· Web viewMake links between the accounts of the resurrection in...

Year 6 Easter 1

Transcript of  · Web viewMake links between the accounts of the resurrection in...

Year 6 Easter

Outcomes for Year 6 Easter

Working towards Age Related outcomes

With support and prompts and showing in some cases a limited response Pupils will be able to:

Make links between the accounts of the resurrection in Marks and Mathews Gospel and our beliefs in the resurrection of Jesus and life after death. AT1

After studying the accounts in Mark and Mathew compare their own and other peoples ideas about questions about the resurrection that are difficult to answer. AT2

Use a religious vocabulary to describe at least 2 of the symbols used in the funeral rite. AT1

Compare their own and others questions about life after death AT2

Explain their view on whether Thomas was right to doubt. Give reasons for their answer using scripture AT3

Age related outcomes of the Module

Pupils will be able to:

Describe and show understanding of different Gospel accounts of the resurrection AT1

Show understanding of how the beliefs expressed in these stories shaped the lives of the disciples(and show how peoples lives today might be informed by these accounts AT2

Using religious terms show understanding of the funeral rite and the symbols used AT1

Engage with and respond to the question Did the resurrection happen and Why do Christians believe there is life after death AT3

Pupils working at greater depth within expected standard may be able to do some of the following:

Identify the sources of beliefs that lead Christians to believe in life after death AT1 (Note: in order to do this they will need to able to show real understanding of passages other than the Gospels they would also need to look up the teaching of the church maybe using the Youcat)

Describe the meaning and purpose of the funeral liturgy AT1

Demonstrate how religious beliefs and teaching about the resurrection and life after death give some explanation about the meaning of our lives. AT2/AT3(Note: the complexity of this task should not be minimised- they would need to include a discussion of the meaning of the resurrection for our lives)

Notes for Teachers

The Resurrection

Note: it is resurrection, Jesus is not shown as a ghost; he ate and walked with people and they were able to touch him. It isnt reincarnation; after the resurrection Jesus is there as an adult, he remembers everything that has happened and the disciples recognise him. Remember there is evidence from outside the Gospels to show Jesus was a real factual human, they also record his crucifixion and death. (Historians like Tacitus a Roman and Josephus- Jewish)

Did the Resurrection actually happen?

Ultimately everyone has to make their own decision which is about faith but some common views are: There is a Powerpoint to accompany this. Because this makes use of sources and requires evidence to be linked to this it is an AT1 activity but it also has AT2 components

He wasnt really dead: Unlikely, crucifixion was a very common method of executing criminals. The soldiers knew their job. Jesus was quite a prominent figure so they would want to make doubly sure he was dead. They pierced his side with a sword probably by itself enough to kill. He was buried.

Someone stole the Body: If the Romans or the Jewish authorities had the body as soon as the rumours about his resurrection started they would have produced it because they didnt want people making any kind of claims about Jesus. If the disciples had the body would they have been so shocked at the first hints of resurrection? How did they get it? They ran away because they were so sacred and the tomb was guarded. The disciples ultimately give their lives for their belief in Jesus. Would you do that if you knew it was a hoax?

Pauls writing: Paul wrote while people who knew Jesus were still alive. He claimed lots of witnesses saw Jesus. If that wasnt true there would have been people around to challenge him.

The Disciples changed: From being scared and frightened, in a room behind closed doors they went out and started preaching even though they knew they were risking their lives. Other people began to believe.

Does it actually matter? Yes:

Paul says: And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. 1Cor 15v14 I guess without the resurrection you can still believe that Jesus was a good man. But we believe much more than this. We believe that Jesus firstly showed through his life, his words and his actions what God was like, and how God wanted us to live but we also believe that Jesus was son of God. Jesus life is shot through with the purpose of God. Jesus shows us what life could be if we chose to follow God. But his call was too demanding, to challenging so they killed him. (If you studied history or literature you will know this happens to peace makers-Martin Luther King for example, or if you read Lord of the flies you know that Simon the one who knows there is nothing to be afraid of gets killed when he tries to tell the others the truth.) On the cross Jesus feels abandoned, on the cross Jesus shows what unconditional love looks like. The resurrection is about the persistence and triumph of Gods love. Jesus was more than just a good man we can trust in what he says.

The Account in Marks Gospel

The original ending of Marks Gospel is at Chapter 16 V8 For they were afraid the next bit is a later addition. You need to make sure the pupils know this. When Mark was writing the community lived in fear of their lives, being persecuted by the Emperor Nero in Rome. Now Mark obviously doesnt believe the story ended there. The women obviously told someone and other things happened otherwise Mark wouldnt be writing his Gospel but he seems to be trying to ask questions of his readers. What do you think? What do you believe? Will you keep quiet about the resurrection or are you brave enough to pass on this news? These are questions we need to think about today. If in Marks time people said yes, I believe then it had major consequences for their lives. They could end up dead. What does it mean for us? How might our lives change?

The Account in Mathews Gospel

In 28 v1-10 How is it similar to Mark? Why do you think there are differences? (The fact that there are differences probably strengthens the case that the resurrection happened different viewpoints/different accounts all trying to recount the same thing)

In 28 16-20. You have a command if you believe do something and also a promise. I will be with you always that promise influences and shapes the lives of Christians today.

The Funeral Rite

Firstly, it is based on some key beliefs.

The priest wears white. White is the colour of the resurrection. It is to remind us that though we are upset and sad now because someone we love has died, death is not the end. We do believe in eternal life with God. When we were baptized in Christ Jesus we went into the tomb with him and joined him in death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the Fathers glory, we too might live a new life. If in union with Christ we have imitated his death, we shall also imitate him in his resurrection. Romans Ch 6

The funeral rites are not there to praise the person who died but to ask God to be with them to forgive them their failings. The mass is a celebration of the love of God and of our hope in eternal life. It can also be a celebration of Gods goodness in giving so many gifts to the deceased, beginning with the gift of faith

Within the funeral rite there is a strong link with Baptism that is brought out through many of the Symbols. In baptism we begin our journey of initiation. In a way this is the end of our journey towards God

Normally speaking the funeral takes place within a mass.

In England it is customer to receive the body into church the night before the mass. (in some countries a wake or vigil is kept at home)

At the liturgy

1. The coffin is sprinkled with Holy Water as a reminder of our baptism, water has all the symbolism here it normally has, new life etc

2. Quite often the coffin is covered with a white cloth. Again, a reminder both of our baptism when we received a white garment and of our hope in the resurrection.

3. The Paschal (Easter) Candle is lit near the coffin. This Candle is lit throughout the year for Baptisms and funerals. The symbolism is not about death. Its a baptismal symbol. When at baptism the parents receive a lighted candle for the child lit from the Paschal candle the priest says; Receive the light of Christ. At the funeral, we look at that same light of Christ to lead us through the darkness of death to everlasting happiness in His kingdom.

4. A cross may be placed on the coffin. This again recalls our baptism when the parents, godparents and priest made the Sign of the Cross on the babys forehead and claimed them for Christ.

5. During the liturgy the coffin will be incensed. The incense reminds us that our prayers go to God. It is also a way of honouring the body

6. Music and the readings chosen during the mass should be such that it reflects our beliefs and our hope in the resurrection. Examples might be: Readings: Wisdom 3:1-6, 9. 2Cor 4: V7-15, Rom 6: 3-9 (What readings would you chose?) Music might be I am the bread of life Be not afraid Again what would you chose?

7. After Communion there is something called the Final Commendation. The Priest invites everyone to pray saying something like: Our brother/sister N. has fallen asleep in Christ. Confident in our hope of eternal life, let us commend him/her to the loving mercy of our Father and let our prayers go with him/her. He/she was adopted as Gods son/daughter in baptism and was nourished at the table of the Lord; may he/she now inherit the promise of eternal life and take his/her place at the table of Gods children in heaven. Let us pray also on our own behalf, that we who now mourn and are saddened may one day go forth with our brother/sister to meet the Lord of life when he appears in glory What key beliefs are highlighted during this prayer?

8. The coffin is then sprinkled with Holy Water, incensed then we say: Saints of God, come to his/her aid! Hasten to meet him/her, angels of the Lord! R. Receive his/her soul and present him/her to God the Most High. May Christ, who called you, take you to himself; may angels lead you to the bosom of Abraham. R. Receive his/her soul and present him/her to God the Most High. Eternal rest grant unto him/her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him/her. R. Receive his/her soul and present him/her to God the Most High. This is called the song of farewell. (There are other versions). Again what key beliefs are highlighted here?

Generally speaking the order of events is as follows but this may differ according to circumstance or country.

Introductory rites


Sprinkling with Holy Water

Placing of the white cloth

Placing of the cross

Opening Song

Opening Prayer

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading


Second Reading (optional)


Homily (Note: this is not about the person but about our faith)


Liturgy of the Eucharist

This is as normal for mass. However after communion there may be a brief reflection on the life of the person offered by someone who new them.

Final Commendation

Invitation to Prayer


Song of Farewell

Prayer of Commendation

Song Procession the cemetery

Possible Tasks


On paper pupils working in pairs scribble down any word they can think of relating to the resurrection. Divide room into groups each group look at specific resurrection story then feedback key points. Build up a class picture of what we know.

Explore and Express

For each gospel account studied the group produces a piece of artwork on that account explain the meaning of the account for Christians today (this is mostly revision)

Use the activities on the Powerpoint or similar to explore the question Did the Resurrection happen?

Explore the funeral liturgy within the catholic Church. You could use the attached worksheet to explain the symbols and/or invite a priest/deacon in to explain the service.

Use the final commendation prayer and or the readings that might be used at a funeral to explore meaning?

Ask the question Why do Christians believe in life after death? Use the worksheet of quotations to stimulate discussion. This is not mine it is from the TES site

Words of Pope Francis on Life after Death (slightly adapted)

(Death) If it is understood as the end of everything, death frightens us, it terrifies us, it becomes a threat that shatters every dream, every prospect, that breaks every relationship and blocks every path.

This fear of death happens when one views life as just a period of time between birth and death, without believing in life after death.

But life does not end with death. The Resurrection of Christ gives all the hope and certainty of life after death.

If we live united to Jesus, faithful to Him, we will be able to confront with hope and serenity even the passage of death, he said. If my life has been a path with Jesus, If I trust in his immense mercy, I will be prepared to accept the last moments of my earthly existence. I will be able to abandon myself into Gods hands knowing that soon I will meet God face to face.

The Funeral Liturgy

Why do you think the Priest is wearing white and the coffin is covered by a white cloth?

What special Candle is near the coffin? Why do you think it is there?

During the funeral the priest will sprinkle the coffin with Holy Water. This also happens at the graveside. What do you think this is a reminder of?

What do you think the priest is doing here? What meaning does this hold?

I think that being alive is just a part of life and dying is the next part. I don't believe that we ever really leave anyone or anything behind we will all see each other again.

Boy, aged 11, Christian.

I'm scared about dying but I think you go to a better place because God accepts you as one of his family. After you die I think that your soul and spirit are taken to heaven to rest in peace and the rest of your body goes around the world to bring joy.

Girl, aged 11, Christian

I believe that when I die I will rise again when Jesus returns, but I also believe that Jesus could return tomorrow. So if I am still alive tomorrow I believe if Jesus returns tomorrow he will judge both the living and the dead.

Boy, aged 12, Christian.

We think that when you die you don't go anywhere special like heaven or hell. But we do think that when you die your spirit or soul carries on living. We don't think that you come back as an animal or another person after death, because you're you and you would be a different person. Girl, aged 13, Christian.

Christian beliefs about life after death.

Here are some examples of Christian teenagers opinions on life after death.

Using 3 different colours (e.g. red, orange and green), highlight which parts of their statements you agree with (green), which you disagree with (red), and which youre not sure (orange).

We have nothing to fear from death; fear of no longer existing is stupid because when we die using that logic we are no more. A good God who loves you would not punish you so hell must just be a lonely place with no God. Girl, aged 13, Christian.