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H I 3 T D R Y

of ths

a i LNf A I 3 3 A N G S


3 g R M A N Y



'^rr:'\rt^ " TT n f '^ T7 '^> '^ n '^ .T.'-v-;'>'r y f-'^. '-> -^ ? -f- i *, r

3T0'GAR 1332

Trsnslat^d by ?, OlifXord Hicker, D, A?ca

SEcritas Profssso:? of Arcaitectara

aSI7553T D? ILLigOS

Orbana. 111.



PR3?ACe; O TH3 SHICOSD SDITION. ihen tne s^cond sdltion af Barckteardt's Renaissance in Italy iiffep3d pr-inpipally from tiia flrst dition in tas tiioroagn trcatment- of bna art iidu3t?iss, thoro appeared in tiiis rork 30313 Important extensions of t'ao sarias of aonaments. Tassa first cafnoopn Bobamia, for th-s description of ;Tici2 Profsssor Gasbr, bes'^ 2.cqnalntid iiit th.s.t oountry, has givan me his assistance, I give siy nonorsd fr'i:nd hsrc also tne wariisst thanks foi? this liprav^mat cf ^he ^rork, Ttcn zomzz Into con-

r ? -? a n c -r 7 .H. r> hp= r> n w '^n -P f^ 1 '^t ,>7 c5-.H^"- i^''' ^ n ,':'. n-'- s ' t>" 't

not basad on my oiri: vo:';:7s, but on th cos-ianlcat ons of tbe fr-iondly local isvsstigator, rtho must b- rslie-d on as estroly ts*iist;Toi?t.ay, inaily Hssss bas rscsivsd a sspartt^ Ohaptsr, tt ifhs!?;; coald slniost ozclnsivoly usly on an antopsy, to ropr.-s- oni;. this .important province iior-3 conipl-tely. Aiso ^laeirners

/^ K -.1 -\ w .-i 1 /-; .-^ -T .-^ -* T r^ + 3 't* C W ' "i" .% T "T fi ." W r; '^ r* i C '^ 5. I ^ '> "? ^- , n rr rf T V\ "^'1 '*

'ST'; T I", - " .:>. tr "S rt i" :? r' * ?>'] Ht' t "> '' , cJ "i ' '7,t\'S '''W" f i^ /^ *> w' n rf an,*"} ~v"''^n

vi V- ^ ..1 u Mk wk y C. w J f " ^ ^ .a. _ i _ ., n. j. y . ... t .^ i: a - -t vj j ij i .. .- .>. wi u '..-' .. (^^ ia k^ .X u w .^ w .1 1^ o T h z^. n % f * > " o-P-*- ."i* +h'>r'Mt6h iT'r'k :^"1'5 >'M"1q''^T* rr> " >* 3 5 "> TT = n t. T THCff

ojrni-n Rsnaiss^aoc t-.; tne fris^ds of oar native art, Many ttot- tay iionumsnts may ;7cll navs escsped sy attention; bat I vcntnrs to assam^, tliat tnc es-sential ^^round linss of my, tnat are no7!ii:rG cnaa^r by tha abandant matsrial, can scar.csly bs 3nb5tantis.ily odifisd by any fa^tiior additians*. 'Tbe gsn-i^ral int'llGCtnal carrents, by rrhich ou.? R:,nn,i3s.snc2 T32 formsd, andaniabiy 11-- in tns ligfat, and I bslisv:: ars

f*' --"TT"^ ?-; .r,!.^ ri.-:< "",'1'''^ V ^ " V D .'" C '1 "^ '''''' F T** ^h1 7 f^^C"^!!^ ^n*'

-> n ; m :a -* -s -5 a .'- r; -^ H c r " Ml ;-?> n "1 r n ^,fYrf"'^v^inn n-P i-'f'o i'^*t''. r r c? ^ '^ "5 Trs*n^'5 'if hi'-.''l i'. Tr* 'r"!"", '''-' 'rsc? "^" :?:- tt-' -5 -^-^ i*^ ""r.-. w i C- < O ^ i i; -:> j- w. .J. i, w ;. iti o w/ J. L/ '., :a a u ,y , >^ U .^ u- .. : * _ si - - w _ - V ^-^ sA ^j ^ C; . - a; *~

n ^r '' '^ ^ !" -t r^ r- v\ fi -v 4" "^ "' -'J ? *" 'O /> n T -^ d? 'T' -"S 'r :->?" "^ 1 1 _- r> * I-l --> 1 1 F O "^ -^i 7=

^ il ,y u >/ ^. C-' 3 w w .. vt. u bi '^ -^ -- . , u 1^ ^ O u. ^ w ^ '^ ~^ -^ ^. 1.. .,. X .i. w i.' u .^ ^ J. X i. v^ y W ^ u.-

*^ ,- -IT .-.-'',-; ? r '" ;f s'^f i y^ -mY*^. nh

h^^ Ll.'-mJ^^, \^ X. X U V- X y Ui 1^ ^^ V^ W( V .-- X -' 1*^ li ;=^ _;..-,*.... V iii LJL fcW. --' il W*! W* y X ^A . 1 M m. ^^ i^

tas soutncrn f^cliag for beaty iorm=:d a bond ^ritih G^r'xan d.2ptt; aad st!?cngt. Eut tas aoceptanca of tac. 2::nai33ance and- its i iadpendsnt ^orking oat tcok a diffrant jray in Garmany tnan in Italy an5 ?i:*anc:i^. "hll;- ia I'.:^^y "i: :.::': Iz z. comiion inter-

^-,.f. -f* -'. :^ -V ^, xy-. -, -> -r -f-, > n -r" -:n ~\'r\T>^'. ni"' /^l'iccn-: s-l ri "rl ocj fTp C^ o u w/X L'ii^.- w-il >^ w'- I. - J. u ~* ki kJ J i^ w :u-^..-w w i^ Ow .- sv . >j_j. v> j. .- vy ^ ^ u '-J X

Xxxw UJiRr:^ n j-a-L; i- -i wi. -*- " _**- _,* f.- wx.^ -j ... -, _ ~ , ,.,^v-'_aox_.i.y x-ju. w-_ wj.-*--.-^. j^. i... v^-o-jo.

thas from tac civic sphsce, Ft-m thszi it kaows hor te attaok aii to f.lll2 ail existence ritn a pcaetrating forcG. But it r'3fl3ct.3 Itself lu th3s-. conditiDus Tfita r^markabls saapae-ss In tiie conitioas of tas stata aad of socis'ty, tnat ?7i: no;? / aav'5 tio .11 lustrt 9,

-3 gtoand conceptlDP. lo taa misais iigas ?fas a taeoc]?acy, tD:=. r33liz?.tiDn of a ^'ica^ioai of -Gol or. tii3 ;M?ta". Sut ttis 3X2cution Oi tais ils" niast 'oz Nroke^ oa ta^ poff2? of actuel coaditioas, aad oaly so Euca r'smaiasd aa a rssalt, taat a hio-

-i ^j /^ h rr .~, f i n "h "^ "^ '" " r; V> 1 > "^ n * '^ "'>; ^ "^ fs n -* 5 o *> *T^ W O "a -^ n 1^ r -^ -^ o r> '

coaflict ;Tita ta^ sacalaa po?f3r. Pr-os ail tais aacsssarily c- vjlopaci auca cosplsx oonditioas, tnat tha progressivaiy fr3=r d^vslopineat ot life could ao longsr exitt /vita tham, Mea must : coma tg ai^picr and alcarar aircamstancss, aus ts ses la aaaj?- I7 ail couat!?i23 of Europe about tiia 3ad of t^ siiddls agas, tat tiia 3tatQ3 concsatr'ata thair po;7sr ia a mighty kinj^dom. HlUb la Spain g-Puinaat and Isaballa oomplsta the uaioa of t t5 divid3d ;?ealm3, Trala ia Peanbo aftoi? Louis XI tlis moaai?ch- ical coacaatratioa ia can-'iad sfita tncj?aasiag consaquancas, f fiaally vrhila aglaad by tha r*astlas3 aasr^y of tlis firat udo.? sucoseds in a like davalopinaat, Saraaay mut toi! tarcuga csn-

f- !> T* " e !? ^ tr ; +':!> -. t. p ? h"* j- !- ^ r 4- y ,' ^5 .-. ^ % - .-^ -> " 4- j .; p, ,. _ ;^ ^ ^ .j, \ ^ .5 _, Vif ij. Jw w i < k/ - X u;*"

n '? ?. T r "> ir ''^ >'' t r, n n ?i - ~ -^ f^ ." r -^^ ^ r- 5 tt r '-> -s K T '.. A -P ^ -.i +/..::?. ? r> '^ -r 'T,

paasa iato tai: aaada af ta:ii Hanburg family, a i?uling houa oiZ to taa taroaa, ??ho23 axtrii aadaavor was to iactraasD' tas posTer* of tHE fasly; but ta:: pradomiaant paet of its possesa- loaa nD.3 outaid" Gsr'sany, and ^n ^var* i7id::aiag gap dividsd ths tcadaacy aad tbougbts of ths amperoa frais th3 lif" c^nd nnads

\ '? * "1 - n h ! -^ -. ni -1 ; -^ ; i "5 p, "i -^ ^ t '" i > ^ t n o t"} V^ m ^. a 1 1 T/ff + io ' TU --, -^ * CT n

J ^ V ! .- U ^ U . ij. * :.' s^ '. '.' X ^ U >. u. ki k. w >.' /lI xr (l ./ un ;. -.., 1.

of taa Garman cro/ra to hava psaca, and thz lass ha sxarcisad ta3 aig]a::3t office, the aol:^3 st!?ongly a-oss a ^trsngtnenad .

3 "*'J r. Ci * -n f~,y-n r' r> .:, ly '> -p -'>?.

ampir* until fuli indepndaaca. Eut v?ita sua conditions -ar: aot suitad a favoc and profitabia pronaotioa of a ii,f?hei? cuitui",- a3 is cls.rly vident,

Btaaothsa tiiin ^^as addad, 3incc ta:- deaply mavcd Garman iniad bagan to loosa itsaif froni tu2 offaaaiva gama, tnat n:xz


carrlBd on from Rom3: la t-5 cost sacrsd mattsrs, siac3 an emp-

3rDr- fjltL cai?ffi3,n tenl^ncy Troald have^ to stop th3 flo:-7 of tais

3t-rca2i, to i33 it- into a broai national ohannsl, n,nd coula

glva ths Gsrman Dation z--~' from Boais and aaity of rsligio-

s opinions in ths bosom of a oommon national cnnrcn, Charl2s

1 !7itii is Spanish t-?aining andsrstood aoting of ts Sarmaa

naturo, not sven tno lanaag;, and ?ra3 not tne man for sach a

p!?obls3i, has by tn::;: ;iostilv position, tnat tn; 2!npi'3 assumed

^n naintained r.rfainst thc rsiigious lov^msnt, ths indopsndono^

tn2:y of tue p?lnc32 inc:?323ii, for In t!i3 is^sar that pf-omotsd tine

B^formation, thsy strsngttioncd tiiei? own po^ver. Thus Gersany C2LII13 to daaiiss, to sparation, not as m-sn inlscd saintain, by tna Riformation, but by th; obsinacr; of tne einp?ror, Trrio cpp- osed the d^spest demands of tLz heapt of ts nation, sabjected i-iinssif to tho bsiiliffs of tiis 5oman liisrairchy, and as a rosalt by bloody ffics.saros of aatnoi?ity in tae Aastrian provinces sup- PP33SS tne ^sligioas oiovEmsnt.

Ta.- cons^Quenca of thsse conditions tizb 2 continaing inse-ca- ?ity in tas ints-rlor of tna cmpips snd incr^ssing iinpotaacy '' outsida, hon coniicnccd th^t sries of grievous robbe^cs, and tardy atoaome:nt fo:: ;7aicb ihe Geirsan s^ord ziz cz-oa^bt in ou;? diiys, ?rac-n noif tr.5-~ eie-vt^d sols -^e look bs-ck to ttoso cont- ai"! 2s of ignobis !7akn2ss, 37e roaliza in the conscioasnsss of

h irs .-.- ,, ^ ; ^. ,, -p r~. ,^ y -: r-. "F i n r^ T 1 TT > '"^ ^7 ^ n '! -. ? "- h f ") f " "O '" o r\'S:fn'\ a c. r, t". -^,

rain of ail wr;ic,n7, , stiil jast tnat tim:: ^sparionc^d tbroagn th.: Rafocmation, 2.nd the powe? of ths princes dev^loped irith it. TG-; C2.r of th3 lntell3ctaal intorests ncglctsd by tns Hspsbarg cniporors, loand tnaii? sb-rlts:? in the namsroas Isssss

r ti T y - "1 -1) * ^ h cii :-n ' r > '^ '^ "^ "" - -i ~ TT T n '^ " rs H *i "^ '"' i *> i!". '", "- ;* '^ Ti "? f" ."^ "* "? "> ^ * ''" '^

CJaiii. t-3 1. -1h-... ..J ."; I -J. - -1 . ,-. fj - w.' V *.i >^ - Krf , LoJwJ. i-u. vu.- Wi-tJ.'.!- UOi .i ^" J 1 Ir-t n "^ T P'r'^iT XT'>^ -^ V nr^^ -l - _

W-.yjL /sK-O *ii. i. v--*!!

ing to ciir, 3v^:-n 2 priaoc of tn-^ cEpl!?3, dukc ?rrd=?rlck of ' 'i?aruCEbcr'g mu3t dofsnd iiirnssif a^ainst a attack of fresboot- 3i?3 in sasu friasiand on 3. joarnoy to Sngiand in 159^, and obtainsd iiis fi?asdoni only by snolng 2. dafs-ocnduct' from' tte landgrave of Hessc. In '"spits of suon occasional cases, tiises sproad l3.7j snd oi?der in ta^ land in zt-:. second naf .cf the Dn^jury, n-nu ii7win ou.* *.^j.iK^jao j-wj/w-^ jj. rtU.yo-ui.,^ uauj-x uix-u

^ ., ;- u . w i- r >-. '";- "'- r. -{- rr tt c- ? p n *!? rt. ^ v; t^ '> o "i "^ TT o "5 a r ,"> n .'^ "5 "^ .

OuvDi-_-"iK OC Ou;;-- wi.j.j' yw-^-si.-j A^^., wv*^iij!.iy ..-iijjy^w. u* w^jv_^.j-.""

w 0. 15 p I, 2 p -- i. i. W y , t li -1. !- li '^ U yJ il .,. vi .. .; O - J. _ .u ^ -> U -u .=i ti w i. / ^ i U U. i. -1

^^.p-, n,-nf.--* .-,? -f-V-?^ ir h'.'! -f:"^ " '^ T ! 1 -^ i-^ - r> r *> "*"'","" "^ '" M "* c 'T'^r' "' )"' i.XI-:- _FQO Ji LU o i-o L;wi.wi.- u^J. is.i.- ^i. Ui^..-. u'.- w .,^a.. ^^ , tw/t i< ;:. tn^

tii2 exocption of isolstcd :2?li::r ;orks , %{iz sotlvity of Ben- aisoancs nr'chittiioture firsl^ bogins in 33rniany about 1550, and continuas in -rich div^rsity untii tne outfcnak of -inat anhsppy i.i^, ^ith arnosir: bi;innin^ (iai3) closes ths epoch of tho Gorm- an Benalssfincs,

/Tnen in thc ?7ste!?n ?orid th^ lon^in^ for frc:;dcrn ^oz thc;


inMiaeval intcllectual depf?333ioii bsgsn to rcign 3tron,^ly, it 7112 tho r3i3C07C?5i Hobility of clssslce,! arctiitEctar-s, in ?7hich th3 odsrn spirit foaad its bath for restoration of yoa- t:i, A sTonderfal brsath of spring, a apring^Tith'aa abunaaca of flo;^srs, bat -also -.Tth dsvasuating storms. If tiiis mignty str- aggl2 tiia 3liO!Mn cannot b- rsferrsd in the final grounds to tais, tiiab ths individaal mads f elt his ri^ht, his^ claim to fr^edom c thlnkag and f:;;:liag, anrefors tna appearaace of nuinanisni at uiis S2.:n3 tim:? boca^is tns signal of an attack oa tii^ oicnipo- t3nc3 of tho Ohurcn, In Italy, 77??isi? tnis campaign ^d partic- ipants from ail classas of sociaty, ivcrs tk bannsr of frss sc3nc gath'^rsd not merely ths Isarnsd citizqns, bat ths nob- i3S, tiis princes of Oirist, tns lit^r-ary mov^xcat ron a pradom- iaantly foi?incil, but sl^o il moral and r^eligious respscts 'sthsr* a mor^ d23tEuctive than positive charcter. In els.ginco of form, in ohsrm, transparent clarity of sposch, ail to compote rith tne ancienta iras th^ first six. Bat at tns saos timo tns anti- qae opinions, waion in nalvs fait eoald b3li3va 5g!?3 continasd by tne ork of E^oican anccstors, -ntre carelossly givsn, s.'. fil- 4 lid minds ?fit a skapticism in tao i?sli|ious domain, iTQich was noarissd by tho immoirality of th3 hignsst dignitsries of ths Oha^ci. iicrs ai^oss a fi*-ivolity of thought, tiiat found its cx- p^sssion in a litc?ata?o of inooncoivablc liscivloasnsss, ^ot merely Poggio, Bsccadoiii, F'ilslso and Innamerable otnei^s, sven on3 ?op2 Pins II, Asncais Silvias stands in thc sries

'on2 sust place tb.^ antire nobility of the fora^ativs arts-bsfo- r3 nis cyes, to fnlly fc^l tlic; grandear fid beauty of tne new tendency,

Otnsr^rlsi; in Gsriany t^is oiovament appe.ars h^r^ v^ry mucn la- ts^, a^oasad and br-oaght aboat by Italy. Bat it coincidas ffitn t3 Invention of printing, and by this grcat advanc^ oormany has tne privilogc of forcing tac ayninsnt and Taltny classas, dist:^ibating tho living ^ord of the spirit, tlia strsam of an- .tiqac. -.Tisdoi and beauty to ail ?/ithoat distinction, ?rom the citiEsn and prasant classes yoatns from ail plaas haste-nsd to knoflags; namerons schools arosa, and thoss wno i2r3 scar- ceiy evsn pupils adopt^d vrith zaal tas office of tcacacr and


sprsd th2 spirit of t-hs ancisats among thoasands, Into ths m most ramote Alpine vallay penstrate the knowisdgs of the nsw sciences, and drovs tas poor herd boy Thomas Flatter out into the distant unkno^n, to toiisoms 77and3rings througb Sarmany as a bdl7 harassed scholsr to sccurs knorl3g3 of ths anlisnts, Not Titoat sEotion do3s one raa ths story of nis life, io^ Tith his Bacchantes hs "went to tbs schools" tnroagn Ssfabia, Fraaconia snd Thuringia, svsn to 3?3lau and into Poland, of iz; suffsrsd hangar and frost, sicknsss and povsrty, and thsn also beggsd for ths p!?oad Bacchantes,, occasionaliy also Iiavlng to stsai a goo23 at tii3 hazard of is lifs, Ttis imouls:; to I2- ai?ii ver carrisd nim fo^Trard, And lat3r- in Baslo, Then hs hir^d hiiDself to a i^opaisaksr to prolong his hari iife, taers ne staok in tiio- to"ff tbs looBC laavos of a Plantas while twisting ths r ropo, in oi^ds? to i?5ad during te work, not ^ithout procautions for bad treatmsnt by ths master, Scarcely Isss toiisoms -^as t-hc yonth of thr; excellent Conrad Psilicanas, ;t>io leansd Heb?3 fitiiout any guida to a oopy of the prophets, Tr'alcn to sp?s t2 infira, a f3?ien ? Scriptoris aad brougiit to hm on nis shculder- from Mentz to bingen, Bbw fortanate as he to find V a Hebi:?:;;i7 gr^ammai? in '^^h: p3B^::Ssiori of s,n acouainta^c; , y^lc ::.]..- lo;Ted Liiai to oopy it

Hoffsvsr hard tliis kno;Tledg-3 ?a3 obtainad, howsvs? mach iiard fork, privation and ^enanciation must b^ givsn fo? its posses- sion, jast as sarnost fa^ t aso of it V7h3n s^car^d, The dsop tsndsnoy to trath, tnat forss a basai groand of tho soal of tas Garzan poopis, impcliod first of ail to test tho transmit- t3d thoory of bciief ; the moral dgradation of tha clergy, ths coarsa misas-:- of th"^ Ciiarcn, tha jjaortsglited obstinacy of Roms gav?; the first blo??, and ttis ffiov:mDnt ^rocsedod from ths moral d"p':!i of t5 cernisn natacs,' obtain:5d a powei? lich aothing ap-- pe^rad abla to Tritiistand, hs r-^ligious fesling .?3C2iv3d that d83p2ning, ^rhich alr-3ady in tno 14 ti cr^;ata'^y Tras strivr-n for by ta? fric-ads of God on tli.rv rainc; ssBditatlon compi-Btad tiiBir froe-dom, and first froE that groand grsw a kaoisdgs, tnat in trutn meritid this aaise, a^ology soon bad historical rassarch a3 a rasait; jurispradenco .join^d tiiis, and r,vsn city magistra- tos rrquircd tb^ss stadies, 3ino2 ta::n tao coancil of Nurembarg in 1523 paid Haloander ^II for pabli^iiing- ths Pandacts, and



the magistrats of Augsbarg in 1543 pupciiassd for a thousan g gold florins c namber of i^resk manascripts from Gorfu, Vsry lats ias also mdecins foandsd, for Vasalius issasd in 1543 for the fipst time his fork on ths anatoi^y of ths human body, and G. Gessner soon aft33?!r3rd pablishsd in Zaricn his soology, IJik3?ise G. Aglcola broks into mlnsralogy, Marcatop by his maps for ths kno^yledge of ths earth, finally Copsrnicus and also aftsr him Ksplsr also broke a nen path for th3 invsstiga- tion of the univers a. In ths sntii^o iforld then Sg'jnnan science attainad hi^li fams and also as Stampff says in his StIss chron- icls, "th3 Germans sarpass othsr nations in highly loarned per- sons''. Only to the great fact of the Rsformation do n^ o?f3 mod- spn scisnce, tha deepsning of the intsilsctaal life and ths p parification of moral life. On th3 oontrary ^hsrs the Romanes nations corne by thsir ^ej^ction of ths sovament of the Seform- ation, that comes to light mopo than s ver today.

Bnt bssides scientific llteratiirs afoks a populap iicagintion, TThich fins its expression in th3 mothar langaage pocrfally in Luthsr's translation of ths Bibla, Indesd it doss not coma so soon to that mastsrly cration, in hich msaning and fora stand at egaal hsights. Sven in the most gifted inds of tho tiiis ons fals a toilsoma straggle ^rith ths langnage, that is ''still n.?d and stiff, lacking in flsxibility. And ffhsrs a gen- ins in iangaags like ?iscbart ia tha most aniis!it-2d caprice iooses tha r--ins in tht boldest forms of rords, tio can jreli b" astonishid by th2 gashina abandanc3 of the imagination, bat th-3 intr-icats Earocco overloading of his style, that so strik- ingiy ressffiblss ths latar axtravagancss of our Renaissance architectar-3, allois us noihDr-s to com2 to a purs enjoy^snt.

But still dS'-^par lis the rnasons that hindsr a full blossom- ing of poctry. h3 pathos, that aniE2t:;3 th^ sntirc tiicG, is not dirsct-id to poatic idsas, but to intoiligibls conceptions of P3ality, By tho grsat invsntioa of pr'inting taa nation ?7a3 suddiyl: affor-ded immeasarabis iiatsrial of :kno?l2dg5. Th: lit- ^ cr-atu^e of classical antiquity stood in ths first lins; the- pressurs for the knowlsdii* of msn and nature arousd by tho humanlsin, as irs nave s^sn, changea itss-lf into tna lova of scisatLfic activity, ^rhich coinprissd the branches of knowlsdgs, but iBostly prossed forwari to a fr3or rssiaroh in th^* raligious


domain. T'has It cams, that the impulsa for kaosylsdge and Isarn- ing dominatsd 37erytlng, and that 37en poetpy 57 as dra-j^n intc it3 sez^vice, Ths- didactic and moral tiisrefore prsominated, a and unitsd tfaemsslves Tsit-h the strongly sxprssssd polsmc ten- dsnoy, that oam-s to tha sharpest sxppsjssion in the fight for and against the Ssformation, hc stoat castoms of the timc ': thersforc favorsd a 7ch3ineac3 and evsn radsnsss of expression, that takcs its pleasare in an internally coarss litc-raturs, fs understand this tsndency of ths Intcilsctaal lifs of ths tis, that 3ven sxactsd its tr-ibute froa th3 most pi?ominent msn, bat sntirsly orily if -.T-i: 2?coall tha gnerai coarssnsss of the cast- oms, that are anifor-mly recognizsd in ail classes, It 72s dc- isive, that 3vsn in ths hsghcr circies tns rsfinsd coart cast- oms of ths aarlier tims had vanished, and tae nobility gave a lamentable sxampls of ints^ilectaal and castomary radsnsss, ho oirclcs of citizsns soaght by certain strict honesty to diffsr f?02i ths, bat lifs was from tii r no postic mcaning, only a hoffisly insipidity and a narroirmind^dn^ss, that no?rhsr mads it- ' S2lf as b?oad as nhez^e man :T3re proparly poctic in ths aaster- song. 3 fini h^rs th3 last shoots of mi:'diaval postry, bat t t^ansformed f^om the knightly svring into nari^Omladsd dryness^ tnat imaginas itsedf wSpccially pOiBtical in its handmada floarisaej

0ns mast say, that naarly in th?. sntiro Gersan postry of the tims, that; oniy the axcaption of the popalar songs and cfearch hymns, tnc soai.doss not postiz^, bat th3 aaderstanding i?hymc3, j not tne .^xp^ession of invention and the f?3 beaaty of form, j Q bat oniy a sort of i*ai?nsd, moir^al or polemic tendsncy foi?ms '' th2 aim of this pOct?y, On*: n^^. only raad th3 mast^r^rorks of Tsa-rrdank and ciskunig, tnat appoarcd ander the aaspicos of t'j empsror ^aximilian, to rscognize ho?? insipid allcgoriss n TiB-C'i spr-sad and inanimats ;er' cast in thr forii! of a knigtly i?omanc3, Ho?r riiga tn:;: ps.rt of tn:^ forrnativ2 arts stana^ in the ' ,1 striking iilastrations of tbc vapld p^oadness of tnc tsxt j

?ar more happily docs th2 tiins mov^ in thoso vacillations a J and dr-y satirical po.'ms likc 3. Braadt's ship of fools, T, Mar- ner'' s fools' oxorcisms, Geach.Tiatt' 3 gaild of rogavos, in Rollon^ hagon's frogs and micc, bat p&i*ticala?ly in Fiscfcart's TOPks, /yn3!?s in spite of the f?c:qaently ancoath radcaass of fore, ob- scsnr and coars: aglin^ss, by the acatr. 7i27t of tho expressions


of life, l3 rsstEinei by ths aabpio fores in tiie rsprsseata- ion and opposition of haniaa follies^ ifeaknsssss and vic^s. H3r3 is S23Q, as in this tims of man and his postsrity fillod by contesta and oontrasts, tne exolasive iaterast of ths i^sprs- santatiiati is foj?ined, and is unrolled bsfo*3 as ?rith an insxhaas- tibly r'ioii gift of observation. ?e ualscstand that tiiis restric- t3d tiii3 found no jnas3 for thc dclioate expression of lyric h hai'oniss, fo? tii enthusiastic sinking into th3 beautiss of naturo, whioh in knightly poetry of ths middle agss is so char- mingly axpresssd, /?3 fartQsr conceivs, tat Gernsany coald pro- ducs ao poetry lik3 Ariosto's r-aving Roland, in Tjtom ths sybai^- itism of tfcs most r^fined caltars of ts Itaiian Sanaissancs devslops into fascinating iuxui?ianc2.

And yet tiiis tims do33 not e-ntirsly lack goauins floirers of S-oraan postry, iot merely ths aymns of tfcc Charcn, zealousiy caltivatsd by tii3 gr-iat Reformer and iii,-! saccassors, penatrat- ing arxd ?3f?33liing rsvsry cir^le of lifs; not mersly tne folk soag3 poa?3d eut in a ifido strsaa in innanisrable songs, oft^n dry and :sn rad^ in exp:?3S3ion, but fall:i..2cur.d and unaffsct- ad po;3?; svsn thi; dramatic poetry takss fr:2sn courage: and kn~ onz n.o?r to trsat ts cnsrgctc mcaning in a fres ;7ay. On tas tnrsshold.of tri.> spoch stands tn^ tpu? heart.'d Sans Sachs- rith i3 too iittle known and estamod works, in uhio. is manifcsted tuS natucs of tii:: Gsrian p^iopls ritia incxhaastiblc fullnss. Ths conclusion of the p2?iod is formed by duke Scnry Jalius of Brunssrick, oaa of the most axcsllent princes of ths tims, Trith i3 plays, in ?rnich an open vi-?r and fresh conception of life is combinsd with fre^ humor. H 3Vn airsady kaoTS how to us3 tho popnlap dialect to charscterizs succsssfally certain per- sons* us runs fram a thousand brooks a rich national life > that br-saks its ivay in a iitoratura full of original force, .:. 3V3n if also ;rithoat tlis olDgaacs and tho gracs in form of ths South.

Ho;73vsi? andcniablc. iTas th3 influsncs of the Ssformation on tho literary, scicntific and po3tic movement, thus its occupa- 3nch has often b3n tsrmed as destructive for th^ formetivs arts. Bt by mor^ accuratT: psascar-cn it soon rs-sults, that tais visT is but sapcpflcial. Indeed church art suffersd at fipst a vi3Lbl3 injury by ths ne?? fait::, not Eroly becaus-::


ib i03t ts rsprsssntatioD of a great part of this matsrial, but b3cau33 it laid down tlis principlss of tne revspencs of

Go, and --risiasd to frsa religion from extsr.ral 'Sigas and sym- bols. B\it ttia ths t^ndsncy of ts rsforming spirit- tss not fcostiis on r^gilioas grounds to artistic cration is pcoved by Dtlrer fi?3t- of ail, ?fio33 spiritual vnration of ths bold Rsfo^ffiS? fcund such a boaatiful expression in tha ?rell kno^n ' psssgs in bis diai^y of trave-1, and wao in bis namerous Bibli- oal r3pr3S-ntation3, and not isast froas thz lia of 3, Maria, kns;T otT to givs the rsligious fssliag a tiirilling and d33ply poiTcrful expression. o Isss t^stify the altar paintings by inicb Lutnsp's frisnd ^ucas Oranac adopnad tha city ciiarches at ,7itt3ab3rg and at ^feimar, tnat tiis Ssformation did not sta- nd in ta ay of any important church art; for tnosa grand ?oi?k3 ars fully conceived and sxscutsd ir th3 rsfoming spirit. But ^3 do not fopgst that tns entirs art of tba Rc^naissance is not in tne first lins sscular, that it first of ail ssT^ks to bc:aatify and to glopify actual life, and that. aven whs^b it takes ciiurcn lif2 as a basls, it rstains in vie;? aljays as tu2 final liai the glorifisd human fors, tbe splsndor and bsaaty of oartiily lifc;, This tendsncy -fjiz not produoed by the Saformati- o^i; ratner ;7a3 it somsTrhat restricted by ths iccpanag of th-a

. i^lgions life; but on th::: othar ba:rd at ta!; saa^; tin:3 x^rtsd an influoncs, ien it scparated mors sharpiy ttia sacred from tiie sjoula?, and allo;72d tns coarso of ar-t to ti?utn of lif3 and tas actual uor^hi to appsar in gi^satar purity,

t Isast tii3 German rsforiSiirs wers anyho?T not 3V3r3e ao a?t, [jutner, ?rho lookr,d ith sbarp spiritual vision into ths lisart of tb3 attar, nad a -Tarr. fssllng for Dvsrytbing b^autiful, H His 3njyai3nt of music, his croativs promotion of churcn Iiymns,

// and of communtty singing, rere connsctsd in bim witii an opn via?? 01 tii crsEtion of tac fo^^mativs a.'ts, pa?ticular*ly of painting. H2 "carsd aot for bad", but foi? good paintings ;^ith aocoEpanyiD-g sottos 5-n kitchsaa and charcbsi^s, hz 2 van ?ri3h?. oac3 that "ail th chief stories in ths sntire Siblc ??* pain- t3d in littl". book, that ould bs a real Bible for layman**, Of Dtli^sr ha could say, that he pald too mucb attention to ths sxternal, hs had no plaasurc in pictarss paintsd -^itH too !r.any oolors, unlsss tbay ?r2?G iiia:^ as simpio an. plain as possibi'^".

14 Baf e lso had z op^n vie xor* Ital.t2,n pai^ting, sincs b.-3 c CDmffiS'niisd, ''no skiifal and in.gsiaas -i^s tna ItaliBn maaters, ifiisn tr^y knsaf ho:T to follD^r natiiro in sach 2 mastsrly ani pro- psr xaniiei", tiat tHcy not oaly giv3 it tts corract nataral coi- ors and fo2?ffi, bat dvon tiis posture as if It live and inoved". And h^ adds thereto:- "fianders follo^s and iniitauss tsm in sacii K'23!,sar'2, tiist tiis ^^thsrlanders and particularly th* Fl^^m- in^^ ar.3 tr'cky and ci^afty 3ad3'"'' Bat sl30 Welanctaon,. ?rno sras fi?i3ndly to D^^&v5.atin