This concept refers to the interconnectedness of all systems making up CULTURE.


Transcript of This concept refers to the interconnectedness of all systems making up CULTURE.

This concept refers to the interconnectedness of all systems making up CULTURE

Ecological – referring to ecology, nature

Socio/Economic – refers to society, the economy, social class

Political – referring to politics, government, laws, legislation, constitution, bills

Theological – referring to the church, religious beliefs, sects/cults, religious movements

Physical – physical aspects of culture – soil, water, air vegetation, cityscape, manmade


Ethical – the moral aspect of culture. The idea of right & wrong.

Systems Theory – where no part can work on its own – systems are comprised of people as well as things. One part may positively or negatively disrupt or influence other aspects

a influences b

b influences c

c influences a

a influences c

c influences b

b influences a



Systems are interdependent – each concept/facet within culture performs an intended function, but work together to make the entire system (culture) function properly

A system cannot function if any of the individual parts act alone (culture cannot be looked at, studied, critiqued by looking solely at one aspect – must look at them all and how they work together

To study contemporary culture as a system depends on all its elements working interactively and continuously within a network on interconnectedness

Each aspect is complex, highly differentiated yet depend on all others to work well

We live in an interconnected world and must realize that the parts of a system work together and are dependent upon the success of each component for the good of the whole

With the idea of culture – personal identity, community identity, national identity are rooted in place (physical)

Places/cultures changes depending on economy, complexity of politics

The network of relationships are important when studying culture

Culture is very complex – involves languages, beliefs, institutions, technologies

Beliefs include religious, ideals, attitudes, values, customs, world view

Institutions shape the way people organize the world around them – laws

Culture changes as a result of a variety of human processes

Choose a system and identify which aspects are interdependent:

Watch the video GLOBAL ISSUES: Genocide

Create a definition for Genocide

Identify 3 systems that have broken down to allow for genocide to take place

Genocide is the deliberate destruction, in whole or in part, by a government or its agents, of a racial, sexual, religious, tribal or political minority.

It can involve not only mass murder, but also starvation, forced deportation, and political, economic and biological subjugation.

Genocide involves three major components: ideology, technology, and bureaucracy/organization.