kviconline.gov.inkviconline.gov.in/pmegp/pmegpweb/docs/notification/6. REGP-RICS-… · The...

.~ r /' DUU:CTORATE OF RURAL EMPLOYMENT GENiERATION PROGRAMME OFFICI: Of THE CO'''MIS:5IONER FOR KHADI ANI) VILLAI(;e INDUSTRIE:S 3, IRLA. ROJ'ID, VILI: PARLE (W), '''UMBAI - 56 No. REGPjRICS/M-728/ Proc.Trainingj~:004-05 Dated: 2L.03. 2005 CIRCULJI R - -- Sub: .~m_eri!ltional! Guideline!; for Rural Irldustrie_$.. Q~p"sultanql J;ervi(~URAIb.1t5} The issue of ievying consultancy charges for the RICS services has been eXclmined and reviewed In various fora and review meetings arKJ it is felt that mandate of KVIC is basically to pre-vide employmeltopportunitles in rural area. Being a promotional and developmental organization operating on the grants of the Central Government, a1tempt:to generate revenue au': of its activities related to rural artisans and rural entrepreneurs has lot been appreciated in severa,\quarters as the ultimate aim should be to eliminate tte exploitation of rniddlemen in the process. 2. It helstherefore been decidedto make the fo lowing amendments in respect of cOl1s'Lllt!ancu_Ser"ice d,arges to be levied for the servjces offere~lli ft,IC!LfofJ1llre.Raration of Detailed Proiect ReDort~pPR): - (i) RICS Cellsare permitted to Inepare projects costing upto R.s.25 lalchs. (ii) for project report costing up1:o Rs. 2 lakhs, no fees win be charged. (iH) For project report costing above RS.2 lakhs and upto Rs. 5 lakhs, cl:)nsultancy charges will bt! levied @ IO/c of the Margin ~toney. (hr) For project report costing above Rs.S lakhs and upto Rs. 10 IClkhs, clonsultancy charges will bf! levied @ I.SOfciof the ~"argin Mc)ney. For project report costing above Rs. 10 lakls and upta R.s.2S.00 lakhs, a lump SUitt consultancy charges of Rs.5,OOOr. will be levied for every project. (V~I (vi) However, preparation of Pn)ject Report dJes consurn:~ paj::er, printing, stationery etc. Hence a nomir al amount may be levied to bring certain value in providing the serv:ice and the cost of the stationery and prtnting will be charged from the proponent @ Rs.l00j- per project in all c:a~;es,i.e. (H), (iii) (iv) and (v) hereinabove. Contd...2.

Transcript of kviconline.gov.inkviconline.gov.in/pmegp/pmegpweb/docs/notification/6. REGP-RICS-… · The...

Page 1: kviconline.gov.inkviconline.gov.in/pmegp/pmegpweb/docs/notification/6. REGP-RICS-… · The Registration charges for issuance of Provisional Registration Certificate (F)RC) / and





No. REGPjRICS/M-728/ Proc.Trainingj~:004-05 Dated: 2L.03. 2005

CIRCULJI R- --Sub: .~m_eri!ltional!Guideline!; for Rural Irldustrie_$..Q~p"sultanql


The issue of ievying consultancy charges for the RICS services has been

eXclmined and reviewed In various fora and review meetings arKJ it is felt that

mandate of KVIC is basically to pre-vide employmeltopportunitles in rural area.

Being a promotional and developmental organization operating on the grants of the

Central Government, a1tempt:to generate revenue au': of its activities related to rural

artisans and rural entrepreneurs has lot been appreciated in severa,\quarters as the

ultimate aim should be to eliminate tte exploitation of rniddlemen in the process.

2. It helstherefore been decidedto make the fo lowing amendments in respect

of cOl1s'Lllt!ancu_Ser"ice d,arges to be levied for the servjces offere~lli

ft,IC!LfofJ1llre.Raration of Detailed Proiect ReDort~pPR): -(i) RICSCellsare permitted to Inepare projects costing upto R.s.25 lalchs.

(ii) for project report costing up1:o Rs. 2 lakhs, no fees win be charged.

(iH) For project report costing above RS.2 lakhs and upto Rs. 5 lakhs,

cl:)nsultancy charges will bt! levied @ IO/c of the Margin ~toney.

(hr) For project report costing above Rs.S lakhs and upto Rs. 10 IClkhs,

clonsultancy charges will bf! levied @ I.SOfciof the ~"argin Mc)ney.

For project report costing above Rs. 10 lakls and upta R.s.2S.00 lakhs, a

lump SUitt consultancy charges of Rs.5,OOOr. will be levied for every



(vi) However, preparation of Pn)ject Report dJes consurn:~ paj::er, printing,

stationery etc. Hence a nomir al amount may be levied to bring certain value

in providing the serv:ice and the cost of the stationery and prtnting will be

charged from the proponent @ Rs.l00j- per project in all c:a~;es,i.e. (H), (iii)

(iv) and (v) hereinabove.


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In case of WeakerSectionCategoryi.e. SC, ST,OBC,Minority,Physically

Handicapped,Women, Ex-servicemenand HBAfor the purpose of calculating

the consultancy charges, the margin money willbe taken as 2S% only and

not 30% of the project cost. 'rhis is to enSLJlrE~that the ~Neaker Section

beneficiaries are not required to pay hi~,her consultancy charges

than the Gene:ral ccltegory beneficiaries.

(viii) All RICScells shall obtain an "Undertaking"as per Annexure ..'A'from the

proponent, duly signee!and addressed to the concerned Branch Manager of

financinq branch and annex:he same alongwith DPRwhHeforwarding the

project proposalfor consideration/sanction. --

3. The Registration charges for issuance of ProvisionalRegistration Certificate

(F)RC)/ and / or Certificateof Registration(COR)willremainunchanged in

terms of the cirl:ularno. REGP/M-615/(Registration)dated 2:7.3.2003.

4. "he above policy guidelinns will come intc:. effect 1from CU..04. ~~OOS

a:nd art! in su~.erse!;sion of the previous I:kcular on S,ervic:e Chal"!~es.I I

Enel. As:above A~~ '-- ! - ,ULI(.;~~YA, S.SINHA)


To:1) AllState/Divisional Directors, CK'/l.2:) Chief Exl=cutiveOfficers of all StcltejUT !<VIBoard~.3) In-Chargeof all Rura!IC; Cells.


Copyto:1) AllZ:ona~Heads in MurnbaifGuwclhati.2) till Industry I ProgrammeDirectorsin CentralOffice.3) !\IITraining Centres.4) t\II 2.7Public Sector Banks, 196 F;egionalRural Banks QI/Encl!.k; above



Page 3: kviconline.gov.inkviconline.gov.in/pmegp/pmegpweb/docs/notification/6. REGP-RICS-… · The Registration charges for issuance of Provisional Registration Certificate (F)RC) / and






~tJI ne~..u re:-' A '


TOIThe Branch Manager,.. . . , . . . . . . . .. .. . . '" . . . . . . .. . . . . ..

, """'"''''''

SuLJiec;t:Re,nittan£-.eof ~;ervice I':haraes on th~~'roiect cost sancti'pnecl to.the offh::e{Jlfthe C'omm.;ssioner for KVI towald~; service c"'ADJJ~to ..Rural

,rm.fustries l'Onsultanc;y Service Cf.'I1-Reaardil'l.!L.

Sir,I Shri.jSrnt.jMs./ """"""""""'" .residing at

""'" """"""'"'''''''''''''''''''''' intend to submit a proposal for setting up of a unit for" under Rural EmploymentGeneration Programme of the

oftlce of the Commissioner for KVl tc your Bank. If the proposal is sanctioned by theBank, '''1argin Money Rs /. *applicable in terms of the circular no.REGP/RICS/M-'728jProc.Training/2004-0S dated~. .03.2005 may be remitted tothe office of trle Commissioner for Kill/ KVIB immedicltely after disbursement of 1stinstallment out of my loan account by means of demand draft in favour of""""""""'"'' """""" ..payable at ". .(Bank

name) ".. ...(Branch) towards service rendered b~' theRurad Industries Consultan:y Services Cell (Rural rCS),

(Place) for consultation and formulation of theproject proposal for the undersigned

Your~;faithfully,Plac:e:D,ate :

Name & Signature of J~Pi)licant

Note:- * 1)2)3)

No Feeswill be charged for:he project costing up to Rs.2.00 lakhs.1% Margin Monev for the project costing above Rs.2.00 and upto Rs. 5.0(i lakhs.1.5% Margin Money for the project costing above RS.5.00 and upto Rs. lO.OO lakhs to becalculated only on 25% of the Margin Money.Rs.5000j-lump sum consultmcy charges for the project costing above Rs.lO,CsOand upto Rs.25.00 lakhs for every project.
