€¦  · Web viewBarry Manilow Tickets . ... A word of reassurance from one of our Hospital...

Chief Officer’s Message Some months ago a young student from Salford University, Sam Morris, ably assisted by a couple of friends, came along to the Society to make a short film and interviewed a number of our service users. At our Staff Meeting this week, we all sat down to view the finished product. At the end of it we were both delighted and yet humbled by the results. Sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of just why we are here. This film served as a wonderful reminder as to what a difference the work of the Society makes to peoples’ lives. It makes us even more determined to ensure these support services continue, in spite of the challenges as a Charity, we face in the current financial climate. In light of this, it seems only fitting that, in this our 90 th year, we celebrate the fact we’re still here! So, we do hope as many of you, along with friends and family will join us on 7 July at the Masonic Hall to celebrate 90 years of the Society. Tickets are £15 and include a two course hot buffet meal, music and dancing, and are available by just ringing or calling into the Centre. I look forward to meeting many of you there. Jill Logan 1 OUT OF SIGHT Welcome to edition 31 of “Out of Sight” the newsletter produced by Bury Society for Blind and

Transcript of €¦  · Web viewBarry Manilow Tickets . ... A word of reassurance from one of our Hospital...

Chief Officer’s MessageSome months ago a young student from Salford University, Sam Morris, ably assisted by a couple of friends, came along to the Society to make a short film and interviewed a number of our service users. At our Staff Meeting this week, we all sat down to view the finished product. At the end of it we were both delighted and yet humbled by the results. Sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of just why we are here. This film served as a wonderful reminder as to what a difference the work of the Society makes to peoples’ lives. It makes us even more determined to ensure these support services continue, in spite of the challenges as a Charity, we face in the current financial climate. In light of this, it seems only fitting that, in this our 90th year, we celebrate the fact we’re still here! So, we do hope as many of you, along with friends and family will join us on 7 July at the Masonic Hall to celebrate 90 years of the Society. Tickets are £15 and include a two course hot buffet meal, music and dancing, and are available by just ringing or calling into the Centre. I look forward to meeting many of you there.

Jill Logan

Summer’s Here!Yes, honestly it is! It’s hard to believe we’re into June already. Many of our wonderful volunteers are helping out on the stalls at the various Summer Shows – one every weekend throughout June and beyond! A list is given further in your newsletter.These are always good fun and last year raised over £1500 enabling the Society to subsidise events and trips for service users throughout the year. Do come along and support your Society. This year for the first time, we are putting together a ‘Walking Float’ at the Bury Carnival on Sunday 10 June. Would you like to join in? – the more the merrier! You can well imagine the huge amount of effort our MEG’s (Monday Events Group) have put in to preparing the stock for these events and


OUT OF SIGHTIssue 30 - March 2012 NewsletterWelcome to edition 31 of “Out of Sight” the newsletter produced by

Bury Society for Blind and Partially Sighted People

our grateful thanks to these ladies. (I know they are always looking for willing helpers!). On a practical note, the stock for the Shows is being temporarily stored in one of the downstairs toilets to make it easier for onward transportation on Show days For the time being this means we only have one disabled access toilet on the Ground floor but we have a further 2 toilets on the first floor. We do apologise for any ‘inconvenience’! but please do let us know if this is causing any problems. Anyone wishing further information on either the Float or MEG’s group please ring the Society and ask for Jane, Jill or Judith.

BUPA Manchester Run 20 May 2012Well done to Hannah and Jackie Barton for their wonderful efforts in the recent BUPA Manchester run, and our thanks to all who sponsored so generously. Some of you may recall from the previous Newsletter we stated Hannah and Alan Norman were running. Many of you who know Alan also know he is a staunch Chelsea supporter and for some reason, he was otherwise engaged watching a football match on the 19th (Well done Chelsea!) So, Jackie Barton very kindly stepped in and ran on behalf of Alan’s sponsors so our sincere thanks to Jackie.

Barry Manilow Tickets Kath MacFarlane, one of our regular volunteers, was the lucky winner of our Barry Manilow Raffle. Thank you to all who bought tickets and our commiserations to those of you who didn’t win. May be Kath will give us a review of the concert for our next newsletter?!

Charity Models Bury Blind Society’s T Shirts! Our mascot, Charity will of course be a regular performer at the Summer Shows. This year she will be modelling our very own T Shirts! Sporting the famous Eye Logo and the words ‘Bury Society For Blind & Partially Sighted People’, the T Shirts are available in white, black or yellow, small, medium or large. Priced at just £6.00, orders can be placed via the Society.

Will St Annes Ever Recover?? At the beginning of May a group of us set out in a minibus for a couple of days away in St Annes. We stayed in a small 4* family run hotel just a street away from the prom. The staff couldn’t do enough, even thought


to give a garden room to Michelle for Zara, her guide dog, for a little freedom. So we all started our holiday there enjoying a picnic lunch home baked by Barbara.

Later, we had our evening meal out at a restaurant with live entertainment all evening until throwing out time. On Thursday a couple went to see family in Blackpool, while most of us strolled along the front, explored the nearby pier, or enjoyed lunch at a pavement café, and our four legged friend played on the sand. That evening we pigged out on fish & chips whilst entertaining each other with jokes, songs, stories and reminiscing. Friday arrived too soon but a good time had been had by all! Di Webb


Equipment, Developments & Handy Tips

Glove Buddies

How many of you have gone to take something out of the oven and burnt yourself? A Company has developed Glove Buddies. These are a pair of knitted/seamless ambidextrous design gloves that come in three different cuff lengths and offer protection up to 350 degree C dry heat. They do another type, the 500CSG gloves which are proofed against steam, grease and liquid spillage to a temperature of 500 degrees C. The gloves are washable and non allergenic. Prices start from £19.65 and if you are interested the Company’s telephone number is 07841375903 and their website address is www.glovebuddies.com

Donated items to raise funds for the Society

We have received several items for which people can make an offer of a donation. The items include a 17” Clearview+. This stand alone electronic magnifier enlarges images onto its screen and it has varying scales of magnification and a selection of different colours on contrasted backgrounds. New this item would sell at around £1700. The previous Clearview+ donated raised £200. We also have phones and other household aids. Please contact Judith for further information,


The Eyes of the World await the results of major surgeryThis story is taken from a recent edition of the Daily Mail.In a 10 hour operation, Doctors inserted a microchip into the back of a patient’s eye, and three weeks later it was the magic moment when it would be switched on. After 10 years of blindness, due to the hereditary condition retinitis Pigmentosa, the patient said that it was like a sudden explosion of bright light like a flash bulb going off. Now he is able to make out shapes and light and is hoping that the way in which his brain interprets what the microchip is showing it will carry on improving. This story brings hope to not only the many who have RP but also to those who have advanced macular degeneration. The 3 millimetre square microchip has 1,500 light sensitive pixels which take over the function of the retina’s photoreceptor rods and cones. Ultra fine cable runs from the eye to a magnetic coil under the skin behind the ear. The battery pack is then connected magnetically on the outside of the head. Sensors pick up light and convert it to electric signals. These stimulate cells in the retina before being passed down the optic nerve to the brain for processing into an image. Vision gradually returns, and could be up to the point of a person being able to read clocks and navigate round obstacles. The operation was carried out at Oxford University Eye Hospital and 10 more Britons with RP will be fitted with the implants, which are also being tested in Germany and China. Obviously this is an exciting and important step forward and no doubt we shall hear about further developments in this area in the near future

New Developments by British Wireless for the BlindHere at British Wireless for the Blind Fund, we continually look for ways to improve and develop the range of specially adapted audio equipment that we provide to blind and partially sighted people. Over the last year, we have re-launched two of our most popular audio sets and we’d like to take this opportunity to tell you all about them.

Our most popular set by far is the Concerto 2, which has been out for just over 6 months now and the reception we have received about it has been superb. It seems that the addition of the USB stick for playback has been a huge hit. We listened to our recipients who told us that they wanted USB; easier access to the CD player and easier to use controls. The USB now sits alongside the SD card player and will provide bookmarking the same as the SD and the CD players. The slider controls have been made higher making them much easier to


manipulate. Finally the CD player lid has had the old catch removed and a finger lift mechanism put in its place.

All the feedback about these changes is very positive and very welcoming and we as a charity are very pleased with the outcome.

Now, we have a very big announcement to make. As you may be aware, we have for the past two years been promoting our Sonata Internet Audio Player. The fantastic news is that we are about to roll out the Sonata Plus + Internet Audio Player. It may look like the original Sonata but what’s under the bonnet is entirely different.

For the first time, visually impaired people will be able to attach their unit to a wireless connection, without needing the assistance of someone sighted. The unit’s internal menu structure is now audio driven. The biggest change to the wireless module is that it will now connect to a wireless router more strongly than before and, just like a laptop, will remember multiple wireless keys.

There are now two USB sockets at the rear, as well as the SD card slot, for accessing memory sticks as well as other USB audio based units, making the Sonata a very versatile unit indeed.

Both the Concerto 2 and the Sonata Plus + are available on free permanent loan to those who qualify, and are available to purchase for those who don’t. For more information, please contact Judith at the Society or visit the British Wireless website www.blind.org.uk.

Handy Hints & Tips: -Simple but effective! When visiting somewhere unfamiliar, and you are not sure how many roads you have crossed, why not put a coin into an empty pocket every time you cross the road. You’ll then know exactly how many to cross on the way back!Do you struggle with putting toothpaste on your brush? Here’s a handy hint, simply put it directly onto your lower lip. No mess!

If anyone has any other useful tips please do contact us!!_________________________________________________________


QuizCongratulations to Josie Armitage, who gave the correct answer to the Quiz in edition 30 of the Newsletter which was Downpour.This month’s Quiz has a ‘Jubilee Feel’ about it! Good luck.

1 Name of one of the commonwealth realms in the West Indies which has the Queen as Head of State

2 Who introduced the Christmas tree to Britain? 3 The name of Prince Andrew’s second daughter4 Who guards the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London5 Which Royal residence is in Norfolk 6 The Queen’s cousin who was killed in 1979 7 Which Royal House did Henry VIII belong to?

As usual, take the first letter from your answers to the following questions and rearrange the letters to form the answer. When you have got the answer, ring the Society on 0161 763 7014 after 5.0 pm. leave your name and telephone number on the answering machine along with your answer, and you could be the winner. Closing date for entries is 29 June 2012._________________________________________________________A Member’s MemoriesContinuing the Jubilee theme, one of our volunteers, Melvin Smart has kindly submitted this short article with his memories of the Queen’s Coronation.I was aged six at the time of the Coronation. Some days after the Coronation we were all at school, when the teacher said that we were going to see the new Queen. We were told to put our wellingtons on with our gabardines and school hats. We walked up to the main road that leads from Bolton to Bury. It was raining very hard at the time. When we reached the main road we were all given Coronation flags to wave when the Queen passed by. We were then taken back to school, and all lined up in assembly, where we were then given a Coronation mug and a Coronation coin. I have since had the great honour of meeting the Queen in person twice while working for the Ambulance Service for nearly 30 years. Once I was given a medal for Queens Golden Jubilee. I also received a medal for long service and good conduct.


Upcoming EventsJune

1st to 7th June Volunteers Week Events & training for our volunteers

Thurs 7 June GMP Police talk 1.30pm on Personal Security

Tues 12th June Walshaw Social Social Event

Thur 14th June Book & Clothes Sale Drop in and grab a bargain

Thurs 21 June Local Author, Irene Armistead talk 1.30pm

Tues 26th June Grundy Social Social Event

Wed 27th June Evening walk - Holcombe Brook

Meet at Shoulder of Mutton Car Park 7pm. Lasts approx. 1 hr returning to Shoulder of Mutton.


Sat 7th July 90th Birthday Celebration

Bury Masonic Hall 7pm for 7.30pm

Thurs 12th July Clothes & Book Sale Call in you might find something of interest

Wed 25th July Evening event at the centre

Jewellery party to be confirmed

Look out for further information in the next newsletters and posters in the Centre throughout the year.Weekly programme at The CentreMonday: Morning Quiz & Drop InTuesday: Eye Talk Sessions & Drop InWednesday: Library Morning & Drop In(Last Wednesday of the month: Themed Evening Event)Thursday: Drop In & Afternoon Talk or Demonstration(2nd Thursday of the month: Indoor Table Top Sale)Friday: Volunteers Coffee Morning & Drop In


Jubilee CelebrationsWhy not join us for a Jubilee Afternoon Tea? On Thursday 31 May volunteers Barbara and Hannah would be delighted if you would join them in celebrating our Queen’s Jubilee. Drop in any time after 1.30pm for tea and cakes with a definite ‘Jubilee feel’!! If you require assistance in transport to the Centre, we may be able to help. Please ring for further information. On sale in the Centre are tickets for an extra special ‘Jubilee Gardening Hamper’. Tickets are £2.00 each and are available to purchase either in person or by post until 29 June 2012 when the draw will take place at 3pm.

Whitefield LibraryAt Whitefield Library & Adult Learning Centre we will be celebrating our 50th anniversary this year. Celebrations will start from Tuesday 19th June until Tuesday 26th June. A variety of activities will be taking place during this week, such as an online ‘Family History Taster Course’, author visit, Tony Fitzgerald and his electronic drums, taster sessions for Adult Learning courses including jewellery making, plus much more. If you would like further information please ring Whitefield Library & Adult Learning Centre on 0161 253 7510. Hot of the Press!We are delighted to report we have a number of really interesting Thursday afternoon talks coming up.

On Thursday 7 June we have a talk on Door Stop Crime and Personal Safety from Greater Manchester Police. If you have any questions or issues you wish to bring up, this is your opportunity to do so.

On Thursday 21 June Irene Armistead, a local author, has kindly agreed to visit us and talk about her stories – and maybe even read a couple! The stores are short and beautifully crafted in Irene’s unique ‘racy’ style! So do come along and hear more!

Thursday 2 August sees a visit from the CAB bringing us up to date on the changes in the benefits system. (Please note, this particular session


will start at 1.00pm.)

All other Thursday sessions start at 1.30pm and finish at approx. 3/3.30pm. Tea & Biscuits are served during the afternoon.

Summer ShowsBelow is a list of all the shows we will be attending. Please do come along and support us!

Hawkshaw Gala  Saturday 2nd June Radcliffe Carnival Sunday 3rd June

Bury Carnival ‘Walking Float’ Sunday 10th June

Prestwich Carnival Sunday 17th June

Party In The Park - Openshaw Park Saturday 23rd June

Bury Show Sunday 24th June

Music in the Park Tottington Sunday 1st July

Pets in Need Tottington Sunday 12th August

Oh La La!! - A New Group!!Are you dreaming of a summer holiday? Why not get into the spirit, and come along to our new, informal, group and learn some conversational French!. Following on from the success of our French Theme evening, Sue Nuttall, one of our trustees, has very kindly offered (or was she pushed?!) to teach some simple phrases over a four week period. The classes will include French themed refreshments. Meetings are to be held on: Wednesday afternoons 2-4pm, 4, 11,18 and 25 July. A small minimum donation of £1.00 is requested to attend this group.If you would like to come along and need help with transport, please contact Jane for further information.

New Audio Books at Bury LibrariesHere is a selection of some of the new audio books on CD that have recently been added to the libraries’ stock. If you would like a full list of new audio books added to stock for this month, please contact the Sensory Unit by telephone 0161 253 7512 or e-mail [email protected]


Author: Bradford, SaraTitle: Queen Elizabeth II: Her Life in our TimesLocation : WhitefieldFormat: CDOur world has changed more in her lifetime than in any of her predecessors': the Queen has remained a calm presence at the centre, earning the respect of monarchists and republicans. How has she done it?

Author: Jones, SadieTitle: The Uninvited GuestsLocation : RadcliffeFormat: CDOne evening in 1912, in the kitchens at Sterne, preparations begin for a supper party in honour of Emerald Torrington's 20th birthday. But only a few miles away, an accident propels a crowd of mysterious and not altogether savoury survivors to seek shelter at the ramshackle manor - and the household is thrown into confusion and mischief.

Bury Society for Blind and Partially Sighted People has a team of creative

volunteers M.E.G. (Monday Events Group) Their task is predominately preparing

for fundraising events.However they have recently expanded

their creative skills and are now creating beautiful “Wedding Favours” and “Table Gift Boxes” to fit your own

specifications and budget.Should you require samples or further information please contact;

Yvonne 01706 823536Christine 01706 82 4760

(Luxury Gift Wrapping service also available all year)


Bury Society for Blind and Partially Sighted


Services we offer are:Resource Centre

Items of specialised and adapted equipment are available to help visually impaired people with daily living both in and away from home. These can be tried and purchased from our Centre

Advice and InformationAdvice and information leaflets on many issues surrounding visual impairment are freely available at the Resource Centre, We are able to offer a form filling service for benefit applications e.g. Attendance Allowance, Disability Living Allowance and Pension Credit in order to maximise your income.

Support Clinic:Our Assessment Officer holds a ‘Support Clinic’ at the Centre 11am-2pm on the first Tuesday and 4pm-7pm on the third Thursday of every month. This is an ideal opportunity for members and their families to come along and ask questions regarding their care needs. Please ring for an appointment.

Eye Talk Support SessionsOur Eye Talk Support sessions are run on a regular basis over a five week period, led by people who are visually impaired themselves. Sessions are informal but give useful information and practical support to carry on with daily life. Contact the Centre to refer.

Home Visiting ServiceVolunteers are recruited and trained by the Society to be placed with visually impaired people who need help in a variety of ways.These can include ‘being a friend’ or a ‘listening ear’ in addition to specific needs such as help with personal shopping, reading, answering correspondence and visiting places of interest. All these things help to regain confidence so often lost through visual impairment.


Library ServicesAll branches of the Public Library in the Borough contain a facility for visually impaired people. The Whitefield branch also has a specialised Sensory Unit.

Hospital Information ServiceLearning from an Ophthalmologist at the Hospital Eye Clinic that nothing can be done for an eye condition is a devastating blow and the recipient of this news becomes extremely anxious. A word of reassurance from one of our Hospital Information staff can often alleviate this anxiety which can then lead to other areas of help available through the Society

Social ActivitiesIn addition to the events held at The Centre, outreach socials gatherings are organised by the Society to bring visually impaired people together, providing the opportunity for social interaction whilst enjoying refreshments and being entertained.Socials are held on every second Tuesday of the month at Walshaw Social Club in the afternoon and every fourth Tuesday of the month at the Grundy Centre in the evening. In addition to the monthly socials, the Society also organises an annual summer outing, restaurant visits, a Christmas party and other trips and events over the year.Any clients who are interested in attending one of our Socials please contact us on 0161 763 7014.

Drop in CentreAll Members are welcome to visit the Centre between 10 am and 3.30pm Monday to Friday for a warm welcome and refreshments.


Wolstenholme House4, Tenterden Street, Bury, BL9 0EG

Telephone: 0161 763 7014Fax: 0161 763 3395

Summer Shows

The summer is nearly here… although it’s hard to believe with the recent weather! So, with the arrival of Summer comes our schedule of Summer Events across the borough. We are looking for volunteers who could spare a couple of hours and would like to help out with our Tombola, Pick a Pup Game or come along to help us set up! Maybe you know a ‘Man & Van’ who could help us transport the stock to and from an event? If you would like to come along and have a fun day out and help us raise funds for the Society, or further details just contact Jane Deakin on 0161 7637014 

Hawkshaw Gala  Saturday 2nd June Radcliffe Carnival Sunday 3rd June Bury Carnival ‘Walking Float’ Sunday 10th June Prestwich Carnival Sunday 17th June Party In The Park - Openshaw Park Saturday 23rd June Bury Show Sunday 24th June Music in the Park Tottington Sunday 1st July Pets in Need Tottington Sunday 12th August


Volunteers Week 1 st – 7 th June

Volunteers’ Week is an annual campaign which celebrates the fantastic contribution that millions of volunteers – like yourselves - make across the UK.

On Wednesday 6th June we will be at the Community Stand in the Mill Gate between 10am and 3pm where we will be celebrating the contribution of volunteers and hopefully inspire others to take part! We are also hosting a special Volunteers Week Coffee Morning on Friday 8th June at Wolstenholme House. Why not come along for a chat and a coffee! Do you have any friends or maybe even a relative who might be interested in volunteering too? Why not bring them along!