
Twin Falls, GO oomo W eather Twlay diyar High! M agic Va ' . Rned: Gooding n facility receives $; flne. M oney i 'Braiivdraln’ Insur ' Ibch conference 1 1 Idaho business lej and students. OUTDCXJR'i Cave of curiosity: Minnetonka Cave i travelers iieading t< Lake. SpoR're Cowixty up: IWin Ft squad competes in toumament • P O pinion . ■ R(Md to coihpnmiw ' ICempthome charts sound path for road forest compromises, today's editorial say: Coming 1 t Qlaring rocks' Where to fi ‘firewoHcso Independe Day. . The T lm ^ I ndex Buslnesses/Sefvic^ . . 1. .................... .... .1 Comics................. ; . . Community................. Comunldad................. Crossword............... .... Dear Abby........... Horoscope..........._____ Jumble.......................... Magic VWl«y .................... Moi)^ ............... ; ............. Movies............... : ____ Nation........................... Obituaries ..................... Opinion........................ .. Outdoors........................ {^om fects ................ Sports ........................ Weather........ ; ______ West............................ C W bfW ..... . . . . . . . . ■iiii _T! Is, Idaho/lOOth year, ORNING 17^ r I lay: Mostly Broti Pa£e^A2 'ALLEY g nursing s $35,500 Page 01 re inspires leaders PageC6 u c Sarah Johnioi tenclfl* heart! n«ya Sob Paiti D H j|H | projsct m«n«i «r with thi Bureau of Lam ve rewards' M«n*eenmil g to Bear alljnuient o Paee Dl *'"<1 turiilnet ® Jn th« afency'c pre ferred plan foi B th e Cotterel MounUIn Wind Project. The BLM recently releaaed Ita Impact atat^ project for public com- ceninm/ ttaTMMM I Falls AA Z b . Publi. ByMkihelleDu nme»Wewawrl li»: ALBION- 5 rts a tcrcl Mountai: >adless points to diife _ thcridgdincio ' commtinlilcs Malta. Page AG -a strip of would bc loci , T ridge." the Bure J agement cmpl( the road woe lng at there." Barker has V KOIS Cossla mount ^ f.. enough to bc i 3 and whmbctwcmi s on turbines woul dence under each of h . posed optkuu.; W ind Power Pi _ |_ tions. or oltcrr V '" foundlnihcBL Itt-NeW S leased eoviron smtemenL In 2001, BoU land Inc. apptsn ' : gg on building Ida ____ 05 _____ _____ .... E8 - ____ C6.; ; ____ A5 ' ____ C2 ... .A6 ..C2-3 W K ^B st A3/S PI :r.rar hel ar, No. 181 amily ther to Sarah J( non, right, crlea tfuritx leatlmony artng bl HaKey. She U Joined, fron >angbum and Mark Rader. lency ui 'n« "" Ithe ent, the It of Inet the pre- ifor ere] 'Ind The ntly Ha Ital it^ for >m- 0t iie gets oppo Dunlop I . . • ' wrtter - - Standfaig on Cdt- itain, Scott Barker Iffcrem eecttoUB 'of s looming above the o^.^, t JS of Albion and of wind turbines ocatcd along that tireau of Land Man- i p l ( ^ says. "And. voiifd run ' octosb * propoM svteHedthe'Mlni- .cdi^W iintoln ijrcqUijntly rou^V IC ^ e to envision Wite's.j m66nnd IMwInd m im Duld be sinuted . j’w n w a l jf his agency^ pro- rw'aloji ns. for me Qjtterel Project. The op- I— ------- cmatives,. con be scalewint BLMh roccnily itj- proposed t>^ental impact million tc megawatt loise-based. Wind- lantf pai Koached the BLM WtndEnen Idoho^ first laigc<. pro/ectoni • R p ^ Md hwidf41} tha; fivofl M, iU . heaia - tte p ^ - oo Sal M IM 82 yMTt. ond m y tiN I I. ■, ' . ' fin gets Johnson: ‘Hoi ony Wedneaday at her aen- 'rom left, by defense atto^ inveils ( Oltuyg)^ to ( w <Mrpnmental Imp ^jitorttpreiwrod't^ i»au*^Ui'nd Management ' /fdes four opUons, er oliema- »;10r-^ie Cottorol Wind rer Project: KwnatlV* A — No Acthxc !er this option. Uio wind proJ- would nol be atiowoO. Tlw ent use of Cotterol Mountain Id contlrme unaltered. taiwdha.B~ABtficwt% neadaettteTha-e^ect }lsta Of twd^feutcOklons ond 130, 1.5mpg»*au tur- s. ^neratJng approxknatcly m ^ ^ t t s of powor. Tho a slrlhsa of turblrws would alom^ltf mllea of Cotterol »}lno.,, tl /ind farm. The company ni «d to construa a $200 in I to $250 mlUion, 200- • or -att wind project. Wind- . , pvtnereu v^th Shell thi ner^lncrorlheCotlcrcl dr ondoneothcnWlndland stc nui i^apotofiiL 32 S « t> ^ WRoechtoa gS Im londiat n m M ^ rea aes- sday, June 30, 2005 dayi mesty needs tc By Patti Murphy T?mea.Newa correaponder IIAILEY— n ie broU convicted m urderer Sarah son told his younger sb coun Wednesday that he wanted to hear about her muxtfcrs ofhis parents ag2 "I think some honesty (0 come out of you," Mau son sold througn tears. "Ar need to plead to the cou some for forgiveness." Matt fohnson was one family members and frier murder victims Alan and I Johnson who took the : Wednesday during the fin of Sarah Johnsons sente; hearing. Each of them given the opportunity to r statement or speak direci Gotten 12 \ comment o ipact Statement. • AltamattvaV— BUwVim- would eenomto between 147 ond 243 megflwatts of power ond would comprise 81 to 98 turtjines. The wind pork would feature 1.5fliegaw8tt to 3- mcgowattturtjlnos arid only a single substation. • AKamatIra 0 — S c a M dowr vanion of C: This altemativo modifies Aliematl»a C by redue- 'ing the total numtfet of tuiblhes This option allmlnatea.«i»ang' turblnos In a aectlori of aaga : grouso habliat and conalata of between 66 and 82 tuTt>iniB8 with gflfwratlon copacH/.of LS to 3 megawatts. currently operaics a wind (ar in CallTomla and plans to devt op anotiier near American Fol After a public input proccj the BLM began compiling I draft environmental impa' statement keeping in mlxid tt 82 YEA Couple keeps rhaAaaodatadPtcaa. NOKra PROVIDENCE. RJ. - rohn Rocchio remembers h; iVife as a fetching young woma ivith an oir of InteUlgcnco and Ine p ^ of legs. Amelia RocchJ ecalls her husband os a hon^ lome young man who didq lavD Ruv:h to say at first. Itvwaa the start of somethin NjatraiUI—and kmg-lnsdi^ Wod In a Roman Catholli hun^ in Provldcncc in 1923 he HoCchloi marked their 82n( nnhretsaiy seven] months ogi ndcouldnetheworkl^kingcst ruiirledcoup|& "PlltieilCC nni^ plained ffioner-qf-laafy on t icexa morning .at;.tbe hanie liete' he ahd w 99-year^ j t -N e 5_______ ___ in cou to come out o; Samli about how ient huve impacted the ------------ ■Oiicofiheu^I other of horrifying tilings I’' rahjoiin- tlo, when we Mid sister in <hroudj ni he never blood, and tJ^uc icr or the someone else coul a^n /30t bc horrified," i f^r^e sister from tlie stan 7,,^^ He was refeirini CHU- BoUmic hoj they wore shoi li .oun for morning of Sepl. , ,, March, n jury fount ne of 11 Sarah Johnson guL ien^ of ing her mother i id Diane \^ e she slept and ic stand inu her fatlier throu first dny as ne come out of itenclng . Prosecutorssaldshi tn werc becausc diey disi o read^a rectly to ^ Please see JOHNS ■el optic on wind prc wind project’s impact and Iwds, public acct •sual Impacts. Hie BL *■ lists four options for ^ projcct. including a ' plan. Wlndland's proi 'r tion. BLM’s preferred B a plan tliat reduces d W to its minimal state a would remain econor a able. Hie impacts bet later two were not gret nm for die DLM to rccomi bo- fBimliilm piilfa S g WIIdHfe and public ' Numerous forms o w including mule deer, des. and peregrine fal ♦5 Uic Cotterel area home rain includes sagebi - m I niper, grasslands and r iarm mahogany, evei- R o u ^ 70 sage groi fgiit< the Cotterel Mounta cps;, Barkersaid.Allsbcofth< g Its mating grounds, or lek Please sec COTTERE \RS AND s the love stroi ____ wlfc liv* with the yoi thdr two dautihteis. S.— -nie Web alte of C his , WsridBecordalistsaBri num pleastiUdin^oacon nda 80-yca&maimge, but I chio band died this n I lOS. Who is next in Un dear, GU&uuss die ' ^ n d 10mauestsforco ling' MlohnRoc^obnotlr in laying daim t o the rcc oUc me, too much pubildiy woukil gain from u r 2nd . The coupled rdat ogQ beganwhcnAretdlawas est- John was waDdrig c - trade school w Ung studksd tiie ptintlng bua pe-. Ills imde^.laundry w lOi; q)btts2thes:Kewaamlt n a N'.*I b s d iA m e c s t,2n y^ ttie time< argill duit old tIuawasatoactivQaridBG W S art Ca ofyou- ^ OW tlie murders JL dielrlives. ugliest and most ;sI'veeverhadto Did the house, is 0 X 1 I and clean up sue tmd hair so :ould buy it nnd i" Man told his UlTlCJa itand. , , ring to his par- WOD 11 homc In wfilch ;'p,'.vr3."£ Store SSS.iteo'? !!!««»"<-“ ;r in die head -rriiJrtNn and ihm shoot- uouKhthcchcst health m .ofSloshSS! wodnesda, IshtskUlcdthem munltysre disapproved of ‘"g prcscrij Canada wo IHNSON. Page A2 cheap‘druj States." Healtli M n n e i>'!.ik'-‘?o" drugs when lo^v at hon ___________ , But he ll vague he o .. kw.-v would bc p ^ into place _____ and wlieth it would affc the thoi sands of inc |H ||u |^ y ^ ] vidual pu th take plat U.S.-Canads die slaugln of dl Americans ing in CoiiRi netandlniUc tion drugs fn "Canada i for tht Amcrica; . - cannot uxp. dmgs to thei uncontrollet said at anew Canadians access to oni safcondafToi drugs, Dosar . Individual roject ss“S‘ '[t‘ .wholesalers «ctlo>vildllfe lnCanada.Tl access and vi- *ed to expo BLM^ study States under 1 for tlie wind do so unde a no-action being considc itoposed op- He said he red plan, and legislation wl s die project Commons re^ :e at wiiich it thatvrauldalli nomically vi- rary ban of b between the supplies arc great enough Jiome. ommend the Americans - ‘“ P - P^PJIon^d Wic lands r„'SiXS s of wiklllfe drugs us well >er, iiold en- cliases from C s falcons call countries. Fol >me. Tho ter- lng in Congre ;ebmsh. ju- vtrim opposido id mountain maceutical lol ,, , Food and Drui ;touscllvcln some sup intaln area. Canadian exm Icks. arc lo- tjifcais fror EREL Page A2 mnceudcal ind :) COUNT ong after all th yoiuigcr of cdgcable," he aa somediingand if Gulimcss 1116 two lattt iBridshcou- ‘Isold to hin cordwithon too much. Vai ut tite hus- niuch. -How do ia month at said. 'WUL Itn t tUneisim- words." Amefia did not to- .Stic was a "pc rcommcnt rDoalled, prepoi MInterested him — indudi irecordrnb posUielagioU — dty— wiiot with ills passion ' turn, he accom; eladonsiiip to (iie liieatcr. ai was 17. shows. S one day He woiked fi where he prindoglodustr business to mU-l97Ds after ■wlicn lie a compositor tel mitten. JoumaL ^^-ottiis Askodwhat.bc otouiwtth gether ao long daofawwi- swBjtdlflm." 50 ccnts mada ay ban ^drug ports ial says countiy be cheap ‘drug For the U.S.’ elated Preaa__________ MTO Canada's minister threatened lay to overhaul the rcgukitions on oqrart- :ription dmgs. s o ^ g vould no longer be a ug store for the United Minister UJJal Dosan- anada would ban the )ort of prescription L ‘n tiieir supplies wcrc jme. left liow ban put ther [feet ndi- lur- that lace U|al DossA thu da border ond over St. n Is an attempt to an iinlicipnted on- dmg demands from ’ ; if legisiution pend- i ^ s s legalizes Inter- & import of prescrip- from Canada. I cannot lie a drug ' h e United Suites of 280 million people q>oct us to supply lem onaconUnuous. led basis." Dosanjh jws conference. •- ns must be assured nadenuatc supply of fordable prescription onjh said. al sales would not be afTeaed by the t could affect drug s or manufacturers Tliey are not penriii- >ort to the Unifed T U.S. law, but could ier the legislation dered in Congress. ; le would inuoduce when die House of reconvenes dils fall dlowfor the tempo- bulk exports when , nmning low at IS pay die highest 1drug prices in tlw U£.laMBukfin«ie legalize the imppr- olesaleprescriptton ;ll as internet pur- ; Canada and other our bills are pend- ress, but have met Lion from thephar- oblTy and from the ■ug Adminlstradon. ipponcu. of - the pons said dtt,pro- ' s a direct response om die U.S. piwr- ndustry. UNG j his time ' sakL'Tust mention idshchadroadlt.'' 0 wentfor»waIk. Jm. *Vbu don't say bu don't (aUc too | bomer .- And be I n a guy .vd^ a lew < latecdlcd..; pcxiectT wne, John >ailng dinners ibr ding his bdovwi and putting tq> Ul for now cars. In npanied her often and to vmidcvjHe fiu ycfirs in (ho try.tetiringJn the n-alongcaiDerAs bilheProy^dcbtt bosJjmtiidnt^ lg. bis ^4tfe an- ^ ; ^ _L

Transcript of ·...

Page 1: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

T w in F a l ls ,

GOo o m o

W e a t h e r

♦ Twlayd iy ar


M agic Va' . Rned: Gooding n

facility receives $; flne.

M on eyi 'Braiivdraln’ Insur' Ibch conference 1 1 Idaho business lej

and students.


Cave of curiosity:Minnetonka Cave i travelers iieading t< Lake.

S p o R 'r e

Cowixty up: IWin Ft squad competes in toumam ent

• P

O pin io n . ■R(Md to coihpnmiw

' ICempthome chartssound path for road forest compromises, today's editorial say:

C o m i n g 1

tQlaring rocks'

Where to fi ‘firewoHcso IndependeDay.

. The T lm ^

In d e xBuslnesses/Sefvic . . 1.

........................ .1Comics.................; . .Community.................Comunldad.................Crossword............... ....Dear Abby...........Horoscope..........._____Jumble..........................Magic VWl«y....................M oi)^ ............... ; .............Movies...............: ____Nation...........................Obituaries .....................Opinion........................

.. Outdoors........................{^o m fects ................Sports ........................Weather........ ; ______West............................ CW b f W . . . . . . . . . . . . .

■iiii■ 'i t .

_ T !I s , Idaho/lOOth y e a r ,

O R N IN G 1 7 ^

r Ilay: Mostly


'ALLEYg nursing s $ 3 5 ,5 0 0

Page 01

re in s p i r e s l e a d e r s


u c S a rah Johnioitenclfl* heart! n«ya Sob Paiti

D H j | H | p ro jsc t m«n«i « r with thi

y« B ureau of Lamve r e w a r d s ' M«n*eenmil g t o B e a r

alljnuient o Paee Dl *'"<1 turiilnet

® Jn th«a fe n cy 'c pre

ferred plan foi

Bth e Cotterel M ounUIn Wind Pro ject. The BLM recently releaaed Ita

Im pact a ta t^

projec t for public com-

cen inm /ttaTMMM

I F a lls AA

Z b. Publi.B yM kihelleD unm e»W ew aw rl

l i » : ALBION- 5r ts a tcrcl Mountai:>adless po in ts to diife _ th c rid g d in c io

' com m tinlilcsMalta.

Page AG -a strip of w ould bc loci

, T ridge." the BureJ agem ent cmpl(

th e road woe ln g a t there."

B a rk er h a s V K O IS C o ss la m o u n t ^ f . . e n o u g h to bc i 3 a n d whmbctwcmi s o n tu r b in e s w ould e n c e u n d e r e a c h o f h

. p o s e d o p tk u u . ; W in d Pow er Pi

_ |_ t io n s . o r o ltc rrV ' " f o u n d ln ih c B LI t t- N e W S le a s e d e o v iro n

sm tem e n L I n 2001 , BoU

la n d In c . apptsn ' : gg o n b u ild in g Ida

____ 05__________

. . . . E 8 -

____ C 6 .; ;____ A5 '

____ C2. . . .A6

..C 2 - 3 W K ^ B s t A 3 /S

PI :r.rar

h e lar, No. 181

amilyther to Sarah J(

non, right, crlea tfuritx leatlmony artng bl HaKey. She U Joined, fron >angbum and Mark Rader.

lency ui'n « ""Ithe

ent, the

It of Inet thepre-iforere]'IndThentlyHa

Itali t ^

for>m-0 t

iie gets oppoDunlop I . . • 'w rtter - •

- Standfaig o n Cdt- • itain, Scott Barker Iffcrem eecttoUB 'o f s looming above the o ^ .^ , t JS o f Albion and

of w ind turbines ocatcd along that tireau of Land Man- i p l ( ^ says. "And. voiifd ru n ' octosb *

propoMsv teH edthe 'M lni- .cd i^ Wiintoln ijrcqUijntly rou^VIC ^ e to envision Wite' 6 6 n n d IM w In d m i mDuld be s in u te d . j’wnw aljf his agency^ pro- rw'alojins. for m e Qjtterel •■ Project. T he op - I— -------cmatives,. con b e s ca lew in tBLMh roccnily itj- p roposedt> ^ e n ta l im pact m illion tc

m egaw attloise-based. W ind- lan tf p a iKoached the BLM W tndEnenIdoho^ first laigc<. pro /ectoni

• R p ^ Md hwidf 41} tha; fivofl M, iU . heaia - t t e p ^ - o o S a l M I M 8 2 yM T t. ond m y t iN II. ■ , ' . '

f i n

getsJohnson: ‘Hoi

ony Wedneaday a t h e r aen- 'rom left, by defense a tto ^

inveils (

Oltuyg) to (w <Mrpnmental Imp^ j i t o r t t p r e i w r o d ' t ^ i»au*^Ui'nd Management ' /fd es four opUons, er oliema- »;10r-^ie Cottorol Wind rer Project:KwnatlV* A — No Acthxc !er th is option. Uio wind proJ- would nol b e atiowoO. Tlw e n t u se of Cotterol Mountain Id contlrme unaltered. ta iw d h a .B ~ A B tf ic w t% n e a d a e t t t e T h a - e ^ e c t }lsta Of twd^feutcOklons ond

130,1 .5m pg»*au tur- s . n e ra tJn g approxknatcly m ^ ^ t t s of powor. Tho

a s lrlh sa of turblrws would a lo m ^ ltf mllea of Cotterol »}lno.,, tl

/ in d farm. The com pany ni« d to co n stru a a $200 inI to $250 mlUion, 200- • or-att w ind project. Wind- . ,p v tn e r e u v^th Shell thin e r^ ln c ro r lh e C o tlc rc l drondoneothcnW lndland stc

n u i

i ^ a p o t o f i i L 3 2S « t > ^ W R o e c h to a g S Im lo n d ia t n m M ^ r e a

a e s -sday, June 30, 2005

dayimesty needs tc

By Patti Murphy T?mea.Newa c o rrea p o n d er

IIAILEY— n i e broU convicted m urderer Sarah son told his younger sb coun W ednesday tha t he wanted to hear abou t her muxtfcrs ofh is paren ts ag2

"I think som e honesty (0 come o u t o f you," M au son sold througn tears. "Ar need to plead to th e cou some for forgiveness."

Matt fohnson w as one family m em bers a n d frier murder victims Alan a n d I Johnson who to o k th e : Wednesday during th e fin of Sarah Johnsons sente; hearing. Each o f them given the opportun ity to r statement or speak direci


1 2


comment oipact Statement.

• A ltam attvaV — B U w V im -

would eenomto between 147 ond 243 megflwatts of power ond would comprise 81 to 98 turtjines. The wind pork would feature 1.5fliegaw8tt to 3- mcgowattturtjlnos arid only a single substation.

• AKamatIra 0 — S caM dowr vanion of C: This altemativo modifies Aliematl»a C by redue- 'ing the total numtfet of tuiblhes This option allmlnatea.«i»ang' turblnos In a aectlori of aaga : grouso habliat and conalata of between 66 and 82 tuTt>iniB8 with gflfwratlon copacH/.of LS to 3 megawatts.

currently operaics a w ind (ar in CallTomla and p la n s to devt op anotiier near A m erican Fol

After a public in p u t proccj the BLM began com piling I draft environm ental im pa' statement keeping in mlxid t t

82 YEACouple keepsr h a A a a o d a ta d P tc a a .

N O K ra PROVIDENCE. RJ. - rohn Rocchio rem em bers h; iVife as a fetching young w om a ivith an oir o f InteUlgcnco and Ine p ^ of legs. Amelia RocchJ ecalls h er husband os a hon^ lome young m an w h o didq lavD Ruv:h to say a t first.

Itvwaa the start o f som eth in NjatraiUI— and km g-ln sd i^

Wod In a R om an Catholli h u n ^ in Provldcncc in 1923 he HoCchloi m arked their 82n( nnhretsaiy seven] m on ths ogi ndcouldnethew orkl^k ingcst ruiirledcoup|& •

"PlltieilCC nni^

p la in ed ffioner-qf-laafy o n t icexa m orn ing .at;.tbe hanie lie te ' h e ahd w 9 9 - y e a r ^

■ j t

- N e5_______ ___

in couto come out o;

Samli about how ien t huve im pacted the------------ ■ O iico fih eu ^Io th e r of horrifying tilings I’' rahjoiin- tlo, w hen we Mid sister in | ° <hroudj ni h e never blood, and tJ^uc icr o r the som eone else coul a ^ n /30t b c horrified," i f ^ r ^ e sister from tlie stan 7, , ^ ^ He was refeirini

CHU- BoUmic hoj they wore shoi li

.o u n for m orning of Sepl., , , March, n jury fount

n e o f 11 Sarah Johnson guL i e n ^ of ing h e r m other i id Diane \ ^ e she slept and ic stand inu h e r fatlier throu first dny as ne com e out of itenclng . Prosecutorssaldshi tn w erc becausc diey disi o read^arectly to ^ Please see JOHNS

■el optic

on wind prcw ind project’s impact a n d Iw ds, public acct

• sual Impacts. H ie BL *■ lists four options for ^ projcct. including a ' plan. Wlndland's proi 'r tion. BLM’s preferred B a plan tliat reduces d W to its minim al state a

would rem ain econor a able. H ie im pacts bet

later two w ere not gret n m for die DLM to rccomi

bo- fB im li i l m pi i l f a S

g W IIdHfe a n d public' Num erous forms o

w including m ule deer, d es. and peregrine fal

♦5 Uic Cotterel area home rain includes sagebi

- mI niper, grasslands and r ia rm mahogany, evei- R o u ^ 70 sage groi fgiit< the Cotterel Mounta cps;, Barkersaid.Allsbcofth< g Its mating grounds, o r lek

Please sec COTTERE

\RS ANDs the love stroi____ wlfc liv* w ith th e yoi

th d r two dautihteis. S.— -n ie Web alte o f C

h is , W sridBecordalistsaBri num p le a s t iU d in ^ o a c o n n d a 80-yca&maimge, but I chio band died this n

I lOS. Who is next in Un dear, GU&uuss die

' ■ ^ n d 10m auestsforco lin g ' M lo h n R o c ^ o b n o t lr

in laying d a im t o the rcc oUc me, too m uch pubildiy

w oukil gain from u r 2nd . T h e coupled rd a t ogQ beganwhcnAretdlawas est- John w as waDdrig c

- trade school wUng studksd tiie p tintlng bua p e - . Ills im d e ^ .la u n d ry w lOi; q )b tts2 thes:K ew aam lt n a N'.*I bsdiA m ecst,2n y ^ ttie time< ar gill du it o ld tIuawasatoactivQaridBG


art Caofyou- ^OW tlie m urders JLdielrlives.ugliest and m ost;sI'veeverhad toDid the house, is 0 X 1I and clean u psue tmd hair so:ould buy it nndi " M an told his U lT lC J aitand. , ,ring to his p a r- W O D 1 1hom c In wfilch

; ' p , ' . v r 3 . " £ S t o r e

S S S .i te o '? !!!««»"<-“;r in d ie h e a d -rriiJrtNn and ih m shoot- uouK hthcchcst hea lth m . o f S l o s h S S ! w odnesda, IshtskUlcdthem m u n lty s re disapproved o f ‘"g prcscrij

Canada wo IHNSON. Page A2 ch eap ‘dru j

States." Healtli M

n n e i>'!.ik'-‘?o"drugs w hen lo^v at hon

___________ , But he llvague he

o .-v would bc p^ ■ into place_____ and w lieth

it would affc th e thoi sands of inc

| H | | u | ^ y ^ ] vidual pu th

take plat


slaugln o f dl Americans ing in CoiiRi netandlniUc tion drugs fn

"Canada i for tht

Amcrica;. - c a n n o t uxp.

dm gs to thei uncontrollet said a t an ew

Canadians access to o n i safcondafToi drugs, D osar

. Individual

roject ss“S‘'[t‘.wholesalers

«ctlo>vildllfe lnC anada.T laccess and vi- *ed to expoBLM^ s tudy States u n d e r 1

for tlie w ind do so un d ea no-action being considc

itoposed op - He said hered plan, a n d legislation wls die project Com m ons re:e at wiiich it thatvrauldallinomically vi- rary b an of bbetween th e supp lies arcgreat enough m end th e Am ericans- ‘“ P - P ^ P J I o n ^ d

Wic lands r „ 'S i X Ss of wiklllfe drugs us well>er, iiold en- cliases from Cs falcons call countries. Fol>me. Tho ter- lng in Congre;ebmsh. ju - vtrim opposidoid m ountain maceutical lol

,, , Food an d Drui;touscllvcln som e su pintaln area. C anadian exm

Icks. arc lo- tjifcais fror EREL Page A2 mnceudcal ind

:) COUNTong after all thyoiuigcr o f cdgcable," he aa

som ediingandif Gulim css 1116 two la t t tiBridshcou- ‘I s o ld to h incordw ithon too m uch. Vaiu t tite hus- niuch. -How doia m onth a t said. 'WUL I tn ttU n e is im - w ords." Amefiadid not to- .Stic was a "pc

rco m m cn t rDoalled, prepoiM Interested h im — in d u d iireco rd rn b posUielagioU —d ty— wiiot w ith ills passion' turn, h e accom ;eladonsiiip to (iie liieatcr. aiwas 17. shows.

Sone d ay He w oiked fiwhere h e p rin d o g lo d u str

business to mU-l97Ds after■ w licn lie a compositor te lm itten. JoumaL^ ^ - o t t i i s Askodwhat.bco to u iw tth ge ther ao longdaofawwi- s w B jtd lf lm ."

50 ccnts

mada ay ban ^drug portsial says countiy be cheap ‘drug

For the U.S.’e la te d Preaa__________

MTO Canada'sm in ister th reatened lay to overhaul the rcgukitions on oqrart- :ription dmgs. s o ^ g vould no longer be a u g store for the United

Minister UJJal Dosan- anada would ban the )ort o f prescription L‘n tiieir supplies wcrc jme.

left liow ban put


ndi-lu r-thatlace U|al DossAthu

da border ond over St.n Is an attem pt to a n iinlicipnted on- dm g dem ands from ’; if legisiution pend- i ^ s s legalizes Inter- & import of prescrip- from Canada.I cannot lie a drug ' h e United Suites of 280 million people q>oct u s to supply lem onaconU nuous. led basis." D osanjh jws conference. •- n s m ust be assured n adenua tc supply of fordable prescription onjh sales would not ■ be afTeaed by the t could affect drug s o r manufacturers Tliey are not penriii- >ort to th e Unifed T U.S. law, but could i e r th e legislation dered in Congress. ;l e would inuoduce when die House of reconvenes dils fall dlow for the tem po- bulk exports w hen ,

nm ning low at

IS pay d ie highest 1 drug prices in tlw U £ .laM B ukfin« ie legalize the imppr- olesaleprescriptton ;ll as internet pur- ; Canada and o ther o u r bills are pend- ress, b u t have m et Lion from thephar- oblTy and from the ■ug Adminlstradon. i p p o n c u . o f - the p o n s said d tt,p ro - ' s a direct response om die U.S. piw r- ndustry.

UNG jhis time 'sakL'Tust mention id shchadroadlt.'' 0 wentfor»waIk.Jm. *Vbu don't say b u don't (aUc too |bom er .- And be In a guy .vd^ a lew < ’latecdlcd..; pcxiectT wne, John >ailng dinners ib r d in g h is bdovwi — and putting tq>Ul for now cars. In npanied her often and to vmidcvjHe

f iu ycfirs in (ho t r y . te t i r in g J n th e n -a lo n g c a iD e rA s b i lh e P r o y ^ d c b t t

b o s J jm t i id n t^ lg. b is ^4tfe a n -

^ ;^ _L

Page 2: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

■ M T lM »M m ,1M nFW b

BOOBDflUTod«y: Moolly dry anc nicoly. Hiflhs lowof lo Tonight: Partly cloudy Tomorrow: Warm ond Qtlimob. H iohsuppof

BOOEBBBBTo<t*y:Wofm wiih o bii ovothootJ, Hifjho lowo Tonight: Partly ctoofly Tonwrrow: A littio bioi Hi(jhs middio 80s.

SUNV.A period' m s wMkbo ouKKx any wMtl

» mBO I

VMMnlay'B SUM CM MiirMT k fi bt mutn, emt iwtf etouof. nu-imurymii


i T h e T u n e s ^. ; Publisher ^

: B rad H u r d ................... 735

NewsE d ito r□ i r i s S ie ln b a c h . . . . 7 3 5 C o m m u n ity d e s k . . .735 'a iy d t . 's k ......................735.L c itc rs toth e e d i to r ......................735-

AdvertisingR eta il n u u u ig e r Janet C o f f in .................735-ClassifiedC u s to m e r s c rv i c c

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Il you d o n o t r e c c iv e p a p e r by 7 a .m .. c a l l t l i e r b e r for y o u r a r e a b c fo r a .m .fo rre d e liv c ry .

C licu la tio n d i r e c to rD an ie l W a lo c k ............ 735-;H om e delivery m an ag e rC h risG a rc ia .............. 735-2S in g le co p y so le sJim D a lo s ..................... 420 -)

Subscription ratesH o m e d e l iv e r y : d a ily

Sunday , S 4 3 5 p e r w eelc: S£ d a y a n d S u n d a y o n ly , S2.5C

' w eek . Moil s u b s c r ip d o n s n b e p a id in a d v a n c e a n d

: availab le o n ly w h e r e deli' ; Is n o t m a in ta in e d . M a ll n

' ' All Idalto ra te s : d a i ly a n d S d a y S6.00 p e r w e e k , d a lly c S4.00 p e r w ee k . S a tu r d a y S u n d a y o n ly $ 3 .0 0 p e r w O u t o f s ta te r a te s : d a lly . S u n d a y S7.00 p e r w e e k , d o n ly S l o o p e r w e e k . S a tu r a n d S u n d a y o n ly $ 3 .5 0 w eek . Soles ta x in c lu d e d Ir a b o v e rates. A $ 1 5 .0 0 c h i wili b e iiM ed fo r a ll return c h e c k s . '

Mall InformationT h e n m e s - N c w s (U P S 6

080) Is p u b lis h e d d a l ly a t Fairfield S t W , TW in RiUs. L ee P u b lica tio n s In c .. a si s id ia ry o f L ee E n te rp r is e s .

Period icals p a id a t IVvin F b y T h e T im e s -N e w s . Oflii c ity a n d c o u n ty n e w sp a ] p u rsu a n t to S e c t io n 6C-10£ th e Id ah o t3ode . T h u rsd a y h e re b y d e s ig n a te d a s (h e < o f th e w eek o n w h ic h le g al i ( ices will b e p u b lis h e d .

P o s tm a s te r , p l e a s e se c h a n g e o f a d d re s s f o r m to : I B ox 548. TVvin F a lls . Id a 83303.

Citiiiiy aow

OM pW oriK V C M m i

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eVh,m o T H m d«^Jim S0.200l

and ounny wilh lor^pOtalurOB worn If 10 middle B03.ludy and ploasoni. Lowq uopor 50 and nx»tty dry woothor poreists. E >pof 80s.

Q blOfKl ot Bunnhino and palchy clo owor eOo.ofly. Lowo lowof 50s.bioozy al Umoo and honitno up nic

VALLEY. SURRGUNDtNQ Mnod ot drttr VKJ ftMtonoM «>«att>er wll ««k ana p«nltl thl< WMk«nd. ThOM wi jideora tn» twiw«y wo«kend will net «rv TMlftof MtOftCka.

3 0 I S E Sunny loptrtlyclouay«kl»».tampatituti* and mettty ary

^ «or<8ittont will ptrtltl Irom nk ihrough Fouith ol July. i

gat outild* and anfoy tna gr< wiittiarlt youcin.

NORTHERNTnota wiin outdt will no) enceuntc woainar lelatad i

. aa dry and warm eonditioni pi

Htn. h»A*xy 1 . ru nu*. l»4oh

y f P M £ S S m!?O T aW 7"'W £«aO T 7 '’ ^ 5

*feivs| Demo735 3 i j 5 a s p o s

W ASH IN G TON^35-3255^ 5 -3 2 8 8 s a id l \ j e s d a y h e s l ^35-3204 D e m o c ra tic ie ad i

a b o u t n o m in e e s 1'35-3266 y a c a n c y o n ih c S i

b u t d o e s n t h a v e < fo rm a tio n o n w h B u sh m ig h t n o m h

“H a v e S e n a to r '35-3254 ta lk e d a b o u t in !i\

—^fcs. w e .h a v c in i o u r r e g u la r m e c tl i

31 ex t 2 “ s p e c c h a t F o u n d a tio n . H c

S S '" ‘■ om h c a n d B c u s s c d o r c h a ra c h a n c c s In fro n t o

R e id la te r ofTcrc o f p e o p le h c s a id v fo r th e c o u rt: GC M a n in c z o f FI

U a a i D c W ln e o rO h io .^ J d a h o a n d L indsc

77 4042 S o u th C a ro lin a . Tl J n ^ arc p lc w h o s c r v e i n th I. a n d 6 R e p u b lljc s t lo n s

i?" Cotter.'fo re 10 c a te d c lo sc to tu

c a c h o f th e a lte m b o th t h e agency 's I m o s t sc a le d b a c k i

K .‘i252 w o u ld n o t a llow h b a n c c n e a r le k s d u


a g e n c y w a s prep i c o m m e n ts . H ov«n

ily a n d a l. P a rrish s a id h e :: S a tu r- p r o p o s e d o p tio n s 2.50 p e r c ic n t ly r e d u c e T sm u st w ildlife, m d a rc W ln d la n d w ouli le llvc ry to a c o m p e n sa to ry U ra te s: i ^ i c wrlidlife a n d li id S u n - I n c BLM c o u ld u s t ily o n W f o r p u r c h a s in g oi / y a n d h a b ita t fo r w l l ^ e r w eek . d itlo n ally . tl ic BLM ily a n d n o t o iU y o n g o in g n c, da ily s a g e g ro u s e b u t a k I tu rd ay to r in g o f av ia n fat£ 50 p e r th e w in d tu rb in e s . d ln a U . . . .c h a rg e Public access ttu m e d B a rk e r d e e m e d

M o u n ta in a re a to h a te p u b l ic u s e inc s to c k g r a z in g h lk i

•S g 3 i . v c h id c u s e a n d h a t 132 BLM is n o t rccc ills, by c lo s in g th e a re a to iQ s u b - I____________________

^ F a l l s T l m e s - ^) f n d a l ^

' f f f i 'd a y b ' L o t t e r y a n (

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I. Broozy w' Moatly dry. nmny

cloudo « ^ « w n « n o i* -y

High 94

nicoly C B I S S Q I

s s s a j i s m m mi m s . sssSS& m JLSmrwtPtmianoot

•ncotinlor •* Moon I

— 0 3■l»». Mrm I j ; jSX*®ry

10 f l i n f f l Q Q | n' fl'*"' Today

IN UTAH SSHSs L M *g f f iS '......

a a m ■ w n n

ga a . , —

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ocratic lead »ssible high^d^B U l F^t h P H I:’s b e e n ta lk in g to B r n d e r H a r r y Reid » fo r a p o te n t ia l : S u p r e m e C o u rt JC a n y in s i d e in- w h o m P r e s id e n t m in a te .t o r R e id a n d 'iv id u a l n a m e s ?

n th e p t i v a c y o f s« L M h tC i Btlnm ," F r i s t sa id I t th e H e r i ta g e " th ey thoug! Ic w o u ld n 't say g o o d Idea Is 1 R e id h a d d is- p ie f ro m oi a ra c te r iz e th e ir system ." t o f th e S e n a te . “i th in k th c rc d f o u r n a m e s virc s h o u ld : d v r o u ld b e g o o d con v ey e d t t G O P S e n s . M cl will lis ten ." P F lo r id a . M ike F o u r te e n

3. M ike C r a p o .o f se rv ed o n ti is c y G r a h a m o f T h e icvolvin , T h e y “a r e p e o - th e o th e r wa I th e S e n a te now D avis rcsign t ib l lc a n s w h o I 1 8 7 7 to r c p n

rel ■tu r b in e s , u n d e r H o w t (

jm a tiv c s . U n d e r .Theoubiicci/s p re fc n re d a n d „n 22 • c k 5 p tlo n s .B L M < h u m a n d ls tu i-d u r in g t h e m a t- igement. 1 5 1ker sa id . g io n a l s u p e r - . Fox (208) 67

ilio D e p a r tm e n t • E-nuii: lo.coJa m e . s a i d h is . Atterxi a pobc p a r in g ofQ cla l iwpates hotdivcver. I n g c n e r - inj the week ch e f d t t h a t th e wheuuie of mn s d o n o t su f li- ana locationsi i m p a c t s to rimn-Ntth

• for oddlllonai)u ld c o n t r i b u te 5colt^rkef.c a ry fu n d t o m lt-d la n d I m p a c ts . »cott_Mf:u s e th o s e fu n d s ____________

LM w ill r e q u ir e g m o n i t o r i n g o f a lso t h e m o n l- M l t o d U C O

w ill s e c a rc n f ln r i ii« tA availab le undi9 a n a u s e i h c p ro je c t oj!d th e C o t tc r c l B L M -adin ln ij0 h a v e m o d e r - lo tm cn ts . Cui I n d u d in g live- C o ttcrc l allo t ik in g , o£T -road 12,163 a c res i1 h u n t in g . T h e 1.680 a n im a l E c o m m e n d in g grazing. T h e ‘ to a n y o f th o s e lo tm cn t p c n n i

- N e w s ^ g ( ^ |) P I n fo r m

735-3350i n d W e a t h e r ,<l a t i o n a r e n e c a l l a w a y l

I t t e r y I IT n a t i o n I n f o n :


: o u t o u r w e b s i t e : m a g ic i


a ^ly Paitfy douOy and v^•ty pMaaam dry

L ow s r

a t u r a - ^ P r a c l p l t a H o n

...................................... ■.........P r w w ^ vwd nougn S pm tM M ty)n Phases

> f c sD S iS IS ttE D p G S BKugaja a—

SSSStiiHiBiiiB iilH i.B rnm m

a s f f i i i . - i i t i i f . t i s s s s . j W 'f..;i.R"r.TK

i i B a i B f » 6 i a 4 i m t e a -SSLmmt o a m ra s e b m5 a u 7 0 a 0 p e M 3 a e« On»n.

TMav Tomorrow, I . i l l l M W i S l i i l £ 1 ,1 1 .1a . . —

ider mentic \i court can■ I ^ B th in k w o u ld S e n

b e o u ts t a n d - , Din g S u p r e m e W KC o u n m c m - fo rb e rs ," R e id o nsa id . p lc t

R e id a ls o * beeis a id th a t in a th e rc o n v e r s a t io n Fi

t w ith th e lus- alrc iW — M t lc e s la s t “IitC n e o w ee k , th e y a d r r

s a id th a t o u tlu g h t w h a t w o u ld bo a Id eaa is to s t a n c a l l i n g p c o - s p c i1 o u ts id e th e ju o lc ia l b u t

T h e 'k that% so m e th in g th a t gest]lid lis te n t a A n d IV c 'C t1 th is to a n y o n e th a t S u p iI." R e id s a id . B u s tc n s e n a to r s h a v e t ic en th e S u p re m e C o u rt, c a n cIving d o o r h a s tu r n e d Ju sd’ w ay o n ly on c c : D avid 75. tigned f ro m th e c o u n In a ls oc p rc scn t I llino is in th e dow i

' t o c o m m e n t a crcs

illc comment ported endi w i« ,,22.2005. VISIImen coniments le Scott M lIhe Bureau of tand Man- vislbllS£.2O 0S.,Bun«y.l0 . Barki

f ro mJ) 6 7 7 ^ 9 9 p o se .d.eonefeh*indO«m.80v lu r b lI public meciing. BLM on- rcc e l'noMing the meeting* dur- t h a nlek of July 25. A full B lof meeting dates, Umea 53 ^ ^ons will be published In j j g

Ional infomiation.eonu»et i S w i «f. pfcjeet manager for ^ t

v S n

--------------------------------- ^ a re *CTsald.

" h e sa id . “In areas. b e Im p ro v ed access."± g r a i n g . how ever, “8 ^ , ^ I re d u c tio n in a c res in d c r d ie BLM ’s p lan . rt a re a lies w ith in tw o ,,

■ " S SlU o tm cn t c o m p rise s TS a n d allow s a b o u t na l u n it m o n th s fo r rte S o u th C o ttcrc l al- n n its a b o u t3 .B Q 2 a n -

--------------------------------1 c o m p im a t i o n L in e

OR c f ^ M o u n

W x i f f 'A aw rind

a I

Veathero r m a t i o n 9 " V^ Press I

f i c v Q l l e v . c o m | | | g |

iitB ^W/ami and mOiUy Anothef worn Iry wwathar penltti partly aunny

a a / w a a / w

I H u m id i t y

M o o n r l s a a n d M o o n a a t

i lS S H H l f i f i S H H M i l H M S

I n i i f r l u B f i i . ^ '7 i i .....• 8 f i f i g B g iH i? ? i& '7 W a m in ti

a ~ a a W U U U 9 l £ 9 l l > i.......

s - g € -^ ‘ ^

■ as 711. W Mmc 1

■ - o i t o i i S i t E— VUIdloS

M lltllin iM ir lll ll 'p ll

ons Grapo ndidate! n a tc a s a n in d e p e n d e n t D e m o c r a ts se n t a le tte r to th e

^ t c H o u se last w eek ask in g <r B u s h to consu lt w ith t h e r r 1 m a k in g a Sup rem e C o u r t c k . “l b th is stage, th e re h a sn 't ! c n m u c h . B u t I 'm c o n lld c n l e r e WlU be," Reid said.F r is t s a id th e W hite H o u se h a s r e a d y s to n e d .“I t h in k th e presiden t a n d th e Im itU s tr a l io n 'i ia v e rc a c K c d It t e r s o l ld t n a m e s a n d s o l l d t c as ," F r is t sa id . "I don 't w im t t o e a k f o r tl ic a d m in is tra tio n . I t I k n o w th a t^ be ing d o n e , le y a r c reach ing o u t to r su g - s t i o n s .”C o u r t w a tc h c rs e x p e c t a ■prem e C o u n vacancy d u r in g tsh 's s c c o n d term . C n ic f Ju s- e W illia m R chnquist, 80 , h a s n c c r , a n d the rc is talk th a t i d c c s S a n d ra D ay O 'C o n n o r,. a n d Jo h n Paul S tevens, 85, ■o m ig h t co n sid er ' s te p p in g w n .

a l u n i t m o n tlis o n 30 ,767 t s .

sual impacts^ a n y o f th e tu rb ines w ill b e Ib le f ro m A lbion a n d M alta , rk cr so ld . S om e will b e v isib le m B urley . W lnd land ’s p r o ­ved p l a n placcd a s tr in g o f b in e s in a n area th a t w o u ld c iv e g r e a te r visual im p a c t n w h e r e tu rb ines a rc p la cc d BLM is p rcferrcd alternative , ic c r s a id .J ^ t l n g o n w ind tu r b in e s "CMong b e e n a conccm o f rcs- n t s U n n g n e a r w ind p ro lcc ts.! B L M w ill r c c o n u n cn a lh a t i d l a n d insUiU s h ie ld in g c h a n is m s to m in im ize th e v o n n c i ^ b o i s . h c B L M will require a fe e o r id frt>m W in d b n d for d e co n - ic tio n o f th e w ind tu rb in e s u id t h e c o m pany go o u t o f in e s s , B a r lu r sa id . T h e n c y a l s o will reccive $2,365 lum ly p e r m egaw att o f in - le d c a p a d ty udlh th e p o s s i- y o f c o llec tin g an a d d itio n a l 1 fro m W ln d la n d to b e d e t c r ­ie d a t a la te r d a te a lloviring a 90 -day p u b lic u n c n t p e rio d , the BLM will lo re i t s final en v ironm en ta l a c t s ta te m e n t . If th e p ro cc ss t s m o o th ^ , W indlondb M ike k le r a n t ld p a t e s th a t th e ip a n y c o u l d D c ^ c o n stru c - a s e a r ly a s M ay 2006.V c th in k th a t C o ttc rc l m ta in Is a n cxccllent site fo r n d fa rm ." H eckler said.

W E > k O' • n <a 4> PBf:*a< n i w i i r r T r g m ■

9 a 22 4} «ii U t c a t t .

c r :.iicti.*«»otT a i 4

nday Sunday

vrm and Moaily atwm (r»« ruty « y and plwaani'

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S L m m wTtwtiiBrw

S 5 S »

t i l a iHiga iBtim

w . i g . ' a j i . j r a i ' a .on. OC 91 ra TO W Tl w M—j OY

o « P A lodaytayV NMienal Sxtrwna*;rIOMCMaOnra.Mt.

D JohnsonContinued from A lh e r ro m an tic rc la tlo n sh a n older H isp a n ic im m l{

"O f a ll th e th in g s I m is th e ir hugs — th e ir b cai

th e so ld M att Jo h n so n . “I I In g tw o best frien d s I e v e r h i c m T h en tu rn in g to S th

C o u rt Ju d m Barry W o o Johnson said. "Judge. I w c to see th e m a x im u m st bc ca u se a fte r to m o rro w w a n t to h a v c to h c a r a b o i th is even t a m l a I f e d she

,. r c m o r s e a n d f c d s h e w o i •"C a g a la cxccpt sh e w o u ld

te rp la n n ln g a n d s h c v ro u “i t g a m m y w ru i l t .- ; t o S a rah Jo h n so n a p p c j ) n , c o u n ln a n o r a n g c p r i s o r ne. su it , w ea rin g h a n d c u f ig - a n k le cuffs d u r in g th e

p ro c e e d in g s . S h e h o a Virelght s ince s h e v re n t d

n g h e r slx-w eck trio ) o n d IS- tired . She Is c x p c c tc d tc a s to d a y d u r in g th e s c c o r lOt m o s t l lk e ly f in a ld a y o f h s r . , tc n c in g h e a r in g .15, M orc th a n h ^ a d o z e r :ig ju r o r s w h o c o n v ic te d

Jo h ru o n o f th e d o u b le r w c rc in th e c o u r th o u s c , b tln ic in s tea d o f s itU n g ) u ro r box d ic y s a t q u lc u y g a llc n ' b e h in d Jo lm s o n m e m b ers .

W h en a sk ed b y a rcpc th e y w ould a g re e to b e v iew ed , d ie ju r o r s tm a n i ly re fu sed , w ith o n e s “"Wc'vc a lready so ld e v e r

le w c h a d to say d u r in g th e a . p re su m a b ly r e fe r r in g to lc u n a n im o u s v e rd ic t o f g u i >- T h e h e a r in g a t t h e 1 >f C o u n ty C o u ^ o u s c is tc d . J u d g e W ood d e te r m in e : t s o n o f se n te n c e S a r a h s d r e c c iv e for t h e c r lm c s s. b e e n c o n v ic te d o f . Si

f r ie n d s a n d fa m ily m c i s w h o spoke a t th e h c a r i i i- q u e s te d th e m a x im u m 3. te n c e for h e r, w h ic h is 1 It p r is o n w ith n o p o s s ib l l g p a ro le . A ccord ing to I d a h c s h e m u s t se rv e a t le a s t 10

f o r cac h c o u n t, a n d c o u li r r ec e iv e a n a d d ld o n a l 15 - fo r u s in g a f irea rm In th e s m is s io n o f th e c r im e . • if B lo lne C o u n ty P r o s e c J im T h o m a s q u e s d o n e d E 3 C o u n ty S h e riff W a lt F c i

o b o u t th e im p a c t t h e di h o m ld d e h a s h a d o n th e

1 to w n o f Bellevue.“T h e m o o d in c o m m

r ig h t olT the b a t w a s fea r.": l in g sa id . “T h e y d id n ' t 1 1 w h a t h o d h a p p e n e d , o r I h a d 0 k iller lo o se i n t h e 1 > m u id ty . So m a n y p e o p le 1 I A lo n a n d C lone.! F cm ling sa id tim t o f te r s

w recks o f In v csU gadon th i noU y h a d e n o u g h c v id e m

! a n c s t Sa rah J o ^ s o n , b i t h e m e a n tim e th e c o m m i w a s a fra id a n d c o n c e m c d

' n o a rre s ts h a d b e e n m a d e “I t i l s w as o n e o f th e to

e s t c a se s IV e b e e n In v o lw e m o tiona lly ," F e m lln g sa lt w a s t h e m o s t v io le n t c r in s c e n e IV e e v e r s e e n , a n k n o w th e p e o p le m a d e i t 1 m o r o dlfDcult.^

B o b P ong b u m , S a r a h Jt s o n ’s d e fe n se a t to rn e y , a tw o o f h is c lien t 's rcm oL f r i e n d s to e x p re ss th e i r 1

■ p o r t .N c a s h a A lde r, >vho

k n o w n Sarah J o h n s o n fo:

. a


■ M m a m m m m a —

Partiaptaoutty t t t f k a O T l

S u n rise and

ot a:0«AM• ^ j a ^ ^ ^ j i ^ j a r y ^ g g g g g


ilgr>w ino Mai VM

, ...........1.1 B i H i i i K r T n i — n .H r m i i r n n i iii i r o > - -

^ a a t l s i i n i r * i f i .

jfc , , f ! « B H . ......Oy n w Wl « » ' «*» aw n

t l ______ R e l a t i v e s

t o S a i ^ h .

n s h ip w ith “I hope your fon d g r a n t jnto your eyes wt

1 shot will b e o rh u B . mlndtoovot.-

;d i D istric t 'ttood. M att ,1 w o u ld like She 18 a spoiio1 se n te n c e thot thinks only 0t jw I d o n 't , can 't believe howb o u th c r o r tho two people Ins h e h a s no who loved her lhav o u ld do it _ Lynned d d o bet- or / o u ld t r y t o ,

p c u rc d In "H O W d o ld o sa ll i o n iu i n p .c u ff s a n d time, espectollywd ie e n tire dcoths were so seih o s lo s t - U n d o

>t th ro u g h of D i d looked1 to sp e ak “S a r a h , I'm notc o n d a n d ihe court I'm talW.i f h e r se n - haven't talked to )

• , . were a rrested . I rz c n o f d i c to you now Sarah.

l^ iondovostaK dl U«l(lov»stalloilw

I wofso wlion we co

on fSlISS " “ “Wlof and no on fnmlly ^e p o n c r If -b o In ter- » ' “

o n im o u s -c s a y in g . “You are lovslyv c ry th ln c woman with so muth e tr ia l. and how you could: to th e ir oway. Vtiur mom org u ilw . • loving people who,e B lo Inc you, but you have 1s t o h e lp whot youVo done.In c w h a t God thot God will th s h o u ld inijii-

n c m b S mend nnd Sena r in g rc-i m s e n - |_______________ ___

ib lU w ^ sh(lo h o la w ''I s l t Jo h n s

a rre s t a n d s jd d shiJu lc lo lso p e r s o n o n d n o t 15 ye a rsJ ic c » m d o e s n 't m a k ejs e c u t o r w ^ n t e n c c h e r to!d B lo lne o f paF e m lln d d ^ c c t ly add• d o u b le judge . " H e r p o rc n tih o S i b e s t fo r h e r . I ju s th e sm a ll , h n t f o r S a n i h . ^ t lim u n i tv PACO'S s h e c o n mir , " F « n . iro m d ite e v e n t anI't k n n w ‘ p e rso n ,o r t f ^ A n o th e r f r ie n d , J1C c o m - s a id t o th e Jca e t a S v U y ." I W s h o s b c c n llie k n e w h o r r i f lc . TIe r npvpn m e o su T t h e los

S s S w S V u ST h is is o n c x tra o r

■ to u f^ - s i t u o t loj l v ^ I n ^°P,® *®- y o u r h<so ld . ' I t s p o k e s p e r s o n fo r I crim in al y o u w ill w c i ^ in te o n d to t h e c h a n c e fo i t e v e n so m e tii ln g g o o d .”

O th e r te s t im o n y H J o h n - In c lu d e d tw o d o c to ; c a llc d c u s se d S a m h Jo h n s n o ln ln g s ta te o n d ( h e r e e d I r s u p - w as ta k in g t h e d a y I

d e rs . ‘.0 h a s T h e s e n te n c in g hi

f o r 18 t ln u e s a t 9 a j n . to d i

HI to l>f«<l

ee sr 0.01*

DayWcather, In c

Today Tomrraw«Bn Man e in a n

Frants J

f v Cold ,■W-TWam



9 s s p e a k

I J o h n s o n

' foUief looWng wtien ho was imcd in your

Is, younger sister Jf Diane Johnson

illod rotten brat/ of herself. Iow she could killIn the world [

Hie most.' 'ne Murilll, sisteror Alan Johnson

cribeloslflga ther at the same wtien their senseiess."do VmoM. sister 'f DIone Johnson

Ottolklng to Iking toyou. I0 you since you1 need lo talk ih. We haved by this. And was even come to the re­did It. We lost nowagn)i>d- rtsd you.*Ishmon, mother ' Olane Johnson

lyyounsmuch potential uldthfowltoll, and dad were

to cored about e to poy for e. I prey to II be with you

sh, close family am h Johnson's


ih c h a s c o n tln - n so n a fte r h e r ih c Is a " lov ing }t th e s e lf ish e's be en p a i n t - .

ice se n se to m e to p r iso n w ith - paro le ," A ld e r a d rc s s ln g th e n ts w a n te d th e is t w an t to d o I th e r sh o w h e r m ove fo rw a rd u id b e a g o o d

I, K athy L ouise fJohnsonE om - n fo ro U o f y o u T h e re is n o OSS you 've cx- > a n d h e r n u - n o m orc, It's

o m m en tis to ic r c o n tin u ed : o rd in a ry losc . tlo n , b u t m y h o n o r , o s a r Im partia lity ,I to y o u r d c d - fo r h e r to d o

ly W ednesday t o r s w h o d ls- n so n ’s m e n ta l ed lca tlon ^ e ly o f d ic m u r -

; h e a r in g c o n - Klay


Page 3: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

I s s « s ; s ^ ^ =

A case' ByQiemKMtl

andRoUnW rilThaWwMngtc

WASHINGTi spccchlUcsda; Bush Iraorcd s able Tacts a em crprisein in the cxicm o f Cl

■ But he co rrea gains mode by SDvcnunontln

'th e facc o fa flci Tlie ptcsJdci

w a r in lr a q o s i the anti-tcrroil

’ o f quarontin< groups (hat mi{ tack the Uniict

\ o ri^na l nitiomiI sion o f Iraq

Tuesday night: the Bush adm Saddam IIusscl possessed cheti and possibly ni

‘ o fn u ssd c s iru cln£act.llteUJ'

, the Bush adm ina rationale fo rti

' tirdyw ithlraq^l ' thosewcapOns-

were found afto announcing th M arelil9,2003,: operations were lo free its peopl( the world irom g

IWo and a ha when hc declai combat opcratii the president sal

• ry in the war ag bccause Saddan

' of terrorism fum• 10 Iraq’s role in tl i tlnlon conflict) oiterrorist netwc

’ weapons of ma ' from the Iraqi rej

Bush also des< a s ‘'anaIlyo fa l-( hc suggested a night, but the Sc] sion concluded t no collaboration dam and th e t<

I headed by Osam:, Now. m any a

and outside th< portray '.Iraq a; ground for lerro pan bccausc o f i

; by the admlnlstra feated Saddam :

I Iraqis fBAGHDAD, Ira

engineering profi Yasln a l‘£^m ani

; Bush's pledge t • troops In Iraq ui sion is com pk promise o f o rderi

But the assurai low for M ona i-

■ woke up W edne e lc c tr ld ty 'o r ru

I after spending the ; roof trying to esca i sweltering heat.I Iraqis on tlie s ; country’s polidciai < vlded over Bush ; provide a timetal ; drawing U.S. trooi 1 his promises for a ; this country of 26; pJc-I 'Iraq cannot bc ; American and co:

leovc." al*Samaralf The 55-ycor-olc

could result “b i

: I

L g. Log on to, Click on>

✓ Submit ira « local exi you with a

B u s hse for progre

r —VrisMIg ton P o r t__________

GTON — In h is f< iday n i ^ t , P resident xi som e u ncom fort- ■ ■ ■

ab o u t (he U.S. H B 11raq a n d overstated )f overseas suppon . recthr iden tiacd the by tlie rtascent Iraqi L in tile p ast year in flcicc insurgency.

ident portrayed the os a ccn tral front in rohsm cfTort, a sort tine for te rro ris t m igiit o tiierw ise at- Ued States. But the onnle for th e Inva- raq w as , ignored h t: a conviction by BraU, I dmInLstration tha t sscin's governm ent Iraq. Bu: hcmlcai, biological fig»>dng / n u d e a r w tsapons Ron con ruction. , i^ « .C c UJM. resolution thot monihti nlrtlstration used os are nmv )r the w ar dealt en* wcreslx q ^ M u rc tD g i\^ u p Inothi ns— n o n eq iw h lch the ptra ifter d ie w a t Bush, the level

tho invasion o n hlgherai 03, said th e miUlary V He s ere “to d isarm Iraq, commui ople und to defend vvltlivita: XI grave danger." dons pro half m on tiis lalcr, “lso

d a re d th a t m ajo r failed lo' rations w ere over, albyoiir sa ld itw a sa v ic to - But tl

r against lerrorism 'vnichon Jam w as "a source dozen nu l i n i n g ’’ (referring litical 1 n tlie Israeli-Pales- participa t) and because "no past yea twork will gain countric m ass d estruc tion have ann I r e ^ e . " Uush aJescribcd Saddam “IO count al^Qaida," a po in t tional d again TUesday pledgedj SepL 11 com m is- sistancefi

x i there h a d been Buihedlt ion betw een Sad- of that an e terrorist g ro u p f-'d Stales am a b in Laden. been divt ^ analysts inside nocyetbc th e g o vem m cnt only abot a s a breed ing maining {

irrorist groups, In twoyeare o f m is t^ e s m ade crcd by tli stration after it dc- Even If m and occup ied cventuali]

f e a r U J S . p u l

Iraq (AP) — For forces dorofessor M oayad level o f tiarale, P resid en t country."B to k eep U.S. But HuI until the ir m is- necr, saidipleie w as th e troops mi;ler over chaos. ty tlieir ]Lirancc n m g hol* foiled to ca H ussein, w h o “Tlie leInesday w ith o u t co attack t

ru n n in g w a te r as they'nthe n iglit o n her leave so ll

Mcape B aglidad’s _______ _

clans seem ed dl- ush's refusal to fonlastlc. etabie fo r w ith- ■oops, a lone w ith hatfolabl )r a better life In “ m illion poo-

be stable if the coalldon forccs '

•old sold chaos “because Iraq i ^


u have queitio

A . si. BenedictsA McdlcaJ:n m D i a b e t e s ^ :m General WcHaw

ASK 4t o w w w ^R T oolevaliay .cai:

n A sk I t io -B c p e r t y o u r q u a t t l o n onMn&an<

e x p e r t Will a n t w s r II (o r H e a a e ’ a n d a p e e i t f

r ^ l n r a f f o j r . c o n t )

; •B sw irafI»»f a n a t t f i m m m i u m

i ’s SPEIess amid som

jB I

ident Buih ip e e t t troop* a fte r s n i 2 .N .C .. onTuM day.

Bush emphasized the gains shi!ngtcrror&n,butthePenta> V%ronunonder for d ie Middle do(3cn. John Abizald, said tills n eihthatm oreforeignU ^tcrs • ’IOW moving into Iraq than do:six m onths a g a - coiothersecUonsofhisspccch., im;ircsidcnt strained to moke lovcl o f international support tlic!randbroaderthaninn»ili- (c said the “intem adonal ratinunltyhassieppcdforw aid Oc:.italasslsumce. w ith30na- Iraiproviding iroops in Iraq. Mc th rsold the In sii^en ts have m c10 “force a m ass wididraw- tha

oiir allies." the t the U.S.-led coalition, fret > oncc induded about three Ii >nutions,hast>ecomcapo- gaii

liabilliy for several qu i:ipating countries. In die tne>^ar. morc than a dozen thelies ha\'C w ithdrawn or al cmnounced plans to leava anch also assened that “some havuntries and dircc Intcma- the

orgonizadons have Irxl about S34 billion In as- suqnifor Iraqi reconstmction." hav! did not say that $20 billion straI amount is fiom the Unit- - hawlies, and m u d i o f It has Tlieiivened lo security o r has threc been delivered. Monxnvr, Bibout S2 billion of the tc- surglg pledges — m ade nearly a n Iareago — has been deliv- rect,vilienistofthew orid. otDc1 if die fuU $34 billion is sect;mlly delivered. It is well incr

ullout could trdon't have th e required expl

if training to protect th e sh e :y" we’UHussein, also an engi- try.ji iuld withdrawing foreignmight resiore the sccuri- “ “ Ir p resence has so far0 establish. n

terrorists will continue V:k the Americans a s long f a y'rc here. They should 0 that there wtil bc less

een using XANGO about Uve

Ic. I've been able to reduce my

tablet every two days Instead ol (

cntastlo Snow Ixxjst.'

Cqll Amy to learn m g

e/p You Wit(; d Quetf tiond?'ona, We have m

11 Is

^The Exc

OpUcal ■ s , E y c ^ i n e j 6



ECHme omission

* ls n a d d r m during • via it to For

short o f th e $56 billion that t VMsrld Bank a n d d ie U nited ^ dons said in 2003 tha t Iraq woi need over th e next five years.

Yet as Bush n o ted, dw inicnr donal com m unity has becor c o n v in ce tha t succcss In Inu; im portant and (hat it is ncccsse lo support a t least rhetorical d ie transitional governm ent

On several po in ts. Bush acc rately portrayed th e situado Despite th e slow ness In formij Iraqis cu n e n t gorcm m em , tl U iree-phase transidon has m m ost o f th e deadlines. Mo than 60 p crccn t o f Iraqis dcQ< th e violence to vo te in januari

Iraq h as m a d e signlflcaj gains In bo th t lie quanUty ar auality of its security forccs ov the past year, a lthough togethi th e iSO.OOO'Strong intem atioi al coalldon tha t o usted Saddai and d ie 160.000 Iraq i forei have not bet*n ab le to hond d ie Insurgency.

Indeed, os Bush said, Iraqi ir surgents a n d foreign Oghlci tiave so far failed to achieve die >traicdc goals — a n d htmdrwi lave W n killed o r cap(ure< riieir activides a rc still largely i h rce of Iraq's IB provinces.

Bush also n o ted th a t the ir iurgcnis have “railed to Indi m Iraqi dvil war." T hat is coi txrt, dius far, b u t sen io r Iraq >Qldals w arn th a t Intensifyin; cciarianism m akes a «tivil wa

trigger chaos3q)losions a n d m o rc security, h c said. “As long a s they're h e a tti’U rcm ain a n occupied coun ry. just like I^ e s tin c ."


five monttis and ffs been just

my anti-depressqnts down to

of one eveiy day. It tias given

L o u i s a

ngre.: 7 3 1 ^ 2 » 7

fYourl _ ____________ ____

a n a r v e r d l

p e r t )

W hite H d irector

[ I S WASHINGTON (AT dent Bush g ran ted

| - |—I national intelligence I » ponded pow er over t

Wednesday im d order y M o f other s o t agency c

(heW hite H ouse hccti idential com m issi condem ned th e In commtmlty for failur and elsewhere.

But alm ost a s soon ■ ■ toils w ere unveiled, i

House w as defend: against suggestions moves w ere slm pl] morc bu reaucracy making changcs th have'prevented mlsjt like those m ade o n Ira

“Il^an im faircharac ■ ■ to say It’s simply a n

ing,” sa id Bush's h ^ security adviser. Franc

Tbwnsend, w ho led d review o f die recom m i

. from d ie president’s sion o n w eopons

* desiructioa “It% a funi strcngdienina o f ou

^ gence capabllfdcs."TTie V\Wte House si

dorsed 70 o f i recom m endations ft commission, w hich w:

“ “y- Republican Judge Laui bennon and form er E>c Sen. Charies Robb and .

“ f " ; ed a yearlong review < ”1 ^ intelligence agencle:

formed th e commlsslc pressure after th e i

. n ^ weapons inspector in I signed and started a fln

andoverther ^Ion- ^lamrcesIdle


vdsred.y in

in-d ie» r-nqlingwar


to y g S B M B P


Research ofth

1 M

E-mail And so mt Teton WlIt's Perfc• 10 e-m ail boxes• Spam plus v irus 1

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House gives rnew,authoiCAP) — Presi- conutjveisyoved th e new the prewar Iracice ch ief ex- Inilsscadiin!r th e FBI on rdeased in Matiered dozens sion callcd they changes as ‘dead wrong oicd ed ap re s- prewar J u d ^ tss lon that weapons.Intelligence Robb callc

lures in Iraq House's broad the commiss

on as th e de- “truly extmordli , d ie While Among thend ing itself changcslheWhns th a t the Wednesday, thiiply adding ment will bc i:y w ithout congressionalth a t could consolldaie it:

isjudgm enis ism, espionageIraq. units under orracterizatlon attorney genei» rcstructur- . security. i

h om eland The White H(m ces Fragos creaUon of a N1 d ie Service inside dm endadons sought to strent’s com m is- ofd ienew naU is o f m ass uirectoroverthiundam cntal expanded budg o u r Intelli-

! said it cn-

It C L Ewas Icd ty

Id conduct- _w o f the 15 i n H T B l:les. Bush ■ | |K |e [ lH |l>slon under i l W l i W l! lop U.S. I K k Jw in Iraq re-flrestorm of B • ■ P K T

3 k S i d e

io n


'a the history he hot dog..

FirK S p ap

lyour mom..luch more witl 7irelessHigVFeet for Yous • IIS Alters for e-mail • 1

istallation + Sav

V T e to n y ^ ire lessinternet - Television•tiaa rafBltrir m Modm rvfukrtr tao


s national in □rity o v e rE'over th e accuracy of m ent piIraqinielligcnce. In a sh ing600-pagercpon Civil LiMarch, th e commis- FDIIj ncthe spy com m unily iead tog on au n o st all of ils donal {g e n t s ’* a tw u i Iraq's enforcei

ailed th e W hite oad a ccep tan ce of dsslon’s p roposa ls J i p j jrdinary." . , |f[> Lhc m ost significant (j W hiieHouscoffercd |{ ’ n the Jusdcc D cpan- ij

X d lre a e d — widi ■ Ij i ial app roval — to > i |

its coun te rte rro r- j II’ i age and intcllim nce l{!:|■ one n ew asslsiant meral fo r nadonal :.i|

! House ordered d ie tliija N adonal Security i(!|Ic d ie FBI. A nd Bush. i[j' ,reng thcn (he hand J iJ iladoruil intelligence ^rthcFB I.g iv inghim ^iidget a n d m anage- P " ! ■

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itelligencem ipowers over d ie buruau.

1 statem ent, d ie A m eriain ' Liberties Union said the new security scrvice would :o an “erosion o f constliu- I proleciions agiiinst law a m e n t actions.

Diane,T h a n k s fo r p ro d u c in g a fa b u lo u s

D a d d y D a u g h te r

B alll

Ii4bilec H o u s e B o a r i i o f ^ D ir e c to r s ~

^ ® 5 5

y fo BUb sI- 5 7 0 9

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C i ! ClosedI X J u l y ^ A - r



ternet! a m ily !;! up again! m o n th i

r M odem ! all Today! '






Page 4: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

M T1rM»Mmn, IWbi FWIs, l<fa

N ation

M a d t j oDALLAS — A cow th a t J

positive lost w eek fo r m at disease was bom in Tcxa spent lls cntlro 12 yea rs i tn e Agriculture D ep a rt said Wednesday.

T he an nouncem en t c five days oTccr, the a m n q dosed that ihe an im al — t cow used for b reeding — tested positive for th e b wasting . disease. bi spongilorm encephalo] (^ E ). It was the first discov the disease in a U.S.*bred an

Texas Gov. Rick Perry. < politicians and scien tists in diately souglit to assure public tliat U.S. b e e f — Itxas beef — are safe.

"I \vont to urce calm and sure llie nubile tiiat they have the /ligfiest conndcHi o u r beef supply, a n d tlie guards we have in plac p ro tect the public from spread of BSl:." Perry said statement. "Tliere is not, has there ever been , -a kr Instance of BSE contam lni the food supply in Texas or vtrhcreelse in the ( /n ite d Stc

Dr. John Olfford, ch ie f vt nation for tlic U S a ^ woiilc rclease Inform atiSfron tlie o r location of the Texas I thougli it \vos believed by in tiy sources to be from E astT

S e n a t e p a n e l e n d o r s e t r a d e a g r e e m e n t

WASHINGTON — T lic ; a te took up the Central Am< Frcc TYade A greem en t Wednesday, w ith su p p o i predicting success in overc lng strong re sis tan ce to markct'O pening deal \vitli LaUn American nations.

President Bush a n d his trade ofDcials have lobb ied I forCAITA. wliich received a i cial endorsem ent eaj Wednesday from tlie Senate nance Committee. A S c n a le ) could come as early as T h u rs

The OTQter hurdle w ill cc w hen uie Mouse takes up m easure next m o n th . Ho Democrais who object to w they say arc weak la b o r rig provisions in the ag reem en t bc joined in opposition by publicans with tics to gro t m ost notably the su g a r ind try, that contend th ey will h u rt by CAFIA.

T hetradcaccordw assignt year ago wiUi Costa R ica, lil vador, Guatemala, H ondu: Nicaragua and tlie Dom inii

It’s Where You for What You t

wmuAM I

C B U H B F A MConlrtaorWctihng fin.

mtniM. LvntkiiisuubH.UmitidMimt wirrMnly.

7547m WT>ir» Jfi47P$ Peiitn t d _______ Jf S47BS BruttitdtlMl________ 4I547OM Oilivttnilttonn S


n» ftiMM wiititrHts dtUon. ArtiUMinctiwnt er uim

Cfinmt PLf<H mUannlMMremi Ptf-SWCH 71

B O B A i m a e c T f i i i W ATER H E A T B t

fuuactrimicMno. Two4SOOwt!t

' eifS0itD4Sv 4 r n v i t i t

i,l<Ww ThurMto^JimSO.ZOOS

O W d i s e aa t Jestedm d c m v N a tio n InL‘x a s and

S im c n i BfPubllc. II rm uj s ional approval 1

1 com cs In '." '® ” -•ney dis- "Slop by, step, i- I b c c f g o o d p ro g ira a n d, _ • had m en tum for . its

s = i ^ ; * " # o i l o S h > is l^ the effort t( coveryof elded lawmakers, i an im al . .ry. o ther M a il w h o m u rd

c h i ld re n g e t s d“ ^ 5 FRESNO. Cnlir. -

' d d e d Wednesday md teas* Wesson, tile dom lr hev can o f “ cIcnccin U i i o ^ Inccst, sh luf safe- death penalty for L r l o o tn to e of h is child, a m th e ' WeSSOn. 58, wa ^ d In a carUer this m onth, lo t n o r y ea rafte rthebod lc

i i i m ^ . I d a bloody pile at linatlnR ‘he end o f a police 1 ; o r any- All d ie victims — Staled" — h ad been shot f veteri* Wesson h ad fai )iild not o f ‘h®"’ his an d ie size an d nieces.IS held Prosecutors said V Indus- childrcn killed for I stitotas. about to I

clan and take the .ggg a m y . T he standoff

two W esson nieces ' capod from th e I

le Sen* ‘o “ V thi

S "*o“ M a n p le a d s g u ilt P ” ™ o f g I r lw lio te tu s <10 Ihc MAI'S LANDING

kidi six accused of mifatal shooting of a

Ills top hard

d ac ru - earlier

la teF l. I / Litevote P “ f u rsday ■ / ^1 com e -up the —H ouseT g S S T o 1 2 6 H a n smtvvUl ^ 4by Rc. f i

5?dT; s•FallS»fvlnS»ler>

e n ed a Afrbnuhntto<^msai- C a l i f

iduras. linicon

' " "

iNeedimH K S V r . a s g i a Q


, H B M O T c W n if3«flS.5i-5-tUdtSufir

4 = : = -— £ £ = - pmttUMs.

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eT994CS^J/4tum>¥lil PoK$itlnkmtJngli*.4-

cnromt ptiM tend tru* i UtnsspetMJi

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a s e t r a c e iw ho refused

' " W e f

quin.-3 c o p ™ .J before going playing »vith

, , tho w cap o r), w crc m aking nointinff it □ndbuU dlngm o- f c S S s h eits successful y jjed iff , ^

l^.TVade Repre- ProsccutoiPortm an, w ho thg to artto sway unde- S J .S d th e r^ w hich Blshc

, , vraiildlikclyji r d e r e d n i n e hc said U i6 ,

'X o a j l ; , ' “ bX ' " - .I . — A J ^ d c - phrenic, alscay tha i M im :m | ; ^ gnlnec tlngpn til. qi™ i posse!! clan he bred two othc;shtjuld ge t the Htcsamc day

□ rU ie m u r ic rs scn tcncln’Udren. Atig. 11. Blshwas convicted ycius In priseth. m ore than 11 and will havedlesw crefound yems beforeat h is hom e a t forparale.

ce standoff.— ages I to 25 House GOPot once in die1 fathered som e OH perS O fiaosvn daughters WASHING.J I. u J I. m ondis o f nc ild h e h a i j t h c ■ ,„ g . „ „ p u

jr fear outhori- an n o u n cedlo break u p d ie H ousewouJd

I s la d o r i to e soff began after accounts u n dcs w ho h a d e s - E>emocratse h o m e w en t sage o f m orestheir ch lld rea 5„5 g |„ C p „

i l l ty In k i l l in g ™ S lo n . - f c

N G .N .I .— A WiU w e a k e n s m urder in the beneflts a n d ii a teenage girl said S enate D

msen St. East (behind Bam

^ O ff All Servicesf 0 f o r t h e M o n th c

S e rv ic e s O f f e r e don • Aayile Ton • Coht^dAayilc A too* • H«w PftTMWcrt M«li»<ip By

I f o r a n A p p o ln tm

W H B H t n

I IPum


nuUtmtrlwi. irnoiaontntMm, j»«i tmtrnfta £ t»»«aw w M »

8SiOOPUnateiD*HW 9 a m g c r w M K uw ttSS2DTCenain*rKn

j s M 3 i m s a m

v w T o m *PBDBSTAL

■».4-ctnwut u $ m n m tM im aw gudnw Uue»a. AvtUioi* >1HV- toUtt.l6'x2.

9 7 g s

E 2 2 a a a a z s 2


s d t o T e xse d h is linucsts for a Haird ed guilty W ednesday Blise r choige of aggravat- Hasta u ^ t e r . • Ucan;i.Blshop,21,AinUtted Secu/idl a g iin and c6cking intopon's nam m er w hile to pit a t Elisa Hernandez, m enshew ou ldp robab lybc possi vwjnt off.J to r JcOrcy Blitz s ^ d S e c i o a lesser charge d im -le n eed for a t r ia l ln Ctiaishop 's m ental health NEi:ly have been an issue. desl{he girl's family agreed vulnia. ^ t u. a diagnosed schizo- will 1<also pleaded guilty to lookerro iisdc threats and scrapssession of a w eapon sold;th e r Incidents earlier Thiday. nwr,clng w as scheduled conve)ishop faces up to 24 bade Irison fo r die shooting placoave to serve at least 20 root oarc being considered desigi

' Bee20-toi

OP pledge votefial accounts ofiiiiiMGTON — After Ther nervous poU-watch- lo\ver‘p u b lican leaders the d<•d W ednesday the terwaiddvo tcby fa llon lcg - board' estab lish Inellvidual Ucedcm d er Social Seciuity. diat ita ts have blocked pas- to trueire sweeping changcs — ce President Bush, and

ty attacked die new y .3nce again, die Re- ^najority is pushing a ^tizaUon schcme that Mn Social Security, cut ( I id increase die debt," s Dem ocradc Leader

I V is L o |

g e -a n n e r F u rn itu re )

e sh o f Ju ly

df/e Nalls • Timporary > By Angl* Koyl*

:m e n t______

E E E B B I K -


■titna-wiUfteiln.DrVi 1$ monty. m t . tnd wtltr.. *■ MiwidvaeMJMtiactt csAnm iMKlt__________ t7J1Jtiai_______ IJM IirKn____________iT.1t I

(g g g ttS te L L : \ '‘ok C la

^ L A V•tMWH.Ut*t4-e*nHr ewnttelOi,

9 ^ ^

MondayFrlday 8:00’B:00Somt tttms IlmltttJ to nUil uh$. Ctn

Sptdil onkr tnt! nlnc/Mk glii

s a s h e r dinyReltLBlunt, S peaker Dennis istcrt. R-ni., a n d other Repub- ons said tho changes in Sodal curity vraidd b c Incorporated :o a b roader m easure r c l a t ^ pensions a n d othep«t0(ln!-

;n t issues, w ith a vote sslble In July o r September.

ic u r t ty c o n c e r n s w ill a n g e l o o k o f t o w e r>1EW YORK — Hurriedly re- signed to m ake It less Inerable to a truck bomb, itm d zero's Freedom Ibw er 1 lose Its distincdve, twisdng fk b u t will b e the safest sky- ap e r in th e world, offidms dw ednesday. ’ [heretlrawntowcrwillbcslim- r, straighier and mom iventlonaL it will be set farther kfrom die street, and it will bc ced atop a mammoth, 200- t concret{}-and*mcta] pedestal Igned to rc p d explosions, lecause o t th e changcs, the lon granite cximerstone that ; laid vbrith great fanfare by r. Ceeiisc Patakl last Fourth Illy wrill haw ; to bc m oved h e original design for the c r tha t will rise on the site of destroyed Worid Ih tdc Cen- Aias sent back to the elrawing rd last m o n th after the po- departm ent raised conccms : it w ould b c too vulnemble u c k bom piled from wire reports

magici'isit us online and check < og on to www.magicvi^Ii

w .


BV t

:/ne/uOunro t'fuirpert bit n/ttt. nn Mwy. Mo/yl ftplteuUt uM

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•AUHWm.UortOo .rtiSy.No 1 rnet>*Y.itywiiinaUa*umr\it$ ' fth4t^t6iieaenveu'nvmtingon.trAguiCiu*. wm. ecrai-i/i-xmoikndrm.(HauiniMlnd<idn})

'4rUln ntma mty not fi* ttaaiy tvalli \laaiy efnn. Prktt H t9 ^ timuQti j

Y o u r ] in th e

Read The Tnis

s i W b r a t e- Fishini

Hageiman]3Uum:T 3tb

- wl ^lb, iJ M J® eU eM » « M M

ngy - 17! State Sl.. Hjfemian ID 83Os 2I)X-837.4.<.13

i f D i u ' S Q iK I W I N D O W A !^ I C o m m e r c ia l , i

j • Hard



! P h o n e : B u r le y • 67i® L<« Dr. Sju«se

tvallej:k o u t M a g i c V a l l e y a r e a h iir lley .c o n i a n d c l ip k o n R a

w m . B w * a .:s ) f r AmeriCjUJ—' i; ^ D ^ m

I B M N '

4”P 0 P 'U P '^ m S P M N K L E R ^ HEAD W

UM. mm netnt. Sprty untm Inui donva ap dtvgn. douNe-lJpptd wiptr i on*-pne» attr urnn utd mt. SWiUns tuti ipnng-

2 T 1

n ^ l flfloTnl

IRRIGATIOH PUMPS2‘tuatintnd l-t/2"diienut« 0)*rme tt0clmp*ikr St/f-enmmg. Cut Irm UM. 1 ytir wtrrvtiy.

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e America wi(ling & Hot Tubing in ntfalleiiS Dine witl3mHa^ 6 pm-IO pm • Catl fa

o m i2 H | | 9 Q

f U E E G E ’ S r :A N D O O T T E R C L E A t!, Residential and In ird Water Spot Removal• Reasonable Rates7T a n d E x te r io r Serv ices

6 7 8 - 9 5 7 5 o r T w i n F a l l s *tr<ge take care of oil your uiivlou' /uru;j

Y .€ 0 m^ T h e T l n i e s ^a h o n ^ . ;R eal ^ a t c .

Kin .______ M a rk E . J o ni~ - '"■■'Rob’e 'r f J o n e s R

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SSL, SPRIHKLBRUt. fSOO. 15-32 iMttI}..5-2.5 gtlieniptrmlnua. 5-j

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^ OSMtltOOCP. Inehdtt t

L , bruktttrtdtomt^tilonvntr.


T O T O t i S i »

r * i s v n m T E * n* m m ilM C I . l-pket. ptm•1. nutfiing On* el tt>* tH

tainh on IM mtrtat aaty. Sen a o u iu t. WM*. fh tyei

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Ptdact* n$keltccid*nai Bm nunmtm vtpert frvm pn

mqMf.piifittNnnir.telm , Aumlnum tUti turn*/, t u i i< - ' 6-y*trwvnmyenanktnc


lifeilleyery day

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I t t u t

Page 5: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .



an abandoned vU] with Israeli trooi and then anacko critically w oundii soldiers hauled thl

The d a sh e s w Invohring o pponc gust w ithaiitw al announced its pli

■ ofGaza.Prim e M inister

■ called th e protc . gans” a n d vowed

with a n “iron fist" rcQcctcd co n ccm could p it Israeli i an d lead to bloo tho puUout, whi( flrst tim e Israel wi eran settlem ents fi (he West Bank.

Opinion polls s for the witndravt abou t 50 pe rcen t.' tion is a t 38 pcrccr

About 9,000 scti uprooted from all tlem cnts a n d Tou Bonk.

A p lanned natic

Fighting U^.troo from reai helicopteTha Washington Po

M A Z A R - E . Afghanistan— Ami were still Gghting t ward tlie crash sJi military helicopter everting, m ore the oAcr tlie aircraft wo Jn eastern Afghani! troops a b o a ra U ^ . clals said.

The fate o f the ci sengers rem ained wWle persistent eC ground troops to rc supponed air be

_ ______from attack alicraft.’cd by enem y lire, sto and the heavily fores rain o f Kbnar provir I’akislon border.

“Wb do ho p e an everyone is safe spokesman CoL {am ly te lephone from capital But militorj VV^ishington sold no had been d e tc a e c I cam s stniggied to fq

Th e dow ned choj ciol O peradons vai CH-47 O iinook. w a team o f Navy SEAL plan ted in th e coi according to a sen offldal In W ashingto

Ttoops o n a secoi te r nearby repo rtc tha t th e craft, wa: b ro u g h ^ o w n b ^ g

m ight hove hccn shi a g renade o r eras evading fire a s it ap| landing zone. I t w en ruggedaica a b o u t K elevation. ofBdals sa

Further h am perir cue effort vwis th e Predator d ro n e th a t i ed im agery o f th e Wednesday, a cco rd senior oIDdaL T hat a also have b een sho t ofBdal said.

M arine Gen. Peter chairm an o f th e Join Staff, to ld a Senate i that th e in d d e n t ap b e a shootdow n o f < speda l operations h< probably tw a rocket g renade ‘O ur hearts their CamillcSi” Pace s

The In d d e n t capp« m o n th e sca lad o n clashes th a t h av e : tw een 240 a n d 465

U 5. noops. 43 A t^ and soldiers a n d 125 <

A f^ian Thliban on< forces were o n cc be duccd to a m arg inal f< country, a n d a p e a o dcnUol d e c d o n w a Octobcr. S incc then , insurgents h ave s tep i tacks, ap p a ren d y h sabotage parliam en i tions scheduled for Sc

I n M y C o nT O D A Y 4 t4 5 - 7 iC

SM M dL U daw i M e

K u n a F U H I IT O D A Y 4« 3 0 -7

ANcwCo»c<rfc—M J W E R C M

T O D A Y 9»00Fro to tb c F ro d u c c rc rf

. D

lups d a si1:AM. Gaza Strip ------------settlers holed up inVlUa traded blows

tw p s Wnlnesdoyckra I^ilcstlnians, fiding one before - 3I them away. 'I w ere tho worst ^D nentsofthoA u- . . i ' ' ' - / , bval sincc Israel plaits to pull o u t r . |^

Mor A rid Sharon .'o tesiers ‘'hooli- m l (0 fight them s t ’ His tough talk c m that protests ' ill against Israeli B s B g locxM cd during /hlch* marks the I will remove vet* An Isrssll IS from Gaza and offlcart dl

Is sliow support orthodo*-l rawal stands a t n t. while opposi- vvay p ro t r e n t. W cdnesdasettiers are to be force to ki all 21 Gaza set* te s te rs b

b u r In the West en tran ce i w ay n ea r

ationw ldc hlgli- intersocti<

g keepstops m naching B Ster Ifei”P ori __ ______ HOS

e - s h a r i f , h sUnerican troopslg tiicir way to- T U S S iS1 site o f a U.S.----------- rn.«un«: >ter Wednesday------- otofs«Rom. th an 24 hours-------------------- i w as shot down-------------------- ,

anlsian witii 17-------------- iSiV l.S.mUlmryoffi- ------------m

2 crew and pas- St«r w le d tmknown. J?**y'efforts by U.S. ,

3 roach tiic site, ---------■ b om baitocm ____ n j a jift. were thwart- w a ro ttttstormywcatiier cSE'5?! >restecChlllyter-jvlnce. near tiie

Sum nnrwan d pray that

safe- mlUmiy am es Yonts sakl ^ ^ y y u om Kabul, the tary olDcials In no signs o f life W e f f iC T f

l e d as rescueiFcachtiiecrafL ■ B H 'Vhopper, a Spe- . ■ ■ ■ vvariant o f tiicw as carrying aM a l o b c t o i -com bat zone, ^ M« n lo r defense‘p o t h . Nowi!cond helicop- >rted Tuesday kw d n a was probablyy ground Ore. F CT lOlclaU said it n J sho t down by % A

:rashed while approached a ^ /c n td o w n ln a I f ¥■1 10,000 feet In IM .__ -M.\ssaid.Bring the res- t h e lo s s lat h ad provid- tie crash area srdlng to the at aircraft may tiot down, the

!ter Pace, vlcc folnt Chiefs o f te cominittec appeared ‘ to

o ne of our 3 helicopters,'

arts go out to K s a kpp ed a th re e - , n o f arm ed 'c killed be- 65 suspected

fighters, pollcc

25dvlluuu . a n d al-Qaida bd ieved rc-

a lfo rcc ln th c wccful presi- w as held In cn. however, epped up at- r hoping to len taV elec- rSeptcm ber.

l o n t p y7iU-9«l5kficfltBiMcbc Twm CbM

r s r i s c s d

sh in Ga2

lell an tM lsencagem en t p ro te s te r I I during a dem onstration a im ed a l )X-Moa Shoarim neighborhood In J

ro test in Israel fizzled w onsday; pollco wore out in icnc> keep roads opon. Pro- Tl

briefly blocked th e thou;e to Iura<sulem, a hlgli- watca r Tl*l Aviv and a Haifa tes itction, but the ac tio n s Jenu

o r In'

U ^ d Qtjno^Daad

ir M a tln M ^ r i i^ a M

Brad Pttt Ange

J J ig p j Now«tth©1V

NowShowlnflBt «Mma In 3 ThMtrM • Jerom * I

Digital Surround a t all IndCK


■Mw m N ow itttw O d )!


iza Strip


te r le a rre t ted by bon ie r po lice d a t blocking traffic In th e u ttr» In Je ru ialem on W edneatfay.

tforc only passing inconvon cncos for motorists.

T licy did, however, tic u{ fiousands of policc, w ho u sed i ra ter cannon to disperse p ro esters a t the en tra n c e t< jru sa lem ,. .

i r t l e Fully Loadadio)o»>yT:ie«:w

W ar Of ttw W orlds im

B«w ltctiad (Mjuicxty r:t*M .tun n:]t.>4e.4:H.r:1».«:W

(HjraBuDock OenCltMtfl* C rash i»

Iv. of Sharfc Boy«nd t^va Old

ittrtio o d of^^2*^ ln^^P « irt*

itkKMmM MMf*«naB«WltClM(f ITC.I tMaMaMTnranxam oart .«;u

Eq9 th a *

gellna JoliejSz^IVlirs-l i t h> TWIn & J« r o m « Cinema

I tn a C lr t tm a -M o to rw V b d o o r T t ia a t r — ___________


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I Bycomblnini I buying streni

up I thousands ol ro- I Value stores,

I get great lowI I prices and qi

I tbp-pame bri■ I j Q a l lo n ■

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m : • I Ibeq. $ii.w

n n Latex“ REOWOOI JS™ STAINM A A ^f Q W M s r« 7 : ^[ y v ' I w e a ■<9.^:.

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lm6tor, '




P r i c e s G o o d T h

I s J t i s t A ro U ]

S S u S S ^^B

Thunday, J(M 30,2005 TImti


• Formult j g S ^ S S S g B guard t t

§ natural I ■ r d n i M • Prevent

d o w n m tk)n.wh the woo Thero's


T Y - ‘ Easyon

L»' -"W':/'™-

BRU'SI m ^ r n SETI #337-899.


^ ^Al«x Pfla » ^ _ _ Acryllo

c551. ##205.740.

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NSECTl Ic-mlllnliI £T h r u 7 /1 0 /0 S

a n d T H e C om


M »N m . TVrin Ftfi. (daho A-S

»OD 1 ^CKS Ij i a t e d (o s a f e - I t t t e ■

U b e a u ty o f w o o d . i ■ 'n t s d is c o lo r a t io n i ■

u ltr a v to le t r a y s . i ■la n R o s e w o o d O il ' ■le s to u g h , d e e p - j ■m o is tu re p r o te c - : ■rfiiie still a llo w in g > ■>od t o ‘b r e a th e .” ’ ■'8 n o s u r f a c e film ■I m o is tu r e , c h ip o r i H

} x ld e p ig m e n ts ' I ly e l im in a te fad ln S s I I > s u n lig h t . • . ■) n t h e e n v iro n - ! ■

S ashW oll Brush Sol I I

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rM W m l l :



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Page 6: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

■ P a g e A - 6

E d i t o r i a i

Idaho’s so will pay ofi

• ov. Dirk 10• ^ ■ thome was

' ' ■ S<• ■ federal cou : give Idaho ; dght to shape roadless (

, ; -on natiotiai forests. So ii ; sitrprisc that he's taklnj ; feds up on the offer.; The Idaho governor

nounccd last week thr• will work widi the Busl ; - m in i s t r a t l o n ^ ^ ^ ^ :-;lnd the U.S..-Forest Service UU ill

- b e b e ton Forest Ser- aCCept

' “ t a ' e " to p ro i(Kempthome’s roadlKc o m m e n ta ry i i /w ^

: o n this issue VWII31 „ i n .h ,s

Idalio's deci- from 0 ; sion followed anrtntf ; .th e Bush ad-• tm in is tra tio n ':decision to throw out■ one size fits all Clinton n

l Eess plan that locked u( ; -million acres of forest \ ; 'o o local input.I : '. The task will be enorm : for Kempthome's admi ; tration. Idaho's 9.3 mil ; acres of roadless forest• the most in any slate oi ; than Alaska. Managem■ solutions for this acrc 'h av e eluded national i

■ state leaders for 30 years.To make sure the stJ

; p lan truly reflects local :■ terests, Kempthome ; ^ v in g leaders from coun ; near roadless areas the : m ainder of the year to i• input. • .

That means the sta :: roadless p r o p o ^ ,.

stretch Into 200(tiwhlch' be Kempthome's last yea

: governor.Creadng a roadless p

' thai conveys Idaho's m interests vvdll require oi

; m inds and ears and load ; compromise.

But it can be done. Ida! ;• link to national forestJ / part of the state's histo ’ economic and cultural le

Thelli8rad Hurd. . . . Publlttwr

The m eoibendtbeed ito i Brad Hurd. CbriiSteinbi

Ramona J<


The victory that public« cvision won lost week, w hen the Mouse n sto i ; th e com m iitec-m andiitcd 25 ; p c rccn t cut tn its funds, canw

• ap r ice .T h a ip riccw lD b cp ai ; as is so often (he ease In toda ; W osliingion. by tlic people w I .d ep e n d on government help

essen tia l iK ^d icaru and edu ; ca tio n nnd job-milnlng• services.

In rcvcrsingdieSlOOmillio ; - reduc tion tlieAppropriations• C om m ittee hauordcrcd in th : $400m il]lonbudK ctoftheC c ; po m tio n for IHiblic■ Broadcasting, the House did : liot — bccauseit could not ; u n d e r its own rules— incrcas• th e overall spending for pro- • g ram s in die dcpoitm ents of

' ‘.H ea lth nnd H um an Services,• ;EducadonondL aboc. .

So th e sponsors of the am en d m en t to boll out public television had no choice b u t t< find th e m oney elsewhere in (he so m e bill, and that meant


l i 6000 MCfNiNS. ^ ^


solid track re ff on roadlesi

K em p- ‘7- Leaving th e ira s w ill- '» ogen<T

g o ,0 W a s h ln p o n w as(o d e te rm in e h o w

ih o th e p e rc e n t o f IdiSS p la n s m ass,k) It's n o pn i^e K em p thd n g th e m in is t r a t io n fl:

p e d tio n w ith p u lno r a n - w ill s e n d it to th eth a t h e '^ c e fo r fina l a p pu s h a d - E n v iro n m e n ta


r v ie w : Idaho will so Ktter off having co Bpted the challenge iroposenew nilesfor thi Hess forest areas- ^ = i a t d o y o u t h i n l ^ . . ^ i n c

welcome viewpoints “f n o u r readers on this e®'' other issues. ' wc'i

------------------------------------e 1IUt th e , , , " “In ro a d - c r a f t in g t

u p 58 road less p ro p o s a 5t w ith

K e m p th o m e Is '

mfne^hrwSil'W;o f I d a h o a n s w a

i £ forests u sed . 'o S i e r B y se le c tln g lim

o rg a n iz e t h e p e r - n T n ro ad le ss a re a s , Ke I ^ sh o w s th a t h e 's (

ta sk th e a tten ti* se rv es . C asw c

, A d m in is tra to r o f ^ ‘' j : o f S p e d e s C o n s e r

a fo rm er N a tio n a l p e rv is o r ,w a s a m s in h e lp in g Idah<

S iv t m a n a g e m e n t . co . '' i e d e r ^ y e n

S ta te ’s wohfes..wiU T h a t s u c c e s s s t

c h 'w f lf ydtfrS oy« a ra s p a ss th e N e z Pe

ag re e m e n t, - s h c s p la n K e m p th o m e a r m a n y lead e rs h a v e a s o p e n reco rd o f c ra f tin c

)a d s o f m ise o n d ifficu l reso u rce issu es ,

daho 's M ov ing fo rw a r }sts is m o rc in c lu siv e ro< s to r ic , e s t p la n fo r I d a h o J lega* ju s t a s m u c h o f a s

imes-NefCM St«lntecti. ,

ditorial board and writtra of editorii inbacb, Steva Cramp, Elaanore Borfc la Jone* aod David Cooper.

Pails, b u t CUUccel.!ck. f S Mstored R i~ \125 . ^

cutting prognuns and No one was happy i

situadon. R qxD avld i [Uion \«scWi8ln ,w ho ipon ; ons a m m d n io ltio iv s to r i th e lie broadcasting m om • Cor- widi fellow Dem ocrat

Lowcy of New York an [Jd Republican Jim Lcach ,t fo rcthevotc ,“IbcUcv( ijase am endm ent today wil •Q. but even ifit does, I w o f tliat the m em bers o f tJ

... would im dersum d t for from the m ost im p issue in dlls bllL i ;

hlic 'T he m ost im p tsin i u tto about this bill is v t ^ t i in h u n th e fu tu re o ro u ri 21)1 wiiat it docs to avoid r

avcn'.\mRin:t9tW(»G I XXKNOUKXmN ffmnAnurunm/Momtx xvH eteTom xtrov^

/ yx j-l

O l______C louecord

— The First

SS p l^ n rejpccrSgar. * , religion, orp

e d e c is io n u p cxcrcise ihcnj r e a u c r a t s In — The First /a s n o v«iy to)w to u s e 17 XI d a h o ’s la n d I ond state

.M. Court ha:D th o m e 's a d -

i ts coun lncreas)u b llc In p u t, It public would i i e F orest Ser- pproval. i ta f g ro u p s s u c h a s (heW i l d e r n e s s U K I - S o c ie ty a n d th e Id a h oC o n se rv a tio n \L e a , g u e *'s o u n d e d In o n e opirth e ir u su a l seem ed to im: a u t I o n m ore suitable .g a in s t spo il:

S e d a re a s S S f o T b 'SI f Id a h o fcir- f o i |„ d ,o b c c .>st. B ut w hile cause th e sbc->ome o th e r m onum ent h;v e s te m gov- since 1961 onJ r n o r s com plained av ailted aw ay framed c o p te

Ih o ir o w n m andm ents D

. s ^ s ' i u H Sd-asp n v en ien ce), u n c o iith u d os w illin g go were o f m ore! a n d d e te r - and w ere dispvast m a jo rity press purposeA 'ant p u b lic particular relli

Willie bddiim C asw ell to one in favor op e t i t io n fo r and the o tiier

w e ll, th e disdnguishes i Df th e o n ic e from th e dic(oe rv a t io n a n d shifting Supreijal F orest Su- ity is (he absol

SfaTsS;c o n tro l fo r — _ _ e n d a n g e re d J ^ Q g j K

o t w ooc to I P c re e w a te rh o w s h o w opm ent o fa pr a n d Id a h o 9 3 m illion acn 1 so lid track roadless ureas I ing co m p ro - forests across tl :u l t n a tu ra l F or30 years.

rounding roadi la rd w l l h . a m irnaitonalfo: ro a d lc w for- llonhm invitcil 10 s h o u ld b c p je u o n tb e fe d a su ccess. l„ c „ , „ „ d idem--------- --------- a'solve Issues s

roadless areas." to (iie<

▼ ▼ ® wiiich providet!states (onrovld

h . . . . &Mor whicli a rv e ra l m lnedJo be in\

Regardless of 'Orfchsrt governors are n

voice to resolve - — on a local scale.

uts still p ro cUie needs o f pec ety who are sick

r \ . « f»T-v health insuianci D A V I D in (lie worid eco

iRODERIn (lie bill. He ha am endm ent (o t

------------------' inUieS602blllloindservices. billion, lo b e ofDpy about d ie the (ox cut fo rmId O b ey o f anaverageofS l'onsored the lo S36.000. It wa;lore the pub- pany-line vote ii□ney, along ations Commidcra t Ni(a Rcpulilican majcan d Iowa HuIcsCommlttei

ich. said be- consideration orleveour Bu( die cuts rewill pass, die restoradon 01 would hope public broadcast3f diis House deepened d ie p rid dmt dlls is iJalph Rcgula. dii:nppttant Ucan wlio iieadei• ; ■ Appropriations srtaht diing dio( draf(ed die ta t It docs (o iiian half d ie SIOurchildren, out of the Labor)d m eedng training and em j

By Gai

P INT h u r s d a y , J u n e 2

»uding th e <tall have no other gods j * **1j3( Commandment Rss sluill make no law ^ an establishment o f yr prohibiting the five Ucn.v/.'"Irst Amendment

atest ruling on church tate. the Supreme has once Jgain tor- Ifand die public (not >n God, which die reasingiy wishes the >uldn't mendon).

L J Cal' ^ T homas ^13 ■ ^>pinion, the courtI invoke a doctrine l ^ — ible to good w ine groun Ilaw. pUedt y o fd ie Ib n Com- H jc i tsa td ie lb x o s ' Court illdiiiginAustinwas flictin{ le constitutional, be- on thi: sbc-foot*tall that it It had beeri diere Consti and no one h ad ' d a ^ i i

•d about It. but suit its p le so fth e lb n C o m - inth its at two rural violate rourthousesw ere TenCt > slim majority to be in d u d idonal because they from tl )rc recent vintage to pres iisplayed for d ie ex- fend u ose of advancing a- seeflt. religion. The j'di votes xvere 5-4, Amenc >r of such displays C o n ^ lier opposed, d ie “estabi inues to refuse to strictir landardforitsru i- displa) [gion. As Iustice d ie Coi aUla noted. "What "free a ies the rule of law a “n o u Ictatorsliipofa plewh' preme Coun m ajor- wish to Kolutel^

II ophSoiM be " glous p

loans can s]cck. I onnoimced r a Mdaho would move P H ) !ird \vidithedcvel- g '1 proposal for the Ificres of inventoried »!os in nationalss die state. / ' ' i urs. diedebate'sur-ladless areas has left I----------1 forest land in seiuid tlHush admlnlstra- ^olve diited states lo past 30'federal govern- Those

lentlfyhow io Bush Acus surrounding to acimcas. Tills is In stark causcd Ih e Clinton Rule. lowing tded no avenue for don't ui;ivide input, and areas oferal court deter- deslgnaiI invalid manages of dielr interest, ues. Hovre now afforded a way andlive roadless Issues that det<aic. and I have the fede.

>ceed in deppeople In d ^ s o c i- ice8.”I hiick and wld^out young p«mce...ourworicers lunides,*economy." programnplaint was direct- num berrail spending limits diopouuihaciw rlttenan theyrealto boost spending QnlshlngiiUonblllbySIl.8 fyforcrc<of&et by reducing IMng-wsr mlllionaiies from Tlierc'f$140,000diisyear about$3was defeated o n a program:leindieA ppropri- vrtwckatiiitee .andu ie funds—najoriiyonthe astatingiittee barred ils an addedlontheQ oor. fadngscrs required to oflset undertyiin of SlOO million Thoscicasting funds only m em o fin; problem. As dudca5<. the Ohio Repub- Commurided die from thens subcommittee diose collhe bill sold m ore upgradinSlOOmUlloncame Uorcutin)or Department^ Block G n:mpIoymcnt serv- in ^ dUId

Garry Trudeau M alla i

S « M M W t o I

I g i N

\]Q t3 0 . 2 0 0 5

C onstitu ti(

u ided in consistently ap- i p rlndplc ." tie reason th e Supreme n has issued so many con­ing a n d confusing rulings his a n d o th e r subjects is it has ab andoned die sdtuU on os its only stan- l in favor o f m aking lav/ to its ow n piuposes. this, th e jusdces resemble

Itors o f o n e o r more of the C om m andm ents (arid that ides u s all); turning away 1 things tha t arc desim ed reserve, p rotect an d ue- ! u s a n d ruling only as they it.le cou rt ignores d ie First ndm en t, w hich proliiblts zress, n o t th e states, from iblishing'* religion. By re- dng w hat m ay be layed o n public projicrty, 1 :ou rt also dam ages the cxerdse" d ause . It erects

) trespassing" sign for peo- 1 d io believe m G ra and 1 to say so o n public prop- |

w hicn b pa ic i f o r l^ ;n so fm a n y a iid n o re ii- : } persuasions. i

speak th e ir

^ | M | R e a d e r tCOMMENT f

,m y, Bov. Dirk ; KenpUiome S

■ S i ' M 'I

1 the opponun ity to re- ^d ie tm certa in tyo fd ie "10 years. ^ )se w ho are cridcal of die/Vdmlnistradon's rule foil "ncnvledge the paralysis yd by d ie uncertainty foi- “ g th e c o u n ’s decision. I[lispuu! d ia t dicrc arc ^ o fld ah o th a tsh o u id b e •la ted a s roadless and fged to pro tect diosc val- “lowever. d iere is a right “nd a w rong way to make <=eterm inadon. This time, viJcral govem m eni is «

p a rtm e n ts <[hat u k e s away iiom fopeople's training oppor- ais,” he said, espedally pim s that give d ie large dicr o f h i ^ school AiJ ts 'a a ia n c e la te ro n .a s mlalizc their mistake in not thn g h i ^ schooL” to quail- Bi Tcdcndols tha t can bringwagejobs. Hi‘C w asasm aU nick— BiO m illio n — inhealth brm s and a m uch bigger bca t higher educadon o t— 527 million. Not dev- org in themselves, diey are mc d burden to sysusms’ thsevere cnjtbacks in tiie ca^ b l l L Ict1C cuts, os detailed in a dofirom Obey^staC; in- haiS O perccn tcu tin the thiunity College Inidadve kniecu m :n t year, despite sooilcges’ cntical role in thjIng worfccra'skills; a aim- pcin Com m unity Services lieirants th a t prtnride hous- orId care a n d emergency wc

ard Fillmore

M6B fep efcOMERS ') < 3 ( W U P W - tH e y

i o n a n d co

B l i 'SWt

. In th e se increasingly Go free zones, o ne is prohibiu from speaking well o f the < b u t u n d e r th e 'fre e roeech c lause o f th e sam e First A m endm en t, o n e m ay spc

. o fG o d w ith o u tfe a r th e a u th o rid es w ill cart you awaj

W hile cridcs o f these mc a n d -re li^ o u s rulings are rl in sco ld ing th e c o u n for its m lsin tcrp reun ion o f die Q sd tu d o n . a rc such persons in v io ladon o f d ie will o f di v ery G od thcy d a im to rep sen t? Why. in fact, d o such p eo p le feci th e need for pu d isptays represcntingw hat they believe? Isn't this a kin false security, sim ilar to air] security scrcHsners?

R elldous acdvists fool dl selves if th ey believe public displays o f th e Ib n Comms m e n ts reflect a m ore moral a n d less co rrup t itadon. Or n eed s on ly to w atch teitivis to d isccm th e level o f ou r d pravity.

Gocl d ism issed th e vlslbli sacriilccs o f the an d e n t Is­raelites w h en those sacrific

r m in d s ondoing it th e r i ^ t way.

F or Idaho, the p ro c e u wil beg in by gathering informal from th e users of o u r nadon forests — th e com m unities 1 rely o n access to these lands a n d th o se w h o bdieve d iat 1 la r d shou ld bo preserved.

1110 s ta rting poin t for the 1 cussions will be d ie current m an ag em en t proscripdons existing fo rest plans.

I 'm empcnvering local con m u id d cs b y Invidng them to d iscuss th e ir recommendadi for m an ag in g these areas wil m y adn tin istradon and d ie I est Service.

At th e e n d o f the year, wp 1 evaluate t h e p r o p o ^ chant in o rd e r to icicntiiy any possi bllides for Im proving upon existing m anagem en t and di v d o p it^ com m on sense so lu tions th a t ore broadly

1 c ru c ia l tofood assistance to th e needy; a n d — desp ite adminlstratio] p rom ises to cnforce labor sta dards in th e pend ing Central A m erican Free TVade Agree­m e n t— a n 87 pcrcent cut in th e In tem atioria l Labor Aflaii Bureau. A nd th e llsl goes on.

N one o f th is s u g g ^ that t House w as wrong to rescue B Bird a n d h is fricmds in public broadcasting. But it is a &ct. c bodi Rcgula a n d O bey pobitc out. th a t th e b roadcast stadoi and th d r audiences have far m ore in f luen t* on Congress th an m o st low-incom e Ameri cans possess. As Obey put i t * least th e peo p le w ho pay attei don to pub lic broadcasdng dc have a m e^ ip h o n e o f sorts, aj they c a n g « th d r message known.*Obcy was also on sound g round in pointing out tha t p ress has focuscd 90 pcrccnt o f its a n en d o n on put tic broadcasting." dow n p lm ^ o r ignoring th e tiadc-ofB that w ere forccd in other program

' M W } ^.V P B W t X t V l D

a ^ n ^ v i d C o ^ ^ T S ^ ^

______ TheTim.

o m m a n d m

God- bccame rituals. In Iibited and behavior, th e y 'hedd ty , false gods. T h e ir acted i” not m atch d ie lr doct those advocating fospeak il l . public displays o f n• au- vately p racdce whaiway. public typrcach?lftm osdy d ie influence o f th ee right claimed righteousn<r its reach all th e vm y toeC pn- Supreme C o iu tW hans also did, o r not, it w ouldifd ic the way to th e ir G<xrepre- In his teach ing ahich Icsus said som eth in: public dve for those w h o ai'hat public religiosity: ‘Vkind o f pmy, do n o t b e lik e Ia lrpon ocrltes, for th ey love

standing In th e sy iuilthem - and on d ie s tree t CObllc seen by m en ...wheiunand- go into your room , coral door and p ray to yoi. O ne who is unseen . TherTvision thcr. w ho secs w iiatj r d c - scciet, will rew ard yi

iiblc CalThomasisas)Is- columnist and Foxh ■iflccs nel commentator.

a ro ad less psupponed.

will As part o f d ie state m adon ment, I designated Ii tional currently th e adm in i ics tha t the Office o f S p ed es nds don and form er nadi w tth c supervisor, to assist I 1 local efforts a n d to blh e dis- gcdicr the ped tio n w m t submit to d ie to thes ins in ofA griculturetoplac

Federal R e n te r — w com - fiiuUy provide so m e < n to on how wc m anage 0 ladons toried roadless areas, iw idi This issue is tew cri 1C For- tim e is too sho rt for r

and pcKtuiing. W c ha Mrewiil die dialogue a n d WiU l a n ^ the adm lnlstradon^ a ossT- of involving s ta tes in I m portant d cd sio n s by I d d e - the public to pardcipi

tcnnlnlng the fu ture < t public lands.

> m a n y citizdy; by the strictures o ftheItion plan pushed by Picsidstan- and approved tw p a r ttrai publican m ajoildes ine- Congress,tin The New York Hmc!!biis port on the H ouse ac t)n. no m endon o f th e ofCsa t the cuts. The W ashingtonleBig noted some o f th e pro>lic in the overall bill, b u t Ic t,os n o n e o fd ie m to th e h in ted victory for public broadons Ih o L o sA i^ c le sU m eIar diatdicSIOOmillion'*^S3 pakl for widi s a v in g fileri- ida ted federal educadit*At health and labor p iog iitten- a notably a n d s ^ t ic ang do description.s ,an d It\s one tnore instaiu

picvBliingpoIidcal cult contiollra h y a b u d ^

out tax system that p u ts th190 value on the need s o f t pub- . w ho are m ost vulnerat

n ^ David Brodex^e-rrut a m Isdavidbroderetvashp

By Bruce

n e s - N e w s •


id id rh e a n s .y w o rs h ^ jw d ^tcdonsdiaioctrines.Doform ore' n d i ^ n p r i -la tth eyIf diey did.le lrp ro - ’uiess m i^ tto therticd ie ritJd reach oilod.about prayer, linginstruc- I advocate 'W hen you '£ the hyp- ive to pray nagogues comers to be len you pray,1. do se the raur Father, len your Bi- a t b done in lyou."


planlie's commlt- lllm Caswell, n istra torof ss Conserva- idonal forest t in diese bring to- wcwill e secretary acc in the w h i^ w ill le certainty lourinven-IS.cridcal and rrtictoric

ill replicate

n £ ^ i m - y invidng ipa tc inde- e o f their

zensh e budget sident Bush irty-llne Re­in

ies in its re- c ttonm ade Ssetting n P o st rogram cuts ttl&ikcd headlined oadcasdng. ies reported i*Vouldbe 3 from t u ­ition,(grams" —^ vague

inceofd ie ' ulture—

K Sifthoseable.


e Tinsley


Page 7: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

O p i n i c

How sata an wM u a t bo

ib a v e a h a rd i understand so n like th e ncvvom belting U ds 6 ye under.

Now don't get ag o o d th in s 1 ^ t lm g ia n d id d s b u t l e n soy som five o r even sixk u n d e r6 — h o w ’ seac belt th a t n u passenm rco r?

I V e a ^ n e v c i when police g o l a car w reck whei killed, they repoi wasn't w earing a

Now they say l b e e n w e a r ^ l h i blab. blah. N otv I wreck. so*and>s( O fflhcw asw eari so we're suppose len ln e v c ru n d e i they p rin t these)

Som e years agi tobuyanA m cflc o n m y d a d ^ g ra v V\foridWarUveic fotmd o n e in a st b u tw h e n ls a w v made, I p u t It bo( y o u h a v c to b c k i then w e found oi can Legion d id tl: veterans. So if I h can O agno tm ad i left o f th e goo d ol burned It, Iw ouli

RICHARDA.D H agem uui

Ufe, liberty ai pursuit of Wal

I have been rea about W al-M art ii News. M ostly b ad positive things ha

Weil. I'm thlrUd tiappened to f reo

' And please do n 't t have freedom to c Icy o r lerome.

W hat abou t p « w a n tto sh o p a tW can't afford to dri\ tancc? U nfcrtunai pcople out th e re v problem.

It m ight even hi ty a n d d ty from us creates, th e d o tu t community; th e Jo Doesn't th is h e lp c th ing to anyone?

Please th ink o f c rights to shop whc taA fie ro lL uU sis land o f th e l jc a


Temporary asa has high stand

Ih u itm y b a c lc tl C>ccembcrand coi In M ay ilh ad s iirg i

I applied for tcrr s isu u ic c im tillg e t

Want to miake your ( known to your ropn Contress? Kem% tl

Sen. MtkeCralnlM nW

202 FansTMn M s , ID 8 3 3 0 1 734-2516; R n 7334 In Wtetdngton: i 239 O H aen S enate I W ssh lr« to n .aC .2 0 (2 0 2 )2 2 4 « 1 4 2 omaB (PM U0M cai San. C m poi tiom a

M b u i y C r a ilhT M nR slli,caU c»i Mika Mathew*; rag ta 560'F 9er Am . Su ita i IM n fW t. ID 8 3 3 0 1

Call 733-< to s u b s c r i

T h e T lfiios-

i J I‘Mya’ isawoiAleMi rottweiler m ix,fort puppy th a t n e e d s t fovi^hOHM fo r th licrlife.

I.D. your po ts for I tio i ld ^ w eekend & tho shelter (fy o u ri

. TWmMUUAUIiAl4 2 0 V lc to ry A v



:— — Lare you fcct-nii

downb<belts? w h ich iaird tim e trying to $5,000.lom eofou rlaw s, They^o n e about seat a n d b in> years old and b reak dc

it would^ n ie wrong. It^ w h lc h libecause we have ' T h e s tid s w id e r 5 years. a jo b a rno m e parents h ad c o u ld tuix U a s th a to re I te b e h lnv w ou ldyou tie s .I th im a n y ln a s ix - n a m e snr? th e re for!vcr tm dcrstood need ,g o to th e s c c n e o f I 'm mrhere som eone Is th e syste Ipon In so-and-so MARLig asea tb c lL Klm bt ay if they hadiUKdrsMtbell. IWInFln v ih o n e r tc a r t* d ied b u t tie i t n g n t»u in g asca tb c !t Everytoscd to fed t>et- p lanningtderstoodw hy s io n doe;s c things. con stiu cago ,lw asg o in g ingw esti

c r lcan f lag to p u t. p ropertyrav e .H e w a sa ld c a .l t ls« lc ra n . so I toko u p casto re ln lW in . N ow oiw w here it was collcgc wb a c k — China, ow nsancskidding. Since a n y landlo u tth e A m e ri- coUegepid th a t for AnotheIlm danA m eri- m o tio n o

lade in what's theS nak t d o ld USA and ‘ Icv ia tc tn>uld get aiTGsted. I t y croL DAVIS fromCoU

ge tting bt in iin c foi

andthe Pole l in eViiLMiirt pcclallydw a n f ia i \ s tm u n c r . 'read ing things grondkidirt in ou r TTmei- to o k thenjad . very few o u t o f Loa i have been said. "never aginU ng, whatever bad . y e trcedom forall? T h e corn't tell m e we few b o o -tto drive to Bur- Lowe^ bu

tio n to Ihcpeo p le that A build infit Wal-Mart and sh o u ld t>e drive that dis- ■ ro ad sid ininatcly. there arc D ism an rcvrfio have this ho le go lf c

ra n g e in tl1 he lp our coun- y]ar pcopn taxes that it th in k in g ^naUons to the a n d c c ^ dc jobs it creates, ac ro ss theIp o r m ean any- Com m eE? thccanyo io f al! o f our c ither,vhercw ew an t T h e can) Is Amcrica, a l treasure■ fu tu re misB commissic

Is th e buil(. . p lex along

isslstance o v e rio o k . in r i f ln f a I h e r e a rinoaras buudwithi± th e end o f view,couldn 't work. If I w ereugery. .com m lsslotcm poratyas* s h a rc o fmg e tb a c k o n m y th in g lw o i

iBtting in toiiu rfM nf«s 7 3 4 ^ 7 8 0 , (iBpratentatlvBS m mW aahlngto t%how: 5 2 0 H a r tS «

Waat)If«ton.Jrapolontf (SmeiDr

Rap. MlkInT W nfM s.

‘ CtiitfOa Barm ata Office Buldflg (Qi^Ktor 20 5 1 0 1201W IS A 1

IWtn M la , ID c a n b » s « n t\ ta 7 3 4 - 7 2 l9 ;r t

ma paga S t . ; inW a*hlf»o( ■ 133S L or« iw

. , . , M asb l(«D n .lr a V . ...... . P ton0 :(2O 3)dmffttfl: F r o <?D2) 22■gkmal director A ooasa Sirhpt W k -HlsW M>p«sO l W tp ^ /w w tt

H )931 sribe to s-N ew s.


U d o fr» e |D ^ ■ 1 B r««w dili

eMuI'n tu led s to f in d artlio re sto f

r o r t h e 4 t h - ; ’ B A I

d i c h e d c ■ , f ! T . P ; u rpetU loM .

I W h F o lA v e n u e • > » .

6 99 7 3 *

^ETTERS—The firat o n e tiuD cd m e 1st> because o f m y pickup, no tl is worth m o re ttu m Wl 0. nlc c y w a n te d m e to s c l l l t ofi

a Junker th a t w ould ori: down every m ile so that vlduld take m o n ey to fix. t!il don't have. cd D second o n e sa id if I liad area nd was w orking, they hoiI t ie lp m y s o n a n d m e . fore h ln d o n ie n ta n d u d l i - toIithought th a t^ w h a t (no 'Uds m entioned) th e y a rc Tht f o r w o s to h d p p M p ie in w h

spareally d isap p o in ted in 1istem. plcJUACRANER us.obeily 1

Falls P&Z gets M sometimes ^ry o n c e in th e w h ilc .th e croi1 ^ and zo n ing com m is- A iocs som eth ing righu The T uc tio n o f s tu d e n t hous-» t o f th e co llege " Rrty seem s liko a g o o d Ut Is needed a n d d o es not ■p co llege land . Kf an d in th e fu ture, th e Hc will utilize every acre it ■ and never sh o u ld givend u p for ro ad s o r n o n - B lepurposcs. Sther good th in g is p ro - i*;n o fa n o th e r b rid g e over 'i oke River C anyon to al- r traffic.

:o U o gctoadvd t§ou t l l{bum ped o r backed u p “for the four-w ay s to p a t mincandW ash ing ion ,es- M y during ru sh hour. Last cr. ou r U ds lo o k th e d d s io D isn cy lan d .illem ttuee h o u rs lo g et ^ Los Angdes. T h ey said. ' ^again.'^We aren ’t ttu it ^

com m ission m akes a 0-lx)0S, too . F or one. building is a c o h n ib u - IheB IucL akcsjum ble.[ing supply b usm ess t>e localcd n e a r a rail- rttng

ian llem cn to fan ln c> ilfcourec a n d driv ing n th e d ty w as n o t pop* op le bought h o m es g lhc7 h ad o p e n spacc i d pfay golf by walking Ihe streetm erdal b u ild ing along yon rim is n o t p o p u la r

umyon view is a na tion - ure. One possib le nistake tlie p lan n in g sslon shou ld n o t m ake Liilding o fa h o te l com - ing th e canyon

> ore o ther p laces to ithout blocking th e

:r e o n lh e p la im in g ulon. 1 w ou ld m ak e m y fm lstakc3 .bu tone vould do is rig lit. T ha t

ouch ■}, fiax 734-3905«tO(USenate Office Bulkflng m .ac .2 0 5 1 0(-2762 : m

IlkeShnpwm HAs. caN orwitte: n e s . a0lcultim (Md

sAve.‘E ..sutte25 ,1083301 •; I te 734-7244 p o n r ;{Hortn BuUdIr«H.D.C. 20515 03) 225«631 22S8216 . : .

rhpeon'SMnalittwouch'« b:.iMLhouse«N/stmpson

it from S P O X «

lELS CLEANERSe |Dod I t rcaoviof apoo.


^BELS H E ^ iV N B R S ■S r a h o n e S t .E .k il) .ldahaS 330133-2 I M

Is to g e t a d ty pa rk in our northv^esl c o m e r o f the dty. W here 1 Uve. developers built nice h o m e s a n d nam es most o f th e s tree ts "park* somethii o r other, b u t they never pro­vided fo r a park.

Now w c a rc b e ing surroun( cd by deve lopm en ts. Builden are con stru c tin g IwauUful hom es b u t there is n o place for th e U d s to play. Friends

,loId m e th ey tiave lo cart thei 'Uds acro ss tow n lo find a par The d ^ n e e d s to bu ild one wtiile th e re a re a few open spaces le f t

Thert! Is a golf course and picnic a re a a sh o rt ways from us.

The on ly p ro b lem is it is in Ihe b o tto m o f th e canyon. SOC feet stra ig h t d ow n — sort o f a Jong ju m p iy ithou t a para­chute u n le s s o n e can fly like a crow.


J f K U I M n O A j

■ r i

Every Thu— gu ides Ma{






i « c n ^ C M C a M O | i ^ ^ ^ H

S at1 C

' \ T ry F iv e ^ ) n e w F la^

W a s a b i < F r u i ty C e

O a t m in n . lT a


I c e

: Y o u r

/ . / •

.ir honiQpngc st, up fo the h engine,1 o U n t o n e

c ill y o u r“A I

f/i.i nni and

M B gree Tastir I o l d S t o C r e a m e iiturday July Oam - 12N(

e F a b u lo u s / a v e r s : t,i G in g e r ,Z e re a l,B la c k L ic o r ic e ,

m e a i C o o k ie B a t t r a n g e r i n e S o r b e t .

B e t h e r e

W i n F r e

? C r e a m f o r

59 Chenoy Drivo, Suite (Winco Plaz.

7 3 6 - 4 6 5

O p e n D a ilyX ‘-.It till 11pin • b u n • Th

F i n g e i

S 5 5 g J a C 3 ..............


U<iA///y )dnr I.i/e /:'


\ Iriidiiidii \()ii ( .III ( (

ng at I > n e I j r y Iy 2 n d ■ loon I

t t e r I

I2 t o Ie e I

r a Y e a r . , I

HE'I: e A , Iv v id f . i l ls

■5 6 ■

Hh iiis . till 1 0 p m

r t i p s I

i r a lz a l ■

f s a

E R S ■ >rSAL ■

7 .

Page 8: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .


DMK Bis changcs in th e I of your life arc possible ir d u » d Because you a re fi a grcat deal o f confida easy to jump into ficsh s vrfinout fear— b u t you i judge your abilities.

ARIES (Miuxii 21-A Otheis dose could try ; ticncc. MoUns a b rcok fo b e the worst thing you ca

fl iMna>ia* n.n im/mip K i l I III Pi«r7mt4 tiJ» xmmmI a s s a g s ^lU'RIVTMI-lt lU i pzivn H ww-ii »M raw


C fc ra m n r t a

C O M I& R A K E:When its time 1 ^rv lce, consUI' No system on yotjr vehide is SPnptr tMvie* ladtKlM s t ' eq ring precision equ xnent { I You see, your brake em c -wakest component, and there 3he shoes or pads.. Sure, it's easy to see when st] jBpiacements, but what about t * During nomial, everyday drivli JMt pressure, wtiich takes rings, and chins and rotors. I

down ovv time, due to moistui jsnts.A««rttMtttta8»«fl l ^ d f o a r b t ^ g g U m .. So, when you’re ready fbr brai just doeml make sense to settt fn tm tk m ia n ln $ g $ ta m jwnltakeshort cuts wfth youn


m n d « J ia M 3 0 .2 0 0 l

s: Avoid aU R B a rra - i----------------------h e direction T Ti- it-h- 'le in theycar O O R CrejjM«ith Jeratdlneklcncc, it isih situations '----------------------jum aym is- TAURUS (Ae

Acting o n a su al-April 19): causc a maJoiry your pa- m ight In tu mk f o r l tm ^ t sonal ap p le c a rJ can d a GEMINI (Mi

| | k


num^ ■ ■ l ip m H lH R8V78 ISSSIL S is H IH LT218/7 m S t i S a i a I I H 11238/7r a » i a * x iJ i ■ I H im s nw—-1— ^ ■ Im LR4a/rS S S S iS I l H L12SB/Tn S iS Sji LTzsan»!! e | | m


P L E T i; S E R V I C I» f o r b r a k e

i l d e r t h l s :e is more Important than the brakes lattMtkMtoflMMfkvmtMnt and trained, quaified technldart m can only be as relable as Its lore's a lot more to brakes than just

1 shoes and pads are ready for •ut the rest of the system? frhring, the brakes generate extremi kes a toO on hydrauSc parts, seals, rs. Even the brake flukl breaks mre and other Internal contaml-

» • (fcp«A6fc epwe.

brakes, you can count on ui tt lettte forless than CompMi M SMifc*.AtLesSdTwab,wev luraaWy. ■

i j


W lf lM M• t i i i iu i t i iu tm• iiiuMamuMBtitttK

IfiK iMCatlAU

STE£L BELTED RADIAL L SEASON TREAD OESIIWLow Cost All Season »;■jtures outlined white j ry. .7 smooth title luid is jomiciilly priced. Ii SUPEMMAIIKETIRANUE PRICE P

«,1U Wjr kJHr mtl^l ‘•*1’.' '

• T O U T S

r Mott Paa>U> SmtI Ullllty and MUil pieiiR Skotk tnn md «WD1

knMMYIXBKTUutMntPov.uriilir.UT . .

|> Nl1iogrnCa«andll9Jl<ii«PI>1«ii lechnulggi 9 ciiaie Iht latint tn»aadiag Wiock nti. SHOCKS DSTUUTKM B E n U


NohiKly Oix--. II Fur i CUMI'UII MIUNI


|I |M w ii£ri"lit»l'"jh".riVHjiiM 1 StuMtTollIn

« mS u kMMaa'irtVn'im

■ sjjqasP B ; (husiMits)I H : ciir.D’iiii iiiAti

iiiiuM iiiinKi siiivii;i

b d . ' Uigirarit' a'!!’" '" '■ H ll lluttililrailnnliir

IB n (MusicAiKi ITY;_______________



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I s r m m

)TI; £ifiI AO)

A s k U s A b o u t

E F » iE i

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l O O O 's o f b l t i c a l l y r o d u <

’ ► I M P R O V E^ . M o r e t r a c t i <

► I N C R E A S IS l p o d t i r o s I




W m ^

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' 3 ^ ‘mu itAinHY cmr.i

p serv e ;

m R ]

I r e s j l

'I^ mR i v a l

m h l

^P I7S/65R 14



i.UiiM4A4a OB L.T~-a I'sostm aua is

PIF l f f = 0

H=3e G A F tS E D T R A C T 5 0 ^b i t i n g o d g o s p r o v i d e < u c o s h y d r o p l a n i n g , f o

E D B R A K I N Gt i o n m o a n s b e t t o r b r a

S E D T I R E L I F E■ r u n c o o l e r & l a s t l o n T I R E B E N E F I T S Y E



4 3 “!’ tC K S • Nil API'IHNIMINI NIC


J u n


’R E i i i tTH T H f U S SC H W A B O tV tN G C ttfO ir P IA N

Ash .'iloir li'i ili't.iils


jjliul lllllfl - y l P ^ o J f g O S

> F t IV I.

s s & n re o x t r a g r i p o n I c o & s f o r e n h a n c e d w o t a u n

r a k i n g o n w o t , d r y , o r

Eo n g o r I n m o s t a p p l l c a t I T E A R ‘. R O U N D F R O I

V I C H B A T n R Y I S m i m l e s ScliwaU. n il le re ii l m

•ankiiig s in u s . X l l i i s S e n t l le iy f a i l i/e t is th e r ig li l

XHD XTi ;n Mi i Ni H p r wn i i i i n Ni v»ium:rn i \\)fiinAinw iwi n i• /milll'lll /.-l.'i.'V'M. W¥ Jl I

i{n>!:.nAKy • iiiAitnii i’fiiin;;::

, Utah, Oregon, Washington:

lid spell trns could cause CAPRICOI ipdiiDcuUic& 19]:Thlngssi . 23*Nok 21): g ro u n d could in e w h o o k u p AQUARIUS ing-teirn nui- I\)ptUa(ity mi) pportunltyfor peopJedosec. lock ing , don't dsionscrsudc

PISCES (Fe (N ok 22-Dec. w u s ttu id y o u k cou ld aban- Independent] cou ld lead (0 g e tti j» h u rt ii

trouble Ihat rr

S e r i U B n i W e i l l

Ws• mmrcaion

Amts/M w ACI• m iN O H M SU W M imrtmPrtat^rnt• maiNsianei- SaPlBMMBKH 81UL

• 0¥IB3B8fBU 8[B ¥i


""sismissfsj,• YBBB m a !M BJBBi

^ o m 8 ,o o o ,o e o m' m * unB rsiM B G isjW B i

A B r n W n t m H ia ~ m 'B iM B B im i iM i

nM B nkm SkoeM t ■ I Mtmmtt

S fcs=y"

2 I J 2

roubleORN (Dec. 22-Jan.I stewing In tbe back- lid com c to a head.JS (Jan. 20-Peb. 18): n i ^ draw ttie wrong X Avokl impulshv de- tddenchanm ofidan. M vl9 -M B ich20):lf our ground and think ntly, you can avoid . r in the stampede o f m igh t em pt today.

\ t a r S a Y B B r s I

dm nftm'M B M m

emtHamtficnoMtPrm U mmenBBMnBMs

Mm ' flBBCMBrnstnk* .EMlmkitt$€kH&WIOMMAMIi n u m i

Page 9: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

£ " o f u

1): _ _ _

? T h e T

! , M o t


4 4Experl to off

on manei proba teas:

ta h(

— Fo**| HI

S a n d e r


TriviaQ uE S T IQ ]

What yea a tV V ^ e y F

T o d a y ’L«gl(

TVvin Falls m ent. TBA

I Idaho FttUDH. 5 p.m .

Shelley a t ' p.m.

2 0 0 5 0Wa

C asper OJ Elks, 10 a.m .

C oquitlan Verdes P an d

y C oloradoC h ic b 4 p j i i

C herry Cn Falls Cow boj

AnuL atham M

o n s h lp ,6 a j i

I ■ In BRIEFK i m b e r i ]

ho ld3«fOMBERLV

I . Booster Q u b du ring th e N eighbor Daj

I July 9. F orm sa t th e K lm b

I team s c on rc(of the even t p

For m o rc George P lew i

SInclalr/l amateur t

BUBLEY - dair/K btbs Oi Golf C ham pic

. , a t th e Bt^de)I Coitrse, July' entry fee in d u

an d « S a tu rd fi $3,000 In addl purse,' a n d iw omen’s lUghi

' For m o rc 1! th ecoursea tG

Jerome C( couples In

WBOME — au b ish o 3 tln { ol co u p les Saturday a n d £ 7 .T h e fl^ d isL 30 m ailed In p{i bcr co u p le /g u entry fee ls$15

Form s will I pick u p a t 7 a .n

the p ro shop . * d u d e s a P t ^ y

f o m w v ^ b o i m o d ^ ^ 'B c z a n a n d a 9 a .m .Q ! shotgun o n Sui

For m o re ir ;^ p x b 'ah t^ a<

Decio high v o l l ^ l c

DECLO — 1 School vDlIevbt h e ld - to d a y a i eonq) lu w 'f i r p ip j i i , w ith a twc hindL I t Is opei la s g rad es 7*

. Ipioniifltlon. ca voUeybaU coach a t 349-5584.


TIuviaAnswiQ i9 8 a :

^ Coming FridayResults,from Day 1

f Latham Match Play.

X im cs-Ncws


erts expect Deion I >£Fer sage advice )n open-space ]; leuvers, but he’ll bably be unable 1] assist the kid in tackling his t( homework. By

ix sp o rts .co in 's R a m h H ll lo n l ig h t .M tU n g gr^

B aK lm ora R av«ns Snt c o m e rb a c k D cion

f c n 'p t M t o a d o p t a ^

t s a s t a r h ig h scb o o lfo o tb a ll pIjQrer this

_____________________ a tS

A 'STON: tax /e a rd id th e llg h tsg o o nyH eld ? « “ S'

...ansiverbelotv fo j,

y ’s s c h e d u l e s is. . . „ haw

glon baseball comallsA o tB o lseT burna- nioilA therRUls Russets a t Mlnlco, r^ghin . Ti ' a t Wtood River, DH, 4

i Cowboy Classic. VVhcW alker H eld the iOilers vs. Lethbridge toni{

.m . u iyR eds-vs.—Palo othe

mthers, 1 p jn . outcdo Khaos vs. N am pa Cowp jn . somi C reek Bruins vs. T\vlnboys AA. 7 p m -w - imateur golf UI M atch Play C ham pi- . A l a jn .------------------------------- The^

irty boosters ^>iv3 contestU Y — T he Kbnberly Siamlub 3-on>3 event he ld oanicfjc Kimberly G ood downDays will bc Sattuday, i h tm s m ay b e picked u p th a tcm bcrly City HaU o r som eregister th e m om ing roturr

\ t p rio r to the parade, p a n Lrc Inform ation, call victor!w at423-4987. basUc

/Kerbs Oil r approaches -' — T he 2005 Sin- plenty» Oil Buriey Am ateur ryingplonship will be held d tlp criey M unidpal Golf Itls beily 9-10. Each $50 w on Iicludes a s p o n s o r ^ rankinirday hthchs There-ls to.No.idded m oney fo f th e drop?d th ere b c a lh a S\Ight. Cvc-scV Inform ation, call Englara t 878-9807. dldk n

for harCC will host Invitational— Jerom e Country

ting th d r flist an n u - in s ihv itadonal o n “ 'S S id Sunday. A uguste- „Is U m lte tltoA e flrst i p a id entries (Mcm-

111 b c av a llS le for

sr:> in fo in a tio h . call w . i a f ^ ^ L ' | j | <

ghsiAoorI canip set ■ —- ram D odo H igh .

7-12. K r m o re caO H ornets h e ^ ^ ‘

a ch S h d laW h ed e r

M h n M t w o c t a . . S r J

SWHC. , ,^ A n b


Pitching likely key in four-day tournamentByErleLarsannma » N«w» WTtfr____________

TWIN FALLS— A rm s are Im­portant fo r m a n y reasons.

They're g o o d fo r cU ihblng zreat for hugg ing a n d — most Inijportantly — keep you from lalUng flat o n y o iv face.

The TWin M is Cowboys AA American Legion team has a wvy o f a im s th a t will likely de- erm ine h o w they fiarc during his w eekend’s Cowboy Classic It Skip W alker Field o n th e Col- egcoTSouthern Idaho Campus, rhe four-day to u rnam en t will ax even th e deepest pitching toff, w hich m ay ju st h u o n g to hc Cowboys, th is w cetend .

■Pitching has b een a real key or us so fo r to ro tting to 16-5,'’ Ipwboys h e a d coach TTm tade lm dr sa id o n Simday. "Wc ave seven o r e i ^ t guys w e fed om fortablc going o u t o n tbe lound for us, a n d if w c keep icm going, w c should be all ight-The C owboys begin p lay at 7

in lsh t. a g a in s t th e Cnerry ireek B ruins o f Denver, Cola /h e th e ro rn o tS ta d e lm e lrg ^ le nod to su iff ace Nick Carr ) n i^ t , he’ll have o ne great lux- IV few c o a c h e s have. Four ther Icgidm ate s tan e rs will be Lit on the field o r sitting o n the owboys' b e n c h , rcacfy for >me a c d o n o n th e m ound.

R o d d i c k ’a Asaoclatod Pr—

WIMBLEDON, England — idy R oddick know s h e ’s a )rk in progress, a young play- with a rcconi-sctting serve, a irsom e fo reh an d , a G rand im d tle— a n d key parts ofhls mc that occasionally le t him wn.Ihat’s w hy h e w as so pleased It exccllence in tw o trouble- ihe areos. volleying and uming, played such a large I rt in a 3-6. 6-2, 6-1, 3-6, 6-3 toiy over N a 9-scedcd Se- j jtlcn G rosjcan o n W ednesday It p u t Roddick in th e Wimble- n sem lflnals fo r a third light year.toddfck h a s accom plished nty. b u t h e 4ccms to m car* lg a s u b t ly m anufacture^ p on his sh o u ld e r n ow that ' been 21 m o n th s since he

n th e U.S. O p en a n d his < king has d io p iw d from N a 1 i 4 a 4 .A lo n g c ^ u ^ ta n d b ig i p T N o r i f i O i o l ^ B u t a d d I Sv«^match losing streak In i -setteis co m in g to th e All i fland Q u b , a n d even Rod- { c might h av e b een excused 1 tiarboiing doub ts. sy oudast& g Grosjeon to Join ■fil Federer, LIcyton Hewitt t ! Thom as Johansson in the t 1 four — th e flrst t im e since v 3 oU o f W im bledon m en^ c ililnallstsow nedm ajorddes s toddlck m ain ta in ed h e look 1 :cp tow ard re^csuibUshlhg \ self; ■ ' /fed fn»r. A lot freer. T herc v a lot o f h e a t o n m e comlnR g this to u rn a m e n t I w an tea »

irovc that I ’m still a prctty d tennis p layer. I 'm n o t tl s. I 'm 22 y ears old,” said d dick. V iiio lostin d ie second v, id a tih o fttf l ic h O p c n . ' . a im stni im I n th e World, StlO , Ir podng lo r SIain5,> basically Ii o 'o u t o f 4 o u r .o f . th em . Is

•faft hks iniU sbeiatM lPrM a'' - " si----- ■— r-— ^ N3W V 0R K ~A ndnnvB ogut • long filnco.left.thc buUdJng . H


ttng-'k m o p - t ^ 'd f d r r a o - - ' fe [ that c o u ld n t b e con tained sc s brand n e w S o n k s aqC^ Si c s b a ^ - h a i r ^ fb rw aid one 01 11 in tcm ad o n a ] di OS picked in th e second Oi d ofTU esday n l ^ t l i NBA M ;as'aeveral te am s tried to. wj htt Q t t M onu Ginoblli— a r drafted S 7 th overalf by., tic Ultohlo In-1999 %i4io U os- pli

SpT hur:

C o \







Cowboy’s pttcher Carr (18s y M an Sherm an. C hancc5, Paul Gerrish a n d Timim each have p o s te d wNe rccords this season anc%1 under 333 th rough thebe first 19 games,ep While M ealer h a s beeiall lined w ith a n Inflamma:

his non-throw ing hand ,: 7 has continued n ls risery p’rom lncnt role fo r th ela boys.cs " R i^ t now, tw o playcm really pleased vrith a re CX- Elam, viiio has p itchediir well, a n d Tyler A ndc5C S taddm eir s a id "Andersc1C been in o u r n in th sp o t ai3r becn k in d o flik eascco n cd. o ffh itterforus."

[ o u t l a s t





i . . w f l B


II Andy RMtdtoH^.of.tfw USA. ft

(turinf tN ir quartMflnal mat< ’ WwlnMtfay. Reddick won 34

throughout the year. 1 fd t i still deserved a Dttle b it o spect. But tha t b e ing said love to take it fti^then I'm sadsflcd y e t '

He ceitainly w ouldn’t b that pleased w ith a lo ss Ft to the l2 th-scedcd Johans who beat N a 18 David Nall dian 7-6 (5), 6-2,6-2 to rcach second m ajor sem ifinal oi 12-year p ro career. T h e o t Whtm JoW isson w o n th e 2 Australian Open: h is prog was stym ied u4ien left knee gery w p e d out his en tire 2 scasort

Upon rctum lng to p ia d the Swede woiried h is pta] days m ight be ovec H e st with It, th o u f^ a n d quallile a bit o fan in u ^ o p e r in th e c

, b ig 'quahet,'tho u s t 't lm o si 19S5 the th ree to p -seed ed n lastKl this long a t th e AU E

n t e i ^ a t i b ns o i i ^ in to m AU-Scar for NBA champions.

*He Is a v ^ . c a p a b l ^ l a . H e ifm d o cvciytm ng. T he.'

h t a |h^.bo-m lstake guy,", eg ; B ouna N dliiys'.said o f th e ' foot-7 Gdatoile, w ho s p e n t J

season w ith Real M a d r id Spain.

The p lan ish league p duced a lottery pick w h e n i Orlando Magic selected Unic Malaga fiarwoid I^an V^isqi wtlUaie U thovenU selectk i]

In d l there w ere 18 In ten tlq iu l, pl^tyers a m o n g th « p lr ti i’ , • •

o r :irsday, June 30, 200;


15) a ttem pU to ca tch M adison

ce Elam,1 M calcr w inning n d ERAS'ic team's Thursday,

Casper Oilers vs. I Jcn side- 10 a.m. lad o n of CoQuWa'm Reds vs id. Elam Panthers, 1 p.m. e into a Colorado Khaos vs iie Cow- . CMof8.4'plm.

Chony Creek Bfulti lyers I'm AA 7 p.m.' r Chancc M d^r. Jid r e d ly Palo Vordes Panth*derson, I-------' -------rson has Through th e C c a n d has games, A nderson nd icad - Batting average (

team) and drcnv h

ts Grosj


ta tu m s to S eb astlm Q rosjean . a tc h on Centre Court a t Wlmbii }-6, & 2 .6-1, M . 8-3.

It Uke 1 land Chib. D on't tel o f rc- that, though,

lid. I'd 'I know th a t w hc m n o t b est tennis,” h c s

compete w ith th e bi b c aU TWo-timedcfencU FHday on Federer vrill i nsson. Wimbledon w irw ei alban- the morc g lam orou « h th e Federer Is ranked N( o f his virltt No. 2, alth other? Australian w as seedc e 2002 hind Roddidc ogress In T h u isd a /s w or » s u r - finds, d e fend ing i 2003 Maria Sharapova fac

winner Venus WUUi ictlcc, N a I Lindsay Davci laying 'N a3A m cU cM aurcs stuck Federer p lay ed s

Qesas fensc'against N a 21 jclos- Gonzalez’s sw li s ince fences style, w innln I m e n 7-6 (2) to cactend h ii Eng- Please see RODOI4

i £ d f l a v o r i>r th e GSKA .M oscow

Yuoslav Korolev w e •layers the Los Angeles CUpj o.caU .. pair o f p l o ] ^ from I eg cn t' ’ Lcogue — lo h a n P c i e 6-.. Orthe£ and l a n M ah it 'last ’ Havre — w ere s e lec Id in the first rou n d b y S

San A ntonia rcspecti I p ro - "He was cnir torg n th e genera] m an ag e r R. dcaja sak) o f M ahinm i In a iquez interview Wfednesda

. we draft, ,WD d o n t gci o n a - to see m any 6 -10 p k

60 with that ty p o . of^ a) Ybujmtdonft see tb a t

ion's No. 7 out at first b a te durli

” 2005C■tw

ay, June 90 Chiefs, 10s. Lethbridge Elks, Cherry Cr»e

Oilers, 1 p.I vs. Polo Vertles Colorado W Tl. Reds, 4 p.r1 vs. Nompa lethbrtdce I

7 p.m.iilns V9. Covit>oy8 8a

CoQuitlam n 9f.Ju»yl Chiefs. 10ittiers vs. Nampa Colorado Kh

Cowboys’ilrsi 19 Andersoi 3n posted a .373 p late h a s b e (third on tlie ad n g ru n -sc In 18 RBIs. for the mid

jean ^aiiI H ripi

The Aaaocli

LEMON1 on the golf b ig m o to ih tional appi always vrai D ^ s h a n d

^ ^ 9 T hose b< two m ajo r t at h im and struggles w Ic m sju s t Ul doesn't oxai athlete’s phj

"They iw H B overweight. P f lH | Ukcm ec:an'

said vkrlth a 1 am rou n d a: on Wednesd

D a ly h a s t - _ ' vorite since

■n. of Ranee, alteitbiadon th r o u g the

PGA Cham p , S tlckandw o

teU Johansson whole th ing icm s a n d r

'h en 1 play my endeared hin ( said. “I_con , w hom knm • b ig boys.” n d ^ ib o r , frli id lng champi- broOierorsls 1 m eet 2002 Back a t Co ner Hewitt in the first timi o u s semillnd. w as trailed N a 1 and He- biggest gaU ith ough tlie Vfcdnesday. Ided third, be- ’T h e fans I

thick and thii /om en’s semi- “and It’s nice g cham pion’ forthem ." faces 2000-01 Daly h as c UUams, while his carecr th« vcnport faces winning la s t; rc sm a Uonal fo r h]I superb dc- victory sincc 21 ncmando O pen .H ehac

Aring-for-tlie- finishes a n d iIng,7-S, 6-2, ranked 21st, h is unbeaten sincc 1991. •£MCK,Page B2 This year,

attop,an(w forward o f th e flrst rw ent 12th to c^uently, havinUppers, and a to get th a t typ m the French ‘ priority."Petro of Pau T h e S p u rshohlnm i o f Lc ful drafting icctcd late In ' p layers, seler Seattle and guara Beno Ictlvely. .Aigentlnoforvi rg e t ^ u r s 2002, R e n c h iR .C Bufonl Porker in 2001

1 a td («hone ”Whero T he last timig c ta c h a n c c cd a p layer firep lus athletes m ain land In tti

athleticism. Iv p t h im , o n tla ta tth e e h d 1990Y^famth(



luring their n ean t f im a a t Walki

i CowtMy C lassicitW M(wFMd,CSI10 a.m. Parr

:r»ek Bruins vs. Casper ..LethI1p.m . Bnd3 Khaos vs. Coquitlam . . .Casp \ Elks vs. Cowboys,

..ThltdSatm taK M yS Chan

m Reds vs. Nampa10 a.m. FtfttH) Khaos va. Polo Verdes Rwrt

rson’s producdon at th e lineiis b een a big boost, ere- catcn -scoringopponunldes beet m iddle o r the Cowrboys’

ly back to j I it at Westeodated Press_______ ' —

)NT, lU. — Whctlicr he’s ___;olfcourseorpuU inghis „ Dihomc u p to a prom o- 5l| “ ippearance. som eone’s wanting to shake John

I becoming drives and o r titles a^de, fans look md sec diemselves. He } w ith p c iso n d prob- ,It Uke they do, and h e ~ “ Qxacdy have a typical JP", physique. J?®/,

iust can’t bcUcvc an }hl. out-of-shope guy an w alk 18 holc^* Daly I a lough after his p ro - . d a t th e W estern O pen 8?“ * esdoy Sas been the peoples &- ice 1991, when, as the ™ d tem ate, h e tlrove J ” ® the n i ^ t to play th e *“ £ P m plonshlp a t Crooked “ - w ound u p winning the ing His drinldng prob- d m arita l w oes only h im m ore to fans, aU of n o w som eone — a IHcnd, m aybe even a

r sister— just Uke him. CogHUlGoU’a u b f o r "JV “

im c since 1996, D dy cd by som e o f th e ■ jaUeries o f th e day ay.n s have been th r o u g 1°”8- Ih tow llhm c.-ho!m 0. ice to p lay dcccnt golf “ O'” ' ’ beenIS quietly resurrected g d jw th e last two seasons, ^ Soi

ist ytiar’sBulck Invito- diawfe• h is f im PGA Tbur _ nee th e 1995 Bridsh S o re i h od four o ther top-10m d en d ed th e year St. h is best s h o 4 i g GLA

Sorcniar, ho lost the SheU

i d m s e c o nIt round , so conso- Schlnt(ving a n opportunity Dunca:type o f p u i ^ was a lands

in tenurs havo been success- NBA.)in g In tem adonal The« lec tln g Slovenian Bogut..0 U drlh a year a g a descenb rw atdL u lsS co Ia ln thereb)A poirK guanl Tboy Forei!001 a n d GinobiU in been c

fou ro ftlmo th e n iiB draft- since li• f h u n the'A m erican oncA a n th e first round and years • m th e roster w as In Kenyon thay . chose Dwayne ' (

I n s i d e

>cal sports, MLB . '. . .B2cores and stata ------B3aseball Interviews . . .84 ; 735-3239 (Hours: 2 -H p jn

Scction B



anOttra;! p.m. thbrMga Qks vs. Cherry Creak ndM.A'p.m. . . ■ • tsper dlMfs V*. Co»t>oya. 7 p.m.

. t « d « J a l y 3 .;’ a tV M torFW d - '

litMaea«sm«, 10.a.m. «mplonsNp'iame,.l p.m.

a t t n t a F M i tlvptac«ganw,‘1 0 'a.m. . jrth^ptace game. 1 p.m.

leup. S peaking o f which, itcher D rew B ernhard has %n on a tear so for. liltiing

-Please see CLASSIC, Page B4

grip itand em Open

Golfouston O pen in a playoff witli Jay Singh, th e second-best ayer in th e worid. H c also tied r 17th a t bo d i th e Mercedes la r^ lo n sh ip s a n d th cM otd i ly Q iom plonshlp, a nd Is cur- ndy ranked 50th.But he’s also m issed four cuts. Bay HUl. h e sh o t an 80 in the d round thanks to a n 11 on : ISth h o la His best finish in slast flve tou rnam en ts is a tie 48th a t th e Byron Nelson,

lere he sho t 64-73-71-69.You never k nc jw w h a t... I’m ing to d a so I 'm n o t putting ’SW as a favorite,' Daly said en asked w ho to w atch this ek. T m just going to b c here i try m y best, a n d whatever ipens hoppens.”}oly h as on ly played the stem five tim es, w ilh his best sh tf tie for 15th in I99I. He ised th e cu t th e next two JS. then d ed fo r 47th in 1996, last oppcaroncc here.Usually th is falls o n a n over- s trip o r a w eek tha t I’m widi daughter.” h e salcL “I had

m last w e e k ... so h Just kind it In this year."h e course is longer than y rem em bofcd it. a n d die ^ patchy rou g h wiU wreak oc on a n y o n e w ho strays n the fa ln ^ y . A s k ^ if he's n h itting -It stra igh t, D dy ned.>omctimes I do,“ he vied, 'so m etim es I don 'L '

enstam moves on ir Open setbackLADSTONH. N J . — Almlkn n itam is ready for a new

Pleasa see DALY, Page B2

nd roundntzlus o f F lorida. (Tim can of th e U.S. Virgin Is- s is lis ted a s an Tiadonal p lay e r by the«)ic Milwaukee Bucks chose It, a n Australian o f Croatian ent, w ldi th e N a 1 pick, ibyftirtherlnga tre n d re lto -b d m p lay ers havo

chosen N a 1 cnnoall in of the last n in e drafts, and ) 1992 there h a s o n jy been American p lay er w ith four t o f c o U ^ gm erience , on M artin In 2000, to be

Pleasa sae'DRAFT. Page B2

1 B





Icsd lu -








1t ‘ I

I ;i



Page 10: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

S p o r t s

CaST. LOUIS {AP) — Port

a co rtisonc sho t (o his nrek, L a n y W alker icmi thcSi. Louis Uncup and) run h o m ers his lltsj tvw up in a victory ovcrClnci

M att M orris (9-1) \ seven sh a rp innings, rcl ing from h is on ly loss of l after a n 8 -0 s ton . to hi C ardinals w in for the .time in fh/c gam es.

Walker, a form er NLM (h rec 'tim c b a tting choj had th e 3 0 th muItUiome of his c a rcc r a n d secoi season, w ith b o th homer ing off R am o n Ortiz (3-6)

Astros 7, Rockies 1PENVER — Craig

hom ored a n d sot the n rccord for being h it by p and Roy O sw alt p itd icd scorclcss I n n in g for his straight w in toU ft the H( Astros ov er tho Colorado ics 7-1 W ednesday.

SIggio w a s h it on elbow in th o fourth innJ Byung-Hyun Kim (2-7), I ing O o n Baylor's posi rccord o f 267.

C u b s 3 , B r e w e r s 2CHICAGO — The Cul

tended th o ir wirming s tr ' four in K erry W ood's rctur

ting a n RBI single in tho from T b d d Mollands against Julio Montana (1-2;

Wood, th row ing hc up mph, h a d n o t pitchod April 30 b e c a u sc o f a sti right shou lder. H c allowo run a nd tw o h its in six iru struck o u t n in e a n d walicct Wood left w ith a 2-1 lea Lyle.Ovorbay hom ercd off don Rusch in tho seventh.

D o d g e r s 4 , P a d r e s 2LOS ANGELES — Jeff W

(7-7) a llow ed o n o run an hits in 7 1-3 Innings, and ; nio Pcrcz b ro k e a 1-1 tie i fifth w ith a th rcc -ru n hom OoiTcll M ay (1-3). Los An won for ju s t th e fourth tir legam es.

Ynency B razobon worko ninth for h is 15th save, olio on RBI d o u b le to pinch-i Mark Sweeney.

Phillies 6, Mets 3NEW YORK — Qiase \

hit a th rc c - ru n hom er Philadelphia snapped its game - lo s in g streak capitalizing o n Kazuliisa 1 wildness to b e a t NewYork.

Cory Lidlc (7-6) tossed s solid Uinings in a steady and D avid BeU drove in m ns (o sp a rk th e Phillies to their sccond w in in lOgam

M a tl ln s 6 , B r a v e s 5 , 1 3 In n in g s

MIAMI — fu a n Encamac single to r i ^ t field widi outs in (ho 13th Inning d home M iguel Cabrom with winning ru n , capp ing Flor second co m o b ack o f the n against A tlanta.

Tlie M arlin s w ere dowr their flnal strike o n e baiter c cr. beforo Paul Lo Duca sin) lo ccntcr o ff A dam Bemero 3], the n in th A tlanta pile 'liia t b ro u g h t Luis Casi home w ith th e tying run. ; Encomacion e n d ed tne 4-hi ‘13-mlnutc g am e soon after.

N a t io n a ls 3 , P i r a t e s 2WASHINGTON — J

Guillen h it a tiebreaking : double in th e oiglidi*innl

Roddick _Contlmwd from B istreokon grass to 34 matdies u rem arlu b ly s im ila r mat Hewitt e n d e a th e rxm of N a Fclidono L opez 7-5.6-4.7-6

Hewitt a n d Federer b. broke (heir o p p o n en ts in final game o f cach of the f two sets, th e n b o th domlna third-set tieb reak e rs . And both cases, icw asacom binati o f better p layers taking com on key poin ts, a n d less-cqx onccd players failing to coi through w h en th ey h a d ta

Or, as John M cEnroe so di cately p u t it o n th e BBC call I t‘choking."'

Draft___C onthiM dfrO RiBlpickcd ilrsc

"BaskettMiIl Is a fdobal can |u s t like s o c c e r u a game.* Bogut sa id . “You see tl Monu GinobiUs a n d Yao Min of the world. W e can ploy tl game in every c o u n try

A few m in u te s a fte r the dn ended, a g e n t B ill Duffy w. w ondering h o w h is newe d k s i t Syracuse forw ard Hakt Wanlck, h a d d ro p p e d all tl wny to the M em p h is Grizzlies N a l9 .


M ThoMMm.'M nFWi.l

ordinalsbrtilicdby his ailing

cttijncd to nd hit two- two times incinnati.

ofthcyeor ) help tho h e fourth

LMVPand:hampion,'mer game K:ond this Tiers com*

iK B 10O . c m odem Vpitchcs, led seven his fourth ! Houston ido Rock-

1 Ihc loft Inning by 7). break*}ost-l900

2 WCubs ex-

th o n in U i M cond Inning ag al id s w o r th

' i o 97 ^ ^ , ^ r d ie Pitts eS since 3-2 We<taKdoy ni strained delayed by rain

iked nvo. started tho decLsii lead but one-ou t single to offGlen- Jom on Torres (2-.

w alked Brad WUkc AfterJunlorSpiv

o Guillen h it a ^ utha t a n c e d off th

[fWeaver b asem an Rob Mo ^ d sbc \vcnt into foul torri

nd Anto- Bacrga to score, ie in ^ 0

A m e r ic a n 1 I time In R e d S o x 5 , In d

BOSTON — Dc rkedd ic and M ark Bellhom i ^ o ^ g tive hom ers In a f( ± -h ittc r inn ing tiiat backet

field, and the Bos beat the Clevelanc Wednesday.

»G Uilev W akcncld's scot ier and Innings cndeits five- w h en Casey Blai

by g am e 1-1 w ith his sa Ishiis V ictor M artinez's i jrk. 8“vo a e v e la n d a 2'!d sevendv rain A aron Boone v , 1 , ' ^ aga inst Wakofiol

Sloonly g roun ilou t a n d 1 Times. B oone faced uio k

for d ie first dm e sii ; inn ing h om er capf** York Yankees' co

G am e 7 o fth e 2003 melon's o rah lpscrtcs. idl two , _g drove B lu e J a y s 1 2 ,

n S iZ l D ev il R a y s 30 niohi ST. PETERSBUn•uHiu YQjQniQ.g jo j j , To,

0 ^ , 0 allow a h it until tlicsrcafii- ^**'8 w on for tlsinElcd since May 17. icro (” Towere (6-7) allox.

ru n n e r dirough sbc i-nstiilci dng Nick Green witi in and tliird. then gave 4-hour, ground singletPT o ne o u t in d ie .seven

Towers. 0-6 in h9 seven start.s since

' ^ M innesota, gave uJose a n d tw o hits in scv

lg RDI su n ck out a season-nning, a n d w alked one. I

S h a r a p o v a b a c k SaTch s e m i f in a l s a t WllN a 26 WIMBLEDON. E7-6(2). M aria Sharapova i

both tim e cham pion Scrcrin die a t W im bledon last yle first first G rand Slam tideinated In to d a /ssem ifin an d in England Q ub. the Inadon Sharapova faces an<t)ntrol tim e w inner — Scaqxwi- sistcrVonus.comc "SholiQ sabiggain

k f i l t e r . So every dm9 deli- w c alw ays have reiT h e y m atches, sold Shara

luts w o n 22 s t r a l^ t n

Duffy w as o ne q: A m e ric a n a g e n ts t

r ^ c . h eav ily in Europe, ^ b a l t ie w o n d e re d w hei K the te a m s h a d sh ifted d Viings to o for aw ay from ho y the ta lenL

As Ehifiy spoke, th dm n h a ired G clobue and

> was b is c o u n try m en m i irwest p ic tu res o n s t z ^ and [akim conversed in Frcnch1 the d ie -h a rd U n n re rs 'a t lies a t S q u a re G arden stru

ch an t o f 'O n e m ore pl


blast Re(

' ■

« ls • ta ri ln g pitcher M att M orris tf. galftst th « Clnclnnctl Red* In S t . L

liington Nation- strikeouts w i t t s b u ^ i Pirates' nWil fn n gnmc Royals 3,in for over iwo m in ^ e m

Ca tlo s Bacrga

S o r - ’' " ~ c

s s n - u s■Oiofoo.oflWrd Mnckoivlak nnd ■■tltory.allovvlng


n League joxndlans 2 1 3 , „ „ | n g gD oug MlnibcUl D B m o n r

I'o m cn .d li.a a four-run sixth , . . kcd n m w ake.)oston Red Sox ,„ ,d ta d la n ,5 .2

.2 - . .c a d ln . l ,c

J 'n v o 'K u , . : : '"w cd -n ro n .. u knuckleballer P fln e te rc 7 sincc Ills 11 dl- n a n g e r s / ,

ipped die New 1 1 In n in g s ARLINGTO:

)03ALcliampl- « , Soriano's n in die 11th

. Rangers o ver 1 MarkTcfacci

infield sing le ... (6-5) an d adv

URG. Ha. — on n w ild pi Towers d ld n I |„ „ c d w ith i l ie scvenUi ln- j |,o tt rlgh l D r d ie nrst lltnc twi.-cii siK;ond

Kennedy a n loiycd lust o ne viadlmlr Gue, Ix Innings, h it- 'itlxelm. ivldl a pitch In Kamcroii h IVC u p A u b ^ one hit In tw. g lc to lc ftw ltfi Unit m olor leaf 'en th . The RangciI his previous lead into d ie :e w inning at rraiiclsco C on I u p one ru n two outs, b u t J< 5cvcn Innings, bled and Dalla on-higli seven a pinch hom oj I. Five o f th e to tie tho gam e

:k In “n d is 2-/V Im b led o n ' '^ r h o m a i n

England — good atlilote. sI up se t tw o- balls back a n d:rcnaWUliams Soit'sjustm emIt year for hor (o be ready foride. In the o therinalsatd ioA lI ranked Linciie 18-year-old plays Am elicManod ier two- N eidier SlSerena's b ig Williams hns

througli five rline, Is a great year's toum am idm e w c play was taken treally tough Uebreakcr by I

arapova, w ho nalist M aryIt m atches o n quarterfinals.

o f th e first Asked a b o u ts to re c ru it Ndiayc sa id0. a n d ev en planned to cu th e th e r NBA overruled b y his1 th e ir focus sultants.hom egrow n In icvicwing t

ers token in theth e 8 h o (^ - Buford said h c

id scvciaTof see Lithuanian im ugged fo r Andriuskevidusm d ^eefuUy do a t No. 44 bclich as a few toClcvclancL> a t M adison He also s a id htruck u p a sclecdon o f C erspick." P ilsen lnT \u tey


ids 1Jicii






1=^.1 Kiel



^d e llvartip ftch ln th fl ;t. Louis W*dn«d«)r. •»»"'

s w erc called.

3 , T w in s 1EAPOUS — David De- 1 fou r h its with an RBI C arrasco rebounded

m gli sta rt last wt»:k lo tiboj« n sas City ended an no losing streak.

City avoided a fnui- r s t 0-9 road trip, a in 1^86 and matched N ew m anager Buddy b*,u* in g 'team siancd 12>6 -as hired, dtenskiclded


iox 4 , T ig e r s 3 ,Ig sr r ~ Frank 'Hiomas lead ing off iltc 13di

[;ive Chicago a victory.>nerko also homered i a s u 'o , a n d Q iris Shelion. 'I carccr-higli fourhits, < IforD ctro ll.h k a tsu ( l-2 )p ild ie d 2 - 'o g l j Igs fo r th e win. Hc J t o f a one-out bases iS S - ’ n in th e 13th, striking Ion Inge and getting , (w,b. Po lanco to h it a io second to end it. <u>«u io R odney (2-1) al- i***" m as’h o m en m . 7£!!JsJ

7 , A n g e ls 6 , g sTON.Ttocas — Alfon- >'s tw o-out RBI single nonOM th in n ing lifted the t!r Los Angeles. ^ondcafatcha haci a one-out ’ g lc o ff Scot Shields advanced to second

p itch . Soriano fol- , h a looping fiy to t Deld tha t fcU be- }nd basem an Adam ^ msmx a n d righ t fielder jtoySM

iucrrc ro to drive inIDm Uoi

> Loe (1-1) allowed tw o innings for his

league victory.igcrs carried a 6-4 jg**™lie n in d i and closer J BmuM.i^ rd e ro cot die flrstJt Jeff D avanon dou- ' i s j s .alias McPhctson liltm er o n an 0.2 pitch ‘ “ T Sjn c .


«G ^ U

s 2-0 against Venus J

in th ing is, slie's a J nSTrSc. she gets a lot ofn d she's very lougti. i'vcgoifor a n extra balL* B Qh e r semifinal, top- J L r f lncisay Davenport .B M auresmo. Contbiw

Sharapova nor challcn;ns d ro p p ed a set ing finie m atches at this Open,im cn i. but Williams HcrC: to a 22-point last wo»y , F rcnch Open fl- Swcdisly P icrcc in the gural Is. Match

Thursdj h e lm C

_________________ Moriey.-Mate

>ut h is client's holr. ferentid G elabale had Sorensticu t it before being th ink ith lstnaxketingcon- fo rm a t

dram a[lg th e foreign play- happenth e sccond round ferent trh c w as stunned to Lost ii n ccn tc r Martynos finishedd u s d rop to Orlan- event fobefore being dealt years, ty

— nined h o Uiced Atlantal B lr^ K !C enkA kyolofEfcs "I’voc c y a tN a 5 9 . q u ite a 1

I '

O . M u n i

nwTliiw» W«w» ___________

TWIN FALLS — TTie TW M a M un ldpal G o lf Course ha cleased th e first d a y pairing or tho 17lh A n n u a l Lathoi 3uysler. M atch P lay C3iamp )nsn ip T he e v en t b c in ^ tooe It 6:15 a.tiL a n d la sts diroug

O n W ednesday th e Muni h d hc Latham Ftm Dny. w h ld i wi I m bduie o f contests.

Tblivi:r L atham w o n tho pui Ing cham pkm sh ip while Nlc Yavcrs took first i n the men Ih ^ o n o f th e ch ip p in g conte: d th a distance o M feet 4 Indi s. M andl H ed b e rg w on th /omen's d iv ision w ith a dla m ce of 3 fee t 1 inch . Brei Ic inkopf o u t-d rovc the com ctidon in th e m e n ^ long drhn ontcst a t 325 yards. Stcphonli L m m o n s-to o k -th e -w o m en ' ing drive a t 227 yards.

RMUttSITtk AMMi tadMM CtoyMr IMtlinw“S=ri=e P w m t 1 IW 0—» rrM jri-: t M RMm. r. a CMMi

' l a s s s r "

,eun*77i,w«i WllWiC*\ »!««■

z i r - —

r t : ™


imiioiiwMwCTcr.n l|Oi, im iWKtiwn Co0r Feifft, ewioiwtl

ITtli AbbuI tJibMi Civyilw ltotdiPtiirCtiwplni>»

t^ lM rtn c*HOUL inxottM It CuttKsmMii O fl^ y it JrtWoedM tA '

Om a j "^2eeM .

“- ' T s s r

—I Um««. IV Oa Imi rSw>(<nlOinan M>>M liamDaMT



2 iiri? 's» i5n i£T "9W«»lWll.O< WW

" felOM ucflv* l< RtrUi^


ton.14 C«yr«w>n HUaM ll.lmAiMn

aly_-------VMdfromBlznge after h e r d isappoint* iiisli in th e U.S. Vfomen^Lr Grand Slam b id derancd vcck a t C herry Hills, the ish s ta r wm o p e n th e inau*

HSBC W om en’s Wbrid h n a y C lia m p io n sh ^ on iday against fo rm e r Sol-

C up te a m m a te Joarme ry.atch play is v n y . very dlf- t th a n s t ro r a ploy," ' A am said W fed n csd k *I < it^ fun to have a dl£Eerent < I t It’s a little b i t m ore < a because, a n y th in g can • 3) a n d every h o le is a dif- Irpn t r h " <

t w rck in Colorado, ahe i cd 'over p a r in a 72>holefor th e iltBt t im e in four itying for 23rd a t 12 ovi9 <

10 s t ro k a b e h in d w inner (Kim. 3D ana lyzed la s t w ede <a b it trying to f lg iu« o u t i


I releases Lt *ye 1 Hirr* Wn

M n!ha» . ■ ■ - "?■—iisssh d d I f f i t tU V .’S S l — .™“ “ ! s s r

I S K T i . - S S U


S i S S S T A ' a ^ i s e i r s ' i i i i t s " * *

m lo

i S S s n r i 'S B j r -I Ujm Seeee w 11 Orr jSee 7.MlWV»<. tl tMtOra



!k‘» : ^ . ^ 5 s S r

II NOlV«n • » Cmwi IMrt

1 M niH«(« 30IM b S

L ocal g o H e r s p l a c e . In IQA Ju n io r t o u m e )

BUHL — D eickM cD o TWin Fails w on th e indl ddc for tho boys ages 13* I scores o f73*77 fo r a 2-da of 150 a t l h e Idaho G o lf/ ation Juniors g o lf tounu that was he ld lU esdaj W ednesdayat QeorLaicci try Q ub in BuhL

Other local golfers su Casey F am ^t a n d Blakc Fl bodi o f IVrin Falls, tic founh place w ith 163. J Roberts o f Jerom e follow fifUi place w ith 165.

In die ^ ag e 14, Jad caster o r W endell fln second w ith 175, Sara Fe< ofTVvin Rills w as th ird witl Hannah M cNcley o f IWin was filUi w ldi 203 a n d Kbdi o f Filer finished in widi 214. Sadie Venn o f Falls ded for fou rth in thi ages 15 and u p w ith i m

110 o f th e best jtm lor g in d ie state o f Idaho p a r^ cd in the ev en t


11. ian CtfK Sjiri, »7> I rz 11 OMt Ama WWH a I Tt 14

l a s s a S S s r i J(T«)l{ai Itf«M MM rat»7M<l aid »M e . I O OMr M <0. (X H«i C a w n-Tv 147 M C m niw tir: i» ?)■> joM tmi f a 7»7m» s. n& TM>FA ?»7»W: H 2M OMwA Jmw. 7»> » OM IMM TM> F«k7^l n

I. U rtaianta*.(>7»% 2. JM IJKMK VM I He ih n r«>wBi f '** * i«i'iomaAi|MbArkci»i»m

77«'IH1 Ml BCM. tl4»lir.4 (Tk WA r« F*. P«.|7II. Cmm Snm. Bob I n u> MMv aoM. MMTa OMf DotF*tl*im lijMlUraMv!mMt»»

W liin e ts a n n o u n c e d a B uriey la d le s g o H p la j

BUIILEY — W lnncni of

w hat h ap p en ed a n d p i m uch u4iat really d idn 't I pen.” Sorenstam sold. *‘1 camo to the c o n d u s lo n th tried, b ut diings ju s t d ld n t u p I was pretty h ap p y widi way I h it tho b a ll a n d p i heppy the w ay I w a s pu ttii Just wasnlt h appy w lu i w iu endodiqx”

Sorenstam h as sfac vfartoric Indudlng m ajo r w ins in Nabisco a n d LPGA C han onship— in n ine s ta rts th is 3 to pu m her LPGA I b u r totz 62. Sbe win h av e to w in mafrfw^— fo u ro n th e fliu J i days — o n H am ilto n Fiu h l l ^ w ater-lf^ged H l ^ Course io .take 'the '.$500 .< vrfimerlichedc.

'Obvlotisly.. en d u ran ce m lng tb p lay a lole^ theieH doulit abou t i t ” S oienst said. 'It% a hllty co u rse c you've to b e fal so o d aha eq>edaw if th e tem peratu a re iq i theie. If w e get tb e 1

Latham pai* w eekly Wedr^ LadkaGolfA8»M June29w ereD c

Icen Hawkins, D arla Redman, an d Leslie Crab

■r»gL o c a l y o u n g ! p l a c e a t to u i

NAMPA— n i ■ Idaho State Q u

tournam ent wa attheR klgecrcs

Luke Oes was a n d under win a n d Jaxon Anu boys age 7 widi ages 8 and und w on b y Gabrieli 48, a n d boys wi \^mrtstra widi a defeated Rylelg playoff in die

age 10 w in n e r ' K ueM lIcyw ont w idi 42. Holly V 52 to win the d Nick R a id in g V Tbylorludywoni

I w idiB86.

. Reu

■ ; “ ' ; ; S S ‘S

I.Ho»rWWwtf.tTy ^


n T i n. < DmHtoim Nl 1 Cora I. b|«> jJn « MkMn SMU

R o d iL o c a l s t u d e n t ro o k ie r o d e o s

DENVER — f t n in th grader a School rccendy th e Gist SUvcrsmi th e Year" award

iO S tate High Schinav PocatcUo on June

, Silversm idis awo I >oweU o f w as Initiated five indhridual recognlzc oulstan 3*I4w ith hifdi school rodeo . ^ y t o t d Tbbbs also eam jlfA ssod- o n d ie Idaho Stau irn am en t rodeo team and w ^ y luid w id i fellow te« iJccCoun- Gillette. W an tin g

24 to com pote such a s A nnual Natfonal

c F l ^ e r . F inals Rodeo (NI tied for sad d le Bronc Rid

Jowed b l c an be found on Jad Lon al urwtun

L e g io n b a with 1S8. B u h l s p l i t s d o u

w i th B o a r U k ein sboh BUHL— ThoTYi o f TWin Lake in Gome I < th e h ead e r W ednesd;

0. b u t dropped Gome}T goffers Buhlls bats werc u& ipat* ing 11 h its In Gan

se c o n d gam e sai stran d 12 m en ond TVU» a ie now 13-6

O nM onday.Buh double d ip tiiat tiir

r«.iMft.iai Rivcr.ThcTribcwo 'ff.yti'”- 4 ,b u tw asn m -ru le Tvubwm 14*4. Box scores w<

able. Buhlncxtplmrsa

SdM e r a t M adison Frldi pJiL lh ey trav d to Ii

.WiMm. Saturday for anotl l ic ad e ra t noon and

iR Z S ? Qmmlarn$,9mu

L l - . .................W -Lj(«l-F«M l»aLnlh

i t M « i LM.UM

a « M 2

1 a t

' “ S'o f the

p re tty midity, It could be ci't hap - H aving said d ia t n*‘1 Just ISie b ^ working <

1 t iu t 1 fewyeara.'*In't a d d 'D ie Hail o f Runeid th th e p ro -a m round i

pretty m o rn in g before iitting.1 d ren ch ed d ie altewhere 1 cou rse 45 miles wi

York a t y

i2“ . h ilam pl* S invoys a re quite wTisyear a lso v a y w e t You dototal to o fn U lb u h l t i ts o in ivin abc know lt% going to stonaltMTo Sorenstam a nd MRum'S y e « -o ld English pbiands w o n tiie European i00.000 m a n In 1996

h a d h i r ^ together V>ce is T hey w ere tcam n uie s n o r o p « loss to d ie UnJu ta m In th e 1996 Solhdi« a n d Wiiles.ahapfe > n ta lo o U n flfo rw a

S S !

liiingsd n esday Buriey sso d d d o n p lw o n Debi H ondo. Kjidi- ns. M arla Dells, m . Joyce Westfall ibtree.

g s t e r su m e ynic2005U .S.K kls ham plonsidp g o lf ' vas h d d Tbesday est Golf d u b . a s tiie boys age 6 In n e r w ith a 55, . m sbury vron tho [dl a 54. T he ^ id c r d iv istonw as d ie Barker with a w irm cr w as Ltdce a 41. Sierra H an

: 1 ^ M oore in a d r is age 9 widi a

r w ld i a 69 and n th e boys a m 10 ’ W bibum snot a girls age 11 and

: w on w idi a 88. n th e boys age 12



riM LM oZI

Shn<i.«i:in«H^'MimalMIOI. ^■RAW.

d e o

• a w a rdBailey T U bbi a a t Filer High

y w as awarded Tilths "Rookie of d a t the Idaho :hool finals In n c 20. T he Gist ATords program vc years ago to ind ing first year CO atiuclcs. im ed a position ate High School will b e traveling team m ates to lg from July 18- e a t th e 57th al High School NHSFR) In die tiding comped- nts ond results on d ie NHSFR inhSTzz.or^

laseballlu b l e h e a d e rkeIrib c look Bear1 o f a double* ia y night. 8-3, n e 2 ,9 -&le o n fire, nail- u n e 1. b u t die Miw th e TWbe I th e bases. The -6(11-3). iiiU again split a im c w idi Wood v o n G am o l,9 - ded in G am e 2, were n o t avail-

ladoubldiead*Iday a t 4 an d 6 jlcu iio Falls on o ther double- id 2 p m .)1FlitoSm - t n « '

S S S *

2, M 6ia ie - i t 4

s t S T s S

s q td te tough.I to eiad t& t ; o u t tiie last

lerpliiyedfaer m ^ e s d a y heavy rain

Iready soggy west o f

w ide a n d ids don't get a lot D ew hereahd ttop there.”M oriey a 38* p lay er S rtio

n touz1».Geiv » a n d 2 a ) 0 ,

lu tes in Eu*Jn lted States cdm C up in

vaid to play- Sorenstam

• I

Page 11: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

WlUT’S 01 Airbrac

• NASCAR. Nextei C HourScftes.’ fina for Pepsi 400, SP 4 m l

• Rolex Sports Car; Bnnnos Porsche: SP t£ft6p« .


• BrbwfsatCubs.l 1210PA. '

• Regional coverage, Spja.

• Braves st Marlins, 5|UR.


• European PGA Tout pern first ro SaiB.

• NatJonwideTour,L8 Charity Classic, firs T 0c,ai:30u i.

• Western Open, first • USA,2pjn.

• tPGA,HSeCW)mei Match Ptay Champi'

■ . first round, T6C, 7:


• Wimbledon Champl( women's semifinals Gun.

• Wimbledon Champk women's semifinals lOajiL

B a s e b a lAiMflcanLe^

AinMtCT CalOMMn _ W I

O MTeni* 40 MHnIM 3» Mr -iifn - l”

S S . s aQwwa 41 s

sT ' i iTetfelMweBfrlDMOilCMUn)}

a«»Sw?S**li»ToSJl 13 •

c£SrtlWWW» MBMK IlSMpi.ALBoxm

___ m«MT»itOM.BArTORONTO TM#A»• r ll H JTrasnl 1 0 I I CraMO! S i « ! J ! !t«tm» S I ) 2 Ca«i3>AM* 4 110 IkncntfiOat* I 0 0 » CMM*tMrc I 0 » 4 riMlBOKanA i I : 0 NO>wn»M*tb }>0 0 CmKC

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■ I ■


o n T .v .nclni' ■*!!'»

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'■ " ra n W i ! ; ; ;

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A a u S " ! s : i

; ingi.E9m, S S H s ;


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Tour,Eijro- . C f* t o o £ 5 U o im 3 :T 6 C ~ ^ r 1 | | - “

r, Laka Erie f* ;'* t«.firstround, g g g S^ MhSrliTljS iSi?first round,

jmen^ttWd {S i^* »»■ «imploftship, 5T“ ? i , | I%7'^fJn. g 2 U » U I ?

te V ^ n 1mpJonships.nals, E8PN2, r-«js*-a..2(4nisi

mpionshlps. f o o o k<«-»1S,KBC,

SmotIS 4 0 0 0 Cot tanu* 3 0 I 0 DM

a l lMgue w* g t » i r y^ O M t10K001>-l

^s t s i

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: r ; r “ ~ 4 - :„ n-,n.T S»C»^ « *u*m|Fwn> J , ^

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Hi’ ii i isSl s s . S A l ^ '”* « . ku 3 S m tS o Mtia 4 1 I OF-MaiimtCM!»M»ttC»- a d 9 I • ErIbI?a5ft5KSa5£lir. J ? ?"• SS5 H— ' ' ” " '9p 0 0 0 g S 5 7 4 1 1 le l o t IJ J J i'» J ? I i 15 ! } j

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W P S M G^ ^ ^ ^ 2 0 0 2 ACC(

SptcWEdttor SimMK W M om

— WhMlfclhbi



lCMb»ll40 cm.4<m*2>-Ma

iiili ^s i i ! i i £ ”“’ i ! S J ! ! ! S u ,I j j l ^ « 0 0 J« » 0 2 MMdi 1 0 0 0 uam i as K i S s s s

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\ ' i l nUXCTBAli■ a 0 12Mil a 0 a 0 ccraofftHoot-Ti o w M

L'. S S n i "^ '^F O O T tA U d> to 00 c^uwrntSSaroSoS7pOOOO l«^CaJa .> ta« iS ljW |

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l u n r c n: o R D S E .

k a P a w

950I 208.73 *1 i¥ oo.5

r-s.H n m ■ n CLAYTOht 0 0 0 0 AU-Siarcatc0 0 0 0 1 volved with “ " ® “ o n e o fb a sc l

11 s 4 I 4 cd plays in ti 'o 0 0 I 0 H cw as63 .f ? ? J 0 Dietz tli«1 2 1 2 0 hcortattack.

alH om esaic InGnxnvillc

D lc u h l l . i _ n m s a n d 30

73, m ostly “H S J J in Fnm dsco G1 «> HH hlscamserwii

S S S s 0 0 0 Atlanta.M *a 4 1 10 His bcjst 1

.watitf 4 110 w hen h e h it S ^ » „ J ® 1 • bles, 22 hor ^ « t ) o a e RBls.alongv nS£7 oaoo H c w a sa n o«!S*oooo son. an d h is Cmp 0 0 0 0 th e n in th In ^ f o o o o fish H u n t g2 “ P « o o o ih ree-run ra TMM . a i n (hc NL w on

iJg;^----------------PcteR osefarM(liO#-«»CHa Fosse to SCIs s a s f i ssa-4nnnt»-I ft n ■ » FIA f in d s tl

I > f > t fo r G ra n d I0 » . 0 1 PARIS— F( a . > 2 2 em ln g b o d y

I 0 0 ! 0 thcscventcai ' a i t 0 the U nited S

were guilty of MMMTnMM* suitable tires

refusing to al s ta r t

J N I S TTicFJAwil

” BMW-WimrXtopMCM McLaren. BAI« ^ ! ^ m Saubcr. Red 1mSSm dcd ined to nH* ' thcirtlrem ani^ . . . .’ iln, said its tirs

the IndlaruipcT r S a ^ ® J o ^ *sUanMOM tcam sso id th t

appointed by the World Moi

r to find themMrWM>.o«. appeal- T he i ‘Mvu»4i|iii. “reasonably rc JJI**- an approved I’’■ w a y*** — m eaning k

if they w ere j ■ dies.a.mA>MUU». T hough M

fansrefuntlsai ■* next year’s raeUSSTm "' Max Moaley li I.IMMSMM.M. forthecom pai

ButFrcdcrlc5 rp T .« * 7 . J J ^ e l i i * d ( j

d slo n not to ra "Wc prefer t

M curity before rI S iS ^ ih n i event," hcSl phoncin icrv ic

all em bam issc dedslon vrith csty. T he onh u p se tab o u tls i

aaw jt fans."

M a r q u e t t e ll Q ol^Jen E a g I

3 5 7 ^ ^ MHWAUKEI will keep its

’n n M <5 nicknam e after R)Uowingm(

r ; vcrw, th eiK;piutr,v»>o4 Wednesday tha 4MRHPM voters pickcd t jN» ■ glc3w hilc46pcn sn n HlUtoppers, thMTmxwi nickname. Abo )w«i9wm.* qucttc sm den t AMMdrH* stolfvotcd.. - . .. . . - "We did glvt

choice. They w y . said M arquette

Rev.RobcrtA.W S»H>n4** That suits M

Dwyane Wade, q u c itc to th c2 0 i

MUMMn -For m e it ’s IS-A0M B about M arquctt S . people recogni;M B M ^iB for th e Colder HS^mbS tlon." W ade

sta tem ent relca; "* versity.S j f J S " y ™iwnu<9«iB trustees ofTercfe n j , , , , school $1 mllilo 4orj<d»i^ tu rned th e i

\^ to lo^s. viiiichl i In 19M b ca tu scjuju!aj?i tivo to Am cri canmaF.c The school trustees' olTcr ai

^ GoUen Earies ti was s t r o n g o p

ncMCDs- dents and alum n weren't consulte<

The board rd i nMMBi a n d o p c n e d th e l

l E B M C

§2003 PILOT EX 4X4

M toV ^FtnaiterA k Poww todo. M Sm (

Um Mm.'

".... 24,95033.7700548.6280

Sp o r t s i nGiants catcher

ead a t6 3"On , Ga. — Former a n d G a tc h c r Dick Dietz, in- q u c tic rith D on Diysdalc in 1892*1 oscbali^ m ost disput- Avalan In th e 1960s, has (Led. Saints, 3. Wolvesdied Tb esday from a ick.thcH im icrFuncr- M a n l said. HewiUbcburied / iU c ,s .c Q faze id t .261 w ith 66 home MA> 301 Rfils from 1966- M olcoi

itly w ith the San M a n e t I Giants. He finished IVafTor ‘w ithLosAngcIesond tim e si:

th e w s t season was i970, d u b . h it 3 0 0 w ith 36 dou- Abou h o m e runs and 107 outside tg w ith 109 walks. day wh I a n All-Star that sea- G lazcr h is leadoff hom er in port o f I Inn ing against Cat* (and. u n te r sta rted W Unite1 rally th a t ded it — rity b o n In d ie 12th w hen stacUun ra n over catcher R ay -from d i sc o re th e wiiuiing “W e\

They h everybo

B t e a m s g u i l ty rtv a lln i

d P llX tK M llO W j S - ‘ - Form ula One's gov- m em be dy ru k d W idnesday M anchc team s lhat boycoitcd ers ,A ^ d S tates Grand Prix peaccfu ^ofla iling loprovldc ten d t< Ires a n d wrongfully heard." 3 allow dieir cats to T h e C

Ings wriiwill announce their On IXte:

n ts Sept. 14. w ith the/llliam s, Mercedes- and Piei BAR-Honda. TbyoJa. «>orts k1 Bull and Renault u b o m ,0 racc June 19 after ed ch lcf uinufacturer, Mlche- discuss 1 tires were unsafe for sues. - opolisdreulL "T hen Int sta tem ent, the press ab thcywere"veryclls- m on ths by th e dcdsion of invaluab

M o to r^ r tC o u n d l m en w h :m guilty" and wUI the tru th le team s said they a sta tcm y relied on Michelin. rcassurw kI f ia dre supplier' sport oni g it wasn't their fault M anchcj re given tmsultable fuL"

M alcolM ichelin offered the NFL!

Is a n d l m tickets for neers. race. FIA president y h a d harsh words R u s s l a i

;Si^{cnry-Blabaud. S u p e r £d ep u ty d irtc tor of BOSTCn, defended the de- dentVIaco racc . w ith N ee r to guarantee se- ow ner Rorc ra th er than after en c ru s teh e said in a tde* ring duri

•view ."W carenotat w im U .S.issed. We took our But n oIth rigor and hon- the rin g vjn ly th ing wc are sen ted ctisrorthcA m erican admiratlc

Eariler, speculate

D k e e p s m ^ t to

i g l e s n ic k n a m e m ost r e aKEE — Marquette Kraft salets G olden ^ g le s leasedfteralL Russian p: m o n th s o f contro- taken w i2 school said Kraft s a id th a t 54 percent o f ‘At that id th e Golden Ea- d ve h im tl ! perccnt chose the the respc

th e school’s old (hat I have ibou t 23,000 Mar- pie a n d en ts. alum ni and President:

Putin m sive th e people a m en jr vm nt tradition," Ftonstanti m e jpnaident, the S tP e tc rsb L W U d end o f the

M iami Hcmt star off th e rin de, w ho led Mar- Pudn. Put! 2003 Final Four, his pocket i t ’s alw ays been to Russian ic ttc . b u t I'm glad A ccord i Snized a n d voted spokcsmoj d e n Eagle tradi- ring— whi le sa id In a I24d lam o leased by the uni- "substantia

previously tw o M arquette A sen lo

jrcd to give the Dm itiy P c J ilo n c a c h if itro - c ia tcd Prc

n icknam e to given th e rl ich w as changed brary w het ISC it w as inscnsl- are k e p t a m Indians. Kroftls bi01 re jec ted the d u d e p a p r a n d this spring com panies a sw itch from Investmeni

a to Gold, w hid i Super Bow opposed by stu- and coachi

because they w i^ k sa g aJted. The Patrir d e n te d M a y l l o fth c la s tfilie lssu c to av o te . Coen

O S o r mX4 CwttfMPrt-OwmdVshlcI

lb G0% Ofl Orfgiul MSI ^ •TTMdotMttMngtotnnwctr


[I liclDfyilMl«[i.indnc)wpw*_ ontoyoalfywdonlMtwhM

VDUW*Rt.lMWlOOO(Vln« -wttiyoutndttoivirouttauanSiofchoicM.^

I .*Adi«bouiourfietDrvtMckMl ' • I ctftWcittouptaT&OOOtnfldi.

Th«(lQ;Jim30,2008 Tin

B R I E F ^i l w as held in two phases.

first ph ase elim inated t o f th e 10 options — Blue G o ld , w hich was M ar­

ie's fltst nicknam e from •1916, Explorers, Golden in c h e . G olden Knights, ts. Spirit, Voyagers and •cs.

I U nited owner » r 's sons visitVNCHESTER. England — o im G lazer’s sons visited c h c s te r U nlted 's Old ord s tad iu m foi Lhc first s in c c tlicir father bougiii w o rld 's richest soccer

o u t 2 ( » pcople protested dc th e su d fu m Wcdnes- vh en Jocl. Avi and Bryan ;r to u re d the facility os □f a 48-hour u lp to Eng-

h e d ofBdals set up sccu- b a rr ie rs outsicfc the

m i (o stop th e protestersd i^ p tin g th c -v is it:----------------e w a n t to confron( tlicm. hav e been speaking (o

body else sincc their a r­il (hc U.K., ap art frorh (lie Im p o rtan t people — the sa id Mark Longden. a

>er o f (he i n d ^ n d c n t h e s tc r U nited ^ p p o r t - .^ o c ia tio n . "This Is a ful p ro test, but wc in­to ge t o u r m essage

Glazcrs also had meet* v ith U nited’s sponsors, tesday, the Glazcrs m et h e Fbotball Assodation rem icr League as well a s

m in is te r R ichard n a n d M anchester Unit- cf cxccutive David GUI to s TV rights a n d other Is-

ire’s b een a lo t in the UK ab o u t u s in the last 18 is a n d this has been an able chancc to teU die /ho ru n the gam e w hat (h is." J o d Glozersald in m e n t "I hope tliey arc red b y ou r o ^ r i e n c c in m d o u r passion to keep te s te r U nited success-

x)Im Glazcr also ovms ^ Itam pa Bay Bucca-

an president g e ts g n t from Kraft

FON — Russian Prcsi- a d im ir Pudn walked off «Icw England Patriots Etobcrt Kraft's diam ond- te d 2005 Super Bowl irih g a recent mccUng 5 . business executives. lo t to w ony: Kraft says ; w as a gift to Pudn. pre-

o u t o f "resp(x;t a n d lion."3r, R ussian m edia had Itcd th a t Kraft hadn 't lo g ive away the ring, ow ed th e p resident m y « e m Super Bowl ring, lid in a statem ent rc*

W ednesday. The 1 p residen t "was dearly m th its p o in t. 1 d edded to 1 th e ring os a symbol of p e c t a n d adm iration iv e fo rth e Russian peo- d th e leadership o f It Pudn ," Kmft said, m e t w ith the business-

S a tu rday a t itinovsky Palace n ea r sburg . Russia. Near the he m eeting, Kraft took -ing. a n d handed it to j t ln tried It on. put it in x t a n d left, according m n ew s reports, d in g to Patriots m n Staccy Jan\|cs, the /iilch is cncrusted with lo n d s — has a value of itially morc" than the ly rc p o n c d $15,000.Jo r Krem lin official,\5skov. told T he Asso- “re s s th a t P utin h ad : rin g to th e Kremlin li- icre o th e r foreign gifts

b u sin ess interests In- ap e r a n d packaging es a n d venture cap ltd :nts. H e handed out owl rin ra to players i ie s a t his hom e two 0.trio ts h ave w on three t fo u r Super Bowls. inylsd >WB <»»> wporti |

EMEKWmISRP j ^ p i H j j k



ncM»Nm.'IW(nFiB»,lil^ ■3

Page 12: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .


C D aBy Ketth Paraofts Aiioclrted Pre— wrtt

CARY. N .C — Dale w ent 10 spring tralnii looking for answ ers.

Ttie form er m in e and avid fan w as Ted l direction o f th e gam wondered if. tils hero sam e way. Was m oni baseball? Wcrc fa n s lo w ilh itie m illionaire Were rccrcailonal d m Icm?

“1 was tick ed o ff sport." tie sold.

So, am icd w ith a i and a tape rcco rd c r 1 a t Wal-Mart, Shellm a

' chancc to sll d o w n w: such as Tbd WliUams, tin and Pete Rose.

_________ su rprisingty honf?st a^ W q u r a i io r t s . an d returned h o m c to N! he couldn’t w ait to tu terviews into a t>ook.

Thai's w here Shell into a problem.

“No one w a n te d t< m y lx]ok. t>ccausc th e iniervievvs p u t bosebal iigtii," he s a id "I did w hai else to do, s o I r tapes up on top o f a t in tlie attic."

Tliey sat th ere for . -several years, th ro u g h

iog heat o f su m n num bing cold o f w in tt move 10 North C aro lin a friend convlnccd Sh« tu rn iliese tapes in to < after first uylng to m ar liimself, he fo u n d a < willing 10 d is irib u te lh(

Now, 20 years later, volume featuring 11 ir is available to th e gem

■ lie.“li's been a lo n g lir

i ^ " lhe 71-year-o ld J

B rid es W illiams. Ml Rose, others In d u d e d Ripken Jr., Johnny Ben ton risk. Kirby Puckett. Russa. Tom Seaver, Sp: derson and Dave Park w crc done a t sp r in g tr> 1985. but a co u p le c am ShcUman’s trips la te r t son to the M c tro d o m e i his beloved TVvins play.

' That includes t h e ses h in d Ihe b a ttin g cai M anln. who rep laced 1 friend Yo( Berra o s m a th e New York Y ankees th e 1905 season. It w as fourth Slim w ith thi Bombers — he a d d e d in 19(18 — and t ie wai aboui working a g a in fc Gvoree SteUibrenncr.

"I Uke him very m u c d n told Shellm an. “Hi fair wiUi me. WeVe tiad a n d downs. I d o n ’t atvim witli him. h e do n 't alwn w ilh me, bu t I tiiin k he's awful lot ofwronderful tl

And M artin h a d n o ] taking over for B erra, v replaced M dnln ju s t tv earlier.

"I stepped aside fo r Yo d idn 't say a w o rd > stepped aside fo r h in M artin, who d ied o n Cl: D ay 1989. "And h e j aside for me, a n d J ie d id word. We'rc fh en d s fo r 3 I know some o f lh e playi h im very m uch, a n d tha derful.

“I'm not here to t r y to popularity polls. I ’m hei

Classic _Continued from Bl over .'too and lead ing ill In runs scored. T tic a d d speedster David R yan a surging G enish fro m Fi g iven the C ow boys a b o th on tlie bosepattxs thcdugout.

"At first, we w erc a lilt ricd, becausc we h a v e £ differcm persona litics-t team ." S tadclm eir sale they 're a pretty tJg h t even thou(^i a few a re i th e team. It's gocK) fo r tu guys like Mealer, Bem tiaj Elam, bccausc th ey Just play and be o u t there ."

l ig h t chem istry a n d h iid n g will bc im p agabist a tm didonally po CMcrry Creek team in thi

^ boys’opener. As w ill th e I ( a n d the health — o f o u t ^ ^ .N a te Rot>ertson. A fte r (

j to rt. Robenson tia s tiis I _ ^ v e ra g e back above .40

leads the team in h o m c sto len bases, and sluggin ccntage.

Sladelmeir a n d t h e Co\ slofT tu v c been tiy in g (c th e strain off R obcrtso i Jurcd left knee,

"He's had a b u m le f t kn< tiad som e p ro b l S tadelm drsokL "So w eV t trying to ploy tilm o n e ga th e outfi(M and th e n e x t i fo r ttioso d o u b leh ead en

^ c a n start to aee d u r in g th o n d game itiat lt% gtvin]

B4 TtawMmn, IM n Ri

^ o l l e c t i o infrtter_______

>ale Shellman 'S B fin in g in 1985

in o r leaguer K iupw ith ihe ;ame, an d he croes felt the loney ruining slosing touch a ire players? drugs a prob-

o ff w ith my

a ptcss pass e r he bo u (^ t ^Iman got the 1 w ith people ns, Bilfy Mar-

l i e got t_ u i£ w c rs to _ i n T w I i c r n i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l I Minnesota, a u m . tils in-

le llm an ranOaifl Shallman,

1 CO p u b l^ 90 M,1„ Ua®

SSlSlSd^ d n ’l lojow ,o vdn .ballgarI pm all m y in last plaS i.a b o o k c a s e f ty ,- ‘

. . W tien thifor the next ,um cd to how

mmer. lhe „dm lltcdilw a Inlcrm dhls f>to.Flna]Iy. Olcn-commls!

to CDs. and was a n unaba«

a com pany ^velcomed histhem . _ controlling saljor. the flisl -j ju ji1 inccrvicijs loofiroutofUi;cnetai pub- „o ,qo fa r a n d :

baseball in ctim e com- snij; know -d

Id Shellman - h c 's .p r o b a b

icndi.Cail- ], doivn.- , CH. Tbny La WcU. Ucbcrr

Arbilrator IT [ t ia i i^ g ln on Sent

S L #«Xt longtime jg g g jj" ^ “S crp f Players A ssoda

S280 m illion j

pattern o f info I f o r owner ‘ „ i ,e u rg ing of

iu d i,“ Mar. 'o“He's been ' ^ ,. in rin tin in q Shc llm ans

S S cludlnijonofn,,

ul tlilnBs." Rlpkcn h a d . ]

■ “5 s ; s 'rYogi.andl l}lm to go o iit o i w lien 1 day. W pkcn tho h im .- said Inillal season InChiismias . “k't

e stepped bcnch," ho lolddldn’lsaya a rood taste ofarSSycis. called up I n '81layers liked ^that's won- Watched m any.

and I \vas so an tto win any «•»»« «o tlo 'v ithtiere to try point,

some p roblem s.5 d ie team ‘CQ'" ttirec dayiddltlon of tiopc that c a n hen and the - Lcthbrldg1 FUer has bridge. A lberta, (

a boost ^h s and in jo um am cn t. as

Verdes Paniliersliltle wor- 111? Casper. Wyo./c a lot o f Chiefs, C olorados . o n this C o q u lSid "BUI Vancouver, Brillh t cTQun Canada ro u n d or e n ^ i o m cnl'scom pcUKr;.« m e n , "Lethbridge isS t l l d bu,,;,cy:.e,Jwav

SS.kl“ on‘S ' iId dmeJv »ch?ol progmms

rcally fo n u n a lc i comidown.-

. 'h T ™ llic Cowboys V key contitbutlon

Er& “ Sieelman. Nadia. outJcIdcr designated hlttc. it a slow am o n g o ih e rs to r

day's d ia m p lo j .400 an d Regardless, d ie m e m ns. oflcr the Cow boi g in g per- practice — a n d . , good in s ig h t in

Cowboys th e /ro p re p a re d - { to kecp approodxing Arci s o n s in- tournam ents.

Action b e ^ n s knee and a.m. w ilh th e m oblem s,* Casper O ilers an cV ebeen Elks.I g am e h i -----------------------jx ta tD H Hmes-Ncwsspc lers. Yom Larsen can be rvat I th e sec- 656-3833. Ext. ■dng tilm elanen&tnagicvoi

nM «,ldihe T lw nd«A m 30.21

tn featurj j r -----------------------1-----------------

■n. a former player wttti the Lot A ague pityer* and organized them N.C.

;am cs. Wtien you're tnlnd, ‘11 %. baseball ain't n o lineup, y

o u t"t h e conversation Shelln 3w m ucli money itie years In re making, M artin farmsysi bvos getting to bc too high schi

h e also thought enjoyed lissioncr Peter Uc- Williams I a handle o n It. He bashed supporter o f I ommlssioncr,” and h is involvcmeni in salaries.'n k it's TOiten a tilde f l in e ,] hope It won't, id h u rt the fans and I general," M artin v ^ e commissioner tabty the m ost out- le we've liad in so — 1 hope h e nuts a -e a n d Idnd o f slows

c rro tli did just tlial; c d a liltle too well.T h o m as Roberts •pt. 21. 1987, that ilred to destroy free : th e 1U85 season, o r George Nicolau •sguiltyofcollusion le 1986 an d 1987

itie M ajor League dadon 'app roved a n settlem ent w ith e rs. Alihougli base- ICS deny acting in cu m en iS 'traced a iform alion trading o fU cb c rro tliin an

tio ld down player

> interviews arc m s such as that. In- :rom Ripken. When Shellm an irf-1985. t. p layed in 412 js. n o icv cn aq u ar- ly. to the 2.632 tic w hal motivated t o n llie field each liouglil back to his In Uie majors.

<e silling on that Id Shellman. "1 got o f that when I got '81 after tlie s u ^ e a t th e hcnch and ny. many games. . m tsy 1 dldn I know th myself.Int. I made up m y

is . so wc gave tlic lays off. and we h ea l up a bit."

idge Elks of Lctli- a. Canada, vrtll bc a tc li during the a s will the Palo ers o f Las Vegas, yo. Oilers. Nampa d o IQinos ofDen- ]u itlam Reds of r itish Columbia.1 o u t tlie loum a- t i to r i

is a bit young, I■nys real competi- ie lr sold, "a ie rry Io f d ie lop h i ^ I■ns arouna. \Vere c to get them lo

-s w iil need to get o n s from Kenny lian Ramirez and t e r Bo Folklnga,:o m ake it to Sun- I fi lonstilp gam e. I e w ee tc n a ^ d o iix>ys some good n d llkdy som e In to how well

•d — for the fast- j c a C and stale

n s today a t 10 ■

_____________ . ollowoni

tpohs Writer Eric 3 0 d « »i n v Sxt. 220, or ,,n,L



res 20-yi

>s A ncelet Dodgers organlzatlor em Into a 2-1/2 hour CD collec

I, ‘If you ge t back In tho ' p, you'h! n o t go ing to com e ’

sllm an. w h o played six 'in d ie Brooklyn Dodgers’ <

system afte r signing o u t of»:hoaI in 1952. particularly I'cd tits m o m e n ts wltn !ims. Before break ing in i





^ 2 , 5 0 0 BETTER THAN Sll

^ 2 , 5 0 0 BEmRTHANmDODGE RAM

SEEYCancing ond bonui coih ollowanc* >00 lofot l»nui eoth on Durongo I allowance tovjngt on Dodge vehl wonco*, $1,000 frodeJn Bonu* O ing vahlde ot coptroct and. Moidr loy» prior fo puf^OM. LImil one In iced fo deoler priof fo 9 /3 0 /0 4 ;» I by 7 /5 /0 5 . rSIRIUS' ond th .« i

^ e a r - o l d

Ion, complied Interviews wtth oi •ctlon works a t his home Wedn

w ith th e B oston R ed : Williams played for th e h neapolis MUIcrs, a n d tt where h e a n d Sheilm dn crossed pattis.

D uringone o f tils m an y hi ing trips u p to Princeton, ab SO m iles no rth o f th e T Ciiies. W illiams m e t D


C+ F

. 0 ^ 5M B O^OU'RE GET


SILVERADO ^ 3 / 5 0 0 BETT

\NF-I5() ® 1 , 0 0 0 b I


DUR LOCAL Di<• on Ourongo For wiltquollfled I 10 Irtdudii $1,000 inveniory bom thtde* v». combined coih ollowon. Coth Allowone*, and in^ntory I ^ vahlde (rodetln or tunvio mw<t b< I fro<Mn/fum-(n vehide per pureiv ; Xeildency re*tricHont opply. Quo {{RIUS dog logo ore reglttered I

I baseba

Soule, and they ever Hed. 'I\irns o u t mother, w ho w as raised In P rinceto

1 over ' baby-aitSoule. id n u . Shellman m ad e st

doned this to WUll tiardly did any g o o d

> cnv ‘He d id n i care> M hv ab o u ' his love life.' ' th a t’s ^ taugti. n X i t Williams d id c a n

reputation as a h it te /h u n t- w asnt ready to p ro a tw u t sclftot>ethet}cstcvi

; "jYvln w ouldn’t sayWilliams, w ho d ie d r

H T M i> R dD l

\ %/A P R







>ODGE DEALEIid buyen wtien financed through C oflui coifi ollowonce on vehicles Ii ronee on compeimv* modeli. Sovin ry bonu* coth. Trod»ln 8onut Co> It be reglihfred ondfftled In bvyer'* rehaie. Inventory l>enui coih oF $1 aubritlUei ore llfflUed. Mutf fok* del ■d frodenwrtu ef SIRIUS 5ot«n|t*

a l l i n t e n

rventualtymor- yeiirsago ."!J t Shdlm an's the lic ttcr tii/a s b o m 'and m e b i a d ae to n ,.u se d to Gctirig, Co

D iM a ^ o ,A ie su re h e m e n - and a R ax ."/Ullams. bu t it Shellm ano d about 90 ina r e anything ' rest will comife." Shellman um es. For nc

toseetheO rsi:are atMUt tiis attention, rliter, even if he " l ^ ^ d p iproclaim tilm- hear all itiisfl: ever. som ettiing 1ly that." said proud of, andx lnea rty tlu cc enjoys th em i

A T H ...U C T S .



^ 2 , 5 0 0 BEmRTHAN COI


P 0 0 C 3

D odge.oom /o

ER TODAYI|h a rv i i .r FInoncld. Not oil buyan es Invoiced lo diialer prior lo 9/3Q aving'i on Dodge vehicle* Indude co Coth Allowance requires o lrod»4n •r'snomefwolleoti F $1,000 on Vehldei



Press p t i t a sand two of

H H Dale Shell- m an's CDs a t

b M h la h o im ' Wedneutay. lnCanr.N.C.

"I th ink I was one of tiiltcrs. You can put la ss w ith a Rulh, a . Zobb, a Homsby, Aaron and Simmons

n eventually did interviews, and the m e o u t In later voi- now. he^ just happy rst o n e finally gelting

p eo p le axe getting to ; llruiUy." he sold It^

IV c always been nd 1 ho p e cvcrytxxty n a s m uch os I d a"





h3 G E

com pare

ers will qualify.30/04. fTotol consumer cosh '■4n or lurrvJn of

Page 13: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

'Belle 01. M dodra

thcaaica]“ toJuly4

^ T h e T irr

AR!T H E ^

A c t l v i t i e

a t F o s s i lHAGERMA

m a n FossU ; M onum ent \

several fun events for the sum m er. A p "Bats o f Idahc a t 2 p.m. Sa worksJiOD tei tance o: bat: ccosystcm.At In th e evening

f a ptescntatioi“ Owls- WlU be

also is fiec o f » ' th e life histon

V’ birds. If ncsiln)“ short Dcld trij, . presentatiorL'o In addition

shops, the mi providing tour

V a t7p .m .cverylg doyeveningth

Tbuis will meei0 ter, and portii 9 follow a r a i ^ n m onum ent m ty them onum eni

participants or th ro u m the fos

1 A llSeevent; sil Beds Visitor S tate Street In t from the h i ^ ; Information, a o r visit wwwjip

F b r e s t S e r

recreationTWIN FAILS

Sawtootli Natli Fourth of July 1

• will And almosi adon.fadlitles

“For the moj trails are open dapfei, pubUc i th e Forest Scr trail users will C

' a n d trails in thethose above thi vation level, st sn o w ”

WWdapfelwa m a y com e a a som e roads and ccn t rainstorms

All dcvelope< th ro u ^ o u t the tiona l Forest

tiw ™ new Pon Cam pground oi R anger Distrlcl Hills, south oflV d d zcn s have sh< snovnirilt preve L akeQ evuand. to p o f ML Hi blocked by large above the tumol land.

“Forest visitor tha t it Is lU e ^ discharge ilicwi lands." VN^dapfe

Q u e e n c o m )

w i l l b e g i n RBUPEBT —

Fourth o f July Ro n lo r Priiicess Princess will be c crow ned a t there Saturday a t the N ty Fairgrounds.

H ie coronatloi Princess and Juni b e h e ld a tT p jn . Q ueen coronatlo w ay through t ro u ^ ily 9 pjiL - l l i c rodeo starts days w ith mutton p r p Grandstand a n d are availaUe R ocky M ountali 5 3 0 0n iedaS :

Reservtjscatini chascd in ai g randstand seadu ab le a t the gate. C Is $4 Dcr person 01 UyotOve-Chiklic a rc free. For mon call 431-5478.

Acting troup petfbrm at III

JEHOME — 1 read ing progran D ream s a M Darir b e h d d a t a a jn le rom e PubUc Lib AVC.E

Belegaith, an ac locnl youth, will c o n ce o f Rcnals!

' flffhH ngnnrf r im iilS o m 11:15 a jn . J p ^ o n n a n c e , the

o thers fiotn n

toum am eiu .' .

I c o a v M I r o

'-4 '

> o f R u p e rt* :

drama adds 1kalfircwoiksy^4hcrfiday.

P a g e C 4

'im cs-N cw s

R O U N D p

: V A L L E Y

U e s p l a n n e d ^

s i l B e d sMAN — T he Hager, cejvedisU Beds NaUonal indde]t will b e providing dents,m a n d InTormative I n ^ t ithe whole family this cases <\ p iesenuition callcd sores,aho“ wiU b e gtven on DeparSaturday This free fare’steaches (he linpor* Sumdi

3ats In o u r VArstem Thn.A batw alkisplanncd ccnsec

im S m m to y J u ly a a - Itlon o n "Burrowing be dvcn . This event o fA ^ I tw f l l^ tory o f Oie grassland { " f Itlng success allows, a 5® *^ ' « p m ay toUow t e

ion to these work- H ed m onum ent will be mendc

3urs o fth e fossil beds for Mo cry Friday and Sanir- 9“ *?; g through Labor Day M leetatthevisitorcen- m ld p an ts wriU then Welfare lu c r 12 nxUcs to the m their ow n car& At

lent, tangcxswill lead ) on a half-mile hike ! f(»dl beds. . ents m eet a t tho Fos- iior C cnter o n South In Hagerman, across ^ schoo l For moro I, call (208) 837-4793

ervice)n areas openLLS— visitors to the National Forest (his lly holiday weekend lo st all o f th e rccrc- Ics ahd areas open

nost part, all o f the pen," said Ed Wal- lie afloirs ofEcer for Service. 'However, ill Ond so m e passes (he north, primarily I ^ ^ ^ H the 9,000-foot dc-

, still covcred with

w am ed th a t visitors across dam age to ond trails d ue to ms.iped cam pgroim ds (he Saw(ooth Na* st arc o p e n and ith (he exception of Porcupine Family i on th e Minidoka ilc t In th e South iflWin Falls. Prtvate I shoveled th e laigc eventing acccss to nd. The road (o the

H arrison Is still . . ugc snovtrdrlits Just Ut wood ■nofftoLakeOeve- itftvyUtiItors arc remindedsal to possess and i ^ l 'cwoiks o n public 1 -* ^ipfdsald.

mpetltlonW d a y b u h l

— T h e Rupert H i(^ Scl ■Rodeo (^ e e n .S e - step d o s !S3 a n d Junior Icgescho ie crovmed win be ahow“Tl: erodcoM dO T and W wds le Minidoka Coun- five flnaii s. aired Mo idon o f tho Senior receive ai funtorPrinccsswiU aishlp. jT L F tid w a iid th e She sa adon wfll b e m id- when sh 1 the rodeo — stone.1. — o n Sanirday "It wairts at a p.m . both s a l± “It^nonbusdn’ai7:30 it happenm d d d x ts are $6 TheshilUe In advance a t ^Itoin Real-cstatc. high s d.InR upert. around Uting m ost b e pur- fo^

a d ^ c e , b u t ,adng wffl tra ovaQ- Theylae. General seaUng show norSlSfora& un.- dien 5 a n d tm dernoic Informadon. J l JL9\

By Karin Kupe will TtoHjtow : library hag™- TTie sum m er

Library 100 F fa.Forabou

1 acting t r o i ^ o f tboHogen111 do a perform - PRSaimwialssancc sword mission foinulated battles a t c o u ld b eaaLiSoQoMlngifals ing.LocaIth e t io u p e wlQ available ta a ra u o d tte v a l- b ii tn o tth :I Renateaance TVorlun®

jinvitodAftails-, th e ^ iS n d k tn u u

I M l M m w t s iqM irbeai

Ma<joodinjS a n ^ MUlerw*4<aw» witter ._________ (

» 0 b lN G — The Gooding ’tab a n d Living C enter re- <m laS 35 ,5 0 0 fcd cn ilfin e fo r itdcn tsofsm ffabdsepC resli- IiiB, fiiihrrftnfmnnngf»n '<»f|ff>> testigatc tha t abuse and for ies o f residents w ith pressuie ies, according (o (he Idaho { la rtm en t o f Health and W d-!'s B ureau o f ' Facility f-fidards. th e BO-bed facility Is fully U- Jsed again after being o n a ^visional liccnsc until It___

a had been corrected, said ^9 M ason, a H ealth and W d- ■ spokesm an.Thefacllityw as Pallowed to accept new resl- J' ts vhiille o n th e provisionalisc. oealth a n d Welfare recom - nided th e One to th e Centers vMedicare a n d Medicaid of- nIn Seattle, w liich levied the ai, M ason said. ciuiler th is year, a Flcalth and nfare Investigadve team did a o

Mda, eenter, a Buhl Hl|ti School g iriitc (or scholarship money.

u h l s t u d eifnKowaiskl ~ ■Wawt witter____________

HL — Liz Wbods, a Buhl 'J School graduate, is onelosertow innlngafuU col- I—ihoIarshiponABCisrcality icaiT h e Scholar." ice. x ls w as sd ec ted as one oflaiists In th e episode that verMonday, m eaning she will ^ c a t least a $50.0(X) schol-

said sh e felt veiy lucky she reachcd tha t mlle-

witlwas im bellevable." she VIt^ dilTercnt now (0 w atd i p i^jc a “ Sheshow, w hich began airing sevithis m onth , features 10 she'

school s tu d en ts from sho'i the co im try com peting lath

to $240,000 in sdJoUtf-sh d

r'focelnterview sandtests Wb<iw off th e ir knowledge, ■ H

signal sn Kowalski a t lclew* wrtter Scoti---------------------------------- DlstiERMAN — G lenn Me- tieaswould liko to tu n e in to ThPublic 'Hilcvislon for a ^

Tlckker^ o r “The td evce W dk Show." bu t in- trian,le gets a screen full o f Rhreiizz. nearx iu tl.377househo lds in At;ennan area, th e regular Is inu l has b een o u t ofcom - momfor several wedcs and It t a ] ^

e a to n s t im o ln ic tu m - Thcal pub lic television is 'p lace0 th rough basic cable, trana:t h t o t ^ Direct Satellite am ; in tsd to ld an tennas. • tu rn :u^n it, a breakdown o f wait« r s im ply to d ie d u n - . {Ustti uulaUu; ia difQcuIt to igtors ecause che'translator is Ttu


O CT h u rsd a

l g n u r ssurprise InspccUon o f (he fi £v after rccchrlng a com nl ”010 facility, ow ned by<Nc w est Bec-corp o f Pocaiclla to lesiw nd vwth a le tte r dc lng hovkT It w o u ld fix probleiha.The fad llty (hen th^ state It was ready for d i spcctlon and th e state, another im onnotm ced inv gntlon.

The facility w as fined $2 day over tho 122-day peric took (0 com plete th e pnx p lus another S5.000 for 1 den ts th a t p u t residents “Im m ediate fcopardy.”

--------:m uuk^-£crlouft.vlolatiiM asonsald. . , ,

Mason sald^he in d d cn ts i put-, resldonis in 'im m e d jeopardy wcrc:

• IWo cases o f staff abus( o ne inddent. tvro licensed s mem bers restrained a resld w hile ano ther licensed s m em ber gave him a flu s against his wUL In th e other cident, two sia ff m e m t restrained a resident wlille o (h e t slaff m em b er forcl

ol g rad u a ts, apeak* w ith o ther (

e n t a d v aO n t h e t u b e

‘TTm Scholar’ airs at 7 p.m. Mondays on ABC. Channel 52.

leadership, creativity a n d se r Ice. The show w as film ed i February a nd April a t th e Un versity of Soudicm California.

Woods said slie h ad a har Ume rem em bering It was compedtlon.

“I Just fd t like i w as workin widi friends," she said.

Woods is known for h e r m at prowess an d m usical talen(j She's uiken voice lessons fo seven years, piano for 12 am she’s perform ed in sevcni shows, said Nelson Woods, he Eiither.

"We’re very proud o f h e r oni iheH a brilliant smdent.’* Nclsoi M>odssaid

absent int least 10 years old. sold Jiir con, d ie Hagerman 'Ihmskitoi llstrlct’s secretary and T asim xT he translator district man-

^ antennas tfiot provide local •jevlslon service to a rou^ily iangular area liom (he Snake hrcr to H om rm an and over to ear W enddl an d G o o d ln ^At the some d m a tho d ls tria in a cash cnm ch a n d needs

loncy to pay to convert to dlgi- ilslgnals.Tho d lstxia ia looking fo r re- lacem enl p arts fo r th e PBS analotoi; but has ye t to find V. Soon a\di1£B pan doesn't im vfanvm m ^ t have to ^ undl next yeai; w h en the strict znigbt upgrade its tians* tors.T he difftdct wfl] need five new

;V alay , J u n e 30 , 2005

i i n g f a c‘ facUl* took th e m an 's pa<plaint, reucs from his han(North- his wrists,la h a d •.B ddsores: Fouidcii^- werc'foun.d to haveX die O neofthosorcsldcn;n (old sores so odvanced thd rein- lnfecu!d. .t?-, dip • IriUlure o f fnam™ycsu- Investigpte: Manageiitenr. ‘0 investigate fnc

, abuse;TTieyalsQfall(» tigaui an &iddeni i

•cUcnCs'DVD player

«?”in SSSS'"™'. . - TTicy w ere no( d

doing," M ason sd d . ‘ ? Ing hom e h as been

T h e facility indetse: In chedcered past. A st( i staff ra d o n las( sum m er Isldcnt ' tlie nursing hom e fa

staff pervise a residen(. shoi s e x u ^ y a nd physicacrin - ing o th e r residents,nbers later found th e m an iIc an- resident's bed. Onercibly leg g o t infected bci

> C H O L

r conteitairts on ABC’* reality i

m c e s i n ]I Geoigia Blastock of F

she was dirillcd to see h show.

"I thought she did \ 2- and I expccted her lo,“ ___ said.crv. Nelson Woods said hi I In te r vras acccpied

University and several o ^ leges, b u t where she (

depend pardy o n die c o f lh a sh S S

® “ He said ItS a tcstamei quality o f educadon in £

in g she w as able to get ev she needed dierc.

ad i "The big w in d u t sh nts. was getting on the sho for son W » d s said, m d 'H is family gets DVD sral show in th e m all each f her For d ie first episode. lh<

had a party at Buhl lilgh md and p u t h on a big sae< ion son V>toods said.

Tbplng o f die slioW is f icr, so l i z Woods knows ti

1 the Hagilm digital signal translators tor providing PBS, ABC CB nd and NBC to the district o

sincc 1975. He estimates t Jl- new equipm ent will cos: a l $63,000.lly "We’re kind o f limping kc Scott said o f die cun en t a to The district will raise

that m oney th r o u g fee l a per user. wWch will b e a t ds die tax rolls next year. See ;i- The fee w as approved lun

part o f a S72.000 budget e- The board levied $7501 }S m any years, b u t coll id lapstid in 200^ w hen the n't ous bo ard s m em bers rc to Scott said. As fbr th e PBS le lem, m u ch o f th e dl s> m oney Is tied u p In certi

o f d ep o sit d iat w o n t r w until O ctober a n d D ea

cility fipack of d ra* nursing h o m onds, bruising his w oim d so

i( properly, □ur rcs ld en o . Following ave bedsores. Kation o n di Icnts had bed- K ord iw est B Id ieybccarhe ed th e • ;

adm lnistrato. anagcmcnt (o , ^trutor, beh£ gemonl tailed director a n d . incidents o f N o rthw est ailed to Inves- ages a n d o t It in which n nursing fadL e r tu jned up psychiatric h vcr investigat- navloralhealt

a d u lt 'u n its , t doing'.vrhat care facfUtiei ioscd” TO~bc~~careTinltsrTn d. “T h is nurs- tutlonal p h a cn struggling scrvicc, a gcrii

• ■ - i c e . In -hom e ideed has a hom e hea lth i . state invesd- profit educai er found d iat Idaho. Califoi ! failed to su- according to I nt w ho w as D an A dam Ically harass- Northw est Bi Its. ’i'he staff co rp o ra tio n Ul in anodier dents serious! ne resident's "In dils ind because th e keep a very d

.a r ’

ty show 'The Scholar.’ Woods I*

r e a l i t y sr Filer, said com c b u t Isn't e h e ro n th e doselL

She said it^ 1 d very well nlzed .by p e o p l 0,“ Blastock watcWng ncrsel

This su m m er Ihis daudl- A n ed esin tcm lr 1 a t Yale coUcgc ad m iss ilodiercol- service, e goes will She's also frcd le outcom e d u cd o n assistu

rung in (he e n nen t to d ie dustry. inBuhlthat l i z W oods coi everything wants (o go int

nance o r so she n u d e cn tcrta inm cnL

ihow," N d- plans chan g e week,

V D so fd ic T m a Utde Uls h M onday I w ant to d o wii the famlfy said,

ligh Sdiool The last tw o Ci o e c a N d- Sdiolar” will a ir

L lzV ^ods will b is finished. The show’s m tlnj s th e out- the (op 20 last wi

»erman V>ra (o keep For som e vievreiCBS, FOX PBS is frustradngct as it has “People donattesth a tth e don't m t i(," McCx n t about lu v e n i h ad an y

casting in a t leastng along,’ McCleary d(nt setup. m uch part o f an ex cep d o n fo rlfees o f $7 “I like It b e c a m! added to thing w orth w a tdScottsald. Peter M orrill,lune 13 as Television’s gemCL said h is s tad o n dSOfeesfor extra tran s la to r:ollection Hagerm an dlstrictheprevl- in g to h d p ir e s t e d . Morrill sa id th

PBSprob- -h a d ig p h o n e c a lld is tr ia ’s mails abou t th o p;

ertlflcates "W hen th e sl0t rru tu re reflects badly o ne cem b e t stoa* Morrill sa id

I J Obiluarf«Y Cotnunic

1 J X

i n e d $ 3om e staff didn't assets going1 so o n enough to treat Ho\f. facUlrng (he Inltld Invesd- cometI d ie latest inddcota, "I at Bcc-Cotp tcrmlnat- diat ii

■ m irs lh g - Kon»6’s diat £ator. osslstunt admin- n u ^ irehavloral'rhealdi unit havesid a r e g is tc ^ n u r s c . will he s t Bec-Corp man- Issues, o p e ra te s 12 s i^ c d

id lU cs. two geriatric f«cllll) c hospltaji, th rr^ t)c-calditm lts,tw oyouiig , Th'ts, sev en .lesldentlai 1 'antie s , two tesideullal Mason rjrdosedTJoar^lnsUa— Uon a tiharm acy, a . ^ e r ^ Adai;criatric(layea9 ^ nurslnn e caro seniceirAvt) most r th agencies a n d n o n -- countr ic a tiona l cen ters Iniifornla and Oregon, nation(o ltsW ebslte . H e sam son , president of atlcast

Bec-Corp, said Ills Ccniur m takes such Inci-lusly. Inspect industry, you have toJ 'c lo se eye o n w hat’s Pli


documi ingSch arcato<

- ^ 9 1 tion haj stair dc

by Dian the req

J l ' n statlngi mentatl

/J O fr w iiU m ’ x bydicS J B r M f f w F il Tlie g

th e dis over die eluding

W K K K r m n M numbei ' J j y f l D new wt

H Ilf) W” tl scbool,■ & J I ' / 1 1 frj. I I modula

W § ffw \ elcmcnil \ v J J “W ; V

things 1 cono^cn nx)ni, o

w tsS S u pB b L T M M H R longer

ances. rummittiiue valldadc

1 Is one of live final- cootUnf

rKa spei

S h o w i sn 't allovtvd to dis- b ? £ ^ ^ d

fu n to bc rccog- no thincople, bu t It’s w e ^ S S drseifontdcvlslon. T h e bic r she^ back in Los cracked•ning for Full Ride, a room \lisslon counseling School E

Tlicy weirec lan d n g asap ro - so n an d ils(an l, die lovwsst (],cy ^ c ien terta inm ent in- hergrouj

can 't d edde if she m eeting iin to medkdne, fl- Bccauis o m e kind o f worklnvi

n t S he said her vras appi5C fro m week to group wl

sible unilld ity about w iu t d u ig c s iw ith m y life," she for the Ir

securingo episodes of •The $18.51 pta ir July 11 and 16. tional kdill b e part o f both, page forctings d id not m ake Rowe F[w e e k p j „ „ „r -r chargcsw

G a lley £ 5wcrs, the wait for I fd ie rcq iing . ability to ]ia tc (o It and (hey docum enlcC lcary6a ld .“We terest o fdmy public broad- " T ^ oa s t 30 days.' dons in

d o esn 't vratch pay." Rowan. b u t he makes ^ o d l nbrPB S. Hobdey,au iethcreiisom e- School B<atd d n g ."h esa ld . d ie erou |ill. Idaho Public conditione n e ra l manager. June 16 lcn doesn ’t have a n Pauls. He i[or to loan th e d lstriaw otric t, b u t It Is try- ply wldi t

sheer voluth e stadon has district co

»Ds. letters a n d c - publlc^exe problem . Superins i g ^ Is down it said d ieo n pubUc televi- b ro u A t tlaid . stop.

I n s i d e

irfes . . : ...........C2.3 •lidad .................. C5f ........................C&8

S c c tio n C '

3 5 3 0lg o n .” Adam son said :o\vcvcr, h e said die Gooding Uty is n o t alone w hen it ies to p o o r surveys,

a m confident to tell you In d ie next calendar w a r 50 p crcen t o f all skUcd

sing h o m es in Idaho vtriU severe surveys ahd a third

have im m ediate jeopardy es." h e sa id .j( Mason, said die Gooding Ity Is m orc troubled (han ;rs.'hey ’ve Had morc trouble 1 o th e r nursing homes," on said. “There's no ques-about-it,:^--------------------- ;— I—iam so n said the sk illed ’ lng h o m e industry Is “(fre' t regulated in d u s t^ in oiir itry, even morc regulated' any g ovem m entd orgaril-’

m you c a n imagine.": sa id facilldcs arc audited is( th rcc tim es a year by die ers for M edicare and Med- I ' a n d a rc . regularly x te d to ensure diey meet' afety a n d healtl) codes. F a-. Please see FACIUTY, Page C3

:hool s t r i c t ,

i t i c s s p a r

^ e r r e c o r d sM ther PUkinton

tODING — A request for m ents by a group of Good* diool D lsuict porcnis who odds w idi d ie admlnistra-

las tu rned Into what school describe as a paperwork marc.

g roup o f parenis, headed ona Rowe rauls. had put In !!qucst earlier diis mon(h g d iey w anted to see docu- ation for various decisions ; School Board..‘group h as been critical of lls tr ia o n various Issues he p ast several mondis, in- ig pro jected student body wrs. th e construcdon o f a weight room at die high )l, a n d th e addition of liars as dassroom s at the intary sch o o l : w crc (old verbally abou( i like overcrowding, (he :m n ln g o f die w e l^ t , o r th e approval o fa mp," Pauls said. “Wc can no

r rely o n verbal ossur-*. We \van( to see don."’ req u es t was extensive; n g ^ h o o l District Man- iCathryn Thom pson said )cnt 10 days putting to- 13 boxes ofinveices. four

s o f p u rd ia sc orders a h d nts. a n d m orc dian l.OOt) o f legal papers such a s

id n g b a c k to 1998.Ult th em to knowvrehave lg to h ide." Thom pson

boxes a n d ledgers were d sym bolically in th e

w here th e Gooding1 Board m et on TUesday /crc pu ( therc byThomp- d m arked w ith a s i ^ tha( rcTc for Rowe Paiib and

e u l s d id n o t attend the ig d u c to illness. lUse o f th e am oim t o f ivolvcd, d is tr ia staff say it ip ropriatc (o choige m e whi ch th cy say is permis- tn d e r Id ah o law. The s in d u d e d $250 u p froii^ initial labo r I n v o t^ in

lg th e docum cntadon. p e r h o u r for any addl- iabor, a n d 10 cents p«r rcoplcs.; P auls said (he group o f2 d id . n o t think t ^> w crc appropriate. U slift nc code in the statute towc P auls said (he lav^1 for th e fees to be w a h w q ucsters could prove ln%0 pay, a n d th e rclease 6 ? snts w as In (bc best m - r d ie public. : code allows for situa-j

w hich w c d o not have to rsve Pauls said.ilng a tto rn e y Craig ', w h o represents (he Board, d id not believe u p h a d proven eldier in existed, as stauid In a len c r h e sen t to Row«

c also said a ld io u ^ the ivould b c happy to com-1 tho request, ^ven dto ilumc o f docum ents, dw could n o t d o so a t (heexpense.In tcn d en t Bob Steam ) le re q u e s t “b a a lc t^

d d s offlco (0 a doad










i i

Page 14: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

M agic V

For oU tuary ra tM an day puMicBtion. TTM M rvfc« a n d can b* | ■aga In a n Indvldual

BURLEY— Drew age 66. o f Burley,

. day. Ju n e 27, U niversity o f Uta C enter i n Salt Lake after a courageous leukem ia.

He w as b o m M a In Fort CoIUns, loscph a n d Marie Gregor. H e grew a tte n d e d schools Idaho, a n d M ir School. H e served In d ie U nited S late

___________ overseas, a s an airchanlc.

O n M arch 2 5 ,19( ; ried Sheryl Hardy;' la te r d ivo rced . Hi

• ' ;C indyB uhleronFcl : HclivedinU U ih.N <

ifom la a n d Ibxas. . m ost o f h is ad u lt ]

sp en t living In Idoli em ployed uiroughc a s a long-haul truci s tru c tlo n w orker irrigation pivot tech

M l

Rusiy R aym ond : 27, and M elissa Ma b o u ^ Zollinger, 3C BattJe M oun ta in , 2001. T h cy th en n Idaho a n d w ere moi 13. 2003, in Sublett. 26.2005. they retum c I'ulhcr in H eaven tog

Rusty w as b o m o 1978. in Burley. Idahi sell a n d P a lly 2^11 Sublet!. H e was the five ch ildren. W liile t Raft lUver H igh Scho en joyed wrestlinR, basketball a n d 4-H.

Aficr graduation , hi ud th e C ollege o f S Idaho. H e h a s workw

A utom oiivc, J.R. S Fridal's a n d os a B.L flghter.

Rusty enjoyed cam j Ing horses, w ate r sp< various o th e r ouidoc lies, rem o d e lin g hii working o n cars a n d s lim e w ith h is wife, and daughters. C hcy Madisen.

At tlie tim e o f h i Rusty w as a tten d in g ' w here h e w as th e to class. H e w ou ld have c cd school in Dccem had a carcer tha t h e vi ing forw ard to.

Melissa M arie (Ron Zollinger w as b o m 1 1974. in Idaho Falls. Id

M elissa en joyed d■ cam ping a n d life. She ; joke a ro u n d and had■ sense o f hum or.

M elissa graduatec

RUPERT — Kennel Gosney w as b o m o n M 1927, In D ayton, Wi Dcr>1 Ii. a n d Ella Hors ncy. He h ad lots o f storl about the farm workhc young boy in Washingl

Ken joined (he Unilc Navy in 1944 and sci 1946. He re-enllsicd i serving during the Ko Vielnam eras. He ser 1970, w hen h e w as ho discharged for medic sons. At th e tim e discharge h is rank was gincmon 1 s t Class. H e i Mary Jo C ulley o n F 1961. in Asloria, Orii.1 of them traveled w hen Navy sen t them . %viiich

: cd O regon, Califom Haw aii After n!tircmc

; and M ary Jo m oved to Idaho, lo b e n ea r

; Cam ping a n d flshini• som ething tha t thcy rc : joyed. Everything th« ; thcy d id logether anc■ did you sec o n e with* : other.

Thcy b o u ^ t a hom e■ pert .an d really loved ;

down roots a n d b d n g stay In o ne p lacc after I so m uch. K enny hod i for needlepoin t and m a for friends a n d family, bct«. H e enjoyed grcat-grandchildren’s gam es a n d w atch ing grow up. K cn a n d M loved d c ^ a n d they hod al spedo l pets. Kcnn/i rcccnt fiin y friend, C hi

, been ado p ted by Oyd Judy ond Is becom ing i

; clog. Kenny w as boptk t ' con iinncd in to the Q i : fiilth o n May 12,1996, oi ; cyLuthchui C hu ich in Rl• . He enjoyed going to c

I !

u n M * N m .iw « n


_____ O b itI and MormatSon, can 7 3 ft^ 7 8 1 TTM »«nall addrata for oWtuariM ba ptacMl until 4 m . avary day dual onUna (uaatbook. CO to ww«

D r a w I

rew McGregor, ey, d ied M on-.7, 2005. o t H l rUtoh M edical f u . Jake CKy, U tah, i f)usbottlcv.rith R

March 7,1939, I IS, Colo., to f c rie Rusch Me- rew u p and lols in Patil, vllnico High red four w ars a les Air rarcc, aim lane me-

1961, h e m ar- dy; thcy were

He m arried He lovedI Feb. 17,1996. family a n d h. Nevada, Cal- He wns knovcas. However, his adv cn tu lit years w ere ' wonderful seid o h a H e w as funny s torirag h o u th isU fe pctsonality.ruckcr. a con- Survivors I:e r a n d a n Cindy o f BurlK hnlclan. R ocl^ (Simo

R u s t y R a y m o n

M e l i s s a M a r i e R )

id Zollinger,M arie Rom-

m ei ra, Nev., i tomorrled Feb. k ett. O n June I f im ed to their I togciher.

on Feb. to Rus-

ofth e th ird of ie aiicnding chool. RustyB. fooiball, ^

s S di,B . U M . V :

f c ' S f d S " l l | S h e a r . ,

i „ f r ° o ' ‘r S 'c '. , J was com pleteIlls death , She will be m i

ngW ifo lljh one u ,„, k „ c „ ; top o f hisvc com plet- Busty anti Mem ber anti vlved tar the li tic was look, cheyann an

R om bou^) M c l ^ is ok paronts, Frank i

i. Waho. Eough o f BattI ‘‘.""iL "® ’ "ihc loved to Pam 'Rambougl la d a g r c a t springs, Colo.. 1

Stock of Seattle, Ited from R o m b o u ^ o f ^

K e n n e t h B e

n March 19, ifWash., to lo

largct Gos- torrcstotcii (h e d id a sa ngton. railed Slates served till

1951,Korea and served 'till honorably

»lical rea- leivasE6En- l-le married ra 18.Ti. The two ..........................le rcverthc blble smcty a n d Jic h in d u d - m ealsw ithchurc3mia a n d lost few m onthsrment Ken cnccd health pto Rupert, had gone to Uvc

or family. Assisted Living ilin g w ere >nadc new frien/ rcoUy cn- Joved to go to Qthcy did, coflcc and break

and r a i ^ was able, so h e «Ithcu t the rics w ith his fiici

June 28, 2005, 1im e in R u - p c ^ u l l y inu> d x] puttingn g able to He is survhnxlcr m oving vvlfe, Moiy Jo oid 0 talent son, Mike (Lindm ade gifts Hcrmlston, O n yilly. m cm . cial dau j^ tc r,LTcd th e Eugene, Ore.; stI's ball Judy (Clyde) Podiing th em grandchildren, E

M oiy Jo Wilson of PcKaiihod sever- (CoUccn) Farkliny ’s m ost (Loictto) Parkin oJnko. has Chad Gosney;3yde a n d grandchildren. Clrag a la rm BicAnno,andBro;itkcd a n d additions to th eC2irlstian Colton and N lcid ,

3 ,an H n l- Uy; two brothers,n Rupert, o f Endnitas, Calo churd i, Gosney o f Simi '



rUARIES —rs Monday throuch SaturdiK OaadI aa to o M ta » m « k * ^ c o m . DMt ■y. To vtow or aubmtt cMtuartaa or rwwJiMClcv8ltoy«0Ri and dick en ‘

I M c G r a g o r


- J * his broi Gregor I Molcolr Boise; Reordor Ibxas, Jt and Juni R)rtgrandch


T hefu

1350 E. the Rev.

:d b e in g w ith his oIDciatlr 1 h is m an y friends, tary rile; »ovm a n d loved for Cemelcr i tu ro u s sp irit, his f rom6uj s e n se o f hum or, his from 1 t 1(» ^ d h is colorful day a t thi /. The iius in c lu d e h is wife, Gregor f lurlcy; h is chUdrcn, donation m a) M cG regor o f anyWcU:

m d Z o l l i n g e r a n d

R a m b e u g h Z o l l i n g

Paula (Pai

(Carolyn)-Jerome; i

and ncphi Melissa

H death byW Frank Ra


Zollinger <^ __I lings.

In BatUe M oun- CampbcUid a n e n d e d Grcat «y ZoUlnj

Lfor two years, " w orked i s an

IVC ass is tan t a n d Zollinger oleld m an y Jobs e n ts .tu g c her Ufc.Oissa’s greatest ac- ZoUlngeri m ts w as her various ai h o r husband, covins,cr tw o dau^tcrs, , f'usty vd Madisen. widi deadi byIrt a n d sou l Margaret;reai pride In tak- Vcmon; grh em and her life M vy Almtlc through diem. grwdfaUicmisscid by every- ^ U ln ^ r-,!w h er and lo v ^ A Joint fi

at 11 a.m.M elissa are sur- 2005, at tli

fr tw o d a u ^ te r s , 'Y*a n d M adisen C h u ^ o f ]

ter-day Saa lso survhred by M mik a n d Gall Ram- wUlbeinS*a t t ic M ountain , FriendsI a n d b ro thers, untU 8 p.rugh o f Colorado m ussen Pu1.. T iim m y (Brent) E 16di S«., Itie. W ash ., Blaine until 10:45tf S ea td e , Wash., the church.

l e r y l G o s n e y

dh cd p ln g deliver two half b ru rc h u iends. The ney o f Eved is, K cn ocpcrl- Richard GcI p ro b le m s and W ^ ; a n d (vo a t VaUey Vista and nephewg in R u p e rt He Kdj was |le n d s thero. bu t by his pansC a th y ^ Cafd for Dene,

iokfast, w hen h e A funeral; c o u ld un d e sto- Friday, Julyricmds there. O n Lutheran Qi, K enny passed SclnRupcrt.> th e a rm s o f th e Fcxivcy olBc

b c no viewe d b y h is lovfrig visitwidiCuiI o f Rupert; his tim e o f thi nclaj G osney of church. Intc l y h i s very spc- thcR upertC iT. V onnle o f itary rites by

step -d au g h te r. All his famaifcin o f Rupert; miss him. W, D arlen e (Jeff) row at our Ioc a t e l l a H ector As Chrisdid n a n d Pete Kcmny’s cntrn o f R upert a n d knowlngdic]r. a ls o great- hess, no moChelscy, & han, joylbrhlm . F

lro g a n ;a n d n c w In U cu o fltie family, Joke, dons m ay IJd o n d h c rC am - THnfyLuthers, R oss G osney ing ftm d. AZaun, a n d B ob und c rd ied liII VaDcy, C alii; MomiaiyRuj


•adRna to 4 p jn . for naxt- toath noticaa w a a (Ma • onllna. or ta plae* a maa- en-OWtuariea.''

(ua, IXirkcy, a n d P en n y Id) Tbchcri o f Idaho Falls; )rothcrs. Gale (Judy) M c- ^)r o f Everett. Wtash., a n d :olm (JUl) M cG regor o f R his sisters. Rose (Dan) d o n o f New Braunfels, s, Judy (Max) Yost o f E a ^ c lune (Lranard) K echlcr o f Collins, C ola; a n d eigh t dchUdrcn.! was p icccdcd In d ea th Is parents; a n d h is b ro th - onald McGrcffor. c funeral w i l l ^ h e ld a t 2 S a tu r^ y J u ly ^ 2TO5, a t _

E. I6th S t, Burley, w id i lev. Darcey G rictm acher ating. Burial w ith mUl* riles WiU be o t th e Paul Elcry. F riends m ay call 6 until 8 p.m . F riday a n d1 untU 1:45 pi.m. & tu r -

t the funeral hom e.2 fiunUy has s e t u p a M e- >r M emorial F u n d a n d tions m ay bc d lrc a c d to /cUs Fargo Bonk.


i g e r

(Paul) Tbm era of B aide lain . Nev.; a n d B rent yn) R am bough o f e; grandm other, Edith 3u ^ ; a n d m any n ieccs •phcws.issa w as p reced ed in by h e r grandparen ts, Rambough a n d Jake

lettlc M artin; a n d a n Iherrie BulterfielcL y is also survived by his s, RusscU a n d Patty ;cr o f Sublett: his sib-

MicheUc (Gnmt) kU o f H eybum , A ntho- Ulnger o f IVvin FaUs,

(Ryan) W ixson o f an a n d S am an th a cr ofSublcU! grandpar- ugcnc and Iva V ernon inysldc, U tah , R u th cr o f IVvln Falls; a n d cces, one n ephew a n d r> aun ts, u nc les a n d ' 2I

Wwas p receded in j,his g randm other, 1,

-et M arion D ooU tdc ^; grandm other, T h ed a 3,dmond Zollinger; a n d ^Ither, Asicl A aron ujr. Ffit funeral wUl bc he ld jtm . Soturday, July 2, _t the Molio First a n d 1,Ward C hapel o f T h e “ of Jesus C hrist o f Lat- Salnts, w ith B ishop

nes ofOdating. Burial " n Sublett Cemetery.ds m ay caU from 6 .p .m . Friday a t Ros- „Funeral Hom e, 1350 “

) t, Burley, a n d from 10h45 a.m .-Saturday a t .


a dsi



r brothers, B c r^ G os- J Everett, Wash., a n d B Gosney of R enton, ■

n d a n u m b c ro fn lc c c s m hews. ■ras preceded in death _ ■orents and h is sister, I

37J wQl bc a t 10 o jn . ■uly 1, 2005, a t TOnlw ■I Church, 909 E i^ th _x r t ,w lth l^ to rC & v ld | Dflidalin^ There wiUlowing. Friends m ay ■.fam U yfrom SajiL 'till *

th e scrvicc a t th e bInterm ent wiU b e ^ II t Cemetery w id i mil- _> by the local veterans. ■ EomUy and friends wiUL We o y tears of sor- ■irloss. ■rlstlons wc cclebratc _sitrance Inio heaven | d iere is no m ore sick-m ore poin a n d on ly ■n . Parade test Sailor! Vof flowers, con tribu - Hly bc m ad e to th e ■ineran Church Build- JL A rrangem ents ore ■! direction o f H ansen 1R u p e rtO u fx ^ ■

TWINFALLS— Helen 1 (Hafer) Golay, 76, bdovec mother, g randm other, am frlenct passed aw ay u nc ecUy on Satttiday, June 25, at h e r hom e.

H d cn w as b o m on Ma 1929,ln'lVvlnRUls.Idaho,t L and Albc!rta Hafez. Ho cnis lived o n Third Avenue the present site o f the polk tion.

They p u rch ased an oc south o f tow n w here itslded until thcy both p away.

She attended schools in Rills and g radua ted from Rills High School in 1947 worked fo r The Tlmes^ r i ^ t out o f h ig h school continued to w ork in t h e ! tarial/bookkccplng fid d ol on lo r i ^ y ycarg^ - e w troduced to h e r Aiture hus and love o f h e r Ufe f y her friend, O relene (Golay) terscn.

Lavwencc I. Golay and 1 L. Hafcr w ere m arried Moi 1948, in th e F irst MeUn Q iu ich and thcy reskled in Falls aU d ie ir 57 yeqrs togi where thcy raised thefr 1

■ children. Judy, Brent an d MShc was a hom em aker 1

o fh e r m orricd Ufe. Shc enj working In h e ry a rd making there were n o Svecds", a t t her obsession] Shc and her t

J o h n

H y r u m S t o u t

John H yrum S tout, age passed away peacefully on J 29,2005.

He w as b o m Feb. 2 7 ,19l( Jay G. and Evelyn S tou t In Sp Ish Fork, U tah . H e grew u{ Buriey, Idaho, b efore honon serving his c o u n tiy in Eur during Wtorid W ar U. H e cs h o m e an d m a rr ie d C an F reestone in th e Idaho F Tbmple on June 10, 1952. T raised thcfr fam ily o f three ( In Kimberly, Idaho, wiicre ow ned Stout's M arke t

John was n o te d fo r his lnd try, his in tegrity a n d his love h is faxnUy. H e served faidifi In m ahy church asslgnmci In d u d in g m tm y years in Boise Tbmple a n d o n a miss w ldi Camilla.

He is survived b y his swt h c o r t Camilla; th ree doughii C harlene (WUI) S tewart, Ji (David) Payne a n d Sha (David) Kanchner, e igh t grai children, one b ro th e r and c sister. ,

Preceded in d e a th by t brothers and th ree slstcsrs.

A funeral wlU bc h d d a t nc Saturday, July 2, a t Glciurn Stoke Center, 4200W. S ) ^ Dr (9800 S.), South Jo rd a rt Vlewl from 6 to 0 p .m . Friday, July 1 Laridn Simsct G ardens, 1950 10600 S , and o n e h o u r bcfi th e servicc S a tu rd ay a t I church. In term en t a t u d i J< d a n City C em etery , ww larkinm om .


I B i ^ E V

— O b it u ^H e l e n L o u i s e ( I

31 Louise ved wife, aunt and inexpea-

March 3, 'io,toCariHer par-raucEastolice sto*

ocrcage :re thcy 1 passed

i in TWin }m IVvin 947. She\eS'>Netvs chUdrcn raised a tool and for a num ber o f yilesecre- also pidced worm:I oir and big supplier for Giwas tn- a b o h d p e d m ilk co

lusband h d o c d raise sheep.ICT good Sne never sa t say) Pe- long; always a buxu

ancTvltallty d H dcn * Shc a n d Lawrcr4oich 7, together a s always’diodist th e back o f thefr hotin IVvln a m a n d buUt a:ogedicr ’ o rm ” for coUcge gfr diiec She m ain ta inedIMark. album ofaU thegfrlscr most to; keeping in touchenjoyed o f th en t. Shc 'w asingsure proverbial 'h o tise ii ttlm cs a iro n e d ia t enteredcrduce ^ is survhred I



. ^ ■ 5 !

J t

igc i i i m i ml^,IUpp«».HXS.

916, to iSpan-. up In ■


r s ,I. They!C ^lS™ *■' To pIndus- individtJVC for T he>i>'uiiy _______nents, in the

and II™'- Our Online S familiSharic a^ d -d one ^ 'n ^ v n o ld i

/ tw o ^ ^Parite6 ^ fw ta noon d-.Cremaimii:owing 'nbMuarnk I i 'S *'V>hH c'H U >rbu jcfcjrc d l CremaiarH t die

* - H c v c 'R c h r , ^^ ^ w t c r a l C h ^

B B S !I 0 0 <YOUR CH


lO T fB S I

JARIES---- -( H a f e r l G o l a y

boncLLown ■ ■ ■ H I H (David) Bre

Brent (Ma J l pandsons,

w t o ; TVvin ond lian a

L ,.'' ' Wslfcboro,;; Golay, File:

TUIany M.

H an n a h H . a n d grca t-^ W brtluit anc h ^ - s i ^ , I


(Donna) Gol

a truck garden I d ^ o , . onef years arul she niccesandiirm s a n d w as a Shewasp:Gimiandh. She her son. Mar

c cows andlalCT SitSTSfQlMi!cp. James an d Iit StiU for very sistcrd. Bariund leo fencrgy EcjgoilnaMc

TntJfunenrrcnce working a t I pJn. Friitys added onto Parke’s Maphouse 11 years Home, 2551

: a tw o-story TVvln RiHs, Id{eglris. sciviccatSurle d a p ic ture FamUy and^ t h e y r c n t e d f r omSt oOpichw ldisevcral 30.2005.atP.ras o h v i^ th e Ihefiunllyisem other” to flowcis, com« d h e r hom e, m ade to theid by her hus- House in Boi

c j i u .A «

B E ” — ' * * * * ' " p io m u . hm Hm p $ Aldto MarHns^Att

»nu« Eotl • 1Win Fell*, ID 63301-67. d A vnu. ♦ Burt»y, ID 83318-2170 »

____ Call Today!

SeSSSs ^

Obituaries\ place a message on : [dual’s Guest Book, g( he Times-News Onlin

d click on "*Obituarie te Guest Book allows fn lily to express co n d o ^ and share memories.

huteral Chapelw o t t /

D F F-lOICE! ^

J~ ~ i ^ a T K ^ f t F U K N


vrence; d a u ^ te r , Atdy irewn. TVvln FaDs; son, .faria) Golay, FUen is, TVevor (LceAnn) in FaBs, S^adiaryThiter icee, Borrows,X N .H .. and Mark I.

en ^ P id H. Golaw TWfri FaUs; ^

n d R i ^ J. T ltner a n d , D oro thy Jensen; fri- c G uU zl Burley. LUa ;, TVvin Falls. Venus Kimberly, Robert

k)lay, Jerome, O ndene c te rsen , Rathdrum , n d m a n y cousins,1 nephew s.1 p icccd cd in death by lark DLGoImr; her par-

1 C harics Hafer: and orfoara Bartlett a n d .IcI^riand. eral wUl b c conductcd Mday, ) u ^ 1, 2005, a t agio Valley Funeral . 151 K im berly Road. Idaho, w id i graveside lunset M emorial Poik. id fr ien d s m ay caU ) p jiL Thursday. June t r i k e ’s.ily suggests b l Ueu o f in tribu tions moy be ic R onald M cDonald o lsc o r Salt Lake Qty.

M M i r f n T M W ■taMMff TM«yl

•3 9 5 “f3 - 0 6 0 1i749 • 200.733.06010 » 20a.67a.5200

A L U A i T O f ^

1 a ngo to .. .ine


ies”friends and nwes

■ I3



Page 15: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

M a g

S ' ’■ G O O D lN (e r ' P iincc. 63. c

^ .27,2005.1. Dave w as

rs, in G ood ingse, • D oroihy P rir

Dave m a n S . i on Aug. 30 . 1S ! and w orked" G ooding u n ttia . Dave w asus .an d f a th e r t•rt ’ i world, a n d1C ' g rondchlldrcn . .D ave lovedIS. . particular, th

H is m o s t V 'm e n ts wr- Cid ! id '

TWIN FAL id f H artm an. I su d d en ly Mitti . > June 27. 200£

R ed o n a l Me « IWtn Falls.5; , Hairlen waa^ . 1937, in A lta

so n o fF lo id a i . , H artm an.

“ He g rew uj^ , moving to thi“ . with h £ fam il

entered th e I3 hc w as statlo: 1 Hc se rved his

' •u n til h e 'w a s charged In 19(

; After se rv in I married M arl ; Nov. 9, 1962. I with h is p a r• Floid a t th e; thru D a iry f• 1965, w h en h e ' Thcisen M otoi

He w o rk ed , m anager a t Th - over 20 yea rs4 m cnt in A u g u *29.1985. M arie• then m a rr ie d

(Doshier) o n N

: L d: R o b e r t D o iI . JEROME — 1 I 60. o f S tan ley J Jerome. d ied1 \j Ih ls hom e in Sts

Arrangem em ^ Hove Rob Chapel in Jeron

Terry B art■ BUHL— T err

53. o f B uhl, d ' J u n e z a z o c i .

A m em oria l : Acid a t 11 a .m .I 2005, a t F arm er < 130 Ninth Ave. r

An ob itu a ry ' ' later edition.

in S po r


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\ $*: , Sale........ WI 12x14*5.12% Cai ^ 6 -S to v o Jo c k ■

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“rI M f e m r ' t f

’ Manilnl</

G I C V a l l e y

------- O]D

ING — D avid L.3. o f Gooding, Idaho, w ay pcaccfuUy w ith / by h is side on June

ras b o rn Feb. 20.1942,Ing. to Loren a n d *rince.ta rr ie d Vema Wellard 0. 1968, in GUco, Nev., ked a n d resided In jn t i l h is death. ras a good husband r, ills iamiiy w as h b id h is p ride In h is • d ren w as plain to sec.

th e outdoors, in

3St cherished mo> horsi w e re cam ping , w ith

H aH■ALLS — Harlcn H.58, OflVvin M is, d ied H M onday m orn ing , H H

005, a t Magic Valley M ed ical C enter in

ivas b o m on F«b. 1. | | H U tam ont, Utah, th e J T ^ ia n d R u th A n d c rsc n

' u p Jn Utah before H d th e IWin M is a rea .

mily. In 1959. H arien e U.S. Army, w here lUoned in Gcrniony. h is country p roudly vas honorab ly dis- 1961.v ing h is country, he larla Wliitchead o n Har 62. H arlcn worked w ith I p arcn ts , Ruth a n d m as. I l e H artm an's drive Churc / fro m 1962 u n iil ier*da I h e w en t to work for Lcf^or jto rs. ters.led a s the scrvicc Hotl T he isen M otors for Jcann*

a rs until his retire* o n e di igust 2003. On Aug. G rubb aria passed away; h e sons, ied feanne D euel Boise, n Nov. 30,1985. Lake <

Death n o 'lowning Burl— R obert Downing, k im iey a n d formeriy o f Duncain \ie sd a y e v e n in g a t d ied aiStanley. , u „ c 2Slents \vill be m ade /\fu nto b e r ts c n Funeral urom e. th e Fl

Churchr t a n S o n n e r Fails, v•erry Barton Sonner.. d ie d Wednesday,

ia l scrvice will be “h ^ c h

. ^ r » c l S e i : ^>e.N.lnBuliL ^ o n u ary will appear in a A n oh

day 's nc

i r t i n g G o o d s /


fe %I m aTent -v.............w$39995 'N,Conva.wl1h 2 5 ^ ° Q

ich Portobio **"!G r i l l — f l ®9 9 1 ^

Colomon 16.4 oz.

I Propane Fuel

^ im eriuS 3 f r 6 8 * l ^

s p o iT iM M M S • e t n m

How Optn » Am. to 10p.* days thru SttnnUy •Siaultir9a

)BITUARIESD a u i d L . P r i n c e

>rseback riding a n d hurjting ith his family a n d friends.

i r l e n H . H a r t m a n

•iarlen was actively involved Ih Ws ranclu ho rses a n d ila- « s. Hc was a m em b er o fT h c <urd i o f Jesus C iirlst o f Lat- :-day Saints, A m erican ]^on an d the G rassroots Cut- ( ).lorlcn issurv ivedbyhisw ife , snne H artm an o f TWln Fails; 15 daughter, H ffany (Nathan) tibbs o f Kuna, Idaho; three (IS, C hester H a rtm a n of fsc. Idaho, Q iris D euel o f Salt Je City, Utah, a n d Q ay ton E

DTICES----nl E vere tt Duncan[MBERLY — B url Everett « ican, age 87, o f Kimberly, i at his hom e W ednesday, i 129,2005. ‘funcnil will be co n d u c ted at m. Saturday, J u ^ 2,2005, at First A ssem bly o f God

rch, 143 Locust SL N., TVvin ' . Visitation will b e from 4 ! 8 p.m. Priday. July 1, 2005,

liitc Mortuary, 136 Fourth | E , and one h o u r before the ; ice o n S aturday o t the i ch. A rrangem ents ore J it the direction o f W hile | uary.lobituaryw illappeorinFri- j newspaper.

iMM 1 Mr. MM* >10. U ran M|wMIRfO»U

yoorcholc9\ C ea tin g sr

S p in n in g > s ^ O M B O S


r ' " ”

B M * U M M S T M E .m


I D av e is sun/hred by hi I o f 3 7 years, Vema: o ne d I ter. Jeanne; o n e son, I (Krissi); grandchildren. I a n d N athan ; tw o brc I C alvin Gorrell a n d Ahdn I I GorrcU; tw o sisters, A I (Don) Davis a n d Joyce (] I ‘ K rahn: sister-in-law , S

(D an) GorrcU a n d mmi I n ieces an d nephew s.

H is p aren ts a n d three 1 e rs p receded h im iirdeail

A funera l will b e held n .m . Friday, July 1, ai m aray 's Gooding Chapel b u ria l to follow a t th e Cem elery.

' V isita tion fo r family g friund-s an d will b e from

p .m . to d ay a t th e chapcL

inI (H eother) D euel o f TVvin

Also surv iv ing is o ne s ' Kreen (Rulon) G ilbert of

Falls; a s well os tw o gran( I d ren . Avety G rubbs I Q tiin tyn Grubbs.' Ho w as p receded in dea

h is paren ts : a n d wife. Mari A celebration o f Harien

will b e he ld a t 11 o jn . Satti July 2. 2005, a t th<? 1 4 th ' LD.S. C hurch. 824 Caswel W.. TVvin Falls, w ith Bi D avid T hom as conduc B tu M will follow a t TVvin C em etery w ith m ilitary hc by A rea Veterans and Auxll

F riends m ay call from 3 8 p .m . w ith fam ily to | friends from 6 until 8 p .m d ay a t Reynolds Fui Chapel, 2466 A ddison Avi TVvin Falls, os well os o ne I p r io r to th e serv lcc at church .

In lieu o f Qoweis, the fo suggests m em orials b e v i H arlen's nam e to th e ^ u c on Program a t C C ontribu tions m ay b e give funeral chapel s ta llo r mail( R eynolds Funeral Chapel, Box 1142, TVvin Falls. ID 83;

M M m m c h n K m t c m

PROFESSIONAL DRIl1) Full-Time Driving SCI2) state certffled 1 Moi Sl Accommodating Set «).CIutcti Instruction5) sem i m ick Drtvlng •

atDrtvIng Range6)Dweeb Board7) Diploma “

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w h ile p a y in g

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___ F a c i l i tConUmmlfromCld ll ties also a re in

------------ a com plaint is fllei"It would take .

p lain all th e proo in place to ensure tiliir tiappens.'* hc

his wife Adam son sakl > r in i i^ . ing hom es a re m i n. I ^ t t frtjm the nursing I ;n. Alle irothcrs.n (Vena) ,-------------------------Audrey

C litaco -S id ' Bichlleld. funcr bratcd a t 2 a n Edwards Cotfioli SixthAve. E . in 1

^ “ . Roy Jam es O®{ RUls, funeral a t ;

^ Parke's FuneralImwood Kimberfy Road,';

“" d Max V Herbo n 5 to 7 ftu^ernl M ass ce ^ a.m. today at

TheTImbs SdSS: Your guide 9 and In Magic 'eath byaria. •-------- ------------------

s i ' *> n F a£ W AR O FX " w o g i j

I BEWfTam. Fri- I T l l B ~ ~ K T t ‘uneral Iw lK s C ( I I've- E.. s m it :ichour ' T0 . . . . . . 1..a t th e I h e r b

fatnlly '

fSi" I BATMiC.S.I. B E G I ^

Iven ‘0 . —tiled to ' UI.ISSSSSS

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WIMB SCHOOL Im tbe ft^ctiooilonth course / ^ <£ ictiedules

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or EZ Pay and X 5‘ American

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/ou pay for your newsps uird or credit card accoi

That's a savings o f ! It's like getting 4 weeks


he Times-News, 132 Fair

■. 2

----------------------------H dccadcs a | in spec ted w hen

31c(L cited fad llcc a boo k to ex- better carep c csse s tha t ore cUiy 20 yuv n o th ing ineg- sakLh e sa id . M ason jk l t o d a /s nurs- reasons foim u ch im proved "Therc ilg h o m e s o f two cused on

--------SE]lid** L ezom lz of Catholic Clera l M ass cele* Rupert (Htxm . today a t Sl pert Chap< lollc C hurch. 161in TVvin Falls. JaNeal I:

funeral a t lG a m e r o f TVvin 2005, a t d

at 3 p .m . today at and Secorral H om e, 2551 Tbe Churc d, TVvin Falls. ' Latter-day

of Burley,rbold o f Rupert, from 6 u ncelebrated a t 11 Rosmusseiat St. Nicholas 1350 R Ifi

i s - N e w s : I |||I1IR |{ d e t o l i f e IH M H B : V a l l e y i n |

■ IF1H E ' H B Hu» I HHH1^®' 'BIE. I i tO A D E D .

l « r ~ : (mI N S _ : U m

I --------

W jS • c B

BJ follawlag:

. “’'dsavet

d receive yowi n F lag (indudes mou3 0 $ 1 5 g if t c€

•vie P asses a t

ng The Times-Ne\ h e s im p le , conven ie

ipaper subsaiption auto oun t with 12 monthly p

if $17.40 per year with r ks of. The Times-News d<

leTiines^Sevim a g i t v t t U e y . t o

airfield St. West, FO Box2 0 8 -7 3 3 -0 9 3 1

sa g o . bem e say thi?, th e m o st m'd l i ty provides Cvc tim es tha re th a n th e very best fa- M; D yea rs ago.’ Adam son

in sa id tiiero aro several ifo rth o L ^re is m o re attention fo- jn th e m and you have

3RVICES —c C hurch , 802 F Sl in frvrr(H onsen Mortuory Ru- o t th opel).

Alll H u tch iso n of Buriey. Poesa t 11 a .m . Friday, July 1, I l a .t th e Springdale First ary, 1 co n d w ard Chapel o fu rch o f Jesus Q irist o f Lelay Saints. 200 S. 475 E M letey. F riends niay call Fallstm til a p.m. today a t p .m .a e n F im eral H om e. Luth

16th Sl , Buriey. a n d K2m(

K m s m

W m i o m m i o iM O M O R D A D B ID I W IT H A T I C K M D

T H U M M Y f t t U H D JAllSofety rules opi

‘<°''''Poper t o o !

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bette r focilliies. be tic r equ ip m en l and better hcsilth c a r d ian you had 20 years a(;o. Mason sold.

Ttmcs-Ncws writer Sand Miiler can be rvachcd a t 735 3264 or by e-m ail a imlllcr<iPmaglci'(

>m 10 until 10:45 a.m . Friday th e church.

Alm o Bean D avidson , o fc a te lla memorial scrvice at a. m . Friday atW liiieM onu-

l364d lA vcE in TVvin rails.

Leila “Leo" Amello J o h an n a ie tzner Hartwig o f TVvin Us. memorial service at 2:30 n . July 10 at R edcen ier theran Church, 400 Irene, nberiy

M stM m statf Mwt(wwa iMttleet

]gp miw.fiRiNbti.eoffl





tsP ay Service.

• checking,7.40!

5 TWn Fan*. Idaho C

^ .......

l»lp-c a re‘KO."





n0:r ,



> t>3

Page 16: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

-C O M M ln Safe Sitter classes

offered at Rupert ho• RUPEItr— SafcSIIK

s it tin g c lasses vvUl b c Ju ly 7 a n (1 8 a i M in idoka ria l H ospita l. 122‘1 Eightl

T h e c lass tc a c h c s bc g irls age 11 to 13 h o w to c m c r s c n c ic s . b a s ic c c a rc skills a n d h o w to c t c h ild re n a n d ke ep th e m

T h e c o st Is S25. Schol a rc availab le b a se d o n fl n e c d . l b r c t^ tc r o r fo r n fo rm atio n , caU lV cna Ph 436-0481 . ext. 369.

---------Applleatlonsavallatfor Oakley rodeo ro]

OAKLEY — AppUcaUt b e in g a c c cp tc d to r OakI< n c e r D ays R odeo Que< Princess.

C o n te s ta n ts m u s t t tw e e n a g es 9 t o 23 h o rse m a n sh ip c o n te s t ' h e ld July 15 a n d specc m o d e lin g will b c h e ld ]ul

F o r m o re In fo rm a tio . V lc k y K ln g a t6 7 7 -3 a i0 o :

< n ? s a - ; 5 a ^ 6 2 o r 704-;

Garden club'h^ara a caring for polnsetfls

'■ . BUSS— TheB IIssH m G a rd e n Q u b will m e e t \ p .m . M o nday a t tl i c ho B o b b ie G oss w ith co -h o ; W aller.

L ayne from Flint G reen w ill g ive a p re se n ta tlc g ro w in g a n d c a r in g fo r pc tia s a n u h o u se p la n t.s.

CSl College for Kids dance classes are sl

TWIN FALLS — l l i c C o f S o u th e rn Idalto is ucct r e g is tr a t io n s f o r C b lleg K ids d a n c c c lasses. T l ic c w ill b e h e ld a l th e D an c e te r, ‘134 M ain Ave. S .. co: e a c h a n d will b e lie id July

" B e g in n in g B a llc t/C rt M o v e m e n t" is fo r ch i g o in g in to k in d e rg th r o u g h sc co n d g ra d e . : b a s ic s w ill b e ta u g h t , i w i th fu n a c tiv i tie s . Stui w ill le a m n d a n c c rou tin i h o ld a m in i-rec ita l. T h is w ili m e e t from 4 to 5 p .m .

“ B e g in n in g Jozz/H lp* vtrill sh o w th e b a s ic begii s te p s o f jazz im d h ip h o p d e n ts wUI b c d iv id e d lni< s e c t io n s , th o s e g o in g k in d e rg a n e n U iroug li sc g r a d e a n d th o s e g o in g g ra d e five a n d up . T liis w ill m e e t from 5 to G p .m .

.**B alle t/M odcm /L >^cal s tu d e n ts go in g in to g ra d e a n d u p . w ill sh o w p r o p e r n iq u e . m o v e m e n ts a n d he im p ro v is e th e ir o w n d sto p s . T ills c lass Is d c sig n c th e d a n c e rs w itli o n e to y e a r s o f d a n c e expcricnc m e e ts fro m 4 to 5 p .m .

F o r m o rc in fo rm o tio r r e n t e r , o r to o b ta in a lisiL a ll C o llege fo r K ids c lasscs 732-6288 o r 732-6290.

W. Mlnlco Middle Set Announces honor roll

PAUL — W est M in ico Mi S c h o o l h a s a n n o u n c e d its o n d se m e s te r h o n o r roll.

Sixth gradeH ig h h o n o rs : A sh le y C

Jessy G allatin . S h a n n o n He He, A n d y W am m . Benja K brtle, K risten Koyle, K ory 1 z lc r . B ro n so n M iller, K S a ld a n a . K ara S c lim ittm i d a c e S o re n so n . W esley W a Ju s tin W h a ic o tt a n d n ln g h o m .

H o n o rs : Joel A n ca g a , Na Ball, Jaco b Barclay, TVcvor I c o e , S h e ld o n Brow n, Alcacan Q ild e ro n , HoUy Call, Jod i ( f ie ld . U u r a D ib b , P J o h n s o n , A n d re w Lay N ic h o la s Long. T ay lo r Lw H arle y M orris, M a r i ^ Rob M a k ay c l Stakcr, S o p h ia Thic a n d K ayb rle Terry.

Seventh gradeH ig h h o n o rs : K en d ra Ba

C h e r i B o u rn e , M a cy Brc h e a d , Jo rg e C a rrillo , Er C a y w o o d , B recka Pet N a th a n F ln h , Keloy H am ll K em K indig. B re o n n a Phllli S ^ u c l Spencer, R yan S to d a n d H ayll W o n h in g to n .

H o n o rs : Julia B au m g a m M lc a h Blacker. TlfTani Bro> ing , C o d y Edie, ThUy Engl M lk a y la F ro st. B o b b ijo He M e g a n L indsay . Ken

• PW Uips. D illon R obb ins. B m e y R o b e r tso n . Jake Stab N li i i o la s T ellcria a n d TVe V W odland.

&4 Tkn»N m . TWin Ml*,

__________________________(t U M T Y E V E

» Eighth gradeh O S D tta l H ig h h o n o rs :,

' " r t r A m a d o C a^ ilIo .^ .liter b a b y . G u a d a lu p e

C o o k .S h c lls e D a G areJa , K athryn

g h th S t. K n a p p . E than I ‘ ^ L a y to n . E llzabci

N ik o n . C asey• c h ild re n -jvcvor Stocking, o e m e n a in H o n o rs : E r ic a '

h n ln ^ S 'ln , fl Pol K ing- B fc n d a I

n f inancia l E lizabeth

"phiSips"; “ I

CSI Forenslcs liable-------places-seconi

o r S o Sin w w D e b a te te a m pi

o v c ra U in th e N o r luecn a n d c o n fe re n c e. C o lle g e Region

23 o n sh ip s ln V a n c o tJII 1! T h e to u m a m e r

c o n u « u n liy coUq ^ h ^ d g o n .. W ash ln g to r

l j u l y i e . m a r i ^ t h e e n d o se a s o n . CSI w as Ic o f s o p h o m o re Jao

34-7708. pjjjjg. . O lse n o f IW ln Bill

S a b o u t th ird in th e loum in i a e ' m a n Je rro d Vrtirr, . d e d fo r flfth in thet a v s r m d ^ „ i u ,rcl at 1:30 A tkinson of BiJil hom e of rj-j, .

•host Betz

.^ .n i.o u se T.F. woman cela tlo n o n 80th birthday ir po ln se t- p^^LLS —

1 \v in F a lls will c

Ids n ^ I} s l a t e d I'e CoUege V Jjc c c p tin g W . 2 1liege fo r ^ ' ■ /1C c la v e s •;.> f b,n c c C en - n cost $50

l u i y i i t o y - y y I tr

c™nv4 Vl»W»l "c h ild re n g ra n d c h ild r e n an " B a « c n g ran d c h ild ren .

i S a „ '“^?b '’g ; s r a i ,

i r rh is c lass

M.V. Duplicate eg in n in g Club announc6!liop. S tu - _in to n v o va lleyD upU caie flri

In to a n n o u n c e d ils weeJ

” 8 ‘" ‘0 f irs t, E v a n K ohtzh is c lass M itc h e ll: secon

„ , B u lc h e r a n d Kay I' T - Al P o y n te r a n d Mades fiv e - so n - fou rt) c r te ch - H a n r u f i a n d Sue SlJ how to J u n e j g ^ u b cha• t la n c c R e n e e Bulcliei g n c d fo r D ris c o l l a n d seo I to tw o n o b e r t s a n d Betty J Ience. I t ju n e 2 0 c lu b cha

first. D a v id a n d G' tio n . to s c c o n d , D o ris F listing o f B e tty S a b o : a n d 5SCS, call C ro sh a w a n d Bevei

J u n e 2 1 : first, D a n d M a ry L ee Pfi

School t ie d f o r s e c o n d /l l All F in n e y a n d Joyce

w ilh B e tty S abo on ) M idd le S aw aya .I Its sec- J u n e 2 2 c lu b c h a il- f irs t. R e n e e Bui

G ladys H ar tru ft : si B u rg e s s a n d Jan

y C ook L o n n ie Bum it H ader- L ln g n o w ; fou rth , •n ia m ln B°»W n a n d W llnt jrv K u n - Of**'- ®, K aleb D av id S toker, m C an - T h e c lu b m eets W alton M o n d a y one• " W k . ;

W e d n e s d a y a n d S N akale th e M a g ic V alley Bri

t j r B iin 246 F a lls Ave. In TWI jm ndrla f re s lu n e n 'ts a rc serv d i c a n - F o r a p a r tn e r , coll

L ay ton , Gooding Dupllct L p c h , Bridge names w

S S C I O O D I N G -G o laieoK a ^ils Ju n e 2 4 results:

S c c t io n A: first, N a n d K a ih y R ooncj

Bailey, M ax T h o m p s o n ai B road - T sc h a n n e ri: a n d dci

E m ily a n d fo u r th . D avid 5 Fetzcr, A lA n g lin a n d R H e y l

m llton , Joe B lack fo rd , hlllips , S e c t io n B: first. N lock ing a n d K a th y Roone>

H e n ry R o b in s o n ( fan n er. Black. 'Qrown- G o o d in g duplicati •ngllsh, p la y e d a t 1 p .m . ever

1-laag, th e G o o d in g C ily <cndra Flftli A ve. W. Refresh >. Brit- se rv e d . ,tabley, F b r m o r e inform s TVevor p a r tn e r , c a ll K athy 1

934-9732 .

rt*,kltfio Thunday, Jum 30.200S


C »EN TS- Mrs; Angela Brown,0 .M arlseIaC astiI-le C asiro , G e n p w V V D anielson, ShU yn | | | y n H au n , K a te n n Koyle, Jcssic :a belli L o ^ , N ik k i nuTicrrr y S c i S , a n d ,

S l3 o m c z .D c v lns o n H u n t, J li le e S J b r a S o r1 Ruiz. K y le lgheth Stoker, O liv ia bcIu n lsZ e m k e .

. T h ea tre .C8 team ------------md-ln-tourney--------- iBelle

ToOwatSilaho Spccoh a n d R U a y o te

p laccd s c c o n d Saturday otM o n h ™ t F o re n - „ , ICC C o m m u n ity Ju ly8 -9 o t:lonol C h a m p l- j „ „ 15 .1 5 ,icouvcr.W asiL ih o cost tor nent, w h ich d rew . ond otjultslUegcs fro m O re - uons. coll i ;lon a n d I d a h o ,d o f ih e f o r e n s l c s I :s led by d ie le a mlacob B abcock o f D ary l D.I freshm an B r ia n L o c a l Min: RiUs, w ho p la c c d C o u n ty play im am cn t. F re sh - m e m b e r i orr o f T\vin Fo^ls d e sc r ib e s os th e to u m a m e n t. ly" b u n c h , reshm aii K a t ie "W e w erc jh l also d e d f o r in g if w e wi

COSI . w ith oil l i e s a n d

celeb i^esly Sunday t ii c shov; — Vera W ard o f . Belle, lh e «II c e leb ra te h e r b e in g forcw

flOtli b lrU id ay b e c a u s e shi Willi a n o p e n p a y m e n ts to house fro m 5to 8 p .m . S u n ­day a t 3367 N ; _____________2600 E.

She w a s |“ - ~bo rn V era g g nHUcy in 1944 in Burley a n d ^m arried R a lp h . 9 j iC R >Word. H A c

She h a s 19 a n d 17 g r e a t- r

in , Penny S lew -i a h d A m y V \ ^ | ir/en i. For d irc c - i

to Bridge I w B I ces winners H I H L— T he M a g ic ’

Bridge a u b h a s )

c h a m p io n sh ip :h iz a n d M ik e Richflald Elen :ond . R e n e e R r s t , Dan Oui

unl“ a a d ? ; S.m.all,.Ed,c Skinner. w lnnara warech am p io n sh ip : Ju stin Connellh e ra n d W U m a laalah Duran,jccond , V e e ta M tchaal Brow tv Sabo.:h o m p io n sh ip : ---------------------

S n e f ° J n d - 1 . R 1m d th ird , VI ^TirlyRccd., Dottle MUicr Valley Hou!

H Hand Madelineihamplonshlp; ?®“ ''?rAmc Bulcher and oalucontliirMirasand lcsslo ,us Petes prayrth, Marllm otValleyHousItrfa Driscoll: hot meal ontl' B u r to n o n d o f e a c h m onth

h o lid a y a n d Sfc ts a t 7 p .m . Ic y H o u se I s nond T h u rsd a y a n n iv e rsa ry , oi■very 1 \icsdoy , h a s b e e n th e n1 S a tu rd ay ac w ay .Bridge C e n te r. M r. N ellsenIWln Falls. R e- le a d coniribut<crvcd. p a i e n fo r a n e ;

icate S S o te X ^ JI winners near future._ _ C ra ig h a s In'Gooding dollars In thb r

is announced very little reC0|. w o u ld like to u

1, M ary S tee le s a y th a n k y o u . ney: s c c o n d . ^ OBENC

a n d S h irle y P re s id e n t ded for th ir d V alleyH ouM Id Stoker a n d SH A W NA 01 iy B u n o n a n d P re s id e n t

B o y s O lid Gb . M oiy S te e le M agicV aU ey ncy: s c c o n d , TW in Foils 1 o n d Joyce

Merchants (

tv Hall 3 0 8 E as t E n d H ea

- r » ^ r ^•maUon o r oly Rooney a t ,j.r. H a r ts '5 0 s &

M a g ic B o w t Da



le lo d rire w o rliR T — T h e M o u n t H arri- BH eritage F o u n d o d o n Harc a d d in g its o w n fire- ■

:o R upert F o u n h o f Ju ly Hidon w ith a n e w m e lo - ■

Belie o f R u p e n " ^ c n s H a t th e h is to r ic W U son H

slle-of-Rupert— - ■It 6 ond 8 p.m.It 6 ot 6 ond 8 ot 8 p.m.1 ot 7:30 p.m.1 6 ot 7:30 p.m.It for s tudenu Is S2.S0 lulls $5. Fbr reserve- » ll 67& e866. ■

D. D illc is d ire c to r . vlinldoko a n d C assia players m a k e u p t h e l ! - r cost, w h o DiUe s os 0 “hoot'* a n d "live-

H'c rcc o n sto n ily w o n d er-2 w ould e v e r g e t a full h oil th e Q ctiviues fanU-d In d iv id u a ls h a v e .; d u r in g th e s u m m e r 'D lU esald .how c e n te r s , a r o u n d Tom- e 's ch o o lm arm w h o is Belle reed to sell th e s c h o o l n ia r r she 's b e h in d o n th e n io . i

s to th o “B iu ley Bank." h u sb



Elementary School announced Its Durand; second , Kyrla R ots; and

Its were Breanna Qlllard, Michael I Edmirds, Eric B««iley and Zac 1 >ere Chrli Buck, Rlchy Qodin, Ash inell, Victor R oblet, Destiny Scho ran, S an to i Metendrex, Ju itin Boo irownlee.

ilTERS OF ^ouse takes hatISinO owner na S o nId like 10 ta k e o u r Pcggy^Mr. CralRH . N ellsen . A D ay:a n d ch ief e x ec u tiv e Pride,>unerls to r C a s in o s Cycles,

Ole. an tin u e s to ^ v e b a c k Cafe, Sim u n l ty h e n e w u p Bar& <n d e rf iils m fla tC o c- SaraH :irovldes th e r e s id e n ts K uri.Rouse in IW ln F a lls a D avidsin th e la st T h u rsd a y Russ\i,jn th , every m o jo r M axie’jd sp e d a l ev en ts . Voi- o n d l ^Is c e leb ra ting Its 10th T hary, a rid C actu s P e te s tru ly c therc every s te p o f th e MAS

C en t» n Is c u rre n d y th e E astb u to r in ih c c a m - IW ln new Boys a n d Girls

h i w ith 0 d o n a d o n o f A r e a | • d ie te ch n ic a l cen te r.Ige gift. O u r h o p e s ™ P P >r jc o n s tru c d o n m th e Amei!. A m erics Invested m il lio n s o f 7w ishehis c o m m u n ity w ith VoUeycicog n ld o n .W c de rfu l rto lake dtis tim e to donatlc■ou. Poppy 13MCHA1N O u r Wt p layed ;}use cessiyo^OBENCHAIN volum et v e ry w e1 G ills Q u b s o f Localy p a te d wa Bookvn

Meyer, II s donate to Lynw™ rtcam halHead Slort in H an se n A s p c> thank th e foUowing A m ericjb r th d r d o n a d o n s f o r G lr lsS uandrofllc; ' s u c h anrail R unily F u n C cn - T lian]}s& ‘6 0 s C ^ c , K IM (, D a ls /s , H ^ d n g s , Popp ;

UN]a m a a k s t o J

itt tn e m b e ra o l the ‘B ella o f Ru

m, th e he ro , w o n ts tO ' h e lp He s a v e th e s d io o l so . h e c a n irry h e r. B ut b e in g m e lo d r a - I. a lo t h a p p e n s in c lu d in g a s b o n d w h o w as b e l i e v e d

■ T .T .T N r r

1 1Its spelling bee w inners: nd th in t, Jordan Kent. O th e r iela Edwards, Zak Wood.B T um a^s. Tl{er Trait T-ehIrt sh lyn Rogers, Zak Wood, hoolcraft, Brittney B uckner, tooth, Jennifer QodIn and

T H A N K S -

e m c M o to r Sports, S u e vn, A n d e rso n C om p. Im o g i- 3n S ta d o n , N orm 's C afe,O 'H a n s e n a n d A gee E s ta te , ly S p a . S a m Goody. A u to c, A l's T ires . Curves. A c t io n cs, A d v cn tu rc o r t s . F i e s t a Chili's , B u rge r S top, B u f fa lo , S k a te lan d . S l d c ^ d c r s b G rill. S n u g B ar &G riU .Ib lle z . K ln& eriy K ut & r R& £ G reenw ood , H a r le y d s o n . H a n se n M arke t, i\i. M averick . Gift B am , le's, S a g e b ru sh L a n d m a rk

B ra n d , lank y o u so m u c h . Y ou a r c c o m m u n ity b u s in e sse s .

U U A N W IN ra W O L E R n te r S u p e r v ls o r s t E n d H e ^ S ta rt ;ln F a lls

3 groups laud py Days supportl e r ic a n L egion Post 7 . a n d rican L c ^ o n A uxiliary U n i t h e s to in o n k th e M a ^ c y c o m m u n ity fo r th e v ro n - l1 re sp o n se to th e tlo n s received fro m o u r ry D ay s o n M ay 20 a n d 2 1 . oca! D usbicsses a lso -d a h u g e p a rt in o u r s u c -

u e e re d fo r th is p ro jcc t f e e l rve lcom a::al b u s in e sse s th a t p a n i d - l w e re A lbertson's, v rorm . D ep o t Grill. F re d • r, G ro c c ry O udet, K m a rt, o o d M a ll a n d m e rc h a n ts .

W a h ^ n 's and th e D c- len t o f MotorVchldcs. oedal thanks to our ican Legion m em bers a n d < State attendees for do ing ; inputsiandingjobl <inkYou. •i c o H E N ;ipyChalrmnn j

I T Y___________________ Commur.

idds tt J u l y 4

T ^ J H 5 HW \’

Rupert* melodrama.

■Ip d e a d , a rock d rillln g co n tco n a d isp lay o f A slan ilglitinp •a- “Belle" Is ployetl b y t; a M cB ride. “P ink liam Mucc d III" is p layed by Q ir ls

= Wood R aimoimc

_ HAILEY — U tood R iver■ d ie S c h o o l a n n o u n c c i■ sc c o n d tr im este r h o n o r ro

I sixth graden Iordan Achs, Senecca A

Corissa AUemon. loicph m alt. Ashley AscliUmon. Fra Ayolo, KaseyDaiker, lacat B u n n . Dakota Dames. Brenoa pn. Dnuidon Bony. Alexander Brandon BcoU. Cnwkc Bcnvcn,

i'' Bowman, RUcy Brandon, : .'f. Brennan. Gmce Brtnvn. Saroli I ■ii Shane Brueu. Kyle Cannon. (

C valuzzi. Allie Oeven, O aoud.H ailanC olllns,G ardn«

•n losliua CtotK Moriah Oovis.- Davis. EUen Davi*. Broyam (Chi

La Cruz. F r m Dickey. Emmojai ley.ThnnerDredse.

Anne Drier. WUlie Dugger. 1 Duke. Kalhcrine Dwwr, W

t Eagan, Erica Evan*. CluuUe I llinner Farrow, Karen Flore*. Sl Foley. Siena Fox. David Fox. & F u i^ Isaiali Garza. Brio GUIeipl talle Goddard. Maiy Goltli Louvier Gomez. Maduon Gov Isha Graere. Sodieanne Grossl

- Davis Hague.Jessica Kamilion. Kade Mon

Th^^or Hayes. Amy Heather. Tli- H einrich. . Connor Hesselbi

AUynon Hesteness, Ctistlan Hu Zachary Israel. Mla IdTervsn. Jencson. Kevin Jensen, IMo ] Gobriela Jftarez. Douglas lOng,

* Kbrobkin. Mlchde Krankkalo. Kunz. Kyallla Lee. Cody Levftai

, son Levy. DoUas Lewallen. UditenbeiB, Rhlannon Lopez, to n Lupton. Alexander L

, H annah Lynch. Anthony M* WUliam McCarthy. Jake Mlcz* Cody Moldenhauer, Marien.M(

H d cn Monis. lan Miirnhy, Slo Novnnete. Morgan Nelson. Jt Nevins. VMenyn Nieto. Zoey Ol Esteban Palenda. James Paris. 1 Peterson. Andrew PfellTer, Ai Phillips, Halsey Pleiee, Kdsey P V lao iia Poole, Christopher Pr Kyiee Richmond. M ilan Rojas. 1 Roman. Rebecca Rublnitela I Rtunpp. Amanda ScoIDeld. A! Sher. John Siegel. Rachael Stark, y tasla Street. Mllei Sweek. Thomas. Beniamin Thomj Madison H d ^ ^ Hoylcy Tbmt Alison Tbwn. Christopher T Madeline Uhrig, Hunter Von Bn Miguel Vazquez. Hannah ^ra Nlcol Wheeler, James WUliams Megnn Yates.

Seventh gradeKcvcn Abbott. Max Abd, Wl

AdlcoS Anden Ard. Spencer E Kenny Ballou. Maxw^ Bates, Bird, Austin Bourtet. Sietm Bi Benjamin Broderick.Syd^^Bn

Ran Carey, Chase Caulklns, 1 Chapm an. Gorina Chavez. I< Chrisiiansen. Q irlstopher ~C Michael Coiner, liiylor Coiner. C otvia Glenn Cooper. John O Barry Crow, Amlin Cniz. Model Cunie, lyief Dovls. Keni Davis. Dovts. R)im Dean. Ivory DiUey, E beth Dion. Jordan Doan, Nidi D oblc Dakota D ^ . Whitnee I I ^ .

Fddhusen. Jordan Flola B m ctt t Ralph F om o n . Matthias Fotn Brendan Freund. Brila.Gaed( Monica Gorceau. Ryan Gdskay, C G lbsoa Oaudla CIL Nicole &11 l ^ a Gorham. Catty Gustof Jacquelljto Guzm aa Junes Ha Alexandria H onlsoa Ashley Hj Z od u ry H n b e it Beniamin Hei Ashley Hesteness, HlrJonathan Hobbs, Deborah H

t/unijy Editor. PatMarrantor.

heatriih o lid i

in te s i a n d " I b m " Is p la y ed Ilin g sk ills, sa k cr. new lo Me ly M e h m l P la y e rs , r c a iu rc i v lu d s to n c year, is M arilyn Vris W yolt. p iiin o .

iiver scho ices honoriver Mid- Mnrioli lln-tludrifi iced its Hownrd. lunna llunii . _ i | son, Collin Johmoi).

JnkcKuLwr. Andre-Kc Siim Kooncc, IojIi AlcxAndrIn Kiintz, G

Matthews. JclTcry Mi S f f ll’ McCroskey, Nleh Mc>

M olina. Uobert Moi

a ll Brown. Bergen Palmer, Alex P ” • - 9 ^ ters . Tori Pfaefllc, L

laJaneDU- -niyior nivl_ Robnilm. Jacob Rodr

R udolph. Scan Schu„ V t^ lam sjoberg. Sienhnnle 5Uc Evans, sm iih . Allcin Sowcs. SJiaylcc spiUcr, Karlce SX. Samunl stnuffer. Crockcu St.esple,No- stcvens. Btillon Scc%oltlandla. Sundoll. Somontlm Tb<3ow. AI- res, Denjamln Torrossbaum . lU m cr. Anita Vonicvel

Dcrck Williams, Mlnrlompton. Rusty WlUlams. KcUy \r. Tlwmos and C onnor Znlt. elbacher.

, a “S riie Eighth graderto Jones. Kyllo Anderson. PIng, Jacob Dcviut Annan. Bettsyilo. Laum Baker. Bcalrlz Barrigahritan. All- Mark Beck. Conor Benn. Nicole m an . Sloan Brandonpez. Ash- Amy Buchanan, Jasm

Lynch. M ^ y l o Oippei. CoM artin. Goltli Coben, Ange

rllczulskl. Som ud Coleswotthy, ^lMoisus, dovano. Hanna CunSiomora Davls.MadlsonDeire,l

u Jordan Ihi. Chase Dougherty/O lb u m . William Drier. L a u n Q

iv P lw w M adeUne Flade, Allr P t n S Spencer Fullmer, Alcas. Ingrid M otthew G a p p m ^ ,a Ti BTfVl w ood. Shelby Grubbs,I, Allison H anna GujtaCson. .St.ufcAnas- {?“ ■ *■k. Alex Courtney Ham

F E S S s Jso n . l.yndsey Laschi

* LeBlanc.K tnnaU bkc.l Morcela Madrigal, Bar Rncheal McGinnis, Ml

WUliun Ritl' D ole McLaug rf Bailey, M lltm ann. Maxlmllla :es. Ross Tlw m as M onls. Austin I Brand, ,Nava. Layna Nelson, C< ' Bnnver, NUsen, Hotmail CR t Meo- Ooms, Gobrlela Orop £■ KeUy Padilla. Robert ParU, / > Jacob Roclo Pa tlaa Rika Pert 'Q a rk . Katherine PeitengUi. 5

ier. luDe Kail PiiUUps, Carolyn I 1 Crotty, Prenticc. Bionwen Rail odcldno Javier Rojas. Gregory 1 vis. Paul Rose.W Eliza- Ashlelgh Share, Kal 'Jidiolas Tbussalni. Q arlce Si ee Dud- Swcirk. Dnnicl Syms. / Elferlnft Dfyan TIdweU, Aslil alley, ;0| Nid»olas’nucu,M aryW e ttfo id . goryWakcfldd. Hayden kjstvedl. Yates. Erin Yelda und Lo| jeddert,

■olTITViilGUlettas t^ so n . •A rdi/H M tPiln •Te*/

.|nsro*vnTo*Mlt».To«v j g g g ; »CofM /c<nifl« .QihK Hlmer, n a c U i y € . T a m ila

I Horn, {1120 Montana » Goodint


cSla y

J by A rlen H u n - . v ioun i H arrison red ag a in ih is I W liiiing a l Ilte

ool r rollIrlRuez, Nlcolns loiido, EUen lolin- 3n. Colton Jones. Keys. Audrry Kirk. i!ihiin Kulhnnek. Grncc Ligodich.

Lampl. Itacanno Lll>crt, AicMndni . jpez. Tluuter Mar- vlaninvz. Emily Maxwell, Oiance IcMolion. Itodrigo lolilncaux. Sierra . Jordan Niediich., ■Rinncr Oreiiard.» Palmer. T>1cr Pe-

LUiian Pldgeon. gan Pintlcr, Anne ster, Moriali Pricc, Iro t Megan Rcldy. Riidolpn Rheln-

UvieUo, Dakoda Klriguez. Hannaii iiupack. Zaciiniy J a o a n . SanRjay wvrsby. William

Siag^ Kli,iyinim Steams. Oiclicy ie%’eiiM>ii, Daniel TUft, Fomrst Tbt- irrcs. Stcpiinnie veld, AJyua Ward, llrando Williams, ly \VUlows-Munro

Piper Andrews, sy Aylloa Kaylee Iga. Raechl Dear. ' enson. Julia Bow- on. Bryan Bray, unlne 6 m p b < i Cody Chandler, igeia Coleman. I'.MaddeineCor- ' utToa Matthew e, Elizabeth Diav- u Dovid DredRe. Bgee. Som onw I, Oscar BJardo. e. Nicole Fisher. Alison Freund, Uexandra Funk, er, Thnya Green*3s, ly ie r Gwyan, Stejwanie Guz- . Hdeigh-Mykel im llton,'M egan . Penning; Junior nd. Cla^on Jen- lan iha Johnson. < sidy Jones, Nick

uiftf Emily Lar- check, Gregory «,MeglianLuck. . lorrett Marshall. Mlsho McGonl. , ughiin. Moliy lian Monahan, tin Mosei. Ruby Cole Ne\«omb.I Odlo. Madora opeza. TYansiio I, Ashley Porker, ere, Brian Perry.I. Scott Phdan, n Poole. Launn laff. Jolm Rel^. y Roos. Meggle

CaiUl Stccutra- Sievens. Elsa

. Amy Ttuna>o. ililey Tolmnn, • ’Vhnzeipd.Grc- Icn Waller. Coby • Logan Young.

>«/JoimP»ln . ; , xtull Prttblms ihwFooiProbkro U xison,D PM : ling . 934-<SO(?

Page 17: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

For and the Lati] commui

" wDiv(

W hen plonni Mcxico, itissom i to d cd d c ]tist W, to h iingyourson

TheUluslvcblt Caribbean arc ha visitors should getting away iioi

' beaches a n d dithentlc M eidca

valladoUd may ansivcr.

This charm ing located dircctly b m ous city of Mi coastal icsorts of ladolid oflcrs opportunity to b

« cated at.rcasonatunlimited cxcurs

> In every direction

For years. tO' zoom p astlJ ie ck; o n the ir\vay to thi o fa ilc iien itza . (2 cost) missing moi quoliMcs of tiiis cl

■'Lity. Recently, tl changed. Locals h to tlie a tien iion liave been bestov town. M any havi tliclr storefronts i date those wiio their pace und sei cliiirming city in t Yucatan.

liariy history tel ^ _ Jadolid-nvas one

settlement known city was a powi stronghold agains invasion. In 1542, Montejo a ttcm pte Zaci but failed. Lat century. Montejo'; as “El Mozo“ sue village was then gi< ofValladolidin hot

Mexic(Program wi m odeled afi balloting syLo» Angal»» Time*

MEXICO c r r v Congress approve le ^ lo tlo n lUesda; zens outside die right to vote by n dcntial elections, cwjected to have erfect on n extycar'

The ovenvhelr vote to in itia te b mail m odeled aft absentee ballotl: capped a years«lc debate. Skeptics fc lots sen t througl might bc stolen, t or, given Mexico's mail scrvice. never, politicians w orried In g parties woulc bencQtmorc.

But in th e end, cl bowed to enorm ou: pressure, m uch of migrant groups in Smtes dcmandinK I franchise. T he bill i President Vicente 1 expected to sign II

E v a d o r G ordo, j the Council ofMoxl tions in Los An having the vote wil migrants "feel mor Mcxico."

Although no oni figures, os m any ai

The 40CKnight RIdddf N ow

CORAL GABLES, has been 400 years i ou t on Ills legend, buckling journeys, Don Quljote d e lo the om iored-suitec created by Shakespc ish contem porary C ervantes — has South Florida.' The hidoigo a n d 1

tole com e by woy Ricon ordst Antonie

id aboutitinounity

^ O R T H \

/e into auin n ing a visit lo om etiincsdtniduli t w here you wont som brera b]ue\vatersorthe

:hard to tc sis t,b u ( lid also consider from the crowded

diving into au- g ^ ^

ing colonial city is ly between th e fo*Merido an d the

so fC ancun . Vol- rs visitors the0 b c centrally lo- noble priccs w ith ursions ovoiloble

B u e n a s

- V I S T A S V , . ;

K arla , --------------B a rn e s ih o churci

I th e 15008,

touri.ns w ould Lsh city, city ofVoUadolid Almost

1 th e Mayon ru ins centered i 1. (25 miles to th e o r “zocolo m any o f the fine exception s classic M exican in tite shi , th is trend has line tlieir Isliavecaughton citairs (tw ion that visitors chairs thn stowing on their a re found lave spniced u p These seni Its to accommo- hand-holi lio have slowed to sper i settled into tills d e e p intc n th e hean o f tlie -i-hc zocalt

merdinnL<’ tells us tliat Vnl- p o r tlioseonce n M ayan visit, be si)wn ns Zad. T lie M ayan drcowerful M ayan in VoUndolin s t tlie Spanish Uic finest42, Francisco dc ca ta n Pcptcd to conquer pottery, fL a tc r in t] ie l6tli oUier tiancjo's son known sale. Il Is'succcedcd. The local m u;1 given the n am e Uie crowd;honor of a Span- niosplicre.

CO OKs V01

will beafter U.S.system10*___________

r v — M exico’s oved londmork ;day giving ciU- hc country the y m ail in presi- ns, a m easure o vc a significant V CBar's contest. telm ing 455-6 c ballo ting 'by- I B t v : ’-. a fte r the U.S.

loting system S 'long internal s fear that bai- - lUgh the m ail E n. m anipulated co's unreliable ^er arrive. Som e icd that oppos- ju ld som ehow

d. Che Congress f lOUS grass-roots I o f it from im- in the United

riK th e electoral llll now goes to te Fox. w ho is Luis Polsyo,

, Joy with a M

IXSSrSfAngeles, so ld rn iJ b ro a i t l WiU make im - aboonteo bai

norc 0 part o fM cxican ci

one has exact U n ited Stn / as 10 million tiiem bcliev

)0-year jouriw» Sorvico w h o se palm

insta lla tion£S . Flo. — It (Ouixolexis)u3 since hc se t tr ib u te to i!ndary sivash- m o s t herald;ys. and now. "The chollo M ancha — El Q uilote

ited character now . Marti■spearc’sS pan- h is way thitry MIgu'cl d c b ooks andos arrlveci in w ith Quijon

a n d mixed-]idhisqubcoU c C en tro Culttiay o f Puerto lsh Culturalinfo Mortorcll. Gables.

W H n . F .


Itch of San Bomadlno Is ono of mi 108.

Ol)st every city in Mcxico is took>d around a to w n square plazoio” and Vallaciolid is no localon. Locals love to relax T lshade o f th e trees thot justi:ir central pnrk. D ouble ceiic(two co n n ec ted cem ent wasthat face n n e another) Mayuid a round th e zocala -Spar4,‘nts ore favorites am ong Wanlolding lovers w ho want clcn[lend th e d a y looking watcn to each o th e r ’s eyes, offtl;alo Is also a h o t s po t for crowinLs to pedal th e ir wares. Ch)se of you p lan n in g a drau• sure to ' c h eck o u t the chocdresses (huipils) for sale VnUadolld: they m o som e of huUt.-st av:iilable o n th e Yu- sliU (Peninsula. ' M exican insid; sandals a n d m any lunitlatidlcnifts a re also for archiIs not u n u su a l to find Hest

lu slcians e n te r ta in in g YucaA’ds in this p leasan t al- M<;rc. catec

[)ting for dt

0. a Moxican migrant who lives I I Mexican flag on Tuesday, on the Ity. after legislators approved a b d te vote In th e July 2006 prsildi ballots.

c itizens live in the (uonti Stales, a b o u t h a lf o f tiualc ieved tu be legid imml- illegal

irney of Doniimings. d raw in g s and Theon, "Q u ijo tex tos FridayKls),” is a m o clcm -day 15. iso one o f l i te ra tu re s beingaided stories. year l ihollcnge w as to bring the mte lo th e h e re a n d SpanisartoreU says, m aking the 40througli tw o sbc-foot Quijotid a gallery bursU ng 1605.|o te-them ed p o rtra its Amcd-m cdio p a in tin g s a t was th ilttmil E sp an o l (S pan -' cdlUoriral Center) in Coral Snanis




ilexico in


f many In Valladolid, Mexico. M.

O n our visit to Valladolid. wi ook time to enjoy Oic centra ilaza and visited a fc*w o f thi Dcoi points o f interest.

T he Zacl ceno te is locatec List oif th e m ain square. Zac eriotc is a n historical spo t tha ms oncc a hiding place for thi (laya during the days o f thi panish invasion a nd th e Castt Vars. We stood in aw e a t th e an^ lent w atering ho le a s wc ratclied talented divers siiow ff dieir acrobatics for cheering rowds.Churches arc also a popiilui

raw ond tlicrc arc m any tc lioosc from riglit in the town ol iiUadoIid. M any o f th em were uUt during ilic 1500s a n d ore liU open to Uic nubile. A look iside offers a fabulous oppor- in ity to view th e a r t and rcliitccturc of som e o f Uie car- est structures built o n the ucatan.Many oUier side trips arc lo-

3ted nearby. We cherish the

itizen s o u ti


— I

'OS In Chlcogo, reacts with the floor of Congress In a bill to allow Mexicans Ilv-

iildentlal eleetlons via maIMn

ints. m any o f w h o m hold ol citizenship, a nd ab o u t half fgal immigrants. As m any as

n Quijote lerhe exhibit, w h ich o p e n e d day and ru n s t h r o u g July

is o ne o f m a n y e v e n ts Ing he ld th ro u g h o u t th e i r ln South Florida, a ro u n d I noUon. and in all o f th e m lsh w orld , to c e lc b ra te I 400Ui ann iversary o f D on ijote's flrst pubU caU on in )5. •im ong th e m ost a n tic ipa ted 3 th e pubUcadon o f a new don of th e classic by d ie inish p u b lish in g g ian t 1 guara. Alreody o n sale in

Lliii([ N A T I Q ]

1 Valladol

Many of tho churches were bull

w c m em ories wc have ofiral m ing wiili the fishthe D zitnup cenolc. adm ir

M ayan vessels that rcr:ed the Balimlumche cave iaci trips througli the jun^lat in to th e Mayan ru inshe Kiiliim and Gilchenitza.lie 1 often drcoin of die o |ste n itles yet to be seizein- watcliing die flamingosive Lagartos ami an adven3W the lsla Tiiere is always plent;

in and around the city. 'lar cals a re very friondlto nccomniodniing. 'ih e too f grcal place lo visit and

•re* trcmciy easy city to navijirc So th e next tim e you aiok ing plans to visit tiie Yi} r- . consider hanging youind • Vallaciolid. Youir- glad you did.lie -----------------------------

Karla Bamcs o f Burho- her hiisbaiul arc frvqiteilie lors to Mexica

tside count

14 million of tlicsc im m legal and illegal, may bc lo voie next year, accor estim ates by die Mexici ate.

T he law’s passage, cam e during a special of congress, calls for the lilectond ln.sdtuie. or mall ballots to all reg Mexican voters living who request them tl consular offices and oi Internet and to count tl: mailed back to Mexico.

Tlie dc'cision marked t f toric turning point fi P Mcxican govcmmeni. Fo J j years, government o B term ed as traitors Mc n who left IO work in the0 States. But in die lost c

immigrants in the Unitcc:^ have sent buck m oney i j n hundreds of public-work M cctsinthclrhom cviuagc!1 with m oney matched oy r co's federal, state and

governm ents. Financial has brought a stronger p

k voice.I Using diot leverage i! M brought about 'I\icsday’i ill said Efniin limcncz. proj

rector for tlic Federal] Zacatecan Q ubs in Soi

“ California, and a longUn m igrant activist.

’‘If th e Congress wc hove approved this, the grants would have mode

™ poyahuEepricc."saIdJin who emigrated to the I Suites from Zacaiccos st

d 1991. "It says Uiat imml If can changc things if wc IS togeUier."

eads to Souli bookstores and d ie Intiy d ie new "Don Quijotcs M ancha" was published iB behest o f the Real Acac1 Espanola and ils 21 ofll c language academ ics ir2 Americas.1 Tlie weighty tiordcovci1 tion, priced at S11.95 a

academ y insisted so that1 pie could afford il. inclJ essays explaining the w oJ m aster Peruvian novelist TI Vargas U osa and Spanishi arycrilicFnm dscoA yoIa.

daci N T e s

U d a b cC o u l d iThe Dallas Mon

LAREDO. Te: hundreds of pe fo rth across sho>vlng Mexic d a r in g Uicir

to boid^er guarc tio n a l bridge .

Residents of on th e Mexica Laredo to sho] socialize. Somi wares to sell, as Guerrero Aver

an d onto Con' d ie U.S. side.

-■ ' In c rea sin g ly ,w m r c s i d c n t s o i c w

a r c b r in g in g i d ru g -re la te d vii

I I in N u e v o L arcd o a n s o re co n c

„ . , c a r te l s a n d th c i i lullt during p u s h U ieir deai

p rc m a c y acros! In to Uiis gaiL*wa

ingle a n d „y ,,35 siIns o f Ek several Mexican

d ie border. "We’’!o p p o n u - far, b u t we’re* \ized, like ^ a n y people I?os at Rio ried.'^'cn ture to Laredo policc

ing tw o recent kl•nty to do w hich Uiey acky. ITie lo- evidence of Unkiidly a n d do.tow n is a “T hey seem

nd an ex- ivigaie.1 are milk- '! Yucatan. .3u i som - . ^ ^ . ju WiU be

urIey and ^

itryim ig ra n ts . ^ b ecT lg ib le ro rd in g to d e a n s e n -

;e. w hich al session

R . . . l l . r . n ,« c b . registered , Thousands of peo lg ab road which stretched 1

th roug li blocks along a co

0. -------- -- ------------x] an his-

tlVnly Newspaofficials

to coveit d(^cadc.ted Slates TWIN FALLS - y 10 fund N c,„s Is sc

forks p roj- r e s p o n d e n ts to c ’w J ' p an ic com m unii

VaUey ond Mlni- Previous >vridi

,1 0 “ is o p lu s , b u t : rpoUUcal . B ilingual skUls ai . le For m ore infc• S e C o m u n ld ad cdl r a ic c T S can ton Ioa l735 -: radon o f Icucrs^Dflntcrcsl S oudiem patm@ maglanUl ;Ume lm* .

w ou ldn 't ------------------1C Im m i- fide them Jimenez. c U nited; su ite in f fK jg J Mm igrants ■.vc com c

ith I n jHI

d e la V. a t th e \

Mdcmio-iflUiotcd > i | | | | | | | n | j |

in th e

v er edi- I os th e

peo- n c ludes bvork by slM orio

iCatnuuifituJeditor Pal Ai

xans w out vio1 i t s p i l l o v e r f r edoming News______ n eaed .’

bcr JohiTexas — Every day. il: whcl

fpeop leg o b ac^an d investigis Uic Rio G m ndc. Laredsdcan papers o r dc- ficials ca i ^ n ^ U onaliy by t\vo

jards at the in tem a- FDI spee. UevesLa. o f Nuevo La^^do. the biodean side, com c to forcersihop. visit relatives, across d□me bring gifts o r Authc1. a s diey cross from fighdngvenue, ihcir c ity’s , and died x ro u ^ the barriers o fth c luConvent Avenue on m n by fr. “El Chargly. som e Lorcdo “Bosei;w o n d c rin g ifa fcw FBI ogeg trouble .-too . As over."saI violence cscalates dent,iircdo.' som e Lare- "'Ihls □nccmed thot drug- saicf. reticirenforcersm ight killings 1 deadly Oghi fc r siT- . ignpre it ross die river an'd . when ycnvuycity. • gonizcdi fc commg, odd w c ' A fede\s4iat Ihcy'rc bring- ficiolsaicthem .” said a n oneo fd i

f a homc-buUding occunvcho declined to bc dititdieylie said h er com pa- SomeI scUing hom es 10 the Uire’c cans moving across conilnui We've been lucky so bustling X* very concerned, stroll ol e I know arc wor- scjuare i

H o ld , oilice are* invesdgat- :ux* looklII kUUngs in d ie city, die MLss acknowledge show Laredo 1 Inks to Nuevo Lare- diisweeli

city’s 25fm obviously con- foreaily:

, O n t h e M a r (

ch during the gay pHde parade S people participated during the 2 ed across four lanes of traffic an I contra! Mexico City avenue, ad :hno music.

)aper seeks wi er Hispanic coLS — T he 'H m es-

seeking • corr*;o cover the His-inity in th e M agicIni-Cassia areas. ,ridng cxpcricnccut n o t requ ired .s arc preferred.inform adon. caUed ito r Pat M ar- _35-3288 o r e-m ail ]% Trest o r resum e to I \

L o c a l d a i l y H C W S p i

^ 6 6 % oft_ i ni bi9 th


C m k

C < ^ m i

, TT>ufsd<y,iuM30,2005 Tlmfr


MairaiUoilio, — 7.35-3JH^

? o r r y

) l e n e ec m M e x i c o ?d." said Cily Council m eni- jhn Galo. ’T h e y smell lUce ledicr d iey tuv o r not. the ligadon will show.“ edo I’olice D epjirtm ent of- ; declined to discuss Uie rimes. ^

pedal agent, sold h e be- Larcdo is be ing afTecied by loody w ar bct^vcen en - rs for rival d ru g cartels i die border.horiiles have said that d ie lg is betw een d ie Zctas IC M en in Black o n behalf Juarez cartel a n d Uie cartel y fuddve kingpin Joaciuin lapo G uzm an, sed on m y 27 yexirs as an gent, violence is spilling said Salinas, a L aredo resi-

Is is o rganized crim e.“ he referring to th e recent s in Lare*do. "We cannot ; it. Tlicrc a rc n o borders yoli're talking a b o u t or-

d crime.”deral law enfo rcem en t of- aid two p eop le arrested in die Liiredo kiUings. which vd June H. h ave confe.ssed ley aa* ded to th e Zeln.s.IC in Liircdo p lay down real to their city. Business lues a s u su a l a long - lg San Ucrnardo. People obliviously a ro u n d the t in from o f U i Posada on /Sanigo/ui. Itesidcnis

jkiiig fonvard to hosting Lss 'luxiis USA pageant at > E n te rta inm en t C enter rek. R 'siiviiies to m ark the I50di imiiiversary are set lyjuly.


W iS hH

I Saturday In Mexico City.127th Qay Pride parade, and extended for several advancing to the sound

Titersom m unity

)apers r e a c h

Hispanicsin any 7-day

week.*■ iita iu ii » n i i i .c i r i t / c / f e « f » M A II

i-unirua-osBGCS ISD t u l M n i r tanlM

• tfsh C sn m lttl

i l s a i l M l t i s i i t i i i t n


iw»N«wt. Twin Falls. Idaho C-6





Page 18: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

:i; BRffiFL ij IN M oniierome restai 'Kolds opening

JlillOM E— 'Ih e G i: E’csciidoa's Hustauron o p en uc 129 Ii. M ain, upunint^culcbnition or cuniiig w illl tlic Jerom bor o f Com m crcc Amb a u b will Iw h d d a t no'

O w ner :ind opuralor _ Ijopvz wllJ Ix.* avniJabU fJicoHblic. Lunch rvfn

________ u-ill h e Sf rvL*d.________

Workshop teach grant-proposal v

■ ; I-W INI-ALLS— A w .oonducied Iw a g nm t wevuluucor. will (each h a

.jw re successful anpU a ohciin .some o f th e mi

•dollars available In fc-d priv:ite KianLs uroanizc

l l i e event will b e hcl a.m . IU -1:30 p.m . July I

•fjhtio Inn Suites. 151 Liikes Ulvd. in'IWin FalL

Cxjnducted by D on il 2 .'j*ycar v e te ran o f eviiluaiing a nd m anag i

.state and fc'dunil grants W estern sta tes — th e w will cover find ing sot gnint.s. mistJikes to avol <;f grants avsiilable. m aj p onents o fa grant propi tind lng In te rn e t i sources, am ong o tlie r si

• Myers now serves as su ltan t to organL

ers w ho * seek fund ln gnint programs.

O pen to-reprcsentQ i >ihunicipjil. county, state ’ •And nonprofit organl:

the w orkshop costs Sl pe rso n for professloni

•S145 for those connect' iionproflt organizations tiites areavtiilablc.

To register, call 1-81 T0H37 o r visit www.rc w

Review board: EF downplayed rlsl<a■ DOVIiH. D d . — A COI

sial chem ical ased by I C^. to m ake tiie nonsti s tance Teflon poses me cancer risk than indicat draft jussessment by tl)

a n independen t revicnv has found.

'Ih e liPA s ta ted carli year tliat its draft risk u ien t o f perfluorooctant ilnd it.s salts fo iu id "su}: evidence" of po ten tia l , carcinogenicity, bjised t ihiil studies.

In a draft rep o rt n 'M onday, the m ajority ol hiTS o n a n liPA sc iiavisory board tlia t rc the agency’s rcport con

.that PrOA. also know n a: ■Jikely” to b e carcinogi h u m an s , a n d th a t th

.'should conduct o m c e r i ■sessments for a vari 'tu m o rs found in m ice an

• Unvironm entalists liai report, w hich will b c dis l>y liPA o^icials a n d SAB

'tiers in a public teleconl July 6. as a n Im portant holding governm ent rec and th e D elaware-based leal t^imt accountable.

U.S. automal<ers dependability s u r' D i r r n o r r — A lm o s t

au to m a k e r m ad e sign ■strides in veliicic d epcnc in a n ew survey. J.D. Pow

j\sso c i« te s said W cdn G enera l M otors Corp.. ’M otor Co. a n d Toyota Co.. th e world's th ree largi comakers, w ere top perfo

. T lie closely w atched s •published slncc th e late m easu re s dcpendabilii

;ques(ion ing ' ovm ers o f • je a r-o id vehicles

tliey’re cxperic 'Cm cIi a s w ind noise o r exc C ^rak c wear. This year’s j

q u esd o n ed S0.63S ow n 12002 m odel-year cars .trucks.- C hancc Parker, cxecud icc to r o f p rtxluct a n d rc;

..analysis a t JJ). J\Avcr, sa Industry show ed a 12 p< ■improvement in this year vey. T h e indusuy avcrag 237 p roblem s p e r 100 vc this year, com pared witl

•problem s p e r 100 vchici 2004.

P arker so ld m onufaci ■fbced a variety o f problcj ’the 2002 m odel year.

- co m p iM from s t i f f f<

i g a g c C - 6

I TedNEY By Jennifer Li«----------------- Tlme»Wew* cc

taurant sunvalleers in science

* » o are w ork ing toCazadores y o f th e up co n ran t is now a n d b u sin es lin. A grand found r igh t he 1 and ribbon W hen th e om eO iu m - year's 'RichLai inb au ad o rs sta rted expanc noon today, ing (h is yeo

itorGonzalo d ec ided to jol ible to mc>ct s tan d in g stud efrcsluncnts a n d lechnolo j_______________ f^llabonyion.1.

T h a t ' collat C h e S W ednesday In

I writing\ workshop, itw riterand how to prc-

lUcations to millions of

federal and lizers said held from 9 Jy 12 at die 1566 Blue

o f writing aging locaj. m ts for two L‘ workshop

oftvoid, types najor com- oposoland


as a con- onizatlons.

d ing from

ntatives of

S195 per

with sns. Group



Tstick sub- T T

SS!: H a z ttlie Envi-

in Agcncy. Tho A— oclatndicnv Iwaid

W ILSONVIUlarller tliis M cD onald’s onIsk assess- wrong co n tin e ronoic acid H e w o u ld ha'suggestive plant its lu sh caial hum an land . w here■d on ani- consum ers ea t -

o f h aze ln u ts pe; released 70 (im es m ore (/ o f mcm - American.- w hosclendfic th an 1 o u n c e ofreviewed m a tlc n u tp e ry i

concludcd G erm any woin as C-fl. is strategic move,logenic lo sum crs dovm o

th e EPA h aze ln u ts , groi;cr risk as- and u sed os flomrieiy of (o cokes a n d bre! and rats. In Italy, childliailcd (he m orn ing toastdiscussed chocolate-hazel

lAB mcm - France, d ie sonfercnce is o fien u sedmt step in chocolatc trufDenigulators “W ithout evcised chcm- ropeans ca l as if. in a ft*w w eeks n

a year.” lam enif s t o p

urvey heart o f Amcrlc.nO n io n 's hazi

S r ? o “,5 1 - l ' l ‘‘n ! c . “u„Ita Motor ^ . .LendeSe“K

BAOTMORE 1 o f t h ^ . cjj^ have m u ch succt

“ ®‘=^slve working a t a car r’s survey AdironSacks. w ncrs of CeU p h o n e rec a r s and internet acccss I

, th e MitcheUvillinjtlvc dl- jcn t several e-m

th em toconsoU d • said the d en t lo o n s b > p ^ t , Interest ra te s klci 'car’s sur- -I'vc b e e n p u .rage,was th e m to try lo d o I vT ^dcs lii^ e r . w h o d id i w^th 2M $71,000 In pore h id es in m onth. Tb h is nil

ter e -m alled thii factu rcn they're (oMng his blems In ThcyTl jo in tem

o fb o rro w crsn ia f iffrtpertf lo o n s ln to a n e w c


]\:hLaimc]Liobnun th e Sun> corrMpondent n e rs eu;■--------------------------- ---m endonLEY — Idaho's lead- , n i ^ i y t r ic e and lechnoloffl' 'IbchL- to shape tlie m inds e d byom ing inieilcctuals. oflices. t:less professionals oratory,here In tiie state. Develople planners of la s t (he stateLaunch conference (cclinolo anding and perfec(-gear’s event. Ihey govemmjoin die state’s o u t- ic develudents In business tm d liu slilogy in a yeariong togedier,n __________________ p e dtion;llaboration ended (ea ino lo in a competition a l Ih eg o


lid standi In hit hazalnut orchard i

:elnut groILLE. Ore. — l>elcr o rd iord is on ih e Solos c len t. Iho mlchove done well to nuts in canopy In Sivicier- ,•re each year Annuaa t over 4.4 poundsper person. Tliat's o i

rc than llie avemgeho snacks on less! o f tlie round, oro- ooo

wuld" have been a • o o4/e. loo.Tlierc, con-1 over 2 pounds o f ooa;round Into mealflour, 0ving flavor ° ,oo!breads.ildrcn buiter their source; u Sl w ith Nulclla, azclnul spread, nnd sellinu ,e symmetrical n u t n u ts is Ld a s the core o f battle,.say

••Americven trying, the Ku- h is to ry w;IS m any hazelnuts Pnink Mc(a a s we do here in G co rd n ’s ien ied McDonald, so ro fag rohis orchard three Com parIn Oregon, at th e n u ts a nd cica's ho/xOnul hell, d ie ha/i:lnazclnuis arc con- in th e Unlg d ie best in d ie Am erican;laving exliausied less limn 1losslblliiies. grow- p e r personRdielraticniinnio o f tiie 5.4untapped market e a te n per i

ers, studentMl Pott_________ tlic lo\vest

federal proE. Md. — For two ry. R ‘deralGalloglicr didn't lo a n s carrycccssrcad iinghis ad justed eLighter, \vho arc a rc .set to ju:am p deep In die nge points

In five ycaireception Is weak, m o rc dianis is lim ited Still, It becam'ille, Md.. father th a t rates-mails reminding S choo ls ailldatc federal stu- borrowers;

before higher E ducadondckinFriday. c -m a ils uipushing bodi o f g radua tesdo that, said Gol- sw itch to aId th e some with to o late,orcn t loans last Borroweiiclle£ his daugh- “It's cfh is week to say M cGhee, clls advice. d e n t o f Ccnso fd iousands Services inuahlng to roll old “IV c beenw oneond lock in busiiicssfoi

VioiT hursday, Jui

ch bring:un Volley R e so n w id i w in - se a rn in g c a s h — n o t lo c

lion c o n ta c ts a n d c o n g e- sy train ing . t:h L a u n d i2 .0 — c o o rd in a t- t ly Id ah o ’s .„ > ^ c h C o n n c c (» . th e Id ah o N a d o n a l L ab- , iiiry. th e Id a lio E c o n o m ic Flo p m e n t A s s o d a d o n a n d ala te 's oHIce o f s d c n c c a n d rlo logy — In v ite d s d c n c c Cte c lin o lo g y c o m p a n ie s , v

•nm en t a g en c ies , e c o n o m - tl iv c lo p m c n t p ro fe ss lo n id slu s in css in v e s to rs to c o m c ch e r w id i s tu d e n ts fo r c o m - go n s fo c u s e d o n a io lo g y c o iiu iro rc ia liza n o ir— pL>goal7To sh o w ca se Id ah o ’s vi

. N U T T

srd In Wlltonvlllo, Ore., on April 2

3wers fig]lies of nuts have cho s ol filberts a lso called hazolnul mld-19609. H ozolnuts romoln on s in (ho Umiod Stolos. nual por c a p ita c o n au m p tlo n ol

196S: 0.06 pounds

t065- 1070 1075 "'lijoo'

E: U S. OepAitmonl otAo'leunuro

r backyard . ra>ng A m erican s o n hnzel- an>> b o u n d to b e u n up h ill the .say ind u stry w a tch e rs . figi L'ricans h av e a ve ry lo n g coi ’ w ith p e a n u ts ." sa id J. ow McGill, th e U n iversity o f ha: n’s. d is tin g u ish e d p ro fe s - b u igronom y.ipared io a lm o s t a ll o d ie r d r iid e specially d ie p e a n u t , theu:lnut h a s c lone d is m a lly . w cU niled S la te s . In 1965, a id

:nns c o n s u m e d sllghU y 1in I o u n c e o f h a z e ln u ts k e t•son — a tin y p e rc e n ta g e A ir5.-1 p o u n d s o f p e a n u ts fo r»er c ap ita in th o fo rm o f w h

its in frenzyrest In tere st r a te s in th e tw tp rog ram 's 40 -y ea r h is to - eveL‘ral s tu d e n t a n d p a re n t Ca rry a v a ria b le ra te th a t 's L oid e o d i July. T h e lo a n s usuo ju m p n e a n y 2 p e r ( x n ( - d o tn ts — th e firs t in a e o s e u ipyears a n d d ie la rg e s t in c o rla n tw o d e c a d e s . m a a im c d e a r m o n d is ogoItes w crc h e a d e d u p . p c c> a n d le n d e r s a le r te d d c z 2ts ; th e D e p a r tm e n t o f s e n o n se n t o u t 1 3 m illio n E d i

u rg in g s tu d e n ts a n d k id c s to c o n s o lid a te a n d Wih«0 a fixed ra te b e fo re I t^ n o t

Tw ers go t th e m e ssa g e . pro:

c razy ,” s o ld C la rk thre;, executive v ic e p re s l- d e z f C o U e d a te F u n d in g p h o1 in F re d e r iC k sb m ^ Va. p ltc e n in th e s tu d e n t lo a n h o a » fo r 16 years . T h e s e la s t Tl

N E )unc 30, 2005

;s groups d e n c c and tcch offering o rd e r to raise the profile of s ta te o s a player am ong b ro a d e r invcs(ment commi ty a n d lu re extemal Investor

“T h e sd en cc and technol , is here , a n d has b een ,' said

Rogers, president o f lEDA i also th e Southem Idaho E n o m ic DevelopmO rgan iza tion . "Wc arc w an n ab es — wc are alrc th e ra

“Sc ien ce a n d technol co m p rises m ost o f ou r str g ross p roduc t, n o t ugriculi as It u s e d to be. ’there are p

■ p ltro tn s ld tn h c 's tu w u n d ip w ith in It that don't realize d


I 27. Oregon’s hazolnuts ars coi

ht focushanged iitUeluls h a v o changod Ilttio sinco ono of th o loast popular Iroo

of hazsln u U (n U.S.2 0 0 3 :0 .0 5 pounds

»5 iioo IBM SOOO 20M

•aw n u ts , candy bars, snad m d p e a n u t butter. By 2003 - h e m o s t rcccnt year for \%hlc igurcs a rc available — peani ronsum pdon h ad boomed i )ver 6 p o u n d s per person, wlii la zc ln u t consum pdon hadr ludgecL

“We d r in k European wine, w irive E u ro p ean cars, wc g here o n vacadon — why car VC ca t th e ir nuts7“ said McDot dd.

T h o se in the business of mai « tin g t lie n u t pqint out thi u n e n c a n s do have a soft spc or liazclnut-flavortKi colTce - i/hlch is popular in Amcria

y on eve ofkvo m o n th s is th e busiest IV vcr stjcn.”

Calls to Sun’Ih is t Educado: o a n a rc u p four times thoi suaL “T h e num ber of applica ions th a t vro arc generating ha ripled." sa id Kadiy do ar, di o n so lid a tio n business uni lo noger in Richmond. Va. •T here I*- a n absolute crush c

eople,“ sa id M ichad Heman ez. (isslstant director o f looi srvlces fo r N on h lb x as H i^ c d u ca tlo n Authority. "It reall' Ickcd in a couple of weeks ogi h e n th e new rates wcro an o im ccd .”T h e A rlin g to a Ibxas, non

roflt is h ano llng 600 calls a da) tree tim es the norm . H cman ez u su a lly doesn 't m an thi hones, b u t 'everyone has u itch in a n d h d p ... I'm a llttl*

Tb p rep a re for tho o n a lau ^ t

■_________ Business E a

ps toget]n gs,in We jus( n e e d to teof (he bc(ter."

Ig the The confercncc. 'ununi- today. In d u d e d a scl10^ studen ts from Idohin o l w versity, U niversityaid Jan CoUege o f South i•A and B righam Yotm g3 Eco- idaKo a n d Bopm ent University,c n o t . T he s tu d e n ts wiilrcady JNL accoun t csxccud

uate technology an<lology its p u rsu it o r dccllnc• S S 'Ih e lN L h a s m o re

than e n trep ren eu fs_Riimpq thf. 1

cd iaL PfeaseseeTE

cofttldsred among tho b est In t

5 on pean•------ not Europe, w n e re

csptcsso still n des . T h e No. 2 coffee D

I America is haze lnu t, hind vanilla." sa id Vic m arketing d irec to r of City, N.J.-nascd H azel cil.

I h e irony is th a t (hi additive in cofTces is from real hazclnu(s.

\ "U's a r t l f id a l, ' sali\ 'B u t w c w a n t to : I knowledge w ith A m ei

i f d ic y l ik e l t ln th e iro they m ight like rea l ha o ther products, a s w d

C hanging A m ericai u only h au th e battle , he

On a recen t sp rin g I M cD onald s te p p e d

lacks flow ering o ix h a rd : 13 — banks o f th e WlUami h ich and w alked tow ard hi anut trees, d ie ir b ran ch c ; d to with green leaves. Bu vliile look revealed- b ranc adn't have been cu t off.

“It’s like find ing o u t c. we a id s . O r cancer,’' said ' go aid. recalling th e aftc

Aug. 17. I9 ra . w h e n I: Jon- ered th a t th e Eastci

blight h a d In v ad ed 1 'I 'm lucky I d ld n t lose I

•hat orchard.:' h e said . Fo s p « tlons, Oregon p ro d u o

rica. Please see HAZEWUT!

f loan chan;I've lenders beefed u p sta

tended hours o f o p e n don a re p a y in g a lo to fo v e r ^ M ed ian M a d n a . wi

a t Academ ic n n a n d a ] 1 * ^ in Thmpa. said em plo

cam overtim e b y dock unit o o ia 12 to 20 h o u rs

, ’Then: are o th e r Incent * o f Those w oik taB th e '

shuts b l Juno c a n e am o fu p to $ 4 6 0 ,M a d n a i

^ c r the staffer w h o w rites Jally appU cadons wUl w in ogo dckcts to th e T hm pa Ba an- necrs. As o f la s t w eek

w as in fourth place. Somo b onovrers re

“ y* proccss Is a b reeze, tak 20 mUiutes e ith e r o n tf oronUne.

Collegc L oan C o rp D lcgo-based lo a n j

^ t . Please see LOAffl. ■ i

EcBtor. VifgimaS. HutAm s /

T h c ^

ther stateunds

X, w hich ends 0 1 * 0 0sclect group o f J t^ aa h o State Onl- _ity o f Idaho, TT>eThne»H<

B olse State

w orked withn idvcs to cval- addr o s c s ^ ^ d a t g u o r o ,

Die technology

I TECH, Page C8' p r o p ^ .I ts stu ff foi

nesses have I t h e i i^ t f id o roU ^ e c k s , dqx>sitb(acc dividends, w

______ d o n benefitsI h c Idaho

c h o n ^ su u n d ^ e d p property tha th e tax COR unclaim ed fi transfer t o s t b e deposited f u n d

Theflrsttiii ls2007.Bcfoi taxcom m issi property for In perpetuity.

The Times days p rin ts iv o f unclalmcc w hose lastkn In M a d e NU Tbday^ Ust I l\v in RiUs. *n said each p< Usted today • h d r — ow nsi ty w orth m on

W atch for com lngw cck

BuhlRodney Andrew

Joyce Berrytiil: Clndy Braaton Rick Cantrell Glen Carlson George Chaney.

a r ™ "


re tradidonal UicIaDutra Doris F.

■c Uavoring in Fairchildm t. right W L J. FirazlerV lddN csper, Sergio M.r o f th e Jersey GonzalesizelnutCoun- Leroy Grant

Greon; (he hazclnu( • Glant/Pills-i is n o t m ade bury •s. Tomi Griffinsa id Nespcr. Wllllom Griffin0 sh a re th e AdinB.Hall n e rican sth a t GeryHeldel - ir coffec. then William J.1 hazelnuts in Kuehl wclL" Ann Laflte Ican tastes is Emest E. Lee, henvevcr. Doris Leighton lg afternoon,e d in to h is Patrida A. d n ea r th eim c ttc River Donald E.i h is bdoved l-onfih e s flooded Eduardo Ma-B ut a d o se r clas Alvarado

a nches th a t Eleanor McBride

3ut you have a id McDoU- afternoon of n h e discov- S tem fUbcrtd h is trees. Sanchezise thcw ho lc AgustJn For genera-

Incen. called

1UT8, Page C7 Mlnnlo Stewartnges “r"-

stafDng, ex- [ .KJTOdon and W n o lrvcrtimc.

SSS s s S k ■ := i.c n d v c s ,to a 7623orexL 7ic w eekend •W rlt* to th ea m a b onus Commission, In a s a id And erty Section, Ptes th e m ost Boise, ID 837:vin footbaU • ««nd » « a a IiB ayBucca- fDundOtax.stai»ek. M odna •Logontew A

arxt click on *lre p o n tho erty* for lnstn>

tak ing 10 to forms that cann tho phone mailed to the c

site also p rc^a r p , a San for other name1 provider, otJw states' u AM.PageC8


: T im cs-N cw s

e guardslaimed[)erty4<fWS________________

— H ie state Is safe- undolm ed p ro p e rty reds o f peop le a n d s whose last know n oie in Magic V ^ey . tio State llix C om m ls- , aking for those foOo.

^ U nclaimed

for which Idaho busl- c been unable to find 1 owners, such as pay- a , contents o f sa fe xes, tax reiiinds, stock w oikert com pensa-

I t s a ^ the like. io L e0 s la tu ie in l9 9 7 state law govern ingI property. Now afte r hatls safeguarded by 3mmlssion rem a in s

for 10 years, it w ill state ownership a n d ed io Idaho% general

tim e that will h a p p e n fore the 1997 law, th e sslon held tm claim cd >r its r i^ d i i l ow ners

on Thurs* names o f a sam pling icd-property cnvncrs known addresses a rc Vhllcy com m unidcs. t is ftom Buhl a n d The tax com m ission person or business y — or the person ’s is unclaimed p roper- QIC dian SlOa br other tow ns in cks.

' Sora Taylor Roman Torres Robert Watt

IMnFallsII Richard -n Ochart

Penny Orton Kevin Owings

>y Fem Paine Thomas Provence

Dean Relsbig Barbara Roy Satellite' . Technology

Sowtooth Satellite

RicKard Sm oote

Evelyn Snyder OavMA.Sooter

Ernest Spalding

. Nickolas In Stanzak

Meibo - SlentKord

Anol Surfcovic Cedi Taylor The Home

e Place on Trevor im Thompson

Mark Todhuntef

Valentina Torres

Sinh C. Tran io Joann Ulmer

Robert Valentine

Tanyn C.Vos<iuez

ed Kristen \tols Jose Villa Jenny VAade

ez GailWaskowtoh

Sherri W aters Sallle G.Weeks

Wells Fergo Nathan Wheelef

Carl S. W ilkins'

at to dono on Uaho's un- serty owners list? ir property, do one

^972-7660, ext.. 7627.M ktaho State Tax I, Undaimed Prop- . no. Box 36,1722-0410.U to lostand- ‘Unclaimed Prop-

tnictlons and claim an be printed and e commlsston. The fvldes a search link nes and a link to ' unclalmedproper-

Page 19: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .


investo rs i “ W ednesday

aw aited tit'

S decision or

looked post oil invcntoi vonce in t p roduct.

"Wfc'rc ju tomorrow." tdties stmtc Privaic Bon Idds In th e I

— saying, A rc '_ th ere yet?' ’]^ tag , 'Is the2 ' repo rt out?"

Investors early trading

, a n d a Com“ ' lep o rtth a tt:^ a n a n n u a l r

th e Qrst qua3 p o rt's n ew____________________ ^dom cstlc jriJ ' im provem ci, c en t estimat\ , m onthagoQ“ in th e f ln a lq. B ut th e Vp thcRsd'sOp-* icc .w hichsc

Interest rate w eighed o r

^ I ^ s d c d s k )S nylng stater=1 econom y, isy afternoon,s T h e D ow J■1 cragefell31 .i . t o 10374.48ll 114.85'I\icsd

Broader si1 s li^ tty . T hee SOOindexwaj ' pe rcen t, a ts N asdaq co r

1.00,or0.05{ B onds wc;

, w ith the yicJ IVeasuty noi

up irom 3.97 ' day. The U.Si aga inst th e, p ricesrose.I W allStreet

I Mm Ot> UM (

A£90» - cWlAC U •uinMWiflus •M8M - 14} .AUR - 1141 •AUUd « » » <*T»T « t9jS .M t* 1.19 t t a •ttmne IMO .T >737 '■ « tu t <

“ Is :MWMM .. 7«7Mjjfn r a .

12m .n i3 iaM 'u r 140IMS2 • M v W SUI • MMpUCIMtU AnfeMT .<OM • AiMk .R •.SS~S S li ;s x ' ‘i i : s ;f«»n tu «ts • AraSsi i t ^4«mani.n»42 ..

- iOll • MeBr» - VUs'

.. UO .hrm ■ me «iM M XM >JDHraK14«« 27H •Bi»a 31 UM •.BMC» - nst •!» n c i« r* m s -<8*m M »7« •!

!,» MM «i:S5r*S5S

BMeuy Ml tail •< 0MC«) r.ii -(

s :i s a . '“ s s :1o^m. - t i o -eDtU)S4 t .» a i l • }

.MuOM> *CBiffta 3t isao .2 com .lOuKuoS £ “ « a : :sCWOHJO* ItM «tCVSCbl .15 !9<l 'acuKwttf - a a -0 MCM a iu»ca«M - Ma *1c w ^ m »M .4c«6a .11 nm •«S7AX .«s s f - s 3 ;;CM t*Ua M6( -I.I' CnM a -.1 c n rf tu a n u o a «.t ea#no ot uas -aCrVfM M4T •« OMCng » 2U» >2 CMJI I.Mt «9« >2. OmcnilMMT* - i OMMIMIMJMUi O ttll _ MMctaw t a UM -ao w 1.71 « r t •* c^naivW x a •(> OMtOmTs a a .»Ckrci I.U KOD -Zcbiai . a a o ;s a ’: : : s s

QKfd s g a73a w , » , n t7S t ^ i ' a A i o ->OmMtXMV.TT >a

2 a 4U( •Ms s i s s Ui0MB > ucr «a

, :5

cwaw - a a « a

CR. a c x - ~i« o n iM ta i VM ^i»

>cksriseasVORK CAP) — N ervous i— s sen t stocks low er day ds they anxiously

the Federal Reserves o n Interest ra te s a n d

»ast a n Increase in U.S. itories a n d a solid od- n the gross d o m estic r

I just waiting fo r new s ^ w" said Jack Callrcy, eq- ratcglst a t JJ! M organ 3an£ ’TYndcis a rc Dluhc back scat o f th e car u e w e there yet? Are w c t?' The traders ;ire say- the report outt Is thei t r - Pors sent stocks u p in 1_ J ling on tailing oil priccsOmmarce D epartm ent cuna t the economy grew a t (etc ol rate of 3.8 percent inquaner of 2005. T h e rc - to new re/iding o n gross ^itc : product wns n m nikcdn e n t from the 3.5 per- whc n a ted for the q w m e r a^ and niatchcd grow th stadol quaner of2004. vvill;e two-day m eeting o f *riO pen Market C om m it- (heitl sets the ccntral bank ’s drorrate policy, ultiihately evero n the m arket. T h e stocl

Isk>n,anditsaccom pa- cen tI'tcment assessing th e New’, is expccted Thursday aAct>• portiJW Jones industrial av- gaso31.15. or 030 percent, incn1.48. Ih e Dow gained comesday. ThX stock indicators fell s todl i e Stondard & Poor’s h l ^:w asdow nl.72 ,or0 .14 t h e 'a t 1,199.85 a n d th e $60,

com posite index fell that05 perccnt, to 2,068.89. to b«were barely changed, ‘ 0yield on the 10-yeor hovenote at 3.98 percent, their).97 percent la te TUes- M onU.S. dollar was dow n m enh e euro, w hile gold expee. th enee th ash ad tw o p reo c - In

•« 0>9 DSWXen _ X«0 ttw ;DTE U« 4U1 .SI n«Rin> Dbi*C1«3» 40« >.11 lOtMtJO (M« M aM . a '

4 .2* CMwy - a a *a km a >M Oa«Mi . VM .M n a4} t.ti OM*nnn - KM ... ■»«■*«■ 41 .I t DM* .. 1047 .m Kiwu .R o«nin> *M -01 laW a ! |t mmb ta s e >345 ;i: SS.'S iSS ;S ts ?17 - a CMCn a n 4o • « umAn .» cncTV . lu t -I] iMWTt . a Omrt M 2S« - « U |b 1n -40 Mart ,ic a a - a m m« .«) DotAm IM tus -4J tMW 1 H ..tfl MWiui»4au ..i: LMH>S *?1 S S 5 ..S I S : » i S .10 .» OM I4B 44S Ol UmCm U >4« 0*l£or1Mua» -.It IMMR .. M A rlM 3IM «J4 LimM B >a cus«>1» IUS -M t9 »M Oim .. t t a «aM ‘M ojrgr . 4M .M MWA

s-;i is iss '.M .19 CXOM a 3SM O l ^ g l,B lur c«M)ioou«a . a imm11 07 y 6 y w«4» IOM

S TO a lo a o t umCduII .77 timO tea «M - a u m ■t - a tmMM .. ISO .07 Mbse .at UiCPmn u a . a imm » n

1 *0 bSw il« ^ SilSI* Il 15S aSEJi0 . t i ua a a - i t imm j1 . n c«iiM in a s i o t w uiu iia I r boM ll.w'uS Za 1 o r m.o»ti«utt4o . a w a j4 ..IS rnMitlM HM .M UigSMnti

s :s ^ 1 ^ * 3 ssrg“."t . i a Mom » 4o« o« m at >>I .41 FeetM X 77ia .47 IMM tt} .30 ro«i a 1041 .01 mstiH jr , u frnaa - aM -«t iM a} .110 Fou^ia a a - n taaaoI .n F«*fiM4oiun,2i . a yire<iiI In n o m jtm ..ts, .gi riMoMA. a a o i w g ff n.

I :SI ..It CkCM Ul <U0 - MdM aI . j l .. a«7 . a NoMe i• -a> § • •'* » » JI IS Onn« I a o a - la W M UI .01 OrOm taiOUT - a M rti^ llI .ja omote m a a .is imno ij

: s S S " 3 £ 5 t S s s * ^.ai <toti>ii l a 4 ia .ot moti a

I .07 OmOow . Ma . a MMi a

: 'ii ~ ^ ” ' MULtM t i a Za S m ^ o

*« S S S iia m S .?1r H H.Ul omr^ . luo 09 rau<»tj .11 ium a t r a . l a m ta HCAM- a S7,7D - mCaipl«;S K i! s s 3 SKS.J S K K T S 3 S 3 . !.3 , HMfH l.t« 7U0 0 7 Np0Cu 101

SS ,,J3S S .1! S T " I S S

SS.” s : S So .J.a a tz a -M m M i *:i! S S S S S a Si. ,{oo IM M a a a o t m a x «ji >««•• - a ta o t Rm O .x

i lIn ■■ tai 4i a ..M M>n. ic3 S E - 'S ‘S 3 5 S S " ;3 s ~ s s s - s s s : - s0 9 aS4 04- Ss'Ts s ^2

, a t u i oa g a g e 's

IS U a ajcMA la i a n o? rm m a04 M r o ta a t l *.ia ik*m ta ,a IMO * a ni^tco -

^ PHIf<.n . Ma 0 4 M M .KiM lot 44» 0 2 XSOJOI TM o t MM Ki|< t*ta4aM o * Rm a*

; oil invento]Jon# 29. 2005Dow JonesIndustrials | | ^ g ^

'm m10,374.4a MAH

Pele(w» Hignfrwnptxbm: -O.M 10.433.79 '

Jut>*2e.2005 ----------------

2.060.89 MARI Petctiara* HKih

Hom ptw<iBui: .0,05 2.078,02

upatlons In recent weeks — in- crest rates and oil prices.

Most investors em ect the Fed a raise rates Thursdim the n in th ate hike in a year. Mote signlfl* antlji-theyte-hoping for-a signr— /hen th e Open Market Com - ilttee releases Its po licy taiem ent, that the Increases rill soon com c to an end.The market's anxiety ab o u t

le Fed h ad investors I ^ o r in g a rop in crude oil prices — a n vent that normally would give locks a lift, o n funues fell 94 ents to $57.26 a barrel o n th e Few Yoric MercanUie Exchange [ter the Energy Department rc- orted a substantial incrcasc in isoline production and lesser icreases In oil Im ports a n d sm m erdal crude Inventories.The oil report did reassure ock Investors tiiat the record- 1 oU priccs reachcd earlier in le weelc, when crude passed 30, m ay conUnue to drop a n d lat an oU shortage doesnt look I be imminent.‘Our sense is tltat com panies

iivc no t been challcngccl to get lelr hands on oude.’ sald Bob [orris, director of equity invest- lents a t Lord A bbctt “Itls m ore (pensive, but the availability Is icre."In com pany news, O rad c

a tu luo ..IS niCM it a n .«T |n>n> . 1021 .11 itoiOiUit MM - a ■« . aa . a . loti -. 'r '* S a IS Bia» »« a a . i a

' « fJ *2 a . «ua 04 <" ■ 'S accoiia sh .J4 iS , , r J l ! •?: scnHMa i t a - ts i%rpia vm .M .... ■ « „„ 'UMsaitaia . t a g J J J Ito 'a a MM l a '

■ *- m a a l a » <*» i w t<« 4Ta ' a SMe « n a .to I

a M a .ga somm>m a4« . im :Ua a a n -i« su g a ra i it«t . » (MIM Mts 07 SninCnliaaM ..10 |•CmM o a .IT BoCto .M uaol .01 ^"2 Hi is i» ,3 5S ;3 = ii I Ksls ii S:,HS : r - i i i is ’c I m a . a a um . m> IB a a - a N rC nvi.atur * iaI 4B lais Kta ikM»sa<] « a .to rt - u r .14 {^itfONa a n . a r0 a a iM« * a a m f m t t a . a «■ 4M n a OS GtfK a n II o t T MnMwwa.ta Bwmk tl] 4U0 .a ^• - a « - a a r t - . t a .01 NSTii K i» 2 EJS 1 2 ''

5 " :jj ^ ^ •“ I

•uii'aJaM l a a a »7i

« " a M .M •)««• . IMT I nMitn s i a . a •hmtt a aT i'!S I ta tio TOCWta ^ l a, *ia M a Ii4 ^ a i w a Tn d MTt « a - a M m a a a 03

*’.9 S’ 5 ill :i I ‘u 2 2 ,iS S S I S

i S p S l a « ” ' » HS’-iiS U a 1“ ’>w*o t n t« a 0 5 a1' aa la a . n *<Cd tn k m - im aie M 9 ta .M thMM a iiTi .19 aiM t a - a . i d t a ..u aiiBf a n o .«i Tt®o. . « t a 0 7 a-1 UD 4 ta .iT na» . i j t i . « >|f ^ i 'a J t a l 3 M M n l a a - t a »

i g

L i i - & . i s s - : s I

k t a STM >u <'*■' ^i « o a - a . M B m p iaa a 02 HeipiMutaa .M uasM « i a a o s _n a e a *4t Mnwi a t u i 01 ■E ia u a «M utM>t a iA U 09 ■

a s a . l i in n in a ia o4 1I t t t < ia 04 iM M - a ta . a ]110* u a 09 u«c« a a a * a | a t in - a uu i#m a w a . « .1

l a « a a . u a j

’^ S S -iS s - T i l S S :S -I .'S5S "I! SS SSg S! il■ S S3 :1! Jg; ,5 “ :? ;i 'S ra S $2 i! *

u je *“ IS w o l -I

‘ IM Sa Iw MrMMM aV -OT ‘I a a i* o t ^ w » a a 01 ‘j

a J w l a mST j tu S a o r i«i,ia tUT ..u m iu IM 4oa 0 7 ,9K3“ 3 SS.i” S . S I

:s S S 'S JS :s Io r t a M . a . t t a 01

r - S i s S s s i s 3:,SK 3 552.JS: s I i;A S -Ji 9R..SSS - i ““ - S ^ S S * ” S S 'S SJa* a a . a i u m a t i t a . u UZ

Dries impro

APR MAY JUN^Low BMortf high: n,723U

9 10.363.28 J*n. 14.2000

APR MAV JUN Low nMerdr>loh;S.048.a

i 2.060.45 Martftio.2000

1- Corp. said Its nroQt rose 3 cen t In the fourth quar

d best ycar-over-year prof h revenue gain sincc 200C 1- was the first full q u an e r tl

| . business, w hich it bougy $10.6 blUion. Tlie eam irs exceeded VWiU Street’s ex

tlons and O radc rose 74It to $1357.a T he Food an d D rug Adin tradon plans to add infomc abou t possible psychlatri4 effects — Inducilng s l c t h o u ^ ts and p ^ i o t l c t c Io r— to thc labcIso fR lta l :. Johnson & Johnson’s Cor n T he FDA said It would al T vcsdgate o tiier d ru m us d treat a ttention deficit dls

T he Wall Street Journal repe Johnson & Johnson fell 37- to $65.70.1 M onsanto Co.*s s tod1 $4.84 to $63.00 after the cc J ny, w hich m akes Rou k herb icide a n d bJoengin

seeds, said third-quarters fell 81 percent Irort year due to a $248 million'> o{rofrcscdrchanddevcl<^- related to acquisitions. Tl : Louis com pany also Issi s fuU-year eam ings outloc

fiscal 2005 tha t Is below! Street's consensus.

I— B : ■■mSHM Most ACTIVE (tioRicM} Mo

M AmWOpll3ia22e 50.48 O J t SPOFM Ptlia 238406 2734 ..06 iSnRi^ LuCM 223301 3.04 * 04 Switi* OwiElK J09747 35.00 .-»5 SPEi, Ca(ilna IW43I 3.48 -,t2 ISTUa

a QAlMmOSoMMM} a

5 ElWaeo 2.74 .,81 428.84 SttrOlSr 332 *,57 *20.7 Tlaoil a CNMwe 30S.S5.34.SS *I2,S C«l* 0 Migntk 2.89 *Z7 .11.2 I4a«llt

JvtMn 5S.20 *4,S8 «0.8 QitM

0 L o u r s (t3ca MM) L ' W^n> LmI Om %Ct»o Nmm2 PalreKAto 33.S5 .4.80 -12.4 Mnaft5 btVKMIg 18.S4 .Z81 -12.1 Mm« 9 Uftay 18-17 -2,04 .11.2 N^ifr » K*lyW 3.28 - 3 t . .7£ Utu»> SyittfT 6.72 -.75 .7 2 OmE

1 OiAfir- 1.848 AiNar

OMUwd 1J71 Om*t[ UnctungM <88 Unchlt ToUltUUM 3.409 TbUltI NawKigna 174 Naw)-I NwLowl 2S N m l■ Vbkm t,735.248.0e0 Vokm

\ S»WMI HWt La»I 10.S84.48 8,708.40 Oo»Jonnlndi; 3,888.67 2.656.58 OowJonaTnr

388,28 274,52 DowJonMUMI 7.455.08 8.215^ KYSE Congou

1.5MJ7 1.188.14 Amuindai2.181.80 l,750J2 NudaqCompo1226.11 1.080.72 S8P500

8S8.1t 5I5M RMMI200012.110.00 10J88J2 MW*»SOOO

__Otv RE u a cmAbactM> .78 15 20.65 ♦.!(ABm> ^ 1.05 28 28.10 * 0!ABMlUl ... 17 8845 *.4<ARwCua ... 22 28.12 *.2:AonCoip .80 12 25.01 -.11AfcMn&n 1.73 15 38.42 *.KBtttKjPw 4.77 ..12BkoUma 2.00t 12 48.StCtNafgy 1.82 20 4484 .21CenAon t.OS 18 23.10 ..34Coateo .481 22 45.1B ..2CDMxHd .82 20 S0.55 *.01DiilwRBy 1J8 32 SIM *,24A .aEM rda 44 IB 44.48 - J lFMlanal .821 33 8033 *.0«HBKlPf 1.88 2S 28S4 *,25Halm 1,201 17 3S.1B -23HawtoSP .3^ 20 24.07 *.41HomaOp M 17 38J0 -.1.1

» i.ii6ia>B«a. and

,C a a p k y n m m nwaa.up t t wmbIb

j ^ F K B ^ S g S B i "

ove Hazeili---------- 1 Contknied frem ce

hazelnuts "fllber10.800 agreed to change

boost m arketing10,000 gon.

rln thclastdccod ^ -lost m ore than 1,6< bllriit — a period CaJlfomla's alm< ' grew by nearly 13:

2,«oo The b lic^t cxoc<2 200 ready well-knowr

2 000 crops, hazelnuts itwo-year cyde —

1.800 year Is normally 1 low yield.

Cereal, chocola------ ^ m anufacturers du

e rw ise h a v e taken >3.2 per* O re g o n 's h a zc ln u o n e r. Its s c a r ra off, w o rr ie o f lt a n d c re a te d a ha zc ln u 100.'Tills d e m a n d w o u ld qu r th a t in - th e a v a ila b le crop.aft—i n c -------- A d e c a d e a g o r thught for the nation's top ( lings far nm into tha t very j cxpcctJ*" alter they began tc ?4 cents, line built around C

nuts.idm in is- " T h e y w e n t as f i r ^ d o n th e box ." sa id Polly ^ f!?*; a g c r o f th e O rcg


n o t b c c a u s e cona Z S T ■ “ o l> — l>ul b

c o u l d n 'l t e j s s u r c S o r f c r , " n l ^ P P 'y - c p o n c d . ™ " 8 S

'“ S n 'c . c a s o n i n d jck fell ers ore hopeful is

3*u3 p T\iricey. th e wo rld*?ineered producer. Injr eam - en te r th e Ameri*om last TXirklsh growers jln \ ^ t c - with their U.S. con:opm ent T hat’s crucialT he S t here, because 1\irissued a up the slack in yea:ook for gon's c rop Is at ItJW resolving tlic sup

m andproblem .W r

Uo stAcwna VMWOl Ual Cha H»n» W>DR 404418 I1S.80'-35 OraSa 154nn*2000118703083.84 *,S0 SMutS 102rtHTf 15M50 33 85 -J2 K»a<1100Tf8«>Engy 124928 44,74 -.04 Microaon 5!vlapvi 748S9 10.19 -.08 Oico 48

CUiNERS(t3o4iwM} Gamerm» Ual ChQ %C»a HOTa I>0Ok»al 9.11 «2.tB *31.1 SUUc 2 •oaSion eso *M *14.0 CftOoaah>n«Ma 2.1B *28 *13,5 EnPoMaKlIgH 584 * 84 *12,6 ConauMfthifflCp 28.S2 *2,87 *11,2 Bawm

Lo«ER8(noiiw«) Losen■na t a t Chfl %Chg Hama IlaAMg 480 -.70 -tS,2 bwiovoatcEn 11.28 -1.08 .6,6 luame 1«f»oan 3.08 -,28 -8,4 Ma aacenUKon 355 .,25 -8.8 A/nUkilnaEgyn 212 -.14 -5.6 aPMalne 1

Diahy CvtuK^ Sto MttnctddUMd 4J8 OadVMdtfiangad 113 Unchangad'Alltauaa 1,038 ToUJIaauaawHigna 37 NawKigfi*wLoira 21 N«wLow*uma 283,928.920 Voiuma

Hat____________ Ual Chg %ChtnduUilM 10374,48 -31.15 -JCrrantpotalisn 3.SI9M *32.87 *S!

38S3S -.80 --1CO ta 7J82Jt -581 -.06

1340i6 *8.22 *41«mM • Z06S,89 -t.OO -.05

1,168.85 -1.72 -.14I 842,78 *1.28 »309 11.847.34 -0.03 - 08

VTDaw Hama 0(v PC U.,10 -135 HMOrp t.20 18 30..,05 -1.7 IntarIM 1,k48 *8S Kaycarp 130 14 33.»,25 *212 LaaEff .72 28 38.-.11 *48 U iv ^ .06 38 20.►.02 *3 MtaWiT ... 31 10,.,12 -2S.8 OfflaUu ,60 25 29.>3* -2 RediTao 38 „. 12.■23 *72 SexMPw 1,85« ., 3S-•J4 -21.8 SaMM .80 14 2t,i•,20 -87 SkyWail .12 t3 18J.,01 -03 Taradyn 35 12:■2* -4.4 TlCMra .88 14 23.'■Jl *9.0 U SQ a^ 1,20 13 29.:..06 -2J] vm /.40 8 17.1.,25 -Z7 VAIUMt .80 t 6 48J..28 -87 WMhFad 15 23.-41 *148 WakFigO 1.62 15 8U..I,! -92 ZenBq) 1.44 16 74.'

M ttM Nm( VM Statfc B iM D ^ n • a tndlOO moal M»« qnAmBHen SK

Utihr Ita bsnywv^ lul han*


S ^ a g j m a s f j w a t

K«-a!i'>8 S »«H .

Inuts___jcrts." b u t they Ige the n am e to ng outside Ore-

code, Oregon has 1,600 acres to the od during which Imond acreage132.000 acres.cocerbated a n al- ^ ^ H H L nvn supply-and- :m. Uruuce o ther IS bear fhilt In a- a high yield ,

ly fallow(^d by a ’

olate and bread d iat mlgiit oth-

i:n a n Intorest in j m RartoniInut have b een . honrffui nl ried that if Uieyinut product th e js never farI quickly ou tstrip — McDor°f!- .. .. ^ S5.000 Uiis rthe-KeUoggCo..— trc c r fo rd ip cereal maker, resistantly problem sooii som e fromI testing a cereal roo td Oregon hazel- Most enc

boom InIS far a s m aking hazelnut proUyOwcn,man- In 2002,rcgon H azelnut chocolate rd . ^ e o n l y r e a - percent ovcdn't continue Is according t>nstmicrs didn 't market rest

becausc they NewYork. Sired o fa consis- __much ol

w ith hazelnl i a n ^ g for d ie 26 percent

2003, the 1indusuy w atch- data is availis bccausc o f a “The Arancem en t w ith changing" ;ids N a 1 hazel- m anager foIn an effort to thcAmericicrlcan m arket, candymakes joined han d s NuteUa.ompetitors. While hcII for growers spedfic flgii i\iriccy con pick avnUable al /ears w hen Ore- grocery cht t its low point. Stales, not t< iupply-and-de- — a sea-cht While die blight ago, w hen tl

| M I H a M | | a | Nm arlMt c

’AcnvC(tia«Boa)' wcT«rt . t in <W(00) Uat Chg ;1547921 13.57 *,74 Mgm an •1022482 6.56 *.15 a a a « - ua .

lTf8e3043 37.07 -.06 « « •1 551787 25.09 *.02 ,J£ ‘

4860S8 1936 *20 Mmn a tiOT •

flERS«20nM0M) AM.»ri - SiO iLatl Ow HOW **" ‘

242S *4.77 *24.5 *47 1fl 3.88 *.71 *22.5 >■'>»’ •I 337 *.4fl *153 ^ 7 , • I’J •f 825 *,75 *136 “ {2 1

3.58 *.41 *12,8 .1117 .

ief»(tio«»o«o ^ S q .1LX S s S i i i S :2.17 -1.06 -323 «£i»rti*i»9lll .

10,45 -2,00 -18,1 •'n 8.15 -1.10 -152 •I 5.40 -,63 -132 £ 2 r a . iim I

;T40 -1.80 -123 : . g j .

DlAHY An ai . t ia .

ISH isli- s r ? s s I« . : u S I

1.858,474,041 MiM . US .AnN) M< U4 . Am««M xsr

n o 82 - '[JJ

-JO -3,78 -.58 2 S S ' ” » » I*S5 -748 *0.66 jtAgg . i r -,-.16 *15.05 *38,67 ^ -•- 06 *.17 *8.88 - 5 S ■ *41 *7,41 *2328 B E ? . y74l -.05 -4J0 *1,03 BM a i Ma - -,14 -1.00 *6,17 Itoimd »» • .20 -135 *8.66 £ 2 ? . - * 2 *i -.06 -20 *728

RJ»«( ,. Nn

n o cwrcop4a n a .i i u a t chfl%o.fl gw30.S0 -.13 - 2 CSOB i, U(7 -«1,87 -.01 -38.8 cvn«i - a a

33,48 *21 -12 _ Ta .(38.87 -.08 -133 CMOpi _ « a -J2033 *08 *121 Carwtd . 3J77 -IJ10.45 *20 -15.4 C«l9in»4 .. 40r -1 29.13 ... -72 C*l«i .. » r »1 1232 -.08 -15,4 O i ^ s - tua *tJ 3S-1S - M *123 g-<>" - '2 -21.00 -.08 -123 -J 1832 *.12 -82 g y ^ - **“ 1220 -32 .28.523,44 -,10 *13.1 S S i, ' ® I2937 *.12 -82 g S * « I?17.66 *26 **8 S j tta .t4834 '.«,I1 -8.1 CM9r " tIM -a23.46 *,12 -2,8 cetmn . a t t .1.1!iS .ii g r . : SJ ;!

caM Ot.iM a.ta I H I H H H Ccm« a il -a

& .is;i!S S * 2 !£ S & ^ Camwi - in .0.1 - . . CartC - IUI .2

au7»4i .Ua g , “ “ I! a

Thund*y,JuM30.2005 1


loni, chal at Colambla Empira Fai li ot hazalnutt a t a farm on April

farfrom farm ers 'm inds camDonald said h c sp en t whcliis season pruning fils broird isease-— t h e - b l k ^ -------RcIt strains. Including > can•om Hirkey. arc taking notii

Lacn ro u ra^n K o fa llisd ie InaIn soles o f E uropean turlit products in America, Plan02, U.S. sales o f Swiss makte maker Lindt grew 50 trodover the previous year, Ilaztlg to I’ackaged Facts, a Bsrescardi firm based in pcrcik. Sales o f d ie d ioco la tc nut i1 o f w hld i Is sprinkled pcrc uilnuts — g rcw anod ier farm ;nt to 535.9 m illion in bigb le last year for w hich Cc vailabie. ShcrAmerican p a la te is haze

g," said Don Stohrcr, a hazer for Ferrero USA Inc.. hazerican arm o f th e Italian britlloker w hich c rea ted mbcc

■ifhc dcdined to n am e worli

figures. Nutella Is now wAIn2 a t alm ost all m a jo r ' the i chains in the U nited man. ot to m endon Wal-Mart you'r •change from a d ecade and •n the only w ay Ameri- m ud

at CAg CrM9r> .. t n - a KmaCtMM ... S4I -11 C>Mfti ..ul}40 . « KnPlt

n tM o«it . ai< -40 lUiMM -ISn lot D«a« - a s? . « iMtsia * a ft«Mn - *.11 OJ U«M«n4s . r pgy« MM .117 iMflas -10 DaxrOn - 4a -0407 .ga RMki ,. a4oM -as traag .. 4n .os ltoi*10 . a ftneCe . vta *14 UMtlai .i a *n lOm .. a a o » uxm,47 .13 &t*rt ” » a .44p .11 cmteioo* a a t . a uanoitiV ->9 toMu - a n . tn uoiph a >tj Mix: .. t.TI • « UKimte17 l i t omiAn " a n - nB - a cn ., IIM .44 HawaiiQ . t a CrrmC ... tTH .C7 Hntfria .M c rv r^ .. t t a -w u4Mfrn .IT ci«n«iiK a s *44 lUKo11 . a Cio'Ti a* a a - a Mm i II .174 MaMtf . t a * a iwi*tu<24 - 04 ^ . « u yM Ij7 LtBaVit.. UH .31 l*i«0 i M - n ca«ari - uo *.ti udotmS« .M ErtM? 411 .04

B -tl ~ ^ i5e~d iV -»4 n n s n i - a a .m l a m21 .31 n m _ ti.ti oa imvx , s .11 as n a . a mmmu ,1IS .ga RniM)« 4i?» . « Wtcg«It -sa ftw .. t a -m huiBo .B .IS - 4U3 .11 Kahca .IS RMK _ Ull - a N4Mi«h4H . t t Mw _ IM * a taaan IT .31 few w iR -m ta * ia Hn9Cm- ■ u - a .. *W W ic^ .

u Ia Is . 1: 0«MV .. i n .M NsTnl * n . a - I ta . a www .

• l i t a « ^ ^ n a I » n ma . a Ottice .. 7 a . n imma . « ninTiiii - 43a .t t aanm .9 .1] QM9tn . .a t7 3 -« a OmCm ..a .Tl tMMtan. s u .IS OMni .g .Ot Mnwrc - l i t ..It CnrMn .7 .sa Hh»vi - 5Tt . a OfOntM .0 01 Hrtpe - I ta .J l Q » « r -1 .« llm»iWii-»ia,tl .t.Tt ftmi - 4 . 1] HudOrsts IUI . t t ccocnn .>1 t .i.M . 11a . a O M . 1 .01 Kiuii a 11 .11 o«m .

' ■“ IK S li ■ m" i5 5 ! ? ' *

! .tja il t a Im m m ..! -Ji s ss is 'Ul ssrv iI - ia 5 ^ - " " •'»I .13 M a a a . a Pan ta -I .ce n»MfO .. ti7 .01 Pirtaa ..I . u Mi«s< -idaa<t.7« Ptrftan ..I IM M - jjj jjii a

\ Ih iiiiioM . a 5»Si -I .iM M M - ta a * a nI .ag >o»» fti*.. . a JD8W - i a -«i -I .01 . s n . a -; M Mlt o t OLTI . a MMi - s a . a oo^I .21 MATie a a a - la! Htfot . t ia *a oaski r ; wycm - ? a . a -

0>e - 2a .14 OMMiUH.0, OMMCJ - UB O t OOfMia

s a r : ’2 JS14.*^ MOAfia lUa . a mmap _

^ *an tS I- S S S h m ' ^ i « t e . :

- a M i v a a IBM .11 Krtre -*a nT.Mtsui^ua .iB• a n u n t i a i a i ti . a iM « a .• a Bl£AFIUO»tia 03 H M -• a a M c v ta tttu s o a no«>« _

SSfr-o t a « M _ n a .m obmt « • * a a i ^ n a a t f a a *J7 PKOtjuin 01 MigoovianT,u . o M etcgia *.ia aAMDcaaaaa -,11 pmm .s s s a s . 's . " :* a SMm»77ieu4 * a .

•U l mUM Ma a44 *W HafMUk

MoneyIFarms In Sh«rwood, Ora., graba rtl 27.

tns would see die p ro d u a was hen thchr jetset friends •ought sam ples from Europe. Reccntlyritseems^thatAnieri' in com panies are tak ing idcc.Last November. Kraft Foods a launched a snack mbc fea­ring hazelnuts u n d e r its onters label. Salad dressing aker Wish-Bone recendy In- iduced . its "Raspberry izelnut Vinaigrette."Back in Oregon — w here 99 ircent o f the American hazel- It crop is grown, o r roughly 4 ircent o f th e worid c rop — rmcrs are n o t waldng for the B brands to come knocking. Columbia Empire Farm s in icrwood tu m s ils 300-acre izelnut crop Into 23 dliTcrent izelnut products — .from zclnut coramcls to hazelnut itde to gift boxes and snack Ix ^"If you're selling a crop o n the )rld market, dien you re a t the ilm o f die world market," said B com pany's national sales inagcr Janet Pundergrass. "if u're adding value to a product d selling It here, then you’re ich more in c»3nirol.’

.. 77sa . a rsask . i t a o i 9 uSSO . » RtMn . Itl} - a

<470t.] » MW .. u n . a771 .01 AM, 074 IOM .H

X . a n .I t iteNMi .. Tsti . a■ t - a i t *144 ikjiftpi io> 4 tn .ss n . s s -07 taiSn a »49 .03

110 - a- » a 11* -1-471 la

M t n -H SM tgo M7T . a. 420 .»4 SirOB 3411 - a

n a a n - a s a m ,. S4i .i4 I .. t n .IT a4pM . 7aS»M «i..lS ia -491 mn a n .m - «

“i i is a ..iis ;!! r’=2fS ^ S is■ ’ »« a t . 4,14 k a

a n « - a n M a - t i u *an *713 - n stus a a .is

- * “ a»*iw .13 ItB .13; a ; ; s I ^

is ^ ■■ *“ :ii’ _ t a «.7« |_ — ^- - : » s r : mS * ^

' - 2^ ; •!! " sli? Tm ^ I n *'*

i. S m I * - ’**i 2 2 . a •'

: i « 2 •• 2 2 *2 IWKn i JU *MW rmM . 3141 .13■ jo i ' . to < a

I : i s I S • JI! *S

: ; “ ; i a ; i . s s i s

r. 1*1* ^- a S S : « :s- ucwi«it9 I ta - a

■ Z 3 1 ^ ^ H maaa - 7 a *J7I . t t a - m “ a '" - ta IIS l " ubCuii s ta - a

r .. a n .11 ix*» -. ■•a - a

, « 2 l2 -»It n a . t l ^

‘ . “" m o ! wnS. 1 I ta ' . a..u»n .Jl ^ ^lii soa - a vw™ . t n -04- t i a - la - VMM - Mt - ai' *tS I.IS "«Si* - 'tM *.13 • . a u n -17 wh*«itoiiti4t . «

“aS E' = si li; '* a I n s r » 3S8 Iw :: a r t Io4 'Mbm I I ta rf.74- 4 a ^ 2oa«l i! UD Vlt- ttJS »tt aiftp 144 74W ,to- t a . a two - t a *-it

Lut tu t ..It n« m tM t t a - a•4kai3 o t BCVpMia a 7 t ^a tiM .n 84>iMTI Ito 3UB .-a- « * a MMiA - 3 a '

-c u?5 « s™ U 4»iiia OB ^ u * l a *i5* • M .M B IBC a i 31M ^M~ 4M 04 a i a a O t' 3174 . • trcm nttaaa '-a. IUI . a v o « a« 4474 04 _ IM O l V M t t i a a *.M . a ta -J t V M 4t« 3U7 ..It- n a . a w m i ,<to a n * a . 144 . a WUt M> i i a 'oa- }•« «OMi a « » >.a

■I ss is S i ii is. IM . a . uo .03,

' I tw « « »Vi*“ - 1« a s i t ta .Tl « a n t - U3 * a

TkiM»Nm,TWfnMli,ldi6o C-7






inrentm 'ut±






Page 20: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

C l x i s i n g F i r n

!5" “s r " W, g

cJpC»rMMi»Mt^V[l?'o'l'l? ' b‘

a S ' K i s ”AugCom«a ock) <29S 4M? 43 /WeCom»iWy»> 7 0?7 7 077 71 OKCom*iWv«l 7 I SIO 7"0 7s s K ; « S ! i ; j ! | j rM coitm iosoo i u w iaew Cor.« 10«?5 10000 101» is ii i'i; i;Ocl Conon MOO &2 30 K> A><g Ctud»(W M10 i0 90 i7

's a „ a 3 s ,? .= s ,? ,^ '[ s ;> .* ^AugUNaaOM 1 6300 I MOO I .&^ L~I “ S *5 ^ ^

&w^na«!unSi«s&loSM <0( utii« io«?o 107 M to; jm LMnnoot »71 <M»S M

S S ' ^Jul o«>M<A «ai 1 ? M o:Aug So>Man MS 17M3 19 Sro

DFPMA tJW 1 00 13S E k i l H i i s - i i

TSMOta 01 (SOOJ US4«2

.; B e a n s

V ^U aanl .P*c«> ai» '»< 10 oicm*'<. luO pounO 1 »un«. Idano Man lai aM tlQi cwiaetIlia PicxluCan lMtn<^mo» laconl I

ia«M no <tSa» tm»u >Mi no Pncat aro grran by M«n^nt ^ OunI

Uaan ^ '"” ''^*'1,

G i u i n s

VaB«rOta<i>Pitcai tot «ti.»i p«i >T>.io<l oncomai^c^^n»piiM<^prt».'gni P

ai> 9<v<in aa^ In ^ Ooiii«»«« 0 'a« anu Uaan Doni anO Maroonxno toiKMi’siO'a^P'-co lU'iy to »n»al. tpoi ga>-va'v U 'BCoin H ?0(ISo«icenlfnoptlu'al Pr«

s ‘'Sssi!!^r.«rrom.i Piico»QvrttoOUrLaiijOlaKo«i TwnFaBa Pi<t» curiam oo Juna 29POCATELLO <AP| — loalio Fam Oo>« mooMaKi Oia" Oaport lo< WoOn»»Oay POCATELLO - IVM. .naal JJJ laia 4*t” do"”"'*l'tail "’J o i ’flaa'u f”"OCOSS — WiSq'-Mal’jw'uBOi. 1

sssifS Stani lOMnflf, I6(up 71 mmbv 05 00-11


Jul 3U4 3M MO MS

CHICAGO (API — Fuluigt vJang on i

^8 ^ M nMram M n tt^ buMSac 3M5 WS 3Mi »S5

S i?r ¥rl M 3.Tm > tai«> 43237'*c S w '^ " ’’

M nMnan;

H»" 8* O-alllVbval- >^n 231} -O*^cZ>y^ur .1} *•(,,'s s ? I r " :°a *

& i n " a loi C*««ABS]tt .(S

§ ;L “ - S ’i i l, •“ X "

o*iw>c>BU .0

is*’’!:);:!; S i s '" i s s s . » s s s s . . .S S " , ! ! ! : 3 S J , ' S S : SVtav*ei3« -01OaiVOI 30W -0) g ^ l 04» ^

S H :S S S I S S \ s s s s ; s s , i ' ; s i*M«(VUCOkwtt! AiWHwluairat:Co*S* lOU .« Ktnt <7U -03


j^ ^ Id a B : ° BirahMa:0 ^ 1 1037 .» AM u n -X 'A rvMalnaO. M31 >0«?** *®' tfcrnitimA; DwjMlifa.:

CM««9 373 <01 Kk< IK1 -ce

■”■--- * - - Atm* <0» «1]ueOMCiri: >01 MaOAMMatn;

MbnAxdaA: Co*t»77

S H ' ” .K ff i . 'S J :l ! S S T S .»

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i n i . ■I " S u i ;«

I {m " *‘* •» !^ * ? r « * ^ i . ' f i s s r . o i 1M l OJa -ct COCwttlMl: IW «l WAJ .. I«i5ni I tu -07 I

M Tknt^Nmn, TVrin FWi.

T U R E S g I " ' l y ;“r,.“rs I’ JII' ' 0 57'^ 00S7 [Sic aS s :

(Tim I 0019 fcOOOburtJniTwowite«'97*.*3* s i43S9 Io o Ma/ 107 lfl/7 1M • MS 5ao

I i l r |3 Mjy

IJo; ' IJ 8oWo £ S ^ ^ ’’”

o l 'S .“d " ■!!! - JJ

:aBVn '. l \a ! g ? i ! i

I’s r . i i . ss iS liSS.;; ; ; : g g i S ^

i l l r S .

1700 - 03 I00lona;«i>rap*'tanLoe?" a“' JO«?o I i2W"0* I Iiiii

I | | i j |s ' f i , l - . u „ » » =nani o'lTaiiclil' Tm '> opan^l US.OOS

• S i i " C h e i

Ci>»00«< c^M•« O'-ca* on• ilai!iu"t tS7J. nc, <0 po.

PncM couitaay O

; , " ' « . r ; i , P o t A ' i

>>12;a‘i''p/<oi CMICAQO (AP) — 050* • M kalt FOO U'CP'ii (lO It 1

'fS st:., ■ !sSwS;SsOaia0 5-l0BI4m t>as> inool Oaitvary in nuual Noi>otana Wairunc SOlTwm Falls counts00«M. 100couni Ikoainc in UaMS'lOBlom bag!<no

I",...,.,.,. SkSSHSI•<Uy (lounO RadtSO-ie tacka SUtiaaily). 11 OountJ Float M ID Canonapaica'il todng Dakola,|. BounO WM.J M-O t«CMSI. 11 oatCMI _ ,

i : r " S u g .W-iboOo'' NeWYOnK|AP)-5uoail « iOlo 79). Ne» Votk (M>d ol T>aiw V

o u o /^ S jn to 'f r ^UJ,000«.;o»n®JW*>^ <M Chg. C>c1 0 70 0 32 0>•1 K ' o “ OJ? O

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lont^•Cm(al• kC 70 70 0 ^ n '« . c ^ j ^ ; P I

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I i j L i v e s i

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;s mTS'::• ca w t ^ 3 ° “ .o» -

n * * i^ u ij .01 fSS *S• IS jr&Trtnooe ®“ -®:s S B• ” SS T 31.” lol “SS*i aw

SBC* 130 77 . 01 ^SJoT"'

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“ a . ss :s ‘S ' l S :S!

« ‘J a s r ^ - . o■ « TVn iw

SsrH'-'IOMCWpllSI -ot u^ii^lOOl

'■ is S ’s i ; i : S i ! is I S ' i i i i s * ' i s : s .. S ’s i i“ » g f 5 « ; 5 S S ' , ! S : S“J 'llJKApUl* -CS t«M» l«B3 . «I SK ■" •" S S IS ■“„ s s r | | . j g ; , ! ] ! ; ”

J, " g 2 2 5 *jI m 1'» OiOtSpUn -01 MnUi *01

O tdp31« .CS KTWMMnOiMp ISM >09 HCUAtllOS >01

10 mikflp «74 .01 P W im *(i» -01 l « >_

rA '

Thundm Junt SO, 2005

1 224 7S 2JS - 1.7 Comm»re<*l uUS2U.7S 737 -1. Cunac/cnioMfca 743 7S J4& —7 StwlV/Ma «owa

ft 244 ft 7 » 5 .7 POCATELLO (>

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Lonijon lalo (43' i-pounti tMckt Psiii anamoon h.Feo«. Zu'icn laio alio rM

\ ' I T ) F S Nr^«WyAH..rV I ftyfno,„,a,a *4

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r if ’w S .r S lW * ^ 0«l?*77 .S l'*^ NEV• m : 37ftlo400«>a.*l0e-t1l7s0. AJt»<

LO (AP) - Klano Farm Dutaau Inlar- ^;5Tl^lo!r2rE5I(!Ij5iv?SJan<) ExSUvValoekMarMiLnuyanacom- ZMe

m S S S S . s700-121.OO.naayyno<tU<ilaaOa( oilya la U m. M ^ ^ a t I.OMOM. (at c ^ .00.107.M. i,r< t ^ f 94 00- SI;;cka< n«<(ait 100 00-135 00. aiock pu,.i30(vr>a.iK>ciicoweu<»ai>a7}o- p ,^aMrp<0«'V«;lawM>lanearva. n B Ul c lam i o< cania .l.ongon ae-

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JV Mwc aHvw apot monffi Wa<)r>aa<lay »7.M IAS0.03S.<EW YORK (AP) - Spot non(artow. maul Kcaa WadnaavJumanum • 7S 0 c*nla pat (>.. LonOon MaUI oppa* • IM 00 cwila Canoaa tu> pUla. U (

Se- S0M-49ei Mnia»..(ta»v«>*d.Md • «43S SO KvMTy ft Haman (oMy d««y KM ■ *437.30 Iroy Ot.. NY Mart apol Wat). 4tvjK. *7.084 Maooy ft Harman (onij OaVy

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• W itmeon o s ES*." !?2 ‘ 21 , igg*r“3 is^ SrOe J1JS . « "A-F* '3JD -B; ‘ss.iffi... R^“ .„I* A91»?*7«J» -W 2???*” * • ”J AnwA l l* «01 v » -012 MMAp7.«l .01 WHironm rwTT!• D a^ptSA ►M * 2 " ^ * •'* U j^ tp a o -64 M»B

> AMp 14-tf - a ^ul 7M .£1• U M p 7«1 .. MumnaPt:. AaKp 1440 « a OMMTIPwMtt:

tSn^StJiu ' 3 S " ^ *SUTAp nio .-m mu*" 2111 Ioo

i rkMp aua- -a ' HMtC'ttM'

; IIP i i iMCI UO* -JO MW* S« *«)I MM»tHb«9*: IM m aUI ~m I m a e i u s .« i MaiMtai9 -■ssi.’ss sf!'=s

■ T ech_u, ContlmiMlfromC6«ui te ch n o lo g y tm n s fc r s

m c id a l iz a t lo n .“W c h a d a p r o fc i

'*"■ b ro u g h t s o m e s tu d c n i laiai y e a r to o b sc rv c th e cc

a n d h e s a id , ‘T h e r e le a rn in g in a d a y h e n

ad c a n tc a c h in a sc B a m c ssa id .

F in d in g o u t a p r o d u 1) h a v e legs is n o t a failui

H o lla n d o f t h e INL's p ro g ra m . H ie p r o g ra r

^ y s ig n e d (o a llo w s tu _ a p p ly c la s s ro o m knov r rea l-life b u s in e s s situa i 3 a ss is t w ith te c h tran s fc j "W c p u t th e m in a pi0 c o n s u lta n t ," H o U an

"T h cy w o rk w ilh th e ir1 cscccutlves w h o se rv e------- to r s a s tlicy m a rk e t t h t• Naw ta rg e tin g th e u se r, slz t hg. ke t a n d p a te n t p ro b a b i

I Loans_M— - c o m in u « rf ro n rc 8 ---------40 b o a s ts th a t 9 7 p e rc en i43 a rc a n sw e re d b y a p e rse

3 0 sc co n d s .33 C alls to C o llege L o anI? d a y w e re a n sw e re d I n 1^ s c c o n d s . O n e e m p lo i21 sion 'ers a re w o rk in g 1

' . h o u rs a d a y to m e e t th i15 o n d g o a L 'II A m a n d a G ra h a m in " b u s , O h lo . 'c o m b ln c d fi M to ta lin g S15 .000 o n lin

th ree w ee k s ago . " It toe 07 10 m in u te s . I t w o s c o s ' 7 sa id th e 2 4 -y c a r-o Id w h

JJ a te d tw o ye a rs a g a. " I t^ U k c a s ig h o f rc llc f t h a t i t w a s d o n e . 1 slio i

- d o n e it a m o n th ago," s a10 D cN cal. a p a re n t In Frc « b u r& V a ,v r fio f igu res sl X) th ree h o u r s o n th e p i !5 m in u s a h a lf h o u r d ln n 15 — w ith h e r le n d e r la s t w11 T liro u g h a d ircc -w a} ^ co n v ersa t io n w ith h e r " Ick sb u i^ lim ilc r a n d h e

W ash ing ton . D c N c a l op c o n ^ l l ^ i c h e r $14,000 e n t lo a n s a s w ell a s Ills In s tu d e n t loons.

W ith s u c h h ig h dem o i a w a its c a n b c " a p ro b le i « n a n d e z ^ d h is o rg an l2 I ta k in g a p p lic a t io n s fro I row ers w h o c o u ld n 'l g e t I 5 to so m e la rge r le n d e rs , g T o s p e e d u p tl jc i 0 le n d e rs o f te n s te e r c u s to0 W eb s ite s w h ere d ie y COJ

a n a p p lic a tio n o n lin e . I d o e s n t so lve a ll p ro b lc r r

a B ul p a tlc n c c In th is csr off.J T h e n e w ra te s , w h ic h‘ in efl'cct fo r a year, a rc bi3 tl ie la st S l .d a y 'iy e a s u ry I1 tio n in M a y C o m e Fric [ In tere st ra te o n m o re rcci 3 e n d S ta ffo rd lo a n s j a u to m atica lly ju m p fit) I p c ic c n t to 4-7 p c rc e n t i f d e n ts In s c h o o l o r tii

1 I ^I an able to custonI V V market reports. If yo[ t«rested In a stock, mutu.I or commodity that’s not Ir' port, givo us 0 call and w

w r w ' - . SS!(’,!S -O01 Op2!S-o!»el“ MT« *9§ "o

:* CM) irai los MH»p I7CB -O'

i : H s , L " S i i i i i ^

- s i : ! i a » . i s i :- s ; s v s

i s S r - H S v " X * '! 3 :S S T '! S :S.0,- L«Ai 1314 -01 «Ut »90

. : 3 • "° 9alT 1003 RSPan MI7 .11„ Msn 1079 •Ol KoycoFMa:

'S ni9 109 •Ol .lwft99iiurs .10*SJ iS S jf . .* * ; '* ' S!. g ca-mp.s— -[fl . «

S ’i l s is i S w ^ i ™'■ ’S S I T - * - . . K S S 3 : S S T K S f - . S S 5 S S :! !

Tonci 1079 -01 DlMCeMBa:mCOt<mfO: i«Cpr>l«*3 .04; »

;J! ^ IS S S ^ **' ^ S !T j4 S r .OSs?«- : s

:SJ t s s ^ c - : " ■§i s S r : : :

iS t!!™ -0.

S u n 9^ -«1 MXMnM84 • « g, iw -f.M w -n. rnUonlsao-01

S. i s s a " : i - ?- S l S -ii

M n 9« ~a■a i i ^ n s a v o s u g M p » a -o i .Oi Nw^?lS •M TBtfMA 9.90 -dla N » « i« n ^ ; .a im » a u » •.

«' ^S iH i'rsicaI f f l S i■!: w x . «

T h e c o s t savIT a n d c o m - tr e m e n d o u s .

s o ld H o m e s ,jf c s s o r w h o / W o a r e go tle n ts o u t la s t o f i t a s t h e s ts c o n fc ic n c e W e a r e n o te re is m o r e g o in g to ta k el e r e t h e n w e o v c r r l t o g m o i

s e m e s te r ,” d m w b u s I n e M Id a h o ta l e n t hi

K iu c l t io c i i i l B Y U -Id a h oiU u re ,sa ld A l S lm is tc r a n d'JL’s TRAILS c a m e to t h e cjam was d c - “ rv e t h e c o ms tu d e n t s to g a in s o m e rno w le d g e to v ie w t i p s b c llu a d o n s a n d B o th s tu d e n tsisfercIT orts. Im p re s s e d w ita p o s ld o n o f p t ^ c l p a n t s .la n d sa id . " I m u s tc x c ile i r a c c o u n t e x a m p le , S c ssn«} a s m e n - - "1 a m e a g e rth e p r o d u c t c a n g e t f ro msiz e o f m o r- a d d e d . "As a :lability ." c o n ta c t t h e b e i

---------------------d cfe rm cn ran d» n t o f calls T h c r a t e f o r b:r s o n w ith in rcP “ ^ g ° " st

r ise f ro m 3 .3 7 pla n o n M o n - f®,*"I n o b o u t 20 P tircn t L o a n fo:J lo y c c siUd S tu d e n ts , o r PLg 12 to U S f „ l “ n P f ' ” " ’lh c 3 0 -s c c - 6 .1 0 p c re i ;n t

By c o n so H d jIn C o lum - g e t a 1 ^ ra te

d five lo a n s P o ri l i n e a b o u l co lleg e o r rcc o rlo o k a b o u t g rac e p e r io d caj

-a s y to do." 2 .875 p c r c c n t ow h o g ra d u . p c ^ , a l r c a d y l i

fix th e ir r a t e a t ;il lc f to k n o w , N e w g ia d u a tl io u ld h a v e S ta ffo rd lo a n ;' s a id E lisha S4.700 in in te rcF red erick s- b y r o n so U d a d n is s h e sp e n t S alilc M a e . i; p h o n e — T h o se in r e p a y rin n e r b rea k a b o u t $5 ,100 .B tw e r k .- .G a l la g h e r , w lw a y i;l io n c c h I d re n I n thie r F redcr- sw itc h e d f ro m ih e r so n In <crm w h e n co

1 a p p lie d to p a re n t ^10 0 0 in p a r- tn o n ti ily n a y m i l iis $ 33! ^ th o u g h h e c

p a y m e n ts . “ I gom a n d , lo n g h “ v e ." h eb le m . H er- O th e r f a c to r sm iz a t lo n is b o rro w e rs t o actf ro m b o r- In m id -M a y ,

j e t U t r o u ^ d e p a r tm e n t sal<“S. c o n so lid a te loa ic p ro c c s s . va te le n d e r s w h ii s to m e rs io on o p t ip n o n lyc a n fill o u t o u s ly to tlie . B u t th a t g o v e rn m e n t 's <te m s . p ro g ra m .5 c a s e p a y s A n d C o n g r c i

p ro p o sa ls l o revi c h w ill b e c o n s o lid a t io n mc b a s e d o n th e c o s t t q thiiry b ill a u c - w h ic h su b s id iz e :Friday , tlic O n e p r o p o s a l vr e c c n t fed- .ro w e rs t h ea n s w lll c o n s o lid a t in g wiiit> m 2.77 fixed ra te , a ltlicn t fo r stu* w o u ld b e a t a so

t h o s e in rate.

omethlng missing?(tomtz* our to Include I t f you're In- Ploase call Romom lutual fund 0931 , Ext 2 6 2 . w ot In our re- suggestions, d we'll try

1 -ca fS«mp!1» I « w M ttfjjj j -.: - ta U|iMpli40 TASWCVIISH .' .01 5 a ^ l6 9 a *01 IWa^Brewna:

-01 Mnln^AlMA: OUM J4C7 .. -01 ;IA1A» 1194 .01 UMFundaQA:

.61 MM I3M OM>Uoll337 .:S Siir Hli:• « ^ a L H I / e * '’ S 3 ^ I r a ■

":s S E V " S«..i;i iiUS!

;S• ” “o s r s s - ..

: : i i S f K s• '9 S S S S i S 'S*00 MMnlSSS.Oi VnKiiwFunatB

is S H i i i H ; r s -“-0J : i-00 notf U7 Vm VMgonar Funda

FFiCSCpil40<.n Eff«aroe4J9 -(*-01 OMUA II3J .. MnnMAMfil:• OS 0MMBII139 CpO^nTOTB

- S i is § m

1 Si=i s lii!ESSS1!2 : K K S S : !

. » S S ’. S S ' S S K .'.’. 'S , : !

I e f . i g S : ;

• i M i i i s i l : !•” - H i l i i i*m m £ ' ' au VMftMnnSJJA-i;■s s s a ' S " . : ;ffi TCW^^Ma- WneMNNe:

^ ;g S J I _i| is ^ s ' l s

S H - S . ' S is.A ItQMpliia . 0 tMHnltS7 l a. » » ■ ] & - » ^ . S S --S

(kconp 171 ^1 lT»yn IjM r S -12 aC0K*paj7 -a Uagn i« ^ -m

a v in g s fo r th c IN L ls I. a s Is th e re tu rn .

;c ttlng a s m u c h o u t s tu d e n ts ," h e sold.It su re w hcrc It is . k c u s . O n e o f tlie lo d v c s ls n o to n ly to 9S he re , b u t 10 keep he re ."10 s tu d e n ts M ike d J e n n ie S essions ■ c o n fe rc n ce to o b - m p c d tlo n a n d a lso I re s u m e a n d In ier- ic fo rc ^ d u a t l o n . I ts sa lc f th e y w ere v ith th e collbrc o f

iccitcd to Icam from !sslons sold.; r to ge t w hateve r I m th is ," S lm is tc r 1 s e n io r , th e m o re )ettcr."

id g iscc 'pcrlods: r b o rro w e rs a lready s tu d e n t loans will 'p e r c e n t to 5 3 p e r- ) r p a re n ts w ith a fo r U nderg radua te PLUS loan , th e ra te im 4.17 p e rcen i lo

d a tin g , borrow ers ,ic b a se d d n a for- ■lance, s tu d e n ts In lont g rad u a tes in a : :a n lo c k in a r a ie o f ; o n Stafford loims. i^ln rep a y m en t c an it 3 3 7 5 pcrcxnl. ' la te s w ith $20,000 m s c a n save nc.'iriy ;rcs i ove r 20 years Ing now . accord ing r. a lo a n provider, .y m en t w ould sove

w h o c -m alled liLs t h e A d irondncks. n a 20- to 30-ye.-u c o n so lid a tin g h is T lia t c u t h is $800 m e n is In half, al-

c o n acc e le ra te got a S400 buffer 1 1C sa id .irs a rc m oU vatlng ic t now , to a y, tl ie E duca tion laid s tu d e n ts can )a n s th rougl) p ri- 'hUc still In school. ly availab le prcvi- t l i o s e In Ihc

d ire c t le n d in g

x*ss Is w elg lilng ev isc th e ru les on n e x t y e a r 10 low er Ihc g o v e m m e n t, u s low -ra le loans, w o u ld ^ v e bor-

! o p l lo n o f wlU i a variab le o r h o u ^ i tlie la tte r som e w lin l hig licr

9na Jones ot 733- . with your

1 1 ^ 52S?"i’l 5 is;;.C7

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fctovk IOM In‘ 991 .03.0, WMOi;

|B |;Iis H isifT s

I g s , ; s

Page 21: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

Lewis &( Journal: ^fromthch

T h e T i



ByK iTlmw


netor Parisi

Af« Logar to Ul could the in in to v of-a-k

turqu< for fa T h e a l ed by and G flshii){ and Cl to sch Bonne flsh fc th e w on asi u ed 0 Cave.


throug Conyoi (hecav

Ed . Minne' locatJo porcup ous ica


A hlkM dMO tn lte a k x ili

& ClarkI: ‘WaOKT-.

IC heavens.’ •PageD2





f Karta Bames m«»Now> c o w p o n t io n t

Every yea r m y hus- • b a n d l te n y a n d ld o so m e th in g spcclal for o u r oimlvcisary.. This year, I b n y de- ded wc would m to Paris —

iris, Idaho tha t Is . “T ha t way c con chcck o u t th e Min* :tonka Cave.” h e c jsla incd . iris m l^ l be nice, I though t After spending th e night in igon, Utah, w c venttired on

the north . En ro u te vro uldn't believe o u r eyes as e majestic Bear Lake come [0 vlev/. Bear is a onc- •a-kind spec tac le . This vcn-mllcwme, 20-m ile long rquolse blue lake is a n oasis : famiile? a n d fisherm en, le alluring lake is surround-

by wtilte san d y beaches d ofTcis anglers a special tiing experience. Rainbows d cutthroat tro u t o re known school here os w ell as the nnevilledsco. a sa rd ine like | 1 found no w h e re else in j : world. After a s h o n walk j a sw d y beach, w e contin* , d on to th e M innetonka ]

Vc broke aw ay from the 'hway Just after S t Charies ,i drove 10-1 /2 miles .ough the scenic St Charles Jlyon before w e arrived a t ,cave. j

id Amell d iscovered th e tinetonka cave in 1907. The tation was originally nam ed t cuplne cave, fo r m e obvi*1 reason that eariy explorers rnd porcupine b o n e s in the te. Around 1940, th e WPA Ijrkers Progress A dm inis- f

1.^ '

t i | tht Cnmtr Olvld*.


C u r



tm m 'ndon‘es:al | H Hns

tration) worked through th \vintcr m onths putting in th

■ original stalls and railings. I was a t tha t time a local gentle

' ' m an suggested re-naming th 1 cave M innetonka Cave, w ild . is on Indian vrord meanin,

"falling waters."Palling w ater from the'sur

, face to th e cave Is the ke; . ingredient that helps to fom

the m any magical iormatlon w ithin Idahos largest lime stone cave. As wre emlored thi

' cave w ith our guide, we ad ‘ m ired m any dlsdnct features ' cave bacon and cave drapei^' adorn the walls and ceilings 0

the cave. Subtle l i^ t l r ^ lighted po p u lar formation: that have b ^ nam ed and re' n am ed by visitors over the years.

T he cave Is well known foi several large stalagmite: (those th a t grow from the floor upward) and stalactites (form ations tha t grow from the celling downward). The largest feature In the cave Is over ten feet mil and nearly four feet In diameter. H l^ - lights o f th e tour Indude m e seven dwarfs, the three sisters, Kermit's castle and the grasshopper.

The M innetonka Cave has a n excellent array o f lime* s tone cave features. Cave corral, soda sunws and helec- tltes (a stalacdte that begin forming from the celling and then t o j ^ unusual twists and turns) can b e seen throughout the cave.

According to Bonnie Lewis, resource assistant at U.S. For­e st Service's M ontpelier Ranger District. "Some o f the features In th e cave are white

Edna Lak* iparklM bwrnrtl olMfJuly Idaho »kr.


)U TThursi

I' C~



I the a n d o th e rs have color, 1 the su it is caused by mine: ^ It o re dispersed Into U ntle- t h r o u g the w ater thi 7 the in to th e cavc." n lch After an 'h o u r of o ning a n d clim bing over 40i

w e reached the bock sur- cave, know n as the v key room . A large, lacy s t

b rm k n o w n a s the bride, ions d o w n from the ceilL m c- below h e r one of th Ith e outsum diiigsialagm itc ad- cave, th e groom vniits

ares,, to som eday touch him peiy e n d o f th e tour, the gul s o f tinely sh u ts off the U{ Igh- v is ito rs to experienc ions daricness. "At this tlm« 1 re* peo p le sta rt to scrcon th e Lewis.

Iterry a n d I just s too I for a n d absorbeti th e aw ite s feeling o f serenity an th e tu d e th a t allowed ouj

Jtes senses to experience a 1 -om e n e d avrareness. Wc The c lim b e d ano ther 40 e Is stairs o u t o f the chilly, arly g re e cav e and back i ^ - e Just a s vre were leavir ers, a d ro p o f water land i th e h ead ; I learned that tl-

gestu re b y the cavc, knihas I----------------------------------ne*aveec- MrniMtonka C m Is loca

Waho border. It Is nbout uiQ Op*n: June to Labor Day. ‘Ot* Toura run every 30 mlnuti out P rto w :$ 5 8(fu»9;$4for

pass Is $20.Tha oav* Is about 40 cfeg The tour Is stranucua, wl

*1®*’ Fof m o « Information abo Ihedte I______________________

light o Sawtool

’ loom s >j S f l H • few w ht

• pcrieno• - ^19 begins t


a * " ^ f covering along th wtUl*tro< th e trail

. tho next T h e b

over bot

peaksed m orc sk Alice Lal o f baro 1

M M triM iiuaM rounds M th • pMfaotly provldln

campsite After a


sday, June 30, 2005

C c


i f i l l

or, this re- I le ia ls t h a t . th e cavc

h a t seeps

exploring 100 stairs, ck of the w edding

stalactite, le, hangs ^ iling and th e mostite s in the ^ ^ m a j W E j U

for h er lm. At.the

lights for

im ," said

3od thereawesome K B & 9 I H Hm d so u - n cavc kiss,lu r o th e r L a ,„ ]„ ih o do)a h c in h l - in Paris. T h e h ighVe then town wos th e400*plus which hoppened ily, 40-de* for remodeling tlic to th e realized a t this

these adventuresdng, I felt about the dcstin1 o n m y true Joy comcs froth is Is a every aspect o f t

n o w n as along the way.

If you g o ...cated In souttieestsm Idaho, neai ut 10 mllea west of Su Charles; ly. 10 a.m. to 5;30 p.m. lutea. (lasting approx. 90 mln.) or kids 6 to 15; 5 ond under are I

legreea year-round UockoU are re<with nearly 900 stairs.bout the Bear Lake arsa call 1-80

ikers’ spirJle Sim Volley bosks in the lime o f its celebrity status, thi

>oth range to the north qulctl; J w ilh Its grandeur. The lude h o venture toward its trails ex ic e for greater rewards, opular route Into this paradis< 5 a t Pettit Lakes' ITncup IVail

L ast July, I gathered thrct ’ m c m ^ i s a na two ^ c n c ^ foi : from Pettit to Redllsh Lake n g 26 miles. The trail begiiu th e banks o f the lake with a llai rod path. After two easy miles, ill begins a I,SOO-foot clim b In 3d 2 1/2 miles.beau ty o f a stream tumbllns

o u lders offsets the hard wt)rK climb. Aa the trail asccnds. the edge doser.The view becomes sky and less forested. Finally, jilw com es inio view. A cirque 0 rock tipped w ith snow sur* s tho fa r side o f the lake, ling a dram atic view for a ite.r Q peaceful night at Alice, wc

O R ^5

3 V (

l i l l i F

doy w e arrived t. ^ .JW ighllght of this e tabernocle.:d to b e closcd; that day. Wc I f f m is po in t, th a tcs are not just l n | H tinatlons, ou r from enjoying if the joum ey

lear the Utah-

ire free. Rimlly


-800448 BEAR.

rits soar ome- I---------- --------------------■ h ' C a l l s F r

1 ^ T H E W e

“ ■ Jane Slick^ Thi. f . . tu r . Is a flrstinircc onces submitted by Tlifor readers about tholr ou

akc ventoros. To submit yo^ the Wild, contact 0utd(flat David Cooper at 733-0les, 246. or e^noll him ot> In dcooperflPmaglcvalloy.c

lng were well res ted for thork Snowyslde Pass. S o m o :the m a in te n a n c e keepsnes rocky trail passable, ‘filily, busting clim b, w c tu r{ue co m er Into a stunn ingur* Lakes below. D e s c e n dke. to 0 lunch stop, w c shi• n and n ib b led o u r granoL

rocks n ea r Tbxaway La)wc pcroturc h a d w arm ed ir

.Ask I

Outdoors Editor. D a v id C

e% :«

' ■ ' l y ' ' . i ' ' '

on Sawtoo---------------------- afternoon.F R O M ^ W e b ^

v t l d- i - _ „ w ould b e ICK6rS grew heavli------------------ m y n iece ajst-peraon expert- th e tra il w/ Tlmes-Nows packs. I qu• outdoors od- m ake th is 1t your Cail from younger,utdoofs editor O ne sw)13-0931, ert. seem ed cnot w erc a t couple pasi------------ ---------1 gave u s anr tho flimh over m in u tes tono fantasdc trail a p p earedIS th e narrow, said. “T hat I5. After a lung- dm e. I wastu m e d the last O n provlou;n g view ofTWln tlm ates of iid ln g i;000 feet menthat.w«shed our packs "easy" ondnola bars on the w ould have Lake. The tem*dintotheBOsby ■ Pleasa

............................... *

Insidek Ih e o f f i c e r ..............D2i m l c s .............................D3 .

iC ooper- 733-0931, Ext'.^^l

S c c t i o n D

'■%’’ ■■ ■ %

Top, tha Three Sis­ters ara a trio of Impretilva atalse- mltea InMinnetonka Cave.

Left, Bear Lake'*

ara ralatlvely^ool In aaily lummer.

Beiow, the Forest Service hoita tours through Mlnnaton* ka Cave from Juna

■ j f l to September.

^ ^ 8 3 w m n a utu^ ■ ■ 1 aMTIIMTMMl

)th trailsn.jan o u r sccond d lm b of the a n d M otm tain Pass. I knew lO-foot clim b In one mile e a challenge. As my pock ivler a n d heavier, 1 wotdicd : a n d nephew gambol along w ith the ir m uch heovier

quesdoned m y dcdsion to s tr ip w ith people 40 years

w itch b ack after another endless. As w e thought wc ost approaching the top, a ossed u s going down. In c y an estim ate o f another 20 10 th e top. T he w om an w4to 1 app rox im ately m y age at Is m y estimate, not man- ros CamlUor w ith mon-tlme.>us hikes. 1 h a d rccclved cs* if difficulty an d tim e from w ere casiially referred to as nd “no problem " tha t I ive labeled 'dilBcult" and

sa see SAWTOOTKS, P a ^ D4






Page 22: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .


Idaho IJ l i l lO M E -T h c Id a l io

m e n t o f l-lsh a n d G onic a n o p e n h o u s e fo r c u w i th e n e w M a g ic Volley 1 O fficc Ju ly 6 . P e o p le an to to u r th e buU d in g ro u n d s fro m n o o n to £

‘T h is Is o n c x c itin g c th e M a{^c V alley Rcffc D ave I’a rr ish , Id a h o F G a m e R e g io n a l Su( “W llh ll i e e x tra ro o m f ad li ty p ro v id es , w c wil te r a b le to s e rv e llie pu l

S om e o f tl ie featua* n e w o ffice I n d u d e :

• A w e t la b fo r bloI< e x am in e Q sh a n d wildlil

• A la rg e cbn fc rcnc fo rp u b U c m e e t i n g The e n c c r o o m c a n a lso b c in to tw o d o s s r o o m s for a n d B o w h u n tc r Ed classes._________________

• A n in d o o r shoolin , fo r th e H u n le r a n d Dov E d u ca tio n d a s s c s .

• A la rg e r s to ra g e arc£ w tll sa v e th e d c p a n m c n $9,000 a y e a r in storage rcntaLs.

• B e tte r lo c a t lo n a n d i b ility fo r d ie p u b lic th a ADA n x iu irc th c n ts ., T h e n e w o ffic e w as

. p o ss ib le b y th e Id a h o F . W ild life F o u n d a tio n .

U ieir ta x a d v a n ta g e a n d In te re s t r a te s o n b o n d w e r e .a b le to b u i ld tlu c o m p le x a t a m in im a l c( Id ah o D e p a r tm e n t o f Fi leasc^the fac ility for 20 yi t h e e n d o f t h e 20 yea b o n d s w ill b c -p a id ai I n u n d a tio n w ill d o n a te c ility lo th e d e p a n m e n i.

“U u r le a se r a te fro m thi d a iio n w ill b c a b o u t 7p r o f th e g o in g ra u r c n iin g /le a s in g o flice sp th e M ag ic Valley a s of so ld Parrish .

T lie n e w o ffice is locj 3 1 9 S o u d i4 1 7 E o s i . Hlgln B u s in e s s P a rk o r tw o n o r th o f th c Fly ing I.

P o r m o ro In fo rm a tio n i n e w b u ild in g o r ' th e h o u se . caD 32-1-4359.

Buy flshing license early for holiday

T lie c o m p u te r iz e d lict

CSI lead•IW IN FALLS — T h e <

o f S o u th e r n I d a h o O P ro g ram vrill le a d a bL w ild f lo w er id e n tif tc a tio Ju ly 9.

I’a rtic ip a n ls w ill leave v a n a t 10 a .m . a n d re iu i p .m . L ocal b ird a n d pk p e n & irah 1 la rr is . w h o w d ie CSI b io lo g y d c p ari w ill lead d ie h ik e in di S trom H o llo ;v a re a n e a r M o u n ia in Ski R esort.

C ost is S5 p e r p e rs o n , fi a ru w e lc o m e . P a r tic s h o u ld b e p r c p a rc d fo r n a te h ik in g a n d s h o u ld w a te r , sn a c k s a n d a sa ck I

F o r m o r e in fo rm a d o n s ig n up. c o n ta c t S tacey O u ld o o r P ro g ra m dircc i 732-6696 o r sw ard@

M agic M ountain She s ta r ts Saturday

I IAN SEN — T h e M agic B o w h u n te s w li h o s i d ie : M o u n ia in S h o o t 2005 th! u rd a y a n d S u n d a y , R esis t s ta r ts a l 7 :30 n .m . a n d ra

S i

Sita£e more q,

• Anniversary 1 • BirlhdoyJ • Birth Announcoi• Graduation

• Thank You• Memorials• E n g a g a m o n t & '• And Moro...

P r ic e s s t a r t i n gs c a n n i n g o n d o r tvP

" / t r a ^ , £ ( c

m o n i r t i ' T , mwiiUstlr J J*



Fish andi l io D epart-m e w illh o s l FIsh & G; i ie s ts io io i ir _______________

sys'cmuscHlb; Mminvlicd comini

;|ioT - s S i D»y"pi0 FLsh a n d _ _ S u p e rv iso r . * j j V im d ie nc%v / W - v ^ Q \ will b e b e t- ^ f pub lic .” J r J F l I u rcs o f th e vY -^l^2 K v

»loIogists to Idllfc.rencc ro o m n ig h t m ig h t b e ! H ic c o n fc r - « a ,v e n d o r , b c d h id e d F i s h in g a n d

1 for H u n te r w ill g o u p by a E d u c a tio n a c r o s s th e b o a r

________________ T h e liccnslnfi) llng ran g e M s n a n d U am e i D ow hun tcr s o m e 400 Ucen

h a d p e r io d s off) area, w h ic h o p e r a t i o n fo r n c n t n e arly w h i le th e c o n tn rage lo c k er t e m c o n tin u e s

p r o b le m . T h e a n d a c c e s s l - f a r n o t f o u n d a th a t m e e ts l i o n to th u slowc

F i s l io n d C a m ^ a s m a d e M ufTaker. issued o Fisli a n d d i e a g e n c y ’s lice in . U s in g f r u s t ra t io n s will n d d ie low U ic c o n tro l le d h 3n d s . tlicy p e r io d In May, d ie office •

Check Webs 10 years. Al Stocking Infoyears, llic w ilh Uic In *L S c t

i s ™ ; “ y S i '5S . r r o Ify -v a n u ^ o ,• sn a ce In ‘

a n d G a m e p ro i located at"' ‘*0 "C y S w h c r y t o g o ’n i e w o m ile s w e b s i te In d u d e s

lo w s a n g le r s to i o n o n d ie w h e r e , a n d how h c o p e n s to c k e d in lakes, 1

a n d p o n d s a ro u n fe w d i c k s o f th e i

Q a m f in d o u t sp il io n a b o u t slocki b o d ie s o f w a te r ii

liccn.sing s ta te .

ds wildflo\tie C o llege .

o - d - OutdoorsI tio n h ike

s t a r t s b e g in a t 9. iv e by CSI T h e e v e n t is oiB lum by 4 l a i n L o d g e onp la n t cx- R o a d , s o u th o f

0 w o rks in o v e r n i g h t cam ] p a r tm e n t , a b l e a t t h e s h o1 d ie W ol- w il l b c av a ila b li c a r M agic F r i d a y n ig h t , 5

S u n d a y , n . All a g es T t o p h lc s w illr t ic ip a n ts w o m e n , b o y s an>r m o d c r- fo r v a r io u s agesJ ld b r in g T h e f o s is a rc S I Sick lu n d i . fo r y o u U i, a n d S<io n o r to H a n d g irls 6 ai:ey W ard, m o r e In fo rm a tlorcc to r, a t W a ts o n a t 735* o n e a t 324-3070 .

Shoot Explore sclem Craters scene

igicV allcy A R C O — Nalich c M n ^ c v ic e a n d B ure, th is Sal- M a n a g e m e n t igism itlon b o ta n is t s , b lo lo ^1 ran d o m a n d o t h e r s d e n

B a m a a o B a v . i m

s o f n e o n c s


t o f my ce(eSration with - 9 ^ s G t p p y

K om onls ^


n g o t $ 2 0 / I n c l u d e s p h o t o i r t w o r k . ( P r iv c i to F o r t y Rc

ce/tCaoC J t / / ,

Fab,ldito Thut«ilmJur»y:flOO

I Game wi.................. Log o n

Game notes w e b s ite a__________________ “fish s t o dI by Id ah o F ish a n d , **' t in u e s to o p e ra te p m e . i d a m es. s o fo lks w h o *"8 /I over tl ic In d c p c n - _____ho liday s h o u ld n o l Salmon

w ait u n til th e cl0SUr6{

( ~/ f ish ing lic en se AvaUable

'■“ ■’j ; -b c M a n d ln g ln a lin c

. . s t r c o m s tc n d o th e r l ic e n s e s b e c a u s e o y a t e u . lO p c rc c n lj a td lu ly l . p c itc a mIng sy s te m u s e d a t R.->imnnn c o H ic e s a s w e u a s o n th e U tt:e n se v e n d o rs h a s n ig g ln s fc3 ffm strad n g ly slo w f l ^ g p c ro r se v e ra l w ee k s 4 a n d d iei t r a a o r fo r Uie sys- year. S p o r te s 10 w o rk o n d ie 10 h a rv e s tu c o n t r a a o r h a s so b y th e U m t1 a c o m p lc lc so lu - H u ffak er al3w dow n. o rd e r f o r lla m c D irec to r Steve 'IW bal Jinle d a n apo lo g y to te r d r a in si c e a s e ^ u y e r s a f lc r S a lm o n Rivvilh sy s te m d u r in g se a so n s b ed h u n t a p p lica tio n h a rv e s te d 1 V, . a v a ila b le fo

l l i e fislHa s i t e f o r n o o k ^ l m t

o f th e S a lmironnation op e n , i-isiid c p e n d e h c e D ay s c s s ln g th(en d ju s t a ro u n d d e te rm in enan y fam ilie s a rc the ,allow ede ad 10 d ie hills fo r s a lm o n h tip lng trip . R e a c h in g10 c a m p In a p la ce b r in g fislim a lso c a tc h, H iro u g li J tp a r tm e n t o f Flsh b ee n l e s s j lrov ides In fo rm a - i li e H s iie iy l ' h e lp y o u d e c id eh e Fish a n d G am e Hunter 6Cdes a link d ia t air r a t f le f r a t t<;o find o u t w h en , W g 'S t r a t l iciw m a n y flsh a rc . JEHOME

rivers, s tre am s, h u n t d i is fa iu n d Idaiio . VWth a o n e o f s e v e rl e m o u se a n y o n e c la sses bei:specific in fo n n a - Idalio D c p aicking o n sp(,*cific G am e,ir In a n y reg io n o f 'Io h e lp

c lass iliey w i

►wer hike in. p rc se rv e a r

' ^ ' " M e f - I S , ™ ; ;N atio n a l U

19. lio n S ys tems a t M agic M oun-. 'm e p u b l o n R ock C re e k p io rc t l i e j o f H a n s e n . F ree sc en e ry a t s im p in g is a v a il- a t d ie C ra te ihoo l s ite . M e a ls tiona l M o m ib le a t th e lo d g e P lease c o n ii :, S a tu r d a y a n d a t (20U) 52

re se rv a tio n d l l go 10 m e n , even ts. A ll h a n d g irls d a s s e s jto r c e n t e r

3CS a n d a b ilities , sp ecified lIS f o r a d u ll s .S 1 0 • jy jy 2 - 1 S2 fo r b o y s 7 to > a n d u n d e r. I ^ r I Itlon call G eorge •8201 o rT lm M al- Th(Bnce behind neryQlional P a rk Ser- i r c a u o f L an d

a rc h e o lo g is ts , o ^ t s , geo log is ts ie n d s ts w o rk to


i t / i a r

slJ to " ^ 8 R o te ) ^

677-W2 '»b>Mda

M r _______________


ill host o[o n ( o d ie Fish a n d G a m e v>e i u id follow d ie lin k s to ulo c k in g ,” o r g o d ircc tly to d

l in k : h t lp : / / f i s h a n did a h o .g o v /a p p s / s to c k - h

Slon season s<res begin In Idaho ’’i o n s e a s o n s o n die S o u th Sl ‘le a n v a ie r R iver u n d d ie tc 1 R iv e r d o s e d for llie y e a r p . !sday . N early a ll llie p r o ­

s u r p lu s o f s a lm o n s< >le 10 s p o n a n g lers h a s c i a r v e s t e ^ p .0 F i s h a n d G am e D ircc - /c n H u f r a k e rd o s c d th e 's e g i s to s p o r t sa lm o n fish in gIC c o u n t s a t th e h a tc h e ry n (r c la g g in g b e h in d d ie cx- to r e iu m .o n ILsliing w ilL c o n t in u e _ g pL ltd e S a lm o n River n e a r \y,1 f o r a n o th e r fo u r-d a y a .i p e r io d fro m Ju ly 1 to July d ie n w ill d o s e ' fo r th e dp >ort n n g le r s a r c c x p c c te d ' ^ li e s t t h e l r s l ia r c o f s a lm o n I m e U ie s e a so n Is d o s e d . • r r a l s o s i m e d th e d o s u r c>r I h ls lisTiery Ju n c 2 8 . ga, I a n g le r s in d ie Q e a r w a - 'l in a g e a n d (h e L itt le 12R iv er w ill c o n tin u e U ie ir ^ is

; b c c a u s e d ie y have n o l • , q*w l d i e sh a re o f s a lm o n fo r e fo r tr ib a l h e r y fo r su m m e r C h i- c a I m o n o i l th e S ou th Fo rki l m o n R iver is cu rren t ly j!-isti u n d G u n e Is us- j2a t h i s f ish e ry da ily to

n e i f h a rv e s t ta rg e ts o r g g ^ 'ed ta k e o f e n d a n g c n x l

h a v e b e e n rc n c h c d . CiSlg t h o s e la rg e is w ill 1F ish in g 10 a c lo se , tjo i 1 J u n e 27, ha rv e st h a sJi t h a n 1(X] sa lm o n a n d | j .;ry h a s b e en slow. y^u]

OIEeducation n y i

atlon se t ^/IE - Y oiid i w o n tin g lo ^osii fall n e e d to s ig n -u p fo r {if^,!veral h u n te r ( l u c a d o n 31b e in g o ffe re d by th e ^ las u p a r tm e n l o f Fish a n d

Ip s tu d e n t s fin d th e / w a n t , d ie d e p a r tm e n t 435 ;

n Walstroi* a n d p ro te c t th e n a tu - hiic :u l l u ra l re so u rce s o f d ie p lo1 I*ark S ys tem a n d th e w it1 U m d s c a p e C o n sc rv a- trc<te m . lavjtu b llc Is Inv ited to e x - TVele s c ic n c c b e h in d d ie •a t s p e c ia l h ik e s in Ju ly hlk<r a te r s o f th e M o o n N a - wit]o n u m c n t a n d P rcserve . hov> n ia c ( d ie v is i l o rc c n te r u n i

5 2 7 -3 2 5 7 to m a k e a n a tio n f o r th e s e f r e e MO'dl h ik e s m e e t a l th e vis* / \I te r u n le s s o th e rw is e d ie

’2 — IVee M olds w ild

A S u n Valley tra i Jo in sk a tin g 's s u Every S a tu rd a y t

Saturday, July 9 Alexei Yagudin 2002 Olympic Golc Four Time World Ch Saturday, July 16 Surya Bonaly Three Time World S Five Time European Saturday, July 23 Timothy Goebel2002 Olympic Bron2003 World Silver f Saturday, July 3 0 Kyoko Ina & John ; Three Time United i

. 2002 World Bronze Saturday, August 6 Elvis Stojko Three Time World Cl Two Trme Olympic S

w w w is u n v e lU y .e o m

pen hoiisiwrill o f le r Qvc rc g is tia d o n si w id i a n u m b e r o f d a s s c s c h o o s e from .

S l ^ u p s for fall d a s s c s w ill

• Ju ly 19 - B la in e C o m S herifT s Offlcc, 201 F ire tA ven S o u d i , in Holley f ro m 3 p .m . ti p .m .

• Ju ly 20 - C a s s ia C o u r S h e r if f ’s Offlce, 129 E as t Fo i t c c n lh Street, in B u rle y from p . m . t o 7 p . m ‘

• lu ly 18 a n d 20 - B o y See S e rv icc C enter. 2 388 R U ls / e n u e E ast, in IW in F a lls f io r r p .m . to 7 p .m .

• Ju ly 21 - Flsh Bt G a m e B g lo n a l O fficc. 319 S o u th 4 E a s t, H ighw ay 93 , tw o m il n o r th o f tn e F ly in g / f ro m 6 a j t o 7 p .m .

• July 18-22-Farmez)slttsu a n c e - O f f i c e ^ l3 0 - B r o o d w « A venue N orth , in B u h l f ro m 8 :; a .m . to 5 p jn .

R c g is tiad o n re q u ire s a n ai d ress , p h o n e n u m b e r, d a t e 1 b ir th , a n d so d a l s e c u r ity n u n OCI fo r c a c h s lu d e n L C o s t is $<

S tu d e n ts c o m p le t in g ^ d o s s w ill rc c d v c a f re e s m s { a m e h u n tin g lic e n s e f o r t h rcai^ h u n tin g s e a so n . S tu d e m 12 a n d o ld e r w ish in g to h u i >ig g a m e tills loll m u s t u p g n id0 a ju n io r h u n tin g d c e n s c . Cos o r d ie u p g rad e Is $3 .50 a t a n d o h o D e p a r tm e n t o f B s h o n j a m c R f ^ o n a l O fQ cc o r fc 16.50 a t o th e r lidensc v e n d o rs .

F b r m o re , in f o r m a d o n ; . cai 2 4 -4359 . <

lowhunter education lass offeredT h e la s t B o w h u n tc r E d u c a

o n C lass o f d ie v w I n thi l a ^ c V alley R e ^ o n w ill b e Jui; 1 -14, f ro m 6-9 p .m . ’T he rJna i l l b c h d d a r ih c n e w R e g io n s ifllcc, tw o m iles n o r th o f (hi ly in g J o n H lg h w a y 9 3 . In te re s te d s tu d e n ts m u s t p r c

ig is lcr a t th e reg io n a l o iB ce is t 'i s $8 . H ie d a s s is l im ite d tc rs t 30 s tu d e n ts w h o s Ig n -u p . S tu d e n ts p a r t id p a t in g in th li a s s urill n e e d to p ro v id e ih c li v n a rc h e ry e q u ip m e n t . Fo i lo re in fo rm atio n , ca ll Q o y to r ic iso n o r K cllon H a tc h a t 324* 159.

•m Hollowlike & om 10 a .m . to 3 p .m . Ex lo r c t h e ru g g ed V bdldcm cs r t th d ie p a rk g c o l o ^ t to th ' rue m o ld s a rea a n d a c r o s s ; iv a flowr; 3.5 m iles. M e e t a t thi t v c M olds p a rk in g lo t.

• Ju ly 9 — A lle n I n v a d e r ik e f ro m 10 a .m . to I p .m . H lki ' i t h d ie p a rk b o ta n is t to I e a i7 o w invasive p la n ts a r e th r e a t n in g ( h e r ic h d iv e r s i ty o a tiv e p la n ts a t C ra te r s o f th i lo o n ; 2 to 3 m iles.A ll e v e n ts be g in a n d e n d a

le V isito r Center.-com pU ed firom

s t w r e p o i t j

§ Sa d lt lo n for 6 9 y e a rs , iu p e rs ta rs u n d e r t h e th ro u g h S e p te m b e r

Id MedalistChampion3

Silver Medalist m Champion *

)nze Medalist - Medalist »1 ZimmermanI S tates Gold Medalists :e Medalists 6

Champion Silver Medalist

se ‘w ater... J . l . rizzly b ears c

)untyrenue^ t o 7

I So m 3 , ' oiwgen

^cout 3 Av- o m 3

cR e-417

n lles . . . . .T ra i l to th e m o i o jn . o fth eC o lu m b I

R h/ertsur- crwckoutwwv

8 3 0 Ju n e 2 9 ,1 8 0 5 - S celved a C lo u d w til l m e d la e e r a in . . . I (

lu n . Shehrelng ro ck s um ;$8 . a fte r o to r r e n t o f roj Uic Saw b e fo re , th e raIr

from th e h e a v e n s a w a y o f a t o i T e m o f ^

jy jjj in th e r iv in w ith em nule tokelng w ith I t large 3ost hill p u s h in g th e Inti a ny • h e r a rm s) b e fo re rm ^ tem p ts t o p u ll u p hi

n e a ^ w i ih o u tm o t l 'S u th e hUl S a fe w h e re I

greatly a g ita te d , fo r

(Journal excerpts c . by Gary B. M oulton..

,ca- ^Lee Enterprises:} th e ___________

inal PlreworQ u « lo n = -H o » d o ll

,re . aO tetfbhandw lld llfeT Answ enThe noise an'

fireworks sca ics m ost • mammals in d u d ln g p

Uvestock. Howeven 5 ,oir significant im pact o f f]

on wildlife invohnjs ra and forest fires resultij

24 unlawful u se o n pubUc unsupervised u se o n

T E ^ u r t in te n d e d raj [7 forest fires signilicanUyi r ' landscape a n d th e v q

com m unities In gam e 1 Ex- A cridcalm uledecrw in t

less can bc destroyed by Ore th e hours, r c d u d ^ the area

is a to suppon w intering mi th e for decades. It can als

noxious w eed s to Hoi lers which fu r th e r degrad

“^ ^ u d n g (he habitat^

to su ppon wildlife tra into low er populaU or fewer gam e an im a ls ’Ihi result in a n im portan t

I a t Idaho's r c s o u ic ^ fo r 1 and non-hunters,

o m This su m m er w c musi t i ts pedoUy carefu l w ilh fl

i h oI T H I |S I

5 ; ^

for tickatB c*U 6 2 2 - 2 1 3 or go tg f«w .s(in v a ll« y .c Tarrac* b u f f a t dop'rs o p t h tiiirv ttf tv a l lh g opan* i C a st of i k a t e r s I s 9U b)ec in )ury or o th e r u n f o re s e e S a n c tio n e d by th e USFA

. . . from the hr s continued toe Lewis and Oarfc thkn a s It continued it-day Great Falls. cscplorers found a y-utiledwoodraL

^ ' *tt\ I

_ Lewis a n d Clark's location 200 years

mbia ago th is vreek


- Soon afte r I a rr iv e d a t th e fi vtilch a p p ea red b lack a n d thj . I o bsd a D eep t iv e ln in whl( u n d e r w hich w e to o k Shelter ' ra in a n d ha il fell m o re violci rain fell Uke o n e v o ley o f vimti IS a n d gave u s t im e o n ly to ge o f w ater w h ich w a s fo rc in g c e m cn ce force ta re ln g every t irge rocks & m u d . . . {I) Scran In terp reters w ife (w ho h a d hi : m e , th e In te rp re te r h im se lf i 3 h is w ife b y th e h a n d m u c h : lo tio n , vre a t le n g th re tched re I found m y S e rv en t In Sere forourvtrellfar.

-V i<ts o f the Lewis and Clark Expe m, will appear cach Thursday.

rks pose dalo flrew orfcslfc7"l a n d l l^ to f •

birds & g pets and r, the most i f Qicworl(s I rangelanditltiru from ■ ■ ■ HbUc i ^ d o r o n private flrcivorks. O ur sp

m e r m oisture \1 range and a n d m uch needotiy the rains also causevegetation o ther fine fuels tc

le h ^ iia ts . Unlavrful use (dnua: range public land or iQ rcinafew cam p fire can oLrcas ability th a t destroy vtl; m ule deer dam age propert)also allow spread or ncxioiflourish - cost d iousands 0yades d ie suppression costs3 sustain D uring this Foi

ebratkin. please tta t^ ability fire a n d use Qmvtranslates bly.

dons and ’Ih ts e fires CaryHomplanm t loss of conservation offlo>r hunters Valley Re^onal

Idaho Departmeriu st bo cs- Gam^ Contact hh1 flre and 4350.


2 1 3> pen a t 7 s3 0 p m n* a t BtOOpm i)e c t to c h a n g e du ft to s e e n c i r c u m s ta n c e s .FA

lieavens’W IS a C L iA R K


Otn Unierprtus

i falls, I p er- ih rea ten l ic h w as e r . . . S oon lent th a n ev e r I a tcr falling get o u t o f th e g d o w n th e h lU / th ing befo re it a m b l ^ u p th e h e rC h U d ln Ifm a k e ln g a t- h S cared andi d th e to p o f i rc h o fu s

W iUlorn C la rkpcditlon, edited ay Copyright



spring a nd sum- ! was bcnefldal ded. HoMrever die ised grasses and itofiourish. e of flrcworks on r an unattended cause vrild fires

i d l l f c habita t, rty, prom ote die [ous weeds, and - I of dollars in flre sts.tourth o f/u ty cd - c b e careful with iworks responsi-

ind is a n ^ n a l nceratlheM a^ il Office o f the u?nf o f Fish and hlmat(Z08)324-

Page 23: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .





rr WAS so Mca^ SPONSOR oua


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fe:;Fw Better or Rm

^•WtM oacum A a

H tgw theH orriMJ

C iB ilc Peanuti

My life ha been one o

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W PicnoAMei< \

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XCS.OP M.ONOS TO J |( A 77 / ’ OUO BOWUN® TBAM ) , ^ O O n " '

1 L a r u sJ s J'M NOT S U K ^ / i . POWN , 3 * b IT WAS A } j AO Am l; ^ 6 0 0 0 b £ ^ I



Rk Wotm


r f e lU A T S th ' H H r * .

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- A f *‘^ ' T (b B S !

£P A \(e I M tT C o M W w rm ? b o R u m E . $ c e e

5 a > 6 .^ ) n f ^

a ca ByHankKetctu

'' / \

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DBE1!£»U.V WRINSARWJff IC A «E A 10N a.’

■ m e < « F r

11 - J p \' *»JO

ByHectoii u o T ^

7 ^ - ( MOW DO VOU Sr < M m t o g b t t oJS J r jL ' CHAMPIONSWP:N AL5Jr\ that?//


A ! |

Sl ^ liK

“ ^ N o K T O W c !

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f v H ^ l . P GREAT. I © o e se a o s 1 -mAPse</Ee>nuit>)e m s I

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I H E F A M n y C I B C l

s /I— i7J “J ^ ' . w y . n B h l

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__________________ By Johnny H

FT that KEefS 0»< <3i viN<S»

A — — ^ ^ . . ^ ^ e c r r

tctor D. Cantu arxl CaHos Castellan

I fW«OOMfifOlfrU»i>lSO!V owViiTHfigpgivEwyg?

By Dean Vtoung & Stan Drai

XJBXPBCT)/ 1S6B TT o r m -q -wmat jg t jy i . SHU’S UKB ] YOU XW Rr? llys._yj^M B M yX J/

Jj "

By Scott Adam


e » - ? A ^ ®

By Lynn Johnslor

By Chris Browne



Ir_^By Charles M. Schulz

By Brian Crane

1 1 ^ . 1 7 h io w u lE M E E P T:^ J sw eB G Q ^ lo r ru ^k T I GOOP E»U30GM

I T H e - r iM V ^I J

IC tJS B y BU K e a n e

W i% l i i V


fH ait B a ty B lo nI lot:tHToe.>Mneeo-ba3u

lanos Baette Bailey


D C S K ...7 TW -------^

'rake T he Bom Loaer

~ ] ' I v C 6 £ E A T K ^tN G '- ifAOtClNC BUT

0 fh >

im s T ha EJdat!)efrtea

” 1 • Kornracfe Ludrnllla reporting t?ack froi

ion OarfWd

Z IT ^C so reR OOI.

Tie HI a n d Lola!| I (“EC*i I f ^IHz Pw uta Before Swkie

Dupe pvk pu»c. i hou'iUAS KlCUT.X TUn VOUPISCOKMP TMt 'oUMA Fi»40Bl>] IWtM IS N THU OUT (AMTKV MO 11 iN»)«Iti iU( 'rhuby CiR4s: I

L m i m ^ L lX S J l le ZKa

T H W » « R * ^ MflW HgPlW EKL--------X

N oflSaquttur

f ^ »CA iJ«> tW M £N

’ OFF OUXY,m o F F c \n v

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S t f U f U T u i ^ UX»ft#SOMeTH»Ju w f c p w w t j ftWoMtfarwjOfc .MCM6CT5 »JWtt)fkST5»Jfr

lA M P Z P O U H P U a o ^ P J A WHOLE v \ DRAWER FULL / C U ^ S

O P C A N P Y / y ^ k - ^


IG T O Q U tf* W C Y O O T R UT NOTKtt^ f s ^ TWOSe W O R ^ O / -

H a V r B^dtrpark r e s i 'd e n f 'ro m I -fcoK I 'r jn c c e n f na1u

t f h i k e lo learn a b o i

n d k d tS appisirrri

s S ^

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T lIpi s»kl'P X UAi LMTCMxIG UHy'OU I lit] UPlifl MVT PoiSrtYl»4D I VMRlNPMBMt TM'nulllYUT? I AtlOXSMJCm C1KC1J&'

rl AHO MbkV KUM fAHliy! » t I>1 f«» »»«• tVt*J MtM

^ GttouO. ^

l a ? i « P B ? s ' \ I. C W f i f F T A ]^ «KEME«5IN /H. T l E K n r » N . / < ; ~ >f


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1Twn(lq;;uMS0,2005 Tbm

Bylmkic.OOfc —N ) .i (T aniai '' r n —4

P l l i l / X W A SI ( AN EAII

TRieDONe.OF ‘ y e a r ,iSePMCrtTWNtib? ^-------


Jnts Vv’df tun +br ^aturff ®me.EvjnT |

I■ tncoioc

inrioq. m oihtrnaw e— - ^ l i V f l W r T s c ^


L&'i ^l | ! |W s s

{ ( c c n a tv c r ^ 'T ] /*Y »MUW>«Otl( I t / I /»iiv , lU frtftK a O .^ I /S ' t St«fAJT«RA ».V I thkt »m WWT , I f a ^ l ItM 3 'tit C0N4KTMI1 Tt> { V ^^M I ’ niWtlTf'Mit I

By Jim I

I i n f m : « m m c i? a u . I | «£5FTHEfPJ5MPFWS/W g FVrEV^HW ffANW r^ a

S t iv « aB raw^ HWIII i U | i | | | | l | | \ Bu7

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x y ^ ^ H v ^ T ^■"

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- '- r - Vln>t»«m,TMnFWt,l<Wio M


ly Rick Klrhman and Jerry Scott

: | <3ftW.V<WMU>UfB^ uJUil£ i U»|t,

V e o f lw w s u iv c e / pukfsitMWCow

> IofTWiSJt>ff»'*xM> . V ^ ^ c a o t . !

Gy Mort Walker

^ G C T T IN S \ GH6Q4- I y^RLVJUM P )


By An Sansom & Chip

U ...B O T I C0ULC>HT - _ ^ £ T tT L I T ' ___ -

By Phil Frank and Joe Trolse

M ow ak>0ut t / i i i — ^ oncT i s ca iled ^ "Mule g<g>y '

' " ' 1 ' TaS a

By Jim Oavis

^ T H E C A P e & O e S )■ie BACK,9L)PeR K

t » 5 r ,-xE.

[ / ( ____ >f e <g

By Chance Browne

lA T c ^ ip v o i; J U s r A »RirJKl.E OM VtoUR h -

0fZoCCOU\ ? y - t -

By Stephan Pastls

«'> |*M< Ma IM omMM In •ni|r,

T) Borgman and Jerry Scott

lUVEWfTH CCOfiHa^ / f T F « VTHE

> ByJohn Oecring

Y e s j l . I GOT WWR

*JTicff5flY «S*Fl«3e ‘5J»CARPR?eytuiKyiV3» w io w J 'i isB e c f lR D ir a s f t t^ f iN c w p c o r r x

c o jto v f e o f w f ls eX ^ « c i a w 7 H «

\ ~ ~ ^ B L

Page 24: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .


Sawtootl.Contlmwd from D l

de lin ite ly "a p ro b lem ."W c dL -scended anoih«

ft-ut a n d u p p r o a d ie d E d w iili e x l ia u s te d g ru n ts , h o u rs o f h ik in g u p oo t a 'l id c a 'd u s d u s ty u n d (i O n e n te r in g c a in p . tlic ne v er va rie s , l l r c t l o r no t Ull th e (en ts . p u m p e d w d in n e r a n d b re a k fa s t i m o v e d h o i h ik in g b o o a s se m b le d h is ' D shinc r eogerly p lu n g e d in to th e lake w aler. N ibb les b u t n fru .s trjted h im . I ie w a s d for a n o th e r n.‘con sd tu te < d ra te d d in n e r.

A fter ll ie la st d io r e o f — h a n g in g a ll food , garb ; iu iy lliing a lie a r m ig l it ca r e ti re d to o u r s le e p in j I-uUlng ofT to s le ep a l las ro u sed b y T anya ta p p in g icnr. W e pccnxl o u i to s t

__ m o o n r is in g o v e r ih ep eaks, l l i c m o o n g lo w s< d ie jag g ed p in n a d e s .

C lteck ing o u r m a p s a t fiist. w e rea lized w e h a thax - o r fo u r m iles w itlt r c lim b in g to a rrive a t tli c am p . W e r e a d ie d hUddc ju id se t u p c a m p l)y eari; n o o n , iie n e a g e rly a s se m t ro d a g ain , l l i is lim e , h e fLsli w itli a lm o s i e v ery casi f ied ;ifte r21 c o n sc 'cu tiv ec lie g e n e ro u s ly i im te d ll ove r to Ills sLstcr. lim ily.

1 Miw m u s liro o m s 1 the kne%v b u t w a s on ly su rc s.irc ty o f e a tin g th e pulTba p u n c h e d Uielr w ay u p d th e d u H 'n m y a . a rirs t- tim i p a c k e r f ro m L as iuw em blcd h e r stove , se ; d ie c h u n k s w ltli soy sau i I’a n n e s iin c h e e se a n d prc a m ld -a fte m o o n fesist. I a 'm in d e d ev e ry o n e I w as s u r e th e y w e re s a fe t' ■niankfuUy, n o o n e su ffe r ill clfecLs I ro m th e Ircat.

A n o th e r fo u r-m ile d a y c lim b o v e r C ra m e r Divide e d u s In tl i e C r a m e r a*gion. A ivaterfidl funnelii fro m th e u p p e r la k e in m id d le a n d a n o d ie r in to C n im er. W e c h o s e tl ie f a r ; th e m id d le h ik e f o r a gn in tin g u s a full v iew g n in d e s t w aterfa ll. A rriv th e carly a f te rn o o n e n c o i u s all to b a d ie (w itiio u t sc d ie chilly w a te r w h ile a i joyed ih c fu U sim .

G e a n is n o i q u i te ac( Q e a n e r U ian b e io re is a a p t te rm . T lic to p la y e r i was d ilu ted , a t least. A fic w e lo lled o n o u r InQatabli ircsscs . v m iin g in o u r jo a n d b ra id in g c u d i o d ie n N o cell p h o n e s o r c -m o i i r o a e d u s. W c h a d n o m i to a t te n d o r g ro ce rie s to bi

I h a d to ld m y n le c i n e p h w v u xvc g o i a n earl d ie la s t se v en -m ile day . w t m a k e tlie b o a t a l R edflsl p .m . a n d c a i a c h e c sc b u j d ie b e a c h g azeb o . I sm l m y se lf d ie ncna m o rn in g o p e n e d th e le n t f lap to si a n d E m ily ro lling u p ih e i A fter a q u ic k bow l o f o : a n d coffee,-w e w ere o n o u

‘ITie la s t s t r e td i o f irail eiisy d a y h ik e fo r S u n Valle to r s s e e k in g a n on e jq ierience . W e sn ic k e re d n e w b o o is a n d fan c y su n s p a s s in g u s. T h e d a y I b o u n c e d a lo n g b ra lc s s in w ith lo w -s lu n g B r itta n j sh o r ts . C ity -ra ised d o c s u s cauU ously, c u r io u s a b o t c o u n try o d o rs . W h e n die a rr iv e d , n o o n e d is p u te ' r ig h t to first in line . F ive d i d ie trail re q u ire s n o c x p lan

Sadly, w c a rr iv e d a t d ie f ish b e a c b to a s c re a sp la sh in g h o a rd o f v is i to r n o is e a n d v isu a l ovc sh o c k e d u s a f te r lh c pci g ra n d e u r o f th e S a w to o th th e c h e e se b u rg e r w d s delic

Jane Sllckcrs Is ati auld mid fly-fisher who liivs in falls.

WUdfire neai tortoise habil

sr. G E O R G E, U ta h CAP] p re s e rv e th a t p ro v id e s hj f o r a n e n d a n g e re d lo r to ls c a m c a m a jo r focu : fire f ig h te rs W e d n e sd a y , i a f te r th e y c rc w s b a t t le d oi c r b la z e th a t th r e a te n e d a to w n .

S m a lle r f ir e s c o n t ln u i c r o p u p . f o rc in g c rc w s g e ttin g a b e t te r h a n d o i 1 2 .0 0 0 -ac re fire n e a r N ew m o n y a n d f ro m m o p - u p d o s e r to S t. G eorEC, w ^ e r s t a t e ’s la rg e s t b la z e — 6 6 ,2 6 4 -ac rc W c sts ld e C o n Ore — w a s fu lly u n d e r co o s o f la ic lU c s d a y .

W a sh in g to n C o u n ty She ofB cials o n W e d n e sd a y ore l h c c v a c u a d o n o f 12 hc n e a r A n d e r s o n Ju n c t io n c a u s e o f a n e w fire . 1 ih o i^ g h f ir e o f fic ia ls s a k s tr u c tu re s w e r e th r e a te n e d c v a c u a d o n o r d e r a ffe a b o u t 2 0 p e o p le .

t>4 Tbn*»Ntw«.1MnM»,


ths_ RediST A N U iy— 1

V isitor C e n tc r hI th e r 1.200 ties s c h e d u le d tE d n a L ake • Ju n io r R a rn ts . S e v e n ch ild ren ages 5 1a n d d o v m a t 10 a .m . a n d 1id g ro u d iy . tJay, S a tu rd ay ajh e r o u d n e a t 10 a .m . o n ly cn o t, vn ; se t ics I n d u d e “Ad w a te r fo r -vVUd, WUd Jou rst a n d re - Facts." “A rtiazlnijo o ts . B en in ,a l H ub iia t.-lg r o d a n d N atu re” a n d “A nIhe ic c co ld . B car lVapi t n o t ^ e r s g ;30 a .m . today .

Jar"""'o f ll i e d o y •

ir b a g e a n d ,_____________t e a t — w c l i n g b a g s , la s l. I w as ln g o n o u r0 s e c a full h e b a r r e n V s o f te n e d

s a t b rea k - o n ly

L lm o p e a k d ie n e x t

c ld en L n k e;a rly a fte r - i;m b le d h ls h e c a u g h i c as t. Sads- a: c a tc h e s ,

t h e rod

t h o u ^ t I u rc o f . ih e ITballs th a tp d iro u g li Wim e b a c k - ▼

s e a s o n e d . i a u c e a n d p r o d u n k l

I,vas p re tty

toffe re d o n y

la y :m d a /id c la n d - e r L akes i d s w a te r

in to th e I to Lovirer

c a m p . d ie

r riv ing In ic o u ra g cd t so a p ) In g^Avc e n -

a c c u ra te .s a m o r e ■ 3 | 7 » n / s n t ; r o f d in ^ ic rw o rd . a b le m a t- r jo u rn a ls

hair.-nnUg tlis- m e e tin g s

o b u y . le c eL>arly s ta r t , Vtrc c o u ld Ifisli b y Ib u r g e r ^ U j i nsm iled to in g w h e n 3 s e c B en h e i r t e n t

o a lm e a l o u rw n y .

r a i l is a n 'a lley visi-

o u td o o r -cd a t d ie u n g ld sse s y n ik c rs1 in Lycra a n y -s ty lc .B srU Iicd b o u t tru e d ie b o a t

c d a y s o nila n a d o n . ■ 3 S < S T I / ^d ie R ed- ■r e a m in g . ■itors. T h e H

p e a c e fu l o th s . b u l ic lid o a s .

vld hiker Dvin

ars HSSiSi )itatA P ) — A Hs h a b i ta t t o l s c b e - ) c u s H b

d o n o ih - a sm xdl B jH

n u e d to v s f ro m . o n th elew H a r- « « W W K T m

^ le , oAia SUNDA

SHert.s JULY 4o r d e r e d H M M ih o m e s I

Ion b e - ;. E v en•a id n o ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■IIl e d . t h e , |g — i f f c c te d

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Page 25: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

I'hc T i r

ManT h is d a y

h a v e to b e tig h t ro p e s t r Rills. A t Ica : to ld C h a t le s l 1859, b e fo r e

T h e m o d i

S e x V

d r u g m a y 1 t o d i s

D EAR A BB re sp o n se t o *‘1 S tate ." w h o o b c c o m e a d d i h a v in g s e x w i

r You w e r e ccth a t I t ’s im p uw ay f ro m p u

. ; d ie te d to d r u ]s ta y d e a n , m e th a d o n e c k n o w th e y h t w ho th e i r f ric easy to s t a r t t w h ile in tr e e s p e n d in g tlm< w ho a re u s in g

1 w as, h o w e tliQt y o u d id i h a v in g se x w i t a rec ip e f o r g m a n y o th e r s< led d is e a s e s . (! k eep s o n ^ v i i r e m e m b e r th a u n p r o te c te d s t they a re a ls o e v e ry o n e th a t sex w itli . L a tex

tra n s m it te d d k

D EAR IL N .:w ere d ls o n p o i r sw c r d ic m t ( how ever, t h e w

■ > w as, “C a n I b e ed n jg s b y h a v in j d i c t r I a n sw e r fo a ua lly a n d s r

I a lso h e a r d t w ho f d l I s h o u l e d furtlier. R cac

DEAR ABBY: ih e w riter, y o u f th e m o s t d a n g i tions o f s u c h b e w ill) p o te n tia l] s u d ia s h e p a t i t i : AIDS. T h e r e is i

i o f th e se d is e a s; add ic ts b e c a u s e

c o n ta m in a te d n c an a lso b e tn u i sexual re la tio n s .

— ALEXA M .D .W U '

DEAR D R . Z l m akes m e w o n lives c o u ld b e n eed le c x c h a n g (

■ availab le i n ew ' y o u f o rd a i if y in i

Zamboi driver c with dn driviiig

NEWARK. N .J Pcragalio’s c a r c e i s e lf o n t lU n ic e .

P cm ga lia a Z o r w as ch a rg cd w i t t Ing at^er a fellow ( M e n n en S p o r ts A tow n coQcd poU c m o c h in ew a ssp e * ly c ra shed in to thi

B y p ie t im e c Simddy, P e m g a ll th e fo u r- to n ic e c h in e a f te r re su r] d u r in g a b r e a k in

Police s a id Pei 'a lcoho l le v d was Levels o f 0 .08 p e n a re c o n s id e re d le b re a th te s t w a s oc

P e ro g a l lo g o ta i h a d h is c a r 1 ^ sa id M o rris C o u r L t. O av id D o y le Z am b o n i is c o n s i

. .v e h id e , n o d if ic re Z ^ b o n l 'p r i v i l

v o k e d f o r P e ra i ' R a n d o lp h , w h o h

th e M orris C o t m t s in c c 1994.

il'' ------


n walks tiga y I n h is to ry : Y ou'd d a r tb e c ra z y to w a lk a T hrgs t r u n g a lx jve N ia m ia w ri t

le a s t m a t's w iu t th e y In cslc 3 B I o n d in o n ] u n c 3 0 , A>rc h e d id exac tly th a t, o n c to d e m p u b g a m e o f v ro n

w i t h ■ ; a d d i c t s I l e a d I

i s e a s e I£ B V : I ju s t r e a d youE ' o ' ‘N am ele ss in a R ed0 a s k e d if s h e co u ld d d l a e d to d ru g s by : w i th a n a d d ic t.

I B D e a r H H A bby HQ Jeane ■ ■ Phinips H

1 c o r r e c t lo p o in t o u t m p o r t a n t s h e s ta y p e o p le w h o a re aci-

I ru g s i f sh e w a n ts to n . I w o rk in a c d in i c . M y c lien ts

h a v e to I)e carefu l f r ie n d s o re . It is ve ry r t u s in g d r u m a g a in r e a tm e n i i f y o u 're i m c a r o u n d p e o p le in g .w c v e r, d is a p p o in te d l id n 't m e n tio n th a t w ith a d ru g a d d ic t is <r g e t t in g A ID S a n d r se x u a lly tran sm it- L d c u U i td ic g i f td i a t iv in g .) P e o p le m u s t t h a t w h e n th e y have d s e x w ith so m e o n e . . s o h a v in g se x w ith l a t p e r s o n h a s h a d le x c o n d o m s a re th e s c a g a in s t sexually . d is e a s e s .


•N .: I 'm s o r ry y o u l o in t e d th a t m y an - ( g o f a r e n o u g h ; c w o m a n 's Q uestion b c c o m e a d d ic te d to v in g s e x w ith a n ad - w c rc d h e r q u e s tio n i spcdH colly . r d f ro m a p h y s id a n o u ld ,h a v c e laborat*£ a d b n :

BY: I n y o u r rep ly to )u faU ed to m e n tio n in g e ro u s com plica-

ia l ly f a ta l d iseases t i t isB .h c p a U tisC o r is a h i ^ i In d d e n c c e a s e s a m o n g d ru g u se o f th e sh o n n s o f d n e e d le s , a n d th w r a n sm itte d th rough n s .X A N D E R N .Z IN N . V IN N ETKA . CALIF.. Z IN N : Y our le tte r r a n d e r h o w m a n y 3C sa v e d if d e a n - n g e p ro g ra m s w ere e v e r y d t y T h an k

r tn g m y o n s w e t


nmkengN .J. (AP) — John ‘c c r o n t h c i c c i s i t : e .

v i th d ru n k e n driv- n v e m p lo y ee a t tlie ES A re n a in Morris- oU ce to rep o r t th e ipeccung a n d near- I t h e b oa rds, c o fD cers a rrived ^ o h a d p a rk e d ic c - d e a n in g m a - su r la d n K th e rink : i n p u b u c s k a ^ g .P c raga llo 's b lo o d

kvas 0 .1 2 p c rc c n tjc r c c n t a n d above1 le g a lly d ru n k . AJ ac im in ls tc rc d .t a s u m m o n s a n dc cys co n fls ca ted .l u n t y Patfc Po licc ’y le , w h o sa id a B | | | mn s i d e r e d a m o to r u c u u uc r c n t t h a n a cor. c«tiud«i fiv ilc g e s w ere rc- cj Am.=rogolJo, 63 o fo n u w o rk e d fo r ' «ndspKi<m t y p a rk sy s te m wvnM«y.


| t o F

ghtrope abca r ts v ras flrst c a llc d “D a r t a n d u g c t ," a cc o rd in g to tl ic 1904 Tit o f e am e s , lavrfully allowred 1 c s ta b M im e n t s .A m a n w h o s o ld H sh w as r ice c a l lc d a n s h m o n g c r . A o m a n in th e so m e o c c u p a tio n

*25%OFFK Jim-fltduCTd WK Int»m*tiwMl Conttf «v«lbble In Pwtn whm nomulty »ld. Ol $||9,now:9J546.7S.


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rt. Uuiu<Kturt>> clotMul. quanlHUn Umtifd Hc

R N ET h u r s c

)ove Niagaiid w a s c a lle d a flsli-fag.M I n c a s e yo u S v e v e r w oi >d w lia t to call th o s e sUver-

s u ^ b a lls o n c c u se d foi xs m w e cook ics. w o n d e r n c A H ie y r c c a llc d .d ragees, l h in F re n ch w o rd fo r suga rp lu i

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nioi OmlRi Wenwn) $w<nmt*r M«nY CUlOor II tkttilCK PmoftJU Cjrr 0«oilevT«tinology: d Kjrch«r Ck«*n(« Centrr: WVw Fln* }(wt<ry idtM C«nin«tn. Not vtUd on pirvMin purtha Halt maitdowni may hM b m ukm Som* 0 nl Ho phon* o#dtfl.


N Gs d a y

ira Falls onI n c a s u rg e o n s

/o n d e rc d le av e s In su rgery>r-coaicd E u ro p e a n s discoviror dcco* tlic tic p r o p e r t ie sn o m ore . H ere 's th e tw ist, tl:l io m th e d id n 't u s e il o n tlum s. th e y u s e d it o n l

t i •

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»aUAl JAUS. *May nw b* comblfiKl WBII anrc*0(W«tW Folomaipti LMrttv K<flnft Cokf;Mmc (Vny tUlK N*utKi.'Ta<ta EOta; Cunv Bu Vy;Vt>aW4ng;WaterfDnt Dnlgn«rTnllln:0>

ihawt. tCskidft M«n) and Kldi Colkount.« I* o»e>< pncn may noi h n t b m In r<(KI ij

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BR]n this datei n s u s e d c o c a kccj> awai c ry l o n g b e fo re long op e rao v e re d tn e a n e s - D id a li{ic s o f c o c a in e , y o u r socki. t h o u ^ — th e y a n d lum an th e ir p a d c n ts , ken In ilb In d ie m se lv c s to e n u u g lito

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EAKJ in 1859 rwake and alert during leralions.a l i ^ t b u lb b rea k o f f in 5ckel7 U n p lu g tl i c lig h t n a p o ta to o n to tlic b ro - lb It n i p wrcll I to un .sc rcw th e b u lb . |__

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_ Inside'C lassified . ........El-13> Crossword. Jumble . . ,E8

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Page 26: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .


Cad for Bid for Mir

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVI bo rocoivod by Iho E Kimborly School Olsiricl purchasQ of ono 14 pj bus.

Bid docum onis ond doia available Irom Colhy Co Wos: Kimberly, Idnfw bol o.m. and 4:00 p.m. Mor unlil day oi bkf oporMng.

Bids m ust bo submltiod o 20. 2005 ID Coihy Coopi

.ollor ino stotod.iimc ar>d i oiod. At Iho ^lolod timo . publicly oponod ond load

THo Board of Trusioos ro: copi o r rojoci or lo solo any or all bids and to woi bidder mny wilhdraw his t such bids unloss iho owi layed for a porlod excoodi

Cathy Coopor. do rk Kimberly School Otslfici »4 141 Cenier St. V/est Kimbofly. 10 63341

PUBLISH: Juno 30 and Jui]

PubNc Ndll9« forO School R»

According to school boorc School District * 415 hor spoclal education rocords to provide oducatlorial & wtih disabiiiilos who woro a s a sludoni prior to tho y yoar and havo sinco loft tr

. will dostroy Ihose spoclal shroddlng or burning) In 4i Ihose records is the bo improper and unaulhorlzo<

Ploaso bo aw aro ihot if yoi uon rocords on filo wiih th< rocords may bo noodoc bonolits or for olhor purpi you wish lo rovlow tho fil your rocords. p lease mako 10 Iho odmlnistrailvo olllc days.

Por lurther Inlormalion con Special Education Dirocl Soolh, H nnsan, ID 83334 {

PUBLISH: Ju n e 24, 25. 26 July 1. 2005_____________

PUBUC NOActions planned and takon

oro contalnod in public noli your right lo Krww nnd to your govornmoni Is doing, charges oil citizens lo bo popor u rges every citlzor thoso noticos. Wo advlso sooh (ufthor Information lo access public rocords and i

IMPORT/Ploaso oddross all logal odv


PO Box S Twin Falls, I

83303-0& em ail lc

lagftlaemBglcval Doadiino lor logal ods: 3 d. non. noon on W odnosday i Thursday for Monday, noor day and W odnosday. no Thursday and rwon on Tuc Saturday. Holiday deadline havo ony questions call F20B-735-3324____________

N otice o t T niste Idaho Codo 45-1506 T odo /i

. Salo dato and ilmo (local 2005 a l 10:00 AM Salo loa Firsi Amorican Tlllo Compa North, Twin Fails. ID 8330 565 A lpine S tre e t Twin Fi cossor Trusloe; Norlhwoat Inc.. Oil Idaho Corporallon I

. vuo. WA S8009-0997 (425) Trust information Oilglnai gr Abdalla, a tin g le pe rM n C noor Titio Com pany Origino Fargo Homo Mortgago, In January 21. 2003 Recordoi bor: 2003001545 County: T

.Ing on tho obligation: as ' S90.163.G9 B ecause Of lnt< .a n d oihor chargos ihat ma day. tho am ount .duo on lh< bo groator. Hence, 11 yo<j

' ohown obovo, an ad|uotmoni .aflor wo rocoive your choc! matlon writo or call tho Sui

;th e a dd ress or lolophono . abovo. B asis of dolnult: lol

monis whon duo. Ploaso u Successor Trustee will, soli i tho highest bWdor for oertjfit leni Iho property doscribod a oddress Is klontified to com but Is rtol warranlod to bo o (y's logai descrlplkin is: Lot 1 latos Subdivision. P.U.D., Pi

' County, Idaho, rocordod In Pago 47. The solo is subject and procedures ao descrlbo which can bo reviewed a Tho salo is mt sonlollon. warranty or covei (TS# 7023.10433) 1002.4007

PUBLISH: Juno 23, 30. July 7 1


-- ' - M TfeM»ftm,TWInM

Mlnl-School Bu m *

GIVEN Ihat sealed bkls will [1*^0 Board ol Trustees of nn i« iricl No. 414, Woho. lor Iho * p®1 passenger Mini- School

doiallod spedlicalJons aro Coopor ol 141 Cenlor St.

I botwoon Iho hours 016:00 ^ , Monday through Thursdoy

Tho IId on or boforo noon. July Dopor. cioik. Bids rocoivod “ iT. ind doio will nol bo conski- ,n o mo and place, bkls will bo e , , ^ oad aloud.I reserves Iho right to ac- soloci ony ponion ihoroof waive any lochnlcaJliy. No his bid attor iho opening ol w itn awarding of tho bid is do- , ooding Ihlrtydoys.


July 7, 2005

or D M tructlon of SoaloI R ecord* th© t

Eostoard policy, tho Hanson inn i,horoby gives noiico Ihoi they

irds aro no longor noodod cityII services to indlvkluals c ity I oro onrollod In tho dIslrW qm , . >0 yoar 1999/2000 school .irao. Ift tho district. Tho .district:lal oducaikjn records (by ^ 5 " “ ®in 45 days, Doslnictton of ff®",®

bosi proloctton against rizod dlsdosure. you havo special oduco-

1 tho school dlslrifl, Ihoso ,,L V “ »dod for sodal socuritylurposes In Ihe luluro. II Doput)0 fllo or koop tho filo for City ot lake tho roquosl in writing PO Bo olllco wiihin 45 calondor Twin F

208-72contact Calhio Slandloy.rocior. SSO Main Slrool p .m , , 34 (208).423-6387.

. 26. 27, 28. 29. 30 nnd ---------

: NOTICEkon by your govommont noilcas. They are part of1 to be Informed of what ling, As solf-govommoni bo Informod. this nows-izon lo road and study j"*® ‘ viso thoso clllzons who P'I lo oxorciso thoir right to ind public moellngs.ITANT S n ladvonising lo: dlvorsVERTISINQ eache*-New* now v) » S48 dlvors

III to foot n 30 / p 3 days prior lo pubiica* dolails lay lor Sundoy. noon on low R w on on Fridoy lor Tuos- 3033 c

noon on Monday for vklodTuesday lor Friday and protosailnes may vary. 11 you ol Sot111 Ruby, legal dork, at appro\______________________ glon. 1jstM -* Sal*loy'B dato: Juno 6. 2005 5|„,“ 1 >cal time): October 12.location: In tho ofllce of J ° J , r npany. 2C0 3rd Avonuo3301 Property address: D im iic n F .H ., K> s i jO l Sue-vest Trustee Services, im tion P.O. 00* 997 Bolki- JUI 425] 566-1900 Dood ofII grantor: V«ron)qu* J.)n Original trustee: Pk>-glnol bonefkilary: Wolls c n so Nc, Inc, Rocording doto: NOTICE•rdor's instrument num- in tho M.y: Twin Falls Sum ow- LESLEYas of Juno 6. 2005: fo rC Intorost. lato chargos,may vory from doy to a Poiltk)

1 Iho day you pay may ju r » „you poy tho amount at 246

nont may bo nocossary 83301hock. Fot lurthor Infor- m aRIESuccossor Trustoo at above <

one numbor providod in nam: Inllure lo moke pay- my gtt0 tako notice thal the whom«ll a t public auction to McKEErtlflod funds or equlva- unknowJd above. Tho property 19 22fis»m ply vrth IC 60-113 84109.>0 conoct. Tho proper- Such poto t 11 of Parfc View Ea- A u g ^ t., P hase 1. Twin Fails CourthoIn Boote17 of Plots. T w inF.

oct to conditions, rules filed byrlbod a l Iho safe and snow tod at www.norlhwost- change

mado without ropre- wn>JESJovennnt of any Mnd. thb 17t^0071-FEI ByDoput!

y 7 ond 14, 2005 PUBUSH

I Mb.- 30.300






TWINFALLS a s e No. CV-05-2843 OTfCE OF HEARING I Ro: ELIZA RUTH OLSON alo of Birth: 3-11-31 PoUlion by Eliza Ruin O lson, borr

Horlowton, Montaru now ro3ldlr)g 3300 E. Twin Falls, proposing 0 lam e to Alice Rum Olson ha# b e e r ibove ontiikid court, tho reaso n for n nam e bolng I havo alw ays beer Ulco,le petitioner's fothor has died ond ind add resses of tho petltlonor's no ire: Jonny Owons. 2173 HIghlarKi E. D 83301.ich pollik>n will be heard a t 9:00 o t august 1 5 .200S al tho Twin Falls Cc lOuso. Objoctkms may bo filed by . /ho con. In such objections, show lo ood reason agalnsi such a ch an g e c iTNESS my hand and soal of so ld D lls 24 ihday olJuno , 2005.Sholli R Quan. Clerk

IBLISH: June 30. July 7 .1 4 and 21.


oled proposals will bo rocoivod in tl 0 Oopuly City Clerk ol 321 Secor sst. Twin Falls, Idaho unlil 10:00 A0 locol limo on July 6. 2005. ot v oy shall bo publicly opened ar>d r ty Hall Conference Room of Iho ty Hall.s will bo rocoivod for soal coatir roots.itraci Documents with spociricatic sn s are ovoiiabio ot Ihe office 0 iglnoor, 32 t Second Avonuo E as t, * Bho. a THIRTY-SEVEN DOLLAR A :N T ($37.50) contract foe p lus 0 VE DOLLAR ($35.00) moiling foo Is iharon M. Bryan )uty City Clerk r o t Twin Falls Box 1907n Foils, Idaho 83303-1907 1-735-7245

SLISH; June 23 and 30 .2005 E N ;Ju ly8 . 2005


Ico Is htffoby given thal on Appli ansfor has boon filed with tho Idoh ant ol Wotor Rosourcos for change! hts wiihin Twin Foils County: The ^NSEN, PO BOX 170; HANSEN II id Application No. 72033 on 4/22/0 ' p roposes adding points of diver anglng Ihe sendee area boundary fc H aruon munlcipoi water systom .> d ty has throo groundwater rig ing a soparato well os an authorize ■orslon. Tho appik»Iion p roposos 1 ch of Iho three existing wells, and w well to b e drilled, os authorized ttrslon lor eoch ol the rights a n d ii1 sonrlco 0X00 to indude oddlttonol d around Ihe dty limit boundary.II is proposed to be driilod appnsxim It nonh and 1000 foot e as t o l tho / Rock Creek Rood Intersection. Fc :ails regarding an application, p le as VR Souihorn Regional Offlco a t » o r visit with e od undor i£Now Wator Right Appllc itests may be submitted baaed on Sec 42-222, Idaho Codo. Protosti >roval must bo fik>d wllh lOWR. Soui n. 1341 Flllmoro Sl.-SuKo 200: Twrln 101 wllh a protest leo ol S25.00 for olion on or boforo July 18. 200f lostonl must also oond a copy of th ho applicant.J. Orohor. Director

USH: June 30 ond July 5. 2005



. NO. CV-05-2621 ICE OF HEARING I Matter of the Applk:otkx) ol £ Y MARIE McKEEKEN. ir Change in Name.

Iltksn by LESLEY MARIE McKEEHl a 16. 1096, In PocatoUo. Idaho, now >464 Paintbrush Drtve. Twin Folb 01. proposing a change In nam e lo ^lE NAEREBOUT has been flkM ^o enUiled Court, the rooson for thia om e bolng to have the aam e sum stepfather, mother and half-sbti

m I live. My lather BRANDON JE :EEHEN b living. His place o l rosk town. Tho lost known oddress of Na K S East 3380 South, Sol! Lake O )9.petition v^ll b e heard at 9:00 o'cloci' js t 16. 2005. Ot the Twin Falls Ihouse. localed a t 427 Shoshone Si

Falls. Idaho B3301. Ob{ectk}no 1 by any person wt>o con. In such obf 110 the CoOit a ffood reason ogainst g e of namo.=SS my hand ond oeal of aaid DIstrk 17m doy of June. 2005. sutyOerfc

SH; Juno 30. July 7 ,14 and 21, 200


e s N e w s i



Case No. CV-20 NOTICE TO CRI In Ihe Manor of tl

3om 3-11-31 In LERYU.TANiY lng a i 3951 N Deceased.) 0 change inleen filed In the NOTICE IS HE for this change signed havo bo w on known o s sonlotlvos ol I

persons having »nd the nam es • hor estoto ore 9 near retollvos within tour (4) 1 d E. Twin FoSs. publlcallon of tl

lorovor borrod.I o tto c k AM on to Ihe undorslgi I County Court- filed wilh Iho Ch by any person /s/ParnoIo Nukay w lo tho court a ' 164 UnlvorsllyAv go of nomo. Twin Foils, Idaho d District Court /UKen Nukayo

164Unlvor8ilyAv Twin Foils, Idaho

2 1 .2 0 0 5 PUBLISH: June 2


IDAHO, INJI in the Office of TWINFALL jcond Avenue0 AM, prevoil- Cose No. CV-05-; ot which timo NOTICE TO CRE >d road in Iho in the Manor of th ho Twin Foils JOHN STEVENS,

D eceased.sating of City

0 of the City muvo ol iho ab< a t. Twin Foils, havinn claims aa ^ S lJ e d to p « so n ts 0 THIRTY- after the dale c0 Is required. or sold c

Claims must bo 1 personal ropros< Siovons, Jr.. doc Idaho 63420. one

OATE ih is tO 'd a j ys/John M. Stcvon Personal Roprosci PO Box 77 Ashton, Idaho 834



The cnrv OF FALLSN ID 83334>2/05. Trons- Caso No. CV-05-2:liversion and NOTICE TO CRECry lor the City i.c § 15.3-SOi

r lS S d V m ^ JEAN MARY w oeo s kfcintlfying Deceased, and 0 founheed points ol NOTICE IS HEREId incroosing h EBERT has berTri;^iXllTumll. BOO I” ™ ™ " “' '“'Ottw H^tiwoy ttio ostolo nfo to.

For specific wllhln four (4) mo publication of this

o t 206-736- lorovor barred.Ith detail pro-)Dllcationsii Claims must be pn?n^lS Sltella the oddress Indicrlosts ogolnst >ha Court.Southem Ro- STEPHEN. KVANVwin Falls, ID By Russell G. Kvanf(x each op- Allomeys lor Perso

Telophono: 206-73:

___________ PUBLISH: Juno 23.


bo received by Klmborly School After School Cus KImberty Elenwnt Klmberiy. ID 833< year. This consis loot bulUIng with 1 450 students.

EHEN, bom Bid documents ont low reskUng ovalloblo from Cat I^ons. (daho Wost Kimberly, kla1 lo LESLEY a.m. and 4:00 p.n IlkKl in the until day of bid op thia change reeled to and bui surnam e as scheduled wllh Toc Btoter. with vlscfOl423-4170* I JEDIDIAH Bids must be sub -osklence is 07/18/2005 to Ca I N»-mother ceived after the sto > Oty. Utah -consklered. At the

will bo publldy cpoi lock AM on The Board ol Tmstc ifls County copI o r re|ocl or ti e Street N., any or all bids and IS n u y be bkider may withdrai objectk>ns, such bids unless 9

linst such 0 layed lor a period e Cathy Coopor, Clerk

Istrict Court KImberty School Dlst 141 Center St. West KImberty. ID S3341

2005 PUBUSH: June 30 aJ



2005-2723 :REDfTORS If the Estate o t liYAMA,

HEREBY GIVEN thot Iho und< boon oppointeo co-personol repr I Itw above-nam ed docedonl. < Ing daim s ag a in s t the decodoni re required to p resen t th d r dain I] monlhs a fte r tho dato ol Ihe lii f this nolk:e o r sa id ctoims will t d. Claims m ust either bo prosonK llgned ot ihe a d d re ss indicoled, < Clerii ol Iho abovo-oniined Court, ayoAvonuo ho 83301

Avonuo rio 83301

B 2 3 .30 and Ju ly 7 ,2 0 0 5


5-2561 ^EDITORS the Estate o l:

JS .JR ..

EREBY GIVEN tha t the under ion appointed personal reproson ibove-nomod osta to . All porsom against tho so k l de ce ase d ore ro int thoir claim s within four monlhi I ol tho Orsi publicatfon ol thli 1 claims will bo forovor borrod >0 presonlod to Jo h n M. Stevens isenlalivo o l tho o sla lo of Johr loceasod, a l P O Box 77. Ashlon md mod with iho Court, lay of Juno, 2005 . onssonlolive


18.23 ond 30 . 2005



Iho Estalo ol OODBURY.

REBY OIVEN (hai MARTHA J. been appointed personal ropro- 10 above-natnod docodont. All I claims ogoinat tho docedonl or roquirod to p rese n t Iheir doims months oflor th e da te of Iho llrst his Nollco or sa id da im s will bo

prosonled to Iho undersigned ol ilcotod and filed wilh tho Clerk of

NVIG. STONE & TRAINOR 'anvlgsonal RofKosontaUvo


23.30 ond Ju ly 7. 2005________

d for C ustod ia l S e rv icM

EBY GIVEN th a t seakK) bkls will y Iho Board o l Trustees ol >1 District N o. 414. Idaho, lor lustodlal C leaning Servlcos at intary School 311 Main Stroot >341 for the 2005-2006 schod sists of one ( 1) 39.000 square h 0 student populaikin of about

ind detailed sped fku tions aro ^ y Cooper a t 141 Center St. Idaho betw een tho houra ol 8X)0 >.m. Monday through Thursday opening. Q uestions con bo di- tMliding walk-throughs can be rod Wasko. mafntononoo super- 0x3306.ubmRtod on o r before noon, ^athy Cooper, de ric Bids re­stated Ume a n d d a te wiU not be he Slated tlm« a n d place, bids Doned and re a d aloud. stee« re s e n n s the right to ac- r to select a n y portion thereof Id to waive a n y lochnicatlty. No Iraw his bid a flo r the opening of'I the awanling of tho bkl is de- I exceeding thirty days, rk■Istrict #414 *t ' ’I '

I and July 7 .2 0 0 5


\ m


C ose No. CV 2005-130 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter o l tho Estato

D eceased .

NOTICE IS HEREBY G inder- signed h a s boon appoint -epre- taUvo of iho above-nam ll. Ail having claim s against ih< >nl or quin>d to p fosont thoir d i Jalms aftor tho da to o l Iho f 9 lirsl notk:o or sak l claim s v 'ill bo Claims m ust bo prosont snled Personal Roprosontatlv< Id, or Steven D. Peterson P.C urt. Falls. Idoho 63303-562

Cleric of tho Coun. in tl rule.

DATED tho a ih doy of Jun< /s/Edward A. Sandy PO 8 0 1 ^ 2Shoshono. Idaho 83352

____ PUBUSH; Ju n o 30. July 7 1


Regional Modicai Center Kodak DiroctViow Cot System 850 Irom Kodak 0 is o s d e source of iho a ss

Kodak Is Iho solo source Ic DiroctViow Computod Ra< for tho foltowing reasons:

1. The compatibility of Ih Ider- equipment, compononts. ( son- software, replacem ent pj ions poromount consideration; » ro- 2 . There Is no functional eqi nihs 3 Competitive soik;itatton It this tho circumstances.

Tod. Sakl noiico is given pursuer ens. 4003(2)(d) and §31-4003 k)hn scription of the Kodak ( Ion. Radiography Systom 650

Iho offices o l Taylor. Tay Falls Avenuo. Suite 201, T

Dated; Juno 22. 2005 /9/John Kee, Chiol Execut

Valley Regional Modicai C

PUBUSH: Ju n o 30 and July

----- ATF49S0S03286-BOI Title No. 407054155 s NOTIC

On T uesday . S e p te m b e r : tald day, In tho ofllce of / O oodlng S tre e t N orth. TV

Alliance Title & Escrow C< auctton. to the highost bklc lellora check, (Irom a bani

■ site of the sale), monoy or chock, or co sh octulvolon payable a t tho aomo timo situated In the County of lonows. to wn:

• J- Lot 4 In B lock 6 of WhKe « >fo- Falls County. Idaho. »ccc All 2 o f Plat*, P a g e 4, Jn tl



60-113. THE TRUSTEE H ADDRESS OF: 167 Jacksc

I a l TIMES BE ASSOCIATEO V : of II Ihe successful bkfder can

tho above m oons of paymc only to oaow the high bMdo In abovo. II the high bidd directed wtthin 10 minutes, bid by tho high bkider from 1 dance with Idaho Codo 45-1

Said sole wUI bo m ade wl possosskin or encumbranc pursuant lo the power of se Oonna G rim ih. a sing le p

— as Grantor to Allianco Tilki tho benefit and security o l 2 derbilt Mortgage and Flnan

vill September 16. 1998 os Ins ol ol Twin Falls County. Idoho. lor COMPLY WITH SECTION at SENTATION IS MADE TH/ « t RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS < >d The dolouli lor vfhkih this sok ™ .1) Make principal and interesi

and Promissory Nolo. Tho 0 with intorost thereon at the

™ Promissory Noto dated Augt ^ months of Ja nuary of 2004 ^ amount of S609.S2 per mo ;y Itioreofter unlil da to of salo ’** doDvor to benefldary firs ins ^ to benelSclary. 3) Poy. wh

property taxes lor the first hi est. and ony o ther roal prope this lorodosure. T he pnncapt

► together wtth accrued and oc ~ par annnm. In addition to thi

advances, eocrow ooRocilon with this foreckjsure.

^ Tha balance owing a s of this of tmst Is S a a 0 5 1 ^0 .- e x d i Incurred In enforcbig tho c

^ tnjstee's le es and/or rsasoi promissory no te secured by t

Dated: May 12 .2005 AlUance THie & Escrow Corp. By Bobbi Okineld. Trust Office J1077} 047-1553

PUBUSH: June 9 .1 6 ,2 3 and



' GIVEN that tho untlor- ^ ointod Personal Reprosen- lam od ostato. All persons I Ihe said docoosod are ro- r do lm s within four months « first publication of this IS will bo lorovor barred. M w ntod lo the undorslgnod atlvo of tho o sta to c/o P.O ., PO Box 5827, Twin 5827. and iiiod with the n tho form proscrlbod by r rS

funo. 2005. M

y 7 o n d 1 4 ,2 0 0 5


GIVEN that Magic Valley 4 J tier intends to purchase a Computod Radk>graphy Ik on Iho basis that Kodak a sse t. _0 lor procuring Ihe Kodak C |i < Radlogrophy Systom 850ns:f Iho Kodak system , tts ts . occessorios. computer t parts or sonrkw is of on; 0 .1o(|uivolent: and ^ •gH

luonl to Idaho Code §31- __003(2Ko) A dotniktd do- C r ik DiroctVktw Computed 650 can bo reviewed at Taylor & Pitts. P.A.. 450 i , Twin Foils, Idaho. I I I I I

icutive Ofllcor lor M agic' H l B

lu ly 7 .2005


• r 20, 2005 at the hour of 10:30 of Alliance Title A E scrow Corp. , Twin Fall*. Idaho 63301.' Corp.. a s successor im sioe. wi Okldor. for cosh, cashiers check. c< )onk which hos a branch in the cc1 order. S tale of Idaho check or lo iloni In lawful money ol Iho Un m e of sale, the lollowing describe of T win Falls. S late of Idaho, an

le & C a llahan 's G olden Rule Sub iceordlng to th e p U t thereof, rec n the o tflce of th e County Rei

JO KNOWLEDGE OF A MORE E ABOVE-DESCRIBED REAL PR COMPLIANCE WITH IDAHO CQ E HAS BEEN INFORMED THAT :k son StreeL Twin Falls. ID 8330 •0 WITH SAID REAL PROPERTY, cannot provide tho bkJ prfce by m ymont, the sale will bo postponed dder lo obtain poymeni In 0 fomi p )iddor is unsuccessful in oblalnir los. the sole will be re-held Immec sm tho provkjus sa le, will be rejocfi 45-1502 ol.Sec.I wHhcxit covenant or warronty 1 'oncos to salisly tho obtlgotlon si if salo conforrod in tho deod of tru e po rson a n d G reg H slberg. a 1 nik) & Escrow Co^J.. aa S uccess ol 21* Mongngo Corporation, a s sc nance. Inc., os Successor Bonolk Instrument No. 1998-016792, Moi

Jho. THE ABOVE GRANTORS AR ON 45-1S06(4)(o), IDAHO CODE THAT THEY ARE. OR ARE NOT, IIS OBUGATION. solo is 10 bo mode is loiluro io: irest paym ents a s aot forth on said10 original loan amount w as S88,9i Ihe rate of 6.750% per annum, a t Vugust 31. 1996. Poymonis ore in 004 through and induding April cmonth ond oonilnuing eoch and

talo or reinstolomem. 2) Provide.' insurance sotisfactory to and will

whon due and before dollnque11 hall ol 2004. iogeihor with penal operty taxes that m ay become doll iclpal boianco os of April 29. 2005 d accruing Interest thoreon oi the r ) the above, there is also duo any Ion lees, ottom ey lees, fees or coi

h is dole on the obliigatbn secured ixduding interest, costs and expo •o obUgallons thereunder or in asonobie attomoV'a fees a s auth by the oforonwnUoned Deed of T n

fp.fflcer ,

m d 30. 2005

5 ^

Your I Classifieds (eep You...



Iiopp ing ...

Covered... '

iO o 'c lock AM, Ol rp . located ot 311

Viriil soil oi public , certiflod check or community ol ihe tocal government

United Slates, ail tw d real property, and doscribod os

ubdlv ls lon . TWln eco rd ed In Book leco rd ar of sa id

\ e PARTICULAR' PROPERTY. BUT » D E . SECTION a THE STREET 301, MAY SOME- ■Y. ^m oans ol ono of

Dd for 10 minutes I proscribed here- ning payment os lodlately and ony ictod, all in accor-

f regarding title, secured by and

trust executed by s singto porson. s so r Trustoo. lor sorvfcorforVan-

>liclary. rocordod ^ortgoge rocords ARE NAMED TO )E. NO REPRE- )T, PRESENTLY

lid Deod ol Tnist 1,968.61 together a s evidenced in in default for tho 1 of 2005 In tho nd every monlh io. maintain and rilh hMs psyabio uoncy, the real la lties and inter- lolinquent during )5 is $62,051.40 B rate ol 8.750% ny late charges, x s ta associated

od by said deed p enses ac:tualty 1 th is sale, os nhorlzod In the rrust.

Page 27: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .


I Proposals for UI meonor PubliiI will bo occepi

I Room 300. JoI July 13. 2005.I Hons end RoqiI may bo o b uI Clertt's Ofnco (I /9/Vorenlca UonI ATTEST;I /8/Choryt Wotis.



I NOTICE IS HEII Trustoos ol C«I 121. Comoo CI 601, Idoho CocI lhat It Is In irI * dIslHct to soil II An opprolsol olI hoB boon duly tI Ooscrlpllon of pr

I Ovon 3B’*36'x:I Stalnloss otoel cI ' 2 7 ' doop withI <modol *43753I gorbaoo disposI Walk-In IroozorI opprox. five yooI Arctic AIro refrlgI condition.I Hobart oven 24■ condlUon.I Sold property will■ not less than thi I bidder.I Sealed bids: AI for tho amount >I bid and Iho unsi■ checks or mom I oftor the solo.I . oqufpmont sole*■ the school clerl I Moll bids to P I 63327 or hand d■ . high school.I Tho Board ol (rusI any or oil bids.I Sooied bids will tI 11, 2005 a t IhaI Any bids rocolvoI bo considered.I Tho pfopofly lo b<I Comas Sirool trI M een tho daios

— I --------------Dated this 14th dtI Clor1< ol Cam as CI District No. 121I Cam as County. Id

I PUBLISH; June 2;


I E state Number CVI NOTICE TO CRECI In thoM otterofthoI OROVER MARSHI D ETTEJEANJOhI Deceased.

I NOTICE IS HERi■ slgnod h as boonI lotlve of tho tI person having iI docodonts or thoiI their doim s withirI fi first pubtlI claims wlll bo >oi

. I proBonted bothI oddross IndicatedI Court.I DATED Ihls IGlhdiI RAYBORN ond RAI By: R.E. RoybornI A ltom oyforthoE stI PO Box 321I Twin Falls. ID 8330I /sAJndsay Morsholl

I PUBLISH: Juno 30.


I C aso No. CV-05-27I SUMMONS BY PUEI FARMERS NAT10^I - A Nallona] BonkingI PlolnUff.

I im E ESTATE OI SANDY TKOMFI MANCAT. INC., ■I DOES 1-10 or>d ElI Delondants.

I NOTICE: YOU HAI ABOVE-NAMED fI MAY ENTER J lI WITHOUT FURTt-I RESPOND WITHI INFORMATION BEI TO: THE ESTATEI SANDY THOMPI MANCAT INC.. oiI DOES 1-10 and E^I YOU ARE HEREBVI defend this lowsulI sponBo must bo fll<I Court within 20 daI this Summons. III court moy enterI domondod b y th e PI A copy oi Iho CotI Summons. II you 'I reprbflontotlon by oI siKXJkl do so proI response.*!! ony, mI legal rights protocteI An opproprlate writteI once with Rule 10(I o l Ovil Procedure aI 1. Tho tlllo and numbI 2. If your roopowI Complaint. It muiI denlaJB of tho scI ComplBim and olheiI 3 . Your signatureI telephone number,I address, and teliI attorney.I 4. Proof of mailing oI response to PlalniiI abovo.I To dewrmine whethsI with your responseI . above-nam ed Court.I DATED this 17 doy ofI CLERK OF THE DISII By Deputy CleiK

I PUBUSH: June 30. Ji



or Iho poBlilono oi lolony arxi mii ubIic Dolondors for Jorom o Coi cepted by the Jorom o County C 1. CourthouBo. 300 North Unc . Joromo. Idaho 83338. until 5:00 105. Copies ol the C ontract Spoclf lequiromonts for fulfilling tho Cont Jblalnod from iho Je rom e Coi ice or at Uorman, Choir

>Rs. Counryr Clork

uno 2 6 .26 and 30 ,2005


HEREBY GIVEN, that the BoardI Com as County School DlBtrict I IS County, pursuont to Section : Codo, as omendod. h os determlr n tho bost Iniorosl o l sakl och< «ll the property os klontiflod bokII oi school proporly a s stotod bol Jly mode.)f property to bo sold Is o s follows: BoW o-Slove-Top-three-Plates w 6'x36* tanlel counior top L shaped B T x IZ t rlth Jackson Auiomotic Olshwosh 753), double and single sink, w posal.zor 89'X112' with sloped celllr yooro oW.)frig. 50-W X 32* D X 73- H. go<

240 V 3 Phase 3S*x36*x2g' fi

’ vrill bo sold by sea led bids only I 1 tho appraised value to tho highe

A cashiers chock or mor>oy ord iinl of tho bid must accom pany tt unsuccessful bktders wlll have tN rwnoy orders roturr>od immediate io. Soolod bkfs m arked 'cofotor lOle* muBt be In tho possession i :lerk by 7:00 p.m. Ju ly 11. 200 3 P.O. Box 370. FolrfloM. Idah id dolivor to tho district office In tl-

trusioos rosorvos Ihe right to rejoi IS.vlil bo oponod nl 7:00 p.m. on Ju Ihe Comos County High Schoc

olvod ollor tho bid opening will n< d.10 bo soki may be inspected ot 31 >l from 8:00 o.m. to 4:00 p.m. bt 103 ol Juno 20th and Juiy 11th. h doy ol Juno. 2005 IS County School Dlst.:1


le 23 and 30, 2005


• CV-05-2698 REDITORS I tho Esiatos ol )SHALLJOHNSON a n d JOHNSON.

lEREBY GIVEN thal the under

0 abov6-namod deceden ts . Al ig claims oooinst olthor of ih< thoir estate are requirod to preson Ithin four (4) months after Ihe dote HJbtlcatlon ol Ihis notice or sole > iorever barred. Claims must bc >th to tho undersigned a t the Ited, and fllod with tho Clerk o i tho

:h day ol Juno. 2005.IRAYBORN rnEstato

3303-0321 ihoil Johnson

'30 , J u ly 7 a n d l4 .2005



>•2742PUBLICATION10NALBANK.Ing Corporotkin..


a n Idaho Corporation . JOHN d ENTrriES A-Z.


JUDGMENT AGAINST YOURTHER NOTICE UNLESS YOU ITHIN 20 DAYS. READ THE1 BELOW.TE OF MICHAEL THOMPSON. )MPSON. MICHAEL YOHE,., on Idaho Corporation. JOHN J ENTITIES A-Z.EBY NOTIFIED that in ordor to vBult, an appropriate written re- ) filed with the obovo-deslgnoled ) days of tho 'last publlcailon of

II you loll to so respond, tho tor ludgmonl agalnct you os >e Plalniirf(a) In the Complaint. Complalni Is served with this ou wish to seek the advice or jy an attorney In-thls m atter, you promptly so that your wrttten

^ may bo illed In tlmo and other octod.fTltten response requlrea compll- 10(a)(1) ond other Idaho Rules re and shall also include: jm bero i this cose, jonso la on Answer to the must contain adm issions or

separate allogattona of the ilher defenses you may clolm. ture. moiling addreas. and ber. at the signature, mailing

telephone number o i your

g or dellvory ol a copy of your ilniirr^ attorney a s dealgnalad ,

ether you must pay a filing fee mse, contact the Clerfc o? the ourt.,y of June, 2005.)ISTRICT COURT

Ju ly 7 .1 4 a n d 21 .2003



C0 #« No. CV 2004-01222 ■ 2 ® ORDER. NOTICE. ANC

HEAHINQ S i ^ Interest of:, ^ CHRISTOPHER BELTHAI ' d.o.b. 5-26-S6 •

A ChUd Undor Eighteen Yo A Petition under tho Terml Act has been filed by the and Wolforo. The merits

I examined in on evldontio _ 15. 2005. Ot 1:30 PM In tl

MlnWi^o County Courthoi ■'2’ Tho following IndWduol sl­

ot the hooring:GILBERT M0RALEZ.F0U-

oi Tho. above-nam ed IndlvkJi « No. ,hnt ho Is ontltled to be

33* .coufwol.. If h e is flnoncloliappty «oIC^OI honring. for appointment o

S S ! ! : Sold fothor Is further notille ofiow 1513 of the Idaho Code th

cJolm o s father oi o child with the Dopanmoni oi Bureau orV JlarsS irsflcori such purposes from tho G

I26*x Ues ot the Oepartmont of oshor Said father is further notlfl

wilh the completod form to Statistics, ond It shall bo t

»lllng, before a Notary Public.register can result In your

good molnlolning on action to i the said child and const

' ialr- c aso oi obandonm oni'pur 2005 of tho Idaho Codo.

■lyfof Juno 7. 2005 Ihest ys/Lorry R Dufi, Magistrale

ordor PUBLISH: Juno 2 3 ,3 0 a n d .y th o __________________________theirotoly IN THE DISTRICT COUF tterlo JUDICIAL DISTRICT Ol )n oi IDAHO. IN AND FO R T »}05. JEROME, MAGISTR/doho IN THE INTEREST OF: V n tho CASE NO, CV-2005-S79


YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIi .'i 'i'y A petllton h a s been filed ii 1 ^ ; matter In the Magistrate ' Coun ol Jorom o County. I

culing Allornoy. alleging th . . children como within Ihe p

Protection Act. ond You. E verett W ayne Law

lothor oi Victoria U w son . to oppoor porsonoily boioi Adjudlcalory hearing a t I Counhouso, 300 North Llm on 8lh day of July 2005 a t 1

You oro noroby noUiiod th------ summ ons upon you, a s thoi or cu sijd ian oi tho rospO( p conler tho personal juriod

upon you or>d does subjec sk)ns oi the Child Protoctlvo

You, E verett W ayne Lawa< tho paroni(s). guordlon, o r c nonciaiiy liable ior tho su p p of Iho chikJ. ,

You, E vere tt W ayne Lawac fled that Iho child and the or custodian hove the right t ond ottomoy oi your choos

dor- unoblo lo poy, have the rigl x’h* noy appolnled by tho coui ^ chlkJ or tho paroni(s), guard the county exponso.

You, E verett W ayne Lav ° ° noitfled thot Ihero shall

prosumption that ti a chllc . r r custody ol tho deportm onl <

in out tho homo caro ior a p iiltoon (15) out oi the loi m onths Irom the dote oi deportmonl shall Initiate a p

. tlon of porontal rights. This p robuttod by a lir>dlng o i the oi 0 polltlon lor termination would not bo in tho best Ir (ron) o r roasonablo ollorti provkfod to reunite tho chll lamlly. or tho chikl(ron) is p

___ wllh 0 rolotivo.Thomos H. Borroson. Maglstrc

PUBUSH: Juno 23 and 3 0 .2 0








You ore hereby notlllod that li this lawsuH. an opproprloto must b e niod wllh tho obove within 20 days ofter service you. If you fail to so respond, (er Judgment against you o a ' Plainilff in Iho Complaint. '

I, A copy of tho Complaint Is serv „ • mons. If you wish to seek the

sontoUon by an attorney in should do 00 prompily so tha

, , sponse. If any. may be filed I legal rfghts protoctod.

once with Rule 10(o)(1)*o^*o of Ovil Procedure a rd shall all

1. TTw ilUe number o i this case , e 2 . If your response ia an artsi ir plaint, it must contain admlssl' e the separate allegations o l IN

other defenses you ntay claim, d 3 . Your slgnalure, mailing ad B phone number, or the signal ir d ress, and telephone number c

4. Proof of mailing or delivery c response lo Plaintiffs altom e)

3. above.To determine w hether you mua

* with your response, oontact i* above nam ed cou rt

DATED IhiB 27" day of May. 20C Kris Glascock. Clerk By Deputy, Magistrate Court

PUBUSH; June 9 ,1 6 .2 3 and 30

. _____________________ OtKl





»Yoora o i Age. n OTHirmlnalion oi Porent-Chlld wIhe Deportmont ol Health .lenirits ol tho potltkjn wlll bo bo ilmtlary hooring on August ^22In tho Maglstroto's Court. 5 00ihouBo. Rupert. Idaho. suchJ shall porsonoHy oppoor olflw

thocf^oihor MichaIvkJuol ia luriher notlfiod DIslricb e roprosonlod by legal POSTdally unable to retain an Throot lo tho Court, prior lo tho Rogern to l counsel. Throe 'tilled tha t pursuant to 1&-0 thot he m ay register his PUBU *IId bom OUI o l wedlock "01 Hoallh end Wellore. . J

es. on IorTTi8 0 vanablo"Iof10 Bureau ol Vital Stolls- I o i Hoallh and WoKoro.lotlfled thot ho shall moll Comoito tho Bureau oi VHal 'O robo signed and witnessed <8llic. Your failure to so Sirooo u r bolr>g barred in your move to estab lish palomily oi Mistitulos o prime lodepursuonl 10 section 16- - *

( the f mootl

md July 7. 2005



0 SEN D S GREETING |oci ol ; LAWSON L l m riFIEDTHAT: ihopo Id in tho abovo'ontlllodote Dlviolon of District puBLIiy. Idaho, by tho Prose- ----------3 thot tho abovo-nomod IN I10 purview of the Child JU

I.o w eo n . tho biologicalon. a re hereby diroctod .w ioro tho court lor on Cose NIt tho Jerom e County ^ 9 7 '^Lincoln. Joromo. Idaho IT '"?.”a t 1:15 pm . SHAW1 thoi sow ico of such tho porortKs). guardian. . spoctlvo chlkJrSn. does ^ irladictlon o i Iho court

S"w aon , aro noitiiod ihot OAYLi o r custodian may be il-upport and/or trootmont ^ fol'lc

(0) Thiiweon, a ro further noli- HUBEIh e paront(s). gi^ardlan, the nIht lo bo roprosonted by opproxooslng . o r il financially (b) Broe

right to hove an altor- boor tlcourt to reprosom tho his molordlon. o r custodian at ond

(c) BroiL aw aon. ore further permitt)oll bo Q robutlablo InAugiailld Is placed In tho "nio "O''ml and w a s also place HUBEfa period nol loss ihon Rodwolost twoniy-two (22) potilkinoi od|udk:otk)n. tho rnayop

a petition for lormlna- Poraon Isprosum pU onm oybo Iho court thot the filing ■tion of porontal rights rt In terest ol tho child lo m hovo ro t ooonchlld(ron) with hls/hor ®I . ploood p , — „

istrato Ju d g e PUBUSl-

.2 0 0 5 INTH----------i--------------------- JUOlRT O FT H E RFTH IF THE STATE OF E COUNTY OF TWIN m n - N n:a t e d , » « , o n






a t In order lo defend sponse r ate writtof» response court wli ove dOBlgnated court this Sum /tee ot Sum mons lo the cour nd. the court moy on- demondc o a domorKfed by Ihe A copy c

Summonserved with this Sum- represen th e advice cx repre- should c in thia motter. you response tha t your wrttten re- legal righ

od In llmo and other The nolun for divorc

m se recjulres compil- An opprop >d other Idoho Rules ance vritf I also Include: o fO vllPitee. l.TTielitleanaw er to the Com- 2, If your ilsslona o r denials of plaint. It 1 I the Complaint, and the sepai llm. other defc

addrosa , and tele- 3. Your a ^nature, mailing ad- phone ni • r of your attorney. d ress and ■ry of a copy oi your 4, Proof ol mey, a a designated response

above.nuat pay a flling fee To determi ict the c lerk of the with your

above-nai2005. DATED Ihli

CLERK OF/s/Shelli RI

5 3 0 ,2 0 0 5 ' PUBUSH:.


)TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN purs Ode 45-805 Ihot Oregon Troll outh Porte A venuo West. Twin F< uctlon tho conionts belonging to: n D oan, last known oddross Is win Falls. Idaho./ to G arola , last known addros 114. Twin Folia. Idoho, c a r M elendez, lasi known add Orth 3300 East:'Twin Foiia, Idahc

BLISH: Juno 23 ond 30. 2005


TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Thai wrilo-ln candidacy for tho ofllcc

jnor of the Throo Crook HIghwoy I illod wllh tho distrtct clork whoi >2 9th Avonuo North. Buhl. ID 1 00 PM on th e Sth day ol July. 20C :h dedorollonB oro available a llco ot 122 Oth Avonuo North. E 0 olflco oi Ihe County Clork. hael Ruffing. CPA irict Clork STED;00 Crook School jorson Sorvicooe Crook Rood Yard

3USH: Juno 30,.2005__________



ruis County schcwl distrlcl Invllos a 1372 square fool building, din

28' (building only) b cated 01 oot in Fairfield. Idaho. Building ived from th e oxlstlng proporly. .ritod *Tiol lunchroom building so Iho possesston o i Iho school d I. August 1. 2005. Bids will bo c( ' August 1. 2005 (7:00 PM) s< otlng. Mall bids to P.O. Box 35 ho 63327 or hand dollvor lo lh< > In tho high school. Minimum mty-flvo thousand lour hundroa ntoct clerk - Siricklor fo irmallon/posslble guldod lour/ Iptlon (ph. 206-764-2625).Ido cOBhlora chock for ton porcoi 'oblo to Cam as County schc»l 1 icks promptly rolundod 10 nor Jors. Successful bkfdors must :o duo within llvo working days '

Tho sch(x>l dlstrk:! reserves Ihe any Irregulor bids or bids boloi^

Imurh am ounis. Bid award wlll party moking Iho maximum bid a

LISH: June 23 and 30. 2005



r No. CV-05-2790 ICE OF HEARING »Matter ol tho Nome Change oi: WN BROCK HUBER. A Minor.stlllonor.

Iltlon by ROBYN DAYLEY on be or son . SHAWN BROCK HUBEI njory 20, 1991, at Twin Foils, [fing a t 3262 East Canyon Ploce. 10. proposing a chongo in nam e ^LEY h as boon filod In iho obo 1. tho reasons lor tho change In allows:rhe minor's biological fothor, }ER. has hod no contact whats

minor. SHAWN BROCK HI ’Oximalely seven years: rock dislikes his birth nam e and ' the surnam e o l his maternal g Tiolhor. nnd his older broihor. Se

rock 's okfor brother. Scott Di lifted to change his name by Jud' jgust 2001. C aso Number SP-01- lomo of th e potltionor'a lather Is lER w hoso last known oddresi Mood Circle. Twin Falls. Ida Ion will bo heard a t such Ume a: oppoini, ond objections moy b e il on who con, In such objections, s:1 a good reason against such a 0.ESS my hand and sool ol said Dl! loy of Jur>o. 2005.RTSON. HEPWORTH. SLETTE OVER. PLLC 2HARDJ. WORST By for Potitlonor

SH; Juno 30. July 7 .14 ond 2 1 .2


>10. c v -0 5 -2 t0 s OEO SUMMONS I SO U S.Intlfl.


ENTER JUDGMENT AGAINJ OUT FURTHER NOTICE UNLE OND WITHIN 20 DAYS. HEAD lATION BELOW.ESAR PAZ. also known a s IIGUEZ MARTINEZ, Oelondonl. RE HEREBY NOTIFIED Ihot In i Ihls lawsuit, on opproprloto w e m ust be Illed with iho obovo do within twenty (20) days oftor » jm m ons on you. li you lall to so lurt may en ter Juefgment ogolnsi ided by Ihe Plolntlfl in the' Compli ' 'Of Ihe Complaint Is served ' ona. 11 you wish to oook tho 0 emotion by on ottom ey In this mo I do so promptly so Ihol your ISO. It any. moy be mod In llmo a gh ts protected.ure of the claim against you is fr )roe.oprtote written response requires rilh Rule 10(a)(1) and other Idali PrcKedure end shall also include

llie and num ber of this case, ur response Is on Answer to th It muBt contain admissions or d< sarate allegollons ot the Compli e fensea you moy daim.

signature, mailing addreaa ai number, o r the signature, mail

ind telephone number of your ORC oi malllr>g or delivery ol a copy

M to Plaintiff's ottomey, o s dee

-mine w hether you must pay a fl lur response , oontact the Clerk lam ad court.lh la ie '‘ day of May. 2005.3F THE DISTRICT COURT >R Quan. Deputy Clark

■I: Ju n e 1 6 ,2 3 ,3 0 and July 7 .20(


ureuant lo Idaho

to: JU ST . ESQ.,Is 193 M adison, auctk>n to lh

S ta te s , nil pre ss IS PO Box

doscrlbod os

a b o v e roloro Section 60-1

•_______________ L in d e n StroiADUNE property.•DISTRICT T his T rustee 's

m ont or ony c •hot declarations «nice of Commia-«ov District m ust roturnod. 1 'hoso addrosa is ouccosslul bl< ID no lotor ihan S a id solo wlll 2005 posoosaions) ot Iho district pu rsuan t to tr 1. Buhl, ID or a t J a m e a R. Rc

Equity Compi od October 1 Twin Falls Cc

TH E ABOVE 1 45-1506(4)(o) THEY ARE.

'OBLIGATION Tho default iOi

am ount duo u

■SC H pO L ^» d u il d in o tng to 'ih iraflH

occrulng. Tho Is $49,166.82

llos sealed bids th is iorodosui dimonsions 4 9 ' ihoir security Bl 313 Com os Ja n u ary 1. 2 ng must be re- - iniorest to Ihe y. Sonlodbids ,T ho Benolldori sole must bo oatlsiy soid ob

D o to d th ls l3 " . “ sd Jw l tSfarcJ Po 'o 'oI 370. Fairfield. T rust Oilioer fot

Ihe district ol- P o r inlormationim cash bkl oi www.jusllowldi Ired (S25.400).

for further PUBLISH; June 5ur/plctures/do- _______________

’cent ot Iho bid ol district 121. _ non-Buccessful jst submil bol-ys oi award o l 260 3 rd Aveni Iho right Io ro- Idoho.

ilow tho slotod Pi'S t Amerlcon vill b e given to ' su c ce sso r trus d amount. certilled lunds,

S ta te s ol Ame Soctlon 45-15(

--------------------- sltuatod In thoTHE FIFTH follows, lo-wll: STATE OF Lot 10 In Block :

:oUNTY ly. Idoho, occcP ogo 9. in Iho 1

Tho Trustee ho abovo roloronc Section 60-113 ing to Iho Co

^ A v en u e , Twinproperty.

1! ° pu rsuan t to IhorJ, TERRY L Mel

I t it l e COMPAtru s tee , lor Iho

HUBER. ,0,

md wishes to OBLIGATION.II grondlother, Tho default lor \ Scott Doyloy: duo. undor Doo

o st a n d Impoui Doyloy w as through Docom

ludge Sm yser so lo or reinstate 01-662. collected laio Clr Is RODNEY crulng ol 6.5% ress Is 1099 Tho principal bt Idaho. Such sold Deed oi Ti I os Iho court vo n co s. All doll le illed by ony ch arg o s and Ini' J. show 10 tho le e s , attorney's I a change of aosocla led with

c o u so Iho trust ( District Court Dote: Ju n e 7 .20C

________ FIRST AMERICATE, WORST By. MonlneCoIe

FA-16863/rcb-Chl First Amorlcnn Til T rust Dept. 1-208

t.200S------------------ PUBLISH; Juno 1HE FIFTH — iTATE OF JNTY OF“VISION o n tho 23'- doy '

(recognized Iocj Com pany, 90S f of Twin Foils. Sll

Twin Falls Title & th e h ighesi bkld m oney o i the Ui

IB' CESAR com pliance wilh real property, sili sc ribed a s foitow

D RV TMP 1^ 0 S outh 40 loo IE COURT .INST YOUJLESS YOU Twin Fall:AD THE IN- T rustee 's So

m ent. o r ony oth nn rPCA R would causco s CESAR conditions exist, i I„ ,r. shall be ro, bo hold libel to 0

d" i^^nnot^ So le, for any dorr Tho T rustee hos

fonrvifS «bovo referencei iw t 3 m Sec tton 60-113 k n X ln t '"B County

e and other DEREK MOLES' p ro p e r ty , o s grai

a comolalni truatee , for ths compiaini ^enofldary doladi.An “ Irtatrumont No

D ecem ber 16, 20 d a ^ R u to s oi Twin Foils Coui

THE ABOVE GRA , .K . 45-1506(4)(A). ID


nplolnt and default ior wh..sH .«i-- under Promi

attorney. se cu red by aahj >py o i your sa .5 1 S .3 6 ond lot' designaled p ju , accruing Into

now du e . together a filing .fee cnjing taxes, a st lerk of the am oun ts advance

eure.DATED thia 26* da; TWIN FALLS TITLE /B /Dexter T. Ball, Jr.

2005 PU B USH : June 9, 1

R oaa, J a m e a R anc NOTICE O F TRUSTEE

or 16, 2005, Ot the hour of 1.-00 o' I Tlllo, 260 Third A venue North. T» SO., Attorney a l Low. o s Succosi0 Iho hIghoBt bidder, for cash , ir III poyoblo ot the time oi sole,

sltuatod In the County of TwIr1 OS loliows to wit; .lock SI of Buhl T ow naite, Tovln F oe has no knowledge of a moro loroncod rool property, but for j >0-113, Iho T rustee .w s be en ii itree i. Buhl, ID is som etim es a

90'a Solo Is subject to a bankruptc ny olhor condlltona of which the Ti ) concollallcn of Ihls solo, Furthc sale may bo null ond vokJ, tho bi

>d. ond Iho Trustee ond the Benefi ll bidder (or ony dom ogos. wlll bo mode without covenant

ms or encumbroncoB to sotiofy tf 10 tho power of so le conferred In U . R ose Sr. and F aye R oaa, a s C mpony LLC os Iho Benotieiory, un sr 12. 1999, os Instrumenl No. 11 I County, Idaho./E GRANTORS ARE NAMED TC i)(o). IDAHO CODE. NO REPRES IE. Ofl ARE NOT. PRESENTLY ION.I ior which this sa le is to bo nu10 undor tho certain Prom issory N cnilod ior ihoroundor o s follows S4S9.11 fo rthe m onths oi Februj

aatOTifsalorioflotffo-rwilh'iolocHi rho sum owing on the obllgallon si 1.62 OS principal, plus service chor osuro. ony ood all funds expendi rity InloroBt. ond interest occrulrn :. 2005 logothor wllh doilnquoni Ihe doto ol solo.dory oiocts lo soil o r c au se the 1 obllgallon.I3- day oi Juno. 2005. torsonr for Chorles C. Ju st. Esqllion concerning this solo p iease ccwldoho. com or .Toil Froo ot 1-800-

lune 23.30, July 7 and 14. 2005


day of O ctober, 2005. ol the hour d l6col Hmo), In tho Office of First renue North. TwInT Falla, in the C

:on Tlllo Company of Idaho, Inc. trustoo. wlll sell a t pubiic auctlor nds, or iho oqulvatont. which is I 4mork;o. oil poyoblo a t the time -1506(9) idaho Codo, tho ioiiowii tho County ol Twin Foils. S ta le '

>vii:)Ck 3 ol VILLA VISTA SUBDiViSK according 10 Iho plot thereof. reC' Iho Olllco oi tho County Recorder < I hos no knowledge of a more p roneod rool property, but for pu 113 Idoho Codo. tho T rustee hos Couniy AsBossore office, tho e

Vvin Falla, Idoho. is somotimos

/111 bo. mode wllhout covononi c or oncumbronces to solisly. tho Iho powor ol so le conferred in the

MeKNIGHT, u nm arried , o s gran IPANY OF IDAHO. INC.. on Idohc Iho bonotil ond security of CHAS by m erger with C h a se M anhatti lory, rocordod N ovem ber 16,2, Mortgogo Rocords of Twin Fails • GRANTORS ARE NAMED TO (A), IDAHO CODE. NO REPRESi . OH ARE NOT. PRESENTLY F IN.lor which this solo is to bo made Dood ol Trust Note, the monthly pc pounds ol S630.73. d u e por mor »m bor, 2004 ond oil subsequent itatomont, wilh a monthly iolo choi0 chargos ore duo in Iho omount c 5% por onnum, and continuing to11 boionce owing o s of this doto o> )i Trust is $77,325.57. plus o c au dollnquont omounts oro now duo,1 Inlorost, unpold and occrulng tax ly's loos, ond ony nm ounls odvan vith Ihls loroctosure or>d that the I js t property to bo soid to satisfy so 2005iCAN TITLE COMPANY O F IDAHColo. Trust Ofiteer-chlrf Tiilo Compony ol Idaho 208-375-045S '

10 16. 23. 30 nnd July 7. 2005


loy ol August. 2005. ot tho hour 1 local llmo), in Iho oliice of Tm

05 Shoshono Street North. Twin F . Sioto ot Idoho.lo & Escrow Company. T rustee, wl jkldor. lor cortllied funds, or the e s Unilod Stolos ol Amorlco, paya vith Soctlon 45-1506(9) Idaho Cod , siiuaiod In the County of Twin Pol Ik)ws. lo-wit:loot ol Lot 36 In Btock 2 of NORl

. Idaho, occording lo the plat theroc 103. records of sold County. Pun Falls, Idaho.

Sale Ib subject to any bankrtjptc other condlttons of whteh the Tru;

ause Iho concoilatlon of this sole. 1st. this solo may be null and voki0 rolumod. ond the Trusteo otid/oi to ony successful purchaser(a) or damoQos.w s no knowlodgo ot 0 more par need (ool property, but ior purpc 13 Idaho Codo. the Trustee h a s b« jnty Assessors office, the oddress are tho addresses for this property,

bo made without covenant or r encumbrances to satisfy the ot 10 powor oi sale conienvd in the c .ESWORTH. a m arried m an aa grantor, to TWIN FALLS TITLE J r the benefit and security of MAI ilad December 5. 2002. and recon1 No. 2002-025675. and Modlllcat . 2003 os Instrument No. 2003-02 bounty, Idaho.3RANT0RS ARE NAMED TO CC , IDAHO CODE. NO REPRE8EN1 3R ARE NOT. PRESENTLY RE:

which Ihis sale is lo b e m ade Is romlBBory Note, the full balance lubsequent Interest and charges ur l ie balance owing aa o l March 2S ihj Deed of Trust Is Principal of I late charges of $5,307.35 ior a t Interest, costs and odvancea. AU Iher with accrulrtg lata charges artd assessm enta, tru stee 's fees, a r

need to prelect the security asao

'd a y of April, 2005.ITLE 4 ESCROW COMPANY I, Jr., Presklent

9. 10. 23 and 30, 2005

Thur*^' ium 30,2008 Tl

---------- ------------------W - - — .

m d F aye EE 'S SALE

o'clock PM oi sold day, ot First Twin Foils. Idaho. CHARLES C. ssso r T rustee , wlll soil at public

in lawful rrwnoy oi tho Unilod 0. Ihe iollowlng described tool win Foils. S ta te ol Idaho, ond

n Falla C o u n ty . Idaho.ire particulor descripUon ol tho r pu rposes o i compliance ^rlh

informed tho oddross of 700 a ssocia ted with Iho sold Yeoi

ptcy filing, a poyoli. a reinstate- T rustee is no t aware thot woukl

Ihor. II ony o l these conditions Buccossful biddor'o iunds shnll

lofidary sha ll nol bo liable to Iho

n t or w arranty regarding Illle, tho obligaiion secured by and

1 1he Oood o i Trust oiiecuted Dy I G rantor(s) vrith Centex Homo under Ihe D eed oi Trust record- 1999016530. In Ihe records Ol


made is tho failuro lo pay tho ' Noto and D eed ol Trust. In tho ws; Monthly paym ents in iho ruory 2005 through and includ- chorgas oncTmonlRly poymonis I secured by sold Dood of Trust lorges. onorney 's fees, costs ol, ->dod by Beneliclary to proloct lr)g a t tho rato ot 11.5% from ont taxes p lus ponaltios ond

10 trust property to bo sold to

contact Tho Ju s t Law Office oi )0-923-gt06.


}ur ol 10:00 A.M.. ol sold day.’s t A m erican Title Company. Couniy o l Twin Foils, Stato ol

1C., on Idaho Corporation, os ion. to tho highesi bidder, lor s lawful m oney oi iho Unltod 10 ot so le In complianco with wing described real property, e o i Idalw. and doscrlbod as

SION NO. 2. Twin Foils Coun- ecordod in Book 11 ol Plots, ir of soid County.I particular description ol Iho purposes of compliance with as t» o n informed thot accord-

oddross of 143 Coronado )s a ssocia ted with sold real

or warranty regording lllio,10 obligation secured by ond the deed of trust oxoculod by •amor, to FIRST AMERICAN iho Corporotion. o s successor ASE HOME RNANCE, LLC. ittan M ortgage Corporation., 19S8, o s Instrument No. ils County, Idaho,0 COMPLY WITH SECTION iSENTATION IS MADE THAT ' RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS

So is the failure to pay when paym ents for Principal, inior-

lonlh for iho monihs ol Juiy nt paym ents until Iho dole ol riorgo occrulng a t $24.83. un­it of 5209.92, with Inlorost oe- lo accrue from Juno 1. 2004. on the obligation secured by

»-uing in terest, costs and ad­io, together with accruing iolo a xes, a ssess m en ts , trustee's ancod to protoct tho socuriiy0 bonelldory elec ts lo soil or said obligation,



ir o i 10:00 AM of sokl day.Twin Fails Tltki & Escrow 1 Foils, Idoho..In Iho Couniy

wiU soil a t pubik: ouelion. to > equivolent, which is lawful yable a t the time of sale in ode, the foltowlng described -oils. S tate o i kfoho, and do-

RTHVIEW ADDITION, twin roof recorded in Volume 1 of 'urportod o dd ress 347 Polk

)tcy filing, payoff, reinstoio- rustee is r>ot awaro of. ond lie. Further, If any of Ihese jkl, The successfu l bkfdor's /or the Benefidory shall not or bidders, o t the Trusleo's

larticuior descriptton of the rposes o l complionce with been inlormed thot occord- is of 347 Po lk s tr e e t. Twinty-H warranty regarding ililo.' obligation secu red by and ) deed of trust executed by la h la ao te a n d aeparate E A ESCRO W COMPANY, iAGIC VALLEY BANK; as orded DecembAr 10. 2002.»Hfon A greem ent recorded ■031942, m ortgage records


Is Ihe iaDure to pay when ;e owing on December 5. unUl the d a te oi sale or re-'29. 2005 on th e obllgalton of $09,662.26. Interest of a total due of $113,468.99 Ul delinquent amounts are nd Interest, u n ^ id and ac- a tto m e /a fees , and any aoclated with this forecto-

TlmeeMewi, TMn M s. IdiAo E-3
















Page 28: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

B ^

nS panitt) ( E t p m l )Eaie tnfonna conM ne ln( ' noblo con aJguion quo k I* my w *t*r ccf*?L u t yoar, o s In yoaro pa

slalo drinking w ater h» •upplloo and onc« ae« contamlfiant l«\>ol or on]

Oo I nM d to tak* opM li S opo pooplo m ay bo mo

Immuno-compromiud | who havo undergono o somo oUorty, and aoma advico about drtnUng ' (CDC) guidelines on op microbial contaminants

VkThor* d o e a m y w ator c Our water Is dertvod frotr

rotpoctlve atoraga facUi Source w a ta r u o * o a m « Our aourco w ater asBossi Why a re thor* contam ln OHnklng water. Indudlnf

amounts o l som e conta wator poses a health rla obiolned tiy calling tha (800-426-4791). The ae lakes, stroama. ponds, i or Ihrough tho ground. mafertaJ. and c an pick ui Mloobial contaminants,

------------------Bspnc-svstomsraoncamjand metals, which can I domestic wastew ater dl< eklos. which moy como ' rosidonUal uses. Organt cob. which a re b y - p ^ i Irom gas stations, urtior can bo naturally occurrin ensure that tap water Is contaminants |

for puWic health.How cart I g e t InvoNed? T>io City or Klmberty Is c

finalized this year. Intere develop our program ma

Additional inform aUon rc While your drinking water

EPA's standard balancei costs ot removing orsenl levels ot arsenk; which is linked to othor health etta

Additional Inform ation fo NKrate in drinking water al

ago. High nitrate levels I quickly Tor short periods Inlonl. you should ask for

Tho lablo bokjw lists all o: calendar yoar of this ropi cato that tho w ater poso« from losting done In tho c certain coniamlnants loss not change.

Cotrtwnlnuita MCLO M

MROLO M Ot*lnf*etanla A DIalntoetlon I HoJoac«l>c Adds NA ' ( (HAASXppO)Inoroanlc Contamlnwit* Af«™e(ppt,) 0 i

Donum (ppm) 2

Cttromlutn (ppO) 100 10

FKxmkM (ppm) 4 4

Nitraialmeaured 10 10 u N>itogen](ppm)

FUdloMltv* ContamlnwitaRMium (com- 0 SUnM22«/22S)fpO/1.)

Ol (2-ethy»«xy*) 0 6phlhatato (ppt»

Velatil* O r ^ l e CoManlrtants Toimewofo*- 0 '— S ttiytono (ppb)

NA eo


lno«Danlc Contamlrumts Ccpp«r-»ction 1.3 1.9loval al contumor taps (ppm)

Uiad-acuon 0 ISlevol sl consumer ups(pp0)

AiMtloniU Contamlnwita In an anon to Incuro 0>e uleW «

by Fadaral rogulaUons. Of IhMi


OraaaAlpha. Including Radium . uxJUranwm

AddMonal UonH ering At parr of an on-gotng avaluaUon

cala. Inlormallon MXtodad thra deci««na on tfflnwng watar atar


Dromoouoromathanc (ppb) EVomotonn(ppb) CMorodOfDmonatrune (ppO)

UnB DaaalplkMtTam Oaflppm ppm


ImporWt Ortnklng Watar Dallnl

MCLO UClaalal

MCL MCLin dri •vaa


traabVarWKMandExempUona Vam



Mdrli. . naeai


For moro Irtformotlon p leaso « Rob Wright132 N Main. Klmberty. klaho K Phono: 20a-t23-4151 Fax: 206-423-4297 Email: iwrlghtOdtyof klmborfy. Wobslto; www.cttyolklmbarty.of

t4 Tkw*ws,7W toM ii

PUBUSH: Juno 30. 2005


i Inlormaclon muy Importonto so t M lo entionda bicn.

I past, your ta p woter m e t all U.S ' health standards. CKy of Kimboi again we are ' proud to report tt

r any othor w ater quality standard. ecU l p r« ;au tlo n « 7 I moro vulnerable to contaminants e d persons such a s porsons wtt10 organ transplants, people wHh omo mfanis can b e particularly a t i ng water from their health care 1 appropriate n^oans lo losoon the inta are available Irom tho Safe W. t r como from ?from 5 Deep wells that a re chk>rln acuities.smont ond Its «vallablltty essm oni has be en completed and m lnanta In m y drink ing w ater? idlng boiUed woter, m ay reason ontamlnants. Tho p resence of coi h risk. More informatk>n about coi

the Environmental Protectk>n A B sources ol drinking w ater (bot^ js . rosorvolre. springs, and wells, tnd. H dissolves naturoUy occurrif :k up subslsneaa navtOng trom th nts, such a s viruses and bacteria, a iltumnivosTociropomnonsrnnOi a n bo naturoUy occurring or lesu r discharges, oil and gos product: mo from a variety o l so u rces sud- jan\c Qbomlcal Contaminants, in. roducts of industrial p rocesses ai fban slormvrotor runoll, and sepll jrring or b e the result of oU and g< >r Is safe to drink EPA proscriboi ler providod by puWle w ater sys limits for contam inants In bottled t

Kl7Is currently working on Ha well forested Indtvlduals wishing lo p a may contact City Hall a l 423*4151

•nrorA rsonloator moots E PA 's standard lor ai nces the curroni understanding ol tonic Irom drinklr>g water. EPA c<11 is a mineral known to 'cause cai elfocts ouch a s skin dam age and n for Nitratesr al levels above 10 ppm Is a hei ols In drinking walor can c au se t »ds of timo be ca u se of rainlall or < for odvice Irom your health caro j

W ater Q uality Oati 111 ol tho drinking w ater conlamim report. Tho preserK e o l contamir D90S a health risk. U nless otherwl ho cokindar year ol tho report. Thi less than or>ce por yeor because

UCL Your R«r>ga 9tTor Watar Low High

. MRDL lon By-Products

06 S NA

50 9.9 7 9.9

2 0.04 NA

100 10 NA

4 0,6 _ 0 .3 0.0

10 S.4 4.74 S.4

5 0.14 NA

6 1.9 NA

*** 0.5 ND 0.5

60 12.2 NA

AL Your Sample *8an Watar Data Exca

1.9 0 29 2004 (

IS ’0 2004 (

Mi water poaaUa ma Suia ha t raoulci ihoaa comammanta only me onaa liatac

Stata MCL Yeur

jm 1S.0 14.20

auon program tne EPA has required ua thrcugn tna monltortng ol thaaa contar ttandardi era baaed on aound aciano

IWport ed Level

a ?13,5

I 9,9

Oaftnltfonppm: pana per milHon. or maiigrsma pa ppO: pana par biHon. or mlcrogfama p< pCn.: picocurlaa per Itar (a maaauro o NA:nolapp«cable ND: nol oataciedNR: monflonng not raquirad. but racorr

tHnRlonaDaflnMonMCLO: Maximun Contaminant Level G Miow wtUdi there la no knovm or azpe aalaty.MCL Maximun Contalmient Laval: Th m drinking watar. MCL'a ore aet aa cioa avaUbia traatment lactnoioffy.TT: Traatmant Techniqua: A requirMl p ecnt«nlrMnt m drinking water.AL: AcUon Level: The concentration ot i traaiman or oinar raqukamanu wticn i t/ananeea arxf ExampUona: Stata or EP TaatmeM technique under certain ccnd

M nlteUft below wf»>lch (tiere la no iw vx raflact lha beneftta ot the uaa of aat rfROL: Maximum reaWual diainfactani h n drlnMng wetar. There ia oonvinclne e< Mceaaa/y lor control o< microbial oonu 4NR: Monnored not Ragulaied i«PL: State Aaaigned Moxinxfn PemHai

10 contact:

M 83341

Ma,kW>o Thnndoji, im e 90.20(


sobro la calidad d e su agua bobor.

J.S . Environmontaf Protection Agom Iberly Waler Dept, vigilantly salogut 1 that our system h as not violotod ird.

mts In drinking waler thon the gonon wtth cancer undergoing chomother (Hh HIV/AIOS or Other Immune systt a t risk from inlocttons. Thoso poopk ire provMors. EPA/Centers for Oisi the risk ol Infection by Cryptosporfdli I W ater Drinking Hptnno (800-426^17

srinated ol 2 central points before ge

m d Is available at DEO. r?ton ably bo expected to contain at contaminants does not necessarily contaminants and potential health e 1 A g en c /s (EPA) Sofo Drinking VI » th tap wator ond botUod walor) Ir Ills. Aa walor travels ovor the surfoe jrring minerals and. In som o cases ') Ihe presence of anim als or from hu ia , that may come from sew age treat ■KnwlWItftrinorBnnkrcontiimlnBntsrs

uction. mining, or lam ing . Postlddo uch a s agrlculturo, urban stormwato . including synthotic ond volatile orj > and petroleum productkjn. and coi optic systems. Rodkjacth/e contamit I g a s production and mining octivltlot Ibes rogulattons that limit tho omoui system s. Food and Drug Administr sd water which m ust provide the som

III hood protoctlon progrom and shi partldpoto on a committee (position I 5 t .

r arsenic. It does contain low levels J ol orsonlc's possible health oHocts continues to research tho hoollh el cancer in humans a t high concontra nd circulatory problems.

health risk lor Infants o l loss than s t « bluo baby syndrome. Nitrate lovo or agricultural activity. II you are ci

re provider.)« ta Tableninants wa dotectod Ihat aro appllu mlnonts in tho water doos not noco irwiso nolod, tho data prosentod In i Tho EPA or tho Stato requires us lo so tho concentrations of those conta

Sample VMatlen Typical 6 I Date

2004 No Oy-Pfodi*

2004 No Erotion oipoaitcRu chardt: R< glasa and produci lor

2000 No

ftom mala Eroalon ol

2004 No S ? » ^ aand pulp r aionofnai poana

2004 No EnMionofdapotiia;! addiuvaw motaa tltn Dtscharge anzarand lactoriaa

2004 No Runoll Irouaa:Laaci aepiic tank Eroaion ol (Mpoaita

2001 No Erotionotdapoiita

erbtekiaa2004 No D«cnajge

' berandch ladortaa

2000 No ■ Diachargalaeioriat ai daanara

2004 No By-producimg waiar c

Sam gw ^ e e e d a A L TyplcaISc

0 No Corroakwchoidplixnb ayaiamt: E natural dep

0 No Conoaion <hoidpiune

I ayatsma: Enaiuraldeii

)ul>ed ut lo monffor aonta conlemlnanta n

ourWalar VMallon Explanalki Commant

j ua to moniter acme adcSUonal oonlamlna ntaminania/chamieait wi« help lo anture i ance.

Raitge Low ' ' Hl«hNO 0.702,9 13.501,0 3.60


al Ood: Tha level ol a osmaminant in dilni xpeded hak to haaRh. MOLD'S allow lor a

: The highatl iaval o* a contaminant that li cioae 10 tha MCLQ'a aa laaalOla uting u>a

>d pmceae Intendad to radioe Itie level of

I ot 0 contanwnant wtiich. If exceedad. tngc cn a water aytlam muai lollow, r EPA panniaaion nol 10 meat an MCL or a>own orY^aciad rltk to

ni level. The higltaai le\«l of e dWnfactan e evklance mat eddwon of a dWnfectam t



S------------------------- C ase No. c v

NOTICE TO I In tho Matter

jor. Traduscoto o r u t h 'a . KEI O oceasod

~ o t |= e , s

■'“ " ■ " “ I™ "’ a i i r ' j n ’h ihaving daIn

morel populatton.iheropy. peraona rrwnms aftei

K T m K JD isaasa Com h^ roraonol rl'5 d l ^ S ? rJ-4791). U -P. PO a

' 0366. and fli.0 golr>g Into thoir DATED this 6

/s/Trocy Lano Personal Ropi

„ PUBLISH: Jutn at loast small ~irlly Indlcoto that NOTI th effects can boS E S . ’S 'i™ n o t ic e IS hS J S ' S t m j K “ 'o S S i Mu e s . radtooctlvo ,

S h o s h ^ o S W - S ^ ’m ' ^ S ___ ^TWlM-FALLinN InriiiatrinI nr TrUStOO.

amlnonts. whk:h doscribod os /Hies. In ^ o r lo >-ota 2 2 ,2 3 an nount of certain DIVISION, TV nlstrotkjn (FOA) » Iho plot the somo protection pngo 18. in th

sold County. COMMON Al

1 shouM havo It KIm|>erly. Ida ltions llmttod) to Sold sale will t

ronty rogordli broncos to so

vols of orsonic. pursuant to II BCts ogalnst tho Oood ol Trust

elfocts ol low a n d JENNIFE ntratk)no and Is as Grantors, i

CFIOW. a s Tr on Idoho Gor

n six months ol da ted Oocom: levels may riso comber 14. : •0 caring for an 022040. rocon

TTio default for

S ' n J v In5? P o S t O F1 Intorest in

penalties ond :al Source 2002 In Iho 0i

o m o u n lo lS l , 2004 In tho I amount or S3,!

fodiKia ol o/inM- (c) Any other di Moflnalion g,

M ilo o n mro »: Runoll (rom or Tho principal bi It; Runod from on Iho obligatic and alectrenics ig $89 617 86

7 % * S r ™JrtiM lSra* ' amount Of S21 r ^ r a ^ a a : Cmo a t $19.16 snol natural de- totaling $750.( >- , but not llmlloc

charges, costs lom oys 'fooso i

ifnaturaide- cloted wlih Iho______________ DATED this 17"x,offta.urai , 7 '^ "Uia; Waier /s/Ooxter T. BaUwawwehpro-I ™ " , ! ; ; . ” ; PUBLISHiJunoandakjmlnixnteafllrom lartuzar .aachinofrcm : tanka, aewaga: „ - >n ol natural On Septem berkits Fourth Avonuo

soli at public 1 ^ o t natural ,»xpoyablo a t the

Falls, Stata o l I The E ti ol Lot 1

uge Irom mb* therool rocorde •dchamkuu EXCEPT Iho NO** AND ALSOirga Irom Township 10 Soie t anddry Section 9: Tho E

EXCEPT the So ! S ^ 5 a * W » n a n d a l s o EXC

tho W osi ono-h al Source AND ALSO EXC

section 9; The : ikwothooae- (lormorly tho W i«nbmo AND ALSOnt: Erotion ol Township 10 Soi f w & a e - Section 9: All lha luntMng A 25-fool-wido Slia: Eroaton ot division os riKW 1 depoana Subject to and r«

undor and upon .unoiroqjired TOGETHER WT

wklo strip ol Ion COMMENCING i THENCE North t THENCE South i

sk)n, and the Tf THENCE South!

minantM#>om». THENCE South I .ure tftai lixture THENCE North

Southerly boun< THENCE North <


COMMENCING ( THENCE North 8 THENCE South ( vbkin;

THENCE South C diviston;


THENCE South 0____ THENCE Soulh 6

i S a n W l l t h e n c e North 0 roramarBmoi jH g N C E N o rth alalkaaBowad TTlo abOVO-dOSCr|i»>abaat 63301.

Said aala win b e I satlsly Ihe obligt

triggera Irom Oerok Mol«and KoySonk N 2004-017765. roi

, water NOTE: NoUco oflOLO'a cto Falls County. Idajminanta. T|,o above Gritntc^ t alowed

Defsult lor Which ta) Accumulated d< ory. March. April quent months. TT S987.45T.00. plui

b) Tho 1*'one^iaJI and Interest. Reo

DATED this 31” d Tm.EFACT. INC. /a/R. Todd B la s s .'

B . ' IN THE Dl

PUBUSH: Juno 9.


5V-05-2657 3 CREDITORS sr ol the Estate of;e l s o .ed.

S HEREBY GIVEN that Iho u s boon appointed Personal Repn h e obove-namod estalo. All p « ilm s against the sakl deceasoc to p resent their dolm s within le r the date of the first publlc«tl<> or sakj da lm s will b e forover ba j s l be presented lo Tracy Lano Representative ol the E sta te,

lexander. H anraod, H gh & Va Box 366, Twin Polls, kJaho 83 filed wHh the Court.16 ' ’ day of Juno, 2005. no Nyo opresontotlve

lune 1 6 ,2 3 ,3 0 and Jufy 7 .200S


: HEREBY GIVEN that on Wedi 2” day of O ctober. 2006, a t th e I M of said day. a t the front entran<

Falls County Courthouse, Street North, Twtn , Folio. fd<

l A j n i E a E8CROW .COM PJ I. wlll soil Ot public auction, to Uer. for cash. In lawful money o t tos, all payable a t the time of a ig described rool property, situate ’ of Twin Falla, Slate of Idaho. IS lollows. to-wit; and 24 in Block 1 of BANNING S Twin Falls County. Idaho, accon Ihoreol. recorded In Book 8 of PI the Olfico ol the County Rocorde /■ADDRESS: 330 L u d lie Stn Idaho 83341.II be' m ode without covenant o r v rdlng tlllo. possession, or enci satlBly the obligation secured by < I Iho powor ol sale conlerred in ist oxocutod by CRAIG A. GRAY FER GRAYER, h u sb a n d a n d w I, 10 TWIN FA U S TITLE AND I Trustee, ond SOUTHFIELD DAII lenerol Partnership, o s Beneficii imber 13, 2001, and recorded I , 2001, a s Instniment No. 20 ords ol Twin Polls County, Idaho o r which this sole Is to be mode

> pay the Note balance of princi in tho amount of $103,505.05, al

'ully due and payable on Decemi

) pay reol property taxes, liKlud Id intorosi os of Moy 4. 2005, amount ol $1,094.90; 2003 In t

M ,635.72; and Iho lirst one-half> omount of $791.90, for a to 3,572.52;.deloults under the Note and Oe

vo described, occurring prior lo IB.balance owing os ol Moy 5, 20(

Itlon oecurod by sokl O eed of Tn together with unpold Interest

im from D ecem ber I.*), 2001, In t ,21 ,281 .22 , which continues lo < 18 per diem, le ss two (2) paymer 0.00, loreckisure costs Includir lod to. accruing Interest and la >ts of sole, taxes, ossessm en ts , < ond other costs or expenses esa

10 sole.7 " doy of May. 2005.0 & Escrow Company oH. Jr.. Presideni

>0 9 ,1 6 ,2 3 and 30,2005


>r 30. 2005, Ot the hour of 2:30 ue Nonh, Twin FoUs, Idaho, TI1 : ouctlon, to the highest bidder, ne time of sale, the following dei >1 Idoho, and described os foilowe It 10, PETERS SUBDIVISION. T ded In Book 2 of Plots, p ag e 5. r< North 325 leet Ihoreol.

3outh, Range 1 7 E „ B.M,, Twin F> East 25 feet of the NWWNEUNI South 25 loot thereolXCEPT lhe North 50 feet thereol Hholf of Buchonon Street a s platti <CEPT Township 10 South, R w ( e Soulh 300 leet ol Ihe North 3 Wost one-haH ol Buchanan Stre t

South. Range 17 E.. B.M,, Tsvin F Ihot rool property situated in the ^1 strip lying Sotnherty of and adfoi corded in Book 2 ol Plats, p ag e & I reserving unto Ihe City of Twin I on said property.VITH the use of on easem en t fc and being part ol sakl vacated Bi G at the Northeast com er of said h e8’69'38’ W est 681.53 feet alor :h 0*02*54' East 50.01 feel to a p TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; h 0*02-54- East 299.50 loot alonc h B8*59'36- East 25.00 loot to th< h 0*02-54- W ost 299.50 feet ok indory ol FoBs Avenue; h 88*6936* W est 25.00 leOI alor

CT TO: An eosenw nt lor the purp ) of land being port of vocoted Bu< 3 ol the Northeast com er ol oald : 1 88*59'36’ W est 681.53 feet alon h 0’02 '54 ' East 50.01 feel to « p<

n 0*02'54* East 299.50 feet olong

h on»-S4* East 299,50 leet olooj IGINNING;1 0*02-54* East 167.00 loot along 1 88*59-36: East 26.00 feet to Ihe I 0*02'54* W est 167.00 leet oking I 88*59-36' W ost 25.00 feet lo the icribed property Is somotlmeo 1

e m ade without covenant or warn Igotion secured by and pursuant oleow orth a n d H eather Moleewi Notional Association. Benefteli records ol TWin Palls County, Ida af Default recorded May 24. 200: daho.ntore a re named lo comply with 1 lat they are. or are not, preoently i h this sa le Is to be made lo failuro I defldoncy hi poymenta of S11.6. >ril and May. 2005, In the am our TTie balartce owing aa of th is dati ilus Prime Rate pkjs 2% plus defi ia» of the 2004 taxes, which ore i ecelpt No. 19153. >' day of May. 2005.

iiv ic e Preskjent

9. 16. 23 and 30.2005


s e V4 o f ttw SB 1/4 6 South . R an g * 13 SSM1. V o f t e n p lan tall m onopol* a n d ai o an t to a n ax ta ting i An a m erae n cy go

I under- d iaaal fuiM'AOT wM iprtM rt- proparty . A ny Intai P^ftdrto subm it oom ntan ta i « « l th a p ro p o ae d t e l l

’ iMrred. V ertion W Iralaaa oto r>« N y ^ C hrta tyW oothvard >(•' T a tn f a o h B M I n a

»M 17th s t a a n d Floe 83303- oanvar, C olo rado 802

<903) 312-6890

PUBUSH: Ju n a 90 am



•d n * * - C ase No. CV-05*3730 W ^ u r SUMMONS

RONALD C. ADAMS,'wJS!^ ? m ~ m S'c b h ;c 6 M n a R Mr Of Ihe D efendant >f sa le, NOTICE: YOU HAVE a ted In ABOVE NAMED PL >0 . a n d MAY. ENTER JUDQ


___ . You are heret>y notlflecS t fM t (hla lawsuH. a n apprc

must be fUed with ttw 3rw ar- wHhln 20 daya after ae« incum- you. If you fall to so by and enter judgment a u ln t •n the lheP la ln tlllIn thaO vor

a y e r a copy of the Olvorc Preliminary Injunction

D ,e s - Summona. M you wist >A RY, representation by an a t Itelary. should do so prompt!

response. If any. m ay t 2001- legal righto protected.

, A copy o l tho Olvorc- a d e IS PreUmlnary Injundton

SummoiTS. II you wish incipd representation by an an , ell of should do so promptl smtMir response, II any, m ay t

legal righto protected, luding An appropriate wrttten re >5, for ancewK h Rule 10(o)(1!

of a v il Procedure and s . . , t.T h e tlU e a n d n u m b e rc

2. if your responoe Is or _ . Complaint, ft m ust con UOM nlals ol tho soparato oT

Complaint and Mher del3. Your signature, i

telephone num ber, or oddress and lalepho

" altomey.« i l ? 4 . Proof of mailing or de n e n ts PW ntlffa i

I^ E ji To a .» m iln « w h«h«r yc - . . . With your responoe. cc

above-nam ed Court. DATED this 17" day ofM CLERK OP THE OISTRIC DANIEL J . ENGLISH By Cathy Vlctorlno. Depui

PUBUSH: June 2 3 .3 0 . Ji

00* No. 82863 OP T R U S T Y 'S SALE

30 o'ckKk PM of sakl day a t the TITLEPACT. INC., an Idaho corpi ler, for cash. In lawful m oney ol d e s c r ie d real property, situated

I, Twin Palls County, Idaho, accor I. records ol Twin Falls County, Id

n Falla County, Idaho 4NEU

-eof which constitute public streel lotted on Peters Subdlvlsbn) w g e 17 E.. B.M.. Twin Falls Cour h 350 fee t of ttie East 26 feet o treet aa platled on Peters SubdivU

n Falls County. Idaho « N EH NEM more partlcularty dot dfocent to the East one-hoH ol Lot le 5. on April 22.1909 . TWin Falls in Palls. Idaho, on eoaem ent lor i

t for Ingress and eg ress a n d utlNl I B uchanan Streot and described i lid Section 9;ilong the centerilne of Falls Aveni a p ^ t on Ihe Eost boundary of L

ong the Eastarty boundary of sakl the cen ter of vacolod B uchanan i ok>ng the centor of vaca ted Bu

ilong oakl Southerly boundary to

lurpooe of Ingress ond ogress ond B uchanan Street and described a Jd Section 9;ilong the centerilne of Falls Avenu I point on the East boundary ol U

x ig the Easterly boundary of sakl

ong the Eastarty boundary of sak

ing th e Easterly boundary of sakl I the oentar of vacated Buchanan S >ng th a center of vacated Buehani the TRUE POINT O F BEGINNINC 0 known a s : 7M Palla A venue

arranty regarding tide, poooesstor int to the power of oale confenvd e w orth . huaband a n d wffa, to Tti kilary, recorded August 18. 200< Idaho.0 05 , ao tnstnjmont No. 2005-010

th Sectton 45-1606(4)(o), Idoho C tly responsb le for thio obligation, u ra to p a y :1 .828.33 per month for the month ount of $57,641.66, plus paym en la ta on the obligation eecurad by i tefauK Interest. W e chatgea and fl re de lnquent In the am ount of S4.

IB L tCN O T iai IM U tm C A TIO N STO W En J

I i a p )^ » M * t? to o o m S u c t* a P lona a tta a t th a NB IM o t th a 1/4 o f SaetSon SS, T ow nahip 13 Eaat. TVrln PaOa, M aho

H a n a ta c o n a tiu o t a n 80-foo t - d a n a<|ulpH w nt a h a tta r a d |a - F

g enerato r- a n d a io -g a lk m wW olao b a looatM l o n th a n taraata d p a tty w lah in g to i ta ngmana a fta o t th a t i laellRy m ay h a v * o n a n y - m a y d o a o b y a a n d ln g a u o h **'

" : Floor n80202 (


a n d Ju ly 1 .2 0 0 S :■'■■■ < T COURT O F THE R R S T „ r fllC T O F T H E S T A T E O F *5 D FOR THE COUNTY O P \ KOOTENAI [

30 PC


ftWffoTAoTSlWl an



btIfled that In order to defend pi pproprtate written re sp o n se r r the above-designated Court •service of this Sum m ono on so respond th e Court m ay

olnst you os d em anded by Hvorce Complaint./orce Complaint a n d Joint > q tion Is served with this wish to seek th e advkw o r " n attorney In this m atter, you ” mptly so that your wrttten ^ ay b e lUed In time a n d otfior oi d . orw e e Complolnt a n d Jo in t — Iton Is served with this LO. ivlsh 10 seek th e adv ice or «■ 1 attorney In this fla tte r , you P* nptly so ‘that your written ^ sy b e filed In time a n d o ther

" Pnn response requires compli- J® i)(1) and other klaho Rulesrtd shoU also Include: t.o ie r o l this cose. gnI an Answer to th e Olvorce toicontain adm issions o r do- skB onegottons of the O lvorce Jo defenses you m ay daim .. moUIng a d d re ss and ‘•O* o r tho signature, mailing

phono rwmber o l your ^

r delivery ol a copy of your LOt I'e anomey. a s dootgnated flip

Orr you must pay a filing fee , contact the Clerk of th e ^ 5

I rIf May, 2005. u•RIOT COURT rt

0eputy Cleric rt

3. J u ly 7 a n d 1 4 ,2 0 0 5hiIt

the lobby of T ruetee, 163 «rporallon, a s T rustee wilt pi f ol tho United Stateo, all hi Ited In the County of Twin Si

Kording to Ihe o lfidal p lat I g ', Idaho. ^


reel right of way (formerty

bounty, IdahoM of the NWUNEM NEU division ptai), J L :

LOS- 2

’ described as follovirs ml»L o tlO o f th o P e to r sS u b - ‘Xo<

alls County, Idaho HlS!'lor utlllilos along, thnaugh,

utlNUos ovor a 25.00-foot- e d a s lollows: LOS1

fomirenue; Lojlof Lot 10, Peters SubdM - 206-

loU LotlO ; on Street;

Buchanan Street to the

’ to the TRUE POINT O F

and utilities over a 25.00- I )d a s follows: i

enue:> IL ot10ol Potoro Subdl-

«kl Lot 10 of P e te rs Sub* I

sold Lot 10 to the TRUE

aW Lot 10; in Street;» r » n S » . l . Q i^

nue. TMn Falla. Idaho

ston or encum brances to ffed In tho Oeed of Trust 0 TtOoFact. Inc., T rustee, ta n KX>4. o s Instrument No. p|[010936, rooonjo of Twin

10 Code. No reprooenta- on.

3nths of January, Febru* nen ts due for aD subee- by ooM Deed of Trust ts In d fo redoeu reoosu . |$4,916.11, plus penalty

. s

FOUND a Cheerlead-. are bracelet at Camp Kumbaya on 6/SO. Can to Idontiry 206-eas-4190.___________

FOUND C hesspsake. oU er female. Faded purple co laf. Found on Addison. Hesnbro- ken w ants to go home. Call 735-9886.

FOUND dog. male, a p r t i^ color In H ansen a raa . PleaaecaO to Uentify 208- 423-4440/420-4752.

FOUND Kitten, small, gold, about 2 months old. around Locust & Borah Ave. area. CaH 208-734-7146 Randy orlMarcia.

FOUND Shlh-tzu. by th* Hub Plaza. Heybum. CaO to Men- ttfy. 208-806-1656.

FOUND sh o * . brown, size 2 . Faded Gtory, Loafer type for lefl foot near 13 e . 100 N In Rupert. 436-3579

^ S e i vraaring bkia collar, betw een C as­sia County Ilne & Mur­taugh. 206-731-5700 or&)e-432-5e09.

LOST Border Collie mix. female. 6/13 on AlFresco Rd. In H ey bum. White with block patches. 678-3066.

LOST Border Collie, fomole. 1 eye. Lost June 26*- on 3400 E.In Kimberly. Ploase COD 541-910-0038.

.O ST Cat. adult, gray Tabby, neutered mole, declowed in front, black lipped oors. 4*-Avenue Eost oreo. 208-736-0812.

.OST Cot. fomalo, dorit calico w/red patch on head. Torso has tMon shoved. Near Ridgeway be­tween Sparks and Park M eadows. Con 420-1954 or 731-9602

OST co t, lemale, light gray Siam ese, some tooth missing from E. skle of 500 S . Rood Jorome. 324*7093,

OST cell phono Mo- torolo V300 In the Arctic Circle area. Call 208-734»1744.OST Cell phone, blue nip phone a t MVRMC.On June 23'’ . II lound pieose call 734-2445.

LOST dog. largo tan cotored. mixed breed, groomed hair cut resem bles a •U on'. Old In­jury to right front paw c au se s hor to hop around on 3 feet. Caucasian m an In 80'o modol pickup, red. wtth Twin Falls County

Sstoo aeon taking ir from the Sllnkor Stalion periling lot In » I s s . ' Ftoword offered. CaU Joe Rutfing a t 749- 0404 or Twin Pals Humane Shelter 208-736-2299.

>ST dog, orange tedium olzo female '/long hair. Faded lue collar, answsrs >'S u g ar '. 679-2029.

IST Golden Lat>.lltUo boys sadly

ilssing their dog <oda' 6/25 around leir home 296 North 00 E ast Rupert. lEWAR oflored. 650- 576loove Info.,

ST Mini Pinscher, imale. In Flier area. Dston June 19". Coll J6-326<622.






Page 29: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

I1 W alar 8 y»

X*- W ater Sy*np AddTMs: P»• City. Stats,

Popolotloo__ D ata a t CC

2 Ragulorfy i v l E a ta ln fo n 0- t I a n d a U 10 U .W atar&1. Qroondwat— • IJS ou rean

bi 2 ) Souroo <1M®* 3) Source i

— SurfocaW i "■ 1)S o u rc « i

* OfourxJwal-

'J' ra. Com pllJ

r Morttorir)o/l[' PuMIc iwtJfl

Consent on1. Nolica of Vif. IV. D«flrUtl<fl M aximum IM axpecled i

M aximum <

B A ction Lavinyatom mu

;; V. H aatth In5 . , S o m a p a o p

m tsed pon~ paopla wltl’ T ho»apaoi


' D rinking Wlnonts. Tlx

i W a t« HotuT ba aourcei

• and wollD. som o case:

In o rd e r t o « ' ' In walor pnf In bottled M, C ontam lnarI M icrobial ct

asrtculturat Inorganlo c<

Industrial, o P aa tlc ldaa i

, rosldsntlal tO rganic ch<

p rocesses ( Radioactive










Oroalflto Contan Toul HokMcollc

TOUl .


RodlonuelidM QmaAlpM . Indudlno R«dUm AUrankjm


Co^>por90th% I

LMdO(»%% rVaJu*

CMtllMt>yMafkKl ' 7SleCt»miorl


PUBUSH; Juna ao.


System Name: HANSEN CITY Oi

System Operator; MARK K EH LO s: PO B O X 170Ate, Zip Codo: HANSEN. IDAHO tloo Served: 1078 !CCRDbtrttxitlon: Fof

rly Scheduled Meetlno(s): SE C O I iform a con llene InfonnaeM n n u ib to n .M-SourcaeIwater Sources {springs. weOa, Infil c e # : 1 a )S

b)L00 «: 2 a) S

ce 0: 3 a) Sb)L

1 W ator Sources (lakos. rtvors. cra<c« #: a) S

b Kwater/Suifaco Woler Contamlnatlc Wotor A ssessment or Protection F ip llance Violations int techniques: NA . Ir>gmeportlno: NA oUflcatlon/Record keeping: NA monitoring requirements: NA tra tlvoo rfix ii^ lo rde rs: NA I orders: NA if Violatlona (NOV): NA rUtlonaim C ontam ination Laval G o al (M od risk to Itosltt). MCLOs allow foi m Contam ination Level (M C L ):'n tho M<~J mi««in|lhlo imiIwqin t T achnlqua: A required procesi .«vel: The concentration of a oont I m ust follow, h Inform ationeo p le m ay b e mow v u ln e ra b le i p e rsons such a s persons w tth a with HIV/AIOS or other Immune a people should seek edvtce abo u t < tlon (CDC) guidelines on approoi liu rrts a re avaltaiilo from ttte Sa fe t w ater, Induding bo ttled w ater, The presence of contaminants dc Inants and potertUal health effec t hotline (80(M 2&^79t). r ce a o f drinking w ater (both ta p No. As water travels over th e simii a ses . radioactive material, a n d car to e n s u re tha t tap w ater ia a a fe r provldod by public water aystem i >d w ater which must provide th e a« n a n ta th a t may be p raa an t in so i I con tam lnanta , such os virusei jra l livestock operations, a n d wildl s con tam lnanta , such a s sa lta a r ll. ordom esUc wastewater dlschar »a a n d hertileldta, wNch m ay c lal uses .ch em ic al contam lnanta, indudi e s ond petroleum production, and Ive contam lnartts, which c a n b e i


Contaminant* 'N SO

CCR Unit


»KMn N too OCCRCCH Un» UrUt

mom N 100 eOCCFCCR Unit Units

N . . 100 100CCR CCRUnK Urtit

N • 4CCfl 4CCH Unit Unit

N 10 10CCR CCR Unit . LMl


ilk: NCCRUnit

N 80nes CCR


Y 18 0um CCR CCn I

Unit umi I

V 0 0 1 CCR CCR I UnS IMI (

N I J O flActksn Action F Lavel .Level V

N 15 IS 0Aclkjn AcOon P

Level V


ao. sooB

20M C onsum er C onlM anoe n s


^ 'T el# : (21


For Calendar Year: 20M

^ N D MONDAY OF EACH MOfOH n u iy IfiHMrtanta aob ra a u a q u a bl

•Infiltration gallertes):1) Sample Site Locatkm (source nam 3) Location Description: MANIFOLD I) Sample Site Locatton (source nam )) Locatton Descrlptton: h ^ lF O L D I) Sample Site Locatkm (source nanv }) Locatkin Description: MANIFOLD :raeks):

S Sample Site Locoiton (source nam Location Description: atlon Sources (II known):

«i Plan Available? YES


(MCLO): Tbe kivel of a conUmlnanl 'fo ram v g in o fsa fe ty ..): The highest level of a contamlnan lha£astavalU bla.treatm 8ntiachnolc » s a Intended to reduce the level of a ontaminant. wNch. II exceeded, trigt

l e to contam lnanta In drink ing w a I cancer undergoing chemottwrapy, e aystem disorders, som e elderty. ar ut drinking water Irom their health ca -oorlale means lo lesaen th e rtsk of eSe Drinking Water Hotline (800U26- te r . may reasonably b e expected to I d o e s not neoessartV Indicate that < e c ts can b e obtained t>y caOIng the

ta p wator and bottled w ater) indude jn a c e ol the land or through the grou con pk:l( up substances resulting froi Ife to drink, EPA prescribes regulati sm s. Food and Drug Admlnlatrallon t sa m e protection lor public health, source water beiore w e trea t It Indud ise s and bacteria, wihlch m ay com< 'ildllfe.I and metals, which can be naturally ha rgos, oil and gas production, mini y com e from o variety of sou rces a

uding synthetic and volatile organi< ind can also oormi from g a s stations. M naturaDy-occurring or be th e resuH

;L0 Lewaat Hgheet Oot* U vd Lawet ' Tested DeMctMl DMectetf (nW yy

SCCR SCCR 090000 Uno Unll*


CR 1.eCCR 1.SCCR 00/3000 I Unes UnRi

X R 3.SCCR a s CCR 00/2000 I UnHa . IMti

7CCR 7CCR 120001 ^ UnU Units

:n 0.46 CCR as2 CCR o/soosUnHa . Ur«s

i s i 'I CCR CCR IUnlta umt* I


o.oe o.oe .00002 1CCR CCR f


l c I c ,Unit* Units <I

e.i S.1 S0004 eCCR CCR dUnit* UnA* d

11.S 23 00003 ECCR CCR dUnKa Units

1 1 2 NPo*U<r* Po*tlve'8« i ^ . EnSanvle S«ir«M Per


0.10 a i e oPereenil* PareMle hc

g ni

0 0 CcPetcwitt* P*rcMle. hoValue g l

I ID f : 5420027


ba r of Connections: 373

THa b e b e r . TNKttxeato o hab ta 00

lam e): WELL# 1 ILOlam e): W E a # 2 ILDm rte): WELL # 3


nanI In drinking w ater bek>w which

nant that is a»owad In drinking wanology--------------------------- :----------of a oontemlnant In drinking water, triggers treatment, or other require

I w atar than tha general populatio ipy, persorts wtw hava urxlergon I, and Infants can tie particularly a t care providers. EPA/Centors for k of InfedkM by Cryptosporidkim 126-4791),d to contain a t least smalt amoun ta t water poses a health risk. Mc the Envlronmentat Protection Agi

lude rivers, lakes, stream s, ponds jround. It dissolves naturally-occur from the preserwe of artlmala or fr

i4ations which limit the amount o l 1 Uon (FDA) regulations establish EIrr h.dude:wme from sew age treatment plai

miyoccutTlng or result from urbai mining, or farming.»s such a s ogriculture. urban sta

janic chomicala, which are by-pr jns. urban st^nrrwalor mnoff, and 1 ssult o l d l and g a s productton and

ly p ta M k u r^ o f HeaW

2000 Eroilon of natural Somepeoi<tepo*aa;Runon contaMlnofrom orcharda: iheMCLo<Runoff from ales* eipwlwicaand elacironic pn>Uam*«producOen wa*t*« *yst*m. on

lncr*aa*di>001 CHaeftaro«ol Sam*peo(

drtlng waalM: ecntalnlnoOt*cWD*fiDm the MCL ovmeialrAt*ri«*; expwlenee

. Eroalondnatural bioodpre*j deposits.



001 CH«<riVD«lfrom Somapeop Bte«l and pulp contaMrm 1 mUH: •roakxi of exce** ofit natural d*po*Jt*. ya«nccM<

dannaea*.02 Eroalon of natural Som*p*op

depo*0 : Water ccntak*u I •dctnvewMeh olttwMCL promote* sMng ccuU M Ix

STiiSSfa !SS&aluminum fectofle* watarathat

maycauaei tooth. u*u*l m annheyi known oatk staimnganci ie*<n.Bndo lr>ota«hb*' theguma.

» Runotllrem rn>ant*belc»f*rt«t*ru*s: month*wt>oLeacNnolrom oontalnlnensaplioiank*. iheMCLeoi•eweg*: Eroakm ot sartoutlylli natural daposAs. maydla. Syi


fartlttoru**; month*wt>o■•eehlngfiDm containing nl•epeoiank*. ttwMCLeoua»waoi. aroalon of *«riOMly II1natural dapoaits meydl*.8yr


4 *8yproductol SomepeopkdrtnUngwatw eontaMrwhidUmecOon*. exMCi of


ditlnractkxi exoasaoftm

central narvo iwveanlncn Mncer.

) Emelon of natural Certalnmlne dapoat* arvlmayeml

known e*aki peopl* wtnc


NatunOy pretent Coiromt* ora . En the an^ronment natural/ prei


Corroalonot C ^ S r te w ihouaahoU M ^ ^ p e o

natural dapoalta ahortamourM

exoeaaofthe menyyeafso kidney d*mee WU*on«Ol*«

Corroalonot In M iirS t f ihouaetwki wetaroonlM

S 5 ^ * r S S r w S f d H

a e s i sdefldt* kiaiMi

SSlS.'SScoukl d * M ^

V 1LOSTcrostfemarecorweeriIngWentRewi

o o n a l0 u iM iq u e k > a n - .

i i ^ taH. seek: 308--

WMoti a ge give numt owed no c( P leu 9788; Nows Twin


Ich there Is no known or

water. M C L sa reso tas

er. I P l lJremonts whk:h a water

Pition. Immuno-compro- one organ transplants, r a t r i s k ^ i n f o d k x i s . d rt :or D isease Contrd and Wi rm and o ther microbial pti

unta of so m e contami- ^ More inlormatlon about lgency^ S a fe Drinking ”

ds. reservoirs, spiltigs,' The aming mirterals and, m Cloi r from hum an odMty.3l certoln contaminants rrrzzz limits for contamlnonts QO noc

or ony whero

tonta. septk; systems. ^^24.'

ban storm w ater runoff.

itormwater runoff, and

nd mining actlvRJos.Confldei

ami ERecte Lanauege

eopte wtw drink wster noarsenkslneiicaisof a LTEI .ovsrmeny yean could

• wRh their circulatory 1and may tiave an budgiId risk of oetdno cancer. ropayrr9 0 ^ who drinR walar ^ n s

.ov*r many yeai* ooukl **•'we an Increase In ihak &e**ure. eOO Ft

Twir Call 7:

877. . BANI

ifthe MCL over m*ny dlvorctU *q>ertence alerglc m

S a i S !m nuorWe In exceaa BANI

r b s i r S T " “ 3 ; S J - iS S iS S S S ™ . c f f ihalf the MCL or mro* 208-

ja ly^^cS ldnw kS r* 8AN> iyeanokl.MoRinoalao ine>

tfocojronlyTndavtop- _____ 2 fbefore they erupt from q ^,,^ th e a g e o l a lx for you.>ho drink water rates. IBnKrateelnexeeasd busy k)lcould become work 20 llan0,Huntreai*d,Symptom* Inckida PROFESSI of breeth and blu* Assisted

] nRmee m exce** of REALESm w f i

S STheraps

iplewhodrtnkwalw Fullbodlhaloaoetleaddin S45itha MCL over many Call 208

a J lS ^ S J r 'l " * ^ CAREQIV pto who drink w*tK Available

^ « hr*r, kkJneye, or laundry.rvoueey*t*m.andm*y your ne< creased riak of gaiOng ^earsex(

------------- ---------------- or 200-12

>n« a form of radiation wDlHjQM akiha redtatton. Some o drink water oorvhaemtterslnexo*** CHILD C.a s s s ’s " ' ™ ' i m ™ .ie«r. Dayai

shllt. Luare t>edarta thai ar* snack

u t other, potentiallyicterle maybe p r iiint Catl 206ere found In more a ^ ^ — —S . ' S X S ’ * CHILD CAI

^ ^ O utofntWl eaeendal rutriant C(UI208'

l e v e T ^ a r S a ^ l y »«ldOwe^ W B K tm

ADMtNsmhe ec tS ifceiover leoutdsufferheror compar^; Mg*. People wtth AdmliKieeese ehouU con*ui Aaalatant/

inexceaa candkJate ' nl*w oouidd*tay*mihelr deperKtaWmanttfdevelopmanL aionol andu k t« K > w M ^ of woridr

S S H ..apreeaure. ^

, ments (a it800-782-


1ST Pomeranian a c c OUKTross. i t year oM Magic Vatlimale. black & while. lng firm aicently shoved, o r CPAearing cdlars. Miss- Competltl<g from 3300 S. and twin'endeB on e « 7 oO E. Baeward. 536-6733. taxaa pr«I - - I , ■11111, 111,11 I not esae

resum es t De*Ola,Ai

1020 Migle white male SO.iB. nk» tooking. P"®*« k s pretty lody. a g r ic u l t22^222----------------- The tdahoIlow desires to meet of /\gricuKgentleman. PMiaso C rop lnsi

ve nome. p h o n e ,, seasona l ijmber. age, wkl* (July 1ived or divorced, and Applicants3 computer chattlngl over 16 yilease reply: Box ablo torS83 c/o Tho Times- H length rsws P.O. Box S46. and trovtn Fans. ID 83303. No oxperli

434 Shosl- Twin F(


206-733-6300 4 AH adv*2Qfl.72f-0565’ I


ovo you forgotten topldtupyour

drthday pholos?Wo have some photos wo arosuro you donl romotecn

want u 7 to toss.These con bepk:kedupat newspat

he Times-News I odvoitlsoi Stasslfied Depl. nowst


IDON HAMLETT m S i anyone who knows I o /fh o /ra i sre ho Is coO 734* I m e ss M. Thla la urgenti I'

IhW dlW n& FilY ^ Q uestionConduct

opinion piONANCY CRISIS t ^ to lo fTesta. Alwoys n o s a ll« .U .I , 734-7.72

$7.00 to $9.1 l # O M i i iO f |i |^ C asual <

• Of’vironn Flexibk) o>

TEHNATIVETOJANKRUPTCYIt up a monlhly O reat poridget ond debt Jo b o rso cc.yment program. O o s o to C S snaum er Credll ^ ° r moro lnf<

C.1120H-7S S ervtcea *******

JFodsA vo. #11 ------ — —rwin Falls. ID AUTOMOTIVI ll 733-2227 or &P«rl«ncod

ANKRUPTCY person at >rdoble payment Lube & Wasl Ion. Accklents, 129 9” Ave S.

i m c 734 S S w / o w nANKRUPTCY worit In a r» ipelllive rates on of grow ipter 7 bankrupt-s .Jo ffS toko ra t hinlty for th08-734-6452. vWuals w/g<

.N K H U ^ C ,


« ln t? in palnl it Idaho's Hoi 'OU. Reasonable Communlt' . If yo u '« t » for over 10(

^ -4 M - 4 M 4 Lincoln I n .fS S 'W A L

y has" openlnos. '!Q8-21g-011S. following pc

ESTATE Schod Fut»-Ume Flr Ish In 2 weeks. Servici

R apreaei)a-327-0766apeutkJ Touch Full-tim e T

31VER written com rlie part Umo “on. PC an

I Wl« dean, tomor servlci ond do your 'voll a s IIn

ry. whatever to cross-sell needs arel 15 pnd u e ts . Pi experience. Call banking #1208-436-4816 cash handllnj M31-4494. ftonce pre

■ CompetlUvoand bonelHs

O M u if iM M fi ago avi A ^ lica tlons emptoyment available a t rn

y and swing- . L undiosand acks Refer-» s . All ages. BEAUTY STYU X P/C PR . Stytlata a Nallt06-73S4tB3

------------- Lease only. CCARE • Sherytal734^1 new homo. .!06-733-3703 BOOKKEEPER

. Oulckbooks exp■ W B te H f t i required. C onsD | B | & H a experience pnBEBSBB9B>3 Mail resum e to

, TVrin Fa te , r o emt/Cuatomerloa Rep for a a s s i f l *Falls area. P r i v a t e

te ' muat be P a r t y A c labte. profee-ind capable Require pre-piridng without rnent prior

supervision. pubHcatton. hlUve aalaxy & credR/debRoI. wH train right aooepted. Ch

Fax reeume processing calary require* the phone a muat) to; ^ W o r 73»«»31'I'An.TO TheTlm ee-N * ilectmgmLoom

IHTWa AtJTOMOTTVEValley account- Experienced m seeking CPA Deteller. Pay PA CMMMate, Call Fred. 736-:

I n t s : s n s s s r -Backoround In Office ateff pot preferable but

^ m i a l . send

L A m aa A Co. attontton 1o t u T s l tails required. VJ I D W 316 ness to leam I

iLTURE $ lo m r .3 ^ p a i110 State Oept. • ond voo culture Is hiring ‘‘“ ys. Group m In sp ec to rs lor Pf®" ovailablo. >al emptoyment Resume with i

to O d J letter to;in ts must be6 years ol age. TVrln Falls, ID. t

to provkle ^ - i —Ih njbbcJ boots CONSTRUCnO

transportation. j ! ^ ^ \Mrlence neces- raining provid-

Inquire at loshone Si. W., ^ E u U U

Fans, from — . ““ ■ • " tT "

' R M l T n l i 4./.0/OTO Fabricaloi

__________AppIyJaporsoinaonl of contact Terryjfance. The Franklin Build19S-N0WS Supply Trui\s 0)0 tight to P lan t 515 W. I ttttnviato ', o r p r o p « ^ ""“ S o ” "ttyanyad. I _ PWMO.<tol copy via ________________»entry (ta*. CONSTRUCTIONI otc.) <3oos ® E ^^oneod*’**^

S S ’

s s f 'H r . h S ’,:” '

ttifuteonlont CONSTRUCTIONIratJvortlsor Roofer*/ ShlnjoBsago. noodod. Exporic

— * only need £I Ploose call 735-1

*ona° « CUSTOMER SER<uctt»ubllc Tho Tlmeo-Nows„ an opening for

C l rc u Ia ^ C u a tc

“’•“ ‘• 'y R e p r ^ W lv <tALESIII This posting muairoooarch. able lo handle m

S9.00/hour pie rosponslblllllja l work Ideal candkfalonm ent. should possess0 ovenlno. excenent phono p d wknd hra. « '« o . s'W'H) cusK oura/woek aenHce skills, con

or aptitude, ond ability to work w w iinoth«r..S«l

CSI cam pus experlonco ond b1 Information o self starter Is 0 1 »-736-2853 Schedule Is Wedr »■**«>■ day-Friday 8:00-!

J Saturday ond SurnV E momlng. AU IntorSd Auto IfWivtduols 8h<

FuU-Umo, till out MopplfcolE. Apply In .BtTheTIm eaN eat I r a n ' s Attn: Chris Garc“a sh 132 Fairfield SI» S . in Buhl. Twin Fall*—-- ------------ O rug Free Wotkpl

W D^Tachnl- O^IRY

s r . % £ : ? iS ° i^ ; i ; . iV 5 S

trvlco skins. DEffTALNell or Tim. 2 FT poslttons In a t

....................I dentol lob. No phQ call ploaso appl/ana Bank person 634 Foils /

Sulle 2080 Twin Ftjnity Bonk DENTAL100 years. Full-llme Dentel

101980 S. H yglenlst wonlocIn Jerom o Ploaso sond resur

im odlolo to: Dr. Kevin HomSg o lor Iho t415 North Flltmo0 positions Suite 701, Twin F inancial Falla. ID 63301.

v lc e a DRIVER taen ta tlve Full-llme. cattie In

driver. Must ht te Teller. c O L Contact Undi

for on oppticolton Msful con- 206-324-0444.111 po sse ss ■ " - ■■ ■ vorbol and DRIVER jmniunlca- Propane Delivery

««*■ Driverrvlco skUls VVe aro looking for *1 Ihe adUty enthusiasllc sei•««'' bank S i r t n S i t o w S i

Previous under Itttie supe and/or vision, rellab:

Jting expo- Individual seekin

« so lo ^ mont to dellviiltta pack- propane In thavailable. Magic vdloy ore

ns for for VolteyCo-opiml ore Full-Ume wll»l any bonotlls Induding:ins Bank .fktodlcal

•DontalI *401k

ornew fy ‘Pakl Sick Time >d aaion. •Bonus/. C ontad Musl hove CDL wltl ^34-5970. Hazmat endorse---------------- menL Send resumiER or apply ate x ^ r le i m Valley C o < p s Inc. o n s t^ lo n 1633 a Uncoln Av*

Jerom e, ID 63336 orEm all

M e ^ O•o»«» N- 0. ,0 63301 ■- ■


?iS? ** o p g u m' a . ■ f iB o ic s s s T r a w


r^p a y - Katad #1 la tb*Ma*tcVaIl.y

» ! 5 ! & 735-6656C h S TRAIN NOWI

M O W p a y LATERI



a o o ^

r i f c ' r:iEfnployinent.:- DRIVERS > .

Auto Futl-tlmo. 2 yrs o w By OOE. rience In potnto Indus 6-3325 try with C lass A COL------------- hard working, WilloaHlon. Ifavol in Idaho & sur fuH.ilma rounding olatos.X e S ? | . MCM T rucking . •

423-4240 o r 731-6480 >ntode- —•I.WIUIng- DRIVERS mCust.

Professional Truck 2 ^^ '- Driving School- r S X i M ake Big B u c k $ ..

lie Mall Drive B ig TruckS-' h cover 7 3 4 * 0 5 6 6 •-o ; II

o n tv E R s . ;t.63303 c o m e lo in ourtoom l

I Enjoy bonotlls sOeh as: Homo timo, good poy,

k vocaiion pay. hoorihf Insuranco, & mulllpto

solely bonuses. r | | M Team Solo, or Roliol. k U S i Now Equipmont.: ; r " ' 1-666-806-5785for the betwoon eom -5pm .., sitlons:*“ I DRIVERS ^ D iD

----- 'Tnnsponatlon"iltdtng Services■use Gooding. IdahoI. Main Seeking CDUA ID drivers with a good;ons drtving rocord. Now

pay pockogo onm — I up lo asc/m lto_______ depending on oxpo->N rlenco. Full bonotirteralors pockogo. Stop by .

Must 1735 & fMaIn . CDL, Q oo d in g , Idaho' .

P toase o r catl 206-934-4451 son at: o x t 440 'd from —*ton.-FrI, DRIVERS . ,:_______ E xperienced Drivers>N ' N eeded . Regional tngler** Flatbod company, I5 irloncod looking for drivers

apply, with ai least 2 years >-1219 OTR uxpo'tonce.

■ Must bo ol loosi 23 iKViui: o ij Homo most

. w eekends, Graat pay & benolits. Plooso coll

a tom er 800-453-2227

DRIVERS ust be FuIMImo for Buitoy &' Twin Falls potatoiiitios. houlors. C lass A COL « '® with 2 ye a rs exp., pro-

lorrod. Sonolits, Coil Ag E x p re s s Inc..

istomor 0 , 206-678-4625 or omput- pniij. 733 .5^ 57 . •w Iho _____________________tvMii d r iv e r s

ailtner Trucking 'j * "9 Local Milk Haul SiEL, CDL required

401k & modicnlinsur- onco. Call 324-3515

s r •jhouW r r - : -------------- ^ ^ ------ncation DRIVERS^ew s iGrowing company! .ircia noods to till the 'S t following posiilon. ,

I T ran sp o r t Driver 'iplace A pplyat .--------- I J » C C ua tom ■ •

1987 H ighland E. , kora / I iw in Falla. 1

i 8-5. Mon-Fri.560 E Workplaco ■

DRIVERS “--------- Locai ’ .'Ivors noodod.

Minimum Closs 8 a busy CDL roq. Abto lo llti phono 75 lbs ropoatodiy.'! 3plyln Minimum SlOO per: s Avo. (Joy 10 siari plus oxc. : Falls. bonotlls. Apply oi> . ■

--------- PSI W aste Syotem222 G em S t '

• ' Twin Fallolod. o r call 733-4441.sumo ---------------------------------mbiln, DRIVERS

L ooklngjoro^^m pany

*■'’ Wo hovo Iho mltos plos31- bonuses ond bonolltV.'-------- Good MVR a 2 yrstruck minimum oxp. ro-fwwo quired. 877-528-6113

v ljoy ■ ' ■^Tin at DRIVERS . .

Rich T ho m p so n ,^ = - , T ruck ing Inc.

Is occoptlng,rv applications lor

L ocal-Short OTRir on D rivers,self- CDL with doubles /York ' irlptos & tonkor •per- ondorsom onts Boneflis available. -king Sign on B onus tor(Ioy- experienced milkliver haulers. Apply at . .the 23 W. 100 S.

irea Je ro m e3ps. or call 324-3511with ' " ' '

lORIVERS Wo hovo Iho mikis ll .

you hovo Iho . motivalion. . .

Vans, Roolors.46 Statoo.

Walking floors 20 sta to s.

Hoatth Insuranco vacation poy 4 • • '

aotety b onus aro- . available. Solo, • •'

^ Team, Roliol.Call 734-9062

^ betw een 6 -Spm

—J FACTORY“ I Longview Fibre

Company Is accep ting ’„ oppllcoUons lor, .I ? Full-llfne Factory '

omployrTHjnt,An aptitude loat and - .

dn>o tost wltl be roqulrod. Atl om ployeoB.

work rotating shifts. ;We offer compotitivo '

salary/berw lits. - ■ Appltoallons acooplQd .

It through Ju ly 8 , 2006^- Must apply in pe rson a t ,

346 S outh l>avk W. . • IVvln Fa lls , ,

_ J EOE M/F/V/D • • •

18 TtoM*A*iH, TMn Falls, Idaho • E




a ' •B460'

l l .

M l'<$'.kS--

o m l',1 ad:












7- ■ •

5 ,

V\ •0 ;



yIS T. '

3 '

e - M

Page 30: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

■ j : > B n p l o y m ^

CONSTRUCTIONFm m otj. no oxpori-

onco nocoasory, Wago DOE 280-0019.

DRIVERSSomi Drivers nooclod. Must hovo CDL. ond oxpsflonco nauling cotllo and all com- modiHos. Call for nppl. 2 0 e -4 3 l-M 7 r

FARMLookitiB tor yonr round

Farm*r. Must bo ablo to supon/iso pooplo. handle pivots and oqulpmont tor AltoHo (ann. Call baloro epm 208-366-7 9 3 r

FEEDLOTWoniod tull-limo food- lo t holp. For oppt.. call 20fl-43l-5371-

FOREMAN IShop Forem an for

long haul trucWog company.

Must havo voriliablo oxporionco in Iho

supervision ot omployoos.

Basic computer f skills needed.

------------------Forfurtnorinforma- —lion call LucKyol

Idaho Milk T ranapo rt Ine.

Burley. Idaho 000>697*2911

Mon-Fri 8{im-Spm.

OENERALFull timo ropalring and

replacing auto glass * and linting. Musi

have valid drivers li* conso. Apply ot:Ryan's Window

Welder 1100 Normal Avo. u

Butloy, Idoho I

II G E N E R A L II iHousokeoporsFromoisCDLForklitl MTruck Orivor Si£arto(iders/Exp. I:Wolde>s/Ag & liMunicipal fl

Truck Mechanic Construciion j pScale Clofk P/T eNight Walerrman Loader Operators a. Gonoral Labor

111 Filer Avonuo Twin Foils I

208-733-7300 I 735 Overland

N Burloy20S-678-4040 °

www.p«rsonnolinc.comPERSONNEL '

PLUS slNo applicant loo PI

II So Habla E ipafto l

QENERAL - R snch Cook i

Son Jocmto Ronch - — Morch-Docembor. u

Living quarters, lood. and utilillos luinlshod.

775-755-2223 Or 20B-30e-1932.

HAIR STYLIST ,Curront Opening for

Stytlst PT/FT in busy solon.Hourly wogo S7-S12

f Bonusos/ Com missions Ttf Poid Vocation ®;> Modicol/Oontal

plans 011 Holidays h/ Sludor>t Loan n

folmburoomont o AH cilonidio provldod!

Call 734-8235 Loavo nomo & number

tor contidontinl iniorvlow

--------------------------------- MELABOR FuTemporary employ­

ment. somo hoovy litt- Q uj Ing. sweeping, pulling pa w eeds. Nood moro • pooplo. Call Jossico (or on interview 200-431-5917____________

LABORERS Full-tlmo, S8.00 and up on hour lo slort. will* * Ing (0 tram. Wo

Apply In porson at: • Rove Trailer*

1 1 1 0 E .9 9 0 S .Edon

Call 825-5155 MANAGERImmodlolo opening for

Night M anager (or buoy hoy processing plant In Edon. . . Mocfyjnleal ability a ''gP ' must. Apply at 1690 E, 990 S.. Edon. ID or 25 tox rosumo lo 208- 625-5110, Ann John, or o-mnii to jcootsffl 8tandloenay,com by

• 7-1-05.




Apply in pcrsa 8 7 0 B lw U k e s B lvd. 1

208 -73S -S 99* Sc ttob la Espam

------------ E«-TkM»MMn.-|WinFMi

~ a o o ;■ i tM1 - i r i w ‘ ' .'I

1 . 1I. F««g'OwlngI, regional alalling 73 '~ company. ------, Looking (or ME<d B ranch M angtrlo Mo g do sales. 2-3 years <• successlul »olo8 To

required,_ Provon trock record

ot obility to grow Hr d and maintain largo0 and small m us ^ accounts. Must bo trie ^ ablo lo Inlortaco oxf “ with all levels ol

employees entry : — lovol emptoyees to ____1 exocullvo monogo- MEC '* morit. Buav

Ouallllod appllcanta lox resume to

736-4494or email 10 Mu:

salosrosum ol® onti holnifllLcom ’*'11

SolaryOOE. 'Drug (fee Worfcplaco,

MANAOEi---------------- ,'S“ 'Looking (or Oflic* ' |

— M anager with strong— •—customer service and , organizational skills. Abllltytomullltask,

and able lo work wilh MEOIlinio supervision. Busy

sirong character, and lookia choortul dlsposnion. ablo2-3 yrs ol ottlco expo- inioll

rionce lequltod. 90K :FulMimo with benefits. him/l

Salary based 00 pjotlioxperlence. orltlz

Fox rosumo to: has601-393-9389 snd

Attn: Barry. skills MANAGERS

For M otels In various „ °‘ Idaho Cities. "■'P®

Exporlor>co prelerred.208-7i3-1359 or g"?,

MANUFACTURINQSpoors ManulaetufingIs accopling oppiico- - V tlons tor mo (oHowIng(ulMlmo poslllons: MEDIC

Packaging, CnrogIP lastic Fabricallon, noodiP roduc tion Material tial C

handler, timoA ssem bly , Bar code. vvook

W arehouae. tIvoS7*S10/hr bonol

(depending on poslllon) RosoiCom pany tjonolits. LIvInc]

omployoo hoallh, Burlo;dental. li(o Insuranco. ®

vocation, paid holl- ^days, and 401k plan. 1

Applications avaiiobto - C MSpoors Monulaeluring ’ ’1P lan t Socurlty Ofdce a

2152 S. Lincoln v n iJo rom o , Idaho n i U i


MANUFACTURING U-adciW oodworking on our

C raftsm an & Mill (or qwW orkers wantedi ReipoiTho Farmhouse Medlci Colloction, a hlflh “

ond lurnitwe manu- '" ‘•'•‘I'i (acturor. ts hirinn ■

Sklllod Wood- Medlctw orkers to Comp<

croolo tomorrows bcncfllantiques, tj,|vcn

These posilians oiler ^compotltive salaries BRIDGwith Donoliis Ihat . jincludo: Vocation ^ond Bick pay, paid ..holldoys, a rolire- « Sick ment plon os well Payos Olhor oonodts. *. d , j

P loaso opply In ♦ IKirsooiil

8 07R uM etS L , ♦ <tOI Tw in Fall*. Plan

MECHANIC *Full-Umo Diesel Tnick OP"

Tochnidon « ColhOualillod Candidate will a s,,.

p o ssess {Scl,;• Variable oxporl- _ .

oncoond/ornnln-Ing. Stoady om- “Iployment history. Brktg

• Excollont work 1328 E eth ics Tti/ifi F

• Own Hand tools ' W oollor

• Compolitivo C o n t w ogos basod on B r i oxporlenco.

• Excollenl bonaliis ' p r o b e include unllomis,boot allowanco. 1 noiM o, TO. . health ond dontnl , *® ^® Insurance ovoll- r _ ablo and 401 k ; H

Upply In porson j Sunrlso Express • >*• 2516 0ocToy1orOr.

Pwin Falls. Idaho t

lA/hsn looking lor batgUn* , ^eadinaCias»il»ds. H'ta [ __ vonnwHo nabit. 733-oo3t !------------


STiMg HThe

A V A IL A B L E sdvorS9 S12 to m a58-S14 tion f

lANiC S8-S10 a n d c59-S16 Q uallf

: e S9S10 ^ a t o s

" SRS S8-S10 n ,iujg,y;ERM JOBS i im o p)P $e-S9.68 ♦401kiORERS $7-S9 U « H e a l1

S8-S10 I fl ♦ P a idRS S8-S10 Ouaiifi

SI0-S18 I y'ORS S8-S13 nrso n a t Id . T w in FaUs999 I H o r e - xinol____________ 11 fl

Frts. kww TiwndQiAMSO.aooi


•AIRY MEDICALull-tlmo milker (or Assisted Ihsm all dairy. Coll 206- nood of737-9556 iTwssago, person wli

IECHANIC ' S f ' SM otorcydo mechanic. itme/ Pl

oxporionco roetulrod. Call 208- Top pay with benefits.

Sond rosumo lo:P.O. Bo* 357 -

Hoybum, 10 83336' Hal Cere

lECKANIC----------------lu st havo D iesel Eloe- eeno(«str ic a l a n d hydraulic* R„,otti< aoxporlenco. Appfy In “ 77porson a t coun Tw1896EldfkJgoA ve. ,

NO phono calls. RosoannalEOICAL 208-734-&uay modlcal offk» MEDICALsooking front offlco CNA* ne

R ecep tion ist/ FT. PT & 2Socrata ry avollablo.

xpoflenco prolerrod. « surroumMust bo o detail ori- Apply Inontod/ • molll-loskof ’ 1139 Fjivlth frlondfy pro(os- Suite A. jlonni demeanor.Communication ond MEDICAL:omputor skills a lonho Hoirnust, Sond Resume guhl Bi

________S £ 2 l oTHo TImoa- News r-nm v/i«PO Box 548. M ?ful

Win Falla, »D. 83303 *111 haveSO ICA t c m .isy modlcol offlco

s r u ° , : . o a g r jilolllgont. copoblo hc oi( startor who prkJos Im/horsolt In. com-lotlng tasks, con pri- nfeoal54> ntizo. orgonlio. ar>das oxcellont phono MEDICALId communication , loahoHomocitio. Modlcal bock- Hospka Is(Ico (patient caro) ceptlng opid or Data entry ror CNAa(porlohco pro(orred. hour care<copllonal In verbal in iiie Mo£Id spelling skills. region. Pkirt-tlmo Initially. Mono ol :o a so send rosumo forlnformoi B ox 96883 e/0rho TTmea-Newa MPnir*Ai

P O BOX 548 l iu r i . Me■win F a l f . 83303 p ^ r t i ’c il (DICAL FT.blllnouot oglvors or CNAslodod for Roslden- 9® “

" “ “ “. o m " ” ™!; nodts. Apply aliso tta Asslslod 'OMI travelrino 1919 Hlland vohiciosn o y . Idoho 83316 f contact Llso Junod208 -677-5451 compeiilivo

Apply onl 2 t^ I www.dhr.ldat

K “ F . r ,call Tom

O W H m i N G :e d ic a r e U n it : o o r d in a to rid c h lp opponuMly MISCEU.ANE our tkiUcd atre unll Lot Attenden

iponilbic (or vwckly Qjm,dlcarc reviews. [>ougL-tlngs & documcn- a t Herlon ri-quircmcnts on ol Meglc Vdlcoro fCiUcnij. 636 PolelinT»p«iiiivc pay DruQ Free Wcicflis In a mission . _

t im e r sDGEVtEW OFFEBS: Koep your c

a siick and Holiday soklior In th<>av National 0>oki Comp Days (or *E am ox

. r siOlK Retirement c^legela n *S tay ln jJealih. Denial, and commoni)pllcal ln»urat?ce wSonrt yrollege Tuition c^n .jistslancc ^„i„g>chola.*hlp) t lm e ^ llo a r(>ecom( part o/our high SChin opply In person or cotlogo. or pi

8 BrUsevlew Blvd Man 73^.9 ".fsii*.; TV*ln Falli 35 a ll 208-736-3933 Gooding S3( n t a c t P e r s o n : Jerom e 251 3 r io n J o n c a 1-800-0o<n

IFESSiONAL<lng qualKlod applicants, (or posll la( Ju v e n ile Proballon om cer. D doscrlpllon and application avollablo

Jlino: Juty 15, 2005. Submit comphit a tion (orm. letter ot Interesl ond 3 rei

J . M lchaoi Memeo, District Judgt 671 Idaho Street Elko. NV 89601 (776) 753-4801

(775)763-4611 (fax) •maII:chionpoPoll<ooono*ynv-»o'


T Im o s-N e w s Is looking (or an lm I w ith expeH onco In com puter 6 ri s ig n to w ork in o u r Twin Falls c9 s u c c e s s fu l condldalo will di /o H iso m en ta a n d p o s se s s tho e m a ln lo in quality control ol a d prc ) from s ta r t to finish, strong 15 i c ro a tlv e desig n skills a re e sso a ilfied ap p lica n ts will hove on ^ [OS D e g re e In C om pu ter Appllcal m p u to r G raph ics , G raphic Arts 0 ilvQ lont E xporiortco with Macir n p u to rs u s in g Q uarkX Press , At jtro to r & P h o to sh o p . This Is a 9 po sitio n wilh bonoflts including: i lkja lth In su ra n ce tld V acatio nilifled c a n d id a te s so n d rosum o tc

A ttn : K en t S c h m id t T h e Tlme»-N«W 8

P O B o x 5 4 e T w in F a lls , ID 63303

' e -m a ll r e s u m e a rx l covor lottor t

toos - .....................................

■AL MAIKTENANCId INing homo In Lawn moird o t a CNA o r position. 7 n with 1 year ox- loavo moasagnco In this typo noM »*T r»nw k lo r part- .0/ PRN work. ®

s s j r ’x *AL' South Ol E « r s or CNAs $12.50rtir. A Id tor Resldon- pw son a l lOt are Facility. All Dr. South 788 available. Com-0 w oges ond jptU M B ERSis. Apply a t Plumbora nita Asslslod Uv- Wo are'look1177 Eostrklge Plum ber* 6i

Twin FaDs. ID m anPlum btor contact • Top Poy

2 ± 2 2 2 ------------ I • OpporturAL odvoncei1 needed for • Overtime4 24 hour caro notrequl bio. Tvrln Falls E vana Plum oundlng aroos. 208.728-8 vin person a t '19 Falls Avo. | - - i 1 i A. Twin Falls. PR ESS

P ro t* Opon Train**

Tho T i™ ..N .,g_ Io r_ H o n .i> - »° 'K W ' l ‘

Visits. Sue- '^ o p ress room ll o ^ lc o n t porson will leoi navo curront set-up and fun

cortllicoto, gf Urbonlto

or^tton arlS ‘®10 work indo- moklng o( pnily In hom* oetting ink.I- Hours 8om- njnnlngi<on-Fri. Mor- Mechonlcol1543-2873. exporienco 0

- — ~ r Must bo oWo.^L 85 tbs. Hoursomo Health & prlrrwirlfy 6pm* Is rww oc- including woeko

se n d ?osumo ? o ,lllw s roforoncos to

Magic Volley M«ry Karr* Please coll ThoTlmos-N«

01 734-4061 P.O. Box 54 rmclkan EOE | Twin Falls ID 6; -------------------- omoll

M c n M I " " ’’' " " ” "**'"

‘" I " " - A . . I » S . n T , mHy planning. „ |,f,

5 ' 2 ”ango S l l .M - g ,

sorvicos flekJs

737.5M1 7M -7730A A/E0Volerons RESTAURANT

[;___________ D ishw asher Part-ANEOUS Apply Ih porsonidents nood- T h* P r* * * B otMoek. 1740 Kimberly 1I volld drtvers —^n loct RESTAURANTilbrothsen Growing rostourorH e S Ing cook* , dlahwlie Vallav OOfV*r*. G alelino Rd Cato 2221 A ^ lJ Woikploco A venut E.

APART I^ jo B ? r s s sxir dvlllon Istoy 0 (ull- l — f f - r r n f r a g iudent. andport-tlmo REXoIoodlngn the Army electronic reloli101 Guard. ■ (ovor 200 slonn oxtra nottonwldo) itnoy* sooking mottvoipoy (or IndMduolstoJckige* our solos toon'H nyour Potontiol to cnonlty* $40,000, ox):veyour onco not roquhinlrv* ^ 0 offer boneV l( vou oro omptoyoo purch

S s si S , lion per FCRA

J6-9354 1414P o l* lln*R• 358-0585 Tw InFalla.lD EC 1639-4014 »' I ■ ■■' 251-8624 l l>OUARD M A N A Q E ff .............. A dve

Msliion ot TT>e T lm es-N e ' r. Dotoiiod g row ing rogioi lable ot c e n tra l Idahokxi.wmi s e e k in g a full-i

M a rk e tin g Ma 3 re(8. to. a u lo m o ltv e ac

will rep o r t to a n d Will bo a V a g o m o n t t« Includo sta ff I c re a tin g a n d

'•"o> I s t r a te g ie s for a c c o u n ts , sotti t h e / a r e m et.

d * » “Tho id e a l candi

"S '!? ;Ils otfico. f^oU ve: comW I dosJan e n e r g y a n d exi to ability environI oroduc- b u s in e s s m a n t g lyplrw p refo rro d . issontlal. W o o ffer rosui in / \s so - w ith s tro n g ilcalions, e x c e lle n t beno l is o r tho A d y n a m ic a a d n to sh m o rk et. Tw in F , A dobe c lim a te , supe i s a full* a n d is friendly Ing: no w o o m o rs.

(n to re s to d cam re s u m e 0

H um ai10 to: T T ,« i

1| PO

T w In F i J

m a i y ^ __________ D rug Fr


735-9207 opply In person ogo. between 2pm-5pm---------------- Golden Corral

. 1823 Blue Lukes. O p*™ *"' No Phoo* Cali*

4Bellevue. SAI.ES

Apply in Payday/car , tlUo li too WaJkor peroon(s), Exporloi 88-4525, In all aspects of p--------------- doy/cor tltlo los

Must bo bortdol Salary D OE Full pan-tfmo. Coll F 318-3334 Mon thru Thuro. 10am- Orug fre* work ptac

I ■ ..I —SALES.

_ W o o ^ v e r .

J o u r h aHow About A Caret In Modlo Soles Wli One o( America's

Top 200 Small Nows IS Compar^os?

Th»WooaRfV9f------foi/ma/, part o( Lot

am. in is Enterprises. Isoom Ihe seeking assertive, unctions dynomlc solosKo p ress employees for Its » tho expondlngweekly

Compotttivo wages benelits & opportu

0 plus. nity In this growing o .to 11(1 challenging morkel. jr s oroOm-3om W oto port of Lo< '“onds.

" company roconll)named again te

TOfl Forbes list of Amor.News Ico's lop smol 548 companies, t V Ir83303 “ '0“ flfOW'f’

#18*' In markei M— value. Qo with tho ''oo.»^ot growth (or tho 7 7 " ^ . (uturo. Chock Loo

out ot:: r n e h .b . vvww.te*.n.t

rA d u lts To opply.Ilnoss. to slop ‘>V our office at: noi skills 607 S. Main SL offectlvo Haileym of 0 for on application jgrM in or sond resum e to: oc'ohco KIm .Pattor*on.

om eslor ® Lo*.nethuman —

TECHNICIAN Automaton Daly Sys

(oms Is looking tor m<

S l ss?',s;ro,M S;- n p prolosslonals in oKor- Ing the finest prodocti

ond son/lcos lo ouiirt-llmo. cuslomors. This is c an n( Sorvlco Technlctar _ Position with Incomt

ond benefits to motcf yH<»- o sell-slOHor dosirlnj

to excel In Iho dair> ram hir- • '«lu8tfy. Exporionco h w a ^ . '» Ofoot. but moro

Irolnlng is oxpoctod, Coll (or on oppllcolk5n,

; or present rosumo to - (Ina out 1( vou ouolllv.--------- 1 208-324-3213.


SL|jIng I VVO oro currenllylailor I looking fororos I Servic*,)is i Technicians. , vaiod I)joln I Experiencedam. I Sw vic* T *ch mn

00m l linos, pump tonks,>xperl-l must hove CDL.tulrod.l 'P o y OOE.neflis.l Sorvic* T*oh sowerchose I lines, septic cloan-

ond l ing must hovo CDLsnunl-l w/tankor ondorso-imonl.l moms. Willing toback-1 train,

istiga-l We offer poid voco-I tk»ns. & Insurance,

n o t I Fax rosumo or call1 Rd I 288-733-0988 EOE I Mon-Fri Sam-Spm.

iv e rt ls in g S a l e s /

Jew s, a n en e rg e tic a n d lional n e w sp a p e r In so u th 10 (24 ,0 0 0 c irculation), is ill-tlmo A d v e r tis in g S a le s / i ilan a g ar w ith e m p h a s is In a c c o u n ts . T h is position0 ou r advo rlislng d irec tor1 key m e m b e r o l ou r m an - te am . R esponslb llltios

f train ing a n d m en to ring .Id e x ec u tin g m arketing or re ta il, a n d c lass ified siting g o a ls a n d en su rin g

id ld a te wiil h a v e a s tro n g in s a l e s m a n ag e m en t.

-llh a n e m p h a s is In a u to - iblne c reativ ity with high Bxcllem eni a n d th rive In o r onm ont. A d e g ro o In ina g em e n t o r m arketing Is

su lt-basod c o m p en sa tio n grow th polon tial a n d

lOlttS.a n d grow ing reg ional

I F a lls o n jo y s a m o d e ra te w rb o u td o o r rocreo tion Ily to w a rd b u s in e s s a n d

u id id a te s sh o u ld s e n d a I o n d c o v e r ’Iottor to: l a n R M O u rc e s iT 1 m M -N « w s » O B o x 648 F a lls , ID 63303

Email:.kB n-on@ lep .no t~F re e W orkp lace_________

MSALESSalary plua InconUvd .

3n WeU established Com- pm ot pany. CaO Brian at al 208-42^0737________

•li* , T T T V V V T

______ C L A S S I F I E D Sit pays to read tho

CollThoTlmoa-Newa, 0 ^ 1 to P>«»

tdoblo. 206-733K>93t.-ull or A A A A A A A

Frod ■tonday WAREHOUSE »m-12. Q *oer»IW af*hou»* ilaco. Dollv*fy Driv*r. Must

have Cleon driving record, & the ability to lift 75-100 tbs., p a ss dnig screen. Rtl out

zt ^ oppllcallons.4 I tMtwoon gan>-3pm a t

167 E as tland Or.

WELDERS With Apply in porson:,-s P*r«onn«l P lu*II 1t1 FII*rA v*nu«

Twin Falla, ID, 83301 208-733-7300

«* HANDYMAN w ho l 'y wants to expand busl- Id In ness In Twin F*itls

area. Call 735-2555 lor Info.


MESSAGE Big profits usually

moon big risks, lultl- Beforo you do Iper business with a ''Uy company, chock II ^ out wtth tho Bettor

Business Bureau.. In For (oe ln(ormotlon and about avoiding rket invoslmoni sc am s , the write to tho Fodoral

Trade Commission.^ ® Washington. O.C.

20580 or coil tho Natlonol Froud

Informallon C enter 0,; 1-600-876-7060

« 'C o h t r i e i i i i n d r “ •• 'M o r tg a ia w '

= ± D R A C OIN V E S T M E N T

®i?o' C O R Ploin CASH (or D eeds of lolry Tmsl, M ortgages ond .rt« f’o " ' ^*“'•0 C ontracts

Coll today (or a (roo. s 0 no-obiigotlon quote .:tan (208)733-3821.>mo --------------1-------------------Itch D R A C O '/iTrS IN V E S T M E N T nco C O R Ploro CASH (or D oods o(

Tnjsl.M ongogosond Rool Estoto Controcio

it^, Coll todoy (or a froo, no-obligatk>n quoto.


* S T . E D W A R D 'S C A T H O U C

" S C H O O L,L 139 6-Avo. Eost a . Twin Foils, Idaho 10 Now occopting

toglslralk>n (or tho 2005 - 2006 schoolyoor |734-3872

(or Information

I w a t c h t i

r i s e e v e

BusinessT h e T im c s - N c w s I e n h a n c in g o u r d e l iv c i a rc v e ry o r g a n i z e d , s u n s u p c r v i s e d . th e n o p p o n u n i ty f o r y o u . o u r c o m m i tm e n t to g ro w th to a p p l y . P a p e

T h e T i m c s - N c w s " o p p o n u n i t i e s i n m a

V alley .

Call Chris at


- T T T T T T T ™

CLASSIFIEDS !jOt It pays to read th* 2

___ fine print. . 3pr Call Times-Nows —_ to pUc* your a d QCS 208-733^»31. ^

A A A A ^ A 1 '

^ I PUBUC SERVICE j ^----- MESSAQE ^• I SePing Propwty? ist Doni poy ony foesI until It's sold. For bIc•® freo informotion bo

.about ovokJIng tim e ovshore ond real _ £ f

t I estato scam s. h a <' write lo: 2

- Federal Trodo To Commission, no

Woshlngton. O.C,20580 or coll tho _

I NolkinoJ Froud P “' I ln(omiatlon Center, ^

I 1-800-876-7060. j 3

I f j~ BUHL 4 bedroom, 3

guest house with bath and kitchen. Uvo

- streom, canol com pa- „ ny walor shares, nnd ^ mature orchard. 208 - 543-9239. $249.000

Buy A Horn*No Money Down JE R ' www.TwlnFoiis ■ Tig.

in • il , sq .


All real Miaw advenis- KIng in IN( newspaper Is ' subiect to the Fair Hous- KIM Ing Act woieh maxes IIU- legal lo'advenise *any 5 , , pretorence llmluik>n or |g

nandicno, (amiuai status. ^ or national ortgln or an inientlon to make anysuch pfoloronce Mmlta- pyi„Uon or dlaolmlnatlon. ' ■Famiyal staius InckKloschildren under the age 1 _ _of 10 iivtog wim parents —or legal euslodlan; prog- m m bmull women and pooplo 3 ®

This newspaper wui noiknowtnpty occepl any caWiadvertising lor real es- Gro(law whien is In viola. $94. Ikxi ol Ihe law. Ourreaders aro hereby in- ' r a i l formed thai allOwenmgi advertised In ' k | m bi

a v a iia w T S 't? e q ^ ? M opportufliiy basis. Tocomplain ot disolrnma- -w/grctkm can HUD Ton-free voult<telephone number at opone0»«0»-0777. Tbe e a r aToil-tfoe lelephono ,K«r.s s s - ' ° r . s j ; s ? i j S s

FILER 3 bdrm.. 2 bath,

acros. IrTiQotod pos- 255 i turo. 2 lots. $135,000. t 4T r Call 208-326-5400. - i i l l i





208-734-5538 S

Y O U R IN O rERY m o rni


;s O pportuns h a s a lw ays d c d ic a tc d ivery service fo r o u r c u s to m i . s e l f m otivated , a n d en jo ] en w c have th e p e r fc c t )u. W e inv ite in d iv id u a ls w to custom er sc rv icc a n d c ap e rs arc early m o rn in g d e l

's has in d e p e n d e n t c m an y areas th ro u g h o u t it

at 208-733-0931 ext.

rtLER 3 S S acroo, 3 r.-bdrm., 1 both, mafur* •isndscoplnd. orchard, >3 w ater shsr*s. $130 .000 .-C a« 208-316-0885/316-0867. .

aOODING 2003 4 bdrni. 2 b a th hom* on large com *r lo t Room lo bulkl shop or RV pod. Fenced, sprio- kkirs. appls., extra

404-3350, 934-9909.515 14" Ave W est , lOOOING 3 bdnn.. 1 bath. 1.344 sq. fl.Intertor remodaled. big yard, quiet rwlgh- borhood. Rnandng avallablo. $87,900. .Coll 208-358-0077. lAGERMAN chomiing2 bdrm.. 1 8. V bath, . Total remodoUno -•■ now rop( & skiing.$74,900, 206-837- 6271 or4e0-220-8402

lEROME3 bdrm73 both, 2230

eq. ft., office,. ployroom, tots of

vindows ond dosots,Pergo. tile, custom

(inlshos, 9-foot colllngs, AC.

sprlnklors.$117.500 httpy/

829-6564 404-160S

•ROME Now hom ein Igor Hills Subd , 3 KJrm., 2 both, 1,462 q. (I. Voultod family oom, gos flropioce & lordwood ftoors.;139.900. Coll 734- 541 or 306-3428

IMBERLY,679 oquoro ft.. 3-4 )drm.. IV both on g. lot. Foncod yard, noturo londscoplng. iprinklor systom.10W concroto drivo- voy & Ig, potio, ipdotod Interior.■lust seo io oppro- :lalo, $ 118 ,000 . 123-9009/731-7489

MBERLY 1136 8q,ft,7 bedroom, 1 both,

lorgy oKtolent, large rKOd In bock yard at id o( cul-de-soc. Up- itod intortor, now Lblnots, RV parking, rool rwighborhoodi M.500 108 North rchwood CIrclo. !HI 208-423-4959.

IBERLY Now in XM, !' bdrm., 2 bath. 1.5 ros on goK course Srool view s from ultod living room. .■ on (Icxjr plan. 2 .5 '! r garogo, room (or a '9p. $194,900. CallB-423-6474._______JL Newly romod- d 3 bociroom. on i ac res . Some slloncos Included.5,000. Call 208- i\ 1-6628.____________ *.

IN FALLS ;ovIng m uat **tli •1c* rw juc*di >;« ,900 . 3 bdrm., '< bolh. .338 ocro, -i N. AC, nk:o ' : : Chen, polk), shed |Ih loft, foncod, iado & (ruit trees, od schools. 1765 lybum Av*. E. 0-7266/735-1593 |

:o m e i« N G [



litiesd I t s e l f t o i ! m e r s . I f y o u ; J io y w o r k i n g ■ | : t b u s i n e s s Iw h o r c f l c c t ’• 1 c i r c u l a t i o n i

e l iv c r y .

c o n t r a c t o r th e M a g ic






Page 31: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

[ <>' r g B H M

3 r. TWINFALLS> ■ Affordabki clvgaI. 1 I bdrm .. 2 b«th fx>• N orth Po in t* R

819Q m o«CM v 1* road East of C

7 viow and Sot* of Chenvy' 1,678 «q. ft. and! 9 v « o « . HoiTw t' 2008 . U indsci

Irom w/uvlnkl ' nickal hardwa:

DfihUng, celllno

. 8t«*l appla.’, Incl - I End of cu l-da -uI sp a d o u s back y

m a lto r s wolcoi $167,900.

; o p e n House wl I r hold tho w M ker

! • • 17*‘- t9 ^ and 24" I o fJu n * . lpm-7

O rto v lew c a ' B randon 420-C

TWINFALLS Nloo d a a n 26004 5 bodroom, 2 hom a on beaullfi

a craaga on 6ui of Twin Falls. I

I possible. $ 11(• Call B ob o r J a r

A L P IT ^REALTY7 3 4 ^ 7 3

IIt w n m l l ^' ' R anch style S bd : 2 bath. 1,920 sc

i Full finished batm ent. RV garof

Lotqo lencod yi Closo lo Twin F

I High School ai\ Public pool. 8J O w ner. $145,00' Call 206-735-33

TWINFALLS $246,000 New I-

wlth ovor 2000 on Ihe moln flot bodroom s. 2.5 t and oflfco/den, U hardwood fkjc Bonus room ha

' holl bath. CallFreem an a t 737*: or Kalhy Partrldg 737-3920 to MLS*9820125S PC#2921



1 TWIN FALLS 1 leel, 3 bodroom. balh. 1,500 sq. built In 19! $126,000. We V pay dosing eo 2706 4*' Ava G roat homo

" I neighborhood. 7aI 6 6 7 2o r431 -46a t

1t TWIN FALLI 1.760 square Im1 3 bdnn., 2 bat:

foncod on 1 [ acroa wtth IrrlgaI ed pasluro and Ii

shop and ban ' g a rden area, aui

I sprlnklofs, contn^ haat/AC.$169,00<

Coll 208-734463

TWIN FALLS 3 bdr2 bath. 2 car. la scapod. 809 EostK Pork. $132,900. C 731>S06t/420>731l

. IherTWIN FALLS 4 bdrni., 2V, ball 1,996 sq . ft., fln placo. AC, ga haat. som e oppla

• 2 family roomiMetat siding, aui

{ sprlnkters. MornIrt(( side District, 207 U apI* Avavanu

V $124.900/oHor.; Call 206-731-S346

; TWIN F A U S 4238 (fl, 6 bdrm.. 3 bath, m aster sulto w walk-ln ciosot. rc room, basem ent, cu lom ook kitchen I tho cook, 1600 sq.

^ ^ ohop for tfw mecho lc. AM on 1,11 seclu od acro s. $255.00 Qualified buyers o 20a-733-0661 for ap

HTWIN FALLS Curry Crossing. 1+ acr* completety land scapod wllh sprfn Mer system . 178C sq. ft., 3 bdrm., 2

I bath, 24x40

' g o « P * w * ? f ' p«to!dock. $139,500.

I 733-3762 for info.

f f ^ N FALLS groat; NE location, 4

bdrni, 3U balh. Built In 1999, largo landscaped comor lo t finlahed baso- m e n t O raat for laenagors or guests, wonderful famUy homa. $290,000. Call 206-732-e092.

I TWINFALLS•0«hoe, 3 For«Uosures h I w m ^ www.TWInFoIlsForB

of G rand- TWINFALLSSouth Freo MLS Searchnoy www.TwinFaBtHomiand 2 car lnfo.comM bultt In “ “ 'j r a p e d t w in f a l l s Lo .rlnklors bdrm., on maJn rio<jwaro & 2 bdrm. hi bsm l. 1lling fans ‘Vih. tot* of amers ig n le s s ties. 2 ,712sq. ft. CiIncluded. 420-5547. <127,900

1-socw lth 1818 fi-A va. yard. ■! licome.100.a will bo s d i C j H H B K tkends of 24°' •28’'

>m-7pm. TWIN FALLS Ouiotvcali k)callon. Pristine 620-6167 . bdmi.. 3 bolh. 2 car-------------- garage. 2 ,B26 sq. ft.

Recently updated00+ sq .ft, Ilko new. In-law

2 both quarters or rentalutlful ma- w/separate envonco.Md small 756 North View Or.6utsklrts. Bekiw appraisal.

!s. Horse Only 6140,900(119.900. Pre-qualined Irtgulres«»«nn to - ■■404-3057~

N E ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦„ TWIN FALLS 3 bed-• » room m balh coun-n try home on 3.5

acres wllh outbkfgsI , A room to bulkf.ilidnn .. Asking $160,000,0 sq . f t will consider anybaso - offer! Cad 208-420-

arogo. 9180 for details, d yard.In Foilsa lan d WENDELL 2 bdmi., :ll. By balh on 3 acres. Bi(5.000. ahop & outbulkllngs 1-3310 Call 206-536-2251.

w home k P w T iW n f ln C M V

f e .

BUHL SW 80 acres, fiMflna s o »»wo TFCC. ^ s ^ i i Boaulllul year round all Hon stroom. produc*37-3915 *'9'’ridoo at> ««« bom s, granary. Coll Ig 208-543-4738.

HANSEN south, primo H M 160 acre farm, full wa- l l f l to r sharos, comenl■ ditches, oxc. crop ro-

1 lor sprinkler Irrloatlon.3 bdmi house, full basem ent, shop, ma-

■ chlnery shod 4 corals.

SCall 208-731-5571 or 208-30a-6030.

MAQtC VAUEY East. ;j '®v- Dairy slles. Any size. ’"I- ^ 2 Pormlis availntile wllh

Dairy Plan. Hadden

RANCHES 0 & 1000 Head -

732- ■ Cow/calf ranch. IM S Deeded. BLM and

forest, feedlot. very good Improvo-

, _ m onis. A PRIDE J i r O F QWNEHSHIP

RANCHI 3160 A crea -M oun-

lain range lond. . ? i _ sum m er access,

springs, 6 . of Hailey au to 1000 A cro a -R a n ch

for 250-300 head ,000 . y®® around. 3

hom os. Corey.. 635 A cre* -HIstork:

- 250-300 head sum-0 ^ If"*' provements, * lake

666 Acre* - Ideal ronch for roglstored

I cattle. Beoutiful U H l 'horrw, -good im-

provemenis, BUsa.

w“" | 733-0404 e m s . I 1 ^ — — —

m m mI QOODINQ (2) 20 acre

S4S. I partlsis on Shoestring— —J Rd. S2,000 per acre.« BQ No water. Can 206-

0 3 ^ 9 - ___________wfth QOODINO (4) 20 acresroc. partlals on HWY 28

, cu s- botwoon Ooodlng &>n for Bliss. Exc. buiklingsq. ft sito. 208-731-e800.c hon- Trfpl* 7 Realty K lud-5.000. a W ; i -7 ■"

j k i o M l i o i m t )

“ ■ I TWIN F A U S 4-plex for sale by owner.

^ d | . . N ewer buikling. 2 of LM I Iho units have new H corpotAwlnl. Units are■ 3 bdnn., 2 balh. 1 car M garage. Rents weU. ffy fo05 ,000 . Call Oe- 0 ^ laina 2Q6-733-7618.Sffn^ TWIN FALLS Duplex. 2 I t80 bedroom. 1 balh units,, 2 nloo oroa. near CSI.X40- $149,500. Call 775-AC. 752-0686____________Otto.soo! TWIN FALLS Qukil'o location. 6 bdrm., 3 mLJ ba th , 2 car goraoe, i n 2 .826 sq . ft. Possble roat duplex rental with

4 separate onterance.alh. t14S,900>404<3067irgn —

T f J WANTED TO BUY Cabin noar Pm o ..

^ 0011208-733-3634 .


ora 2bd rm for$14 ,500 .e Ust C om nne at 308-5382 _-------- BARKER REALTORS F

C all 843*4371 I •Ch 1— «

KIMBERLY ]-------- N aw 2006K lta. 3 3 bdm i., 2 balh. f i

R nancing OAC. :I. 1 5 $69,900, <

FrfandtyV inag* »E su te * 1

, Call 200-423-6283 <- c

TWIN FALLS »f W ft KIMBERLY ”K Slnglo & Ooublewlda {.■ f i manufactured .■ i homes. J•« $25,000 ond up. I>6 Rnancing av8il.0AC. 1

H om ea stay on site. «id”' C all 2CW-^3-fl2S3 | '

Bl TWIN FALLS 1973 iICO. ' 14x59 2 bdrm., tDr. 1 ba th , Beltran '*1. m obile home In a

Skytano Mobile —Ires Homo Park. JE

Asking $9,000/Offer »= i 206-324-6618 3r n 206-320-1121 $:ed- oak for Jennifer J -

as* TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm., ^jgs ‘ 16x48 with fencod yd., iilkf. avail. 7/01. 206-410- Z,00, 0539 o r 734-8733. - 2

^ TWIN FALLS 3 -f bdmi., 1,6 bath.

» 14x70. 217 Stdnoy — > SL O w ner finance.I., 2 $48,000. 733-9658.B'B t w i n FALLS senior

park. 2 bdrni, single wkto. SlO.OOO/offer.Coll 208^04-1082

t / s ' i 0 r - t r ^ n

^ C t m l w y L o t t : - ^TWIN FALLS Rellec- fl .

tion of History Mouse-Id loum. companion —IC- crypts, oulside east Kinlali level 4. Valued a t wles, S6000 will sell for okall $4500. c an 736-1717. d«

- TWIN FALLS Sunset = Imo Memorial Pari<. S. of kii wa- 't h e Chimes. (3) ^ «nt spocoa In Sunnyro- Slopoo. Loi «391, "up sp a ce 4-5-6.326-4472 “

lon.full BSO • - . . . . . . . . . tl

or . _ w a n w t f , i ^ . - p

I T KIMBERLY LooWng to ^,0 buy 0 home. Around L 2

1,500 sq . ft. Cosh outi ; =Ion Coll 206-280-7645. p,

^ ^ W w d V ic ro i i i- r - T T ': . - ; ' . ! : ' ... in

■ Classified R i 7 Department >- Clasalfled Sales I Reprosontatlves are ^ available fram

8:00 onv5:30 pm , Mondoy -Friday), Call o u r omcey ’ in Twin Falls h 733-0931 oxt. 2 d '• — SHO

. . s s , -BUHL 1 bdrm, stove, --------

. rolrlg., $30 0 month ♦ TW1»deposit. Woler. sower 877

,1 pajd. C all 543-6896. bdn

BUHL 3 bedroom, 1 JE R ('' balh, 3 0 9 9" Ave. N. 3 bd

No po ts, $550 + acr«d e p o sit 733-9658. Bra«

.BUHL 3 bedroom. 2bath, mobile homes, q i

I no pe ls , k>ng term, (' $500 m onth + deposit, --------

Call 206-S43-6342. TWIW BUHL quiot neighbor-

■* hood. 2 bdrm, appls. ^

>: T ^i^3"’'F A ? i^ ’' 'o g jt soc, 3 bdrm , no oppls,- g a s heat, fenced yard,■0 storage, $650. ♦ dep. TWIN <g TIM M gm t 733^)739 with !' i~ | no p

- T = T T w ihI ^g, orpORTUNirr wl,0 EQUAL HOUStNQ No |

OPPQHTUNITIES.. - W « All rsAl «stalo advartlt-Ing In mis newipsper \$ •suD J^fo Iho Fair Hous- lnBActwtitehm*Ji**(t(l- ™ N l«oal 10 advertlM ‘sny

- f«fofooe» limiuuoo otrseo. color, roUgton. mx,

'' hsnoicsp, faniUlal Mtu«, — Of nstkjnaJ ottQln or m TWIh

> InitnUon to mtka any Ver)f iueh preferenM Dmlia- 2 b«• tkxi or Ol#c<imln«kjn. gara

TamlUal statu* IndudM ' rardcMklrtn under the age lavm

r ol 10 IMng wItti parents I4oor legal euetodiwi; preg- ablenani women and people m on

; MCurino custody or chll- BmaOrenunOarlO. COns

1329TW# newspaper w*l nol knowmgfy a c c w any •dveriMino for i«al ee-tsM wt»lcn is kl vtole- Oon oi the l(». Our TWIN IrsKtwa are horrty h- both

an d I • Ury.

available 00 an equal opportunity basis. Toeorrvlam of dlKrtmina- $600Uon cU HUD Toi-ftse 0069 <Mtspnone number at SOO40»-e777, The TWIN fTolMree l*l»phone bath.

I 731-S

’ FILER 2 bdrra fann TWINcottage for ran t Partly clearfumlshed. $360 mo f $550 olactrictty. 326-6622.

FILSR 3 bdrm., 2 bath lownhouso, appls., 1 c a r garago, aprtnkJar RV . system, foncod • yd. sen * dep. 326-5047

FILER 601 5" S t T T ’ i3 bednxm . 1 balh. 3 ' conlral alr/Twat, hard-wood floors, fsncod yd.. 3 ear garage. quI-o t ’neighborhood. No TWINamoking/pota, $625 nil udep. t « ^ t 308-7311 yard

FILER Nower 3 bod- '*“ 1room, 2 bath, g a a ____ Ihoat/AC,^ 2 ^ c a r jW INgarage. fone«j y ^ bdmi,with dog run. Pats OK (*^ 9with deposIL $900 aulomonth deposit, o as hAvaiiablo NOWI S w l.

Call 206-280-1714 year

HAQERMAN 2 bdrm., r . i 'i 92 bath. W/D hook-up. fenced yard, attached TWIN garage. No pets. $650 ' gooui 637-0234 or 731-2249 O t f l '

JEROME 2 bedroom.S490/mo.. 639-4602. dhi '3 bdrm, 1.5 bath, m s /s $590rtno. 839-4877, .ap* :*

JCROME 3 bdmi.. 2 TWIN bath mobile home. No locatl pots, kirig terni $500- lege, ■f dep. Can 208-324- bdrm., 6903 or 206-543-6342 $850A

[I 212-11 TWIN


a :

K K Q P ro p e rtyM anagoment wood

Where Landlords Now4 Tenants come londsc

logetherl N< Variety of tocalions.

s ire s ond prices.n C a ll208-732-6870 TWINFI— ^KIMBERLY 2 bedroom, pols/sr

with W/D. Smoll pet lease, okay. $350 month * 2264 1 deposit Call 208-423- Call 20S926or410-0199 ^WIN F

...... ......— ■ I bdrm..KIMBERLY Nk:e 2 In new

bodroom.basemenl $850 napt. for rent. Som e C>II20utltlUes furnished. TWIN iwater, power, 'sani- large 3tation. gas . W/D flroplac hookups. $575/ monlh, $375 de- posll. No smoking.Can 206-423-6449 J , ^or20S-73l-4 l58 . Way. <

0659 or


pAriArnl balh,Federal ^^od,Employmeni pointe

information is froo. depositRemember, no one n m u —con premise you a clean 3

federal |ob. For freo garage,Infonnatlon about $700

federal fobs. ernokin;Call Career ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

. America TWIN FConnection, "Ico 3 I

478-757-3000 '-------------------------------- smoklnsIHOSHONE nice 4 Schoolbdnn., 1 H bath, good dsp. 20location. S600/mo. ••• ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ■ 1" 6 last •►$300 dep.Coll 208-886-7011.

WIN FALLS 77 Wendoll BL*3bdrm.. 2 bath, yd caro Call 208Ind . $950 + deposit 1EROME I WHO a

bdrm., 2 bath on 1 I rontyta c re $760 •» deposit I r i « i3rawkiy Property Mgt I '''® *

734-5681 I (Evo 4 W eekends I 733-0Dave 731-5861 or I MnadOrr

Oar731-6114. *WIN FALLS $850, ll ZEROw w or 3 bdrni., 2 POORMth, garago with 1ST TIK>poner, RV pad, Cencod yard, appls. FREE 2

Ehvood 6 E vana qualiP roperty 734-1401 SU2IE

MN FALLS 2 bdrm,

trd Ave: E.__________ -------

M N F A U S 2 bdmi.. I 9 E 8 Bdotached home, Ig. p f n Hlot. $600/mo. dep. fciitT S P fNo pels. View Ti»oe. g;?tjWW.. Wod. 6 Fri. between

7pm-730pm. TW N FA

VIN FALLS 2 bdrm., HBO/Shoouao for rem. AvaU amoklng/jrt)1. 562 2 " Ave. E. °«P 490, 1'. last. $100

I (neld. $3f WIN FALLS 2004 '/e ry nice 3 bdrni.,

ja ra g e 4 fenced _ _ _ _ _ _ rard. Water and avm caro provided.4o amoklng.-Avail- t t i V P MIblo JuV 1*. $860nonth * deposit l ™ " ^ ^

l 5 S ? i d e ? J d . • r H e i128 Parfc Mead ows qu

Court CaU 208-404-4348 I

lN P A L L S 3bdm i,2Ith home noor CSI ’ c .Id Ponlne Bem en- Twln^"**ry. W/D hookups, BUHL $9fmtral air, pota neg., apoclalf 2rail. July. 1678 mo., units ava100 dep. Can 308- 643-27401)69or73S^)eiB . gUHL 2 bcIN PALLS 3 bdrni. 2 near high ah. 2 car garage. tio t aprtnWera. 809i*ttari3park.$800+.H-S061/460-7319 CaU 206-6

;u h h im feIN FA U S 3 b d n n , ' A f l t f tan. ulllltles paki. '50. Can 324-3317.IN FALLS 3 bdrm, W HATis/AC, dean., qu ie t M |cish paint storage. 4 -

space, sprinklers. I 'm o i125 f dep. Coll 732- PC ^ .I s e iT p r ln c to n .IN FALLS 4 bdrm.. Al

balh, near 2 Call to leinools, $775. Cpil « 2 o r3foro 9 am or ofler 5 A pt. *1206-734-2666. tlhlllod IN FALLS 4 bdrm..“P E i-,* ? - '"7=®^ Call or V

l2 P o p ia r A « n u £ ' K ^ r pCall734^)ei7 . ,

IN FA U S Clean 3rm.. 2 both, nicely _ q dscoped homo.10 sprinkkirs, AC,J h e o t OT-eory ond ^wiooih Schools. 1 moiir lease, no smok- •

HAZELTOrllMe-73 1-6070. NowlN FALLS Qor- opplk:ilu o townhouse Syringa1 m onths ren t. 1 i bodroomBl. 3 bedroom. 2 ond well ih, appfs., sforoge. forresfder

garoge. No ol ogo o roi/smoklng. $880 caooed/I. Can 308-0980. regordlesH FA U S QrMit FederallysUont Near c d - Housing.>. Immaculalo. 3 4206. Hm.. 2 both homo. Accessib0/mo. for detoUs Housing C-1676 - 212-1677. _r - p s n s " ^mtown. Romod- SM m <l/lmmoculoto. 3 Spotm.. 2 bolh. 2 car for hondici ogo, $900 mo. Con oeriy oi°a-721.0794._____ ,I FALLS Now 3 o p t ail a Tl, 2 both In Eosi- „„|_ __.i. Id SubdMston, •» . opplionces.Iscopod, contral copioo. No smoking, pots C l^ v a t ; otioble. $900 ;e. 206-726-6016.

/smoking. 1 • yr. 'o r ro n t 80e. $950 f dop. jMi8/9moklrI E ashvood Rd. ‘" f ' l i ' l o l S208-324-6056. S400 dep. iI FALLS newer 3 JEROMEn.. 2 both wllh AC. 2 bodrlewer subdivision. Twin FoilsJ m on lh*deposit 734-4208-404-3544. twlnfollsror " I a u T I ^ JEROM E 3 I 3 bdrm., 2 bolh. ’ {2 >’»“>. o\ toco, AC, DW. p s-Kl yord. sprinkler No smoidi^

SSS'“ no'” ; iFALLS nkMly Pola- Lyle 7:

JE nO M E S ut Ih. nice neighbor- mnm i bol I, 1460 Nonh ""iI

Ing. 3160435 KIMBERLY

’♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Il?.hFALLS Vory ®“ rojjo3 bdrm., 2 both, aoposll Noincos, garago. P««- 'r>d^core No oots/ walor, soiaIng. O le a ry ^31 D ist $850 + S848 or 731-209-73J-6269 KIMBERLY B ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ io« ,ton ELL 2 bdmi.. 1 bolh, $60C ippllonces avail- for dotalis < uinnies induded, 1678 or 212-

c n M p V O U llyourrenlal? I fwlnfollsrontiatslfieds I _________I TWINFALLS

c a m I The F a lls /1-0931 exL 2 I l-2 b d m is . S3emigtwiB«yjow | P h e a san t--------- - Tow nhoW 00W N7 ' I>R CREDIT? AC/no pets. 7:

t w in f a l l s

“ S . ’ «

sS ^ S m P "»P *^y r.t w in f a l l s

___ II $275. utils inc736-0322 or 2

f f i l M l i l k ' l TWIN FALLS■TA » A aii» ^ ‘< 2 bdrm . 1

W/D. $550mALLS 2 bdrm.. RM *P *fk A:si, an utilities .‘edroom , 2od induding W/D. flnhowtimo. No Sfi25 depog/pets. $450 ♦ Lyl0 731-9 ep. 734-0414

F A U 8 Studio T S l h '^ 'S a Vsd. UWrtles AC 4 W/D TaSO. IB d m t, SS95. No pollCOS. Garage. 208-969-6No smoking / ______________all 735-0473 TV«N FALLS 2

1/2 balh,g roat locatkin m onth do( yoo r lease. No

m i i m i f e j smoking. 734-4

“ " " e

trol Park TWIN FALLS 2irtm enU '*


f i r s z J :ivailabie. nail ^

1S . | S S » , Sbdrni, 1 bath, d a p , C a l 308-0

’^ g 'S a g e ' . 'T W I N FALLS " w s o patfure. room. $475 + d 3 ♦ $250 dep. 1342 Ehn*w>»I-S43-S439. 212-1677 « r 2 i :

# 0 4

j t p a i E L . . . iM w g3 M E 8 E E

m s s i N Q ^ ^ a .p ,;o » -3 o e .i

Twnlh renls TWIN FALLS 3F R E E l/2 bath, 2 sto>WN8R00K

• p r c tion. ovor 180Cl ieasa vou rl 'onced yord,

• 0P^l“rKws Jt. TODAYI 4 , ?ed lime only posit, 208-735-


iwnbrookAve. gnoo® ' 550,:0p 0eeeS»lt)l0 Vnll«« . I H o ..ln 83poriunlty _______________

TWIN FALLS 3Senior complex 2 bolh, oppls,m.. refrig. 4 hookups, AC. {

Utlllilos pokl. Starting a t $60(month + $100 734-5001/731-:

roN new duplex, 3iw toking 2 both. 2 car {>lk:atlonB; Sowloolh

S is 'it older. Handl- TWIN FALLSed/Dlsablod clean, wall-lo-wless of ogo. pol, loododally Assisted windows. W/[ng. Can 829- prem ises, offI. Hondlcap parking. No srrsible. Equal dnjgs. $425/mcg Opportunity. $?00 doposlt.

onces roqulrec^Q lyl£ volkjQtod. 734-^move-ln TWIN FALLS Duip e d a l 1016 Lem hi <cficappod ol- 3 ^ r m 2 bo

g. 1 bodroom ^I oppls. pri- Brawloy Propert] latio ond AC 734-5681Id. IHA oe- Eve 4 WoeKor

Conloel Dove 731-5861 ot 324-0572. Dor731-61t>

V - TWIN FALLS Ju V .3 - modeled. 2 bdn'

plox. Leoso anc . 2 bdrm,. opt S450/month + 803 E. O. No Coll 208-324.43;

™ IN f a l l s

for Ihe quiet llvin odroom son. $400. 736-3

. .n '. l . .c o m _3 bdmi., t No smoking

I op t. oil op- $550/mo. 4- dop.Judlng W/D. 208-735-2263 Iv.king or pels. -------------------------dop. R ot ro- TWIN FALLS No«208-324-5662 bdrm., 2 balh,------------------- sq. ft., appls.,opts. 3 bed- hookup, AC, gi

I Vt bolh. All wllh yord. woler)S. $540 garbage inch

smoking or Wolking distoncs 731-6669. CSI 4 Oowntowrdupiox 2 bed- 'both, $500 ♦ 1-S10-8S3-4559.

No pets/ TWIN FALLS Nev543-8313 bdnn., 2 bath ar

I " h m " ’

a ™'-639-1403. hookups. Startin V 1* month per mo. 4-; J . . 1 b o t Call 208.736.2991

TWIN FALLS Nk dS» a n ^ bdrni., 2 bolh, 0

W/D hookup. ^ gorogo. water, s

included, 1 loose, $650 ♦ 1

( Brond new dep. Con 733-781 t w i n FALLS NIC

bdmi.. 2 bOlh.

gorogo. $650 mor LS dop. Coll 961-052bodroom Rentals TWIN FALLS.4334 • • • • • • • • • • < E xport to be___________ Im praaaedLS S p a d o u s 1 4 2lls Apis. bdm is. OuietS375-$475 buikling w/galed

a n t View undergroundihomee parking 357 Blu<$475-$51S LokosBlvd

i. 734-6600. 544-2432/734-433___________ Aok ab o u t frae raLS $475. 2 — balh. oppll-woierrtrash eOO ('' •;

734-1401 ' ' ' • '___________ TWIN FALLS fumis^ 1 bdrm., room, no smoklne incl. 434 4’' drinking $250. 1 >r 21^5584 208-733-6627.

TWIN FALLS Mtorowovo. refrlgorj

Coll for prices.2 NO pels. Civ>r/Moi

fireplace, TWIN FALLS MOTiposli. Dally ond we«1-9598 rales. Oulat. do

II affordable. 733-662.8 2 Mrm, jw i n FALLS Olrage, ded<. m oiot Rent by w«) hookups, S105 or $375 mor

Avail. Call 309-739-1099.

8 2 bdnn.1carport, i

Ion $525/ ■ —d o ^ l 1 -TWIN FALLS 1 bdrNo pets or furnished. Very de<I4-6160 fl"®t tocation In «--------------- quiet park. 1 mile fnB 2 bdrm.. c s i . W/D indud*th laundry $375Ano. + $300 d<Wmonth + Call 206-734-4346.124-2244. ____ ______________3 2 bdm ..


W d e ^ t, OFFICE SPA CE avi

) 2 bdmi., able, 1.250 aq. f t IW/D, AC quire a t Fradricksorsmoking/ C ondes, 309 Hans<

'mo. $500 S t E ast o r 733-7624

TWIN PALLS ilw8 2 bed- sq. ft., available J i♦ dep. 9th $2.000rtnonto o d O r. Triple M. 37S Fal212-1678 Ava W. 206-7»4-40«

LS 2 bed- TWIN FALLSbalh. W/D 1440 Flier Ave. E.month plus 1300 sq. f t Redecori

________ to suit 734-6380.S 3 bdmi. 1 TWIN FALLSStory, 1 car O fllce and retailireat kxa- 820-4,828 aq. ft.1800 sq.R .: Severa l locaUona.rd, somo Hammack

$795/ M anagem ent

S 3 b d m i 2 TVflN FALLS Ofll vsTiU cw 9P“ «>' w o sq. ft.ncad vard utnitles Induded. Bl^ ’T o U k e s Blvd. N. Cby R o ^ : 208-309-0365.>3-2439. w

8 3 bdmi.. C o n l m w d l a l

. P r b p w t yseooi-dep. ------ »---------- - ■"01-2049. TWINFALLS

'r% S r m '' W '^ S f f i c T i s f s ^ .$575 plus laxes.

^0 pels/ e f O ;

I^O II cor- offices ol Curry Cros w /n® T lng. $50 0 /month. Ct o T a t r e e t 2“ -^ 3 '3 2 9 2 ')smoking/ ® t 4 , 1,

r r „ , * w i h M T o m m

WANTED house in ifi country. Twin Fall:

Duplexes Fl'of- Suf*'-,1 C ” “vo 2 dogs. S40(

bath wl *550 por monlh. Ca5* dop '^ “‘®2 bdmv, 1 o r ovos 543-5408. •doposltDeny Mgt H O m M

8114.—— ------ QOODINQ ,I Ju st ro- rellremont porktrfrm. du- fg, 55 ^and rofs. „ ,|,o w est of Good-

, j t , . , , *’■ ‘"fl- Only 5 spaces‘••*332. lott, Monthly spaceS Largo rent $130 month.

UlllltlOB Call 206-934-5738 eon, idealllvingper- 8 1 0 ... ,

R o o m iM tM '3 '■9 3 w u i t i d '1. Very w w i i w . - , .

TW'f* p a l l s (Just out s'**®)- youno profes Sep. Coll oionai Mowng 2 o r :

r - room m ates to shortNnw«r 3 '''o o 4 bdmi.. 2 baif

* “ "2

s s NO C 1I54 ,.S ,(I.003S .mo. Coll TWIN FALLS 1 room.59;_____ _rnale wonled. InNewer 3 e ludes all utNs. $30 0 11 and 2 WOO <1«P- ■404-4434Ith apts. f M

^c. W/Oirtlng 01 BLACK ANQUS regis-

* dep. te red breeding bulls.2999. M oderate birth weight------------ Call 208-886-7564.Nleo 3 1, appls, CHICKENSp. A c: P ooe-ch ld«--nR andi.r, sow er Chicks, laying hens.

voor 4 e g g s available.<. $500 200 N. 253 W. Jerom e7818. 324-3688 / 539-1124

ih^*^W/D C O N N E C T 11 3IIWM8, VVITH I

M 22 C U S T O M E R S I I W H O N E E D I

. . . . Y O U Rbe S E R V IC E I*f A dvertise In the Ilist B u s in esa 4 I

S o fv lc aD lra c to ry ll no 733-09310X 12 i lBluo -------

Q EESE A gaggle ol gooso l Come and gel thomI $5 each. 734- 2774 leave Message.

OOATS for sale. Gol w oods? 2 cute Pygmy

nMR;<l Billy Kids. Call 678- = = = . 1572 after 7 PM. imlsfwd _

“ " c S

goralor CATTLE started Jersey ss. typo feeder calves. uotml $300 a up. Coll 206- J2 , 834-2557 Iv. Msg.jn T F i HOLSTEIN breeding wmWv bullB. Good blood d a a n l ' OS. $ 1,100 and up.

~ Call 206-859-6505.

W*- 4 FOOT SHOEINQ'vTTTg! Accepting new dlents.

M/Ill trim miniatures 4 m ? ; loach horses to ptok---------- up feet. Schedule nowbdrm., to r tho season, d ean , T rav ie 839-2812 or

n c o z y Val a t 639-1027.lefrom ----------------------------------Muded. APHA toblano yoarilng O dep . flUy, cute. $700 or 146. bost offor. Call 208-

543-9262. 208-734- 9343. o r 731-1864.

■ I b ARABIAN broodmare g e s p rospect. Oorgeous S l iM hlARkAiav. afflmtaKva.

AZA Destiny, SaraH*. ft ^ C ash o r trade. Call

206.636-5460._______anson HORSE 3 year oU r624 double bred Doc's 01- — ablo, dark Dunn col- 1.600 oTKl ataDk>n, sire Is '

I July Pooo Bueno. Ory Doc. w nth. - n ^FaUa Call 206-544-7525 or

■<0W 206-420-6624._______

— ^-Ihursdaj; J im 30,-20«-TlrT

iui;::!: o r c l e j 'ea siam 3 ho rse trailer w/walk In

_ tack.' new tires. Oood *=• cond., $3,000/olfer. or*J« 543-5912 eves., or^ ___ 733-1901 weekdays.

HORSE 6 year old sor- rel gelding. $999. Pa-

^ rades. trails and rodoo. 208-576-2168 or 208-481-2166.

HORSE TRAINING____ Colts started, rope)fiiea horses, etc. Rondy ," “ ® WhIlo 206-431-1114.Blue H ORSES Rog. OH 16 Call , h ands, somo team

roping/ 4-H, good dls- posilion, S2.900. Reg.

' i • thoroughbred, vory ■ I ' genllo, all around i 'v " good horse, $1,800. 5

yr. oW. point geWIng,------- g reen broke, very

handsom e, grool dis- P „ position. $2,500. 5 yr.Q- old Mustong maro,*' groon broko, trolls/I" pocking $1,000. Coll

324-6636 Iv. msg.HORSES, 05 Rod

Roan alud coll a n d '96 pony cross. SSOO/oa.

= ------ 206-532-4278.------MULE SADDLE

0“ ; Newer 16- troll. $400.Ctt" Coll 206-326-4158.

PAINT Maiibu Barbie,J . <. beautiful, 8 year oki n t , m are. 16 hallsr points.= . good show prospect Iho $2.900. Can 423-5101

PAINT maro. 5 yoors okl. A ppaloosa Loop-

^ 1 ord gokJing. 12 yrs.A23 Trailer. 2 horso. (3)

oaddlea> 4 assoriod tack. S3,000/offer or trade. 208-219-9401

1 : PALOMINO polnl fllly.b roke to lood. $500.

===. M ara 5 yr. old point “ I Pa lom ino w/lbol and

brod back, $ 1,200.V, Coll 208-543-6619 or

id- 208-280-3624,0» QUARTER HORSE.®® rog.. gelding. 3 yoor

old. Color roon.9 j $1.100. 206-866-2608 •:

QUARTER HORSE 5 years old. beautiful black ond while point. $800.208-732-6992.

= QUARTER HORSE >irt- Fiord cross. WIH : os- moke 0 groat trail or r 3 huniing prosped, oro $500. Coll 734-3330

QUARTER HORSE ear rog. lilly. Rod roan.Iroi slaned , $1,700. Call uro 208-735-9796. •:>90 QUARTER HORSES."o. P a ln te .C olts.T -T

Ranch. 206-733-1313 ■ ^ o r 206-731-6166 msg. . In- SADDLE (3) now 13*.

15- 4 16". $325 oa.I (2) usod 13* 4 15*.

$275 ea. Yoarilng QH i’>‘ cQlt, genllo. Loads 4 V tlos. $250. Coll 208- = r 543-6694 or 731-2573 'in* TRAILER Chormoc '03 L“- 4 horso Siam trailer.

Large taek room, slool__ fromo with aluminum

shell. Whito ond mo- :h. roon. $11,500 or best

offor. 206-461-0674,^ WANTED TO BUY well J® tom pered horses,

In grondchlldren have

I much TLC and offer a

I good home for thom.I Coll 208-326-4646.

I 7 0 4P t l t A n d P t t

II DACHSHUND, LONQ I HAIRED pups. 1 fe- I m alo, 1 malo, only 10

J loving homos.-7 Call 208-734-5060.0

AUSTRAUAN SHEP­HERD purebred, good

- working dogs. Soms 31 blue eyed. Can allor ly 8 pm 208-543-44066

BICHONS (male, fe­malo); Y orklea (molo:Colon Do Tulear)

C. (malo-rare brood); j; AKC pups. 543-2279.- BIROS baby Finches, y multi colored and sing

pretty, $10 oeeh. Coll '• 206-736-2926.- BISCHON PRISE pup- g p ies. • (3) fen^alos.0 non-shoddlng. Roady >• to Ool S500/olfor

ooch. 208-420-6481. BQXERS Tvro AKC

fawn m ales. $450. 7 : w eeks old. tails, dew-- clawa. 2 shots. Call

208-431-1113. •,BRITTANY pups, regis- •!tered . Paren ts are su- ;•

, p o r bird dogs. Both' •!point and retrieve and 2>a re on site. Moles. V$400. Fem ales, $450. :■

. Coll daya 312-0454, •:1 ovenlngs 654-2081.' CHESAPEAKE BAY

RETRIEVER puppies,AKC. W ER ^ $400

. NOW $300. 4 males I left. 206-536-2690 or I 208-410-2510.

CHIHUAHUA I Sailing O uti Some reg- I,

Istered. som e not.Som o tong coats and | eom e smooth ooata.

$250-$350.C all 208-636-1611

CHIHUAHUA (2) AKC fem ales, 6 WMks oM.

nme»Mewsr1MnFWIs. MiAo- & 7 -

7 3 6 % ) 1 ° o r f f ^ ^ il

s ’nd



Bn,-I.1 i 5







Page 32: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

________ M nBiiiW iOT,T\itoW

Thursday. June

THEA"Shoot f i r s t ai w a rd s , a n d ij takes. I willpro

One of the s fcnse is not onl; plays yourself, p a r tn e r ’s prok can protect hin a m is ta k e . Wl h e a r t a g a in s t take your heart c tarer’sjack. I t has K-J doubl< u n le s s you ca; w inners immec d iscard hf^ I02 good hearts.

P a r tn e r 's d heart rather th] gests that he ha and did not wan the king if decis So, u n less pari m onds, you w monds and the < the h eart ace.

However, if 3 to th e diam ond think that he sti opening lead an with the singlet will try to give Even if you leai how will p a rtn t you have the di the king?

To slop him f sw itch to th e c trick t\vo. Then j his acc , an d it what he does ne will alw ays be t Partner should r head to overtaI< king. You would mond queen (if high diamond sf him to win and gi

7 0 4P e te A n d P e t

S u p p l i e s ^

CHIHUAHUA AKC fOg. Malo. £400. Whllo

. with brown spots & block m ask. Very cu ts. 208-467-3642 .

CHIHUAHUA purebred puppios. 2 black & tan. 3 ton. Coll otior epm. 5<t3>40G6

CHIHUAHUAS 1 malo,1 lomolo. 8 wooks old. S375. Plooso coll208-4g3-4Sai._______

CHINESE PUGS puro­brod puppios. Fawn. S400 ooch. Call 208- 539-0633.

COCKATJEL with caoo and occos-

sorlos, $100. Call 208-736-9139.

COCKER SPANIEL pups. AKC. blondo. Molo. S2S0. ' Fomolo S300. Call 731-Se05.

DACHSHUND mini AKC pup. black & ton, lor^ halrod fomalo. Health guorantood. - $300- Call 326-6694. f

DACHSUND Mini, malo, 6 monlhs old. * purobrod. $200- CoJI208-423-4412._______ -

ENOUSH POfNTER pupptos roody now. Grooi eihow Wood- llnos. Worktng paronis - on site. RoQistered with dow claws and firsi shots done. SSOO ' ooch. 208-661-5495- |

ENGLISH POINTER/' WIEMARANER c ross ~ puppJos. Bolh poronis

_purobrod. $100 oach ' Coll 208-539-9166 or ' 20B-S39-1331. j

FOUND Dog, pug mix. : malo. about 20 yoors ~ ok), found Juno 25 noof HigtiloneJ Poxk, | Coll 208-737-9254

rFOUND black lab. Fri- t

day. bluo conar, no c .lags, very frlondty. — Coll the Animal Shoi- FT tor al 206-736-2299 t

FREE Chow X. mato * puppy, to good homo. c Call 208-532-4016. c

FREE (4) kltlons to a good homo. Adoroblo „ oil black ond Irtter ,, trained. 208-678-5377 „ or208-431-9801. ^

FREE Australian shop- 2 hord cross. Oroot wKh _ Uds. 3 yeort oW * rl noulerod mato. CoS i20B-644-9396_______ _ 1

FREE Blue Hoofer, 4 FR years old. mato, not nwtored. atroy that was found lor 3 yoars. C4 Coll 206*316-.0758-

FREE cat Calico fo- FRi mole, spayod, Vory ok mikJ manner & lovlr>g. ro Call 206-733-4729. h t

n rn td g i.J ^» ,2 l

m e 30, 2005

ACES ON Bla n d in q u ir e afler-

[ i f yo u m ake m is- ijvtect you."— Hermann Goering

e s e c re ts of good de- mly to m ake the i;ight If, bu t also to foresee rob lem s so th a t you • [lim before he m ^ e s W hen W est lea d s a s t fo u r sp a d es , you lart ac e and note d ^It looks as if declarer ibleton of h earts , so c a sh y o u r diam ond lediately. South may I lo se r s on dum m y’s

1I d e c is io n to lead a < than a diamond sug* ‘‘ has the diamond ace j a n t to risk setting up 4 c la re r had that card. • a r tn e r has five dia- s w ill ta k e tw o dia-

le club ace to go with C

if you sim ply switch n d 10 , p a r tn e r may stru ck gold with his and th a t you s tarted g ;leton h e a rt ace. He ve you a h e a rt ruff, ead a low diamond, tn e r know w hether d iam ond queen o r .

n from going wrong, L e d iam o n d k ing a t .> n play a diamond to it d o e s not m a tte r . next. Your club ace ^ e th e se ttin g trick. ^ d not take It into his take y o u r diam ond ^ lid have led the dia- ^ (if yo u had it) o r a sp o t if you wanted ? j

1 give you a ruff.


Unscromblo (hese four Jumblo ~ ono letter lo ooch square,

lo form four ordinary words.

; I P O R D O

r I \ i n

' I I N F E G

I I I r n rG R E B ID

: LlI xxXP E C T O K

. i i T T

<XXX>"■ I


■ FREE C ats in nood of a good homo. Call alter ' 6pm 208-878-3936.

FREE Cats-calkM mix 2 whllo & calico and 1 . malo. whllo & orange.6 w ooks old. imor box irainod. Qood with FREE small dogs- 678-4500. pwa

FREE dog. bobtoUod. spayod fomalo. Modi- um s tte . onorgoticond lovos everybody. - 70,Whito and l a a Call J l f l208-837-4497._______ FREE

FREE Ooldon Lnb,noutorod mato, about !,g7^5 yoars d d . won mon- --------norod and house- FREEbrake. To good home Poinonfy. Call 732-8006 5 for

---------------------------------- 7 wFREE Ham ster needs a w/Vv

good home. Son has C a ll: aDerglos m ust sacrt- fico. Com os with ttlsown homo, WiD in- P«PPcludo boddlng & food- *Call 208-544-'7035. 0 ^

FREE kittens 2 fluffy, long halrod. orange n o n m ates, outdoor o r in- a o e , odom bl., M K206-675-3973._______

FREE Mttons tooking , . b r lor a good honw. Can 20S-S43-fl100.

FREE kittens, 7 H “2?“-wwska. d d . 3 males. 1 J2 ® :3fem ato. Phts mother MINI cat. W e r>oed good pupph hom e#. 212-3626 *350

I $400FREE k ltto ro .« wooks dactts

oto. Vary cu ts and ahireready to go to • good serviohomo. 423-4232. 2p» .7:

‘.a o o e

t B l D G E ^ Bobb

NORTH♦ K 1 0 0 6V Q 1 0 6 2♦ J 2♦ K 3

W EST EAST A 5 * 8 2 ’ V 9 8 7 5 4 V A 3 ♦ A 8 7 3 ♦ K I O « 9 7 5 A J e

SOUTH♦ A Q J 7^V K J♦ Q 6« Q 1 0 8 2

Vulnerable: Both Dealer: East

The bidding:S ou th West North

1 * 2 ♦ 3 : 4 4 'A ll pass "Showing a good raise to th spades

Opening lead: Heart nine


South holds:A .8 2 ¥ A 3♦ K 10 0 5 4 « A J 6 4

S ou th West North 1 1 ♦ 1 A Dbl. 2 Pass Pass Dbl. I

ANSWER: Bid three club your partner’s second dot show s extras and nothin] P a rtn e r will typically have points, too good to sell ou spades. Since you have a suit, you can simply bid it him go on firom there, if he

K you would like to contact Ilobby WoUL c

CopyriKhlJOOS, Unllcd Feature Syndic

THAT SCRAhlBLEO WORC X l K by M«.tl Arnold iftd Mi*.

Wos. ^This onosend# mo Rjgr

\ on.d


1-------1 T H E B A N JOPLA Y ER SE L E C T E


INow arrange tho circled li to form tho surprise answt suggostod by lho abovo car

r *X X X X X X ^(Answers Ion

lEBEL FETCH JOYFUL S/ ^ a t sho gave the onlst on the prowl - H E BRUSHOFF

“a a f -lE E Kittons. 1 male, l a b Kinatomato. 7 woeks Old. for sale I

iray. Call 644-6481- Call 206-73iE E kittens, healthy. MINIATUREte r box trained, vorl- SCHNAUZIity of colors. Coll 206- puDotos•34-5178.___________ S300, CallIEE Liib cross pup- 6586 or 20{

------------------------------ MASTIFF pIEE Lab. 5 mo. ok] sato. 1”jmato to good homo- weeks old.loods room to run. or208-8<78-1674 or 808-4490 -----------------

)onths oW. N o ^ s An white mi ood horrw. 208-678- Call 208-54 674 or 208-608-4490 ___________

EE Lab/Engllsh ointer c ro ss popptos-

Jw "JSlSi 2OS-M3-02w eeks o n . Black 034a orT a /White chost & toes.oil 208-543-9091. PQMERANUEE Rod Heotor X, P)” -. .pp toS .7w ook»o ld ;

romotos, 1 male. puG 15 meM d mother. Coll ‘Chariv Er24-2630 or 280-0609 SoltovSe- A .UAN GREY.OUNDS Tri-colorod«ps, 2 females. 1 5 ^ 5 i S ^ aki. Vory friendly, 12<..$300 .326-6622 . f^^aBnS for3RAOOR RE- **«•'’« “ IWUEVER DUDOios ^ for mon:c . oxctonoot w S d -•s . 2 btock. Call 206-219-02!g.324.SS04._ SCHNAUZERII OASCHUND__turo. roglste pptos. (2) males,__ond female 50 oa. (1) females.__P«lf. 1H-2 j M oa. AIM , Mini__*500/bOlh. I :h8hund or York-__m ®- AIm . i re Terrier stud__PIrwchor, v tee avaitobto. Can A nw »-73S-tt71._______ __$2S0.20S-<

Al— ---------- 1 1 C (

------ --- - I Kl00-30-A 14 Tc

> 63 15 VI(2 CO

16 Lu17 Sv

[> tui2 ' 19 At3 dls10 9 5 4 20 AcJ 6 4 21 19

D£7 4 23 Cil' ^ 24 Hii

26 Ar2 28 Pe

pn30 Ns

En31 Ge

Leh E ast 32 Ca

1 4 33 Oil Pass \izt

37 Co3 three . 39 19:

40 Vill ex(

® 41 Pul __________ 42 Bre^CES 43 Ga

06-30-B , 45 Ric 46 Let

gol 49 Ins

5 4 SO Cip5 4 51 _

Th<1 E a s t 53 Grc

2 A 56 Act Pass 5 8 Mis

. 60 Crii . . . 61 Corlubs, suice 62 Not double ju st qq Dot ling m ore. 64 Um ave 10-plus 65 Sell out to twoi a second q q 'i it and let oauhew ishe.. ’

2 LIbeimc-m.IJhlm.1 3 Witl



S ”K, I JL '

S i

l © i a a aod letters nswor, as\ cartoon. M O ST—m — n „ T H A T '

I J ORlSIf■ POPSiCIi tomorrow) g /


W izard of I

ng. Wack U b j Jytf e . Bost offer. J B 6-733-0801 ■ I I \■*RE 1 1 .kUZER AKC I

2 m ales " W r ^ f Call 208-537- \a(\i208-731-0980 r | | ^

IPOUTAN I IT puppios for • jv X ’-l-jH . 1- shots, 8 'C T S W l l Old. 431-6353 ! d a'6-862-3280. F W rK t...L puppies. All ----------------------fomalo. $250- I i i f l n n 0 motos. 5200. > - u a n n J-543-4623. I I,--------------------- /PTEB AN iwre

purebred. tO-DOOR S a d i^ s l t s . R ed COPIES O P 'P.(uo nose . Call ___ OlD wJ-9262. 734- ------- -------r 731-1664.

INIAN pup- ^ .VKC. Readya-666-2813.

mato.Emperor of

)- AKC regis- «uJd like to 208-788-9282

R o s e 18 R c

t for salo. Dlf- I-----otors- Plooso ■ ■ ■ ■ more Informs-8-436-2777 or 1 8 ^ ? $ ? -0221-ZERS minlo-Jlsterod mala K { ~ \T ) .MUe browiinp ^-2 years oJd. h . Forced to>0. m W atu f* 'W v P * ' ^ ^ r, purebred , ' ' ~ / / j

months d d . ^8-«36-62S3. I


ACROSS r r - p2 cm bin __ _ruscany city 'th e March rr- -Kingrop-rated — ■Vientiane's»untry.ucy 's Desi ■ ■Swedish “ 2umips - attempt todisprove 37— ^ctor Marvin 1929 Bebe Daniels movie Ditrus drink*lit sharply H i I Vrcane’eaceful 35—>rotest ___Jative of 66 ■■England ____aershwin and “-evIn ——3all for help “)ld World '— ^zardsbourse972 horror flirn 5 Brs'iilalns' 6 Otrxpressions net'ubiic vehicle 7 Higirad Pitt film 8 Hoiiambied Fralich veins 9 __egendary 10 Mirolfer 11 Reiislgnificant bollipher code 12 Riy_ Scott 13 Moihom as . notiroove 18 Fibictor Fiym 22 Botliss in ItrJy 25 Hofringe 27 Pla;orrect copy 28 LIttIot taken in by 29 Islaoes ushering 30 T armps’ cousins 32 On<alf Images bac

34 OffiiOWN 35 Cosallplayer ingrastrzemski 36 Staibertlne 38 Pre;ithout a will protJtress Arthur 39 Mac

id Ernest

■ iN A H d A H - ~ i t \ p v i S O ( s

2J ■ ‘

a i F » g ^ ( g H n M i A »


f id

\ i L U ^ e E ^ B rao V

]fS ^T < 7 A IU ?P P ^ J f c

rreNse day o p c o o c *) .*U.1NG, HOW MAMV ' P A m f J ' P e M J O O v ' / 1

lo s e

12 |3


H H "------ ^47 ^

s r

m w3raid [qTUIDthello's U t r 7lem esis \ilgh fliers S iH Jiom e of St. y A 5'rancis |_ Springs. NY o | o c/lined mineral 7Remove the o i y p■o'* TTT^ iliyadh resident ^/lontezuma, - ^lOtabiy H i IIber source , R l A llottom lines a T l alopeful ones 7 ( 0 f

f M r i n k silamic republic aii nghts r«* arzan’s son>ne prone to 41 NigIacktalk locaiffing 44 Genosmetlcs empigredlent 45 Cantates repliressing 46 Turrrobiems 47 Conlac 48 Actr.

n ^

* e ^ c f i^ ^ ■ ■ ■ 1 . AM/S1


M m M M t ^ v i i



6 "”p [a |^ B r " T o ^

P - = = = i

44 T H h Ss

68 '■ pe



W ednesday’s Puatld S

ITrtburts Medio Sorvicu, Inc.I ro»«rv»d.

lightstand’s 49 Coir)cation 52 Wacierm an refrjmperor 54 "Do;arson's as...^placement 55 Souum s obliquely mecondor's n es t 57 Haiiic tre ss Loy 59 Shai


m Y l j ^ C 0 t A 6a ^ A POO

| | L [>iitecTi


( A ^ i f e s-I

..... ..... - - - X—

By Park




* HM. OKAY. I'M fiJO I i e eN ius. B u t... ■

B y

^ U i c M e i t - m m z s .J J l L sr i i i0&

) '111 112 113 I r

H34 36 36

■ 63 P J

60CV05 '


3insage-siave'sfraln'o __others

)uthwest art 3ccaiiioween mo. lad output

ly Bob T haves

e HA$ §Ofi I O f !

■ ( O N / I


■ tw M /Fg

luy a n d ROdd

rker an d Hart

r ^ J .

’ G reg Evans


■ Y i ^ - T t x T vTHIS FOQ A 9 \

I :

3y P a t Bracfy

z e w o n i e S ni&PTm .' ' yUBSPMOee. ■ JNVIMCINO ‘v i m z i i p w /

Page 33: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

■SHIH-TZU AKC, brInM A whJU •hots. 9 weeks $300. C«l 324-21

8HIH-TZU Puri m alt. bcMift & <

m o r th * " o « . 1 C«t| 208-421-042

8NAKB • a lU n ~ very rriendly. CAM tn d aocM i


f lT u o s e n v icP u e ra d mlnlati

PlebaJd-Oachscii C tf 731-3726

WIRED' KAI PO M nr/Q C F 0 N 6 .3 m tlaa, < 8 «M«ka old. hunters. $400. 326-4171 Of 30B-

SAUW HM lon 491 ton. Darf 917 w nfce. 8oth In ( shape & ready tc 643-2710/731-2:

CULTIVATOR Cae 163 6 row. good dRIon. $ 1,600/c 3a6-3301^lv.msg.



O OPafaitfaff'M a a ta -C la aa

with Maris J.Smil

B c a t m mwithLoma HoUowi deojscBU 733-846



Conducting Auction . year nund (or

E«tatst>RsaI Eetata-^ntiques-

Commsfdal-Autom tlv»-Llquldatlona

Souttiwest Idaho't Premlefe Estate 8

.Real Estate Auctlc Company

"Comm/ffed To Bxetlltne* Slnc»

laTt"CaJI Now For A Fr»

Contultatlonl aO»468-MSO

I B A T H &

k i t c h e n :

I M T R e f in U iMW arM U & a tube,

' dnka. TUoe f i b e i ^

n « e efdiBBtw. |_ r r * w e 8 e W 0 » _

I B O O K K E E T ^ S E R V IC E

A m , A/ip, Payroll, innandals. Bank

ReoonelDalton, Job Costs, Databasfl Spreadsheets, etc.

Call 734-3493

i h i iN i f C R f iS




Jo b sto b id fb ra ll.' coMtnidieB.


C A R F E N n n

Far All Your Home


788^404 980-1881 A A te - I iO u

[ c i t f i P E p m a

T q r r e a C a r p o ] ^

windows, deor, etc. ■25y^ffigerkBce

8 S » 0 1 8 8 /7 a8 Ja W

R E M E M B E R .TM t*M tr >VU p>ie*d •enW Sm« iOO »* 7J># Thw* M«M*rNairli1n*kn*to


— — FU IL TANK 2500 gal;C, m ala, 'on above orouno»hJt». 1 - $1500.328-4605 .leka oW. ---------4-2079. HARVESTER IH 1440 — 2 headers, sun b«ai=>urabred. pickup. Manrin la n>4 w hto . plana, [aroa bucket


>0427. ' IH 340 utility tractor________ $600. 3 polrt .dRchar10 oom $ 100. 5 (oo( terraotty. with blade. $2S0. 4 row

s r a s s » . o s o ! “

VICB RULE dlesal tank ilature 12.000 gal. Nka tschund. cond. $8.800A3frer 1728 Call 208-539-9233.

HAIRED SWATHER HEAD 16QRIP. 'for vematila traeto

>9, AKC. With attachment frwi* Id. Exc. and hydraulic ■ pump, » . Call $7500. RMH 310 108-8171 F a « l Box, $3600._____ Call 208-886-2846.y.ggwCT 'afflgiW i SWATHER New Hoi-

land. 14 n. header. = = i cab. air, excetlenl 14800, T condition, 788-5038.r w heal ---------------------------------n g rea t TRACTOR AHIs y to go. Chalmers 160 6 cylln-1-2719 de r diesel. Wflth JD r , ^ IM I « '< > « '« • best offer.

Fuel tank lor pick-upOO/offer. b«J. $78 or best otter.« g . Coll 208-(31-1587.

To advertis 733-C

? I C L E A N U ^ J L

Clean ups. weedrw/ cutdng,nowerbedsM OBdothcroddjobi.Smith CaOPfaa4119 908-781-7986a « “ ■a

& C X E A N I N ^ta tta r

IN Doily-wMUy-monihly , g Com mercial &

Bonded & Insured . ■ ■ ■ 733-7300 Tw in n W 8 7 8 40 i0B uriey >WNB ' " MCI! _____________________g " ' CLEAMNG-

h . ;

te ftiction ‘

C O M P U I ^R E P A I R



N C O M P U I d t R E P A I R

l U f a h a n w ^ ^

^ * i i i S £ t o S ^I f w e n n t f lx l t . thcn'inocfaom t

' C O M P U I t l l T B I F i U R

In .lw m « n p d r« n )

r(CeP) 4808798

® c o n c b e e e "

) GoozakzCooftxuctioD

^ Pnljo, d riven «y»,JJ • sidewelkienddairy

. 3088088778 | ,

„ I c G N H m u c n o N l

EEY roollnf. decks, coo-

h. nonce and r ^ a i r .(M . CoBpKilivePriCM

Call Bob Iniw%M«e p 8 4 M m 43M 886 |

j C O N S m U C I K N l

, C m cnte toC aU ciittR Y Roofing & Pslotinff.

New CmM xlicD.^ Remodels, A ddltkm

£le. 30+yi».«xpariaioo.» M A ^ O e w a lt

» 1 =— I c m B i B B c n c w

^ LBtu sb i^ y w g

„ i TRACTOR' JInma 20 , i „ .. hp 4x4, with 35 hours, haa a Koykar 180

* loader & acrapar box.— $1l.900A>ffer. Call

208-532-4039. m

^ TRACTOR 1955 MF MT.O. 35 Deluxe, re- “

____ built motor, new . m:tor clutch, naw hydraulicj X ' pump, new paint, Ihe ???^ na^clondltk^ .M 500. ^

150. — i± ± * ± ± ± ± ± i_ pW NEELSm M S (2)catt or 1

------ for JD 3 S fl In. axle, -------ink. $400 a a. C hack tlna ORi<'Jtoa cem ant ditch, 1610 22 tintffer. inch alze. $5-$10 sa. ZOt

W atar Tank 1.000 ------------ gallon on akids, $500. O MIfi JO draw bar for 4430 1‘

« o r tractor. $80. Case Calcarriage type side 20e

S o s s

C L Y o r s R P E i2i;| REPAIR 735

Hartd lines, main linesJ.__ artd wtteel lines, graiUiis («van In tha liekf) YouUn- a08-431.7149 -------JO IRRIQATION PIPE fer. - P ierce solkl sa t 16 .un lines, hook & latch. 1 S™'

ownar, exc. cond. »*tth- valve opener & plug. K K

___ Call 208-S39-6SSO.

ise call ciasslfli ■0931 ext. 2

,_____________________, H /E M P L O Y M E N T


O rlM ^iasforw ork . p]ui J . A U e n p j < ^ S d


'y 7 S 3 J tS o o /m ^ ^_____________________ Wi

.1 F E N C E I ^

”1 Rallfanee,ced«r,chaia ^ - !ink.vlnyl&bori> --------

cotiC a n a 06« * 081S. I ]

c ® a v e l "

C ^ ^ R ic k O landcr = ao»78i.g84a I ^

h j u o i x m a n

Dave’.H ooie I n y w o v B im tM o

A ll types home repair Rm a sd remodeling. p«v<C ^ t o t h e A .home owner.

5 4 8 J0 1 0 cr4800074

I h a n d h v i a n IFart.el

ITileFloor CaB:

T o o l S h w ^ v a06«48«07B F =

= 4 1H A N D Y M A N S E

I l i e l U g f a t C h a i o e sASHE

Deck».fcnre» AA^ee.TtntBlreBOvatkm Cgeneml handyman andMrvie«s.aM4A71 306-

’ ■ ■■' ' 3 4 h

I h a n d y m a n I j = g

W U ldoarcralJob -A N ] . a tab u d sr tp rk e t

Geoeralrepaiis,diywaH.P«intin«, Kitcfa

A m u d im o n . rasotScDiordisosaBL Cow

B«^aOS4»4004 Valkg

H A N D H U ^

& C I 4B A N U P

BnhirtfW t* ^W e f ix p m b lo s r u * ^P « ,B rt in » tia V r ta i

YhH aQuril

W edoita ll-ffflo te . a ^ 7 8 4 < a o a | s o d ^

H A N D ^ n V f A N l

: R u o fa k A e le d rio I . B a e e lon tas . '

C l a .' -N o Job to S a J T _ _

Wmisnw 788-1841 E v e i

m s m m mWATER RKIKTS- SHARES Datry-faim- com m arcM . Buy or 9 ^ ^ Sen. 208-312-1138.

---------------------------------- m assaAPHID PROBLEM? ■ O reanlo f la td sp ray . ^ ^YNo harm ful residue,EPA approved . Ouar- antaad rM ulta. Can ^*25:2] Frank 208-643-8483 HAY or 1-888-326-5445. small

BRASS HAY 1 ' cut- m Mo Ung. $3 a bate. Call208-732-8249. HAY gi

I - ■— „ . . . . . . . mix,3RASS HAY MIX good H1- c u t $ 8 0 per ton. bales.Call 208-328-J270 or —208-731-0741._______ Hon

■IAY 1 “ cutting, 2 String. S80.00 perton. 208-324-7165. N EW h J

iAY 3 - . b righ t green,leafy, b a m stored. - 2 i ^135 Ib., 3 string baies. T A C HS9/balo. Mao. andgrass/hay mix bales. stackinYou pickup. 324-7148 ____ 206

IAY alfalfa p lus g rass mix, a o m e straight ^ . , 4, . g rass, e x a heavy 2 w haat 1 string, qo ra in . wIB sed ‘smaR am oun ts . 308- Q 073or324-SQ62.


H A N D Y M A N l [ 1 ^ W O R K

T-htwG eosnlhomaivpaizv.

‘" ' K s s s s r -J o ln a o B O T M ir a S s

■ ---------QucHOM E Q“


Window*. Doors.

CenifflicTile.20 yoancxzi. "A G nu

^ P r iu e & I n w r e d . Spting/1C«I1D»VP 7 3 4 ^ 4 0 0 | pav irg

HOME 1 ! ( H < g n a j c n O N


J n u S f f l t o S o r f cExtarior.CovoriDS

M«*ic Valloy. TVimmifM in iC o sia iin n . cleenujs.

a O » 7 a » 6 e i8 WedowJ

H O U S E I p = = C L E A N I N G

V IVc x d b U z v B u b b f e i S unm n Have o p e n in g for Lawn can

new c liao t*Reesooablerstoi.

landed and inaureiL 835^181 A m 7«>«-ae87 '

~ I L A W ? [Q U tA aU iX l> lN G I

C r e a t e■t,dSdeDt,pa»ODal^

m S o s S S m I b s ^ ^ 2-----------------------------1 gU ttc________ _ , ........... coacrttei

H V A C IS E R V I C E S ,-------— -


SA W TO O TH .1 —JH SET M C T A L D « r r f « ^ « p a i r .

« x l ReeideDda]W 6-7Sa«a48 o r yt h ra . 80S4M44= = = = = 7 a s « a 7K ITCH EN ■ _■l n d b a t h l a w n

H & S IN C .Utcben Bad B a th s ]> wb miBSodelspedoUM trimmit>4C overiivM asie mrintwanolUtgr.Mlni-CaMiB Senior Ca re a .? S M S 1 8 ReMooab

==L 78848640

ANDSCAFEl --------L A W N

Lawn mm.t « n R ^ * n l A ™ o in g & ll" “ • V ™ * ” ™ 0ver20 j

a o d S o d CbeapeithM lU ^sprfaUv pyeeEiV * tn a .R « p a i» 'IL v in ftS o td in c SBd4y4:F ^ E M m a t a -------------

i I L A W N

e a d X h e E b e o r P e

a s s i f i e d s TreolM Callfbri

r e r y D a y l I n J g S S

A|>pnix. 1000 Ion FHIBH BE» p . rto rain, baled Twin FallsL $1tO/ton. Can Market.-2221 or 846-2668 Strawberries,

Feeder Qrass/AT b U K k u M I. $2.00 a baie or ^

sage.good quality. HEATER Su

in bales. Prtce ne - ComputerAbla. Call 208- Model «VU•9176.___________ natural g

l.n .i0 6 ..Z 3 .5 1 M I S S i . S ,grass/red clover h EATER S i

tender stems,J horse hay. small M o ^ iv L Ss. $85,733-5799. S l g

heaiar. |© rsehoym lx.' c o n s t r y ^ nin Fred KIppos ‘x * "

HAY for sale, 80 cellent670-4419 or 208- $420 BurteyS15S:----------------- MISCELLANI: Hay Retrieving (2) 48*td big bale hay Aarovent fking. Can Con at: front, skleI0e-2eo-0839. guards, whit

Itation. bean, RUPERT OkJrt, bartey. o r com. S corrals for

In and out. head for Iclers on site. Call placomont <Z06-73t-8310. cows. 208-5

“ S S C A P 'N C m a s o i

o u r W a y & repoiinklen, Sod. Call MdUIvk>8«ed, Ttm & 208-7389rub RemovAl. —nming. Ptevtn, r— — >

}uaIHyNolQuaiiU/ G a r r ’s P o iF> w £ittna ft* Intcrior/EH<» 330400. 26yesr>exp<

- Husbutd& Wim c m m


S31/43(MS88*1 L U PIH K PA E

“ CAEINdToxturing& E

i L a n d * ^ F ^ E r t lmo o e lU iM in CallBUn in e ,w m i^ « 0 8 « 3 4 ^


« rcW n .,C l C I « n , .^ Kare, so d .b M livu«.


- I R O O F I ^ C A R E

liv e T o u c h InaurBd-i r d C m em fw ithyour a08TO 7-«

care plus min _______________;acel«amj3«. i-- ............... 'te&fbndns. R O T O H U

’ ' ■ S i r s ;lo a d w w ti

2 5 781-4782 anytj

goodpne**-itS m o t I B O T O n U .

. B U deA am allliN C A R E

DiiddngftchiK lA w n C a re RoM buah b in mowing & fto thw C ypeee

S d t s ? u p .D in u n ts . 4044800. Ken

«blePriees. S0M S»4a0rI cr48tMT3e8 B m d o o U t i


L i n m c a n■owing. trin> C oein taxt

IlroctarSor.lOjmexp. YimUirmitflDiA 'istinTown ComportfOTU

I 4f tu m a w eea mowingI 7 8 4 0 «S 4-308<

! f C A R E a r O R A G

iraOyDurM rneak. (Behta^ ShOo Iito7ai-88>7. aoeJm ooa

i P B B S i d

S f ” p S lie S l p a s t u r e w aS a S r t M to ' 60 sprfng <

ies, rasptSf- “ « • e berrkts ft

(,7 5 ;.....- ..- .^ A O t m m r nM n A Q S W r l w D t w

Sukup axial. 1------------------------>r «D4841A. H O R S E

''^ s ^ - ''- i 'i® 6 S H O E I Ngalvanized

tlon wllh CocUW etwte

A Z:2£ i!------------ or20W 08-76lSukup axial, '-------------------------

If #0474A. ......VL24N-T. 24‘ S '

gas nred ' ' I r t l f l l l B i i lgalvanized . • . ■ . r f g S g L S j

Uon w/ftamo t W HIWa i P I Ioard in endo- ________________56m BTU/hr. n M w — —

“ “ S S S t S ; : b i r t h d aley 431-1491 P H 0 T O 2UIEOUS AQ Have you lorgot• 2 0 t a to pickup yw

" " « « n a .y p fto M

♦31-1491. you d o n i worn

dairy hasT S fm M -N ^ e t

,, '“ ” ;e<S; Classified O ep 8-532-4039.

zc to n ^

F o n w - W I V t

W K c l le r>m 474 I----------------- Locally owned________ I Fo«Twt3l2-30e(I T I N G -


S h e e r P e r i b c t iidLens TreeR«movnl7354027 TreeTKmmioff

'* L ineaoaraoe*--------------- 1 Certified.IN T R A NAA Certified

UwnServioe.TiUi V A L L BeauLewl*731-88

CbadDeUe731-6E>AIVnNG, ----------------------------C. ,---------- ,c nodd to i. T R E E

. S E R V I C E

A + J i m ^ T r e S e r v i c e

oontiog 8c tha tdni 20B478-8478

• 206431-S2S3dsober

L 493 t r e eS E R V I C E

FTNG Roy-. T ree

RemovnLTVimmin, T opp in tS h iuh^

ilmteal Stumj»,nnfwood.lonm d . 738'S571

r^jooo -------- - =

• y ^ ____I T R E E


BTH E E A e i t lM F I O FM A C aCV A lX E ‘ , ISAC«rtifi«L i j j f i n .u . FrecE«timnto, lo iu n

nm A Jbbott 4300771/784-7011 wark. = ^ ^ ^ = = =

aytlme W E D D I N G I B R I D E S M A n

..............., D R E S S E S[XING

W EIH )1N O SU O F•U loader. Rente & Sells D r m 1 1 ^ & lU > l< » O u iln -A n ^ ? T ^ - Shoee-VeiU-Slipe

, Wedding Imritationi

a 0 7 , W H iC i lJJ b n * C U T T I N G8308 I

l u n g IIOnts. experienoe

, FVeeEctinaiteaD 0 « 888-4870 / 781-0741eiTvioo ■,. , —i & l a m W H W H

^ M O W I N G

^ l I

Id ^ tfS O M lT lM tV lU ey B s tT to e a a a » « a a

^ HOMMat.cenee.sMMU

elssilflwk. 7aa-0W1

T h n d « r ,A m 3 0 ,» 0 8 TItnM

WANTEDg calving HAILETS Antique 04-7021 Market-Roberta

McKereerParkft Halley Amtory.

• • ir J July 2 .3 and 4th S S M w , Alee Manlers/Promotei

APPLIANCES I N G An types of gas and

electric. Starting price se o with guarantee. Call20e-733<174

^ 9 4 BAR CLOSINOI Cool' -7680 ore, benches, tables,

— I bar stools, chairs, glosswsre. Priced to

' salel 2 days onlyl Wed.-Thur. 6-10. 156 Main Avo. N, Twin

M m - .'. Fans. 404-1689.STOVE eiectrlc. $125.

F raaia r upright. > A Y $150. Refrigerator,

S ’25. Washer/Dryer O S a«t. S200 or will sell rgotten separate. 421-0341.

WASHER ft ORYER exc, condition, super

som e sUe. Whirlpool, xe sure deluxe sel. $400. Call a m u s 733-8162 or 048-9758 a e c o n WASHER ft DRYER u p a t white QE, excellent N ew s ' condition. $300/ofler.

Cali 208-837-6152 Of i S S U 208-316-1969.------------- WASHER & g as dryer.

Frlgkfalre.S yeara d d , Wortta great. $400 for

■ ^ 1 both. 200-934-4356 WASHER/DRYER

Westinghouse stack- at)ki. excelient cond., $400^ffor,543-4lt3

CB RADIOS (2) Fanon/Courter Gladia­tor p a . Base or

' mobile skleband, withextra channel. $2S0/orfsr. CB

= = 7 RADIOS Presklent ^ G rant CB base or

mobile sWeband . / ts s w/extra channels.

$250/offer, (2) AC-OC E V ee power. supply. o y $125/offor. Bl Unoar

amplifier. 75 watts, luningl $250/Offer, 735-9107

RADIOS Motorola pro- »fl~v fetskinal pair. VHF

I with chargera, secure,---------- 1 coded ft llcerwe Iree.J $198 pair, 734-8296

TV 36*. oak cabinet. DVD, CD. VHS. sub

. . . woofer over size speakers, surround

'n l sound. $1500. Collioff 208-734-5951.

CAL-SPA e monihs I-8867 Ok). 8 person, lights.

* e x a shape, bought lor $7,599 wil sell lor

p---------1 $e.200^ffBr.678-2609:!(X7 POOL Complele pack-

age lor sale! I3'x20'x4'. KD pool

[ r e e with accessories. i $2.500/otl«r. Can 208-^ 532-4S20 alter 5 pm.^^

COMPUTERS 360» ____ MHZ. 15 gig HO. 8

meg vkleo. 256 meg ■ "I Rom. 56K modem.


® I OELL Insplron 5100 laptop, Pentkjm 4 a t 2.6 Ghz, 256 Mb

« Ram. 24XCD-I RW/DVO Combo.

*0 Ob lurd drh«. 9 ^ - ATI Radon 7500 " 5 video card with2 = TVOUT, 16* ultra

I bright screen, WJn- = r dotw XP-Profes-

slonal wtth software worth ovsr $500.

E )S Purchased brand new from D E U last year for a total

MFS valua ol $1500, tvili X E Y sea tor $7S0/offer.L Call 736-6074 or^ 420-2796. ,

7919 LAPTOP Toshiba. Bee |--------1 new. $600/ofler. Cali i-- -----1 20^324-7205. \G MICRON con^uter with V ID CD/RW. Windows 95. g $250toffer. 736-4581

FREE Firewood for _ ipa sale. You chop, you p kxts haull Call 844-9579.

a e s s i

I BEDROOM SET: 7 '* r> PC. includes bed.^ nightstand. dresser

with minor, chest. SUH ^ boxed. Worth $4,000.

Sacrlflce $1,499. Can ^ detver. 4 2 0 0 5 0 I a BEDROOM 8CT: Bed. I 1741 rails, dresser, minor, I ~ ~ ~ * nightstand. New, nev- J-------1 e r opened. Ust $899. -

s ^ k M $309. Can B 5 deBver. 420-8350. '

: * FAX YOUR ;

£ . CLASSIFIED |L ^ -b J TIMES-NEWS^ CLASSIFIED ■~ DEPAFlTMEfjT i_ 208-734-5538 |

ie»MeM,7WlnMts,l<Wto E-9

i^ CHINA CLOSET oH , g lass shelves lighted

g^lass doore. med. Ook $500. Winners Bistro ta b le w/2 choirs, dark oak $500.

rtor Call 734-S9S1.

' r r CONTOUR c h a irs Beige, leather, powor

adjustment, excelkint— condition $350. Men's

brown vinyl chair1 with pillow back, ce S2S0. Call 208-733- I. 4782 leave rrtessage.

'rr COUCH, exc. cond.. i r $200. Loveseat. $100. " ' Rocker recliner. $100.

In good cortd. and clean. 208-423-4690 o r 208-423-5893.

COUCHA.OVESEAT A ottoman, groy. Exc.

r r condftion. $550. Cali wi 208-732-6098,>r, KINO PILLOWTOP e r $239. m a ttress and ell box se t. N ever usod.

Factory w arranty. Con— deliver. 208-420-6350

er KrTCHEN HUTCH 3l. Arbek solid ook, with all lighted side cabinet •8.' IlgW In color :r $950.Brass bed full nt s ize w/new m attress ir. a rtd box springs. Ro­ot ^ on ic $250. Queen

s iz e m attress and box— 'springs with frames

brand new. Restonlc.or ^200734-5951.

MATTRESS SET.“ Full Orthopedic. $9d,^ Brartd rtew. Con Jl; deliver. 208-420-6350.

MISCELLANEOUS Kenmore froo stand- Irtg’ dishw asher, ol-

r!; mond. $100. Exercise '± blko, $60. Lg. over- 2) Stuffed chair. white I- slip cover, oxc. condl- it tlon. $150. Sofa . & lh matching chair, trodl- >1. tional/country stylo.B ' good cond. $250. Call It 208-537-6956.2 NASA MEMORY ? FOAM m attress sol..i Conforms to body, r <f^ew in plastic. Ust

$1499 Sacrifice $499.» 420-6350 con deliver'

QUEEN PILLOWTOP $109, m a ttress and

r box sot brand now., foctory warronty. Can ;; deliver 420-6360.

SECTIONAL, 3 piece, r 2 reciiners and hide-3 o-bed. Beige w/acceni , colors. G reat condi- H tlon. Con email pk:- i; tu res . $750. 487-2216

8LEI0H BED solid ' tvood. brartd now. still. i In box. U st $699. son I $249. Con deltvor.— CnII 208-420-6350.

; A B r tO IM /.. ,L ’X $ A u c l t e i i m i »


I (208)487-1712

! '"^'commlttad to ' ExeatHnettI __________________ ■


Check O ut Tlte Magk: VaHey Section Of The Times-News •

for tho auction calendar, everyday a n d On line 24/7 ot .

J ilt Honon A uction 2 08 -73M 222


LAWN MO WER s T " Craftsman. 21*. good condition $100.00 Cali208-734-8366._______

RIDING LAWN MOW­ER Dbcon VTR312. ' runs good. $ 1,200. 643-8694 or 731-2573

RIDING LAWN MOW- ER Snapper wKh m u k ^ Ml. exc. cortd. $1,000. Can oves. 2QS-738-*664

WANTED beautiful yard or garden setting ;. for local photographer to ta k e brUal photo's. 438-5266 before Spm, .

BOOKSHELVES I ' have sold my books and have 30 book­shelves of several slzea. $50-$75 each. Blaza King w ood* StOV*. $76. 206-837- 6271 or480-22(K 84M

CASH REGISTER R oyal E le o tro n io : 4 S ^ . no t u sed* m uch. $100. Maraury>. H l ^ U sM . $25.N ew B tey d e Pum p.$7J O . 208-733-4782.

Page 34: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

X CB RADIOS (2) Fone Courlor, Gladlal PLL. Bo m mobllo sJdoband, w

. oxtra channel. $2. Of bost ortor. C

. RADIOS PrMi(}« Grant CB baao

' moUlo.sldoiMnd w oxtra channols. S2 or bost offor. (2) A DC powor supp S125/offor. Bl Uno

. amplinor. 75 war :S2S0fttfor. 735-910: CHAIRS 150 sture ’ whito, folding - w

■ ■ C0fl8.»20e-536-634: CLOTHING for rodi

Quoonlng. Call 20 734-5713 or 20420-5713._________

FREE I0‘x9'x7' tnol •Shod, good conditic

for romovol. Call 20• •731-SaOI._________

FREE bar lop from Ai ploboos. 12' lon Computor d rafting t bl*. F oo t ball tab lo Shition. long hair & II

• fcf fromcd. S39-4329 FREEoroln bins. Thro

20.000 bustiol. Cc Atnn 432-1769 aHor(

OOLF CLUBS Tomm Armour custom 845J graphlto golf club: S250/O»Of. 733-5038

.HONDA ’84 ■ V6 "Magna. S2000PlcJ(U|

■prayor, 300 galloi ; tank S600. 537-687: . or 208-30a-6853.

• • MISCELLANEOUS . Stovo, TVA/idOO/OVC• in a wood cablnol

■ eiazo King woo<♦ stovo. lg. oldor ml I trowavo, lamps. Uki• now corpot 19 sq yds t & 6 tl sq yds. Cal . 209-543^1919' t ie f r iq e r a t o r k

cu. (t„3yr. Old. $175 ' .T V . 32*. S70. Typo

< wriior word processor . . sao. Cull 733-1258.

ROTOTILLER Hondo , FR800 walk bohlne

S950 firm. Call 208-734-5951-___________

SAFE US Army. Qrooi for guns. $650. Oorm

- refrlg. SSO. D raaeet w/mlrrorod hutch. $125. i>0 & 30 gal.

* R sh tanks. S20 & $30. King w ood • tovo . groat hoator. S700. Call 738-2878.

STEREO SPEAKERS (2) KLH. 350 waits oa. S12S a pair. Coll Bon 736-9105-

TABLE. formal dining room w/6 chiora, 4 loovos & ornoto poOlsle. daiK oak. country stylo chairs w/lamlnaled top, S950 Soars Konmoro sido

.b y sido relrlg . froozor, ovorslzo capacity,

» while w/llghtod Ico & * oalor dIsponsor S950. •Coll20e-734-5951.

PIANO Baby QrondT Black Schumann, $2,500. Coll 206*735- 4071.

6 2 0Tooft 4 MachineryBRAKE leth* Ammco

modol 3650, Ilko now, $2600. T otal C laim Relrlgarent R ecov ­e ry & Recycle ma- chlno model 12RA, lor R12, R22. R500. R502. 734-0163

TOTAL SHOP $475. 2- w heel Ireller. $125. Call 208-420-7107.

To advert!: 733-(

BUHL Fri- & Sat. earn-? Munilamllyl Baby lo aduti ckjlhos. lots of loys, househokJ Itofns. m otorcyda

.0oar and m otorc)^*. compor shell, ca/np trailer 5- wtwel JItch, nowor vldoo gomo sots, basobail equip., and lots moro.

South End of th a Buhl Rod*o Qrounda. Across from tho Bowling Allay.'

HOLUSTER Fri. Sat, Sun & Mon. 7am- Spm. Huge SaJel An­tiques, collactiblea. store closor laftovors. Pickup, tools, twus«- hdd Hems, homo dacof, too much to

- list. Nlc« clean stuff.2457 ContM t, Fo lkm Signa.

Tryvtgb And*good uMd !•uiomobU«?Crwckoul imactaMnwltlorthe ,la/OMfMlecOon avaliM* .lri)«ur araa tadiy. 733001 |

— ---------- ' t o


I Ready rww U-pk:k,'•5^ ^ $3 ,25 /gal.* tax .

CB PfcWr>Q dailylid e n t 1 am ft 5-6 pm. 'M or Ploaso rw children j wlih under 12. Raugust $250 Suawborry Farm, 5

) AC* 1/2 ml. N. cr Porrino uppfy. Bridge i 1 t t ml. W. Linear on Barrymore Rd. or w ane. 3 ml. E. on tho 300 J107 S. Froniage Rd.

Call 324.2036 - with FARM FRESH

» 4 7 . PASTURED POULTRY ' — Wlll rolso pastured

chicken or turkoy to OfdOr. Call 625-5729.

_____ STRAWBERRtESmoial i 'ro o d y picked atraw - idltlon w r r i e s rx3w avallotHo I 20Q. t>y ordor a t R auguet

S traw berry Farm. - T — S6.75/gol. ♦ tax 324- "oS ’2pm-4pm.*9 la* .

“"if WmtadToBuyr - — WANTED Gorman.

Jopaneso, Italian, US mllltory bodges,

, medals. Insignia and mmv souvenirs. Call Paul ^45S, 206-733-1691. iijbs. WANTED 22 ' Of longer

C typo Pufltno. woll v s s loilot, showor

.k im 8lO"' Call 208-731- • aiton ■ 7080 or 734-7090. I8873 WANTED Honda mo-

torcycle, njnning or:------- nol. Older pickup &n . in iruck w/dump bed. 9 ^ ? Running or not. Coll

436-6215/431-4462 j ml- WANTED spring pad

Uko covor and safe ty on- yds. Closure for trampollno. \ Coll Coll 208-543-6661. '

, WANTED TO BUY I .' OkJ lablo chips from I f

"V ; Jackpol, Elko, a n d !3 ‘ olhor Nevada casi-it ______nos. Will poy cash . Iinda .Ploaso coll John a llhind ,406-269-4632. I 7208- I ^

7 : ; ^ WANTED to buy 1 ton bole fprk lo nt C at 4 i 6 bockhoo. 208-670- z

Itch. 4419 / 206-645-2459. flol’ WANTED W ooden ' & double hoadboard, ood oultoBlo for painting- - itof. No veneer, no higher ^ ’8- . thon 46 inches. Bea-— sonoblo. 734-5600

aits s a aCo" M i i d t e l S u p p t l — K

: ; r r h o s p it a l bo<J electric" " I arxl other misc. hospl- ■ tal Hams. All in good -

. cond. 208^886.7564. K

e a * y f ' rdS , ,

dty! OUN CABINET baauli- Y 1 & ful soHd Ook custom 150. mode. Call 206-734-

9050 for more Inof, _


. Call 208-536-2361. '

TAURUS PT99, 9mm, - —T now * holstor & am- Y.

mo. S400. C aah on ly . • Call 208-734-3667 or 1

^06-404.1145 <THOMPSON Encore. •;

308 Caliber, excellent - l i y eondlllon. $400 .. Can— 206-306-3090 J " M B '->itii =

EXERCISE BICYCLE.iQ- Schwinn oloctronic f

no timer A speed , olc- (Fender front w heel for (

___ air control. Exc. Cond. —2* $500/0ff0r. 4 Wheel TSi

iS. paint etrlper, 206-, ci<733-4782 leave, m sg. Cs

tise call classiflei J-0931 ext. 2

T BURLEY S a T 7 ^ t o,J; eom-Spm. Yard salo o

and-m lnr croft show.iW IB T & tS O E . JU

JEROME Fri. 8am* 'I•• 6pm, Sal. 6am-2pm. B'V Mururamilylll Quality >'>"■ women's dothlr>g. «

books, misc Hems.Somelhtng lor every- —

one. 419 E 600 N TWw mile West ot Hwy 93 S«

JEROME Saturday ^ Onlyl 8am-3pm. TV.

— home d«cor, kkfs and If. adull ctolhlng. toys.1- VHS/DVD movfes and — !-y. lotsof mlscellanaoua. TWII. 230 Sag* Road E aa t Sa

TWIN FALLS Fri. &' Sat. 8-2. Kkfa ctothes ” & shoes, cordleaa

phonaa, boya d e ls ,VHS movlee, tofa ofknick knack & misc. r u n

iaaor A v * .e , ^r To:

confutlon. M«k* aura Ctoreaders wU under»tar>d of 1your ad complsWy. Spall E.H out. ClM<»l3i. 73»0a31 Rlj

------------ r - -----------------------—

.IWlnMto,MrfM 'TTiinrf«KiuM3

j HONDA^^M^ATC 70 3- whoaler. $800 /offer.

HONOA -as ATC. 250R, $1,500. Call

208.326*7298.----------- $50^KAWASAKI. ‘03 (2) playi Bayous, excellent greai condition $2,500. on t: Cell 20a-306*7991. $14,1

; SUZUKI '98 (2)' 500 gREC > wilh Irollor. Exc. cond. tralle

Pockoge • $10,000. nsh Coll 206-423-4142 ,5 0

YAMAHA '04 660R “ jSt Rottor, oxc. cond.. very fost. low hours. PONT

- $4,600. Coll 326*3765 w/50 ^ ‘ YAMAHA '8 5 big whool

200, loss than IK . all !i origlnol. $1200. Coll J U

- 208-539-4819. ggA YAMAHA •97 Big Boar "2JJL

0 S2.0 ( » ^ o r c ^ iIt 208.539-9473. jH S l!

I: I YAMAHA -97 Big IBoor, 4WD, pull -07 0stort only. $2,000 4 .roifirm. Call 539-4766. coJI 2

1 YAMAHA '99 Warrior. SEAQi- 2W0, good condltton. Yami ; $1,900. Pieose colt vorun » 208*733-0689. OCCO! i YAMAHA Big Bear 'OlI 400. good Bliopo. SKI C

S4200ADffor. Coll 208- tow I- 731-0665. condl! I Qartf’r M o to i ty c l e s

. HARLEY DAVIDSON SMOKI''93 Sponslor 1200CC. h»lnufi90" onntvoroory spe- wilh I dol edlilon. 1 ,100. motormItoS. *$5,200 flmi. Irollinc

I Coll Bob 731.0002 Dost 1--------------------------------- 423-a

. HONDA '03 CRF230FI like now, $2500. 423- THOMF

5025 or 308-4440HONDA *77 CB750K cru?Mi

oflglnal. Exc- Cond. ,i|i|an Coiloctlblo. $1,975.Coll 208-312-6237. 'B 0 4

HONDA '83 VF750S CST Sobro, 16K, shaft drtvo, 6 spd. Runs butbums oil, $500/offer. — :— ; Coll 505-791-9527. ' I'ery r

HONDA '95 Shadow myceOOcc. Greol cond. - Jo h r $4000. 208-423.5178 ' ^

° S 3 "HONDA '97. XR400, 733-

$2,395. Suzuki '87,OR125, $600, Bolh C A U M oxc. cond, 423-4487.

HUSOVARNA '99 WR wlih I12s, Now tiro, chain, and <sprockets, Nice biko, Oood$1tOO/olfor. 208-436- $5,500 6295 ovos,

KAWASAKI '82 60, nood c$600, Okfor Yam aha or bostOT80. S600 or bOlh 423-68- forSllOO. 733-2140.

KAWASAKI ‘93 Ninja 8,5'. fi800R. new tires and tolned.bmkos. jacket, glovos, cood. C 2 helmets. & ,300/offer. 208.948-0819. CAMPEI

--------------------------------- solf-coiYAMAHA -02 FZ1 Orlvo b

1000 CC. only 4600 of Polomilos. low fairing kit. view, rl$5500/Otfor. 731-2066 208-73

YAMAHA i s Eig’ CAMPEIWhool. 250 CC, good whool.condition. SI 100/offor. etc, S3.Coll 208-539.2547 208-32<

YAMAHA -99 Road CAMPEJStar Silverado. short t1800CC. cruiser, load. or Ghed w/ox1ro9. low condiiiomllos: $9,000/offor. .1 ° " ? '! '°

•326-4572 / 731-3737, JAYCO' camper,. . cohO-

B o a t i 'A n d iink. lui ■ ^ j t e c t t s o f i e s

BAYUNER 16' otdor, M n to r K ouiboord. Mercury ^motor. Soo at 880 Easiland S, $1,200, AERO C

- C . i i ; .a .« 3 .4 3 3 5 b e t tn me naOii, RoadlHe' cond., clBMilieds avorydiy. $8,500.COII733 0WI. OVOS, or


TWIN FALLS Frt, & CRAFTSSat, 6-5. U nballav*- 3 ' <ab le • Prlc*a. D on 't C w ino .. m Jsa o u tlO O 'a o fscI-ri novels. Jewelry, -tw in faBoonlo Babloa^ greet- ^ ^cor. Lota of misc. . i . , . .- -

[ o £ r . c

rWlN FALLS Fri. A S ^ H a nSat, 6am-4pm. Home --------------occessorkis, fumlture. TWIN FAbedding, petite doth* ipm,Ing, art work and Rock cllmuch, much moro, computei1449 flltta rroo t Dr. log, hom.

--------------------------------- ctothes,rWIN FALLS Fri. & Nkre endSat. 8am-5pm. Multi* Blak* 8lamllyl hkxisahold O ffN ortrItems, melol c a d n e ta --------------and too much mora to TWIN FALchooe* from lo list. 2 , 8 an-709 BuoW nghim Dr. CRAFTEI---------- :------------------ baade,. 1“WIN PALLS Frl.10-5 p k ^ wnS at. e-5, 4 famflyl aoma wtToys. Infant to aduR mlac. hoictothlng, to d a & tots too, Caahof misc. 3480 N. 2983 031 Callae . (8, Blue Lakes, *en)*afeRiaW 3500, L«fl 2963) _______^


LUE WATER Mh 1AOE *98 22ft. 1.0.150 V ortec. 104 hrs.Vokeboard tower. CO ■ { ■ ■ I •layer, swim plolform, ireat cond, Now lire#«n trailer. Must se e l 114,500.280-2061 REQOR 7 6 16', with 737-9700 •ailer. cen te r console, n n n n e Sh finder, outboard,50 hp with pump,2,500, Please coll 08*308-3090.INTOON boat. 26 ' ^ '* 0 ” ' ^/50 hp. Evlnfude, Claluns good, hos 12‘ ®'*1obin olmost complet- id .$3,500.324-7117 ‘:A KING '66. 14ft.; '®*ow onctosure covor,Shp Evenrudo on- Ine. tin troitor. Coll 08-677-4000.!A*DOO ‘99 GTX MOTOR Imited 3 sooter. w/ older mi 17 S hu ttlecraft b o a t f""* trailer. $6.900/oflor. I»8 t olfo

d l 208-734.1908. =65 Hl(

lADOO •98 o n & '92 MOTOfa m ah a VXR650 Wa- MOTOtsrunnors w/lroilor ft Roduaccessoriea. $5,000. Clotoil 208*734-9659. 'ftO GullaiI CENTURION '97. ,!95 T w . houro. oxcollontindlllon, $ 16,800 . 11 , * arth 260-3169 orlake River Sports , ^ ‘7 ; * ^18-676-7473________ wiOKERCRAFT olu* mfWOWOVnum 10 ft. boat lor aet. (Ih troiler. 7.5 gos air. dasi>tor and eledrto miles. Or'Iling motor, $900 or $23,995.St d for. C d l 208- Motor Hor3.0846,__________(rom SO.C3MPSON '85 wood «ll HOVOot. 18', 1/0, 120lovy 111 Morc ^0"^lisor, oxcollont con-Ion, 208-734-6940,

I OoHrntoH';

l ^ p a n A n d 'S h e l to TOOA ■7B.

-»------ GMC orMota my cMmptr miles, n<ry ta»t. Thanks to Qootj conciycla$alH»dad- lor. 208*43lohn P .. R u p e rt- TOYOTA nIISSlflOd, worksi Illml nt?«« :oll us today d : ? i , 7“ "iSp ?33-0931 . ,1 .2

J S J , ’, ' ™ a v e l M.nper, soil con- 23' 77K A io d ,s d up for dully S ' " ^ o * H brackets, hitch

Cdl 206-73od condition, ___________SOO. 206*420-2575 WINNEBAQ

IPER ■77 a Cool. S ^ , ° 6 ' >d condition. $400 gon. Wor lost olfor. C dl 208- Health loi>-68^6.____________ Cdl 208*73IPER '93. S&S. aetr '. fully-self con- lOd. S 4 .5 0 a Exc.>d. C d l 320-2015. '

IPER 10-, Okfor -contdned, $550.

1-731-5061. ,535 „ 73, PER 27 ft. S"lOl. opplloncos, QULFSTR:

S3,000/0lfor. Call H=I-|:REDU■324.3317. Soo HnwkPER SHELL fils ,28-5' all rt bed Chevrolet GMC. Excellent

dtion. 736-3613. |„ s„„ ,o d

: o *93 r pop-up per. Very ' good J.. stovo. rolrtg., lurnoco. $ 1,600 . :2 0 6 .« 3 - ,0 6 7

'• ’ / converter,> r H o m M /R V s .

■ ' — to Mat. E xi

) CRUISER '88 condlUon, Js A. 24 foot. AC, Coll 208*73irotor, good -------- r —I., tow mllos. CiMtiflea.. Th.00. CoU 637-6614 to d l your qui . o r 530-0795. 733-0931 exi.

> iecC o ^T SALE Juno 30- kFm BERLY3. C actus Pete's FrWay onljno. Jockpol, NV. U)ts of grat«A dm la*lon l 401 L ak* {

FALLS Sat. ft TWINFALLS6am-3pm. Baby 7*7 6 ' fam

1. fumlture. Toys, ctotr os. household ^ m .. I 1, • toys ond tots lures, sm at to choose .from. wood whack

^arrlaon Str**t of misc. 134'

FALLS S .I . a - Z S i ito liJ f 'cMultlfamUy. --------------------

climbing gea>, TWINFALLSmter Itema, fish- 6anv2pm, Ilome dAcor, toys, kitchen Itam>s, books, misc. and mors.andC le an M 2 2 0 2122 R uaty

FALLS S a t July Huge. InskJ AJI new Items

wroatha. fabric, o r a o r a nwood, krts ol TWIN F A L U

hous*hold stuff Fri., & SaL 8-1aah Only sale. Fv llaw ay C o u r t ctothaa. houala for M uni Golf toys and m enC o u f * . 407M *drona

M i B l


wh**l. tow eaay pull« clean. $7,5 208-324-462

OCRAT ”71 mo* CHAIRS Rod ame. 19'. nm s style lor a { $1,995. B iw d nov

NTENNIAL $100,208*71HaloSaitt ---------------------'00 or 306-5002 COUGAR <04 s 7 3 Sportsmanhome, d l appli- S e e a t O rej

work. $900. C d l 206-645 HM.O -00 LO

IRADO '81 21 ft., fully aoll-C :iass C, Chevy 2 Ig. beds, r snglne, 4 new dKton. with k ,wry clean, 36K. traa. $7995. ). 420-7107. forcea aale . 1

86 Tloaga, 460>. 26', genera- h i*LO *91 tri

'ni.’A o ' S “ ' S S m J>32 or 948 0664

I HOMES 2 H hRISE Yelicmoto/ homes, so ', dkJe-Mul n e ed s vrork. oj^ning. mio


VRHOues ses^so. uuon HOMES IWS29.995.jcad Piicos FInarKing Avloss -C* Several otherllatraarn Ultra chooso fn

Id ah o R V S Ikiaded with . o ' hlng you

wanti Extra J* ro m * . Id(24.495. 324*488nbor** Class = = = = =Island bed, NOMAD 7 2 11/ove. genera* trdler, $ 1.20. awning, top 208*825*4256ssh d r , tow 420*1582.


Homes priced j , o r^*S6.000 ond up 734-2609 / 421>0 w onantles ro ready to SIERRA '03Mil m iss out, wheel. /Ujsolui0 going foall now, u so d onl Hartaugti Super slide, qi fo lo rs land bed , o a mn W»nd4ll nots, coiling fa 535*0323. el e a s y c h d...............— * stonding dineir5. 19 ft., 350 chalra, atoreoongino, tow w/CD player,now corpot, barbecue,

>nd. $3000/of- more. Northvtre 436*3207. W /add'l Ins

— T an Interior, 7 9 Odphln, clean. -93 Fon

III conldnod. .gupor c ab• w /5- w heel hilt cond,. 60K. B

Jl 837-6195. $23,000 or S MASTER 'a s w heel. I

TOwave, woll ‘*2-, -2?.* ro o f. $7,600, 5 3 7 -6814 .731 •734-2615. TERRY 14* Re

: % s - 8™.i ° s ~ s r " " w s sS500. 735-08

7 ^ 0 2 1 7 410-2225 or . ^ * '0 2 1 7 ' 558 Jackaon.

TRAVEL TRAIU ffeoklor. fu m a«

T " ■* ' oontdned , $2i r E ’83 2 1 '5 ’* . lor.Cdl731*06<elf contdned ------------------------ver. gas/olec- lerolor. oven cond. Ready S3,695. 734*31-4567.

[REAM ‘00 I}UCED:|-i=lt itk S'" whool aluminumw/gol coat ^IS construc- >wolilhor fe

3Ul, rear . Sot up (or imping or

:t generator,BS, llO vo lt

olc. Too • ,’ e x tra s 'Excelleni I, $16,000, \734*9181, I

Tho answer

1 ^ 'I

raal stuff, ”*8 tr**L3 Sat. onlyl unJIy adel othlng, d l.. house fU- n n

M l Ashley VandaU 6Lco»*g>-)a Saturday

Fumlture.w . , ^

Ity Court

LS Thurs. lat, 8-dark, lid* & out.

OA c o m w AIh A v . ILS Thurs., ^8-? Movlrtg

FumKure, u se Itams,

ina'SL N . '

E *S9 25‘ S*. TRAILERS 23‘ *11tow profile. hydraUlo im flatuller. very trailer. Oual a;7 ,500 . Call $1750A>ITar. g-.MI1620 ty trailer S600/c

= = LfSSSiJX::

*•. S24.0M.

M5-2355. N O T I C E

Lowllte, 24 0 “ “ : ^ll-conldned. Advertiser*I. new. con-n tots of ex- pieose check yot>95. Health ad for accuracy te . Call 420* ^ ,

TheTlmos-Newsvtrd le r. 31' only be rosponsit

condlUon. foronyerrora•4-3056. reported on the Ilr--------- ■' ■ doyofpubllcatioellowstone Please Canxout, d r . 733-0931 ext. 2nicrowave, ________

storage,ew lor . ^ h 'i y i M \ |S | i £ yMust see •

CHAIN BED 20'*22‘Avdlablo a ten w heder. /ie r RVs to condlUon, 678-524( I from & Marinei r to n Rd. '

I CADILLAC ‘85 Cou' 19- cjim DoV*"®- or• J S nai miles. New W

SO Of 208- Body VI---------------- straight. No r u s t Or7 3 23 ft., InaJ pdnt faded aood ahape. worn. Needa pdnt.b e s t offer, tertor and420-6343. chroming. Runs «--------------r cellont. Engine c3 25 ‘ 5" tailed. $8,500 fird u td y like Cdl 206.788*35only once, and aak for Bob., queen Is- — ..............oak c ad - THUNDERBIRD ‘I fan, awlv. Rare ’pldn Ja rh d r . Iree model. Numb«Inette w/4 motching original 3i00 AM/FM Aulo, viper rod. wrr, outdoor now baby moona ai

much radtos. $10,000. Ciwrest Pkg. 206-420-4044.insulatiw . y^^LLYS ‘50 Wage-««H <*4. $3,000 Iln

Ptoase coll 206-53

II. (Pickup

^g. New J Y W rf H y ■It invertor. ’ C U S T C ^ ^ S

StVr^Si: ; whoW d .' ■0893 or ■ V o u rir a e e at S E R V IC E:------------- A dvw tle*lntt>*ULER <20 Bu*m*M « SOTVtMa c e . sd l- , p l f c io ry • -•oeei®'®'’ I 7 3 3 . ^ 1 ««L a

- ^ < s y o u r ^

URSf l



7 3 3 - 0 9 3

C la s s iI

132 Fairfield StiMl

*l*ctrioOMC 7B COE 300

I C um rdna. ‘82 Frelght-nSLSi!* Ilnar COE 300 hS m

SUver 9Z Both have u i <«Sl ’ O *P^- *«"••• •'"O'*

S S i o r . - S :m


c y th e 'ma. 2500 quad cab. diesel, ivs win outo. SLT. fully toaded. nsible $21 ,800.

0 flratation '738*4481 AUDI ‘02 Ouattro A4,

t . 2 1 .8 L turbo. 30,127mllea. loothor, aun roof, #1727. $21,988,

2 ^ ’ Call 206*735<}900. d r

B a l CHEVY *00 1 ton plck- •22‘ for up- l-ow miles, dooni r. Any $14 ,200 or best offor. >249 208*423-6826.

CHEVY ‘01 810 ext. t j t i W cob , - ix 4 , 39,000 fW lM j mllea, outo, sharp MDVU truck. $15,988.

M 13150A . Con 206-Coupe 735*3900,___________' ^ ! : CHEVY ‘Ot Sitverado

c rew cab. 2500 HD.« ^ , $20,995. W anderer

*01 afWe out bunk H b e d s , toaded $9,995J n t™ 208-544-7599 .

» de-

J « ^ 2” oOHD?4f«.'^L3f6.0 V6. hard lo find truck.

1 ^ «222954A, $19,988.Call 206-324-3900. dir

'a a n d CHEVY ‘02 M. 4x4,', C d l crew cab, Duramax,

L oaded , axe. cond. — Low miles. $27,000/

Ollor. C dl 733-1076 or 206-404*6972.

CHe W ‘03 Sllvera-'" I d o 'L S , 1 ton dually,!

r . 144K. $25,000. Ex-1 tra ciean. weU m dn-l tanco.206-637*49991 '

I S or 206-308-0580. • | :

^ CHEVY 7 2 Super, ii ton. 4x4 ,350 , AT, AC, PS. Extra ports avail.

^ . $5,000. Cail 539-9635 10* CHEVY 7 8 4x4. H ton,

Wlih camper shell,9 oxc. cond., $2,700. f - J Call 208-324-7165,

5Tlh* K e s e a t r G a r a g e !

S pecmPrivate party and consi days only. Ad deadline pm Wednesday to rurr Friday and Saturday

3 1 e x t . 2

iifiedstM ffkw m lh jM om^ W est • 1Wln Falls

~ ton , 350 e n g , 4*opd ' PP 4 *4 . PW/OUAC.

$2,600 o r b*s1 oner.“ 206-436-6295 eves. ll» CHEVY *90 4x4, sttok.>e, V6, AC. bedliner. sr. R uns good, no leaks.Iht $& 400 .208-539-6539

CNEVY !9» Silverado 4x4 extended cab. exc. cond., 144K. $9,000 or best offer, 0011206-539-1410,

1 crew cab. 4x4, SLT, ' V6, auto, toaded. a h ^ ^ W cM^v^st in.

J, OODOE ‘89 pickup. HIr ton. n jns good, new- tires. $1,500. Cdl'■ 208-539-6526_______!' OOOGE '9 4 Dakota'• 4x4, ext, cab . V8. AT,_ toaded, ahell. VeryI good cond., $4,300.0 gdl206-543-4067 .

;PSf DODOE *97 Ram 1500 « 4x4. 4 inch lifts, toad > leveling a ir springs,

rims a super sw amper- t lr f t . 206-312-0776,

DODOE ‘98 - 2500diesel, ' quod cab, short box, 4x4, power everything. Excellent

' 's h ap e , matching shell, sprayed bodlln- or. $18,900. 404-4688

D O D G ^ M R o m 1500, quod cob, 4x4, outo, loaded, 53K. $12,999.


737-9700 Of 308-5002 FORD ‘01 F*350 4x4,flot bed diesel, one o w n o ^ N g S B .

732*8099 or 734*3800 FORD '01 F-350. super

duty, 4x4, power- slroKe, diesol, crow cob. Hooted leather so a ts with all opUons.CO with cass ., spray

’ on bedliner, trailer hitch, trd ler brakes, supe r ctoan. $24,200. 206-420*6569._______


iDnrfcs?S a l eALisecutive le is 2:00 rr Thursday,



Page 35: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

DODOE • « Rom 'lSOOblsck. 4x4. quad cab. *po<5.gUV8.71K. low l«d $76( S9.S00. 320-0311

FORD *03 F ^ . 6,0 69K.diMOl, quad cob. AT. $10.14K. oxc. cond . 607;$31.000.731-9464. ^

FORD '04 F160. Super _ Crow. 4X4 Larfal. ComplAtely toodod.10.600 miios. S31.600 S48-01S0/423-6377.

FORO ‘04 U rial black and B«l0 e. Supor Cob 4X4 Ml ton. U am or. t.oadod. 1Z 000 mIloB Now S37.000. YOU ■ B p a y $27,900. lOlt W M changod ovory 2.000 I S H ml. Can 206-876-5252

FORD *72 F350. dual- „,***,ty. runs good. $600/ in oflor. Ford 7 S FIOO4x4. short box. P I$ 2,000 o r bost olfsr. , CalI20e-43t-1S67.

FORD 7 5 F3S0 dually.460 ontfno. auto trsns., runs good. 6 IL sorvic® bod. hydraulic lift toltOBto. oood tiros and wnools. WUI son oJI for $1,500 or part- TOY® out. 206-432-6926. N w

FORD '80 4x4 F*160. good coodmon. now i ^ . . tiros, now robullt mo- ‘tor $2500/o(for. 731- rl'fiB f 6054 or 543-2410. h 'S jB

FORD '91 F-250. 4 WD. Nk:o tiros & .'V.tsB whools. VBiy doan.$4.200.543-5130

FORO ‘#3 F-1S0 XLT CallS w /campor shoH, m mim $4,950. Soo a t: l ( » l E aatland . Call 206- 731*6030 or 736*6400 or 206-637-6313. j | M

FORD *93 F-150 XLT. H I I now tires, crulso. PL. ■ ■ PW . AC, campor oholl, tow package, 1 owner. Can 206-324- ■ ■ 7623 or 306-6639. H S

FORO *94 F260,'OXt cab . 4x4, powofstroko 22.6C XLT, 5 Speed manual,150K. $6,500. 731. ('?'

_ 2034 or 543-9094 ^

■ FORD '9 7 F-150 XLT.4x4, tow pkQ., super ______cab , 6 CO. AC, powor ovorythlng. 105K. ■ ■ $8.500.733-1646.

' ' i ^ ! * ^ ,^ X U .* 2 j tO . V B i r t w j I f C I ^ C ^ ^ 3 1

FORD M Ranger, flare sldo, 4x4, e x t cab p D / XLT. Loaded. $9,000/ ^ offof. Can 639-2005. ■

l Q M C « ^ ] o n 2 S ^I HO. 4x4, crew cob.

- I onV 32K. Exeollwit I contfHlon $24,675. ^ 7 I CaD 206-678-8506 I o r 206-431-2767.* ' ' = = ■ MQMC t s Vandura 3500 t

box van. gcx>d oondV — tlon, $4 ,ooa .caB ao6 - 636 -1667 .',. ' •

m iles, automatic, AC, MtIR, cn jlse, CO player. Z

P IU K n C A i 66,000eon*^*$14.900

■ n f f l i H i m f H CHEVY


c H P ^

4x4!36?000r^:^ H j '®®* rrtloe. automatlor,:> ^

' T t H M

^ -------------------—

‘ 1 1

\ ________________________

m ^ mORD -aa F-150. 4 e « r w

l7^5S:‘2 0 0 ° 7 3 9 ^ ^ r - .

MC '98 H ton . 2W 0, 0 r« a t.r39K. AT. AC. PS . ------------SIO.eOOAJtfer. 733- CHEVY » 7 2 or 539-6821. LS. 4x4 ROBLEMS'OETTINO' a J? k o f

FtNAHCtNQ?::all 733-1681 today.

Latham 'a ^ E B1-600-Car-Loon.


rear AC $ 1 ^

4x4,28 .000 milos,lto, cloth, loaded , nice 732-809fl

— H t s s j i -----------)YOTA *04 T acom a. $13,000*4. TRD, SR S. ext. 536-674ab„ silver. 1100 _________>1109. $22.500/Offor. pORD 't:all 206-720-2172. EddiO B.)YOTA *90 4X4, CD, cenentlow engine & tm ns. $14,000hrome evorylNng. Call 2063.000 or b eet offer. ' ■ ';oll 208-731-6952

IEVY pick-up truck nd misc. c o r parts. all 206-543-9262.

Z600 miia«.-AWO*4- * . - B 9 f 6 = auto , fu ly k w ded « B B « g

F ^ i c A l B lf l u s a u a

33,500 miles, pd.. tilt, cru ise, AC. ■ d lop, m any extras,

$17,996. '

R ^ ^ C A Lg & w a i —


79K. d o th , B k 3 | Bissengor, $14,»96. D H n


kM, only 21 .600 ts . do tn . loaded.

736-4461. M ^ K iVY <01 Blazer.XX) mUas. greM d .. 4 door. 4x4. .900.420-6524 M R H R vr '01 Suburban, I f c H F K Jed, sharp , low k p rk » $16,600. ■ ■ « « « I206-731-1823. | n | | | l

inr ‘OS A valanche. t K ^ H j

^ 4 M ^ CO/B«»s..} systam . a M la 9. in . s tep bars,,000. M ust 8 e * l 206-034-0065. ■ .

W B m m m/YV T TMyiLS. «>■»£ I® I<..''27™,. r; SSTJSSWI■.«7100.«3-H a2 f o r d -00 E

IY t a S u b u U .. * « •

C“ 20IM 08.; S0Q.53a<n54 208-<Z3<a9ai

FORD *03 Exp ■ ■ ■ P M K l i Eddie Bauer, | S ^ 5 8 M l i i ^ oxc. oond.. 82

mUes. $22.00C 6006 or 306-70

T. 4X4,3* seat,AC & morel omy

■iSSSm S h 'FORO Exploi

999 or 734-3800 ^ d s M /$ 3 ,M

I 'OO ' " S S L '^ d 5 o * 1 S o S « ! 0^306

brakes, vory foR O '99 Et cond. Like newt XLT, 4X4,I to check it outi brakes, tires. LJOOAjffor. Call groat. $2.9745/316-0013 best Offer. Cal------------------------ 423-6776■ '00 Expedition _________ ^» Bauer, 68K. ex- FORD W Exnt condltkxi. 2WD. m ns greaXX) or best olfor. Shape. $5.20<206-946-0394. C(j| 206-404-45

» Durango FOHD 'SS Expedicondition, XLT. Eddio Bauor,

16-6069. L. Trl-Ton._ . — loathor, loaded, 11

*» '' * '-7oo o' 'S ’ S ■=»■?>■’«O Q .7658or>99 e v e s . OMC '89


’a2K*Sfa nmwlnl-nowllr.,000. 543- aluminum whooia, >-7009. un kit. $4,500.

Call 206-643-828

HONDA '03 CV R -e . cyl., 4WD. Powor t rool, log lights, Ilr g lass, chrome wfto

iplorer running boards. 6T . A C. ox- chanoor. 24K, >.095. mpg. $18,500. (IN IA L 2M1544-7809.Vt£u ----------------------------306-5002


I L oaded —$ 2 ,2 0 0 or JE E P *94 Grand Call 208- Chorokoe .Umll

loathor. 4x4, 1---------------- miles. Jnri965A.

Expioror,) « « . ^ c .

»-4265.*^ ' 732-8099 o r 734-38C

l : . £ M■ j f CW f l M i t t 1

Slook #RS491A !? y i Wm $16,095


r E i e « M l I T I;!stock #tH5322A W u $23,996 ^

, - . * i a 7 i 8 1


5 UNES 10 Dai

fo r items to $ 1000(1

S2 each addh Petsc



m m m m m

now Ur08. floor liners. , , n 3 ' 99.000 odua l miles.

0 o m 9^01 <*'«»• ^ 0 0 0 . b e s t C ^ l 208<?24-5342.

1425. JE E P -89 Wrangtor, - I - , 56,000 original.miles.

$6500 or best otfer. )lne. Call 206-731-3241.


G oto...'•^ I MITSUBISHI '97 Mon-------- - torroLSSport. 4X4. 2,,•EX. 4 tone. 5 spood. $6,750. r s u n - Call208-731-1657.Ilntod ---------------------------------hoola NO Credit?

BAD Credit?2 6 Call 733-1681 today.

Call U tham 's1-800-Car-Loan.

'N».J SUBARU '03 WRX. - U . . ' AWO. 29.711 mitos. l £ ) | turtM. 5 spd.. funi ■ P #1717. $19,968. Cali ^ 20a-73S<M00. dir.

TOYOTA '01 RAV4, 46.7K. oxc. cond. CD playor. 6 speakers.

_ alum, anoy wheels. wK ciulse conirol. 5 spd.. |K manual trans.. moint. ■ records, good tires.


H r i l f e m u: ’ stock ORS400A N ' W^^$16,M5 p ^

J I s1 Was $14,995 I V

! ».*iaS82jta


TlMirrtty. Jn

ified Line Ads

S $ 1n rs IIJ under o r add ing v ' (M axim um o f 4 iteiIdltlonal ffne. Private Party only b and merchandise only.

^ c a l l 7 3 3 - 0 )

' . r o m 8 0 0 - 6 S 8 - :

I O O © : ' ; - ' ' . I U

. Vim Aitf BtnMi Vr a

16.900 mlkis. quad- C(>f- bucket se a ts , nlco ____ . van, $17,950.

c ,736-4481

CHEVY '8 7 Van — ' BoauvtQo. 20 ' long.2, $1.000- Cali 735-4077 t »0. DODGE '9 4 fvtaxi Van. r ,

wllh onty 55.977 actu- —~ ai milos. $3500. Coli ~

208-326-6691._______ MDODOE '03 Grand B |

Caravan Sporl. AWD ■_ 3.6L. toaded. knv mis Rf wllh 100K warranty, H

$18,000. 543-2279. ■

0 [ l ^ n R I R ^ BJ. F 0R D '90A erosla r.). cargo, AWD, auto, 1 .. AC. $999. ‘t. CENTENNIAL1 AulaSiUt

737-9700 or 308-5002 ___

2N5FMri 21E n t o n r u r : C mstock «R5496A ' StO( Was $24,995 Wai

i i M H n i ' ! n I t c a K I M

Stock «R544tA I . SloO Was $14,995 i) Wai

^ ^ A i e r c u r y -wm:'W t

y .Jw 3 0 ,2 0 0 f l- Tlme»W«W.IWfc>

'5 '

1 5ju ptems)jnly.

0931 Ext.2 or )-3883 ext.2

DODOS '85 C aravan , •"MyBAT. all powor. 3 so a ts . Um exc. condition. $ 2 5 ^ .Coll 326-6056 TV

PONTIAC '01 Mon- O ossltana, 94K. oxcellont Collcondition. S699S/offor. 733 CallNIck 01404-1149.


Coll 733-1681 today.U tham 's

1-eoo-Cor-Loon. AUTRAh

t o to ' • ■ . Spot

--------------------------------- &in«




BMW '0custorrcond.

15K. dual moon roof, $29.50 aulonutic 206-73

5 S 5 T ;a i r vortlbto

P K ^ C A LCAII$ALn _______

ThltyMT736-4461 CIomIIM

^ i tB


| H w

ince S a ^ !

2 N I M m i lw i l l c t t r t i B r a i lStock «R5495A Stock tV a s $ 1 8 ,9 9 5 W a s 9

. * 1 4 , 4 8 8 . . * 1 1

I M S N r tf M s w s a ; n a a n>tock «R5497A k: S tock t V as $ 1 9 ,9 9 5 W a s $

.»n,2»ij - • s

a u M v M i

s a sT

r tn ftg» ,ld rto

’B u tek m U d o ^ tm w a ktn d r . -Jtml* W.Twin Falla-»8nk) worksi oil us today at: ,33-0931 oxt. 2

=>A *94 Integra. 2 r. exc. condMktn.

body kit, $4295 Ifor. 734-1021.


d o s , parts, labor installation lnd ,Econom y

fananUtalon 324-6760

j^ee tf/nataa .

'03 Z4 2.5 black, om whools. exce I. undor 17K,500 734-7366 or 731-7366 Iv. m ^

'89 3251 red con- Mo. 120.000 ), $4,200. Con 736-1575.

iW M il'b aM lm :I«ls. 733-0«31

U l l a B y i ^’tf

i .

I M i a n ' l a n r i ik « R 5 « 0 A ,I $19,995


H MCim iMIk#D 369A$10,995



Page 36: · Twin Falls, GOoomo Weather ♦ Twlay diyar High! Magic Va ' .

BUICK 'M LeSobro 1 I jm ltw l. funy loadod.

dual cHmato control, good cond., $3,200. Call 20&-734-a&59.

CADILLAC '09 Sovlllo, ■loaded, UKO now paint, Jtrm , sharpest ono In •4dalwl 733-672S.

converllbto. VSi outo. ih o r p . cor, 56,032

«312647A. S 1 4 ,666 Coll 208>


dHEVY *01 Impola, 60,000 mllos, CO, bood mpg„ oxc. cond f7 .450 , 206-309-726S

CHEVY '04 Molibu Oosslc. junrool, custom whools,

17,757 mllos, $11,066. «166e. Coll

208-3g4^900. dir.

CHBVY -62 Camoro 2 2 6 , now crolo ong., TOW Uros/lrons., must M il, $5,500,536-6421.

CHEVY '92 Coprlco, ■AT. an powor, 73 )npo, now Nroo. Prico reduced (or quick %alo, $23S0, Coll 208- 026-66S6. ■_________


W ^P m -W i

H ^ H W * 7 i t / O uH ^ l O • M R aIIH • Pm- Wm

■ n * Tmyovt■ •CDOutr^■

W»Stmof .QW tor

____ •P,\rUxi

I ■ o : ^II Ig iirI l o11*''I

•S trW v S :• PW loots

■ ■ O SI ln ;SH • FX4 Pkg

•PttrSaec■ ‘ PiM-Wlndc •PurLocka■ ^ ■ ^ • A w M r r e r

■ ‘ Loanor

■ ■ C U : ^

•PM-Wndov• f tw to c t t•P M -M m ra: S ^• lAtiMb


1 ^ ThniNww.TWlB-

• • • I i r

MR-fWb,ldrii» I J v ^ J u M a i ^

r ; r CHEVY '66 Cotnoro, , 0Iroc-i. TPl-350, t-top9. 1

S ’ CD ployor. $2,500/ 'ottof. Coll 260-0167. 1

^ rlint, s in____ CHEVY-96 Covoltor, .

outo, AC. gos savor. $2,299.

^ CENTENNIAL -^ AuloS^u D|L 737-0700 or 306-S002 . ‘P CHEVY '96 Lumina, 4 «. door, supor Cloon, V6 , mu,o 67.386 ntllos, $5,986, P

Coll 20B-324-3000. L Iala,CD. ■ B 5 p ^ 2 a | H Jond CHRYSLER'96 So-J65 bring, oulo, V6 , .AC, T.— PW/. PL. S3.995, = ; ■ CENTENNIAL

iifumSdu J

737-9700 Of 306-5002 ^

CHRYSLER W Con- —cord. 05K, groat ^5shapo. S3.S00/oHor. *■'Call 206-644-0236. ^

^ t M S l f l e ^ ^ TO all P rivate ri.

Party Ads «wo ' Roquiro pro-pay- O'ig - mom prior to 3'ust publication. Mo)or. ^21- crodlt/dobit cards— accoptod, Choci< g,

1 ■ ' T S S o " ' " J

733-0931 Bo>8* TTioTlmos-Naws Us<

Jl• t r o S ^ o«otH A i»*eto«vn

CHRYSLER PT CRIM/rtObwoLodo n u r su it m o r •MrroraMOS

R*SoaeWrdom ourrsuM BO OK i

1 S 8 S 9


Od9 onodliu »ACTO«V »

J 'i3 9 i

FORD F-350 LARIAi - COOtMOcWp.fJ3^n

MERCURY*iobwe<t*a , u i i n s t M M e c M

r J 9 9 3

S U Z U K I V ficbHO*aroro OUfTHineOOKMK

. i14SlItSO U K I K B I


'CORVETTE 7 6 noods FO flD '6point and Interior tig, wor(<. h as parts, would mo(] {

-5 5 ?? ;!!1397 Of 420-4122. FORD

CORVETTE ’67 no w ' “ nvofl paint, r»w tiros, soo- 'or>d owrwr, runs-and oftor. 2< drivos oMollont,$6,500. Call 208-324- 1387 or 206-420-4122

DODOE '02 Noon SE, S2.000/I 4 door, AC. AT. PS, 4644 or CO . 35,000 fnllos.

| B 3 K c 7 5 5 y S mpo. $2 736-596

D O T C ? 9 ^ 0 0 n ^ ^ spd .. d ean , gas sovor. $2,799 c n n n *oi


737-6700 or 308-5002 ” ’c | k i

FO RD 7 7 Rofichoro, Au$90 0 or bost offer. 737-970CColl 208-736-4590 --------- —1627 Falls Avo, East. £ g f i

FO RD '63 Escort now B j l H tiros & bottoiy. Mako M | [ | H ollor. must tronsport,208*878-2316. Burloy. FORD *97

FORD '68 Crown Vlcto- ?“ '?• r ia. 351 Clovolond In- toreoptor onglno, E*c.s h a p e for ogo. S2.500 7 7.07^orbO9toffo?:CaII208. . H Z l E B324-3967 or 731-3967 HONDA t

FO RD •ai Mustang rod, ‘convofllblo, robullt on- i<«inrt/„fi g ino, $3,500? Call206-324-6462 or 208- HONDA720-0650, now timi

B o Soon . Bo Hoard. tiros. 2 U so tho Classlllods733-0931 o»t,2__________ 537-0022

vMMCf $26740 ,7'; ^mm


MUMT l u a lo o K . *U »m n u a tc _______________ P B a » im cT iy i T><

D • s s Crow n Victo- HONOA t now tiros, runs e x . pw , (

D 'S3 Mustang Call 208-30vodiblo. 73K. vory u n u n »in. $4290 o r best " J S k J ir. 208-438-5514. AT a l r C D 'M T ourus.pow -ovorything, AC, h ONOA '08 <

K. runs oxcoilont.. ^WOAsffer. 532- J^Sd, U w4 or 431 •7382. S i , i

t. $260tf. Coll 208- HONDA •97,•5983____________ 4 door, AT.B s s - g n H I orythlng, su

HONDA *97)-9 7 Taurus,------- PU s.,■ AC. low rhtloo, »P«» - gg offer. 206-7:


: ~ S 206-324-55! LEXUS 'DO AVVO. tllvet oniyCall 208-306

•97 T aurus. -------------------loalhor. koyloas, UNCOLN '6

I. $4,299 .car,, good .>N TCN N IA L' runs good. AuwSatu 543-6099 or

700 Of 306-6002 ' '

A ^ 9 A c « , r d . ^ l ^ c " L " r t c h le ^ n lt lo s . at

and trons. ooaa 'crtnd 0/Offor. 731^>665 ^ 4 3 5 .7 2 3 -

A '90 Accord, LINCOLN •g timing bolt and c a r Exocuth

2 door, runs ©d. looJhof Sl.900/offer. S6500 osit

^ 22 or 731-2260 gifgr. 208-73:

: t TO MBoa U U . P to c tt 0 0 NOT I I T > «ouoh S w m r , Jup f X a c


•93 Accord LOOKM GiFa, (toof tocicer NEW WHEELIS. CD eftano- O o to .... $3,500/Mfer besUdohodoals. <»9-0S25.

M Del Sol S. lodcondiuon,CD. $400a

306-6471. ,

Q ^ d f a s v e , au to , lo w I SMOT » '1 7 0 S . $16,088

,r. S S T z O ^ 208-y3S-3900.dl

1:----------------- MAZDA •87 .tur7 Accord EX door. Oood bod) T , power 0 extra p a rti , b

m otor work:

offor. Call 733-17 Chric e x aftor'5:00 PM.sun roof. 6 ---------------------------

’K. ,$6,300/ MERCURY 'S3 Ti-734-2615. groat cortdltion.• • '— — or b e s t offor. Can

5 ? 'S 2 ' 734-9323.toor, 91.000 _________________4.500. Can m e r c u r y *96 C£ 2 1 -------------Marquis LS. 4 '“K> RX-300, $2,500 o r b est •‘* '$21^ ’ 206-423-662

MITSUBISHI •M Town Q«l«nt. 104K, $4

j . condillon nl2w ^ £ « '^sr-oS~*’-208-734.5599.

M irauB iSH i

S i s ' ' tJSSiI., $12,000. Q^l 208-948-935:

•98 Town NISSAN •ST Altjtlve. load- 0« a t condiwr, rotaH 77.000 mWos. AsIk $4600/ $5,495. Calf 206-r33-l425 3653 o r 206-212-4

IT MOUH u x , « n i ( lf .0 0 ) oa 8003. PiciMMi w a auMTiuwo*

P Q ^ CHEVY "sa Lumlr e i e-> ilres, deal

$4.760. g08-ag4-485

^ 'b'S.'SS!^'Cali 733-1881 today.

Latham 's B f l l-OOO-Car-Loon;' ,

Wagon.w m u o s , I H H H H H B i>88 . Call OLOSMOBILE •88I. dir. Cutlass, au to , we — ~ T carBd car. *1 ,285 . .turtM. 2 CE N T E N N tA LlOdy wflh AaloJ<iitJ

Nooda 737-9700 o r 306-5002

• S jS f , OLDSMOSIUe *91 91 -r. $306/ Hogoncy B ite Sedai 'S a - l l l l 40, AC, crulBO, powo

everything, rum------------ great. $ l . 100/offoI Tracer, 326-S355 o r 736»764t

OLOSMOBILE 'S 7 Re ..oii.'OB- goiwy. good cond,_______ runs gfooL FuDy load. - ed. S4.000/offor. Cal■ ,9(*nd 2 p e -6 7 7 - )^ 5 Iv, Msg ■4 door, 's t offer PONTMC *04 G rant

’ • Am SE . CO , spoiler iil3 5 a $11 ,988 . Ca;

•01 200-324<»00. dir. $4500. PONTWC •ee Grand

M r win- Prtx. good body.'tlroo 08. AT. and w heels. O oos noi or. CoO ' run. $200/offor. Call

208-736-5939.^ PONTIAC '9 5 Grand

■«nA.^ Prix, 102K. b o d s * *94 Qrand C o ra ^ a o M K . 80 th are woO maln- tolood. 8 i9 S 0 oach. Coll 206-423-6368.Altlma,

inditlort. PONTIAC '•S6 Sunflro, Asking runs and looks great,

06-733- AT, d oon . $2,700/ 2-4376 olfcr. Coll 948-9353


g goa MAJI DOC m («17I.00}1tKMONa, ■ . . . . . ' . -

a —imlna ,:lean.4552

lay- ’ S S B H j ^AWD.- aui now, fuBy

St o « l^ . - P W MSI &

WON 732-6099 o t 734-3800. ^

‘‘ WARNING I {002 Whon purchasing a —-----------voW d* mak* euro V(I 0 8 . ms^ tho Utl* Is In the E

nam ooflhosoU er. eowo** U ndorldaho motor ,1fufl« vehicle code a . ' 7offor, vohlcie cannot bo xn[646 (Old unless the tIUon o . is in ttie namo of „

and,, thoBOllof .ood- {exception: Idaho ,Con nconsed dealer),i^sg TT)o seller shaO— -p rov tdethathenew rand purchaser a aignod ’ 73 >llor. bin of sale showing = CaJI Iho tollowing: FuO T ____ • doscrlptlon of tho.and voWde. vohfelo iSSo Wonttflcatlon nnl number, amount

Call and namo<s)and address ol tho

— now purchasor. Tho ^ btl of sale must bo signod. dated and 1 0

^ showactualmlloago ot tho Umo . ‘. ;j' of sale. If you hovo

^ any quoaUdnt. - L Bre. p lease contact your cH sa ,’ local a ssesso r^•00/ oBlce.. r.3 _2I

I f>ew llros, ’-OfByJ. I $ 11,000A>fl«r. ca l I 20e-26»0e7 7 . I

.TOYOTA ■«* C am ry;7 door, 6 tp a ad , runs good, S1700/offor. Call 206-731-0666

TOYOTA •9 4 . .C ^ la . : ' c laan c a r and runr

VOLKSWAGEN '04; Eioello, b r a r d ' now.. BUto.’ AO. (M01013.-

,$16 .668 .. C r i 206-:• 735-3900. dh-.VW '03 Qolf QL turbo- diesel. Only ,25K. 45!

732-8099 o r 734-3800

WHO can help YOU eon your cor? Ctaaslfiods

Cahl.733-0931 axL 2

:HEVY *86 Corvotto,.' runs groot. . $7,000. Coil 206-543-6894 or' 208-731-2S73.


i :