[ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10959 10959.pdf · 2018. 2. 7. · [ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10959] AN ACT CREATING A...

H. No. 2924 Jlspubitc of tljc piplippints fi0tigrBss af tijB pijiltpptn^s (^ptro (iMantla Congress i3ecDnii ^gular^esstnn Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-fourth day of July, two thousand seventeen. [ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10959 ] AN ACT CREATING A BARANGAY TO BE KNOWN AS BARANGAY CRISTO REY IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CAPAS. PROVINCE OF TARLAC Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: Section l. Creation of Barangay Cristo Rey. - The O'Donnel Resettlement Area in Barangay Aranguren, Municipality of Capas, Province of Tarlac which was separated from Barangay Aranguren and constituted as a distinct and independent barangay under Provincial Ordinance No. 004-2003 in 2003 is hereby created and shall hereafter be known as Barangay Cristo Rey. Sec . 2. Territorial Boundaries. - The territorial boundaries of Barangay Cristo Rey shall be identified as follows:

Transcript of [ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10959 10959.pdf · 2018. 2. 7. · [ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10959] AN ACT CREATING A...

  • H. No. 2924

    Jlspubitc of tljc piplippints

    fi0tigrBss af tijB pijiltpptn^s(^ptro (iMantla


    i3ecDnii ^g u lar^esstnn

    Begun and held in M e tro M an ila , on M o n d a y , th e tw e n ty - fo u r th day o f Ju ly , tw o thousand seven teen .

    [ REPUBLIC ACT NO. 1 0959 ]


    Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Philippines in Congress assembled:

    Se c t io n l. Creation of B arangay Cristo Rey. - The O 'D onnel R e se ttle m e n t A rea in B a ra n g ay A ra n g u re n , Municipality of Capas, Province of Tarlac which was separated from Barangay A ranguren and constituted as a distinct and independent barangay under Provincial Ordinance No. 004-2003 in 2003 is hereby created and shall hereafter be known as Barangay Cristo Rey.

    Se c . 2. T e rrito r ia l B oundaries. - The te r r i to r ia l b o u n d a rie s of B aran g ay C risto Rey sh a ll be id e n tif ie d as follows:

  • Bounded on the Northwest (NW7) and N ortheast (NE) p ts 1 to 4 and 16 by Capas C adastre CAD 615-D Case 11 Barangay Lawy (PB-03-000024-D);

    On the Northeast (NE) pts 4 and 5 by Capas Cadastre CAD 615-D Case 12 Barangay Aranguren (PB-03-000024-D);

    On the Southeast (SE) and Southwest (SW) pts 5 to 15 by provincial road;

    On the Southwest (SW) along line 15 to 16 by Capas C a d a s tre CAD 615-D C ase 12 B a ra n g ay A ra n g u re n (PB-03-000024-D), aU of Municipahty of Capas.

    The technical description of Barangay Cristo Rey is as follows;

    TIEPOINT 1 N 03 15 W 842.16

    BLLM# 1-A, CAD 615-D, Capas Cadastre

    1 2 N 73 13 E 1,703.55

    2 3 S 02 58 E 939.78

    3 4 S 04 08 W 362.82

    4 5 s 02 18 E 444.99

    5 6 s 74 02 W 121.73

    6 7 s 74 45 W 145.10

    7 8 s 60 51 w 283.14

    8 9 s 72 49 w 210.38

    9 10 N 89 18 w 936.67

    10 11 N 82 26 w 28.07

  • S kc. 7. Effectivity. - This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation.


    AQUILINO "KOKO" PIMENTEL 10 President o f the Senate

    PANTALEON D. ASpeaker of the tffusc

    of Represen^ives

    T h is A ct w h ic h o r ig in a te d in th e H o u se o f R epresentatives was passed by the House of R epresentatives on F e b r u a r y 27, 20 1 7 , a m e n d e d by th e S e n a te on A ugust 14, 2017, and w hich am endm en ts were concurred in by the House of R ep resen ta tiv es on A ugust 23, 2017.

    ' ^ L utgardo b . BarboSecretary of the Senate

    CESAR Strait parejaSecretary General

    House o f Representatives

    Approved: NOV 0 3 2C17j

    RODRICjCTROA d u t e r t ePresident o f the Philippines



  • c‘)

    11 12 N 82 31 W 203.36

    12 13 N 67 28 W 152.21

    13 14 N 45 49 W 146.23

    14 15 N 22 22 W 128.35

    15 16 N 04 31 E 1,088.96

    16 1 N 73 47 E 425.36

    Containing an area of 3,472,507 square meters, more or less.

    Sec . 3. Conduct and Supervision of Plebiscite. - The plebiscite conducted and supervised by the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) in Barangay Aranguren on December 13, 2003 p u rsu a n t to Provincial O rdinance No. 004-2003 of the Sangguniang Panlalaw igan of the Province of Tarlac, which ratified the creation of B arangay Cristo Rey, shall se rve as s u b s ta n t ia l com pliance w ith th e p leb isc ite requirem ent under Section 10 of Repubhc Act No. 7160, as amended, otherwise known as the "Local Government Code of 1991".

    Sec . 4. Incumbent Barangay Officials. — The incumbent barangay officials of Barangay Cristo Rey shall continue to hold office until such time th a t th e ir successors have been duly elected and qualified.

    Sec . 5. Public Infrastructure and Facilities. — Allpubhc infrastructure and facilities for public use existing therein a t the time of the approval of th is Act are hereby transferred without cost or compensation to and shall be adm inistered by the new barangay.

    Sec . 6. Internal Revenue Allotment Shares. - Barangay Cristo Rey shall be entitled to Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) shares p u rsu an t to Section 285 of Republic Act No. 7160, as amended, otherwise known as the "Local Government Code of 1991".