( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE · E ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE ILIAD A DTHE...

E ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE ILIAD A DTHE ODYSSEY read . reek by JOH F. C. RIC AR CONTENTS: 1 LP FOLKWAYS Fl 9985 1 text (8 p.)

Transcript of ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE · E ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE ILIAD A DTHE...

Page 1: ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE · E ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE ILIAD A DTHE ODYSSEY read . reek by JOH F. C. RIC AR CONTENTS: 1 LP FOLKWAYS Fl 9985 1 text (8 p.)

E ( reek Epic Po t )



1 LP


1 text (8 p.)

Page 2: ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE · E ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE ILIAD A DTHE ODYSSEY read . reek by JOH F. C. RIC AR CONTENTS: 1 LP FOLKWAYS Fl 9985 1 text (8 p.)

FOlKW A YS Fl 9985

Descriptive notes, including complete Greek texts and English translations, accompany this long-playing record and may be found inside the jacket.


SIDE I-THE ILIAD Hector and Andromache Priam and Achilles


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Nausicaa and Odysseus The Cyclops a nd Odysseus Circe Odysseus and his Mother's Shade DESIGN: INTERDEStGN

Library of Congress Card C talogue No. RGl-2054

FOLKW A YS Fl 9985

Page 3: ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE · E ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE ILIAD A DTHE ODYSSEY read . reek by JOH F. C. RIC AR CONTENTS: 1 LP FOLKWAYS Fl 9985 1 text (8 p.)

FOLKWAYS RECORD Album No. FL 9985 © l&vl Folkways Records & Service Corp., 632 BROADWAY, N.Y.C. 10012


~~18 HOMER A8 1961


read in Greek by


It is not knowr. when the Iliad an1 Odyssey were com­¥Qsed. They for~ part of-a-IDnC tradition of oral Greek ¥Qetry. l'he Ilia::', whic :-. desc ribes the events of the tenth year of tr. :: Trojan war, embodie:; the story of the Wrath of Achilles, and the first word of the e?i c is menin ("rath). Ach~lle:;, the foremost warrior in the a:r;:-c,' of the Greei',s , \Os anD"Y because he thoucht that Acar.;emr.or., their I'.inC, had sliGhted his honor J a:1c. h~ !'cfu~c:rl to riCh t. I t 'Was only when his f:-ier.d patroclus was ~illeu by Hector, the Tro j an hero, that ne re t ' .. :-ned to the amy and killed Hector. T"c IliaCi is a tale full of cloodshed and ueath, but two incidents :-.llve been cho::;en which show tenderness "'Ilel com?assion . The first I::; Hector's farewell to his wife Ar:drorr.ache in Book 6, and the second is Prian's visit to Achilles in Book 24, at the end of the e?ic, wilen he beGs Achilles to give him the cody of his son Hector .

The Odyssey describes the wanderin[s of the Greek hero OuJ':;seus, a::; he r eturns to his home in Ithaca afte:- thl' T:-ojlln War. The first word of t.his e?ic is anura (the me n ). Thi5 is Odysseus, the r-an of nany devices, whose quick wits enabled him to escape fron every danger . Books 5 to 12 are lii:e Il fairy- tale of adver.ture . Obysseus is first detained on the i::;land of Calypso; finally he makes a boat and esca;>e5 to the land of the Phaeacians, vhere he neets the charminG Nausicaa, the kinG's daughter, who has cone to do the family washinG. 'l'\ro extracts have been chosen frot"! the story of Nausicaa, the third describes how Odysseus escaped



~H pa yvvTj Tap.'Tj, 0 S' a:rrlOUVTO SWfLaT05 -EKTWP

77,,, aVr~" oM" am-,S" ;iiKnp.I"QS" KaT' ayvul\" . £~T( 1Tv'\aS" iKa,,£ S'£Pxop.£"oS" p.lya o.crrv l:Ka,aS", Tfi o.p' {p.£,\).£ 8,£e'p.£"a, 1T£S,O"S£, {,,(}' Q.A0X0S" 1TO'\ticSwpOS" ;"a"T'Tj ~'\8£ 810voo. 'A"Spop.aXTj, Ouya"lP P.£ya,\~TOpOS" 'H£Tiw"oS", 'H£T'W", OS" {"a,£" V1TO lI'\aK<p v'\TjloO"!J, 0~fJn 'Y1T01T'\aKln, KtAiK£OO' o."SP£OO'" a"a(Jaw~' TOV 1T£P S~ OuyaTllP EX£O' -EKTOP' XaNcOKOPU<1Tfi, ~ 0; E1THT' ~VT7)O, o.p.a S' ap.t/J'1TO'\OS" Kif V a~

~~, ,. '\ - ,. - \ '.L ' . ' ra.w £1T' KOI\7T" EXOVO aTaJ\a'f'ptwa, VT}1TW" QUTW5,

John F. C. R1ctards rece1ftd his :B • .A.. degree at ~crd UD1W1'81t1 (Christ Cburoh) in 1921, h1a )(. .A.. in 192!,. and his Ph. D. at Harvard Un1'Yers1t7 in 19.24-. Be bas been teaching Greek and 1& 1i.1n 11 t ... ture s1me 1927, f1rst at D!ilrtaouth College, and then at Iknard Un1:vers1t7, tile Un1 'Vers1 t1 or Rochester, and Columbia. Un1 vers1 t1 t Where be is now Asso­ciate Professor or l.ireek and la t.1n.

'&corM.ngs by John F. C. R1chards­

:rIS112 - :Bssent1als of Iatin (4-record set)

FI8ll6 - Bssent1als of latin (:Basic Constructions am Review)

FLS968 - Odes or Horace FIS969 - Selections from Virgil FIB970 - Selections from OVid

FIS984 - .&D::1ent Greek Poetry FIS9S5 - HC1Ier

from the cave of PolYtlIl01r.UC, the Cyelo?s , the fourth is about Ci rce, who turneJ ~er. i r: t o animals, and in the fifth Odysseus meets the spiri ~ of his dead mother and questions her.

In this record attention has been paid to the beat of the hexameter ver~e anu not t o the word-accent.

The text and tran51ations are those of the Loeb Classical Library and are used with the permission of the Harvard University Press.

1. Homer, the Iliad, vols. 1-2, translated by A . T. ~lurrailI924, 1925)

2. Homer, the Odyssey, vol. 1, translated by A.T. Murray (1919)

John F.C. Richards



So spake the house-dallle, and II",ctor hasted frOlm t~e hOIl'ie hack. (J\'er the same way along the "..tI-IImlt :-.trc",ts . \\ hell now hl' wa .. COJllC to the J!'all'. as he pll,ssed through the great eity. the Scaean /!atl'. wherehy he wa~ milHh-d til J!O forth to the plaill. there came running til meet him his bounteou~ \\ ift'o Andromach(·, daughter of grea t-Ireartcd Ection, Ei'tion that dwelt hent'ath wooded Placu~, in Thebe ullder Placus, nnd wa~ lord o\'{'r tire men uf Cilicia . t~,r it WII" his daughter' that hronze-harnessed Ikctor had to wife . She now met him. and with IlI'r came a hnndmaid bearing in her hfJ~()m the

Page 4: ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE · E ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE ILIAD A DTHE ODYSSEY read . reek by JOH F. C. RIC AR CONTENTS: 1 LP FOLKWAYS Fl 9985 1 text (8 p.)

'EK'TOp'S~V aya1T7JTOV. aA'YKIoV aenfpI KaA<j., TOl' p' -EKTWP Ka.\(EOKE ~KalLal'Spiov. aUT'~p 0;

ruOI • AenvavaKT' , Or05 yap fPVETO "lAwv "EKTWp , 7) TOI 0 IL(V ILE,S7JOEV ,Swv f5 7Ta,Sa olw7Tf,. • AvSpolLaX7J Sf 0' aYXI 7Tap,enaTo ~)(lKPV X'""OO, {I' T' apa 0' tPv XElpt (1705 T' (tPaT' (K T' ovol,',k .. SalILOVIE. tP8[OU OE TO oov ILfvoe;, ouS' fAE"IPEli

7Ta,Sa TE V7J7Tiaxov KilL {IL' rilLlLOPOII, 7j TaX'l X'/prJ UEV (OOlLal' Taxa yap OE KaTaKTaVfUVUIV • J\ X'''o; 7TflVTH ftPOPIL7J8fVTE5 ' flLOi Sf KE KfPSLOV El'l OEV atPalLapTovon x80va SVILH'al' OU yap (T' ,;,u~ lara, eaA"'wp~) fTTf~ all au yf 7TOTfLoV ;'rr;oTi .'I'~· ' ill' aXE" OUSf 1L0i (an 7TarYjp Kat 7TOTVIa lL,j.,/p . 1 TOI yap 7TaTfp' aILOl' n7TfKTal'E S'OS' • AX,A,\{(it, EK s( 7ToALV 7TfPOfV KLA'KWV ftJ I'alfTaovoav. Ehi{J7JV v.pt7TvAov' KIlTa s' (KTaVfl' 'H ETtWva, ~us~ '!tv f~fl'apl~f: oE{Ja~0a...To yap TO y~ 8UIIl~, ill apa ILLV KaTEK'/E auv EVTfOI SalSaAwloLi' >is' f7Ti crijlL' (XHI" 7TEpi S( TTTfAfae; ftPl:TfU''''" '.1..' • ., ~ \' .,

v~IL'r'~1 opE~Ia,OfC;, K,ovpal o.l~oS' alrLOXOIO; 01 Sf ILOL f7TTa Kaolyv7JTOI foav fV ILfyapO("LV, 0' IL(V 7TaVTfS' i';' Kiov TjlLaTL "Aj'S05 frUW' 7TavTaS' yap KaT£7TftPvE 7TOSapK7JS' S,oS' 'AXIA,\f("1' {Jovuiv f7T' fiAmoSEUUL Kat dpYH'vfjS' otfum, IL7JT£pa S·. ~ {JautAwEv ii7TO 1HaK't' vA7J£UO!I. rYjv f7Tft ap SfVP' Tjyay' cilL' ruOlUI KTfaTWlTIV, a.p 0 yf T~V dlTfAvUf Aa{Jwl' a7TfpftOI' a7T0U"', ."aT"oS' S' fl' ILfyapolul {JaA' "ApTEILIS' tOxfa(p,1. "EKTOp, aTap OV 1L01. fUUI ."arYjp Kai ."OTVLa IL,J.ryP 1Sf KauiYV7JToS', uu Sf ILOL 8aAE"oS' ."apaKoi,,/1' , ill' aYf vvv f.\(alpf Kal aVroii IL'ILI" f.,,1 7TVI'Y't'. IL~ 7T(uS' opt/>aviKOl' 8~nS' X~P7Jv TE yvvaLKa' '\aov Sf cnijUOl' ."ap' (PIVEfW. {v8a ILQ-\Iena' o.lL{JaTl)S' (enl ."oAIS' Ka1 f7T,SpoILOV {7TAETO Tfixoc;. TpiS' yap Tfi y' (A8oVTES' (7TElp~ual'8' OL api enll I o.lLtP' AiaVTE Suw Ka1 ayaKAVTov 'ISOILEvija 1}S' o.lLtP· 'ATpdSaS' Ka1 TVSfOS' o.>.KI~V VLOl"

Tj "OU T'" utPLV 1l'ICT7TE 8f07Tpo."tWI' EtJ EiSwc;, Tj vv Kat aVrwv 8v1L0e; f7T0TPVI'EI Kai avwYEI. T~v S' aOTE 7TPOUfEl.,,( ILfyaS' Kopv8aiuAot

"EKTWP' ., ..t ,. "~ , '\ ' ...! \ \a' U..!\1 'I KaL flLol TaOE 7TaVTa ILfll€!, yvval' W\II rWl

aivwS' a~'olLa, TpwaS' Kat TpCf'aSaS' iAKfUL7Tf.",\oV';. aL KE KaKOS' WS' VOUtPw a..\VUKa,w ."O.\(ILOlo' oVSl ILf BVlLoS' al'WYEV, (."E1 lLa80v IlLlLfvai EulIAos aiEL Kat "'PWTOIUI ILETa T pWEUUI lLaXEu8al, GpVUILEVOS' ."aTpOS' TE ILfya K,\IOS' >is' ElLaI' ':lUTOU, (0 yap (yw TOSE orsa KaTa tPpiva Kai KaTa 8UILO~' luuETaL 7)lLap OT' av 7TOT' o'\wAn "1AIoS' L~ Kal rJptalL0S' Kat '\a~ (UILILEMw nplalLOlo, ill' oii 1L0i TpWwv TOUUOV IL'AEI o.>.Y0S' 07TIOOW. oVr' aVrijS' 'EKa{J7JS' OVrE npl~lo al'aKTOC; OVrE KaUIY"'TrWv, oi' KEV 7TO,\lEr; TE Kat Eu8Aut ev KOl"nCIL ."fUOLEV v",' QVSpaUI SVUILO'fOULI'. auuov uEii, OTE K'I' TIS' 'Axau~", XaAKOXITWVWV ., • " '\'8 .t " OaKpVOEuuav aY7JTal, E"EV EPOV '11La.P a."ovp'". Ka, KEI' (V "ApyEl (0000. "'"oS' ru7JS' LUTOV 1'~fJivO'C;, Kai KO U8wp t/>opiOIS' MEUU7]tSoS' ~ 'l''''EpEill, 110U' QEKa'olLfV7J, Kpa.TE~ S' ETrLKEiuET' dVI1YK~, Ka, 7TOT' TIS' Ei'''7IULV ~WV KaTa SaKpv X'OVO(IV' • "EKTOpoS' 'r18E yvv~, OS' OpW'TEVEUK( lLaXfoOlli TpWwv L1TTroSaILWI', OTE "I,\IOV QlLtPElLaxoVTo .' WS' ."OT' TIS' EpEEI' .1701 S' 0.0 v'ov luuETa, aAyoc; X"'1TEi' TOIOiiS' o.vS"oS' QILVI'EIV SOUAwIi 7)lLap, illa IL£ TE8V7JwTa xvni KaTa yara KaAV7TTO" ,"piv '1' TL crijS' TE {JoTJS' uoii B' iAK7J8ILOLO 7Tv8fo(i'11."

-0 ,. ~ -,"~-"~ .L..!S: "E S E£"CUV Oil ,,~ OpE,a.TO.,.-..'I"'S KTlllp'

I LInN ~~ were rrjected by Ariltarchus.

.. ,'

.. ~.


.. ....


I, ,ul"r boy, n ml're babe, the well-Illq'd ""n of Ilo-dllr. Iikc to a fair ,Iar , Him Hector lI"a' wont , .. ('all Scamnndriu,. hUI II,lu'r men A-ll"anax; fur .. ,,1.1' Hector guarded lIio, .1 Tlll'n H(,~, .. r -miled, a- hl' glanced at hi, boy in ,i1('nc(' . Iou' Andromache ,'alii" clo,e to hi, side wef'pinll. ami cla-ped hi~ loa,"1 and ~pake to him. ~a~' inll: .. Ah. my hu,hand. ",i- prllwe-, of Ihin(' will he 'h~' tiollm. Iwi,her ha\t 'h"" an~' pit~· fllr ,hill(' illfa .. ' ""iM nllr fllr hal' le~~ "" . ,Ioal ~OOIl ,.hall h" thy widuw; for ."'"11 will the \, ·Ioa,'alls all ,,(' t Ul'0ll the" alld slav thl'(·. But for ;", . i' ,,"('re bettcr tu gil down to tl;c llrall' if I lo,e ,10. ,', fllr nc\"ernlUrl' shall any l'umfur' he mine. "h"1\ thou ha,t met 'loy fall:. hut IIlIly wucs, Nt'itller f,,'lwr have I nor (IU('('lIly mo,her, ~Iy fathn I"rily goodly Achilll'S slcw. fur utterly laid he ";I ·,It· the well-pellplcd city of the Cilicians. e\"en TI ... hc of lofty gaks, JJe slew EHiun, yet he ,,,"_,,IIi1ed him not, for his soul had awe nf tha' ; ,,," hI' burnt him in his armour, richly dight. and I" ''Ill'd over him a uarruw; and all about W('re ,·hll -'rces planted by nymphs of the mountain, ,,,,,,~htcrs of Zeus that beareth the aegis, And ,I,,' .,,,,'cn brothers that were mine in our hall,. all ,1 ... -,· on the selfsame day entered into the house .. I' llaaes. for all were ~lain of swift-footed, goodl~' ,\..!tilll·S, amid their kine of shambling gait and ,I ,.. ir white-fteeeed sheep. And my mother. that \I a- queen beneath wooded Plaeus. her brought he "i,lon with the rest of the spllil. hut thereaftn set I ... r free, when he had taken ransom past enunting ; a,ul in her father's halls Artemis the areh!'r sit'", I ... r, Nay. Hector. thou art to me fathcr ami 'I'"'('nly mother, thou art brother, and thou art my _Ialwart husband. Come now. lone pity. ant! remain I/O're on the wall, lest thou make thy child an orphan ,,"tI thy wife a widow. And for thy host. stay it loy the wild fig-tree. where the city may be~t "e ...·"I(·d. and the wall is open to assault_ For thrice a' this point came the most valiant in company \\ it h the twain Aiantes and glnriou~ Idomenl'us and 'h" liOns of Atreus and the valiant son of Tydcus, ;In.l made essay to enter: whether it III' that one In·II--killed in ~oothsayinj:( toM thl'm, Clr haply their "",, "pirit urgl'lh and hidddh them tlwretn,"

Thl'n spake t" her great Hector IIf the flu,hing Iwhll: .. Woman, I too take thllught of all thL" hut Inmdrously have I shame IIf the Trojan" anti till" Trojans' wive,", with trailing rub",. if 'Iik(' II

M,,,ard I skulk apart from the hattie, l'ur doth ... i",· own heart su/f"r it. seeing I hne learnt to lJe ";Iliant always and to fight amid the forem()~t Tr .. jans. striving to win my father's great glUTY 1111.1 mine own_ For uf a surety know I this in heart ;u,,1 ""ul: the dny shall come whcn sacred IIi", ,hall he laid low, nnd Priam, and the pl'opll' of

Priam with goodly sp(·ar of I"h , Yet not Sll lIIueh tI,,'h the grief of the Trojan, that shall he in the "ft"rtime move mc, lIeither He('ahe's 011'11, nor kin/{ Priam's, nor my hrethren's. many nnd hrave. who tlll"lI shall fnll in the du~t heneath the hand, of tlwir foemen. as doth thy grief. when slime hrazcn­('"at('(\ Achaean shall lead thee away w("'pinj:( and r .. h thee of thy day of freedom, 'fl,en haply in ,\rJ,('" shnlt thou ply the loom at another's hiddinj:(, .. r hear "'nter from MesseIs or HYP,·reia. ~oTl'ly aJ,(ain,t thy will, and >;trong necessity ~hall he lait! IIIM.n thce, And. some man ~hall .,ay II' he h"'",lddh ,/i(.(. weeping: 'Lo. the wif" of Hcctor. that was I'rt '-eminl'nt in wllr n\I<II'e 1111 thl' hor~,·-tallling Tr"jan". in the day wlll'lI men f,,"~ht ahuut IIi .. ,.' So ,I,all line s."y; nnt! to tllt'l' ,hall ""nll' frt ·~h gri,'f in ,I,,' lack of a m;1Il like mc to ward olf th(· da\' of 1.;/)t!;I~c. But let nil' Ill' (\ca,1. and 11'1 thc lu 'aj)('(l­"I' ('arth oo\'er nit', ('re I I,, 'ar th" cri(" a, tl,,·y hal.· th, '(' into cnptivity," \

So l14ying. glorious Heetor ~trctehed out his arlllS tIl his boy, but baek into the bosom of his fair-

Page 5: ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE · E ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE ILIAD A DTHE ODYSSEY read . reek by JOH F. C. RIC AR CONTENTS: 1 LP FOLKWAYS Fl 9985 1 text (8 p.)

a.p S' 0 1I'a,S' 1I'pOS' KO'\1I'0V ;ii{wvo,o 'Tt8lj"'lS' ;K,\iv8TJ iaxwv. 1I'aT'pOS' t/>o.ov Q./J'v aTVx8fiS'. T'appljaaS' Xa.NcOV T'f iS€ '\04>ov i1l'1l'lOXa£T'T}'" SftVOV a1l" aKpoT'aT'T}S' KOpv8oS' VfOOl'7'a vo7)aaS', ;K S' ;y''\aaaf 1I'aTJ/p T'f tj>D.OS' Kal 1I'MvW ~~'TTJp' aVrlK' a1l'0 Kp4T'OS' KOpv8' ~"'fT'O 4xUS'p.oS' ·EKTwp. Kat -niv ~€v KaT"8TJKOI (1I't X80vt 1I'a~4>o. .. owaa,,' aVro.p 0 'I' ~v t/>D.ov viov (1I'ft Kuaf 1rii'" T'f Xfpaw, fl1l'0' ;1I'£Vf~0'0S' du T" ruowlv T'f 8ftX.n' .. Zfii cillo, T'f 8fOl. 8O-rf S7} Kal T'Ov& YOlE06at 1I'a~' (~ov. wS' Kal ;yw 1I'fp. dp'1I'pf1l"a TpWEaaUl. ~f PlTJ" T" aya80 ... Kal 'l,\lov ~, &Vaaaf"" Ka£1I'0'f" T"S' f'1I'0' • 1I'aT'pOS' 'I' 0& 1I'0,\,\ov ~i"wII • ;K 1I'0"'~OV, a"£Ol'7'a' ~po' S' l .. a.pa, ppoT'OVITa KT'flvaS' S7/'o .. a .. Spa. XapElTJ S€ t/>,,&a ~MP'"

-oS' fi1l'c.:JV Q,\oX0tO t/>o.TJS' €v Xfpa'" IS,Kf 1I'aiS' (0 .. ' ~ S' apa ~t.V ICT}W&, ~faT'o KO,\17'IJ &'KPUOOI y('\aaaaa' 1I'0a,S' S' (MTJaf voljaas. Xftpl T" ~w KaT"pEfOl 11I'0S' T" 14>o.T" IK T" O"O~"{f' .. Sa'p.ovlTJ. ~lj p.ol 'Tt >UTJv liKaXl{fO 8v~. OU ycip T'lS' ~' w£p alaCUI avr,p • A&'!, 1I'pow..pn' p.otpav S' OU 'TtVcl 4>TJ~' 1I'ft/>vy~ivo .. I~~€VO.I. Q"CpWII. OU KaKO ... oM£ ~£v (a8'\01'. (~V T'o. 1I'pW-ra Y''''ITa" ill' fiS' olKov loiiaa T'o. a' aUriiS' Ipya KO~"f, taT'OV T" ~'\aKaT'T}v T'f. Kal ~'1I'0,\ow, K',\fl)( Ipyov ;1I'olXfa8a,' 1I'0'\fp.oS' S' avSpfaa, ~'\ljaH 1I'aa,. ~ci,\'aT'a S' (~ol. T'O' 'I>Uep ;YYfyaaaw,"

"Ds apa t/>wvljaaS' Kopv8' f"'fT'O 4>o.lS,~0S' ·EKTwp '1I'1I'OVP''' ' aA0XOS S£ t/>l,\TJ OlKOVSf PfpljKEt (IITP()1Ta,\,{o~,"TJ. 8a,\fpOV KaT'a SdKpv x'ovaa ,


/tinlled nursc shrank the child crying, aR'righted at th. ' aspect of his dear father, and seized " 'ith dread uf the brunze and the crest of horse-hair, as he 11Iarkcd it waving dreadfully from the topmost helm. ,\I"ud then laughed his dear father and queenly 1I,,,ther; and forthwith glorious Hector took the h.,11II from his head and laid it al!-gleaming upon tl,,' ground, But he kisst'd his dear son, and fllmlled hiln in his arms. and spake in prayer to Z.'II' and the uther gods : .. Zeu!> and ye other gods, !lraHt that this my child may likewise prove, even a._ I. pre-cminent amid the Trojans, and as valiant ill might, and that he rule mightily over llias, And ,,1111(' day may sume man say of him as he cometh h;"'k from WAr •• He i!> better far than his father' j

;11,,1 may he bear the blood-staincd spoils of the tilt'lIIan he hath slain , and may his mother's heart lIax glad."

So saying, he laid his child in his dear wifc's anll~ . and she took him to her fragrant bosom, ' lIIiling through her tears; and her husband was t"uched with pity at sight of her, and he stroked her lIith his hand, and spakc to her, saying : .. Dcar wife, in no wise, 1 pray thet', grieve o\'crmuch at I,,'art j no man beyond my fate shall loend me forth til Hades; only his doom, methinks, no man hath ('\'l'r escaped, be he coward ur valiant, when once lit' hath been born. Nay, go thou to the house alld busy thyself with thine own tasks, the 100m alld the distal', and bid thy handmaids ply their "ork: but war shall be for men, for all, but most of all for me, of them that dwell in lIios."

!"t> spake gloriuus II ector 111111 t""k up his helm "'it h h(lr.<c-hllir en'st; nnd his dear wife WCllt fllrthwith til her huu,e, oft turuinlt back, IIl1d ,hcddillg bi/: tt'ar.< ,


-oS' apa t/>wvTjaaS' a.1I'(p." 1I'pOS' pAlCpOv ·O'\II~"OV 'Ep~flaS" nplap.os S' (~ '1I'1I'WV ~T'O X~{f. 'I&''iov S£ KaT" aiSfh '\i1l'QI' 0 S£ ""'1-'"" (PUKClW 470 '1I'1I'0vS' ~~£OvoVS' 'r(' Y(PWI' 3' &8Vs IC~ oiKov. 'Tjj p' 'AX"'fUS' '{faKf S,tt/MoS" J.. ~ ~w aVrov fOP'. l-rapol S' a1l'cll'fv8f KII81jaT'o' -rw Sf SU' orc.,. ';;pwS' AVro~'Swl' -rf Ka, • A>.K'~S'. 0{0S' .. ApyJoS'.

, "". , ' \ '''.-.~ 1I'0'1TVVOV 1I'apEOl'7'f' VfOV 0 a"fl\T}Yfl' fO""".(> ----'l " If' \ _~ ,,, 1 fovwl' Kat 1I'lVWI" fT'l Kat 1I'.."..K~'-rO T'p411'f.,.a.


T'OU,- S' ('\a8' fluf,\8wv npl~oS' ~'yaS'. ayx, s' aptl. ,"as'

Xfpalv 'AXtMijoS' '\Upf youva-ra Ka, KOOf Xftpa~ 8E,"uS' avSpot/>ovovS'. at o[ 1I'o).(aS' ICT'clVOV vlaS'.

wS' S' OT' av avSp' Q.T'T} 17VK'vTJ >'ciP!/, oS' T" ;v, 1I'clT'fY!1 41<11

t/>WTa KaT'alCT'f,vaS' Q,\,\wv (,lKfT'O Sij~OI'. avSpOS' ;S' at/>VfloV. 8~poS' S' IXfl fiaopOWl'7'ar. wS' 'AX''\£vS' 8&.~PTJUfil iSwv npla~ov 8foflS'n' 8al'f3TJaal' S£ Kat ruo" (S' illlj'\ovS' S£ i&VT'O , T'Oil Kat '\laao~£voS' npi~oS' 1I'pOS' ~ii801' Ifl17f' 4.'<.-,

.. I~vijaa, 1I'aT'pOS' a040. 8£OLS' (1I''''Kf'\' 'AXtMfV, T'T},\lKOIl wS' 1I'fP (ywl'. o'\O<fJ €1I'L yljpaoS' OUO<fJ ' Kat I~EII 1I'0V Kftl'OV 1I'fpwa,j.,.al cip.t/>'S' ;OVT'(S' n{pova'. oilS' T'tS (aT"" ap~v Kat '\o,yov a~iiva" ill' -r) T'o, Kf41'0S' 'If al8fv ,WoII'TOS' aKOUwI' xalpfl T" (I' 8v~<fJ. ;11" T" 1'\1I'£T'a, Tj~aT'a TTclln'a 0.pfa8a, t/>o.OII viol' a170 T pa{TJ8fV wlI'Ta ' aVrap (yw TTaVa1l'0T'p.oS'. ;11'£' T'(KOV IIraS' dplaT'ovS' T poi?/ (II fUpEl?/. T'WI' S' OU T',"a t/>TJ~' '\f'\f'it/>8a, . 1I'fIl'TJIKOVT'a p.o, -r}aCUl, 0.,.' Tj'\v801' VlfS' 'AXatwl" (VVfaKalOfKa ~'v p.o' iijS' (K VTJSooS' -r}aav. T'ovS' S' ruovS' ~o, IT''ICT'OI' €V, ~fycipo,a, ytNaiKfS'. T'WV ~€V 1I'0llwv 80iipoS' • AP"IS' WO yowaT" I'\VUfil'

I !.ine 476 ., .. rejected by ArI8tarehu.



So spake Hermes, and departed unto high Olympus j and Priam leapt from his chariot to the ground, and left there ldaeus, who abode holding the horses and mules j but the old man went straight toward the house where Achilles, dear to Zeus, was wont to sit. Therein he found Achilles, but his comrades .at apart: two only, the warrior Automedon and Alcimna, scion of Ares, waited busily upon him ; and be was newly ceased from meat, even from eating aDd drinking, and the table yet stood by his Bide.

Un!lcen of thcsI' great Priam entered ill, and coming c10sc to Achille" c1ll/iped in hill hands his knces, and kissed his hands, thc tcrriblc, man-slaying hands that had slaill his many sons. And as when sore

blindnel>s of heart cometh upon a man, that in his own country slayeth another and escapeth to a land of strangers, til the honae of some D:lan of substance, and wonder holdeth them that look upon him; even so was Achilles seized with wonder at sight of godlike Priam, and seized with wonder were the others likewise, and they glanced one at the other. But Priam made entreaty, and spake to him, saying: .. Remember thy father, 0 Achilles like to the gods, whose years are even as mine, on the grievous threshold of old age. Him full likely the dwellers that be round about are entreating evilly, neither is there any to ward from him ruin and bane. Howbeit, while he heareth of thee as yet !'live he hath joy at heart, and therewithal hopeth day by day that he shall see his dear son returning from Troy-land. But 1--1 am utterly unblest, seeing I begat sons the best in the broad land of TroX, yet of them 1 a\'ow that not one is left. Fifty 1 had, when the sons of the Achaeans came j nineteen were born to me of the self-same womb, and the others women of the palace bare . Of these, many as they were, furious Ares

Page 6: ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE · E ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE ILIAD A DTHE ODYSSEY read . reek by JOH F. C. RIC AR CONTENTS: 1 LP FOLKWAYS Fl 9985 1 text (8 p.)

O~ S' p.oL olo~ IT)I', £iplITo S€ aO"TlJ Kat au.rov~, TC).' aV 71PCPT)V KT£~l'a~ ~UI'Of'(I'OI' 71(pt 7T(iTPTJ~. li'11

"EKTopa ' TOU I'UI' Eil'Ex' lKal'w Jrija~ 'AxaLwl' ~IIO'Of'(I'O~ Trapo. O'e'w, 4>£pw S' dTr(P£tO'L' aTrOLl'a . Q.U' alS£w 8EO~, 'Axw\(u, au.rol' T' lUT)O'ol', f'VT)O'af'£I'O~ O'OU TraTpa~' lyw S' l~(£LI'O-r£pO~ 71£P,

ITA71" S' of' OU 71W TLS" l7TIx8ol'lO<; {3POTO,· o:,uoS". r~I:. Ql'SpO, 71aLSo.pcwOLU r.07t O'Tof'u X£ip' n(lEy£aBo(." ·U~· .paTO, TIp S' apa 710TPOS u.p' if'£pol' wpu£

yoolO' '.1. ' ~. II ", T , a~of'~"oS" 0 a~u X£!PO~ a;r,:,O'oTO T)~a y£p~VTa.

TW S£ f" 'TJaOf'£IIW, 0 /UV bKTOPOO, 'LvSpo.pm'olO KAui' dSlvd Trp071apodh 71oliwl' 'AXLAiju , tAva8.,s . roJ" au.rap 'AXL,u£us KAo'i£ll EoI' Trur/p'. ci,uUT( S' (lu.r£ J I UTPOKAOV ' TWII Sf O'TOI'OX~ KaTe! SW/LOT' OpWpH . ou.rdp (71£t po you,o T(TUP71(TO liioS" 'AXL,uEl;~- , Kut oi ci710 71PU71tliwv ~AO' i/upuS" ~S' ciTrO YVtWI' ,'

• , , t '8 ' .,. I <;;:. ., , Q~T'(K, ar.o P0I.',UU wPT~) yFpOI'T~ Of Xf'fO'~ a,JUl7l/, ... d .

OIKTHpWV TrOAIOI' T( KOP'/ 710AWV T£ YEVELOI', Koi /lIV .pwl'~au, 171EO 71T(P0£l'TO Trpoa'1'5S,,' .. ,1 SEtA', ~ 1i'1 Tro,ud KnK' uvax£O 0'01' KOTn. OV/L"l' . TrWS (TAT), (71' Jrijos '-"XUIWV (AO(f'EV 07",. civSpoS" ( , d.p80AILOUS 0, TOI 710UU, T£ K'" (O'(lA",", :.: .. IIUU, (~El'apl~O; alli'/pHOV I,J TOI ·~TO(l . d,u' ayE Sry KUT' ap' ;'EV (71l 8povov. (iAYHL 8' (ILTTl/,­(I ' flvf" ,'O KOToK£ia8ul Maof'EI' ciX.,Jf'£vui 71£P ' ou yap T" 71pijeL~' 71iAnol Kpv£puio yoolO ' wS" yap (71EKA';;O'QI"1'O 8£0' SHAOi", {3POTO'iO'l, ; ,! , r ' , , , . ~ I , , <;;: I "

,;)W£L,II a~vUJ.L£I IO~J~ · lUJ'TOL o~ 'T a~lJoE£~ £L~' .

SOIOI yop TE Trd}ol KuTOKHOTal (v UIOS" OVliE' SWPWI' 0[0 SiliwO'I. KaKwv, (T£po, Sf Eawv' c:' /L(I' K' cif'f'£ieo<; SW!I Z£US- T(P7TLK(POVl'O' . ruuT( f'b' T( KOK'~ 0 V( KVP(Tto.l, mOTE Ii' (11I/A,'O · ... ::"

.p Sf ICe' TWI' ~VYPWI' SWr/, ~wfJ"rrOI' 18T)ICE, 1Ca.' ; lCalClj {3ov{3pwO'T&S" ;Tri. x80l'a Sial' i~avv(L, ~L Tij. S' OV-rE 8£O'O'L TETLf"l'oS" OV-rE fJpcrro'iO'LI'. W, f'€1' ICU, IlTJ~';;L 8(0i. 800'Ql'ciy~0. SwP\1 «K Y£I'£"';;S"' TrelVTa~ yap iTr' o.I'8pw."ov<; ilC'lCaO'To 635 0¥J<fJ Tf Tr~u..,.<fJ Tf, cil'aO'O'e' S€ MVPf't80VfO'O'L, 1Cal. 0: 8VT)TijJ iOIlTL 8(0.1' Tro'T)O"al' ciKO'T&I' . Q.U' lTri. 1Ca( TijJ 8';;ICE 8£0~ IC(1I(OI', M-.,.& 0' ou T& "al.&.1I' €v f'EYelp<nO'L yovt) YWt'TO ICpELOIITWl', cU.\' El'a TrarSa T'ICEI' Tral'aWpLOI" oUS, vv TOV)'E li~fI Y'1pciulCoVTa 1C0f',CW, l,,£i. ~a TT)M8, TrelTpTJS" ~aL b, Tpo'?I, 0" Te' ~v ¥~ 0"0. T'Kl'a. Ka( O'f. y«pov, TO TrP&1' IJ.€" WcOOOf'E" 8>4JLOI' flvo.& · &'0'01' AiO"/k<; civw, M<iKapos l&~, €IIT~ lEpye"

'..... ' 8 ' 8 ' 't:'\ \ , ., KaL .... P"Y'T) lCa II'1T£P £ Ka' r..N\"}CTTrO~ aTrE!.pW", !i~.-.

TWV O"E, yJpov, ,,~u..,.'f' TE lCal. vlaO', ~l. 1C£IC&.06aL. Clu-ro.p iTrEt TO' ""1f'a T&8' Vvayov Ollpavlwv£S,

t , , 111 , I' ..!_.~ , CUE' TO' ".pL a.O'TV f'aXaL T CII'Op<'KTaO'LaL TE. iVUXEO, f'"s' ci.\laO'TOV OSvpEo 0"01' lCaTo. 8vp.Ol" o~ yG.p T& "P'lffL~ WcaX'1f'e'I'O~ lllos «ow,' r.-~, o~ f'W ~EL~, TrP'1' 1Ca( IC(1I(OI' cLUo Tra8r/aBa."

Tov S' ~f'Et{JcT' ITrfLTa y'pwl' nplCll'Os 8£0£t8~s ' .. f'~ TrW f" «s 8paI'Dv iCE, Sl.OTpE4>£~, ~ ICEI'

"EK-rwp KCI!LTaL £VL 1C1U<nr/0'&" TJ<;, <IN\a TaX&O'Ta A "\ _ _ ! ~'.!\\"

~Vaol', W' OfDalyJ.owW . aV s€ S'EaL aTrOWQ 5; ....

'IrOMcl, Tel TO& prpop.EV. aV Sf TWI'S' o.7I'01'aLO, lCat lMJOL~'

O;V Js 7r'QTpl3cr. yatcu., br.l f'E- "piin-ov lQCTClS ClIITOV T. ,cU.", KcU &pGJI ;a.os ,;cAloLO.'"

T 01' S' &p' VtrOapa l8Wv TrPOO"'~ tr08a.~ WKUs 'AX&M.~· .

.. f'''1IC'T' viiv .f" JpJS,CE, yJpov' ~w ~ ICcU Cl.m)~ 600

, !.i .. t: :,Ie " 'as nj.· .... ·.1 hy .\ri,llIn·"""

, T" .. (;", .. ·k admits "f tI,(· "· ..... ·rinll' . _. h.· .. IIr,,, . .... f th.· ""iI Ifills tI"" I ... lI'i\'l·Ih. nn.1 "" .. .. I' hl""i,,;I"," .... I Ih.· nUlfl"rinIC jCh ....... hu\·~ _'"'":'10 _ilh "1,,1,,':0- illl.·rpr ...... i .. " Ot. 1"'/" ii. :I;!I Ill.

hath loosed the knees, and he that alone was left me, that by himself guarded the city and the men, him thou slewest but now as he fought for his country, even Hector. For his sake am I now cume to the ships of the Achaeans to win him back from thee, and I bear with me ransom past counting . ~ay. ha\'e thou awe of the gods, Achilles . and take pity on me, remembering thine own father. Lo, I am more pit('ulls far than I ... , and han ' t: n,l"n·d what nn "II".r lIIortal un thl' fa'T "I' "arth hal" " .t. .·, .. I" n·d . I" n·",·h furth III)' h"nd to I h!' fa ... · "i' hilll t "at hal" blaill Illy SUIIS ."

Su spak" 11(., ami ill Achill. ·, h" ruu-, ·d d", irt: I" w('t'p f .. r hi~ fatl,, ·r; all,l I ... I .... " I I,, · .. Id ""'" loy III(' I,alld. RnU j:("IIIly put " ,ill, fr .. m Ioilll . S .. tl ... twaill IIdhollght II"'n, of tlo.·ir .1, ... .1, a"d w"pt; the .. II(' fur OIall-.,layilll{ 1I,·(·I .. r w .. pt , ,,1'(', tl ... \I hi\.­he g"",·ellc·,1 at A,·hilio·., ' f(·"" hili .'\,·Ioilk, ""1'1 f .. ,· his OWII fath('r, ancl 110'" agaill f .... 1'" lr""h,, ; ", ,, I tl". ~f)1II111 of th.·ir I" .. allillg ""111 "I' 11o .. ",, !! I, II ... h .. u~e . )Jut wh('11 goodly Ad,i", " 10".1 had I.i , Iill .. I' lam"nlillj:(, and tht: IOIlp;inp; tl"·I'( ·r .. r had c"',,;o ;'lo-d frIO'" his hc'art ;l1II\lill1hs. forllo"i11o 111('111 ... ' r"'allg f'rnm his scat, all,l rai~"u Ih" "Id "'a" I .. hi, 10"",1. pitying his hoary Iwa,l and h .. " .. )' 1"';0";'; alld I ... spake :lIlel audrcsst:d him with "ill~O'(I ""rei, : ... \1 •. unhappy man, full IIlallY ill g,,,.d " "Itl, ;oro ' tl,, ' ,·,·il , 110011 IH"\. cll(\ur('d ill Ihy , .. "I. 1/ 0" 1",,1,1 th"" II ... I'('arl I .. C'oml' al.",, · 10 tl,, · , hiI" .. I' till' :\ c· I"" ·;II" . I .. IlIl'c1 th(' c'Y'" .. f fII(' that h,,\t · ,I"i" I"y ",", ''';Oil", :IIIU valianl? Of ir.... \'I 'ril) i, thy 1""'1'1. II lit ('unll', sit thuH up"" a s~al , Hllcillllr ~IIITII\\ !'o- \\ill \\C'

~uff'c ' r tu Ji,' qui( ·t in (Jur III·tIrl .... , dj · .... pilt · nur paill: fill'

no profit (·""n·tlo .. I' ('hill lalll. ·"t. F"r on tloi, \\ j" .

ha\'e 110" 1!",ls spun Ihe llor"ad /'''1' wrdd ... d 1I ... ,·tal, . thaI Ihcy ,I,oulcl Ii"t: in pai,, ; a"d fl"·,,,,.·,,, ,', aI',' I'urrU\\-t,l'SS . Fur t\\"o urns an' ".'t UPOI) ,h. , tI"!),, ot' Z( ·lIs .. f j:(ilh lhal he j:(in'Ih, tl,,' ""(, "fill-. tl,, · "Ih"r (If hl('" inp;~" To ",IoUIIISUl·\·''I" Z.·", . tl".t h"rld" till' Ihuluf(·rholt, gi\'clh a I"illl.d,·d I"t. tl.at "''111

mccl('I" now with l'\'iI, now with ~"",I ; hili '0 "10,,", , IiOCver he giveth but of the baneful, him he makcth to hc' r~vik'u uf mlln, anu rlirt: ful mad,l('ss' d riH·th hill, .. n ·r the fut'e of th" sac'n'u ("arlit . alUl he w:"ukn·tlt hunoured neither of gud~ nor lII"rlaJ... I-:\'ell ~(I unto Pcleus did the gOlib give glurious gifts fro II, his birth; for he excelled all men in good estale and in wealUl, and was king over the Myrmidons, and to him that was but a mortal the gous gave a goddess to be his wife. Howbeit even upon him the gods brought evil, in that there nowise sprang up in his halls offspring of princely sons, but he begat one only son,doomed to an untimely fate. Neither mlly I tend him as he groweth old, seeing that far, far from mine own country I abide in the land of Troy, vexing thec and thy children. And of thee, 01U sire, we hear that of old thou wut blel;t; how of aU that toward the sea Lesbos, the seat of Macar, encloseth, and Phrygia in the upland, and the boundles~ Hellespont. over all these folk, men say , thou, old Sire, wast pre­eminent by reason of thy wealth and thy sons . How­beit from the time when the heavenly god~ brought upon thee this bane, ever around thy c~ty are ~attles and slayings of men. Bear thou up, neither \\'all ever ceaselessly in thy heart; for naught wilt thou avail by grieving for thy son, neither wilt thou bring him back to life; ere that shalt thou suffer some other ill."

And the old man, godlike Priam. answered him: .. Seat me not anywise upon a chair, 0 thou fObtered of Zcus, so long as Hel'tor lieth uncared-for amid the huls; nay, give him back with speed, thaI mine eyes may behold him; and do t~ou ul'cept the r:msmn, the grE-llt ransom, that we brmg. So may est thou have joy thereof, and come to thy native lanu, .eein« that from the fin~ thou hut .pared me."1

Then with an angry' glance from beneath his bro1fl apake to him Achilles swift of foot: .. Provoke me no more, old sir; I am minded even of myself to

Page 7: ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE · E ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE ILIAD A DTHE ODYSSEY read . reek by JOH F. C. RIC AR CONTENTS: 1 LP FOLKWAYS Fl 9985 1 text (8 p.)

-EK1'Opa 1'Ol· '\Oaa./, 6,w801 Sf IJ-O/ ciyy«.\os ~'\8« POTrnlP, Yj po' ;nKH, 8vyfi.'7jp <Wow ycpovros. Ka.' [,C a« Y/>",WuKW, np'~. I/>p«alV, oUSf IU

'\~8«Is , cYrn 8f(AJV TIS" a' ~y( 800S ~'" ~a.s 'AXa.4wv. ov yap K« 1''\a.I." /3poToS" ~,\8iPOfll, oVS€ poo.X ';'/3Wv, M.'i is" aTpa.1'OV ~ oV[,i ycip av I/>V'\o..KOL S" ,\0..801, oV[,i K'

oxija p«,a 1J.(1'OxAiaaf:lf: 8vpO.wv ';'POf:TfpaWV. 1'W VVv poi IJ-OI polliov W cUr«al 8vpoov OP1vrlS", po~ Of, y«pov, oV[,' aVrov WI K.\winalv (d.aw Ka, Uci,.."v "fP ~oV1'a, 6,IOS [,' cL\i1'wpoa, il/>npoo..S".' f,ill

J fO'iO: iijof. • Lines M6 C. were rejected by Aristarchus .

1 LiDe ~ is omitted in many _ •.

give Hector back to thee; for from Zeus there came to me a messenger, even the mother that bare me, daughter of the old man of the sea. And of thee, Priam, do I know in my heart-it nowise escapeth me-that some god led thee to the swift ships of the Achaeans. For no mortal man, were he never so young and strong, would dare to come amid-the host; neither could he then escape the watch, nor easily thrust back the bar of our doors. Wherefore now stir my heart no more amid my sorrows, lest, old sire, I spare not even thee within the huts, my suppliant though thou art, and so sin against the behest of Zeus."



'II poill ('P' t,,, fi'TTOUIT' u"ifJ'I 'YXaVK6,.,,,,,, 'A8~"" OUXVP07l"~IIS', 08, q,aul. Qf(;W ;So .. uuq,aXi .. a&fl. ;fLfLfllo.I. OUT' ullifLOIU/ TII,aUUfTo./ OllTf "OT' ofLfJp9' SfvfTai OUTf X1WII €?TT7riXllo.To.I, uXXtl "dX' 0.,{8p, ?T€'TTTo.To.I ';"~4>fM", XfVK~ S' i'TTIUSPOfL€II o.i'YX", ~ 1'", ;11' TfP'TTOl",o.I fL""o.pt: .. 8(01. ;jfLD.To. 'TTel"1'a. ;110' a'TTifJ." 'YXo.vKi:ml" Elrfl SIf'TTiq,po.Sf ICOUp".

AVTil!(a S' 'Hw, ~X8f" EVfJPOIIOt;, ij JoLIII l-yf:lPf No.vlTIKclall EWflrMII' 4q,ap S' a.7I"f(JaufLD.IT' 8VflPOII, fJ~ S' iillal Sla. SWfL0.8', jll' U.ryftMIE 1'OlCfVIT''', 60

?To.Tpl q,iX" Kat fL'/Tpi ' KIX,jUo.TO 0' ;1100" €(JI'TO' .. • 'I J-Lfll ;11" £UX,"P!' ,jUTO UUII ,;"q,t7rOXOlai 'YVll0.1El" ,jX"Ko.Ta aTpwq,wu' ,iXmopq,vpo.· Tii> (j( (JUpo.~(

tp.\o,,~,·(!, EUfL~"\"TO fLfTti KX£lTOUt; fJo.alXijo. .. t~ j:lOl,\,j,., i'"o. !JIll K,;XWII cllo.l."Kf .. ,i'Yo.voi. 5~

'I Sf I"'X' thY' t7TaUo. q,iXoII ~o.Tipo. lrPOU(fl'TTf' .. I [,'7T ron q,;-!l.:. Olll( c1ll S'i fLOi i.po'TT >U.UUElo., U'TT ,ill'l"

l'Y'(\"" (:\i""UK"XOI't .'"a K"XUTt( f;'~4T' (i'YtJJJLat ;,- 1Tt'.Ta~;'JI 7iAU1'€OlJaa, Ttl jJ.0L i}fl'lJ'1T'(IJJ.L~"(l KttTal;

Nat ~€ au; (lUT~U ;OIKE fifT ;i 7ipWTOtaU1 fUJITa. 60 fJovXa, fjouXfU.I/I Ko./lo.pa. Xpoi' f,jlaT' [xovra. Trtl'Tf oi TOI 9i:lJlI IIIf~ ""t fLf-I,;POI, -/E-I';o.u,,,, Ot su' 01rVlonE", Tpfi .. S' ,jitJEOt tJa Xitl, .IITf,,' oi S' o.'·Et (8iXoVUI '·E";7TXvTn fi'f<nT' tXOIITf ..

i .. xopiJl' :PX(u(Jo.t· Ttl S' EI'!I CPPEI't 'TT""Ta fLifL,/XE"'" G5

"n .. tq,o.T'· ai'SfTo "lap tJo.XfPOII 'Y"fLO" iEoIIOfL',IIOt 'TTn Tpl q,iX,:'. ,; Sf 'TT,illTo. 110ft Kal ,ifL€,fJfTO fL,:,(J,,· .. ()i:n; TOI 'lfLlo/'wII q,(/olliw, TiKO~, OUTf TEV aXXov.

ipX'v' ,iT"P TOI OfLWE, €q,or.Xi UUOI'UW ,iTr'}II'/" uy"X;". €UKUKXOII. U7TfJlTfpl.!1 ';papvio. ... " 70

"n~ fi'TTWII cfLWt:lTa," tKfK\£TO, TOI. '0' fTriOOl'TO.


Ai S' OT( S~ 'TTOTo.fLoio PaOli TrEptICo.XXt tlCOIITO, 8.5 [II(J' .'; TOI '7rXVIIOI. ,;uo.,' €7I"TJETo.IIOI., ?ToX;' 0' jjowp Ko.XOII UTrfKlrPOPff" I p.JXa 7I"fP j)IJ'TTOwvro. KaO,jPtJI, [,.(J' o.i 'Y' 'ifL'O"OV~ fLEI' InrfKr.poi;o..vUo.II ,ilr'}""'" ICo.l Ta .. fLE" aEVo.II 1r0To.fLOll lr"po. ou·,if"To. 'rfcdyEI" a'YPI"aTI" fL€X"ISia' Tal. 0' ,i7l"' ,ilr'III'/' 00 E'fLaTo. Xfpalll ;XOIJTO Ko.l. fUq,Opt:Oll fL(Xo." liS,,,p,

So SIIy ill It. the goddess, flashin~.t'yed Athcne, departecl to OlympICs, where, they say. is the abode of the goch that stands fast fore,·cr. Neither is it shaken by winds nor e,'er wet with rain, nor does snow fall npon it, but the air is outspread clear and cloudless, and over it hovers a radiant whiteness. Therein the blessed gods are glad all their days, and thithcr went the /Iashing·eyed one, when she had spoken all her word to thc maioen.

At once then came fair·throned Dawn and awakened Nllusicaa of the beautiful robes, and straightway she marvelled at her oreum, and went through the house

lo tell her parents, her f"ther clear ancl h('r mother; ,~",l she fuuml thcm buth within . Thc moth('r So'lt at the he:uth with her hanornaiclens, spinning tl,(' yarn of purplc dye, 1\1)0 h,'" father shc mct as hc WaS goin~ f,.rth to joil) the ~Iorious kings in the pla(:e of ,.,,,111"ii , to whil·h the lonlly Phaeaei.~ns call cd hill1. Hut she cnme up c10sc to her dcar falher, all,1 .aiu :

.. Pap" ,\ear, wilt tholl not makc r(':uly fur mc .~ waggon, hiJ.:h allIl stOllt lIf whcel, that I lIlay takc to the ri,'er for washillg t hc ~f)O(l1y railllellt uf lIlille which is Iyillg hcrc suikcl ~ Moreo"cr for thy<C'lf it is set'lllly that whell thou art at eouneil with thc princes thou shou1.ht hn"e clcan rnim~lIt "POll thc('; :U1U thou hast fi, 'c sons livillg in thy halls-two arc wcddf'cl. hut three an~ sturc!y "a .. hdors- :lIIel tl,,·.,. cver wi~h to pllt 011 them fn·shly.wa,hecl r:till II'lIt , \\'ll<'n thcy ~o to thc ,Iallce. Of all this Illllst I take thought ... ·

So shc <poke, for shc was a,llanl( ·,1 to lIaltle ,dac!. some lillarriage tll her fatlu ·r; hllt he JlIH1cr,tuoJ all. ancl ans'\'t·red, sayill!,: " !lic' ill,,'" the 111111,·, ,10 I he· grucl~e thee, my dlilcl, nor :lIlght hesidl· . Go thy W:t"; the> ~Ia\'l's shall 1I1:11.e n 'n,'" for thee the wa~;.:on, high :mcl stout "I' \\ I" 'd a'IHI filtc'cl with a hox ahc.I\"c,.'," '.!

Wilh this he ('all,.<1 to the ,Ia\'t'<, awl th('y 1J(·ark(,lIctl.



Now when they came to the heautiful streams of the river, where were the washi~/t tauk~ that never failc ·d -for ubundallt c·le81· wate .. w"l1e,1 up from bellcllth and RoweU O\'el', to ('I e." 1St" garlllcllts howe"cr soiled -there they lou,,,o the lIlules fmlll 1I110c'r the w,,~· gon and druve them alullg the , ·,Id~· illl-t riHr to graze on the hOlley.swcet water.grass. untl tl,,:mselvf's took

Page 8: ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE · E ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE ILIAD A DTHE ODYSSEY read . reek by JOH F. C. RIC AR CONTENTS: 1 LP FOLKWAYS Fl 9985 1 text (8 p.)

UTfi/3011 0' fll /:300po,U, 00;'<; Epl8a .".po¢cpovual. alJTo.p f7r" 7TXii",," Tf KUO!}PUII Tf plnra 7r'lllTa, ;E,i'1<; 7TiTauflil roapo. Oill' tiXo<;, 'ix' jL"X,UTR X'I''Yya<; 7rOT' Xipuoll ,i7r07rXVllfUK' ~ O,iXauua. N ai Sf Xo,uu'ljLfilal Kat xplaujLfilal xi.".' EA.a.i~" &i",,"o" ;""£10' ,i>'OI'TO 7Tflp' OXOflaill 7ToTajLoio, fi'J.lATa 0' ~f>J.OIO liilloll Tfpa~JLfilal airyfi. aVTap {roft aiTnv TlipcpO,,, Sw!,ai T' Kat aVTlj, aepalP!l Ta~ S' up' ;7Tal'oll, ,i7TO Kp.i~"ijLlla /3a>.oiiual· 100 Tfiul lli Navullcua XfVKc.JX'"0li ijPXfTO p.oX7Tij<;. Ot'" ll' 0 ApTfjLI<; ,lal II'(l.T' oup,a 3 loxialpa, t; KaTa T'1i1'YfTOil 7rfplli.iKfTOil I; 'EpvliallOo,', TfproollEVI, lC,i7Tpola, Ka, WKfifl<; iX,iepotal' Tn 8E 0' u.J.IA vvwfJal, I(oiipal .:lo,O<; ai'Yloxolo, 100

U'YpOI'~jLUI 7rai~OVUI, 'YE'Y"O' 8E Tf epp;',a A'1Tc.J· 7raU,LWil S' Irrr~p ,j 'Y' KUP'1 £Xfl ~i)f IiETw.".a, piAu T' U("'YVc.JT'1 .".i>',Tal, KaXa, oi Tf .".,;tT(l.l· w<; ij 'Y' ,iliepl7TOXOlal IifTE7TPi7rf .".ap8€I'O' ,jSIi',<;'

':\ X~' OTf S ~ ap' €jL,XXf 7Tlix, II oll(~/'~' "ffaOal 110

~ft;~al'7' ~Ii'("'Ol'~ roT/;~(lU'; Tf fl'p.am KaX", :',,0' aUT' .lXx' t"'~'la, Of II, 'Y>.a l'KW7TI~ ',\ 0';11", w<; 'OOVUfU" :''YPO/TO, ,llo, T' fuw71"Illa KOVP'1V, ij oi <1>alliKwl' ,jvSpwil ""~>'II' .i'l.iuUITo. aepa/pm' t7T£tT' ;;PPI'1tf lifT' ,ili<pi.".uXOil {:3aai>'fta' 115 liJLcf>I7T~>'OU Ii~II [iIiUPTf, /3uOfi,'7 ll' ;1' /~«Xf oivfl' ai 6' f7rtl((l.KPOV ,iVUllV' ° ll' ;'YPfTO oio<; 'OSvaafl/<;, ;~~lifVO<; 0' wpjLalv£ l(aTn cppilla l(aL KaT4 OUjL~v'

.. on jLO' i-,w, Ti'M' aVrf /3POT(;JV ;,. 'Yatav IK,ivw; ~ p' 0& -/ u~plaTai T' Kat "'YPIO' ovS~ O'l(alO', 120

ijE epIXli~w'o, Kat aep'" "~o<; f'TTL Ofov~'i<;; w<; TE jLf KOVPUWV liliep';>'VOf O,jXv" IjuTli'

"UJ-LCP',fJJII, ai' EX0tJa' Op~lJ)" aiTrftJ'l& K.ipJ/IIC

lI'a, 7T'rta<; 7rOTali(~1' Kal TofU!;« 7To"ifVTtI. ,j "V 7TOll ,il.e"Wr.WI' fijLI aXfOov aU(H/cvTWI'; 125

,ixX' ii"t't!"/ldl' aUTo<; ""flp,juOfJal .j(i; i'o'''/i4'." "n" fi7TWI' O"livWV U7TtSVafTo oio\ 'OOVO'UfV<;,

ill' 7TVKII,ij~ 0' u>''1'' 7TT~pOOI' KX'iaf Xflpi .".aXftfl .fJv:\X,,,,,, w, pvualTo 7T,pt Xllot li.ill,11 epWT~<;. pij 0' 'lifV (-:',' Tf xiwl' opEa'TfJ0rf:>0" "XII'! .".f.".OlOW<;, J30

0<; T' ,ia' U~Ii'VO" lI'a, ,i.iJLfvo<;. iv llE oi nauf Salnal' aVTn.p 0 {Jova, JLfTfPXfTal ~ "'i,'au,v ,j; JLfT' ,i'YpoTEpa" €~epOIJ<;' KE>'fTal S; f 'YaaT~p

jL tiXCilIl .".€tp~uolITa lCal l~ ""VKLII~II OOjLOIl lxO"v' &1<; 'OOVUEU<; KOVPrlU'v fu.".XolCaf'0LU'v EJLfX'M l~ ,.uEEu8a" 'YVJLVO~ 'tr'p low' ')(.PELf» 'Yap '",av,.

in their arills the raimt'nt trom tire waggoll, nnd bore it into the dl&rk water, lind trnmpled it in the trenc.-he~, Ilusily "ying eael) with eac.-Ia. Now whell they had washed the gnmu!lIts, lind had c:Ieansc.-d them of all the stains, they sprend them out in ro,,'s 011 the shore of the sea where the waves .Jashing against the 1"lId washec.l the pchilies cleanest; an.J they, after they hlld bathed and IInoilltc.-d themselves richly with oil, took their meal on the river's Imnks, and waited for the clothing t(J dry in the Ill'ight sunshine, Then when they had Ia:ul their joy of food, she and her handmaids, they threw off their head-gel&r and fell to playing at ball, and white-anned Nftusiean was lender in the song,' And even /l.~ Artemis, the IIrcher, rovt's over the mountains, along the ridges of lofty Taygetus or Erymanthus. joying in the pursuit of oollrs nnd ~wift deer, lind with her sport the wood-nylllpll<, the dau~hters of Z,'us wh" 1.('al'S the ;legis, alld Leto i~ glad at he:u·t-high allO\'c thl"lII "II :\l't"lIIis 1001,1-her head and hro\\'s, and ell,ily lIIay ,h(' he know II, though 1111 nrc fair-so IIllIi,1 her lrall<1l1l:oid"IIS sh"III' the Illaid unwcd.

Hilt whell she wn~ "hollt tu yoke t/II: IIIl1le~, nnll fol,1 the fair rniment, in order to rdlll'Jl homf'l\'al',I, till'" the goddess, fla~hilll;-cY"d AIIIl'III', touk ullin eoullscl, that ()dyss('uS lJIight a\\'nke alHI sec the fair , faced lIlai.J, who shollill Ipad him to thp Pity of thl' Ph"cat"ians, So thcn the princl'ss t()~<etl the 1.;,]1 til one of her mnidens; lhe lIIai,lell illlleed she mi",,·t.I, Illlt cast it into" d, '"p l' dtl~" amI thereat they cril'11 aloud, lind goodly (),Jys~eu, al\'"k,·, alld ~at up, allli thus he pond .. retl ill Illilld ;",,1 heart:

II Woe is lIIe! to the la1ld of \\'hat 1Il',rt"ls am I 1I0W come? Arc they c.-rul'l, and \\ ild, allli IIl1just? or do they love strllllgers alld f,'ar the ;.:"d" ill th"i,. thoughts ~ There rallA' ill Illy cars a IT)' "s of lJIaidens, of lIymphs who hnunt the tOWCI'illg' pcaks of the mountains, the ~I'rings that f, 'e,l the ri\'l:r,~, aud the grassy lI\<.'adows! Call it he t!.at I alii sume· where near men of hUIll"" ~I'eee!. ~ "ay, I will lIIyself make trilll and see,"

So saying the j.;oullly O<l.rS't' IIS ('IIIIlC forth 1'1'11111

Ileneath the busht's, alld wit!. llis stout h,"ul Ill' Ilroke froUl the thiek wood 11 leafy bralleh, th;lt !.e mi~ht hold it ahout him and hidc th,'rcwith hi~ nak<.'dness. Forth he ('nme like 11 moulltnin-nurtllred lion trusting in his n,i;.:ht, who go,·s forth, !leatell with rain nnd wind, hilt his two eycs arc nhln7.e: into the JIlid~t of the Idlle lIe ~oes, or of the ,h('('I', or on the track of the \\'ild deer, 111111 his helly hid" him go even into the close-built fold, to make an attack upon the flocks. Even so Odysseus was aoout to enter the company of the fair-tressed maidens, naked thouJ!;h he was, for need had come upon him.


/I 'H~ B' ~P''YEIlEta epu"" p0800alCTv~ 'H~, Cell TOT' '."."TIa vopJJIIO' fEtaUVTo &puwa jL;'Xa, '~~.'C16 Of ~f''''ICO'' ""rilolfMTO' ."..pl a'1KOI/<;' oUlnTa 'Ynp acf>apa'YfiillTO. "avaE 0' oovj,ya, lCalC;a, '40

T"P~Ii£l'O<; .".,;"TWII OiCilIl f7TfjLa"TO IIQ,Ta op8;;'v faTQ~TWlI' TO Of "'i"",o~ OVIC lllOoqa€II, w<; O( w' Jpw...uIl'Wil O'CiIV aTEpl'olal OIo,VTo. vaTaToo; ,ip"c,o" jL';>',.,,, EanlXf 8Vpa~E XliX"~ol anlVOjLEllo<; lCa, fp.o't ""VIC,vti epPOIIEOIlTl. 445

TOV 0' f""'J.lAaa,ijL'voo; 'If poafep" ICPIaTfpOo; noxvep'1f'O<;' .. I KplE .".'.".01'. TI lAO, t»Of Ottl U7T(O~ laavo f',/XI»" b

" As IOOD .. early Dawn appeared, therwy-finsered. then the mala of the flock hutened forth to puture and the femalea bleated UDmilked about the pena, for their udders were Ilur~ting. And their ma~ter, distressed with grievolls I'ain~, fclt .. lfI"l( thc ha,·ks of 1&11 the sheep Il~ they stood "I' hefure him, hilt in his folly he marked 1I0t this, that my ml!lI were ""und beneath the breasts of his fleecy shef!p. Last of all the flock thc ram wellt forth, Ilurdened with the weight of his fleece and my eUllning self, Alld mighty PolYl'heJllu~, as he felt along his back, slM,kc to hilJ'l, saying:

,It Good ram, why pray is it that thou goest forth

Page 9: ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE · E ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE ILIAD A DTHE ODYSSEY read . reek by JOH F. C. RIC AR CONTENTS: 1 LP FOLKWAYS Fl 9985 1 text (8 p.)

j ' j •

. . ..:,

;)IT Tn TO,' : 01'; TI 7r1/Pfl~ "If A(;'>"flfLfLil'O~ [pXEal oN;,,·, ,tA)vi 7rOAU 7rPWTO<; l·ifLfal Tipfl;' al.8fa 'TT'oi'I"

fLaKP" j3,j3,i~ , 7TP';}TO~ oE pon<; 7ToTafLwlI ,irpIK'/"fl<;, 4:.0 7TPWTO<; Of UT(I ti fl~1I0E A I Xaifal (lTrOllffU8nl r, ... , . ' fU7i'tp'O~' IIUII aUTf 7TalJUUTltTO~ , 'I uu "I ((/ 'aKTO<; iKptJaApolI 7r08ffl~. TOU ,ill?p KaKo<; (,aX"','Uf

JUI' XlI'Ypoi~ ETt/POIUI oafLauu"fLfl'O\ cppil'a':; OJ'II~O), OUT'~. 01' ou m.o cp1/fLl 7TfrpU-YfL£,JOII filial 0'>"f8plJl/. 4,.,;

f/' oil 0fLOcpPOI.ifll'i 7rOT/rp'o)I·,iw; Tf -yillolo

f'7rfLI' 07TTTr1 Kfil'O~ £fL;)II fL£1I0<; ,jAauK,irf/'

Tr!> K€ oi f-YK€cpn :\O~ "If 0/;'" U7TfO~ 'IXXUOI~ nUn efll'''l1iz.ou palo/To 'TT'PO" OVOfL. KnS Sf K' f'fL(1I' K~p >",u¢ .; rrf/f KaKWII. TIt fLOI oUT/oallo~ 7rOPfll OLT/<;.' 4GO

.. "fh fl7TWII TC}II KPIOII U7rO ;0 7TffL7Tf 8Wpa~f. ;;"'80IlTt<; 0' ,jj3aloll 1;71'0 u'TT'fiou<; Tf KaL a~Ajl<; 'TT'PWTO<; im' ,ipl'f/oU AUOfL'/!'. iJ7ffAuua 0' iTaipou<;.

smE II. BAND 4:

" ,\ uTnp f"'fW Si xa 71'.1 ilTU<; fUKI"lfLISa<; (Taipou<; ,jpi8fLfOl'. ,ipxoll OE fLfT' ,ifLCPOTipOIUIII o7l'auua' TWII fLfll l'Ywl' ljPXOII . TC;'I' 0' Eupv;\"0X0<; {hof/o'I<;' ~ K;\"'IPOU<; 0' t'll KUlli!1 xaAK'IPfL 71'o.)",XOfLfll WKa' h: 0' ttfoPf KXijpO<; fLf'YaX'/TOPO, EvpuX~X0(Q. fJi] 0' iillal, ilfLa T~I 'Yf OVCJ.I KaL fiKou' (TaLPOt KXaioI1Tf<;' KaTa 0' afLfL£ xi7rOIl 'Y0owIITa<; 07l'1u8fll. fUPOII 0' £11 j3'IUU'!1UI TfTU-YfLflla owp.aTa Ki,oK1/<; 210

tfUTOLUIII AUfUU/. 71'fPIUICf7TTff £IIL xwp~o)' "fLcpi Of fLlI' XVICOI ~uall OPfUTfPOt ~OE X£o II Tt'<; , TOV<; aUT/I KaTtf8fX,fl', £'TT'fL ICaICa rp"PfLaK' fOWKfll. ouo' Ot 'Y' WPfL'le1/Uall £7T' u, 'OPUUII', cix;\,,' upa Toi 'Yf OUpfiUl1I fLaKP!;ut 7rfptuuailloll7'f,<; uI,iuTall. 215

w<; O· aT' UII (ifLcjJL UllaKTa ICVllf<; oainl8fll iOll7a CTail'wu', alfl 'YUp Tf rpiPfL fL£IXL'YfLaTa 8UfLOV, W" TOU<; UfLcjJL XVICOt ICpaTfpWJlUXf<; ,joi XlOIITf<; uaLIIOII' TOL 0' fOf/uall, f7l'fL i'OOIl a,\·u 71'iXwpa, fUTall o· ill 71'p08vpolut 8f';<; ICaXXt7TXOICUfLOtO, 2'20 Kip"'}" 0' fllOOIl aICouolI UfIOOVU'I<; O'7l'L KaXfi, IUTOV f'TT'OtxofLfll1/" fLf'Yall ufLfJpoTOlI, ora 8fUWV Af'7l'T(L Tf KaL xapifllTa KaL (''Yxaa fp-ya 71'fXOVTat. TOLUt Of /Lv8wlI ~PXf TIoxiT7I<; oPXafL0<; UIIOPWII, 0<; fLOt K,/OtUTO" fTUPWI' ,;" KfOIlOTaTli" Tf' 225

.. 'on rptAOt, tllOOIl 'Yup TI<; £7I'0IXOfLill'l fLiyall iCTTOII lCaAolI ciolotuft, OU7TfOOIl 0' u'7I'all u~lfL£fLVIC£II, tj Of 0<; ,jf 'YVI";' cixx;" rpOf'Y'YwfLf8a 8auCTOII:

.. "n<; ap' £cpWVIIUfll. TOL oE rpBi'Y'Y0IITO ICaXfiiVTf<;, ;, 0' al,y' £tfX80vua 8vpa" Wttf rpafll'u<; 230

lCa~ KuXrl ' oi o· up.a 'TT'UlITf<; utoPfincrl1l €7I'0IlTo' EupuXox0<; 0' v",ifL£llIfll, OtCTUfLfllOIi ooXov flllal. e-lUfll o· fiua'Ya'Youaa ICaTIl KXlUfLOV.; Tf 8povovIi 71, fll Of CTrplV TVPOII Tf KaL &XrplTa KaL fLE'f...t XA"'POII oillff TIpafLv£Lff £,rvKa' lillifLIU'Y£ Of uint' 235 f/>app.a.Ka XV'YP" ;'lIa 'TT'Cl'YXv Xa80LaTo 71'aTp£oo<; a 1'1<; ,

aUTap i,a, F.WICEII T'f Ka, (IC7I'IOI', aUT'IC' f7rr'Ta pufJo~o) 71'f'7l'XII'Yvia ICItTa UV4>fOLUtll fEP'Y"V. 01 of: U VWI' fLfl' tXOII Kft/>aXa .. rpWII,jll TI Tp,'x..a<; T'E Kat OffLa<;, aVTn.p 1I0U<; ~II ffL7I'fSO<;, W<; TO 'TT'apo<; 'TT'fp. W<; oi /LEII KAaiollTf" £EPxaTo, Toiut Of KlpK'I 241 '11'(;,0 p' UKVXOII {3,;Xav(JII TE {3uAfll Kap'7l'iJII Tf ICpallEl''11i tOfL£lIa" ola UVf'; x.afLalfVllltOf<; al£lI toovcrw.


thus throu~h th(' ('ave tlH: last of the floek? Th,," h:lst not heretofore ''' '''11 "Ollt to lag !'chine! tl" , slu'ep, uut Wil~t e,'er rar the tir,t to feed 01. I he tCIH]er uloolll of the grass, m .. ' ing with 10llg ,trid,'" IIIHI e,'er tIll: fir .,t di(h~ real'll the strcams of the rj,'er, Ilnd the tirst di(l,t IOIll; to return to th, ' (old at C\'ening, But now thou art la<t of all. Surely tllou art sorrowing for the eye of thy ma\ter, whidl iln evil man hlinded alon;.: "ith his 11Ii~cl'ahle f,'!lows, when he had o\'erpowerl'(1 Ill." wits with wine, ""('11 !'\omrm, who, I t,,11 thee, has not yet eseap,,(1 de­strUl,tion, If only thou ('ollld~t f( 'el as I do, IIn,l eoul!lst get thec powcr of SPl'l,,'h to tell me whnc he ~kulks :,WII" from my wrath, th(,11 ,honltl hi< hrains ue e!n < h~d 011 th~ groulld here awl th .. n ' thruughout the (,II,'e, ",I,,:n I had smitten hinl, :11,,1 my heart ~hould ue lightl'lled of the woes whi('h good-for.naught :-.loman I"" hl'ou;.:ht 1.Il '.'

"So sa~· inl!' he sent till' ram forth froll. him. And when we had gone a little ",a," from the ('a I·e alld the court, I tirst loosed myself fru.n under the ram and sct Ill" ('olllr:\(I .. s free ,

cruCE (Book X)

"Th,'n I told oil' in two uanels all lily wt-II'l;rea,'ed ('olllrades, anel apl'oilltl'l1 a Il'adn fur ea .. h band , Of the olle I took ('olllm:l71d, <And of the other gudlik(' Euryloehus, Qui('kly thell wc shook lot< in a brazen helmet, and out leapt the lot of gTl'at­'·:.Irted Euryloehus, So he set out, and witlt him went two-and.twenty eoml':ldes, all weeping; and they left us uf'ltinel, lamellting, Within thc forest glaeles they fuund the hOllse of Circe, Luilt

of polished ~tone in a place of wide outlook,1 lind round !loout it were mountain wolves amI liollS, whom Circe herself had uewitehl·d; for she ga"le them evil drugs. Yet th(,sc ue,,~ts did not TII,II upon my men, uut pr:met:d abollt them fawningly, wIIgging their long tnils, And ns whell hounlis fawn around their lIla ,~ter ns he comes fronl a feast, (or he ever urings them hits to sOl/the t:,,,jr temper, 60 aoout them fawned the 5tOllt­clawed wolves and lions; uut they were seized witl. fear, as they saw the drcad mon<ters, So they stood in the gateway of the fair· tressed g-oddf'ss, and within they heard Circe sing'ing with sweet voice, as she went to and fro uefore a great imperishRble web, sneh as is the handiwork of goddesses, finely-woven Rnd ueautiful, and glorious, Then among them spoke Politi'S, a leader of mell, dearest to me of my comrades, and trustiest:

". Friends, within someone goes to and fro ul'fllre a grf':t.t weu, singing sweetly, so that all the floor echoes j sollie goddess it is, or some woman. Come, let us quickly enll to her.'

"So he spoke, and they cried allllld, alld called to her. And she strnightway l'ame forth alul opened the uright doors, nnd uadc them in; and all went with her in their folly. Only Euryloehus remained behind, for he suspccted that thcre was a snare, She urought them in lind made them sit on chairs lind sellts, and made for thcm a potion of cheese and barley meal and yellow honey with Pramnian wine; Ullt in the food she mixed baneful drugs, that they might utterly forget their 'native land, Now when ahe had given thcm lhe potion, and lh(·y had drunk it off', lhen she presently smote thcm with her wnnd, and penned lhf'm ill the stics. And they had the heads, and voicc, and bristles, and shape of s"'ine, uut thclr minds remained unchanged even as before. So they werc penned there weeping, and bcCore them Circe flung mast and acorns, and the fruit of the cornel tree, to eat, luch thinga as wallowing Iwine are "'Ollt to feed upon.

Page 10: ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE · E ( reek Epic Po t ) SELECTO S FROM THE ILIAD A DTHE ODYSSEY read . reek by JOH F. C. RIC AR CONTENTS: 1 LP FOLKWAYS Fl 9985 1 text (8 p.)


"" n~ l/>apJ "'1 'tvX~ P.EII 113"1 ~OJl.OII" A,~o~ .fer. TELpfaiao 4I1aKT~, br,~ KaT4 Ola¢aT' lMEEII· aVTap f'YfMlI aVToii p.llloll lp.7r,&II, 61/>p' f,r~ p.Vr"1P ~>"VOf Kal 7r[EII alp.a Kf>..a'llfl/>l~· aUTiKa ~' ryllfJJ, Ka[ fL' o>"OI/>Vpop..EII"1 17rEa 7rTfpOEvra 7rpoa"1v8a·

" , TEKIIOII IP./W, 7rW~ ~>..OE~ V7rO '01/>011 I,fpO£JITA CfJJO~ (&>11; xa>"E7rOIl 8~ Tu8, CfJJoia," opiaOA'. p..Eaaft' 'Yap p..E'Ya>"ol 7rOTaJl.O~ Ka, 8*1114 p~.Opa, 'nKEallo~ p.f1l7rpWTa, Tall oli 7rfJJ~ laT' 7rfpfjerA' 7r,COII fOvr', "11 p.~ TL~ 'X?] f..tI*P'YEa vija.1

~ lliill 8~ T POL7]8EII 1i>"&>P.EIIO~ i.,o&8' ;Kallf&f "'1' Tf Ka~ erapoler, 7r0>""" XPOIIOII; ov8l.".fJJ ~>..8'f *l~ 'I8cUc"1I1, ou8' EI8« ill~ p.~tipoler, 'YvvaiKa;'




""n~ 1l/>aT', aVTap ''Y&> P.III ap.Elf3oJlAIIO~ 7rpoaln7roll· , MfjTEp ip.~, XPE'W fLE KaTlj'Ya'Y~v £i~ 'Aioao 'tux; XPTJaop.£lIoll eTJf3a[ov TfLpEa;ao· ou 'Yap 7rfJJ aXf80v 1j"lI.OOII 'AXatloo .. , ou8l ".fJJ ap.fj .. 'Yfj~ f7rEf3Tf11, Ii>..>..' aifv fXfJJV li>"IL>"TJfLal Ol~VV. ff ou T4 7rp&>TLa(J' (7roP.TJV 'A,.,ap.Ep.llovI 8ift' ~I>"IOV El .. fV7rfJJ>"OV, Lva Tp&,£aa, p.axo[p.TJv. '" ", " I ~ "." I I" I: al\.I\. a'YE P.OL TOO£ £L7rE KaL aTpEK£fJJ" KaTal\.£,.orr Ti~ vu af K~p fOup.aauE Ta"'1AeYfo" (JalllhoLo; ~ ~O>"IX~ 1I0uao .. , ,; ~APTf.P.L~ iOXfatpa ol .. (i'Yalloi .. /3E>"fEaalv f7rOLXOP.fVTJ KaT~7r£¢IIEV; El7r' 8' P.OL 1raTpo" TE Kat uifo .. , 011 KaTfAE,r.oll, ?j fn 7r4P KELIIOtaLII fP.OV 'Yfpa .. , ;'l Tt .. ~~ av8pC;w 4>">"0" lXEt, fP.£ 8' OVKfTL I/>aal vfEaOat. £'7rE 8l JI.OI p.IITJaTfj .. u>"0Xou /30U>"1}V TE VOOII Te, '" ~~" .. ~ , """, "1E p.£vn 7rap" 7raLVL KaL ~p.7rEoa 7r/lvra .."UI\./laaEL ~ ~8"1 P.IV f'Y"1fLElI 'AxatC;,v O~ Tt .. aptaTO .. .'




""n .. f¢ap."1V, ~ ~' aVT;K' ap.f[/3ETo 7rOTvta fL1/T"1P· 180

• Kal >"i"1J1 KEi,,"1 'YE p.fvn TET>"TJOTt (Jvp.i;> aoiatJl fJl~ fLE~/upOtatll· o,t"vpat Of 0; aiEL ""n' I , " ~ , I ..",,'JlOValll VVKTE~ TE KaL 'lfLaTa O/lK(lU x£ouan. aOJl 8' oli 7T"&> Ttf ext, Ka>"OJl 'Yfpa .. , a>..>..a 1KTJAo .. TTJAEP.axo .. T£p.Ev£a JlEfLETat Kal oaiTa .. £laa .. 8tJiIlVTa" a~ f7T"EO'KE ~tKaa7ro>"oll 4J1~p' a>"E'YUJI£tI1" .".aIlT£~ 'Yap Ka>"Eouat. 7raT7,p 8f ao .. aUTOO, P.[P.IIE' a,yp/iJ. OV~f 7T"OA,"8* KaTEPXfTa,. OU~f 01 £ullal 8Ep.v,a KAt XMilla, Ka~ M'Y£a at'YaAO£IITa, a>..>..' ;; 'Y£ x£ip.a P.EII £V8E' 00, 8p.(;,£ .. fill OjK"" ill Kfw, 4'YX' ".upo .. , KaKa 8~ 'XPot £(p.aTa ,ITa,·

aUT4p £7T"7,1I t>..OyaL Oepo\ nOa>"Ut" T' 07r&>P"', 7T"{;I/T?1 0; KaTa 'Y0UI'OJI li>"fJJ1j .. 0'"07TEOOtO l/>u>">"fJJV K£K>"IP.fVfJJlI xOap..aAa't /3E/3>"l/aTat £uvaL "(J''' ~,. I I ~''''' ' ' (J "I: £JI 0 'Y£ KEtT ILX£fJJV, p.£'Ya O£ 'I,p£at 7T~V o~ UE,.£1

aOll JlOaTOV 7T"OOffJJl',1 xaXE7roJl 0' f7Tt 'Y~pa .. ;KI'JlEt. OUTW 'Yap Kal f'YWJI O>"OP.TJII Kal 7TOTJI.OJI f7T"Ea7rOV· oiiT' fiLE 'Y' fV p.E'YupOtaIJl £UaK{)7T"o" lOXEatpa oj .. ,i'Yal'oi .. /3f>"EEaatJl £7T"o,x{)p.eJll) KaTe7T"£l/>v£lI, OUT£ Tt .. OUJI P.Ot ,'ouao .. f7T",j>"U(JEI', ;J T£ p.,I>"taTa TTJK£8oJlI aTu'Y£p!i p.E>"fl"v 'E£LAno (Jup.ov·




a>..>..U p.£ au .. T£ 7T"o(Jo .. tTl; T£ p.,/S£a, l/>a;oLp.' 'OOuaa£ii, a'I T' ,i'Yavol/>poauv? P.£>"OIOEIl OUP.OIl li7rTJupa:

.. "n .. f¢aT', aVTnp f"(W 'Y' ;:B£AOV I/>p£al. p.£pp.TJptfa .. fLT/TPO" fP.lj~ ,yuX?JI (AE£t1l KaTaTE(11111UL'1'" 2().j

TPI. .. P.EII fI/>W(lllljBTJII. ;>"((111 T( liE (JUliO" al'C:J~/ft. TP't~ 8i JI.Ot fK XEIPW" aKI!J Ei"."£;\.OJl ?j KaL OVE;P~" E7T"TaT'. ep.ol. G' axo" u~u 'Y£JleaKfTO K1JPOO, p.aA>"Ol/.

1 LiD .. 157-8 .en rejected by ANtarohllL 8

"So saying the spirit of the prin("{·, Teiresias, went back into the house of H:ules, when he had declared llis prophecies; hut I remailled there stead­fastly until my mother came up and drank the dArk blood. At once then she ,knew me, and with ,,'ailing she spoke to me winged wurds :

" 'My child, how didst thou come heneath the murky darknesS, being still ali,'c? Harel is it for those that live to behold these realms, for bctween are great rivers and dread streams; Oceanus fir~t, which one mAy in no wise cruss on foot, but olily if one have a well-built ship. Art thou but now come hither from Troy after long wnnderings with thy ship and thy companions? and hast thou nut yet reached Ithaca. nor seen rhy wife in thy han.? •

"So she spoke, and I made answer and Mill: ' l\Iy mother, necessity brought me down to the hou~e of Hades, to Beck soothsaying of the spirit of Theuan TeiresiAs. for not yet have I cOllie nellr to the shore of Achaea, nor have I as yet slOt fuot on my own land, but have ever heen wandering, laden with woe, from the dny when first I went with goodly Agamemnon to IUos, falll{'d fur its horses, to fight with the Trojans. But come, tell me this, anll declare it truly. What fate of grievous death over­came thee? Was it lonl-( disease, or c1iti the arehl"r, Artemis, assail thee with her ~entle shafts, all/I slay thee? Anti tell me of my father alld Illy son, whom I left behind me. Docs the honollr thal waS lIIille still abide with them, or does some uther man nuw possess it. allll do they s.'y that I ~hall no lIIore return? And tell me ' of my wedded wife, of ht'r purpose and of hcr mind . Docs she ahi{le with hn son, I\nd keep all things slife? or has one already wedded her, whosoever is best of the AdHlcans ? '

"So I spoke, and Illy hOQoured mother strlli~ht­way answered: 'Aye verily she ahidt"s with stt"adfast heart in thy halls, nud ever sorrowflilly fur her do the nights and the days wane, as she wecps. But thc fllir honour that was thine no man yet possesses, hut Tele­maehus holds thy delhesne unharassed, and feast~ at equal banquets, such as it is fitting thAt one who dcals judgment should shnre, for all men invite him. But thy fllther auides there in the till cd land, lind ("IIDles not to the city, nor has he, for bedding, becl 1\1111 cloaks and bright coverlets, ' hut through the winter he sleeps in the house, where the slaves sleep, in the ashes by the fire, lind wears upon his body menn raiment. But when sumlller come~ and rit'h autllmn, then all about the slope of his \"illc'yal"fl plot are strewn his lu\Vly heds of fallen le:l\'cs. Th~re he lies sorrowing, and J1urse~ hi~ ~rent j!rid" in his heart, in longing fur thy rdurn, and heavy "Icl :\g(. hilS come upon him. EvclI so clid I too peri~h nncl meet my fate. Neither did the l.cen-sightt'eI ,\I"(·I,cr goddess assail me in my halls with her gentle ~hafts, IInel slay me, nor did any disease come IIpun lIIe, such 1\5 oftenest throuj:th grievous wllstinJ{ lakes lhe spirit from the Iimhs; JUlY, it wa<; lung illg fur thee, And for thy counsels, ~I()r;ous Odyssc·II'i, lind for thy tender-heartedncsli, tlHlt ruhhetl me of honey-swcet life.'

" So she spoke, and I pOllllcred in heart, antI Wl\~ fain to clasp the spirit of my dead Illother. Thrie{· I sl'rllnJ.! tuwards her . nucl any he:u·t 1"lIlc mc c·IAsp her, and thrice she flitt~d from Illy ami' like n shadow or a dream, amI pain grew en·r ~h:lrJlt"r at my heart. ,

u~ ............ .