· Web viewConsider that the saints became holy only ... Speak one word to my head in order to...


Transcript of   · Web viewConsider that the saints became holy only ... Speak one word to my head in order to...



Alphonsa Maria

Here are some thoughts of your Mother. They will reveal to you the riches of her exacted soul and show you her great concern for you.

In them you will find spiritual nourishment for all your needs in every situation in your life: thoughts for your meditation, proper guides for your conduct in the spiritual life and in the acquisition of the Christian and conventual virtues, effective aids in the inevitable battles of this life.

Through the diligent perusal of these thoughts, you will be able to imbibe the contents of these instructions. They are in complete accord with the teachings of the foremost spiritual directors. Thus you will gradually possess in ever greater degree the spirit of your foundress and thereby, the spirit of the Most Holy Redeemer.


THEOLOGICAL VIRTUES.................................................................................................................................. 5


LOVE OF GOD...................................................................................................................................................... 7

UNION WITH GOD.............................................................................................................................................. 8

ZEAL IN THE SERVICE OF GOD AND FOR HIS HONOR............................................................................9

CONFORMITY TO THE WILL OF GOD........................................................................................................ 10

DESIRE FOR SANCTITY.................................................................................................................................. 11

RESPECT FOR GOD'S PRIESTS..................................................................................................................... 11

PRAYER AND RECOLLECTION..................................................................................................................... 12

MEDITATION — PRAYER.............................................................................................................................. 13

LOVE OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT............................................................................................ 14

DEVOTION TO THE SUFFERINGS OF JESUS............................................................................................. 15

DEVOTION TO MARY...................................................................................................................................... 16

DEVOTION TO THE GUARDIAN ANGEL AND PATRON SAINTS..........................................................17

ATTITUDE AT THE RECEPTION OF THE SACRAMENTS......................................................................18

IN SUFFERINGS AND TRIALS........................................................................................................................ 18

IN INTERIOR SUFFERINGS............................................................................................................................ 20

IN HUMILIATIONS, CONTEMPT AND CONTRADICTIONS....................................................................21

LOVE OF OUR NEIGHBOR.............................................................................................................................. 21

OBLIGATIONS TCWARDS SINNERS, THE POOR, THE DYING.............................................................22

FEAR OF SIN...................................................................................................................................................... 23

THE STRUGGLE IN PRACTICING VIRTUE................................................................................................. 23

OBEDIENCE....................................................................................................................................................... 24

POVERTY............................................................................................................................................................ 25

HUMILITY.......................................................................................................................................................... 25

PURITY............................................................................................................................................................... 28

MORTIFICATION.............................................................................................................................................. 28

WORK - SILENCE............................................................................................................................................ 29

SIMPLICITY....................................................................................................................................................... 30

HAPPINESS AND PEACE................................................................................................................................. 30

INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS AND MEEKNESS.....................................................................................31

PRUDENCE......................................................................................................................................................... 31

PREEMINENCE OF THE RELIGIOUS LIFE.................................................................................................. 32



Oh! How happy I am to be a child of the true Church. This thought, being a child of Christian parents, impelled me to respect and obey my parents.

O my Jesus, for love of you I will gladly refrain from eating this, if only you would help me to know you better.

Although I had much difficulty in learning the catechism by heart, this in no way deterred me from attending the religion classes, I took refuge in prayer, and with the help of God, I was almost always able to retain what I had learned.

O my Jesus, I desire to love you; but in order to love you, you must help me to know your love and your mercy. O my Jesus, teach me; teach me, 0 my Jesus!


Place all your confidence in the divine mercy, and alone in the merits of Jesus Christ, our Divine Redeemer.

Turn to him on all occasions, without the slightest distrust. Ask and you will receive.

It is impossible for our prayer to be unanswered if we place our confidence in God and petition him perseveringly.

Nothing will ever be lacking to a soul that hasplaced her whole confidence in God; she will always obtain what is necessary for her.

Do you not know that God does everything for the sanctification of souls? Whatever God does is always to our best interests, for He can never permit anything that would harm us.

We shall place all our confidence in God; it is from him that we await and expect all things; not for a single moment shall we believe that He would ever forsake us.

You are distressed because of earthly matters; yet, the only thing that should afflict you is the loss of your soul and that of your neighbor's. Be concerned only for the things of God.

As you know, the mercy of God has no limits.

Since God is so good and has called us to the religious life, would it not offend him if we failed to have unlimited confidence in him in all our needs? By all means, turn to him on every occasion.

God has placed in you the firm determination to please him and to do everything in him, through him, and with him to his glory.

The Lord is with you, and from time to time he will let you feel his presence.

Would it not be base ingratitude were we to trust in anything else but in him, who by reason of his perfection and his benefits alone merits your love?

0 how great is the kindness and mercy of God toward us; he overlooks our weaknesses.

Our Savior is offended if we turn away from him because of our weaknesses.

Despite our Ingratitude toward Him, God pursues us with his grace and manifests his mercy to us ever more and more.

Do you not live with God? Do you not live for God? What a happy lot is yours! No more sadness then, no more depression!

Take courage! God is with you as soon as you have the firm determination to be pleasing to him.

We must constantly do battle in the service of God, but take courage by thinking often of your last hour.

Even if at times it may seem that He does not hear you, do not cease petitioning

him. He never refuses anyone who asks for what is beneficial or for the good of their souls.

My children, everything is now difficult in the service of God. The battles are constant; in fact, at times violent. But take courage and think often on the hour of your death; how you will then wish to have endured everything for the love of God!

Nothing will be lacking to you in walking the way of perfection, in making progress thereon, and in persevering to the end.

May the thought of heaven give you courage. Consider that the saints became holy only through struggles and suffering.

You must call to God unceasingly for his support, but it is of great importance that you do so with the simplicity and humility of a child talking with his father.

It was thus that the saints struggled in his sight and under his guidance; and an eternal crown is the reward of their obedience.

God does not look to the body and what is pleasing to it; rather he sees only the soul and what is useful and beneficial for it. Let us allow ourselves to be led by the hand of God, without fear and without impatience.

It is neither in riches nor in poverty that I place value. I treasure with equal love all the children the Lord sends me.

How is it possible for us to complain of our spiritual destitution and fail to hope for all things from God, when we consider that God does not refuse persevering prayer.

Believe me, my children, if you see all things in God, and do everything through him, God will speak and work through you.

0 my dear Jesus, although I feel no love for you in my heart, I am ready to remain true to you, even unto death.

My daughter, your prayer is pleasing to me. Always look to me, and abandon all things to me.

My soul is filled with unspeakable feelings of happiness at the thought of seeing and possessing you for all eternity as the reward for its struggles.

O my Jesus, how hard it is to live in the world and not be able to love you. But even though I cannot love you, I will persevere in prayer.

O my beloved Jesus, what will become of me in this world? I am afraid of losing you, 0 my Jesus, and of becoming unfaithful to you. I will gladly do all things; give me only the grace of ever preserving the purity of my heart for you!

O my God, have pity on me! O Mary, my beloved Mother, be my intercessor in obtaining these virtues for me.

Hear Lord, to love you throughout my entire life, and always be able to do what is pleasing to you!

O my beloved Jesus, O Jesus, my love! O Jesus, my joy!

O my Jesus, help me to preserve all these words in my heart. For so long already I have had the desire to love you, but I am so weak. 0 my Jesus, when will I really understand how to love you7

O my dear Jesus, give me the grace that not a single hour of the day pass without my loving you.

O my beloved Jesus would that I could kneel before you in true devotion and love.

That all your thoughts, all your desires, all your emotions, all your love be for him alone; that he alone might be the sole object of your love!


O my Jesus, give me the grace to be pleasing to you; I want to belong entirely to you.

Would that I could love you, O my God, throughout my whole life. Would that I could do only what pleases you.

O my beloved Jesus, O Jesus, my love, 0 Jesus, my joy!

O my Jesus, help me to preserve all these words in my heart. For so long already, I have had the desire to love you, but I am so weak.

(At the age of 12)

O my Jesus, when will I really understand how I should love you?

O my Jesus, give me the grace to love you with my whole heart.

O my Jesus, give me the grace not to let a single hour of the day pass without my loving you.

O my Jesus, I want to love you, to serve you, to give my life for you.

O my Jesus would that I could kneel at your feet with true reverence and sincere love.

O my Jesus, how hard it is to live in the world and not be able to love you. But even though I cannot love you, I will persevere in prayer, (In her interior sufferings)

O my beloved, what will become of me in this world? I am afraid of losing you, 0 my Jesus, and of becoming unfaithful to you. I will gladly do all things; give me only the grace of ever preserving the purity of my heart for you.

Will you not help me, O my Jesus, to sever my heart from the world and to seek you alone? I will gladly suffer all that you will. O my Jesus, have compassion on me. O Mary, my dear Mother, pray for me that I may attain these graces.

God is all things. Where God is, there is perfection; where he is not, there is nothingness.

Oh! That all your thoughts, all your feelings, all your love be for him alone; that he alone might be the sole object of your love!

One cannot be loved by God and by the world at the same time; one must decide, either for God or for the world.

How pleasant death is to the soul that loves God. That hour in which one begins to love and praise him for all eternity is filled with hope and blessedness.

One should never cease petitioning for the love of Jesus; were we to possess every perfection and not have this love, such perfection would be of no avail to us.

We should love Jesus for his sake alone. Even if the way along which he leads us be ever so difficult, we may not give up loving him.

The eyes of God and of the saints are continually upon the loving soul.

I desire, O my Jesus, to love you and to be worthy of you! But can I love you as I should, if you do not help me to recognize your lovableness and your mercy?

Yes, even should it cost us our lives, we shall give our hearts to Jesus alone and think of nothing else but Jesus.

We can prove our love of Jesus in no other way than through the practice of every virtue and through the faithful fulfillment of our duties.

To see God alone in God, to see God in our neighbor, to see God in everything!


I felt myself strongly attracted to interior prayer, to a constant and trustful union with God, and to a greater confidence in Mary.

(At the age of 12)

O my Jesus, I possess you in my heart; remain with me. I give myself entirely to you.

(After her first Holy Communion)

O my Jesus, remain always with me.(On the eve of her first Communion)

I cannot recall that in my work or in the company of others, I ever spent more than ten minutes without having conversed interiorly with God."Pray, suffer, and bear your cross with me."

(Words of our Savior to Mother Alphonsa)

To possess God already here below is exactly the same happiness as the blessed in heaven possess.

Fathom unceasingly the mystery of your Divine Master; meditate on his life by day and by night in order to conform your life to his.

To see God, to contemplate God, never to depart from him, to be with him eternally! Grasp well the meaning of this, my children. Is there anything comparable to this?

To have been chosen by God in order to belong entirely to Him this is the portion of the virgin; this is your lot, my children. What a privilege!

God expects us to conform ourselves to him, to become like him.

O my Jesus, remain ever with me!

Oh! When will you finally begin to live in God? Only then will you discover how sweet his yoke is; until that day, you will find it hard to comprehend this.

It is not difficult for a soul that loves God to converse with him.

Once the soul has tasted how sweet familiarity with Jesus is, it is only with difficulty that she can refrain from such conversation. Can there be a sweeter colloquy than one with Jesus?

As long as you seek the world, you will never find comfort and joy.

The constant presence of God and union with Him strengthens us in temptation and preserves us from sin.

If you want to fulfill your duties and live as true disciples of Christ, you must converse constantly with God.

For a soul who has given herself to God, no sacrifice should be too hard or too difficult.

My divine Bridegroom, I bury my heart in yours; accept it, and give me your heart.

I live, but it is no longer for myself that I live, but for God alone. To him alone I offer myself each day. At each moment, I offer to God alone, my body, my will, my heart, and all my desires.

O my beloved Jesus, send me sufferings, as much as you will. Give me only the grace to love you and to hide myself in the religious life and to serve you there.

If young people were taught more about virtues and about the love of Jesus, if we talked to them more about God than about the world, then believe me, youth would not be so corrupt.

The misfortune of a tepid soul is so great, that I find no expression with which to portray it adequately and vividly.

As far as perfection in the service of God is concerned, the soul that attributes no importance to what she has promised, or who values this promise ever less, cannot attain perfection.

My children never do anything for the sake of being pleasing to men; not even for the sake of securing the praise of your superiors.


I feel a strong desire to leave the world in order to serve God better.

O my Jesus, send me sufferings, as much as you will; only give me the grace to love you, and to serve you in solitude.

O my Jesus, how I would love to praise you and glorify your Name the whole day long!

O my Jesus, if you restore my health and call me to the religious life, I will dedicate to you every moment of my life, and use all my words to your honor.

Nothing makes my heart rejoice more than the honor of your name and that of your holy Mother.

I want only your honor; I want only the salvation of souls.

O my Jesus, grant that all may acknowledge your love and your fatherly providence, particularly, however, your servants at the altar: confessors, pastors, and those entrusted with the guidance of souls.

Do nothing for the sake of pleasing men. Do good because God wills it, to please him and him alone.

Do everything to the best of your ability, and for God.

Your love should belong to God alone; attachment to creatures should never divide it. Here below, love only in a supernatural manner, and only for God.

Souls expect from you nothing else, but that you speak to them of divine matters.

Consider only the soul. Speak only of things that will be to its benefit.Nothing touches a soul so much as the sight of one suffering with complete

submission to the will of God.

My divine Bridegroom, it is not m£ honor and esteem that I want. I am concerned only and soley with your honor and the salvation of souls.

One has but to will earnestly, and God does the rest.


I desire nothing, but to do the will of my heavenly Father.

"It is not you who act, but I. Suffer and be silent.(Words of our Savior to Mother Alphonsa Maria)

Be simple in your desires and completely submissive to the will of God. This is the chief prerequisite for being heard.

O my Jesus, may thy will alone be done. Strengthen me that I may constantly fulfill this will.

When we are deprived of interior consolations, let us adore the designs of God, who in his never failing goodness and wisdom permits this.

It is not God, but we ourselves, who make our sufferings heavier, for we are not submissive, and always want something other than what God wills; for this reason, our sufferings appear heavy and unbearable.

God comes in wonderful ways to souls who do the will of God; sometimes, in most unexpected ways.

Those souls who desire perfection and sanctity should do the will of God in all things, and submit themselves to it without reserve.

I will carry this heavy burden (superior) as long as God wills it; I have taken it upon myself in obedience to his will.

My Jesus, show me the way along which I should walk. I want only what you want, and yet it seems to me that I am seeking myself. Enlighten me!

The only things that should concern us during prayer are the honor of God, the complete fulfilling of the will of God, and the salvation of souls.

God often gives us the opposite of what we desire. He watches over us as a Father watches over his children.

There is nothing that can so evoke the love and the good pleasure of God as submission to his holy will.

When God delays in answering our prayers, let us be careful not to murmur or complain about him; this would offend him.

Why are you so restless and fainthearted? You know that in even the smallest thing that you do, you are doing the holy will of God.

Holiness consists especially in the conformity of our will to the will of God.

Nothing will ever be lacking to a soul who places her whole confidence in God and submits to his will; she will always obtain what she needs.

If a soul were to possess all virtues, but were not peace-loving and submissive, all these virtues would be of no avail.

My daughter, you should offer your will as a sacrifice; and consider it the greatest grace when you can do so continuously.


O Jesus, I want to be a saint, even if it should cost my life. Accept me.

Rather die than fail to be a saint! This is what I will! (At the age of 3)

O my Jesus, I will be ever obedient so that I may become a saint.(At the age of 10)

My beloved Savior, help me detach my heart from the world, so that I may seek nothing but you. I will gladly suffer all that you want me to suffer, dear Jesus. O my God, have mercy on me. O Mary, my beloved Mother, obtain this virtue for me.

O my beloved Jesus, if only I might die! Somehow I cannot become the saint I desire to be.

In my sufferings, I will constantly keep in mind my petitions:Always to preserve the purity of my heartThat I may attain to sanctityThat I may fulfill the holy will of God in

all things, and suffer everything for these intentions. (In her physical and spiritual sufferings)


Whenever I met a priest, I always considered that it was God himself whom I saw.

Esteem for the priest caused me to tremble, as I considered that each day he holds God in his hands and takes him into his heart.

Hence, when I saw a priest pass by, I recommended myself interiorly to his prayers. (At the age of 12)

O my Jesus, have compassion on me. I want to open myself to your priest; help him to know my soul. To whom shall I turn? Oh! Have mercy on me.

(In her interior sufferings)

Have pity on me through the mediation of your priest; speak to me through his words. In his will, I will recognize your will.

Oh! If I could only tell priests how God has favored them, and how exalted their state is. Oh! If they could only understand how much God loves them.

Priests are they who dispense divine graces. They are the brethren and the favorites of our beloved Redeemer.

There is so little respect for priests, for God´s mediators. They are so seldom re-membered in prayer. This is the cause of the numerous afflictions of the faithful and of the Church. God is offended at this indifference.


When I prayed, I always wanted to be alone.

When I prayed, I immediately placed myself in the presence of God.(At the age of 11)

By about the age of twelve, I began to spend all my time in prayer and work. (At the age of 12)

I felt great interior consolation, and was completely taken up by love for Jesus. (At the age of 13)

More and more I felt myself drawn to solitude and to prayer.(After her first Holy Communion)

Without paying heed to my sadness, I spent some hours of the day in prayer.(In her interior sufferings)

I practiced especially interior prayer, in which I asked God to let me progress in virtue.

(At the age of 15)I spent my whole day in interior prayer.

You really pray when you speak with God in the way that your heart dictates. It is then that your prayer is interior and pleasing to God,

True prayer comes from the heart; these are feelings and desires of the soul that lifts itself to God.

My children do not think that you are forbidden to speak to God in the way that you feel interiorly impelled to do. On the contrary, in all sincerity lay before him your feelings and desires, your needs, whatever they may be.

Always be humble in your petitions, and completely submissive to the will of God. That is the chief prerequisite for being heard.

Persevering, childlike prayer attains all things from God, and particularly, when we ask through the intercession of the being of Virgins.

Your heart shall remain united to God, even if your imagination distracts you in prayer.

How is it possible for us to complain of our spiritual destitution and to become discouraged by the least obstacle in the practice of good.when we can hope for all things from God, who cannot refuse persevering prayer.

Perseverance in prayer is one of the most necessary conditions for making our prayer effective,

Do you think, my children, that the saints always immediately received the graces for which they prayed? Often God tried them with apparent refusal through long years of petitioning. And yet they continued their prayers.

When God at times delays in answering our prayers, let us refrain from murmuring or complaining about him. This would be a great offense to him.

Doesn't God have the right to test our loyalty and our patience? Isn't it of great value to us when at times the fulfillment of our wishes is delayed?

Oh yes, a soul that does not pray goes to meet her own doom; she makes no progress in virtue and in perfection, for there is nothing that brings us closer to God than prayer.

The mere neglect of prayer is sufficient cause for a person to lose her soul. She need do nothing else.

Believe this, that when you pray, Jesus is at your side.

As the body cannot exist without nourishment, so the soul cannot live without food, and particularly without prayer.

If we wanted to speak with some great person of the world, we would meet him with the utmost respect and be very concerned not to offend him. But in order to be pleasing to God and not to offend him in prayer—for that, we put forth very little effort.

Continue to pray, my daughter, for this prayer is pleasing to me. Look, my daughter, I am Jesus your bridegroom, who taught you how to pray in your heart.


Fathom unceasingly the mystery of your Divine Master; meditate on his life by day and by night, in order to conform your life to his.

Would that it were given to me, my children, to awaken in you the craving for intimate conversation with God.

To adore God always, to thank him always! What an exalted occupation! What an ineffable happiness!

Would that all your thoughts, all your feelings, all your love were for him alone, that he alone would be the sole object of your admiration!

In your meditation, delve deeply into each topic; familiarize yourselves with it.

Do not be satisfied with merely general ideas and indefinite feelings and superficial thoughts.

Therefore, my dear children, you must meditate in such a way as to draw profit from the meditation. Apply to yourselves whatever practical points you discover in it.

All topics offer us either rules of conduct to pursue or examples to imitate.

What fruit such a meditation can bring forth in a soul! If she is in sin, she repents; it vivifies her zeal if she is tepid; it strengthens her in sufferings and trials, and fortifies her against any temptations to which she might succumb.

We should not crave for human learning, but await grace and light from God alone. We should keep before our eyes only the honor of God, the glorification of his name, and the salvation of souls. We should desire nothing but the grace to be completely submissive to his will.

The best way to prepare oneself for prayer is to place oneself before God and say to him: O my Jesus, see how poor and destitute I am. Speak one word to my head in order to imprint thereon the subject of my meditation.

If our prayer is not immediately answered, we should still continue it and say; My Jesus, I will not leave you until you have pity on me.

The honor of God, the fulfilling of his holy will, and the salvation of souls should be our only concerns during prayer.

The more simple and childlike our relation to God is, the more readily he will reveal himself to us.

One must pray to God without ceasing, but this must happen with the simplicity and humility of a child toward his father.

Can there be a sweeter colloquy than that which we have with God?

When will you finally acknowledge your sinfulness? Only when you contemplate the sufferings of the Savior.

It is not difficult for a soul that loves God to converse with him.

Once a soul has tasted how sweet familiarity with God is, it is difficult for her to refrain from it. Can there be a sweeter colloquy than that with Jesus?


O my Jesus, when will the moment come in which I may receive you in Holy Communion? (At the age of 12)

While I was present at the holy sacrifice of the Mass, I was overcome by a strong desire for Holy Communion. I wept and prayed; O my dear Jesus, how long must I yet remain away from Holy Communion? Qh! Surely, when the day comes on which I may receive you, I will love you more and serve you more diligently.

(At the age of 13)

Oh! If I could only go to Holy Communion! How devoutly I would cast myself before you to adore you. Oh! Have mercy on me, and help me to prepare myself well for that day.

Whenever I met a person whom I had seen going to Holy Communion that morning, I sighed and thought; Oh how happy this person is, to carry God in her heart.

I offered this suffering to the Lord with this prayer: O my Jesus, I will gladly endure these sufferings for love of you; give me only a heart similar to yours. Prepare it, so that I may worthily receive you in Holy Communion.

(At the age of 13)

Without knowing what it was, I received Communion, spiritually shortly before my first Holy Communion.

(At the age of 13)

O my Jesus, the happy moment in which I may receive you is now here. With ardent longing I constantly repeated these words: O my Jesus, I possess you now in my heart; how long I have sighed for you in my heart! My beloved Jesus, remain with me new. I give myself entirely to you.

I felt a constant joy in my heart and was drawn to love and gratitude.(After her first Holy Communion)

My faith in Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament was so vivid, that in the presence of the same, I considered myself as before the very Person of Jesus, and spoke to him with complete, childlike trust and without any fear.

If Holy Communion could produce in you the fruits that it should, you would be angels and not men. Holy Communion is the best means of enkindling love for Jesus.


There was no teaching that I listened to with greater eagerness and that I could better comprehend than the teachings on the sufferings of Christ or his beloved mother.

I denied myself at the table for love of the suffering Jesus.(At the age of 10)

The sufferings of Jesus aroused in me the desire to live in the woods or in a cave, in order to live there in solitude and dedicate myself to meditating on the sufferings of Jesus.

(At the age of 11)

I was ever more attracted to meditation on the sufferings of Jesus.

I found particular pleasure in meditation on the sufferings of Jesus and in adoration of the Host Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

(At the age of 13)

I took the cross in my hands, kissed it and covered it with my tears as I meditated on the sufferings of my Redeemer.

I united myself with my crucified God as I kissed his image.(In her physical and spiritual sufferings)

How could one hesitate to embrace the cross and to nail oneself completely to it, when the reward will be eternal?

Let us hear in mind that it Is the cross, and only the cross that leads to heaven.

How different our love is from the love that God showed us! He came down from heaven for us, took our weak nature upon himself, wanted to suffer and die and open heaven for us; and all this, out of pure love for us.

And we would complain, if he lets us taste a few drops of his chalice of suffering?

We want to share in his happiness without having suffered on earth!

When we meditate on the suffering Savior, our hearts should be pierced with pain, for he was innocent, and we are the guilty ones.

How could a soul not want to suffer everything, when it contemplates the innocent Jesus who suffered so much?

When will you finally acknowledge your sins? Only when you give yourselves to meditation on the sufferings of Christ.

When we really love Jesus, all sufferings are pleasing to us. When we contemplate Jesus on the cross, all sufferings will be transformed into joy.

The greatest grace that the Savior can give a soul is that of finding her worthy to follow in his footsteps.

The suffering soul finds consolation and strength no where but in the five wounds of Jesus.

Let us go to the Cross of Jesus in order to gather the precious blood, so that none be lost.

When sufferings seem unbearable to a soul, she shall take refuse in the wounds of Jesus.

A soul will always suffer patiently and with submission if she meditates on the sufferings of Jesus, When she thinks of his super-human sufferings, hers will appear light.


O Mary, my beloved Mother, teach me to pray well. (At the age of 13)

There were no lessons I heard with greater eagerness than those about the sufferings of Christ or of the Mother of God.

O Mary, my beloved Mother, you have taught me how to pray. Teach me how I should love Jesus.

O Mary, my dearest Mother, help me to adore my Jesus whom I have now received into my heart.

(Thanksgiving after Holy Communion)

I placed myself continually under the protection of the Mother of God.

Through your holy virginity and your Immaculate Conception, O most pure Virgin, purify my heart and my body.

Mary will never reject a prayer directed to her. At the proper time, she will answer it if one perseveres in prayer.

Confidence in Mary is a heavenly grace for which one must unceasingly petition.

Oh! That it wore granted me to tell souls desiring perfection to turn with great confidence to Mary to obtain God's help. Would that I could tell them with what zeal she prays for them in their needs!

It is primarily through Mary that one receives the grace of sanctification.

Recommend yourselves always to Mary; she will be your powerful protector. She wants her daughters to be like her.

A soul that sincerely desires to love Wary and to imitate her virtues, will receive through her intercession all that she asks for. Mary cannot refuse one who trustfully turns to her.

O my divine Bridegroom, even should you refuse to hear me, you will not refuse your mother, who is also my mother.

We prove our love for Mary through prayer, and particularly through praying the rosary.

How many graces one receives through the rosary. At each Hail Mary, we greet her with a double greeting, and receive a jewel in our crown each time.

It is an extraordinary blessing to take refuge in Mary, to desire her and to acknowledge her as our mother.

Begin each action with the names of Jesus and Mary, and when possible, with a Hail Mary.

We are indebted to Mary for everything; she is our refuge.

We love Mary and we will become holy if we imitate her.

We should firmly believe that we are children of Mary and that we are loved by our father.

We cannot believe enough, how powerful Mary's intercession with God is. She has never asked for anything in vain.

Mary has such a tender heart, that even if we were to forsake her, she would never forsake us.

Yes, even if our sinfulness were ever so great, we would find forgiveness at Mary's feet. If God were to cast us completely away, we would still find grace with Mary.

Mary will be with us particularly at the hour of death to comfort us. O happy death, now gentle and mild you are when Mary is with us in our final struggle. This struggle is not hard and bitter, but rather sweet and pleasing—for Mary is with us.

O Mary, if you had not given Jesus to the world, it would long have been nothing but an abyss.

O Mary, my beloved Mother, have pity on me and accept me as your child.

When a soul turns to Mary with childlike confidence, she will never be repulsed, for Mary is too she cannot act otherwise, she can refuse nothing; her love is too great.


I prayed to my guardian angel for protection so that I would never offend God.

Among all the saints capable of obtaining for us the grace of genuine confidence in Mary, St. Joseph is the most outstanding.

O Jesus, have pity on your poor, unworthy servant.

O Mary, my beloved Mother, pray for me.St. Teresa, be my intercessor!St. Alphonsus, remember me, do not cease to pray for me; be my constant support!


On the evening before, or on the day on which you want to receive the Savior, you should mortify yourself In something; better yet, do so every day.

A soul may approach the table of the Lord without fear if she recognizes that it is simply a temptation of the evil one or involuntary impulses or sentiments that assail her.

The particular moment for asking the Lord's mercy and help is when we are at his table. We implore him to tell us what we are to do in order to please him and to carry out his will in all things.

O my children, if I could only tell you how precious those Holy Communions are, in which the soul humbles itself and implores the help of his grace.

The most fruitful communions are not those in which the soul experiences sentiments of sweetness, but rather those in which the soul approaches the table of the Lord with humility and contrition.

Make known your misery and temptations to your beloved Savior. He will cure the one and strengthen you against the other.

Oh! How advantageous it is, when a soul laments and bemoans her unworthiness in Holy Communion!


I united myself with the crucified Savior whose image I kissed.

As long as I live, I will speak to you only of sufferings, sufferings that will sanctify you.

On my part, I want to suffer much in this life; my only desire is to suffer.

God usually allows souls for whom he reserves great graces, to pass through great trials.

It is in trials that the soul recognizes her nothingness, her weakness, her evil inclinations, the vanity of her intelligence and of her powers of discernment.

You will always have suffering. Your way is the way of Calvary. To arrive in heaven, one must go by way of Mount Calvary.

Sufferings alone will open the way to heaven for you.

In order to stimulate yourselves to patience in suffering, recall the patience with which your Divine Savior suffered. Should we not follow him with joy to the Mount of Calvary?

Your sufferings will end only with death. Strive to find joy in them.

The thought of heaven should strengthen your courage. The saints became saints only through suffering and struggles.

I knew that sufferings are crucifying, but they are necessary; they free us from self and incline us to give ourselves completely to God.

I have passed through sufferings of every kind, and I can assure you, that a soul that has resolved to recognize suffering as her portion is happy, yes, is happy indeed.

Suffering is a sign that God is with us and that he loves us; were he to leave us without suffering, we would be lost.

Suffer then, my children, and do not desire to leave this world in order to be freed from suffering.

Could we ever imagine having another road to sanctity than that which the saints walked, the way of trials, of patience and of mortification!

Virtues develop and are strengthened through sufferings.

How is it possible for a soul not to desire to suffer everything when she considers all that the innocent Jesus suffered?

Graces and consolations should not elate us; sufferings and inconveniences should not depress us.

A soul should consider physical sufferings a great grace. The soul will find consolation and strength nowhere, but in the five wounds of Jesus.

When we seek consolation not from God but from human beings, we will have even more to suffer.

We shall not believe that we will attain this submission and joy in a single day; to gain this, much self restraint, effort, perseverance and time are required.

What a beautiful example is given to the world by the soul who in the midst of sufferings yet receives all who come to her with joyful and serene countenance.

When the day finally arrives when our love is so great that we can suffer something for Jesus, that we can rejoice with him, comforted.

As long as I live, I will continually repeat to you: suffer, suffer! You are the brides of a crucified God. Should not a bride share the lot of her bridegroom?

It is only in interior sufferings that we can really prove our love of God.

Inasmuch as humiliation weakens pride, it strengthens our inclination to good and fills the soul with joy.

As long as you are suffering, you are on the right way; joys, on the contrary, are often only the euphoria of human nature, of self-love, and of pride.

A soul that desires to attain perfection need only implore the grace to suffer much, for only through great suffering will a soul arrive at great perfection.

Such a soul is more pleasing to God than a hundred others. She is an object of beauty for the angels and the saints.

We never struggle alone. Jesus helps us. If we love him, all sufferings become pleasant and lovable to us. If we contemplate Jesus on the cross, all sufferings will be transformed into joy.

We go to Jesus to beg him constantly to let us share in his sufferings, in that we let ourselves be nailed to the cross for him.

God often tries a soul by allowing her to become exhausted through aridity. Nevertheless, she shall not be unfaithful, but shall persevere in prayer.

When a soul endures these interior sufferings as God wills, he will give her even more love and grace. He will teach her interior humility, mortification, the knowledge of God and of self.


Already as a child I concealed my interior sufferings and complained only to the dear Lord.

O my beloved Jesus, do have pity on me, do not allow me to be lost; I cannot bear it any longer thus, I cannot do anything more, dear God, than to be obedient, even though you receive me with strictness and coldness. I deserve nothing else, O my Jesus, have pity on me.

I pray from obedience. Even though our dear Lord seems to abandon me and does not hear me, yet I do not give up my prayers.

(In interior sufferings)

Nevertheless, not only did I continue in prayer; often, I even doubled it, and specifically because of this, my sufferings were always alleviated.

Despite the aversion I felt, I spent several hours of the day in prayer.

A pious soul is more secure and safe in the midst of sufferings and trials than in consolations.

Your sufferings and trials should neither darken your countenance nor depress your thoughts.

In the midst of interior sufferings, we shall strive to raise our hearts to God and say: “My God, have compassion on me and save me.”

Interior sufferings are a great grace. Is there anything more important for salvation than these, my children?

Interior trials, aridity in the service of God are the surest touchstones for determining whether and to what degree one loves God.

Amidst sweetness and consolation, it is difficult to distinguish, whether it is the author of consolations that one loves, or the consolations themselves.

This way of interior sufferings, difficult thought it may be. Is nevertheless the most secure way.

Continue perseveringly, then, along your way, despite darkness and gloom.

The Lord has led me along this difficult path, I might even say, he dragged me along it.

When interior consolations are taken away from us, let us adore the designs of God, who in his everlasting kindness and wisdom permits this.

This soul, so severely tried, should limit herself to this prayer: Lord, you will that I be deprived of all interior comfort; may your holy will be done. Grant me the grace to endure this privation patiently, without offending you.

Sensible devotion and consolations in our devotional exercises are graces that God ordinarily does not grant for a longer period of time.

It is not in consolations that we learn to know ourselves; in these one is more exposed to the danger of self-illusion. In aridity however, the exact opposite is true.

My children, do not consider sufferings and anguish as a punishment of God; on the contrary, they are a sure proof of his protection, of his favor toward us; they are a sign of his fatherly love.

Interior sufferings are the best school of the spiritual life.

Love does not consist in sentiment, but rather in this; that we fulfill all our obligations as though we were graced with all possible consolations, without paying any heed to our feelings of abandonment and desolation.


O my Divine Redeemer, in order to become like you, I desire to suffer contempt and to die in abandonment.

My children, accept this humiliation with good will, following the example of the apostles who rejoiced in being found worthy to suffer disgrace for the Name of Jesus.

Perhaps abusive words will be hurled at you; accept all disdain for the love of God, and thank him for allowing you to suffer for him.

It is so much better for you, my children, if instead of garnering words of praise and evidences of gratitude, you receive only humiliation and reproof.

When you are struck on the right cheek, offer your left cheek as well; in this way, you will more surely obtain the conversion of these souls.

The soul must already be on a high degree of perfection if she can endure contempt and maltreatment with joy.

As long as we are not completely determined to endure everything from our neighbor without getting angry about it, we have not yet attained perfection.


Learn then, my children, mutually to endure one another in all things. When one offends the other, the offense shall be immediately forgotten.

How sad t is, my children, to see souls approaching the altar of the Lord, and yet nourishing repugnance, aversion and a type of hatred for their neighbor.

Beware of going to the Lord's table if you willingly nurture uncharitable sentiments against your neighbor.

If you were to consider God in all men, then you would certainly have love for your neighbor.

What you do to the least of your sisters, will be done to you as well.

Meet with love and kindness all persons who are recommended to your care; consider that God uses you as his instruments among men.

We are to love our neighbor, but only for the sake of God, with God and in God; we should see God alone in all creatures.

You should be polite and pleasant to all, without making distinctions between poor and rich.

No effort, no exertion and no sacrifice should be too great for you when it is demanded by the love of your neighbor.


I love sinners with a sincere tenderness; in them I see only creatures of God, objects of his love.

I love sinners as children of God and as my brethren. I would give my life and my blood for their salvation.

Pray often for the conversion of sinners, pray with confidence, God will not reject your prayer.

God has chosen you as instruments for the conversion of sinners. Thank him for this unmerited grace.

Nothing is more pleasing to God than the prayers, works, sufferings and mortifications that one offers for souls he has ransomed by his blood.

It is written, that one who contributes to the salvation of a soul has thereby assured the salvation of his own soul.

Our zeal shall repel all fear and all human respect when it is a question of the salvation of a soul.

What consolation, what joy for you, my children, when in heaven God will show you the souls that you have won through your care, your dedication, your sacrifices, and your night vigils.

Let people think what they will of us; let us extend a helping hand to anyone who has fallen a slave to the evil one.

Speak of God to this soul in order to lead him back to his love and his service.

Choose the opportune moment; it is a question of the salvation of a soul.

Watch and pray; the enemy lies in ambush as before his prey. By no means allow him to snatch it away.

The hour of grace will come for the souls that you want to save; your prayers, your sighs of love will obtain this grace from Jesus and Mary.

Be attentive to utilize the opportune moment; grace will put the proper words into your heart and lips.

God will bless what you say in his name. Thus, there will be one more just soul for heaven.

If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the left cheek to him; in this way, we more easily obtain the conversion of sinners.

Pray continually for the conversion of sinners, and recommend them in a particular way to the beloved mother of God. Your prayers will be heard.

You must see the Savior in the poor and in the sick; you must serve them with kindness and joy, and consider that it is God whom we serve in them.

You shall support the sick and help them as much as you can; always remember that it is the suffering Savior whom you are visiting.

You shall help the poor and assist them as much as you can; they are God's children, even as you are.

Bear with joy whatever is unpleasant, for you can thereby make reparation for a great number of sins. Yes, you can thus atone for more sins than you can through long prayers; for self-love in prayer easily deprives you of all merit. On the other hand, the service of the sick excludes all self-love.

Oh! Believe me, one can hope for the greatest merit in caring for the sick if one does all from a pure intention, that is, to please God and to save souls for him.

My daughters, when his brides exert themselves to do everything that the bridegroom desires, then Jesus is in their midst. He will help them to bear their yoke. He himself will teach them and lead them by the hand. He loves them and converses with them, particularly at the bedside of the sick; for he always converses with the sick, cares for them and comforts them.

Never deny anything to the sick, for what you deny them, you deny the Savior.


Rather let me die now than ever to offend you later.(At the age of 9)

O my Jesus, never again in my whole life will I commit another sin.(At the age of 10)

Of all that I was taught, I was best able to retain those teachings that showed me how much God is offended.

O my Jesus, adorn my heart with those virtues that are most pleasing to you; I will never more offend you. Help me always, O my good Jesus.

(After her first Holy Communion)

O my Jesus, preserve me today from every sin.

O prayed constantly for the grace of perseverance, for the grace to avoid the occasion of sin, and to elude the dangers of the world.

(At the age of 12)

O goodness, O love of my God! Why have I ever opposed you—even if it had been only on a single occasion! Help me, O my beloved, that I may never do this again.

Let us offer him our resolutions during Mass, and implore the grace of being faithful to them.

The firm determination never to sin is the best proof that we love God.

Fight with courage like good soldiers who daily enter fearlessly into battle.

Labor and weariness await us, but nothing should alarm, disquiet or frighten us.

My children, now is the tine of struggle, of labor and of sacrifice. Let us crucify the old man in order to put on the new.

We traverse the earth at the edge of the abyss of hell. In order not to fall into that abyss, do not leave the true path of humility, of obedience, of confidence in God.

Little things are the touchstones that help us to recognize more easily and more surely whether we are making progress in virtue.

One must perform a painful and difficult task with the same attention and exactness that one would give to the most pleasant and the easiest task.

Be careful, my children, not to be superficial sisters, who lightly pass over points that you consider insignificant.

At the approach of a temptation, arm yourselves to oppose and to combat it.

Without a struggle, there is no victory, and much less, a crown.

The wiles of Satan are for the most part unnoticeable. He uses every means to spread delusion and falsehood; he uses lies in order to corrupt everything, or at least to diminish thereby the value of a good work.

The greater the violence you do yourselves, the greater will be your reward.

It is time that you repent, that you do penance and live.

You must make reparation either in this world or in the next; choose now, whichever you will.


I have always had a great love for obedience. Nevertheless, because of my inclination to impatience and my obstinate temper, there was always a struggle in me against that which was recommended to me.

It is not your prayers that I want, but your obedience.

(Words of our Savior)

As soon as I had promised obedience, I was interiorly relieved; my sufferings became endurable.

Strive unceasingly for complete obedience, humility, and renunciation on every occasion.

Interior obedience consists in this, that we obey with the conviction that the commands of the superiors are expressions of the will of God.

What a powerful weapon obedience is for combating the evil enemy. One endures the struggle then with more courage, with a more cheerful countenance and with a more joyful heart.

An obedient soul, who does not want to be her own guide, makes much progress in virtue and in perfection.

Your example fills me with shame. I see the way you fulfill the will of Mary and Joseph in all things; and I do not want to submit myself in anything.

It is God who commands you through the superior and who admonishes you through her; when you do her will, you do his.

Blind obedience leads to heaven; disobedience, to hell.

He who despises the superior, despises me; as you are with her, so you are with me.

(Words of our Savior)

You should always do the will of your superior; in this way, you will never go astray and will understand everything better.

Obedience makes saints; nothing else need be done except to obey.

May you be able to say on your deathbed: I have done nothing except through obedience.

As long as a sister falls to give herself blindly to obedience, and wants to examine and understand everything herself, she cannot faithfully fulfill her obligation. Much less can she be a real bride of Christ.

On the way of obedience you will never meet the tempter.

You should consider obedience as the most beautiful virtue; for with obedience you will possess humility as well, and will do nothing according to your own will.


Where the spirit of poverty is lacking, progress in virtue is lacking as well.

Because the poor person is humble, he calls himself (poor in spirit). The humble man desires to be poor in all things.

Go to Nazareth; consider what I have. Then may all that you have be conformable thereto.

A soul that is poor in spirit never sees any virtue in herself; she sees only her weaknesses and her deficiencies.

I say it once again: where there is no spirit of poverty, there is no progress in virtue. Such go backward rather than forward. As long as the spirit does not reign over the flesh, the flesh will be victorious. Until then, your obligations will not be fulfilled.


I wanted to enter a convent, and there, to be considered as the last.

Be humble in your desires and completely submissive to the will of God. This is the chief prerequisite for being heard.

It is in afflictions that the soul recognizes her nothingness, her weaknesses, her evil inclinations, the vanity of her wisdom and powers of judgment.

If we have fallen, let us hasten to acknowledge our fault, to confess it, to accuse ourselves, and then once more to rise.

The grace to recognize our faults is more precious than the grace of visions or of miracles.

Humility weakens pride, strengthens our will to do good, and diffuses a quiet happiness in the soul.

We all have a certain pride, this is the basis of our fallen nature. But the evil against which we must guard ourselves is allowing pride to dominate us.

There is danger that the evil enemy will draw profit from the praise that is given you, inasmuch as he arouses self-love in you and thus robs you of the fruit of your good works.

Pay no attention to the praise that is given you; instead, raise your heart to God and give him the honor of all your good works.

Consider that it is only because of his grace that you can do good. Without the grace of God, we are miserable, weak creatures, incapable of a single good thought.

God has no joy in the service of a proud soul. She cannot persevere, for the spirit of pride is greatly opposed to the spirit of God.

God has always given me the grace to recognize how much pride displeases him.

If one of you were to come to me and tell me that she has no pride, I would answer that she is all the more filled with it, since she does not even notice it.

O my children! If you could only understand the usefulness of humiliations! They are a sure means in fact, almost the only means to acquire humility.

If you would love humiliations, these would be for you the best preparations for confession and holy Communion.

Humiliation will free your heart from self-love and make room for the graces that God has destined for you.

Be humble, my children, so that God may speak to your heart, and give you the graces that he has prepared for you.

God loves to associate with the humble; for them alone he reserves the greatest favors.

Could you delude yourselves into believing that you love God, when you cannot endure a single word of injury from your sisters, a word which is almost always unconsciously spoken, and which God allows to give you practice in patience?

In petitioning God for whatever grace, do not emphasize your merits; that would be condemnatory self conceit.

With what kindness God listens to the humble soul; how he runs, how he hastens toward her to support her in her needs.

Comply with courage and confidence to the inspirations of grace.

God loves to give his graces to simple souls.

My children, when we feel our unworthiness and our misery, let us bless God. Instead of bearing our trials impatiently, let us thank him for them.

It is impossible for a soul who is not humble to attain perfection.

It is in the humble that God finds his good pleasure.

A good religious should be humble, like her Divine Bridegroom.

May all your words be unpretentious and humble.

A humble soul is truly acceptable and well pleasing in the eyes of God. His eyes are constantly turned toward her; she will obtain whatever she desires.

My daughter, a soul that wants her reward from God will not seek to be praised, will not desire that her work be acknowledged; rather, as far as possible, she seeks to keep them hidden.

Where humility reigns, there is peace and the grace of God.

A simple soul is upright, she is not ashamed to acknowledge her faults, for she knows that in reality, it is only God whom she has offended.

In yourself, you should find nothing that is pleasing to you, except your weaknesses.

We should humbly listen to all advice and to all admonitions, and consider that it is God who speaks to us.

The humble soul has her sins and her weaknesses always before her eyes, and does not ascribe to herself the good that she does.

The proud soul is constantly taken up with herself and is devoid of God.

How is it that humility no longer prevails in the world? It is because people exert themselves too little to become acquainted with it.

No soul will attain humility if she is unaware of her own misery and weaknesses, and is not distressed over her sins; further, if she does not irradicate self love from the depths of her heart.

What does it profit you, my children, to go often to confession, to receive the Lord daily in holy Communion, if you nurture self-love in your heart?

You begin to be a true bride of Christ only when you crucify self-love, self-will and pride through the practice of humility.

The proud soul cannot persevere in the service of God; the spirit of pride is too opposed to the spirit of Jesus.

O beloved Jesus, do Thou perform the good that I am unable to do. See, everything in me is so imperfect.

O precious virtue of humility, how pleasing you are in the eyes of God and how little know by men!

Actually, there are but few holy souls, because there are but few humble souls.

A humble soul is especially easy to instruct; she accepts everything calmly, with joy.

With the grace of God, I want only to fulfill his will, to be forgotten by all, to seek privation, the last place, the lowest offices.

The only thing I desire of my servant is that he follow me in humility; for humility is perfection, just as pride is destruction.

It is not enough merely to give the appearance of being humble; you should be fundamentally and in practice humble.

Obedience makes saints. Follow the inspirations of grace with humility.


I beg of you to preserve me a virgin, in order to be able to serve you. You see and understand my wish. My Jesus, you will give me the grace to serve you in the state of virginity and to die in this state, will you not?

It is not only in name that I want to remain a virgin; my heart, too, shall be adorned with those virtues that you expect of a virgin.

Through your virginity and your Immaculate Conception, O Virgin Mary, purify my heart and my body.

The virtue of purity requires the constant assistance of God's grace.

Is not that virtue the most beautiful, which requires the aid of the choicest graces for its preservation?

In the long run, vain and useless talk always brings harm to the virginal soul. The devil makes use of these in order to confuse the soul and to rob her of interior peace.

God loves souls who are poor and pure of heart, for he himself was poor and pure of heart.

You shall be simple with God and with your fellowmen, for this is in accord with the will of God.


I denied myself at table for the love of the suffering Jesus.

In order to make progress in self denial and to mortify my self will, I constantly strove to prefer doing what was contrary to my own will.

It matters not through whom the sinner returns to God, if only he be converted and save his soul.

Crucify the old man, that the new man may live.

When you consider what a great grace it is, to have been called to the religious life, how is it possible for you not to renounce self?

Can there be a cross more meritorious and more indispensable than the cross of dying daily to self?

No weakness and no cowardice! Always do the contrary of what nature desires.

I thank God for the grace of overcoming my bad nature and of confounding the evil intentions of the wicked enemy.

Often it is the inordinate attachment to only a very small thing that can prove a real obstacle in our progress to God.

O how very much self will harms us; and yet, we are so attached to it, that we consider as unjust and exaggerated all reproaches directed to us because of this.

Everything we do shall be a constant prayer, a continually renewed sacrifice of ourselves, an everlasting sacrifice of the things of this world.

Is it so difficult to mortify self for several years—or perhaps for even a shorter time-when we consider the everlasting joys that await us in eternity?

Practice some self denial on the day on which you receive your Savior, or on the evening preceding, or better yet, every day.

The more nature dies, the more we live with God, in God, and for God.

It would be impossible for a virgin to preserve the purity of her heart, if she permitted too much freedom to her senses.

The soul should never follow the prompting of her own will, neither with regard to heavenly things nor with regard to things of earth.

Nor may you, my children, have a will of your own. Your will must be in the hands of your superior as a pen in the hand of a scribe.

Self love is more cunning than we; otherwise it would never triumph over us.

My daughter, make a sacrificial offering of your will, and consider it the greatest grace when it is completely immolated.

Self love is a poison that spoils our work and robs it of merit.

Only when you have succeeded in achieving the victory over self love will you arrive at perfection.

Be very attentive interiorly, so as not to lose the merit of your good works through self love.

You shall consider that God uses you in the service of men.

You will not be able to make progress in the interior life until the spirit has finally triumphed over the flesh.

It is so easy to seek self; self conceit enters the heart so easily when one entertains flattering thoughts.

Allow the new man to be born in you; this new birth is painful, but what consolation and what honor will come in its wake.

Dispel the hateful vices of self love and self will from your hearts. The more you separate yourselves from these, the more you are united with God.


At the age of twelve, I began to divide my time between prayer and work.

(At the age of 12)

With all the urgency of which I am capable, I recommend exterior silence to you.

In the long run, vain and useless talk always brings harm to the virginal soul. The devil makes use of these in order to confuse the soul and rob her of interior peace.

To a soul that would raise herself to God, nothing is more useful than profound silence.

It is impossible to imagine that God dwells in a soul that talks too much.

Just as silence leads to our perfection, so much talk leads to our ruin.

Be habitually silent, and it will not be difficult for you to find joy in conversing with your Savior.


My children, practice particularly the virtue of simplicity. Be simple in your manner, in all that you do, for God especially loves simplicity in a religious.


What a happy lot is ours — to live with God, to live for God.

And I too will always say to you: Be happy and joyful; it is true that you have left all things, but you have also found all things.

No sadness, then, no depression. Your sufferings and trials should neither darken your countenance nor depress your thoughts.

I had physical and interior sufferings of every type, and I can assure you, that the soul who has resigned herself to recognizing these as her portion is happy, yes, very happy.

By choosing suffering, the soul transforms it into a precious delight. She wants no moment of her life to be without suffering.

Sadness overpowers the body and the soul, makes her averse to good and renders her incapable of doing good. This is a martyrdom, but one that kills the soul rather than saves it.

My children, always be cheerful and satisfied, and consider that in most cases, sadness is the consequence of the devil's malice.

My children, always combat sadness in yourselves; combat it for the good of your own soul and for the edification of all those who see you. It is tranquility, cheerfulness and joy that are befitting the children of God.

How peaceful and pleasant is the death of a religious who loves God. The hour in which one begins to love and to praise God for all eternity is filled with consolation and hope.

If a soul were to possess all virtues, but were not peaceable and submissive, all these virtues would be of no avail.

Remain tranquil and patient, and accept everything with submission.

Where humility reigns, there is peace, and God's grace dwells there.

God gives true peace of soul only to those who turn to him and can say to him with an upright heart: My Lord and my God.

The person who has a divided heart can never attain to heavenly joy.

For the person who lives in riches, in abundance, and amidst the joys of this world, it is impossible to attain eternal joys.

What a beautiful example a soul gives to the world, who in the midst of great sufferings, receives all persons who approach her with joyful and tranquil countenance.

When at last your love for Jesus is so great that you can suffer for him, then you will really be able to rejoice with him.

Even though we would have to suffer very much more, the reward will be far greater than any earthly reward, provided we can accept everything peacefully and submissively from his hands.

Respect the habit that you wear; your demeanor shall be such, that all who see you, respect you.

Tranquility, cheerfulness and joy are befitting the children of God.

God finds his pleasure in a peace-loving heart.


One can say that meekness is God´s favorite virtue.

You shall treat each person that is entrusted to your care with love and kindness.

Your conversations shall be about God, and you shall be friendly and obliging.

You should never have a sad or a dismal countenance, for this is opposed to virtue and the pursuit of perfection.

You would certainly do more good to souls if you were more friendly and gracious.

One should recognize you not by the habit you wear, but rather by your virtue, your modesty and your devotion.

No matter how you contemplate Jesus, you will find in him only modesty and devotion.

You should implore the Lord to be with you, so that you find the words most useful to souls.


0 my Jesus, when will I really get to know how I should love you?(At the age of 12)

It is certain that the conversation of the world, of nature and of human wisdom can never completely imitate that of the saints.

Be watchful, be alert at every moment, for the enemy of your soul places unexpected snares in your path.

The devil's craftiness is unnoticeable for the most part. He makes use of everything deceit, error, falsehood—in order to corrupt or at least to diminish the value of the best things.

Do nothing hastily; seek the opportune moment when it is a question of saving a soul.

You shall undertake nothing nor give any counsel before having sought advice from God.


There is nothing on earth with the exception of the priesthood that can compare with the preeminence of religious life.

The saints were wont to call persons consecrated to God, earthly angels, men of heaven, celestial travelers.

Oh! How good it is to dwell in the house of the Lord! He himself teaches us, guides us, makes known his will to us, and grants us his light.

The religious state is the state in which grace flows in abundance for the sanctification of the souls whom God has called.

Do not be disconcerted, my children, because of this repugnance or these struggles. Far from making me doubt your vocation, they prove to me on the contrary, that it is genuine.

Called by God to live with him alone, to belong to him alone! This is the portion of the brides of Christ. This is your portion, my children, what a favor!

Consider that your God is a jealous God who wants no division of the heart that has been given to him.

You should detach your heart from all transitory things, for you know that I am jealous of the hearts of my brides.

If you would only know what pain you cause your Jesus when you refuse to give him your heart, which he so greatly desires!

You have come here to live the life of Jesus, a life of renunciation, a crucified life, like that of your divine exemplar.

All religious who observe their vows will die a happy death.