= Utf-8 b Mjqulsbdw5nnt18grvhqukvtqvjfiezjtg== = = Utf-8 b Quxjrefexybpxybquk9qw5ntsvrplnbkzg== =

download = Utf-8 b Mjqulsbdw5nnt18grvhqukvtqvjfiezjtg== = = Utf-8 b Quxjrefexybpxybquk9qw5ntsvrplnbkzg== =

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Transcript of = Utf-8 b Mjqulsbdw5nnt18grvhqukvtqvjfiezjtg== = = Utf-8 b Quxjrefexybpxybquk9qw5ntsvrplnbkzg== =

  • 8/12/2019 = Utf-8 b Mjqulsbdw5nnt18grvhqukvtqvjfiezjtg== = = Utf-8 b Quxjrefexybpxybquk9qw5ntsvrplnbkzg== =


    GRAMTICA (GRAMMAR)www.english4allages.com



    Observa estos ejemplos:

    Martha: I am going to Ireland next summer because I want to improve my English.

    I am going to Ireland next summer to improve my English.

    I am going to Ireland next summer, so I can improve my English.

    Estas tres oraciones expresan ideas muy similares: la razn por la que Marta se va a Irlanda es

    porque quiere mejorar su ingls, o para mejorar su ingls.

    En este apartado vamos a ver de qu distintas maneras se puede expresar finalidad.

    Analiza y compara estas dos oraciones

    1.- I get up early every day because I want to take the 6:05 bus.

    (me levanto temprano todos los das porque quiero coger el autobs de las 6:05)

    2.- I get up early every day to take the 6:05 bus.( me levanto temprano todos los das para coger el autobs de las 6:05)

    Causa y finalidad tienen en este ejemplo un significado prcticamente idntico.

    Cmo se expresa la finalidad?

    Principalmente mediante oraciones subordinadas adverbiales finales, con las partculas

    to+infinitve, in order to, so as to, y so that

    IMPORTANTE: Es muy habitual el error de utilizar la estructura for + gerundio, para

    expresar finalidad. Debes evitarlo, pues es incorrecto.

    I get up early every dayfor taking the 6:05 bus.

  • 8/12/2019 = Utf-8 b Mjqulsbdw5nnt18grvhqukvtqvjfiezjtg== = = Utf-8 b Quxjrefexybpxybquk9qw5ntsvrplnbkzg== =


    GRAMTICA (GRAMMAR)www.english4allages.com


    to+infinitve, in order to, so as to se usan cuando el sujeto de la oracin principal y el sujeto

    de la oracin subordinada coinciden:

    We went to the shop to buy some clothes. (Nosotros fuimos a la tienda, y nosotros

    compramos algunas ropas) . Al igual que el infinitivo con to, se podra tambin haber utilizado

    in order to y so as to.

    We went to the shop to buy some clothes

    We went to the shop in order to buy some clothes

    We went to the shop so as to buy some clothes

    La estructura de infinitivo con to es bastante ms frecuente y coloquial , e in order to, y so as to

    se utilizan en contextos algo ms formales.

    so that se usa cuando el sujeto de la oracin principal y el de la subordinada es distinto. ( es

    decir, para indicar que alguien hace algo para que otra persona haga alguna otra cosa).

    Ej: Pamela gave me her telephone number so that I could contact her.

    So that tambin se puede emplear en oraciones negativas y con can y could.

    Ej: Speak clearly so that she doesnt get you wrong

    ( habla claro para que ella no te malinterprete)

    I will speak slowly so that you can understand me better

    ( hablar despacio para que me entiendas mejor)

    Coloquialmente es muy frecuente omitir that, en este tipo de oraciones.

    I will speak slowly so (that) you can understand me better

  • 8/12/2019 = Utf-8 b Mjqulsbdw5nnt18grvhqukvtqvjfiezjtg== = = Utf-8 b Quxjrefexybpxybquk9qw5ntsvrplnbkzg== =


    GRAMTICA (GRAMMAR)www.english4allages.com


    PRACTICE.- Rephrase the following sentences without changing the meaning

    1.- Sarah is learning English because she wants to get a better job (TO)


    2.- Albert went to the bank. He wanted to cash a cheque (IN ORDER TO)


    3.- Ill give you a map. This way, you will find the way all right. (SO THAT)


    4.- The libraries will open before; then the students will be able to study longer (SO THAT)

    5.- My neighbours switch off the heating at 9 PM. They save money. (IN ORDER TO).


    6.- I am going to study harder. I want to be able to get the scholarship (SO THAT)


    7.- I wore boots because I didnt want my feet to get wet ( SO THAT)


    8.- Mark always gets to work early. He wants to impress his boss (SO AS TO)


    9.- She will speak slow and clear. Then you will be able to understand her (SO THAT)


    10.- Leanne took some change from her pocket. She wanted to buy a book ( SO THAT)


    11.- She knocked on my door because she wanted to wake me up. (TO INFINITIVE)


    12.- I hurried. I didnt want to be late ( SO THAT)


    13.- If you want to practice grammar , I will prepare some exercises for you.(SO THAT)
