" Using the Wake Forest Experience As A Catalyst For Thinking Through How Ubiquitous Laptop...

"Using the Wake Forest Experience As A Catalyst For Thinking Through How Ubiquitous Laptop Computers Might Change Teaching and Research at Pitt" A discussion led by David G. Brown, Professor of Economics Vice President and Dean International Center for Computer Enhanced Learning Wake Forest University November 2, 2000

Transcript of " Using the Wake Forest Experience As A Catalyst For Thinking Through How Ubiquitous Laptop...

"Using the Wake Forest Experience As A Catalyst For Thinking Through How Ubiquitous Laptop Computers Might

Change Teaching and Research at Pitt"

A discussion led byDavid G. Brown, Professor of Economics

Vice President and DeanInternational Center for Computer Enhanced Learning

Wake Forest UniversityNovember 2, 2000

The Big Picture---briefly[start and end with theory]

• Philosophy of LearningCommunication + Community + Customization

• Media In Support of the 3C’sUbiquitous Now + Available Forever + Reliable +

Trusted + User Friendly + Customizable

Why Does More Communication & More Community Take Place in an All Laptop

vs All Desktop Campus—Slide 1

• Students aren’t always at a desk (nomads).

• Students graduate. In anticipation of being computerless, they hold back on use.

• Students study abroad & learn off-campus.

• Real equity of access exists when every student has a computer equi-distance from his/her bed.

Why Does More Communication & More Community Take Place in an All Laptop

vs All Desktop Campus—Slide 2

• Broken computers can be traded out more easily, thus assuring more reliable systems

• Collaborative groups can meet more easily

• Laptops take less space

• Students consult laptops more reliably.


Mhz, 11GB, 15”ActMatrix, CD-ROM, 90 modem

• IBM Laptops for all• Printers for all• New Every 2 Years• Own @ Graduation• 45.000 Connections• Standard Software• 99% E-Mail

ICCEL -- Wake Forest University, 2000ICCEL -- Wake Forest University, 2000

Ways of Thinking AboutPresidential Campaigns and DebatesA First Year Seminar IntroducingStudents to the Liberal Arts

15 FreshmenMeet twice per weekAll with open laptops

ICCEL -- Wake Forest University, 2000ICCEL -- Wake Forest University, 2000

Brown’s First Year Seminar• Before Class

– Students Find URLs & Identify Criteria

– Interactive exercises– Lecture Notes– E-mail dialogue– Cybershows

• During Class– One Minute Quiz– Computer Tip Talk– Class Polls– Team Projects

• After Class– Edit Drafts by Team– Guest Editors– Hyperlinks & Pictures– Access Previous Papers

• Other– Daily Announcements– Team Web Page– Personal Web Pages– Exams include Computer– Materials Forever

ICCEL -- Wake Forest University, 2000ICCEL -- Wake Forest University, 2000

Things I Do That I Wouldn’t Do If Students Didn’t Have Laptops

• Frequent announcements

• All Internet Text

• In Class Computer Talks with Student Feedback

• One Minute Quizzes

• Due Dates on Weekends

• In Class Projects

• Parent Interviews

• Continuous Teaching from Off Campus

• Screencams to cover Network Failures

• Tradeouts from broken computers

• Tight Deadlines on Follow Up

Distinctive Opportunities Available Only in Laptop Settings

• Faculty are always available• Students expect messages between classes• Student PowerPoint talks are common• Team assignments increase• On site data collection & essay writing• Papers often include visuals, even motion• Study at best location, not limited to dorm• Continuous contact

Distinctive Opportunities Available Only in Laptop Settings

• Quick exchange when machine is broken

• Fewer computer labs are needed

• Departmental clubs thrive

• Student Portfolios Emerge

• Students teach faculty

• Access to college (& collaboration & knowledge) continues after graduation

Actions Toward Capitalizing on Laptops and Thresholding

• Ask more of students! (new day)• Encourage students to use computers in

their non-course life (as well).• Design activities that start before class and

extend beyond class.• Expect students to bring computers to prof

office, to friend’s dorm room, adjunct prof.• Add Fieldwork


• Explore team taught courses, especially between departments and schools

• Facilitate continuing contact with students after course and after college

• Require all students to submit in class answers (so none coasts)

• Structure rewards for collaborative projects• Recognize that old limits of lab availability are


Continued…• Expect slower students to repeat in class demos, etc.• Use students to train faculty.• Revitalize departmental clubs• Consider offsite studio labs (in the garden)• Get more students studying abroad• Recognize the laptop as a portable presentation tool

(both faculty & students)• Use anytime, anywhere access by students--

including in class (updated info)

Anticipate Downside

• Close computers when not in use

• Bring backup floppies for forgetful students

• Design projects in anticipation of limited space on laptops (e.g. movies)

• Discourage isolation

• Assure network connectivity for faculty from home, & students from off campus

WHY COMPUTERS?…the faculty answer

• Interactive Learning

• Learn by Doing

• Collaborative Learning

• Integration of Theory and Practice

• Visualization

• Communication

• Different Strokes for Different FolksICCEL -- Wake Forest University, 2000ICCEL -- Wake Forest University, 2000

Computers Enhance My Teaching and/or Learning Via--

PresentationsBetter--20%More Opportunities toPractice & Analyze--35%

More Access to SourceMaterials via Internet--43%

More Communication with Faculty Colleagues, Classmates,and Between Faculty and Students--87%

ICCEL -- Wake Forest University, 2000ICCEL -- Wake Forest University, 2000

Computers allow people----

• to belong to more communities• to be more actively engaged in each

community• with more people• over more miles• for more months and years• TO BE MORE COLLABORATIVE

ICCEL -- Wake Forest University, 2000ICCEL -- Wake Forest University, 2000

The Culture Changes

• Mentality shifts-- like from public phone to personal phone.

• Teaching Assumptions shift-- like from readings are on reserve to everyone owns a copy of his/her own.

• Timelines shift-- like from “our class meets MWF” to “we

see each other all the time and MWF we meet together”• Students’ sense of access shifts-- like from “I can get

that book in the library” to “I have that book in my library.”

• Relationships shift-- like from a family living in many different states to all family members living in the same town

The Big Picture---briefly[start and end with theory]

• Philosophy of LearningCommunication + Community + Customization

• Media In Support of the 3C’sUbiquitous Now + Available Forever + Reliable +

Trusted + User Friendly + Customizable

David G. BrownWake Forest University

Winston-Salem, N.C. 27109336-758-4878

email: [email protected]//:www.wfu.edu/~brown

fax: 336-758-4875

ICCEL -- Wake Forest University, 2000ICCEL -- Wake Forest University, 2000