WANTED.HELP. WANTED-HOUSES. RENT.ROOMS. WANTED-A … · 2017-12-26 · gewnof mauve and white...

SOCIAL MATTERS. A Brilliant Scene at the White llouse. Keceptlou to Mr. R. P. Flower. The reception Riven by the President and Mn. Harrison to the officer* of the array and nan and marine corp* waa . brilliant event. The drawing room *uite was decked witn cut flower*, the chandeliers draped with *milax aud the angle* were all filled with palms. The mantels in the east room were decorated npon a new scheme, winch wan personally superin¬ tended by Mrs. Harrison. Instead of being laid in a bit-or-mi»* pattern each mantel bad a foundation cover of living green. Into this were set in one three large solid star* made of pale yellow half-blown rose*: in another, three ¦tars in white carnations, and in the other two were anchors of white carnations. The mir¬ rors were draped with flags and banners of war. There was a large party of special KUeaU, and they, with members of the cabinet families and their guests, escorted by Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McKee, passed into the bine parlor just before 9 o'clock, when the I'resident appeared, his coming being announced by the Marine Band. Cot Ernst and Lieut. Parker preceded the President, who escorted Mrs. Harrison. The Tic* President and Mrs. Morton walked next. (Secretary Windom escorted Mi»s Kingman of New York, who is the guest of the house. The Postmaster General walked with Miss Windom. The Attorney General and Miss Miller were to- getner, as were Secretary and Mrs. Noble and Secretary and Mrs. Rusk. This left only five ladies in line to receive. All the other* stood behind the barricade of sofas in the blue room, lira. Harrison wore a handsome ne% toilet of white satin-striped faille, the elbow sleeves and bedice edged with deep pearl passementerie fringe, and about the pointed opening at the throat was a modest scarf o1 white net. She carried* bunch of fragrant white lilacs. Mr*. Morton's dress was a decelette and trained gewn of mauve and white brocade, flowered with roses. The bodice ant. draperies were of mauve and the train of brocade. She wore three strands of pearls about her throat and her hair was worn becomingly high. Mrs. Miller wore a becoming toilet of pearl gray brocade, out en train, and made with a V-shape opening at the throat. Mr*. Noble wore a superb gown of white satin brocaded in a pattern of roses in natural colors, and draped with lace in front Mrs. Rusk wore a splendid gown of cream satin, brocaded with a flower, spray, and panel* of buttercup satin were set. in the skirt. The gown was most becoming to the wearer. Back of the line Mrs, McKee wore a short drees of block lace, embroidered with gold, and Mrs. Russell Harri¬ son woie yellow satin, embroidered in gold. Others present were Dr. and 3Ir*i Inches of Boston, Miss Sbepard of New York and Mr. Tolbert, the guest* of the house. Secretary and Miss Proctor, Miss Wanainaker, Mia* Miller, Miss Rusk, Misses Haisted, Mis* Pettitt, Miss Bessie Flagler, Miss Gussie Wilson, daughter ot CoL J. N. Wilson, with her hostess. Miss Mary Sherman, Senator Sherman. Mrs. Cockrell, with Mrs. Thomas Francis Meagher and Mrs. Mackin of New York; Mrs. A. A. Poet of Wichita, Kan.,who is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Austin; Gen. Schofleld, Mrs. and the Misses Ernst. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Ham¬ ilton, Mr. and Mrs. Dunnell, Mr. von Milium, Sir Julian and Lady Paunceiote. Miss Mitchell. Count Sala, Miss Dahlgren, Mr. and Miss Batcheller, Mr. and Mrs. and Misa Hutchinson, Mr. R J. Hinton. Gen. and Mrs. Greely, Dr. Ruth, Lieutenant and Mrs. Andrews. Maj. Tucker and liis auat. Miss Giles of Chicago; Senator and Mrs. Squire and Mrs. Farman of New York, Miss Gussie Miller, Lieutenant and Mrs. Clover, Mrsw Jacksun. Mrs. Jas. Coate* of Chicago, who was with Admiral and Mrs. Crosby; Senator Morrill. Mr. Jaraes Morrill. Dr. and Mrs. Guzman. Mr. De Siruve, Lieutenant and Mrs R.M.G. Brown, Miss Grace Davi9, Miss Alex¬ ander. Mrs. Justice Field, Mrs. and the Misses Coudit Smith. Miss l)a*«-s, Mis* Alley, Sties Re¬ becca Strickle. Mr. J. W. Laupton, Mr. F. B. Loomis. Capt. Chas. P. Lincoln, Miss Bertba Lincoln. Dr. and Miss Taylor, General and Mr*. George B. Williams, Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hammond, Miss Leering. Dr. and Mrs. VauReypeu. Mr. OutUwaite. Mrs. Pugsley, Sen¬ ator Hawley. Admiral Jouett, the Corean sec¬ retaries and their wives, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Connell. General and Miss Wheeler, Senator Mcl'nersuu. Mr. and Mrs. and the Mimes Pres¬ ton. Miss lu«a.ls, Mr. and Mrs. Burrows.Doctor and Mr*. O'Keiiiev, Surgeoii General and Mrs. Moore and Dr. and Mr*. Hamlin, Lieuts. Bliss, Schoiield and Andrews of Gen. Suhoheld's staff. Inspector General Brecken- ridge, Gen. Lenet, Assistant Adjutant General Vincent and Mr*. Vincent. Col. ibos. F. Barr and Mrs. Barr, CoL Lonji, Capt. John G. Bjurke. Capt. and Mrs. Morgan Taylor, Capt. Townshend. Commodore Ramsav, Chief En¬ gineer Melville, Surgeon Geueral Browne, Pay Director Ihoruiou and Mrs. Thornton. Con¬ structor Uicbborn. wife and daughter. Martha, Chief Engineer Towue and daughter, Lieuts. Cowles, McFarland, Norton aud Paymaster sollivan. Among other officials present were Senators Kenna, Hawley aui Sawyer, Representatives Bynum and Paynter, Commis¬ sioner Douglass, Assistant Attorney General Cotton. Assistant Secretary of War Grant, As¬ sistant Secretary of State Adee. Mr. Sevellon A. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. John Tweedale, Chief Clerk Brackett oi the Treasury, Assistant Sec¬ retary Batcheller. Solicitor Hepburn, Gen. Albert Ordway, Cola. Mclntyre and Cranford, Controller Matthews. Deputy Controller Abra¬ hams and Capt Meredith of the Bureau of En¬ graving and Printing. The reception lasted until alter 12 o'clock, when the band played ..Home, Sweet Home." and the presidential party retired to the private d.aiiig room and partook of a well-earned supper. Mr. and Mr*. John Joy Edson gave a recep¬ tion lust even ng at their elegant home, 1324 16th street, in honor of Mr. R< .swell P. Flower, the newiy elected president of the National Homeopathic Hospital. The association has had but four presidents since its organization, about twenty years ago, aud its friends feel considerable pride iu the fact that these presi¬ dents have all been citizens of natioual dis¬ tinction and reputation. The first president was ex-Postmaster General Montgomery Biair. Upon his death Chief Justice Morrison lLWaite was made president. Ex-secretary of State 'lhos. F. &o> ard was electe 1 and held the posi¬ tion until the close of President Cleveland's administration. At the last anuual meeting of t ie association in January Hon. Roswell P. Flower was elected. The drawing room* were becomingly decorated with potted plants, lilies and roses, and a magnificent oval of roses ;ecked the sumptuous supper table, which was liberally s ippiied with substautials and dainties. Mr. and Mrs. Edson were assisted in receiving guests by Mr. and Mrs. Flower, Mrs. Charles Nordhoff and Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Flower's daughter. Among those present were Gsu. and Mr*. Ellis Spear. Mr. and Mr*. Mat¬ thew G. Emery, Commissioner aud Mrs. J. W. Douglas*. Mr." and Mrs. Lewis Ctephane, Mr. Charles Nordhoff and Miss Nordhoff. Mr. and Mrs. E. Kurtz Johnson. Mr. and Mr*. Cbarle* Lyman. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Warner, Prof, and Mr*. W. D. Cabell aud Miss Cabell, Mr. and Mr*. Geo. F. Gorham, Mr. aud Mr*. Beriah Wilkin*. Hon. John J. Hemphill. Mr. and Mr*. J. H Soule and Mis* Soule, Col. aud Mrs. A. T. Brittou, Miss Brittou. Mr. and Mr*. Alex. Brit- ton. Mr. and Mra. Hildrup, Rev. aud Mrs. Frank Sewell, Controller and Mrs. E. S. Lacy, Dr. and Mrs. J. B. G. Custis, br. and Mrs. J.A. Freer, Dr. Roberts. Mr. aud Mrs. Johu Twee- dale, Dr. Riggs, Commissioner and Mr*. Hine, Chas. B. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Rudoldh Kauff- mann. Dr. Jeukin*. Dr. and Mrs. Stearns. Dr. sad Mrs. Wadsworth, Dr. S. A. Edson. Mr. aud Mrm. Fred Pratt. Mr. and Mra. L. Gardner, Mr. Warder Yoorhces. Dr. and Mrs. Lee, Dr. and Mrs. Pope, Dr. and Mrs. Verdi. Mr. and Mrs. A. B- Brown, Mr. aud Mrs. Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Job Barnard, Dr. aud Mrs. Frank Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. Harrisou Dingman, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pilling, Henry M. Baker. Dr. Hislop, Dr. sad Mrs. "Ien Evck. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McGill, Mrs. J. G. Hill. Mr. snd Mrs. Quaiffe. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey SpauMuig. Dr. Bacon. Dr. aud J*ra.swormstedt. Dr.Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Rich¬ ards and Miss Janet Richards. Mr. and Mn A. F. Chiids, Mrs. Bittinger and Mi^ Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Win. M. Springer, Mr. and Miss Vale, Mr. and Mrs. Birney, Prof, and Mrs. bpeucer, Mr. and Mrs. Hcatou aud Miss Heaton and Mr. and Mrs. John L. Weave. Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Lowery gave a recep¬ tion and bail last night for their friends at their house on Ycruioul avenue aud Mcl'herson Square. Mrs. Cockrell gave a prettv tea party yester¬ day afteruoon in honor of Hi"* bameron and Mi»s Briggs of St. Louis. »b» st> >«1 beside the hosteee from 4 to 6 in the »iieruoon. Mrs. Cockrell Vore a princesse gown of black velvet trimmed with red satin. Miss Briggs wore a gown of white crepe trimmed with white satin ribbon*. Mia* bameron wore a white silk com¬ bined with Nue green satin. The table was spread n the dining rooua and all the rooms were full of the fragranco of the spring blos¬ soms, lilacs and large liiie* with which they were decked. Miss Dahlgren. Misa Harian, ills* Bessie trust snd Misa Walthall also as¬ sisted to receive. The last meeting for the season of the Ladies' Monument Society was held at Mra J. P. Jones* house yesterday at 11:30 o'clock. Mrs. Justice Field, the president of the society, presided, 'ihe topic of discus-ion was apou the selection of a sculptor and all agreed that he should be an American. Otuer* present were Mrs. Nathan Appleton. the founder of the project of presenting the French people with a statue of Washington; Mrs. V. K. Berry. Mr*. McMillan, Mrs. Sherman. Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Manderson, Mrs. H. G. White. Mrs. A. R. Eddy, Mrs. Geo. Adams, Mra. sweat, Mr*. Fail*, Mrs. Hillver, Mra Munn. Mra Worthin^tou and Mrs. Con- 4ll Smith, Mere tar/. Gen. J. C. Fremont Arrived in the city last evening and U now the guest of hi* son, Lieut J. C. Fremont, at No. 1764 K street Oen. Fre¬ mont has been lately retired with the rank of jnajor general. At the residence of hia ton last night there awaited him over 2,000 met- .ag . of congratulation. Mis* Studebaker la in the city, the gn*st of Miss Miller, and they will be at home to caller* on Friday afternoon after 4 o'clock at No. 1806 Ala*aaf husetU avenue. Dr. D. P. Johnson of Iowa ia the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Johnson, at No. 1407 F street Great preparations are beiug made for the house warming at th* new home of the Co- lumbia Athletic Club. M&o? litdies &re ex¬ pected to be present* Miss Lily Dickerson and Miss Stevens of Hart¬ ford, Conn., are the guesU of Mr. and Mrs. Siraonson, No. 22J Indiana arenas northwest The faculty of the law school of Columbian University will this evening give a reception to tlie law students at tne university builoing. Mrs. Oeorge Shekell and daughters, Annie and Julia, hare gone to Baltimore for m tea a»ys visit. Mrs. Senator Squire will receive tomorrow afternoon after 4 at the Arlington, assisted by her sister, Mrs. Furman, of New York and Miss Miller, daughter ol ex-Senator Warner Miller. Mr. Alfred Bates of West Virginia and Mise Mary Brooke Laromond of this city were mar¬ ried this morning at St James' Church. Lev Dr. Geo. Win. Douglass officiating. A pleasant home wedding occurred this moaning at 11 o'clock at the residence of the Misses Billing, No. All K street northwest, the contracting parties being Mr. James Kichard Newcomb of Brooklyn. N.Y., and Miss Mary Bell Goodson, daughter of Mrs. Marv W. Goodson of this city. The ceremony was" per¬ formed by Rev. a X. Cox, D.D. i uncle of the bride;, assisted by Rev. J. W. Boteler. The bride was becomingly arrayed in a traveling suit of biscuit colored Henrietta, combined with golden brown velvet, with hat, gloves and shoes of the same delicate shades and carried a bouquet of bride rose buds tied with white aatm ribbon. Miss Mattie Javis, acting as bride of honor, wore a dainty dress of pink silk and gauze and carried a basket of La France rosea. After receiving the hearty con¬ gratulations of the friends present the happy pair left on the noon train for their future home in Brooklyn, N.Y. Mrs. Thos. C. Power, wife of Senator Power of Montana, is at the Arno. Mr and Mrs. F. H. Smith, after six months' residence in Washington, have returned to their couutry home, Bonnie Brae, near Hvattsville. What was intended to be a surprise to Miss Mary Landon King, 1430 Corcoran street, took place last evening. Miss King is to be married at St. Andrew s Church this evening to Mr. VSilliam F. Turner of Prince George conntv, Maryland, and immidiatelv afterward to leave the city for a bridal tour for ten davs. Her friends decided to give her a reception be¬ fore the event, but did not expect.themselves to be surprised. Miss King had in some way learned of their intentions and had a caterer prepare ten courses as an earnest of what she will do when presiding over her own home. A delightful evening was spent and the party broke up at a late hour. Among those present were T. N. Conrad. Jr. Lieut D. A. Jenkins. Sidney Hill, Capt E. j' Jilts. Norman H. Km*. Willie F. Turner, Jos. Turner, J. H. Wallace.Willie King, F. D. Berrv Miss Katie Putnam, Miss McKnew. Miss Blanche Turner, Miss A. King, Mrs. Moore and Mrs. King. THE ZOOLOGICAL PARK BILL. Finally Passed With the Unjust Clause Imposing Half the Coat on the District. The zoological park bill only needs the sig¬ nature of the President to become a law. Sen¬ ator Morrill yesterday afternoon reported that the conference committee had failed to recon¬ cile the disagreeing votes of the two houses. The House insisted that the District be com¬ pelled to pay one-half of the sura necessary for the maintenance of the park and no amount of senatorial eloquence or common sense argument could change the situation. Senator Morrill and Senator Spooner both de¬ clared that the bill could never pass unless the Senate receded from its decision. By a vote of 33 to 20 the Senate receded. Previous to that action there was a little spicy debate. SENATOR t* GALLS- APPEAL FOR JC9TTC*. Senator Ingalls said it was an obvious and a flagrant and glaring injustice to compel the people of the District to bear one-half of the expenses involved in the undertaking. Thev niight just a* well be called upon to bear one- balf the expense of the National Museum, of the Smithsonian In-titution or any other na¬ tional exhibitions and museums here. The bill was read and then Senator Ingalls said: "Mr. President, the government of this District is an absolute despotism, but I do not think that I ever knew of an illustration of more perfect tyranny than is evinced by that provision in this bill. The people of the Dis¬ trict of Columbia have absolutely nothine whatever to do with that park or with its main¬ tenance or iu management It is to be under the control of the regents of the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution. The people of the District have no pre¬ sentation on the board, no connection with its management, no disposition whatever of the finances which are to be appropriated and dis¬ bursed. The Senator from Vermont speaks about the precedent alreadv established. If there has been one established.which I do not know.of course I am bound to accept his statement it was a most pernicious precedent, and if we allow this one to be established there will be no escape from it hereatter. They can then plead that the monev r°rlglDal lnT?*tmeut having been shared by the District, and the money for the first an¬ nual appropriation having been shared bv the District, it has crystallized and passed .form. 01 lRW nnd c«nnot be changed. How far this expenditure will ex¬ tend nobody can telL It may go into the millions. It will go into the millions. It is to be a great national institution, and I protest in the name of the people here against imposing npon them this invidious and unjust and un¬ necessary burden iu addition to what thev already endure." OS THE OTUEK SIDE. Senator Cockrell said that the people of the District wanted the park; sought for it They ought to be willing to pay one-half its cost '.lhig park," said the Misnourian,-'is for the convenience of the people of the District of Columbia nine hundred and ninetv-ume times more than for the people of the United States. 2»ot one in ten thousand, not one in a hundred thousand of the gieat mass of the taxpavers of the Lnited States will ever see this park - and it la for the beautifying of the city of Washing¬ ton, it is for the increase of the value of prop¬ erty here, and for the benefit of the citizens who reside here and who will frequent it." 8ENATOB BUTLER'S POINTED RETORT. Senator Butler had the floor in au instant and retorted: "So would the public building in St Louis be for the entire benefit of the people of St. Louis and nc? other portion of the flunk',?11 t I" 1 ,uPP°«e thev would think it a great hardship if St. Louis should be called upon to pay half the expense of the court hou^e and post office building there I do not understand that the District of Columbia has anything to do with this public park more than that it is within the limits of the District h £iUIn It is a government institution which all the people have a right to get the benefit of, not alone the people of the District- and it would seem to me to be a very great hardship to require the District of Columbia to pay one-half of the expense of the park which is intended solely as a uational affair." Senators Cnllom. Gibson and McPberion all protested against the saddling of this expense on the District, but the two former said they would concur m the House amendment because it was the best that could be done. Senator Mcpherson would have voted -nay," but he was paired. » THR KEGaTIVE TOTES. The nays were Senator* Allison, Barbonr, Bate, Blodgett, Butler. Call, Casey, Eustis, Faulkner. Hale, Hampton, Harris, Hawley, McMillan. Moody, Teller, Vance, Wal¬ thall. Wilson of Iowa. 8ee Sattrdai'i Stab aboqf'Avalon Heights."* Fined for Selling ueer to Boy*. A young man named Ihomas J. Sweeney, who keep* a cigar store and pool room oa iU street southwest near Maryland avenue, was placed on trial in the Police Court this morn¬ ing charged with keeping an unlicensed bar and gelling liquor to minora After hearing the testimony of a number of bo.*, who had bought and drank beer on the premises, and the dental of the defendant that he had ever sold or derived any beneflt from th* beer the boys drank, Judge Miller Mid th* proof as to the sale of liquor iu lea* quantities than one point was insufficient; that the de¬ fendant .old beer there he had no doubt ? .w w court thought that th* character of the business was soiling beer by the bottle 80 °' u"licensed lar was con¬ cerned it would have to be di.nus.ed. On the selling liquor to minors the coort **°> would be im¬ posed. and the court was only sons th. amount was not #600. ' " shooting stars. pas iitucui t. or w. [Note: There were only two delegates (Colombia and Peru) on the F-A. excur»ioa .oath. ] Hard triala for them two, # Hail Colombia and Peru, Start*J out to go clean through With a Pan American crew But did they get there? No! Boo boo! Listen to their tale of woe. Newspaper man to clerk in R.R. ticket office, have the nerve to charge me auy- thing for a ticket from Omaha to Chicago?" Clerk.kindly; "Qf coarse, not. Our terms are strictly cash." Uncle Sam is a Zoo-lu, that's what "Papa do you erer win any money playing poker?" '.Yes, my boy, I win a hundred dollars eye ry time I play," "Tben, papa, why don't y<m get rich at it?" "Because, my child, it costs me 9200 to win the hundred." Noah did his reading at night by an Ark light The United States and the District of Co¬ lumbia will have a monkey and a parrot of a time when the Zoo is finally opened. Wife: "It I were to die to-night, darling, what would you do?" Husband: "Telephone for the undertaker, I presume." % It doesn't make any difference who the is, so long as he is, and everybody would know him if his name were mentioned, but the other night he waa "loaded," and his companion left him in a saloon to wait until he returned in half an hour. An hour later he came back and the Colonel waa asleep on a lounge in a back room. "Hern, Colonel! Here!" ha called, shaking him; "it's time to get up." . Ihe Colonel opened hi> eyes heavily and tried to talk. "Aw, you're drunk," said the friend in dis¬ gust N-no, I ain't' pleaded the Colonel, rubbing his eyes; l,n-no I ain't drunk thigh mornin', but I was, lash night." A cab took the Colonel home shortly after. A woman s work is never dun, except when she is a bill collector. Marie.with pride: "I make all my own dresses." Clara.with cruel criticism: "I thought so." Secretary Proctor essays to be a military la- jineer. Love is sentiment; marriage is action. 131 PORTANT REAL ESTATE SALES. Part of the W. W. Corcoran Property and a Lot on F Street. A notable sale of residence property has Just b«*en effected. The northwest corner of the garden surrounding the residence of the late W. W. Corcoran has been purchased by the United Service Clnb. All the ground included in the garden has been subdivided with lots fronting on I streetand on Connecticut avenue. The lot purchased by the United 8ervice Club is at the southeast corner of Connecticut avenue and I street, having a frontage of over fifty feet on the avenue and over 121 feet on I .treet The lot contains 2,809.25 square feet aud the Drice paid was #10 per square foot. Ibis is the highest price ever paid for residence property in this city. It is the Intention of the I n'ted Service Club, an organization com¬ posed mainly of officers of tbe army and navv, to erect upon this site a handsome club house. Plans are now being prepared, and m soon as a plan ia selected building operations will bo begun. Another important sale is that of the prop¬ erty owned by Wo. Seherger, at the northeast corner of 12th and F streets. The purchaser is Mr. Sidney A. Kent, a wealthy resident of Chic^jo, who has recently begun the erection of a flue resideuce here. The property has a frontage of 20 feet 10 inches on F and 90 feet on 12th street, and is improved by a four-storv brick building. The property contains 1,875 square feet, and the price per foot is $31.40. The sale was made through Messrs. Pitney A Bradford, real estate dealers. Death of Mr. Abner C. P. Shoemaker. Mr. Abner C. P. Shoemaker, a native of this District, who spent most of his life on his farm near Takoma Park, died suddenly at the home of his brother, Mr. Pierce Shoemaker, at Pierce's Mill, on Rock Creek, at 2 o'clock thiB morning. The deceased wag an energetic man. largely identified with the in¬ terests ot the District. Oulv yesterday tie was at the office of his nephew," Mr. Louis P. Shoe¬ maker, closing up a real estate transaction, when he was apparently in his usual robust health and cheerful disposition, which alwavs made him attractive to his many friends. His illness was ol less than a half hour's duration, and his sudden death is much regretted. Si* 8atcbdat's Stab about-'Avalon Heights."? Have Ton bought a lot at Garrett Park yet? If not you will regret it..AdcL ALEXANDRIA. Reported for Th* Kvenisu Stab. Htbeet Improvements..At the meeting of the city council last night the ordinances for paving Patrick street three blocks from King to Princess, for paving Alfred street between Princess and Oronoko streets were passed, us was one for the removal of obstructions of streets by fencing, Ac. Citt Cocxcil.. The presidents were in the chair of the city council last night. Besides street improvement measures orders were made to give «350 aud stone from the canal levels to the new bridge over Hooff's run on the north edge of the city and to authorize a side track from the Midland road on Union street to the coal yards of Mr. J. R. Zimmerman. An ordinance to take up ducks ana chickens found at Lar5? uV ? 8tr,eet w,", referred by the council, but tabled by ihe aldermen. A communication from the mayor suggesting an amendment of the fish wharfage law so as to give the lessee of the corporation wharf wharfage fees on fish and melons was referred. Notes..In the corporation court, in the case of Perkins agt. Maddox, Judgment for *2.045 Tor plaintiff has been given. Whittum agt Alexandria Driving Club; verdict of $.32.28 for plaintiff. Kev. Dr. Nourse, formerly pastor of the lirst Presbyterian c hurch of this city, has sold his resideuce on Duke near St. AaapL, formerly Neale's law building, for #2,000 to Mr Robert Elliott The Ratcliffe property "on Wolfe street near Fairfax has been sold. R. H. Warder bought one house and lot at #400 and another at #825. These lota are on the north of the railroad tunnel wall. The store and sheds of Mr. C. 8. Sweatnam. at Fairfax station, and four cars were burned last night MINE DISASTER. Thirty Men Imprisoned In a Wyoming Coal Mine. A dispatch last night from Cheyenne, Wy#., .ays: Thirty men are now imprisoned in tbe Rock Springs coal mine, No. 4, which is on fire, and it is almost oertain that ail are dead. The mine was discovered to be on fire at 1 o'clock yesterday morning and at 9 o'clock, when tbe fiames began to spread rapidly, the men were ordered to the surface. They had hardly begun to issue from the shaft's month when an explosion occurred. A searching party to go to the rescue of the men below had Just disappeared when another explosion occurred, followed by three others in rapid succession. Seven of the searchers were injured, one past reoovery. A doaen more volunteers descended and brought up six insensible Chinamen, two They saw ten other Chinamen lying prostrate. Smoke began to issue in a large volume from all the en¬ trances and further attempts to aave the men imprisoned below were abandoned. There are still at least thirty men in the mine, mostiv Chinese. All the entrances to the mine have been oloeeC in order to keep the fire within certain bounds. A young woman who will be tweaty-three years old next month testified yesterday before Judge O'Brien m New York that she ww *>¦£ riea at the age of thirteen years, in June. 1880 to Stephen Caee. She wants a divorce. WANTED.HELP. WANTED-A GROCERY CLERK; ORE WHO UN- da stand* Cuttiug Meat. Apply at once. 1. CROW- LEY, 723 3d St « W. ap23 2t* WANTED.GOOD BICYCLE BEPAIBEB H W. HIOHAM. 4?tJ Pa. ale. a.*. ap83-3t* WANTED . OFFICE BOIa tWHITE). COOKS. ' i Chsmbernisid*. Waitresses, Nurers, Butlers, 8earaati«.*ee, Farm and lialry Hands. Ac Heir for emusylvaiila. West Virginia, Maryland and Nt* York. UuN HAM'S, HlOO at n.w. ap23-3f XV ASTKD.COOK* ITOE THIS CITY, NEW YORK, 11 Maryland. W«at Va. and N. Jrnwy; Maids. Wait¬ ress N ur»n, Men Cookit. Mailcnt. Butters. Coachmen, Kitchen Help, Farm and Dairy. DICK'S. (J 13 7th u.w. .23-lit* YV ANTED.WOMEN COOK>.. 10 TO «75~ CHAM- II bar Maids. > ur» a and Laundresses, IB city or away; Waltera. Driver* or Farm Hands; Colored Meu Cooks. JAML A. COOMBS, » at. n.w. lt*_ WASTED A SEAMSTRESS WITH OWN SEW- lng Machine; one accn-turned to upholstery work preferred Addresa J. llEl N\ LDS, S14 lath at. n.w. ap23-2t* UIAXTKD-A GOOD COLORED GIRL TO COOK. " Wash and Ir u and d.i General Housework; go home at nights. Apply with beat city reference at basement door of 1320 F at. n,w. It* W ANTr L>.A BOY IN A GROCERY AND PRO- visiou store, una who understands cutting meat; give ref rencea and salary expected. Addreea M s.. Star office. It* W A NT ED.AN EXPERIENCED YOUNG 8 VLES- lady in a Ladies' Furiushiug aud Fancy stor®. Apply a. 008 yth at. u w. ap23-2t*_ VVANTED-A ViksT-CLASS TAIIOH ANDTAIL- * " oi e»« at COST 1N EX 1 8, civic and Military Tailor, B3&GK. ap23-3t* \V ANTED.A FEW GOOD SALESMEN To BELL " Houaehold Articlea leed in Every Family, food chance. Apply Room 4,1202 Penn. ave n w. apu.t-3* WANTED.TYPE WHITER AGENT.EIKST- 11 class, nushing. energetic agent lor a standard writing machine, » nlch la in use by the Uuited states government, must have ¦urn- capital and No. 1 rel- arrncea. In replying Kive full par.ictilars, past aud preaeut occupation. Aadreas STANDARD WnlilNU MACHINE, Star office. a23-~'t WAITED.SMALL GIRI4TO WORK IN KITCHEN; white or colored. Apply at 01 2 Da. ave. n.w. 1* VKT AN1ED.TW O IN fk.LUOk.NT UlN OF GOOD " Ad'Ireaa for Outside W ork good «».ariea pa.1 to good men. Addreaa SECUR11Y. star oihec. It* VV AN . ED.AT 1226 8 . H ST. N.W , A WHITE 11 Girl to Assist with General Housework. It* w ANTED -TW OOU THREE KXPEltltNCED ti Waist Hands; alao seversl Appieutlces. Apply at 1205 ^ st- n.w. It* \JkTAN 1 ED.A YOUNG MAN' WITH SEVERAL, u ycan'experience In the D.ug Biaiueas. Apply eorntr 4th at and Msa-achueetts ave. n.w. ap23--t* \VAN I ED - iTcOM PE 11. N r W Utl'E 1WuM A N. 11 middle age preferred. 10 ,ct a* 1 astry Cook lu a ¦- uuimer bote. not iar iroui Vsa^n.iiKiou, i/tC. Ad¬ dress, with refereucjs. W.S.F., tar office. ap-3 Iw W ANTED.X Nr,AT~COL RED HOY~TWELVE OB fourteen years old for house work and to be generally useful. 8th st a.w It* WANTED-EXPERIENCEli WAISl, SKIRT AND 11 Uiaeve Han.ia. uoou pay togooil hands and per¬ manent ) oh. 11011. Mo others need apply. MADAM KoHR. 937 F st. n.w._ \VAN 1 ED-HOTEL CLEIiK; ONE WHITINO A IT good nand; state uttJ. Addresa JACKsoN, Star Offioe. It* \*TANTED.A COMPETENT YOUNG COLORED " Mau to Take Care ot Horje and Make himself Generally Uselul in Private House; relereucea re¬ quired. Call at 1311 Corcoran St. It* W ANTED .A bTE~0iiUAFHER AND 11PE 11 Writer; 44 to Start with. Apply at Room 9i, Atlant.c Btiiltun»\ between H and 10 o'clock tomor¬ row It* W AN 1 ED-LADY FOR A LIGHT POSITION FOR * * this raumilr in luy bualucsa. Weekly salary 4K. April V a m. to busiueat manager. Office liooin No. 1, 4 -4 5th st. u.w. It* \v anted-a~carhiageTainteb. APPLY TO 11 G. W. MASON, 2#03 M St. n.w. It* WAN TED-A WOMAN TO DO GENERAL HOLSE V 1 Work. Apply at 101 / ll^tlr at. u.w. 11* W ANTED.NAME OF PJ'.liSON W HO OWNS " Muchlue to Transctlbe troiu Graphophone on Typewriter at own home. Adurest, stating rate I er folio, si E>'o, Star office. ap2^-3t* V\TANTED.STENOGRAPHER OR TYPE \VR1 l'EK 11 can rent a good fteiniuytou No. '4 typewriter for learning or practice lor <0 per month. Address REM., star office. apvi--Jt WTANTED.TO GO TO ROCKVILLE, MD. A 11 W hite Girl as Maid to Child of Four; mut t nn- deratand plain sewing aud have unexceptionable ref¬ erences. Audrsas E.li .Mar office. a22-.'it* WAVTED-A DRUG CLEltK, BEGISTt.REDOB Graduate. Apply CHAS. F. KE1M, 181H 14ili at ti.w. a^~'-3t* V\r ANTED.A RESPECTABLE W'uMAN TO COOK li and Wash for a Family of ihree. Apply with recommendations at 712 13th at. u.w. ap~2-3t* WT AN i ED-GENTLEMAN with SOME CAPITAL 11 to i akeLawe House in Country With La.lv of Experience, house can be tilled ail summer with hrst- claaa boarders. Addresa J. M..V, Star office. »2 ;-.;t» VV ANTED.a7FIRST-CLASS SKIRT HAND AND 11 Draper; none but thoroUituly competent peraous need apply- A. C. A x Elia, oO.i 13tUst. n.w. Ah ly bftoreloa.m. a22-3t* W anted-fiust-class w aist axiT sk iTTf 11 Hands an 1 Apprentices at ti20 M st.n. w.ap22-.')t* VVANT1.D.MAN FAMILIAJtWl iH SOdTwaTEB 11 uiachinery to make himaeii generally usenil in bottliug e^tabiiBiimeut. pe man.-nt loaitiou; lair com¬ pensation to competent mau. Aduress, stating experl- encs, Box 111, Star office. »22-3t* W' A S I E D - TWO (S) FIRST-CLASS PANTS 1" Hands, highest prices; also Buahuimau. Mbi;IZ k CO.. 614 11th st. ap22-2t* W" ANTED-A GOOD, RELIABLE WHITE LAD TO 11 Take C'hartrs of >tabl^a:ni Make Himself Gener¬ ally C-eiul. on* who unueraiauds sum thing of gaidening and can milk preferred. Apply after 0 p. m. at 1714 13thst. n.w. ap21-3t* W' AN 1EI>.A WHiTE GIRL (GERMAN PRE- II ferred) to Cook and Attend Down Stairs; to aca- pable and honest girl a good home w ill be found. Ad- dreas Cai.K., star office. ap21-3t* \VT AN 1 ED.AT I HE CITY*INTELLIGENCE o'^ II lice Every-day Working Women, Men, Boys aud Oirls; no waiting tor work.applications tor gov*-ru- uirnt positions prepared. May Building, 7th k E n.w. _apl9-0t* ! YV ANTED.A YOUNG MAX WHO HAS HAD 11 Some Experience Working 111 a Machine Shop or Gun and Locksmith's; statu age, last employer, experi¬ ence aud lowest wugea wauled. Aduress HANDY MAN, star office. apl7-0t w"ANTED DUNDORE'S EMPLOYMENT BD^ j ll renu, conducted by ladiea. Men and Women, wbite and colored, lor all kinds of domestic labor, city ai d states; with references, nemoved to <09 Lst. u. w. m2-50i* \V ANTED .AGENTS TO SELL THE PIN I ESS 11 Clothri I-ine; i Mttiit recently lBHUed It holcU t).B clothes without pins; they do not freeze to it and cannot blow off. fcJample line sent by mail 5uc.; 50 toot iine.l>y mail For circulars, price list and term-* a<roreaa i'llL PlNLLSb CLUillh-is LINK CO., 17 iiermon §t., Worcester, M^s. apl'J-s&w, 0m \VT AN 1 LD-Li AKN hhS JTOR PKOF. CHJhlIsT~ 11 ner's International 1 ailor byetem; with ai y inch rule or tii|>e measure iloiif, an all scismitic tailors cut; patterns and ma 1 trials cut and made and instruction tnven by Mine. b. J. Mi-bhtK, 1403 K.I ave. mhl^-'Jm* VV ANTED.SITUATIONS. \vANTED.SITUATIONS ioi! NURSES, COOKS, II HoStlirSj Maids, Coachmen, Housekeepers, Farui, Dairy and Kitchen Hands. Also Canadian Nurses, German Ma'ds, Japanese Houseman. BU..NHAWS, 1110 3st. u w. ^aplt>-0t* w A N T E D-BY A RESPECT A BI.E COLOR E D II Woman, a Place mi Chamber Maid. Address 415 2d at. kw. It* \\TANTED.BY AN INTELLIGENT COLORED II Man, a Position in which lie can Lse Horse and Dayton, lie is well versed with the city. Addiess Position, star office it*_ WANTED-YOUNG" MAN OF 20 YEARS.A Mi¬ ll nation in aonit- Wholesale Place. Five yews' . X- perienc in Retail Grocery; beat reierence given. Ad- dress Box 4o, Star oii.ee. ap23-3t* ( Wr ANTED-BY A COL RED BOY, A PLACE" AS II Driver in a Private Family. Good rsfereuces. Ap¬ ply at 311 9lh at. u.e. It* YV ANTED.GO TO DICK'S AGENCY FOR YoL'R II Cookf, Laundress. Maids, Waiteres*. Nurses. But¬ lers, Coachmen. Walte V kib-iien Help for this city or abroad; ail have references. 013 7th st. n.w. a23-^t* \v ANTED.AT HBADQUABTEBS . POSITION S II for Cooks, Chamber Maid. Waitress, Laundresses and Nurses, soamitress; Men Waiters. Cooks. Coacu- iiian. Butlers. SAML A. CooMBS. O'.'O F st n.w. It* Wanted.a young man who is an ex- teacher and has had Home experience in clerkmir aud accounts wishes Employ men t; references given. Addresa LMPLoY M i-.NT, star offi. a. ap23-3t* V%T ANTE it.PHARMACIST. REGISTERED IN II Washington and Virginia, would like Position lmim diately. Address PALM A 11M, Star office. It* WANT. D-BY AN i-XPERlENCElT WHITE II Woman. Place aa CoOk in First-class Fumi.v Ap¬ ply 1312 Bat, n.e. >23-2t* Wr ANTED-BY A BE6PECTABLE WHITE GIRL II Piace as C!i»mb. r ilald or to Aasist in Geneial Houae Work. Call at 1720 5th st. u.w. ap23-2t* W ANTED - SITU A'l luN'S FOR COMPETENT II Colored Mum, good cook; also good Pastry Cook ; also Two Young Men for Private Family. Addrew 7u9 G st. u.w. ap2.s-*t* W ANTED-BY two RESPECTABLE COL BED Girla, situations lu Private Families as haniber- inaids; can furnish licet city le.eiences; no objections to traveling. Call or address llol 20th st. n.w. a23-2t* wANTED-BY INDUSTBIOUS COLORED BOY. 11 aged IB, who is agraduale of me YVasiilugtoU High School, a Place to Work in a Lawyer's or lo al estate ottice; best references given. Ad iiesa W.H.C., star office. &2 --'it* Wr ANTED-BY A COLOKKD MAN. A SITUATION 11 as urivcr aud to Make Himself Generally Useful Around the Houae ;good relereucea Apply 1U47 12tn *- u.w. It* WANTED-A YOUNO LADY. WELL FDUCA1ED 11 and lie lined, desires a Position as Companion or >ecretary o un Invalid or lady Going Abroad.alao will- lug togoasGoAnieaa, is an expeiieuced traveler aud pene. tiy competent to take en.ire charge of ouaineaa arian emeu a, Sc.; very beat relereucea given aud re- Quued. Ad ireaa Misa L. PBEsloN, sweet Spriuga, Monroe county, W. Va. a2V-3t* W ANT ED.A RESPECT AllLE COLORED oIRL 11 wants a Place as > urse, willing to travel; ? ood rafereuces. Call at QOH M st. n.w. a2'.'-3t* w AN 1 ED.BY A YOUNG GIRLA Pi.ACE AS 11 a.aid, can do flue sewing; williug to travel; can give reference. Call at 102.» 6th at. n.w. a22-2t* W~ ANTED-BY A PLL VBER AND GAS FIT ER. A Sotier aud Reliaule Mau, atosdy work. Addresa PLUMliEH, star office. a22-3t* \\T ANTED - EHPLOYEBS FOR FIRsT-CLAsS 11 sarvauta, with reference lu ev«ry case, sand to C11Y IN I ELi.IUENc'E OFFICE and your order will be flllad with diapstcn. May Buildiug. 7tu and n. n.w. fli-tlOt* WANTED.BOARD. W' ANTED - BOARD BY A YOUNG MAN IN A vl Private Faiu.lv ou Capitol Mill. Address, with terms, Z. R.. Star office. ap22-2t* WANTED.COUNTRY BOARD. ANTeD-OOUKTBY BOARD NEAB WASHING- ton. for the month* of Jium. Jiiy, Aufuai and September, by lady and gentiewan with three small children and uurae. Audraaa, WUh terms. COLNTi.Y. Star office. a22-3t* WANTED.LOTS. WANTED-HOUSES. WANTED-A Party WISHING to leave the . city will not from May 1 a Desirable Residence is Uif northwest. fnrnisned or unfurnished. at vary tow rate.- Apply at 1029 22d el jtS3-**_ W ANTED.A FtJRNIsHED HOUSE FOR A KAN and Wifs ia or N'ear »he City, no children; a aponsible p rty. Addres. I. VI K. s>tar office. It* WANTED-I HAVE (3.000 TO PURCHASE FROM owner mux or more room Hou«*: naud^ru lm- prorPiueoU; brU k. with yard; between L and Q. 4th and 7th »U n.w. Aridres* K. Q. V., Star ofice a|Cl-3 WASTED PARTIES HAVING HOU ruR ll Rent Can Securr OvxkI Tenanta and Prompt Col¬ lections and Kctumi by Placinc "lheir Property with me; repairs, inauran<-e aud other incidental matter* relating to its management promptly attend* d to with¬ out extra coat W owner. UK>. LINfciNs, mh27-lm Cor 19th and H »t«. it. WANTED.ROOMS. W'ASTEP-MAY 1-BYOENTLF.MAN AND WIFE " 2 or 3 Furnished Room, lor Light Hooeekeeiing, near Treasury Department. *oi<1 cat* and tieainaae; .tate price. Addrota SL'RV E YOR X.. Star office. _ap23-2t« WANTED-BY a YOUNG LMly BY MAT 1. one Unfurnished Room, with w o: parlor; pri- rate family preterred. permanent if suited; reference* .1' hanged. A ddres. Lol lop Mar office. ap23-2l* VvAN rED.OKEOuTWOLAROE uNFtBNinhed * V Hot ni« by gentleman and wife. uo housekeeping. private family preferred; rent rnnet be low; best ref¬ erences. Adure^ PER >1A N EN i, star office.ap23-3t* WANTED.BY A RESPECTABLE MECHANIC. 1T Room aud Board bet. K, N.Y. ave., 5tt> aud l'ith st*. II. w.. W1.1 pay liberal price if suited. Addroae MECHANIC. star office. ap22-2t* WANTED.HOUSES & LOTS. \V ANTED - PA RTIF.S HAVINQ PROPERT Y ti which they would like to sell »1 thouI advertising will Ond it to the.r advantage to eal. at Room ti, Hel- 1- >wv Building, a< I can iind a purcliaaer for any profit¬ able investment. A. F. BARK K. Contractor and Builder Heal Estate Bought und >oid. ai 23-6t* WANTED MISCELLANEOUS \\TANTED . FEW SHAB S LINCOLN BANE M Stock if reasonable. Also, aellor exchange ex¬ cel.ent Western Farming Laud, lor aaLbie slocks or real eatate;city and county; any difference cash. Ad¬ dress L) M , Mar office. It* .7 ANTED-IT KNOWN TH IT MILK DTRECT r from tile country can bedeiveredio all p*ru of city; 33 pint tickets, ileash. -kim Milk. 4c. quart. A .Urea. uOUMitY MILE, star office. a'.';Uwt»j«' ANTkD.A tiENTLE~HOR»E FOR ITS KElfP- intr during the summer; for a lady's very light must be a good tiaveier. Addraaa CAREEUl* Star offic-. ap'/'i-St" Fanted-atonce-\ hopkinsplate book. Address B X.. Star office. au22-3t \v WANTED.A LOAN OE «500 FOR ONE TEAR; M aocuilty. first morttrttra on City real <-.iate worth (4.0UU; 0 per rent lntaiaaL AUarcaa Boxtfl. star | othce. ap-'l -3t* WANTED-TO purchase an ESTAULISHI D T" Peualon Buiinesa. Adoreaa ATTORNEY A, star office. ap21-3t* VV ANTED-EVERY ONE TO KNOW THAT JACOB » ' HilUUkroHb. the Pitl buiy A^cut, located at 721 H Ft. n.r., la kept bus> i uu:uir up A. No;tlirop'a Patent Cclliiuraand side V\alio. s*nd rcircular. ap21-lm* WAITlD-A MERE.BLACK. »A» OS OtUMT- »» uut biOAU, «ui;a. ;e for two-Mat watron; weucttt not les« than 1,150; muet be Round aud cheap, call at BOB F at. n.w F o. Ai KAM. apiilvJt' VV AN TED.ALL U~ERV uF TYPEWRITERS TO 11 know that HKNRY A. CLARKE A HuN. V>3o F at., hive Greatly Reduced the Price, uu i..un Paper. Rib- boll, lor ail machine*. Toe. each, $ . jo per dozeu. C rbon, all coli'r.. .3 per hundred, .satisfaction (fuar- autecd or diou.) retunded. Send or call tor cat*lo(ua. ai'W 1 ¦ In. WAN TED-THREE PERSONS TO JOIN ME IN 1' Purcnaicng a Tract of Dvs.r.ble Acre Proj>ertr. excellent location, only one-bith caah naeded; a bar- Kaiu. Lock Box 3(lj. City P.O. ap'^l-tfi* Will lTD-lO BUY A YOCXO MASTIFF DOg] 11 Adjrea. MAaTiFF, Star office. ap21-3t* \JVAN 1 ED.FURNITURE OF EVERT DEsCRIP- It tion, also >-tock. of all kind* of men h&udiae, .tore and othce fixture. He. A. C. WINsToN, ap'Jl-lut l#37_7th»t n.w,_ WAN 1 ED-IT KNOWN TH YT C. D. COLLINS. I f Builder and Carpenter, 717-71H 18th .t n.w.. Makes a specialty of Remodeling and Joboiny Screen Dootaand » mduws to order. aplU-lui* V V AN IEIJ-U. BALM i-~A YS THE HH4HES1 CASH II Price, for Furniture. Cari>eU, leathvr bed*. Office and store Eixiurea. Entire HoUMhoida a H eoalty. Storage on r.aaonabi. termA Addre*«314 t)th at. n.w. apl^y WANTED-ALL IN NEED OF HAVING THEIR 11 Umbrellas and Psir3*ol» Covered, Lined an I Re¬ paired to apply to B B. Cti ASi_, 1314 Pa. ave. aud 411 11th gt.. opu Staroffio aplS-^'ui \\rANTED-EVERY ONE To ENOW THEY CAN If Save troui 10 to 15 per ceut by Baying V>av nea and Jewelry oi me; Fma uatch and Jewelry Repair- tag a Specialty. \VM. il. FRANK, 4tJl Pa. ave.al ,-lm \V ANTED.100 CHlLDHi N foPHO" OuRAEH, »T Caoinet size, at per duzen, thla month; well- fini-heu, .ati.factory workibabit. taken quick aa a Hluk. si AR GALLERY. 45U fa ave. mhll-3m WANTED.UMBRELLAS ANd"PARASOLS R£> " paired aud Covered by C. LEFEVrE, 73^ Will at. n.w.. bet O aiid_H; ml3-2m* WANTED-TO BUY FOB CA-H HOUSEHOLD " and Office Furn.ture, su^*k. of Merchandi»-..uch aa Grocer.«e. Dry Ooods, J welry, kc.. trauaactiona ConndeuUaL Addreaa ALBeBX, 4jS 10th .t n.w. ap!4-lm VV' AN 1 ED - PARLOR FURNITURE. CPHOL- " htered MuttraM»o.made over, *orkdone in a neat and substantial manner, slip Covers cut and made. Hi guaranteed. C. NELSON', 12V30 st n.w. mlO-4-t* VV ANTED.LADIES TRT^DRANQE BLOSSOM." vv a stire cure for femnle disease*, sample free. A lao Lady Agent, to sell Dr. Mctiill'*"Complexion Lotion." Air.. F. A. BAILEY, Uanerai Agent, 4'^BP aL n.w. apll-lm* WANTED.IT KNOWN THAT THE HE1KH OF the l.te Lorenzo Rice will continue the business cl - team Carl et Ciemiii ft at the old "land. 4HH Ylaine ave. s.w. yiAhll'S la CL, Manager. apj-lm* wANTED.PRIVATK LETTEKS AND OTHER TV Writi. gs to Revise. Correct and Typewrite; strictest confidence guaranteed; translation*, s. W. 1LYNN, A.M., Ivy Institute, tauibiislitd lS7tl, s.w. corner Sth ana K «t». n.w. ap2-3m* WANTED HORSES TO KEEP; KEEPING v v Horses Winter and Bummer a ajiecialty; order tox Pnce'a Livery Stable* 311 Oth st. n.w.; larm 7th st road, tt miles froui city. O. 1L P. CLARK, sligo, Md. iu27-lm' WANTED.WE POSITIVELY OC ARAN TEE TO ti sell you aCiear Havana Key \\est Cigar for Sc. straight.seconds. That $1 box of 50 cigars. At SicKr.L'S old stand, loll leim.n 1\amaave. rjj-:iu. \V~A.STEIi.STI AM CAIU'I T CLEANING AND VV Renovating Morks; leather* Renovated, Mat¬ tresses Made Over; Furniture steamed and Moths > ed. F. H. YOUNUS, 140- Pa. ave. Telephone f!3 lieKtroye 1 uos-i \V ANTED.TRY SCRIBNER. BEST BUTTER- \1 me. lable Oooda. '.(:c per pound. Cooking, 17c. per pound. V at ranted not to get strong (like butter does) lor one month, or money ret uncle 1. N B..Don' t take an> thing that is "Just as gooil as Serif'- tier's,** or "all tne same tning," but get the best, whicti Is lor sale only by V. 41. C. sCUIUNlR. 32S. d-B. 330. Center Market! Middle ot Fish Aisle >. Ill MONEY TO LOAN. DO YOU WANT MONEY?-* 10 TO $100 TO LOAN at Low Interest on Furniture, i'iui.os. HorneK, liouaohold iioi>daorother peraoual property; priiiCiful aiid inter. »t Payable iu weeMiy or moutHjr payuientR. noremoxal oi t^toda lroui residence, no publicity. Box ys. Star u£uce. a'.'y-lm' j ONLY JO 1A>AS IN St *MS lO Sl'Il. A 1 O AM) t> pfcr cent, 011 D. C. real cstat*- aecurity. J-KA.NK I. itAWUMiS* 15o.» I*a. tro. apf21 t ine Arlintftoii i ire ins. Co.'t utttce*> ONF.y TO LOAN"aT FIVETlK~LLNT ON kF- proved iieal Lgtate Security. I^aive auiounta a apicia.ty. XVLth & Rl 1 tiLhiOiiX>, mli20«2mv 13U7 S »t. n.w M MONEY TO LOAN IN SI MS TO sun ON Ap¬ proved District real estate. Nu delay in negoti¬ ating. AL15LU a F. FjoX. al'J-lm yx?l) F st. n.w. MONLY TO LOAN ON APPltOVKD E£AL ks- tate witliin the District of Columbia, several fcinatl amount.*, which 1 desire to pjace tin mediately; lowest rates of interest. GLO. VV. LiNKiNS, cor. 19th and H sts. n.w. alti MONEYTOLOAN | IN SUMS TO SUIT On approved real estate security. Good Builders' Loans muue at snort notice. B. U. WARNER k CO.. apo-2m alt! F at. n-W. W t HAVE A LARGE SUM OF MONEY To LOAN VT in aurna to su.t at 5 and ti per cent interest, j. ust be on real estate in the Distiict. HILL A JuHNSTON, apl-lm 1503 Pa ave. n w. \| ONLY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AT LOWEST a.Tj. rates ol intercut; a.s,¦ on otner approved Security. lliOS. U. HLNaLY U Co. Bankers, ml5-3m 1300 F at. n.w. fj\0 LOAN IMMEDIATELY.#30,00o.IN SUMS J. lo suit, troui *1.000 upward, on good Real LsUle Security. ACKER A GADSBY mS lOOaFst. n.w. EAL ESTATE INVESTMENT.SAFK AS U. Bunds. kive percent. Payable quarterly. Inauinaof (1,000. 10,000-TO LOAN (3.OO0 (2,000 On Baal Fstata el.ooo . .OO ffl 11 THOS. E. WAGGAMAN. M ONLY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM «500 CPWARft Ai o AN u ti PER CkNXt ON REAL ESTATE IN THIS DISTRICT. R. O. UOLTZMAN. flO Corner 1 OUi aud F sra. a. w. M ONEY TO LOAN AI LOWEST RATES ON AP- a.<^ proved lteai 1 sutc Security. Laige amounts a fcj ecialiy. .Also, as Agents of the Lulled Security Insurance Co. of i i.iiautipiila, ia sums to auit. to Ve re) aid on installment plan, with or without life insurance. Tajn.enta to run o. lo, 15 or 20 1 ears. F. ti. SM11 ti JC SON, 1222 E st. d-'7-»Jm ONEY TO LOAN1N SLMS TO SUIT ON~RKAL ealata security in Vashmglon city. Nodeiay. d7 J. F. CLLLlNANt A CO.. ttow F.i.n.w », NDOWMENT, LIFE AND ION TINE POLICIES I a bought at highest caan prices. Loans negotiated upon same at reasoiiaUu lenua. Apply lo AI. H. ACilt- SoN. i.^07 E »i n.w. nol-Out* IV.ONEY TO^LOAN in AuroVio l.eal Ertata Security, m Distiictj/ Cciumbia. in an> sums uesired, at lowest raica ol u+ Ureal. 'lhOb, J. FibHc.R « Co.. sei71.4 f si. u.W. \| Okl Y TO LOAN 1TJ In sun.s to auii. stloweet raw son arprovedrsit estate socially- illcH, >OX * Blown. o^Q l4oi Kiuisjiums avunaa. Monet to loan on real estate or fihst^ clasa aecurily, at ioweat rales ol in tare.t. bo delay wLere ihe aecurily is good. Ill* O. C. tiHEEN. 3o3 7th st. B.W. Monet to loan on real estate at Low¬ est Hatee. WASH'N DANENHOWER, ap24 Btifcaaaor toDANENHOft ER A bON.IUSTst. COUNTRY BOARD. WINDSOR SULPaUR SPRINGS. PRIVATE 11 Boarding House; large rooms and porchea. ahsde and Bulk in ebtsndance; five minuna* walk trom sta¬ tion and sntuwi Addreaa Mlaa A. C. AMO EL, New Windsor. Md. ap^3-3t a, CKJNGTC N. ~ r A Few choice Rooms «rlth Board may be En¬ gaged at the kcaington Mansion. Call after 6 p.aa. ap23-3t A DELIGHTFUL HOME FOR SUMMER BOARD- era ob tRa Patapeeo. Elkrtdg* HeiMa; vary FOR RENT.ROOMS. 1.X1E RENT.612 MAS*. ATE. N.W..TWO LAJfc.K beautiful LvtM OB HTObl Boor; ru hfni an.! northern . x|>oeure. furnished it uuturnube.i table board ftrst-clsas. term* moderate. ap23-3t* IVHKKNT-1211 Xl W YoRK AVE.. FIVE I S- _ furnished Rooms. large yaru .wood location. 23-2t* 1X)B RENT-218 K ST, N W . UPPER FLOOR OF 3 R*i tuand Walk la perfect c idit.-a. wa.«r. iu ap23-'.f Mrs M.KREMB. I^OB R NT-A LARGE SEC'>NBaVToRY FROST Room. 1 tinushed small private family. reduced rent from Uu to October. 1341 ljtli st. ».w. 1"~JH>B RENT-FROST and back paruijuTkc- ond aud ihird-siory K^uu, fumi-he-d ami uulur- nisbed. with or without board 2»'l Id .< u.w a£3 1J»OB RENT~FC. N1SH>D~TW'~I I lAsAVr J ront Rooms with Brst-claea Board, f.,- r. bath on same Boor. on* -quarv irotn car* aud berdic; summer raise. 2141 Hat. u.w. ap23-3t* F<or rent.Large boom on ist fuhir"or 628 E sL.reni >20. tuclude. telephone. boat and janitor. LAKNRa * .> EAVEK. a22-3t* ot<tn« IJHjB RENT.1 HRFE ELEGANTLY FIRNIsHID K(km- on V!d floor. rent *45 twr month; refer¬ ences. 7.11 20th >t. >ur ol U »t. It* 1X>B BENT.1761 EST* BR AR DCPOXT CIBCLJL A luuuu witu Boar-l. also table B-arder*. ap£!-it' (M)B REN i - 1720 H ST N.W, NEA.. ME lo polltau Club. large Ha-idsotue Rooms. co i: uni- catlug. on 2d floor. tueuitu u*l>. ai'22-Jt" I.^UK liFNl-TWO NlCELV I UKNlsHFP RoOMS, 2 fl.<or. s.ngle or en suite. with or with. ut board, Solui g i*.l. also singie Room, dd Boor. WOW XI st. ap22-Ct* I^OR RENT - UN FURN I8HED.1 WO VERY r Pl«®saut Second Boor Rooms bath on nag B «>r; all mo eru improvements. 1&23 ooivoran st. n.w. apm-3t* tfOB BENT.TWO CNFUBNISHED COMMUNI- catinv Seconu-fl vr Looms. with a.1 convruiei < . s (or Uglit hou ekeeting. front one very large. gas. beat and batti. permanent tenants desired 1M5 feth at. n.w., near car*. ap21-3t* 1j*OR KENT.F RNISHED ROOMS, OR WILL rent entire bouse for summer months at low rut Apply to owner, 1 202 N at. n.w. ap2l-3t* |X>B REBT-i.VM H~sT. B.W-OTT. THE RHoKU r bam.Handsomely Furnished Rooms. singls and en suit*, table boaid in ths liouae. auiuiner ratea. ap21-3t* F^OR RENT.FoCR ELEOAXT BOOMS. SECOND Boor; one a parlor. privatefaiuiiy, lurii.abt-d .doub. a corner buuae. a> ailiaud n t trouta. bay window*, laferancea mjuired. HOlKuw. aU-IXt* ijORRtN -fflOl 8T.*N.W.. SEVERAL LARUE X Koouia. witb Kuod Table Board. Fir>t-*la«» Cv>v 1 location. Houae kei t by a i'ul.idelphla lady. No email cblidrro. Uentieiusn pra:aiTeO. al.-12t* 1,OR REST-17Jo O ST N.W.. PLEASANT lioorns, with of without b<>ard. home c* mu.ru opposite the Le# Athletic Clnb House and L'^ar Uar Daparitueut. m'JH-llc* V^Olt RFNT-THREI APARTMENTS OF Wu AND X three rooiua %u suite; i rivatf \>*%h and irantly lumi»!ie<L At the W cmjL>.^u.n i, cor. i.ith ana Iowa circle. 1^4-3ui FOR RENT.STORKS. F'OK KENT-STORE AN1> DW LL1NU. 1:114 i>TH »t. n.w . 10 room* and bath; all modern uu; r. ve- n.enta. Inquire at U J4 N at.s.*. apltMil* Ij*OB KBBT-LAlKit S lolit AND CELLAR. J 4 Hth ut n.w.. ueai Pa. ave. Apply to N. Bl NCH. uu floor. apl7-lw !'OK l;ENT . H I OtiE 717 11TH ST. N. W .. N E W . -. UNO. apl- . , uii iit.> 1.31 KJUH. II, uiu .11. s.n., >I!A; -I *'11 b completed by Apr.l la. Store tiltt IVth «U n.w.,*30 per Uionth. IUlu. A. UAKL»lN(if i>0d l)that.n.w. apl-lm FOR RENT-STABLES. I^OKB'.NT-BR^K SlABLt IN REAR OF 1012 letbat n.w.; 41-I50 UtO. i. UAhlilN. dltt Va. ave. ae. aSttt-W BUSINESS CHANCES. I^OK SALE-ONE of THE BtsT PAYING Ho. X tela iii the City, centralis l<« ated. and at preaeut well tilled witbirftod j ayinw boardera. lor leriua. Ac., aadreaa 11 T OStar uftice. ai'SIWl* L'OR RENT-FINE CO.iNER STORE IN GROW. J7 in* neiiriibi'rbix>d; rent 11 o per moctb. Addreaa SluRt., BoxtS, Auacoatia. D C. It* yoR SALE-OOuD WILL. STOCK AND FIX- J. tureaof tbe DruK btuie n rt^ea.t corner oi lotb and y ata. n.w.; iLtemlinir purcbaaer- will be abow q tlie aioc* In detail. 1-orlurtbtr lartlcaiar^ *«»i-ly to THuMaS DOMLlXi, Aucuu. eer, lltli ana Pa ave. ap^d-Bt IN VEST Yol'R scrpixs, IN A Lt'MP SUM oB Monthly, n amount- to 'mt.in a pericct.y aaie l eal i aiate Investment j aj i.tf divideuda of 1 to 2 percent a month. C. B HEMl>tiW AY. 10-'7 N. Cap. at. bp m. a.'lm W ANTED-A FEW SHARES OF GAURETT PARE " StocK Givo number of aharea and l^waet caau price. Address Box S7, Star ottica. ap2'.'-St* VTOlt SAH.-1 HE sibi e. »>oob will and"fix"- J? turea ot Gardner'a liuiel. L pper Marib ro', Priuoa Oeorife'a County. Md , co. alstitu: of 1 urnilurt. Bed- Ui'.nf, sc . in fourteen rooa c. liar, -tock and Flxtureii, .Meat store aud Fixtures, iucludiua I -a B> x- a. hau- aatre Uriujerx and Toola, Kitchen I tensils and h< tel api>urtenance» Keueraily. The above valuable prot'- erty wiii be sold lorioUO. The hotel, which i* the b at bdaineaa stand in Marlboro', the county aeat of i i luce *¦«'. county, will be rented to i urchaaai at t"M i«r mouth. It la a fourteen-ruum buildiLif with diniutf room, bar. aiabiii^r for enrbo-eu h..r»e«. butcher's Hiiop, Sc. An uuniual opivrtunity la of¬ fered to inveat in an foii^.ished basiueeaaiaaui.il hifure. DLlKeT i k F> BD. l> .7 t at. n.w. a.x' jt yOR SALE-RARE CHANCE-StoCK. FIXTURES Ml auu Good Will of a Curar ^ud looa<vo store; Pa ave., Capitol Hill trood trade owner ceslrrs chature of bu»weas; price **oa EDWtN D. JoNKa. 4US# B at. s e. a^a-af IvoB SALE.CHEAP.A GROCERY STORE ON A (food i.uaineee corner. Inqui.* of T. DL'E i Y, l -' to 7tb at. n.w. ap'.' 1 -*l"_ V*~ANTED.A PARTNER WITH t.">00 TO TAKE '' halt of no auck; money to be maae at ti e oum- tPJl. Address D.D.. starothct^ ap^l-dt* «.>OR EASYallAVl. OR VllUll-CLASS HAIR CCT JT or when you have occasion to have It cut over, as many otherado, .eethclnilaUalptua ATUat, east aids ol 14th st. u.w. above Pa. ave. ap!4-lWt* UTEL BUSINESS FOR SALE CHEAP WITH li years' lease and Cheap rent Address HOI EL, Star office. ap-lW-tft* L^OR SALE.THK STOCK OF STAPLE AND X luncy Urocerlea, Liquoia, Wiues, &c. of AUx. McBuruey.de eased, in stors corner Kiu« and Wash- lutrton sis., Alexandria, Va.; store aiao for rent at a reasonable hKure Apply to the underaitrned, or to GEO. McBiltNi Y. i ei^ , who will a.ve lull paitlcu- Uia JOSHLA THoMAs. Administrator. apl6-2w* MAGltAW BBoS. S OSMl'X Duluth and Suia rior Real Estate. 129 and 130 Globe Building. St. Paul. Minu. We deaire to oLtaui control of acres in Douirlas County. Wu.,ardst. Louis county, limn.; also lots t.no blocks in the city ot sui>erior. Via, and UuluUi, Minn. W s have Cc.nsti.ni inquiries lor property in boih these places. Pe.sons uesiiiito turn pr. i«rty quickly will htid it to tneir a-ivaiita-e to corresp'ona w ith us. We hsve st the preseut tune souis of the best bargains ever ottered at the head of the lake. ap4-lm* XlAoRAW Bkos.* OSMUN. Ivor SALE-STOCK AND FIXTURES OF A ELL- established Liquor P.ace. doirnr a Oood Busineas; house room aud iuiuiture atucued. cciural location; owner leavintr city, terms cash. Address i'<ox 1 )2, Starofllce. m31-'.'4t, 1>OR REN 1.STORE 21S TENTH ST., BETWEEN Pa. a\e. and wholesale market, excellent business stand; rcuttod^ Inquire at U-'O La.ava m-'j-lm HALLET a DAVIS- UPRlUU'l PIANOS; THE Pcrtect lisnoof the ave. superb in tone, touch slid action, eietfant new spring styles. Installment. tl-tr H. L. Sl AiNER. Mil Mh St. u.». CI C. HALL, PAINTER AND MOIMUVML IS- s fen or work a specialty. I stluiate-s UmisLed. I'd sonal attention kiten in aU caeea. Reaidence 17oK T st. n.w. iuH4-1ib* ^ H. WALKKR, NOTARY PUBLIC. i3« Dealer in Real Ealate , nouses and Vacant Lota tor sale northeast. 4oS Louisiana ava^ 4-0 B st. M. IS'fH iSI .*r|vHE WORLD DO MOVE.".REMEMBER THE jL MTeire*t;:al UocJl." l A-ViSAl has cut ihe rrii t-a; watchea Cleaned* ^ 1 ; fir*»t-c>aa^ Uiaiu-ttpniiirs, v hiTHitrd tiit >ear, %1. aii Clock sua jewc«ii> Work st the lowest i rices iu the city, ws deiy comif utiuu. l -L'4 t st. U. W. Mil? LOST AND FOUND. Lost-blue envelope containing pri- vate Letters.of vaiue only to owner; lost bet. N st. «uid Hotel horeliam 1 Uesday alteruoou. lieium to HCgU N at. CAKL LI MHOL1Z. at 'S.i-'Ji LOST.LIBERAL reward FOR RETURN OR information as to wber<abonts of a Larve Black and W bite Newfound.aud Dotr, .u- wcr.i.* to the name of Philto, lav 3070. H. F. RLH, UO l.'th aL U.w. a*!3-2t« OST PUG DOG; ANSWERS TO. NAME OF u Major, had owner's name on collar and ts^. Liberal reitaru will be paid if returned to 111 * at. u.w. a-»:l-3f LOST-LADY'8 GOLD WATCH. MADE EY TIF- fany; a u.ouottram ou one fai« and a date on the other, f uitibia reward paid it returned to No. 1 Dupont circle. ap--':j-:st'~ LOsX-Tn LINCOLN HALL. »TH BT_ OR BELT Line Car, Chrysanthemum Pin, Diamond Center. Iweward if left at 1101 Kat. ap22 3 L7)Si.ON bUNDAi NIGHT. A MAST 1Fr DOG nine months old. Address DOu, star ottne. a22-3t« IF GENTLEMAN DRESSED IN LIGHT COAT and slia Hat who too* Pur*e left by lady in car 74 at y and 14tn st*. snuday ev liih^ab ut Uc clock will len\e same <»t Star otb e, bs will receive n-ward ..ml area.ly ob.uc* the oansr. ap-Vi-u't* REWARD-LOST-ON MONDAY. 1APB1L 21, Vt) a Lapis Lazuli sisrf Ptu. rouud ball set in fold C.aw. Above^reward if retun.ed to -HOd P st. s-Jil-.it* LOST.NEAR 7TH sT AND BoUSDAByTismTlL Di mood Stud. Five dollars reward will be paid to tbe Bauer by leaving it at Star office. att>tS* LO» 1-APRIL IS, A bLVcK AND TAN OYF. EibersJ reward if left at the Vuyinis Bouae. op¬ posite B aud P. Depot. ap21-3t* LOVi-WILL THE FINDER OF A BUNCH OF Keys, with tag marlieu "W. Coirswail, Sal.ui, juass ." pleaae leave the same at 132tf L St. u. w.. and be suitably rewarded? apil-llt* LOS 1.LEFT IN HOI EL AT CABIN JOHN'S Bndire on Sunday alteruoou, April 20. 1SWO. a n.i aoO Walkina Cane w itu a silver bead, on which is inscribed th owuer's nan a, "W. L. bUAOn. " Any peraoQ leaving this cane at the Arlington Hotel will greatly oblige the owner. ap21 -Iff LOST-THURSDAY. 17TH INSTANT, SMALL saye 1 errier, with cllpued tai I aud eara; name and address engraved on collar ftag 4U1. bailable reward il returneu to 1310 Vermont ava. a21-..t* Loht.api.il :o,irmh spaniel; about two last high, brown curly hair, long ear*, quite fat. Answers to name of CtusL Reward t|aiU returned to 1707 H st. mw. alll-llif HOTELS. The allmobe, 523 131B st. n.w.. fibst- <lase Eoaid. central, convenient to boteia, cars ai d plact s of Intereat home comiorts; 11 to t2 par day ; >0.60 to >10 weak, taifr-lm'l T. M HALL ABB1TT SUUti Washington, d. a HOARDING. UOMI-iOc, 7Ac AND >1. NEWLY FUBMSliED and reAWad; lam and airy. location cwutral. board par weak reasonable 611 aud 6i3 l»ih st n.w OARDINO-LARAK «IOAXY FUMk UBRD BOOM with good board at lie "Auburn." Pa. ava.ae*. 2Kd at. b.w. ; terms modsraia. | FOR SALE-MISCELLAN EOUS 1,»B SALE-AI IBHItT HOlSA .rAULIH, A M Beautiful kuiall borw. auit-d to rhaeut. ..r rwrt. And riJ-e wall. Uim w ft ckom uiiimI i km A tt b.iu .*3-3f yOK SALE HANDSOME WALNtl BBD B . W I Srt. Brwaaele t'arveta. .tel.i.*[. liiu»> K".»iaa 1 aUc Alltl otfter e fle. ta 1 J'Jb v* eA n . »l '¦i-'-t* I^H'K HAI I «>K IXiMAXOE FOB ~A UK U 1 Buffi Hum. a P»y bo 1 i y ie ui ikceileBt ¦ dltlon v an be nrii al .>lv WUi ll . ur addrvaa O K-. t>t«r oflk-e al>-3-;». 1,H>R SALE F' >K «:li. A Hll.ll V. AUk HH\- I two-tuck. Bn yda. l>e.,rly nrw ail be.. leering a: 4 Itluwl link* l .i<)||1h>l ai. It* L<ok bAU-ju; nu>M mKcocMIT-«iT r Horir, trr«b jfhra uij, auuutl k^a y«uLi ¥.tX driver and aedde b»r*r uiikiat ., i a iaJy a benfa.u It sold at once Al l'lj till and A eta «.<> il* I.V *glvKl I'lANi), H'UV uUH*. I teed fot >ii j ear# price »?.¦.. IS i..«.i.tblf ui #ti j cmmU. JoH > t UXIkiUt,, NT IVMM)li>iii>it«. ¦,>>k uu- kqFaki: ruxu in t x.. i. i ur I in Adtlio.1. Olio $*>1*¦ able iS pec u,»... tb or Aftct ouii Jolt N t Il.i.1." ktU, Kt. IVfiBl)Ivki IIMA |,X>R8Ujf Ul AIflFVLSi H< Mt«"El R *Nfl AUA i ItAfiD, vf> r*ini!4 ban*, lull ? «1ivr, nnr*^H)4 i'ti vrd i«ir« iu (H-r.nt unlcr iihl fuil> iTUeien * b.-dwitb stuo. end cover. onlv $ ]&*'. |w( 4 lo a 111. u.li or dvH.N t tLUktU'.. .r-a-.w II 7 Pa. >rt IVOR SvIX-THA I'k I IT BIJOt f PM'.H III* NO. i he boh |*r:e.'t au.aU I*ian,' made tnv a. nab<e fur cbtldreu, only *> \J wli. or 4>«", peia^e 4-' per luoiitb JOM> F. LLI.I* * CO . .IMM !.pa an. I^OB BALE.L«"T OF vHiflXUl POMS OF * len*the ««. suit either buaid ur aire f-txlr d A. UAI'KIS. Hat ». .! :<|* 1,V>B 1-ALE-DAh.T COMBINATION* flFLlk. 1 beiiraiu . Bmr.j uw . «itli lun|> m. d l»il ixxut^rtr. ».luciud». ULkirru at 8AUiM'»,rvr l«u. l: jL .t*. u.«. a . a-;«« 4, OK NALF.-BLATK itoHst. bltTi N \ l,Al.>. ffenti*; ftMJiaxitMl tcuStd. ti«\ri«r Alao biljfK . HvUcM.au. AIV') tUKiu. 1. 141WU at. b.« .2a-3t* t>uK saLe-am iiMivrp CALKiiura iv»-* V run. ttivL u«« itifiil d'-aa a banraiti l»rhA>Bi KbU > _lt 1 I 14 aiid i i Mi I «t u » yoB KtlX-I&US AVMNU tKAMt MV o*i I. tittorra. lao Mion < aa^. ur.'l) naa i btaiidlUK etttcc L>aak. s 1 K AMil l.oMi > »' .V, It 1)14 and 11 lfi i at u.« 170B sale-a pair ok -ikonu vot>o F Hunwa. 18 balida Iiia't will vork aiualr or doulua. AW'l) »l atao.v 111 re r of IT'.'t I «t a'.' J-Vt' I,VK>ALK-t.NtlH\Utli MR AHH CABlNtT. 1M 1 feet Ii'Iih. viih lam k rai.ck pUale uiirrnr aud r.oaeu. alao LVnititpr and t-'a»«, aim«nia K>r ci«IK- tiooar. bar ur luiili rixiii. Ul u at 1H «A> 1> H LI.No'» Au. 1 :i u K ,111 >, 11 tl: ai.d I a a L'OK 8AL1 BKA1I1H 1 M VI I I WN V AI.*.. I T »raia old ctly aaf* tor lad>l;C Bv| ) M> Surri-> aud Ua.m-ac w ai ba aiwd ar|«r*u urlia'rtbat, o»uer bat i.«j tuitbar uar. can ba a. en a: h aau'a Mable*. M. V. are. a^V .'-.U* V,'*.'" SiLli-lint.X HuUStylltl luhltit r drire. aeveu y>ara »id, (t *>d liuut-r, a.«n .-««>>f hiUirle and 8et TatiUfb' Hra*«-mounted Huea. ( H»r- »!¦!* 11 a I i> uea , Aaddlea, A.¦.. tbr i'ro|<erl> u( Mr. Aribur Mt-rbert. ouv.ewat H .ITMI I.KUA1IOX *TABLK\ ItHB .lid N aLa. till utk>u dt#.a ' ' ' LH)I 8ALE . CHKAP . A D/TvrOX WAOviN; r uearl) new. Ai j l> ata.'l Lai il«._ aiS'. .it* yoK 8AU..ELLIOTT Hli B.OKY nVrHTlL* «« J li<On.la; la..y ur ireut.au.a.i, luai durabir all I aaairat rtdlliK aliaa.a uiada AluO. J bhA\,t<MT 11 .i.D *. . Apltt h'ou SALE.JI'MT ARBlVF.lTFBOM »OT 1H* twf >il*iuia Twenty H> ad of kiu»- any Hurae«. ktiiouc tb tn are line Naddlrra. Unvvra and Heavy l'ralt Uuraoa ran trial ftfMi and all Huiaoa aar- r .uted aa re| re»-uted, or tn.>n<-y retuuUed. J W. lAiti k SuN. nmnftltmt>.». ai V |7oil SAL! PAIM1DH.AH i.\I -I IN.. Kf \- I aiuirivu and Deuio. rat W miiiii, lilt e ua.^1, l«tii *. ud aa new, a baraajl At i'iy UcULKjaoTA B Warfro. ina. 3i0 Pa a»<- a 1.011 MALI ? I V - l \ N BkXI BfW; Jtainmwrtcd; piaya lit aim. i.»ail> - .'.1 lotiKaud baa liiue lndi.aturatid Uarp Aill^ei >ella lur tiio. Addrea> stoln*. »tar ufi'-e. a 1»-1 ~t* SALK-CHKAV-OM. UOUD 1<B1\.>U Horac. Pliaetun at.J llaruiaa. At 1 ly to L l>MNk- L£Y. Culleare Milton. B s o. K.R.. Md. a^'J I :tf L'OH saLi .A PialVAll CX«LLt»'l ION uk uU< r Anna and Arm >1 at aareat y p-diiord pnre. ettliax ouliM. tiVfiy ur aitia'ly. Addruaa AhM.% Star olboc _fc21-dt" t?OR sale-dark bat marf.. 1:1** rands turfU. fe yeara o,d. ia auita I? lor A 1 iy »c .r:v>, hk- been driven by a lady aitty tiara 0! ait Ah, one 1 aytou ana Hartiexa. 1 be above niuat be »..ld to wtUt a relate Ap, iy to Cuaobinali Ui taar of 12.' 1 Lttti at, u.w. «ai-a«* 1,'OR SALr-Jl !<T AKBIVt lJ. TWfcMTY DliAFT nt>ra*>. ai> leu Dr.viuir Hotaca; aiao one Fi:,a }' uy ala.¦ live LoW-itiu*.! Horaea 1 rr . reaa. n- ab.e V ^CUI.IajLL, ivid htli at. n.» l*iae 1'ai.d k. ita.^ ailv<lf 1>OK f.ALI. -CHhAl Vj.AKGL->IZLi> Mi Kl.U trliuiued K lor btuva, neatly ue«. Iruuire >f JAMTuH. 14 IK lat n a aylf tf I^UK HALL- Ul:(iA^^¦ i'BU AN >!.' 'N E ch'.AN, louraeti- f reeda, Inr. ly r»ted top. k 1. i. b Inirrora, t»uarnnt.«d fur five \eara HIOO Wi.l.vH A 00., Tib at., bubiuor llano Ajrenta. 11 u-tiin J,'Oh MALE.A URAM> BAhOAlN IN A MAoM f- J ic.nt 1 |<nrnt liauo bui ainrbl.y uae-b b> iwrtf now leavina tbe I'.ty. Dara r>.ae«.»ud, le-autilully ftu- labod;U>ie unequal ed lur punty. loluiue and rii b- be-a, one of tbe tu.e*t Biakea{auu can be Uua i.t it irraat aacnboa fur time ur i*atL llaiiilaoUiC atw.'l|roaa wuh it. duuare Pianua at l»rfrain« auld on eaay pajrtneota A Beautiful 1'i ri^nt 1 iauo eacnamre for aguarA Come aua aee It. 1HL PlA.NO EXCHAKOr. WtK ROOMK »pl8 »i:i Pat.nsy lvania aea. 1NOK HALE.*ASl*Bt.M>0 Li'Al'S »Lii. hi led Horac Manure a; ldtb at. wbarf a w Adilm* t. M W ILL1S, A?16 2w Jtltb an 1 k" at». ti w. I OK KAI.E.TANAR1LK M AL1> ANUttM.M.i m. Breeulnir tjavea. Parroia A< Ool-i 1 labia, lilobca Aud k i-<b 1 uod. >y»ralt a Doar Medtru.ea. alft-lm* bCH.illD'S bird More. 31? 1-tb at n w. J^OB hALL- CABKIAOE8. WAOONH. HARXFR8. Ac. FOB KALB OK kXCHANOA AT 8. BKN8IN'tiKK'S HORSE AND CABUlAuE BAZAAR. V<40 Lou,alalia avenue. The larjnat anJ moat complete atork of Carnarea, Pl.aeton., 1-u .a-iea. W aa'i'Ua, narnee-. Ac in tlii» ity. CouatattuK ut r.JUI t a, Cuui* llu, kawaf Vk tunaa, 1 v- U'tiatou I o| anil um>|')' IbruUi lir. Li u-IkIuu I ui Cui- under Surrey. Jumt-aeal Can litre-. Dia t ra' and I uny l baet u.. lo,' and UO I oyi Uiu in. i<eed.tiir UluT'iUa, kaucy Lie.iTery .orui er«'LAi reaa. But'bera'and Milk Han'.na, spemiitur. Uoad ana A'uuy t 'arta. k'Un liu« of M uirle aud DoUb.a ilarneaa at tne must r«aai>uable prii-ea. f-ole Mteiu lor tbe city for tbe Courtlaud * Vuii Co.'a Fine 1 arr.k/' a, Biw^.i. and .-.|'niur Ma«ruiia. ai'14-lm ),'t)K SALL .BAhUAl NS l.N bVH.AKI.~PIA.NoA, from ;0o ui 4u and 1 0 |a> men la. <arire dia- count lori-aah. U. !. WILD A HKo.^.. Ten Tin u w. bole aveuu tor tuinvaied Kranlcb A Bacb Pianua. flft-3m* J.X»K SAI.K.ALL L VT ~,V1 k ITT., b 1 Wn iA .1 n Cut-under Surreja, liuarir.ea a;.d Ptia- .. l.a \. Mil A duns' bm.d-iiiada a'ork a a; (- inly. Fina wurk, K w 1 r-cea tai riaa'ex ukeu on aioiaar- A II- UkLUOkl. btb aud New Vork ava. u * a|io-3bi ITok hall. handmoml mh paris h okoanI ou« ul 111* atoc'k We autcruaad ao lua , auild »a.L>i; caae 11 >-toi**. lailb maker » guarantee. ^4 1. I'k', 11 - H K A 1 O.NLlI 1. ul 4 11 tb at. ti a a|>l I"H»BSALE--'3K01LF.D ANDbtcMND HAM)CAB- nairi % 10*J rteia Nea and v*e<N -rioi band Hai'iiea^. 41i Covered vv ni|«, tliat muat la < luaed out at b-di-i'tu'1 i a.ao Hora . 1'uat tun ai.d HinieiL J Vvork liora*-a. 10 Urucety and L»«Uv«ry W .tauna, at \A. t. l>l.lth !> 4< AS W.WA A». 1,"OK HALE.CAP.K1 AUKs, W auoNm A.NIj bi .>. triea on eaay terina: luu )oba to aeieot lroiu. lie |"a.nuif. painuu* and tn muinjf neatly doue. i.ix^A A JAhbl't. B al., vavoia-etuwn.D C. m," > 17oB bALE- "" FILL VALUE OIVEK For Tocir t'lii djuart Piano tn eichantra for a NFW llliAI^liliil Li'lilvilll, tJaUaiiecimykule a lu muiitbi# vriwab lubis r. Q. HMITH. ia25 Pa. an. 1, OK bALE 1HK "OTIO" UAH ENGINE bST tiuirea nw builur. avm u all rxi«nai*e attendance no loan of time no bandium of fuel hend lor circular aim t'tice Hal. D. 11ALLAL t . «at t. T:ti itn M nl -J SUBURBAN' PKOFEKTY. l,OR SALE-FINE hCl!L"i BAS BEblDLX' Al J !i-»torj" lraine boua«; O ruolua and batb. yard .tocaed ailb all kuida of fruit trwea. arood waul. In¬ quire on |,r«uiia«a, cur. kfapla. ava. aud Spi u.r at.. Anacustia, Xj.C. aptt'lln* LV>B MALE-BtAl'lIH L SLUIKBAN LolS. M One mile w.i. comiuandiiuc tbe muat ma«ruin. t nt vtewa ul tliia city; uurb ami bea.tAy . no ri.Ik-.Ia. totL buiidiuir rtvulationa or aeaer «-a., I'Umt an aud water, price 3 to ucenta per foot f_'u duanknutiU par montn. E. A. PHILLIPS A SON, at'21-?ta 141V Nea Vurt ava. 1V)B bALE.FINEST OK. CO 11 Avat IN 1 AkuJT! lot tKix.i.'iij irvudi'enkr.aell. abade, orvuaiu. aar- dea. Arai«a. barriaa kud ruuninir water; la a barvain. Price AtJ.OuO._W. H. bHA.Vol.K, 11 C at. n e a! lui* VH)B SALE.BALTlMoBr. AN1> OHIO B.B.- M Kivrrauale Statu n. ait inl.ea fruiu M aalniurtuu VO tratiia . nay. Lo « at auut-ii ti cenm per loot lor your cBotoa. Aluu.'uiuly instalimenta if deaired Ayi y to Ji>llN Si El'Ht-N, 4?-' Louiaiaua aie »i I.l.' 1N0K SALE -1HE i.KEATLbl hAKoAi.Nb IX ljand over.ooanur tbia city : Uy In. a. ra one u> 4ki raa. lima Irom two to Unea miiaa Ltawttua uueurpaaed for bead iblulueae. In.r.- air and aa'er. vinly 4 l.iVI to 44'.'U per acre, buialt caab cayui. ut. Balauce monthly or |r,-arljr luatallmenta. B. A PHlly Lll'S A box, 141K .New lorkava. al6-2w OK bALk..A BAiaUAlN.^6 Av Kl> ADJOIMNvA proimaod National Park, near valliornla iract. Price aud lenua app>> to JAalLs II. uliu X, 14"u V at. AflX-luk 1 NOK SALE-#10 Cash. »o MoX lHi.V. CHOli'K Lota ui a X w oubdiviaiun b nun Iro'ti city . n L.B. luce ilUO. jUal.iU li'Cb aud l.eaiib) V.A- i.LsL KV AMa A cA-KL al. 1 V^4 F at. n. w. tulM- la FKHSaNAlT A^m BETtVED WIDOW OF Tllll. 1 k'-l I\E 11.- ¦irei tu Bieet ifeuueuiau u< Ui ana AdureaaB.a 1. Slar olBoe. It* CniVIL service I.XAMlNA'llok WLEklluXi / and Aoawara. SenalOuto k W. kLY.vX, A M.. Iry Institute, apS3-3m buutbaaatoor. Alb anu A ill |.«. P' KIVATf DE'l LCI 1VE MOKE PKOBH LV AT- teudedto; luforinauun ubialn d 111 ail luattera of a private nature aliadowiuc by An ekj<*rt. all b*4- neaa .tncily coundauuai. lu ina reaaunabaa Aililreae bui 103. btar ul&ce. aplT-tft* ALT HvKIZLl. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AWA * C Y MlUlaina ft Co. Couimunx-atlotia j>romy>tly at¬ tended to and atrH'tly confidential. Office o|«a ad Loure. KllXlAMAhaiiwet.l»t>l Aka. uiyA-l^m* » ^mE TIME. WE U ILL PAY "Bilk Xv Honey" lor k iret-ciaaa Second-Aanc v U-ILlBA Ad- uraea u van at JLaiii'o uUl k'iAkU blui> at t.t. arl DENTISTRY Dr. btabb pabsoxs, di kimt. wth si., com. Ln-W..kiret-claaa 1 lilitura luaertau. aj i lioatioa to mirna prevacta pain ui wxuwctiuic. All bran, baa of Deuiiatry. At preaentlovaiiou teu yeera tub IT 1024 MORAlTft. 1024 Seventh etreet nurtkaaet Kouee ia reopened wttk A Tbla o.d-ealabhaAeft tall line o* Flue Buwu 1 ¦>!»»¦ OAoTAt OIlSl F>

Transcript of WANTED.HELP. WANTED-HOUSES. RENT.ROOMS. WANTED-A … · 2017-12-26 · gewnof mauve and white...

Page 1: WANTED.HELP. WANTED-HOUSES. RENT.ROOMS. WANTED-A … · 2017-12-26 · gewnof mauve and white brocade, flowered with roses. Thebodice ant. draperies were of mauve and the train of

SOCIAL MATTERS.A Brilliant Scene at the White llouse.

Keceptlou to Mr. R. P. Flower.

The reception Riven by the President andMn. Harrison to the officer* of the array andnan and marine corp* waa . brilliant event.The drawing room *uite was decked witn cutflower*, the chandeliers draped with *milaxaud the angle* were all filled with palms. Themantels in the east room were decorated npona new scheme, winch wan personally superin¬tended by Mrs. Harrison. Instead of beinglaid in a bit-or-mi»* pattern each mantel bad afoundation cover of living green. Into thiswere set in one three large solid star* made ofpale yellow half-blown rose*: in another, three¦tars in white carnations, and in the other twowere anchors of white carnations. The mir¬rors were draped with flags and bannersof war. There was a large party of specialKUeaU, and they, with members of the cabinetfamilies and their guests, escorted by Mr. andMrs. J. K. McKee, passed into the bine parlor justbefore 9 o'clock, when the I'resident appeared,his coming being announced by the MarineBand. Cot Ernst and Lieut. Parker precededthe President, who escorted Mrs. Harrison. TheTic* President and Mrs. Morton walked next.(Secretary Windom escorted Mi»s Kingman ofNew York, who is the guest of the house. ThePostmaster General walked with Miss Windom.The Attorney General and Miss Miller were to-getner, as were Secretary and Mrs. Noble andSecretary and Mrs. Rusk. This left only fiveladies in line to receive. All the other* stoodbehind the barricade of sofas in the blue room,lira. Harrison wore a handsome ne% toilet ofwhite satin-striped faille, the elbow sleeves andbedice edged with deep pearl passementeriefringe, and about the pointed opening at thethroat was a modest scarf o1 white net. Shecarried* bunch of fragrant white lilacs. Mr*.Morton's dress was a decelette and trainedgewn of mauve and white brocade, floweredwith roses. The bodice ant. draperies were ofmauve and the train of brocade. Shewore three strands of pearls about her throatand her hair was worn becomingly high. Mrs.Miller wore a becoming toilet of pearl graybrocade, out en train, and made with a V-shapeopening at the throat. Mr*. Noble wore asuperb gown of white satin brocaded in apattern of roses in natural colors, and drapedwith lace in front Mrs. Rusk wore a splendidgown of cream satin, brocaded with a flower,spray, and panel* of buttercup satin were set.in the skirt. The gown was most becoming tothe wearer. Back of the line Mrs, McKee worea short drees of block lace, embroideredwith gold, and Mrs. Russell Harri¬son woie yellow satin, embroideredin gold. Others present were Dr. and3Ir*i Inches of Boston, Miss Sbepard of NewYork and Mr. Tolbert, the guest* of the house.Secretary and Miss Proctor, Miss Wanainaker,Mia* Miller, Miss Rusk, Misses Haisted,Mis* Pettitt, Miss Bessie Flagler, Miss GussieWilson, daughter ot CoL J. N. Wilson, with herhostess. Miss Mary Sherman, Senator Sherman.Mrs. Cockrell, with Mrs. Thomas FrancisMeagher and Mrs. Mackin of New York; Mrs.A. A. Poet of Wichita, Kan.,who is the guest ofMr. and Mrs. O. P. Austin; Gen. Schofleld, Mrs.and the Misses Ernst. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Ham¬ilton, Mr. and Mrs. Dunnell, Mr. von Milium,Sir Julian and Lady Paunceiote. Miss Mitchell.Count Sala, Miss Dahlgren, Mr.and Miss Batcheller, Mr. and Mrs.and Misa Hutchinson, Mr. R J.Hinton. Gen. and Mrs. Greely, Dr. Ruth,Lieutenant and Mrs. Andrews. Maj. Tucker andliis auat. Miss Giles of Chicago; Senator andMrs. Squire and Mrs. Farman of New York,Miss Gussie Miller, Lieutenant and Mrs. Clover,Mrsw Jacksun. Mrs. Jas. Coate* of Chicago, whowas with Admiral and Mrs. Crosby; SenatorMorrill. Mr. Jaraes Morrill. Dr. and Mrs.Guzman. Mr. De Siruve, Lieutenant and MrsR.M.G. Brown, Miss Grace Davi9, Miss Alex¬ander. Mrs. Justice Field, Mrs. and the MissesCoudit Smith. Miss l)a*«-s, Mis* Alley, Sties Re¬becca Strickle. Mr. J. W. Laupton, Mr. F. B.Loomis. Capt. Chas. P. Lincoln, Miss BertbaLincoln. Dr. and Miss Taylor, General andMr*. George B. Williams, Dr. and Mrs. Wm.Hammond, Miss Leering. Dr. and Mrs.VauReypeu. Mr. OutUwaite. Mrs. Pugsley, Sen¬ator Hawley. Admiral Jouett, the Corean sec¬retaries and their wives, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.Connell. General and Miss Wheeler, SenatorMcl'nersuu. Mr. and Mrs. and the Mimes Pres¬ton. Miss lu«a.ls, Mr. and Mrs. Burrows.Doctorand Mr*. O'Keiiiev, Surgeoii General and Mrs.Moore and Dr. and Mr*. Hamlin,Lieuts. Bliss, Schoiield and Andrews of Gen.Suhoheld's staff. Inspector General Brecken-ridge, Gen. Lenet, Assistant Adjutant GeneralVincent and Mr*. Vincent. Col. ibos. F. Barrand Mrs. Barr, CoL Lonji, Capt. John G.Bjurke. Capt. and Mrs. Morgan Taylor, Capt.Townshend. Commodore Ramsav, Chief En¬gineer Melville, Surgeon Geueral Browne, PayDirector Ihoruiou and Mrs. Thornton. Con¬structor Uicbborn. wife and daughter. Martha,Chief Engineer Towue and daughter, Lieuts.Cowles, McFarland, Norton aud Paymastersollivan. Among other officials presentwere Senators Kenna, Hawley aui Sawyer,Representatives Bynum and Paynter, Commis¬sioner Douglass, Assistant Attorney GeneralCotton. Assistant Secretary of War Grant, As¬sistant Secretary of State Adee. Mr. SevellonA. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. John Tweedale, ChiefClerk Brackett oi the Treasury, Assistant Sec¬retary Batcheller. Solicitor Hepburn, Gen.Albert Ordway, Cola. Mclntyre and Cranford,Controller Matthews. Deputy Controller Abra¬hams and Capt Meredith of the Bureau of En¬graving and Printing. The reception lasteduntil alter 12 o'clock, when the band played..Home, Sweet Home." and the presidentialparty retired to the private d.aiiig room andpartook of a well-earned supper.

Mr. and Mr*. John Joy Edson gave a recep¬tion lust even ng at their elegant home, 132416th street, in honor of Mr. R< .swell P. Flower,the newiy elected president of the NationalHomeopathic Hospital. The association hashad but four presidents since its organization,about twenty years ago, aud its friends feelconsiderable pride iu the fact that these presi¬dents have all been citizens of natioual dis¬tinction and reputation. The first presidentwas ex-Postmaster General Montgomery Biair.Upon his death Chief Justice Morrison lLWaitewas made president. Ex-secretary of State'lhos. F. &o> ard was electe 1 and held the posi¬tion until the close of President Cleveland'sadministration. At the last anuual meeting oft ie association in January Hon. Roswell P.Flower was elected. The drawing room* werebecomingly decorated with potted plants, liliesand roses, and a magnificent oval of roses;ecked the sumptuous supper table, which wasliberally s ippiied with substautials and dainties.Mr. and Mrs. Edson were assisted in receivingguests by Mr. and Mrs. Flower, Mrs. CharlesNordhoff and Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Flower'sdaughter. Among those present wereGsu. and Mr*. Ellis Spear. Mr. and Mr*. Mat¬thew G. Emery, Commissioner aud Mrs. J. W.Douglas*. Mr." and Mrs. Lewis Ctephane, Mr.Charles Nordhoff and Miss Nordhoff. Mr. andMrs. E. Kurtz Johnson. Mr. and Mr*. Cbarle*Lyman. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Warner, Prof, andMr*. W. D. Cabell aud Miss Cabell, Mr. andMr*. Geo. F. Gorham, Mr. aud Mr*. BeriahWilkin*. Hon. John J. Hemphill. Mr. and Mr*.J. H Soule and Mis* Soule, Col. aud Mrs. A. T.Brittou, Miss Brittou. Mr. and Mr*. Alex. Brit-ton. Mr. and Mra. Hildrup, Rev. aud Mrs.Frank Sewell, Controller and Mrs. E. S. Lacy,Dr. and Mrs. J. B. G. Custis, br. and Mrs. J.A.Freer, Dr. Roberts. Mr. aud Mrs. Johu Twee-dale, Dr. Riggs, Commissioner and Mr*. Hine,Chas. B. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Rudoldh Kauff-mann. Dr. Jeukin*. Dr. and Mrs. Stearns. Dr.sad Mrs. Wadsworth, Dr. S. A. Edson. Mr. audMrm. Fred Pratt. Mr. and Mra. L. Gardner, Mr.Warder Yoorhces. Dr. and Mrs. Lee, Dr. andMrs. Pope, Dr. and Mrs. Verdi. Mr. and Mrs.A. B- Brown, Mr. aud Mrs. Wilcox, Mr. andMrs. Job Barnard, Dr. aud Mrs. Frank Gibbs,Mr. and Mrs. Harrisou Dingman, Mr. and Mrs.J. W. Pilling, Henry M. Baker. Dr. Hislop, Dr.sad Mrs. "Ien Evck. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McGill,Mrs. J. G. Hill. Mr. snd Mrs. Quaiffe. Mr.and Mrs. Harvey SpauMuig. Dr. Bacon. Dr. audJ*ra.swormstedt. Dr.Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Rich¬ards and Miss Janet Richards. Mr. and Mn A. F.Chiids, Mrs. Bittinger and Mi^ Wilson. Mr.and Mrs. Win. M. Springer, Mr. and Miss Vale,Mr. and Mrs. Birney, Prof, and Mrs. bpeucer,Mr. and Mrs. Hcatou aud Miss Heaton and Mr.and Mrs. John L. Weave.Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Lowery gave a recep¬

tion and bail last night for their friends at theirhouse on Ycruioul avenue aud Mcl'hersonSquare.

Mrs. Cockrell gave a prettv tea party yester¬day afteruoon in honor of Hi"* bameron andMi»s Briggs of St. Louis. »b» st> >«1 beside thehosteee from 4 to 6 in the »iieruoon. Mrs.Cockrell Vore a princesse gown of black velvettrimmed with red satin. Miss Briggs wore agown of white crepe trimmed with white satinribbon*. Mia* bameron wore a white silk com¬bined with Nue green satin. The table wasspread n the dining rooua and all the roomswere full of the fragranco of the spring blos¬soms, lilacs and large liiie* with which theywere decked. Miss Dahlgren. Misa Harian,ills* Bessie trust snd Misa Walthall also as¬sisted to receive.The last meeting for the season of the Ladies'

Monument Society was held at Mra J. P. Jones*house yesterday at 11:30 o'clock. Mrs. JusticeField, the president of the society, presided,'ihe topic of discus-ion was apou the selectionof a sculptor and all agreed that he should bean American. Otuer* present were Mrs.Nathan Appleton. the founder of the project ofpresenting the French people with a statue ofWashington; Mrs. V. K. Berry. Mr*. McMillan,Mrs. Sherman. Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Manderson,Mrs. H. G. White. Mrs. A. R. Eddy, Mrs. Geo.Adams, Mra. sweat, Mr*. Fail*, Mrs. Hillver,Mra Munn. Mra Worthin^tou and Mrs. Con-4ll Smith, Mere tar/.

Gen. J. C. Fremont Arrived in the city lastevening and U now the guest of hi* son, LieutJ. C. Fremont, at No. 1764 K street Oen. Fre¬mont has been lately retired with the rank ofjnajor general. At the residence of hia tonlast night there awaited him over 2,000 met-.ag . of congratulation.

Mis* Studebaker la in the city, the gn*st ofMiss Miller, and they will be at home to caller*on Friday afternoon after 4 o'clock at No. 1806Ala*aafhusetU avenue.Dr. D. P. Johnson of Iowa ia the guest of

Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Johnson, at No. 1407 F streetGreat preparations are beiug made for the

house warming at th* new home of the Co-lumbia Athletic Club. M&o? litdies &re ex¬pected to be present*Miss Lily Dickerson and Miss Stevens of Hart¬

ford, Conn., are the guesU of Mr. and Mrs.Siraonson, No. 22J Indiana arenas northwestThe faculty of the law school of Columbian

University will this evening give a reception totlie law students at tne university builoing.Mrs. Oeorge Shekell and daughters, Annie

and Julia, hare gone to Baltimore for m teaa»ys visit.

Mrs. Senator Squire will receive tomorrowafternoon after 4 at the Arlington, assisted byher sister, Mrs. Furman, of New York and MissMiller, daughter ol ex-Senator Warner Miller.Mr. Alfred Bates of West Virginia and Mise

Mary Brooke Laromond of this city were mar¬ried this morning at St James' Church. LevDr. Geo. Win. Douglass officiating.A pleasant home wedding occurred this

moaning at 11 o'clock at the residence of theMisses Billing, No. All K street northwest, thecontracting parties being Mr. James KichardNewcomb of Brooklyn. N.Y., and Miss MaryBell Goodson, daughter of Mrs. Marv W.Goodson of this city. The ceremony was" per¬formed by Rev. a X. Cox, D.D. i uncle of thebride;, assisted by Rev. J. W. Boteler. Thebride was becomingly arrayed in a travelingsuit of biscuit colored Henrietta, combinedwith golden brown velvet, with hat, gloves andshoes of the same delicate shades and carried abouquet of bride rose buds tied with whiteaatm ribbon. Miss Mattie Javis, acting asbride of honor, wore a dainty dress of pinksilk and gauze and carried a basket of LaFrance rosea. After receiving the hearty con¬gratulations of the friends present the happypair left on the noon train for their futurehome in Brooklyn, N.Y.

Mrs. Thos. C. Power, wife of Senator Powerof Montana, is at the Arno.Mr and Mrs. F. H. Smith, after six months'

residence in Washington, have returned to theircouutry home, Bonnie Brae, near Hvattsville.What was intended to be a surprise to Miss

Mary Landon King, 1430 Corcoran street, tookplace last evening. Miss King is to be marriedat St. Andrew s Church this evening to Mr.VSilliam F. Turner of Prince George conntv,Maryland, and immidiatelv afterward to leavethe city for a bridal tour for ten davs.Her friends decided to give her a reception be¬fore the event, but did not expect.themselvesto be surprised. Miss King had in some waylearned of their intentions and had a catererprepare ten courses as an earnest of what shewill do when presiding over her own home.A delightful evening was spent andthe party broke up at a late hour.Among those present were T. N. Conrad. Jr.Lieut D. A. Jenkins. Sidney Hill, Capt E. j'Jilts. Norman H. Km*. Willie F. Turner, Jos.Turner, J. H. Wallace.Willie King, F. D. BerrvMiss Katie Putnam, Miss McKnew. Miss BlancheTurner, Miss A. King, Mrs. Moore and Mrs.King.THE ZOOLOGICAL PARK BILL.

Finally Passed With the Unjust ClauseImposing Half the Coat on the District.

The zoological park bill only needs the sig¬nature of the President to become a law. Sen¬ator Morrill yesterday afternoon reported thatthe conference committee had failed to recon¬cile the disagreeing votes of the two houses.The House insisted that the District be com¬

pelled to pay one-half of the sura necessaryfor the maintenance of the park and noamount of senatorial eloquence or commonsense argument could change the situation.Senator Morrill and Senator Spooner both de¬clared that the bill could never pass unless theSenate receded from its decision. By a vote of33 to 20 the Senate receded. Previous to thataction there was a little spicy debate.

SENATOR t*GALLS- APPEAL FOR JC9TTC*.Senator Ingalls said it was an obvious and a

flagrant and glaring injustice to compel thepeople of the District to bear one-half of theexpenses involved in the undertaking. Thevniight just a* well be called upon to bear one-balf the expense of the National Museum, ofthe Smithsonian In-titution or any other na¬tional exhibitions and museums here.The bill was read and then Senator Ingalls

said: "Mr. President, the government of thisDistrict is an absolute despotism, but I do notthink that I ever knew of an illustration ofmore perfect tyranny than is evinced by thatprovision in this bill. The people of the Dis¬trict of Columbia have absolutely nothinewhatever to do with that park or with its main¬tenance or iu management It is to be under thecontrol of the regents of the Smithsonian Insti¬tution. The people of the District have no r« pre¬sentation on the board, no connection with itsmanagement, no disposition whatever of thefinances which are to be appropriated and dis¬bursed. The Senator from Vermont speaksabout the precedent alreadv established. Ifthere has been one established.which I donot know.of course I am bound to accept hisstatement it was a most perniciousprecedent, and if we allow this one to beestablished there will be no escape from ithereatter. They can then plead that the monev

r°rlglDal lnT?*tmeut having been sharedby the District, and the money for the first an¬nual appropriation having been shared bv theDistrict, it has crystallized and passedT° .form. 01 lRW nnd c«nnot bechanged. How far this expenditure will ex¬tend nobody can telL It may go into themillions. It will go into the millions. It is tobe a great national institution, and I protest inthe name of the people here against imposingnpon them this invidious and unjust and un¬necessary burden iu addition to what thevalready endure."

OS THE OTUEK SIDE.Senator Cockrell said that the people of the

District wanted the park; sought for it Theyought to be willing to pay one-half its cost'.lhig park," said the Misnourian,-'is for theconvenience of the people of the District ofColumbia nine hundred and ninetv-ume timesmore than for the people of the United States.2»ot one in ten thousand, not one in a hundredthousand of the gieat mass of the taxpavers ofthe Lnited States will ever see this park - andit la for the beautifying of the city of Washing¬ton, it is for the increase of the value of prop¬erty here, and for the benefit of the citizenswho reside here and who will frequent it."

8ENATOB BUTLER'S POINTED RETORT.Senator Butler had the floor in au instant

and retorted: "So would the public buildingin St Louis be for the entire benefit of thepeople of St. Louis and nc? other portion of theflunk',?11 t I" 1 ,uPP°«e thev wouldthink it a great hardship if St. Louis should becalled upon to pay half the expense of thecourt hou^e and post office building there I donot understand that the District of Columbiahas anything to do with this public park morethan that it is within the limits of the Districth £iUIn It is a government institution

which all the people have a right to get thebenefit of, not alone the people of the District-and it would seem to me to be a very greathardship to require the District of Columbia topay one-half of the expense of the park whichis intended solely as a uational affair."Senators Cnllom. Gibson and McPberion all

protested against the saddling of this expenseon the District, but the two former said theywould concur m the House amendment becauseit was the best that could be done. SenatorMcpherson would have voted -nay," but hewas paired. »

THR KEGaTIVE TOTES.The nays were Senator* Allison, Barbonr,

Bate, Blodgett, Butler. Call, Casey, Eustis,Faulkner. Hale, Hampton, Harris, Hawley,

McMillan. Moody, Teller, Vance, Wal¬thall. Wilson of Iowa.8ee Sattrdai'i Stab aboqf'Avalon Heights."*

Fined for Selling ueer to Boy*.A young man named Ihomas J. Sweeney,

who keep* a cigar store and pool room oa iUstreet southwest near Maryland avenue, wasplaced on trial in the Police Court this morn¬ing charged with keeping an unlicensed barand gelling liquor to minora After hearingthe testimony of a number of bo.*, who hadbought and drank beer on the premises,and the dental of the defendant that he hadever sold or derived any beneflt from th* beerthe boys drank, Judge Miller Mid th* proofas to the sale of liquor iu lea* quantitiesthan one point was insufficient; that the de¬fendant .old beer there he had no doubt? .w w

court thought that th* characterof the business was soiling beer by the bottle

80 °' u"licensed lar was con¬cerned it would have to be di.nus.ed. On the

selling liquor to minors the coort**°> would be im¬

posed. and the court was only sons th.amount was not #600. ' "

shooting stars.pas iitucui t. or w.

[Note: There were only two delegates(Colombia and Peru) on the F-A. excur»ioa.oath. ]

Hard triala for them two,#

Hail Colombia and Peru,Start*J out to go clean throughWith a Pan American crewBut did they get there? No! Boo boo!Listen to their tale of woe.

Newspaper man to clerk in R.R. ticket office,have the nerve to charge me auy-

thing for a ticket from Omaha to Chicago?"Clerk.kindly; "Qf coarse, not. Our terms

are strictly cash."

Uncle Sam is a Zoo-lu, that's what

"Papa do you erer win any money playingpoker?"

'.Yes, my boy, I win a hundred dollars eye rytime I play,"

"Tben, papa, why don't y<m get rich at it?""Because, my child, it costs me 9200 to win

the hundred."

Noah did his reading at night by an ArklightThe United States and the District of Co¬

lumbia will have a monkey and a parrot of a

time when the Zoo is finally opened.Wife: "It I were to die to-night, darling,

what would you do?"Husband: "Telephone for the undertaker, I

presume." %It doesn't make any difference who theis, so long as he is, and everybody would knowhim if his name were mentioned, but the othernight he waa "loaded," and his companion lefthim in a saloon to wait until he returned inhalf an hour. An hour later he came back andthe Colonel waa asleep on a lounge in a backroom."Hern, Colonel! Here!" ha called, shaking

him; "it's time to get up." .

Ihe Colonel opened hi> eyes heavily andtried to talk."Aw, you're drunk," said the friend in dis¬

gustN-no, I ain't' pleaded the Colonel, rubbing

his eyes; l,n-no I ain't drunk thigh mornin',but I was, lash night."A cab took the Colonel home shortly after.

A woman s work is never dun, except whenshe is a bill collector.

Marie.with pride: "I make all my owndresses."Clara.with cruel criticism: "I thought so."

Secretary Proctor essays to be a military la-jineer.

Love is sentiment; marriage is action.

131PORTANT REAL ESTATE SALES.Part of the W. W. Corcoran Property

and a Lot on F Street.

A notable sale of residence property has Justb«*en effected. The northwest corner of thegarden surrounding the residence of the lateW. W. Corcoran has been purchased by theUnited Service Clnb. All the ground includedin the garden has been subdivided with lotsfronting on I streetand on Connecticut avenue.The lot purchased by the United 8ervice

Club is at the southeast corner of Connecticutavenue and I street, having a frontage of overfifty feet on the avenue and over 121 feet on I.treet The lot contains 2,809.25 square feetaud the Drice paid was #10 per square foot.Ibis is the highest price ever paid for residenceproperty in this city. It is the Intention ofthe I n'ted Service Club, an organization com¬posed mainly of officers of tbe army and navv,to erect upon this site a handsome club house.Plans are now being prepared, and m soon as aplan ia selected building operations will bobegun.Another important sale is that of the prop¬

erty owned by Wo. Seherger, at the northeastcorner of 12th and F streets. The purchaser isMr. Sidney A. Kent, a wealthy resident ofChic^jo, who has recently begun the erectionof a flue resideuce here. The property has afrontage of 20 feet 10 inches on F and 90 feeton 12th street, and is improved by a four-storvbrick building. The property contains 1,875square feet, and the price per foot is $31.40.The sale was made through Messrs. Pitney ABradford, real estate dealers.

Death of Mr. Abner C. P. Shoemaker.Mr. Abner C. P. Shoemaker, a native of this

District, who spent most of his life on his farmnear Takoma Park, died suddenly at thehome of his brother, Mr. Pierce Shoemaker,at Pierce's Mill, on Rock Creek, at 2o'clock thiB morning. The deceased wag an

energetic man. largely identified with the in¬terests ot the District. Oulv yesterday tie wasat the office of his nephew," Mr. Louis P. Shoe¬maker, closing up a real estate transaction,when he was apparently in his usual robusthealth and cheerful disposition, which alwavsmade him attractive to his many friends. Hisillness was ol less than a half hour's duration,and his sudden death is much regretted.Si* 8atcbdat's Stab about-'Avalon Heights."?Have Ton bought a lot at Garrett Park yet?

If not you will regret it..AdcL

ALEXANDRIA.Reported for Th* Kvenisu Stab.Htbeet Improvements..At the meeting of

the city council last night the ordinances forpaving Patrick street three blocks from Kingto Princess, for paving Alfred street betweenPrincess and Oronoko streets were passed, uswas one for the removal of obstructions ofstreets by fencing, Ac.Citt Cocxcil..The presidents were in the

chair of the city council last night. Besidesstreet improvement measures orders were madeto give «350 aud stone from the canal levels tothe new bridge over Hooff's run on the northedge of the city and to authorize a side trackfrom the Midland road on Union street to thecoal yards of Mr. J. R. Zimmerman. Anordinance to take up ducks ana chickens found atLar5? uV ? 8tr,eet w,", referred by the council,but tabled by ihe aldermen. A communicationfrom the mayor suggesting an amendment ofthe fish wharfage law so as to give the lesseeof the corporation wharf wharfage fees on fishand melons was referred.Notes..In the corporation court, in the case

of Perkins agt. Maddox, Judgment for *2.045Tor plaintiff has been given. Whittum agtAlexandria Driving Club; verdict of $.32.28 forplaintiff. Kev. Dr. Nourse, formerly pastorof the lirst Presbyterian c hurch of this city,has sold his resideuce on Duke near St. AaapL,formerly Neale's law building, for #2,000 to MrRobert Elliott The Ratcliffe property "onWolfe street near Fairfax has been sold. R.H. Warder bought one house and lot at #400and another at #825. These lota are on thenorth of the railroad tunnel wall. The storeand sheds of Mr. C. 8. Sweatnam. at Fairfaxstation, and four cars were burned last night


Thirty Men Imprisoned In a WyomingCoal Mine.

A dispatch last night from Cheyenne, Wy#.,.ays: Thirty men are now imprisoned in tbeRock Springs coal mine, No. 4, which is onfire, and it is almost oertain that ail are dead.The mine was discovered to be onfire at 1 o'clock yesterday morningand at 9 o'clock, when tbe fiames beganto spread rapidly, the men were ordered to thesurface. They had hardly begun to issue fromthe shaft's month when an explosion occurred.A searching party to go to the rescue of themen below had Just disappeared when anotherexplosion occurred, followed by threeothers in rapid succession. Seven ofthe searchers were injured, one pastreoovery. A doaen more volunteers descendedand brought up six insensible Chinamen, two

They saw tenother Chinamen lying prostrate. Smoke beganto issue in a large volume from all the en¬trances and further attempts to aave the menimprisoned below were abandoned. There arestill at least thirty men in the mine, mostivChinese. All the entrances to the mine havebeen oloeeC in order to keep the fire withincertain bounds.

A young woman who will be tweaty-threeyears old next month testified yesterday beforeJudge O'Brien m New York that she ww *>¦£riea at the age of thirteen years, in June. 1880to Stephen Caee. She wants a divorce.

WANTED.HELP.WANTED-A GROCERY CLERK; ORE WHO UN-da stand* Cuttiug Meat. Apply at once. 1. CROW-LEY, 723 3d St « W. ap23 2t*

WANTED.GOOD BICYCLE BEPAIBEB H W.HIOHAM. 4?tJ Pa. ale. a.*. ap83-3t*WANTED.OFFICE BOIa tWHITE). COOKS.' i Chsmbernisid*. Waitresses, Nurers, Butlers,8earaati«.*ee, Farm and lialry Hands. Ac Heir foremusylvaiila. West Virginia, Maryland and Nt* York.UuN HAM'S, HlOO at n.w. ap23-3fXV ASTKD.COOK* ITOE THIS CITY, NEW YORK,11 Maryland. W«at Va. and N. Jrnwy; Maids. Wait¬ress N ur»n, Men Cookit. Mailcnt. Butters. Coachmen,Kitchen Help, Farm and Dairy. DICK'S. (J13 7th u.w..23-lit*YV ANTED.WOMEN COOK>.. 10 TO «75~ CHAM-II bar Maids. > ur» a and Laundresses, IB city oraway; Waltera. Driver* or Farm Hands; Colored MeuCooks. JAML A. COOMBS, » at. n.w. lt*_WASTED A SEAMSTRESS WITH OWN SEW-lng Machine; one accn-turned to upholstery workpreferred Addresa J. llEl N\ LDS, S14 lath at. n.w.ap23-2t*UIAXTKD-A GOOD COLORED GIRL TO COOK." Wash and Ir u and d.i General Housework; gohome at nights. Apply with beat city reference atbasement door of 1320 F at. n,w. It*W ANTr L>.A BOY IN A GROCERY AND PRO-visiou store, una who understands cutting meat;give ref rencea and salary expected. Addreea M s..Star office. It*

WA NTED.AN EXPERIENCED YOUNG 8 VLES-lady in a Ladies' Furiushiug aud Fancy stor®.Apply a. 008 yth at. u w. ap23-2t*_VVANTED-A ViksT-CLASS TAIIOH ANDTAIL-* "oi e»« at COST 1NEX 1 8, civic and Military Tailor,B3&GK. ap23-3t*

\V ANTED.A FEW GOOD SALESMEN To BELL" Houaehold Articlea leed in Every Family, foodchance. Apply Room 4,1202 Penn. ave n w. apu.t-3*WANTED.TYPE WHITER AGENT.EIKST-11 class, nushing. energetic agent lor a standardwriting machine, » nlch la in use by the Uuited statesgovernment, must have ¦urn- capital and No. 1 rel-arrncea. In replying Kive full par.ictilars, past audpreaeut occupation. Aadreas STANDARD WnlilNUMACHINE, Star office. a23-~'t

WAITED.SMALL GIRI4TO WORK IN KITCHEN;white or colored. Apply at 01 2 Da. ave. n.w. 1*VKTAN1ED.TWO IN fk.LUOk.NT UlN OF GOOD" Ad'Ireaa for Outside Work good «».ariea pa.1 togood men. Addreaa SECUR11Y. star oihec. It*VV AN . ED.AT 1226 8 . H ST. N.W , A WHITE11 Girl to Assist with General Housework. It*w ANTED -TWOOU THREE KXPEltltNCEDti Waist Hands; alao seversl Appieutlces. Applyat 1205 ^ st- n.w. It*\JkTAN 1ED.A YOUNG MAN' WITH SEVERAL,u ycan'experience In the D.ug Biaiueas. Apply

eorntr 4th at and Msa-achueetts ave. n.w. ap23--t*\VAN I ED - iTcOMPE 11.N r W Utl'E 1WuM A N.11 middle age preferred. 10 ,ct a* 1 astry Cook lu a

¦- uuimer bote. not iar iroui Vsa^n.iiKiou, i/tC. Ad¬dress, with refereucjs. W.S.F., tar office. ap-3 Iw

WANTED.XNr,AT~COL RED HOY~TWELVE OBfourteen years old for house work and to begenerally useful. 8th st a.wIt*WANTED-EXPERIENCEli WAISl, SKIRT AND11 Uiaeve Han.ia. uoou pay togooil hands and per¬manent ) oh. 11011. Mo others need apply. MADAMKoHR. 937 F st. n.w._\VAN 1ED-HOTEL CLEIiK; ONE WHITINO AIT good nand; state uttJ. Addresa JACKsoN, Star

Offioe. It*\*TANTED.A COMPETENT YOUNG COLORED" Mau to Take Care ot Horje and Make himselfGenerally Uselul in Private House; relereucea re¬quired. Call at 1311 Corcoran St. It*W ANTED .A bTE~0iiUAFHER AND 11PE11 Writer; 44 to Start with. Apply at Room 9i,Atlant.c Btiiltun»\ between H and 10 o'clock tomor¬row It*WAN 1ED-LADY FOR A LIGHT POSITION FOR* * this raumilr in luy bualucsa. Weekly salary 4K.April V a m. to busiueat manager. Office liooin No. 1,4 -4 5th st. u.w. It*\v anted-a~carhiageTainteb. APPLY TO11 G. W. MASON, 2#03 M St. n.w. It*WAN TED-A WOMAN TO DO GENERAL HOLSEV 1 Work. Apply at 101 / ll^tlr at. u.w. 11*W ANTED.NAME OF PJ'.liSON W HO OWNS" Muchlue to Transctlbe troiu Graphophone onTypewriter at own home. Adurest, stating rate I erfolio, si E>'o, Star office. ap2^-3t*V\TANTED.STENOGRAPHER OR TYPE \VR1 l'EK11 can rent a good fteiniuytou No. '4 typewriterfor learning or practice lor <0 per month. AddressREM., star office. apvi--JtWTANTED.TO GO TO ROCKVILLE, MD. A11 W hite Girl as Maid to Child of Four; mut t nn-

deratand plain sewing aud have unexceptionable ref¬erences. Audrsas E.li .Mar office. a22-.'it*WAVTED-A DRUG CLEltK, BEGISTt.REDOB

Graduate. Apply CHAS. F. KE1M, 181H 14ili atti.w. a^~'-3t*V\r ANTED.A RESPECTABLE W'uMAN TO COOKli and Wash for a Family of ihree. Apply with

recommendations at 712 13th at. u.w. ap~2-3t*WT AN i ED-GENTLEMAN with SOME CAPITAL11 to i akeLawe House in Country With La.lv of

Experience, house can be tilled ail summer with hrst-claaa boarders. Addresa J. M..V, Star office. »2 ;-.;t»

VV ANTED.a7FIRST-CLASS SKIRT HAND AND11 Draper; none but thoroUituly competent peraous

need apply- A. C. A x Elia, oO.i 13tUst. n.w. Ah lybftoreloa.m. a22-3t*Wanted-fiust-class w aist axiT sk iTTf11 Hands an 1 Apprentices at ti20 M st.n. w.ap22-.')t*VVANT1.D.MAN FAMILIAJtWl iH SOdTwaTEB11 uiachinery to make himaeii generally usenil in

bottliug e^tabiiBiimeut. pe man.-nt loaitiou; lair com¬pensation to competent mau. Aduress, stating experl-encs, Box 111, Star office. »22-3t*W' A S I E D - TWO (S) FIRST-CLASS PANTS1" Hands, highest prices; also Buahuimau. Mbi;IZk CO.. 614 11th st. ap22-2t*W"ANTED-A GOOD, RELIABLE WHITE LAD TO11 Take C'hartrs of >tabl^a:ni Make Himself Gener¬

ally C-eiul. on* who unueraiauds sum thing ofgaidening and can milk preferred. Apply after 0 p.m. at 1714 13thst. n.w. ap21-3t*W' AN 1EI>.A WHiTE GIRL (GERMAN PRE-II ferred) to Cook and Attend Down Stairs; to aca-

pable and honest girl a good home w ill be found. Ad-dreas Cai.K., star office. ap21-3t*\VT AN 1 ED.AT I HE CITY*INTELLIGENCE o'^II lice Every-day Working Women, Men, Boys aud

Oirls; no waiting tor work.applications tor gov*-ru-uirnt positions prepared. May Building, 7th k E n.w._apl9-0t* !YV ANTED.A YOUNG MAX WHO HAS HAD11 Some Experience Working 111 a Machine Shop or

Gun and Locksmith's; statu age, last employer, experi¬ence aud lowest wugea wauled. Aduress HANDYMAN, star office. apl7-0tw"ANTED DUNDORE'S EMPLOYMENT BD^ jll renu, conducted by ladiea. Men and Women,wbite and colored, lor all kinds of domestic labor, cityai d states; with references, nemoved to <09 Lst. u. w.m2-50i*\VANTED .AGENTS TO SELL THE PIN I ESS11 Clothri I-ine; i Mttiit recently lBHUed It holcUt).B clothes without pins; they do not freeze to it andcannot blow off. fcJample line sent by mail 5uc.; 50toot iine.l>y mail For circulars, price list andterm-* a<roreaa i'llL PlNLLSb CLUillh-is LINK CO.,17 iiermon §t., Worcester, M^s. apl'J-s&w, 0m\VT AN 1 LD-Li AKN hhS JTOR PKOF. CHJhlIsT~11 ner's International 1 ailor byetem; with ai y inchrule or tii|>e measure iloiif, an all scismitic tailors cut;patterns and ma 1trials cut and made and instructiontnven by Mine. b. J. Mi-bhtK, 1403 K.I ave.mhl^-'Jm*

VVANTED.SITUATIONS.\vANTED.SITUATIONS ioi! NURSES, COOKS,II HoStlirSj Maids, Coachmen, Housekeepers, Farui,Dairy and Kitchen Hands. Also Canadian Nurses,German Ma'ds, Japanese Houseman. BU..NHAWS,1110 3st. u w. ^aplt>-0t*wA N T ED-BY A RESPECTA BI.E COLOREDII Woman, a Place mi Chamber Maid. Address 4152d at. kw. It*\\TANTED.BY AN INTELLIGENT COLOREDII Man, a Position in which lie can Lse Horse and

Dayton, lie is well versed with the city. AddiessPosition, star office it*_WANTED-YOUNG" MAN OF 20 YEARS.A Mi¬ll nation in aonit- Wholesale Place. Five yews' . X-

perienc in Retail Grocery; beat reierence given. Ad-dress Box 4o, Star oii.ee. ap23-3t* (WrANTED-BY A COL RED BOY, A PLACE" ASII Driver in a Private Family. Good rsfereuces. Ap¬ply at 311 9lh at. u.e. It*YV ANTED.GO TO DICK'S AGENCY FOR YoL'RII Cookf, Laundress. Maids, Waiteres*. Nurses. But¬

lers, Coachmen. Walte V kib-iien Help for this city orabroad; ail have references. 013 7th st. n.w. a23-^t*\vANTED.AT HBADQUABTEBS. POSITION SII for Cooks, Chamber Maid. Waitress, Laundressesand Nurses, soamitress; Men Waiters. Cooks. Coacu-iiian. Butlers. SAML A. CooMBS. O'.'O F st n.w. It*

Wanted.a young man who is an ex-teacher and has had Home experience in clerkmiraud accounts wishes Employmen t; references given.Addresa LMPLoY M i-.NT, star offi. a. ap23-3t*V%TANTEit.PHARMACIST. REGISTERED INII Washington and Virginia, would like Positionlmim diately. Address PALMA 11M, Star office. It*WANT. D-BY AN i-XPERlENCElT WHITEII Woman. Place aa CoOk in First-class Fumi.v Ap¬ply 1312 Bat, n.e. >23-2t*Wr ANTED-BY A BE6PECTABLE WHITE GIRLII Piace as C!i»mb. r ilald or to Aasist in GeneialHouae Work. Call at 1720 5th st. u.w. ap23-2t*W ANTED - SITU A'l luN'S FOR COMPETENTII Colored Mum, good cook; also good Pastry Cook ;also Two Young Men for Private Family. Addrew7u9 G st.u.w. ap2.s-*t*

W ANTED-BY two RESPECTABLE COL BEDGirla, situations lu Private Families as haniber-inaids; can furnish licet city le.eiences; no objectionsto traveling. Call or address llol 20th st. n.w.a23-2t*

wANTED-BY INDUSTBIOUS COLORED BOY.11 aged IB, who is agraduale of me YVasiilugtoU HighSchool, a Place to Work in a Lawyer's or lo al estateottice; best references given. Ad iiesa W.H.C., staroffice. &2 --'it*Wr ANTED-BY A COLOKKD MAN. A SITUATION11 as urivcr aud to Make Himself Generally UsefulAround the Houae ;good relereucea Apply 1U47 12tn*- u.w. It*WANTED-A YOUNO LADY. WELL FDUCA1ED11 and lie lined, desires a Position as Companion or>ecretary o un Invalid or lady Going Abroad.alao will-lug togoasGoAnieaa, is an expeiieuced traveler audpene. tiy competent to take en.ire charge of ouaineaaarian emeu a, Sc.; very beat relereucea given aud re-Quued. Ad ireaa Misa L. PBEsloN, sweet Spriuga,Monroe county, W. Va. a2V-3t*W ANT ED.A RESPECTAllLE COLORED oIRL11 wants a Place as > urse, willing to travel; ? oodrafereuces. Call at QOH M st. n.w. a2'.'-3t*w AN 1 ED.BY A YOUNG GIRLA Pi.ACE AS11 a.aid, can do flue sewing; williug to travel; cangive reference. Call at 102.» 6th at. n.w. a22-2t*

W~ANTED-BY A PLLVBER AND GAS FIT ER. ASotier aud Reliaule Mau, atosdy work. AddresaPLUMliEH, star office. a22-3t*

\\T ANTED - EHPLOYEBS FOR FIRsT-CLAsS11 sarvauta, with reference lu ev«ry case, sand toC11Y IN I ELi.IUENc'E OFFICE and your order willbe flllad with diapstcn. May Buildiug. 7tu and n. n.w.fli-tlOt*

WANTED.BOARD.W' ANTED - BOARD BY A YOUNG MAN IN Avl Private Faiu.lv ou Capitol Mill. Address, withterms, Z. R.. Star office. ap22-2t*

WANTED.COUNTRY BOARD.ANTeD-OOUKTBY BOARD NEAB WASHING-ton. for the month* of Jium. Jiiy, Aufuai andSeptember, by lady and gentiewan with three smallchildren and uurae. Audraaa, WUh terms. COLNTi.Y.Star office. a22-3t*



city will not from May 1 a Desirable Residenceis Uif northwest. fnrnisned or unfurnished. at varytow rate.- Apply at 1029 22d el jtS3-**_W ANTED.A FtJRNIsHED HOUSE FOR A KAN

and Wifs ia or N'ear »he City, no children; aaponsible p rty. Addres. I. VI K. s>tar office. It*WANTED-I HAVE (3.000 TO PURCHASE FROM

owner mux or more room Hou«*: naud^ru lm-prorPiueoU; brU k. with yard; between L and Q. 4thand 7th »U n.w. Aridres* K. Q. V., Star ofice a|Cl-3WASTED PARTIES HAVING HOU ruRll Rent Can Securr OvxkI Tenanta and Prompt Col¬lections and Kctumi by Placinc "lheir Property withme; repairs, inauran<-e aud other incidental matter*relating to its management promptly attend* d to with¬out extra coat W owner. UK>. LINfciNs,mh27-lm Cor 19th and H »t«. it.

WANTED.ROOMS.W'ASTEP-MAY 1-BYOENTLF.MAN AND WIFE" 2 or 3 Furnished Room, lor Light Hooeekeeiing,near Treasury Department. *oi<1 cat* and tieainaae;.tate price. Addrota SL'RV EYOR X.. Star office._ap23-2t«WANTED-BY a YOUNG LMly BY MAT 1.

one Unfurnished Room, withw o: parlor; pri-rate family preterred. permanent if suited; reference*.1' hanged. Addres. Lol lop Mar office. ap23-2l*VvAN rED.OKEOuTWOLAROE uNFtBNinhed* V Hot ni« by gentleman and wife. uo housekeeping.private family preferred; rent rnnet be low; best ref¬

erences. Adure^ PER >1A N EN i, star office.ap23-3t*WANTED.BY A RESPECTABLE MECHANIC.1T Room aud Board bet. K, N.Y. ave., 5tt> aud l'ithst*. II. w.. W1.1 pay liberal price if suited. AddroaeMECHANIC. star office. ap22-2t*

WANTED.HOUSES & LOTS.\V ANTED - PA RTIF.S HAVINQ PROPERTYti which they would like to sell »1thouI advertisingwill Ond it to the.r advantage to eal. at Room ti, Hel-1- >wv Building, a< I can iind a purcliaaer for any profit¬able investment. A. F. BARK K. Contractor andBuilder Heal Estate Bought und >oid. ai 23-6t*

WANTED MISCELLANEOUS\\TANTED . FEW SHAB S LINCOLN BANEM Stock if reasonable. Also, aellor exchange ex¬cel.ent Western Farming Laud, lor aaLbie slocks orreal eatate;city and county; any difference cash. Ad¬dress L) M , Mar office. It*

.7 ANTED-IT KNOWN TH IT MILK DTRECTr from tile country can bedeiveredio all p*ru of

city; 33 pint tickets, ileash. -kim Milk. 4c. quart.A .Urea. uOUMitY MILE, star office. a'.';Uwt»j«'ANTkD.A tiENTLE~HOR»E FOR ITS KElfP-intr during the summer; for a lady's very lightmust be a good tiaveier. Addraaa CAREEUl*Staroffic-. ap'/'i-St"

Fanted-atonce-\ hopkinsplate book.Address B X.. Star office. au22-3t\vWANTED.A LOAN OE «500 FOR ONE TEAR;M aocuilty. first morttrttra on City real <-.iate worth

(4.0UU; 0 per rent lntaiaaL AUarcaa Boxtfl. star| othce. ap-'l -3t*

WANTED-TO purchase an ESTAULISHI DT" Peualon Buiinesa. Adoreaa ATTORNEY A, staroffice. ap21-3t*VV ANTED-EVERY ONE TO KNOW THAT JACOB» ' HilUUkroHb. the Pitl buiy A^cut, located at 721 H

Ft. n.r., la kept bus> i uu:uir up A. No;tlirop'a PatentCclliiuraand side V\alio. s*nd rcircular. ap21-lm*WAITlD-A MERE.BLACK. »A» OS OtUMT-» » uut biOAU, «ui;a. ;e for two-Mat watron; weucttt

not les« than 1,150; muet be Round aud cheap, callat BOB F at. n.w F o. Ai KAM. apiilvJt'VV AN TED.ALL U~ERV uF TYPEWRITERS TO11 know that HKNRY A. CLARKE A HuN. V>3o F at.,hive Greatly Reduced the Price, uu i..un Paper. Rib-boll, lor ail machine*. Toe. each, $ . jo per dozeu.C rbon, all coli'r.. .3 per hundred, .satisfaction (fuar-autecd or diou.) retunded. Send or call tor cat*lo(ua.ai'W 1 ¦ In.

WAN TED-THREE PERSONS TO JOIN ME IN1' Purcnaicng a Tract of Dvs.r.ble Acre Proj>ertr.excellent location, only one-bith caah naeded; a bar-Kaiu. Lock Box 3(lj. City P.O. ap'^l-tfi*Will lTD-lO BUY A YOCXO MASTIFF DOg]11 Adjrea. MAaTiFF, Star office. ap21-3t*\JVAN 1 ED.FURNITURE OF EVERT DEsCRIP-It tion, also >-tock. of all kind* of men h&udiae,.tore and othce fixture. He. A. C. WINsToN,ap'Jl-lut l#37_7th»t n.w,_WAN 1 ED-IT KNOWN TH YT C. D. COLLINS.I f Builder and Carpenter, 717-71H 18th .t n.w..Makes a specialty of Remodeling and Joboiny ScreenDootaand » mduws to order. aplU-lui*VV AN IEIJ-U. BALM i-~A YS THE HH4HES1 CASHII Price, for Furniture. Cari>eU, leathvr bed*.Office and store Eixiurea. Entire HoUMhoida aH eoalty. Storage on r.aaonabi. termA Addre*«314t)th at. n.w. apl^yWANTED-ALL IN NEED OF HAVING THEIR11 Umbrellas and Psir3*ol» Covered, Lined an I Re¬

paired to apply to B B. Cti ASi_, 1314 Pa. ave. aud 41111th gt.. opu Staroffio aplS-^'ui\\rANTED-EVERY ONE To ENOW THEY CANIf Save troui 10 to 15 per ceut by Baying V>av neaand Jewelry oi me; Fma uatch and Jewelry Repair-tag a Specialty. \VM. il. FRANK, 4tJl Pa. ave.al ,-lm\V ANTED.100 CHlLDHi N foPHO" OuRAEH,»T Caoinet size, at per duzen, thla month; well-

fini-heu, .ati.factory workibabit. taken quick aa aHluk. si AR GALLERY. 45U fa ave. mhll-3mWANTED.UMBRELLAS ANd"PARASOLS R£>" paired aud Covered by C. LEFEVrE, 73^ Willat. n.w.. bet O aiid_H; ml3-2m*WANTED-TO BUY FOB CA-H HOUSEHOLD" and Office Furn.ture, su^*k. of Merchandi»-..uchaa Grocer.«e. Dry Ooods, J welry, kc.. trauaactionaConndeuUaL Addreaa ALBeBX, 4jS 10th .t n.w.ap!4-lmVV' AN 1 ED - PARLOR FURNITURE. CPHOL-" htered MuttraM»o.made over, *orkdone in a neatand substantial manner, slip Covers cut and made. Higuaranteed. C. NELSON', 12V30 st n.w. mlO-4-t*VV ANTED.LADIES TRT^DRANQE BLOSSOM."vv a stire cure for femnle disease*, sample free. A laoLady Agent, to sell Dr. Mctiill'*"Complexion Lotion."Air.. F. A. BAILEY, Uanerai Agent, 4'^BP aL n.w.apll-lm*

WANTED.IT KNOWN THAT THE HE1KH OFthe l.te Lorenzo Rice will continue the business

cl - team Carl et Ciemiii ft at the old "land. 4HH Ylaineave. s.w. yiAhll'S laCL, Manager. apj-lm*wANTED.PRIVATK LETTEKS AND OTHERTV Writi. gs to Revise. Correct and Typewrite;strictest confidence guaranteed; translation*, s. W.1LYNN, A.M., Ivy Institute, tauibiislitd lS7tl, s.w.corner Sth ana K «t». n.w. ap2-3m*WANTED HORSES TO KEEP; KEEPINGv v Horses Winter and Bummer a ajiecialty; order

tox Pnce'a Livery Stable* 311 Oth st. n.w.; larm 7thst road, tt miles froui city. O. 1L P. CLARK, sligo,Md. iu27-lm'WANTED.WE POSITIVELY OCARAN TEE TOti sell you aCiear Havana Key \\est Cigar for Sc.straight.seconds. That $1 box of 50 cigars. AtSicKr.L'S old stand, loll leim.n 1\amaave. rjj-:iu.\V~A.STEIi.STI AM CAIU'I T CLEANING ANDVV Renovating Morks; leather* Renovated, Mat¬

tresses Made Over; Furniture steamed and Moths> ed. F. H. YOUNUS, 140- Pa. ave. Telephone

f!3lieKtroye1 uos-i\V ANTED.TRY SCRIBNER. BEST BUTTER-\1 me. lable Oooda. '.(:c per pound. Cooking,17c. per pound. V at ranted not to get strong (likebutter does) lor one month, or money ret uncle 1.N B..Don' t take an> thing that is "Just as gooil as Serif'-tier's,** or "all tne same tning," but get the best, whictiIs lor sale only by V. 41. C. sCUIUNlR. 32S. d-B. 330.Center Market! Middle ot Fish Aisle >. Ill


at Low Interest on Furniture, i'iui.os. HorneK,liouaohold iioi>daorother peraoual property;

priiiCiful aiid inter. »t Payable iu weeMiy or moutHjrpayuientR. noremoxal oi t^toda lroui residence, nopublicity. Box ys. Star u£uce. a'.'y-lm'

j ONLY JO 1A>AS IN St *MS lO Sl'Il. A 1 O AM)t> pfcr cent, 011 D. C. real cstat*- aecurity.J-KA.NK I. itAWUMiS* 15o.» I*a. tro.

apf21 t ine Arlintftoii i ire ins. Co.'t utttce*>ONF.y TO LOAN"aT FIVETlK~LLNT ON kF-proved iieal Lgtate Security. I^aive auiounta a

apicia.ty. XVLth & Rl 1 tiLhiOiiX>,mli20«2mv 13U7 S »t. n.w


MONEY TO LOAN IN SI MS TO sun ON Ap¬proved District real estate. Nu delay in negoti¬

ating. AL15LU a F. FjoX.al'J-lm yx?l) F st. n.w.

MONLY TO LOAN ON APPltOVKD E£AL ks-tate witliin the District of Columbia, several

fcinatl amount.*, which 1 desire to pjace tinmediately;lowest rates of interest. GLO. VV. LiNKiNS, cor.19th and H sts. n.w. alti

MONEYTOLOAN |IN SUMS TO SUITOn approved real estate security.Good Builders' Loans muue at snort notice.

B. U. WARNER k CO..apo-2m alt! F at. n-W.

W t HAVE A LARGE SUM OF MONEY To LOANVT in aurna to su.t at 5 and ti per cent interest,

j. ust be on real estate in the Distiict.HILL A JuHNSTON,

apl-lm 1503 Pa ave. n w.

\| ONLY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AT LOWESTa.Tj. rates ol intercut; a.s,¦ on otner approved Security.lliOS. U. HLNaLY U Co. Bankers,ml5-3m 1300 F at. n.w.

fj\0 LOAN IMMEDIATELY.#30,00o.IN SUMSJ. lo suit, troui *1.000 upward, on good Real LsUleSecurity. ACKER A GADSBY


Bunds.kive percent. Payable quarterly. Inauinaof (1,000.

10,000-TO LOAN(3.OO0(2,000 On Baal Fstatael.ooo. .OO ffl 11 THOS. E. WAGGAMAN.


Ai o AN u ti PER CkNXtON


flO Corner 1 OUi aud F sra. a. w.

MONEY TO LOAN AI LOWEST RATES ON AP-a.<^ proved lteai 1 sutc Security. Laige amounts afcj ecialiy. .Also, as Agents of the Lulled SecurityInsurance Co. of i i.iiautipiila, ia sums to auit. toVe re) aid on installment plan, with or withoutlife insurance. Tajn.enta to run o. lo, 15 or 201 ears. F. ti. SM11 ti JC SON, 1222 E st. d-'7-»Jm

ONEY TO LOAN1N SLMS TO SUIT ON~RKALealata security in Vashmglon city. Nodeiay.

d7 J. F. CLLLlNANt A CO.. ttow F.i.n.w», NDOWMENT, LIFE AND IONTINE POLICIESI a bought at highest caan prices. Loans negotiatedupon same at reasoiiaUu lenua. Apply lo AI. H. ACilt-SoN. i.^07 E »i n.w. nol-Out*IV.ONEY TO^LOAN

in AuroVio l.eal Ertata Security, m Distiictj/Cciumbia. in an> sums uesired, at lowest raica ol u+Ureal. 'lhOb, J. FibHc.R « Co..

sei71.4 f si. u.W.

\| Okl Y TO LOAN1TJ In sun.s to auii. stloweet raw son arprovedrsitestate socially- illcH, >OX * Blown.

o^Q l4oi Kiuisjiums avunaa.

Monet to loan on real estate or fihst^clasa aecurily, at ioweat rales ol intare.t. bo delay

wLere ihe aecurily is good.Ill* O. C. tiHEEN. 3o3 7th st. B.W.

Monet to loan on real estate at Low¬est Hatee.


WINDSOR SULPaUR SPRINGS. PRIVATE11 Boarding House; large rooms and porchea. ahsde

and Bulk in ebtsndance; five minuna* walk trom sta¬tion and sntuwi Addreaa Mlaa A. C. AMOEL, NewWindsor. Md. ap^3-3ta, CKJNGTC N.


r A Few choice Rooms «rlth Board may be En¬gaged at the kcaington Mansion. Call after 6 p.aa.ap23-3t

A DELIGHTFUL HOME FOR SUMMER BOARD-era ob tRa Patapeeo. Elkrtdg* HeiMa; vary


beautiful LvtM OB HTObl Boor; ru hfni an.!northern . x|>oeure. furnished it uuturnube.i tableboard ftrst-clsas. term* moderate. ap23-3t*IVHKKNT-1211 Xl W YoRK AVE.. FIVE I S-

_furnished Rooms. large yaru .wood location. 23-2t*

1X)B RENT-218 K ST, N W . UPPER FLOOR OF3 R*i tuand Walk la perfect c idit.-a. wa.«r. iuap23-'.f Mrs M.KREMB.

I^OB R NT-A LARGE SEC'>NBaVToRY FROSTRoom. 1 tinushed small private family. reducedrent from Uu to October. 1341 ljtli st. ».w.

1"~JH>B RENT-FROST and back paruijuTkc-ond aud ihird-siory K^uu, fumi-he-d ami uulur-nisbed. with or without board 2»'l Id .< u.w a£3

1J»OB RENT~FC. N1SH>D~TW'~I I lAsAVrJ ront Rooms with Brst-claea Board, f.,- r.bath on same Boor. on* -quarv irotn car* aud berdic;summer raise. 2141 Hat. u.w. ap23-3t*F<or rent.Large boom on ist fuhir"or628 E sL.reni >20. tuclude. telephone. boat andjanitor. LAKNRa * .> EAVEK.a22-3t* ot<tn«

IJHjB RENT.1 HRFE ELEGANTLY FIRNIsHIDK(km- on V!d floor. rent *45 twr month; refer¬

ences. 7.11 20th >t. >ur ol U »t. It*1X>B BENT.1761 EST* BRAR DCPOXT CIBCLJLA luuuu witu Boar-l. also table B-arder*. ap£!-it'(M)B REN i - 1720 H ST N.W, NEA.. ME lo

polltau Club. large Ha-idsotue Rooms. co i: uni-catlug. on 2d floor. v» tueuitu u*l>. ai'22-Jt"

I.^UK liFNl-TWO NlCELV I UKNlsHFP RoOMS,2 fl.<or. s.ngle or en suite. with or with. ut board,Solui g i*.l. also singie Room, dd Boor. WOW XI st.ap22-Ct*I^OR RENT - UN FURNI8HED.1 WO VERYr Pl«®saut Second Boor Rooms bath on nag B «>r;all mo eru improvements. 1&23 ooivoran st. n.w.apm-3t*

tfOB BENT.TWO CNFUBNISHED COMMUNI-catinv Seconu-fl vr Looms. with a.1 convruiei < . s

(or Uglit hou ekeeting. front one very large. gas.beat and batti. permanent tenants desired 1M5feth at. n.w., near car*. ap21-3t*

1j*OR KENT.F RNISHED ROOMS, OR WILLrent entire bouse for summer months at low rut

Apply to owner, 1 202 N at. n.w. ap2l-3t*|X>B REBT-i.VM H~sT. B.W-OTT. THE RHoKUr bam.Handsomely Furnished Rooms. singls anden suit*, table boaid in ths liouae. auiuiner ratea.ap21-3t*

F^OR RENT.FoCR ELEOAXT BOOMS. SECONDBoor; one a parlor. privatefaiuiiy, lurii.abt-d .doub.a

corner buuae. a> ailiaud n t trouta. bay window*,laferancea mjuired. HOlKuw. aU-IXt*ijORRtN -fflOl 8T.*N.W.. SEVERAL LARUEX Koouia. witb Kuod Table Board. Fir>t-*la«» Cv>v 1location. Houae kei t by a i'ul.idelphla lady. Noemail cblidrro. Uentieiusn pra:aiTeO. al.-12t*

1,OR REST-17Jo O ST N.W.. PLEASANTlioorns, with of without b<>ard. home c* mu.ruopposite the Le# Athletic Clnb House and L'^ar UarDaparitueut. m'JH-llc*V^Olt RFNT-THREI APARTMENTS OF Wu ANDX three rooiua %u suite; i rivatf \>*%h andirantly lumi»!ie<L At the W cmjL>.^u.n i, cor. i.ithana Iowa circle. 1^4-3ui


»t. n.w . 10 room* and bath; all modern uu; r. ve-n.enta. Inquire at U J4 N at.s.*. apltMil*

Ij*OB KBBT-LAlKit S lolit AND CELLAR. J 4Hth ut n.w.. ueai Pa. ave. Apply to N. Bl NCH. uufloor. apl7-lw!'OK l;ENT . H I OtiE 717 11TH ST. N. W .. N E W. -. i«


. , uii iit.> 1.31 KJUH. II, uiu .11. s.n., >I!A;-I *'11 b completed by Apr.l la. Store tiltt IVth «Un.w.,*30 per Uionth. IUlu. A. UAKL»lN(if i>0dl)that.n.w. apl-lm

FOR RENT-STABLES.I^OKB'.NT-BR^K SlABLt IN REAR OF 1012letbat n.w.; 41-I50 UtO. i. UAhlilN. dltt Va.ave. ae. aSttt-W

BUSINESS CHANCES.I^OK SALE-ONE of THE BtsT PAYING Ho.X tela iii the City, centralis l<« ated. and at preaeutwell tilled witbirftod j ayinw boardera. lor leriua. Ac.,aadreaa 11 T OStar uftice. ai'SIWl*L'OR RENT-FINE CO.iNER STORE IN GROW.J7 in* neiiriibi'rbix>d; rent 11 o per moctb. AddreaaSluRt., BoxtS, Auacoatia. D C. It*

yoR SALE-OOuD WILL. STOCK AND FIX-J. tureaof tbe DruK btuie n rt^ea.t corner oi lotband y ata. n.w.; iLtemlinir purcbaaer- will be abow qtlie aioc* In detail. 1-orlurtbtr lartlcaiar^ *«»i-ly toTHuMaS DOMLlXi, Aucuu. eer, lltli ana Pa ave.ap^d-Bt

IN VEST Yol'R scrpixs, IN A Lt'MP SUM oBMonthly, n amount- to 'mt.in a pericct.y aaie l eali aiate Investment j aj i.tf divideuda of 1 to 2 percenta month. C. B HEMl>tiW AY. 10-'7 N. Cap. at. bp m.a.'lm

W ANTED-A FEW SHARES OF GAURETT PARE" StocK Givo number of aharea and l^waet caauprice. Address Box S7, Star ottica. ap2'.'-St*VTOlt SAH.-1 HE sibi e. »>oob will and"fix"-J? turea ot Gardner'a liuiel. L pper Marib ro', PriuoaOeorife'a County. Md , co. alstitu: of 1 urnilurt. Bed-Ui'.nf, sc . in fourteen rooa c. liar, -tock and Flxtureii,.Meat store aud Fixtures, iucludiua I -a B> x- a. hau-aatre Uriujerx and Toola, Kitchen I tensils and h< telapi>urtenance» Keueraily. The above valuable prot'-erty wiii be sold lorioUO. The hotel, which i* theb at bdaineaa stand in Marlboro', the county aeat ofi i luce *¦«'. county, will be rented to i urchaaai att"M i«r mouth. It la a fourteen-ruum buildiLif with

diniutf room, bar. aiabiii^r for enrbo-eu h..r»e«.butcher's Hiiop, Sc. An uuniual opivrtunity la of¬fered to inveat in an foii^.ished basiueeaaiaaui.ilhifure. DLlKeT i k F> BD. l> .7 t at. n.w. a.x' jt

yOR SALE-RARE CHANCE-StoCK. FIXTURESMl auu Good Will of a Curar ^ud looa<vo store; Paave., Capitol Hill trood trade owner ceslrrs chature ofbu»weas; price **oa EDWtN D. JoNKa. 4US# B at.

s e. a^a-af

IvoB SALE.CHEAP.A GROCERY STORE ON A(food i.uaineee corner. Inqui.* of T. DL'E i Y, l -' to7tb at.n.w. ap'.' 1 -*l"_V*~ANTED.A PARTNER WITH t.">00 TO TAKE'' halt of no auck; money to be maae at ti e oum-

tPJl. Address D.D.. starothct^ ap^l-dt*«.>OR EASYallAVl. OR VllUll-CLASS HAIR CCTJT or when you have occasion to have It cut over, asmany otherado, .eethclnilaUalptua ATUat, east aidsol 14th st. u.w. above Pa. ave. ap!4-lWt*

UTEL BUSINESS FOR SALE CHEAP WITHli years' lease and Cheap rent Address HOI EL,Star office. ap-lW-tft*

L^OR SALE.THK STOCK OF STAPLE ANDX luncy Urocerlea, Liquoia, Wiues, &c. of AUx.McBuruey.de eased, in stors corner Kiu« and Wash-lutrton sis., Alexandria, Va.; store aiao for rent at areasonable hKure Apply to the underaitrned, or toGEO. McBiltNi Y. i ei^ , who will a.ve lull paitlcu-Uia JOSHLA THoMAs. Administrator. apl6-2w*MAGltAW BBoS. S OSMl'X

Duluth and Suia rior Real Estate. 129 and 130Globe Building. St. Paul. Minu.We deaire to oLtaui control of acres in DouirlasCounty. Wu.,ardst. Louis county, limn.; also lots

t.no blocks in the city ot sui>erior. Via, and UuluUi,Minn. W s have Cc.nsti.ni inquiries lor property inboih these places. Pe.sons uesiiiito turn pr. i«rtyquickly will htid it to tneir a-ivaiita-e to corresp'onaw ith us. We hsve st the preseut tune souis of the bestbargains ever ottered at the head of the lake.ap4-lm* XlAoRAW Bkos.* OSMUN.

Ivor SALE-STOCK AND FIXTURES OF A V» ELL-established Liquor P.ace. doirnr a Oood Busineas;house room aud iuiuiture atucued. cciural location;owner leavintr city, terms cash. Address i'<ox 1 )2,Starofllce. m31-'.'4t,

1>OR REN 1.STORE 21S TENTH ST., BETWEENPa. a\e. and wholesale market, excellent business

stand; rcuttod^ Inquire at U-'O La.ava m-'j-lm

HALLET a DAVIS- UPRlUU'l PIANOS; THEPcrtect lisnoof the ave. superb in tone, touchslid action, eietfant new spring styles. Installment.tl-tr H. L. Sl AiNER. Mil Mh St. u.».

CI C. HALL, PAINTER AND MOIMUVML IS-s fenor work a specialty. I stluiate-s UmisLed.

I'd sonal attention kiten in aU caeea. Reaidence 17oKT st. n.w. iuH4-1ib*^ H. WALKKR, NOTARY PUBLIC.i3« Dealer in Real Ealate , nouses and Vacant Lotator sale northeast. 4oS Louisiana ava^ 4-0 B st.

M. IS'fH iSI.*r|vHE WORLD DO MOVE.".REMEMBER THEjL MTeire*t;:al UocJl." l A-ViSAl has cut iherrii t-a; watchea Cleaned* ^ 1 ; fir*»t-c>aa^ Uiaiu-ttpniiirs,v hiTHitrd tiit >ear, %1. aii Clock sua jewc«ii> Work stthe lowest i rices iu the city, ws deiy comif utiuu.l -L'4 t st. U. W. Mil?

LOST AND FOUND.Lost-blue envelope containing pri-

vate Letters.of vaiue only to owner; lost bet. N st.«uid Hotel horeliam 1 Uesday alteruoou. lieium toHCgU N at. CAKL LI MHOL1Z. at 'S.i-'Ji

LOST.LIBERAL reward FOR RETURN ORinformation as to wber<abonts of a Larve Black

and W bite Newfound.aud Dotr, .u- wcr.i.* to the nameof Philto, lav 3070. H. F. RLH, UO l.'th aL

U.w. a*!3-2t«OST PUG DOG; ANSWERS TO. NAME OFuMajor, had owner's name on collar and ts^. Liberal

reitaru will be paid if returned to 111 * at. u.w.a-»:l-3f

LOST-LADY'8 GOLD WATCH. MADE EY TIF-fany; a u.ouottram ou one fai« and a date on the

other, f uitibia reward paid it returned to No. 1Dupontcircle. ap--':j-:st'~

LOsX-Tn LINCOLN HALL. »TH BT_ OR BELTLine Car, Chrysanthemum Pin, Diamond Center.

Iweward if left at 1101 Kat. ap22 3

L7)Si.ON bUNDAi NIGHT. A MAST 1Fr DOGnine months old. Address DOu, star ottne.


IF GENTLEMAN DRESSED IN LIGHT COATand slia Hat who too* Pur*e left by lady in car 74at y and 14tn st*. snuday ev liih^ab ut Uc clock willlen\e same <»t Star otb e, bs will receive n-ward ..mlarea.ly ob.uc* the oansr. ap-Vi-u't*

REWARD-LOST-ON MONDAY. 1APB1L 21,Vt) a Lapis Lazuli sisrf Ptu. rouud ball set in foldC.aw. Above^reward if retun.ed to -HOd P st. s-Jil-.it*

LOST.NEAR 7TH sT AND BoUSDAByTismTlLDi mood Stud. Five dollars reward will be paid

to tbe Bauer by leaving it at Star office. att>tS*LO» 1-APRIL IS, A bLVcK AND TAN OYF.

EibersJ reward if left at the Vuyinis Bouae. op¬posite B aud P. Depot. ap21-3t*

LOVi-WILL THE FINDER OF A BUNCH OFKeys, with tag marlieu "W. Coirswail, Sal.ui,

juass ." pleaae leave the same at 132tf L St. u. w.. andbe suitably rewarded? apil-llt*

LOS 1.LEFT IN HOI EL AT CABIN JOHN'SBndire on Sunday alteruoou, April 20. 1SWO. a

n.i aoO Walkina Cane w itu a silver bead, on which isinscribed th owuer's nan a, "W. L. bUAOn. " AnyperaoQ leaving this cane at the Arlington Hotel willgreatly oblige the owner. ap21 -Iff

LOST-THURSDAY. 17TH INSTANT, SMALLsaye 1 errier, with cllpued tai I aud eara; name and

address engraved on collar ftag 4U1. bailable rewardil returneu to 1310 Vermont ava. a21-..t*

Loht.api.il :o,irmh spaniel; about twolast high, brown curly hair, long ear*, quite fat.

Answers to name of CtusL Reward t|aiU returned to1707 H st.mw. alll-llif

HOTELS.The allmobe, 523 131B st. n.w.. fibst-

<lase Eoaid. central, convenient to boteia, carsai d plact s of Intereat home comiorts; 11 to t2 parday ; >0.60 to >10 weak, taifr-lm'l T. M HALL

ABB1TT SUUtiWashington, d. a

HOARDING.UOMI-iOc, 7Ac AND >1. NEWLY FUBMSliEDand reAWad; lam and airy. location cwutral.

board par weak reasonable 611 aud 6i3 l»ih st n.w

OARDINO-LARAK «IOAXY FUMkUBRDBOOMwith good board at lie "Auburn." Pa. ava.ae*. 2Kd

at. b.w. ; terms modsraia. |

FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS1,»B SALE-AI IBHItT HOlSA .rAULIH, AM Beautiful kuiall borw. auit-d to rhaeut. ..r rwrt.And riJ-e wall. Uim w ft ckom uiiimI i kmA tt b.iu.*3-3f

yOK SALE HANDSOME WALNtl BBD B . WI Srt. Brwaaele t'arveta. .tel.i.*[. liiu»> K".»iaa1 aUc Alltl otfter e fle. ta 1 J'Jb v* eA n . »l '¦i-'-t*I^H'K HAI I «>K IXiMAXOE FOB ~A UK U1 Buffi Hum. a P»y bo 1 i y ie ui ikceileBt ¦

dltlon v an be nrii al .>lv WUi ll . ur addrvaa O K-.t>t«r oflk-e al>-3-;».1,H>R SALE F' >K «:li. A Hll.ll V. AUk HH\-I two-tuck. Bn yda. l>e.,rly nrw ail be.. leering a: 4Itluwl link* l .i<)||1h>l ai. It*L<ok bAU-ju; nu>M mKcocMIT-«iTr Horir, trr«b jfhra uij, auuutl k^a y«uLi ¥.tXdriver and aedde b»r*r uiikiat ., i a iaJy a benfa.uIt sold at once Al l'lj till and A eta «.<> il*I.V *glvKl I'lANi), H'UV uUH*.I teed fot >ii j ear# price »?.¦.. IS i..«.i.tblfui #ti j cmmU. JoH > t UXIkiUt,,NT IVMM)li>iii>it«.¦,>>k uu- kqFaki: ruxu in t x.. i. i urI in Adtlio.1. Olio $*>1*¦ able iS pec u,»... tb or Aftctouii Jolt N t Il.i.1." ktU,

Kt. IVfiBl)Ivki IIMA|,X>R8Ujf Ul AIflFVLSi H< Mt«"El R *Nfl AUAi ItAfiD, vf> r*ini!4 ban*, lull ? «1ivr, nnr*^H)4

i'ti vrd i«ir« iu (H-r.nt unlcr iihl fuil> iTUeien *

b.-dwitb stuo. end cover. onlv $ ]&*'. |w( 4 lo a111.u.li or dvH.N t tLUktU'...r-a-.w II 7 Pa. >rt

IVOR SvIX-THA I'k I IT BIJOt fPM'.H III* NO.i he boh |*r:e.'t au.aU I*ian,' made tnv a. nab<e furcbtldreu, only *> \J wli. or 4>«", peia^e 4-' perluoiitb JOM> F. LLI.I* * CO ..IMM !.pa an.

I^OB BALE.L«"T OF vHiflXUl POMS OF* len*the ««. suit either buaid ur aire f-txlr dA. UAI'KIS. Hat ». .! :<|*

1,V>B 1-ALE-DAh.T COMBINATION* flFLlk. 1beiiraiu . Bmr.j uw . «itli lun|> m. d l»il ixxut^rtr.».luciud». ULkirru at 8AUiM'»,rvr l«u. l: jL.t*. u.«. a . a-;««

4, OK NALF.-BLATK itoHst. bltTi N \ l,Al.>.ffenti*; ftMJiaxitMl tcuStd. ti«\ri«r AlaobiljfK . HvUcM.au. AIV') tUKiu. 1. 141WU at. b.«.2a-3t*

t>uK saLe-am iiMivrp CALKiiura iv»-*V run. ttivL u«« itifiil d'-aa a banraitil»rhA>Bi KbU >

_lt 1 I 14 aiid i i Mi I «t u »

yoB KtlX-I&US AVMNU tKAMt MV o*iI. tittorra. lao Mion < aa^. ur.'l) naa ibtaiidlUK etttcc L>aak. s 1 K AMil l.oMi > »' .V,It 1)14 and 11 lfi i at u.«

170B sale-a pair ok -ikonu vot>oF Hunwa. 18 balida Iiia't will vork aiualr or doulua.AW'l) »l atao.v 111 re r of IT'.'t I «t a'.' J-Vt'I,VK>ALK-t.NtlH\Utli MR AHH CABlNtT. 1M1 feet Ii'Iih. viih lam k rai.ck pUale uiirrnr audr.oaeu. alao LVnititpr and t-'a»«, aim«nia K>r ci«IK-tiooar. bar ur luiili rixiii. Ul t« u at 1H «A>1> H LI.No'» Au. 1 :i u K ,111 >, 1 1 tl: ai.d I a a» a

L'OK 8AL1 BKA1I1H 1 M VI I I WN V AI.*..I T »raia old ctly aaf* tor lad>l;C Bv| ) M>Surri-> aud Ua.m-ac w ai ba aiwd ar|«r*u urlia'rtbat,o»uer bat i.«j tuitbar uar. can ba a. en a: h aau'aMable*. M. V. are. a^V .'-.U*V,'*.'" SiLli-lint.X HuUStylltl luhltitr drire. aeveu y>ara »id, (t *>d liuut-r, a.«n .-««>>fhiUirle and 8et TatiUfb' Hra*«-mounted Huea. ( H»r-»!¦!* 11 a I i> uea , Aaddlea, A.¦.. tbr i'ro|<erl> u( Mr.Aribur Mt-rbert.ouv.ewat H .ITMI I.KUA1IOX *TABLK\ ItHB.lid N aLa. till utk>u dt#.a ' ' '

LH)I 8ALE . CHKAP. A D/TvrOX WAOviN;r uearl) new. Ai j l> ata.'l Lai il«._ aiS'. .it*yoK 8AU..ELLIOTT Hli B.OKY nVrHTlL* ««J li<On.la; la..y ur ireut.au.a.i, luai durabir all Iaaairat rtdlliK aliaa.a uiada AluO. J bhA\,t<MT 11.i.D *. . Apltth'ou SALE.JI'MT ARBlVF.lTFBOM »OT 1H* twf>il*iuia Twenty H> ad of kiu»- V¦ any Hurae«.ktiiouc tb tn are line Naddlrra. Unvvra and Heavyl'ralt Uuraoa ran trial ftfMi and all Huiaoa aar-r .uted aa re| re»-uted, or tn.>n<-y retuuUed. J W.lAiti k SuN. nmnftltmt>.». ai V

|7oil SAL! PAIM1DH.AH i.\I -I IN.. Kf \-I aiuirivu and Deuio. rat W miiiii, lilt e ua.^1, l«tii *. udaa new, a baraajl At i'iy UcULKjaoTA B Warfro. ina.3i0 Pa a»<- a

1.011 MALI ? I V - l \ N BkXIBfW; Jtainmwrtcd; piaya lit aim. i.»ail> - .'.1lotiKaud baa liiue lndi.aturatid Uarp Aill^ei >ella lurtiio. Addrea> stoln*. »tar ufi'-e. a 1»-1 ~t*

SALK-CHKAV-OM. UOUD 1<B1\.>UHorac. Pliaetun at.J llaruiaa. At 1 ly to L l>MNk-L£Y. Culleare Milton. B s o. K.R.. Md. a^'J I :tfL'OH saLi .A PialVAll CX«LLt»'l ION uk uU<r Anna and Arm >1 at aareat y p-diiord pnre. ettliaxouliM. tiVfiy ur aitia'ly. Addruaa AhM.% Star olboc_fc21-dt"t?OR sale-dark bat marf.. 1:1** randsturfU. fe yeara o,d. ia auita I? lor A 1 iy »c .r:v>,hk- been driven by a lady aitty tiara 0! ait Ah, one1 aytou ana Hartiexa. 1 be above niuat be »..ld to wtUta relate Ap, iy to Cuaobinali Ui taar of 12.' 1 Lttti at,

u.w. «ai-a«*

1,'OR SALr-Jl !<T AKBIVt lJ. TWfcMTY DliAFTnt>ra*>. ai> leu Dr.viuir Hotaca; aiao one Fi:,a}' uy ala.¦ live LoW-itiu*.! Horaea 1 rr . reaa. n-ab.e V ^CUI.IajLL, ivid htli at. n.» l*iae 1'ai.dk. ita.^ ailv<lf

1>OK f.ALI. -CHhAl Vj.AKGL->IZLi> Mi Kl.Utrliuiued K lor btuva, neatly ue«. Iruuire >fJAMTuH. 14 IK lat n a aylf tf

I^UK HALL- Ul:(iA^^¦ i'BU AN >!.' 'N E ch'.AN,louraeti- f reeda, Inr. ly d» r»ted top. k 1. i. b

Inirrora, t»uarnnt.«d fur five \eara HIOOWi.l.vH A 00., Tib at., bubiuor llano Ajrenta.11 u-tiin

J,'Oh MALE.A URAM> BAhOAlN IN A MAoM f-J ic.nt 1 |<nrnt liauo bui ainrbl.y uae-b b> iwrtfnow leavina tbe I'.ty. Dara r>.ae«.»ud, le-autilully ftu-labod;U>ie unequaled lur punty. loluiue and rii b-be-a, one of tbe tu.e*t Biakea{auu can be Uua i.t itirraat aacnboa fur time ur i*atL llaiiilaoUiC atw.'l|roaawuh it.duuare Pianua at l»rfrain« auld on eaay pajrtneotaA Beautiful 1'i ri^nt 1 iauo t« eacnamre for aguarACome aua aee It.

1HL PlA.NO EXCHAKOr. WtK ROOMK»pl8 »i:i Pat.nsy lvania aea.

1NOK HALE.*ASl*Bt.M>0 Li'Al'S »Lii. hiled Horac Manure a; ldtb at. wbarf a w Adilm*t. M W ILL1S,A?16 2w Jtltb an 1 k" at». ti w.

I OK KAI.E.TANAR1LK M AL1> ANUttM.M.im. Breeulnir tjavea. Parroia A< Ool-i 1 labia, lilobcaAud k i-<b 1 uod. >y»ralt a Doar Medtru.ea.alft-lm* bCH.illD'S bird More. 31? 1-tb at n w.




V<40 Lou,alalia avenue.The larjnat anJ moat complete atork of Carnarea,Pl.aeton., 1-u .a-iea. W aa'i'Ua, narnee-. Ac in tlii» ity.CouatattuK ut r.JUI t a, Cuui* llu, kawaf Vk tunaa, 1 v-

U'tiatou I o| anil um>|')' IbruUi lir. Li u-IkIuu I ui Cui-under Surrey. Jumt-aeal Can litre-. Dia t ra' and I unyl baet u.. lo,' and UO I oyi Uiu in. i<eed.tiir UluT'iUa,kaucy Lie.iTery .orui er«'LAi reaa. But'bera'and MilkHan'.na, spemiitur. Uoad ana A'uuy t 'arta.k'Un liu« of M uirle aud DoUb.a ilarneaa at tne mustr«aai>uable prii-ea.f-ole Mteiu lor tbe city for tbe Courtlaud *Vuii Co.'aFine 1 arr.k/' a, Biw^.i. and .-.|'niur Ma«ruiia. ai'14-lm

),'t)K SALL.BAhUAl NS l.N bVH.AKI.~PIA.NoA,from ;0o ui 4u and 1 0 |a> men la. <arire dia-count lori-aah. U. !. WILD A HKo.^.. Ten Tin u w.bole aveuu tor tuinvaied Kranlcb A Bacb Pianua.flft-3m*

J.X»K SAI.K.ALL L VT ~,V1 k ITT., b 1 Wn iA .1 nCut-under Surreja, liuarir.ea a;.d Ptia- .. l.a \.Mil A duns' bm.d-iiiada a'ork a a; (- inly. Finawurk, K w 1 r-cea tai riaa'ex ukeu on aioiaar- A II-UkLUOkl. btb aud New Vork ava. u * a|io-3bi

ITok hall.handmoml mh paris h okoanIou« ul 111* atoc'k We autcruaad ao lua , auild »a.L>i;caae 11 >-toi**. lailb maker » guarantee. ^4 1. I'k', 11 -

HK A 1 O.NLlI 1. ul 4 11 tb at. ti a a|>l

I"H»BSALE--'3K01LF.D ANDbtcMND HAM)CAB-nairi % 10*J rteia Nea and v*e<N -rioi band Hai'iiea^. 41iCovered vv ni|«, tliat muat la < luaed out at b-di-i'tu'1 i

a.ao Hora . 1'uat tun ai.d HinieiL J Vvork liora*-a. 10Urucety and L»«Uv«ry W .tauna, at \A. t. l>l.lth !> 4< ASW.WA A».

1,"OK HALE.CAP.K1 AUKs, W auoNm A.NIj bi .>.triea on eaay terina: luu )oba to aeieot lroiu. lie

|"a.nuif. painuu* and tn muinjf neatly doue. i.ix^AA JAhbl't. B al., vavoia-etuwn.D C. m," >

17oB bALE- ""

FILL VALUE OIVEKFor Tocir t'lii djuart Piano tn eichantra for a NFWllliAI^liliil Li'lilvilll, tJaUaiiecimykule a lu muiitbi#vriwablubis r. Q. HMITH. ia25 Pa. an.

1, OK bALE 1HK "OTIO" UAH ENGINE bSTtiuirea nw builur. avm u all rxi«nai*e attendance

no loan of time no bandium of fuel hend lor circularaim t'tice Hal. D. 11ALLAL t . «at t. T:ti itn M nl -J

SUBURBAN' PKOFEKTY.l,OR SALE-FINE hCl!L"i BAS BEblDLX' AlJ !i-»torj" lraine boua«; O ruolua and batb. yard.tocaed ailb all kuida of fruit trwea. arood waul. In¬quire on |,r«uiia«a, cur. kfapla. ava. aud Spi u.r at..Anacustia, Xj.C. aptt'lln*LV>B MALE-BtAl'lIH L SLUIKBAN LolS.M One mile w.i. comiuandiiuc tbe muat ma«ruin. t ntvtewa ul tliia city; uurb ami bea.tAy . no ri.Ik-.Ia. totLbuiidiuir rtvulationa or aeaer «-a., I'Umt an audwater, price 3 to ucenta per foot f_'u duanknutiUpar montn.

E. A. PHILLIPS A SON,at'21-?ta 141V Nea Vurt ava.

1V)B bALE.FINEST OK. CO 11 Avat IN 1 AkuJT!lot tKix.i.'iij irvudi'enkr.aell. abade, orvuaiu. aar-dea. Arai«a. barriaa kud ruuninir water; la a barvain.Price AtJ.OuO._W. H. bHA.Vol.K, 11 C at. n e a! lui*VH)B SALE.BALTlMoBr. AN1> OHIO B.B.-M Kivrrauale Statu n. ait inl.ea fruiu M aalniurtuu VOtratiia . nay. Lo « at auut-ii ti cenm per loot lor yourcBotoa. Aluu.'uiuly instalimenta if deaired Ayi yto Ji>llN Si El'Ht-N, 4?-' Louiaiaua aie »i I.l.'

1N0K SALE -1HE i.KEATLbl hAKoAi.Nb IXljand over.ooanur tbia city : Uy In. a. ra one u>

4ki raa. lima Irom two to Unea miiaa Ltawttuauueurpaaed for bead iblulueae. In.r.- air and aa'er.vinly 4 l.iVI to 44'.'U per acre, buialt caab cayui. ut.Balauce monthly or |r,-arljr luatallmenta. B. A PHllyLll'S A box, 141K .New lorkava. al6-2wOK bALk..A BAiaUAlN.^6 Av Kl> ADJOIMNvAproimaod National Park, near valliornla iract.

Price aud lenua app>> to JAalLs II. uliu X, 14"u Vat. AflX-luk

1NOK SALE-#10 Cash. »o MoX lHi.V. CHOli'KLota ui a X w oubdiviaiun b nun Iro'ti city . n

L.B. luce ilUO. jUal.iU li'Cb aud l.eaiib) V.A-i.LsL KVAMa A cA-KL al. 1V^4 F at. n. w. tulM- la

FKHSaNAlTA^m BETtVED WIDOW OF Tllll. 1 k'-l I\E 11.-

¦irei tu Bieet ifeuueuiau u< Ui ana AdureaaB.a1. Slar olBoe. It*

CniVIL service I.XAMlNA'llok WLEklluXi/ and Aoawara. SenalOuto

k W. kLY.vX, A M.. Iry Institute,apS3-3m buutbaaatoor. Alb anu A ill |.«.

P'KIVATf DE'l LCI 1VE MOKE PKOBH LV AT-teudedto; luforinauun ubialn d 111 ail luattera ofa private nature aliadowiuc by An ekj<*rt. all b*4-neaa .tncily coundauuai. lu ina reaaunabaa Aililreaebui 103. btar ul&ce. aplT-tft*

ALT HvKIZLl. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AWA*CYMlUlaina ft Co. Couimunx-atlotia j>romy>tly at¬tended to and atrH'tly confidential. Office o|«a adLoure. KllXlAMAhaiiwet.l»t>l Aka.uiyA-l^m*

» ^mE TIME. WE U ILL PAY "BilkXv Honey" lor k iret-ciaaa Second-Aanc v U-ILlBA Ad-uraea u van at JLaiii'o uUl k'iAkU blui> att.t. arl

DENTISTRYDr. btabb pabsoxs, di kimt. wth si., com.

Ln-W..kiret-claaa 1 lilitura luaertau. aj i lioatioato mirna prevacta pain ui wxuwctiuic. All bran, baa ofDeuiiatry. At preaentlovaiiou teu yeera tub IT

1024 MORAlTft. 1024Seventh etreet nurtkaaet

Kouee ia reopened wttk ATbla o.d-ealabhaAefttall line o* Flue Buwu 1¦>!»»¦ OAoTAt OIlSl F>