· Th. proposal involves the irrigation ot 23 heotarGs, requiring an annual 240,000 kilolitre. of...

"TO U"rlL.lse -- ---------- ------------- ---------- -------------- --- ( () GO . l

Transcript of  · Th. proposal involves the irrigation ot 23 heotarGs, requiring an annual 240,000 kilolitre. of...

"TO U"rlL.lse ------------------------- ---------------------------

( ()

GO . •


r:lCl':J.i~l. TU U'r'lLISl: T(l,.;r; lJLJlr{ ~HT;A 'l'C I ;.:UO\?,; ALIGt: JP.UN\1J JeL? C(JUtiS};

,. Introduction

'!'he .1\110e :Jprings Golt Courao h.., «Iade &P~;l1oai1on to employ Town Buiu. water in a pro po_al to eras. the cour... .

Th. proposal involves the irrigation ot 23 heotarGs, requiring an annual 240,000 kilolitre. of vater (7.6 litre. per .eoond. a.verage) lIi th a peak d4lfllanQ. ot about 12 11 tree per IlHlCOnd..

·.U tbou«h the Huin 18 oapable of prov1d11lB the re.1U1red. )'ield. IU1d thia Branoh lIOw.d be .,1e ... e4 to ... such a. echeme prooeed. the nece.sar,y oapibl lIfOrks are liJOIIIevhat ~.naiv. and the oost. will be cona1d~rable.

This report dcsorib •• the various alternativ •• opon to tho Club. Upoa ohoioe ot & suitable soh .... this Uranoh would be &01. to provide more comprohen81ve advice in relation to the oonstruct1on and use of borea.

'Before oone1d;ering the 80urse ot water, it is neoes').ary to olarity som. aspects of the lrrla'aUon proposal 1 'i.olf.

Tho pre1imina.r.r suggestion involved a sprini4ins system driven directly by the bore pumps, whioh would operate on a oontinuowsbasia in summer lI'Ioxltho.

Tbepri_01plo ot cont1nuoua w .. ".riD&' sbould be Gppg.ad on the grounds ot Ca) vahr cone.rvatioD obJeo'tivea (b) pl.\bl1c eduo&tit'tI. relaUng to wa~o~ oona.rv$~ionobJ.ctivea and (0) inoonvenience to playors.

Nevenhel ••• , opUllia.tJon ot ~h. auPPll' SYl:lhll will require 2~ur running ot' bore PUll). and. thWJ & etorage tank ot a:;out 600 j. 110li tro, will be Hq.1rod if 'tbe 81at_ iadeveloped. to the st&&;. enviaaged by ~b. club, and wahrlng 18 carried; out only at n1ght. Thh utorage tlLDk . • 81 b. ot lined eQl"th or a, •• l oonatruo't.1on.

Uador tb •• e oircumstance .... ooaplox system will be required if the sprinklei'll are to be drive b;y the lqdraul10 head provided ~ the bUN PUIIIpa. Iutead, it 111 rCtOQllltftt8lldec1 that the bore pumps be •• leoied only ~o teo~th. lJ1;or&88 tanka, while abOofitt\r pump h I.lUlls.d to drive ~h, 8prillklere. This ehoulcl &110v "he uae ot 81.lbaersible pwnpo 1_ the bO"8 inst.ead. ot' abafi-ctr1 ... en puap •• at.& _v1ng 01" tbe order ot $2 000 per bore, OClllpared w11th a oout ot lIOIle $1 000 tor a booab:w pap lubllation. The stol'a.!,e tank and. booster pUllP would be 100at04 near the w.etera boundar,y or tbe course or /lore oentrall,7 it th1a .i,reduced. a 1R0re ettic1en~ fQ'n_.

The intormation below 18 bpedo on ourrent kllbwlod,. of the Uice,';prinp Town lJuin, whioh 1. described at groafier leutrt.h in & roport curL'en'il,y in preparation by thia otfice.

Thetollow1ng constrainta are relevant to1he appl1oat1on. It 1. 1l1lportan~ to stress that wbile tbe basin 18 ourrent.l,Y i"ull and could vi that-and. h1~h ~raoUon rate.. llIari&&_ent flU.t bo (in a 10l1e-'lelW bu18 it all COn8\.1111f):N are to be saUsfiod durilld' dr,y periuds.

<a) Tbe 'sAfe 1'10160' ot the Town .8uln 18 600,000 lcllolitres per yeax-• . ' Tbis allows tOf' the maintenanoe of ~round.water :flow through neavi tree

Oap into tbe Fan A.rea Baetrl, .,

(b) Pumping 1'rom near Heav1iree Oa.p ohould be miniMal ..

(c) A "necUU8" ot the ballin occurs in the area. ot ,1.1108 3prinea HospHal. JUUlu.al. .~raotions frolll either tho north or 80ut.h ot ~hi. point should not exceed 300,000 and )60,000 kilolitre. respectively.

! •


(d) Arter deduotiq the ourrent annUAl extraction rates, plUG a. propo •• d annual Ni thdrawal, 01' 1fO.OOO kiloli.t.re. by t.he COUJ1Cll tor ihe eif1'IJld .... pool COBIpleX and Larapill'ta Park, the 1Ila:x:i.c1.llll supply a.vailable t.o the

. Golf Club 111 )06,000 kilolUre. per lou. which mq COliIpri •• of no 1I0re t::&n 212.000 and ,,4.000 kll01UN8 1'1'011\ t.he no·rt.hern and 80uthem porUoa. 01' the bae1n napecUvely. n 1s therefore apparent that. 'the requirement 01' 240.000 kilolitre. oarmot be draft tl'Olll an.r o.e looalUy.

4. . Grou,ndwntsr Avail.bili tz;

Four areas have been Cluld.ned tor u.e D,.- the aol1" Club and the.e &re

di.cu •• ed below. 'rhe 61'''' are ahown _ t.he attached. akot.ch map.

tq". 1 . (llore 110 aN&) Dore 110 (l.N. 3096) has alw"". beR the lIoa, ef'f1oieJlt. bo",1n the Town Basin, and 1a oapable ot _.e 10 11 t.res per "cond.

Unforiuna;tel,.- 1'\8 uae b7 the Oolr Club C&MOt. be allolfec1 beoa.ueo (a) 1 b proximi ty '\0 H ... vi t.ree c.p lIIOaM that 11. ahould be pumped onl7 w1 th c11ecretion and (b) the Depar .. ent. or COl\st,ruo'Uon maint.ains the bore .. an emergenoy town 1fat.~r supply and. is op~ .. d to ita use IfS,. other purpoaes.

Area 2 (On the bank. 01' the Todd lU. yor t between nenstead and. Bago't Street, preferabl7 on the wes'tern bank). , Thia area iD attract! ve due to U. proJlimUy '\0 t.he course, wo't '\he baa1n 18 not deep in the area Uld t.he bottom one or two &quit.re are· not . pre •• nt. Ii'uMhel'lllOre. 1nt01"lllativn from bV8.Ugll:UU11 bore. 111 .aout,. and the lU'ea 1a not p..-oven.

It. 1a expeot.d that a bore drilled here should yield two 11t~e8 par s.oond iD favourable 'tilles, 'but le,.. than one litre per "ecoad in 1.1 ••• ot droUt,'>'b't. Interference etfecto wo\lld prevent. the Wle 01' more than three, 01' poooibly two boreo. . Po,. pl&M1Jlc pirpoue. it. IIhcNld oDl1 b. expeot.ed t.hat tb.re. bore. are poaaible, produo1nc a mu:1alum 'total U.cba.rce of three 11 t.ru per eeooDd.

Ana 3 (Traet'al' Pa.rlt Area)

Thi. vca 18 loollLtec1 !tore favourably in the buin and U. potential i. bett ... known.· Bore •• 1q be ai tad both in 'l'raep.r P3.J'4( aoo in the Traecar Park ~'r1m1ilX7 ::lohool &1'Ounda.

Careful consideration hae io be given to bore loo&1.10118 1n view or pumping bJ' the COWloil in t.h. SUle are., Gnd acc... tv land would. ha.ve to be obta1ned to .1nstall boreaand pipelinea.

Bore. inc...thi.!JH.are expeoted to pl'Ovid.e at 1eaa" tOUl" 11 tree per . • ecoM in ~nm .. et t~ and. lot lout t.wo 11 be. per seoond in ti.eo ot drought. For planninc purpooe.. U should be allliNllled that each "bore 0&11 produce .. " a IIlaXiala rate of three 11 tree per second.

. Ana 4 (Town ,';.1'011.)

Up to 'three bore. could oe uaed neal' lhe 'rodli, adjacent to 1.h. Illata 'ton area. Bore 62/9 (a.x. (547) oUll 01.". and mq b. available tor u.e. AddiUow aU .. could. be drilled " .. , bore 28 (R.N. 6786), which 1. no longer servioeable, and near Colooag Park.

Ret1oula:Uon from th... a1,ea would 1nvol-ve no bi tumon roads but a oouiderable lentrth or 1'1 -v!l' bed.

Pumping rates can be expeoted. to be .1l1ilar '\0 thDH, in ,-irea 1 and a three 11 trea per 800ond. per bore .a.ximlli should 'be adopted tor plaNdng purpo ••••

The use bJ" t • Club ot 1II0re ~a1I three bores in thilil area would bo 1n.uviaahle, u the Counoil pump. one 'bore nearby (at ... 111. 't'erraoe

~~~ -----~--.----.




-3- .

causeway) and. experienoe twenty yea.ra Bg(J showed. ~h&t interferenco etfect. could be a probl ••

Se".ral p0831b1e flch.e. are l1sted here and their coata ooopared. No allowance has been .acie tOI' atandb,. oa})&o1 i,y: in tile even, ut .. p\llDj) 01" bol". failure in lNIMIer, the 8I'IOut. ot 1rrli'i!ltionwQ"ld be reduoe<t accordingly. On "he other band, each ot t.he ayat._ ahould. be oapable of au.PI,ly1Zlg the Dta't_ dlOuaU ot wahr except duriD8 J'aZ'8 dq ~r10d.8.

In ro.!ll.ity 1t 1D po8e1ble t.hat bol"ell, when dr111ed, will partol'llll better than &llowed for in 'ihie etw.t,;r, at le .. ' ill the abOM 'ena While tb. wat.Ell'"-ta"ble is bigh.Henoe, there 1e aohanoe that aom. oapital expen41 tu.re coul<t be dJ.%'red until adl~li UDnal borea are actually requ1red..

Th. coats given in the seh •• a are bued 011 the rate. 11.ted. beloll, and are only the capital CI08t. inyglv.-4 in reUoula.tiDg the water to the ccurse boundar;y. Tb. addi Uonal coet f4 .. ato~ tank and booater pump should be between $5 000 .a,nd $ 10 000 but would d.epe!ld on the ecal. ot the :r.ra1;em ohosen @d the t,.pe ot tank.

Ratea -Bore, 20 .etra 10" hole &ra.vel packed w1 th

15 metrea ot '"' cuing and 6 .eUe. ot telesoope a1ze aoreeaa

submersible. wlth t1ttlnca. water •• hr and elect-noel reUculaUOI1

l~pe, 4" Asbe.tos C.ent, bui'ied. I~ip., 3" Allboatoa C_ent, buried Pipe, 4!'t Gal vunt •• d Iron, buried

under 'rodd Ri.,..,. Pipe, 3" Oalvani •• d Iron, bv1ed.

undor Todd id-vel" "dill. tioDal cost ot lqing A.bQatoa Cement pipe

under a bitumen road

~ 000

$5/:"oire 14/met.re




For each Qohetle a "eapital oos1; rl\\o", defined u t.ho Qapital. ooot per ldlol1 t%'8 of annual oona.pUon, is ooepu'ied. This is a ailllpl. aUtlMp'i to ompare tl,e al'terna.Uy.a.

'~oheme 5' Jri11 and equip 'three bore. in il.re~ 2. to pump at an average total rate ot illo litre per second. (63,000 kll01Ures per 38ar) peakiq at .) 11 'r.a per sooond in 8WIUIIer montha.

'l'hia IIOh •• MOuld. au.pply only 26;,~ ot the et.li.ted roquirement and oa.p1 tal ooata would. be as follows:

3" Pipeline (300 ~etre. 1no1udinc 100 metre. \Uld.~r 1'1 vel' ) 3 equipped borea

:s 1,700 18.000

;19 700

Capital 008' rat. - 19 700/6) 000 • 0.31

Soh.e Ds :rlll and. equip three bore. 1n A.re& 3, to pl.1li1,P. at an a.ve~ hie ot live lUre. pal" uoond (154 000 kilolitres per year - the aa:daua allowable tl'OllS ihia area) peak1 .. at about e1ght 11 tree per 6GOond ia ausmel" aOl1the. .


Tb1. eoh.e would pZ'Ov1d.e ... 65.1- ot ,he requirement, wUh est1m&ted capital oo.ts aa tollows •

, .

4.1 Pipeline (900 mdru" includ1na' 100 lIte'tN8 under r1 v.r &.\10. 3 road o.t"lJlSadnga)

3 equipped bore.,

Capital eo.~ rat •• 24 700/154 000 • 0.16

$6 700 18 000


!Job'" e I Drill and equip three bore. 1n Area 4. to pwJIp a.t an· avva,se rate ot six 11 tree per aeooDCl l190 000 kllol1 ire. per year) t peak1q a\ about nine 11iree per sec0n4.

'1'h1 B soh.e would eupply 80,4 of the "" .1ftl1leat. Al thou.gh the upper half' ot the baeinooW.d .tdCl .lisht17 .... d.evelopa.a'$ than '*b1.. a reliabl. inol"8aee on the peak ot nin.ll tN8 per HOGnd voul4 1"8qu1,.. an additional bor., whioh wow4 have 10 b. located much fluo1,h.r up­IItreM or in the town area It.elf.


It 18 possible '\hat the three bOr •• oould pl'Ov1<te lU,l"" peak rat •• . than allowed for abov., in which oue a consumption ot up to 212 000

k11ol1 tree pl':r year would b. P4ml1oted.

Bore 62/9 (rt.N. 6547) oan probabl7 be utilised IS8 one or the thN', but U would still b. Jleoesuar.y to .quip the bor.. It roh&bllUat1oa ot the bo", 1 tnlt b required, 1 t wuld be prett:ra.bl. to conlttnlot a ne, bore. li is a.88U1led. 1n 1;he ooot. b.low tha't a n.wbore 1. :re,tulre4 •.

4" r'ipel1l'l.! (1 400 m.'trea, 1Ilcluain&' 4CO lIuatr.ea under river or on reeky b111ai4e) . $ 9 800

.) equipped bores 18 000

$27 eoo

C~pital coat rate. 21 800/190 000 • 0.15

SMeme DJ :1r111 Md equip .) boreo in .\rea 4, u in Gob_. Ct but 'to pump at an average rate of 6.1 litre. pel' second (212 000 kilolitr •• per "3eo.r - the u.xiIllUiD allowable), peak1ng at 9 IUrea per 1iJ&OOnd. Also drill :::.. bore in Ar.a 2, polllIi bly on the ."tern '0_ ot 'lb.. '1'044, to pwup at an &Yerap rat. ot 0.1 11 trea Pt'll' oecond. and .. peak ot one 11 '\re por 8eooDd..

Thi. would pro'f'id.e an. overall a"'rap rate et _ve 11 tree per eeooDd (220 000 kilolitres per Yoal"), ~.ldllg at about 10 111.1'8e per HOOnd. 'l'he 8Ob.. 'Would eaUafy about 90~ ot 'the requ1r.ent, lid th oap! tal

·oo.t. aa follo .. :

Aa tor: ,:;1chcae C 3" Pipel1ne, 50.etre. 1 Equipped Bore

Capital oost rate. 14 000/220 000 • 0.16

$27 800 200


Seh., .Es ':;1'111 and equip .) 'bore. 1& Area 4. .. in 3oh ••. C, but 10 ~p at "an av.~ ra.te ot 6.7 litrea p~ aeoond (212 000 kilolitre. pe%' 7fI'l:I - the .u::141a allowable). peak1%l8' at 9 1U:rea per aeccm4. Alae dr111 a 'bore in A.Na j, to p\1IIp at an aYenee rat_ ot 0.;1 11 tr.. per seoond. aM. a peak of 'th1"M 11 tres per seoond.

. , This sch._ lIhould aormall,r-l' ut1at,y the eatire demand et 240 000 kilolitre. per year w;Uh a peak rate of' 12 lUre. PCill" second.. Capital coat. would be.

, .


Aa tor 3cbor.t8 C 3" Pipeline (700 Iletrf)s. inclUd1~ 100

metre. under r1 vor and 2 road cro.ad.Dt.r.&) 1 Equipped. TIo1'(t

Capi tal ooat rat.. 38 100/240 000 • Q.16

S 27800

4300 6000

$)8 100

Until bores are aotual17 drilled. and. t.heir b,yd.l"aulio oharacteristics dde1'll1J'led. 1 t 18 not po •• U4. to Mlcur.:t.17 ute.ne operaUac cos"s. iV'ihel"lllol'8, it 1Ia;J' be wt .. to clota' the ohoioe ot loc!4t:i.on ot the no rag. ,.. •• rv01r util t.he bo,..s are d.l"111ed.. 80 that t.he ett1018l1o¥ ot the pQllping qat. OM " opUtd,.ed. by d..clan otl'i.1~ain 1on&,h.

Al though the length or a r1a1ng main tl'lAa the ooaf'lwmoe or linea hoa indi vidual bores would. be one or tvo· hund.red metres longer tJ"Oll Area. 4 cOfIIpared w1 th U-e .. 3, 1;he ..t<1i Uonal. head 1080 would be occnpenaated. 07 the hlgher po~enUom.tri.. aurt'aoe a:t Area. 4. '.rheHf'o"" the operaUnc ooat. trea .'I.Z'ea8 l and 4 uould ~ ua.ed equal, for OOIIIpari80ll purpo ....

(la '\he ..... umpUoM 1;hat the boNII Idll need. pumpa et abou.t 2 ldlowatts 0&.fac1t7 while 'the boo ..... r pull}) at the oourq IIl83 req\4h a capa.oi'tJ" et near17 20 klUo_t"s, tOl' a )'i.lcl et 240 000 kUol1 tr •• pero ",ear the aanual power coeta .mould lHt ot the 01'd.or ot···S1 500 tor the bore pwaps (total) and $1 5OOtol' 'tbeboon.r pUIBp.

7. Conclusion! 'P4 Reoa.men4tt1oas

lt1 'l"he 1rr1gaUcD d 'he coul"IIe should be planned on the bad. ot wahring only at D1ght.

1:3. Tb. supply .,.st_ will have 'to be run on a 24 haUl" pel' clair bast •. d~n« peak eOnaQmptioD and ,h.retore a 8torage ot up to 6,,0 Y~lo11trc • .nll be required..

lW The irrigation ehould. be driven by a 'booster p\lfdp, while 'he bore pump. IUte4 only b. deaiped to feed. the storage •

.li4. Al tho.the b .. 1n 18 DDV tull due to abnoJ'll\al .eA80JUI, 'the INPply SJ'st_ .\&et be pla.nne4 in aocozodanos with long 'km management ot the T)funn, and, for the Oolt Club'. ovn protectlOl1, ehould be doaiiPled to pertol'fll in dry years wben the _ter ta.'ble 18 low.

l!l UM or llore 1~ oann ,'t be per .. ,i Ued.

1:£ 'l'he ata.ted requirement ot 240 000 kilolitro. per year tiith a peak ra'. ot 12 litres per oecond oannot bomot froll\ any one area ot the Town Basin.

l:.l 1 ay,.tollt involving; three bores in or ne&!" the To4d adjacent to tho maiD town area is probab17 the moat attJ'a(l1l1" aolution. ;l.t 10ast 80~ ot the stated requir._n" should be aV&11e.ble in lIIO.t yelU'lJ, aDd. tile e.timated. oapital coe' ot boHa. pumps and reUow.IlUon 18 $28 000.

l&. The whole HqU1~8Jlt abould be ob'ta1n&ble b¥ dl"1l1iJ1« a f'our'Ul bON in the Trugar Park U'e&, wi-th addiUoBal oapital corie ot about $10 000. However, thi. plan obould not be ser1o\i8l,. conaidend until the tirat three bore. are oo .. ~ote4 and their oh&racterist1cB aocura~ely d.termined. ~

April 1976