership.

2. It is a claim of character – I have just explained the name in the bible is associated with character. When you give your child you parent’s name they’ll tell you, ‘I hope they will be associated to the good characteristics of that such and such a person.’ If you love somebody and say ‘I will name my child after them, it is because you want the same characteristic that that person has to be embodied in your own child.

3. A confirmation of association – when you get married, the norm is to have your name as the lady to be transferred across to accept the husbands name and that is an acknowledgment or a confirmation of an association. ‘I am now associated in unity with my husband and therefore I accept his name.’

If you’ve got the mark of the beast, that’s what everybody speaks about, it has to be a hundred and eighty degrees opposed to the mark of God. If you’ve got the mark of the beast, so you must have the mark of God.

Let’s first find out what the mark of God is. We obviously have to go and ask God what His mark is and we have to ask the beast what his mark is. You and I can’t decide what the mark of the beast is. We must go to the beast and say, ‘please, tell us what your mark is.’ Let us first find out from God.

In Prophecy, you’ll remember that the word ‘mark’ is interchangeable with the word ‘sign’ or ‘token’. Often when it speaks about a sign in the bible it speaks about an oath which is like a distinguishing mark or a banner – some sort of remembrance that you hold up. It is a sign, something that you put up above your head. That is an oath. The mark of God is an oath. That is why in Exodus 31:17 it uses that Hebrew word oath.

Exodus 31:17 It [is] a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for [in] six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.

The Lord is pointing towards His mark. It has got something to do with… because He goes into … six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed. It is somehow associated with creation. God’s seal has to also have these three characteristics. Let’s change the wording. It still means the same thing but it is from a different angle.

God's seal/mark/banner/distinguishing characteristics have to have;

1. His name

2. His title

3. His territory

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Do you remember this? We went into this in a previous lecture where we showed you what the seal of God was in the lecture ‘The Seat of the Dragon’. Go and have a look at that lecture and this will start to make sense.

The Decalogue: Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work; but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God:... For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day;

Please notice what you see there. For in six days;

The Lord He made Heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is

There is His name, His title and His territory in other words His ownership, character and his association. I am the Lord, the creator of heaven and earth. My name is God…

[Pt. 10 of 11]

My name is God, my title is creator, my jurisdiction is heaven and earth – my territory. The ownership is the Lord, my character is the creator and my association is with heaven and earth and all that in them is. that is why Ezekiel 20:12 is God’s seal again. He says;

Ezekiel 20:12 Moreover also I gave them my Sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I [am] the LORD that sanctify them.

There will be another lord that sanctifies my people. He will try and he will give them a different day; but if you want to know how to acknowledge whether they are my people or not, I will give them a different oath, a different name or distinguishing mark, the mark of God and that is the Sabbath to be a sign between me and them for ever that they’ll know that I am their Lord and not a different God.

If the Sabbath is the mark, the sign, the name of God, then what is the mark of the beast? I can’t tell you and you can’t tell me. Who is the beast? That is the first question. Once you know who the beast is, you can go and ask the beast what his mark is. Throughout these lectures we’ve come to realize that the beast is the Roman Catholic system. It is headed up by the papacy. This is the antichrist beast. What is the antichrist’s beast mark of authority? God’s one is the Sabbath. That is His authority. It is the only commandment in the Decalogue where He stamps His authority. What is the place where the Roman Catholic Church stamps her authority? Let’s ask them.

"The Bible says remember the Sabbath day. The Catholic Church says No! By my divine power I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week. And lo, the entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the holy Catholic Church." - Father Enright, American Sentinel

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"Sunday is our mark of authority... The Church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact." - Catholic Records, September 1, 1923

We have more authority than the bible. The church is above the bible and the fact that we’ve taken the mark of God and turned it into the mark of Rome is proof that we’ve got more power than the bible. Here you have one mark and there another mark. When James Cardinal G. was in the debate… sometimes the Catholic Church is known to have said, ‘no, we wouldn’t have done that’ and there is this raging debate whether they’ve done it or not, he says;

"Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change was her act, and the act is a MARK of her ecclesiastical power"

Here is one authority! This is the sign, the banner, the mark, the seal that identifies me and God’s people. Here is the banner, the mark, the seal, the oath, the identifying characteristic that identifies Rome and her people. Here is the mark of the beast and here is the mark of God. The two are completely different but they are so close. In one, you either face west and face the Sabbath in the sanctuary of God and face Yahweh in the tabernacle in the holy of holies or you turn your back on the tabernacle and the holy of holies and face the west and bow down to sun worship.

Remember, the mark of the beast has got nothing to do with sun-day worship. It has to do with sun worship. The mark of the beast has got to do with realizing that the whole world is going to be involved in sun worship because it is through sun worship that Satan is channeling worship to himself. The Hindus will receive the mark of the beast because they are involved in sun worship. The Muslims got [0:04:10] which way do they bow down and when do they bow down? They do it to the east, morning and evening. They are involved in sun worship. Christians today are involved in sun worship. Theologians are fighting to say the Sabbath has been done away with. We are no longer under the law. Rely on your feelings and your association and your closeness to God. Speak in tongues because that will help you realize that this is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. No! it is not the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues is given as a distinct language where I can today speak only three languages, and tomorrow I can speak four. I can all of a sudden, out of the blues speak Spanish. That is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The whole world will bow down to the beast but yet they will be deceived into receiving the mark of the beast.

Just like a home owner, when it takes ownership of the house or a car and you seal the contract by signing on it so Satan will seal the people by saying these are my people. All of them are involved in sun worship. God will say, ‘these are my people. All of them have refused any association to sun worship.’

Please do not be deceived about the mark of the beast. It has got absolutely nothing to do with barcodes or chips in your hand. That is the rock that they are throwing into the bush to destruct your attention away from the truth. The war in heaven was about worship. The mark of the beast has to do with worship.

Revelation 14:9 … If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive [his] mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

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It has to do with worship. If you worship the beast or anything regarding the beast, you’ll receive the mark in your forehead.

Revelation 14:11 …who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

That is the one side. If you worship the beast you get the mark of the beast. According to Deuteronomy there is a difference at the rules. It says;

Deuteronomy 11:13 … if ye shall hearken diligently unto my commandments which I command you this day…

11:16 Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them;

11:18 Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.

Here is this recognition that the Lord is kindling up a group of people who are going to have the commandments bound to their hands and frontlets between their eyes. What is between your eyes? It is your cognitive thinking, the seat of intelligence of mankind. What is in your hands? It is the things that you do. It is your deeds. Here the Lord is referring to the commandments that your thinking is according to the word of God and your doing is according to the word of God. It has got nothing to do with implanting a micro-chip somewhere under the skin in your forehead. That is the deception. It has got to do with worship.

Hebrews 8:10 For this [is] the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:

It has to do with acknowledging the truth of Jesus Christ.

Luke 24:38 And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?

It has to do with writing these laws into your heart, the thoughts that rise in your heart, this inner voice. You receive this seal of God by associating both your cognitive seat of the intelligence to the commandments plus your actions. You receive it on your right hand and frontlets between your eyes.

How do you receive the mark of the beast?

Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

Why is that important? It is important because it doesn’t matter if you think according to God but do according to Satan. He’s got you anyway, or you do according to God but you think according to Satan. For example I outwardly don’t portray any adultery. I am keeping the commandments of God; but

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inwardly my mind is sleeping with every woman that I see. Will I see the mark here or there? What about if I inwardly I am a Christian, I study the word of God, I am reverend and dedicated to the word of God but yet I break the commandments, Satan has got me either way. When it comes to the seal of God, you receive it on the hand and in the forehead. When it comes to the mark of the beast, you receive it no the hand or on the forehead. That is why humanity will be deceived into receiving the mark of the beast because there will be Christians who will be thinking and being associated mentally with everything that God says, ‘I feel like I am doing right but actually you are doing according to Satan.’ That is why the Ten Commandments are so important. Are you fulfilling every one of the Ten Commandments or are you some…

[Pt. 11 of 11]

Ten Commandments or are you somehow involved in sun worship?

Romans 7:23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind…

7:25 … So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.

‘I’ve got this tussle going on. I want to serve God with both my mind and my flesh, but there is a different law in my people. In my mind they are serving God but in the flesh they are serving sin. Does it sound like people not observing the Sabbath? In their minds they are acknowledging God as the creator and their savior but yet they break the Sabbath. They are acknowledging with flesh the law of sin.

Revelation 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

We’ll be deceived into receiving it. Deception is a terrible thing. The bible gives us three clear warnings.

The 3 Angels Messages

Angel 1

- The everlasting gospel

- Judgment is come

- Worship the Creator

Angel 2

- Babylon is fallen is fallen

- She has made all nations drink of wine of the wrath of her fornication. We've seen that

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Angel 3 (Rev. 14:9-12)

- If you worship the beast or its image you will receive a mark in your forehead or in your hand

- Those that worship God will receive the mark of the seal of God in their foreheads and in their hands

- Those that have this mark of the beast will drink from the wine of the wrath of God

This is the message.

Here are they that keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus Christ. That is why the seal can be on both the arm and between their eyes. Are we saved by keeping the law? No. By not keeping the law, will we be saved? No. If we are not saved by keeping the law then how are we saved? We are saved by grace. This is righteousness by faith. By keeping the law I am not acknowledging my own legalistic tendencies. I am acknowledging a higher power or a higher authority than myself. By keeping the Creator’s law I am acknowledging the creator as the higher authority.

Jesus Christ is calling His children to come back to Him. He is warning through His 3 angels messages about receiving the mark of the beast. Go read Revelation 14:12 and understand that the end group have got two characteristics; they keep all the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus Christ.

Together I am looking forward to the blessed hope as it says in Titus 2:13;

Titus 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;

Thank you.