NAME MUHAMMAD IMRAN TOPIC Gender Discrimination.


Transcript of NAME MUHAMMAD IMRAN TOPIC Gender Discrimination.

Page 1: NAME  MUHAMMAD IMRAN  TOPIC  Gender Discrimination.
Page 2: NAME  MUHAMMAD IMRAN  TOPIC  Gender Discrimination.


Page 3: NAME  MUHAMMAD IMRAN  TOPIC  Gender Discrimination.

TOPICGender Discrimination

Page 4: NAME  MUHAMMAD IMRAN  TOPIC  Gender Discrimination.

Gender Discrimination

Nature has divided human beings into two halves and both are given responsibilities

which suit them, along with assigning the responsibilities, nature has very clearly stated

the rights of both on each other. Gender discrimination is a practice which we faced

when both the genders show the desire of substituting their duties without giving and

due credit to each other. In such scenario the powerful became aggressor and other the

victim of aggression. Gender discrimination can also be define as the thinking of men

which convince them in their head that women are lesser then them and it’s their right

to either not give them their rights or misuse them. Basically when we think that women

(may be because of their fragile outlook) are not equal to men and are not capable of

doing anything good then gender discrimination comes into play.  

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DISCRIMINATION. In brief this issue dealt with the fact that people living on green planet got

into habit of giving preference on the basis of sex. Feminine half felt that they were not given

the equal importance. In every field and culture they complained. To address this issue and

find out its appropriate solution humans are still struggling even in developed countries like

America or Britain. Humans learn almost everything from its environment; chip in his brain is

programmed by the culture, society and religion. When he becomes a powerful he always

decides according to that programming. E.g. People living in west can have different opinion

and solution for a certain problem then the ones living in east. But one thing is unanimously

accepted that Men do take advantage of the powers blessed to them by nature.

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As I mentioned earlier culture, society and religion plays an important role to overcome or

expand it. It depends on people which doctrine they are following and how realistic and

logical that doctrine is. Let`s take an example of our own society, it is widely accepted that

men can do almost everything even the ones which are not acceptable in our society but

on other hand women are even not allowed to take part in decisions which involves fate of

their lives. Women are not allowed to work in men dominated environment because the

families fears that their daughters or sister may get victim of bullying and to some extent

their apprehensions are justified. We have seen in our offices that girls do get black mailed

or forced to do undesired things. 

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Fragile, weak and powerless depiction of women in media is

encouraging vulchars among the men dominated society to hunt

down this vulnerable creature. Since the evolution of life on planet

green female were considered to be a tool or toy which gives pleasure

to men and different myths have dignified such role of women. One

has to hold media responsible for most of the disorders. Even in

movies the role of heroin is to satisfy the hero and fulfill his needs.

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No other issue is as contentious and well-debated in the politics of contemporary societies as

the question of gender and politics. Women activists all over the world have begun to question

political inequality among the sexes. They have raised fundamental questions about the

essence of male-dominated democratic system in which women find themselves formally or

informally excluded from political power. In recent decades, they have focused on the vital

issues of empowerment, rights, social and political equality and discrimination in its all forms.

The feminist movement even in a male dominated, socially conservative society like Pakistan

has brought into sharp focus more or less the same issues about the social status of the

women and their inadequate representation in the political power and participation in politics.”

(Rasul Bakhsh Rais, 2007)

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Right to take part in key decisions, women were always ignored and were never given a

chance to be able to say something about the important issues. Below is the graph of a

women who are in parliaments of some of most liberal considered countries of Europe and

one will be shocked to see the statistics. 

As you can see on average only 16% of parliaments constitute on women. When one consider

the proportion of men and women in above countries then it will be realized that number of

women are under par. One can consider that if women are treated in such a way on these

developed societies then what will be condition in less developed societies. Answer is not

hard; most of women living in less developed countries are simply in miserable state.

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Worldwide, a comprehensive 1989 survey of women concluded that in most countries

women were "poor and powerless." In many countries, women are still regarded as the

property of men, are denied access to birth control information, are not allowed to vote,

and are prohibited from working with men. In patriarchal societies, being born female can

be fatal, as male children are greatly preferred. In many countries, young girls (and some

boys) are sold by their families into the prostitution trade. During the 1990s, the problem

of trafficking in women and girls for forced labor, domestic servitude, or sexual

exploitation had affected an estimated one to two million women and girls. The economic

collapse in Asia (1997-98) exacerbated such trends.

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Only in recent times in most developed countries of world have recognized

the right of women to vote, own property and marry whom they want to

choose before this women were considered to be the property of their men

and they had a right to do anything to them. Such practices can still be

witnessed in third world countries where women are still trying to get their

deserved rights.

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Only in recent times in most developed countries of world have recognized

the right of women to vote, own property and marry whom they want to

choose before this women were considered to be the property of their men

and they had a right to do anything to them. Such practices can still be

witnessed in third world countries where women are still trying to get their

deserved rights.

As time progressed people’s way of thinking changed and new

responsibility were thrown towards the women. This was a time when

women were depicted in media and people tried to sell their products by

misusing they fragility and beauty of women. All campaigns in media,

regardless of its target audiences involved women. Women were shown

merely a toy of enjoyment.

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In Pakistan women does not enjoy same sort of liberty as compared to

west. Our society is just right place to exploit the women emotionally,

physically or forcefully. When she is in her parents home she is bound to

accept whatever is thrown towards her by her family, in fact it is considered

to be her purpose of life to accept her family`s orders even if they are

illogical and unjust. She moves under supervision of her new master when

she gets marry and his orders become script of her life without having a

right of expressing her opinion because her opinions are not considered

worthy enough to listen. Often we listen from Muslim scholars that Islam

has provided that respect and lost prestige to women but it remains limited

in discussions , we never tried to give it a practical face , we accept it but

we don`t practice and you know why?

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Because we consider women a lesser creature. Let me get it right, I am not

criticizing the very noble and just religion of Islam for encouraging gender

discrimination; in fact I am exposing male dominated culture of our society

who believes on ideology of Islam but still refuses to give the women rights

which are directed by Islam. Women has right to choose a person whom

she wants to marry how many times we have seen forced marriages in our

society and I salute to women who still any how manage to live her life . 

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Let`s come to our working class women, who for some reasons find themselves

in a position where they got to work. The minute a woman has stepped in the

office for an interview our dirty minds start speculations about their character.

Most of time they get refusals but even if they are selected , unethical,

unacceptable, inhuman , uncivilized and unjust expectations start revolving in

our heads. They are forced to do things which they would never want to do. Male

dominated society thinks that it`s their right to exploit the women. It is pity that

we are followers of such a logical and realistic ideology but still find our self in a

state where we Emberace the whole humanity

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Let`s throw some light on our media and showbiz industry and how they deal with women. Again non-ending sequence of exploitation which compel women to change their nature. The beautiful and fragile built woman who looks best in an unstained cover of maidenliness is humiliated so badly in our media and film industry that one is force to buy the idea of women being the toys of fun. To some extent women are also responsible for the discrimination. It seemed that they agree with the new concept of exposing their beauty to persuade viewers to buy their services or products. Depiction of women in movies has spiced up the issue. Often dressed in exposing dresses and dancing in front of crowd depicts their image as tool for men to enjoy.

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Discriminate is to power of making fine distinction, discrimination is not

only in Pakistan but it is all over the globe. They faces gender barriers in

getting a better job .Women working full time are paid on average 18% less

than men working full time and women working part time are paid on

average 40% less than men working part time instead of equal status. 73%

of domestic violence is committed against women. Women are beaten by

men in many states.

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My project aim to provide awareness about the gender discrimination specifically sexual

harrament , gender discrimination cues and violence in work places or other institutions

against women .mostly In our middle and high school, girls are more likely than boys to be

discouraged from participating in sports, and clubs like debate, math, and science. But

girls are more likely to be encouraged to participate in after school volunteer work, social

programs, and more passive activities.

If I focus on Pakistan it also has an incredibly high ration of discrimination 43.8 percent are

schools for boys, 31.5 percent are schools for girls and the remaining 24.7 percent are

schools with Mix enrolment of Specifically in rural areas of Pakistan have more

discrimination in Baluchistan there are only 31 percent girls of age 5-9 attend primary

school.both boys and girls. Thus Pakistan has fewer schools for girls than for boys

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In 2008, it was recorded that 21.8 percent of females were participating in the labor

force in Pakistan while 82.7 percent of men were involved in labor.[8] The rate of

women in the labor force has an annual growth rate of 6.5 percent. Out of the 47

million employed peoples in Pakistan in 2008, only 9 million were women and of

those 9 million, 70 percent worked in the agricultural sector. The income of Pakistani

women in the labor force is generally lower than that of men, due in part by a lack of

formal education

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