· Web viewIllustrative examples, painters and architects: Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael,...

Name: ________________________________ Date: _____________________ Period: __________ AP Euro Review/Outline: Key Concept 1.1 — The rediscovery of works from ancient Greece and Rome and observation of the natural world changed many Europeans’ view of their world . I. A revival of classical texts led to new methods of scholarship and new values in both society and religion . 1. What is meant by classical texts? __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _____________ 2. What impact did the rediscovery of ancient Greek & Roman works have? ___________________ _________________________________________________________________ _____________ 3. What impact did the revival of classical texts have? ____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _____________ 4. Identify “medieval scholasticism:” __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ __________________________ A. A. Italian Renaissance humanists, including Petrarch, promoted a revival in classical literature and created new philological approaches to ancient texts. Some Renaissance humanists furthered the values of secularism and individualism.

Transcript of  · Web viewIllustrative examples, painters and architects: Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael,...

Name: ________________________________ Date: _____________________ Period: __________

AP Euro Review/Outline:

Key Concept 1.1 — The rediscovery of works from ancient Greece and Rome and observation of the natural world changed many Europeans’ view of their world.

I. A revival of classical texts led to new methods of scholarship and new values in both society and religion.

1. What is meant by classical texts? __________________________________________________


2. What impact did the rediscovery of ancient Greek & Roman works have? ___________________


3. What impact did the revival of classical texts have? ____________________________________


4. Identify “medieval scholasticism:” __________________________________________________



A. A. Italian Renaissance humanists, including Petrarch, promoted a revival in classical literature and created new philological approaches to ancient texts. Some Renaissance humanists furthered the values of secularism and individualism.

5. What impact did some Renaissance humanists have? ___________________________________


6. Identify Italian Renaissance humanists: _____________________________________________




7. Identify Petrarch: _______________________________________________________________




8. Identify secularism: ______________________________________________________________



9. Identify Renaissance “individualism”: ________________________________________________




Illustrative examples, Italian Renaissance humanists: Petrarch (pre-1450), Lorenzo Valla, Marsilio Ficino, Pico della Mirandola

10. Identify Lorenzo Valla: ____________________________________________________________




11. Identify Marsillo Ficino: ___________________________________________________________




12. Identify Pico della Mirandola: ______________________________________________________





B. Humanist revival of Greek and Roman texts, spread by the printing press, challenged the institutional power of universities and the Catholic Church. This shifted education away from a primary focus on theological writings toward classical texts and new methods of scientific inquiry.

Illustrative examples, individuals promoting a revival of Greek and Roman texts: Leonardo Bruni, Leon Battista Alberti, Niccolò Machiavelli

13. What aided in the spread of humanists texts? _________________________________________

14. What did these humanist teachings challenge? ________________________________________


15. Education shifted from a focus on _______________________ toward _____________________

_____________ and _____________________________________________________________

16. Identify Leonardo Bruni: __________________________________________________________





17. Identify Leon Battista Alberti: ______________________________________________________





18. Identify Niccolò Machiavelli: _______________________________________________________




19. Idendetify Machiavelli’s The Prince: _________________________________________________




C. Admiration for Greek and Roman political institutions supported a revival of civic humanist culture in the Italian city-states and produced secular models for individual and political behavior.

Illustrative examples, individuals promoting secular models for individual and political behavior: Niccolò Machiavelli, Jean Bodin, Baldassare Castiglione, Francesco Guicciardini

20. Admiration for Greek & Roman political institutions supported? __________________________



21. Identify Renaissance “civic humanism:” ______________________________________________





22. Identify Italian city states: ________________________________________________________




23. Identify Jean Bodin: ______________________________________________________________





24. Identify Castiglione’s The Courtier: __________________________________________________




25. Identify Francesco Guicciardini: ____________________________________________________




II. The visual arts incorporated the new ideas of the Renaissance and were used to promote personal, political, and religious goals.

a. In the Italian Renaissance, rulers and popes concerned with enhancing their prestige commissioned paintings and architectural works based on classical styles, the developing “naturalism” in the artistic world, and often the newly invented technique of geometric perspective.

26. What were visual arts of the Renaissance used to promote? _____________________________


27. Why would Italian Renaissance rulers & popes commission artistic works? __________________


28. What techniques were incorporated into these works? _________________________________


Illustrative examples, painters and architects: Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, Andrea Palladio, Leon Battista Alberti, Filipo Brunelleschi

29. Identify Michelangelo & a famous work: _____________________________________________




30. Identify Donatello & a famous work: ________________________________________________




31. Identify Raphael & a famous work: __________________________________________________




32. Identify Andrea Palladio & a famous work: ___________________________________________




33. Identify Filipo Brunelleschi & a famous work: _________________________________________




b. The Northern Renaissance retained a more religious focus, which resulted in more human-centered naturalism that considered individuals and everyday life appropriate objects of artistic representation.

Illustrative examples, artists who employed naturalism: Jan Van Eyck, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Rembrandt

34. How were the Italian & Northern Renaissances different from each other? __________________





35. Identify Jan Van Eyck & a famous work: ______________________________________________




36. Identify Pieter Bruegel & a famous work: _____________________________________________




37. Identify Rembrandt & a famous work: _______________________________________________




III. The invention of printing promoted the dissemination of new ideas.

a. The invention of the printing press in the 1450s aided in spreading the Renaissance beyond Italy and encouraged the growth of vernacular literature, which would eventually contribute to the development of national cultures.

38. When was the printing press invented & who is credited with its invention? _________________


39. What did the printing press aid in? __________________________________________________

40. What did it encourage? ___________________________________________________________

41. Growth of vernacular literature would eventually contribute to what? _____________________


b. Protestant reformers used the printing press to disseminate their ideas, which spurred religious reform and helped it to become widely established.

Illustrative examples, reformers using press to disseminate ideas: Martin Luther, Vernacular Bibles

42. What impact did the printing press have on The Reformation? ___________________________



43. What impact did the translation of the Bible into the vernacular have? _____________________



Key Concept 1.2 — Religious pluralism challenged the concept of a unified Europe.

I. The Protestant and Catholic reformations fundamentally changed theology, religious institutions, culture, and attitudes toward wealth and prosperity.

44. Identify “religious pluralism:” ______________________________________________________


45. What did religious pluralism challenge? ______________________________________________

46. What is theology? _______________________________________________________________


47. What impact did the Protestant & Catholic reformation have? ____________________________



a. Christian humanism , embodied in the writings of Erasmus, employed Renaissance learning in the service of religious reform

b. Reformers Martin Luther and John Calvin criticized Catholic abuses and established new interpretations of Christian doctrine and practice. Responses to Luther and Calvin included religious radicals, such as the Anabaptists, and other groups, such as German peasants.

c. Illustrative examples , new Protestant interpretations of Christian doctrine and practice: Priesthood of all believers, Primacy of scripture, Predestination, Salvation by faith alone

48. What is the famous saying about Christian humanist Erasmus’ influence on Martin Luther?


49. Martin Luther originally broke with the Catholic Churches’ practice of selling?


50. At the Diet of ____________ Luther was convicted of ____________________

51. What did Luther preach was the foundation of “salvation:” ______________________________


52. What is “salvation?” _____________________________________________________________

53. Define Christian “doctrine:” _______________________________________________________


54. Luther believed in the Priesthood of ___________________________

55. What was Luther’s belief of “primacy of scripture?” ____________________________________


56. Calvin believed in the doctrine of? __________________________________________________

Some Protestant groups sanctioned the notion that wealth accumulation was a sign of God’s favor and a reward for hard work.

57. Calvinists believed that the accumulation of wealth meant? ______________________________


58. What practice made Anabaptists seem radical? ________________________________________

59. What is theocracy? ______________________________________________________________

60. Calvin’s rule of this Swiss city was considered by some to be theocratic? ____________________

61. What policies did Calvin institute in Geneva? __________________________________________


Illustrative examples, monarchical control: Sir Thomas More, Juan Luis Vives

62. Why did Henry VIII split with the Catholic Church? _____________________________________


63. What was the name of the new Church of England? ____________________________________

64. What happened to Sir Thomas More, the author of Utopia a fictional tale about religious

tolerance and defender of the Catholic church when he refused to support King Henry VIII’s

break with the Catholic Church? ____________________________________________________

The Catholic Reformation, exemplified by the Jesuit Order and the Council of Trent, revived the church but cemented the division within Christianity.

Illustrative examples, the Catholic Reformation: St. Teresa of Avila, Ursulines, Roman Inquisition, Index of Prohibited Books

65. What was the Catholic Reformation “exemplified” by? __________________________________


66. Who were the “Jesuits?” __________________________________________________________


67. Who were two of the founders and missionaries of the Jesuits? ___________________________


68. What were created by many Jesuit orders? ___________________________________________

69. What happened at the Council of Trent 1545 - 63? _____________________________________




70. What was the outcome of the Catholic reformation (see benchmark)? _____________________


71. Who was St. Teresa of Avila? ______________________________________________________


72. Who were the Ursulines? _________________________________________________________


73. Identify the Roman Inquisition: ____________________________________________________



74. Identify the Index of Prohibited Books: ______________________________________________



II. Religious reform both increased state control of religious institutions and provided justifications for challenging state authority.

A. Monarchs and princes , such as the English rulers Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, initiated religious reform from the top down in an effort to exercise greater control over religious life and morality

illustrative examples: religious conflicts caused by groups challenging the monarch’s control of religious institutions: Huguenots, Puritans, Nobles in Poland

75. What impact did religious reform have on state authority (see benchmark?) ________________


76. What approach to religious reform did Henry VIII & Elizabeth I institute (see benchmark)?

___________________ ___________________________________________________________


77. Who were the Huguenots? ________________________________________________________



78. Who were the Puritans? __________________________________________________________


79. Identify “iconoclasm:” ____________________________________________________________


80. How did nobles in Poland challenge monarchical control & what impact did it have?




III. Conflicts among religious groups overlapped with political and economic competition within and among states.

A. Issues of religious reform exacerbated conflicts between the monarchy and the nobility, as in the French wars of religion.

81. What did conflicts among religious groups overlap with (see benchmark)? __________________


82. What did issues of religious reform exacerbate (see benchmark)? _________________________


83. What noble families were involved in the French War’s of Religion & what denomination were

they? _________________________________________________________________________



84. Describe Catherine de Medici’s role in the French War’s of Religion and here political style:




85. What happened at the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre? _______________________________




86. What was the War of the Three Henry’s? ____________________________________________





87. What did Henry IV do religiously when he won? What did he say? ________________________




88. What was the Edict of Nantes? _____________________________________________________



B. Habsburg rulers confronted an expanded Ottoman Empire while attempting unsuccessfully to restore Catholic unity across Europe

Illustrative examples, Habsburg rulers: Charles I, Charles V

89. What religion did the Ottoman Empire practice? _______________________________________

90. Identify Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire & his significance? __________________________





C. States exploited religious conflicts to promote political and economic interests .

Illustrative examples, state exploitation of religious conflicts: Catholic Spain and Protestant England, France, Sweden, and Denmark in the Thirty Years’ War

91. What was the “Peace of Augsburg?” ________________________________________________



92. What years was the 30 Years War fought? ____________________________________________

93. What was the “defenestration of Prague?” ___________________________________________



94. Although the 30 Years War was supposed to settle the question of Protestantism vs. Catholicism

in the Holy Roman Empire what other countries participated? ____________________________



95. When Catholic France entered on the side of the Protestants, what did this say about the 30

Years War? _____________________________________________________________________



96. What was the result of the Peace of Augsburg? ________________________________________



97. What happened when Catholic Spain attacked Protestant England? _______________________



98. What other factors might have instigated Spain’s attack on England? ______________________



D. Mannerist (1530 – 1600) and Baroque (1600 – 1750) artists employed distortion, drama, and illusion in their work. Monarchies, city-states, and the church commissioned these works as a means of promoting their own stature and power.

99. Mannerist artist employed distortion in their work. Based on the time period what might the

distortion have represented? ______________________________________________________


100. Baroque art was often commissioned by monarchs, city states, and the church for what

purposes? _____________________________________________________________________


101. What king of France built which palace that featured a lot of Baroque work?


102. Identify El Greco: _________________________________________________________


103. Identify Peter Paul Rubens: _________________________________________________


104. Why did the Catholic church especially embrace Baroque art? _____________________


Key Concept 1.3: Key Concept 1.3 — Europeans explored and settled overseas territories, encountering and interacting with indigenous populations.

I. European nations were driven by commercial and religious motives to explore overseas territories and establish colonies.

105. What “drove” European exploration & the first wave of colonization (see benchmark): _


A. European states sought direct access to gold, spices, and luxury goods as a means to enhance personal wealth and state power.

Illustrative examples, states seeking access to luxury goods: Spanish in New World, Portuguese in Indian Ocean World, Dutch in East Indies/Asia

106. What did European states seek in the Age of Exploration and what were their goals (see

benchmark): ____________________________________________________________________


107. Where did Spain seek access to luxury goods? __________________________________

108. Where did Portugal seek luxury goods? _______________________________________

109. Where did the Dutch? _____________________________________________________

B. The rise of mercantilism gave the state a new role in promoting commercial development and the acquisition of colonies overseas.

110. The rise of mercantilism gave the state what (see benchmark): ____________________


111. What policies were involved in mercantilism? __________________________________



112. Who was Jean Baptist Colbert? ______________________________________________




C. Christianity was a stimulus for exploration as governments and religious authorities sought to spread the faith, and for some it served as a justification for the subjugation of indigenous civilizations

113. The spread of Christianity was sometimes used to justify what? ____________________


114. Who was the founder of the Jesuit Order? _____________________________________

115. This other leading Jesuit was known for his Catholic missionary work? _______________

II. Advances in navigation , cartography, and military technology enabled Europeans to establish overseas colonies and empires.

Illustrative examples, navigational technology: Compass Sternpost rudder Portolani Quadrant and astrolabe Lateen rig

illustrative examples, military technology: Horses Guns and gunpowder

116. What navigational technologies enabled Europeans to establish overseas colonies &

empires? ______________________________________________________________________


117. What military advantages allowed for early colonization?


Scientific Revolution: “early modern period” – End of Renaissance through late 1700s

1.1.IV. New ideas in science based on observation, experimentation, and mathematics challenged classical views of the cosmos, nature, and the human body, although existing traditions of knowledge and the universe continued.

118. What did the “new scientists” of the early modern period base their findings on (see

benchmark)? ___________________________________________________________________

A. New ideas and methods in astronomy led individuals such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton to question the authority of the ancients and traditional knowledge and to develop a heliocentric view ofthe cosmos.

119. What three scientists are most credited with developing the heliocentric model of the

universe? ______________________________________________________________________

120. What is the heliocentric model? _____________________________________________

121. How did organized religion (for the most part) respond this model? _________________


122. Which of these scientists was forced to recant his findings to the Roman Inquisition?


123. What theories did Newton also introduce? _____________________________________


B. Anatomical and medical discoveries by physicians, including William Harvey, presented the body as an integrated system, challenging the traditional humoral theory of the body and of disease espoused by Galen

124. What is anatomy? ________________________________________________________

125. What were William Harvey’s findings? ________________________________________


126. Who was Galen & his theory of “humoral theory”? ______________________________



C. Francis Bacon and René Descartes defined inductive and deductive reasoning and promoted experimentation and the use of mathematics, which would ultimately shape the scientific method.

127. What would Francis Bacon & Rene Descartes “ultimately shape?”


128. What is inductive reasoning and which of these two scientists utilized it?



129. What is deductive reasoning and which of these two scientists utilized it?



D. Alchemy and astrology continued to appeal to elites and some natural philosophers, in part because they shared with the new science the notion of a predictable and knowable universe. At the same time many people continued to believe that the cosmos was governed by spiritual forces

130. Define “alchemy:” ________________________________________________________


131. Define “astrology:” ________________________________________________________


132. Despite the new sciences why did many elites, philosophers, and average Europeans

continue to believe in medieval scientific ideals? ______________________________________


1.3 D. The competition for trade led to conflicts and rivalries among European powers in the 17th and 18th centuries

133. Describe the Seven Years War: ______________________________________________





134. Describe the War for Spanish Secession: _______________________________________





135. What was the Treaty of Tordesillas? __________________________________________


III. Europe’s colonial expansion led to a global exchange of goods, flora, fauna, cultural practices, and diseases, resulting in the destruction of some indigenous civilizations, a shift toward European dominance, and the expansion of the slave trade.

136. What impact did Europe’s first wave of colonial expansion have? __________________




A. The exchange of goods shifted the center of economic power in Europe from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic states in the 1600s and brought the latter into an expanding world economy.

137. What impact did rise of global trade have on Europe? ____________________________



B. The exchange of new plants, animals, and diseases—the Columbian Exchange—created economic opportunities for Europeans and in some cases facilitated European subjugation and destruction of indigenous peoples, particularly in the Americas.

138. Describe the “Columbian Exchange:” _________________________________________



Illustrative examples, new plants, animals, and diseases: From Europe to the Americas: Wheat, Cattle, Horses, Pigs, Sheep, Smallpox, Measles

139. What was exported from Europe to the Americas? ______________________________


From the Americas to Europe: Tomatoes, Potatoes, Squash, Corn, Tobacco, Turkeys

140. What was exported from America to Europe and what impact did they have on the

population? ____________________________________________________________________


C. Europeans expanded the African slave trade in response to the establishment of a plantation economy in the Americas and demographic catastrophes among indigenous peoples.

141. Europeans expanded the African slave in response to what type of economy?


142. What was the “middle passage?” ____________________________________________


Key Concept 1.4 — European society and the experiences of everyday life were increasingly shaped by commercial and agricultural capitalism, notwithstanding the continued existence of medieval social and economic structures.

I. Economic change produced new social patterns, while traditions of hierarchy and status continued.

A. Innovations in banking and finance promoted the growth of urban financial centers and a money economy

Illustrative examples, innovations in banking and finance: Double-entry bookkeeping, Bank of Amsterdam, The Dutch East India Company, The British East India Company.

143. In Western Europe especially, this type of farming changed European society (key

concept): __________________________________________________________________

144. Although economic change produced __________________, traditions of

______________ and ________________ continued. (benchmark)

145. Finance and banking created the growth of ________________________ and a


146. Because Europe was based more on a money economy, this type of bookkeeping was

created? ______________________________________

147. The Dutch East India Company & British East India company were joint-____________


148. What part of Europe was commercial agriculture slow to catch on?


B. The growth of commerce produced a new economic elite, which related to traditional land-holding elites in different ways in Europe’s various geographic regions.

Illustrative examples, the new economic elites: Gentry in England, Nobles of the robe in France, town elites (bankers and merchants)

149. What were the new classes of economic elites (benchmark): ______________________


C. Established hierarchies of class, religion, and gender continued to define social status and perceptions in both rural and urban settings

Illustrative examples, continued social hierarchies : Continued prestige of land ownership , Aristocratic privileges regarding taxes, fees for services, and legal protections, Continued political exclusion of women

150. Continued prestige and social hierarchy still revolved around (illustrative examples):


151. What aristocratic privileges still existed in the 17th & most of the 18th centuries?


152. Who was still excluded from political participation? ______________________________

II. Most Europeans derived their livelihood from agriculture and oriented their lives around the seasons, the village, or the manor, although economic changes began to alter rural production and power.

153. How did most Europeans still derive their livelihood despite the increase in trade &

urban development? _________________________________

A. Subsistence agriculture was the rule in most areas, with three-crop field rotation in the north and two-crop rotation in the Mediterranean; in many cases, farmers paid rent and labor services for their lands.

154. What type of agriculture was still most common? ______________________________

B. The price revolution contributed to the accumulation of capital and the expansion of the market economy through the commercialization of agriculture, which benefited large landowners in western Europe. 155. What did the “price revolution” from the 16th to 17th centuries lead to? ______________


156. What caused the price revolution and who benefited? ___________________________


157. What part of Europe benefitted from the price revolution and commercialized

agriculture? _________________________________________

Illustrative examples, the commercialization of agriculture: Enclosure movement (16 th Century) , Restricted use of the village common, Freehold tenure

158. What was the “enclosure movement?” ________________________________________


159. What practices hurt some poor farmers (illustrative examples?) ____________________


B. As western Europe moved toward a free peasantry and commercial agriculture, serfdom was codified in the east, where nobles continued to dominate economic life on large estates.

160. As a movement toward free peasantry took place in Eastern Europe, what happened in

the West? ______________________________________________________________________

D. The attempts of landlords to increase their revenues by restricting or abolishing the traditional rights of peasants led to revolt.

161. In the 16th century in England when landlords tried to increase rents or restrict or

abolish traditional rights, what would peasants do? ____________________________________

III. Population shifts and growing commerce caused the expansion of cities, which often placed stress on their traditional political and social structures.

162. What was the impact of population shifts and growing commerce of the 16th century?



A. Population recovered to its pre–Great Plague level in the 16th century, and continuing population pressures contributed to uneven price increases; agricultural commodities increased more sharply than wages, reducing living standards for some.

163. When the population recovered and continued to grow in the 16th century what impact

did it have? ____________________________________________________________________



B. Migrants to the cities challenged the ability of merchant elites and craft guilds to govern , and strained resources .

164. What was the impact of migration to cities in the 16th century? __________________________


Illustrative examples, the way new migrants challenged urban elites: Sanitation problems caused by overpopulation, Employment, Poverty, Crime

165. What specific challenges did urban elites have from the new migrants? ______________


C. Social dislocation , coupled with the shifting authority of religious institutions during the Reformation, left city governments with the task of regulating public morals.

166. What impacted the role of city governments and what were they tasked with?



Illustrative examples, regulating public morals: New secular laws regulating private life, Stricter codes on prostitution and begging, Abolishing or restricting Carnival, Calvin’s Geneva

167. What two “secular laws” of did the new “moral police” institute? __________________


168. What was “Carnival?” ______________________________________________________


169. Identify the role of regulating public morals in Calvin’s Geneva? ____________________



IV. The family remained the primary social and economic institution of early modern Europe (late 1400s to late 1700s) and took several forms, including the nuclear family.

170. From the late 1400s to late 1700s what role did the family play? ___________________


A. Rural and urban households worked as units, with men and women engaged in separate but complementary tasks.

171. Describe the gender & children’s role of this period: _____________________________


B. The Renaissance and Reformation raised debates about female education and women’s roles in the family, church, and society.

172. What was generally the accepted notion of female education during the Renaissance &

Reformation? ___________________________________________________________________


Illustrative examples, debates about female roles: Women’s intellect and education, Women as preachers, La Querelle des Femmes

173. “La Querelle des Femmes” translates to “the woman question” – referring to the debate

about women during 1400s to 1700s. Despite religious & misogynistic condemnation of women

serving as preachers or getting a higher education, how can La Querelle des Femmes be seen as

a step in the right direction? _______________________________________________________





C. From the late 16th century forward, Europeans responded to economic and environmental challenges, such as the Little Ice Age, by delaying marriage and childbearing. This European marriage pattern restrained population growth and ultimately improved the economic condition of families.

174. Describe the pattern of the nuclear family from the 16th century forward & it’s impact:




V. Popular culture, leisure activities, and rituals reflecting the continued popularity of folk ideas reinforced and sometimes challenged communal ties and norms.