;piRTt-niirr- ji year. """NEvFYdRg, friday October" 27, 1371. " " - --...

M;piRTt-niirr- ji year. """NEvFYdRg, friday October" 27, 1371. " " - - - -- : v- -- TKICE" 'nyOLTJSTSL fM ' Xlli WOKK OK THE RING ooir tammaxt ri:n citiles s.i. iiiASiKi. haxjis. uletv n Mrtuhrr of the Cltlzrue' A.socliitlnn Jtlnctr 873,000 lir the A hi of Tnniinnu -- , Tbt Mort m T0I1I br lllmsi'lf-llos- v bo .JsiTnrt 8ld,000,000 lor I lie L'llr. fvo. 220 Kast Seventeenth itrcet It a Inndsomt ivown-tto- Kngllth-bsseme- liouis. There li lllvtr-plate- bell handle it the door, tod mtrblt lilts In ttt vestibule. It Is a very Bo minilori, end jooke Ilk the bout ot an opulent citizen. A bun reporter lilt evening mounted the three steps lead-li- f from the sidewalk and peered through the mitt tta tinge illrer plate on tl.c walnut door. It reads : I Natiianixi. Hands. ; he reporltr pulled the bull. "Is Mr. bandt at booief" he asked of a remark tbl; maid servant who appeared. 'He la not, air." "Can you tell me when he Kill be " Sore au' I'll ax lira. Hands." The good looking maid went to the dining room, fa a moment a iplendld-lookin- jount gentleman itpoiredla tht hallway, lit had a smooth face, and very dark hair which was poetically parted In the middle. lie wort a Urand Duke Aleils Alexin-drorlc- b collar, and tppeared to be about SO J ears of e. tooiixo ran m. sands. ' Whom did yon wish to tee, sir t" bt asked In a loft, winning manner. Reporter Mr. Sands, but tht teivaat Informs mt that he Is not In. No, sir, tot wt art looking lor him, although I goow that be la bus Did you wish to see him particular!;!" "Vn, fir. There It a report current that bt baa wttlidrawn from l'e Clttzeoe' Association, and I wish to ate him with releroace to It," 'Von are " Fro-- '1 111 San, sir." "A father lll bt glad to set rou, I know. Ton had better call again In an hour, I think bt will bt In ll.eii." The reporter bowed and withdraw, and at tht specified time returned, but learned with regret that Ins lentleman wltn whom bt sought an au- dience as still absent. A few moments more and the reporter stood In front of the grind old mansion I the rcteran philanthropist and public benefactor, 1 Tin tixiiili riTm coorxa. tie ring the bell, and wis admitted with a pro- found flourish by an aristocratic yocng colored pic 'Ihe reporter entered tht library while tht young colored aristocrat convex-- his card to tut plain and unpretending Mr. Cooper. '1 he venerable gthtlenian soon appeared. Mr Cooper," said the reporter, "I bare come from Tin Sck to learn, If possible, tie causes which nsve lej to the withdraws! or Mr, Nathaniel (anils from the Citizens' Association." " Well, sir, I have no hesitation In lelllcg jou all I know. I seen purports to bo tne rea- son In an evening piper, but that account Is much txiggernled. List Tuesday 1 learned Iron al. jr In this city that Mr. Htnitr, while a member of oor and acting apparently In good faith With u, had accepted a aort of financial agency Udcr Comptroller Connolly, by which he bad madt .1 in tNonuoi's tux or Moxtr. When I beard it I was filled wll'i mortification andclajrln, and Udeed could ecsrcely ci edit ihe However, I lost no time lu eomuiuul. iitatement. Mr. Hands, anil charging h.m wltn It. dony the charze, but tonghl rat ier to ex. toss tls tctlon. I ue then cuiuti.elelr dumb- founded, and at once took measures to relieve tht Association of this standing reprosch. Wt called a eellqg,..and Mr. bands sppeared before It. We charted bun with bit duplicity, and of courae ht did lot deny It, The Association then told htm he must resign immediately, anil he did so." "try y. samps witodbiw. 1u .er- - .'.a, .. .,. , tun. actions with Mr. Connoll) I Mr. Cooper Yon oan get that from a statement whlcn I have here bl$.t Mr. bands, alter hit resig- nation, eeol to our Aiaoclttlor. You will see that Jar. Bands therein telle his own atory in a much Utter way than I could tell It. (Here Mr. Cooper (rolled ) The following Is the document, which Jlr. Cooper kindly allowed lharepoiier tu copy; MR. SAxnVt OWN STOIT. On tht 10th ol April, 171. I was requested by the omptrolisr in the tunjuiiicd latter to lane charge (f negotiating the loan of t. e consolidated debt of be city and county of New Yor-t- : Citt or Niw Yoai. Iuimktu zmt or FtivAxri, urricx, Apul 10, tail. faIAinlf ."iiiKfi, A'17. Mr Dim bin Your long and varied experience In ill tbt affairs ot government, "nil your clear and able in financial matters, induce to an you Slews It be agreeable to yourself to ncder- - the negotiation ami manaiieineut of tne loan tlitt have to be placed for the use of tne city and unnty uf ew York Mlthtn the next two months, our itnoleige of the great inoreyed centres of props, acquired during your residence tbere, will loubil i enable you to avail uursclf of many kdrantage. ehould you be able to obtain rates for the bonds, aid reatue your expec-latlott- of raising the credit ol the city to a point an. broxlmate to that of tbo t'nlied Mates Uovernment without any expense for advertising to tms lirpart-meat- . 1 will ailow you one-ha- of ouo per cent, com- mission and place In your bauds for negotiation the t nitre con'olicated debt ef 'ho city and co n'y cf New ion, author zed under ctianiere 3.3 aoJ U of the laws ol tin state of New York, pasiej Apr.l i, Yours, very trutv, 1IICIIA1II) 11, CUN.SULLY.CoinntiolltT. Seven per cent, thlrtyytar boada were being freely ottered at Una lime in Wall atreot and to tht a vlngs banks by broker. In sums of twenty and tmrty thousand dollars and upoard, at 103X. out of which Ihe city paid a timrter of one per oeut., and It viaa DirriciXT to riyp bctcbs ever At this price, and seven per cent, boude, nar lot five yens to run, were selling at par. At t t amount uf debt ot Ihe city and county wts not known lto certainty to Ibo public, and exaggerated Ittlemente cf tht amount were made, and tht credit of the city was the aubjeclof dally attack both here lira- (which waa the aum wanted at tbla time) upon Ihe New York market uuder these dream-stanc- e would certainly havt greatly lowered tht zri. e and alarmed Hit aavlngs banks and holders renerally. Other markets must bt sought, and I (turned tu Ihe great moneyed centres of Europe, and a'ur bavin caretully prepared the nay, I succeeded In r,i jo' atioc this loan through .Messrs August i. 'it A( o., and Messrs, Itotnscnlld at 103, clear of al. 1, uses lor lUVallllSI.VJ CUUIIISSIO.YS AMD CniBSII. The city thus received 103 net cash for a 6 per tent thirty ear cold bond, which Is cquil to I'M So it r a7 per cent, currency bond, and which wss ov-- t 6 per cent, abote the market price, and a much lii. lir price than the city had received in a number ol (ears for Its bonds, even when the debt asui.ill, und when tbe regular ttateutnta wert publitird, and tbe credit of the city waa unquet-Honed- . Tins G per cent, upon tht market price bpon tiiu entirt loan amounts lo IllOU.OOO, which tnm, it pliced at comoound Intercat lor thlny yeart (fie 1 no 1 of the loan), would pioduce over $?. Wj0ii r pay about one-hal- f Hie loan at matnntr, rie w.llidrawal of this I.irge"amoun't"67Tio'nds7rom mis niarket imt arted great firmness to them, and tne 7 ui-- cent currency bonds would doubtless tir oinn anded 19 per cent, premium by this lime if i- i- r u g.t.prumeut hud been conducted so as to ssc p pu 'ii'- - contljruce, anotiikr aitiiT aora.fTaai wis oM uue I .n not witlidrawmf thii $I5,0)),000 ffjii of taiatlou, or at least placing the luan m ut ii a position wuen. If tne bonda were u"l fewBoula purchase tbtm. 'Iht bonda thus li e I .n l were taken entirely by non taxpay-en- , ki . tfj inken al uouie to much capital olh ermit, iui,i would have been placed In a form r,l,,,r'' '"in.- - it would have depreciated the value of be bi.ndt tu tht extent of the amount for wtncb ri Uxed. Two ptr cent, a year, tht present rn t,f on l ie loan, la fM,iM), which, in thirty "Sr, tin, ..tnud of Hit, loan, would amount In favtr ot tn. City Tresiury lo JU.uou.OOO These two turns cunibin.,,1 make the alrantage to Hit city dlrtctly and lu.ire tly IH.ouu.oou. The house of Itotusculld placing l ilt loan the Kuropesu market has opensd up uir nty ittuntles to luvestore Ihete under very . ; t,,a-ilu- j j)it- - ,' aeseral months past, under toy olrection lor many of tht leading financial J'iuH i Hurupe, articles wlucn have been pub. (uei mealy showing tut wealth and resources of 'tw 1 ,rlt. 1 now havt AN ACJINT TBATILL1VQ IN iniOM, Jin rmj! g, aiuu.iv among tht municipal banking '""i 'he crt a: or our accurltles, and pre " 10 ot,ti"B eTen btttlsar rates to sub.o- - I I'm u ii, s u,'' . "1"'' I'ruvldeneo about tht same lime that 10 r".,V I' ""Ji "uvsrlued a 0 per cent, gold ... ' '",'1""- bey succeeded lu placing only ' ,,"ul H percont premium, tht balance des 'I . !V. ,."1":n lu""' '''n city of I'rovl. B.Ni 'r,UJ lur e4l" 'nJ !' no public i .11,,." " Ul" l,t 'dUt W'lcli that city n.d sucuie uuder Ihe, a favorable circumstances. ill', jLiia..Ag.ttkBAT.,tl)1,lwrv1tr. II.v-- , ii, j eoprln, t)l re. 0ef , , i ou'r' ' ,e "'i 'bsl Mr. bawls plilrns to vunM."1'.'1 h"' " would, i ,f clly C0UlJ iu,t tbiti?J',,Yn',r "yelllon or yourself know i, "bttever of this transactlou f conr-- Hi a Hiag. ir. 1 csvsr tu mort it., surprised In my life. As I tsld before. I vita chi- ll rlned and mortlOed when I learned it. Ilcporler Do ou think that 103 was the best price that conld have be-- n got ftr these bonda f Mr. I'oopet That's not lor me to a. I don't re- member lio.v tUot or similar bonds were quoted at List time. How much did Mr. Sands make out ol this "ecret Iran" c'lnn f Air. ( oopir-Y- ou i t'lfie he ad i Us the commls alnn of one-- , .ill uf one pn cut. 'lhst jnuunls to 175 OO. Heporter This evening paper sa;s those bonds wert worth 113. Mr. Cooper-O- h, that It ridiculous. I think Mr. Bands pnt them on the mnrket al verynrar, If not quite, their market vulnr. KiHetr, that Is the question. It Is the duplicity or dcubls doling In working with no for nf rm and at the same litre working with Tammany lor l.lmsclf that we bhme Air. bands for, lloporler This samo tvcnitu pip-- r stales It as a positive fad that Mr. Coniiol'y credited the pro- ceeds of these bonds to the rltr only at par. That Is, bonda that crt sold at 1(13 were INTIRID IN MR. CONNOLLT'a BOOIs aa having been sold at par, llr. Cooper I don't think that can be true. If II Is, however. It seems to rut that It will be very easy to punish Mr, Connolly for fraud. The bondt were told at 103, clear or all expenta lo the city Ileporter .Mr. bandt't statement is sn elaborate document, ami bt tvldently thinks ho it not to blame al all. Mr. Cooper Oh, It Is very plausible, and no doubt Mr. Hands has spent much tljie la lit prtpirtllon. If It weit all Juit at ht aara. tht clly wonll no doubt bt greatly Indebted to him. Hut I am afraid tht people will not quite uniWitand til tht trgumentl contained In II, and will fall to see Uit matter In Ihe ssma llxht Mr. Hsmls does. Itepotter Mr. Sands Is a good financier, Is bt not t Mr. Cooper Oh, tn excellent financier ; ont of tht best, perhaps, lu tht country. Tills terminated Ihe Itttrvlew with Mr. fooper, and the reporter again went In sesrch ol tht excel. lent financier, but felled to find hltn, TWEED. Order for the Arrrat of .Ilr. Tweed. Albant, Oct. 29. Judgo Learned has issue J an order for tht arrest of William M. TweeJ. Pro- ceedings wert had lo tht Chanbers, and although strenuous effort havt been madt to Indnct Julgt Learned to mako tht procetdlnz public, he as strenuously objects so to do i nor can It bt learned when Tweed Is eiptcttd lo bt br ought btfort tbt Judgt. Tbt Cltr Hull l.onnarre Avvwltlug the Ar- ret! of ihe lima. Notwithstanding; tlio drizzling rain, groups of politicians stood In the I'atk and on the steps of the City Halt nearly all day jet Unlay, discussing Tin Set's htcit exrojurrt of King vl'.llinlct. The gene-rs- l opinion was that the end vat nigh. - The figures tn Tug Sun," said a aeedy politician to a tall, clera In the Dtpsrlmekt of 1'obllc Works It Mas lunch time "sre as plain aa tht note on cur face. Yga cah read and caler-stan- 'em." " Tn eed's hands are clean," tsld tht other, " It's Watson and llsrvry. Ono't dead and tht other's run an ay, and they'll never know the ttutn." tux ordxr or Tht SfS roan moved on. lit was bound for the Department of l'libllc Works. The Ilots had come down aa usual al ID o'c ock, and was as placid and Jo'ly as ever ilstnllme In tn office In Wall ttreet half a dozen clerkt wero butlly copying the paperi which mo.t necettarllv accompany tit orler for Mr. Tweed't arret'. That order had already arrived Judge Leonard af Albany connty, and waa for Ihe arrest ot Wm. 11. Tweed, A. J. Uarvey, E. A. Woodnard. and Jurrs.IL Icgrrsoll. rvun JbJJ Jiadjsoi.yet been Implicated la tny criminality, and It notlo bt arretted. WrtT TDET 00 TO A I. BANT. Tht venue In tbete cases Is changed to Albany be- came some persona think that tbere they can ae-.-... in.t inj impartial trial, and bscanse II would be next . to,;. .o - .o mi a Jury In New York, The necessary papers art lo bj p, n-- .t i hicda of the Sheriff about 111 o'clock this morning. "What will you do," Inquire 1 the bON reporter of tberirf llrenuas, " when jou recelrt tht order of arrest 1" Sheriff Drennan (smilingly) I will obey tbe or- der o' ll'fi Court. Itsporter Will It bo served prompt'yj Mr. As soon as it nrr.voi. I expect it by the 3 o'clock mill. 1 sworn (look- ing at the reporter gravely) to do my duty, and I will do It. Till LtDtOW STRUT JAIL. Iteporler Who will serve the order I Mr Dietitian I have Mr. Jarvlt fo;- - that work, bjt I think I wl.l serve this order mjself lu psrson. I wld serve It myself. lUrorter I suppose boavy bill will be re- - quired 1 .Mr. Urennsn An order may come for close cus tody, or fur millions or ball. Iteporler In case of sn order for close custody, Ludlow street Jail, I suppose. Sheriff Ureuaio (again smiling) That's tbe place. Tho Fi'.v reporter understood, snd Mr. ilrcnnan must have understood, that Mr Tweed wjs part.rit. Isrly referred tu lo theabota conversation, though Lis name waa not mentioned. One of (irnnl'a Ofllceliolderisan the Mtuatlon. At a meeting in Concordia Hall last evening-- , Marshal Shsrpt In tht course ol hit tptech i.ild that be had teen a private telegram tent to a promi- nent geatleman here, which announced that Tweed would bt arrcated within twenty-foc- r houri. Judge LarnaJ of Albany tad granted a warrant, and a tprcltl trtln with tn officer on board waa tpeedlng on Its war to New York to terve It. The stouii. drel," Marshal Sharps continued. " mutt go to Erlson. Where I come from tn Lister county, Ibey together with tbret other Henatonal districts, and awear that If through the law's delay Tteed .hould attempt to take his teat In the S.natg, they 111 prevent It by forco." What tbe Politicians Think or It. -- Wwlt-tsSaj- aftwosti Sb:- c;ur(er tw4- - JJr, Shlels, Preildentof the Seventh Ward William M. Tweed Club, In Clly Hall Park. While ahaklng bandt he said. In reply to tht reports! 's salutation : " I cuass It will all blow over. It's Just before elec- tion, you know, and the papers must talk." Itn which remark Mr. Hhlels stepped off with a lively gall and n amlltng countenance. "How do you like tht looks of things now!" slid a Sox reporter yesterday to Hherln O'llrien. " Things look bright enough," was the reply; "I don't think wt can complain a bit." Tbe Hoes Intervituod by the Great Crlnil nnl Lawyer, John (iruhmin from Mr Ettnlng Matt, Oct. 5. Mr. Tweed was at his otlice a uood portion of the dsy, and was engaged for some time In a private conference with bis counsel, John Oraham, Esq., put In sn appearanrt about noon, and was Immedi- ately ushered into the presence of the big chief. Mr. Tweed says he la prepared lor any movement on Hit part of tht Commltteo of beventy, and la ready to tXay trains! him lie Is tired, ht says, of this constant threatening, and would like tu tet some action taken If II It to be done, lit wants lo get Into the courts, where be can make a legal defence and silence his accusers. Ht dots not think bis chancet of reelection at Hale benator are lu Iht leatt Jeopardized by IL la public clamor, or that they will be imperilled In cast of his arrest, He It confident of winning at the election, and also of winning In any suit brought agaimt him. He does not Intimate what hit defence will bo, but sayt that all charges of fraud and awlndllng originate from tbe action of the old Hoard of bupervlsors and tht Hoard of Audit, lie clalma that ft has a legal defence lor bis official action, at a member of both Hoards. Whether ilr. Tweed anticipates reslstsnee to a warrant of arrest or cot Is uncertain, but a goodly crowd of roughs swarmed In the hulls of the Depart, menl of Public Works this morning, and occupied Ihe small ruom adjoining the private offlce of " the Iloit." They may beaatembled for the pnrpote of cheering him on hiawayla ease lit It tummarily called from lilt detk. Two carrlagei wert In front of hit office all tht morning, doubtless kept In reidl-nes- a for an emergency, bhould tne order ol arrest bt aerved on hltn here, he will doubtless go belore votio . Albany belore the Judgt Issuing tht warrant. av.uiKs rnoM this tblrqhavh. Secretary Doutwell lectured In Boston lilt even-In- Nothing new. James Kltzatrlcc was drawn Into the shafting of Btalxer's planing mill at Auburn. .", Y., ) tturJaj, aud kllkd. Yesterday J. Daly, a prlrtte soldier al Taylor barracks, l.oulivdlt, shot aud killed J, Y. Williams, ano.hsi private. Tbe trot between Goldsmith Maid tad Lucy, In Pittsburgh on Wednesday, was won by tho Mat tin three stialgblbcali. 'Hino-Si-- JrtlX. aud ):liH. Jamas Maker, a blacksmith from Corey, county Wexford, Ireland, waa Durcod to death In his home at Clifton i tar in, Kansas, rn thenlghi uf tne i'AU of Ji fiew York in the spring of Itrtih Josepi Dion, while playing wilt, Mr. rttona of liiit,uiii,-l- t Viitrb-jrr- . iai, 'rtja t uxa va n noiuu Iii'iu-- Al, SI, U9, Ida, &, rlOije-- li, 19,14, O.J--41. The canon on the ritual, which passed the House of lllihoi i la Ilalllmors, waa loit in the Convention for wsuiuf a constitutions! uislorlty. 3 he vote stood t Cieriosl-Ko- r, Mi against, 111 divided.! Lay for. U usdaiUUttiiJuuiM.i, PAR 17 SHACKLES BROKEN. col, rni:n. coxM.isa hksovsck ut'.i'i ni.tcAS no ji n Litn. llonral Voles for HonrM .Urn r ol Piiny -- The Tluo llill ol Political Itrlurin - U III Col. CoiiMInz Vote for llurnce tirerley for l'rrlil"ut f A tneclmi; of the Nineteenth Ward Council of Political Deform wts held last evening at 1,000 Third avenue, Notlihitn Jin the unpleasant weather, there was a lar.e attendance of members; and Judging from their rntbua.asm, Hit reform move- ment It Coin j ahead rapidly in tie NlnetCtitii Wurd, Tl e great lealutt ot the cvcnltM wit the tpeecn of Col. K. A. Conkllnj. He said; COt, CONILINfl't srgKCif. I aiiderstiitid, my friends, that your Assocla-Ho- n Is atiillliry to Ihe New York City Co an 11 of Political lleform, inJ that Its purpose Is to correct tu lie abuse, leojrc cood laws and their proper aJmlnlttratlon, ana by your united action to Indocu the pollilcil pittlta lo put In nomination for offlce only Intelligent, high minded, and Incorrnpllble citi- zens. To secure these ends you have to'emnlr pledged yourselves to vote in every electlou for i! t nest candidates, regardless of their past politi- cal tsaoclailons, and nf tht tonrce Ifrom which their nomination for octet may tmtnate. Tht objects commend themselves to my il'llhciate Judgment, and evoke mv nod eatnitt eupjirt for one, 1 am determined to mat them pjram.iuni tu every othsr consideration dados the ptefttil canvass. I havt accordingly declined ever Invitation, Inclu ling a most earnest and fla'.terln i one from the Chairman of Iht Commltltt on Speak- ers fot the btate of New Jersey, ti address partisan assemblies, and It Is my deliberate purpoie to vote on tbe 7th of November next, for the ablest, must hontit, and efficient cindldalct who may bt placed In nomination, whether lu the pawl t'asy hivt bieti Identified with the Itapuhllcan or with ths Demo- cratic party. This avowal mar surprise soma of my old Ilspubllcm frlon Is whom I set before me. Hurler a long expetlence In politics an experleuce which lias been marked br my own repeate! nomi- nation for the Legislature uf this Htate, hi- my nomination twice for Die Congress of tht I'lUtol Hlatea, and by mr nomination for Mnyur ol this city, I believe It has occurred but once I jat 1 have lallcd to vote the re.ular Kepobllcan ticket at any election, and Hits exception appllet only lo a sihg'e candidate out ol many who wert running on the same ticket. Till TllUr RtrCELICAN TUIITIS. As some oi )ou are aware, I was among the eirllesl lo Join tne ItcpublU-a- party. I may say that I stood by its cri-lle- . 1 have been sl.naily honored by that part) indeed far betond my poor deserts lam proui uf my pat mombenhlp of It. 1 believe thai It Is destined to live for ever illustrious lu history. II waa a party of trand anil pute Inspirations and ot noble alms. During tbt war ul tbe rebellion II at nil limes dl'plajcda counts and a constancy which comnnndel Ue mlinlri-tlo- uf the worll: and by Milking sh.ekles Irom the limbs of lour millions or men it achieve! the greatest Irtumpn for personal liberty that his-io- has recorded Tlmt party heM the rein, ol (lovrrnmiiit when ttea-u- n attemplcJ the uverthtow uf the llapnblie, when It neci-ssir- to improvise one of Ihe greatest armies mid navies that the wurld Lite over seen. Tho ouuriuous re ol the it-- tor tn se purposes hatl the efiect. Just a. like ctttses havo bad tlieetfrci In every country and In every a;e. lo tlraw together selfish, Yen il, and desperate men, bi'til unlv upun sell nzgran d.zeinint. It was this clara or men who, In ire iarly ettge uf Iht telielilon, lurnlsl.ed shoos for uur brave soldiers, tho lolvs of winch were compuieJ for the most pait ol pine shaving, shodJr ctutn. Ing and atiwlJy blankets which the llrslral-- i siorin washed to shreds, and cipa whkli, Instt-a- of bemz sewed n ere merilv stuck tozcther wltn ittm. Aud the.e thleVi-- were All many ol them it t,.p ftir the rir-- t time In their lives u t il lim- ed and ubt lined t.ieir conlracla as suci. Well n.igni Ihe poet iaj : The worst of fieMon' foes e they Wno ma ,e a trade of her Cau.e dirtoe And gsnmle lor gjld ut Irtodoiu'i snrine." RtnilLICAN KUBBimst INirgRSAL. I'nhapplly fur the fame of the crest and" noble paily lo which I have referred, unlorlunately fur the houor of the llepubllc and lor tho very ciust of tree Institution, this inlutuous tta. bale managed to secure, lo a large extent, the of fie Ilepobllcan pill) In many ot tne .States. Look at tht villanles of these men iu the Legislatuie of ooth Carollua, as portrayed tn the grapiilc cunciwi--.eaeo-- 1'ie.Vsif York Tribvnt last wlu ler. Look at the developments uf Kepabllcau In Ihe old Hay btate, aa exhlnlte In the masterly speeches of Hiu. Huller during tbe re- cent gubernatorial can tan. Look at Iht recent disclosures nf wliole.s.Jlf robberies under llepuhllcan uusplces lu the Htaivul Indiana. Anu tocome neater home, looz at the character uf the l (leant In the last Legislature at Aluanv, and especially at the Instrumentalities by tne use ul whiih tho passage uf the present charter oi this city was Drought about. Itcgnroln;. as 1 did, thai charter as creatlug a centralized in I almost ahsoiute govern- ment, unrestrained by any or;.unc law, and almost w holly Independent of the popular voice, for a tinio I used every rfiorl In my power to prew-n- Its pas- sage. Hut I found the ptuluse use uf Ihe moey which had becu wrung. In the shape of taxes, fro ai the eueat of uur ciilz.-n- and the promise ol 1'iin. crallc support to bills then pending fur givlnz the people's inonev to private corporations toj strong lor me, an 1 gate up lie etlurt I I de spalr. Under the scheme of ro eminent tnui lu augurated for this devou-- lly, the most stupendous villanles that have ever shocae 1 the mural sense ul Ibrlstendoin have been penetrated : and uo man will CO further to bring the prrpetratoia ut llirte crimes to conllgn punishment than niliel'. For one 1 slall not reat satliOed with the restitution of their stolen millions to tho public treasury ; I go lor consigning these men to tbe Htate Prison lor the remainder ot their natural lives. I had almost sai l I nouli bt willing to go further still, and mane them eximples through all the aces to couu uf l .e summary vengeance uf au uu'ruged people, rcxrir rou roa noinr vitx. And now, gentlemen, I came to speak more par tlcularly of tne Immediate objects fur whim bate asse libled. I find my old Irlends of Ihe party resoillog lo every artlllce which their Ingeuully can Invent for the purpose of turn-Ih- the preaent crisis In our affairs lo partisan account I ili li. say here mi( for all that I can- not Join In au aucu scheme, but that I shall now aud at all times till the closing of the pods set my face against any such attempt. Tho occulon. In my view, is one of too ttuch gravity I bad almost said of loo much solemnity to Justlly any such purpose. We ought not, aud II aeems to fflo tuat we canuot, shut 'our ejus to tit tad' that I tie cause of popular guvernmeul Is no a o trial lu tlie forum of tht world, and that lue friends of liberty who turn to America lor encoui-ageme- and guidance In their struggles agaln.-- t tyranny, art everywhere looking on with anx- ious Interest. Tne student of history need not be retnluded that Just sucn stupendous crimes as w t have recently witnessed In this city have marked the first stage In Ihe decadence uf nations, btates, and empires In the past. Ho It was with Uenut and the republics ot modern Italy. Ho It was In Canada Just before the overthrow of tho French rowir in those beautiful provinces, Ho it was wltn France prior lo her being ground In the dust under Ihe heel of Prussia. Shall the fair fabric of fret government which wit retred by the toil and tufler-In- uf our ancestors, and which has ao recently boon cemented with our bruthera' blood, time tht same fate I Kill anybody tell me that It It my duly, as a patriotic man. to glvs my rote at the coming election lor placing the Hepubllcans In power simply because they are llepuullcansl In fnnUIno' nv.r Iha 11. t nr canill.l.laa tinmln.tptl h iue Itepubllcau party In the Interior ot the Htate, 1 obsrv-tfc- t atikYH-ol.-res- ti vuu. notonous In the last Legislature, and wnose very names stink ntterly In the nostrils of every honest man who knows them. And this leads mo tore-mar- and I do to more In sorrow than In anger, that In an experience tomewhat extensive I have met with no tet of men wno have been mure tbame-les- tctn tbe clatt ut Hepubllcans to wLuoi 1 have referred in ridiculing tht very name of public, virtue none who were mors ready to meet with mockery and Jeera the biro tuggetlion that It Is tht duty of iht public agents of the people lo sacrifice their private Interests and paitlons to tbe pub- lic cood. Will the cause ot piibllo virtue and official honesty gain anything by the election or sucn men to office! ill the principle of a " Ciovernment of the peop'e, by tbo people, and fur the people," be atrengtheaed by their elevation a second to power 1 For one, unhesitating as 1 have been In the past In supporting tht candidates of the Republican party, I say that 1 had n thousand times rather vote lor au honest Democrat than lor one of these swindlers. I have said, my friends, that I do not Intend to allow partisan considerations to control my vote at tht coming election. Perhaps 1 ought to qual- ify Ibjsslatement b.v saying that I think It la the sity- v; cut)' TioTicir u,au .vwtvr mm I'.tcrmt-Irancbls- e as to set tbe seal of utter condemnation npon Hit political orgmizatlon known as Tammany Hall. 1 deem this Indispensable lo the vindication ol popular government. Hut If an honest ilemocral who Is entirely separate fioin this band of robbers a Democrat like many of those to be found lu the reform orgtnlzationt of this city shall be put In nomination, I with to pledge mytelf here and now and lu lull pledge I hope uvery one present will cordially unlto to vote for such a Democrat lo preference to a corrupt Republican, rtlltai TBS ADMINISTRATION, It has long been the marvel of discerning men that the large number of able, experienced, and atatesmeu who belong to the Demo-(rati- o part) I reler to such men at O'Conor, Til-de- llavemeyer, Utlendorfer, Cattldr, Seymour, Church, Keinan, and uthera ehoold yield lit leader -- rrlv-h lrU Mia to tht.liataaiad oblcf.Di.b.ind trim. of late twa)ed IU detttnlet from Tammany five At length Ibo italotmcu is hem I have named aafo ariiun ntiu:t,1. si. J retutacd thu command of the great party to which ibey belong. With this example beore ut, shall not wo of tht Republican party emulate their courage and Independence! snd while they art I purging their ptrty or robbtrt and malafscton, IW Ml Va doners' M VJ (ii (J" tuaoll by purging our ranks of mercenatles and thieves' For the first time In onr history I trust lor the l.nt time In our history we have seen con- temptible an I corrupt mm rerch Illicit portions nndrr the Nitlonal Administration solely br the crallr use of n oney. Wtlle wo may not bo able at once to drive thetn from tho places tvhlch lint defile, let ns tea to II that nono uf this stripe get (jfllro hyvlitiieol uur ufirace. If I vtc-- e aslied w ,nt I s the supreme duty o' c tery Ditrlotlc ciiizin at I h pf'1"'"' nio it m, I shoul I ear It is tu tet ni a more elevated standard of public morality, and to exact far hUher quallti-callou- In the candidates f' f public otllco th.nt wo have done In the past, at the condition pr ce lent to giving Item our volet; and lo do this regardless of tho behests of party. Thus may we transmit Ihe herltige.btqueathed lo us by the heroes nm! sages of the ltevolntlon, unimpsired to our posterity. Mr. M. M. Vail wsat'i? next speak', lie com- menced by giving en account of amcetlnK of tht unlet rifled Democracy held In this city tome years ago, where they gave three cheers for the devil and pnt out tht lights; but bt (Mr. Vail) did not wait to find rut what else I ley did. He went out at quick ns ht could snl never attended pnother Demorrallc meeting sine1. Mr. Vail then sailed for tht lllnr. called hard namea and made a lew which he would do well to leave out of bis next addres. Mr. Ha lla Uabcoek alto sdJrested the meeting. He made a rather fiery speech, and pitched Into the Federal offlceholdera iven harder t ion lo the Demo- crats. One of them, he ssl l, who ought to know somtthlng about letters, forged the Tailor will, and they wire nearly all t tet of swindlers, He con- tinued i long tirade against fraud and corruption of every description, aad at the close of Lis remarks tne meeting adi timed. ' MN. TlVMKtPS l'.uuxvn. Woodward not tltne-l- le It Avvnlllni lie-aul- ts. Late laat nlnlit Tni Sun received information from tht friends of Mr. E. A. Woodward thtl lint gentlemen bad not Cod the country s reported by a morning piper yesterday. Tcera It but little donbt, thongh, that bt has been putting his propeity out of hit hindt at rapidly ns possible. Tl e h'Ttntng JUI ttld yeiterd i) : It appears from entries cn the town records of Norwalk, Conn., that within tbe past thirty dtys Wood nard bas trana'erted real eatate valued at lioOOOi) to dlffent persons, but chiefly to Mr, lleatly, his partner la tuslness. He bas also his position at Dttcctorln the Falrfiald Cuun ty hire Insurance Compsnv, In which be holds and William M. 1 need tM.OUO In si sre' ; und us Irettuttrot Iht Fairfield County Planing Mills. Tim jL'HEixDia or a rALACi on ids sound, Wood ard's name occurs oflener than any other In the records ol Norn al, and among I is reienl Iran actions. In teal estate may Le cited bis quitclaim In consideration of f 1 of a heavy mortgago on Ihe buildings, tit machinery and land used lu the Hett-t)- t' manufactory, acd tnres duelling houses occu- pied Dy John P Hraltr, Oeorge lleatly, snd t'amuel Hcatty on Auvii't 1, T' Is seemingly unsurpassed lest ot generusity Is ovvtsliadnwed a Cai or two later by the execution rt a warranty deed, August 13, iranaterrlng to John P. lle.tty, for the same sum ut tl. His msgnlficc it homslea I, and all the land upon which Ills situated. In a special record bojk, however, appears tne transcript of a quitclaim died made tne time day at Ihe pro Ions uue. in widen Join P. Hcttty tells, tu ci nideralluu ol 1 to him In hand paid, Ihe tame imct ot I md, with the ho lie- - trad and all buildlna tin icon, to Harriet II., wife of K. A. Woodward. T' e pjee fol may be remarked In, rrcor.s an Instrument oi Jamea 11. tngersoil, wto. hi Woo tva.-d'- s attorney, trans ers Ms mansion aud the grounds attached to his wife's na ue. SILLIXU OPT I.TtRTtniNIl IN NORW'ALg, On the SOth li.- -t he quit clslmed lo Alexander T. Cumptun.ui New Yurx Lilt, a 10,. UJ mortgage on the works of the .Vlertuu Iron lumpany ; tne lot- ion Ing ay a mortgage of Judth's lslsnd and ti.e bulidlnga thtreon by Andrew J Uarvey waa rclea.ej lo Knapp ,t Fitch for a nominal sum. A large num- ber ul dwellings In tout.i Norwalk tran.rerttd lu J. P. Ilcilt), and by him to S'i. Wo dn ird. WooJnsrd'a oto llilrd Interest in I' hloea ol build- ings tn touth Norwilk In whic.i is siluitm the new opera hou.e wtt .old on li e J.h inst. to Knspp d; Iltch for 1401)0. 'vttlwid iievv llds no- - re-- 1 t.Ulo-- l own name. Antlclpaunz trouble. Ihe al.cnti nith which he hat of late disposed ul Ills prj -- tty is simply The property nhlca he n.s transferred In butilb Norwa'k Is not vtri vaiuible, and repiesentt but a fl action of the many millions uf dollars bt hat tto'en. The mode of trinsfrr has been a carefully wrought system of release mortgages It Is absolutely knuwn aud verified that tbe e, iu lateral ol lae In- struments have ncier legally redeemed lb. mort gages, and Mr. Destly simply beeu a medium, In almost every luitancc, lor cloaking rjie trausmu. lion of the proprrtr Iroui hnibaad ta wlft. rnt: ni'v Mi:.. Pnylnr tbt Poor .i(,en svho Actunllr Cnrned the .Money, The " small plpo" men iu the employ of the clly, numbctlaz sbsut 31, were laid off yeaterday for tl eir work. In September. The file of men v sit- ing their turn formed a clrclearound the edge of Hie treaaurer's office In the County Court House, and reached out onto the landing place and down the ttalts. The men ere quiet and undemonstrative. Ibey hive been sadly lu need of their money, and many nave doubtless suflered for tbo cumtuoa ntces earles ol life. aid one man : " 1 owe all I've got coming to me," aald mother, "and I wish tne U thieves, Tweed aud all the rest ol them, was at thedevil." " What paper do you rei urt lor I" asked a hearty looking Irirhmao ol the M'n reporter. " 7 hi tir.N." " lluily for Tm fiN," was the reoly, "Tiist s indeetl li e poor man's paper' the working-man'- s piper, and yon I'd Ihe ruih." " We ain ob iged ta work for these people," said neither; "it we had lot wotked for tne city we'd ua' worked for tomuody else. As II is we have to teg lor tne work u then og tonht pay." The money, f,33'J'. to pay the ipeuien. was advanced by Mr. Twee I. ilr. Oreen wat wailed upon by a deputation of contractors representing the men employed on the various street Improvemente, who desired to know when they could draw the amounts due ttem. The deputation consisted ( !'. .Msllhew Kalrd, Pat rick Farley, Thomas Plerson. John Kinsley, rloonan, John L. llronn, Wllllsm Halrd. Thomas Cremln, Henry atollmeyer, L. W, Johnson, Charles Devlin, and It. J. Cunningham. 'I be Deputy Comptroller tsld that the contracts were being Ipvestixatsd, and at each waa marked correct, tbt contractor would' be informed and hit account settled. He would call, he said, the Hoard of Revision and Correction of Aasessinents together ns toon as possible, In urder to have the works cer- tified and facilitate tht settlement of the accounts, j Mutiny In Ihe Treulou fslnte Prison, Trinton, Oct. 20. A terrible fight occurred In the State Prison this mornlrg, which will proba. bly result fatally. A number of convicts, at the In atance of another named Harder, formed a plot to take the life of Mr. Coolaban. the keeper. In pursuance of this plot, lisrdey yesterdsy went to Coolahan, and drawing a knife, coolly Informed him that he Intended to kill him ; while fifty blood-thirst- y convicts stood ready lo lend a helping hand, Coolahan, determined to tavt hit life, raised lilt foot and kicked the convict uuder the chin, knock- ing him senseless to the floor. The other convicts became frightened and retreated. Hardey sustained such severe Injuries that It la thought that he can- not live. - - Tbo Waihinoton, Oct. 28, Corumiisloncr IMeason-to- n Is preparing to mske s fight before the Henste, and hit frleuOt lay that he It confident that he will " beat Doutwell," aud be retlored to the head of Ihe Uureau of Internal ltuvruue. Meantime, Mr. llout-we- ll bis a statement soon Ing theevldenceof Pleaton-ton- 't Incapacity for the offlce, accompanied by a very large number of litters from Collectors and Assess- ors supporting the chtrge, tnd numerous documents and private letters, tome of which ire photograuh copies, Illustrating the Inlsmous character of the men who surrounded Plessontou as bit confidential and official ottlattnti. Time will tell. Fronde In Ihe Second Auditor! Offlrr, Wasuincton, Oct. 23. Tho Hcttiny Star of says that Victor O, Powell, a clerk lu tht Second Auditor's offlce for the 1st! eight yeart, was arretted here by Deputy United States Jlanhil Phil- lips, on Tuesdsy last, charged with frauds on tht Government In connection with bounty claims. The smount specified It 110,000; but It Is rumored that a lrraaibrrtlnp will show the amount to be over "tlOT.WOT UK iI.aTJtaJrei Vt of Congress Is Implicated. llrrndful Mine liaploslon In Hnglund. London, Oct. 28. An explosion took place this sftemoon In the Seabam Mine, near Bunder-land- , Thirty-thre- e men were In tht pit at the time, none of whom have yet been reached. There It rcarcely a hope of saving a single Ills. The families of tbe victims, with large nnmbers of people, ate gitneitd around tht mouth of the pit. Itiot on the North Pnclflo ltullrnud, St. l'Ant, Oct. 20, Thero was a riot y at Oak Lake, the terminus of the North Psclfic Rail-wa- In whlohaBwede namod Kundsen was klled bv a notorious blackleg named Juhn Wsllls, alias lllankuy Jack, beveral othor Swedes were Injured telti fi.' Yellovr Fever Raging In VickibureT, Mam-ins- , Tenn., OoL 2J. lVlv'ato tcle-ra- from Vlcksburg report the death of fliteeu persons In that city from yellow fever on Tuesday, Over three tbonssnd persons bnvt already quitted the clly, tnd number I u Issvltu daily u awottot of COUNTERFEITERS SEIZED. vi.aii:s, xoris, types, pa pick, axo piii:.isus cAPTVtir.n, Hreiihlng lip n (iiinir that hud Prcpnrrd to I'IihiiI New Yortt-Tt- ro Alonllis' llitnl Wo 1, l,y rUlllul lletrctlvps. Col II. 0. Whitley, Chief of tho United .Stales Secret Service Department In this clly, became pos tested of a clue some two months ago to the where- abouts of certain manufactories of counterfeit tnonev. He kept hit oan couu'ol, and by mean of Judicious msnigeaent, asl prompt and energttle action, he ittlerdJy ctptujod tht head of the entire gang, tbret printer!, and a rait quintlty of tools and Implements used la lie msnufacturs. Tbt method adopted was the olj one. lie employed scoundrels to betrsy their confederates, and as sooa aa a dear case wat sitibllshed hit detectives pounced npon tht victim. The operttlons which led to the grand rail ol yesterday have extended, over a period of nearly two months. till CUIir A C1TI CONTltCTOR. Col. Whitley had been convinced for some time that the supreme head of all tht counterfeiters In this city waa Jothua D. Miner. Mr. Miner It a city contractor. Ut Is opcnlnr up a new road et the end of Ninth avenue, and keeps 'one hundred men employed tn the labor. A year ago he was a promi- nent Taointanr ucildxtt for Asstrsblyaia. Ua It 43 years of age, five feet tlx Inches tn stiturt, hit gray hair and and Is of a florid com- plexion, lit It wealthy, aad has an elegant cottage on blxtyeveeti street, near the Boulevard, where l.e resides. lit It tht business msn of Iht gang, furnishing tht cat Ital, and receiving a goodly share of tht spoils aa Interest. iu.iDowi.ia oni or nu cuNa. Tne attention of the Hecret Service Bureau was first attracted tu Dave Klrkbtlde, alias ItlllThomss. He wtt shidowoJ. On the 7th of September he nss arrested on his way to Chicago with $3,000 of spurious notes oa his person. The arrest was kept perfectly quiet, and Col. Whitley compounded with him on condition thai he would betray his princ- ipal. Klrkbrlde deposited 3,000 with Ihe Colonel, and with this as security ho ballet him. Sieve Payne, an old counterfeiter, wis next arrested through tbe Instrumentality of Klrkbrlde. Tne same policy was I untied villi him. He, In turn, toll out Harry Cole of Jersey City, snd Harry de- livered up Till Cllllr EOQVI, JOJUUA b, ttiNtn. On Wednesday night Cole, closely dogged by de- tective, went to meet an engagement with Miner. He waa searched before starling, ao as to prevent Miner from that tho money was on his per- son belore meeting him. The two mtt in Silly. seventh street, and Miner delivered to him a pick-ag- e rm.talnlng 3,000 in counter ell notes, receiving f 1.300 In good money for the same. At this time Mini r had In his hanl 10 piste, ono of 110, and tho other of fl. in the Ninth National llink. He waa rn his ear to deliver to Tom Uillard, tht prlnclpil engraver end printer of Ihe gan;. lie waa followed nn'll tbe two came together. They met t ttw een the Boulevard and 1 enlh at euue. In street. At t.lls polul Dlecil.e Kellogs puunced upon Miner, and a nut-o- and Ti'unti rtoiiT ensued. The plates went one war, the 1,600 an- other, and these last were scattered all over the tldewalk. It was a dark, r.tny night, and Minor hal no notion of the real object of hit atssllant. He grappled Willi him, and the two came to the ground. .Mr. Kellogg underneath. Meantime Miner waa howling vigorously for the police. He bel- lows 1 "Thieves I" " Robbers I" and made des- perate attempts lo free himself from bis antagonist. At length tht two struggled, to their feel, and alter a bant tussle, Kellogg waa again thrown, lit managed, however, to regalu hie feet, and kept bla hold of Miner. Ills hands were on tht lappela ot Miner's coat, and tht latter, finding it Impossible to shake him off, lowered his head and selxed Kellogx 'a thumb in tls teeth, The detective drew back and brought the clenched (1st of bis lelt hand with ter- rific force upon Miner's head. At the tame moment ometMng was heard to crack, and the thu-n- was uinxii's ram TUETTI had broken. Four wert knocked down hit throat, aud hts gray era had undergone a ehacse ol color. !:,. his iraitea1-ae-d-eav-.Mv. blow 1.11 his antauuit at his fret. It was tee work of un Inslsnt lecurelr to handrun him. and he wis marched ferlunlth lo Ihe becrel Service rffice at 32 llieeck'T strrer. As soon as the attack was made on Miner, Ilil-Ur- d started to run. He was fulluwed by I so detec- tives, snd by tht time his chief was secured he, too, was In custody. TCI KITINOTOX STRIgr COUNTIRMITINa DIN. Hallsrd's place of business was at TA Rlvlngton stiee', .n an attic. Here a transfer press, valued at (1.700. was bronzhl to view, portions uf a (1,000 plate which had Just been begun, und J3.U0U In counterfeit notes. The plate was In several small Circe), and when completed would hare transferred to a larger sheet. by means of the press before mentioned. The notes were hidden behind Hie washboird. Hut a still more Important discovery was made In this estab- lishment. Il Is claimed by the Oovernmnt, and s oten generally believed, that tne new fibre pa-- on which nots are printed cannot be Imitated. Al KG Kivtngion street a quantity sufficient to mike MILLIONS Or DOLLARS was found. More than this the machinery and ma- terial for Its manu'ueture were all there, and all captured. IV noli the detectives entered, they noticed a ttrgt zinc buiTef some two and a halt leel square, llcon. tamed a very thick white pulp. Ballard at firs! was very retkent at to tne ute lo which tbltwaaput, but finally he came to the conclusion that a clean breast would become him la the forthcoming trial, and he niTgALis Tag SICEIT. Tbe boiler wit ued In making the tlik fibre pater, and tne milky o.lp within waa the aubttanct In tbt first stage of tbe manufacture. Ut produced a large quantity of lie ordinary fell blanket cloth need on printing presaes, and aaid tntt this waa dis- solved In certain acids, together with old paper, and HoTKvr.15 tna' silk fibre ena produced. Ballard It one of the oldest engravers In Ihe country, and la known to have bten engaged In the business lor nearly twenty-fiv- years, It wts be who produced the (100 cumround Intersil note which crested so much disturbance in tlaaucial circles five years ago, LAST MOUT's rRISONIB. At about 9 o'clock last evening, another prisoner ciatle Ins appearance at Cob Whltely'a oOcu, In cut-tod- y of Detective Uellogg. Ua gave bit nimt at l.lo nelly u Williams, and saya he Las a broi ler In the liuvcrumtnt printing ofllce at Washington. Williams is a thick-se- t man, with tandy whiskers aad a decidedly Hibernian cast of counlenince. Ht had on a suit of grey tweed aDd a red ahlrt, and loosed like a uiiu. He was one of Mr Mlnci's printers, and was arrested at his boose. iii Pllty-fiiurt- street. With hlui were captured about 13,000 in srunioi'3 ririr cint notis. and some of them wert wet from the press when brougntln. Ue was Just leaving his bouse, having; finished work for Hit day, when Mr. Kellogg pounced upon htm. The conversation wat brief but Td twrporat; Toe devsrtive " I wsnt you," and straightway clapped on a pair of handcufls. Ullllama said, "All right, what have I done I" and accompanied bit captor meekly to iht office. Arrived there bo modestly requested Col. Whllely ta ball him, but was suswered thai tbe Uoverunient had all Ibe evidence tiiey required, seizures hsve been made In Cannon street. ttreet, and at 110 Third avenue, Brooklyn. at Williams's uodsi, In addition to the money, a printing press, plates, diet, rollers, Ink. paper, and all the Implements re- quired tu pnul the money were taken, Tue Ch lei's office presents a singular sppearsnce, In the hallway below aro piled two lar.-- e presses, and the zinc boiler, with Ita pulpy couteuta un- touched, Above, In Cul. Whitley's private room, the tablet are fairly loaded with packagea of coun- terfeit money, steel and copper plates, sllk-llbr- i paptr, and sections of priming and transfer presses. In tbe foreground Is displayed a batch of eleven pistols captured In the skirmishes and taken from the persons ol the prisoner!. In the midst or this paraphernalia Col. Vt hitler the reporters, lie saldi " We have reach-t- d VJS WiTcaK tf Mitt ttrvnttat: vtiv r vo v pritev-no- of every Isaue of counterfeits known al tht Treasury Department." Two uioro arrests havt been made, but It hts not been deemed advisable to publish them at present, The folio lug Is a full list of the properly capluiod yesterday! WtlAT WAS CAPTURJD. Oat tl.OW Nailousl Bank note plate, la an condition, on sleel. One (IN greenback piste, compltted, back and froul, on copper. Oca (10 uatlonal bank soto plate on steel, Posgn-korpal- e Bank. Oue (10 national bank note platt on steel In un finished condition, the back only being engraved. One tt National bank note pi ate (Mutu National), on sleel, completed, back suit front, One full set Lincoln head 30 ceut stamp plates, on tteel. hack end front complete. LW l uirecTsnsiVbt, hum tw nirnrtiuajTTriirtti; w sleel. fur printing seven Impressions, Two full sets ot sngraters' tools, Ink and Ink rollere'. One full set Stanton head SO cent stamp plttet for printing ten lutpienloui. One lull set bttntuu bead stamp plaits for printing five Impressions, Ten trajisir rulii (li.rjiaeti sttsl; for ft PI 9 dol ing dnpllcalet of all above named, except the 11,000 plate. Ten full lets original bed f lecos for making the irunsfer rolls. Transfer presa costing 1,700. One small pattern, !,). l ive printing presses. tjusniliy ut typo and steel pieces for altering Hit abnve to riirrrent banks. Full set of eesls for stamping the seal Impressions on .ice ot notes. Hlxtr thousand dollars In counterfeit tw ot, tens, twenties, and one hundred dollar notes. Large qumlltr of fibre paper anJ requisite for making the same, A 900,000 HOVXTI SW1XDLB. Arrrat i f an and nn Andll Offlrr Clerk-- A Com puny of foldlere that Knllttcil only on Paper. Waiminoton, Oct. 26. For three months the Ooverntrent detectives hart been on tbe trtckof tomt Southern bounty swindlers, tnd a whole nest of them lis se bten discovered In Tennestce, hiving for their lesder no lets s personsgt thin blokes of thst State. It was also discov- ered that these parties worked In collusion with a responsible psrty In ths Second Auditor's Once ntmtd Victor O. Powell, who Is sn sppotntee from Onlo. Powell was at onct arrttttd, and Stokes wss arrested snd pieced nnder 13,000 bail. Tht amount Involved In this swindle Is (GO.OO), and Its history Is about as follows ; On tbt Ilth ot July, 1S70, Just prior to the explritlon of his centres-jIjcx- I terrr. Stokes, la eanjunsttsa Trttb.etLsr mec-tier- s of the Tennessee detention, t strong Sauthtrn lobby, tuccteded tn getting a bill through. Congress for the relief ot Cant, lleatly and his company of 101 men, which wat designated as tilt Tennessee lftegers. II Tfu claimed that, altbhdgb this was an Irregular organisation, it rendered, tffettlvt ser- vice during the war. and wat therefore entitled to tneipay, enrollments, sod bounties of United Btates troops for tht tlmt of Its service, widen wss ssld to extend from June, 188t, to April, 163. Tht bill provided for the settlement of these by tht Stcond Auditor. Tht accounts had beeu nesrly settled, when it was discovered that this organisation simply had an existence on paper, and that the Government had been paying moneys to bounty ahtrkt. Other n politicians sre connected with this scheme, whose names are withheld for Iht present, Dtit whom tbe detectives eapecl to catcu In a short time. POLIOS POLICY, One ef the Political Fnvnrltet vrho It Re. mined, while (Sterling Old L'npt, John C'miieron It Prnctilly Dismissed. John Ilsmnill, a In the employ of the Erie Hallway, yesterday, before Superintendent Kelso, preferred charge against Capl. Charlea Mc- Donnell. Ilammll sa)a that while ht and a parly of friends wait in Bogan'a salooo, at King and Hud- son street i, on mornlar. st 1 o'clock, Capt. McDonnell entcrej. Tbe Captain waa drunk. He called for a bottle of Marttll brandy. Invited all hands to take a drink, taylng that Hrennin bad been beaten, and that he bad old Joe Dowllng and Dunbhy tu thank for It Ho tsld : " I'm going to chuck nr and iel.-- mr petition as Capttln. '1 here's a place waiting for me In the Sheriffs office" Turning to Ilammll, he aald; "You're no Uliuluf Lr.nnan s, aad can't drink with me." Just then a fellow known as Big Drum, but whose real name Is Klward Dram, enterel the sa- loon. Cap'. McDonnell called the attention ot Drum to Ilammll. Drum want ever to where Ilammll wat standing, and without any provocation knocked hlui don. Mr. Hsmmll seized a pitcher to defend blm. self. Capt. MoDonnell Interfered and ssld that ht did not want any mort figatlug whllt bt was In tht room. In reply to somebody who said that McDon- nell, Instead uf beluz in au Eighth Ward aaloon drunk, had better be attending lo hit duilei in tbt Manhaltanvlllt pallet itatl in. Ihe Captain tsld:! "Oh, h ll, there's nothln' lo do there bul herd goats. I don't stay there much, you bet ; l'vs got a Sergeant who attends to evtryihln;," The Captain remalsed In Hie saloon drinking unt II nine o clock In the morning, al which tlmt ht waa taken home drunk bv Big Drum. Superintendent Kelso sent Mr. Hammtl before tbt Commissioners, and to them he make an affidavit as aboveaod a lormsl complaint waa entered against K.flecl orMurllal L luKuulk Cnrallna. AcauaTA, Oa., Oct. 20. In York county, S. C, where the hatxai irpvt haa been suspended, Humbert of men art leaving Ibe cennly, an4 Shale CTinTa-iaiaitti- rs -- art stlVniir. anstteia- tif ii!" kinds Is suspended. II la reported thai one-hal- f of the male population of Cheater county has lelt. leaving women and children unprotected. In snd Union counties the stampede and rg Is even greater than In York and Chester counties, tnd It Is Impossible lo conceive the terror and excitement that prevail. Arithmetic lu Brooklyn. Tho Brooklyn EtxgU insiala that a reduction of 33 i er cent. In the rate of taxation In that city and an addition of 40 per cent, to the water latea will decrease the burden on tlie laxpayera thlt year about (2.000,000. Acting under thlt hallucination, 11 tent a reporter lip to the Tax Cullector'a office to wllncti the effect ot this annonncetnent upon those who called to pty their taxes. One of the laxpayera wat heard to tay that it puzzled htm to tee how he could tave anytblag by pultlug 33 centi Into one pocket and taking 40 out uf the other. The Inaurnnce fllrn'e Couvrutlon, The report of the Committee waa adopted. Ita most Important feature Is the recommendation that the American Experience Table of Mortality and !h.4Uridiril of is( prtcenj. oatsets for that of reserve be recommended to tho Legislatures ol tbe different Htstes for adoption. Tho Convention then adjourned, and In the even- ing reaasembled In the Si. Nicholas ifotel and decided upon a uniform blank lor the annual slitemeut of life insurauct companies. VVJClOSlTJli.t OF CltlMK. C T. Yerkes, Jr.. the defaulting stock broker of Philadelphia haa beeu held lo ball lu 130,000 for a fur- ther hearing. On Wedeosciey eeeslnj Capt. Irving arretted Morris Abraham, a receiver of stolen goods, at l Pevenih avenue. The District Attorney committed him yesterday morning without bail. Officer Thomas Donnes, of the Oak ttreet police nation, watdangerouity alabbed ta ihe neck yeiterdar morning, while arreitlng John K. Cross, ot l.'J llenrr street Cross was committed by Justice Hogaa to await tho result, Michael Hearns attempted to shoot Officer II, M, Pierce In Woonsocket, It I., on Wedn.-sda- night with a double-barrelle- d gun One cap auapned, when the gun was seized by the oolcor and broken in the Strug, lie. Hearne is tn Jail. Not long ago Kmlle Bernler eloped with the wife pf Constant L'llerault, of tea Oreene street, the couple taking win them 1450 oelongtng lo I.'llerault. Vet. terdar the two men met and lought. L'lleraull drew a knife, and was arrested aud held, John Livingstone eruou, Alexander Dickinson, and John W, Itonell. arrived lu Ilaltiiuorr iroui the Colorado mines with 114,000 worth uf gold dust Ver. nonwaiseat to New i urk to sell the gold, his part- ners promising to come on alter htm with the dust. Vernon complained to Capl Irving of the detectives yesterday that he had waited here for six days, and bis partners had not shown. Capl. Irving took a de- scription of the men. POLITICAL SQUIUS. Senator Wilson addressed a Republican meeting tn .Sewirk last night. Tho r.levrnth Assembly District Republicans last night nominate) John V. Urldley. Solid men lo the front. The Fourth Ward Tweed Club will meet to. night al Sot Pearl street. Aucustus Welsman waa nominated for Senator by Ihe Sixth District Itepubllcau Convention last ntghi. Mr. Henry O, Leask was nominated by tbe Ger- mans of the Fuurtu Ward tail nlgut for the Assembly , B. 11. Purdy waa last night nominated for Assem- bly In the Tweotv-flre- l District by the Demoratlo The Seventh Ward Irish Democratic Union adopt- ed the Democratic ttale l.cxct at 300 Bait llroidwsy liil evening. The It, B. Connolly Association of the Twenty-firs- t Wsrd lsst nlkht ruined the nomination of J. J. ilradley tor we be Lite. Tbe Italian worklntmen last evening had a torch- light procc.tlon and banner raising in honor of the Hon, Win. M.Tweed. Tbt TT.tSomtit 'tteT3rit.J.ta"Ual Mit,V'r.6n.Vrvai, Patrick Mct'aultt for Assistant Alderman lu the twenty. em Dlttrici. Iht Democrttle Union last night nominated Chariot P, Daly for Judge of the Common Pleas, Judgs bpencor lor the Superior Court, and Julgt Alker fur the Mirioe Court, The Worklngmen't Political Party laat night rati. Bed the nomination of Clinton Iteoievelt for Si nst r In tne yourth District, Patrick Lonaa tur Asiemniy in tno Fifteenth District, and KoDert Mavua lor Alumni; in tbe Seventeenth District. Capt. Leary, of the Twenty-firs- t Wsrd, who Is a pel aad appointee of Ihe lion, lien, Manlerrc, has ap- plied fur an Increase ot his foice for the lortnc mlng election. He takes no men favoranle to jaa. o'Ufleu, and will assist In Iht electlou ol John J, Uredlsr. Tin nigtitu Ward New Departure Club last night ratified tne nominations of Michaei Norton for benator and Christopher Juhne'i f"r saseiiit-j- fpaeejiet were delivered hr C A, 1.. (I Idoy, the lion. Lewis B. tt'n.T'Zbrc;truTriT"i.T3-mOT- ; ' the lion, John ItatTeitr. The Independent Democrats of Uorrlsalna ratified the l.euit.rrsltr doubly uekei teat uitTA And failed a banner bearing tbe i.uuei of the candidates at the rooms of the Independent Democratic, Allocution of Morrliaula, at Maiihles's saloon, Boston road. The Hon. Wllllsm Cauldwsll nomine, lorheaatur. llenrr Hater, for Assembly i Dr. Zeuicjioer, for Coroner, and . iv liUftiisd tht miilUu U KuAUlih and Qtrinaa. - x- - -- art I.'H THE POLITICIANS' CIRCUS,' ii.irtn at wonit iriTit riiv.tu shirt. ' i H sLt!ki't:s iitu.i.nt) vp, J i' . 4, l'( Tim Thunderbolt Kiilliii.lnallenlly Hnpperty I l' H ril by (Irrmnn L'hlzrns-T- he Hon. Ml. H chnel Norton'. Hpeerh, A Democratic Union mass meeting of the Oer ' man citizens of tbe Fifth Senatorial District, anfl H tht German Michael Norton Association, waa helij H last eight In Iht Columbia Garden, at 07 dreenwledk . avenue. Long before the appointed hour tht large hall wis crowded. The street vrisabliu with bon), . flret, fireworks, and Chlncto lanterm. Tht liaTl was festooned with Oermtn and American flags, eat) over the speaker's stand hung a life- - lie portrait o the Thunderbolt. " M Just before the meeting wss organised, tit Oar. msn clnbs of the Pliteenth, I'lghth snd Fifteen!!! , Wards, numbering tn all about fire hundred metj and under the mtrtbalthlp of Baron Schleicher marched Into the halt. They were greeted vrttll loud outbursts of tpptsuse. Ibe meeting wad called to order by Henry Hchlel. and .William LV iSH Lohman was nominated as Chairman. 1 JH Mr. Lohman ssld thst Hit Hon. Mlchaol NoiW . IM had been to Albany as a representative msn fur fou yeats, and had not disappointed his constituents? and as he bad proved hlmsalf a true and upabbl iH Iht Ueimane of tht district wished blajj to return there. Mr. Lob man called on hit fellowV gtH eoontrymta It go to Ihe polls hand In band, and bt 'LH a tolid vote inters ths rejection of 2cntt . . Norton. a Loud calls for Dr. Merkle.bronght that gentltmsnj gH to Ihe tttnd, The doctor said thai alter a loal A v. sjV political eireer ht had almost resolved to retina from active polltleal lift ; bul when in oeeailon Hk2 iSH the pre tent presented thought it a da III !? ""u1! T'f ln Ub,i' 01 ""n .H Michael Norton a man who, like olbtn k AM great reprettntatlva men, had tprung from the peer, gH pie, Although corruption and fraud hid beeev charged against the leadera of Ilia party, there watl aaaaVl one man against whom they could not aay one worT.' ind that man waa Mlchatl Norton, rightly csllaetl "illonest Hike." Aa a proof of the Thnnderbolt't prlvstt worth It might bt mentioned t.--ai he alwaytr had a majority even tn Republican districts. Tu speaker also eulogised the Hon. Carl Hchurs. v , Henalor Norton al thlt time mide hit appeirane I l gH at the entrance of the hall. The audience, aa wiut i iH one accord, rose to their feet and gave cheer after, I cheer. On being Introduced to the meeting tht ftaH Thunderbolt said: Mr, Chairman and my German , I ten der sou my heattftlt thanks lor this generous outburst. , LH ot friendly feeling. As sou are doublles- - aware. 1 anr I aaaaaal no speech maker, bnt a woraer. I shall endeavor tea i!iH labor In the mture, as t have lu the put. to merit tht i (lHaaafl continued good will of ray constltnent, and endeavol tiliH lo carryout all mate by ihe Deuucratti1 - F Convention al Itoehes er. 1 will. If elected, Introduce gteH a bill to amend Hie present city charier lo order la i Itaaaaaal correct the abuses whloh now exist. .1 e!H The Stestnr was followed by Col. ElllsiB SchnsbeL PlH who, ln ao eloquent speech, set forth the clslms ot Michael Norton for refllectlon. V The meeting then adjourned, with tbret tlmt gH three cheers for Senator Norton. .tlngnut droit, Ibo Trnltor, Exerrnled br hit I'ounlrynieii, The Germans of the t'ovcnlocnlli Wanl assem ' bled In force last evening In Concordia II II on Ave. nut A. Dr. Trcikallt wat called to tho Chair, Major Ilagerty made a thrilling speech, showing un the alleged rascalities of Tammany, aod urging hut hesreri to vote for honest men. Dr Oerke. who spoke lo Oermin, called upon hlg countrymen to unite. He alluded to Ihe career ol , Msgnut Oross, the trsltor. Magnus Oross, hs ss gH went to Rochester and received a pitce fur hla perl Say. Urott expected tbe nomination for HerlsterJ that noble Democrat, Oswald otiendorfee, lnlerl iH posed, baulked the traitor, and saved his couo. tryn.en Irom dltirtce. "Oross," the spesker cotta! tlnoed, "Is a low, purchasable politician, wheu should be despised by honest Oeroians. ' Idtell applauat.) JM Clly Iteformert Asljuurulng Slue Die. iH Hit Committee of citizens appointed ta c) jH operate with tbe Supervisors ' In examining Iht eltj( igtH acccunla bavt prepared a voluminous report on thai new Court House frauds. They bavt held secret! sessions dally alnce they were organised, but the? City Fathers did not act with them. The latter tt Is said, to snbmlt a minority report, com plain; of the Htar Chamber proceedings of their aa- - ' elates. Mr. Wm. A. Booth. Cbalrmaa of IhaS, LommlUee, haa oareonalty superlnt.nded Ihe iDTta ligation, and, "It la aaid. is' prepsred" lo' abed nevfl" " "TB llihtontbt bills of Oirrey, lagersoll, and others. nIH The report reeoinmeods that suits be Uttlluttd tcf I trover tht money stolen by Tammany official? A))))M and contractora; an I It Inilincet the unHnlihej tata of tho ntw Court Routt at proof that thai ' gaeB work should be commuted to new hands. The' neaB Committee will meet thlt alteruuou and aijoura ' liwaB slriftfle. The Mtntue of ihe Original Friinkllu. Notwithstanding the dlugrccablo weather, ores a thousand persons assembled ) esterday In Printing House squsre to witness the laying of tbe corner stone of the Franklin ttatue. At 3 o'clock tho Masonic delegation filed Into the enclosed are where the stone was to be laid, headed by Ihe le Peter Cooper and Capt. Albert De Oroot, Cul. h L. Gaul delivered a lisle, speech, aud called, npon Grand Mailer John II. Anthon to lay the stone with Maaonle ceremonlet. Alter the atoge, had been lowered Into Us place, the astcmblage dlS- - gaH pened. Juft then Our Later Franklin llmpti IH thron.'h the tuuare with a carpet-ba- r lo hit bind. the ttatue Is to bo of brunzo and of coiussal proa ganH rprtlont, li leel B Inches. It la to be unveiled oa gtH the 17th of January, ISTl. LOSSES II Y PTJI V, Tht High School building in Ilolllslon, Mass.' gtiH Loss, tta.OtO. as Bl F, A. Smith's and Thomas A. Rowan's fancy goods game! stores In Portland, Me , were damttied sb ot r.000 oaV LLH ivadaetday night. i The retort hoosa attichel lo the chemical work! SH of John Kaatwood In Itslievtlle, N, J , was burned yet' SH terday morning. Lou, 11.000. , rLASUKS FH031 THIS OOEA.V CAllLBaj jH Prince Ntpoleon haa lelt Corsica. The Courts hae released 10.000 Communists, Apreals for aid for Chicago, tirned by Von Beast . iH and others, appear In the Vieuua Journa s, The London Timu urges prompt and liberal alol iiH for tbe sntTerers in Wlsconiln and Mlchigsn. I Ibe bark J. B. Bradley of Bocksport. Me., wiaf run down off the Isle of Wight, and a Demon of tbtt LLH crew perished. . O. K. Hall, formerly proprietor of the HI. Charles! tH Hotel, died in New Orleans yesterday. ( The Hon. Thomas Ewlng died In Lancaster, 0 saH yesterday. In his tear. Ho waa horn lei nLB Virginia, and was admitted lu the bar lu lsit In trCny Igtmaal he was e ected to the United States benale from ()aio, nLLl where he remained until 1SU lie was Heerelary ot Itiet lggH lieaaury under President Harrison in tevtl. and ou the geVtrga accession of President Taylor In let! he look charge os gagB the new Department or tho Interior. He wis appointed) taaaH to a sest In the tinned Slates Senile In 1V1. n here he) gtmaH retntlne-- uulll 191, l,a he mured fruuvt-ubd- lUo SBaxaxaj Ue wss a delegate to the peace Congress of IsOl. 1 jurnyus a iiout roir.v. Rsnge of temperatuie ) esterday from 33 tn fills', Areliblshop Connolly of Halifax haa given (100 tor ganafl the Chicago sufferers. Ihe trotting at Fleetwood yeaterday was post-- asH poned ou account of the rain. Tne Chamber of Commerce Committee have rt saH celved for the Chicago fun 1 to date, 1, The Commissioners of Docks yesterday laid oa gtmaaal the table audited bills 1 Hie amount of 107,TI 01. i Edward Keoly of 1!J Cherry street drnjil deal I tergal yeaterday afternoia lu Market slip, near W ater atreet-- I Why Is ii that poor boss hive to pay (1 a wek log ths trivdegsof telling papcit on the llurd irenei agtml Kdwtrd It, Myers, of Slstsn Island, fell from Ihe sidewalk into the cellar of 103 William ttreet, and wit LniaaB The leg of Clarence O Mill, nf 73J Oit.s avenue, Ilrooklyn, wsi criulied while Jumping aboard the Wall gtmaaal irrty re.'erjsy. H Mary Kehne, ol Must Eighteent'u alreet, was run saaaaal over and killi'd at Kighieenih street auf Blxtb areuag aaBBBBBai by a coach driven by J. Mclteuoa. Ihe hrhter D. Bell, with about ) barrel! of gaeaH kerosene oil aboard, ran Into the (loyernmenl blasiiui 'aaaal boat yesterday as she was ruundlng th llattery Iht taaaaal lishter went to I Laaal pieces, an all the o"'v.isusr Ibe East River with ihe tide, eH Jnnlft Howling has not sppeared on the bench of aH the hpeclal sesaions thu week. Justice Pinnules rAltttm onened tut Couu yesterday moruine and was proceed? OQM Ing with Ihecalender as uiual. but Ju.t before the list KtBaal had been completed be was lakeu 111, and tba Uuuii aaaaal was adjourned, rfH The Committee of Twenty appointed by the build-- iaH ers ol New t k to tuve.lipate tin marges against Ur. HH Macgtegor, l ily Superintendent or lluild njs, csllel t,sl 2H that genilrinan yeilnday tileiiiiion an I he denied Raaaal that he hid ever received any bribi-a- . or been Interested HM In I'joiuaii''eof spy trli'i is ij.e I tn ra. Vjaaaal jrjiiiimendedjiille laws of the Deparuuenl. I be" to useu ii! 'u f RstTaTiiTs lu'ry Ti"s"nnVTuiTeiVi'''"" " ' XTH iercras'it :ia thi or PM. parts.ite; yH w.','l,ci'! il ""i?.".'' lo, be, onen to me nutilie Mgtml OlIiMhaUly Hl,l,,,', (.lu'rdsr., fsle.yaana G)1U biturdayt, and open only to tne holdort ol tickets, yKkaal which tcan he procured it ut ultlts ul too Tars, oa! YXWm Mondais and l ueidays. Tyiurpose uf this arrange? VH ineni is to ensbie Ihoae who Jelre to visit Ihe ilassaiti' OiM lor scieDtmc study lu purine their Hoiks trllhoultlisi V4aaafl dUlraotlou irulm from tht presents of .'rill cro(ti Jrt

Transcript of;piRTt-niirr- ji year. """NEvFYdRg, friday October" 27, 1371. " " - --...

Page 1:;piRTt-niirr- ji year. """NEvFYdRg, friday October" 27, 1371. " " - -- --: v---TKICE" 'nyOLTJSTSL fM ' Xlli WOKK OK THE RING ooir tammaxt ri:n citiles

M;piRTt-niirr- ji year. """NEvFYdRg, friday October" 27, 1371. " " - - - -- : v---TKICE" 'nyOLTJSTSL fM


ooir tammaxt ri:n citiles s.i.iiiASiKi. haxjis.

uletv n Mrtuhrr of the Cltlzrue' A.socliitlnnJtlnctr 873,000 lir the A hi of Tnniinnu --

, Tbt Mort m T0I1I br lllmsi'lf-llos- v bo.JsiTnrt 8ld,000,000 lor I lie L'llr.fvo. 220 Kast Seventeenth itrcet It a Inndsomt

ivown-tto- Kngllth-bsseme- liouis. There lilllvtr-plate- bell handle it the door, tod mtrbltlilts In ttt vestibule. It Is a very Bo minilori, endjooke Ilk the bout ot an opulent citizen. A bunreporter lilt evening mounted the three steps lead-li- f

from the sidewalk and peered through the mitttta tinge illrer plate on tl.c walnut door. Itreads :

I Natiianixi. Hands. ;

he reporltr pulled the bull."Is Mr. bandt at booief" he asked of a remark

tbl; maid servant who appeared.'He la not, air.""Can you tell me when he Kill be "

Sore au' I'll ax lira. Hands."The good looking maid went to the dining room,

fa a moment a iplendld-lookin- jount gentlemanitpoiredla tht hallway, lit had a smooth face,and very dark hair which was poetically parted Inthe middle. lie wort a Urand Duke Aleils Alexin-drorlc- b

collar, and tppeared to be about SO J ears ofe.

tooiixo ran m. sands.' Whom did yon wish to tee, sir t" bt asked In a

loft, winning manner.Reporter Mr. Sands, but tht teivaat Informs mt

that he Is not In.No, sir, tot wt art looking lor him, although I

goow that be la bus Did you wish to seehim particular!;!"

"Vn, fir. There It a report current that bt baawttlidrawn from l'e Clttzeoe' Association, and Iwish to ate him with releroace to It,"

'Von are "Fro-- '1 111 San, sir."

"A father lll bt glad to set rou, I know.Ton had better call again In an hour, I think bt willbt In ll.eii."

The reporter bowed and withdraw, and at thtspecified time returned, but learned with regretthat Ins lentleman wltn whom bt sought an au-dience as still absent. A few moments more andthe reporter stood In front of the grind old mansionI the rcteran philanthropist and public benefactor,1 Tin tixiiili riTm coorxa.tie ring the bell, and wis admitted with a pro-

found flourish by an aristocratic yocng coloredpic 'Ihe reporter entered tht library while thtyoung colored aristocrat convex-- his card to tutplain and unpretending Mr. Cooper. '1 he venerablegthtlenian soon appeared.

Mr Cooper," said the reporter, "I bare comefrom Tin Sck to learn, If possible, tie causeswhich nsve lej to the withdraws! or Mr, Nathaniel(anils from the Citizens' Association."

" Well, sir, I have no hesitation In lelllcg jou allI know. I seen purports to bo tne rea-son In an evening piper, but that account Is muchtxiggernled. List Tuesday 1 learned Iron al.jr In this city that Mr. Htnitr, while a member ofoor and acting apparently In good faithWith u, had accepted a aort of financial agencyUdcr Comptroller Connolly, by which he bad madt

.1 in tNonuoi's tux or Moxtr.When I beard it I was filled wll'i mortificationandclajrln, and Udeed could ecsrcely ci edit iheHowever, I lost no time lu eomuiuul.iitatement. Mr. Hands, anil charging h.m wltn It.

dony the charze, but tonghl rat ier to ex.toss tls tctlon. I ue then cuiuti.elelr dumb-founded, and at once took measures to relieve thtAssociation of this standing reprosch. Wt called a

eellqg,..and Mr. bands sppeared before It. Wecharted bun with bit duplicity, and of courae ht didlot deny It, The Association then told htm he mustresign immediately, anil he did so."

"try y. samps witodbiw.1u .er- - .'.a, .. .,. ,

tun. actions with Mr. Connoll) IMr. Cooper Yon oan get that from a statement

whlcn I have here bl$.t Mr. bands, alter hit resig-nation, eeol to our Aiaoclttlor. You will see thatJar. Bands therein telle his own atory in a muchUtter way than I could tell It. (Here Mr. Cooper(rolled )

The following Is the document, which Jlr. Cooperkindly allowed lharepoiier tu copy;

MR. SAxnVt OWN STOIT.On tht 10th ol April, 171. I was requested by the

omptrolisr in the tunjuiiicd latter to lane charge(f negotiating the loan of t. e consolidated debt ofbe city and county of New Yor-t- :

Citt or Niw Yoai. Iuimktu zmt or FtivAxri,urricx, Apul 10, tail.

faIAinlf ."iiiKfi, A'17.

Mr Dim bin Your long and varied experience Inill tbt affairs ot government, "nil your clear and able

in financial matters, induce to an youSlews It be agreeable to yourself to ncder- -

the negotiation ami manaiieineut of tne loan tlitthave to be placed for the use of tne city andunnty uf ew York Mlthtn the next two months,

our itnoleige of the great inoreyed centres ofprops, acquired during your residence tbere, willloubil i enable you to avail uursclf of manykdrantage. ehould you be able to obtain

rates for the bonds, aid reatue your expec-latlott-

of raising the credit ol the city to a point an.broxlmate to that of tbo t'nlied Mates Uovernmentwithout any expense for advertising to tms lirpart-meat- .

1 will ailow you one-ha- of ouo per cent, com-mission and place In your bauds for negotiation thet nitre con'olicated debt ef 'ho city and co n'y cf Newion, author zed under ctianiere 3.3 aoJ U of thelaws ol tin state of New York, pasiej Apr.l i,

Yours, very trutv,1IICIIA1II) 11, CUN.SULLY.CoinntiolltT.

Seven per cent, thlrtyytar boada were beingfreely ottered at Una lime in Wall atreot and to thta vlngs banks by broker. In sums of twenty andtmrty thousand dollars and upoard, at 103X. out ofwhich Ihe city paid a timrter of one per oeut., andIt viaa

DirriciXT to riyp bctcbsever At this price, and seven per cent, boude, narlot five yens to run, were selling at par. At t tamount uf debt ot Ihe city and county wts notknown lto certainty to Ibo public, and exaggeratedIttlemente cf tht amount were made, and tht creditof the city was the aubjeclof dally attack both herelira-

(which waa the aum wanted at tbla time)upon Ihe New York market uuder these dream-stanc- e

would certainly havt greatly lowered thtzri. e and alarmed Hit aavlngs banks and holdersrenerally. Other markets must bt sought, and I(turned tu Ihe great moneyed centres of Europe, anda'ur bavin caretully prepared the nay, I succeededIn r,i jo' atioc this loan through .Messrs August

i. 'it A ( o., and Messrs, Itotnscnlld at 103, clearof al. 1, uses lor

lUVallllSI.VJ CUUIIISSIO.YS AMD CniBSII.The city thus received 103 net cash for a 6 per

tent thirty ear cold bond, which Is cquil toI'M So it r a 7 per cent, currency bond, and whichwss ov-- t 6 per cent, abote the market price, and amuch lii. lir price than the city had received in anumber ol (ears for Its bonds, even when the debt

asui.ill, und when tbe regular ttateutnta wertpublitird, and tbe credit of the city waa unquet-Honed- .

Tins G per cent, upon tht market pricebpon tiiu entirt loan amounts lo IllOU.OOO, whichtnm, it pliced at comoound Intercat lor thlny yeart(fie 1 no 1 of the loan), would pioduce over $?.Wj0ii r pay about one-hal- f Hie loan at matnntr,rie w.llidrawal of this I.irge"amoun't"67Tio'nds7rommis niarket imt arted great firmness to them, andtne 7 ui-- cent currency bonds would doubtlesstir oinn anded 19 per cent, premium by this limeif i- i- r u g.t.prumeut hud been conducted so as tossc p pu 'ii'- - contljruce,

anotiikr aitiiT aora.fTaaiwis oM uue I .n not witlidrawmf thii $I5,0)),000ffjii of taiatlou, or at least placing theluan m ut ii a position wuen. If tne bonda wereu"l fewBoula purchase tbtm. 'Iht bonda thusli e I .n l were taken entirely by non taxpay-en- ,

ki . tfj inken al uouie to much capital olhermit, iui,i would have been placed In a formr,l,,,r'' '"in.-- it would have depreciated the value ofbe bi.ndt tu tht extent of the amount for wtncb

ri Uxed. Two ptr cent, a year, tht presentrn t,f on l ie loan, la fM,iM), which, in thirty"Sr, tin, ..tnud of Hit, loan,would amount In favtrot tn. City Tresiury lo JU.uou.OOO These two turns

cunibin.,,1 make the alrantage to Hit city dlrtctlyand lu.ire tly IH.ouu.oou.

The house of Itotusculld placingl ilt loan the Kuropesu market has opensd upuir nty ittuntles to luvestore Ihete under very

. ; t,,a-ilu- j j)it- -

,' aeseral months past, under toy olrectionlor many of tht leading financialJ'iuH i Hurupe, articles wlucn have been pub.(uei mealy showing tut wealth and resources of'tw 1 ,rlt. 1 now havt

AN ACJINT TBATILL1VQ IN iniOM,Jin rmj! g, aiuu.iv among tht municipal banking

'""i 'he crt a: or our accurltles, and pre" 10 ot,ti"B eTen btttlsar rates to sub.o- -

I I'm u ii, s

u,'' . "1"'' I'ruvldeneo about tht same lime that10 r".,V I' ""Ji "uvsrlued a 0 per cent, gold

... ' '",'1""- bey succeeded lu placing only' ,,"ul H percont premium, tht balancedes 'I . !V. ,."1":n lu""' '''n city of I'rovl.B.Ni 'r,UJ lur e4l" 'nJ !' no public

i .11,,." " Ul" l,t 'dUt W'lcli that cityn.d sucuie uuder Ihe, a favorable circumstances.ill', jLiia..Ag.ttkBAT.,tl)1,lwrv1tr.

II.v-- , ii, j eoprln, t)l re. 0ef , ,

i ou'r' ' ,e "'i 'bsl Mr. bawls plilrns to

vunM."1'.'1 h"' " would,i ,f clly C0UlJ iu,ttbiti?J',,Yn',r "yelllon or yourself knowi, "bttever of this transactlou fconr-- Hi a Hiag. ir. 1 csvsr tu mort


surprised In my life. As I tsld before. I vita chi-ll rlned and mortlOed when I learned it.

Ilcporler Do ou think that 103 was the bestprice that conld have be-- n got ftr these bonda f

Mr. I'oopet That's not lor me to a. I don't re-member lio.v tUot or similar bonds were quoted atList time.

How much did Mr. Sands make out olthis "ecret Iran" c'lnn f

Air. ( oopir-Y- ou i t'lfie he ad i Us the commlsalnn of one-- , .ill uf one pn cut. 'lhst jnuunls to175 OO.

Heporter This evening paper sa;s those bondswert worth 113.

Mr. Cooper-O- h, that It ridiculous. I think Mr.Bands pnt them on the mnrket al verynrar, If notquite, their market vulnr. KiHetr, that Is thequestion. It Is the duplicity or dcubls doling Inworking with no for nf rm and at the same litreworking with Tammany lor l.lmsclf that we bhmeAir. bands for,

lloporler This samo tvcnitu pip-- r stales It asa positive fad that Mr. Coniiol'y credited the pro-ceeds of these bonds to the rltr only at par. ThatIs, bonda that crt sold at 1(13 were

INTIRID IN MR. CONNOLLT'a BOOIsaa having been sold at par,

llr. Cooper I don't think that can be true. If IIIs, however. It seems to rut that It will be very easyto punish Mr, Connolly for fraud. The bondt weretold at 103, clear or all expenta lo the city

Ileporter .Mr. bandt't statement is sn elaboratedocument, ami bt tvldently thinks ho it not toblame al all.

Mr. Cooper Oh, It Is very plausible, and nodoubt Mr. Hands has spent much tljie la litprtpirtllon. If It weit all Juit at htaara. tht clly wonll no doubt bt greatlyIndebted to him. Hut I am afraid tht people willnot quite uniWitand til tht trgumentl contained InII, and will fall to see Uit matter In Ihe ssma llxhtMr. Hsmls does.

Itepotter Mr. Sands Is a good financier, Is btnot tMr. Cooper Oh, tn excellent financier ; ont of

tht best, perhaps, lu tht country.Tills terminated Ihe Itttrvlew with Mr. fooper,

and the reporter again went In sesrch ol tht excel.lent financier, but felled to find hltn,

TWEED.Order for the Arrrat of .Ilr. Tweed.

Albant, Oct. 29. Judgo Learned has issue Jan order for tht arrest of William M. TweeJ. Pro-

ceedings wert had lo tht Chanbers, and althoughstrenuous effort havt been madt to Indnct JulgtLearned to mako tht procetdlnz public, he as

strenuously objects so to do i nor can It bt learnedwhen Tweed Is eiptcttd lo bt br ought btfort tbtJudgt.

Tbt Cltr Hull l.onnarre Avvwltlug the Ar-ret! of ihe lima.

Notwithstanding; tlio drizzling rain, groups ofpoliticians stood In the I'atk and on the steps of theCity Halt nearly all day jet Unlay, discussing TinSet's htcit exrojurrt of King vl'.llinlct. The gene-rs- l

opinion was that the end vat nigh.- The figures tn Tug Sun," said a aeedy politicianto a tall, clera In the Dtpsrlmekt of1'obllc Works It Mas lunch time "sre as plain aatht note on cur face. Yga cah read and caler-stan-

'em."" Tn eed's hands are clean," tsld tht other, " It's

Watson and llsrvry. Ono't dead and tht other'srun an ay, and they'll never know the ttutn."

tux ordxr or SfS roan moved on. lit was bound for the

Department of l'libllc Works. The Ilots had comedown aa usual al ID o'c ock, and was as placid andJo'ly as ever

ilstnllme In tn office In Wall ttreet half a dozenclerkt wero butlly copying the paperi which mo.tnecettarllv accompany tit orler for Mr. Tweed'tarret'. That order had already arrived JudgeLeonard af Albany connty, and waa for Ihe arrestot Wm. 11. Tweed, A. J. Uarvey, E. A. Woodnard.and Jurrs.IL Icgrrsoll. rvun JbJJ Jiadjsoi.yetbeen Implicated la tny criminality, and It notlo btarretted.

WrtT TDET 00 TO A I. BANT.Tht venue In tbete cases Is changed to Albany be-

came some persona think that tbere they can ae-.-...

in.t inj impartial trial, and bscanse II wouldbe next . to,;. .o - .o mi a Jury In New York,The necessary papers art lo bj p, n--.t i hicdaof the Sheriff about 111 o'clock this morning.

"What will you do," Inquire 1 the bON reporterof tberirf llrenuas, " when jou recelrt tht order ofarrest 1"

Sheriff Drennan (smilingly) I will obey tbe or-der o' ll'fi Court.

Itsporter Will It bo served prompt'yjMr. As soon as it nrr.voi. I expect

it by the 3 o'clock mill. 1 sworn (look-ing at the reporter gravely) to do my duty, and Iwill do It.

Till LtDtOW STRUT JAIL.Iteporler Who will serve the order IMr Dietitian I have Mr. Jarvlt fo;- - that work,bjt I think I wl.l serve this order mjself lu psrson.

I wld serve It myself.lUrorter I suppose boavy bill will be re- -

quired 1

.Mr. Urennsn An order may come for close custody, or fur millions or ball.

Iteporler In case of sn order for close custody,Ludlow street Jail, I suppose.

Sheriff Ureuaio (again smiling) That's tbeplace.

Tho Fi'.v reporter understood, snd Mr. ilrcnnanmust have understood, that Mr Tweed wjs part.rit.Isrly referred tu lo theabota conversation, thoughLis name waa not mentioned.

One of (irnnl'a Ofllceliolderisan the Mtuatlon.At a meeting in Concordia Hall last evening-- ,

Marshal Shsrpt In tht course ol hit tptech i.ildthat be had teen a private telegram tent to a promi-nent geatleman here, which announced that Tweedwould bt arrcated within twenty-foc- r houri. JudgeLarnaJ of Albany tad granted a warrant, and atprcltl trtln with tn officer on board waa tpeedlngon Its war to New York to terve It. The stouii.drel," Marshal Sharps continued. " mutt go toErlson. Where I come from tn Lister county, Ibey

together with tbret other Henatonaldistricts, and awear that If through the law's delayTteed .hould attempt to take his teat In the S.natg,they 111 prevent It by forco."

What tbe Politicians Think or It.-- Wwlt-tsSaj- aftwosti Sb:- c;ur(er tw4- - JJr,

Shlels, Preildentof the Seventh Ward William M.Tweed Club, In Clly Hall Park. While ahaklngbandt he said. In reply to tht reports! 's salutation :" I cuass It will all blow over. It's Just before elec-tion, you know, and the papers must talk."

Itn which remark Mr. Hhlels stepped off with alively gall and n amlltng countenance.

"How do you like tht looks of things now!"slid a Sox reporter yesterday to Hherln O'llrien." Things look bright enough," was the reply; "Idon't think wt can complain a bit."

Tbe Hoes Intervituod by the Great Crlnilnnl Lawyer, John (iruhminfrom Mr Ettnlng Matt, Oct. 5.

Mr. Tweed was at his otlice a uood portion ofthe dsy, and was engaged for some time In a privateconference with bis counsel, John Oraham, Esq.,put In sn appearanrt about noon, and was Immedi-ately ushered into the presence of the big chief. Mr.Tweed says he la prepared lor any movement on Hitpart of tht Commltteo of beventy, and la ready to

tXay trains! him lieIs tired, ht says, of this constant threatening, andwould like tu tet some action taken If II It to bedone, lit wants lo get Into the courts, where be canmake a legal defence and silence his accusers.

Ht dots not think bis chancet of reelection atHale benator are lu Iht leatt Jeopardized by IL lapublic clamor, or that they will be imperilled In castof his arrest, He It confident of winning at theelection, and also of winning In any suit broughtagaimt him. He does not Intimate what hit defencewill bo, but sayt that all charges of fraud andawlndllng originate from tbe action of the old Hoardof bupervlsors and tht Hoard of Audit, lie clalmathat ft has a legal defence lor bis official action, at amember of both Hoards.

Whether ilr. Tweed anticipates reslstsnee to awarrant of arrest or cot Is uncertain, but a goodlycrowd of roughs swarmed In the hulls of the Depart,menl of Public Works this morning, and occupiedIhe small ruom adjoining the private offlce of " theIloit." They may beaatembled for the pnrpote ofcheering him on hiawayla ease lit It tummarilycalled from lilt detk. Two carrlagei wert In frontof hit office all tht morning, doubtless kept In reidl-nes- a

for an emergency, bhould tne order ol arrestbt aerved on hltn here, he will doubtless go belorevotio .Albany belore the Judgt Issuing tht warrant.

av.uiKs rnoM this tblrqhavh.Secretary Doutwell lectured In Boston lilt even-In-

Nothing new.James Kltzatrlcc was drawn Into the shafting of

Btalxer's planing mill at Auburn. .", Y., ) tturJaj, audkllkd.

Yesterday J. Daly, a prlrtte soldier al Taylorbarracks, l.oulivdlt, shot aud killed J, Y. Williams,ano.hsi private.

Tbe trot between Goldsmith Maid tad Lucy, InPittsburgh on Wednesday, was won by tho Mat tinthree stialgblbcali. 'Hino-Si-- JrtlX. aud ):liH.

Jamas Maker, a blacksmith from Corey, countyWexford, Ireland, waa Durcod to death In his home atClifton i tar in, Kansas, rn thenlghi uf tne i'AU of

Jifiew York in the spring of Itrtih

Josepi Dion, while playing wilt, Mr. rttona ofliiit,uiii,-l- t Viitrb-jrr- . iai, 'rtja t uxa va nnoiuu Iii'iu-- Al, SI, U9, Ida, &, rlOije-- li,

19,14, O.J--41.

The canon on the ritual, which passed the Houseof lllihoi i la Ilalllmors, waa loit in the Convention forwsuiuf a constitutions! uislorlty. 3 he vote stood tCieriosl-Ko- r, Mi against, 111 divided.! Lay for.U usdaiUUttiiJuuiM.i,


col, rni:n. coxM.isa hksovsckut'.i'i ni.tcAS no ji n Litn.

llonral Voles for HonrM .Urn r

ol Piiny -- The Tluo llill ol PoliticalItrlurin - U III Col. CoiiMInz Vote forllurnce tirerley for l'rrlil"ut f

A tneclmi; of the Nineteenth Ward Council ofPolitical Deform wts held last evening at 1,000 Thirdavenue, Notlihitn Jin the unpleasant weather,there was a lar.e attendance of members; andJudging from their rntbua.asm, Hit reform move-ment It Coin j ahead rapidly in tie NlnetCtitiiWurd, Tl e great lealutt ot the cvcnltM wit thetpeecn of Col. K. A. Conkllnj. He said;

COt, CONILINfl't srgKCif.

I aiiderstiitid, my friends, that your Assocla-Ho- n

Is atiillliry to Ihe New York City Co an 11 ofPolitical lleform, inJ that Its purpose Is to correcttu lie abuse, leojrc cood laws and their properaJmlnlttratlon, ana by your united action to Indocuthe pollilcil pittlta lo put In nomination for offlceonly Intelligent, high minded, and Incorrnpllble citi-zens. To secure these ends you have to'emnlrpledged yourselves to vote in every electlou for i! tnest candidates, regardless of their past politi-cal tsaoclailons, and nf tht tonrce Ifrom whichtheir nomination for octet may tmtnate. Thtobjects commend themselves to my il'llhciateJudgment, and evoke mv nod eatnitt eupjirtfor one, 1 am determined to mat them pjram.iunitu every othsr consideration dados the ptefttilcanvass. I havt accordingly declined everInvitation, Inclu ling a most earnest and fla'.terln ione from the Chairman of Iht Commltltt on Speak-ers fot the btate of New Jersey, ti address partisanassemblies, and It Is my deliberate purpoie to voteon tbe 7th of November next, for the ablest, musthontit, and efficient cindldalct who may bt placedIn nomination, whether lu the pawl t'asy hivt bietiIdentified with the Itapuhllcan or with ths Demo-cratic party. This avowal mar surprise soma of myold Ilspubllcm frlon Is whom I set before me.Hurler a long expetlence In politics an experleucewhich lias been marked br my own repeate! nomi-nation for the Legislature uf this Htate, hi- mynomination twice for Die Congress of tht I'lUtolHlatea, and by mr nomination for Mnyur ol thiscity, I believe It has occurred but once I jat 1 havelallcd to vote the re.ular Kepobllcan ticket at anyelection, and Hits exception appllet only lo a sihg'ecandidate out ol many who wert running on thesame ticket.

Till TllUr RtrCELICAN TUIITIS.As some oi )ou are aware, I was among the eirllesl

lo Join tne ItcpublU-a- party. I may say that I stoodby its cri-lle- . 1 have been sl.naily honored by thatpart) indeed far betond my poor deserts lamproui uf my pat mombenhlp of It. 1 believethai It Is destined to live for ever illustriouslu history. II waa a party of trand anil puteInspirations and ot noble alms. During tbt warul tbe rebellion II at nil limes dl'plajcda countsand a constancy which comnnndel Ue mlinlri-tlo-

uf the worll: and by Milking sh.eklesIrom the limbs of lour millions or men it achieve!the greatest Irtumpn for personal liberty that his-io-

has recorded Tlmt party heM the rein, ol(lovrrnmiiit when ttea-u- n attemplcJ the uverthtowuf the llapnblie, when It neci-ssir- toimprovise one of Ihe greatest armies mid navies thatthe wurld Lite over seen. Tho ouuriuous re

ol the it-- tor tn se purposes hatl theefiect. Just a. like ctttses havo bad tlieetfrci In everycountry and In every a;e. lo tlraw together selfish,Yen il, and desperate men, bi'til unlv upun sell nzgrand.zeinint. It was this clara or men who, In ire iarlyettge uf Iht telielilon, lurnlsl.ed shoos for uurbrave soldiers, tho lolvs of winch were compuieJfor the most pait ol pine shaving, shodJr ctutn.Ing and atiwlJy blankets which the llrslral-- i siorinwashed to shreds, and cipa whkli, Instt-a- of bemzsewed n ere merilv stuck tozcther wltn ittm. Audthe.e thleVi-- were All many ol them it t,.p ftirthe rir-- t time In their lives u t il lim-ed and ubt lined t.ieir conlracla as suci. Welln.igni Ihe poet iaj :

The worst of fieMon' foes e theyWno ma ,e a trade of her Cau.e dirtoeAnd gsnmle lor gjld ut Irtodoiu'i snrine."

RtnilLICAN KUBBimst INirgRSAL.I'nhapplly fur the fame of the crest and" noble

paily lo which I have referred, unlorlunately furthe houor of the llepubllc and lor tho very ciust oftree Institution, this inlutuous tta. bale managedto secure, lo a large extent, the offie Ilepobllcan pill) In many ot tne .States.Look at tht villanles of these men iu the Legislatuieof ooth Carollua, as portrayed tn the grapiilccunciwi--.eaeo-- 1'ie.Vsif York Tribvnt last wluler. Look at the developments uf Kepabllcau

In Ihe old Hay btate, aa exhlnlte Inthe masterly speeches of Hiu. Huller during tbe re-

cent gubernatorial can tan. Look at Iht recentdisclosures nf wliole.s.Jlf robberies under llepuhllcanuusplces lu the Htaivul Indiana. Anu tocome neaterhome, looz at the character uf the l (leant Inthe last Legislature at Aluanv, and especially at theInstrumentalities by tne use ul whiih tho passage ufthe present charter oi this city wasDrought about. Itcgnroln;. as 1 did, thai charter ascreatlug a centralized in I almost ahsoiute govern-ment, unrestrained by any or;.unc law, and almostw holly Independent of the popular voice, for a tinioI used every rfiorl In my power to prew-n- Its pas-sage. Hut I found the ptuluse use uf Ihe moeywhich had becu wrung. In the shape of taxes, fro aithe eueat of uur ciilz.-n- and the promise ol1'iin. crallc support to bills then pending fur givlnzthe people's inonev to private corporations tojstrong lor me, an 1 gate up lie etlurt I I despalr. Under the scheme of ro eminent tnui luaugurated for this devou-- lly, the most stupendousvillanles that have ever shocae 1 the mural sense ulIbrlstendoin have been penetrated : and uo manwill CO further to bring the prrpetratoia ut llirtecrimes to conllgn punishment than niliel'. Forone 1 slall not reat satliOed with the restitution oftheir stolen millions to tho public treasury ; I golor consigning these men to tbe Htate Prison lor theremainder ot their natural lives. I had almost sai lI nouli bt willing to go further still, and manethem eximples through all the aces to couu uf l .esummary vengeance uf au uu'ruged people,

rcxrir rou roa noinr vitx.And now, gentlemen, I came to speak more par

tlcularly of tne Immediate objects fur whimbate asse libled. I find my old Irlends of Ihe

party resoillog lo every artlllce whichtheir Ingeuully can Invent for the purpose of turn-Ih-

the preaent crisis In our affairs lo partisanaccount I ili li. say here mi( for all that I can-not Join In au aucu scheme, but that I shall nowaud at all times till the closing of the pods set myface against any such attempt. Tho occulon. Inmy view, is one of too ttuch gravity I bad almostsaid of loo much solemnity to Justlly any suchpurpose. We ought not, aud II aeems to fflo tuatwe canuot, shut 'our ejus to tit tad' that I tiecause of popular guvernmeul Is no a otrial lu tlie forum of tht world, and that luefriends of liberty who turn to America lor encoui-ageme-

and guidance In their struggles agaln.-- ttyranny, art everywhere looking on with anx-ious Interest. Tne student of history need notbe retnluded that Just sucn stupendous crimes as w thave recently witnessed In this city have markedthe first stage In Ihe decadence uf nations, btates,and empires In the past. Ho It was with Uenut andthe republics ot modern Italy. Ho It was In CanadaJust before the overthrow of tho French rowirin those beautiful provinces, Ho it was wltnFrance prior lo her being ground In the dust underIhe heel of Prussia. Shall the fair fabric of fretgovernment which wit retred by the toil and tufler-In-

uf our ancestors, and which has ao recently booncemented with our bruthera' blood, time tht samefate I Kill anybody tell me that It It my duly,as a patriotic man. to glvs my rote at thecoming election lor placing the Hepubllcans Inpower simply because they are llepuullcansl InfnnUIno' nv.r Iha 11. t nr canill.l.laa tinmln.tptl hiue Itepubllcau party In the Interior ot the Htate, 1

obsrv-tfc- t atikYH-ol.-res- ti vuu.notonous In the last Legislature, and wnose verynames stink ntterly In the nostrils of every honestman who knows them. And this leads mo tore-mar-

and I do to more In sorrow than In anger,that In an experience tomewhat extensive I havemet with no tet of men wno have been mure tbame-les-

tctn tbe clatt ut Hepubllcans to wLuoi 1 havereferred in ridiculing tht very name of public,virtue none who were mors ready to meet withmockery and Jeera the biro tuggetlion that It Is thtduty of iht public agents of the people lo sacrificetheir private Interests and paitlons to tbe pub-lic cood. Will the cause ot piibllo virtue andofficial honesty gain anything by the electionor sucn men to office! ill the principle ofa " Ciovernment of the peop'e, by tbo people, andfur the people," be atrengtheaed by their elevation asecond to power 1 For one, unhesitating as 1have been In the past In supporting tht candidatesof the Republican party, I say that 1 had n thousandtimes rather vote lor au honest Democrat than lorone of these swindlers.

I have said, my friends, that I do not Intend toallow partisan considerations to control my voteat tht coming election. Perhaps 1 ought to qual-ify Ibjsslatement b.v saying that I think It la thesity- v; cut)' TioTicir u,au .vwtvr mm I'.tcrmt-Irancbls- e

as to set tbe seal of utter condemnationnpon Hit political orgmizatlon known as TammanyHall. 1 deem this Indispensable lo the vindicationol popular government. Hut If an honest ilemocralwho Is entirely separate fioin this band of robbersa Democrat like many of those to be found lu thereform orgtnlzationt of this city shall be put Innomination, I with to pledge mytelf here and nowand lu lull pledge I hope uvery one present willcordially unlto to vote for such a Democrat lopreference to a corrupt Republican,


It has long been the marvel of discerning menthat the large number of able, experienced, and

atatesmeu who belong to the Demo-(rati- o

part) I reler to such men at O'Conor, Til-de-

llavemeyer, Utlendorfer, Cattldr, Seymour,Church, Keinan, and uthera ehoold yield lit leader

-- rrlv-h lrU Mia to tht.liataaiad oblcf.Di.b.ind trim.of late twa)ed IU detttnlet from Tammanyfive At length Ibo italotmcu is hem I have named

aafo ariiun ntiu:t,1. si. J retutacd thucommand of the great party to which ibeybelong. With this example beore ut, shallnot wo of tht Republican party emulate theircourage and Independence! snd while they art

I purging their ptrty or robbtrt and malafscton,IW Ml Va doners' M VJ (ii (J" tuaoll

by purging our ranks of mercenatles and thieves'For the first time In onr history I trust lorthe l.nt time In our history we have seen con-temptible an I corrupt mm rerch Illicit portionsnndrr the Nitlonal Administration solely br thecrallr use of n oney. Wtlle wo may not bo ableat once to drive thetn from tho places tvhlch lintdefile, let ns tea to II that nono uf this stripe get(jfllro hyvlitiieol uur ufirace.

If I vtc-- e aslied w ,nt I s the supreme dutyo' c tery Ditrlotlc ciiizin at I h pf'1"'"' nio it m, Ishoul I ear It is tu tet ni a more elevated standardof public morality, and to exact far hUher quallti-callou-

In the candidates f' f public otllco th.nt wohave done In the past, at the condition pr ce lent togiving Item our volet; and lo do this regardless oftho behests of party. Thus may we transmit Iheherltige.btqueathed lo us by the heroes nm! sages ofthe ltevolntlon, unimpsired to our posterity.

Mr. M. M. Vail wsat'i? next speak', lie com-menced by giving en account of amcetlnK of thtunlet rifled Democracy held In this city tome yearsago, where they gave three cheers for the devil andpnt out tht lights; but bt (Mr. Vail) did not waitto find rut what else I ley did. He went out atquick ns ht could snl never attended pnotherDemorrallc meeting sine1. Mr. Vail then sailed fortht lllnr. called hard namea and made a lew

which he would do well to leave out ofbis next addres.

Mr. Ha lla Uabcoek alto sdJrested the meeting.He made a rather fiery speech, and pitched Into theFederal offlceholdera iven harder t ion lo the Demo-crats. One of them, he ssl l, who ought to knowsomtthlng about letters, forged the Tailor will, andthey wire nearly all t tet of swindlers, He con-tinued i long tirade against fraud and corruptionof every description, aad at the close of Lis remarkstne meeting adi timed. '

MN. TlVMKtPS l'.uuxvn.Woodward not tltne-l- le It Avvnlllni lie-aul- ts.

Late laat nlnlit Tni Sun received informationfrom tht friends of Mr. E. A. Woodward thtl lintgentlemen bad not Cod the country s reported bya morning piper yesterday. Tcera It but littledonbt, thongh, that bt has been putting his propeityout of hit hindt at rapidly ns possible.

Tl e h'Ttntng JUI ttld yeiterd i) :It appears from entries cn the town records of

Norwalk, Conn., that within tbe past thirty dtysWood nard bas trana'erted real eatate valued atlioOOOi) to dlffent persons, but chiefly to Mr,lleatly, his partner la tuslness. He bas also

his position at Dttcctorln the Falrfiald Cuunty hire Insurance Compsnv, In which be holds

and William M. 1 need tM.OUO In si sre' ; undus Irettuttrot Iht Fairfield County Planing Mills.

Tim jL'HEixDia or a rALACi on ids sound,Wood ard's name occurs oflener than any other In

the records ol Norn al, and among I is reienl Iranactions. In teal estate may Le cited bis quitclaim Inconsideration of f 1 of a heavy mortgago on Ihebuildings, tit machinery and land used lu the Hett-t)- t'

manufactory, acd tnres duelling houses occu-pied Dy John P Hraltr, Oeorge lleatly, snd t'amuelHcatty on Auvii't 1, T' Is seemingly unsurpassedlest ot generusity Is ovvtsliadnwed a Cai or twolater by the execution rt a warranty deed, August13, iranaterrlng to John P. lle.tty, for the same sumut tl. His msgnlficc it homslea I, and all the landupon which Ills situated. In a special record bojk,however, appears tne transcript of a quitclaim diedmade tne time day at Ihe pro Ions uue. in widenJoin P. Hcttty tells, tu ci nideralluu ol 1 to himIn hand paid, Ihe tame imct ot I md, with the ho lie- -trad and all buildlna tin icon, to Harriet II., wife

of K. A. Woodward. T' e pjee fol may beremarked In, rrcor.s an Instrument oiJamea 11. tngersoil, wto. hi Woo tva.-d'-s attorney,trans ers Ms mansion aud the grounds attached tohis wife's na ue.


On the SOth li.- -t he quit clslmed lo Alexander T.Cumptun.ui New Yurx Lilt, a 10,. UJ mortgage onthe works of the .Vlertuu Iron lumpany ; tne lot-ion Ing ay a mortgage of Judth's lslsnd and ti.ebulidlnga thtreon by Andrew J Uarvey waa rclea.ejlo Knapp ,t Fitch for a nominal sum. A large num-ber ul dwellings In tout.i Norwalk tran.rerttdlu J. P. Ilcilt), and by him to S'i. Wo dn ird.WooJnsrd'a oto llilrd Interest in I' hloea ol build-ings tn touth Norwilk In whic.i is siluitm the newopera hou.e wtt .old on li e J.h inst. to Knspp d;Iltch for 1401)0.

'vttlwid iievv llds no- - re--1 t.Ulo-- l ownname. Antlclpaunz trouble. Ihe al.cnti nith whichhe hat of late disposed ul Ills prj -- tty is simply

The property nhlca he n.s transferred Inbutilb Norwa'k Is not vtri vaiuible, and repiesenttbut a fl action of the many millions uf dollars bt hattto'en.

The mode of trinsfrr has been a carefully wroughtsystem of release mortgages It Is absolutely knuwnaud verified that tbe e, iu lateral ol lae In-

struments have ncier legally redeemed lb. mortgages, and Mr. Destly simply beeu a medium, Inalmost every luitancc, lor cloaking rjie trausmu.lion of the proprrtr Iroui hnibaad ta wlft.

rnt: ni'v Mi:..Pnylnr tbt Poor .i(,en svho Actunllr Cnrned

the .Money,The " small plpo" men iu the employ of the

clly, numbctlaz sbsut 31, were laid off yeaterdayfor tl eir work. In September. The file of men v sit-

ing their turn formed a clrclearound the edge of Hietreaaurer's office In the County Court House, andreached out onto the landing place and down thettalts. The men ere quiet and undemonstrative.

Ibey hive been sadly lu need of their money, andmany nave doubtless suflered for tbo cumtuoa ntcesearles ol life. aid one man :

" 1 owe all I've got coming to me," aald mother,"and I wish tne U thieves, Tweed aud all therest ol them, was at thedevil."

" What paper do you rei urt lor I" asked a heartylooking Irirhmao ol the M'n reporter.

" 7 hi tir.N."" lluily for Tm fiN," was the reoly, "Tiists indeetl li e poor man's paper' the working-man'- s

piper, and yon I'd Ihe ruih."" We ain ob iged ta work for these people," said

neither; "it we had lot wotked for tne city we'dua' worked for tomuody else. As II is we have toteg lor tne work u then og tonht pay."

The money, f,33'J'. to pay the ipeuien. wasadvanced by Mr. Twee I.

ilr. Oreen wat wailed upon by a deputation ofcontractors representing the men employed on thevarious street Improvemente, who desired to knowwhen they could draw the amounts due ttem. Thedeputation consisted ( !'. .Msllhew Kalrd, Patrick Farley, Thomas Plerson. John Kinsley,

rloonan, John L. llronn, Wllllsm Halrd.Thomas Cremln, Henry atollmeyer, L. W, Johnson,Charles Devlin, and It. J. Cunningham.

'I be Deputy Comptroller tsld that the contractswere being Ipvestixatsd, and at each waa markedcorrect, tbt contractor would' be informed and hitaccount settled. He would call, he said, the Hoardof Revision and Correction of Aasessinents togetherns toon as possible, In urder to have the works cer-tified and facilitate tht settlement of the accounts, j

Mutiny In Ihe Treulou fslnte Prison,Trinton, Oct. 20. A terrible fight occurred

In the State Prison this mornlrg, which will proba.bly result fatally. A number of convicts, at the Inatance of another named Harder, formed a plot totake the life of Mr. Coolaban. the keeper.

In pursuance of this plot, lisrdey yesterdsy wentto Coolahan, and drawing a knife, coolly Informedhim that he Intended to kill him ; while fifty blood-thirst- y

convicts stood ready lo lend a helping hand,Coolahan, determined to tavt hit life, raised liltfoot and kicked the convict uuder the chin, knock-ing him senseless to the floor. The other convictsbecame frightened and retreated. Hardey sustainedsuch severe Injuries that It la thought that he can-not live.

- - TboWaihinoton, Oct. 28, Corumiisloncr IMeason-to- n

Is preparing to mske s fight before the Henste,and hit frleuOt lay that he It confident that he will" beat Doutwell," aud be retlored to the head of IheUureau of Internal ltuvruue. Meantime, Mr. llout-we- ll

bis a statement soon Ing theevldenceof Pleaton-ton- 't

Incapacity for the offlce, accompanied by a verylarge number of litters from Collectors and Assess-ors supporting the chtrge, tnd numerous documentsand private letters, tome of which ire photograuhcopies, Illustrating the Inlsmous character of themen who surrounded Plessontou as bit confidentialand official ottlattnti. Time will tell.

Fronde In Ihe Second Auditor! Offlrr,Wasuincton, Oct. 23. Tho Hcttiny Star of

says that Victor O, Powell, a clerk lu thtSecond Auditor's offlce for the 1st! eight yeart, was

arretted here by Deputy United States Jlanhil Phil-lips, on Tuesdsy last, charged with frauds on thtGovernment In connection with bounty claims. Thesmount specified It 110,000; but It Is rumored thata lrraaibrrtlnp will show the amount to be over

"tlOT.WOT UK iI.aTJtaJrei Vt ofCongress Is Implicated.

llrrndful Mine liaploslon In Hnglund.London, Oct. 28. An explosion took place

this sftemoon In the Seabam Mine, near Bunder-land- ,

Thirty-thre- e men were In tht pit at the time,none of whom have yet been reached. There Itrcarcely a hope of saving a single Ills. The familiesof tbe victims, with large nnmbers of people, ategitneitd around tht mouth of the pit.

Itiot on the North Pnclflo ltullrnud,St. l'Ant, Oct. 20, Thero was a riot y at

Oak Lake, the terminus of the North Psclfic Rail-wa-

In whlohaBwede namod Kundsen was klledbv a notorious blackleg named Juhn Wsllls, aliaslllankuy Jack, beveral othor Swedes were Injured

telti fi.'

Yellovr Fever Raging In VickibureT,Mam-ins-, Tenn., OoL 2J. lVlv'ato tcle-ra-

from Vlcksburg report the death of fliteeu personsIn that city from yellow fever on Tuesday, Overthree tbonssnd persons bnvt already quitted theclly, tnd number I u Issvltu daily u awottot of


vi.aii:s, xoris, types, pa pick, axopiii:.isus cAPTVtir.n,

Hreiihlng lip n (iiinir that hud Prcpnrrd toI'IihiiI New Yortt-Tt- ro Alonllis' llitnlWo 1, l,y rUlllul lletrctlvps.

Col II. 0. Whitley, Chief of tho United .StalesSecret Service Department In this clly, became postested of a clue some two months ago to the where-abouts of certain manufactories of counterfeittnonev. He kept hit oan couu'ol, and by mean ofJudicious msnigeaent, asl prompt and energttleaction, he ittlerdJy ctptujod tht head of the entiregang, tbret printer!, and a rait quintlty of toolsand Implements used la lie msnufacturs. Tbtmethod adopted was the olj one. lie employedscoundrels to betrsy their confederates, and as sooaaa a dear case wat sitibllshed hit detectivespounced npon tht victim. The operttlons whichled to the grand rail ol yesterday have extended,over a period of nearly two months.

till CUIir A C1TI CONTltCTOR.Col. Whitley had been convinced for some time

that the supreme head of all tht counterfeiters Inthis city waa Jothua D. Miner. Mr. Miner It a citycontractor. Ut Is opcnlnr up a new road et theend of Ninth avenue, and keeps 'one hundred menemployed tn the labor. A year ago he was a promi-nent Taointanr ucildxtt for Asstrsblyaia. Ua It43 years of age, five feet tlx Inches tn stiturt, hitgray hair and and Is of a florid com-plexion, lit It wealthy, aad has an elegant cottageon blxtyeveeti street, near the Boulevard, wherel.e resides. lit It tht business msn of Iht gang,furnishing tht cat Ital, and receiving a goodly shareof tht spoils aa Interest.

iu.iDowi.ia oni or nu cuNa.Tne attention of the Hecret Service Bureau was

first attracted tu Dave Klrkbtlde, alias ItlllThomss.He wtt shidowoJ. On the 7th of September henss arrested on his way to Chicago with $3,000 ofspurious notes oa his person. The arrest was keptperfectly quiet, and Col. Whitley compounded withhim on condition thai he would betray his princ-ipal. Klrkbrlde deposited 3,000 with Ihe Colonel,and with this as security ho ballet him. SievePayne, an old counterfeiter, wis next arrestedthrough tbe Instrumentality of Klrkbrlde. Tnesame policy was I untied villi him. He, In turn,toll out Harry Cole of Jersey City, snd Harry de-

livered upTill Cllllr EOQVI, JOJUUA b, ttiNtn.

On Wednesday night Cole, closely dogged by de-

tective, went to meet an engagement with Miner.He waa searched before starling, ao as to preventMiner from that tho money was on his per-son belore meeting him. The two mtt in Silly.seventh street, and Miner delivered to him a pick-ag- e

rm.talnlng 3,000 in counter ell notes, receivingf 1.300 In good money for the same. At this timeMini r had In his hanl 10 piste, ono of 110, andtho other of fl. in the Ninth National llink. Hewaa rn his ear to deliver to Tom Uillard, thtprlnclpil engraver end printer of Ihe gan;. lie waafollowed nn'll tbe two came together. They mett ttw een the Boulevard and 1 enlh at euue. In

street. At t.lls polul Dlecil.e Kellogspuunced upon Miner, and

a nut-o- and Ti'unti rtoiiTensued. The plates went one war, the 1,600 an-

other, and these last were scattered all over thetldewalk. It was a dark, r.tny night, and Minorhal no notion of the real object of hit atssllant.He grappled Willi him, and the two came to theground. .Mr. Kellogg underneath. Meantime Minerwaa howling vigorously for the police. He bel-lows 1 "Thieves I" " Robbers I" and made des-perate attempts lo free himself from bis antagonist.At length tht two struggled, to their feel, andalter a bant tussle, Kellogg waa again thrown, litmanaged, however, to regalu hie feet, and kept blahold of Miner. Ills hands were on tht lappela otMiner's coat, and tht latter, finding it Impossible toshake him off, lowered his head and selxed Kellogx 'athumb in tls teeth, The detective drew back andbrought the clenched (1st of bis lelt hand with ter-rific force upon Miner's head. At the tame momentometMng was heard to crack, and the thu-n- was's ram TUETTI

had broken. Four wert knocked down hit throat,aud hts gray era had undergone a ehacse ol color.!:,. his iraitea1-ae-d-eav-.Mv.

blow 1.11 his antauuit at his fret.It was tee work of un Inslsnt lecurelr to handrunhim. and he wis marched ferlunlth lo Ihe becrelService rffice at 32 llieeck'T strrer.

As soon as the attack was made on Miner, Ilil-Ur- d

started to run. He was fulluwed by I so detec-tives, snd by tht time his chief was secured he, too,was In custody.

TCI KITINOTOX STRIgr COUNTIRMITINa DIN.Hallsrd's place of business was at TA Rlvlngton

stiee', .n an attic. Here a transfer press, valued at(1.700. was bronzhl to view, portions uf a (1,000plate which had Just been begun, und J3.U0U Incounterfeit notes. The plate was In several smallCirce), and when completed would hare

transferred to a larger sheet. bymeans of the press before mentioned. The noteswere hidden behind Hie washboird. Hut a stillmore Important discovery was made In this estab-lishment. Il Is claimed by the Oovernmnt, and

s oten generally believed, that tne new fibre pa--

on which nots are printed cannot be Imitated.Al KG Kivtngion street a quantity sufficient to mike


was found. More than this the machinery and ma-terial for Its manu'ueture were all there, and allcaptured.

IV noli the detectives entered, they noticed a ttrgtzinc buiTef some two and a halt leel square, llcon.tamed a very thick white pulp. Ballard at firs! wasvery retkent at to tne ute lo which tbltwaaput,but finally he came to the conclusion that a cleanbreast would become him la the forthcoming trial,and he

niTgALis Tag SICEIT.Tbe boiler wit ued In making the tlik fibre

pater, and tne milky o.lp within waa the aubttanctIn tbt first stage of tbe manufacture. Ut produceda large quantity of lie ordinary fell blanket clothneed on printing presaes, and aaid tntt this waa dis-solved In certain acids, together with old paper, andHoTKvr.15 tna' silk fibre ena produced. Ballard Itone of the oldest engravers In Ihe country, and laknown to have bten engaged In the business lornearly twenty-fiv- years, It wts be who producedthe (100 cumround Intersil note which crested somuch disturbance in tlaaucial circles five years ago,

LAST MOUT's rRISONIB.At about 9 o'clock last evening, another prisoner

ciatle Ins appearance at Cob Whltely'a oOcu, In cut-tod- y

of Detective Uellogg. Ua gave bit nimt atl.lo nelly u Williams, and saya he Las a broi ler Inthe liuvcrumtnt printing ofllce at Washington.Williams is a thick-se- t man, with tandy whiskersaad a decidedly Hibernian cast of counlenince. Hthad on a suit of grey tweed aDd a red ahlrt, andloosed like a uiiu. He was one ofMr Mlnci's printers, and was arrested at his boose.iii Pllty-fiiurt- street. With hlui were capturedabout 13,000 in

srunioi'3 ririr cint notis.and some of them wert wet from the press whenbrougntln. Ue was Just leaving his bouse, having;finished work for Hit day, when Mr. Kelloggpounced upon htm. The conversation wat brief butTd twrporat; Toe devsrtive

" I wsnt you," and straightway clapped on a pairof handcufls.

Ullllama said, "All right, what have I done I"and accompanied bit captor meekly to iht office.Arrived there bo modestly requested Col. Whllelyta ball him, but was suswered thai tbe Uoverunienthad all Ibe evidence tiiey required,

seizures hsve been made In Cannon street.

ttreet, and at 110 Third avenue, Brooklyn.

at Williams's uodsi,In addition to the money, a printing press, plates,diet, rollers, Ink. paper, and all the Implements re-quired tu pnul the money were taken,

Tue Ch lei's office presents a singular sppearsnce,In the hallway below aro piled two lar.--e presses,and the zinc boiler, with Ita pulpy couteuta un-touched, Above, In Cul. Whitley's private room,the tablet are fairly loaded with packagea of coun-terfeit money, steel and copper plates, sllk-llbr- i

paptr, and sections of priming and transferpresses. In tbe foreground Is displayed abatch of eleven pistols captured In the skirmishesand taken from the persons ol the prisoner!. Inthe midst or this paraphernalia Col. Vt hitler

the reporters, lie saldi " We have reach-t- d

VJS WiTcaK tf Mitt ttrvnttat: vtiv r vo v pritev-no-

of every Isaue of counterfeits known al thtTreasury Department."

Two uioro arrests havt been made, but It hts notbeen deemed advisable to publish them at present,The folio lug Is a full list of the properly capluiodyesterday!

WtlAT WAS CAPTURJD.Oat tl.OW Nailousl Bank note plate, la an

condition, on sleel.One (IN greenback piste, compltted, back and

froul, on copper.Oca (10 uatlonal bank soto plate on steel, Posgn-korpal- e

Bank.Oue (10 national bank note platt on steel In un

finished condition, the back only being engraved.One tt National bank note pi ate (Mutu National),

on sleel, completed, back suit front,One full set Lincoln head 30 ceut stamp plates, on

tteel. hack end front complete.LW l uirecTsnsiVbt, hum tw nirnrtiuajTTriirtti; w

sleel. fur printing seven Impressions,Two full sets ot sngraters' tools, Ink and Ink

rollere'.One full set Stanton head SO cent stamp plttet for

printing ten lutpienloui.One lull set bttntuu bead stamp plaits for

printing five Impressions,Ten trajisir rulii (li.rjiaeti sttsl; for ftPI 9 dol

ing dnpllcalet of all above named, except the 11,000plate.

Ten full lets original bed f lecos for making theirunsfer rolls.

Transfer presa costing 1,700.One small pattern, !,).l ive printing presses.tjusniliy ut typo and steel pieces for altering Hit

abnve to riirrrent banks.Full set of eesls for stamping the seal Impressions

on .ice ot notes.Hlxtr thousand dollars In counterfeit tw ot, tens,

twenties, and one hundred dollar notes.Large qumlltr of fibre paper anJ requisite

for making the same,


Arrrat i f an and nn AndllOfflrr Clerk-- A Com puny of foldlere thatKnllttcil only on Paper.

Waiminoton, Oct. 26. For three months theOoverntrent detectives hart been on tbe trtckoftomt Southern bounty swindlers, tnd a whole nestof them lis se bten discovered In Tennestce, hivingfor their lesder no lets s personsgt thin

blokes of thst State. It was also discov-ered that these parties worked In collusion with aresponsible psrty In ths Second Auditor's Oncentmtd Victor O. Powell, who Is sn sppotntee fromOnlo. Powell was at onct arrttttd, and Stokes wssarrested snd pieced nnder 13,000 bail. Thtamount Involved In this swindle Is (GO.OO), and Itshistory Is about as follows ; On tbt Ilth ot July,1S70, Just prior to the explritlon of his centres-jIjcx- I

terrr. Stokes, la eanjunsttsa Trttb.etLsr mec-tier- sof the Tennessee detention, t strong Sauthtrn

lobby, tuccteded tn getting a bill through. Congressfor the relief ot Cant, lleatly and his company of101 men, which wat designated as tilt Tennesseelftegers. II Tfu claimed that, altbhdgb this wasan Irregular organisation, it rendered, tffettlvt ser-vice during the war. and wat therefore entitled totneipay, enrollments, sod bounties of United Btatestroops for tht tlmt of Its service, widen wss ssld toextend from June, 188t, to April, 163.

Tht bill provided for the settlement of theseby tht Stcond Auditor. Tht accounts had

beeu nesrly settled, when it was discovered thatthis organisation simply had an existence on paper,and that the Government had been paying moneysto bounty ahtrkt. Other n politicianssre connected with this scheme, whose names arewithheld for Iht present, Dtit whom tbe detectiveseapecl to catcu In a short time.


One ef the Political Fnvnrltet vrho It Re.mined, while (Sterling Old L'npt, JohnC'miieron It Prnctilly Dismissed.

John Ilsmnill, a In the employ ofthe Erie Hallway, yesterday, before SuperintendentKelso, preferred charge against Capl. Charlea Mc-Donnell. Ilammll sa)a that while ht and a parlyof friends wait in Bogan'a salooo, at King and Hud-son street i, on mornlar. st 1 o'clock, Capt.McDonnell entcrej. Tbe Captain waa drunk. Hecalled for a bottle of Marttll brandy. Invited allhands to take a drink, taylng that Hrennin badbeen beaten, and that he bad old Joe Dowllng andDunbhy tu thank for It Ho tsld :" I'm going to chuck nr and iel.-- mr petition asCapttln. '1 here's a place waiting for me In theSheriffs office" Turning to Ilammll, he aald;"You're no Uliuluf Lr.nnan s, aad can't drinkwith me."

Just then a fellow known as Big Drum, butwhose real name Is Klward Dram, enterel the sa-loon. Cap'. McDonnell called the attention ot Drumto Ilammll. Drum want ever to where Ilammll watstanding, and without any provocation knocked hluidon. Mr. Hsmmll seized a pitcher to defend blm.self. Capt. MoDonnell Interfered and ssld that htdid not want any mort figatlug whllt bt was In thtroom. In reply to somebody who said that McDon-nell, Instead uf beluz in au Eighth Ward aaloondrunk, had better be attending lo hit duilei in tbtManhaltanvlllt pallet itatl in. Ihe Captain tsld:!"Oh, h ll, there's nothln' lo do there bul herdgoats. I don't stay there much, you bet ; l'vs got aSergeant who attends to evtryihln;,"

The Captain remalsed In Hie saloon drinking unt IInine o clock In the morning, al which tlmt ht waataken home drunk bv Big Drum.

Superintendent Kelso sent Mr. Hammtl before tbtCommissioners, and to them he make an affidavit asaboveaod a lormsl complaint waa entered against

K.flecl orMurllal L luKuulk Cnrallna.AcauaTA, Oa., Oct. 20. In York county, S.

C, where the hatxai irpvt haa been suspended,Humbert of men art leaving Ibe cennly, an4 ShaleCTinTa-iaiaitti- rs --art stlVniir. anstteia- tif ii!"kinds Is suspended. II la reported thai one-hal- f ofthe male population of Cheater county has lelt.leaving women and children unprotected. In

snd Union counties the stampede and rg

Is even greater than In York and Chestercounties, tnd It Is Impossible lo conceive the terrorand excitement that prevail.

Arithmetic lu Brooklyn.Tho Brooklyn EtxgU insiala that a reduction of

33 i er cent. In the rate of taxation In that city andan addition of 40 per cent, to the water latea willdecrease the burden on tlie laxpayera thlt yearabout (2.000,000. Acting under thlt hallucination, 11tent a reporter lip to the Tax Cullector'a office towllncti the effect ot this annonncetnent upon thosewho called to pty their taxes. One of the laxpayerawat heard to tay that it puzzled htm to tee how hecould tave anytblag by pultlug 33 centi Into onepocket and taking 40 out uf the other.

The Inaurnnce fllrn'e Couvrutlon,The report of the Committee waa adopted. Ita

most Important feature Is the recommendation thatthe American Experience Table of Mortality and!h.4Uridiril of is( prtcenj. oatsets for that

of reserve be recommended to tho Legislaturesol tbe different Htstes for adoption.

Tho Convention then adjourned, and In the even-ing reaasembled In the Si.Nicholas ifotel and decidedupon a uniform blank lor the annual slitemeut oflife insurauct companies.


C T. Yerkes, Jr.. the defaulting stock broker ofPhiladelphia haa beeu held lo ball lu 130,000 for a fur-ther hearing.

On Wedeosciey eeeslnj Capt. Irving arrettedMorris Abraham, a receiver of stolen goods, at lPevenih avenue. The District Attorney committedhim yesterday morning without bail.Officer Thomas Donnes, of the Oak ttreet police

nation, watdangerouity alabbed ta ihe neck yeiterdarmorning, while arreitlng John K. Cross, ot l.'J llenrrstreet Cross was committed by Justice Hogaa to awaittho result,Michael Hearns attempted to shoot Officer II, M,

Pierce In Woonsocket, It I., on Wedn.-sda- night witha double-barrelle-d gun One cap auapned, when thegun was seized by the oolcor and broken in the Strug,lie. Hearne is tn Jail.Not long ago Kmlle Bernler eloped with the wife

pf Constant L'llerault, of tea Oreene street, the coupletaking win them 1450 oelongtng lo I.'llerault. Vet.terdar the two men met and lought. L'lleraull drewa knife, and was arrested aud held,John Livingstone eruou, Alexander Dickinson,

and John W, Itonell. arrived lu Ilaltiiuorr iroui theColorado mines with 114,000 worth uf gold dust Ver.nonwaiseat to New i urk to sell the gold, his part-ners promising to come on alter htm with the dust.Vernon complained to Capl Irving of the detectivesyesterday that he had waited here for six days, andbis partners had not shown. Capl. Irving took a de-scription of the men.


Senator Wilson addressed a Republican meetingtn .Sewirk last night.

Tho r.levrnth Assembly District Republicans lastnight nominate) John V. Urldley.Solid men lo the front. The Fourth Ward Tweed

Club will meet to. night al Sot Pearl street.Aucustus Welsman waa nominated for Senator by

Ihe Sixth District Itepubllcau Convention last ntghi.Mr. Henry O, Leask was nominated by tbe Ger-

mans of the Fuurtu Ward tail nlgut for the Assembly ,B. 11. Purdy waa last night nominated for Assem-

bly In the Tweotv-flre- l District by the Demoratlo

The Seventh Ward Irish Democratic Union adopt-ed the Democratic ttale l.cxct at 300 Bait llroidwsyliil evening.

The It, B. Connolly Association of the Twenty-firs- tWsrd lsst nlkht ruined the nomination of J. J. ilradleytor we be Lite.

Tbe Italian worklntmen last evening had a torch-light procc.tlon and banner raising in honor of theHon, Win. M.Tweed.

Tbt TT.tSomtit 'tteT3rit.J.ta"Ual Mit,V'r.6n.Vrvai,Patrick Mct'aultt for Assistant Alderman lu thetwenty. em Dlttrici.

Iht Democrttle Union last night nominatedChariot P, Daly for Judge of the Common Pleas, Judgsbpencor lor the Superior Court, and Julgt Alker furthe Mirioe Court,

The Worklngmen't Political Party laat night rati.Bed the nomination of Clinton Iteoievelt for Si nst r Intne yourth District, Patrick Lonaa tur Asiemniy in tnoFifteenth District, and KoDert Mavua lor Alumni; intbe Seventeenth District.

Capt. Leary, of the Twenty-firs- t Wsrd, who Is apel aad appointee of Ihe lion, lien, Manlerrc, has ap-plied fur an Increase ot his foice for the lortnc mlngelection. He takes no men favoranle to jaa. o'Ufleu,and will assist In Iht electlou ol John J, Uredlsr.

Tin nigtitu Ward New Departure Club last nightratified tne nominations of Michaei Norton for benatorand Christopher Juhne'i f"r saseiiit-j- fpaeejietwere delivered hr C A, 1.. (I Idoy, the lion. Lewis'n.T'Zbrc;truTriT"i.T3-mOT- ; '

the lion, John ItatTeitr.The Independent Democrats of Uorrlsalna ratified

the l.euit.rrsltr doubly uekei teat uitTA And failed abanner bearing tbe i.uuei of the candidates at therooms of the Independent Democratic, Allocution ofMorrliaula, at Maiihles's saloon, Boston road. TheHon. Wllllsm Cauldwsll nomine, lorheaatur. llenrrHater, for Assembly i Dr. Zeuicjioer, for Coroner, and

. iv liUftiisd tht miilUu U KuAUlih and Qtrinaa.


ii.irtn at wonit iriTit riiv.tu shirt. ' i HsLt!ki't:s iitu.i.nt) vp, J i'

. 4, l'(Tim Thunderbolt Kiilliii.lnallenlly Hnpperty I l' Hril by (Irrmnn L'hlzrns-T- he Hon. Ml. Hchnel Norton'. Hpeerh,

A Democratic Union mass meeting of the Oer 'man citizens of tbe Fifth Senatorial District, anfl Htht German Michael Norton Association, waa helij Hlast eight In Iht Columbia Garden, at 07 dreenwledk .avenue. Long before the appointed hour tht largehall wis crowded. The street vrisabliu with bon), .flret, fireworks, and Chlncto lanterm. Tht liaTlwas festooned with Oermtn and American flags, eat)over the speaker's stand hung a life- - lie portrait othe Thunderbolt. " M

Just before the meeting wss organised, tit Oar.msn clnbs of the Pliteenth, I'lghth snd Fifteen!!! ,Wards, numbering tn all about fire hundred metjand under the mtrtbalthlp of Baron Schleichermarched Into the halt. They were greeted vrttllloud outbursts of tpptsuse. Ibe meeting wadcalled to order by Henry Hchlel. and .William LV iSHLohman was nominated as Chairman. 1 JHMr. Lohman ssld thst Hit Hon. Mlchaol NoiW . IMhad been to Albany as a representative msn fur fouyeats, and had not disappointed his constituents?and as he bad proved hlmsalf a true and upabbl iHIht Ueimane of tht district wished blajjto return there. Mr. Lob man called on hit fellowV gtHeoontrymta It go to Ihe polls hand In band, and bt 'LHa tolid vote inters ths rejection of 2cntt . .

Norton. aLoud calls for Dr. Merkle.bronght that gentltmsnj gH

to Ihe tttnd, The doctor said thai alter a loal A

v. sjVpolitical eireer ht had almost resolved to retinafrom active polltleal lift ; bul when in oeeailon Hk2 iSHthe pre tent presented thought it a da III!? ""u1! T'f ln Ub,i' 01 ""n .HMichael Norton a man who, like olbtn k AMgreat reprettntatlva men, had tprung from the peer, gHpie, Although corruption and fraud hid beeevcharged against the leadera of Ilia party, there watl aaaaVlone man against whom they could not aay one worT.'ind that man waa Mlchatl Norton, rightly csllaetl"illonest Hike." Aa a proof of the Thnnderbolt'tprlvstt worth It might bt mentioned t.--ai he alwaytrhad a majority even tn Republican districts. Tuspeaker also eulogised the Hon. Carl Hchurs. v ,

Henalor Norton al thlt time mide hit appeirane I l gHat the entrance of the hall. The audience, aa wiut i iHone accord, rose to their feet and gave cheer after, Icheer. On being Introduced to the meeting tht ftaHThunderbolt said:

Mr, Chairman and my German , I tender sou my heattftlt thanks lor this generous outburst. , LHot friendly feeling. As sou are doublles- - aware. 1 anr I aaaaaalno speech maker, bnt a woraer. I shall endeavor tea i!iHlabor In the mture, as t have lu the put. to merit tht i (lHaaaflcontinued good will of ray constltnent, and endeavol tiliHlo carryout all mate by ihe Deuucratti1 - FConvention al Itoehes er. 1 will. If elected, Introduce gteHa bill to amend Hie present city charier lo order la i Itaaaaaalcorrect the abuses whloh now exist. .1 e!HThe Stestnr was followed by Col. ElllsiB SchnsbeL PlHwho, ln ao eloquent speech, set forth the clslms otMichael Norton for refllectlon. V

The meeting then adjourned, with tbret tlmt gHthree cheers for Senator Norton.

.tlngnut droit, Ibo Trnltor, Exerrnled brhit I'ounlrynieii,

The Germans of the t'ovcnlocnlli Wanl assem'

bled In force last evening In Concordia II II on Ave.nut A. Dr. Trcikallt wat called to tho Chair,Major Ilagerty made a thrilling speech, showing unthe alleged rascalities of Tammany, aod urging huthesreri to vote for honest men.

Dr Oerke. who spoke lo Oermin, called upon hlgcountrymen to unite. He alluded to Ihe career ol ,Msgnut Oross, the trsltor. Magnus Oross, hs ss gHwent to Rochester and received a pitce fur hla perlSay. Urott expected tbe nomination for HerlsterJ

that noble Democrat, Oswald otiendorfee, lnlerl iHposed, baulked the traitor, and saved his couo.tryn.en Irom dltirtce. "Oross," the spesker cotta!tlnoed, "Is a low, purchasable politician, wheushould be despised by honest Oeroians. ' Idtellapplauat.) JM

Clly Iteformert Asljuurulng Slue Die. iHHit Committee of citizens appointed ta c) jHoperate with tbe Supervisors ' In examining Iht eltj( igtHacccunla bavt prepared a voluminous report on thainew Court House frauds. They bavt held secret!sessions dally alnce they were organised, but the?City Fathers did not act with them. The latter

tt Is said, to snbmlt a minority report, complain; of the Htar Chamber proceedings of their aa-- '

elates. Mr. Wm. A. Booth. Cbalrmaa of IhaS,LommlUee, haa oareonalty superlnt.nded Ihe iDTtaligation, and, "It la aaid. is' prepsred" lo' abed nevfl" " "TBllihtontbt bills of Oirrey, lagersoll, and others. nIHThe report reeoinmeods that suits be Uttlluttd tcf Itrover tht money stolen by Tammany official? A))))M

and contractora; an I It Inilincet the unHnlihejtata of tho ntw Court Routt at proof that thai ' gaeB

work should be commuted to new hands. The' neaBCommittee will meet thlt alteruuou and aijoura ' liwaBslriftfle.

The Mtntue of ihe Original Friinkllu.Notwithstanding the dlugrccablo weather, ores

a thousand persons assembled ) esterday In PrintingHouse squsre to witness the laying of tbe cornerstone of the Franklin ttatue. At 3 o'clock thoMasonic delegation filed Into the enclosed arewhere the stone was to be laid, headed by Ihe le

Peter Cooper and Capt. Albert De Oroot,Cul. h L. Gaul delivered a lisle, speech, aud called,npon Grand Mailer John II. Anthon to lay thestone with Maaonle ceremonlet. Alter the atoge,had been lowered Into Us place, the astcmblage dlS- - gaHpened. Juft then Our Later Franklin llmpti IHthron.'h the tuuare with a carpet-ba- r lo hit bind.the ttatue Is to bo of brunzo and of coiussal proa ganHrprtlont, li leel B Inches. It la to be unveiled oa gtHthe 17th of January, ISTl.


Tht High School building in Ilolllslon, Mass.' gtiHLoss, tta.OtO. as BlF, A. Smith's and Thomas A. Rowan's fancy goods game!stores In Portland, Me , were damttied sb ot r.000 oaV LLHivadaetday night. i

The retort hoosa attichel lo the chemical work! SHof John Kaatwood In Itslievtlle, N, J , was burned yet' SHterday morning. Lou, 11.000. ,

rLASUKS FH031 THIS OOEA.V CAllLBaj jHPrince Ntpoleon haa lelt Corsica.The Courts hae released 10.000 Communists,Apreals for aid for Chicago, tirned by Von Beast . iHand others, appear In the Vieuua Journa s,The London Timu urges prompt and liberal alol iiHfor tbe sntTerers in Wlsconiln and Mlchigsn. I

Ibe bark J. B. Bradley of Bocksport. Me., wiafrun down off the Isle of Wight, and a Demon of tbtt LLHcrew perished. .

O. K. Hall, formerly proprietor of the HI. Charles! tHHotel, died in New Orleans yesterday. (The Hon. Thomas Ewlng died In Lancaster, 0 saH

yesterday. In his tear. Ho waa horn lei nLBVirginia, and was admitted lu the bar lu lsit In trCny Igtmaalhe was e ected to the United States benale from ()aio, nLLlwhere he remained until 1SU lie was Heerelary ot Itiet lggHlieaaury under President Harrison in tevtl. and ou the geVtrgaaccession of President Taylor In let! he look charge os gagBthe new Department or tho Interior. He wis appointed) taaaHto a sest In the tinned Slates Senile In 1V1. n here he) gtmaHretntlne-- uulll 191, l,a he mured fruuvt-ubd- lUo SBaxaxajUe wss a delegate to the peace Congress of IsOl. 1

jurnyus a iiout roir.v.Rsnge of temperatuie ) esterday from 33 tn fills',Areliblshop Connolly of Halifax haa given (100 tor ganafl

the Chicago sufferers.Ihe trotting at Fleetwood yeaterday was post-- asH

poned ou account of the rain.Tne Chamber of Commerce Committee have rt saH

celved for the Chicago fun 1 to date, 1,

The Commissioners of Docks yesterday laid oa gtmaaalthe table audited bills 1 Hie amount of 107,TI 01. i

Edward Keoly of 1!J Cherry street drnjil deal I tergalyeaterday afternoia lu Market slip, near W ater atreet-- I

Why Is ii that poor boss hive to pay (1 a wek logths trivdegsof telling papcit on the llurd irenei agtml

Kdwtrd It, Myers, of Slstsn Island, fell from Ihesidewalk into the cellar of 103 William ttreet, and wit LniaaB

The leg of Clarence O Mill, nf 73J Oit.s avenue,Ilrooklyn, wsi criulied while Jumping aboard the Wall gtmaaal

irrty re.'erjsy. HMary Kehne, ol Must Eighteent'u alreet, was run saaaaal

over and killi'd at Kighieenih street auf Blxtb areuag aaBBBBBai

by a coach driven by J. Mclteuoa.Ihe hrhter D. Bell, with about ) barrel! of gaeaH

kerosene oil aboard, ran Into the (loyernmenl blasiiui 'aaaalboat yesterday as she was ruundlng th llattery Iht taaaaallishter went to I Laaalpieces, an all the o"'v.isusrIbe East River with ihe tide, eHJnnlft Howling has not sppeared on the bench of aHthe hpeclal sesaions thu week. Justice Pinnules rAltttmonened tut Couu yesterday moruine and was proceed? OQMIng with Ihecalender as uiual. but Ju.t before the list KtBaalhad been completed be was lakeu 111, and tba Uuuii aaaaalwas adjourned, rfHThe Committee of Twenty appointed by the build-- iaHers ol New t k to tuve.lipate tin marges against Ur. HHMacgtegor, l ily Superintendent or lluild njs, csllel t,sl 2Hthat genilrinan yeilnday tileiiiiion an I he denied Raaaalthat he hid ever received any bribi-a- . or been Interested HMIn I'joiuaii''eof spy trli'i is ij.e I tn ra. Vjaaaal

jrjiiiimendedjiille laws of the Deparuuenl.I be" to useu ii! 'u f RstTaTiiTs lu'ry Ti"s"nnVTuiTeiVi'''"" " ' XTH

iercras'it :ia thi or PM. parts.ite; yHw.','l,ci'! il ""i?.".'' lo, be, onen to me nutilie MgtmlOlIiMhaUly Hl,l,,,', (.lu'rdsr., fsle.yaana G)1Ubiturdayt, and open only to tne holdort ol tickets, yKkaalwhich tcan he procured it ut ultlts ul too Tars, oa! YXWmMondais and l ueidays. Tyiurpose uf this arrange? VHineni is to ensbie Ihoae who Jelre to visit Ihe ilassaiti' OiMlor scieDtmc study lu purine their Hoiks trllhoultlisi V4aaafldUlraotlou irulm from tht presents of .'rill cro(ti Jrt