…  · Web viewAngela uses LinkedIn as a digital resume...

Online Identity Analysis 1 Online Identity Analysis Ashley Ruggiero EDU520: Digital-Mediated Teaching and Learning Professor Linda Kaiser

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Page 1: …  · Web viewAngela uses LinkedIn as a digital resume for herself. She includes a detailed background summary about herself, as well as

Online Identity Analysis 1

Online Identity Analysis

Ashley Ruggiero

EDU520: Digital-Mediated Teaching and Learning

Professor Linda Kaiser

Page 2: …  · Web viewAngela uses LinkedIn as a digital resume for herself. She includes a detailed background summary about herself, as well as

Online Identity Analysis 2

Online Identity Analysis

When creating a personal online identity, it is very valuable to learn from other

individuals. This paper analyzes two individuals and their methods of having a digital identity.

The professionals, Angela Maiers and Thomas Whitby will be researched in order to learn from

their online identity. Angela Maiers and Thomas Whitby are both influential individuals in the

education field. They have multiple online accounts where they have numerous followers. They

have also both worked to have successful, professional online presence and identities.


Data collected was about which site the individuals use to effectively connect to the most

people. Other data collected was be the type of information the individuals are posting and what

information set them apart in having a successful online identity, apart from others in the same

profession. Although the individuals both use many, multiple websites, the websites analyzed

include, WordPress, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

The data below was gathered in another separate document and analyzed. The document

was a chart labeled with site names, number of followers, number of posts, and type of

information being posted. Once the data was collected in the chart, it was analyzed to see what

made them the most successful.

Online Profile of Angela Maiers

Angela Maiers has worked in the education field for over 25 years. She is the owner and

lead consultant at Maiers Educational Services Inc. as well as the founder and CEO of

Choose2Matter. Both organizations help students, teachers, and schools in education immensely.

Maiers Educational Services Inc. helps discover creative ways to assist schools and organizations

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to meet their productivity goals. Choose2Matter is a global movement which challenges students

to work collaboratively to create solutions to social problems. Maiers uses multiple sites

regularly to brand herself and to make positive impacts in the education field. Some of which

include, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and WordPress.


Angela Maiers uses WordPress to highlight her experiences and accomplishments. Her

page is very clean cut and easy to find things in. She is using her page the most for promoting

learning and leadership. Angela does so through connecting links to her speeches, books written,

initiatives, and blog. She uses the blog on her page regularly and has had over 1,500 blog posts.

This WordPress page also includes links to her other digital identity pages such as Facebook,

LinkedIn, Twitter and Youtube. Below is one way how Angela Maiers highlights her

experiences and accomplishments. The more you scroll through her page and click the links, it

will give more in depth information.

(Maiers, 1999,

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Angela is a very active user of Twitter. She tweets multiple times a day to reach out to

her followers. She has 95,100 tweets, and over 143,000 followers. She uses Twitter to promote

herself as a speaker, author, educator and founder. All of her tweets promote leadership and

education. Angela fills her twitter page with empowering, motivational pictures and quotes. She

also includes many links to videos and her speeches as well. Her twitter page is very appealing to

the eye, attracting multiple people to view. Below is an example of two of her tweets and how

they promote leadership and education. The example also shows by using pictures, makes the

page more appealing. By clicking the links on her tweet, allows you to learn more information on

the topics.

(Maiers, 2007,



Angela uses LinkedIn as a digital resume for herself. She includes a detailed background

summary about herself, as well as detailed experiences. She uses this page to promote herself

and shows off her best work in order to do so. She has also made over 500 connections with

Page 5: …  · Web viewAngela uses LinkedIn as a digital resume for herself. She includes a detailed background summary about herself, as well as

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others through this page. Although this page has the opportunity to post, she does not post as

frequently as she does on Twitter. Her posts are of her most recent speeches. Below is an

example of how Angela Maiers promotes herself. She points out

how inspiring her speeches are as well as her most popular topics.


Online Profile of Thomas Whitby

Thomas Whitby has been in the education field for over 40 years, starting as a 7-12 grade

English teacher. Since then he has continued to grow in the education field. He has years of

experience teaching and more recently being an active blogger, host on #EdChat Radio Show, an

author, speaker and consultant of Corwin Publishing. Thomas Whitby regularly uses LinkedIn,

Twitter, Facebook, Edutopia and Word Press for blogging, all of which have many followers.


Thomas Whitby uses WordPress to promote his own online identity. He uses this page to

link all of his other pages together. He promotes himself as a Edutopia blogger, founder of

multiple Educational Groups on LinkedIn, and his award for most Influential Educational

Twitter Series, Edchat. Thomas Whitby then makes all of his pages accessible from his

WordPress account making it easier for his followers to connect and follow him. Thomas Whitby

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does post blogs on his page, but not as frequently as his other pages. Below is an example of how

Thomas Whitby promotes his online identities, and sites.

(Whitby, 2010,


Similar to Angela Maiers, Thomas Whitby is a very active Twitter user. Most of his

tweets are about education and technology in education. He posts must times throughout the day.

So many that he has 70,400 tweets, with 73,200 followers. One way Thomas Whitby gets his

followers is by engaging them by asking them to take a poll in what they want to talk about in

the next #Edchat. Whitby is the founder of #Edchat which allows for individuals to discuss

controversial education topics. Below is an example of how Thomas Whitby engages his

followers on his Twitter account.

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(Whitby, 2008,


Thomas Whitby uses his LinkedIn profile as a digital resume for himself, like Angela did.

His page includes detailed lists of previous experiences as well as current ones. Thomas has

posted very few posts, but has made over 500 connections with individuals. With this page, he is

focusing more on promoting himself and his experiences, rather than connected to others through

blog posts. Below is an example of how Thomas Whitby uses LinkedIn to promote himself and

his experiences.


Analysis of Online Identities

Angela Maiers and Thomas Whitby are positive examples of professional online presence

and identities. Their profiles are each appealing, capture interest to the reader and posts useful

information. Both individuals are promoting learning and education through their profiles. They

have both earned recommendations from their coworkers and peers on their LinkedIn profiles.

They also both belong to numerous groups on their LinkedIn profiles, allowing them to connect

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and reach out to even more people. Each of these reasons make Angela Maiers and Thomas

Whitby positive examples of professional online presence and identities.

From this research, there are many items I would add to my own online identity. In all

sites, the first thing I noticed was how organized the information was. There was one home page

with multiple tabs to click through. This is very user friendly and will add to getting more

followers. Another thing I noticed was how visually appealing the websites were. Nothing was

over powering and everything made me want to look more. Visually I will use my findings by

making sure my PLE is organized, user friendly and visually appealing. Besides the visuals of

the websites, the information is just as important. In both, the individuals promoted themselves.

They talked about all of their past experiences, and what they are currently doing. They used

their pages to get more followers or to get people to use them for various things like speeches, or

conversations. I enjoyed reading each of their blog posts as well. They were written very

professionally, and was about current topics, such as technology in classrooms. Their posts

would either be opinionated or informative. If it was informative, they would add links and

pictures so followers could learn more about the topic. For my PLE, I plan to incorporate my

experiences, as well as what I am currently working on. I also plan to add blog posts that are

more informative rather than opinionated. I was more interested in reading about their

informative posts rather than the opinionated posts.

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Maiers, Angela. Retrieved from

Maiers, Angela. (2007), Retrieved from

Maiers, Angela. (1999). Retrieved from

Whitby, Thomas. Retrieved from

Whitby, Thomas. (2010). Retrieved from

Whitby, Thomas. (2008). Retrieved from