PUMPERNICKEL COURT Only Nobles Permitted to Dance at Dresden State Ball. v. ;or Ibi r'-Ti'wv*'', Oaan "nr-' ***** ,row,1"i wUh Am'T'" ,-o,irt aeaaaa. wblc IZ -T-l ..-,-, caanot Baeura preaaatoUou al .... wbere tha Ohltod ZLy* AP. u>ro than f md tonov cooatrywi m ..nd hut little dimcr. rt ef Md COUrt where dbng Thaekerav'.- 1 aaai - an alhewed ta ;., be nobfc .. title tat aeae il -'.¦ tai rth or 61a- .r,oth*-r by I . mem- . aupper by . Bbara rt in a dtf" .- B ire *, Anct^er Battle of the Spurs. e 4 . || Gold gn >>t tBOWn - pal "tery. -bi of Bei -. 'Y tne: ... ¦, tinga * nnd * ea< - Flar? .r.ere- - BPUN wmym ro- u "~i.s's Sr: . pai rtrooutb ' there .- . G1T- aa tr "*" * leath it e, \ ,,f t I- r Fahnontii IU lamppoata ar. atoeb r-'r-nh eann-nn t ire.l bv tba '. AdaUral BB Bdwaid it"s, >..-* BBueb mn aUh of tbe At- i.tnti'- ln th- midd . I alghteestli oatt* tun II kRQL'IBG Di l'< »NTEN< 11 -.- ' BACHELOR" GIKL ENGAGED Miss May Gardner Repudiates Pledge to Remain Unmarried. "Ma.* . 11. -arerdi " beed by half a h young * : Kwtai ' -.ni.. Br ¦¦agemenl - Alberl tuaho atraet Ii; !.,- tagethar «Itb Bfti . ..... ., ¦ .'n B 4 . Laaa -Be Ial rgai i f glrla a | waaworn the io. aaatrti lappllc a waa a to tai ereofter auppoaed to >¦¦ mmtme to tha marrytag On Tuei nlghl iwevei clob Turn aad n l .¦>.< wi ddln. wl Mai the Lata retl ..-..¦¦.¦.¦.¦ >'!iu- SIP ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE is tiie autnor of a prize story, entitied "'The Cont'st," 'Ahcii a^iII appear m next Sunday's Tribune. Don't miss it. ¦ JAY GOULD MAY TAKE BRIDE EngaKement ro Mis.- Gvaham Expected To Be Announced February 16. a;i,- .: ibert Vat _...-¦.. \\ i (jrah-a:* . \ ¦,ijje to | i- DECIES HCNEYMOON TN GEORGIA Expected in Augusta To-day or. Their Way to JekyI Island. Lord and 9 mo--nln- Jekyl rbei wlU fl^pend :..- of their honejrmi t d from tl nei Mi ¦ fioflild md ide WEDDINGS. S J.. 1] me tbe he-. IVahl, n famllk j -er«-n- M. J., .. ( li i Flnk- 0f Dea Moli are >'. Day, of l_B \ tnd tb Be ol - » - NOBLEMAN'S SON A SUTCIDE Pennile^s Dutch Music Teacher De spondent in Chicago. " -.*¦- WANTS |2_0,00d POB BOWDOIH fftw York'"- Starts ttubscription for Gymnasium xith S10.000. riinu 11 clil .- PROF. MARCH'S WIFE STRICKEN MANAGERA DVJGHTER ON -STAGE. Mlai r. ... NEW YOPK FROM THE SUBUReS. ti m ii mlH- I'nllnir .,n. "h 10 SELL HOE COLLECTION American Art Galleries Taxed by Its Size. WILL HOLD 17 SESSIONS Inventor and One of Founders of Metropolitan Museum Had About 5.000 Pieces. geat prtvati ever 1 -. v rl M Ha ... nooa aad taro a coilect the late Roba ' ,'rtn,- f the the kfuaeui trl Ti. 111 ba IT. w modern and a> ' . Amerl- - time Ifl .... nducta ... | be throam I ire l r. flll the U \r_s edal the ilntlng of i e la the Lady hrush er of pleca r irt. nal ... Th' ¦¦ r than 1 v'4 of itl S900 FOR 7WAIN ORIGINAL Manuscript of "The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg" Sold ¦ ortgii A. li. II ... to dal .i I . Innlng ... ... . B I ¦¦ tor a en "L ':. .. M ¦.- _ GEORGE M. COHANS THEATRE *%>.*,* Playhouse ir. Broadwav Will Br Oniiied Mond.i- Aftarmoon. l.eatr< va ...-¦¦ ii ... . .- YALE BIOGRAPHIES PLANNED. ¦1-4 Miss Farrar. Mr. Scotti and Mr. Martin in "Tosca." To Um weary r ardera af thk*R* "r*** ati. Bach aaa adveal of Mlaa Qeraldtne farrar ia .ui e%l llnretlng tonlc 1 .. >.. .- parrar a hap] bb lee booo, ften they aa arhen thej ara nnt ir.ok'"i far.hat |f| 8 Farrar's ref.ar.1 for . BBataai a tba ever- regard tor the apeed laara. -., apeeara r«-> hava Ha ownj tloa anai it>- Farrar tradttlea Snme-| .... - th. y .o.m te roin-j More often ".' '¦.¦"''¦ T' «** ,1"i .'"' it w_ 1 -*aaind***1 'iron tha atai a< iropohtaa (aera '. B. I'. -..-i. *Vb n- Duee artl ' Bl ..,' 1 verj prel Ameiiean _iri noi rruu .-m from .. o Nea * 8 and T>':" epa. e dl. ber Toa - ea of ¦ Bernhardt would ali thai arattag town, -. WOUld prob.ii¦!- pereoaa ,n aer .... ... arm ai and bea ¦. lt wa no «i-. mg 1 : ir he co rould lli thy. lf nol eventna r 1 alwaya, naderne*. I tlger.a ture ta whlch ,._... ... Mr. Caruao n Martin aai i Martli *or aome Ume. and he it he haa nev. the 1 reeonanl tona, though t tlma .. . more "i; lu< evei ffa ondu moat ef* ind .. flrst aet a rgeai Oa A NEW PLAY IN LONDON "AD That Kattert" i Eather Weak Rustic Coraedv. IfcEvoj t the Ha; arket Theal I aerloua worh wearing preti -\ fed the pa in iat of Weat | !on_ idvai | ne and expr . take ln thi 1 ai nt.« The ¦¦ thej if n: lt I llnng rocka cai [Vorman Frank I el rlth the f the righl .. r ade- not nn- ed GARDEN THEATET". Heimath. VI ma > b laal «. . ghe 8 and pae -¦¦. and * le lt m- Crueger wa Pa .i M r epeated H '¦¦ a » THEATRICAL NOTES. : the tltll t he Ra .... P tmong thoea t In thi - ... ... tbe U polltan < Ho um .. m the I Iflka tl Li _ .... .._ %aj cuw*-V? tvjC rVV V- XEW VORK .The Malodorous XTTSAXCES. Subway l »gar ]'o\'A. OBITUARY. WALTER BROWNE. early tl ag al /. i .. ¦.- unonta, totkr* int a "id whieh he < laat weal .. mlly phyal i -. treel rha Ml \'.r,.. Kns- ... m -, ¦. -ar mt i -.I- Brewne Bn- trj a mai and thi.- wa aaal .1 modern uid la to b< H tL, ..¦- Brown raa ala Starta Ha llved arlth M.i 1 "'*'-; a EARL CAWDOR. .. Ibald l an a.-iii'i-¦ '....ri aa ({e wa . "ruary U, .' Ial and ' .. i*nnl of tba Brta & Paclrte pjapateb at Vo So Broadway In Maj UM, he waa ap¬ polnted general Baatern freight agent of the Krle Kdllroad. and on JUM I. UW he appolnted apecuil a»;er> ln Nov. aame year he recelved the appolnt- '-". aiun ment of vice-prealdent. whlch oftv* he held H u ud U> the r.me nt his deatl '¦. wea r»r*« ier* of the K'ie .\5.«oriatton an organlza- tion made up of F.r* amployea al afl ,,( tv,-» ayatem. MISS ANNA F. ROWLANO. MbM Anna F. BouiaaB, daagbtaf af the Rev. Dr. Henry a Rowiand. wbo tnr'¦ . held tha ehalr of phyal at htaa iTnlveretty, Batthnere, aaa- ductlng tba famoua reaoarchea ..: that m- atltutlon, oted yeaterdaa m w houae. Bt Enaiewood N J. Th.' funeral will b* n. Mouni Pleaaanl Ceme er* rhav*\ BrooA ttramt, N-wark. to-morroa at ¦ OBITUARY NOTES WILLIAM LA T'.'HX. n preaatnenl * r :...- f, tura .imi horaemaa, dled m hia bOBM ;n I.ynn. Mana ¦tati n'.m yeara old Mr i.a. rdor dora ¦ ember of tbi Ittlng . lenl de- ¦¦ from pott- Qreat ind devoted ¦¦¦niis- | I..,:,i - Ad-1 iVroia vu well kn-.wn on the '".r.iud ClrcuH --niK mer l Ballormaa and a auml ar ol .-fl'her fa*- raei MR.*-*. HELEN TALE KENVARC I ' -Ue jeha H Kenaard, a foraaer |uo- | 'b.m S.:pr<*m>* COUTt Of f/"ii»lana. ita! m Wlaatad, Soaa* jreaterday :,lr«, Keanard wa» born m nn on January 1, 1^4. and ,. atb ' er ¦. ial ind had *-pent -ar*r part of her tlrr.e hn tl *. North. gheli rea .h'.ldren. M CORNELIA LYNDB DB PORBBT .< idoa if i t BTHtlam D. da Ft real er nt Kiam Lynda, fouader of the rlaon -\ item, died on Tui nlg ln Hartford, Conn., from apoplexy a ..!: Ifl Aubur .. N 1 ll B5. DIED. AMI Oa Faaadai i '¦. . ..,- gmt \**\ i" IJ, A- ,.. rt. Ii. 1 ..rr- 7 II '¦' i- ". .,-,. IMR* ' a**-i < ' '. - la- evanlne .»¦ ** ° * .' v r>-.>v-' --, * . ra r* :.--.i.i- T* brwery w. *. I a gKKENBRAi . » -i -. - .,.*.¦ so. T, i- -. fl .;ni-'fl .:.!¦ tt l_in« . ¦ glaai t r- * ... .. vt;>. S J H Hm!« ¦.. wti ¦¦.!- law - H.\ IL-AXl 'I". li Han '¦.- I .. i ' ma. r WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. :'-.>. i ii Mloa to Um Unerl aa Meaaam of Nataral H tha v.e«- j-_ti Women'i Bepel Club. r. 2 | .ilUren, f Kii rj in 1905 f Meettna for Cblldran, U M0W! l ¦ ll-^" -l na. i i! e. . Hotel Aator. 3 :,,!<! Hli M- ^.l-' Km HENRY STEVENS. :.r r^f.cns, ind abroad lan eattle, Randi yaan CAHILL. LAURENCE Laa- fl Sve year old, dled at ;: N- ." aaa ot tWO day* from 'flf tha Kmi- I -rk. ... .< .. for the na ,.f it aui need tn ir town ordli tina 'he t ¦ JOAOUIN COSTA. .-; * Joaquln 'oeta EDWARD ADD1SON LAWRENCE. ;¦' H He .a orn In >; raa gra-. :. A-raden .1-. d tha , tl ... . -..m<- here . ireel rr ilned forl I ,u.. untll n pro- ighter, chlldren ;»..:. - [afl Wl <a ot th^ I'anama on S tnder au Departmenl -. , ... waldorf-Ai :*¦ ..- . .- | .un f tha ^-fl-fl rorh .- tv r ¦ , |«i .' M- :-... 3:13 . .-»¦¦-.: il Wl tt H 1 .*. R< lh '. H ¦. A-:- .'. ,n,| ¦...-nlriir ,,t tha am. nd ;,iin-e. of «he SherlffV- ,'':r\ .'. :. 7 | Bl. - tbe n--a Tbata Pl ¦''. Wthkwt \. 7 ; *n bi j. u ttM N a V rk H.jrii-neopat'.. Mai .»'. ¦. Meettni u WA* Ibnarera' Aaaa a- ttreat. 8:15 p. aa. . . .f th< Ha* -..,' itlna a ....*-..: .'¦-fl-"' - tott ¦¦¦¦ -': ie, I ','. 'I Free 1- lur-a of th^ li.^ir,l nt ¦. - P ".. *. .-'... _*th -»»reet. pri.ee: l*ul ». l.Vlltl ..!'¦ .,:... <. NUIl '!"« ti ¦-. .' ..,> .1. !'r_.-.,-- \ .< l«tU« H . K| H< ite ¦!,, ! IV«!»*x .. -fl-fH, "Kamoui Ain-rlrar. >. . "' Kletcher i .... th al ..¦. oaat ¦- --..k-s EUymond - hool b*. laath atraet. *»¦<' ' r" Holland, CT llam P lan .. \ >nk and Ollv-r »tr-fl ... I N ¦*!_! Bdwart J. Pa Ilfl 133d »tr->-l. eo.l nt n " Mai ot IV:-i- rtret jiv :-,,.¦ \ »n ihi :.-¦.« Wi " . .- i-.- ftreeal "9, httUe* * Holma , am ave. 4chumann Oaniel .;,,*¦¦ .. Inatltu i! j N ¦\s Kan lOHth nr.' .ellowatone n'j ^r-v ¦_¦ ;;.,.. ..-<.¦ .ir.'. I k- V .... (] ter ot lla , .. I"* a. rn. HIGH \ trto B th* :.. r* jr-aare. I .t Bl - -' ' ........ a| KKKi' i* Ta ti aanriee* al - Bt-erUag, HOW'MNT Af hei r- V. J . .it, Fetmtar; - . af tne :a" R-v Henry \ Rowland, i> i> m '¦' ' t»ry road . .. N .' * M ¦ Mlai Harrtett Iaterm»nt Creona ** ry. 8*. ... < g.laggfli iiik Honiii *hn t t.ytrrtr.txt ia raadll ' aeeaaalbta By Rartoai i-a,n ttmt, Orari'! .'.ntral BtAtloa Web-etar ar.* I- . avr-nu** troll»y and bv ¦,ir-:i»,. t.ntg B1BO up. Taleahone 4*''. Oramer Ufl>,.^ ...' ewa or ripraatetathre. oftic-, ¦'<> _:.i»t :n, -K r.-«- vork OMp INPKRTAKKR!*. FRWR F. CAMPBBXX. 741-3 Vteat : i.i en. r'hapeie. Private R'^o:..*, Private A!Bllalaaiwa rv! i.-.-.u cheleea SPECIAL NOTICES. Publl< MARRIED. r r- 7. tn; 1. .r. \. ¦ Seo '. -. Rlahep ¦.' N m ». Bullard. dauahi Bib M tor* ¦I BBARO rnt;.\THAM Pahvean s OW, ,. \_.» Hli. Ttan Mar-, Cbaethea Db f New Tart HN-ON liKiMA ";.. Wedaeada ta " - iwil ». tt*w Orleene, ¦-¦ .. Ma-i- flaufhUi ' .- .¦' la l ". Irli daufhtai l \-> ,., Nrw T-rk i.rlear.K. t, .- '¦¦ M'lM'tn l/>RD tOmy. K-bruarv N T.. by th* Re» Zalde*. ,l»u»lir»r ,.t Mra. <1iur'*a lard, WOLF e-tire ildea .!' .) ve*- WARUMAH lf TBR >¦.-. Wed ada '. nii! a: TY*.nl'> iTlurrh, Barrla Onl ... tb. Rev Krom n J hikk". vi.'i-- I il ,f Mr ,.: Mfl i . -ntt- Koyr. vs'ardmaa MELVILLE W. DE Mi -...¦¦ \' .' bad Ci tenla ¦: tr,,:i. raoght >.ii by aa al . raa ¦- h.i>i .¦i kmg tlmi Da \\"ir * ^ m hla mtm I ^atppmrntaak* br Ml aaaaa aai aaHaeaa Cnyabaga Cooatr, -__-___.__---_ DlED. 1 l '. Uai N auch V.r: in >'.,||rea «f mafl^laa»« and deatha mutl fee -. Tl ta '.: .. a all .,r i trollc) car ar. i- ¦ ,. . mai r v lai Olbai' Pa-rti i, ,<i ?., ,i -^ ¦ aartaaad rallroad ata m ua urtawoiC vu^aia 1 Hai llan I. .vi. - ii H-n->.. Helen V , -..- \ nr (. H,,*la..d. Anna P hievena. lUr.r.U g. NKIV-MHIk TRIHI NE. Mail flvilMM'r'ltlnna. tiK-lutlln-i poKtsge. In Mie I ttltf.l *>i .-. .... -i.ir of the l,,,r.nli, nf \|.tnli ,. t.tii and The Hrom. In t.rmotmr Ne« \<»rUfl Mnlrn I nh.t. Porto Ulro. Hawall. Mi* l'hilli-r.nr-. ,u,l th* f<>llo» loir .Ut iii i hlna: **hanahal. SUBSCRIPTION RATBS DAILV AM) *»IM)\V TRIDl M One Mouth t 70 »i\ Montha **... Thrre Monthk ". UU <'n^ Veiir . *.00 fl^LNt) \\ TP.lUl NK Slx Montha fl 00 tiom lear fS.AO DAILV TKIIII MV llnf Month » V) Bli Montha BXM Tlrree Month> ijAlOaa t m.ir tttt vhibi m i ununii .»li Moniha * !i*t Onr , rU fl Mt \jomt .¦¦»¦> .> » .¦>-'.-. :. . * --...,.. .sun¬ day i. |LM p*r >'i*r *,'<'n beaa l'i>rei-<n IflfeaCftallaaa to ¦ 11 --nuntrlea tn the I nl*«T-»al poot.il I nion. iu, ludlug po'tutt-. DAILV \M» -I SDA1 TKIBINK: On- Month t\J9* "1* Montha tnt*, T«o M-Btha I -BB Ou- >«._> 17 1/0 Threr Montha I ^0 *.! M»*\ lltUII M BB ¦aaaaa «' «»ne \e*r DAIL1 TRiiu Nf One Month Bt "J ">U uomthm Two Montha -' 04 «»".. faaf Three Meatba BjBI 1 llllll Mi I'.KMIK Weekly): Mli Monlh" BL-BB Onr Year .-ot l., than « i l-aaue*, > except - n deyi, t**9t P*t >r,,r ra*'h- CANADIAN RATES. DAIIA \VH Sl M)A\ fWeNa M<M> Bioua Ihier Muntha |t.5J si-. Month* tU9i On.* Month ... .pp HV4.1I.- OM \ Twrlve Month* BB BB tlirrr Montha ai.Afl s|t Month-. 'Hl Onr Month ... JgO M ND V\ i ., .-!..¦. MunlhaBt -BB t*t**m Montha |ln> Bia Montha itH Daa Monlh ... |f KAKMI K: Twelte Muntha II..VJ Three Montha f *. Sli Montha 1* USI M 13 i:..a

Transcript of PUMPERNICKEL COURT COLLECTION...Hotel Aator. 3:,,!


PUMPERNICKEL COURTOnly Nobles Permitted to Dance

at Dresden State Ball.v. ;or Ibi r'-Ti'wv*'', Oaan

"nr-' ***** ,row,1"i wUh Am'T'",-o,irt aeaaaa. wblc

IZ-T-l ..-,-, caanot Baeura preaaatoUou al.... wbere tha Ohltod

ZLy* AP.u>ro than f

md tonov cooatrywi m..nd hut little dimcr.

rt efMd COUrt where

dbng Thaekerav'.-1

aaai - an alhewed ta;., be nobfc

.. title tataeae

il -'.¦

tai rth or

61a-.r,oth*-r by I


mem-. aupper by

. Bbarart in a dtf"





Anct^er Battle of the Spurs.

e4 . || Gold

gn >>t



-bi of Bei-. 'Y tne:


¦, tinga* nnd



- Flar?


BPUN wmym ro-


"~i.s's Sr:





.- .



tr"*" *

leath it

e, \

,,f t I-


Fahnontii IU lamppoata ar. atoebr-'r-nh eann-nn t ire.l bv tba '.

AdaUral BB Bdwaid it"s,>..-* BBueb mn aUh of tbe At-i.tnti'- ln th- midd . I alghteestli oatt*

tun II kRQL'IBG Di l'< »NTEN< 11-.-


Miss May Gardner Repudiates Pledgeto Remain Unmarried.

"Ma.* . 11.

-arerdi " beed by half a hyoung *

: Kwtai' -.ni.. Br

¦¦agemenl - Alberltuaho atraet

Ii; !.,- tagethar «Itb Bfti. ..... .,


.'n B4 . Laaa -Be Ial

rgai if glrla a | waaworn

the io. aaatrtilappllc

a waa a to taiereofter auppoaed to >¦¦ mmtme

to tha marrytagOn Tuei nlghl iwevei

clob .¦ Turn

aad n

l .¦>.< wi ddln. wl Maithe Lata retl ..-..¦¦.¦.¦.¦>'!iu-

SIP ARTHUR CONAN DOYLEis tiie autnor of a prize story, entitied"'The Cont'st," 'Ahcii a^iII appear m

next Sunday's Tribune. Don't miss it.¦


EngaKement ro Mis.- Gvaham ExpectedTo Be Announced February 16.

a;i,- .: ibert Vat

_...-¦.. \¦ \\


(jrah-a:* . \

¦,ijje to



Expected in Augusta To-day or. TheirWay to JekyI Island.

Lord and

9 mo--nln- Jekylrbei wlU fl^pend :..-

of their honejrmit d from tl

neiMi ¦

fioflild md ide


S J..1]


tbe he-. IVahl,


famllkj -er«-n-

M. J.,




Flnk-0f Dea Moli are >'.

Day, of


\ tnd tbBe ol




Pennile^s Dutch Music Teacher De

spondent in Chicago.




fftw York'"- Starts ttubscription for

Gymnasium xith S10.000.

riinu 11 clil








mii mlH-




10 SELL HOE COLLECTIONAmerican Art Galleries Taxed by

Its Size.


Inventor and One of Founders ofMetropolitan Museum Had

About 5.000 Pieces.

geat prtvati ever

1 -.

v rl MHa... nooa aad taroa coilect

the late Roba' ,'rtn,-

f the thekfuaeui trl

Ti. 111 ba

IT. w modern and a>

'. Amerl-


time Ifl

.... nducta... |

be throam


ire l


flll the




the ilntlng of i e la theLadyhrush

er of plecarirt. nal





than 1 v'4 of itl

S900 FOR 7WAIN ORIGINALManuscript of "The Man ThatCorrupted Hadleyburg" Sold

¦ ortgii

A. li. II...

to dal.i

I .


... ... .




tor a


"L ':. ..





*%>.*,* Playhouse ir. Broadwav Will Br

Oniiied Mond.i- Aftarmoon.





. .-



Miss Farrar. Mr. Scotti and Mr.Martin in "Tosca."

To Um weary r ardera af thk*R* "r***ati. Bach aaa adveal of Mlaa Qeraldtnefarrar ia .ui e%l llnretlng tonlc1 .. >.. .- parrar a

hap] bb lee booo, ften theyaa arhen thej ara nnt ir.ok'"i far.hat

|f| 8 Farrar's ref.ar.1 for. BBataai a tba ever-regard tor the apeed laara.

-., apeeara r«-> hava Ha ownjtloa anai it>- Farrar tradttlea Snme-|

.... - th. y .o.m te roin-jMore often ".' '¦.¦"''¦ T' «** ,1"i .'"'

it w_ 1 -*aaind***1 'irontha atai a< iropohtaa (aera '.

B.I'. -..-i. *Vb n-

Duee artl' Bl

..,' 1 verj prelAmeiiean _iri noi rruu .-m from

.. o Nea * 8 and T>':" epa. e dl.ber Toa - ea of ¦

Bernhardt would alithai arattag

town, -. WOUld prob.ii¦!-pereoaa ,n aer



arm aiand bea ¦. lt wano «i-.

mg 1

: ir he corould lli thy. lf nol



1alwaya, naderne*. I tlger.a ture tawhlch

,._... ...

Mr. Caruao n Martin aai iMartli

*or aome Ume. and he

it he haa nev.the 1

reeonanl tona, thought tlma ..

. more"i; lu< evei

ffaondu moat ef*

ind ..

flrst aet a



A NEW PLAY IN LONDON"AD That Kattert" i Eather

Weak Rustic Coraedv.


t the Ha; arket ThealI aerloua worh

wearing preti-\

fed the pa in

iat of Weat| !on_

idvai |ne and expr


take ln thi 1


nt.« The¦¦

thejif n:


llnngrocka cai




rlth thef the righl .. r ade-

not nn-ed


Heimath.VIma > b laal


. ghe

8 and pae


and* le lt m-

Crueger waPa .i M r






the Ra



tmong thoea t In thi


... ...

tbe U polltan < Ho um.. m the

I Iflka





%aj cuw*-V? tvjC rVV

V-XEW VORK.The Malodorous

XTTSAXCES.Subway l »gar ]'o\'A.


early tl ag al/. i .. ¦.- unonta, totkr*

int a "id whieh he < laat weal..

mlly phyal i-. treel rha

Ml \'.r,.. Kns-

... m -, ¦. -ar mti -.I- Brewne Bn-

trj a mai andthi.- wa aaal

.1 modernuid la to b<

H tL, ..¦-

Brown raa alaStarta Ha

llved arlth M.i 1 "'*'-;



l an a.-iii'i-¦ '....ri aa

({e wa . "ruary U,.' Ial and

'.. i*nnl of tba Brta & Paclrte pjapateb atVo So Broadway In Maj UM, he waa ap¬polnted general Baatern freight agent of

the Krle Kdllroad. and on JUM I. UW he

appolnted apecuil a»;er> ln Nov..¦ aame year he recelved the appolnt-

'-". aiun ment of vice-prealdent. whlch oftv* he heldH u ud U> the r.me nt his deatl '¦. wea r»r*«

ier* of the K'ie .\5.«oriatton an organlza-tion made up of F.r* amployea al afl,,( tv,-» ayatem.

MISS ANNA F. ROWLANO.MbM Anna F. BouiaaB, daagbtaf af the

Rev. Dr. Henry a Rowiand. wbo tnr'¦. held tha ehalr of phyal at

htaa iTnlveretty, Batthnere, aaa-ductlng tba famoua reaoarchea ..: that m-

atltutlon, oted yeaterdaa m w houae. BtEnaiewood N J. Th.' funeral will b*n. Mouni Pleaaanl Ceme er* rhav*\ BrooAttramt, N-wark. to-morroa at



:...- f, tura .imi horaemaa, dled m hiabOBM ;n I.ynn. Mana¦tati n'.m yeara old Mr i.a.


dora¦ ember of tbiIttlng

. lenl de-¦¦ from pott-

Qreatind devoted


| I..,:,i - Ad-1

iVroia vuwell kn-.wn on the '".r.iud ClrcuH --niK

mer l Ballormaa and a auml ar ol.-fl'her fa*- raei

MR.*-*. HELEN TALE KENVARC I' -Ue jeha H Kenaard, a foraaer |uo-

| 'b.m S.:pr<*m>* COUTt Of f/"ii»lana.ita! m Wlaatad, Soaa*

jreaterday :,lr«, Keanard wa» born mnn on January 1, 1^4. and

,. atb ' er ¦. ial ind had *-pent-ar*r part of her tlrr.e hn tl *. North.

gheli rea .h'.ldren.M t£ CORNELIA LYNDB DB PORBBT

.< idoa if i t BTHtlam D. da Ft realer nt Kiam Lynda, fouader of the

rlaon -\ item, died on Tuinlg ln Hartford, Conn., from apoplexy

a ..!: Ifl Aubur .. N 1 ll B5.

DIED.AMI Oa Faaadai i '¦.


..,- gmt\**\

i" IJ, A-,.. rt. Ii. 1 ..rr- 7 II '¦' i- N« ".

.,-,. IMR* ' a**-i <'


la- evanlne .»¦ ** ° * .' v

r>-.>v-'--, * .

rar* :.--.i.i- T* brwery w. *. I a


»-i -. -

.,.*.¦ so. T,

i- -. fl

.;ni-'fl .:.!¦ ttl_in« .¦ glaai t


* ... ..

vt;>. S J '¦ H Hm!«

¦.. wti ¦¦.!- law


H.\ IL-AXl'I". li

Han '¦.- I

.. i


ma. r

WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY.:'-.>. i ii Mloa to Um Unerl aa Meaaam of

Nataral Htha v.e«- j-_ti Women'i Bepel

Club. r. 2 |.ilUren, fKii rj in 1905 f Meettna for Cblldran,

U M0W! l ¦ll-^" -l

na. i i! e. . Hotel Aator. 3:,,!<! Hli M- .« ^.l-'


HENRY STEVENS.:.r r^f.cns,

ind abroadlan eattle,




fl Sve year old, dled at;: N- ."

aaa ot tWO day* from'flf tha Kmi-

I -rk.... .<

.. for thena ,.f

itaui need tn

ir town ordli tina 'het ¦

JOAOUIN COSTA..-; * Joaquln 'oeta


;¦' H

He.a orn In >; raa gra-.

:. A-raden.1-. d tha

, tl ...


-..m<- here. ireel rr

ilned forlI

,u.. untll

n pro-


;»..:. - [afl Wl <a ot th^ I'anamaon S tnder au

Departmenl-. ,... waldorf-Ai

:*¦ '¦ ..- . .- |.un f tha ^-fl-fl rorh

.- tv r ¦

, |«i .' M- :-... 3:13. .-»¦¦-.: il Wl tt

H 1 .*. R< lh '. H ¦.

A-:- .'. ,n,| ¦...-nlriir,,t tha am. nd ;,iin-e. of «he SherlffV- ,'':r\

.'. :. 7 | Bl.- tbe n--a Tbata Pl ¦''. Wthkwt\. 7 ; *n


u ttM N a V rk H.jrii-neopat'.. Mai .»'.¦.

Meettni u WA* Ibnarera' Aaaa a-

ttreat. 8:15 p. aa..

. .f th< Ha*-..,'itlna a ....*-..: .'¦-fl-"' -

tott ¦¦¦¦ -': ie, I ','. 'I

Free 1- lur-a of th^ li.^ir,l nt ¦. - P "..*. .-'... _*th -»»reet.pri.ee: l*ul ».

l.Vlltl ..!'¦ .,:... <. NUIl '!"«

ti ¦-. .' ..,> .1. !'r_.-.,-- \ .< l«tU« H. K| H< ite ¦!,, ! IV«!»*x

.. -fl-fH, "Kamoui Ain-rlrar. >. . "'

Kletcher _¦i .... th al ..¦. oaat ¦-

--..k-s EUymond- hool b*. laath atraet. *»¦<' ' r"

Holland, CT llam P lan.. \ >nk and Ollv-r »tr-fl

... I N ¦*!_! Bdwart J. PaIlfl 133d »tr->-l. eo.l nt

n " Mai ot IV:-i-rtret jiv :-,,.¦

\ .¦ »n ihi :.-¦.«

Wi" . .-

i-.- ftreeal "9, httUe**

Holma, am ave. 4chumann

Oaniel .;,,*¦¦ .. Inatltu i! j N

¦\s Kan lOHth nr.' .ellowatone n'j^r-v

¦_¦ ;;.,.. ..-<.¦ .ir.'.I k- V


(]ter ot


, .. I"* a. rn.

HIGH .¦ \ trto Bth* :.. r* jr-aare. I

.t Bl - -' '

........ a|

KKKi' i* Tati aanriee* al - Bt-erUag,

HOW'MNT Af hei r- V. J .

.it, Fetmtar; - . af tne:a" R-v Henry \ Rowland, i> i>m -¦ '¦' '

t»ry road . .. N .' *

M ¦

MlaiHarrtett Iaterm»nt Creona **

ry. 8*. ...

< g.laggfliiiik Honiii *hn t t.ytrrtr.txt

ia raadll ' aeeaaalbta By Rartoai i-a,n ttmt,Orari'! .'.ntral BtAtloa Web-etar ar.* I- .

avr-nu** troll»y and bv ¦,ir-:i»,. t.ntg B1BO up.Taleahone 4*''. Oramer Ufl>,.^ ...' ewaor ripraatetathre.

oftic-, ¦'<> _:.i»t :n, -K r.-«- vork OMpINPKRTAKKR!*.

FRWR F. CAMPBBXX. 741-3 Vteat : i.i en.r'hapeie. Private R'^o:..*, Private A!Bllalaaiwarv! i.-.-.u cheleea



MARRIED.r r- 7. tn; 1.

.r. \.

¦ Seo '. -.

Rlahep ¦.' Nm ». Bullard. dauahiBib -¦ M tor*

¦I BBARO rnt;.\THAM Pahvean s OW,,. \_.» Hli. Ttan Mar-, Cbaethea Db

f New Tart'¦ HN-ON liKiMA ";.. Wedaeada ta"

- iwil ». tt*w Orleene, ¦-¦ .. Ma-i-flaufhUi '

.- .¦' la l ".

Irlidaufhtail \->,., Nrw T-rk

i.rlear.K. t, .- '¦¦

M'lM'tn l/>RD tOmy. K-bruarvN T.. by th* Re»

Zalde*. ,l»u»lir»r ,.t Mra. <1iur'*a lard,WOLFe-tire ildea

.!' .) ve*- WARUMAH lf TBR >¦.-. Wed ada'. nii! a: TY*.nl'> iTlurrh, Barrla Onl ... tb.Rev Krom n J hikk". vi.'i-- I il

,f Mr ,.: Mfl i . -ntt- Koyr.vs'ardmaa


Mi -...¦¦ \' .'

bad Citenla ¦:

tr,,:i. raoght >.ii by aa al. raa ¦- h.i>i

.¦i kmg tlmiDa \\"ir * ^ m hla mtm I ^atppmrntaak* br Ml aaaaa aai aaHaeaa

Cnyabaga Cooatr, -__-___.__---_


1l '. Uai N

auchV.r: in

>'.,||rea «f mafl^laa»« and deatha mutl fee

-. Tl ta'.: .. a all

.,r i trollc) car ar. i-

¦,. . mai r

v laiOlbai' Pa-rtii, ,<i ?., ,i -^

¦ aartaaad rallroad ata m ua urtawoiC vu^aia 1

Hai llan I. .vi. - iiH-n->.. Helen V

, -..- \nr (.

H,,*la..d. Anna Phievena. lUr.r.U g.

NKIV-MHIk TRIHI NE.Mail flvilMM'r'ltlnna. tiK-lutlln-i poKtsge. In

Mie I ttltf.l *>i .-. .... -i.ir of the l,,,r.nli,nf \|.tnli ,. t.tii and The Hrom. In t.rmotmrNe« \<»rUfl Mnlrn I nh.t. Porto Ulro.Hawall. Mi* l'hilli-r.nr-. ,u,l th* f<>llo» loir.Ut iii i hlna: **hanahal.


One Mouth t 70 »i\ Montha **...Thrre Monthk ". UU <'n^ Veiir. *.00

fl^LNt) \\ TP.lUl NKSlx Montha fl 00 tiom lear fS.AO

DAILV TKIIII MVllnf Month » V) Bli Montha BXMTlrree Month> ijAlOaa t m.ir tttt

vhibi m i ununii.»li Moniha * !i*t Onr , rU fl Mt

\jomt .¦¦»¦> .> » .¦>-'.-. :. . * --...,.. .sun¬

day i. |LM p*r >'i*r *,'<'n beaal'i>rei-<n IflfeaCftallaaa to ¦ 11 --nuntrlea tn

the I nl*«T-»al poot.il I nion. iu, ludlugpo'tutt-.

DAILV \M» -I SDA1 TKIBINK:On- Month t\J9* "1* Montha tnt*,T«o M-Btha I -BB Ou- >«._> 17 1/0Threr Montha I ^0

*.! M»*\ lltUII MBB ¦aaaaa «' «»ne \e*r

DAIL1 TRiiu NfOne Month Bt "J ">U uomthmTwo Montha -' 04 «»".. faafThree Meatba BjBI

1 llllll Mi I'.KMIK Weekly):Mli Monlh" BL-BB Onr Year .-otl., than « i l-aaue*, > except - n

deyi, t**9t P*t >r,,r ra*'h-


fWeNa M<M> Bioua Ihier Muntha |t.5Jsi-. Month* tU9i On.* Month ... .pp

HV4.1I.- OM \Twrlve Month* BB BB tlirrr Montha ai.Afls|t Month-. 'Hl Onr Month ... JgO

M ND V\i ., .-!..¦. MunlhaBt -BB t*t**m Montha |ln>Bia Montha itH Daa Monlh ... |f

KAKMI K:Twelte Muntha II..VJ Three Montha f *.

Sli Montha 1*


M 13i:..a