-Si-SSSS-N-r-..- -^^raUr...

Vot- XI-VI M.W-YOKK. SATURDAY JULY 3, I88G PRICE TURKS CEaXTS. .r JUSTICE TO -B-s-AHI- tcxxtm^totoxinxxtaA. _^rr_sssr_ Mr. _rrt_raa torte .."'v'"" Mr. inharaa iowa «"¦*.¦ ¦». - v-...,,,...,.,ml* .¦..¦ r__S_S_fi!U«-* IvW'-v.t''.,.>'ita ."'^¦!'^;1,,t;;n.,,.,i ,)..,,I.m--ii! . ]'r.';,n,1 V(,.r.,,...ir lrl*l ^^irrE^.<^^^^pr.; "T»I*'».¦' ' .¦'-;*J md.-ad l«tl» ha ¦ate anya . tu'uii i.v Mr Fara-ll ¦¦ «" aaa" '¦'¦- l J ._ ., .^ot Hv*_a__ U -^^raUr_nr^r~" -Si-SSSS-N-r-..- . ¦f ';'r:r.¦ i.-~ ¦ ,,,,'u'iL.-- ita Maa ."" .M«^1"" S r^ssissTta- Puritan .*¦.- "Bette U> '"¦»" i" Ma_»1a__. tu WV !, .¦;.,.;.,.., .... -.aniM, - .r.-r. ,,,,,1,1.1.1. in --rt .,..,,;, .i imo Mnryland ti" ;.<. *"-*<'t.".i i:i...*"op,.''*» ' "" 2 IM V,,--ut. 1. vue tno .'un.-, JSta tal ..'-t.ilU.-it >u"i.-M Partita revo ut ons .,.,,. .... ,. ,!'s;,i»i,..i. s-.i tn", altalia rotnlatlon. Ttacraal kaert.u -utan el thia day la tine lo tbe , ,' ... t.e. Cartallc paopla ol IwlamJ v,',,.. | h. t, adopt » v--''y wida* -*.<...'>"-'»¦ .*¦ £».». trna ot Maryland. . "Hut j .i ai.. >...) eel to go ont ol Ireland lot proof. Mr paz m bl e_n-Uenl pamphlet Why Ireland wanta pan six,>-..a..*. Id- qootod Ireland and .r,t taabOf-rtal whan torte t\tt\ot Mar. rte Pi *. tataata Bal orer toDoblln tor nf.-iy from Parllam-ml my lina-in ii. Dahlia D-et-haata rented )Md lu Mt,-, ij -i.-;i houaea t" snell, l il un who Bed from I .. ,' r .-, ui.-i t.: ita) i, and altai tha peri a thru raaari omi.eye- thena back into England. Tai kw nys u al "ri rtoaa oaeaelona u.e- I mb..!:, s had tbo appel .airton natta elmer tajnrad ot billed ana aaa foi i-. .i.-i.iri d-fexaal ham itali own. I By ......,;'.,,r thejrbad ..*¦-)..*) i" be nuttt mi, , -;ll«.tlP C.lUl"alr I'lllI.I ii '-ii' iii I'Dl'lUi } «-»l ** . ol lil'fi'iy i''."ia-ri"ii.e uta m.iu,.-nt , , .. ,. Rnpland aad PcoUand Cartollea wara pre* -,-;es.- to qaote old taite wtan tb re. li ..i rta auteanth and aaveutet il i centuries waa ,(,,.,., .. if debate, the.Cnitj ol Cbriatlan wai .an snd preeiona nerit.ig.- and they who broke it . ,, ...,., ..-, i parse 'ii.i, it _m. ¦>>.! tm- ;>ct. The ui unity mr i u«> paaee al oo realrts and foi inheritance, of poatailty waa Ui<* duty of -ii..os. bul when rte nally waa oace broken tbe .soinlototbls eonl i-i.in anddlrl-lon e.f tl.e 1 ,-. sr.- ii, ai itiii.'.iii.iii iii win.-li ].e*r-»cii;li'ii ta 1 crime. w:,,', i..-., ,s, the milllona ara nneaaaelonaly born Into a .tate ol |rival uri ol wbteb they ure mit tbe an a.-- i.r. ii is a moral ael "f haman liberty lu the naaon, the heart, and the win Porce moy maki elites eui neret c tnetate tall I. a putora and people ol Catholic Ireland are loo ..,,'.! t i-.'ii 'inn ol these trntha to debai tb. . h.-ir iiitii with human cruelties, . level Ireland down le tao massacres of Ctom- il lawi i>.' )i.ade, bnl be Mi-i't" leila "my l i .ate oj. I « III qaote autboritlea Itefore which et cu Mr. Artbui wtl.l I hope, dlcnt Leo XIII oath* lal ol Noremhei leal ri.tiiRBiajd abe aa vin-el* aa ttie wimie t'..tbo!i" ul Ti.' '"Iiurtii, lt la iruo. deems it ,'.*..', u plat-o 'i v.iit is lunns nf Divine *orglai;. ot mo SH'i.e foottn>» rta ..-i.ai. Still lt el-es net nthat .ra who. for the aake of eeeonag soi e pr ii good ur proven I lng soi ie gi i tl evil > low oj -. Indeed rte ehareh rs wont diligent!) te take .-. t!ii' no ona aha ht compelledagaluathlawill to ..- .a I'lin fallb, fi ai Bt I linds i- man aaum t lielleve -¦:..a.-1 sise tnan al :.- "Aftei this ;i i-ii .ri:;, wurth'adding that Ur. Glad- stoic ll lil.' ,iu -'. tutor) Pai din. ui niu establish au) lon. Bul lt must be me Hid with The m. ..." .imy neal .i baud,witl) -. .. with eoTjfliuta in Cai ida and In Nhi ..¦ ire u n aj ea, and oeiia ii reoem Hi "rr I'ltrs. aud b.if.rf. ui. Arthur's letteia in i.'iur-iui rut,, c. I cannot bnt !..< -frtld there may I ... | ni ll.» . ma) be sent ro il, i ol itbo o -i ari ii ijj- Ionia a,.o., ii..". :. ..- aotblug lrom Oattao lia ud. a i I -.7 war du a U to read e.-. .it- ft'iiir md lamb. ..Mr Ai.'a.ii ape abs of bandi ind rrer rt the I in ,it''f' role i s loss nut . to ir... tones I « ....,; >;y . .in i.t ld II bys I English an tatnell anm- !. naen, lu Oovi . Montlally »n * eoun'ry of which the immense majority ue-.tiu-r _eeep.ed the law r -lie fountain lrom ¦ red. ( ...:,. ihsnated, I reg tin I bell . I I a Pitt's* ¦¦.'.'. . i "'-'H ihe I ri ii 'ini- would have bean en- ¦ - 1 toa share lo the Ireland e ahty y< ha en,...:- ¦_. defeated wth every eu istanca of Ini* '.* " ' .'!-i twentj je.r-. oat thi ! " ..,11 WI) . vt mg i. ;. Kll,, . ,n | mmt Ui v Bf M i ..i el aa aaa la bow. Tha Catholiea of ] ' tinea their eouflaeatl uis hi 11 se mui ri land as ikey ho] io-day. rhen waa neTnr ao ainoh .. ay in he,-iui. With ail lu Inetj.iaiitiea, reen andresaUana nationaledneati .. ver so »i.ie. slues . Ireland had never se powerful a ia a, proas >, great a Bo ., ,..,',,, l|l(. '¦. irea of EBglaad, or npon rta pablie onluloa ol 1 Bi tala, or u;...n rta i pei al Part ameni sell has at tu s ,,,.ir. T:.e leuiu.-tiii of CoBBanght haa bacaiaa a ,i-i ji e. Bili lt doea aol iroTern Itaelf aa Enaland ¦'¦'¦-"¦ '¦" Ula adeedrepreaanl ia Hu Imperial bnt aatll "us- iha miaoalty In Ireland -nu au Bagnall .u - . M ,:, Parllameni baadeiaat-doj delayed logtslatioa lealred and demanded ¦ya majority ef the Irish people The tina bas cur.,,, -ben ire aad shall be handed urei ;o .mei', i ue i.e..jae ln.ve _tt_in-j.il tiie i majority, .. Mr. Paraell haa la teed dune- what no otaet maa at- tempted te le ht I rte p me hefoaad raeani Jln k.''" ib* ta«di andintarprau v.- leairaaoftta ¦ cte:,.ru Ue leads, bal the tranafei ol st if gorerame di is not lo P irnell uor io ParneUile-, bm a., sui ber people. i. jjieaa yean ,.r te,-- t-'"': ' ' " ' .'¦" ¦' --i- U anwl i haa baaa apokan, ra,. u kt is wtont baa beaa ¦art thai UazaaraMa baa ban parpatratad. ii 1 Jo m.! gratify lu,.a- who will leltl.er see nor apaah of "n_Ja_«lsebys--_s_h_ei_g.Bon-e| 1 '...¦¦". ¦--- .lai.ds. onai-autesi, eaeeatlalli ,e:, ui,,,-. mat I ..u} ::ii-iu .:¦ eviiioiie tuarn ¦va-euse., ..: a ,, l;,, m .,u., ,h. ^.^ ^ ¦ mu. Ihe tranafer may eaaaa u ba rt Mr. tataall and li.s loilovver*. TMog are t|lft f,ir,yrn m wMk .i"u-l...l,l. lu)-,.,,,, bo,.,. |0 .|j.|r work aua..r-forever,e.i,e.ii',ere,l w!;h Kiatii-1". brit they rr '' 1''1' ¦*. araay aal oi wUeh rtey c-»r,ir . A> Uti ta ls u,s fleut. VI Hui l*.rije:i and bia sin- i -rv aiiie .ie ItSaaats _a»« aeaampUehed CaL never be ic-a-'oite-.. b.i |t uj ir,.Ulia tUM i)y ,fif Cll.tjr(a mm or,,or . or.,i hareelt i-iooiety whtel iprlnga from the son ...d forma itaeii by tbe tillage at tl.e land, trawling Us ^Oiuetuiiiinaua ladasUl sud BBfOMUBg Ha steady rowtaiu haaai.u.ari ...... l)H1J, atlU ctlI ,,,,.., te^'",U."¦' .r>"' ItaHrtlba .»'' "** Md Har, .«_ ana servai,,. lo _t«li et ""lt-Jl ..tataanssa, m.taal tPMitad .om rte pewerrm (,L.iK.e..IMtB> tL., J - tam-. Umxnytm ^ k0^ ortw -JJJ Wta« --j' v., . ,o .y.nme,iic,l,i,dajB'.are if .'e.»ui baa been eaeeked Mttai-oi i-l^^T"-"^.!-:'»'"-I-..".i,m,ir,lanuScoi- ."l-l ove, Ire.aud . ¦'"*-....-. ffea^assjlanlaglatta incut would have been the saruo. The meit tba', bas Lui cheeked ls tbe possession rid citllure of lam,, c which the people have bo.n born and t.i which they will return with tbe love of children foru mother, lt lt la« af natur,* WkJab ls law of OM; Mid thev who fl-ht a_aiu*t il must fall al last, lt **f;>s violated by warfare; .1 most he rev ivor) Ity wise a'.d jtesceful le-ijisUtlo'i. It mar etist uiuen, bot reparation moat)>. mada Repnratlons are always co.illy ami In* volvo '..u»o who are laaooeat of the ancient wren a. In your mateeUe union lliifre ls a central power which binds all vo'ir liberties and ictus- irtlur.-s tnro onet conni, onwealth. Kn_land, Ire- laml and scotland ninst, lu my belief, all alike hare tania rule In eflhlra fiat are not Imperial; bm ¦here ir. an _iuiist sovereignty of a thousand vssrs. the -mre or a WOfid-Wide empire, Btaiidli*_ in the midst of ns. England, Scotland cn I Ireland can be ha-nie 1 ..v.-r ti) 110 mill, nor to no movement; neither can Ibl y wroni; one an nher. nor pm retteis on Ihe Wi'-rlles of any mem¬ ber of oat .r-at imperial oommoa wealth, 'i . sove- rlgnty narr aa all lia parts and will ever res ruin and t.romptiv r. .rcs all excesses uf deleeated power. '. I w lab I eon ld hsv« written von a aborter reply, but on a snider! so near uiy bear! i Hardly know Whan Ot wh'-re to stop. .. Mel eve me a,we,yn faithfully vours. Hi silt EnwAti>,Cardinal Arch'p, Westminster." Artkbixkop't Bonos, July I, ISM 7 HE Ul IS'11 EL Et "Il USS. THE W.\R CARRIED 1X10 ULSTER BBA19 "1" ,'N'oN OAMDIDATBd CO.-TU1 UI>.PHU- ¦IK*-TA\ l-r K'R HOM! BOX, [HT i-ADi.r. rei TIIF. Tlillrt'M.j Copyright; 18861 rTrrfh Smfrlaail (lilli ITltst Co, Im .11 in, July 2..The ret oma oi y estel day and ol to-day Ia a lesset degree, wbartai In Iralaad ot l.a -I.m] uiui .".(-i.tlaiul. oiler iiii hillie .ton of the drift of the cir. Imus fur tiie next few days. At tin- la'd e-i.'.'i. ns rte eighty-four eoaatltuanelea ital roted to .'nv retnrned filly thre-e Tories, thirty l.ilti.riiis and ..lie Kath Ballal If tba Liberal elections go anything like straight for (,1,-id- stone they aught Bo show w.tiu aha drift Will actually be mi Saturday night. nc Nationalists hue roootved to sgt toal t roy «. it la whether they aland a chenno of winning oi not. Tli- ttorel i ot cy inti- baan rendetad expedient byan* .ern] irt ¦] biol Di kmlatolntbe leal Parllai at ta minimize ihe Katloaalial rletory by «¦ st Bing thal every maa who .lid not aotaally go to ibe polis foi Ita Nation* altai eaadtdatea la contaatad Routhera eoteaiitoenelea w.is ,ti r,w.,i to linnie liuie. niitl t'...t in tue (forttai D eon* atitoenelaa lu which lories wara allowed » .albovet without oppoaltloa rta entire population was anti- Nationalist. Tba truth ia tnat In many ot rte eoottape* .e., istei s.-rii- now ni poaaeaalon ni i'u Torlea ;inro ls cot -ul. nu.ie. Natlonallel leaven. In Xotth Amagh, foi Instance, tiie eonatltnency of Muior Baaadataou, lender ol rta Orange Parliamentarians, there ir'- orer 1,800 National solera who wlU i>ol) naora Ihan half what M)im ki.sa.n tt ii; jioii. it thevo wara bo w nteel Bannder- ma would elate In ParUameal ttatall rteae were antl- ii.mu-Kan.-r.s. Kow rta Xntaoiiriiis' voters la eve i-n- stl u nc, in lister and aron in Trinity College will bo ai.'.ni io jiu grata tor.,'. O ir friend- iu America wil] be pleaeed to leam thal ihe Nun m.-I.-rs ara enabled tu pursue ibta eipenahfa but tiis« aad noeeeaajypolloythtoogh r.c magolfaool aid tii- li it i- been ii-.-.drill Tri.in the United --t.tr- -.lice tue iiintoiiit on wus aacouneed. l.-st ciee'tion those -eats w.-ic allowi l tu o> by default through fear ol exhausting tin' finnis, nu Irish Pto* leetani Rome Bole Aeaoetatlon.¦ a body ot patt lotlc Pro te-tuiit Irshmen- landlord!, proiesMonal m.^n, mercbanta and artleana, ate doing splendid aerric« ..i counteracting tue Orange Loyalists. Tho si c.t!.er-. 'hey have sent through __-e_and have dispelled io a great extent tho sr. Brian appreheualona worked up t-j' l bamberlalo. Nation ..it- .a.- un ai.iiis to lint.' Proteatanta nil some of nie tuc "it luuees m rte lilah party and yeaterday a proteatanl il.mc Ruler.-riukertain.wata accepted by (iiifv.tt. ..n ot rte moa* Catholic C3n*titt*noies in ire- l.iii l. I may mention aa an in.-'..'ic- it tbe feeling be¬ tween the creeds In Ireland tbe rblt in atate yeaterday made by do Catholic Piluia'e of al Irol .nd i" congram- late tbe newly created Proi t-nt Bl.ho* "t Dovngnd Connor cn bl-- eleratlon. i: | IS I. Halls '.lint ll'.ra l.ll.ll'll'l a.'' it'll ul th.' tll'.ll-- not any baa clinched tbe universal bcliel in u.e liana:-, farnell did aay, which il.(main nn- -u.-..i. 'liie ciii.*i o' the tereJalloua upon thc roi un- i .ui la thal noLii.lv nutt- -cn.ri-.lv mentions ooerolon aa po rd) la aint rta asu* ,.- hetwrei rory Home Rale aod t'ubL... .... Hu. wfrt land bril favorable to tenant* Howard Vin¬ ci i vlelt to Dublin aa amhaaaajor from tbe Torr Min¬ istry waaaupplemented bya coi suitsuon Lord (anni ron bad with several Irish mem ua here anbae.juenl to r.ii i,el i's conreraatiou with bim, a id thii noa being ger- em it..itsknowledaed thr-.w-. .1.-cr. .in on the utteraneea ol Ballsbm aad ( hi nhill. T. P, GllA. lXUIDEM - OF THE 0NTK8T. Ml:. I'A.,MU. nu:'a i i.m ii rr. M.AD8IONE WISS TWO -; %x$ iv SCOTLA ID. LoxdoV, July 2..Mr. I';.nu !! ivcivcs le-ltcr-s every .ity menaeios bim w.th in' irv o- aasaosina* i "'i in; lua effotta to Ismember rta Empire,'' IL- ..us i,ot. boweva.r, toilette j olioeprotection oroallod public attention to ala p"riio'is position, ile is cscct,'.<! everywhere be coes in bia ca bpaign .iori, by a* body guard ol pei ional fri n la, all ital *. .r: young irishmen, who aay ihey feel peneetly ab.s to lake east of bim and Iii- :is.-!v.'S. s moatdeaperate electoral stm.sie beiwee:* rta atoattea and tue Colonists ended to-day by tb" otter rout ot the latter In the parliamentary dlatrlct koown as the Leith Burghs, Mr. W. Jaoka waa returned torte ¦ sst rui.nun u ii* ¦ regular Liberal byamajorit] of 3,970 In a total poll of 8,840 \nies. IL- opposed rte. Home liuie bili, bu; »_ nevertbeleai eon al lep-.i in vin ci- hie In bia diatrlot, uni wa* ir ..r.i naiad in ina protea' cauvaas as a Unionist to oontioue bli oppoaltloa torte j Premier*! Irlah poUey, ".- .mi s's boatllit) to Mr. ne euaered thousands ol tbe Bcotcbmen "I 1..-HU, bul they lemke.! ni.o'j their oppoaltloa to hun as bepeleaaand wera unable lo ob ain a candidate lo* op- poae bim, ali those mr ed t leal tartan le> oiined to run. i'he Torlea, in ordei to mphasiia tha h.nit art opp 'si lion te ni re a.'¦ i _:.,.,,. ld op] .ad iefi vii** field eleni lo Mr, Jacka so tn it be nii.iit go baas to ihe House of ominoni with a lar.«-!y Increased d dortty, At iio lael ii" allowed by th) .'a-t the Libero! ni.-uia- , 11 s nominate '. Mr. (iladatom sandi- lari-, tbe i re ulet conseauiing, rhua - itilpped, the Ulad- seonites went at then *oik. Thia waa so effective thal v Ja'-k- M-.Mri.'- sears --an.l to-day withdrew trom toe lli-lil, ii-,tviii. iii- I.'1, li membership lo Mr. Ola t waa sleeted with.m. .pitosition. Thia, »ti u but Midlothian diatrlot, a*lv»i th* '*r mler two aeavi In f cot- Ho willa perhapt choose o sit for tha latter aiui select a truatworthy mao toreton^a! Leith, vritn assur- ..II..-.' eil s.'i't est. Mr. Gladstone haa u agra bed aa folIowa to rbotuai ';'("onnur: "I ahall watch your eoiubai in Uvn il with u'." at mteres'. i hope Littorals will vote io a man foi si*i,...-rilot-- tne all impvrti al nu absot dag | a .'j -.f the Govern meat." Mr. Chamberlain writea' . r do nol believe the Tories ara pledge*d to coercion. I believe tue loiy lea 1- i-r-ure wli.inn to .¦> much larther in rte direction ol tocal fovernment lori Ireland Hiin hlitarto." Mr. chamberlain, apaaklng at Btrmtnabam to ni.in, aald they were aaked to trusi rte people hm th« peo- ple were liena, irteked. weuarni'ii: Mr. (;;a.ifioue's itatemeni thai rte ma tea we-e with urn Mr. (Jbamher* laiuaal'lba viii nol b-lieva ibe democraey ba g.ma m i. ile did not Hilt.k ibe people of Kngland oul ol pure gayety ol iie.n t fvo"iii run n va«t risk. Mr. Parnell w.is nuable to »uy tbal tha mongrel eelf-goverameat offered to Ireland would efleel a goal tettlatoent I'-r- iii ii waa a ereator of agitations, ( ..utmu nu. Mr, e.'iiaui- iieriaui declared that the i.-m >eraei "f Kn alee i w.-re ..i, trlttl. Wera 'hey go us lo a lail iiefoie the tUxuer of the assassin i be Baked, wonld iey lot rta aeeptre of do- loll norn llielr |_rii-.. | I'a.tiici BarafleM ami liunh Johnston, the two I'ar nellites who nndertooB toeouteat itt- two seats belong¬ ing io I'ubiiii UniTeralty it.ainst the Righi Uoa> David i'rflukett and Lie Klghl Hon. Hililies Holli,es. both C'ui.seivallves. who lull them In rte last l'ai- nament, and were nominated foi tiiem in the net-., wem ieeir.1 and hooted tu lay win never Ihey weat hy the students of ihe BBlveralty. Thelattet at ena tlaaa aiieinjiieii to in"'' and drive tin- Borne Rulers oat al Ibe district, which l* a ari.nt lory atroiiailndd. Mi. Plunkett, however, prevented the contemplated out- r.ia!'-. The Pataellltoe atood their grouad and matte a plUOky rmi tent, ua!li"t_u lue students ami Tories tiiwartel avery egerton the [ian or tun eaadlda'eete make sjiit-clies by tlro-r.rnij tneir voices with arroans mail Uouu. Mi. I-..1-IL .:'< scarlet _own was Bulled away fi oin him rind thrown to me moll, wno tore it into small pieces. Tba attaeaU threw rouen esxs at John¬ ston an l-aislli I, 1 he uiisci VBllVa Band KU 100 valli iv begged that rte NaMonaltal e:\utinaies bo mveu a fair beartag l Im itadaata. siuariuat " tiod *-av.- rte ts)ueen." kepi uj> an uproar for three boara, Pt nally, by .1 -lo.w of bauds, tim Provoat deelared Woakettaad Holmes eleolad. A pall, however, wea demanded, aad the Pm* TOBI ordered ital a l"'il Lo taken 11. It week. tka lom. ssvs 11 " re juices ii timi tiie tone of John Brlaht'i siieecii la oppoeltl in to .Mr. Uladatoae'a Insu scheme aa linn and nueompromlMag aa the moat ardent l ur'.ir.si cuni.I Issue" < oiitliiulii-, Mr Tunes en ft, .'lhal Mr. Brlght'a very simple alternativn jtroposal wonld anoweraor thal ttio fariieilltes weald asssnt to it. wi- do not armit, bot it is at least intelligible, anti not revolutionary." 1-« ,.. Mi:. (,l.Al).-loM. ami MR, I'AKNI ii. ELECTED. IjiiMmf, JUDC '-. .Ml. (illilletolH- W.le le - t-ie.neil to-day fi um Midlothian, and Mk Parnell and Mi. Maa nea Mealy (ParaaiUto) were re.dect.-i to rejiresenl lurk caj'. 'Jbet- nata not opiiosed. (,l,\l)DK)N'K'.- APPEAL TO wai.ra. London, .Inly -.. Mi. Oladat-Vl- hM i-s*-iit-d ¦ iu latll stu to the Welsh oleOiWO lu win. Ii lie aay lr I un is not the tlrst nor tue ten li. lime that tbe Torlea have reload a ery ol al.trm, au 1 predicts) 1 tne lulu ol ibu l.i_.pir-. Tbey have bren at ll ait their J L'le.it a uu ai'iod measures WOTS, propMQ-d whieh 1 avf made tne ace illustrioiis. The r.-f .rm ol Peril uuonl. th« abolition of Hie ci ru la rs, (,f ..avery, of rellaVtoua MM < of church rates and ot the ir.fi, fhu'reh. the Freed mi ol Burlato law, tbadefeoee of t*nanis" rights ai.d man] more rn 1 me iS'ires -Whieh did they clve yul I Willoi) dbl they not o, pose rind erj dow as Metraotiva of th. oiinsaitiitaiii ami the rt rana, of r, Halon ami prosperity People aey the insh are never eaateat Bot wonk you ooeonteot If ran bad i'i-u oppreeoed aa they havo- Bbovs all. If, arter you had ha vourown I'arllamenl foi BOO yenr*. lt had then been laken away hy a mixture o: violence .md corruption.with a inion widch tl. icraeet rte name of Badland. Thal Par lament Irlabaeahavi ever striven tn eel back. Thev now ..-k. ned for Hie ra l"»al of Hie act of union, 'mi one: lor a subordinate l*-k'i- lalure such as the colonies baie, dive lt lo Momba raiiae lt 's A lust demand. OlTB lt to tli«-in pntmptly sn' graciously, eat warang, aa -tollington wa,te i i_>fon irria tat mr catholic emancipation, io yield under i in 'error of civil war. I .el Halie mi this -real occasion bi worthy of iicrst-i.*. _»- IHE LATEST RETURNS. TOKIf.r, AM) IMMS'isrs JN lill MaWO-.IT. IN HU ki RCnoHl THUa kai: mi l). r.o*i>i)N, July 3..R'-tuni- um to 1 a. m. shoe the election of !'S Tories, lil I'monists, 80 Olad-Wion ami tt Paraelllte a Th-* results of yesterday's BleOtlO) s indic.ile nothini clearly exeepl the close nature of the contest Thi Unionists maintain a lead owin_ to the mun ber returned without opposition. I'.eturns fr., n tho boronga! so far contested show . bal ancn e>f the parties. Maneheotet retuins thre. Qlaaetoalaaa and tlm-e Ualoolate; Liverpool, fou Daloolata and two Gladeteatane; Brtotoi, three Qatoa leta and one (iladsioniaii. and Leadly three (.,,'ads'oi.ian inid two ('monists. Tho only **cotch contest was ti Perth, which returned a (I ladstoulau bv »rmall in.)Jorltv feraehadowiag tho general tendenev in Beotiand. Three London dlViatoBI last Puddin.'ton, N it! Paddtagtoa and lita ""tread. Baan .iver immense ruionist majorities, I'-tiiriiiii., respectively Lord I: ."d' "ii C'liir.-hii!, Mr. 1. I,, Cohen nnd Mr. W, ll. Hrallb. Mr. Gladstone's drnanetaUoa of tlu 1'iilunist candidate at Carlisle produced the roten of tin- clads ionian nominee, but Mr. Callie although oppeaed by the personal laMaaneoa of the Pta inter, raeetoaed at Marrow. A lent ure of ihe election ls tbe jrenera stnailuess of the majoi ll n't. Yor example ^Ir. Armitage, a UladatoOtaa, rsrrlei Weet Bal ferd bj onlv 87 majority, ead ia central l-ec.ii tbe majority of Mr. Balfour. (Jnierntat. was IS. In tin -eolian I division Of Liverpool Mr. I". P. O'Connor'* IUii- Jorlty waa 1,480, A NET TOBY GAIN OF TWO. F.Dili I "i --I \ N Ml MIC Ki nf r.flrl.IAMKVT KI.rCTI I AIt-1 KVilnV- l'I'."M VoTINC. Lo'.ii'iN, July 2,-_Al 9 p. m. fifty-two Con* aervatlvee, tea Unlonleta, eeveateea Oledetoolana and alghl Parnellltea bud beea returned. A feature of t.>-.Iav*s polllog is Ide .rejt Bamber of abstentions. In nearly every case tin- roto! ure greatly redured In number. The Liberals have won sea's In I ast l-eeds, f-outlm. st Mnaetaeteri Berth Maaebeater, and in tho Ezotaaga ' tl-ioii of LIverpOOL The Tortes have won seats In -'¦nth Salford, West Balford, Hereford. Maslin.*, Fal¬ mouth, and Boort Brtatol -a net Tory -sin of two. 'ibe lidi'iilst candidate for .Vewcasl le.iinder-L.vti.e huids hts se.a, Botwlrtatanding frantic al 'rta todefeni him.. Tue L ii lim -it candidate nt Bristol ls eentally aucies-ful. Jacob Bright, a (il idstom ni, brotbef nf John Bright it elected In Manchester. Blr T. ilrnssev, (.ladatoinau, who left Hasting* to contest Liverpool, is defeated. In the dlitrtcts nan)-.I below the Coiiservatlve and Gladstone vote this year ii eomparad wUh Ita Con- lervetlvoand Liberal roto of I885i I.If Ul 'HUI. (IV I1AM.K). i m \ i *»<*>«. Il Halley (C.). 8.9H4 a.700 wau IO.).S.UOS -i.-.tm UVI III-'KiI (kilala 1.1 A I. M-Iiilt'TI. .'i. **. l'..i'.. u.P.iivi'l ( '.) ....8,301 3.0-4 Mr. Nevill m..1...-.1 '.'.17-' I.IVl.U, ..ul (wi -I Ll. 1.1)1 I. loin j. namtlton o.I..l_ 3.-1,4 Mr. Uemphlil <¦.1,06*1 i.ai ni Ri sr. kltn sn*, H'M [..- |b Herve* C.) .1,12- l.lSi Ur. iiooiiffiii. tts BOO i sn m..,i-.. ¦in -'it ii.ui il Bourke IC).I.47J 1,411 Mi iii let ., .... .1,30*1 j.Utj BOBED s,i| ,.\. I W il no '. .2.3.. |,«*2g Ml. .luina i.. i.1,519 l.'.'liO ii 'i in -uk. r*..l. ''ii -',.-. rtaileti io.i.6_. l.a o Ur. nels y ¦¦. i.r;".i -.i ii .. i. mt li'.ft .r."i .'-.¦. :i.'I1') a,o.a tt itathei 0.1.'..il f ¦- abet la Paruna ..t. ( Conaervatlva o.Oied- itonian. ? MB. BRIG Iir_ MAMIIi:**! KB 8PEE.CH. MR. (ilM-i.iMl IM'lnNAV V I'l MIS H.VKI.'Al. MAI RMI V - Ml"! I III" COITRgl . London, .Inly 2..Mr. Giadatoae Ima-. .Mitten :he folio* in.- letter lo .Mr. John lil i.ht I am Burry to be compelled au'aln to ad¬ it.--t you. In your speech at Btnalagbnni r-.u ebarge ma erith avtng aneceoafu lp joneealed n.y ihougbta leal November, Y"ii aught t" mow that thia le net ;t feet, for la reply to athen From whom thia Kruss charge waa mara to be sxpeoted ih.ni from poa, I pointed out ii.u on November '.' I laid niy elector! in ilnburgh that if the iri»li election! went -.m [ex- i.-cied, rte magnitude ol 'ii" subject they would bring oman] would thron all orton lo the rtade, in I that it went down te rta very roots mit foundations of our whole civil and |.olitacal cousll- ut.on. Uo you oow adhere to reur aoeneatioo t Moondi/, yon aay ibat I deasrined a " eoaoptraev " mw !. ii-una: iu Ireland bs marching throngn rapine 0 lucia BP Hie Kingdom, Thal al-o ls ron- rary to f.u t. fi. ls' tiiere was lu my pinion such eeonaplraoy agalnal tue payment of rent ii l iniiu counties, and I »u di m ribed it. lu bj opinion no audi conspiracy now, t.or aaythlag iu tne » wi degree reeembllng lt Von put lp mg month wor is inch, m tue, wo ld be aheolata fa.eehooda, Thirdly, jun i-iiiiva me wllh a wanto! franknc. .iu*e I have uni (de.lari- 11 ie (io vr ii ii .-nt to som'-.ie ll ui te io- tn aitu.ii iii tegai '. .ii .he Lami bill, a charge of uis kind, us iiriw. n old c. »-.i.ma an,i mends, ¦, to satin.e leant, unusual. Evidently you h.ne aol ead 'li* bul "I nv lp .-.-ii m: i, in. log lt, ami joli have ever been concerned lu the practical tf.ua or oi Ul .it and otimplleaiod inhjeria, l.a lundetlon ol your abarae li tb ti on snob a subj cl I ,..> ot. in tin* un.isl of overwhelming wors, formaMt* ai uif/t a new eourae ami methud ol action ntl ot eon. ultim mj eolleagaoe, li mtahi t.uve oeeerrt-u to you rho nut,- in .-ii in iii. cab u.i, thal iucj s eourae on illy tit would uave been mdeeeu and disloyal, sui thai lonld r-ie.ii f prnfer lo hear Bil the char.es ai.d ispieious tv ti ii you uneipeetedly ait- in.- um tu la-t-n 00 me. For you stale tbat .. areconvl oed thal lt la my intention to thrust the and bill tbrnOab Parliament. If I am a man c.i'm- te r sueii intention, I wonder that you ever i....k ofaBoa it,i on.i so Ignoraai of the aptrtt of ar CoiittitUtloB ami so armtrary in .haracier. hough Hus a'i|>e-ais to be your oi'lulou of me, 1 u lani lim,k ,nat oplnlo ls i,.-I.i liv my eoaatry- .n. i ni .|iiuto inn a word in support ymir eii.ii-e, wljii-h ls abfoiiitely lin¬ ne. I.very eau.lid tie will luke Ina own ii w, but I .it:.limy will not fur eco my rl_ht IO niuke nan . U.i rt to aineiid the, .lauaiei-oiis and n. a ilevous lind bili p-saed laat year. I hsva me whal I could io iivoi I a conireversy nu you, ami while you have driven me tu remonstrate '..lust ymir Charges, I ..di .-¦< i abstain lrom «,. nuilee your statement*, erttielama ami ^r.uujents. LORD coi.IN CA.MI'liLi.L-s DIYOBCI BUIT. London, .Inly ii..lu tlrt- divorce caae ol 'Ladj aiii|iiu ii aanlaat her baahead, Lord Cona Caasphall, 'Iii sun of the linke of Ar.-r.s. ttm deleinUut to-day jpiled to ttie Dlveree Court for permission to have r chea iruui tho I'Uiutiiri j.ei.r mi thh paragraph laraine him with "adnltery with peraoaa ankaewa," ne court res.-rve.I .it-clsion ou the prayer for a fart* Kill. si.d In Hie uiealilline erlll r-ad liie altllavils SUI.* Hied bj Lord Collu Camplin,! In bis (T(>Sf-suit lo sun- aiiiiate his ram-i-s lhai Lady Campbell liad nenu ii.ty of adultery willi lin- Dubs nt Marrtoroagh, Chief ira Uommlaalooer Bhaw, amt orton, BBWB NOTL*3 KU".)! LOVDOB. Lo.M'on, July 2. A Cir' tl 1'ini Watson's sprunlni.' milt at Kidder- Ititler were destruyed by lire to-day. Th- I"-s is I'l.i.iiiKi. (jue thousand pareona ira luruwu .ul of em- layaBoat, lin. 'nun* BAAXMDOB BOOTO* The Knsllsh cutter iCbl (ia alva p.assed l.l/.ard Point lo-day n .u.i for paton, --? PIUBCI BBOAIaLB HLK BOLDIBBB lo DUTY. l'Aici.f, .Inly 2..lt io Btatad thal all Frfii«."h iloiiBls aiisenl on s|..-i.ai «..[. .c.! nave been ordered to join their roajlments lorthwith. It ls also reported iel (.eueral oe rta les. Hie military attache nf the reucb embassy ut Vicuna, and who was appointed to tat post for theexpri ss purpose of Madylng Austrian ivairy tactics, baa hoon rooalled to reauiue counuaul of ie troups in me Peagea oo me Oona m froutier. Li i.eral Maossler HM consent*.'., at (iriisial ll..ulaii(er'S .quest, M retain Ibo ollloe of Mi.nary Governor ol ans. -?- HiA'.MIM* Ol' (Altl.K NKWB. Viilg] s. Jinv ..-Advices from li-i.r_.le. thecipitalof pita. «.iy ibat tin* -.rtiau prusauiry generally MO OllBg I ne) refuse to pay this laxes lovied Sluce th<» i,-h.- essful -ar a.aliist Hulaana. aii4 1ll-treattnet.il jue. tors, raelr heetllity to Klag Milaa'o Owveremenl i-ouiiiiuaiiy foiu«iit_Mi ny iiin epawettsea party. Ml Mi ll, July-.-The Cab net. nf wile!; Dr. H.ron J. aa Letali 1'ieside.nt. b-n resIgae4 Iii 111 iv. July I -Lilli'*.' W -illlain has .i Kited ri BOO Ibe town ot Croas' li. I'r.iasia. lo aid ibo pe..pl.- .11 to- MeriUJi Hom lue heavy lussea hf the rttcui slut us. T-SH VICTIMS OF DYNAMITE- ONT.Y B1ULL RI IS OF THB TODIES FOUND. A Biii.niNO hf run ATLANTIC OOMPABT is mok- Bia cm viv. B. A.. BLOWN TO aic-i-. i.nono-ii Lits nf haman boB-taad -trips nf ¦iireaed and tattered leah to Bil two b_ah__ taeketa wers nil rtal Bool 1 he found after T ii I yesterday morn¬ ing in .1 rarefully s. iirched territory a (plaiter of a nillo lo eaten, Bl ten men whoentere.l the niliing-houso of lha A'isntlc Dynsin.te Company's works, about nalfa ¦ le from tiie Village of McCaitiavillc. N. .1.. ten miuutes berorerta*hOOS They had been literally blown otu <>f sici.t tty tue einiusion of the gangerona mattrlala npon which Ihey wire working, and BO oni< rem unod to lon hoar it happened, Tue people of the vicinity1 aro .eemltigly Btapafled by tim horrible occurrence, and tho f millaa ol rta Vtcttiaa can har ,lr realize ihe raddea luss that has befallen them. About fifteen re irs a«-o. when dj nanine was a com¬ paratively new anent, the At.antic Dynamite Company, of which Heart Dinnies, of Han Francisco, ls the preaMeot, purchased a farm of atoni 400 Bcrea near Mei ainsviile in the township of lion-bury, Morris (nuiity, ore-tad tba nneeeaary balMlaga ami began the manufacture of dynamite In a small war under the pate ania af Bahai, the Inventor cf this powerful explosive The business gradually Improved ami tho facilities were extended, until no lest than six'y bundine! had b«en ereot«d on the tract, iiiclildln. iiumeruus anttBlBg htiaBOB. acid and so.ia works, store houses, iiltro-glycerlue factories, nitxliig-lit.iises, a boa factory and au oluco. The mixing house, winch was the scene of the explosion. was rn one-story frame buddina, about IO by 60 feet, pilntcd a grayish blue aud situated in the central Boothera portion of the (-rounds on the side of a gradually sl"plug hllL About Y'lto feet north of the mixing-house and a little further up the hill was a rambling wooden structure, 40 by tn feet in ,iZ)>i ln which charges of tiliro.e-ivrerine were prepped. The large vat lu thia bunding was connected hf a rubber-lined covered trenah with n london tattle, MX foot la dlamoter and five feot deep, in the north end of the mixing house, Into which tlio glycerine was run by tho aid of a slight Btmeai af water, preparatory to tim tl al mixing pu. ess. At the side of the leaden vi sse! were two pans ten feet h. diameter and ono foot in depth, in which Was placed what is known as "dope" -a combination of nitrate of sola, sawdust, wootpulp and other ingredients supposed to be known only to tim nisnuf ac Hirers, The nitro-glycerine ls gradually run Into thee! pans of '. dope " until lt had ali been absorbed, the meu mixing lt thoroughly with wooden hoes and rakes. In this form the dynamite ls loaded on tramway cars ami drawn by mules to the nu nitrous ll.tie packiug-housoa built on the hillside, and Just large enough to contain two men and the articles necessary for their ns.-. II. re tho dynamity* is placed In paper shells an Inch in diameter ami ei_ht Inches long, each weighing atiout eight ounce*, and 100 of tbe cartridges thus formed are packod lu small wooden boxes ready for Bhiaanentj Al 7:18 O'clock yesterday morning Alfred Lovell, the superir.tendeut of tho works, enter.-d the niixinu-hoiise In his usual tour of inspection amt found that the intro glycerine, winch had been prepared U.e night before, was in the leiden tank, aud thal everything waa In readiness fur the men to go to work. Lseavtag the building, he pasted up the hill to th* a.mauro where the glycerin/) is charged, an t while standing near the south end of the building observed tue nine meu employed In the mixing di-p.irtmi-ni inner tho mixing building. Ten minutes later, willie BO was still occupied about tho nltro- glycerine buddlug, ne was startled by a fearful explo- isiou. " For a mollient," said Mr. Lovell in deserl.iii. his sensations. " I did not realr/.e what hal happened. A , feeling of heavy oppression overcame me, and I had to exert myself to collect my thoughts, lt all lubed upou me lu an liistaut, and lookiug in the direction of tba iniiuig-iiousi*, I saw nothing bnl a cloud where a moment in-fore had stood a aahbtaatlal building, ai though I was oaly about 800 feet from the building tn« eoncussiuii dui not su-iii greater thin that made by a -tjoil.hi/.etl cannon. 1 waa mendy Jarred a little." The Itato-.e it the explodou waa heard for a ilia- utme of twenty innes tn all directions; win¬ dow-panes were broken Ul housed five miles sway; and In liaokntcstowu, fourteen innes dlataat, Basho! and doon were considerably Jarred. Nearly every ono Who hoard the explosion Jan ped al oana to tue ennoinaton thal it was in tue dynamite worka and people beana lo gather in crowds. Leery sort of v.-iiit le w n prcill_ Into service and the dusty loads leading to tho Work! we're MOO as alive as a city rtoronghfaro with vagqaa and pedeotnann Tin* ten n.. n killed were .I,--..'; ta tv. oat r. .!. nf Mc 'ali st i'ii'. age thirty four. teav * ai ttrt.- am mit" Inulreli IMY ts. iHBODOBB P., nt ''i'i'iilinvile*, ace tit'cuti-mm* Bt) a ftli>- and Hire.- ch;l li. ii. iu. Btu lin-it.I..ol ii- sin*ville.age twenty-nine! leavea a ttl e and three Chl.tre i. jfif " .. ii tu,.a.-, ol Drakeevlile agi- ntniti Bvej sm.te. I hiv\in. l.'-Kill - uf Mc. -iii-ulir, age thirtj) twoa leave a tvi'i- snd threeriiildren. k:s ()¦ > --i. of r-occaasune.aa*e twenty-two singl*. LAI il.Vd COJIBAD, Ol flt i'.ilusv:|le. age I Henty four single, I.t ut. ll IIimii ol 'dc amsf lal,-, age if ry single. Mii.iu km. ra bum ii. oi iHaocaseaoa. sae twsoty-savaai '.ut's a wit.- and ene child tiru ft-«.'<sold billin. John ll ol Ucl laaaavi ie aga twemv hu single. M,uiirii was nut employed iu tun iiuxiu.-himot and only entered a moment bernie ihe explosion. He rai lu-eii sent Iiy Superintendent Lovell to clean a mu.li¬ ing iii another pert of the grenada and lt is mppoeed that he went into the wuimr-lrouse in search o' a i ['"ii.e. Ihe last person who saw tho victims alive waa the aged father of King, who is fore¬ man af one of the depart men ta. Two minutes before lite shock he left the building, into which he had gone on some trivial errand, to co to the ai'i'l-hoine, .".())) feet southwest or tho mixing-linn*.', to tin a tank with ammonia tor ahlpaaeai to tn, Francisco. When he left the ti""' they- were han! Bl work alli sremed jiai ticiiliirly cheerful. .Mr. Kin.' was ihe one eye- wrtiess el the cxp.utlon, bul even he virtually law Betula*. .' Ail there was of it." be said, "wis a terrific noise, a neat y ciou.i in the strand along ramble, Tbe build- Id. anl all ita run'.nts had disappears I In the cloud. Near ns I was I wss not knacked down and only ff i* ding for a iiioiiunt." The force of the explosion tn ty best be understood when it is said that the wood med lu thc construction of thc house was red nomi to a lae sawdust, and that the laigest piree found was two lucht-s long ai.. a foot wi le, winch had BBOOOM Imbedded lu a ral! way tte. A bool ter weighing futily "'(K) pounds, which had been one ol the foundation stones of the structure, wss thrown B hun¬ dred jania Into the morah below. For one hundred yards to lue south a swath fifty feet wide had bein mowed In a timk grove of jilling willows, birches and alder trees, and for a distance* e>f '.'(»i> yards the trees had been stripped nf leaves aud hark I he only part of the contents of tho building not reduced almost to powder was a small coil of iron iilp'*, whuu waa ia portion of ihe heating system used in winter. The spot Who IO this leaden ket¬ tle coutaiuln. Hf '-', Vu) nouuds of iiltro-glycerine had Blood was marked by a crater twenty-It ve feet an dlam*- ti-r ai.d live led d ep, aud two craters about itveive feel In ili.iiueier ami throe feel deep marked the plaoea where tue mixing pans had been Another large crater a little weet of three la believed to have beea torated _> tho dyuaaiite BO a car ready to lie transferred to a packing-house, flo mule whtOh was i j gran ibis car and the Hoy wno drove him had I narrow rseai-*. 1'nevhai Just ntart.nl lrom the sullies, with tu-- m.un.-house as their aeslinalluu,*when lhe explo¬ sion ot curred. I'he turee of the exp'mun i'i>mi to have been down¬ ward and upward, a supposition vended by th* fact that most of the iinln luateiials which were thrown Into the ur fed directly beek amt are believed to have Oven drawn dowu by tbe vacuum formed. lhe title walls ot ibe soda works bululiug, HOD yards distant Ui Baortheaoterly direction, were forced eat and col¬ lapsed. An employe Bemad Arthur Spoor was in this bunding when ii tell nut escaped unlni'ired, the railers fal-mg lu such a way as lo form an ari li over him. [¦B-OdlBimy B fita h-ar.ug thn explosiou ihr-eighty employes in ula,- paris of the grounds rushed to ita scene aui hogan a search for the remains of Hie vioilms. lue people wuo flucaed lu from the neighborhood joined iu and all day i.mg kept aeott-lM the woods in every dire, lion ll) the hops .if eniver mr some poi- ll.ins or the (.-ii h.alina. The largest pleas round was a thinh-boiin alta, lied to a small portion of a human trunk. A handlea! trunk was foiiud lodgn.1 lu a tren 1,dod feel from the nitro-glycerine tank, lt had struck IM gi.iund wllh Mob force aa to bound un into the lower lir.nn lies of im- tree. 4 tOW lOOt ttom luis a foot .ul., bed to u,e lower half or a tr..utera leg waa picked oul of the thick glass, lhe material coin- posing tho trousers fell to places when lom he.1. A foul encased In a shoe was picked up fully a quarter of a In.le sway. TU* uiuer iwo iiushi-l- of flefh and boos found w.-ie charred and cr i.sn.-.I. l.t-cra of hone were picked up from which l ,e ll. si. had lieen au elli-t.-til.iliy removed as lo leave ttl--nt aerfeetly dry. Tho aaoratara wont ahonl with lin pain alida sharp -petaled alu ks picking ups morsel ot lleaii ben and a lt..ne im-re. These were put 10 a bos end P-POd in lhe cellar of one ol the buildings to await hui lal. The gross weight of the remains Inns far ree-uv- eied will not exceed 'J'*) poonda. J. (_ lluok, a Junien of th* renee living ai gajaaaeanna«nrrlved on the grounds ear), ami si once assumed Uio dulles of a cruller, ile je^aekleil those ant. retted luappear at the oltioet of the c.nan) kliurll) alter noon, and addreSsrU them as f Howl alaving C---H ibfoiuisd of thu s.Uuiity I lute cuiuo hms miner me aninnrlfi vi-stwl In me )iv tiie laws or en- *w'r"i N .w li - lo inaSe certain inquiries and e.i dis. of er if anl blame caa )"¦ aita, lu*.) m thc rompiuiy liam oue pies.ul knows anv reason why Hie company kbonld lie held rek|ionsi tl i" h-uspr-sli new std I wi,I lise* the BCOOI aiy papen BMdeeai lereailtngaa ingnaag No ana venturing lo accuse the com pan y of careless.- neas. oro dering a request thin an Inquest he he'd, the Justice .bolarel that no blame could be attached to th* company and that no pap. rs would he Issued. Thu de. 'sion appeared to bc Matls'acl.u v to the listeners. ."foin- of tl,» victims carnetl a life Insurance, aa th*. entapealee refuse ti. take risks upon persons employed In such li i/ardom work, and tue faiwllres nf the marm d men ate left al¬ most entirely destitute. Their wages were nut large, ranirliiu .'rom il li to *._' 50 a dav. and no ono of timm with the exception nf ll;,,it.eli uad been BfOVtdeel enough to fa vc ant tin nar. The acenee la the nouses o' rteboreafod ran ives wore heartredtogi Mrs. Hankel] loses two broihera, the Loubaeka. and a linabend, and .*> almost distracted. Ad the men are spoken ol ni the htghaal terms by those wno kr aw them. H. s. Pen ni man, theobemtetof the eomp.tny, wis on bte way to New-York when hi wa- intercepted bya ti'lei-r.im a' -uii.nili bui.oiiui- n; (ne O'cMent. and Im¬ mediately rot urned. He could give bo Idee t the noaa nf the i'ii'"... but advanced the theory that som.. man had spilled a drag of nltro-vlycer'ne on the lt..or willie mixing the compound end had exploded it ny itepptag ea it. Ali the employee aeon yeaterday stated that.*..-j pre- eaiiitiuii ls taiUen Iiy ttie company to prereat ec- cl.tents. The ouiy previous explosion whieh hu ever oeoorred ea ihe preottoao was aa May 10, l^T'i, when a uiixin.-'iiruiso was blown up in ibo same wat'. Ar that tune tho hnnt> noaa of tko coos pony waemaek sinaiier than now and only ttvo men were wo king In th' ho ase. Bott were killed. At present about 600,000 poon is of powder ars madoeaoh month, mold ling seven .lades of giant, fool gradee of Judson and two grades .,; Bmatoola powder, the latter having been Invented by ti.e company's chemist. Mr. .mall, or ib Brm of "-'niall .*.¦ B .ruder, at Xo. M_ Broadwar, this city. Benora! ageuts 'ortue a.tanti iCoav pan y, has em-.1 to McCalnsvlIle uitoti r.-ceipt o'news of ths disaster. He onie re 1 Undertaker J. Inrdlui lo nuki arrangements fur tue funeral, nnd to buy a lot In either the Presbyterial o tr.e. afethodlal cemetery as the familial of the victims might llOOt A ni .."Jiity favtired the Methodist ( erne cry. The re natus recov¬ ered will he placed in a li "inls .mo /.luc-lloed collin, upon which will he a pl ati bearing ita BBBBsa el ail the victims wini appropriate Inaorlpttoua. The burial will he made al Kl o'clock this morning, ttl" services to he conducted by tiie Ile". Mr. lu ed, of fie MetLodllt Eploeopal Church. The funeral services will be h'-id In the Methodist (.'lurch Mindaiy afternoon at 9 o'clock, wln-r, the BOT, Mr. Heed and the K.v. Mr. Stoddard, of the I'resh/tertan Church, will deliver Bddreaeee. Ammerman ami Milburn w.-ru members of tim In¬ dependent Order of Odd Kellows and thatoganizntiiui ha* arranged to hold memorial ear* vices in ihe Methodist (burch on Monday morning ni lo o'clock. McCsiosvllie ls a hamlet of about two huudiod inhabi¬ tants near the centre of the towaoblp eif Koxbury, and four miles from Dover, the county .-itt of Morris County. on the Morris and Kssex division of ths Delaware. Lackawanna and Western Hallway. Buccasuona contains atmut 600 )uhai>it.iHts ami Drakesville about 300. Both are In Boxanry Town- siiip, the former about two miles .rom McCitiusvilie sud the latter one mile. PEANE8 IA HIE STAT.. (AMP. TIIK nni'M-MAJii't'-s J iKK.UIOTOL'S ATTACK ON OW* PIOKM OK rill'. Gl'AliD. P_-___skill, July 2..Thc demong of minehiei were let loose in camp last night. There was pinn ty of flin, lt lie.au with the big fat drum-major. He was out late and when he rc urned he could not give the Allard the cuuutersi.n. He tried to push by him,nut tho guard ac*u- rattly pinned lum lu the belt. After gazing at him sadly Ior a moment, the drum-major sighed." I give it uup " . and .hopped helplessly ou the gua l. Tue guard yelled for ihe corporal lo ooiun to bis assistance. it .ten tho corporal arrived the big drum-uia)or reviveeL " I hat de pass vort," ho said, " I vas oniy foolln mit als teller, lt's a pint of oysters," and he swept to his lout in graceful curves, while the corporal aud the guard roared. The password waa "Oyster Point." The dram. major wa- brut on uaviug fun. He called the band to¬ gether aud addressed them: "Say, fellers, le poy- has had all te fun. Maybe it vas stir turn now." He raised lils meei -cl.ama: and the linn ,.;ive first the Ock call, the*i the long roll and ditappoared. The doo- tois and mill,la iu> ii came rushing up and lhere was a iron! hubbub. Itoth regiments show daily improvement in their drill. I'he ifjii did guard duty lo-.tay. Their guard mounting was excellent. Hearten ol the ii'Jd were playing ball and were iideied to stop by in.; senior officer ertha guard, l.i.-.i- teuant William uoedeL They assaulted luau and tore Ula p.iulets from tua should era. l Hey treats i ttejuulor .illcer of (lin xuar.l. l.ieuluuniii J. J. I..f-aau, ... ni the .ame way when ta came to hie aeuler*e eaaletenee. Tue oi.-ts were immediately locked up m the guard-heuae, li.ey will lin si rarely punished, inrec men attempted le ,ve camp. I'jey Were captul'-d and ulajaiul .mo tho aUaru-house a. P. I BORNTON*. i Alli...Il IV albany- Albant, July 2 iSuecial)..Among tho Binny ictivo .ui..') is.s in .I..... iv last wiiii-i wat a, P. Thoras on, who was lo iged lu His Tombs yeaterday uo I ci. a i.e if forgery, kt ihattlieotooeenplodaaulieof tho heat .muna. Hie American Hotel. To-day !¦'. IJ.iu.;o. W. he proprietor ol tiie hotel Wtint, lo Now-\ orb to make charge a.'aintt Thornton. Mi. Babcock indoreed a beeb ot £100 Ior Thornton. The che k tv,is drawn on he Trust a-d Deposit Cooa pony ol Mew-York, ami lt ,aa eas ie.i mi Mr. Uabeook's ladoraement by a local auk. The efceeli went to protest, 'lie Trust and He- -a Cou.panv informing me oorreapundtng naub that o such man had au ut count thora BIMI that uo was hit Dowa. ihoriituu la from ht Lawrenoe County. His ian was to draw a check, or eight draft, and represent linnell un in immediate a ed of money, and to tag io i-ipii.iiiiancii lo indorse the paper at such bank sa Bight e lui- must convenient. Weed Parsons ah Cu., Hie late primers, aro said to nave hoc-u swindled by borotoa. -..so¬ ul:!.ii To TRIAL To AWAIT [IIOU T'lliN i«* Poughkeepsie, July 2.--A writ of hsbeag irpui caun heiuro Jai.e Barnard lo-day. Au. ni a eek nan John Barker, a tann laborer, real estate oner, etc., entered Mary Duran's liquor stoic, and hen ordered ont refused to go. In andOBreft ng to put Im oat Mre. Horan wea kloked v ....u. abe hal hun -rested for- asea iii and bsttery. ka was convicted and ieti *. ">. (rn rnuraday tire, Duran'! physician wained -> t rii-t At t'.ru.-y ila. beti that Mrs. Horan aaa dying mu itt-r "nJurtoOf liaraeY was re.nii.-sio.i, thia niue mi icoharge of assault Ib thu gre! degree. Ulecouueel au., ti mat having been once punished fur tue offence tco'i.d nut lie ermted again. Judge Barnard held i,i.-i u dcclaiou nattered ut ,1 i Ute llaicuiu many yu-tra te thai I..-c.mi.i be. The Judge held Barker to ball to val the ai non of the i,-.md Jury. -n, CAUTION OP HIE ANABCBISI ATTOBNETE Cn AGO, July '2 iSnecittl)..Juilnv limy de¬ led to-day to continue th- cilurt los enc | arors In tho inrohlat caeca tty liuuiiii*. aonrt to*merrow ami Mons V, despite the fact thai Monday ls designated as the itronal huliday. This was agreed to by both tho Mate <l the defence. Hie counsellor Ihe prisoners .row ire cautious as the trial proceeds. I'hoy are rapidly proeebiog their limit Ol peremptory challenges. One lue pape rs to-day pim s interviews with a Bomber of .ii e\r iced. Some of whom state thal they had no aire to servo ou mu Jury, aa ih>-y faarou that they Mild linne muter lin- ti.ni of the Anarchists uud be hjei led io person ii Injury. hmong Mobo examined today was a Blonder ronna in with all-in blonde inuslacue and a sum.unit face. e said thal his iiauie was Orton W, folsom and thal hs me here a year n.-o from hrs lath r's faun, seven.ecu lesoiusidi- of Buffalo. Ono of the An aromet s' counsel ked Mr. l-'.tlsom whelher kc is iciated to Mra.de veland. .answered, "distantly," and tagged al his ii.ual.iuhe, nscioiis that thc eves of everyone lu the Oourt-room .re neut wi, li a eua ions stare ou Iii* youug mau who Hued kinship with the wife cf tko President. He in out twenty-live, ami for lhe last twelve months has en welghiag I.".sat the stock var.is. Mr. i -i som wat allaaged ;.¦ rein,.rm .> oeo-auae hrs uni wee mased, ter qtlltUBg Hie courr-ioom he loll no lime gelling ck io thc yards He was Baked wuat ihe relailoiisblp tween himself ami Mrs. Clevelau.l is, aud answered: 'h, third or fourth eouain." THE PHILADELPHIA BOND BOEEBET, PhiLaDIarni-, Julv 2 (speeitil)..'Yhv new vciopments lu thc '.uud roubery front the Chesapeake d Delowen Genni Company to-day are thal the two pert accountants entrails.I in _olnf ver the bu..ki get .per ami deeper into tue mire of Brooked lUures. They d thin th'- rrrt-.u.arnies date back probably tweuty- e yeats, and lu that Interval thc loan lias been wou- rfti ly tana:.ed. i'reeident (. i.-'iaui said to-day: 'f the enure sum stolen it is probaole that ono half a lo pay interest. The average mamet prico of the rids for years was about 70 per cent of their face lue, so mat lt ts possible thal not more than ?'.' m ch) fssh was ever used hy the iwo meu. lt ls generally ice.led tr.at theatreater part of this was use t hy Les- who was a mau of expensive habits and bad morals." e (iuarautee Company of North America, which was Wilson's bond for s*li),i'<)'), ls a Canadian coners, t if ho ls fo md li- the Dominion he will oe arrested violating his bund. Ho left his wire destitute. TEA .EO ti Al'HW XOTES. A DECISION At* j. I" "S COMMON. :¦,»!..*., Mass, July i. in.- --u 'ream cou ri gave ade- lou lo-day tu Hie still of Attoi iioy-lleiieial .ennui d others aa.-aia.fi tbe City of Koaton lo losiraiu ibeUe- ldanl by a permanent injunction lrom isinoriug the .ylstou-st. sidewalk adjoining tho C'otuiutiu. Ihe url dismissed tho pellli.ui. . BEQUESTS UV MOSS- A. Dow. I...s|,,sf .luiy J -The will of Moses A !>.._ gives to the iw Academy of ram-tuna, N. H., $e.u,.K)t) Tor a periua- nt lund, to the fund of tue Winohnsler Homo lor A.sd mr n, al li u lesli) wu, Tlu,')"", f-iii >,(-)(> Ul private -,urs-.f. The real of his estate he leave* in trust for l widow. The will provides [ur lhe sale of the Waver- llouse lot for uot less than > ni",'..'.), aod of las Hu- lu llaa-uiiiH IO llao hlathest blddoa. iaj-JS HEATS THE RECORD. HAItVARD Baf-HUD FROM THI OUTSET. BOTH CtKWg IV THK. 'VAliflTY mer. NOW IM KI¬ CK LI. VT roKM . thk MrBCTITg pnvi_rjgp_p -DrOKK. (nr ti-t.p.; ri pu t.j run ti.iiii -sk.*" XK'V-LoN'Iie.V, ju|y 2,-Y'lll' hdSWOH th. 'Varsity race, and a premature Fourth of July has sin,e. New-Loadon. The lon., eoneji.frli.g stroke ihat has so o.'teu carrie 1 the ori-n,aa of Har.ord to rtrtorr was wanting lu ibo race this BfleaaaBBBOl ».i» Faulkner stroke iitilowed a splendid vietory to the hine banner of Yale. Hafore tliefir-t I. iir-rn :* -/.ts lrate.lt E nu ip p.ireii'. that ii woe Yale's race. Trie rac was rowel np the river, an.l wind and tide were with the crews. The wster was msooth. and every'hiii. was favor_u.e f ,r t. e eonteet Oo every side are hesrd praises har .. Co " Cook fm- ths manner In WMoO lie has tiro ight 'ho Y.tle cr«w up, and improv *ti t'.e airoke. Au attempt wm made to row the ra-e In the merajon, l»«it the water was too rough, and after ly.ug ou their oars awhile at the gonai starring place up the vir.ii- the crews returned to their gnaitofa. a.'reen.; to walt till 18:90 l). m.. when, if the water wassin.oth-r, tin race should oe started. Bat nt l'J::!) the water wss sill! rough aud little while Cans were) lancing on UhO river's surface down toward thc Navy Yard. Harv ul then agreed that the race should he rowed up the river at 8 o'clock lu tue afternoon. All tho morning collegians and their friends hid hean pouring into New landon by boat aud rall. a special tr..ui of sixteen cars cunio down from .V-w-Haren loaded with Volo men. There was a perceptible increase In Uta red rii.hons se-n In the s'rets. but tho blue predominated, there Beeag at least three blue bad-es lo overy red one. When the nine of starting ttie race diew near, the lung observation lr un w.as loaded tn its utmost cap.city and theshore was thron.ed with epeetnlore. Yachts, rowboat! .-md niiajhaoli an the river wera almost ilafgaaj _*T Tho people BJhe HUI Mem it was the biggest crowd that kee anon aaan aa. boat race herc for several years. At ,1 [( |M ;t .|tU4 steam launch came down the river, lowing the Y.a.e boat. 'IUh boat was taken to a tloat tn iront of ih>. mad utan I snd the crew after some delay gol in. The Ilarvar 1 crew pot into their boat fro their Int.h almui half a mi e up the river and came puiiiug d.iw.i to the start, lue crews were aa follows: iitkistti) rvivnt.irv.il: ay, pei'i't. Wama, .if. Wttght BiSant How .(» rs. Murninni, IQ Ul 1,1 ....J J. Colony, -ii iso &.:.-- 3. J lt. Yo. IBS, .it IT'i Mu i.Y. liemni.ioii, 'll I 8 ... -. .T. P.Bargaea, ai i;i .vin ti.tv. a. nrook*). jr., i >> |.a*i 7.II. W, K.yes. .¦( i,;.s 6U Stroke.j_ A. 1-. renrose, Jr..Ti lei'j BLI Avera/c li 2*a Coiawala.T, Q. Brewan ir., aa Beaten, ia_e -Nivua.-m ck hiv. Position. Nama, Aye. Wtipat. Batons, Boa.R. Appi'ton. .1 1.1 ..h., 2.(no. .rog.-rs. jr., al inn 5..Ps 3. W, M_.-ef.ro.ik Tl lb. us. 4 .W. A. r-tevei|s,.n. lg ]Cn 6 la i.o.w .vo.si-ui*, at los aa tl.A. Cowies, jr. .1 li'<a, pp. 1. (. W. Iiaitii.lco. 'ii iii. t.j titi .--use .fc. L. caldwell, af i.i ti, .. i range lvi)_ (oxstram. ...8, hi. CailwriL is si W. Harem lief.ree.l.oorgs I* Hives, Columbia and Cambridge, England, Judges I.. Ba Sevio :, for Harvird; I'.. J. Cook, for Yale. At iimsh-J. w. Wood, for Harvard; v,'. n. cote, for Yale. Timers.li. M.Cook. for Harv tri; G. X. \,\»e, tor Yale. As the men palled ott ti iou- jerseys .iud lay on their oars,awaitlug the signal ro .tart, lt was haiti to see ans difference la Hie crews. Ruth looked wen knit, ni tanniar amt suii.i. wii *n they hogan In row* nowefoti fie Sd- pertertty of Talawa! apoareat, At 0.89 tha elgaal go was giv.-ii and tho ItaTOggM began. Yale got the water llrst, rowlog a e'.r .gu of thlrtt-llve to tba minute. Harvard started with a * trula* of thirty-sir t.> the atlante, and shot Into Ibo leal. Befotn the ehonta walch greeted this had fairly left th voi foreaa litre t's or thus" who dorotea theirand meneyeethaalaom toh ioo> lag the ertaaaoa tug, it arne apparent thal the advantage woo ii.usury, forttie Yale erew loereeeed their ottehn ha thirty-six to the minute and were equally even with Harrold. As the creara rowed tide bj tde,rnahlag swiftly toward the haU-mtlO tl..', the superior.ty of tho Dook stroke over the pcofleaotoaal lauikuor stroke was apparent to every oin*. Y .ie hal lite Oroleaatd! of 'he river and Harvard l ie Niiw-I.ou- tlori sd*. Holli Clews lind g""t Wa'.'T aud fruui liisi. to last there was bo elemeal of ch mea la tiie r.i. e. Hy tho time the half-mile dag waa roeched tee how u -ii* \ ..e but prejoeta I la fmut af that of Harvar i. Bo hi rewa were rowing thirty-el i stroke* to the mlentOi ont tho atrdkea "f iho New«He?aa men told »¦, mach mure than did the -dr ike* of the m"ii ol Cambridge, thai tic* rn «t ot the two erOWS were iransp. *.¦ i, th II rv.ir lia. n-ri hoenmlag Wno end me Y'.iie owe etfaelag a desire t. paint till.i.'S re 1. Talofa tune to til" liari-'iiie lag tfal two ¦lantee forty-nine noonda, with Harrold Ion iha.i two sec..u. behind. As tba crewe .ebel ap tia* rater t!i»y were greeted wllh canaaa, whlatlecand cheers from tv* .;-e. of yachts anchored on either ^*la or in gooran Prom thoo terrotlon trala oa thoahoreearns a vtst roar of "Bah, rah, ra, Yaae." .-te.idiiy Ibo Y).e huM In¬ creased i:s >.,¦'. rhe whole noe foi tit" Utrrord a»ea lay in their retting a go "l lea l et iii- tm * i, nu i ts tun Bhaaeeelippeuaway wltnttwoni me arta> son winning At tba mlle flog tnei wei iel t * r-tk of open watei between tbe twa. boata. Vam hal li m *t Ita atrobe to 3-1 to tbe lumute, 'mu. ev-ry »tr. ka to. I. itaif.ii tull kopi to it- rid strobe! amt male atrenooni pitons lo elise rhe gap that was opealng Between In abell and lha Y'a e boat. Harvard's time Ot the mile flag Wa! '"tl'i ant *i u i-f was -I. vt. Now Horror agna loi 11 ia md :er of thn Yale boat. Keith r erew opUahod lhe water, aol hot rowi 't a-t tyalematl tally .'» maeic ni ihei ni.--.-u l. a-iuiif lng tha clear water between ibo Hrs..ct ta* Inorieirii Tele'a time ut thu petal waa ci-.t -nd Harvard's? ;.:4. Yale lad bow reduced ito etrefeo lg Sd lo tho aiaoto ead Haraard »u . held to Ha atrofei 'f SB, Thc enthnslasm among Uta f.. vu* of tho Moa was i. iW iHtOUBO and tiu-r rent the air wnh ti.esr shouts. Io iii) lotorrola tho anpporters of Harrard tried to ch-i. bal th..y dui ll Wit neavv hearts. Bo thn two boata weat rapidly to tba « inga Tii»re i::.- in"* w he halt v »r, i.: tba ii trrart crew dh- 'heir l"-»t to cst ti..* is...'., bul thew spurt only resultetl In IOCraBaloo Ya e's ie il. I'- ally . * two-nil''' flag ftas i.'.icrii-ti; Md WOCO ll .* Vela * far in th* lead The Yale crow aa they pieaed tha t'*.. weea only rowing thirty-two etroKo! to th ruinate, mic Harrard atlll held ila atrohi of tbirtp-ots, i.-t.i.ieof Vale st the two-ni ! Hag WOO l'» '. " .""i t...'.t ot II ir- rani 10-M, Thia wada Volo o\.-r Are hoB*>iengt__i alu ail. Harv.ini Btade a trOflaeO I* eltort to ?it)se Hie dlaeenregiag gap an i by » power- ii ipurt sitcce.-'ted Meott-M dowe I ti ahoai iwo iioat-lengths. Their success was ii enough, however, to reanimate Hie dead huies of Barral * ,o -.tc ed mo nee. t. the ^if-mlle flag Yale'a lian wag 13:06 sud Hare ir ts ll. 17-9 Hom Ute ._'__ nil *s flag IO '-he .i ...'- flag lltr- rani still ooatmued lo looroaaa rapt.il] Itt atrehn fun ling np tn 3*< io th* minu'e. Y'a s itsoin reaeadl'O it____> and wont np In St. Harrard crop op le witina less than iwo aengths of ilie Yaie i.o.e'. au t did soma fl.len lld io iv 111 g. Bal the it- Bimbos of llatt *A noie uos xi powerful as tba SH atrukee of X Af the contesting erewa Beared lae mre end " -¦'' ..' mil 'tag. Y.tie rowed nd strokes to the ralaeto, ii.-i-d :>*, th. Kamo sfoke wilU wlici) they had lak lh< IBresHnilO (la*. Yile'sllmeat this nark wis |,:ii, Harvard's w is lSauT1-. rins settled he-tatter, '>..> half a oula reiuaiue.i to r.e rowed and .i «¦.. aimp y Impossible f .r llai vanl iii.tierlaliy to decrease Ibo lead of X nie, lhe Y.tls Clew seemed as fre-h as al thc dari an I oe-ah tn row a Birche of thiriy-ii uo to il minute. Harvard did not ail.-inpt lu incioase its stroke. lt wuull have been useless if they had. Away went tbe Yan- boat to in* rtni-n. and 'and lb* wini ce. rf of iiiousauds came tu a a n r ny lev. n beM lengths. The time cl tne Yale crew was 20:411s Harrard a lime wes -1 .o'' M i'his is the time tha.|.ta- lahen tf-ha MWaaapet nun ou lhe prt-ss bo t, luu nih ijI dii.e nol bein.' giT. n out to the reporters by tho .efereo timekeepers. The BWroepeBdontO of ra- .ions uewapapers here tn BOO tn* races len', in the evening a protest to the cit r-na' BCBBmHlOB ¦egardlhg Hie manner tu which ihey _*re p. .,-* ltd 'lum gottlog tho nflinlBl lima, and th* eraardiagef tue treas l.oal ')y people not coiiuecte 1 witli BOWapnpern i h* itto .rews won. down io the PWgBOl ll 'USO IO the iv u ng to nine and go out of ir.lu.ug. Ice streets ire niiod with eoiieg.i Baan, and 'he air -esounds with luirsiliic dreorackers. t nt suo i.s of riciorioiia Ya.e nnd wiib college son.s. I'o-morrow there sill be a genera, nu ius aud ihe town wii. recover (rom ts anuual deiiriuie. -s>- HKJUlt IN(i IN ..i.--il.\i ESL N'KW-llAYKN>July 2 tSiieet,il. ak'w-Haven lever |aaw isuon a celebration as oe- lurrol here . ti night. Ihe wliolo tsiwa da/.ed wllh red lighia, torchlight processions, tou- lrea and aol apHiHag aanaonadlBg Lie news if the vu-iory arilved here st tl _'», iud Imuiediat'-ty the wildest excitement prevailed. When the spst'lal tram be.trlus' the rictonous erew snd lltetr trisndB roiled into tbe I'epol tully H),iHM) pot/pie pealed them With iilu'ophaul shouts ol victory. Tho lea.uel di woes and eui. lean prufessots helped lo keep rhe hnaflfaa buruinj- andjuiued with buyisn gieo in me Bring "f gutta ana i-rscs..... lt ls eauuialed timi Vale men won ever pit/ti>,t)Ot) vu tue race-

Transcript of -Si-SSSS-N-r-..- -^^raUr...

Page 1: -Si-SSSS-N-r-..- -^^raUr nr^r~chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1886-07-03/ed-1/seq-1.pdfrteeighty-foureoaatltuanelea ital roted to .'nv retnrned filly thre-e Tories, thirty


JUSTICE TO -B-s-AHI-tcxxtm^totoxinxxtaA.


Mr. _rrt_raa torte .."'v'""Mr. inharaa iowa «"¦*.¦ ¦». - v-...,,,...,.,ml*

.¦..¦ r__S_S_fi!U«-*IvW'-v.t''.,.>'ita ."'^¦!'^;1,,t;;n.,,.,i,)..,,I.m--ii! '¦ . ]'r.';,n,1 V(,.r.,,...ir lrl*l^^irrE^.<^^^^pr.;"T»I*'».¦' ' .¦'-;*J md.-ad l«tl» ha¦ate anya

. tu'uii i.v Mr Fara-ll ¦¦ «"aaa" '¦'¦- l J ._ ., .^ot Hv*_a__ U

-^^raUr_nr^r~"-Si-SSSS-N-r-..-.¦f ';'r:r.¦ i.-~ ¦

,,,,'u'iL.-- ita Maa ."" .M«^1""

S r^ssissTta-Puritan .*¦.- "Bette U> '"¦»" i" Ma_»1a__. tu WV

!, .¦;.,.;.,.., .... -.aniM,- .r.-r. ,,,,,1,1.1.1. in --rt

.,..,,;, .i imo Mnryland ti" ;.<. *"-*<'t.".i i:i...*"op,.''*» ' ""

2 IM V,,--ut. 1. vue tno .'un.-,

JSta tal ..'-t.ilU.-it >u"i.-M Partita revo ut ons

.,.,,. .... ,. ,!'s;,i»i,..i. s-.i tn", altalia rotnlatlon.

Ttacraal kaert.u -utan el thia day la tine lo tbe, ,' ... t.e. Cartallc paopla ol IwlamJ

v,',,.. | h. t, adopt » v--''y wida* -*.<...'>"-'»¦ .*¦ £».».trna ot Maryland. .

"Hut j .i ai.. >...) eel to go ont ol Ireland lot proof.Mr paz m bl e_n-Uenl pamphlet Why Ireland wanta

pan six,>-..a..*. Id- qootod Ireland and

.r,t taabOf-rtal whan torte t\tt\ot Mar. rte Pi *.

tataata Bal orer toDoblln tor nf.-iy from Parllam-ml

my lina-in ii. Dahlia D-et-haata rented )Md lu

Mt,-, ij -i.-;i houaea t" snell, l il un who Bed from

I .. ,' r .-, ui.-i t.: ita) i, and altai tha peri a

thru raaari omi.eye- thena back into England. Tai kw

nys u al "ri rtoaa oaeaelona u.e- I mb..!:, s had tbo appel.airton natta elmer tajnrad ot billed ana aaa foi

i-. .i.-i.iri d-fexaal ham itali own. I By......,;'.,,r thejrbad ..*¦-)..*) i" be nuttt mi,

, -;ll«.tlP C.lUl"alr I'lllI.I ii '-ii' iii I'Dl'lUi } «-»l **

. ol lil'fi'iy i''."ia-ri"ii.e uta m.iu,.-nt

, , .. ,. Rnpland aad PcoUand Cartollea wara pre*-,-;es.- to qaote old taite wtan tb

re. li ..i rta auteanth and aaveutet il i centuries waa

,(,,.,., .. if debate, the.Cnitj ol Cbriatlan wai.an snd preeiona nerit.ig.- and they who broke it

. ,, ...,., ..-, i parse 'ii.i, it _m. ¦>>.! tm- ;>ct. Theui unity mr i u«> paaee al oo

realrts and foi inheritance, of poatailty waa Ui<*

duty of -ii..os. bul when rte nally waa oace broken tbe.soinlototbls eonl i-i.in anddlrl-lon e.f tl.e

1 ,-. sr.- ii, ai itiii.'.iii.iii iii win.-li ].e*r-»cii;li'ii ta 1 crime.

w:,,', i..-., ,s, the milllona ara nneaaaelonaly born Into a

.tate ol |rival uri ol wbteb they ure mit tbe ana.-- i.r. ii is a moral ael "f haman liberty lu the

naaon, the heart, and the win Porce moy makielites i» eui neret c tnetate tall I.

a putora and people ol Catholic Ireland are loo..,,'.! t i-.'ii 'inn ol these trntha to debai tb.

. h.-ir iiitii with human cruelties, .

level Ireland down le tao massacres of Ctom-il lawi i>.' )i.ade, bnl

be Mi-i't" leila "my l i .ate oj. I « IIIqaote autboritlea Itefore which et cu Mr. Artbui wtl.l I

hope, dlcnt Leo XIII oath* lal ol Noremhei lealri.tiiRBiajd abeaa vin-el* aa ttie wimie t'..tbo!i"

ulTi.' '"Iiurtii, lt la iruo. deems it ,'.*..', u plat-o

'i v.iit is lunns nf Divine *orglai;. ot mo SH'i.e foottn>»rta ..-i.ai. Still lt el-es net nthat

.ra who. for the aake of eeeonag soi e

pr ii good ur proven Ilng soi ie gi i tl evil > low oj

-. Indeed rte ehareh rs wont diligent!) te take.-. t!ii' no ona aha ht compelledagaluathlawill to

..- .a I'lin fallb, fi ai Bt Ilinds i- man aaum t lielleve -¦:..a.-1 sise tnan al


"Aftei this ;i i-ii .ri:;, wurth'adding that Ur. Glad-stoic ll lil.' ,iu -'. tutor) Pai

din. ui niu establish au) lon. Bul lt must be me

Hid with The m. ..." .imy neal .i baud,witl)-. .. with eoTjfliuta in Cai ida and In Nhi

..¦ ire u n aj ea, and oeiia ii reoemHi "rr I'ltrs. aud b.if.rf. ui. Arthur's letteia

in i.'iur-iui rut,, c. I cannot bnt !..< -frtld there may

I ...| ni ll.». ma) be sent ro il, i ol itbo o

-i ari ii ijj-Ionia a,.o., ii..". :. ..- aotbluglrom Oattao lia ud. a i I -.7 war du a U to reade.-. .it- ft'iiir md lamb...Mr Ai.'a.ii apeabs of bandi ind rrer rt the

I in .¦ ,it''f' role i s loss nut . to ir...

tones I « ....,; >;y ..in i.t ld

IIbys I English an tatnell anm-!. naen, lu Oovi . Montlally »n

* eoun'ry of which the immense majorityue-.tiu-r _eeep.ed the law r -lie fountain lrom

¦red. (...:,. ihsnated,I reg tin I bell .

I I a Pitt's* ¦¦.'.'.. i "'-'H ihe I ri ii 'ini- would have bean en-

¦ - 1 toa share lo theIreland e ahty y< ha en,...:-

¦_. defeated wth every eu istanca of Ini*'.* " ' .'!-i twentj je.r-. oat thi

! "

..,11 WI). vt mg i. ;. Kll,, . ,n | mmt Ui v Bf Mi ..i el aa aaa la bow. Tha Catholiea of ]

' tinea their eouflaeatl uis hi 11 se mui ri

land as ikey ho] io-day. rhen waa neTnr ao ainoh.. ay in he,-iui. With ail lu Inetj.iaiitiea, reenandresaUana nationaledneati .. ver so »i.ie.slues . Ireland had never se powerful a

ia a, proas >, great a Bo ., ,..,',,, l|l(.'¦. irea of EBglaad, or npon rta pablie onluloa ol

1 Bi tala, or u;...n rta i pei al Part ameni sell hasat tu s ,,,.ir. T:.e leuiu.-tiii of CoBBanght haa bacaiaa a

,i-i ji e. Bili lt doea aol iroTern Itaelf aa Enaland¦'¦'¦-"¦ '¦" Ula adeedrepreaanl ia Hu Imperial

bnt aatll "us- iha miaoalty In Ireland-nu au Bagnall .u -

. M ,:, Parllamenibaadeiaat-doj delayed logtslatioa lealred anddemanded¦ya majority ef the Irish people The tina bas cur.,,,-ben ire aad shall be handed urei ;o .mei', i ue i.e..jaeln.ve _tt_in-j.il tiie i majority,

.. Mr. Paraell haa la teed dune- what no otaet maa at-tempted te le ht I rte p me hefoaad raeaniJln k.''" ib* ta«di andintarprau v.- leairaaoftta

¦ cte:,.ru Ue leads, bal the tranafei olst if gorerame di is not lo P irnell uor io ParneUile-, bm

a., sui ber people. i. jjieaa yean ,.r te,--t-'"': ' '

" ' .'¦" ¦' --i- U anwl i haa baaaapokan, ra,. u kt is wtont baa beaa

¦art thai UazaaraMa baa ban parpatratad. ii 1Jo m.! gratify lu,.a- who will leltl.er see nor apaah of"n_Ja_«lsebys--_s_h_ei_g.Bon-e|1 '...¦¦". ¦--- .lai.ds. onai-autesi, eaeeatlalli

.¦ ,e:, ui,,,-. mat I ..u} ::ii-iu .:¦ eviiioiie tuarn¦va-euse., ..: a ,, l;,, m .,u., ,h. ^.^ ^

¦ mu. Ihe tranafer may eaaaa u ba rt Mr. tataall andli.s loilovver*. TMog are t|lft f,ir,yrn m wMk

.i"u-l...l,l. lu)-,.,,,, bo,.,. |0 .|j.|r workaua..r-forever,e.i,e.ii',ere,l w!;h Kiatii-1". brit theyrr '' 1''1' ¦*. araay aal oi wUeh rtey c-»r,ir. A> Uti ta ls u,s fleut. VI Hui l*.rije:i and bia sin-i -rv aiiie .ie ItSaaats _a»« aeaampUehed CaL never beic-a-'oite-.. b.i |t uj ir,.Ulia tUM i)y ,fif Cll.tjr(a mm or,,or. or.,i hareelt i-iooiety whtel iprlnga from the son...d forma itaeii by tbe tillage at tl.e land, trawling Us

^Oiuetuiiiinaua ladasUl sud BBfOMUBg Ha steadyrowtaiu haaai.u.ari ...... l)H1J, atlU ctlI ,,,,..,te^'",U."¦' .r>"' ItaHrtlba

.»'' "** Md Har, .«_ ana servai,,. lo

_t«li et""lt-Jl ..tataanssa, m.taal tPMitad

.om rte pewerrm (,L.iK.e..IMtB> tL., J- tam-. Umxnytm ^ k0^ ortw -JJJWta« --j' v., . ,o .y.nme,iic,l,i,dajB'.areif .'e.»ui baa been eaeeked Mttai-oi

i-l^^T"-"^.!-:'»'"-I-..".i,m,ir,lanuScoi-."l-l ove, Ire.aud. ¦'"*-....-. ffea^assjlanlaglatta

incut would have been the saruo. The meit tba', basLui cheeked ls tbe possession rid citllureof lam,, c which the people have bo.n born andt.i which they will return with tbe love of childrenforu mother, lt lt la« af natur,* WkJab ls law of OM;Mid thev who fl-ht a_aiu*t il must fall al last, lt **f;>sviolated by warfare; .1 most he rev ivor) Ity wise a'.djtesceful le-ijisUtlo'i. It mar etist uiuen, bot reparationmoat)>. mada Repnratlons are always co.illy ami In*volvo '..u»o who are laaooeat of the ancient wren a.In your mateeUe union lliifre ls a central powerwhich binds all vo'ir liberties and ictus-irtlur.-s tnro onet conni, onwealth. Kn_land, Ire-laml and scotland ninst, lu my belief, all alikehare tania rule In eflhlra fiat are not Imperial; bm¦here ir. an _iuiist sovereignty of a thousand vssrs. the-mre or a WOfid-Wideempire, Btaiidli*_ in the midst of

ns. England, Scotland cn I Ireland can be ha-nie 1 ..v.-rti) 110 mill, nor to no movement; neither can Ibl y wroni;one an nher. nor pm retteis on Ihe Wi'-rlles of any mem¬ber of oat .r-at imperial oommoawealth, 'i . sove-rlgnty narr aa all lia parts and will ever res ruin andt.romptiv r. .rcs all excesses uf deleeated power.

'. I w lab I eonld hsv« written von a aborter reply, buton a snider! so near uiy bear! i Hardly know Whan Otwh'-re to stop.

.. Mel eve me a,we,yn faithfully vours.Hi silt EnwAti>,Cardinal Arch'p, Westminster."

Artkbixkop't Bonos, July I, ISM

7HE UlIS'11 EL Et "Il USS.


¦IK*-TA\ l-r K'R HOM! BOX,[HT i-ADi.r. rei TIIF. Tlillrt'M.j

Copyright; 18861 rTrrfh Smfrlaail (lilli ITltst Co,Im .11 in, July 2..The retoma oi yestelday

and ol to-day Ia a lesset degree, wbartai In Iralaad otl.a -I.m] uiui .".(-i.tlaiul. oiler iiii hillie .ton of the drift ofthe cir. Imus fur tiie next few days. At tin- la'd e-i.'.'i. ns

rte eighty-four eoaatltuanelea ital roted to .'nv retnrnedfilly thre-e Tories, thirty l.ilti.riiis and ..lie Kath Ballal Iftba Liberal elections go anything like straight for (,1,-id-

stone they aught Bo show w.tiu aha drift Will actuallybe mi Saturday night.

nc Nationalists hue roootved to sgt toal t roy «. it lawhether they aland a chenno of winning oi not.

Tli- ttorel i ot cy inti- baan rendetad expedient byan*.ern] irt ¦] biol Di kmlatolntbe leal Parllai at taminimize ihe Katloaalial rletory by «¦ st Bing thal everymaa who .lid not aotaally go to ibe polis foi Ita Nation*altai eaadtdatea la contaatad Routhera eoteaiitoeneleaw.is ,ti r,w.,i to linnie liuie. niitl t'...t in tue (forttai D eon*

atitoenelaa lu which lories wara allowed » .albovetwithout oppoaltloa rta entire population was anti-Nationalist. Tba truth ia tnat In many ot rte eoottape*.e., istei s.-rii- now ni poaaeaalon ni i'u Torlea ;inro lscot -ul. nu.ie. Natlonallel leaven. In Xotth Amagh, foiInstance, tiie eonatltnency of Muior Baaadataou, lenderol rta Orange Parliamentarians, there ir'- orer 1,800National solera who wlU i>ol) naora Ihan half whatM)im ki.sa.n tt ii; jioii. it thevo wara bo w nteel Bannder-ma would elate In ParUameal ttatall rteae were antl-ii.mu-Kan.-r.s. Kow rta Xntaoiiriiis' voters la eve i-n-

stl u nc, in lister and aron in Trinity College will bo

ai.'.ni io jiu grata tor.,'.O ir friend- iu America wil] be pleaeed to leam thal ihe

Nun m.-I.-rs ara enabled tu pursue ibta eipenahfa but

tiis« aad noeeeaajypolloythtoogh r.c magolfaool aidtii- li it i- been ii-.-.drill Tri.in the United --t.tr- -.lice tue

iiintoiiit on wus aacouneed.l.-st ciee'tion those -eats w.-ic allowi l tu o> by default

through fear ol exhausting tin' finnis, nu Irish Pto*leetani Rome Bole Aeaoetatlon.¦ a body ot patt lotlc Prote-tuiit Irshmen- landlord!, proiesMonal m.^n, mercbantaand artleana, ate doing splendid aerric« ..i counteractingtue Orange Loyalists. Tho si c.t!.er-. 'hey have sent

through __-e_and have dispelled io a great extent thosr. Brian appreheualona worked up t-j' l bamberlalo.Nation ..it- .a.- un ai.iiis to lint.' Proteatanta nil some ofnie tuc "it luuees m rte lilah party and yeaterday a

proteatanl il.mc Ruler.-riukertain.wata accepted by(iiifv.tt. ..n ot rte moa* Catholic C3n*titt*noies in ire-l.iii l. I may mention aa an in.-'..'ic- it tbe feeling be¬tween the creeds In Ireland tbe rblt in atate yeaterdaymade by do Catholic Piluia'e of al Irol .nd i" congram-late tbe newly created Proi t-nt Bl.ho* "t DovngndConnor cn bl-- eleratlon.

i: | IS I. Halls '.lint ll'.ra l.ll.ll'll'l a.'' it'll ul th.' tll'.ll--not any baa clinched tbe universal bcliel in

u.e liana:-, farnell did aay, which il.(main nn--u.-..i. 'liie ciii.*i o' the tereJalloua upon thc roi

un- i .ui la thal noLii.lv nutt- -cn.ri-.lv mentions ooerolonaa po rd) la aint rta asu* ,.- hetwrei rory Home Rale aod

t'ubL... .... Hu.

wfrt land bril favorable to tenant* Howard Vin¬ci i vlelt to Dublin aa amhaaaajor from tbe Torr Min¬istry waaaupplemented bya coi suitsuon Lord (anniron bad with several Irish mem ua here anbae.juenl tor.ii i,el i's conreraatiou with bim, a id thii noa being ger-em it..itsknowledaed thr-.w-. .1.-cr. .in on the utteraneeaol Ballsbm aad ( hi nhill. T. P, GllA.

lXUIDEM - OF THE 0NTK8T.Ml:. I'A.,MU. nu:'a i i.m ii rr. M.AD8IONE WISS

TWO -; %x$ iv SCOTLA ID.

LoxdoV, July 2..Mr. I';.nu !! ivcivcs le-ltcr-severy .ity menaeios bim w.th in' irv o- aasaosina*i "'i in; lua effotta to Ismember rta Empire,''IL- ..us i,ot. boweva.r, toilette j olioeprotection oroallodpublic attention to ala p"riio'is position, ile is cscct,'.<!

everywhere be coes in bia ca bpaign .iori, by a*bodyguard ol pei ional fri n la, all ital *. .r: young irishmen,who aay ihey feel peneetly ab.s to lake east of bim andIii- :is.-!v.'S.s moatdeaperate electoral stm.sie beiwee:* rta

atoattea and tue Colonists ended to-day by tb" otterrout ot the latter In the parliamentary dlatrlct koownas the Leith Burghs, Mr. W. Jaoka waa returned torte¦ sst rui.nun u ii* ¦ regular Liberal byamajorit] of3,970 In a total poll of 8,840 \nies. IL- opposed rte.Home liuie bili, bu; »_ nevertbeleai eon al lep-.i in vin ci-

hie In bia diatrlot, uni wa* ir ..r.i naiad in ina protea'cauvaas as a Unionist to oontioue bli oppoaltloa torte jPremier*! Irlah poUey, ".- .mi s's boatllit) to Mr.

ne euaered thousands ol tbe Bcotcbmen "I1..-HU, bul they lemke.! ni.o'j their oppoaltloa to hun as

bepeleaaand wera unable lo ob ain a candidate lo*op-poae bim, ali those mr ed t leal tartan le>oiined to run. i'he Torlea, in ordei to mphasiia tha

h.nit art opp 'si lion te ni re a.'¦ i _:.,.,,. ld op].ad iefi vii** field eleni lo Mr, Jacka so

tn it be nii.iit go baas to ihe House ofominoni with a lar.«-!y Increased d dortty,At iio lael ii" allowed by th) .'a-t the Libero! ni.-uia-

, 11 s nominate '. Mr. (iladatom sandi-lari-, tbe i re ulet conseauiing, rhua - itilpped, the Ulad-seonites went at then *oik. Thia waa so effective thalv Ja'-k- M-.Mri.'- sears --an.l to-day withdrew trom toelli-lil, ii-,tviii. iii- I.'1, li membership lo Mr. Olat waa sleeted with.m. .pitosition. Thia, »ti u butMidlothian diatrlot, a*lv»i th* '*r mler two aeavi In fcot-

Ho willa perhapt choose o sit for tha latter aiuiselect a truatworthy mao toreton^a! Leith, vritn assur-..II..-.' eil s.'i't est.Mr. Gladstone haa u agra bed aa folIowa to rbotuai

';'("onnur: "I ahall watch your eoiubai in Uvn ilwith u'." at mteres'. i hope Littorals will vote io a manfoi si*i,...-rilot-- tne all impvrti al nu absot dag | a .'j -.fthe Governmeat."Mr. Chamberlain writea' . r do nol believethe Tories

ara pledge*d to coercion. I believe tue loiy lea 1-i-r-ure wli.inn to .¦> much larther in rte direction oltocal fovernment lori Ireland Hiin hlitarto."Mr. chamberlain, apaaklng at Btrmtnabam to ni.in,aald they were aaked to trusi rte people hm th« peo-ple were liena, irteked. weuarni'ii: Mr. (;;a.ifioue'sitatemeni thai rte ma tea we-e with urn Mr. (Jbamher*laiuaal'lba viii nol b-lieva ibe democraey ba g.mam i. ile did not Hilt.k ibe people of Kngland oul olpure gayety ol iie.n t fvo"iii run n va«t risk. Mr. Parnellw.is nuable to »uy tbal tha mongrel eelf-goverameatoffered to Ireland would efleel a goal tettlatoent I'-r-iii ii waa a ereator of agitations, ( ..utmu nu. Mr, e.'iiaui-iieriaui declared that the i.-m >eraei "f Knalee i w.-re ..i,

trlttl. Wera 'hey go us lo a lail iiefoie the tUxuer of theassassin i be Baked, wonld iey lot rta aeeptre of do-

loll norn llielr |_rii-.. |I'a.tiici BarafleM ami liunh Johnston, the two I'ar

nellites who nndertooB toeouteat itt- two seats belong¬ing io I'ubiiii UniTeralty it.ainst the Righi Uoa>David i'rflukett and Lie Klghl Hon. Hililies Holli,es.both C'ui.seivallves. who lull them In rte last l'ai-nament, and were nominated foi tiiem in the net-.,wem ieeir.1 and hooted tu lay win never Ihey weat hythe students of ihe BBlveralty. Thelattet at ena tlaaaaiieinjiieii to in"'' and drive tin- Borne Rulers oat alIbe district, which l* a ari.nt lory atroiiailndd. Mi.Plunkett, however, prevented the contemplated out-r.ia!'-. The Pataellltoe atood their grouad and matte a

plUOky rmi tent, ua!li"t_u lue students ami Toriestiiwartel avery egerton the [ian or tun eaadlda'eetemake sjiit-clies by tlro-r.rnij tneir voices with arroansmail Uouu. Mi. I-..1-IL .:'< scarlet _own was Bulledaway fi oin him rind thrown to me moll, wno tore it intosmall pieces. Tba attaeaU threw rouen esxs at John¬ston an l-aislli I, 1 he uiisci VBllVa BandKU 100 valli ivbegged that rte NaMonaltal e:\utinaies bo mveu a fairbeartag l Im itadaata. siuariuat " tiod *-av.- rte ts)ueen."kepi uj> an uproar for three boara, Ptnally, by .1 -lo.wof bauds, tim Provoat deelared Woakettaad Holmeseleolad. A pall, however, wea demanded, aad the Pm*TOBI ordered ital a l"'il Lo taken 11. It week.

tka lom. ssvs 11 " re juices ii timi tiie tone of JohnBrlaht'i siieecii la oppoeltl in to .Mr. Uladatoae'a Insuscheme aa linn and nueompromlMag aa the moat ardentl ur'.ir.si cuni.I Issue" < oiitliiulii-, Mr Tunes enft,.'lhal Mr. Brlght'a very simple alternativn jtroposalwonld anoweraor thal ttio fariieilltes weald asssnt toit. wi- do not armit, bot it is at least intelligible, antinot revolutionary."

1-« ,..

Mi:. (,l.Al).-loM. ami MR, I'AKNI ii. ELECTED.IjiiMmf, JUDC '-. .Ml. (illilletolH- W.le le -

t-ie.neil to-day fi um Midlothian, and Mk Parnell andMi. Maanea Mealy (ParaaiUto) were re.dect.-i torejiresenl lurk caj'. 'Jbet- nata not opiiosed.

(,l,\l)DK)N'K'.- APPEAL TO wai.ra.

London, .Inly -.. Mi. Oladat-Vl- hM i-s*-iit-d¦ iu latll stu to the Welsh oleOiWO lu win. Ii lie aay lr

I un is not the tlrst nor tue ten li. lime that tbeTorlea have reload a ery ol al.trm, au 1 predicts) 1 tnelulu ol ibu l.i_.pir-. Tbey have bren at ll ait their J

L'le.it a uu ai'iod measures WOTS, propMQ-d whieh 1 avfmade tne ace illustrioiis. The r.-f .rm ol Peril uuonl. th«abolition of Hie ci ru la rs, (,f ..avery, of rellaVtoua MM <of church rates and ot the ir.fi, fhu'reh. the Freed mi olBurlato law, tbadefeoee of t*nanis" rights ai.d man]more rn 1 me iS'ires -Whieh did they clve yul I Willoi)dbl they not o, pose rind erj dow as Metraotiva of th.oiinsaitiitaiii ami the rtrana, of r, Halon ami prosperityPeople aey the insh are never eaateat Bot wonkyou ooeonteot If ran bad i'i-u oppreeoed aa they havo-Bbovs all. If, arter you had ha vourown I'arllamenl foiBOO yenr*. lt had then been laken away hy a mixture o:violence .md corruption.with a inion widch tl. icraeetrte name of Badland. Thal Par lament Irlabaeahaviever striven tn eel back. Thev now ..-k. ned for Hie ral"»al of Hie act of union, 'mi one: lor a subordinate l*-k'i-lalure such as the colonies baie, dive lt lo Mombaraiiae lt 's A lust demand. OlTB lt to tli«-in pntmptly sn'graciously, eat warang, aa -tollington wa,te i i_>fonirria tat mr catholic emancipation, io yield under i in'error of civil war. I .el Halie mi this -real occasion biworthy of iicrst-i.*.



ki RCnoHl THUa kai: mi l).r.o*i>i)N, July 3..R'-tuni- um to 1 a. m. shoe

the election of !'S Tories, lil I'monists, 80 Olad-Wionami tt Paraelllte a

Th-* results of yesterday's BleOtlO) s indic.ile nothiniclearly exeepl the close nature of the contest ThiUnionists maintain a lead owin_ to the munber returned without opposition. I'.eturns fr., ntho boronga! so far contested show . balancn e>f the parties. Maneheotet retuins thre.Qlaaetoalaaa and tlm-e Ualoolate; Liverpool, fouDaloolata and two Gladeteatane; Brtotoi, three Qatoaleta and one (iladsioniaii. and Leadly three (.,,'ads'oi.ianinid two ('monists. Tho only **cotch contest was tiPerth, which returned a (I ladstoulau bv »rmall in.)Jorltvferaehadowiag tho general tendenev in Beotiand.Three London dlViatoBI last Puddin.'ton, N it!

Paddtagtoa and lita ""tread.Baan .iverimmense ruionist majorities, I'-tiiriiiii., respectivelyLord I: ."d' "ii C'liir.-hii!, Mr. 1. I,, Cohen nnd Mr. W,ll. Hrallb. Mr. Gladstone's drnanetaUoa of tlu1'iilunist candidate at Carlisle produced the rotenof tin- clads ionian nominee, but Mr. Calliealthough oppeaed by the personal laMaaneoa of the Ptainter, raeetoaed at Marrow.A lent ure of ihe election ls tbe jrenera

stnailuess of the majoi ll n't. Yor example^Ir. Armitage, a UladatoOtaa, rsrrleiWeet Balferd bj onlv 87 majority, ead ia central l-ec.iitbe majority of Mr. Balfour. (Jnierntat. was IS. In tin-eolian I division Of Liverpool Mr. I". P. O'Connor'* IUii-Jorlty waa 1,480,

A NET TOBY GAIN OF TWO.F.Dili I "i --I \ N Ml MIC Ki nf r.flrl.IAMKVT KI.rCTI I

AIt-1 KVilnV- l'I'."M VoTINC.

Lo'.ii'iN, July 2,-_Al 9 p. m. fifty-two Con*aervatlvee, tea Unlonleta, eeveateea Oledetoolana andalghl Parnellltea bud beea returned. A feature of t.>-.Iav*spolllog is Ide .rejt Bamber of abstentions. In nearlyevery case tin- roto! ure greatly redured In number.The Liberals have won sea's In I ast l-eeds, f-outlm. st

Mnaetaeteri Berth Maaebeater, and in tho Ezotaaga' tl-ioii of LIverpOOL The Tortes have won seats In-'¦nth Salford, West Balford, Hereford. Maslin.*, Fal¬mouth, and Boort Brtatol -a net Tory -sin of two. 'ibelidi'iilst candidate for .Vewcasl le.iinder-L.vti.e huids htsse.a, Botwlrtatanding frantic al 'rta todefeni him.. TueL ii lim -it candidate nt Bristol ls eentally aucies-ful.Jacob Bright, a (il idstom ni, brotbef nf John Bright itelected In Manchester. Blr T. ilrnssev, (.ladatoinau, wholeft Hasting* to contest Liverpool, is defeated.

In the dlitrtcts nan)-.I below the Coiiservatlve andGladstone vote this year ii eomparad wUh Ita Con-lervetlvoand Liberal roto of I885i

I.If Ul 'HUI. (IV I1AM.K).im\ i *»<*>«.

Il Halley (C.). 8.9H4 a.700wau IO.).S.UOS -i.-.tm

UVI III-'KiI (kilala 1.1 A I. M-Iiilt'TI..'i. **. l'..i'.. u.P.iivi'l ( '.) ....8,3013.0-4Mr. Nevill m..1...-.1 '.'.17-'

I.IVl.U, ..ul (wi -I Ll. 1.1)1 I.

loin j. namtlton o.I..l_ 3.-1,4Mr. Uemphlil <¦.1,06*1 i.ai

ni Ri sr. kltn sn*,H'M [..- |b Herve* C.) .1,12- l.lSiUr. iiooiiffiii. tts BOO

i sn m..,i-..¦in -'it ii.ui il Bourke IC).I.47J1,411Mi iii let ., .... .1,30*1j.Utj

BOBED s,i| ,.\.I W ilno '. .2.3.. |,«*2gMl. .luina i.. i.1,519 l.'.'liO

ii 'i in -uk.r*..l. ''ii -',.-. rtaileti io.i.6_. l.a oUr. nels y ¦¦. i.r;".i

-.i ii .. i.

mt li'.ft .r."i .'-.¦. :i.'I1')a,o.att itathei 0.1.'..il f

¦- abet la Paruna ..t. ( Conaervatlva o.Oied-itonian.


MB. BRIG Iir_ MAMIIi:**! KB 8PEE.CH.MR. (ilM-i.iMl IM'lnNAV V I'l MIS H.VKI.'Al.


London, .Inly 2..Mr. Giadatoae Ima-. .Mitten:he folio* in.- letter lo .Mr. John lil i.ht

I am Burry to be compelled au'aln to ad¬it.--t you. In your speech at Btnalagbnnir-.u ebarge ma erith avtng aneceoafu lpjoneealed n.y ihougbta leal November, Y"ii aught t"mow that thia le net ;t feet, for la reply to athenFrom whom thia Kruss charge waa mara to besxpeoted ih.ni from poa, I pointed outii.u on November '.' I laid niy elector! inilnburgh that if the iri»li election! went -.m [ex-

i.-cied, rte magnitude ol 'ii" subject they would bringoman] would thron all orton lo the rtade,in I that it went down te rta very rootsmit foundations of our whole civil and |.olitacal cousll-ut.on. Uo you oow adhere to reur aoeneatioo t

Moondi/, yon aay ibat I deasrined a " eoaoptraev "

mw !. ii-una: iu Ireland bs marching throngn rapine0 lucia BP Hie Kingdom, Thal al-o ls ron-

rary to f.u t. fi. ls' tiiere was lu mypinion such eeonaplraoy agalnal tue payment of rentii l iniiu counties, and I »u di m ribed it. lu bj opinion

no audi conspiracy now, t.or aaythlag iu tne» wi degree reeembllng lt Von put lp mg month wor isinch, m tue, wo ld be aheolata fa.eehooda,Thirdly, jun i-iiiiva me wllh a wanto! franknc..iu*e I have uni (de.lari- 11 ie (io vr ii ii .-nt to som'-.ie ll ui teio- tn aitu.ii iii tegai '. .ii .he Lami bill, a charge ofuis kind, us iiriw. n old c. »-.i.ma an,i mends,¦, to satin.e leant, unusual. Evidently you h.ne aolead 'li* bul "I nv lp .-.-ii m: i, in. log lt, ami joli haveever been concerned lu the practical tf.ua or

oi Ul .it and otimplleaiod inhjeria, l.alundetlon ol your abarae li tb ti on snob a subj cl I ,..>ot. in tin* un.isl of overwhelming wors, formaMt* aiuif/t a new eourae ami methud ol action ntl ot eon.ultim mj eolleagaoe, li mtahi t.uve oeeerrt-u to yourho nut,- in .-ii in iii. cab u.i, thal iucj s eourae on illytit would uave been mdeeeu and disloyal, sui thailonld r-ie.ii f prnfer lo hear Bil the char.es ai.dispieious tv ti ii you uneipeetedly ait- in.-um tu la-t-n 00 me. For you stale tbat.. areconvl oed thal lt la my intention to thrust theand bill tbrnOab Parliament. If I am a man c.i'm- ter sueii intention, I wonder that you ever i....k ofaBoait,i on.i so Ignoraai of the aptrtt ofar CoiittitUtloB ami so armtrary in .haracier.hough Hus a'i|>e-ais to be your oi'lulou of me, 1u lani lim,k ,nat oplnlo ls i,.-I.i liv my eoaatry-.n. i ni .|iiuto inn a word in support

ymir eii.ii-e, wljii-h ls abfoiiitely lin¬ne. I.very eau.lid tie will luke Ina own

ii w, but I .it:.limy will not fur eco my rl_ht IO niukenan . U.i rt to aineiid the, .lauaiei-oiis and n. a

ilevous lind bili p-saed laat year. I hsvame whal I could io iivoi I a conireversynu you, ami while you have driven me tu remonstrate'..lust ymir Charges, I ..di .-¦< i abstain lrom «,. nuileeyour statement*, erttielama ami ^r.uujents.

LORD coi.IN CA.MI'liLi.L-s DIYOBCI BUIT.London, .Inly ii..lu tlrt- divorce caae ol'Ladj

aiii|iiu ii aanlaat her baahead, Lord Cona Caasphall,'Iii sun of the linke of Ar.-r.s. ttm deleinUut to-dayjpiled to ttie Dlveree Court for permission to haver chea iruui tho I'Uiutiiri j.ei.r mi thh paragraphlaraine him with "adnltery with peraoaa ankaewa,"ne court res.-rve.I .it-clsion ou the prayer for a fart*Kill. si.d In Hie uiealilline erlll r-ad liie altllavils SUI.*Hied bj Lord Collu Camplin,! In bis (T(>Sf-suit lo sun-aiiiiate his ram-i-s lhai Lady Campbell liad nenuii.ty of adultery willi lin- Dubs nt Marrtoroagh, Chiefira Uommlaalooer Bhaw, amt orton,

BBWB NOTL*3 KU".)! LOVDOB.Lo.M'on, July 2.

A Cir' tl 1'ini Watson's sprunlni.' milt at Kidder-Ititler were destruyed by lire to-day. Th- I"-s isI'l.i.iiiKi. (jue thousand pareona ira luruwu .ul of em-

layaBoat,lin. 'nun* BAAXMDOB BOOTO* The Knsllsh cutteriCbl (ia alva p.assed l.l/.ard Point lo-day n .u.i forpaton,



l'Aici.f, .Inly 2..lt io Btatad thal all Frfii«."hiloiiBls aiisenl on s|..-i.ai «..[. .c.! nave been ordered to

join their roajlments lorthwith. It ls also reportediel (.eueral oe rta les. Hie military attache nf thereucb embassy ut Vicuna, and who was appointed to

tat post for theexpri ss purpose of Madylng Austrian

ivairy tactics, baa hoon rooalled to reauiue counuaul ofie troups in me Peagea oo me Oona m froutier.Li i.eral Maossler HM consent*.'., at (iriisial ll..ulaii(er'S.quest, M retain Ibo ollloe of Mi.nary Governor olans.

-?-HiA'.MIM* Ol' (Altl.K NKWB.

Viilg] s. Jinv ..-Advices from li-i.r_.le. thecipitalofpita. «.iy ibat tin* -.rtiau prusauiry generally MOOllBg I ne) refuse to pay this laxes lovied Sluce th<»i,-h.- essful -ar a.aliist Hulaana. aii4 1ll-treattnet.iljue. tors, raelr heetllity to Klag Milaa'o Owveremenli-ouiiiiuaiiy foiu«iit_Mi ny iiin epawettsea party.Ml Mi ll, July-.-The Cab net. nf wile!; Dr. H.ron J.aa Letali 1'ieside.nt. b-n resIgae4Iii 111 iv. July I -Lilli'*.' W -illlain has .i Kited ri BOOIbe town ot Croas' li. I'r.iasia. lo aid ibo pe..pl.- .11 to-

MeriUJi Hom lue heavy lussea hf the rttcui slut us.


Bia cm viv. B. A.. BLOWN TO aic-i-.i.nono-ii Lits nf haman boB-taad -trips nf

¦iireaed and tattered leah to Bil two b_ah__ taeketawers nil rtal Bool 1 he found after T ii I yesterday morn¬ing in .1 rarefully s. iirched territory a (plaiter of a nillolo eaten, Bl ten men whoentere.l the niliing-houso oflha A'isntlc Dynsin.te Company's works, about nalfa¦ le from tiie Village of McCaitiavillc. N. .1.. ten miuutesberorerta*hOOS They had been literally blown otu<>f sici.t tty tue einiusion of the gangerona mattrlalanpon which Ihey wire working, and BO oni< rem unod tolon hoar it happened, Tue people of the vicinity1 aro

.eemltigly Btapafled by tim horrible occurrence, and thof millaa ol rta Vtcttiaa can har ,lr realize ihe raddealuss that has befallen them.About fifteen re irs a«-o. when dj nanine was a com¬

paratively new anent, the At.antic Dynamite Company,of which Heart Dinnies, of Han Francisco, ls thepreaMeot, purchased a farm of atoni 400 Bcrea nearMei ainsviile in the township of lion-bury, Morris(nuiity, ore-tad tba nneeeaary balMlaga ami began themanufacture of dynamite In a small war under the pateania af Bahai, the Inventor cf thispowerful explosive The business graduallyImproved ami tho facilities were extended,until no lest than six'y bundine! had b«en ereot«d onthe tract, iiiclildln. iiumeruus anttBlBg htiaBOB. acid andso.ia works, store houses, iiltro-glycerlue factories,nitxliig-lit.iises, a boa factory and au oluco.The mixing house, winch was the scene of

the explosion. was rn one-story framebuddina, about IO by 60 feet, pilntcd a grayish blueaud situated in the central Boothera portion of the(-rounds on the side of a gradually sl"plug hllL AboutY'lto feet north of the mixing-house and a littlefurther up the hill was a rambling wooden structure,40 by tn feet in ,iZ)>i ln which charges oftiliro.e-ivrerine were prepped. The large vat lu thiabunding was connected hf a rubber-lined covered trenahwith n london tattle, MX foot la dlamoter and five feotdeep, in the north end of the mixing house, Intowhich tlio glycerine was run by tho aid ofa slight Btmeai af water, preparatory totim tl al mixing pu. ess. At the side of the leadenvi sse! were two pans ten feet h. diameter and ono footin depth, in which Was placed what is known as "dope"-a combination of nitrate of sola, sawdust, wootpulpand other ingredients supposed to be known onlyto tim nisnufac Hirers, The nitro-glycerine lsgradually run Into thee! pans of '. dope " until lt hadali been absorbed, the meu mixing lt thoroughly withwooden hoes and rakes. In this form the dynamite lsloaded on tramway cars ami drawn by mulesto the nu nitrous ll.tie packiug-housoa builton the hillside, and Just large enoughto contain two men and the articles necessary for theirns.-. II. re tho dynamity* is placed In paper shells anInch in diameter ami ei_ht Inches long, each weighingatiout eight ounce*, and 100 of tbe cartridges thusformed are packod lu small wooden boxes ready forBhiaanentjAl 7:18 O'clock yesterday morning Alfred Lovell,

the superir.tendeut of tho works, enter.-d theniixinu-hoiise In his usual tour of inspection amtfound that the intro glycerine, winch had beenprepared U.e night before, was in the leiden tank,aud thal everything waa In readiness furthe men to go to work. Lseavtag the building, he pastedup the hill to th* a.mauro where the glycerin/) ischarged, an t while standing near the south end of thebuilding observed tue nine meu employed In the mixingdi-p.irtmi-ni inner tho mixing building. Ten minuteslater, willie BO was still occupied about tho nltro-glycerine buddlug, ne was startled by a fearful explo-

isiou." For a mollient," said Mr. Lovell in deserl.iii. his

sensations. " I did not realr/.e what hal happened. A, feeling of heavy oppression overcame me, and I hadto exert myself to collect my thoughts, lt all lubedupou me lu an liistaut, and lookiug in the direction oftba iniiuig-iiousi*, I saw nothing bnl a cloud where amoment in-fore had stood a aahbtaatlal building, aithough I was oaly about 800 feet from the building tn«eoncussiuii dui not su-iii greater thin that made by a-tjoil.hi/.etl cannon. 1 waa mendy Jarred a little." The

Itato-.e it the explodou waa heard for a ilia-utme of twenty innes tn all directions; win¬dow-panes were broken Ul housed five milessway; and In liaokntcstowu, fourteen innes

dlataat, Basho! and doon were considerably Jarred.Nearly every ono Who hoard the explosion Janped aloana to tue ennoinaton thal it was in tue dynamiteworka and people beana lo gather in crowds. Leerysort of v.-iiit le w n prcill_ Into service and the dustyloads leading to tho Work! we're MOO as alive as a cityrtoronghfaro with vagqaa and pedeotnann Tin* tenn.. n killed were.I,--..'; ta tv. oat r. .!. nf Mc 'ali st i'ii'. age thirty four. teav *

ai ttrt.- am mit" InulreliIMY ts. iHBODOBB P., nt ''i'i'iilinvile*, ace tit'cuti-mm*

Bt) a ftli>- and Hire.- ch;l li. ii.iu. Btu lin-it.I..ol ii- sin*ville.age twenty-nine! leavea

a ttl e and three Chl.tre i.jfif " .. ii tu,.a.-, ol Drakeevlile agi- ntniti Bvej sm.te. Ihiv\in. l.'-Kill - uf Mc. -iii-ulir, age thirtj) twoa leave

a tvi'i- snd threeriiildren.k:s ()¦ > --i. of r-occaasune.aa*e twenty-two singl*.LAI il.Vd COJIBAD, Ol flt i'.ilusv:|le. age I Henty four single,I.t ut. ll IIimii ol 'dc amsf lal,-, age if ry single.Mii.iu km. ra bum ii. oi iHaocaseaoa. sae twsoty-savaai

'.ut's a wit.- and ene child tiru ft-«.'<soldbillin. John ll ol Ucl laaaavi ie aga twemv hu single.M,uiirii was nut employed iu tun iiuxiu.-himot and

only entered a moment bernie ihe explosion. He railu-eii sent Iiy Superintendent Lovell to clean a mu.li¬ing iii another pert of the grenada and lt is mppoeedthat he went into the wuimr-lrouse in search o' a

i ['"ii.e.Ihe last person who saw tho victims alive

waa the aged father of King, who is fore¬man af one of the depart men ta. Twominutes before lite shock he left the building, into

which he had gone on some trivial errand, to co to theai'i'l-hoine, .".())) feet southwest or tho mixing-linn*.', to

tin a tank with ammonia tor ahlpaaeai to tn, Francisco.When he left the ti""' they- were han! Bl work allisremed jiai ticiiliirly cheerful. .Mr. Kin.' was ihe one eye-wrtiess el the cxp.utlon, bul even he virtually lawBetula*.

.' Ail there was of it." be said, "wis a terrific noise,a neat y ciou.i in the strand along ramble, Tbe build-Id. anl all ita run'.nts had disappears I In the cloud.Near ns I was I wss not knacked down and only ff i*

ding for a iiioiiunt."The force of the explosion tn ty best be understood

when it is said that the wood med lu thc construction

of thc house was red nomi to a lae sawdust, and that thelaigest piree found was two lucht-s long ai.. a foot wi le,winch had BBOOOM Imbedded lu a ral! way tte. A bool terweighing futily "'(K) pounds, which had been one ol thefoundation stones of the structure, wss thrown B hun¬dred jania Into the morah below. For one hundred

yards to lue south a swath fifty feet wide

had bein mowed In a timk grove of

jilling willows, birches and alder trees, and

for a distance* e>f '.'(»i> yards the trees had been strippednf leaves aud hark I he only part of the contents oftho building not reduced almost to powder was a small

coil of iron iilp'*, whuu waa ia portion of ihe heating

system used in winter. The spot Who IO this leaden ket¬tle coutaiuln. Hf '-', Vu) nouuds of iiltro-glycerine had

Blood was marked by a crater twenty-It ve feet an dlam*-

ti-r ai.d live led d ep, aud two craters about itveive

feel In ili.iiueier ami throe feel deep marked the plaoeawhere tue mixing pans had been Another large crater

a little weet of three la believed to have beea torated_> tho dyuaaiite BO a car ready to lie

transferred to a packing-house, flo mule whtOh was i j

gran ibis car and the Hoy wno drove him had I narrowrseai-*. 1'nevhai Just ntart.nl lrom the sullies, withtu-- m.un.-house as their aeslinalluu,*when lhe explo¬sion ot curred.

I'he turee of the exp'mun i'i>mi to have been down¬ward and upward, a supposition vended by th* fact thatmost of the iinln luateiials which were thrown Into theur fed directly beek amt are believed to have Ovendrawn dowu by tbe vacuum formed. lhetitle walls ot ibe soda works bululiug, HOD yards distantUi Baortheaoterly direction, were forced eat and col¬

lapsed. An employe Bemad Arthur Spoor was in thisbunding when ii tell nut escaped unlni'ired, the railersfal-mg lu such a way as lo form an ari li over him.[¦B-OdlBimy Bfita h-ar.ug thn explosiou ihr-eighty

employes in ula,- paris of the grounds rushed to itascene aui hogan a search for the remains of Hie vioilms.lue people wuo flucaed lu from the neighborhoodjoined iu and all day i.mg kept aeott-lM the woodsin every dire, lion ll) the hops .if eniver mr some poi-ll.ins or the (.-ii h.alina. The largest pleas round was a

thinh-boiin alta, lied to a small portion of a humantrunk. A handlea! trunk was foiiud lodgn.1 lu a tren

1,dod feel from the nitro-glycerine tank, lt had struckIM gi.iund wllh Mob force aa to bound un

into the lower lir.nn lies of im- tree. 4 tOW lOOt ttomluis a foot .ul., bed to u,e lower half or a tr..utera legwaa picked oul of the thick glass, lhe material coin-

posing tho trousers fell to places whenlom he.1. A foul encased In a shoe was pickedup fully a quarter of a In.le sway. TU*uiuer iwo iiushi-l- of flefh and boos found w.-ie charredand cr i.sn.-.I. l.t-cra of hone were picked up from whichl ,e ll. si. had lieen au elli-t.-til.iliy removed as lo leave

ttl--nt aerfeetly dry. Tho aaoratara wont ahonl withlin pain alida sharp -petaled alu ks picking ups morselot lleaii ben and a lt..ne im-re. These were put 10 a bosend P-POd in lhe cellar of one ol the buildings to awaithui lal. The gross weight of the remains Inns far ree-uv-

eied will not exceed 'J'*) poonda. J. (_ lluok, a Junienof th* renee living ai gajaaaeanna«nrrlved on the groundsear), ami si once assumed Uio dulles of a cruller,ile je^aekleil those ant. retted luappear at the oltioet ofthe c.nan) kliurll) alter noon, and addreSsrU them as

f Howlalaving C---H ibfoiuisd of thu s.Uuiity I lute cuiuo hms

miner me aninnrlfi vi-stwl In me )iv tiie laws or en- *w'r"i

N .w li - lo inaSe certain inquiries and e.i dis. of er if anlblame caa )"¦ aita, lu*.) m thc rompiuiy liam oue pies.ulknows anv reason why Hie company kbonld lie held rek|ionsitl .¦ i" h-uspr-sli new std I wi,I lise* the BCOOI aiy papenBMdeeai lereailtngaa ingnaagNo ana venturing lo accuse the com pan y of careless.-

neas. oro dering a request thin an Inquest he he'd, theJustice .bolarel that no blame could be attached to th*company and that no pap. rs would he Issued. Thude. 'sion appeared to bc Matls'acl.u v to the listeners.

."foin- of tl,» victims carnetl a life Insurance,aa th*. entapealee refuse ti. take risksupon persons employed In such li i/ardomwork, and tue faiwllres nf the marm d men ate left al¬most entirely destitute. Their wages were nut large,ranirliiu .'rom il li to *._' 50 a dav. and no ono of timmwith the exception nf ll;,,it.eli uad been BfOVtdeel enoughto fa vc ant tin nar. The acenee la the nouses o' rteboreafodran ives wore heartredtogi Mrs. Hankel] loses twobroihera, the Loubaeka. and a linabend, and .*> almostdistracted. Ad the men are spoken ol ni the htghaalterms by those wno kr aw them.

H. s. Penniman, theobemtetof the eomp.tny, wis onbte way to New-York when hi wa- intercepted byati'lei-r.im a' -uii.nili bui.oiiui- n; (ne O'cMent. and Im¬mediately roturned. He could give bo Idee t the noaanf the i'ii'"... but advanced the theorythat som.. man had spilled a dragof nltro-vlycer'ne on the lt..or willie mixingthe compound end had exploded it ny itepptag ea it.Ali the employee aeon yeaterday stated that.*..-j pre-eaiiitiuii ls taiUen Iiy ttie company to prereat ec-cl.tents. The ouiy previous explosion whieh huever oeoorred ea ihe preottoao was aaMay 10, l^T'i, when a uiixin.-'iiruisowas blown up in ibo same wat'. Ar that tune tho hnnt>noaa of tko coospony waemaek sinaiier than now andonly ttvo men were wo king In th' ho ase. Bott werekilled. At present about 600,000 poon is of powder arsmadoeaoh month, mold ling seven .lades of giant, foolgradee of Judson and two grades .,; Bmatoola powder,the latter having been Invented by ti.e company'schemist.

Mr. .mall, or ib Brm of "-'niall .*.¦ B .ruder, at Xo. M_Broadwar, this city. Benora! ageuts 'ortue a.tanti iCoavpan y, has em-.1 to McCalnsvlIle uitoti r.-ceipt o'news of thsdisaster. He onie re 1 Undertaker J. Inrdlui lo nukiarrangements fur tue funeral, nnd to buy a lot In eitherthe Presbyterial o tr.e. afethodlal cemetery as thefamilial of the victims might llOOt A ni .."Jiity favtiredthe Methodist ( erne cry. The re natus recov¬ered will he placed in a li "inls .mo /.luc-lloedcollin, upon which will he a pl ati bearing ita BBBBsa elail the victims wini appropriate Inaorlpttoua. The burialwill he made al Kl o'clock this morning, ttl" services tohe conducted by tiie Ile". Mr. lu ed, of fie MetLodlltEploeopal Church. The funeral services willbe h'-id In the Methodist (.'lurch Mindaiyafternoon at 9 o'clock, wln-r, the BOT, Mr.Heed and the K.v. Mr. Stoddard, of the I'resh/tertanChurch, will deliver Bddreaeee. Ammermanami Milburn w.-ru members of tim In¬dependent Order of Odd Kellows andthatoganizntiiui ha* arranged to hold memorial ear*vices in ihe Methodist (burch on Monday morning nilo o'clock.McCsiosvllie ls a hamlet of about two huudiod inhabi¬

tants near the centre of the towaoblp eif Koxbury,and four miles from Dover, the county .-ittof Morris County. on the Morris and Kssexdivision of ths Delaware. Lackawanna and WesternHallway. Buccasuona contains atmut 600 )uhai>it.iHtsami Drakesville about 300. Both are In Boxanry Town-siiip, the former about two miles .rom McCitiusvilie sudthe latter one mile.


PIOKM OK rill'. Gl'AliD.

P_-___skill, July 2..Thc demong of minehieiwere let loose in camp last night. There was pinn ty of flin,lt lie.au with the big fat drum-major. He was out lateand when he rc urned he could not give the Allard thecuuutersi.n. He tried to push by him,nut tho guard ac*u-

rattly pinned lum lu the belt. After gazing at him sadlyIor a moment, the drum-major sighed." I give it uup "


and .hopped helplessly ou the gua l. Tue guard yelledfor ihe corporal lo ooiun to bis assistance. it .ten thocorporal arrived the big drum-uia)or reviveeL" I hat de pass vort," ho said, " I vas oniy foolln mit

als teller, lt's a pint of oysters," and he swept to hislout in graceful curves, while the corporal aud the guardroared. The password waa "Oyster Point." The dram.major wa- brut on uaviug fun. He called the band to¬

gether aud addressed them:"Say, fellers, le poy- has had all te fun. Maybe it vas

stir turn now."He raised lils meei -cl.ama: and the linn ,.;ive first the

Ock call, the*i the long roll and ditappoared. The doo-tois and mill,la iu> ii came rushing up and lhere was a

iron! hubbub.Itoth regiments show daily improvement in their drill.

I'he ifjii did guard duty lo-.tay. Their guard mountingwas excellent.Hearten ol the ii'Jd were playing ball and were

iideied to stop by in.; senior officer ertha guard, l.i.-.i-teuant William uoedeL They assaulted luau and toreUla p.iulets from tua shouldera. lHey treats i ttejuulor.illcer of (lin xuar.l. l.ieuluuniii J. J. I..f-aau, ... ni the.ame way when ta came to hie aeuler*e eaaletenee. Tueoi.-ts were immediately locked up m the guard-heuae,

li.ey will lin si rarely punished, inrec men attemptedle ,ve camp. I'jey Were captul'-d and ulajaiul .mo tho

aUaru-housea. P. I BORNTON*. i Alli...Il IV albany-

Albant, July 2 iSuecial)..Among tho Binnyictivo .ui..') is.s in .I..... iv last wiiii-i wat a, P. Thorason, who was lo iged lu His Tombs yeaterday uo I ci. a i.e

if forgery, kt ihattlieotooeenplodaaulieof tho heat.muna. Hie American Hotel. To-day !¦'. IJ.iu.;o. W.he proprietor ol tiie hotel Wtint, lo Now-\ orb to makecharge a.'aintt Thornton. Mi. Babcock indoreed a

beeb ot £100 Ior Thornton. The che k tv,is drawn on

he Trust a-d Deposit Cooapony ol Mew-York, ami lt,aa eas ie.i mi Mr. Uabeook's ladoraement by a localauk. The efceeli went to protest, 'lie Trust and He--a Cou.panv informing me oorreapundtng naub that

o such man had au ut count thora BIMI that uo was hitDowa. ihoriituu la from ht Lawrenoe County. Hisian was to draw a check, or eight draft, and representlinnell un in immediate a ed of money, and to tag ioi-ipii.iiiiancii lo indorse the paper at such bank sa Bighte lui- must convenient. Weed Parsons ah Cu., Hielate primers, aro said to nave hoc-u swindled byborotoa.


ul:!.ii To TRIAL To AWAIT [IIOU T'lliN i«*

Poughkeepsie, July 2.--A writ of hsbeagirpui caun heiuro Jai.e Barnard lo-day. Au. ni a

eek nan John Barker, a tann laborer, real estate

oner, etc., entered Mary Duran's liquor stoic, andhen ordered ont refused to go. In andOBreftng to putIm oat Mre. Horan wea kloked v ....u. abe hal hun-rested for- asea iii and bsttery. ka was convicted andieti *. ">. (rn rnuraday tire, Duran'! physician wained-> t rii-t At t'.ru.-y ila. beti that Mrs. Horan aaa dyingmu itt-r "nJurtoOf liaraeY was re.nii.-sio.i, thia niue mi

icoharge of assault Ib thu gre! degree. Ulecouueelau., ti mat having been once punished fur tue offencetco'i.d nut lie ermted again. Judge Barnard heldi,i.-i u dcclaiou nattered ut ,1 i Ute llaicuiu many yu-trate thai I..-c.mi.i be. The Judge held Barker to ball toval the ai non of the i,-.md Jury.


CAUTION OP HIE ANABCBISI ATTOBNETECn AGO, July '2 iSnecittl)..Juilnv limy de¬led to-day to continue th- cilurt losenc |arors In thoinrohlat caeca tty liuuiiii*. aonrt to*merrow ami MonsV, despite the fact thai Monday ls designated as theitronal huliday. This was agreed to by both tho Mate<l the defence. Hie counsellor Ihe prisoners .rowire cautious as the trial proceeds. I'hoy are rapidlyproeebiog their limit Ol peremptory challenges. Onelue pape rs to-day pim s interviews with a Bomber of.ii e\r iced. Some of whom state thal they had noaire to servo ou mu Jury, aa ih>-y faarou that theyMild linne muter lin- ti.ni of the Anarchists uud behjei led io person ii Injury.hmong Mobo examined today was a Blonder ronnain with all-in blonde inuslacue and a sum.unit face.e said thal his iiauie was Orton W, folsom and thal hsme here a year n.-o from hrs lath r's faun, seven.eculesoiusidi- of Buffalo. Ono of the An aromet s' counselked Mr. l-'.tlsom whelher kc is iciated to Mra.de veland..answered, "distantly," and tagged al his ii.ual.iuhe,nscioiis that thc eves of everyone lu the Oourt-room.re neut wi, li a eua ions stare ou Iii* youug mau whoHued kinship with the wife cf tko President. He inout twenty-live, ami for lhe last twelve months hasen welghiag I.".sat the stock var.is. Mr. i -i som watallaaged ;.¦ rein,.rm .> oeo-auae hrs uni wee mased,ter qtlltUBg Hie courr-ioom he loll no lime gellingck io thc yards He was Baked wuat ihe relailoiisblptween himself ami Mrs. Clevelau.l is, aud answered:'h, third or fourth eouain."

THE PHILADELPHIA BOND BOEEBET,PhiLaDIarni-, Julv 2 (speeitil)..'Yhv newvciopments lu thc '.uud roubery front the Chesapeaked Delowen Genni Company to-day are thal the twopert accountants entrails.I in _olnf ver the bu..ki get.per ami deeper into tue mire of Brooked lUures. Theyd thin th'- rrrt-.u.arnies date back probably tweuty-e yeats, and lu that Interval thc loan lias been wou-rfti ly tana:.ed. i'reeident (. i.-'iaui said to-day:'f the enure sum stolen it is probaole that ono halfa lo pay interest. The average mamet prico of therids for years was about 70 per cent of their facelue, so mat lt ts possible thal not more than ?'.' m ch)fssh was ever used hy the iwo meu. lt ls generallyice.led tr.at theatreater part of this was use t hy Les-who was a mau of expensive habits and bad morals."

e (iuarautee Company of North America, which wasWilson's bond for s*li),i'<)'), ls a Canadian coners,t if ho ls fo md li- the Dominion he will oe arrestedviolating his bund. Ho left his wire destitute.


:¦,»!..*., Mass, July i. in.- --u 'ream cou ri gave ade-lou lo-day tu Hie still of Attoi iioy-lleiieial .ennuid others aa.-aia.fi tbe City of Koaton lo losiraiu ibeUe-ldanl by a permanent injunction lrom isinoriug the.ylstou-st. sidewalk adjoining tho C'otuiutiu. Iheurl dismissed tho pellli.ui. .

BEQUESTS UV MOSS- A. Dow.I...s|,,sf .luiy J -The will of Moses A !>.._ gives to theiw Academy of ram-tuna, N. H., $e.u,.K)t) Tor a periua-nt lund, to the fund of tue Winohnsler Homo lor A.sdmr n, al li u lesli) wu, Tlu,')"", f-iii >,(-)(> Ul private

-,urs-.f. The real of his estate he leave* in trust forl widow. The will provides [ur lhe sale of the Waver-llouse lot for uot less than > ni",'..'.), aod of las Hu-lu llaa-uiiiH IO llao hlathest blddoa.


BOTH CtKWg IV THK. 'VAliflTY mer. NOW IM KI¬CK LI. VT roKM . thk MrBCTITg pnvi_rjgp_p-DrOKK.

(nr ti-t.p.; ri pu t.j run ti.iiii -sk.*"XK'V-LoN'Iie.V, ju|y 2,-Y'lll' hdSWOH th.'Varsity race, and a premature Fourth of July has

sin,e. New-Loadon. The lon., eoneji.frli.g stroke ihathas so o.'teu carrie 1 the ori-n,aa of Har.ord to rtrtorrwas wanting lu ibo race this BfleaaaBBBOl ».i» Faulknerstroke iitilowed a splendid vietory to the hine banner ofYale. Hafore tliefir-t I. iir-rn :* -/.ts lrate.lt E nu ipp.ireii'. that ii woe Yale's race. Trie rac was rowel npthe river, an.l wind and tide were with the crews. Thewster was msooth. and every'hiii. was favor_u.e f ,r t. eeonteet Oo every side are hesrd praises har .. Co "Cook fm- ths manner In WMoO lie has tiro ight'ho Y.tle cr«w up, and improv *ti t'.e airoke.Au attempt wm made to row the ra-e Inthe merajon, l»«it the water was too rough, and afterly.ug ou their oars awhile at the gonai starring place upthe vir.ii- the crews returned to their gnaitofa. a.'reen.;to walt till 18:90 l). m.. when, if the water wassin.oth-r,tin race should oe started. Bat nt l'J::!) the water wsssill! rough aud little while Cans were) lancing on UhOriver's surface down toward thc Navy Yard. Harv ulthen agreed that the race should he rowed up the riverat 8 o'clock lu tue afternoon.

All tho morning collegians and their friends hid heanpouring into New landon by boat aud rall. a specialtr..ui of sixteen cars cunio down from .V-w-Harenloaded with Volo men. There was a perceptibleincrease In Uta red rii.hons se-n In the s'rets.but tho blue predominated, there Beeag at least threeblue bad-es lo overy red one. When the nine of startingttie race diew near, the lung observation lr un w.asloaded tn its utmost cap.city and theshore was thron.edwith epeetnlore. Yachts, rowboat! .-md niiajhaoli anthe river wera almost ilafgaaj _*T Tho people BJhe HUIMem it was the biggest crowd that kee anon aaan aa.boat race herc for several years. At ,1 [( |M ;t .|tU4steam launch came down the river, lowing the Y.a.e boat.'IUh boat was taken to a tloat tn iront of ih>. mad utan Isnd the crew after some delay gol in. The Ilarvar 1crew pot into their boat fro their Int.h almui half ami e up the river and came puiiiug d.iw.i to the start,lue crews were aa follows:

iitkistti) rvivnt.irv.il: ay,pei'i't. Wama, .if. Wttght BiSantHow .(» rs. Murninni, IQ Ul 1,1....J J. Colony, -ii iso &.:.--3. J lt. Yo. IBS, .it IT'iMui.Y. liemni.ioii, 'll I 8 ...-. .T. P.Bargaea, ai i;i .vin

ti.tv. a. nrook*). jr., i >> |.a*i7.II. W, K.yes. .¦( i,;.s 6UStroke.j_ A. 1-. renrose, Jr..Ti lei'j BLI

Avera/c li 2*aCoiawala.T, Q. Brewan ir., aa Beaten,

ia_e -Nivua.-m ck hiv.Position. Nama, Aye. Wtipat. Batons,Boa.R. Appi'ton. .1 1.1 ..h.,

2.(no. .rog.-rs. jr., al inn 5..Ps3. W, M_.-ef.ro.ik Tl lb. us.

4 .W. A. r-tevei|s,.n. lg ]Cn 6 lai.o.w .vo.si-ui*, at los aatl.A. Cowies, jr. .1 li'<a, pp.1. (. W. Iiaitii.lco. 'ii iii. t.j titi

.--use .fc. L. caldwell, af i.i ti, ..

i range lvi)_(oxstram. ...8, hi. CailwriL is si W. Haremlief.ree.l.oorgs I* Hives, Columbia and Cambridge,England,Judges I.. Ba Sevio :, for Harvird; I'.. J. Cook, for

Yale. At iimsh-J. w. Wood, for Harvard; v,'. n. cote,for Yale.Timers.li. M.Cook. for Harv tri; G. X. \,\»e, tor Yale.As the men palled ott ti iou- jerseys .iud lay on their

oars,awaitlug the signal ro .tart, lt was haiti to see ansdifference la Hie crews. Ruth looked wen knit, ni tanniaramt suii.i. wii *n they hogan In row* nowefoti fie Sd-

pertertty of Talawa! apoareat, At 0.89 tha elgaal t»

go was giv.-ii and tho ItaTOggM began. Yale gotthe water llrst, rowlog a e'.r .gu of thlrtt-llve to tbaminute. Harvard started with a * trula* of thirty-sir t.>the atlante, and shot Into Ibo leal. Befotn the ehontawalch greeted this had fairly left th voi foreaa litre t'sor thus" who dorotea theirand meneyeethaalaom toh ioo>lag the ertaaaoa tug, it arneapparent thal the advantagewoo ii.usury, forttie Yale erew loereeeed theirottehn hathirty-six to the minute and were equally even withHarrold. As the creara rowed tide bj tde,rnahlagswiftly toward the haU-mtlO tl..', the superior.tyof tho Dook stroke over the pcofleaotoaal lauikuorstroke was apparent to every oin*. Y .ie hallite Oroleaatd! of 'he river and Harvard l ie Niiw-I.ou-tlori sd*. Holli Clews lind g""t Wa'.'T aud fruui liisi. to

last there was bo elemeal of ch mea la tiie r.i. e. Hy thotime the half-mile dag waa roeched tee how u -ii* \ ..e

but prejoeta I la fmut af that of Harvar i. Bo hi rewa

were rowing thirty-el i stroke* to the mlentOi ont thoatrdkea "f iho New«He?aa men told »¦, mach mure thandid the -dr ike* of the m"ii ol Cambridge, thai tic* rn «tot the two erOWS were iransp. *.¦ i, th II rv.ir lia. n-ri

hoenmlag Wno end me Y'.iie owe etfaelag a desire t.

paint till.i.'S re 1. Talofa tune to til" liari-'iiie lag tfal

two ¦lantee forty-nine noonda, with Harrold Ion iha.itwo sec..u. 1» behind.As tba crewe .ebel ap tia* rater t!i»y were

greeted wllh canaaa, whlatlecand cheers from tv* .;-e.of yachts anchored on either ^*la or in gooran Promthoo terrotlon trala oa thoahoreearns a vtst roar of"Bah, rah, ra, Yaae." .-te.idiiy Ibo Y).e huM In¬creased i:s >.,¦'. rhe whole noe foi tit" Utrrord a»ealay in their retting a go "l lea l et iii- tm * i, nu i ts tunBhaaeeelippeuaway wltnttwoni me arta>son winning At tba mlle flog tnei wei iel t * r-tk ofopen watei between tbe twa. boata. Vam hal li m *t

Ita atrobe to 3-1 to tbe lumute, 'mu. ev-ry »tr. ka to. I.itaif.ii tull kopi to it- rid strobe! amtmale atrenooni pitons lo elise rhe gap thatwas opealng Between In abell and lha Y'a eboat. Harvard's time Ot the mile flag Wa! '"tl'i ant*i u i-f was -I. vt. Now Horror agna loi 11 ia md :er

of thn Yale boat. Keith r erew opUahod lhe water, aolhot rowi 't a-t tyalematl tally .'» maeic ni ihei ni.--.-u l.

a-iuiif lng tha clear water between ibo Hrs..ct ta*

Inorieirii Tele'a time ut thu petal waa ci-.t -ndHarvard's? ;.:4. Yale lad bow reduced ito etrefeo lgSd lo tho aiaoto ead Haraard »u . held to Ha atrofei 'fSB, Thc enthnslasm among Uta f.. vu* oftho Moa was i. iW iHtOUBO and tiu-r rent theair wnh ti.esr shouts. Io iii) lotorrola thoanpporters of Harrard tried to ch-i. bal th..ydui ll Wit neavv hearts.

Bo thn two boata weat rapidly to tba « ingaTii»re i::.- in"* w he halt v »r, i.: tba ii trrartcrew dh- 'heir l"-»t to cst ti..* is...'., bul thew spurtonly resultetl In IOCraBaloo Ya e's ie il. I'- ally . *

two-nil''' flag ftas i.'.icrii-ti; Md WOCO ll .* Vela *

far in th* lead The Yale crow aa they pieaed tha t'*..weea only rowing thirty-two etroKo! to th ruinate, mic

Harrard atlll held ila atrohi of tbirtp-ots, i.-t.i.ieofVale st the two-ni ! Hag WOO l'» '. " '« .""i t...'.t ot II ir-

rani 10-M, Thia wada Volo o\.-r Are hoB*>iengt__ialu ail. Harv.ini Btade a trOflaeO I* eltort to?it)se Hie dlaeenregiag gap an i by » power- ii

ipurt sitcce.-'ted Meott-M dowe I ti ahoai iwoiioat-lengths. Their success was ii enough, however,to reanimate Hie dead huies of Barral * ,o

-.tc ed mo nee. t. the ^if-mlle flag Yale'a lian wag13:06 sud Hare ir ts ll. 17-9Hom Ute ._'__ nil *s flag IO '-he .i ...'- flag lltr-

rani still ooatmued lo looroaaa rapt.il] Itt atrehnfun ling np tn 3*< io th* minu'e. Y'a s itsoin reaeadl'Oit____> and wont np In St. Harrard crop op le witinaless than iwo aengths of ilie Yaie i.o.e'. au t did somafl.len lld io iv 111 g. Bal the it- Bimbos of llatt *A noie uosxi powerful as tba SH atrukee of X -¦ Af thecontesting erewa Beared lae mre end " -¦'' ..' mil 'tag.Y.tie rowed nd strokes to the ralaeto, ii.-i-d :>*, th.Kamo sfoke wilU wlici) they had lak lh< IBresHnilO(la*. Yile'sllmeat this nark wis |,:ii, Harvard'sw is lSauT1-. rins settled he-tatter, '>..> half a oulareiuaiue.i to r.e rowed and .i «¦.. aimp y Impossible f .r

llai vanl iii.tierlaliy to decrease Ibo lead of X nie, lheY.tls Clew seemed as fre-h as al thc dari an I oe-ah tnrow a Birche of thiriy-ii uo to il minute.Harvard did not ail.-inpt lu incioaseits stroke. lt wuull have been useless ifthey had. Away went tbe Yan- boat to in* rtni-n. and'and lb* wini ce. rf of iiiousauds came tu a a n r nylev. n beM lengths.The time cl tne Yale crew was 20:411s Harrard a

lime wes -1 .o'' M i'his is the time tha.|.ta- lahen tf-haMWaaapet nun ou lhe prt-ss bo t, luu nih ijIdii.e nol bein.' giT. n out to the reporters by tho.efereo timekeepers. The BWroepeBdontO of ra-.ions uewapapers here tn BOO tn* raceslen', in the evening a protest to the cit r-na' BCBBmHlOB¦egardlhg Hie manner tu which ihey _*re p. .,-* ltd'lum gottlog tho nflinlBl lima, and th* eraardiagef tuetreas l.oal ')y people not coiiuecte 1 witli BOWapnpern

i h* itto .rews won. down io the PWgBOl ll 'USO IO theiv u ng to nine and go out of ir.lu.ug. Ice streetsire niiod with eoiieg.i Baan, and 'he air-esounds with luirsiliic dreorackers. t nt suo i.s ofriciorioiia Ya.e nnd wiib college son.s. I'o-morrow theresill be a genera, nu ius aud ihe town wii. recover (romts anuual deiiriuie.


HKJUlt IN(i IN ..i.--il.\i ESLN'KW-llAYKN>July 2 tSiieet,il. ak'w-Haven

lever |aaw isuon a celebration as oe-

lurrol here . ti night. Ihe wliolo tsiwada/.ed wllh red lighia, torchlight processions, tou-

lrea and aol apHiHag aanaonadlBg Lie news

if the vu-iory arilved here st tl _'»,iud Imuiediat'-ty the wildest excitement prevailed.When the spst'lal tram be.trlus' the rictonous erew

snd lltetr trisndB roiled into tbe I'epoltully H),iHM) pot/pie pealed them With iilu'ophaulshouts ol victory. Tho lea.uel di woes and eui.lean prufessots helped lo keep rhe hnaflfaa buruinj-andjuiued with buyisn gieo in me Bring "f gutta anai-rscs..... lt ls eauuialed timi Vale men won everpit/ti>,t)Ot) vu tue race-