` UNSD Regional Workshop on Census Data Processing Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 9 – 13 June 2008 United...

UNSD Regional Workshop on UNSD Regional Workshop on Census Data Processing Census Data Processing Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 9 – 13 June 2008 United Nations Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses The African Addendum Kidus Mengistu African Centre for Statistics (ACS) UNECA

Transcript of ` UNSD Regional Workshop on Census Data Processing Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 9 – 13 June 2008 United...

Page 1: ` UNSD Regional Workshop on Census Data Processing Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 9 – 13 June 2008 United Nations Principles and Recommendations for Population.


UNSD Regional Workshop onUNSD Regional Workshop onCensus Data ProcessingCensus Data Processing

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 9 – 13 June 2008

United Nations Principles and Recommendations for

Population and Housing Censuses

The African Addendum

Kidus MengistuAfrican Centre for Statistics (ACS)


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• Background

• The Addendum

• Conclusion

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The 2010 World Programme on PHC

• Endorsed by the UN Statistical Commission (Mar. 2005)

• Adopted by the UN Economic and Social Council (Jul. 2005)

Principles and Recommendations for PHC Rev.2

• Adopted by the UN Statistical Commission (Mar. 2007)

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The Africa Symposia on Statistical Development

The first ASSD (Cape Town): • Prepared the contribution of African countries to the review of the P&R

• UNSD organized two meetings in Maputo (A) and Bamako (F) to review the

global P&R of PHC and its use by African countries in census undertaking

The second ASSD (Kigali):

• Major work in the preparation of the Addendum was done.

• Three Break away sessions to deal with three different aspects of the P&R

• After discussions on the use of the global P&R, it was agreed on the need for an Addendum dealing with issues specific to Africa

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The Africa Symposia on Statistical Development . . .

The third ASSD (Accra):

• Agreed to support countries adhere to international standards in census taking, drawing from the P&R, in particular the Africa Addendum

• Agreed to ensure commonality and comparison through inclusion of African Core topics

• Reviewed the Addendum prior to its submission to the StatCom- Africa of January 2008

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The Addendum

The Addendum

• Provides guidelines on issues that are unique to Africa and that could not be accommodated in the global P&R

• Submitted by African countries as a set of guidelines on some core topics, some definitions and issues pertaining to analysis and management phases of censuses operations specific to Africa

• Does not replace the global P&R but complements it

• To be used in conjunction with the global P&R

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The Addendum

Has the following parts:

• Analysis and Dissemination

• Classification of Topics

• Review of some Definitions

• Census Planning and Management





• Link between PHC & Agricultural Census


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The Addendum

Classification of Topics

• Relevance to Africa

• Value added to the census

• Clarity of definition

• Difficulty in obtaining responses

• Size of questionnaire

• Cost


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The Addendum

Classification of Topics . . .

1. Age of mother at date of first child born alive

2. Orphanhood (Paternal, Maternal and Dual)

3. Field of education and educational qualification

4. Institutional sector of employment

5. Construction materials (Roof and Floor)

Non core topics at the global level but core to Africa

Core topics at the global level also core to Africa


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The Addendum

Classification of Topics . . .

Additional topics not considered in the global P&R included as non-core to Africa

1. Non-monetary poverty

2. Means of transport used


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The Addendum

Review of some Definitions

•Clarity and precision of definitions

•Improved applicability

•Increased policy relevance and new needs

•New methods and/or revised classification

•Localization of definitions


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The Addendum

Review of some Definitions . . .

1. Place of usual residence

2. Nomadic population

3. Country of birth

4. Rural/Urban definition and classification

5. Relationship to head of household or other reference person

6. Date of birth of last child born alive

7. Births in the last 12 months

Definitions recommended to be revised


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The Addendum

Review of some Definitions . . .

8. Household deaths in the last 12 months

9. Literacy and education

10. Economic activity

11. Disability

12. Household assets (durable goods and ICT devices)

13. ICT devices

Definitions recommended to be revised


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The Addendum

Census Planning and Management

1. Countries should launch a well defined project document

2. Critical client need assessment

Census preparation and support:

• Bringing together data users and producers

• Selecting users according to development sectors


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The Addendum

Census Planning and Management . . .

1. Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems in Africa are not comprehensive enough and therefore should not replace censuses (global P&R)

2. Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems should be encouraged to complement the census as far as possible

Alternative designs such as rolling census, register-based or a combination of methods :


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The Addendum

1. Countries should consider census fundraising and resource mobilization in the broader context of the national strategic plan for statistics in accordance with the Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics

2. Countries should reduce reliance on donor assistance

3. Countries are encouraged to explore ways of establishing census-funding partnerships with the private sector, donors and the civil society

Funding of Census activities:


Census Planning and Management . . .

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The Addendum

1. Countries should use internationally agreed standards and definitions

2. Countries should strive to establish an integrated programme of data collection and compilation

3. Countries should modify operational procedures

• Taking into account technological advances especially on GIS and scanning technologies

4. Countries should consider security concerns (Landmine zones)

5. Ensuring key infrastructures to undertake the census are in place

6. The importance of PES was reaffirmed

Census Management:


Census Planning and Management . . .

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The Addendum

Analysis and Dissemination

1. Develop an elaborate data analysis plan including policy oriented analyses

2. Constitute multidisciplinary groups to harmonize and deepen the themes to be developed

3. Combine the census data with the results of other statistical operations in order to enrich the analysis

4. Establish a partnership with specialized regional or international organizations

5. Make data, including micro-data, available to researchers

6. Encourage the creation of multi-sectoral groups of analysts

7. Use the pilot census process to also test the analysis tools and procedures

Analysis - Countries should:


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The Addendum

Analysis and Dissemination . . .

1. Disseminate results according to users’ need

2. Elaborate a time frame for the dissemination of the results

3. Assist users to be able to use data properly

4. Develop an appropriate mix of dissemination means

Dissemination - Countries should:


• Posters, fliers and leaflets• Documents• Internet and ICT• Mass media (radio, television and newspapers)• User/producer dissemination seminars; and• Regular statistical bulletins, etc.

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The Addendum

Link between PHC and Agricultural Census

• PHC and Agricultural censuses are both large scale exercises and costly

• Linking information from the two censuses serves two purposes

1. Enriching the analyses done on the data

2. Minimizing data collection cost

• For purposes of comparability, the two exercises should use as much as possible similar concepts and definitions


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The Addendum

Link between PHC and Agricultural Census . . .

There are several options that can be used to link the two censuses

5• Include agriculture related questions in PHC

• Use data from PHC as household frame for Agricultural census

• Collect data jointly where PHC information is used to identify agricultural holding (administer separate question)

• Share field enumeration materials

• Link information from the two censuses and cross tabulate

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Are committed to taking part in the 2010 RPHC

African countries:African countries:

Recognize the core topics recommended by the UN at the global level

Recommend to add some more topics to the global P&R as core and non-core

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Recommend a review of some topics and definitions which were not adequately presented in the African context

African countries:African countries:

Will strive to produce and effectively disseminate timely, quality and demand driven statistics from the PHC

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