, THE EVEN DAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE RD THY GOD 1 W TERLY F HDAY .APRIL AnV DE WHOLE NO 370 e nook e meztO-o WJFE.-No man e"er prosper ed e arId "'lthout the co-oper ation of s wife If unItes m mutual endeavors or re his 1 .... bars nth an eanng smil,? WIth wha confidence will he reBort to his merchandise or his over tha Ia.nd, aail upon the seae; !neet diffi onlty and encounter danger if ! that he s not spending his strength m vam, t that 1lls 1 .. . will be rewarded by the sweets of h e aliCltude and dll!appomt- ent enter the history of every an s life and he IS but Iw.lf pro VIdea. for his voyage who finds but an as to fa appy haUl'll, whila for hi. mo s d8.rkneBB and s- tress no s pathizing partner IS pr ared. 1 I


Page 1: . R F - Amazon S3Vol+27...THE EVEN DAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE RD THY GOD 1 W TERLY F HDAY .APRIL AnV DE WHOLE NO 370 e nook e meztO-o WJFE.-No man e"er prosper ed e arId "'lthout the






e nook e meztO-o

WJFE.-No man e"er prosper ed e arId "'lthout the co-oper ation of s wife If unItes m mutual endeavors or re his 1 .... bars nth an eanng smil,? WIth wha confidence will he reBort to his merchandise or his over tha Ia.nd, aail upon the seae; !neet diffi onlty and encounter danger if !

that he s not spending his

~~~::~~I strength m vam, t that 1lls 1 .. . ~ will be rewarded by the sweets of h e aliCltude and dll!appomt-

ent enter the history of every an s life and he IS but Iw.lf pro

VIdea. for his voyage who finds but an as to fa appy haUl'll, whila for hi. mo s d8.rkneBB and s­tress no s pathizing partner IS pr

ared. • • •

1 I

Page 2: . R F - Amazon S3Vol+27...THE EVEN DAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE RD THY GOD 1 W TERLY F HDAY .APRIL AnV DE WHOLE NO 370 e nook e meztO-o WJFE.-No man e"er prosper ed e arId "'lthout the




the knowledge of am. But if we walk m (Christ) IS m the

fellowship one WIth the blood of Jesus

OASES OF OONSOIENOE we have no am, we CoVEllANT SISTEB,-In your letter our·sel'.es, and the truth s

tl d, not m confess our sms reCeIl y receIve relating to Sabbath reform, I understand yon to take the he s to forgIve us follOWIng pOBlt.ions our InnS, and cleanse us from all

First, that of tbepeople who favor unHghteonsness (1 John 1 7 9) schools It s now too Sunday observance the leaders, snch No,,", if there s a person liVIng,m Certainly m one im:POIWlt as the lIllIlIBtro:s of the gospel and any BIble blessed Innd, who has not your ont look s not editors of reJigio IS penodicals to- the means or reasonable opJlortumty be educated by those gether WIth a cons demble portion of knOWlllg that God reqwres of him B ble Sabbath, s of the gene i.J. relimous public are or her the sabbatic observance of h ,,- They will not teac now ether satisfied that first-day IS the seventh ihly that person onght p ecept 0 example not the weekly Sabbath of diVIne ap- not to be dealt WIth as a smoer but the Sabbath day nor pomtmennt, or are so far erilightened the supPoSItion IS contrary to fact clauns to sac edness as to question ill therr own mmds Is t a s~c ent defense for any per help yon must now the nght of this day to be regarded son to say I ilo not believe m the equa! to your and treated as such and yet they eXIstence of God, or 1.,9.0 not believe Sabbath I eeper can pnbliclyadvocate Sunday observance the B ble s a diVllle revelation, agamst popular mtluen<t.s m snch a "ay 8S to claim for It and for these reasons I do not recog tutions, while eIlJoymg am!;mg the people the sanctions of UlZe the obligation to observe B ble ges of church and diVllle authonty lllJnnctions 9 Or to say I do not whieh are favorable

Secondly that persons who believe that the law of the Ten Com uated, many drift o sly observe seventh-day eSjJecialliy,.1 mandments IS now bmding Or however p ofess to Seventh-day Baptists 111 order to be this I was edncated to think that ed that we are wrong cons stent, and to lllake Sabbath re- first day was the wee~y Sabbath of go agamst therr form effective should egard and divme appomtment' Before aflilLID-{of tn th and duty treat these a1 ocates of the Sunday illg these questions two lid be perti IDerClal edu at onal Sabbath as "roners Illid greater' sm nent to lllqwre ho " far these persons currents whil'h s eep "I~'''m .. ners than they VionId be if they did are holden WIth the co ds of theIr Only those who are not regard any day as a Sabbath own SlDS (See P ov 5 22 23) and possess .great stami~,a,

Yon ask my oplUlon as to the cor The answer to the first of these m ground agamst these rectuess of these pos tions You terrogations will be found ill John power s bemg teste 1 have not gIven at length, or m the 7 17- If any: man will do his will propose to YIeld way of argument, your ells ODS for e ants to do t, he shall know by comm lUlllg WIth thinking as yon do I will say how of the doctrine &c The 8~CO a s can find no relief ever unheSItatingly that if your first answered III Pa 11 3 4- If the p :oposltion can be proved to be cor foundations be ilestIoyed, &c See l:ect, your second IS correct also as also Matt 5 17 19 1 Cor 7 19 every candid person mnst allow Matt. 19 17 "Rev 22 14, 14 12 Whoever believes one thing and The th~,.d IS answered, Ezekiel 1.8

~ pmctices another especially m the 1 24- What mean ye, that ye nse matter of religIons dnty s msmcere this proverb concerrung the land of an 1 dishonest, and should be regard Israel, saymg The fathers have eaten ed and treated as snch by all nght- sour grapes, and the children s teeth mmded persons And now if such are set on edlS!' ~ &c The line of a state of things liS lB here referred defense llldicated by the above mter to elOsts, to any conBlderable e:rlent, rogations takes shape m the follow It can be and shonld be fully proved mg propos tion; VIZ I am not bound and made pnblic, as yon suggest and to observe what I do not believe s a become the ground of WIthholding diVllle I do not believe from snch persons py recogrution the weekly Sab-of them that would Imply apprl'val and the IIlld fellowship

But let us WIl1ve this pomt for the preSeIlt. There IS a more VItal qnes­tion m this great controversy and your letter a 19gests It For IS not the ke,,!,mg of the first day lllStead of the seVeIlth day a... eVeIl thongh the persons domg this think themselves jUstified ill so domg • What s the answer that a consc en tious observer of the seventh day mnst gIve to this qnestion , He will say Surely It s a sm for sm s the transgresBlon of the law (1 Jolm 3 4,) land the law says

Remember the Sabbath day to

keep seventh day s the weekly Sab-

th€,re£'ore be sm for Let us snppose

he liS smcere as he any crrcumstance~

admit of Now what becollles

And if he s fa th worth' gIN way or his

d~(,IaJ:'ed to be Impel' not built npon the

and s nut the

Wlth them as you do m you deSIre to Jom them

the fear of dOlllg strams you

The commnruon

pnt away sm gress on of the law fore yon commune religIously transgress breaking the fourth cO~!unanclm(mt, the ordinance becomM sword cntting sharply t;I"nr,'. your-­sell I see not how thus do Wlthont destr0YIDg between truth and yon unconsc ous y do m·!liVOtU' "'nen you regard lightly as they do you them to the coInmlltl~on.

IDlght be lleasant, things are not always Havmg sanctioned of the Sabl ath by conolj\tmll:lg' them what can you ask yo to abandon Yon are not ready to c=ot yet forget that

seventh day • the Sabbath of the Lord thy God and Seventh-day :B~tiai3 believe that this whole Inw IS a full force and that to disregard It, or any pmt of It, s II bar to church fellowship (See ExposE, Articles 11 12 13 page 99 History of General Conference) The crea­ture <n"'" nstances under which the transgresSIon s effected, will of course always determme the degTee of girilt they will lessen or m~rease

felt, that the seventh day and not and that tirst day or any other day was the His commandmel1ts Sabbat4 of J enovah And would, assoc ation and he not have known this had he not to belittle the law been holden Wlth the cords of his Own sms'!

There B mnch that I w sh to say upon this snbject, and upon pomts contlllned m your letter which I mnst postpone for the present

I am very truly &c

ANOTHER OASt OF OONBOIBNO:E Which speaks for tself, and swell answered by Bro Summerbell Bro D C don t shrink from the truth. Better go WIth God I and the nght, than Ii'lth temM ary friends to do evil. Y eld to nbtllli)g

~l bruary 20 8 1

your friends who gress t. It was the :to " agn 'jy a a to fulfill the Inw =h';"h '!+h<,U

and yon will endorse mdeed yon have not a1rL"~d.y

These earnest aud gIve yon a class ill allow you to express dissolVIng VIews _nd rM.ulg·e eccentric ties m vanous spread the CODllllUlllon v te yon to partake them to be devout Chl:iE\ltians, longmg de sIte vO ask Unconsmouslv s ttirig where God s the ouly Jnstify men ill breaking contm ed illtent, and

these Christians !e81,.,el,t and devont 1

Zacharias and Elizabet1l1 6) were both nghteous

gIves yon trouble but who proIDlS ed yon exemption from tronble 9 A trt e Christ an expects t Through It we enter the kingdom of God It IS thE! earthly hentage of all true men all hero c souls I hope I have sllld eno gh God bless and strengthen YOlL


I • 4

"WESTERL}' R I FIFrrr D Y APlllL 18 8 1



VIctOry (WheI! Pllul had Tiniothy CIrcumc sed who was of JeWlBh de scent on his mother s Blde we have every reason to bel eve he understood his busmess and knew that no evil consequeI!ces would follow)

Paul had gone fully pr.epared for his IDlSBlon And the other apostles saw before them one who by his ef fic ent labors gave umruatakable proof of a diVIne COIDDllSS on and an abundance of God s favor They knew that as m ghtya work had been wrought for him m saVIng Gentiles from therr sms as for Peter among the CIrCumC s on anOis mdepend ent anthonty was therefore Rcknowl

The Apostol c Author ty cia mea by edged apostles who had seen Christ Paul h s Letter to the Galar m the flesh Whom the Galatians be t a s espec ally the 1st an I 2a chapters lie,ed to have been authontatively Alter YIelding to the influence of appolllted, and whose reputat on

JUdn.izlllg teache s the next step for Paul would not for one momeIlt as the GalatlaD chmches would natm sail these pillars ill the church

be to Impug!l the autho "ty of could find no fault WIth him Paul from whose teachings they had tanght him he decmres nothing departed. They appear to have done new but rec61ved him as an equal, this by denymg him true apostle reCOgnIZed his mISSIon to the Gen ship on acco Ult of his not havmg tiles and gave to him and Barnabas been II persohal follower of Christ, the letght hands ~ 1l0partiiership and ha wg therefore rece ved his m welcommg them as colaborers m a struction m Gospel truth at second common cause WIth one Mn.ster one hand hope one reward

Subseqnently a;t An~ the lead The one get purpose of th s let ter was then to Reve ely reI ul e the 11 apostle of the crrcumc s on acted Galat ans for therr uUlllthfulness, to mJustly towards the cause of the lllstruCt them anew ill the doctrines Gentiles others Jommg him and t of the Gospel and to exhort them as for Paul and him alone to re­to live Christ-like standing fast m b Ike Peter boldly ill his presence Christian liberty But that they and before all for the mconBlstency IDlght know he I ad a ght thns to absmdity and guilt lllvolved n h s replove to teach and to eIltrcat, he act t s agam usmg that mde-

many of our Sabbath keepers are commandment, which all mtelli pamed at the course pursued, be persona know s the day com lieVlllg It most SUlCIdnJ to the cause lillJLOllLY called Saturday Be llot de-af the Sabbath. Then let the pro- but open your eyes to the I os tion of FaIT PIny be fairly conflict that s eVl d sc lBsed, and let the ssnes be fair before ns and take your Iy met while you may to keep the

I had wntten an art cle on The of God and the flllth Relation of the Sabbath to Christ an Choose to obey God Character and the Church but now than men, by keepmg the day prefer to Willve for a time ts p bli he has appomted, and so es-cation m order that" e have fair his threatened wrath by bravmg play all around S S GRISWOLD Wlath of men, who undertake to

t • •

THE lo.!D

THE OHRISTIAN SABBATH To be Edi 0 of he Sa.bbath Reeo der

Let no one unagme that those "ho are calling for a religIons lIUlendment of our National Constitution so that t shall respect the sanctity and

'''O'"''''.A for God, and compel all to dow:b. and worship the Image

they shall be pleased to set See Rev 14 9 12 13 11 15

12 17 The test lB meVItable the time s at hand. On which will yon be found


The audienco room will be furnished, and will seat about persons The vestibule will be 36 feet ill SIZe and m case of emer geney will accommodate about 60 persons more The church will be enclosed WIth eIght-mch finishing lumbe and moulded battens

The church has been holding Its meetings ill an old building used a church, school house, and tOwn honse There are abont 130 melD bers of this denommation at West Hallock, Wlth a worshipmg congre gation of about 250 members Rev Nathan Wardner s the pastor new building will not ouly be a cou veruence and Improvement to the somety who will erect t bnt will be an ornament to the ne ghborhood. lIIr V alentme Jobst, of this c ty s the arch teet, aud the ouilding will be commenced as soon as the weather becomes faIrly settled.

I • •

IN MEMORIAM. reqnne the obse :vance of the Christian Sabbath, mtend m the

least to abndge our Christlllllliber ty by bmding all to the observance of a definite day Thev too well know the steps of that reasorung by w~ch they have COllle to the conclu s.p that the fourth commandment s fully obeyed, both m spmt and ill

letter by keepmg the first day of the week, 0 even anyone day m the se en They know that the earth s ro ill 1, and constantly revolvmg and consequently that days are slippery unreliable tbin~s bemg always on the move Cons dermg this of course they will not be so silly as to under take by human legJ-slation to do that which the law of God IllS failed to

THE SABBATH D u mFoma m Morch22d 87 EO he Sou h HYDORN


d t ht hi ->. had b do namely to bmd all to the observ proved to them tbat he was an apos- 1 en en ng w "" een con SAN DO&GO

d d to him d f ding th lib ance of one part cular day They tle COmmISS oned by Heaven not by ce e III e en e e On Wednesday of st week, P es-

t hi h th G el are a are of the llDpmcticability of men He did not do this boastingly y w c e osp gIves dent Grant sent tt> Congress The

If h, th P ul e1at obserVlnD' the same specific time as for Pa Il was he "ho gloned ouly m suc en were a s r on _.-0 Report of the San Dommgo Com t d to h holy or sanctified, from Boston to tbe cross of Chnst He spoke of 0 men ve are now prepare ear IDlSS one s together WI+h a letter h I tl thr h San Franc sco smce there are three ...

himself ouly that by mao~;""'~g Im say am an apos e ong e..-nlaining ills own course ill ne ti 5="= J Chr t, d God th F th hours and twenty mmutes difference -y go the work of grace m h s own heart es s sane a er ating for the Bay o£ Samana The h d him fr th d ad. m the beglllDlllg and ending of the \

and life he m ght lead the ch rches w a ra,Jse am e e report s very long-too long fa P" Li ht' t t th d t th day m these t 0 c ties so that, be .-of Galatia to rece ve his 0 ds as g 100 pu sese Vi or S ill 0 e Le to I rmt entire The followmg sy

th f P ul I fore the Califorruans III e farrly awake bearmg the app a al of Hea,en mo 0 a was COIDmlSBlon nOl s s of t apr cars to have been

1 b th d I rifi d L d on Sunday morrung the Boston bells At the very outset I e strikes the eye nsen an g 0 e or made WIth care and candor and will

I all t tl are calJing the people to the place of ... D key Paul an .A) oslle and t sends am m respec 8 an apos e a pay for pemsal -,,,, d tn f hi 'lVorsh p They know too as well as

on a tone of authonty thro ~h the qU"llue WI ess 0 s resurrect on The CoIDmlS8 oners preface the'~ d nal ta f hi anyone who would tEach them that • • • ~

whole ep stle Man s not the somce an a s g ms nce 0 s power report by the rec tal of the resoln H ua! to th T I f a person ClOSS the Pacific ocean ti f Co d hi whence his authonty sprmgs He e was eq e we ve m A1Jl ON So on 0 n~ress un er w ch they

f h ta ht nl ether eastward 0 westward, he will er appolllte" and aft b f was ne ther sent fo ih by I\lly bo ly every way or e was ug 0 y !Dun REcORDER,-1\ e think that we", er a ete th h .... tural ether gllln or lose a day !l,S the case narrative of the events of the e .. ne

of men nor did he ece e his apos ro g n person"", snperna re e f I rt f the -r I ti fr Chri • Th ' th may be and therefore smce many w can Sa e y repo progress or dition gIve II conCIse statement of

tolic comIDlSS on througl tl e agency ve a on om s.. ere,ore e Alb on church. We are now holding the polit cal state and condition and Go I h '-d t of our people are addicted to tmvel,

of man. In no way not eveu III the spe e prese"" was no ae- re,,"'uInr public serVIces at the church form of gove=ent of San Domm din t t h b t there IDlght soon be as many Chris Th t th most llldirect Cllll he be sard to have cor g 0 man, no UUl\1l U m OIl! SIXth dayeverung Sabbath morn go e gove=en 18 ill eory II

-, -"- th th will f Chri t ban Sabbaths III the Uruted States Constitut onal Republic the Pres been appo nted y men His com COu<Olllll'Y WI e 0 s d ft th S bb th h -, d t. H had b as there are days III the week. Of ng an e enmg a er e a a dent bemg elected for SIX years by

mISSIon does not dat" from the loy "ore eille e een a kl ting t th d h ,. t course these lllen must be aware of a wee y prayer mee a e prOVInces an t e JndicIarY of

say they found very Wldes lind outspoken m all parts of l,r"'1 and, !lVd based, apparently on:b S

ough, mtelligent discnss on T~ deSIre IS also ardently shn ed and sustained by all the colomes of co ored people formerly from the DIll!.. ed States whoso attachment to then, native land seeDlS to havo deepened WIth time and distance Tpe p pIe sard they would prefer to co~ tinne mdopendent if t were pOSSible, but if they mnst lose theIr natiOIl1ll Ity they wo Ild rather mergo t 11 h the Amencan Uruon, ,,~th the fr~ mstitutions of a friendly people and common mterests The prmc pal part of the oppos tion vhich do s eXIst appears among certain traq 8

m the ports some of whom ill ca , annexation would lose cont 0 of

branches of bnsmess of which m nanoVi channels they have a mono­poly The COmmISS oners entir 1) discredit the report that lIlIDe:mtiou would be reBlsted by deap rate measures m any part of the slana, and c te at length therr own eIpen

and eIltire IDlmnruty tt om harm of any kind while on the Bland", eVIdence of the correctness of their conelus on.

The people of San Dommgo arc of mued blood, honest, temperate III offens ,e dest tute of preJndice c a or color paupensm, beggary and h gh CrmIes bemg practically III known. Among the popular VIC' , petty gambling e"tena vely indul d 111 by the Spamsh portion of the population All rue Roman ,en!] olics, excel t Amencan em !mint.<;

ar e Methodists and B:ptists, thongh no llltolerance 0 ngI u" persecntion can be disco ered. 10 people gene ally own the land h:r; they culti ate though agn ult1lra operations are lim wd by lack 01 markets and freq ent polit cal di turbances The DOIllllllc<'l,uS are not averse to wo k when sure of a rea sonable reward Labor now s n abundant supply at $10 or less pc month Fe • schools eXIst, aud the people generally are uneducated thongh the CoIDlIllsSIoners belie e the oppomIDIties for edu ali u would be eagerly llDproved the Do 1llllllcans belDg possessed of prove b

shrewdness and much native .bil ty Only one small and 100 Y

eqwpped prmting office eXIsts n th republic The general polit cal en pac ty of the people s reg"1"dea f. orably there haVlDg been for years ne ther sla,ery nor cast spilit to d pnve them of manliness The co age and devotion wasted ~ lllS U 0

t on abundantly prove theIr capac for self government and regulro P?, litical action The COIDlIllSS on~, estimato the actna! populat on of tu repnblic at 156 000 more thB.n run teen tweIltieths bemg native DomIln cans The white blood predonu • largely the maJoPty belljg m h nearer white than bInck.

illg on of hllllds by Anaruas nor by mos severe persecutor and destroy n1"1vo.I'", houses, on the everung after the Supreme Co rt choseIl for five f th h h of G d, the obnous and ahnost unpardonable Th Itt h b ethren at !ntioch b t from 81' 0 8 C urc a surpassmg These meetings are ycars by the Senate from nomma e geo ogIs s repor t e eXls

the hour when he heard a 0 ce say his assocllltes m zeal for the tradi folly of attempting to dictate to all well attended, and a tions by electoral colleges Each ence of ores, IrOn, copper and gold, t f h 'th B t h t the obse -vance of a particular day pansh has also ts Alcalde corre- Wlth depos ts of ligmte, tock sllll mg I am J e us. ons 0 s.a ers n ow gren d tr 1 Ir

h h <-,- I hIt. true that some oO'llornnt per sr onding to our Jnstice of the peace an pe a elJID on ore s abun Pa li s not a time server he does a c IIllge as _en pace T e faith holding office virtually d rmg good ant, easy of access, and will dOll

not seek the fa or of men by pleas "hich he ouce 1 ersecuted he now sons may be Rilly enough to claim behaVIor and not one was found less be made available for the ch p ng them b t prouounces a curse makes tbe s bject of good news that there s n fact no practical diffi silent for a long trme III whose cbaracter did not msprre e- production of p g 11'On. The copper

npon all who preach contra." to what and men are glorii'Y1l g God on ac ciUty III obserVlll~ a defin to day as social meetinQ's The Sabbath spect. The penal code of the sland, ores rue of a fair degree of n hn s. " t f hi "h h the Christian Sabbath thro h t ~ fo c TIl offences s necess"'u ch and beds have been opened t , he had preached. TIns s not. the coun 0 n. "uc a c ange co lid ng 0 meets at 10 0 clock on Sab- ~ ym li ht Th

h b I ul b the Un ted Smtes or e en the whole se erer tl an ill our country as San s g extent e reported ru course of one ho depends on man ave ee "TO g toy y tbe Holy Dorumgo has long been infe ted Sama.nJ1 penmsoIn and the neI hbLJ1 for his pos tion If Paul vere still Ghost. Yes God who a cording to jealo s asprrmg and amb tious hood of the Puerto Plata s fa u d pleaSlll men, he "ould not be a se P'IL1!')se. h." P" e S, "hose llIlPOrtanCA l~~nilQ fuel com VllJlt of Christ I·al"",of,_, ... !~" .. f.b.--.,.G~rel, was plen.sed I~~:'~~~~~'~-:;:~~~);;~t.~~ ili~~-r;;;~'riiI~[;g:,"~~cI'l"tl~~g;~~~~~~c;o~mm~oiti~o~n.it~~~~~~~~!!t~~~~:~~ exten e T.W:OOgll.. hIs " .. M and know when has the <wmentl at I e-

He could not have rece ved the - " " , evelation of his Son m him, fact, the men of both contineots outpourmg of the Holy people for administrative 5 known. TI e t good ncws he preached from men ha w o" e"'enenced a knowl Christ ans Jews Mohammedans, IIlld among us and -e ask to be t es and tl e strong atmchment of depos t8 III the mountains nem ~ nOl: have been mugl t I Y them for -" "ba are belie ed to be extells e all

edoe of Christ his SavIOur he IDIght Pagans, are m pe iect harmony m remembered m the prayers of many leading lllen who regard him ,alnable nnmediately after Ius con ers on numbe w~ the da s so that a pe as the ouly smtesman among them

go forth among the Gentiles pro- children everywhere An ef h Id th WIth no hes tat on or doubt. we may son may travel from Oregon eastward "ho can 0 e nat on agaInst do- There are five clssses of lands u well bel eve as to the co Irse he Claimlllg the glad tidings of salva- s now belll~ made to rIIlse mest c factions and forelgIl foes San Dommgo mounmm stepp anu

t ou Umost e.er" word tells for to China or Japan and back agam, f th h f u pa on Baez was first elected Pres dent m ' V'tlleYB, uniformly nch and p 1 e-onght to take he conferre 1 not- or e p IrC ase 0 rs , t th th d o ti <1_-t and epeat t~e journey a thonsand hi h b d fair t 1848 and his first iidministration ap- extenSIve prame e,,!!IOIl of WIth flesb and blood. To no such s ren erung e ec"ra on Ulli, W C S 0 pro,e s h d t times if poss ble and y~t not galll pears to be the only one m the an Llanas admi:J:able past u e mnd

madequate so Irce did he apply for scan ers on was ue a 0 pe son or lose a dav nor fiud himself ont of J Eo nals of the DOIrurucan rollmg plain ofl Vega, gene all adVIce or mstrnction ne ther did he al ment, that the e was nothing WIth I f DE Rm"TEll which has Insted the "ooded and the fihest agncuI nl

n himself from which t IDlght have harmony Vlth the peop e 0 lillY na- church at DeRnyte d In 1853 hId th I ' dry I d h go P to J en salem to see tho e who t on of the whole arId m -3Srpe"t I PbenSo ta de" Bchs an on e san.. an S, 'II e were apostles before IllD These ansen but that t was absolntely "' haa been holding a fe" extra evenmg y an na, Illi anar y soon en ram s partially or wholly" antin

Go 1 s work an 1 ouly his due to his to the da,s of the Vieek that n tb s meetmgs, condncted by Its pastor sued continwng till 18Gl when the wI cl can be made fertile by art fi were men of Ion er Ch stian e 'Pe I t h t al Ian t hi respect there s no mOl e difficulty Eld Joshua Clarke Many of the sland Vi as b 0 ght llldc the power c al rrngation and red-claw timbe ~ letenCe thau he and ha 1 enJ ye 1 the p easure 0 s e "rn p 0 S thllll there would be if the earth of Sparn. After the e"puls on of the lsnds lymg along the cbast Hard

mdeserved favor a d to a muacn members ha,e been reVIved and S d h ' 11 d ti f th I d t glonouR pn ,;jege of bemO' daily fl t ak panlllr S 3Jl1lrc y agnm 10 owe an) par on 0 e IS an s no ca complllUons of the Lo 1 B t, con Ions re olat on which stopped him "ere a a as a pane e some ha,e come from the ranI.-s Baez beillg several times called from pable of cult mtion and taken III a

hi d careel B t how maniiest s the folly of of.m thro "h repentance and faith ab oad to a e tl e coun+~ by pro "hal t s one of the most fer il trary to what nu ht pe hal s have ill s ma .~ C' -J This revelation was doubtless of these sti klers for a definite to ~he standard of Clm t I\lld to VIR anal a thonty Baez has now re6",ons on the face of the earth The been eXl ted he did not, Blt them "hen we cons del' that t s always ellte ed on the third year of his Ira- agncnlturnl products mclude n but" ent a'll ay ill another direct on the great fundlllnental p me pIes of poss ble that somebody" ill cross the the hope of salvation On Sabbatl sent adm rustration and there s fruits and vegetalles as

to '~b n nhe e cer'-:-'v he could the Ne v Covenant and n obed ence lIWcJ 95th four "e e baptized and ample testmlOny thnb nnder him the as comme cial staples S ga ane .lUI> ~ " lillill Pl1cifi and pe h<11 san IDlber of h h. R bli ha d h lib not have fo nIh man lllSt :nctors to the 1 ea enl) V,lS on, he ente ed rec~ ved lllto the c wc B G S er c s enJoye as muc er s grown most profitably on the 1011'

upon h vark so as to nlifil the times and m different directions Dillurr n April 2 8 ty and more tranquill ty than any of la ds IIlld the Jlell s much g ea Three yea s aft r e Vient to Je- p 11'pOses of his call W th vonder and ill so domg who knows bnt they WE T VlRGWIA his p edecessors dared allow Baez thanlll the IsInnd of J8lllal a, e n

rusalelD ill onle to get acquamted ful skilL gmded by the Holy Spmt, TIll get the days so nuxed lp that .At letter from Eld. C A appears al a legally and constitution thongh lllded by artificial lITIgat on WIth Cer has an 1 ta d WIth him flf did he build 0 the foundat on of nobody CIIll tell which s which ally enhtiltdled toTh the offitince which he Fif~::~, annua! cuttmgs fromd the dated April 3d, says now 0 e ellS g illSUTrec on5~ root are common lJl au teen days b t he saw no other histoncal and revealed tn th Fruth All this" as "ellln owu to those I Just came from the ne ghbor tions, headed by Cabral and Luper abundance of fuel gJ- es SIm DoIUUl apostle e eel t J rune tl e Lo d a bro- fully did he strive not to n ill vam who ask for the recogn tio of the hood of Bnsh s lI:Iills There are on are the exponents of no clearly go additional advantage a e th ther Paul hud e lently heard He gave his whole belllg to the work Christian Sabbath n om National five f"milieso! Sabbath keepers there deflned policy and have no hold on :de ghbormg slands III th s bran h

It but they never make the trans-­~es.or of the law .nnocent or so nearly so as that the LawgIver can. affom to let the aftarr pass as thongh nothing had happened. For if snch a thing conld be, moral government, npon any known reasonable pnnel :PJes, wouldbecome=posa ble moral Inws wo.uld become moperative moral obligation would lose ts nru versa! distiIictive character The law of the Ten Commandments s not the expresBlon merely of the diVlDe will llJ)r the siinple stateInent of prmc pIes bnt It contains a po­teI1tial shall Apr n<' pie of moral action says, Thon oughtest to do or not to do but the law bemg based npon moral ]\rmmple saya Thou 8h.alt do or not do certain things and every ng~t-nunded person re­cOgnIZes the obligation to obey the

fuD SUMMl'lI\lIELL,-I have been reading ill the RECOtER of Feb 16 an article eIltitIed Cases of Can sc ence fifth lett\!r and t suggest­ed to my mmd a way m which I could perhaps lie relieved concern illg one qnestionlwhlcli bas troubled me-that of compmruon I have for months past been l'ttending school III a commnrutJi where the seventh day as a Sabbath s luot knuwn, e practically I "las I connected WIth the Methodist Ep scopal Church Sunday Schoo~ and taught a class m the same and tanght my VIews whenever the suliject of the Sabbath was brought up A great love for the school sp~ up m my heart, althongh I was n:wt ill favor of many of therr Pl'llCtic!9 and c lBtolllS I uSually attendeiV that church and aB I have seen wm go to the altar to l?artake of th'e bread and WIDe how my soul longed to be there too I then thought 9f my own people and as I remembered the blesamgs which come from:gomg to the table of the Lord, I w"?t. I lon!(ed to be WIth Christians !I."ld commune But the thought ar~e, Are not these Christians whom I see so earnest and devout' I believe they .are yet I dared not g~ Wlth them to the

walking ill all the COI~ran(!m'mts abont Pete and "lIllted to see him _, f I Constitution as t s to anybody else co'nUected Wlth the Lost Creek publ c 0plUlon beyond the terntory of mdustry The lllO llltam !!l II

of savm so uS ill sp te 0 obstac es church, who e ho lBe of orship s which they may temwmrily occnpy s e pecially adapted to tbe cul u:e but the Inn" a lee s clearly de- he ha 1 to surmount. ill tI e s per and therefo e anyone can see tJ e about twenty three miles from them Cabral though once II( popular lead of coffee and cocoa and al U\ule

understanding beillg that s ch per sou has the law and common oppor tunities {orl knoWlllg what t says ~very respons ble person, then, WIth this. law before him, who does not, as commanded m the law observe seVeIlth day IS a It ner He s a t1'anagressor of the la 0 He IS so whether he/ee18 t, or not whether anyone ,.eprove8 him or not for he IS directly responBlble to God, and

shall be jndged by the Inw which he holds ill his hand. He lS a s nne,. m the eye of the LaWgIver and chie1l.y for the follo mIg reasons

1 The law WlIS made for him, m common WIth others of like nature

"t and relations and therefore for him mdiVldnaliy and as adapted to his JIolld therr wants and to illustrate the glory and perfection of the DiVIne Bemg and Its obaervance according ly enJomed.

2 This law has beeIl proVldeIltial Iy planed WIthin his reach and if now he IS Ignorant of It, or illsenBl hIe to Its claims, It s thus not by d:cumstances, wholly beyondhiscon iro1-

Now It is a tnaXlI1l of moral. law that all persons shoUld be held to answer not only for what they krunD

mid bel eve and feel that Goo has comriumd~d them, but lor aJ1 that they m ght know and believe I\Ild feel, if they did bnt fattlifully 1m­J»:0u~ therr GOIi gIven opportunities. !t something be claimed m extenna­tion, on the gronnd that sm, directly and mdirectl.l' ~linds, perverts, and pr,ejndlice:.llllen, let be cons dared,-

snpper for felll' of dOlllg wrong I 10 not understari':l why I could not, Wlth the Methodi~t or PresbyterIan brethren, partak9 of the body of Christ I have Imver when m tnumon thonght of WIcked bro,the.): B or of brother~ who does not do his dnty or Wj;ly I was at the ta­ble WIth such, b~ thought ouly of myself and J esns his snfiermgs and death and my 0= unworthiness I want light on tID .. subject, =d if t IS not too much trouble would like to hear from yon, or some brother thrtmgh the col1lll'l1lS of the RECOR DER, 8S I WIsh ~il name IIlld res deIlce unknown, believmg that t

benefit young Chrisuans

~;I,~;;~~';;~~ti~~n1 Seventh day Bap-

and ordinances of God John says (2 4,) He kno v him, and keepeth mandmeIlts s a liar s notm hun.

Dear Brother are and devont Christ ans, yo so long to commune scnpt on Are you no:t. j~mlLe thus judging and Justifying mg yourself for the leaVIng the Sabbath so mnch love and revere ~ t8.inJv cannot long cOIldeill,i> for domg that which cent m them. It s dIed cons derations on yon. whenmnted to go to the Snpper that trouble makes yon fear to go How shall By stoppmg Drifting on~wL1rd, away from the B ble ward Its man made n al

a StOpplllg place at on table I am no~

the Master meant While the COlIllDlJrniqnjp'llebmt"s

8 gue 1, to lea u t wfer that h s Btit ons p eJudices olIOS tion and absurdity of tI inking that they ill They have begun building a meeting er 8 mcompetent, Incking adminia fibrous plants The product of 'i\' motive III gOll "as not at all to get I er e t on of men ever think of attempting to bllld our house m therr own ne ghborhood irative abil ty and claims no anthon and ho~ey s snrpnsmgly larg mat ct on He lB sho =g his m S uely Pa 11 s CO=8S 0 came free and enlighte ed c tizens to the aud I think there s a prospect of a t) beyond that of leader of the revo thousands of h ves of honey b mg depenlence of other apostles and from heaven and" ell Imght he observance of a lelinite day For ne" organlZllt on there before long lution. Lnperon s simply a bandit destroyed for the sak~ of the ax to thi h t h f f none of them Ie ve They are stained WIth cnme his'marn explo ts alone Wild gmger and mdigo gto

SillS ave re erence as elose his letter WIth the ahn!Jst m smce they adIDlt that the essential located m the southern part of LeWIS beillg robbenes and pIraC es Cab- everywhere m the greatest proIn. n, he affirme 1, before the all knowmg dignant al peal Henceforth let no pomt m tl e Sabbath commandment County ral has only a few hundred men and cotton s m sed near Azua. Cin God, the truthfulnesss of hiB state- man tro ble me, fo I bear n my IS the proportion of tllDe nIIlUely I learn, Slllce co=g to Lost operating III the depopulated dis chona s successfully rrused on th ments body the marks of JeslB Like one day of rest aftel SIX of labor Creek that 13 have a.li:eady jomed tricts of San Juan and Neyba, and higher mountams and many ve

At anothe t me fourteen years t s reasonable to expect, as one of the Seventh-day Baptist church from sustained by troo]\s and war maten tables and frwts of -the tempe:a e slaves belongmO' to a temple, or the fruits of our late reVIval, and al from Hayti The CoIDmls\lloners zone also prod ce m abundance As

after he "ent to J emsalem, not for devoted to the serVIce of a Cle ty he theIr ablest .. nters has expressed t there are several more candidates believe that had both these leaders 1111 eVIdence of the present undev the purpose of gammg mstruction, also had marks of ownership and that the very f. e 70 a a u wer wruting for next Sabbath So far a. Wlelded only therr own forces and oped conditinn of DOllllIllcan /lrm

bnt to secure the liberty of Gentile serVIce the surest BlgnS of his be sal ty of Me gospel a spe sat on now known, the number of hopeful resources they would long ago have culture may be c ted the fact t • Christians. We do not believe he would lead us to think that the pre- conTerBlons durmg the meetings been pnt down the COIllllllSBlOn, d mng therr e"1 edi

illg a servant of his Lord and Mas- twenty five Bes des Haytien aggress onsr ,oth throngh the mterior of the had any IDlBgIVIngS liS to the sound ter Jesus CWt- _ c se dRy of the Vieek on which the er causes aggravate the diffi~1#.es and, often lJ1et mth beet S gar l'll1

ness of his teachings bnt for the 0 mdiscermng Galatians It was Sabbath should be kept, would not PARDEE, KANsAS of the Dommlcan Rer ublic. Alnong ed and refined 111 France butter and good of those who had .been con mockery for yon to deny the apostle- be ms sted on. Therefore et all A=u. 4 h these a e proVlDClllI Jealonsybetween cheese llDported from Denmark, and verted throngh his Inbors and for ship of Him who was marked as be assured, that these men are too Sprmg has eVIdently come to stay the north and sonth s des of the s1 milk condensed m the Uruted Stow the sake of Illlilllllllty m the future, b enJi«"htened and liberal and under People feel that there s great cause and the number of military chiefs bnt seldom WIth similar artieles lllJlll

Ohrist s se -vant forever y the cruel to thank the G ver of all blessmgs. heading small clans ill vanons dis ufactured on tho sInnd. The coun he was willing to hold a council WIth brand of persecution. stand theIr own freedom under the t lcts and the convemence" the try IS eve....where adapted to the th h ti ell b- Wmter vheat s looking very fine • -, ..

OS6 w aBe preroga ves "ere AnTmJR E MAIN gospel too w to lllS st on the 0 neIghbormg Blanda offered for re..-o- cult vation of tobacco ad'" tbought to be supenor to his own. • • • servance of a defurite day th s bmd mdeed, and pronuses a bountiful lut orust and ms:urrectionary opera crops of Indian corn are weed an He went, too according to revela- THE SABBATH ISSUES mg a yoke upon the disc pIes which harvest. Sphng wheat s sown, and tons All these difficulties the nnally though the most valUIIU e na tiOD that s under supernatural di The propOBltio,u of Flllr Play ne ther they nor theIr fathers have oats are bemg acatte ed by the hand Co= SBloners believe, would disRp- tioua! gram s a spec es of ~

of the sower The frwt crop pro pear should tho Domuucan Repnblic More than forty distlllct ,meties f rect ou and hence acted, on his ill the last number of the SABBATIl: been able to bear Of course they be effectually p otected b" connec trop cal fruits are found gro~'lJ

t, h 11 d d tl f R I d t h artil d, will t I tt t to mlSes to be ver" large Apple 1 each " par w 0 v m epen en y 0 men, ECORDER amos e y secon n6t p esump ous y a emp' tion Wlth a strong nation Local wild. The grasses of San Dolllll tbo 1)5h III confornuty WIth the Wlsh belie 'lllg that the cause of tn th and change the commandment of God, p~a~ and cher y trees all seelll to be self go,e :nment m the sIan 1 has furrush abunilant fo a e of the best es of the church at Antioch He re Christian chlll~ty most Imperatively which as they hola, does not des g dOIng therr very best, and ill a week been greatly obst :ncted by mternal qnalities Immense herds of catt 0

Inted to the apostles the Gospel he demand t. The discuss on of that nate a particular day but leaves to or more will clothe themselves WIth difficult es and disturbance yet feed on great savanna .. th " h vcld. d d h the now b Irsting blooms 8 R 'II many town co lllcils still preserve ef they multiplied ten fo d II! Y co

h3d preached among the Gentile. propos tion s deman e n order to all the freedom of c 0 ce so as to flc ent eXIstence and are composed not exhaust the fib maant 1 astuxage, telling them, of course what he had set ns l' oht bWQre the Christian bmd all to the particular day wh ch ALDEN lIDiN of members of good character and and can be bougbt fo one cent r preached f!l1th not Viorks and what world as a denommation The po- they are pleased to choose God s A letter from Alden,)finn. dated ability pound on the hoof,~.go"ts ,,~oundl~ he had done m respect of crrcum s tions ass uned m the Sabbath col law needs 110 llllprovement If he April The SplllUsh occupat on of the sl the more and distIVcts an ill

C B on. We believe he respectfully confer

ed WIth the apostles of CIrcumc s on bnt not for one moment did he YIeld to the false brethren "ho III I!lSted that T tus be crrcumc sed, so as to co.ciliate them, or m subnus­s on to theIr demands for IDlsche v

nmns of the RECORDER, I do not be­lieve can be sustained by ether scnpture reason, or common sense They are ill my Opill on, do ng a most senons !'!Ij try to the cause of Sabbath reform Nor do I believe they are s stained by the denoIDlllJl.-­tion at large To put m the same catagory WIth athe sts, dolaters, profane swearers, murderers adnl terers thieves and liars those whom

and, m 1861 was fQ1llld to have been forllsts SWlDe thrive m great ~~ had thought t best for all to agree consummated by fra ld, al)d W&S bers sheep are Vel'Y few po u"J On a particular day he would have most unsatisfactory and oppressIVe are plentiful wild gwnea fowl belllg appomted It. Let no one llllagme m ts results, mvil and religions seen ill .many parts of the sland for a moment that these men will set threatenmg danger to the Masoruc horses are mrsed III great D nnbel1l

fraterruty /l large and infIuentjal and only mlll"audiug expeditions ha 8 about the mp 0 lS work of snpplymg orner m the Island, and the re-estab- revented tbe great development of the defic enc es of God s Inw a work WEST HALLOCK ILL. lishment of slavery ether by Impor rhe b smess of stock ra smg ~ so lllsultlllg to the great Law gIver followmg from a recent nmn tatioll or the rednction of the inhab of the most remarkable a"O'J: cult as well as so con'-- to theIr own T: tauts to bondage The people re- featwes of San Dommgo IS the di ~~J the peor a ra Mcr'l t will" f '----'-' th ill diffe creed. volted and drove tho 8palU~ qs lllto verBlty 0 na,·Wl.W g ow "

millte!!t our reader~ strongl old" on the coast, who e nt!q Ii ~R. 'I ill g '" rille 1<1 Reader please pardon the Irony G W Butts of West Hal th ldi di d b h I _k' f extenBlve llltel~ 0=61'00 In

b t 1 t t b e-open to th err so e s e y w 0 emue 0 sects and no"'O s reptiles III e not U e e an ey er e showed ns recently the plana maligruint fevers engeodered m ~ than th Ul

we mVlte mto our pulpts and tol.fa.lla"y'<Jfthatargoment,whichc1aims new church to be erected lit and filthy barracks, devodof fQnndmoreabnndllnt met pmy m our prayer meetings, IS such that God has not m the fourth com Hallock, by the Seventh-day samt.a.ry appliances The Span tel' or of our old States In forea 1\ flagrant act of mcouBlstency snch mandment appolllted a definite day the commg season. It lards slWt, III all, abont 35000 products there s an astonishing vat

f £ram 36 An f t "--,ne, o"-h"m between 6 000 nnd net" mcluding the cho cest cabUle a VIolation of all chanty that It of the week but that ItS claims 0 e, x"", ee m lorUVr .," v -" ,,~ VItro f t high It b 8:000 -l~ by de ..... 'onl\lld dis woods oaJ" p teh pllle _~nm _. wonld seem to nearly fully met bykeep'''cr the Roman eo e ~-~ "". "'.. on ImmeIl8e stock of medi(llll'" --.. by a tower 75 _ ~ h a

who make snoh the first day ofijhe week, the Thli ~ for commerc\8l woodlj Illl\Il~onse .c;=::.,-.:/tlloW' wheteof of the seVeJl,t4~ l1I\llled iIllwhQ~e;)ei>Iit will t5;~OOdUlil""r~ th!i built of ma.b0SU'1 fiBll

Idea that ticularly unliealth V1Slting t Ilol'C!; PI yellow fe er 1& J Tl e ,\"erage f!.6U geVltj are qlllte~ ably greater 111 States As a w 0

110t liable to any \r the general health accIimBtion than pass from old to Uruted States throngh, as mnch C!1.ll be done WIt! health as m our m States, and WIlli Persons m all ( here, by selecting lOY a delimoUB C dance of frui~ WIt to diseases of th fevers and other and without any fever The steam Its full compleme seamen, has been II llIIand about fifte61 not had a slllgle Of Earthquakes have damage III the sl81 thongh slight sho every year they ar ble that scarce one inhab tants are aw~ ncanes are not nnl

sometimes attende damages ~e lsI rivers naVIgable for illto the mtenor bays Samano, Acoo Ia, admit vessel. of though only the tin tance m ~ militarj J

The ComnuSlllon w.nmges of the, acq DB Bay to be a pow lUl.ynl stat 'In, and timate growth of III the portion of the has already been zens of the Un ted p cd ~y the SIte of cinl Clty Inland '0 water and travel wo the fut rre of Samar IlnthOl~ty of the Un; not fail to be of nat

The Comm iiiiOn ful and thorongh the. debt of Ban D the sum of aJ1 dehi lllg claims agamst be $1 545 831 The government for 18 ( of which ~ 28 695 roma and $35 466 ft Comnuss oners lay therr efforts to get II of the debt of the 1), lic lind believE\- tI: Stlbstantially correct IS not bcliev!ld liable

.tion of the \Udemz France from Hllyti mon s assured that negotiations have bE WIth any country ex States

The extent of undi can terntory s 2~ 21 a portion of which ha Iy illvolved lD dispu being about 1 000 squ ComnnsslOn present 8

of all grants and don pdblic lands IIlld frat clare that after the I ~ complete lllvestig riIiable to find any concesS1on ill any fon any Umted States 011 connection 'WIth the m the preparation The DonumCllllll exp ness to be t\lUleKed 0 the treaty of 1869 tion the payment oj Sa.mana Bay dnnng negotiations have I They are also willing one-fifth of the pul schools, prOVIded the Will appropnate $300 tahli.ent of an ~ 8C!entific ci!llege

The CommISslon tion of the report to UUIUcan IUdependen been and probably II

faCt, !lVd say the only R.lpnblic to reCOVer it IS to' become after .. one of the Ullion of 8 dOjll and substantial I ~ bemg gu&l'8.n strength of all It proVInce of the , tlnder the resolution 0 recommend that SUM lIdopted, or abstallled ~1D}ply smte RS therr I Upon all the observati 1lUIlre, and of the to, could learn, that thiS I

1U which DOmU1lClll\ can be secured, and ludged best not to ado even the preRent shado e!\ce will aw

Page 3: . R F - Amazon S3Vol+27...THE EVEN DAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE RD THY GOD 1 W TERLY F HDAY .APRIL AnV DE WHOLE NO 370 e nook e meztO-o WJFE.-No man e"er prosper ed e arId "'lthout the

Ih"''''''''n·l~ of San Dommgo are of

i~~:~~~~~:~~~~trunpromt~ m preJudice class beggary and

practically lI1l

i~~~~~1~:n~[;~~VlCes 8 mdulged of the

~~~~~~F:~~fE~~Roman Cath IJ.llUgrantB, and BaptiatB,

mtolerance or r~oUll can be discovered. The

~~~~i:~Y own the land whioh !:ij though agncultmai limited by lack of

frequent politiClll dis The DOllUl11cans are not

when sure of II. rea­'~"",,,,~iI Labor now IS

at $10 or less e:<1llt,

education lIDproved, the 1>0-

possessed of proverb Riiil~dlite!18 and much native abil

one small and JlOOrly priinting office eXIsts m the

general political ca­t.h"T",,,nl. S regarded fav

been for yeara spmt to de-

~~~~~~~~::~~~~ Thecour

report the eXlSt­copper and gold, ligmt~ rock salt,

h on are 18 abund and will doubt-

1i;;'Tri",~" a'mililble for the cheap IrOn. The copper

degree of nchness been opened to a

"~~:~~s,J! cool 01 li nmghbo s found to


• !!II


were once fallen mto

neglect the great schools of tenny fish are sjill abundaJ:lt on the southern ej],ore B1ackfish are found on the northern shore and evmy year some are caug1 t and tried for oil Turtle and several val1eties of shell fish are taken m moderate q~tities Small oysters are VelY

abundant III certain loclllities grow mil' attached to mangrove bushes They are eaten by the nat ves but are not so palatable as the oysters of more northern latitudes. nIl

San Donungo according to testimony s generally n healthy country especially III the mtenor among the mountains whe e white men labor safe y and successfully The acclimation of strangers presents no gIealer ohstacle to lIIlllllgI1ltion tban m se e"&1 of our new States Tbc easte n portion of the sland IS ODstantly swept by the trade wmJs

nul the cfora s more healthy than H y to "hich the ravages of yel o fe er are chiefly confined. The I s of the SpDJllsh army from ill II "e e largely due to the lack of s!lll a Y care and the Comnuss oners nre " tisfied that theIr losses have " n ugely exaggelll ted. The Com Ull oners have gIven special atten

u a the, matter of health and be es getting information from other

q artera have charged two medical II emen to report specially upon

; en conclus ons The popular J that Donnmcan terntory s par-­ti Ilarly nilhealthy and that persona

mg It !Ire peculiarly liable to llow fe e s entirely erroneous

I e avera e eneral health and Ion geVIty mete equal to and prob ably gI than that of the Uruted SI As a "hole rrumgrants are not liab a to any more disturbance of th nara1 health m the process of acclimation than are persons who

\ oJ; old to ne States T; mled States Ta.1ring the year

will be of scarcely less benefit HaytiE,n than to the .Domnu

I •


the Senate, Mr Stewart spoke agBllU!t further land grants by Can gres" Mr Blair made a lour hours speeqh on Southern affaIrS.

In:the House the discuss on of the K u EhlX bill was continued.

TuEsP. April4

BoTh Houses were engaged m de­bating the KuIDux outrages

WED~ y Ap 5

In the Senate the resolution ~ stro~ the JudicIary Comnuttee to prepare a bill on the Southern outri>ges was passed.

In the House the Ku Klux debate was qontinued.

Tnunsn April 6

Tli'.e House of Representative pass ed ilie K Klux bill

FRID \pril7

In the Senate the Ku Klux bill was read and referred to the JudiCl ary Oorrumttee Mr Morrill of Ver monl: spoke at length Ilgamst Santo DOJIlillgo annexation.


F ghting of II senous character was :kept up around Pans all last week: In the early part of the week the =y of the UlSurgents number mg !!Ome lifty thousand men "ent out from Pans when they were met and ;repulsed by the Government troops hom that tooe 1il1 the end of tne week there was constant skir Inlshlng WIth cons demble loss of life At last accounts the illS IX

gent~ continued to hold t a of the forts" south of the c ty which must be reduced before the Government

ough as much I1gnmlituml work troops can enter The ms ITg611ts II be done w thout affectmg the were outSlde the walls but were lID

b al h as m a IT m ddle and western potellt for any offenSlve movement S ale~ and mth greater results Pe ons m all Cll cumstances can Ill1d if the Iorts fall the rabble army he e by selecting theIr locality en cannl)t longer defend the cap tal. )Ly a delic ous climate ana abun Meat;time WIthin the walls the wild dm e of fl.'U1t, WIth fa! less lialbility I est e Cltement prevailed promment to liseasea tf the lungs to

e an 1 other fearful ep denncs Connnumsts were proscnblllg each IlDd WIthOut any liability to yellow othel) and theIr councils were diVId f e The steame Nantasket, w th ed arid weakened. The Therrs Gov

full complmnent of officers and < amen has been m the harbor of the

land about fifteen months and has a bad a smgle case of yellow fever

En thq alre~ have done no senous unnge m the sland ronce 1846 and

thou h slight shocks occur ahnost ) year they lire so Incons dera.­

b bat scarce one m a dozen of the illbab tauts are aWare of them Hur n nnes are not unfrequent, and are 8 netimes attended by cons de ",b1e iliuuages The Island has seyeral n crs naVIgable for a short distance n a t1 e mtenor hile three great bays Samana, Acoa and Monzeaum I admit vessels of the largest draft though only the first has any Impor [Illce m a military pomt of VIew

ernment still so ght to conciliate and thus avo d bloodshed

A CIrcular ssued by Thiers on Frid!;y April 8th says Yester day £len. Damn ere carned the n surgent poe tion at Com bevD e and to-day the bndge at Nenilly was car ned by the Government troops Gell. Montandon wf{8 slightly and GeIL Pechot seno sly wounded The aosses of the msrgents are lID men"" and the POSlt ons capttrred are of dec Slve JIllportance The AsseUlblytsts have advanced to Porte l1ailli t, and hold the pas tion under the ramparts Forts D Issy and B cetfe have ceased firing Pans has Quly proVIs ons for t YO days The ;collapse of the msurrection IS

mnrunent -~-' ................ ~--


The Oo=ss oners state the ad vantages of the ncqlllS tion 01 Sama­nB Bay to be .. powerful military and nn t! station and doubtless the l] Ii ate growth of an llllportant c ty

]) portion of the water front which The energy WIth wh ch the build L already been acql1ll ed by c t r thi t th hf b


Tl,U\rRd'Lv was observed as also as a Day of J;'rayer m Massa.­

eVIdence of public were afternoon

In all the maillly for the bene­

population. As f any were need

we."""'''''", base ball match themselves mto

tary Pilgrtm ant holiday speak at


his Proclamat on military forces of

themse es ill readi extre~ne measures He also

he will employ ~illnwful schemes of the

the rmnedies af and he lSsues a

to the people at large m the courageous

as everybody and WIdely known

rm';Vl,!i,,~ among the Baptists a se ~es of meetlllgs

Boston, w he e slashing style of

out qUlte free y I e has drawn

persons have ex to be Christians

THE NEW DRESS m which our pa.­per appears this week will scarcely need to be mentioned by US-It will speak for tself For some months past, the worn look of our old type has been an occas on of gnef and we diBmlsB them w thout regret to the place where old type go It s very likely that m the haste of re­setting the entire paper this week, some things may fail to rece ve need ed attention but a week or two WIll suffice to brmg them nght

• • •

The J omt High Co=ss on, In full force attended a fox hunt and dinner party at the res dence of S T SUlt, In Maryland, some five miles distant. Two faxes and hounds­some seventy five - were brought f am V rgtllli1, ,ome time SlUee and the latter were placed m full tram mg The sport passed off m good old English styl~ SIr Stafford North cote WllllllIlg the race and the first fox.

A letter from Duluth dated March 24, states that the well known family <If Iron manofacturers the Shoen burgers of P ttsburgh have entered mto a contract to erect II foundry

COMPLIMENT TO FRED DOUGLASS - and machine-shops on Rice s Pomt, Mr Hurlburt, the World' correspon early this Sprmg and at II not dis dent mth the San Dommgo Com tant day to put up a first-class blast­InlsSlon wntes as follows of Fred L itlXllace at Duluth .Ii roIIiug mill

for rails will of course speedily fol enck Douglass low this erection

Died, at Clarksboro Gloucester county New Jersey on ~Iarch 27th ~frs Sarah M. Sailer WIdow ofWm. Sailer ill the one hundredth year of he age ~frs S was marned at twenty SIX, was twenty years a mfe and fifty four years a WIdow She was the mother of ten children, the first seven of whom were sons

The voters of Benningt.on, Vt. were so thoroughly satisfied WIth

OF THE NEGRO -In the Miss EIiza M Clark s ServIces for of Common Pleas at Philadel oneyearasSupermtendentofSchools,

phin, April 4th, seve al colored men that they una.ntmously re-elected her for another term and voted to pay

bemg on the ]ur:r a hite man re- her $90 extra.

W delyas I differ from ~fr Doug lass on ahnost all public questions and dec ded as s my p efarence for the CaucasWJl over the African race, m most of my personal relations t s lIDpOSS ble to see so much as I

have seen of him WIthout cordially recogntzlllg not his abilities ouly but the estimab e !lllllable and man ly strain of his whole nature

• .. I

fused to serve on that account, and A ]ournlllist WIth" staNstiCal turn fined by Judge Ludlo Ii and or has found out that the London news-

dered mto custody The pr saner have contained m the last then excIsimed Get yo IX money years not less than 1 8 ob tu if you can I will rot n pnson be- anes of Dr Livmgston the African fore I will serve on a Jury WIth a explorer any of "hieh he adds s wgger The Judge ordered the good enough for a man really dead man to be kept m custody unW the Indiana boasts of an ane ent dwarf fine was pald and Sald Every who I ves m Decatur Co mty s 40 time you refuse to serve on s ch mches 77 years old, we ghs 33 WOunds I will fine you $200 I ]lollllds, alld calls himself Peter Den

, • • cl3J.Dls that 20 years ago 13UIININO THEM OUT A dispatch he was five mches taller and we gh

ed ten pounds more than now from Washiugton, dated April 7th A Charleston, S C letter says says that Senator Ames has rece ved that more than 3000 reSldents of that a telegram from a trustwo thy at the finng on Sumpter lost stating that 40 negro churches Ii es m the field, by Slcknes" school houses have been and "ouneis, and that fully 10000

lJas1,few,,,e,,ks.1 more have qUltted the State Slllce Miss ss pp WIthin the tI e suppress on of the reheIliolL As buildings of this are noto-nously scarce m that State this fact The entire Cit go of schooner D fUl'lllshes pretty stranO' eVIdence of II Bald"lll sunk off Black Rock, the extent of tho ope at ons of the Conn and fifty thousand dollars Ku Kln." tl ere ,,"orth of sil roe lately sunk m

:N e" York harbor while en route from

A SECO"" Grn.UlD Stephen G md has an mutator m the late Rob

Ne ada to Europe have been recov ered.

Poppenhousen Institute lege POint, L L has rec:eilv'edan­other $100 000 from Conrad Poppen­housen, ts founder

Horace Greeley says he $150 000 trying to help t has done no good.

Chas Lenox Remand, COJO~E'<I0 been appomted lnspector In t<ln Custom House

The late John Allen the wiq:keilest man m New York, left valued at $80 000

A tornado at roofed houses =,~ C"""ell

~~:E~~~~r~~~ where a cons d

than threescore and scarcely less full of

e t Barnes, of Evansville Indiana, who left $500 000 to build and en dow a college of that State enJom mg that no IlllSS onary of any sect whatsoever shall ever hold office m

In Philadelphia, 1 ecently ilis Is­abella Bloomfield died at the advanc­ed age of 93 yeaJ;S She was the "'Ida 1{ of Gell. Joseph Bloomfield, "ho was G<> ernor of New Jersey from 1803 to 1812

than he did twenty and expenence

~';~l~~~:~~.him somewhat, j;jf andae ous n Axtni,"n'~II.J}t. and to a refin occ'~ri,onally offens ve and

been so plenty m that some of the

mstitution, or even be allowed to VIS t the premtsoo

, . . The town of Ran 10 ph MaSs.

has rece ed a munificent gift of $50 000 from the WIdow and four SUIVlV

mg children of CoL Royal Turner THE finanCIal work of the Umted to be devoted t<l the establishment

of a free public library m that town States Government for the I ast two years s Just made public from which t appears that the merease m rece 1 ts over those from 67 to 69 hasarno nted to $84 994 0492 74 the cleerease m expenses :,;126 00 949 22 the leduct on of tbe public debt amounts to $204 7.,4 413 09

In a. murder case tried hefore the District Court at Cheymme on the 23d of March, there were four wo­men on the J try A verdict of guil ty "as rendered, and the culpnt sen tenced to be hung

21Iention s made of a man named Bn"gs n Connecticut, who recently comnutted SIllC de he bemg the last

r • 1 of 1-. ..u.. u:ho killed them A F BE AT ALBA N Y on the selves Smc de ran III tIli; famil~ f=,"f.r~~~. -0 .P .u ~ aN ~ ;r.a.n Q, e.y;nth ......-

ns of the Uwted States be D!l:l>.\lt mg OJ: s grea oroug are s e--0 ~ ~ orwnra g an added

p oy the s Ie of a gIeat co=er guaw tv of ta P.ll. v ~ "'_ ial CIty Inland comnmmcation by ts mse management 'Ve learn u r and travel wo lid be easy and from the financ al agents of the e future of Samana Bav under the

aullio ~ty of the Uwted States could Road, ~essrs Jay Cooke & Co that, nut fnil to be of national ooportance at the;present date the grading s

The Co=ss oners made a care- nearlJ1 finished for 266 miles from luI an 1 thorough eXlllIll1lJ\tion mto Lake Supenor through Central Min th lebt of San Dommgo and find nesot~ to the eastern border of Da.­Ibe sum of all debts and ontstand kota iralns are ruunma over 130 ill cla.ims agamst the Republic to miles of completed track the i\lis b ::;1 a45 831 The ece pts of the s SSlPE: ner s bndged at Bramerd, go e nment for 1870 were ::;7 2 684 and once more Jomed to the Lakes 01 hich $ 28 695 was from c s by = and track laymg s rap dly Ins Il.Ild $35 466 from ta es T~e p~ogressmg westward. By Septem CornnnsSloners lay great stress on ber ne t trams will nm to the Red

eIr efforts to get at the exact state ver t>lld the grading will probably of the debt of tho Donnwclll1 be far advanced toward the Great

every man and the release whiph when. t comes to the only portal of

____ ", .. matters as well as ,u Philadelphia,

_~"~L'. the Jury m the to whom Judge

"as delivered on mto Court, after

t ... "n~lV-forlr hours havrng

strayed the axtens e pnnting and A fashionable breach ofpromtse of publishing establishment of ~Iessrs malTlage case at Galway heland, m Weed, PaIsons & Co Loss about "hich the Deputy Lieutenant of the $400 000 Insurance $150000 county was the defendant has recent­

ly termmated m favor of the plain " . . ELD TrroID.s R W lLLLU S has re

mo ed from Plainfield, N J to Alfred Center Allegany Co 1\ Y and requests his correspondents to address him hereafter at the latte place

• • •

tiff for £5 000 In a bnef temperance art cle the

other dsy a Western paper attempt­ed to say ~omething about the chief pomt m the battle but tl e pe ~erse types got t the chief pmt m the bottle

How much did he leave F TIlER T nOR of the Seamen s qwred a gentleman of a wag on

Betl el Boston lied la t week leannng the death of a wealthy Clti zen Every thing esponded the

funeral" as attended on Fndav the He didu t take:ll dollar mth Ii and helieve theIr co,nclnSlionsj Bend Gf the i\IiSSOUl'l nver m Cen nbs antially co Tect San Dommgo tral Da:Jrots.

di,mg:re,ed, were discharged. case as t stood at (,alrro.Jen,,, Illcluding :MaSOliC bodies

s not believed liable to pay any par In the mell.Il time work has heen t of the mdemmty eXlUlted by co=euced the present season on the F all e from Hayti and the COJ:mms- Pa ific",oast a large fa ce of men Sl n s assured that no obligation~ or s [email protected] employed m the vulley of n at stions have been entered mto the Co Ulllbm n er m "ashington

~:~o~:~~'fogtht~~: mauy lIIethodist clergymen pilots a sa lors and promment c t zens

Antowo 0 eficc who c!sims to be a descendant of the p blisher of the Vewee Gazze a the first neVispaIBr ss ed m the world, s now connect­

ed III a Journalistic capac ty mth one any country except the U wted TerntWy and hereafter the 0 k of

~ a s const11&ct on will be pushed both rhe extent of undisputed DOlllill eastwa.:d and weshard toward the

an terntory s 29 213 square miles centre lIVlth s ch rap dity as the hest • portion of which had been former mteresis of the Road may Justify IJ Involved m dispute WIth Hayti Including ts purchase of the st. bemg ali out 1 000 square miles The Paul and Pacific Road the Northern Corrumss on present a full statement Pacific Railroad Company has 413 of all grants and concess ons of the miles ciJ. Road now In operat on, and public lands and francl)ise and de before the close of the present sea clue that after the most searching son th" length of finished track will and complete mvestigat on they are be at ;teast 560 miles The new mabIe to find any s ch grant or highw~ to the Pacific lS bemg can conceSSIon m any fO:Ill or mannet to structcll at the iowest cost compati allY Umted States official ether m ble WIt;, first-class work onnection WIth the negotiations or

III the preparation of the treaty The Domuucans express a willing n s to be annexed on the terms of he treaty of 1869 asking In addi ti n the payment of the rent for ~=a Bay durmg the two years n g ti tons have been pending Th :r. e also willing to Bppropnate one-fifth of the public lands for shoals, prOVIded the Uwted States ill appropnste $300 000 for the es

schools and religI deloonoID.t;'1f>s, was the sub]ectof

BeSS on of the There 'Was a

resolution Pl',)~'siI,g an amendment to the State prohib t mg the of moneys by the State or town or c ty m the State to the of any reI g ous

this an amend

tahlishm611t of an agncnltural and s .ntilic college

The COIllIlllSS on devote a par tion of the report to show that Do­lllllllcan mdep611dence never has been and probably never will be a fa I and say the only chanca for the n public to recover t~ Independence s to become after a p oper panod,

one of the UIDon of States the free-10m and substantial mdependence of nch bemg guaranteed by the tr611gth of all It" beyond the

p oVInce of the Commtss oners Un ler the resolntion of ConOTess to

o=end that such a co;"se be dopted, or abstamed from ]I,ey mply state as theIr belief, founded

UpOli all the observatiqns they could lllake and of the facts that they

11 1 learn, tJ:iat this 8 the only way m mch DOllllWcan mdependence IlJi be secured, and that if t be

JUdged best not to adopt that course en the present shadow of mdepend ~e will be taken away To show

orumercial Importance of annex a on, the ComnusslOners m~ntion ~) thp tobacco trade pf the Island,

" I ch s rap!dly becom ng a man"" po Y of the German EtnP!T~ Under ~ Siable governm611t, Srur DQromgo ~ ht be developed mto a powerfQ]

a e which by the laws of trade h ouId lIIJIke slave labor m thfl ne gh

OI'U!" slands unprofitable and by t~ spread of Its della the whote s Ve system odions The Comnua., ~ onirs conclude theIr report by a 1"" alJuSlon to the unfruitful VIS t n':r the ellp tal of Hayti ~ search of th a mation, and the expresSlon of .~ COnfident opQUon that the nmtex

n of SNI :DOmipgo to the Uruted

• • I

pre'W'led, forb dding the loan of any public any mdiVIduaI, so­

dellO[niD,a~ion, or ~orpOfJltion. disposed of

A. .. IflTEBESTING ~h:"OBIAL SERVICE was re ently held at the Baptist Ohurch:1ll F fth avenue New York. The auillence room was decked WIth a proM on of rare flowers At the nght cil the pulp t hung a banner mscnb<;d m nnmortelles on a bed of P ANEL-ROBBERV a" mosB,. 1 George Benedict, Pastor great Clties, has 1841 to'l848 and on the other s de exposed hUllg o»e sinrilarly made bearmg the the newspapers mscnpijon, Thomas Annitage, Pas- t<l be a waking tor 184B to 1871 In the forenoon, a port on of the Dr Armitage preached a fitting and eloquent discourse on the Progress I cler.rv m difrer,ej~t parts of the coun of the ] resent GeneratiQn At the seeking the aboli close 01 the serIl\on, $40 000 was eXIsting m theu ijubscnlled to free the church from the Rev Mr debt. A. bountiful lunch was pro. St LoUls the VIded for those liVIng at a distance have preached The p'-"'>gramme for afternoon and on the evenmg mcIuded Words of WeI the of come lily Chas. T Goodwm, Sewor to labor for Deacon an address by the Rev Dr the haunts of VIce Dowling; on New York Baptists m 1841 and. 1871 an address by the Rev W H Pendleton, on Long Pastora(es an address by the Rev R M. (Gallaher on Our Baptist li'uture (and an address by the Rev R. lIIcA.:.thur on C!Hlpemt all and Svmpatliy among New Yqrklla.ptist Churche~

• • I

Connecticut, w'o '-".U'L ed favorable In Rhode ticket for State WIth the exe,eptiton Governor A Rel'pubIi'"an bolt on a fishing a third candi date prevented election for Lieu tenant-Governor hut the General Assmnbly which largely Republi can m both will no doubt ~elect the candi date

BEI~UE!'TS..-:-~!r~~HBJmab Coolidg~ beq1lllatl,ed $4,

• •• Z.rnOC PRATT the promlllent tan

ner and politiCllLll of New York died on F ~day April 7th. He was a na.­

tive of Stephentown, R .. £sselaer Co N Y where he was born on the 30th of October 1790 · . ..

WOMXN a SCHOOL Co=TTEES­At a school meeting m T verton R I April 3d three women we e elect­cd for School CommIttee Mrs Ben Jamm Barker lib s Moses Lawton, and :Miss Anna E Bro ~n.

I • ,

GOOD FRIDAY Ap il 7th was ob­served m London, and throughout England, as a nat anal holiday The markets of London, Liverpool and elsewhere were closed

... 4

THE J amsh Feast of the Passover began on 'Weduesday of last "eak, WIth appropnste BerYlCeS m the syO

agogues.~_-.., -0,,-, __ _


of the dailies of that c ty

The old woman who has been cus todian of Blarney Castle for 40 yem's and who will be remembered by tounsts m Ireland as a ludieroualy Ir ntaole and volub1e crone, s reported to have died lately aged 76

An earthquake m San FranClSCO on Sunday April 2d, was generally felt thro gho It the mtddle of the State Not the slightest <Mlll>ge was done ho Ve er It was exactly one year ronce the last shock.

Herman Frostheater cOIDIDltted sm de n PhiladelphIa, by hangll1g himself from the tail board of a wag In the yard of a bnck factory where he was employed. Intemperance caused the act

Dr John Gegan, who died on a ecent VIS t to heland left two-thirds

of his estate estiInated at $120 000 to Roman Catholic oharitable assoc at ons m Philadelphia, his adopted Clty

The nev Henry Morb'llll~f Eos ton s engaged ill the lau ble but arduous attempt to ralSe $1 000 for

James Rhodes a WIdowe, of 50 hlB church by lectunng to fast young was unWIse enough to wed a gIrl of men vho as a mIe never pay any 11 m st. LoUlB, last Wmter He body-they ought. had a pl'2lctiClll illustration of his The Philadelphia I ""8 saJS F f folly when he went home a fe", teen ex Confederate officers are al mgs smce to find that his wife ready s tling m Congress. " as his son, aged 18 had eloped togeth ever government so forg Vlllg or pea er and carned off all the household pIe so trusting as ours' furniture

The Rev Charles Beecher CoL Henry n Fprbes, an ex =y G t 11 d

officer says a Western lette wnter eorge own, aSS an a brother of Henry" ard Becct,er,

went to Cheyenne receutly tQ lecture been appomt~d Supenntel1dent on the evils of mtemperence but Schools for the State of Flond&. the mhahitants regarding the sub­Ject as a personal alIront, rushedmto \\ ru Foster of White Water the hall axtingmslied thelig4ts and WlS shot hinjself at his wife s death drove th~ Colonel out of town bed, on Satmdayrug:ht Depress 011

by the loss of his wife was the cause John Tallpan di~d m Boston the of the act

other day aged neatly nmety He was an honored merchant and held CoL AJbert Pike Df Arkansas has the office of Pres dent and Treasurer been the editor and propI etor of not of the .A.mencan Tract Soc ety forty less than twenty five different years bemg also dentified WIth For papers, two-thirds of which he boasts e gn ~Iiss ons and nUlllerous Mllev' J of killiug alent SOCIeties In the Burrows divorce case, In

Archb shop McClosky recently New York, one WItness testified tQ ordained at the Church of St. PaUl havmg- two husbll;llds livmg and the Apostle m New Yorlj:, three another testified tQ ltJIvmg three Catholic pnests, all of whom were WIves converts from Protestantism;!lIld J abn Mun",y of Philadelphia, shot one G M. Se!\1'lc a graduate of his wife, Saturdsy 1riIIing her mstant­Harvard College and ex Professor of ly He theIr shot himself, inflicting the Naval Academy a fatal 'Wound. Cause Jea1o,usy

One Robert CIeneay was recently Another Nathan murder story IS arrested near Atlantic City N J on pub1 shed, chargmg two burglars,

of havmg msrned a WIdow Scott and McCoy WIth bemg the he had five other mves liVlllg BSSJlllSIDS

He confessed he had had the :mves, FranCIS J ~eM S ¥lother lS sBId to but SBld he thought they had all lllBall8 on The subject of dresB, died of broken hearts when he ran and spends moSt of her time trpng IIWIY frOm thEj~ O~ IljjW go'I'IlII;

NEW ADVERTI8llIUJJTS. From Goo P Bo .. elI ok Co 7 30 GOLD LOAN


A GENTS READ "e will pay A.gen 8 & Sa. ary of $30 pe

week and expenses 0 allow & a ge com m18B OD 0 Bell our new and wonderful n en ti n Addr" M WAGNER & CO Mar ,h.U J\fi b.

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f om Aprill 1871 A FirBl-cla .. Eogbt-PIII. Agr! u1tural AIId Family Weekly. lfoeclmeDB F .0 HOPKINS ok WILCOX,_ .

Rochester " Y

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TREES AND PLANTS -BUYERS should. examine our 8 ook.J. especially the

RAlIE TREEB SHRUBS '" "VERGREENS GRAPE TINES Hardy 110... RHODODEN DRON tbe beat of &U Sbru\';::PmACAN THA he Dew HEDGE P ant For cat .... logue, addre8B PAJlSONB '" CO,_

F usblng " Y


pelion p an lWOIJU;l, $1 per dAy for each-pe.r B n L C&ted m tile mOBt cen ral and con ement- parl of the Clty tor buein II mell or

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RadPrf Haes tBos D eprt 0

General Brodh at! S a e COIDmlS one Mas


ea mOlllaJs B



DmEC ons.

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A T o H E

M&nnfac ured by he



E art' SlZe m 0 dina.n demand. E ery shape

and rv.ll.I' y of timsh and deco-

rn. n ma.y b had

ee &enoromtr

11 he"f'{a tham sye m of wa h



As w II as h ill ellab e and ha he


Is he pe as well as he b 8t.




In he Art t P a mg up n the


By Wu. ill[ )UBON and E S HOADLEr

Mo emen (I. t Amen an M&oufac tU"e In Ladies and Oen emeIl 8 SlZes.

Them b .. t


egaD dtlI'8.b e popula.r and he



GRE~T WESTERN RAILROAD Through Canada to De ro &nd P~~ef er ha e long been known but no



Only Bou e b ween liiew Yo k and Chica.­go runnmg the

r. emptB ha e been made to extract be

sClentifi ally By a process pocuJiar W

P epa a.tion the essentW oil of tea. plan has been added to alb" ego_ble •• tracta

",d an ""equaled Toilet Article t01' tb. HaIr 18 tbe .... u1t {t I ... peoially IlBOful to p",v\>ni

11>. hAIr from,fallJDg out or growmg thin and. .. wash for the ser.lp to stimulate the 1Wr

bulbo and. prevent the gradual decoy &Ild I ...

PQhlr w the tUboo


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W h he ,ame Under!aed as BINGEn and

WEED HOWE and AMERICAN and 8&1110

Sko. I ... Ib, BINGEn and WEE.!> and aU other pI. enb! used by them together Wltb

man) &Iu.bl. Improvements USED ON NO





To any Ma hiD. BOld for eGO or t76



U they are not as good or will not (10 .. good wo ~ as Bmger Weed. Howe or ant'

o!her ~ we will

Page 4: . R F - Amazon S3Vol+27...THE EVEN DAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE RD THY GOD 1 W TERLY F HDAY .APRIL AnV DE WHOLE NO 370 e nook e meztO-o WJFE.-No man e"er prosper ed e arId "'lthout the

'.L:3.. ... LJCl;JA. TH REeo R ER, AP L i3, ----1- Q/'l:o'-1



The mo't THO DUG Y rONSTRU""'" ORGANS mild" "<.lJ


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