tone XXX. jl^ Tpesfliyl Maf'k 190//•> 4 *. i •**;• 1

•> 4 *. i •**;• 1 < ! * / * * M . .A*? 1 SMITH & MARTIN tft * ' tone XXX. Norwood, St. Lawrence Comity, fell" at e % y aur orders for baled vlRODEB, ' fc Iimfettated Buffalo CourjeiJ Con sale at Nta 1 each *• v J ' lot ofe thQge , shirt . is late and back Phosphate to rush *J, V."-— Orabb, Norfolk-sells, i and Quarts, a^balf-gaUon: game of base-* ball was tPotidam, Wednesday, be 3 Techs and NO*WIQ& Uni Score 1 to 1 favor »f Dl ale meeting of Congrega lurches is to be held this aijatoga Sprmf peakers from be present b game of ball is, expected R ayafternoon on. the park, arr d Hige angements for ft Hh Shol if&sena High Schp&b SJwfe/ of fCounty.'has; Uqt the burning di»bis 16 and barns,* set by a i a passing ehgwe * 1 is a great kick going up §rican publishers regard lew Qanadian Newspaper 7 all papers gpftfg wtto ve to prepay pqstafce at a t seven times ^ advance jtoany publishers wpa otefftd fcend^papers xptfcL, f lot different tejcms " Bstojns s f 0Eficer ft C ? jl^ Tpesfliyl Maf'k 190//' i >i Ntmflber^ is. ? f f is diking Fourth celebration. s -Oil for all kinds of machinery, 50c per gallon at Kinsman's. wiU P ut down ^is miles of cement i lor sale, at Write him W 0 Tafts, Norfolk:' for easy terms PERSONALS. ' 1 1 Miss ROSE FLYNN has a position in the bank WM D FULLER made, a business jrand en.ter«i.. r paid over flensburg gp Snthe aye Bills accou . |the Ctf / feomotives: from th Ehey weretaken —Assemblyman Gray, of Ogdens- burgj will deliver the Memorial da? address at Tlackville, May 30th. —•Go to the Norwood ice Cream and Candy Store, next door to Ful- ler, foi vour ice cream, candy and soda water i yWheninneejlofanythinginthe postal card or magazine line, drop into Nims 1 store corner Mechanic a,nd Leonard streets. - - ; -rSupervisor Sisson has received the public school money, and will mail check on receipt of orders properly drawn and endorsed. -^We have printed bills announc- ing a game of ball, to be played be- tween the Helena pnd Brasher Falls, Thursday, May 30th, at Brasher Falls —The editors and publishers of the eounty have been invited to a banqitet, to be held at Gouverneurj May 24th and incidentally talk over ^matters relative to their business. /—Coal in the bin, in the spring is nd Sin* In fact, it's a great virtue. ,Jt1ijShows that you are a wise buyer •^nfl endeavoring toget the best for the least price J. V. RODEE. ^ v-rAdvertised letters:—Mrs. G. J. Jones, L Braumaghem, 2; Leo Halmes Mrs Lucinda Taylor, .Miss Pearl Spears, Tony Shallace, Mr. O,,Gt Wells, Stanley Wright, Miss Jjyfender V. R. SMITH,. P. M. "^•If an "employe." of an Eastern pupljsltyng company writes you a njee letter and says that the con- cern wyl j>ay you $2 per hundred fgr writing similar letters at home, dojtt r #]brte And don't send on $1 a$kedfor "material.'. 1 —The board of education at trip to Canton, yesterday RHODES DAVIS has moved m Haskell house, on Park stieetf MR HARRY KENDALL ha.s rnqyed from Cottage street, to Ulm, street * Miss HANNAH MOOKEI oi-Cantoh, is the guest of Mrs, Frank O'Bhea, MR SAMUEL PEMB^RTOIT, of Wad- dington was in Norwood, Saturday RAY THOJUSON has engaged to run Dr. Hakins honk honk, thiai sum, esf f SE^-^R IS showing the n,e>-i things in summer milhtoery M K i f B h F tis showing some straw fiats sfor ladies _^ p Mar tin, of Madrid, was^n Norwood, W buW; nesjs, yesterday ' * Miss TyfATiD wiiL^j^ ^ entertained some of <het! college friends frdm -St Laurence, TJniyersify, last Saturday evening ^ —New pwe Seave,is's*v E L, W h itney HbVse, —To ^et best flow mi eed * r fJ •»»»»• WatertowBj mer MR LUKE BOYEAR attended & theatre at Potsdam one night latet week 7 MR W H WELLS and son, Fred, spent the past week guests, of Dantei Butler r MRS FRED CRONTC and_ ch^tdren visited her mother at recently. MR T M SPENCER has moved! in to Miss Sarah Fletcher s house Ob Park street \ „ MR GEORGE FURNESS of Boston, is visiting at Mrs Kathryn Suther land s ^ MR the N home. MR JOHN TEBO and family have moved to JTorwpod from Tupper- •Esttra copies of Tjttc .3 <5ents. each.. v ; you>need ind i only ( JOHN MILLER, operator for Y C spent some time at his Lake D J MCCARTHY has improved his tt dc th fie efar ojr iwo bee^ T?rprk : tajty of Ed . vein, of zinj ted authotiti has been, to be we A numb outcropp' evelom^ r 4 1 * >. t ., rt j-jj- J !n4iWf^^ pros'- ( p alcan be |hortly be 1 de \6naJarge " b6 jt Niagara Falls recently opened bids fdr supplying the" sphools with coal and&ll tlie bids, number, were identical The board promptly referred the bids tothe district at- lowiey of Niagafa county to investi- ,te as to whether an illegal com- ation existed. -Eaton & Brownell, engineers *^nd architects, with offices in Car* thage, have secured the contract for s,the preliminary work and the sur- vey fo'r the proposed railroad from BaymondvjUe to^Waddington on the •St Lawrence They will also draw She plans for a wharf to be oons- iiejed at Waddington. ^~.An editor, who contracted the ihabit of going to church, has this "to Say Ladies should take off their hats in church. No preacher can inspire a man who is looking into a as mp s Spring street residence with a fine new piazza. '. *; t; MR HARRY KENDALL has moved into the Richard Oakes house, on Elm street i Miss EJIMA CARDINAL IS the nejr night operator at the Independent telephone ofhce MRS BARNEY CBEIGHXON, of R^ay j mondville, is visiting her son, James, of this place «,„-»" DR KISSANE has purchased a 20- foot gasoline launch, and expects to keep it at Massena ^ Ift&s H Ci f/ last week in ?rugs ionds & Co at f* —Double SJonograni ftloftee costs moite a.nd is better ^than any other, \ ^ JOHNp MAdKEY ) ^ T h ^ produetibn^of. eggs in Ne\£ York ^tajie'isn.ow'a.n average of 240 per year for every map, woman and child % * , —Hefgular meeting of, Lyra Ch^ rterO % Sj, Wednesday evening, May 2!2d A pleasant social hour is anticipated i si d h t ^ i l l the $100,- JJld^ a —Tofbe in command its is necessary to be,a ityrattt *• $ s b,e ax riot ,— A-dew- , fa the Henry: tacii "black and white, at >is beinfe put tfley residence misses' 6xf,6tds i ^dd B^itig tpri, Utic^i and ^New Yoifk papers everyday a^ 1wtt ™" > - ! * THE BAUD ORGANIZED. 1 f^ £ 1 There-wag "a, Urge atteptieja the meeting ,held in Firemenlis Hall, Friday evemng s JEdr orjgstttiziBijp a Jba^d %h,et meei^ng was. cap ttf 6 r^r by A^ H Bfickerfeiom who^ on motion,, was made ohatfmari and Haifify J. W h , ^eretary The n^me for the organization was > l ^H Sfl by —patches repaired to keep^ljp] satisfactipn g —The steatoer k 1 f ctipn L i (s •''"Where /Now"' "d t —The steatoer i Where /Now Wakes 1 fouif trips per "day between Clayto^and Alexandria BayliA j —Bobkmgs at the 1 sttttftrier 1 Ald B f th Bobkmgs at the stttter mikej at Alesjandna Bay for •the comin Season are said to pe itttusii)artl ]# ' \ QMoS^onds^ssiiediOr JJuildm n'ew 6ehodl hbuse, ) Tfie rate of tt 4 $fr 1 i ) T ,1is one , 4 per them \ f While the egg brougkt in f tidvb l H l l ' h l t gg g Oharleg Hall's henry was large, it fall short m size' when, compared with that of Mr Ford, A'pril 166h, by an eighth of an inch —Welden L o o k i e ^ Gouverneurj th^man, vsrho was shot'in^he some lat inter and yrhdrA t was ex ~ u i? » \ ^^ivp year r old Willie ^Gros,sinan>i 0f Syracuse,'wanted to bp-a postman and Scattered amopg'the neighbors a bujxdle of letters that passed be tween his pare'nt^ before their mar 1?h jfe V Jbh j tween his parent^ before heir ma rjage 1?he aujfeaors Vere Jbhe onjy, foneam\ pleased 3 ( «V v rfV ^i^ M f i ^ "h$& 1 ed to^taffleJarittB . Aon, outiof *l8,fl00in\l90&, has arrested m KaW York The pr^son- e'r at fir!p denied ,his identity, and declared* ^etnad, never heapd.-Jcif Bankeri'Spear "* Hr later admitted ' afc he had helped to separate f'romfais $48,000 an^^named arrived *? St/Paul last week She came home to attend to the rebuilding of her residence, . * MR ANB MRS tc )d, -and wilt occupy in the & D Eeed t ^ , vs w ^hes last? winter, and yrhdrA it was pected potlld not recover^ is able to •now. go about in a> wheel chair He* has, not recovered the use of bis \ Societies. o f ' S t Law ''DFsjtrKjt 'wilF 4&14 their meeting at^B^ash^r, ^ -Y, " and 24th, Session t6 begin j'glpcfe. ^Thpsem, lriy^d to^at anquaV corivention of the k S|Ste/I$anker's/ Assooia ,00 TJb,e p ed ,in this' p his ^accorripnces^ have been pub! ^—^The governor has signed the Matthews i "renovated butter bill, which provides thstj renovated or process batter^ when sol,d to thfe 5ts by retailers,^shall be as such by the,m upon Jjhe _.—„.. treasi^rer, and FranK 'VSforden, musical director^ t^beirijt necessary^ jto raise >an amount of money for the 1 purpose of defraying a few necessary expenses, a com- mittee of entertainment was appoint- ed consisting of, Guy JJ, ^Finch f Sttd Charles; Anable, who will at once arrange for a band benefit ball. Tickets witt be printed and every? qne asked to purchase otie ox more , and in this way receive something' ih return foit^ their mon^y "Get your hand on yotir ipocketboofc and 4ori f fe ^ay no V .The lnsjfcun^entatrtra of the ban^ waf arranged ap follows •-,' Charles Anable, clarinet '' Gilbert Simondg, clarinet A H Nickerson, sola cot. Fi£P Clark first cbrtaet " Harry Worthing, second ebi*net JJajck. Cummings^piceolo Frank Wprderi* baritone«. Leon, jAusiin, solo alto Lawrence McCormick, 1st altq Edso$ Morgan, slide trombone, ™" - L ~ Barnes, tenor ^ Davis, bass "~ ndh, snare drujta. raffe;, bass drum " are others desirous of tak- swfio will be provided for as^soonfas; convenient J -^Tith this much abcQpipIished w& outlook* is very brtght fjar a smart little band m Norwoods.; i MAKE MOHEY RAISING POULTRY. i ing part as^soonf .marltfed as such by the,m upon #>e wrappers m which the product is rtd ^ f l y ihs*fegfiHftti«(n wrapp whc -enrtosed ^ formerly g only'apphed t6 fhe prgwal packages in, Jyhich tiie^utter was sold bv the ma&»factuifer r or wholesaler to "the retail dealer \ ^ * Jop sided aggregation of dead Stuffed "weasels, chamelion ribbons, beads, sticks, itraws, corn tassels and thistle' to^n> It makes a sinner feel lost MR ANMRS J return to Norwood, the tenant rooms residence MR GEORGE ISSHTH has moved $ the Norwood Paper Company's house on Spring street, formerly occupied by Mr Lewthwaite t«m will be &lij atHbtelJProni^nacf ,Tho>lsaad Islands, Tune 27tltn<and ^8ttf* J according to announcement by nd, n according to announcement by Pre,sideat Elh^fit C -MacDougai, df New Yorlr City The^copveijtion Vill probably continue ov^r Satur flay and Sunday; foljowmg ihe^ 2Sth< and a,number of si^e tuips ate bemg< Catoon Gtoiitem^ut will MRS NOAH PEARSON Ifeft^ Sunday; 3Qm thief vear in celebratitisr jthe for Jamestown, TS Y ,as delegate to I glorious Fourth 61 July,,, These the State Assembly of JE^ebekah^inr -*'-*- * 1—-«--- Session to day and to-morrow MR ANB MAS A $ attended the conclave Lawrence Commander; Canton Friday night, i good time r of ^ nd St at t a ious Fourth 61 July, These wo^villages Which h^v? a Tworkmg agreemgnTt as to celebrating alter i between ( th$maelv'es m holding a ^ day, spoMs and ob This yea'v it beconles s turn t d^thehth —The j'une meeting St re4ce County Pomona Grange will be h^ld at Hammond oh Wednesday^ JiineSSth W N Giles, Worthy 1 Sec (of N 1 ^Y^StateQrange, f will be,pres ent and addiess the members both ta& and evening The ti|dr.woodat 8 25 A sr ainmond intame^fpfrifhe "mo^nrog aess'ion. The S^ Law renee/Jpo lecturers' obnference wiu be. lefd th^ fdilowiilg day 1 in the Hammond grange hall ..4 meeting was held of Court Surprise, $fo,""" at tu ^^pswi GDuvertfeur,'s 'assistance ana pre Qe -•» \ H^paratioTosjatready are urider way OHAH^, JW t i**Bt the? J. TK ^# 9SO cMion^or thePrdt The Ogdensburg Agricultural hld 'M ann^al meeting, re-electing W. '# hi sele.ot theother, -officers, er's repbrt showed re- ffiWto^l 06 a ^ a -mmm hW of -Wf.«r. "The a fortbis y|sr^ % are Septv, tfheSt LiiS^^Distjkion- past ten days v l s i t i b g ^ |>vo«hur 1 M *S? *£?> in New Haven, Conn/fie also-^6, * ^ L w• itld friends in New York, Boston «*»*««*• and Worcester < ( t MRS EAsritONB BA»BBB ? » of Rosano Mexico, arrived in " wood last week, and will 1 i time here witk her Mr and Mrs W T^ Leonard MB, AiiB MRS B j>, Hfflrtia Providence, R 1, formerly bf wood, are attending the; nai conductors convention, beiftg at Memphis, Tent Wi. "fi^J-rt- "1- *r* O » i vJLk« #JfS Death, t MeArtjitir 1 and Daniel jDom at *o Albany last, week to the examination for locomotive ei gineer^' pap"ersi We understand all successfully passed^ MR H B McO&si'tAsr, oftPhilH" delphia,JS ? f genm*&nt lor Frank HoltOn & C6 manufacturer* of &and was in Norwood^ and attended the if>g in the interest •• G B HoLBftooK, whileloWerlnga. platform in hi* oa»ri»jff «b«4, fi(|t Tuesday morning, wet wUhwwWul Injury tohi« ^L^/h.!lP^ and cutting RfofcX ••tidB*M^***g*_ der the skillful physioian* th«y . Snger from. wapulrtloo. or h irondack^, adopfe ^rfeg the Fuller e the legis State water fbres't also ' ilbtli of the statfe'and to cfev^lophiefit iftfott- 1 '*- " --• •«*'' , . . , H , J t resojution. ifig the leaish , t inflation of 115^000 fo re%^ \h denuded: areas. O ft, in Maccabee Pall* Friday "" " \d& the purpose „,_ o -^ of, their members,, Christie Cardinal, with & collection .of tk^tipl)B8, us'eftiV and <Jr,namentaL Mts,; Garainal's houfee and contents, were dtfsiroyect by fire several Weeks ago Tne Court took this way of helping'a distressed member an.d\ fancy that It is well to belong to a*n organizition '•' that lives up to thre^r obligatidns, A. sho^t program, was renderbd, after which, "" T,o every new or old siibscr^ejf who will pay 1 us fl 35 we wilf J sen,d < , th^ni the NORWOOD NEWS and ''Poiiltry Husbandry," one year. $h}S latter is a magazine devoted-' to the raising of poultry profitably. Also, articles on turk d k ^ S;'" l i v e s t k s o ey s^^ livestock, r bees, pige, f horticulture, *(Sfo Na rmer or others interested in the &bovesub]ect should he without this periodical Don't wait Send your money right m J Yours respectfully S*ai;H & MARTIN FIRE AT MALONE The planing mill of Mr Mertagh, on Duane B street burned yesterday morning The loss is reported at $10,000 mim At The Louisville Mills A Ml and complete stock of all kinds of mill, feeds, .Recleaned Globe Grass Seed, Fine Tree Brand Clover seed "We have our stock; ol Seed Corn in and we ask you to call and. examine same, take a sample hotne and plant it and see that it wjll grow tf BwtJ f Cardinal, which d a pnato our village our JOQidSt Mft 7th % Eht^dfeathcame ki&mtttty f wesds sreryfew m ritovx rsome ibe »« ubf Mini* Jfawnt |»pst % Statodard fQr miiil is the be^t thft State of tpeo^lv baper^n reach the R F t> jiuTtJsiBBjibor"^ the a^y 1 it is issued Tbespefcial R F", D edition ot the jQurnal ismot a niornwg , r r i is thesdme paper tha,t is in Sysacusse ,tha dsy, before the,date 1$ cha^0d Friday May 3 the Pgst Standard, 04 with every legitimate ps,pe^ ia the wftntry, con a full stOrv of the state sen- ihoJding SUpennten ,_.„ The so^dftlledr Syra* nittg Jonrnal of that date, __ ptWmS tH df^y betot&i of course did ^ have* word Of it A tumtvg p a p * *h*t 1* unabte to irtnt 4«w« happening later %%m 3 in the ptomaan of the day Reliable Rug Factory. Send at once Clean, serviceable and beautiful rugs rewoven from worn caipets Address for particu lars, Wyman Fuller, Norwood, N Y,orW R Loveless, Gen Agt, Tupper Lake, N T_ flay! Say! Buy Coal mKay, Or at least get your order, entered, not pn the tablets of yom memory but on our order book. Once order ed we do the rest J V imc8> far 41 ttfWtf lrk)| *y p»y W.OO per year Madkrd uiwli t«o w«ek» r free For Sale Hall tree, center table, piazza screens, twelve tew lugs and afew other articles will be sold at a sacr rifice Call at door 4SL, Wtotney House"^ New Tickets, on sale d to Novi SO Choice of'rod^es.' _,. tailed information of fioket ageuta. At l^^yinondville, In charged 8 3 Bush, Esq* Mill Feed of all kinds—Grass and Clover Seed, Se&a Corn , J, H WHAIBN; To Kent A general store Apply to Mrs. Anna Blanohard, Brasher Fall* i For Choice, youuft dairy oows. Inquiry ofP J Gumming*, Norwood. i Gentlemen mm. $a .• v•. *•:•» Imjul m*

Transcript of tone XXX. jl^ Tpesfliyl Maf'k 190//•> 4 *. i •**;• 1

•> 4

* . i • * * ; •

1 < ! * / * *

M . .A*?1


tft * '

tone XXX. Norwood, St. Lawrence Comity,

fell" at

e%yaur orders for baledvlRODEB, '

fcIimfettated Buffalo CourjeiJC o n sale at N t a 1 each

*• v J '

lot ofe thQge , shirt

. is late and backPhosphate to rush

*J, V . " - —

Orabb, Norfolk-sells,

i and Quarts, a^balf-gaUon:

game of base-* ball wastPotidam, Wednesday, be3 Techs and NO*WIQ& Uni

Score 1 to 1 favor »f

Dlale meeting of Congregalurches is to be held thisaijatoga Sprmfpeakers frombe presentb game of ball is, expectedR ay afternoon on. the park,

arrd H i g eangements for ftHh Sholif&sena High Schp&b

SJwfe/ offCounty.'has;

Uqt the burning di»bis16 and barns,* set by ai a passing ehgwe *

1 is a great kick going up§rican publishers regardlew Qanadian Newspaper7 all papers gpftfg wttove to prepay pqstafce at at seven times advance

jtoany publishers wpaotefftd fcend^papers xptfcL,f lot different tejcms "

Bstojnssf0Eficer ft C ?

jl^ Tpesfliyl Maf'k 190//' i >i Ntmflber is .? f f i s diking Fourth

celebration. s

- O i l for all kinds of machinery,50c per gallon at Kinsman's.

w i U P u t d o w n ^ i sm i l e s of c e m e n t

i lor sale, atWrite himW 0 Tafts, Norfolk:'

for easy terms


Miss ROSE FLYNN has a position inthe bank

WM D FULLER made, a business

jrand en.ter«i..r paid overflensburg

gpSnthe ayeBills accou

. |the Ctf /feomotives: from th

Ehey weretaken

—Assemblyman Gray, of Ogdens-burgj will deliver the Memorial da?address at Tlackville, May 30th.

—•Go to the Norwood ice Creamand Candy Store, next door to Ful-ler, foi vour ice cream, candy andsoda water

i yWheninneejlofanythinginthepostal card or magazine line, dropinto Nims1 store corner Mechanica,nd Leonard streets. - -;

-rSupervisor Sisson has receivedthe public school money, and willmail check on receipt of ordersproperly drawn and endorsed.

-^We have printed bills announc-ing a game of ball, to be played be-tween the Helena pnd BrasherFalls, Thursday, May 30th, atBrasher Falls

—The editors and publishers ofthe eounty have been invited to abanqitet, to be held at GouverneurjMay 24th and incidentally talk over^matters relative to their business./—Coal in the bin, in the spring isnd Sin* In fact, it's a great virtue.

,Jt1ijShows that you are a wise buyer• nfl endeavoring to get the best forthe least price J. V. RODEE.

^ v-rAdvertised letters:—Mrs. G. J.Jones, L Braumaghem, 2; LeoHalmes Mrs Lucinda Taylor, .MissPearl Spears, Tony Shallace, Mr.O,,Gt Wells, Stanley Wright, MissJjyfender V. R. SMITH,. P. M.

"^•If an "employe." of an Easternpupljsltyng company writes you anjee letter and says that the con-cern wyl j>ay you $2 per hundredfgr writing similar letters at home,dojttr#]brte And don't send on $1a$kedfor "material.'.1

—The board of education at

trip to Canton, yesterday

RHODES DAVIS has moved mHaskell house, on Park stieetf

MR HARRY KENDALL ha.s rnqyedfrom Cottage street, to Ulm, street *

Miss HANNAH MOOKEI oi-Cantoh,is the guest of Mrs, Frank O'Bhea,

MR SAMUEL PEMB^RTOIT, of Wad-dington was in Norwood, Saturday

RAY THOJUSON has engaged to runDr. Hakins honk honk, thiai sum,

esff SE^-^R IS showing the n,e>-i

things in summer milhtoeryM K i f B h F

tis showing somestraw fiats sfor ladies

_ p Mar tin, ofMadrid, was^n Norwood, W buW;nesjs, yesterday ' *

Miss TyfATiD wiiL j ^ entertainedsome of <het! college friends frdm -StLaurence, TJniyersify, last Saturdayevening

—New p w eSeave,is's*v

E L, Wh itney HbVse,

—To et best flow mieed * r fJ



merMR LUKE BOYEAR attended &

theatre at Potsdam one night latetweek 7

MR W H WELLS and son, Fred,spent the past week guests, of DanteiButler r

MRS FRED CRONTC and_ ch^tdrenvisited her mother atrecently.

MR T M SPENCER has moved! into Miss Sarah Fletcher s house ObPark street \ „

MR GEORGE FURNESS of Boston,is visiting at Mrs Kathryn Sutherland s ^

MRthe Nhome.

MR JOHN TEBO and family havemoved to JTorwpod from Tupper-

•Esttra copies of Tjttc.3 <5ents. each.. v ;



JOHN MILLER, operator forY C spent some time at his

LakeD J MCCARTHY has improved his

t t dc th fie

efar ojr iwobee^ T?rprk:

tajty of E d. vein, of zinj

ted authotitihas been,to be we

A numboutcropp'evelom^

r 41* >.t . , rt j-jj- J !n4iWf^^pros'-

( palcan be|hortly be1 de

\6naJarge" b6 jt

Niagara Falls recently opened bidsfdr supplying the" sphools with coaland&ll tlie bids, number,were identical The board promptlyreferred the bids to the district at-lowiey of Niagafa county to investi-

,te as to whether an illegal com-ation existed.-Eaton & Brownell, engineers

*^nd architects, with offices in Car*thage, have secured the contract fors,the preliminary work and the sur-vey fo'r the proposed railroad fromBaymondvjUe to^Waddington on the•St Lawrence They will also drawShe plans for a wharf to be oons-

iiejed at Waddington.

^~.An editor, who contracted theihabit of going to church, has this"to Say Ladies should take off theirhats in church. No preacher caninspire a man who is looking into a

as mp sSpring street residence with a finenew piazza. '. *; t;

MR HARRY KENDALL has movedinto the Richard Oakes house, onElm street i

Miss EJIMA CARDINAL IS the nejrnight operator at the Independenttelephone ofhce


mondville, is visiting her son,James, of this place « , „ - » "

DR KISSANE has purchased a 20-foot gasoline launch, and expects tokeep it at Massena ^

Ift&s H Ci f /last week

in? r u g sionds & Co

at f*—Double SJonograni ftloftee costs

moite a.nd is better than any other,\ ^ JOHNp MAdKEY )^ T h ^ produetibn^of. eggs in Ne\£

York ^tajie'isn.ow'a.n average of 240per year for every map, woman andchild % * ,

—Hefgular meeting of, Lyra C h ^rterO % Sj, Wednesday evening,May 2!2d A pleasant social houris anticipated i si

d h t ^ i l l the $100,-J J l d ^ a

—Tofbe in command its isnecessary to be,a ityrattt *• $ s




,— A-dew- ,fa the Henry:

tacii "black and white, at

>is beinfe puttfley residence

misses' 6xf,6tdsi ^ d d

B^itigtpri, Utic^i and New Yoifk paperseveryday a 1wtt™"> - !


There-wag "a, Urge a t t e p t i e j athe meeting ,held in Firemenlis Hall,Friday evemngs JEdr orjgstttiziBijp aJba^d %h,et meei^ng was. cap ttf 6 r ^ rby A^ H Bfickerfeiom who^ on motion,,was made ohatfmari and Haifify J .W h , ^eretary The n^me

for the organization was> l ^H Sfl

by—patches repaired to keep^ljp]

satisfactipng—The steatoerk 1f

ctipn L i ( s

•''"Where /Now"'"d

t —The steatoer i Where /NowWakes 1fouif trips per "day betweenClayto^and Alexandria BayliA j

—Bobkmgs at the1 sttttftrier1

A l d B f thBobkmgs at the s t t t t e r mikej

at Alesjandna Bay for •the cominSeason are said to pe itttusii)artl]# ' \

QMoS^onds^ssiiediOr JJuildmn'ew 6ehodl hbuse, ) Tfie rate oft t 4 $fr 1 i

) T,1is one, 4 per

them \ f

While the egg brougkt in f tidvbl H l l ' h l t

gg gOharleg Hall's henry was large, itfall short m size' when, comparedwith that of Mr Ford, A'pril 166h,by an eighth of an inch

—Welden L o o k i e ^ Gouverneurjth^man, vsrho was shot'in^he somel a t inter and yrhdrA t was ex

~ u i? » \^^ivp year rold Willie ^Gros,sinan>i0f Syracuse,'wanted to bp-a postmanand Scattered amopg'the neighborsa bujxdle of letters that passed between his pare'nt^ before their mar

1?h jfe V Jbh jtween his parent^ before heir marjage 1?he aujfeaors Vere Jbhe onjy,foneam\pleased3

( « V v r f V

^ i ^ M f i "h$&1ed to^taffleJarittB .Aon, outiof *l8,fl00in\l90&, hasarrested m KaW York The pr^son-e'r at fir!p denied ,his identity, anddeclared* etnad, never heapd.-JcifBankeri'Spear "* H r later admitted' afc he had helped to separate

f'romfais $48,000 an^^named

arrived * ?St/Paul last week She came hometo attend to the rebuilding of herresidence,. * MR ANB MRS tc

)d, -and wilt occupyin the & D Eeed

t ^ , vs w ^he slast? winter, and yrhdrA it waspected potlld not recover^ is able to•now. go about in a> wheel chair He*has, not recovered the use of bis


Societies. o f 'S t Law''DFsjtrKjt 'wilF 4&14 theirmeeting at^B^ash^r, ^ - Y ," and 24th, Session t6 begin

j'glpcfe. ^Thpsem,lr iy^d to^at

anquaV corivention of thek S|Ste/I$anker's/ Assooia

,00TJb,e p

ed ,in this' phis accorripnces^have been pub!

^—^The governor has signed theMatthewsi"renovated butter bill,which provides thstj renovated orprocess batter^ when sol,d to thfe

5ts by retailers,^shall beas such by the,m upon Jjhe

_ . — „ . . treasi^rer, and FranK'VSforden, musical director^ t^beirijtnecessary^ jto raise >an amount ofmoney for the1 purpose of defrayinga few necessary expenses, a com-mittee of entertainment was appoint-ed consisting of, Guy JJ, Finch fSttdCharles; Anable, who will at oncearrange for a band benefit ball.Tickets witt be printed and every?qne asked to purchase otie ox more ,and in this way receive something'ih return foit their mon^y "Getyour hand on yotir ipocketboofc and4oriffe ay no V .The lnsjfcun^entatrtraof the ban^ waf arranged ap follows•-,' Charles Anable, clarinet'' Gilbert Simondg, clarinet

A H Nickerson, sola cot.Fi£P Clark first cbrtaet

" Harry Worthing, second ebi*netJJajck. Cummings^piceoloFrank Wprderi* baritone«.Leon, jAusiin, solo altoLawrence McCormick, 1st altqEdso$ Morgan, slide trombone,™" - L~ Barnes, tenor ^

Davis, bass"~ ndh, snare drujta.

raffe;, bass drum "are others desirous of tak-swfio will be provided for

as^soonfas; convenient J -^Tith thismuch abcQpipIished w& outlook* isvery brtght fjar a smart little bandm Norwoods.; i



ing partas^soonf

.marltfed as such by the,m upon #>ewrappers m which the product is

rtd ^ f l y ihs*fegfiHftti«(nwrapp whc-enrtosed formerly gonly'apphed t6 fhe prgwal packagesin, Jyhich tiie^utter was sold bv thema&»factuiferror wholesaler to "theretail dealer \ ^ *

Jop sided aggregation of deadStuffed "weasels, chamelionribbons, beads, sticks,

itraws, corn tassels and thistle'to^n> I t makes a sinner feel lost

MR A N M R S Jreturn to Norwood,the tenant roomsresidence

MR GEORGE ISSHTH has moved $the Norwood Paper Company's houseon Spring street, formerly occupiedby Mr Lewthwaite

t«m will be &lij atHbtelJProni^nacf,Tho>lsaad Islands, Tune 27tltn<and

8ttf*J according to announcement byn d , n

according to announcement byPre,sideat Elh^fit C -MacDougai, dfNew Yorlr City The^copveijtionVill probably continue ov^r Saturflay and Sunday; foljowmg ihe^ 2Sth<and a,number of si^e tuips ate bemg<

Catoon Gtoiitem^ut willMRS NOAH PEARSON Ifeft Sunday; 3Qm thief vear in celebratitisr jthe

for Jamestown, TS Y ,as delegate to I glorious Fourth 61 July,,, Thesethe State Assembly of JE^ebekah^inr -*'-*- * 1—-«---Session to day and to-morrow

MR ANB MAS A $attended the conclaveLawrence Commander;Canton Friday night, igood time



Statt a

ious Fourth 61 July, Thesewo^villages Which h^v? a Tworkmg

agreemgnTt as to celebrating alteri between(th$maelv'es m holding

a ^ day, spoMs and obThis yea'v it beconles

s turn t d ^ t h e h t h

—The j'une meeting o£ Stre4ce County Pomona Grange willbe h^ld at Hammond oh Wednesday^JiineSSth W N Giles, Worthy1 Sec(of N1^Y^StateQrange,fwill be,present and addiess the members both

ta& and evening Theti|dr.woodat 8 25 A srainmond in tame^fpfr ifhe

"mo^nrog aess'ion. The S^ Lawrenee/Jpo lecturers' obnference wiube. lefd th^ fdilowiilg day1 in theHammond grange hall

..4 meeting was held ofCourt Surprise, $fo,"""

at tu ^ ^ p s w iGDuvertfeur,'s 'assistance ana preQe -•» \ H^paratioTosjatready are urider way

OHAH^, J W t i * * B t the? J.TK^#9SOcMion^or thePrdt

The Ogdensburg Agriculturalh l d 'M ann^al meeting,

re-electing W.'# hi

sele.ot the other, -officers,er's repbrt showed re-ffiW to l06 a ^ a


hW of -Wf.«r. "Thea fortbis y|sr^ % are Septv,

tfheSt LiiS^^Distjkion-

past ten days v l s i t i b g ^ |>vo«hur 1M *S? *£?>in New Haven, Conn/f ie also-^6, * ^ L w •itld friends in New York, Boston «*»*««*•and Worcester < ( t

MRS EAsritONB BA»BBB?» ofRosano Mexico, arrived in "wood last week, and will 1

i time here witk herMr and Mrs W T^ Leonard

MB, AiiB MRS B j>, HfflrtiaProvidence, R 1 , formerly bfwood, are attending the; naiconductors convention, beiftgat Memphis, Tent

Wi. "fi^J-rt- "1- *r* O » i vJLk« #JfS

Death, tMeArtjitir1 and Daniel jDomat *o Albany last, week to

the examination for locomotive eigineer^' pap"ersi We understandall successfully passed^

MR H B McO&si'tAsr, oftPhilH"delphia, JS ?fgenm*&nt lorFrank HoltOn & C6manufacturer* of &andwas in Norwood^and attended theif>g in the interest•• G B HoLBftooK, whileloWerlnga.platform in hi* oa»ri»jff «b«4, fi(|tTuesday morning, wet wUhwwWulInjury to hi« ^L^/h.!lP^and cutting t » RfofcX••tidB*M^***g*_der the skillfulphysioian* th«y .Snger from. wapulrtloo.

or hirondack^, adopfe^rfeg the Fuller

e the legisState water

fbres'talso '

ilbtliof the statfe'and to

cfev^lophiefiti f t fott- 1 '*- " • • - - •

• « * ' ' , . . , H ,

J t resojution.ifig the leaish , t

inflation of 115^000 fore%^ \h denuded: areas.

O ft, in Maccabee Pall* Friday• " " " \d& the purpose

„,_ o -^ of, their members,,Christie Cardinal, with & collection.of tk tipl)B8, us'eftiV and <Jr,namentaLMts,; Garainal's houfee and contents,were dtfsiroyect by fire severalWeeks ago Tne Court took thisway of helping'a distressed memberan.d\ fancy that I t is well to belong toa*n organizition '•' that lives upto thre r obligatidns, A. sho^tprogram, was renderbd, after which,

"" T,o every new or old siibscr^ejfwho will pay1 us f l 35 we wilf Jsen,d <,th^ni the NORWOOD NEWS and''Poiiltry Husbandry," one year.$h}S latter is a magazine devoted-' tothe raising of poultry profitably.Also, articles on turk d k ^

S;'" l i v e s t ks o ey s ^

livestock, r bees, p i g e ,

f horticulture, * (Sfo Na

rmer or others interested in the&bovesub]ect should he without thisperiodical Don't wait Send yourmoney right m J

Yours respectfullyS*ai;H & MARTIN


The planing mill of Mr Mertagh,on Duane Bstreet burned yesterdaymorning The loss is reported at$10,000 mim

At The Louisville MillsA Ml and complete stock of all

kinds of mill, feeds, .RecleanedGlobe Grass Seed, Fine Tree BrandClover seed "We have our stock; olSeed Corn in and we ask you to calland. examine same, take a samplehotne and plant it and see that itwjll grow

t f

B w t Jf Cardinal, which


a pnatoour village

our JOQidSt Mft7th %

Eht^dfeathcameki& mtttty f wesds






Mini* Jfawnt

|»pst%Statodard fQrmiiil is the be^t

thft State oftpeo^lv baper^nreach the R F

t> jiuTtJsiBBjibor" the a^y1 it is issuedTbespefcial R F", D edition ot the

jQurnal ismot a niornwg, r ri is thesdme paper tha,t isin Sysacusse ,tha dsy, beforethe,date 1$ cha^0d Friday

May 3 the Pgst Standard,04 with every legitimateps,pe^ ia the wftntry, cona full stOrv of the state sen-

ihoJding SUpennten,_.„ The so dftlledr Syra*nittg Jonrnal of that date,

__ „ ptWmS tH df y betot&i ofcourse did ^ have* word Of itA tumtvg p a p * *h*t 1* unabte to

irtnt 4«w« happening later %%m 3in the ptomaan of the day

Reliable Rug Factory.Send at once Clean, serviceable

and beautiful rugs rewoven fromworn caipets Address for particulars, Wyman Fuller, Norwood, NY , o r W R Loveless, Gen Agt,Tupper Lake, N T_

flay! Say! Buy Coal m Kay,Or at least get your order, entered,

not pn the tablets of yom memorybut on our order book. Once ordered we do the rest J V

imc8>far 41ttfWtf

l r k ) | * yp»y W.OO per yearMadkrd u i w l i

t«o w«ek»r free

For SaleHall tree, center table, piazza

screens, twelve tew lugs and a fewother articles will be sold at a sacrrifice Call at door 4SL, WtotneyHouse"^


Tickets, on sale dto Novi SO Choice of'rod^es.' _,.tailed information of fioket ageuta.

At l^^yinondville,In c h a r g e d 8 3 Bush, Esq*

Mill Feed of all kinds—Grass andClover Seed, Se&a Corn ,


To KentA general store Apply to Mrs.

Anna Blanohard, Brasher Fall* i

ForChoice, youuft dairy oows. Inquiry

ofP J Gumming*, Norwood. i


mm. $ a

.• v • . * • : • »

